LI Ilhunr-A I539` W .I.0D.l..lD not ITIAI clI`!..puoolu-uh. pnyuli Y` It; caustic: I-nIaI.ulva-Ihnpor ;..u.' a3bolIuC- IQgi:013VCI"f..!|l. upo :.IhuI|- 0.5` uni-clan: -yin:-nth-III-""~ Inutnd luau. neunhoQun!- -.-..... A-4 II Il. ---we u----, ,._,.. Thu Sotobon oclipoel A othor pn- pntiolu lor the both And gums. And win! In 0 up in roiuntod moot emphatically by ninety-nino onc- hundnthn oflho bounty md (union of 03.. I-34! GIJJIIL - A Chinunufuup lication (or utm- Alilnlionju boon ngnod by I San Fran- cioco jndgu, on the pound the I Chm:-I nin in not A white Inn in tho note all so Dru an and in the ntuuliutionl IIUIIGIIIIII thn bud. I. -A.ooddcnlolcnnnonI In uciud lnnontlbosboocool Onodllr In. urudy ,'l!| \.-nuuuu . ,.Meiklo. ` Blua. . . ur- _Watt.a . . . . . . .. Andet .. . . . . . . .Flynn...... . .. ...Benubion . . .` Cnmerun . . . . .. ..Mo|lour . . . . ..Lnvollee. .. ...LeCavalier.... . Ungnon i. . Pnquet... . ...Dnpui:........ . .Peltier ..,b..n ..i . ..Loranger. ` . . .....July....... . . .Lnngel1er. . .. ..lert'|n . . . . . .. .. .Rnciout .. .. ...Maunon. .. ..Nelaon .. .Mc.\'hnne .. .. ..TailIun ..` . . ..l1-vine. . .. ....Cnron. ,._.. . ..Lasfontaine . Duhamel. .. ....Chu1-ch . . . .Lnnglier.. . . >. . .Murphy.... . . ..Kinfrot . .. . . Vln . . .. Boutlu. . . . . Rnbllllrd . . .Lynch . . Guuthier. . ..SMvyar. . . ..St. Cyr ..LIbe|'K8... ..MarV.el ... . . l'0ll`l0f. . ..Bergevin Hnnhn, , , Liberals nuiuuy lunnuuu, ....- -.. ._, , inauncea exceeded all expoctntionn. On the other lids the Arrogant Angerl, AL- toruoy General in the mutinniu Minin- 'try, and Solicitor Genenl Baku, who in and to hue huckntorod hi: otcinl in- uunco fur nll aorta of polf, hIVIl both come to grief and bitten the dust of de- ful. Fur the province of Quebec, ro- gardad by the Torien of the Dominion u the very ciudol of Conurvntilm, thus -~ 5---.. -....uiiu.-rl [ha Tory cguna r support. The Col nu... ma. Iisptlothomsllraolvsrsuownuos pcsilsiqhtsndisll hsoks tbs I uptsin, ons pilogssd the sssond snai- nssr was lost, and ouslnusn blown in- to fl-sgnssb. Tbs bust had s toss! our 0! 25. Os toths confusion it is im- possibls to used] has many as lost. 8!. Louis, Mo., Isy l.-'l'hs hubs Wsrner, that sxplodsd st Memphis to- dsy, In vslood slCl0,(XX). 3.7 -Iy um, nu- (oouncnn Iv rucnamfs IAIKIT.) I`wn-xLKporbb1 .......... .. 6500 7.00 .. 3.400 3.50 nan; 0'11 Funny I00 " ..... . . Gl.Au-BArloy per bushel . . Rn " . . . Bacon " . Veal on Ilnrkht . . . . . . . .. do, large. at Butchers. . HIu-No. l-ln:peotod. .. 0. '2. . _ . . Doaoou Skins , . . . . . Tallow rendered . Puuun v-'I`urkayA.owh . Goon. such . . . . .. Ducks per pnir... I-`owls per (}IcnI:xA1.- ouwemper bag . Hope. [1 I Ib . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bread. 1:61` 5 lb Loaf Montreal. Mai: Bank of Mont.rcAl~-l66 1-2 167, 9 at 1661 M. 167. Bunk at MontreAI-Ex div.. 161 1-2. 161. Memhanta BAnk-97 1-2, 96. Bunk nf Commerce-117 3-4, 117 1 2. Ouurio Bu:k-853v4.85 14 Bank of Tnrnntw-1391 2, 136. Molnoni Bank-Ex. div.. 94, 92. Bank du Peuple - naked 77. 76` Consolidated Bank -79 I-2, 73 1 4. Jacques Cnrtier-48, 47. Montreal Tel C<-122 1-4, 123. Cit G8-5 Co-H9, 14712. (Y. .R.-`J5, 85. Rim-hnlien And Ou|'.--59. 5. I 2- 2` 4,31 Wheat ...... .. Buukwhut Hon: per 100 lbc... Banner (on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (V.P.R.-`J5, 85. Richelieu And Out~59. Chiouo, 1:30 pm. Whont--1'21-2; 115-8 for May; 10 I8 tor June ;8 I :1 bid forJulv mom Jocaah for Mny; `ll 1 for July ; one `LW: 5 8 much ;`26 5 P uh-(I for May , 263-4 naknd for June; barley 48 to 48 1-2 011.111; 48 for May; pork 8.60. nxnn ('0lVll.IA1'l0l at 3:. Juan Church, I0 3 m No. :5 Indus (all kl Sheep AL Lamb 81 Cnlfskms per lb . . Skins. No. '2 . . . . . No. 3 Hide: (all kiutlsl- Sheen Jr. BHIIL. Montreal, May `I. I-`loI1r--rnneipu 9000 M315; business uiet; Ipring um; trie euier; super extra f-.0 )to 6,l5; extra 5.70 to .'),80; fancy 5.30 to 5.3.5; nnriml enm c.ln to 5.15; ntrouz baker`: 5,25 per lb 14051.. Turmpa per bag. . .. .. Beam per bag ..... .. Cabbage: per dozen Butwr,I.ub, perlb.. do pr'u1L .fresh Eggs. per down. . . . . ya: Ih . Loof.. Turmpa per ii-op: PIUS IX. Rev. E. E. ndurray WILL lIELlV'l:R A _L_I\r_n_ `.':-.- On this Life of Pope Piun IX." IN HAINT MARY'S (YATHEDRAL, in II 1 11 I II ,_ 1nL`L A I`-3 \ Allludlllnu, 11_S1_1_nEa37 Evening. May 121311. .\ -unnvr WILL u-am .. .. ..- -., 1- n...._ n -v------ -.V---" , ,_' . Z'Tho object of the Lecture it 3 `HARIT- ABLE one. Lecture to commence at 7:30. nunu n-'l\n n: ,._..n. louw -.v...-_. r._ , , oipulmoo. the corruption of purlinmontary nulwny ringn, the npulintion of populn rmhu, nu-Qtntnndod sud nuamplod nboli. Mono! all rodrou for the plundered people in the noun: of law, and to cup n|l- tho imposition nl burdensome untinn that had only been `I-on-land neouury by ruinona Ixninlonnl utnvm pnco, an conalilunng 1 fat man monso- inq c0.nbln|lI on nl dnngoru to the consti- Iution than did the notion of tho Lieutun~ _ :.. --_.lA_.. In Qhnr rnni.1nA Shoeu, fwtory, retail . . Onions per bush . . . . . . . lluy. per ton . . . . . . St.`-\w . . . . . . . . Coal par Lou. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Milch Cows, newly valved. . (Ionumuu Cow. . . . . . .. . 'l'iIuut.l|v Sood, per bual1el.. Cluver do do . ` . 744.`. Anuthet lul FlSh_3IlaWb8lliDS| `i 1 SNOW FLAKE ROLLS nt 6:!) ovary morn `mg. Vary niw-try them. ` [AUG-mom snm-: BROS Tuesday Next, the 7th May, -9331 gt-usual. MARKET squms, All Ills Household Furniture,` and [meets and Bar Room l'Ixl.m-es, ac. `UHOII IIIIII \-IIII II-v --u--. V. -..- __,, ,,_,, an! (iuvornur in nding In their resign: Mom In hi: Into Cabinet. The Hem Mr Lntollior bu pr-nod hnnull to be the uncut 0! MI province from politiml and nancial bollktuploy And mm. In ~' ~--- -4- .1 sh... In inlnrmugd hf. [aw Pu3ucAnou.| \NativEiEE:%itE%"ew-3 mssnu. nr 3 GALPIII. rummm 1. The fourth Volume of thin popular Work will Include the fohowlng Port!-u: IL Hrmbmd Penance Cu-din! Inning. Prof. Fur-en. KP. Prol. S. Stun Blukio, Admin! I`sIoou.I.P.lrClorleIBod y In Inn-`u IeC|inwcI.lIr WI. Gull, I ' Charla Inhevo, Ju Audion oldo. I lobar! Bnvnlng. Bella: Iuhrrlcv \ laohr.Iug-Ink. ll: Joh Lub6vt,IJ u I-. Arnalroug, lanlktyuu, lav . V Hahn Pu-In nu`hI.I.P. an. 1...: A (bl. Ihnln. .P.| Ian lunrr-v Holnn Vnu`h|.I.P. Enluuyh Winvol. 00!. Roll". `nu Puunlu no ouuld In In highs: iutylaolnn ad uanppuvia; each In unri- [nu loan: 0! the pcrumygfuuyod. I _ loll only by aha-spun-. j 5; i, I11 I uuu -mu. Lltlvuulv In \4 TICK ETS--25 centa. May `Jud. nulunc May '3. 1873 Tormn ouch. Sula 3:. ll o`o1ook. mun and lmuau oouuupwy u... ....... .. the vary nick of line ho interposed bit long nlnghlod proroptiu botwoon An nt- rogwl And nckhu unjorny, which it in not uon did not pause: the oontidonoo ol tho people. in order to gin the lunar ll oppounily to peanut what noon would hvo boon woonplinhod no nu ing- ttionbla dinnut. Tho people have uobly onbnnod the linoly opportunity. '1... L... am-n an ooonlu Iynnu ol In] `J, |37!. MR.mI_ . gums, AIOUII in Ioplo .O'- lpphlol Iallhu Audion! Audi I. mi :"_'_"_"L l0\'I`l IIAI. !|'l`0(`I DIAIKE V. Iv uuu, ` IEO! All) DWILLIIO IOUII. . occupied bylt AdlIy.IPIb20tnut. nu-inchcrbdouioluollunn. "extra 5.3.3; 0.18 5,15; ntroug I : ue `.2 II--I-I_`; Ll -l-'-n-Ir T Dlnnurncurlng Confecuouen. aw `) IRTFI FURNITURE AT THE B '1ZAAll. uobly cabana mo m-my uppun......,. They Inc about! popular lynnu the Do Bouohorvillo pAny-u the whole Doniuiou dil the Inner-ullon in I874 -85 than in I lioit boyood when ~-AI ._._`_An.g _.|| IN FOUR VOLUIIE. - n_________ 1'0 II I`, ) AIII IICIIJ I Kayind,l87K. ...'. ...---an \ u mu.-. ` WI. IURBAY. Auctioneer. . 0.7. )? LID . H,00@ 1-'2.-'10 . 0 l| l0.|`2l 1.008 L05 0,1130 000 I ns,ooo| 24.00 a`5.00 |rurnitura.]1*ianu.I; I HAVE method lutnocu hV- II PETER IGDOULLD. U ll FIW Adina. All Ibo FUIIITUII ml unkind III "Tb Initial Kohl." Will 3 &HI. 0- Wodnondll. lay 8th. - ,4--- Q--- -1- I1. T017 Il'I'U'I-I- -- .-..-....._ _.._ not In pa-mtlod to pun, Ind thus ptoloopd hdulguuo In lb or- I'uptou:olToI1|IrpiIudo'IonnonoIot Iuot-luor if not IooIoI--tobov'u- | EZBNDBRSON 8| \B00Ks.\ The C uuplew Preacher In 25 Con Psru. \ Kilwni Pu-odho but. Book: I und 2 for Schools. \ loodfn Talks nd lnoudonta. 95. U) IIOIIIE. Ed. 5: no o'clock. Tuna uh. J. I. HUTCHISOU. Mnv 2, I878. Augj Mn, 2, I878. ANY SIZE, STYLE or FINISH. G-hildren s Photographs, dqoi doucllhohtod 510' gal Ipoidhnld lingui- ol &d Oovcunuut. Enlarged And Colored (`ropioa in the Boat of Style only. ` HendeIsun`s Photograph Gallery` nlizheniu an] o.IL.`.;:;. nivfu. Hon Company. l _.__ Commencement of the Puncnur Bnnlnen. HE KTEAIERH OF THIS LINE WILL leave Khumouu follows: At 6.80 13.11:. for 'l`0l.0N'! 0 and HAIlLTON,cuI|Ing st inwrlnodinu poltl. (weather nernlltiug p A Lf:'l`RIA N, Wodneadn. Int lay. L ORSIFA N, Suturdny. 40: Hay. SPA [(7.4 N, Ionduy, Gth Iny. FOR MONTH-EAL AND QUEBEC A1` 0.80 can. ALOIRIAN, Saturday, uh Iuy, CDRHIOAN, Tuudnv. Tlh Iny. HPAITA N. Thundny. 9th lay. For Puuge Tlckeu and my lnforlnlkna 3 ly us the Lake and River Moonhou r .. nu lgwmnaa Wharf. loot ol Johmon ILAGEH `BEE-iii. WING to the ol MR H HAEBACK bm the B01'l'l.lN(} DBPABTMINT 0| MY LAGEB BEER. Farm Mr Harhockl nu-sin hovhdgo ol the Bottling bndnoqlyunqqunugag Hurbnckl nuunn novnoup on Ch Bonn: bud lgunalu Iu.nllpurd`whon::'y hvcnrhin with thdr rudcll. _ __ _____ Water Wei}; Notioe.! IIIK-l8lOf l j but-U:--wu~ --r Ilodhy Ihoooodigl 'Iod'gIuionolnopu- In rclnl-ciao. Eb Hour Uontnoc luousauuuo-u-1;.-guuuuaouu dlh pltiouo udu.Ihouhun|putyuI Ibotriuupl .-ithuirlno pInnndpqIUnivuprin- _. .n.D_..i.-glonnhmmihlm "'11! laell l"l'l.UII." 'u nun mugs: bgna. at you: gun as '50 Ian: Wu: Orna- n.puo.lmtu,7| rut CIlUo\__ u -1-u near nun." co Mun-mu-of Wlmnvlllo Ihpnu. In pnnaouluod lqnmu~hoim-I;u0nIa- I "ORTRiTI`S I ROYAL MAIL ;ETROUGH LINE. Views of Residences. &c., Kinplon, April I), IUD. U I PRINCESS STREET. April 30,1878. April :0, ma. New and Popular ---.--_- ._,- _. , Inn : Uo:;4.-Uu1'UI1I.uI>l')muun1 -Pynthtcolgt kntvlodgo cl lb nun spa-Id-u 1&9: hupuvkd on huant uhluvish o Ibunlylnvoundbuvcnnvholnn an II any but] ducal!` Mlh. I! h by jlr diabucnolunahudelanoldhuhuoenu noon any to gradually klg up Iullnnnng If. I` ILOJIIO Ill be nlnlud. ' Pnuage ncnau um nu, ..........-...... r 1, BL Lawn-.noo Whuf, 1. F0 8.'.og"-. . Inllfl l"nn.bhnl C. H. HATCH. Pnoouor An I . RAJ I'll. C. H. HATCH. Punongor Jpn. [Tilt AQ_i1A"IITlii. FOR SALE : Three Iesldenccs nu Into. WVILL Bl WLD on nuolnhlo tuna. the has Dvullhp on Gordon lvtooI,bo- has lul ndJohnon Bunch. owned by the Dubuatlhu. `Ibo bounnnnot Inc ouonnufotl payout, udhunincuonn. bzu elonu. putry Ln! collar. Tho others has {or (inch and have uh nunghuidu the glouu. pnnuiu nd o_el_lnn_. 'l'I_non '14 I Ch- hand: monnmuldu the clown. panda oollnn. Then in ueulneuh houoo.udhud and con, nut pa-El: klhhon. Good Shed: sad lurid snnll Gnu-dun vo nah homo. 0 non BEHIND mt.-1. an In each hoIuo.uIu um um nu, wus- pun In lurk Snail u-dun ooufonsblo ruidonoen In Klnpnn. Funk: nniouhn on Application to ioufornblo ruidonooc tn lung puniouhn WI. I lay |.' | Honda at is Always Wanted` |G0LoEN:@:GR0cERv) Magnolia Sugar Cured Hams, The Imperial Hams, Canadian Sugar Cured Hams, Boll Spiced Bacon. Boneless Bacon, Leaf Lard in 21b. 1Jb.& 1-2lb Tins. Leaf Lard In Tenants, Dried Beef, Fresh Butter in Rolls. Dairy Butter in Tuba, XXX Putty Flour, Family Elour, Oat Meal, Qorn Meal, Pot Barley. Hominy Fresh Ground. Tomatoes, very ne, Green Peas, Green Oorn, Dried Apples, Pickles, Sauces, Potted Meats. ac, ......-up VaiuablaFreehn1dRaalEState ' FOR SALE, Inst Iudock. Incl Wllio list. `I: tulunlghthu-Imd . Innis: A M" "M" l lljonslslinuz of City and Village Property In the Llly of 1 ltlnuulou. UILDING [DT No `*2 ! uml f-`lF.()rdIunon Land, frunugn on |'rim-nu Hlrq-M. Iii`! toot. about I80 {H-t deep. wnh a frunlngu n[3b' foot on Allrod Blreol. to be sold at (son. A I... an... T-nnnunnl. Hamel. uilunlmcl on Allrod Blreol. to be mm In con. Mao Four Tonamunt Homes, Ordnunno and Burns Btrreu. mvuuod for `I600, will be sold for Iuurn luau uhnu their valuation. Also 3 Residence in llnrmold. vonulnlng eight. rooms. two vellurn. nofr, wnlar Clnlarn. Summnr Khehon. Hwm Room. Wood slmda. Csrrhge Home and Hulnlon Attu-had. The Hmuo ll llwl with Hrlt-I. ulnalu-mtl, uheldad. Inlh Ind plnnlorod nguin when re built. so II in warm In vinwr Ind cool in nuuum-r uwlng to tho Iituumn Full View of HIBPIIV and nnrv hour. The Gurden in planled with L-huu-v fruit and flavors. A110 Thrnc Tenornent Hmn-an in m.r. ran lulu `I00 r yvmnnud lwu Building Lou IV. uchov`. I I be 501:! Iur About two thmln out. Also, I number of NEW BOATS for ulo very (`lIO|p--(I0 lulnllv Manta. nt rluun oop- r fuumod vuniuho-I Uodnrn, 4 Inc! by I`, Iver. blip Ken], 14 um or row. JACOB BHAIIIAN. VALUABLE BUILDING L() l',oI oorner of (hone and ()'KIl| Screen, halng art of the plot ownvd h Ibn Imus Wlllhm gnu niughnn. nnd uuolnfng tho naidanno of the Hon. ll J. Curtwnght. For pnruculnn tpply In Brllwni. Prlto. Holk-Horn. INDHEIT CIJINIHGIIAI. IV ADVIII Va ww--. NKXCELLIIT TERRACE IIOUII. In rooms. good alahlmlu: Ion: 35. llnld pnrcbuav can nuka umnnl payment: In place of root. C. V. PRICE. ll--.I. 1 POI ! ovwlolo DI I uaurn-no n-........, fouuotly onouyiad b (7 V. Pnon. In ,' botvv-an Pr neon uul Drone llcnoimvilla mu ntbsllilgn nod lug! (laden Var (Into! an nqun on the pa-hon. my M1878. TWO l'l'ulY l'I0ll DWELLING- cnhhlng ulna nrvnn. Inuud on the tuna olclorg and Wullhn luau. hau- dol In; I`. Apply In | ammo: Ioonu. -- ' ed Colbano Mutt Illho Dr-nut out luih . ouch luau-cguudlaudublo ounce "" "" us. Iurrvaoo. ._.n II I-l Apnl 28,1878. ' `view .-. qgr 1. lay I, 1373. `VII: 35. P"l|('||., *1 I. 1 THE FAB-FAII ED KENTUCKY "**`*"1 1'0 LB I`. LIMIT ovwhoh of I daulnblo rnldauee, fmuorlv amounted MC Pr|on_. , 7To Rent or Sell. VICTORY I Tiff toil EALE. W. R. at C0. nu `u-. Kolk-non. KIOHEIT -ro |.l'l`. SHOWDEN, Johnson Etna. `I74-oo| swing to I nf H100!!! and Ar in ninnu-.d MII POW. BHA IIIAN. Ihrrmeld DIOIOI IOOIII. Iloud blnnoflbuluooonut Jlybclt unlm-nu; I-ywndaay Io glbnqno. |iTiii3iox nous? FOR SALE. BYAUCTION vnu. at now Ar 11:: nu nouns 4 an Inherit-er. I A ._ - -.- -- ac--v-----gp ---' ----3 xxw inc: noun. mama on In Inn] Shut, (-dun olylo - voll Ink]: all; r::.-.vhI|nd 1;! nxuut and vonhnou, ow oooqhd by Ir. I J. Kpud. A Gordon hunched. lab at Iifobok noon. Tu-Iuuy. ' .|. 1 nu-rn|mp.nx, Valuable Real Estate, (WITHOUT RESERVE.) lnulhelurln;-i'I-emlsos and Illllldlug Iaols. WILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUWNUN. :1 the Sale Rooms ofJ. E. Hnuahuon. ON THURSDAY, MAY IBTII, At I-2 o'clock. Noon. the Rul Eune. l}arrattPmpa1-ty. King Street According to Plan to ho puhlmmd in I row days. The property Ioonlhu of Mwufwmrln pm- nrlu. Seven Building bots. and Also 0 lbs Water Lot in ll-out thereof. with I hunts`: of 435 (vol on King Street. 'l`I-`RlR_l)na ism-lh muh lmhnna to null V0`; .0 HIII` Bl.l'15I|'~. 'l`l"RI8-0ne lourlh mnh, bnlnnoe to Ill _ purchuorl. I-`unhar nnuonlnu Ind cuvdiuoun made wuxv -nu.--... defunct AI- Aooording Plnn ho puhlhlmd few dlyl. pmvertyloonohu Muuufwmrlng _ PIIl`(`III$l'I. I-`ul-that mrtionlui known at 1 me ol Sale. lllullA7l`l)II`Il I. I)t'\I1I'I')t`l Hnyal Mi|ita}y Bullege. KINGSTON , OANADA. EMI-ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS fur the admission of (`ulvln to this Collegmvlll counnenne at the lloul Qunrlt-rs ofuoh Mill- tuy Dllt. in whlc-In (`nmlhlntaa ruldo. on TUESDAY. llh JUNE, and 1`UE5l)AY.lho 17th DECEMBER non. I878` All nooosnry information may bo ohuunod upon upplicnion to tho A-Ijutnnl. Ueneral, at Ottawa. or to the Deputy A1l_iul.nul.`n Gouornl of Mnllury lllntnou. Applk-nuoua fur ndmulon nbould beoent to the Acuutnut General not lean than one month before day of Examination. By order. W. I ()WELL, Culrrgnpl,` FEDERAL BANK, (1? (`1n.r|n.'ln.. AN OFFICE OF THIS BANK WILL BE UPENEI) AUGTIONTALE 1 the 1 mnny `I. April 30, I878. Monday Next, the 29th April, Corner of Wellington and Glar- ence Btroets. A General Banking Bnsinnss uuu Dvcluu! .a-........,.. .,..`.,,... -_.. lntnrnv. Allnwad on Dnponiu} mourdlu` 00 """` GEORGE um. IIANAIIICH. At I-2 o'clock. Noon, Eltllo. hmvn u the Z` Gold and ('urrn'u-_v Drafln In New York Ind lioerllug Exclmngta Bought and Hold - . u, ,u _.. nA...._u-. .........II..- on O0AL;i_EF5OT` All Douonpuonu 0! nova: For Honu Furnace. Blnohlnlth and luau but mo. T but deocrlpcion of Home Coo kept on hand under cover. wroenml And dollv and no ordnr at the Iowan mnrlav. nun. 3' Country ordaru will mm `vs roll 0 II- unhon J. WI - All Dooorlmlonu of coal Fm Hnnu Furunoo. nu Itnludn u u:q:u|iio:I pl-u-nu: nnououhu ch cusdiI%d tin It fun: party ol this city In lbonj dado: for the out of Canon III` Ii outing umllinoy @dCd In Lhxndor Gnnn, I11, while '0 id if pooiblo ntill gruutpuilniioo in In- ing this so an um um puuouul In uetpud the nomination. Tho Li- ` hull of this city on plnood undo: deep ' obligntiomto Mr. Guun for the ua'i- l 1.. ..: on... uni mnoul eonvgn. , ILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUWTIU Hnuahuon. Brook Street. P `U R 33: Wineg and Liquors, dlllonnt Ilrunan on Winn. Inna 45.. An. Ah: I! and II. Pout! II and Ill. Inlet Iran` folounng. I very sum or u1.|ola,; |Geo. Tho-Iaon &Go. FDID 8: WHO. ("lg0n.s-Q.1:I\1i Tnnnorv l'UIIIl QUUIWQ Oovuroqud Tannery Kulanou, . . . . . Onulw. o. s.'c}}aI}'."ii"}'y uh. HIE ilnnt unl-sun ..... .-.n __ n l|(l_]|llIIII, um I Headquarters. Aprll Ilnh. I878. lnnfunren of Ilughut lob, Bantu, Up?! an Onln mun: b.m.1.,nm.., up Bulsadupm Insurer, Waxed (Id! (Jovnod Curl Cd! - uj: James Swift. 'l`.LAWRENOE WHARF, KINGSTON nn...|--_|- -...a u-..u llnnl-In In Ixpclldouly and Proporly laud n OAIADLUIITID ITATII AID IUIOPI inlgbtadnm nddod to aunt of public _:n :___-| .|._ DJ.-.n.- nl Kint. st n. 1: Dodnroh mu. lhoa.|>Il|nu cw mu. ood: OI` WOOL!!! `HIGH the uci-.31, Iggg Prion will be pad. - In DAVI',WIIlhu Iwutbvba Iain nlugnh-uun\VaIInn-nunmmll outhold dlanhc pagan! voueoo-0 dnnnhwnoniudat-I,gvuthorvv|:hoo|`r`uogo. and '0 Account Putont Act Invention IN ALL l l".'4 HllAN(!Ill'1H WILL HE CUNlJl7(;'l`IU. Kingnton. Ayril ?7, IBTN. very cu riot vuolm; I` nnpsno (run Iona 01 HI kn out Introduod I this Kuhn. lnponod Direct mun Frnnoe o! All the dlorent Brnndn of no--. Irnnllnl. 41.. An. indgbtnilll Iaaea W own-u oi yvolrooui duty will impel the Reformer: of King- oton to luove no legitiinoto stone nntoroo ed to eonpooo odeeioivo tnninph in the coining eontoot. Never in the political hietory of thin city woo o pony noniino tion inore luortily mode or more eordiolly tendered then thot of loot evening, ond tho Announcement of it will we ore eon- lident be greeted by I moot enthuoiootic public endorsement. In the gentlemen Ioined the Libero]: of the Liinootone City hove secured o Leoder oronnd whom they will rolly wiih rpirit ond condence ond whom it will be their pride And ploo-iuro to follow to determined bottle ond to cer toin victory. With the return of Mr- Gunn to Porliomeiit the elector: will be repreoented by one of thenioelveo end one too of whom they will hove no reuon to be oehoimd. It in high time for King- oton to be represented in Porlioinent. Long enough hon this city been. reduced to the deg!-ldotiun of politiool urfdoin, ond hold up to the warn of the whole Dominion on the olovioh pocket borough of o long mince politically honk- riipt Tory odveiitiirer. Tue nuininotion of Mr. (lunn will give the electuro of Kingston an opportunity of decloring lor political lreeiluui ond locol repreeeiito- tiun. Ull election will reect credit upon the constituency, oid never drew the conduct of I down upon it, on 0 our preiient member he: done, y the i-eproiicher and the hiuu. I- not only of thier c-niiitry but of the civilized world. Llie charoeter for political inoriility will require none of that `careful handling`, iuid will be mark- ed by none ul that 'l.llt!i.f0Illl|g coreleu- neu for which our I -acih'c Scandal hero in now iiutoriuiiii throiiglioiit the length ond breodth of the British Diimllllull. Our political reputation mid iuoturiul iiitereou will be male in his keeping. Kingotou williit last he releeiiieil from the diograce of giving the aid and coinfurt of Pnrliaineiilary statue to a. men who wu voted by both lhrlimnent and coun- try M. the lee`. election iis totilly iiiilit for theoocred triiauiol power. In the elec~ tion of Mr. Gunii, who will eiuphoticolly oud preaminently be the people : candi- dote," the City of Kin;,viii.on will at length hove given her voice and Vote in the Home of lfuiiiiiiniir, in she has already done for mine you: in the locol Legir lotiire, in lllV)llr of honest ond compe- tent Government. ...-oo->-.. 2 Pink [Iain-bud or using: laud In :-hid hurunbn. Anny nu poncho lory-n. IIIIY llll`l`.0nau 0. Initial hghou. Id-don luv 3 II-nnnhI:nn IN KINGSTON, GOLDEN LION BLOCK, AWII-luivno vv unnvr , unuu-... Wholaulo and lloull Dulon |n or Canada. u ruuunu um-. nu--. J. E. H LTUHESON, A unflnn` Culnnel, Adjutant (lane-rnl of M Illcln. Anrll Illlh. H578. MANAGER. The Reformer: of Centre Toronto have reneminated Mr. John Macdonald for that constituency in the next Parlia- ment. Few Wlll forget the grateful ed- mirntion with which all gum! Turies were seized because Mr. Mac lunalil gave his knighted namesake the benet of a she- dowy dunbt in the matter of the secret service jaibery. For this supposed ser- vice to the 'l`ury cause, the member for Centre Turontu was f--rthwith elevated to the dignity of an independent member, sninevitehle stain-1 he has ever since continued to coinnianil in 'l'ory circles and journals. Eton the Chieftain him- self paid a tribute in his piety and uiorsl wurth by sanctiniunimisly styling him that U:-d fearing umn." Under all them) circiiiiistsiices we llllgllllllltilrlly have ex- pected the Chieftain tu have deprecated .L . l_ ..._.. ..t - . _...ol.u Ivuluu u u-......... . . any oppusmnn to lhe`rL-turn uf I) worthy n mun to Pnrliunem. Judging frn-u re- centexhlbmnnn III the House, not only (Sod {caring men." but ch:-no of unit mry prnprioty and decency are none um plenuful llmre. Frmn Lhu well-known nnxiety of the Tury leader to elevate the standard of Plnrliamentary morality one mi`ht have auppnued that ha would have been an uulmu fur tlu! return of his Tu- ronto (lnd-fearing" friend for that pur- pule, M on other ground: he would for lhn cnmpnny at Ottawa of J. B. Rubin- .m aon, from Another dlvialun nf Tornnlu, tn holp him to ght the bent: It Ephesus` Under I the circumstances uur reader: will be mrpruml to hair lhn. I relent- lru Tnryuppusmnn II to he offered tn .\Ir.John Mic-lmmld, and that nntwILh- .| :u I. _ ....|. ...l...l rnlmn lur mm, Mr Jul the bottom nf 1!. all cioou {or Mr. Juhu I out victory. --C-O1 nun . v. r'....._. Mlcnlt standing all 11 fur mm, .b.. b...n..m ..f n -Dr. Tupper hu 1-vrnhdruwu hu pro- unendment gb-mt. rebuu. -~Qubec elecu-ma uko plwe to-dly; I dam to uruggle ll Il)l.lL'IpIlod. - uriug the int. week `Z12 hone: Inn shipped from Mouuul to the United Suw- __Imu nr nillv rocruiu. of line LIIIIOI anu- -FIlI.y or sixty rocruiu, physique. have Uuuu {or Mumobn ghoruy, to join the Haunted Pulmo. --Charla! Wlllmuuu, 1 larger who cocupod lrom Sing Sing 1 you :30, has boon urnohd in London. -Tho Uticn And Elmira Rnilroul In yesterday bought m the Enghah bound- hol-lon fut - 8...:-.1 Prnuinn bishops hno holion tot UoU.UUU. -Sovanl Pruuim binhopo nenonnlizvd the Pope Hut an under- nundmg Illh Prnuu ll Impossible. -1'h lint nonnn blouod by Pop Iua humans. In Jollll 1. now. -8.: York in to Inn nnndaor nhov of dqu, with 1 print Int. 0! C3,l(l) opQ~ no` he (our days on May 7:11. -A lady in Portland. Mo.. on envy .....a..n.n ul Pnudom Lincoln`: unu- u.;.!na. of am. nun no man; uwudund ustuokwhcovilhuunn want u. onnyueopa-an stud {Idvhi -an y hoping annulus '0 {on pure blood and I poycxuubhod In-0."- Cinll!rvla9uau.-- Ida ll Pasha: labelled. "Jun In-It Co.. onooposhlo ffheuba. lildbl." on, in -ournmg. _ -'I`bo hottothnl ol Pnuoo Arthur I the Plilti Louise. third daughter 1 d..'.... Fvmlascl Uhnln ol Prod: PI-(Ia rrozlana u then plan on an 9th inn. -Ir. Jenni Wheaten"! .(`nd|n` nun rrnuu ll lmpoumw. -Thc lint ponnn blcuod by _Pop-A lpo XIII, at hm lint pllbllc uudunco, III 5 Prouounl. Mr John 1'. Hot. _N.. \'..rk in In Iaavo hinonn Luna. and sums: to! Frilu Fnzkncl Uhulcn Prods, 5-5.. slag an ill: (h i. plan an an mu. -Ir. Joovph Wheaten : bout, lin- nouri, stuck by hghbimg on sand, In Wham bun prau-cud, nd you 1... i. n ' eoodmou. I3 WI8 tun: pnusrlwu, am: not I, in 5 pun:-Sou - --odn nnndpohl II New Hnnahu-o Iron tho nun; ct Ibo Ia-nun HVOI , nbiulinooc I8 loot than high nu: nu-I; other than annual noun. -'l\o Ibfl cl Vdudny lot you uzih .-in iolltlolll nouocudohhsvudnvp-d. ---- --oo-.._._ Ionmno cams. ly in roruum, Inc. on on ul A: not: bar houlv, maiden ..n-una Out: on Ortau DP. THURSDAY EV/`NO. MA} 2, 1878. ..__ -.._..-- _ cunaznov. nunu, nun. 8 L'h1r~fl.|III lr~fLun'a muck mlmi uhll Macdmmld In at \\e wuh and Ann- L Mucdunnld A g|cri~ V | lwauin nil. . ` Right Hon. Aahetol Croas, Home Se- _ cretal-y,nede a long eddreee st the open- leg ol theconeervetue Club ll Puatal. The epeech, by in whole tenor, ahewed ' the Government adhcree to in demand - Jot laying the entire treaty before the I , `r Gangrene Mr. Urea laid the Govern- 3 neeut in the Congreu would convince the world, end, probably, even Rude. tbet " the Treety ought to be noditied. Eng- {~ land," he eeid, would treat it feir|y,end ,. edmt the changes thet had eriaen, but I . nhe had e right to dinooee then." He `u deniedthet theGovenunent enennnged Turkey, or In actuated by e werlike | Ipint. "The Government," he Mid, [y sought to bring about the accord ol the d Powen, but what good would there he in the Power: meeting In Congress if the ?' Treaty they signed could be torn up at "3 any moment by one of the aignetoriee." m In the eeuree of hie speech Mr. Crone end the Government were not going to B communicate to the public their propoealn in reunrd to the Eastern queetiun before `d the meeting of the Congreu. PI -unl MIIIDIAH A-llw Il BIIYIAE III] A Belgnde dupnwh up the furlough- od soldier: ure returning to thoir colour: with apparent onthuuiulu. The whale Army will be ready to make I forward movement A: the and of tho week. ...... -u . Inn unn-n Ibo luau:-u lilac new-nu,` Vanuatu-Iofcaoo, No War -Io certainty of one ortho IIUIIWAH-D IUUBU. An 0-Jenn telugnm up tho Gnnd Duke bu Arrived And left for St. Poun- burg. n nu I uvv-Inn U UIJ KCIIUH. A Berlin special sueru that Englnnd does not object. to the Auurinn pnpoul to occupy Bunnin and Herzvgovinn. nu -n. wrlnu A If . V IAIFIKIAIA PKIZUAUTIUIV Al I I .I IAIU nun A telugrnm from St. Peternburg In- nuunce: that nn Imperial Ukue bu jun been iuuod ordering tha furmntiou ol forty-eight fresh bnulinnu in addition to the furty-eighc called uut n furtnight. ngo. Three new artillery brigudol, with 144 gum, are alm forming. ..._.,... .- . ...-.....uu.nuu zhiwhzw @8113` gntish wmg. MOLTKI. H Mmuun no I Unnnnnunn. The New Yurd Harald"; London cubis- grnm says` -`Vun Mullks and his mluion to Copenhagen in thought, to indlcato Germ|ny'a mtemion to Act. in {nor of the neutralizing ol the Baltic. England in now emu-aly isolated, and the pruapecl i.. thn aha mll Ihortlv bring colurd I emu-aly uulnoa, and mo prunpecx. is that she Ihortly bring compromise. pun-I-A1'.A\IV Pnn"P., flA(.'l'Al'-1:1 I run r.. Yesterday meetings were huld at Mm- cheater, at which John Bright npoke, and at Brierlay Hall in oppoaition to the Gov- orument. To-marrow anothur demomtra- tum, hostile to lho (iovermuent, will be held at Birmingham. The whole energy of the opponents of the Uovernmont in the north and centre of England will thnl be heard in a combined pruteat against tne policy of the Cabinet. At the Man- cheater meeting, 1,800 delegate: from Liverpool and organizations in the North 0| England were present. Mr. Jnuph Chamberlain, Rodicll member of Parlia- ment for Birmingham, spoke at Briorloy Hill. Maura. Bright and Chamberlain an the country to act on the principle that we have no eastern interests worth tha coat of war, and to pronounce the ex- isting treaties an utter mistake. RHIIKNES. Lundun, May 2 --ln stock market. pncc-almve fallen away under the III- ueuco uf continental boursea And dis- oourmziug politicul nelu. Am ug foruign securities the Runinnl hu Ill cred u1u|t_ .. . ......n. ma n-"nu r|..A\,u.rvu nuuu-. London, May 2.-Tho Eastern news to-day being very speculative in its char- ncter him had a depressing e'ect in busi- neu and adds In the belief that a pnce fulaolutinn of the situation ll becoming daily more improbable. ...... ...n-nvnnn Alum unrnuntu. Constantinople, May 2.-Armu and tmmumtiun deuiued for tho Muuulman insurgents in Roumanin Ins discovered leaving Adrinnople. __ . ... ........ ....-n.nn HVAIIUAFIUIV lib! Uunu. London, May 2.-A Constantinople dvapatch any: grant excitement. prevail: among the people of Bntoum, Shumla, Verne and Suntan, it being utated that the Porto refuses to evacuate the fortres- ses at tlu-no places. The feeling uf the Turks in in favuur of Ieniating the Rue- Iinn domnndn for uvecuntiun. THRIE VAST (`E-UIHBIL8. London, May `.!.-A report in current here which nbtauu credence. that Ruuia expects to obtain three fut crnioerl from the United Suite: shortly. intended in H16 Ullllou u use of In. RAILWAY VVA1llulh London, May 2.-~A Berlin deapntch lays RIIIIII is uagntiuing for the use of the Pruuian Railway in case England should blochdu the Baltic. "Herald Semcazon--A Sarita of Raids Reported. -- I ncunu. Puuuc BcIooL Bouo.-Regn1nr looting ul. 8 pm nxmr (By Telegraph Today.) New York, May `2.-lt is rumored the reandenu of Phxlmlelphm are organizing I j9inz stuck oumpnny to purohbla Ind equip I Ruuinn priutaar. A Washington: I;-euml to the Herald equip Ituaunn pnvntaer. uyn information in pnuouion of the Uuvornmant lend: to tho Inppolition that the Ruunn. on bonrd the Cimhrin Are mtendod to nun steamer: which Ruuia 1| nogotintinu tn purchue In this country. It ip behaved thnt the nuchinery for tho manufncturo --f Ann: hu boon bought, Ind mny be shipped in the CiI!:bl !l," sud Ill!) thnt eight lmm nngo cannon `nu. tum nnrchnod. The |uppo|iI.ian| sud ul-0 Inn ugm. mum rlngc cannon` `mu boon purchued. Iuppolilian in thn. I them ship: and untorinl an to be got out of our harbor before In in docluod. It in also reported thnt. u- rnngumenu hue been mad. vith Col- bnrko, I very prominont Irlllunon Iho bu fought in oonnl Inn, o_ enlist an lrinh contingent, place them in tram- poru. and in one of vur make I descent on Ion Booth and New Brunfllok. and In or mus ueanom Nov; Tho urinl ol another Innnpon of Rm- tinn nnnl non sud noon lur trumpet- cation to San Francisco to uh poucuion -4 .|.;... .......h...l nn thn Pmio coat. in Sun rrncueo to an poucunon of ski purchuod on the Pacic daily r Rod for. __.__.oo ----- -r -4.,,_ __. _A_...- -Iom|or Iorrnny man yuluun . --liIoty mocha: of the New (or! State Auouably united lonttul on Euurdny. _ -'l'bo New Brunswick Gounuont h reconstructing iu ponornnol pnviom to tho Proviucml general ohctionmhich II can shortly. - nnninnml in in circuhlioc In uloxhcushonly. requisition in Itqnoth. Hum. 1 Hon. Ahundu Kari, u-labnhln-t-GonrooI',.\o and as tho Uonnunuvo cnndiduo for Ibo I`...--.4.-n ___._-_ooo - - ' to-oars 1s_Lscms. Boiled Down for WMg" Bead- till ugycr: d '. Onudnono _Iomlor Ilorrhny died ._iunu mush-n 0 ll Iiupuu. Apr! IO, III. .._ __.a (h NW0!` 7`-v) --A ooo-- THE BUS|I sfAT|E. 1`!-1]! BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1878. mark at ....A...- Man In. IMOIITY FIII TIIE HEW GOIEIIIIEIT. lulu-IBEI: ELEB'l'IllNS!| Janm LIBERAL VIUTURII The lbellouclnervllle Govern- ment Dccently Buried. Attorney-General A ngon and So- licitor Gerferal Baker Among 01.. flnatl The Premier and Ills Illnlsters ll:-cwd-l;u-go Llbenl May dny hu pruvod I nvnnhra holi-lny fur the Blue: of Quebec. Contrary to the all ma nnguina Pl'd|cli(N'll tn! the Tury preu, the elector: of Quebec hue doom- od Iho puny of tantiun And corruption to at lout. n {uur yearn term of banish- Inll! {rum power. As our render: no mum the Tune: of Quebec were nlmnu .1" .._/..... :.. u: rl-funnt uuvnnu. V-.~ Argonuuil . . . . . . . .M Buot.......... .. . ...B Bounouturo . . . . . .1`: Beauco............P Beunhnrnoil. . . . . ..E Bullochuno . . . . . . E Benhier . . . . . . . . . I Brome . . . . . . . .1 Charlavoix ....... .. ( Compton . . . . . . . . . 1 Chunplnin. . . .. Chnenuguny . . . . . .1 Chnlnbly Drumumnd snd Ar- ohnhulzn V llrlinlulllu IHU Ill thahuln . Dorchentor . . . . (Dupe Hocholngn . . . . Huntington. . . lbervillo. Joliatle. . . . . .. Jacquen Cartier. .. Knmourukm. . . . Levin . . . . . . . . . . ljlalet. . . . . . . .. L'A|souIplion.. . .. Lapruirie . . . . . . . Laval Luthinleru .. . Montmoruncy .. Montmngny . . . . .. Miuiuquon . . . . . A Montcalm . . .. . ' Montreal Contra`. Wn-9 v . lhlll. . . ..|u|uuu Meguutic . . . . . i . . . Mukinonge. . . . . ...Caron. Nnpierville . . . . . Ottawa County. . . .. . . . PontiAc....... . . . . Church Ponuouf . . . . . . . .` Quebec Won`; . . . . Centro.......Kinfrot Eut . . . . . ..Shohyn . . Quebec County. . . . . Rana . . . . .. Riinnuski . . . . . . . . . ..UhauveAu. . . Richelieu . . . . . . . Mothiou . . . . Richmond & Wo|fe.....Picard . . . Shetiurd . . . . . . . . . . Lafontnine. . . Suulnns1eu.. . . . . ....l)uckett. . St. Hyacinthem ...,Bachnnd . . .. St. John : . . . . . . . .,Marchnnd.... Stunntaad . . . . . . ..Love1l. .. . . . . St. Mun-ioo . . . . . . .Duaul.iiern.. Sherbrnnke. . . . . ...R.ubortwn. . . Two Mountain: ....Chainpagne.. Ferrebnnne . . . . . . . .Chap|eau . . . Vercheren . . . . . ,.Bz-uueau . Vnudrouil . . . . . . . .Lalonde.... Yalnukn . . . . . . . . .Wurt.ole .. Three Rivorl . . . . . .,Turcotte . . . . . . ..l Rouville . . . . . . . . . ..Bertrnnd.... . .. . .1. Summing up the results as given shove, we liml the Liberal: number 33, the Op- position Z7, and the Independent: 2, leaving three places to be heard from. (`u ...I\.... M... I T`lui. -um..u-ninn {horn Auivlug unuu yununu uu uu uvulu Ilvun. Q whee, May l.-This gmuruiug there was the appearance of a bad row on Paul Itreetnu large norowd use bled in frnnt of the poll that voters war unublu to ub- tuin zsdruianmn and in response tu I call from a local nmgintrnta the mounted troop n of `B` Bmtery paraded the street riding duwn the mob who grow quit:-I in- furiated therant for uume tiruo. Quiet wu restored And I strong budy of water pulioe tn ok puueulon of the door ml the poll. All in quiet in the other Divi-i--nu. Munu-eal. Mnv l.--Greut excitement poll. All II qnlel In me Omar uxvn-1--nu. Montreal, May prevails in the city tn-night. St. James street in crowded with cmzann eager to hear the reports in regard to the oloctium thrunghout the Provmce. The Libernln are very onlhuninlic nnd have unem- blod on St. Jnmea street opposite their central rooms where Ipeevhea are being delivered by the Liberal undi- dntea and Mr. Lazsuune, M.P., Mr. Dovv '1, M P., and other supporters of the nmr (:.|Vlil'l|II'Ill', Thu C:)nIel'VIli\'E8 [new U-nvermnenl. Ana uonnervuuvea have also met at their rooms, where upeechea no being delivered. Carupbolltnn, N.B., May 2.-T|rte s majority ibbout 180. The Hnmi|tnn- Tune uuult. one In the mute of Lem- ieux' defeat. Therein great rejoicing in Bunnvanture to-night over the grant Li- benl victory in the annual election: in the Province. Tho ei(ecl.ion here passed at! quietly. Montreal. Mn 2.-The report of the at! quietly. Montreal, May report election: in the on are now datiuitely ulured. Nelson. lfibenl, carried the Contra divinion by I vote of 1.008 to 836. Mcshnne, Libord. curried tho Wu-orn divinion by 3 majority M 338, 3nd Tail- lon. Cnnurntivo, defutod Gronier, Li- bcnl, by I vote 0! 3,916 to 3.794, I mn- jority of 12`). All puued off quially. The Lxbonll chim thrtmghuut the pro- Vince; mnjority of 11. with ten plncon to hear frnm. The Guam clniml I ma- Jority of two or three fur the Cnuurn liven. Lad night the Herald hfuo up illuminated. sud speedy; were undo by loading Libornlu, Ihn dludod to the ra- null. ol the contest as 1 victory. ltldlng mooruu, Iuu Illuuou u all of the contest victory. -In Ionlnd I-In mmnlumnn of boobundlbocluppcu to be unloring grutly. They on lo} 2 5(1) lands, and produoogoobtol ouluo of our 34,- CIIMXXI. lwlw uiu iunu u. ,,......-- umnipntently strong in the euinhly, heving I mejurity uf over twenty in I Chamber of eixty-ve mem- ber: By M: almou. unparalleled revul- lmn of public nenliuienl, brnught. Lbuut by the fl igra-it Tury ebuee ul puwer, the Qi-bee Liberal: have me-zeeded in pul- ling luwn the immeneeedveree mejmily, end ectuelly mnverting it into 1 work- ing mejurily for the null Joly Adniinietra lion. The indignation of the people in many of the cunnmuenciee which the line Government. coolly propoeed to rob knew no bounds. Every member 0! the new Minulry has been lriumpheutly re turned. The Libernl candidates in Quebec city were relnrnedby overwhelm- ing mljorlliel, in one one distancing Tory uppoeitiun by more then eleven hundred volee. Two of the three Mon- treal oanntituencieu wen: Lleo for the popular ceuee, while in the ruv rel diuricu the nuoceu ol Liberele hu fully reclined, and in ' ---_-.: ...i .11 .. nanlltlonl.