f:TfnnnnHIMm's\ Prlnltlva lathe lint Church. cos Death of Rev. r. Chisholm. vaIholIopuau'a:oclIh< bi._l- ti-:0:-in L-l Hana $3!-I AlI`I|IlI, UIU WI! unuuvu hothoht. `lhpufaunnpcovohd oeoothuunud lnIgl!u,c_nooxtu- ngnundfolhving tbothuilllula -noun bnuhtho -urinunt II- outing sod onrvholmning. The pro- gnuuo oponod with (In co-odiolh um-.. t...II.I\. " in -high In Rtnnlan 'lI1-' uyvliuu -I-u -uv uvu--or-- I Econ Lullaby," in Ihilh Ir. Btulnl I and Kim Junie Woothonby illntad I ` mu. conjugal diculty,but tho guano \ ........ -.. ...|.a-..a an oh. ..I.. M " n}. IIIIII uuujugu uulwuuy, mu u-u pu--u-I I luoecnl III nohiovod in the plny ol Hob- L.`_-P' _|.;.A. _-- ;..4I...I l`l|Q .1 25.. WEIG. THURSDAY, MAY 3. 18785 mun. UIIIUI w-e, uneven, wen we weer` Inoet lengluble ourleeqnee of the period. Itie truly deecribed M e piece without plot, but eepeoielly designed foe the pur- poee ol giving lies Weethc-eby end Mr. N. C. Goodwin, jr., opportunity {or the uerniee of the relnerkeble renetility of which they ere poeseeeed. Hiee I. Wee- thereby hee beauty, grece end piquency, end theee ere never leiling when employ ed in the cherecterietic Irivolitiee of the etege. Miee Einnae Weethenby ie en edept in her proleeeion, end aneeted fun to en unlimited extent in her gr`ot.4-eque pourtreyel of the old meld; but Mr. Goodwin wee the cherecter of the our in]. Hie every word, look, gesture end movement wee laughable, end one'e eidee eched when hie running tire ol oomiceli- tiee came to en end, end he bowed him- eell behind the curtain. The eompeny ie elnell, but every member of it in en er- tiet, end hence eucoeae in certain. oQo-- On Sunday, April 21st, the Rev. Mr. Jollnb. of Gtmumque, preached two ex- cellent nermons, in the muruing and evening, to large congregations in the C. M. Church At the close of each ser- vice a collection was taken up for the Eaucatmnal Fund. m n I ur n,._.;___ .: ll._..A_-..l A. & S. NORDHEIIER, HP "l'()H()RT(). IDUUCHLIUIIII I` uuu. The Rev. L. W. Beaudry, of Montreal, lectured to quite a large audience in the lame church, on the evening of April 24th. He spoke fur nearly an hour nnd a half, during which time he rivet-d the attention of the audience, At the con clusiun aculluctiun and subscription was taken up in aid of the proposed French Church in Montreal. On motion of the Rev. Mr. Warden, seconded by Mr. Wm. Shannon, :1 well deserved and hearty vote nf thanks WILD presented to Mr. Beaudry for his stirring and interesting address. ..|_:-. ,.,..__i.. _.,`,.4.'..,. ..,:l1 The Methodist quarterly meeting will be held on Sunday, May 12th. ----}~ooo A meeting of _K;igIton Presbytery wu held at Mill Point last evening, and the induction of the Rev. R. J. Craig wuita most interesting feature. The ` edifice was crowded to excess. The Rev. Mr. McLean, of Belloville, arelative of the new paatui- s, preached eloquently. The Rev. Messrs. McMec-han, of Pictun, and Young, of Napanee, addressed the pastor and people respectively, in a fur- cible way. The Presbytery than wel- comed the Rev. Mr. Craig to the pan- toraluice with a right hand of fellow- Ihip, and then proceeded to the door of the Uhurch, where the congregation also welcomed him as rnininter, expressing the satisfaction it gave them. The Rev. `Vleura. Smith and McCuaig, of King- ston, and Steele, of Amherst Island, aa- mted in the services. um I: ,, :1, n,,:,, _,._.____I A.. I.` Iunuu In unu -unuvuu. When Rev. Mr. Crnig returned to his residence he found it occupied by the peo- ple oi the congregation, who presented` a warm address of welcome and cungrntulen lion, and invited him to partake of their lavinb hospitality. Addreeees were also made by the Revn. Meesnl Burton, of Bellevillo, and Chambers, of Slorrington. A very plauant evening marked the in- duction. VII: n, ,L_;___ I.-- .I2_-,.l-...I AL- v\n- A pd u--u.-aau.a'u.. Ii- II..QL---L- M. In.` nutli ll ULIUIIUU. The Presbytery hu dinaolved the pn- tunl relations between the Revs. Mea- nlo-Irs McMahon and Stella and their people. The former bu been "called" to Walerdown, Ont. nu : .L_ I')___ ll',..__ l_l.. L0 W awruuwn, uuu. Thll Afternoon the Revs. Meun. Mc~ Quaig, Smith and Gallagher left with I party by Itoamer to attend the induction IL Gauuoque. a--:-oOo-:-:- ~-Fnve vouch hnve been chartered for tho tramporution of 1,500,000 feat of deal: from Muukegonto Kingulon. The cut: taken are the whoonon Cbnrlnlte Rub, Evening Bur, Crawford, McVvy sud Acorn, and the gure they got. u on -vz ___ u n.-uu, .. .... .. I 83.75 per M. 'I`..l...l.. 9.). 1 U per 111. -Tuledo, 29-Chnrten reported Sa- turdny were : Schooner: Guldhnnter nnd Vionnn, when to Kiagnlun at lc. The propeller: Armani; And Cuba run to Og- douaburg And not Ouvogo. n4 - an , c. .11 ._ g_,__ n_,_. PIANO-FORTEIS, cqulollylhonu Ibo lnnouuna haunts: SW1rr'.~I.-Tho St. Alban, from Port Dtlhulllio pund down, And the propeller Cuba, from Ogdemburg, pauod up. The uonmbarqo Nile nrrivod from Wentport, And the Ilouner D. C. Won left on her n: trip down the cnnnl. u 1- rm _1'I.. (IHII "pin! in 11.. mu mp Gown Lno cuuu. M. T. Co.-Th only arrival an the ocbooner Vionul, Toronto, 10,000 buuh of what. The In; Glide loll. yeatprdny with seven instead of lnur bnrgeu lot Montreal, including McArthur. 13,114 bunh whey. And 25 tom of and uono; Dnl-uh, 25,060 bunholn of corn; Lorne, 15,560 both when, Id Lsncutor, 16,- 000 bush com. 0Oo------ In. Woods. the Mntuicnlntion En- niner, he reported the inating gentle- men as having plied the etemiuetinn re- quind for entrance upon their medical etndiee. The nenee are given without regud to standing : Hubert C. Wilson. Picton, 0. Rain. 8. Frock, Rneoneauh. 0. Huh ll Gunner. Avllner. Q. -TboI!cruou uouou nun. Inno- ehnutlmuupodhsll ail both thin took bod [N Imndu. In Mum. 5. non, wuonuun. u. Hui K Cngncr, Aylmor. Q. hbldoo 1 Cook, Anlbvlllo, 0. John Wulkor, Glonooo, 0. Dunno A. Ildhvinh, Gloncoo, 0. In Ll W-ad Kin;-Inn n Dalton A. lllvun, uloncoo, U Jun. 8. Wood. Kinpton, 0. Robert 8. Dunbar. Conueoo, 0. N n u...ui., lung], 0, noun II. UIDIH. uonueou, N. o. Iuullio, Iantnnl, Q. ._j...j..: -1'boBa1lcu Cotton Kills. Inno- .L_.`n- --u-I Lgll (Lain punk: thin -------ooo- I'R.l`2SBYTt.'ILIA N CH UBCH . -.-ooo OITABIO IIDICAL COU!H'lI.. `im-..;.:.;.e.T STU, ijjuuu-u-5:- uu-cutonhodOynnoIinuinao,yII- tadaynndn a mini 0! thdqboohio Ihocity Clchuultr hlodththu oputocitidln. In pointol municipal wealth to do Int no nugnoudlot ..__.-n-.:... I`... 5.. L... n. in- CHI`l'TII$II- I3` DZ wit: :1 on- evnu. until in t|o|nAllanH.|IMhnoe- out-ntlht any yous. Nor do coupo- lbu aid as to my oxunt in urchin; X Olin of dwlino when tho Igunuhov it to have ukou plus. Then in us` nnngl non-th in (ha LE V1100 'lIOIlIIj-IIviun nu 4515,1110 Ills your, iguana "I,ulu,uvv -.- you, I diumnoo in favour of 187 8 ol 097,720, mull onongll when it in non- nidond zhn than in: I pin of $200,187 in 1877,-.nnd in no you: ol 8291,630- ll. mutt bo rolnolnborod, however, thnt though than bu boon oonaidonblo building there Ion no burnt. district: to _...I.... l-.o ..-.- .nrI that -Inn} urn. `$CIII1V II In IIIVII unnuu yi-U-M --V in the and glint]: in the unused nine .1 _..| .........a- I... 55.- u-Jnnlitlhn in OI ICI pnlpurly, win uu Iva-U--IN - oehor nnpoon an Ollling. A: to aid. rod property indiatul study advance, the toad: being, under thin head. 04.- 22'.',675 last year, Aglinlt C4,375,3% O-hi! u... - tlinngnng in Cancun! nf `mil nl uuaauau` uuvuv -was uv vuuu up--H-.. .. replace lut yen, and that what pro- greu ha: been mule in of no ordinary character and In no way aided by emer- gency. In 1876 we failed to Account for the falling 03 in the aueurnent of perenn- Il property by aome 87.044. Our reader: will open their eyea when we note the fact that during the past year there hae been a declenlion from $992,858 to $858,283, or I d|'er- fereuee, on the losing ude, of .l34,575. The Improvement in the one quarter ha: been more than eoontnrbalanoed by the retrugreuin-n in the other. The taxable income he: remained about the name. l`he dlecrepenciee will be obeervud by the tablet annexed. Taking real and per- eonalpruperty and taxable income the city is really shown to have gone back- ward to the extent ol$-17,268. The total aseeument lnt year In $5,448,146, and thin year it in only Iummed up at 85.400.- 888. The great deciency all liee under l the head ol penonel property--very un- Itnble and subject to frequent and great change, we submit -but yet the reduction in an extensive that we ahould really like an explanation of the circumltance. The use-nor: are good men, and when we print to the singularity of some of lhi changes which appear to have been 00- culoned during the year we do not quee- l tion the care and completeneea of their null. Of the other utntinticn they are but of peeling moment. but, in panning, it may be interesting to Itnte that with the eh i ception of the population which hu In 4 ndditiun of 829 (14,072 in round num- bore) all the other calculation: no on the lower side. For inatnnce lor 214 dogs returned lut year, but only 188 are on the reginter this year. But the City Comniiuioner, under I npecial by-law, look! to the taxation of the canines, so that it in but a matter of mull irnporttnue whether the assessor: have A record of 14 or 1400. Against 239 cattle last year there are but 189 this you`; Against 13 hog: in 1877 there Are but 9 knnwn of this year. In the number of horse: there in A decline from 319 to 274. n :n _..L..:A LL... nu-an whip`: OF` TORURTO. Bunches: (main, llunmon, St Cotln rims: and London. ll aacnne lruu: on: w us. But. we will submit the gural, which will be easily undenlood 2 REAL rnormu'v- 1878. -- -11 u 0 Wu!) nnr. Catarnqux Wnrd.. Fmntmmc I` I'()IHUlllSU Umuno ltnleau bc Lawrence Sydeuham Vncluna. I nhclvn . Catnrnqni Ward. . Frontenac " .` Ontario Rnleau .` St. Lawrence " .. Sydenhnm " V. ;. H zlllnu Cutnraqui Ward. Frontenac n..o...-m '| l'IlLlIl'lU lindenu " St. Lawrence Sydenham Victoria Cntnnqui Wnrd. |"run!.eunc " Outnio Rideul St. Lawrenco Sydanhnm Victoria -1 fIII'IIA-jIIYO`lfI.I(.'l1'Y. We submit last you : Lueumonl. wny of comparinon : nun vnnI>ln1-v-JR77, VEGETINE Ily HI cvlulinuuuu . nu. ra.oI>:nn-l877. Cntnnqui Wnrd F'nmt.ouac . . . . . . . . . . . .. I` rtrlluuunu Ontario Hndesu St. Lawrence gydonhtm "unri- rnuuuun nu Cnunqni Wud. ` Frontcmc Ontario Riduu " St..L|Ivrono S d b " (I Cnunqui Wnrd . Fruntenna I` runusunu Onunu Rldnu St. Lnvrence ydenhnm V ictol Toul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1177,51: IIAL AID PIIIOIAL PIOPII-1'1 AID ll- COII PA]. LIIIIII10 lldoon BI Lnwmneo gydonluu -5..-in that or ofullmuo. Wm: M on-rum, urn-gm.- dial. of Iron: an ozhur cause. the Va otlno WI r-mat um bloat .nnrr_y ol the putrh humor-u, olauoo the -wuau-h. reguhm Ibo bowoln. sud hnpnrv, I tone of vigor to the whole body. Total . Total" Total. . - $4,375,396 -.--._.-._ . 85,400,888 ` $200,816 1141750 9 nil} . $868,283 mun . 977.389 . l,()7l.lti6 rw" 700 -_.-__ $173,206 V'EOEl'INl(.--Whon tho Mood booolnu Illa lea And stagnant. ollhar from change of van- orofulhnuto. wnul. uf on-rulno. irregular .1... .. mm. uni nthnr man. \'a(or.lno 782,095 557,005 621,636 457.470 692,700 809,530 454,959 0750 090 F-'27 mu 'A.uuu 266,200 216,782 An 9915 :..216,800 19,250 T 10l,785 K III} . $11,353 , 947 D `.-minzov 574,602 km 87! uu4|.,au 462.101 um um D,JAU 426 . 9'26 . 701,690 . 801.730 AA7 '.'A.l'l V31 07,955 2,631 18,487 44.354 '21 UAR lUl,lB0 5,100 , 386.760 . 269,129 55.144 v .La\;~4-.___.__ For Kidney Ooxnplnnt. snd Nervous Oomplaint. - 7-..--.` u- n.- on nun 112,252 ,. 6,516 .. 82,147 `(TOR 979.142 522.896 8%.? AIL 55,144` dl,l -. ' 11.1 until the sun an out: u copied, or the stud Inn. nnlan otluruiu do! public highvny. No agreement 31 to nfennco took plwo ml some muutbu nfker. The sword Ill made on the 5th Not. 1877, by hm of the three role:-van. 81,612 we-ro Awarded for the 35 feel 4 `make: tukm for M--nlnul Street. It directs noon- veyanco C. be nude in the Corpurutinn Nu liy-law bu been page-I adopting the swan]. Soc. 384 says: `In cue nu award n-luau no property to be e:.tete.i upon, ulwnvur uued as mentioned in Sec. 373, and in cmo the By-In did not nmthuruo or prulou to authorize any entry at use to be mudoof the pnoperty before nu uurd bu been made, except fmr the pur- pose of nurvey. u|' nu cue the By-law did give or prufou to give such nnthurily, but the Arbizrnton nd that such authen- ricy Ind nu! been acted cm, the anud nhnll nut. be biudingnn the Curpunnon union 1!. be ldopldd by By-[AW vutlnuux week: after ruuluug the award; and Hum In mlnnlbul Hm urisnunl Bv-Inn ahzll bu notuuo-in. jau-otIchHJu. Ii-H-u-I1. in 50iI"I`i|.'Iuviy vs. City ocxsngwu.-ilhu-I-it? iMuut,upou'nllyIIit|ppcIbplop- .n,a.-sumo.-mi. Ir`..- l...l_..i4l- Gill. in-- uuu Tho J udp nid: HIIIL- n..l.- I Inoording to Inn: by! not uuuu III um-~ pond -n mine on the name for the pur- ui the By-luv, or unluo tho Coun- cil H1-pp` (ha stud. ` In mu lulluum April the Corpora- Ir. Novena :- Deu I!lt,-l Ind 5 con 1: for ID yonrmwbon I commenced uking the ogutinr. I II! vs low . my Iynlom in debilitated by dloeana. had tho Kuluoy Cumplnun. nnd wan vary nor vmu---oon[h bud. lung: now. When I hm] taken one bottle I found I: ma helping me; it bu helped Inyouugh, and It urou them: me. I am now nine to do m work. our have found on: thin; Hits the egatine. I know It |n ovary thing II. in ro-orumendod to be. In J A Punnnrron. cil (ha stud. ' in ma full unnz April lion, by resolution, directed Ibo opomug of the Ifrout, -huch Accordingly took Murphy : land in (then, and the Intel bu baen aur nines uud II I No uzroomout week: after rnulnug the nuurd; nnu n 1101. :0 adopted the original By-Inn deemed repealed, sud the property stand I u If no such Bv-law had been Iunsdo. trad I repealed, And the property uunu As If no B_v-luw the C rpuratiun shall pay the coats of the Arhilrntx zn. ' I tlxinls in thin case n Bylnw adapt- lug tho award was nut nucuaury. The By-Iaw provided for Ihe cuntingency of the Council detaruulning tn enter upon the land with the Intention of upproprlnb ing it. The resolution puaed in April trstled ouch dutermiuntiun, und tha land bu been taken and dedncutml lo the public an n travelled Mmet ever slncu that Lime, and mu award speaks of the land A: tulnnn, Tue Jun`: Inc: rs. apt for :5. opcailq ol um Bins In panned in Nonnhor, 1876. _ It nuig no provision for uk- mg pooanon, nod Itctol (dunno 8}thu tho hula should not he onhnd upon in; ponuuion, no tutu (CIIIIIO u)Inu until the tizlo Inn but mud and ne- n-nlAl' no aha stud Md 51 B!` adopted by By- law, nnlan doutninod by the Uounail; and oomponution alull ho undo according to luv: but not uulcu NM 001' nnrnli .n man on tho nun pur- La tiikun. `\ ``I do nor; think that it rant: with the owner: here to treat the ruin. of an Adopting By-law u avoiding the whole proceedings. The object i,f the clause now urged in nbviminly to relieve lllr owner {ruin iill claim on this awar.l, and reiiiatile him in his nri;imil righlii |lIilUF3 the Curpumtioii within the six wucka adupttiiaiiwuril. Here tlwy iiphnlil it iinil iminii iui validiiy. and after using ilio pliiiimlfii laud fur nearly ll year as .1 puhlic street on which they have spent public moneys, can hardly imw repudiaie it. The uwiiar'a remedy on the iivuril on public hardly repuuime remedy executing R conveyance Wvrulll seem to be complete. As to the alleged I.ndc-rchsrge, it is impossible for me to interfere A perusal nf all the uviclunce taken dons not rsisein my mind any sense if injus- tice to the owners. On 'lia cm trary, the value settled by the Arbi mtnrs rather strikes me as a natural result fruni the conflict of opinion, at all event, me of which the owner csnnot fsirly complain. HI ohinlr nvnrll uh-nnu mun should be which theowner csnuoc Ian-Iy cmnpzmn. 1 think svery slrung case should mnda out to induce I Judge to substitute his own opinion in such a matter as ulue of property for that uf respectable Arbi- trsturs, \~ muse motives are not impugned, and who hm before them a number of witnesses on each side varying very widely in their estinmtes, Iumd far above and nthevs far below the sum uhiumlely swarded. HI nnnnnf ..... nluo nvv m-lm-inle was I CANNOT. Il`() IIIH. M'1y [)l`IlIL`l|I|n wnu violated. It in clear limit in Sec 37.} they had the undoubted xighc of allowuig fur any Advantage the claimant. might derive from the new street. The Arbitrator: state that they did not tnke into cnnniderm Lion nny burden which t! 03 payment of half the cont of opening thin street. might. cant upon thin owner uncommon With other owners interested therein. I thinly GI imnnnnihin for me lo IAV ._-. Ve Minn 19 noun-mung Ind ntremnhanlng ; purl on that blood, rugulmm tho bowels. 4 meta Ibo nnrmun nyomm. mu din-any upon I. e no ontmmnud nouns: the wholn Iyatmn lo uuuu. KIT 10810 $13082 other Interested therein. I think it impouible for me lay down any Iuch denite rule In such I matter as to warrant an interference with pn award aid to have been made with- out reference to it. The amount. of any such runpective burden must nntnrnlly have eon wholly unknown; ntleut no evidence was offered thnt bore upon the point, and no one in now made out for my interference on a point an speculative. Neither an to the value of the ground taken, or of the existing lease, or of the ll)C!`elL36d value of the land left to the owner. can 1 see my way tn interfere. ldnnm nlma mm-.h relmnce on the I in imeriere. ldonot place much l'6ll8l |C8 memornnda produced {ruin the City Clerk`: oice. Thuy do not hi-lp the applicant : cam to any serious extent. I cannot. but regret. the very large ninuiiut of expense thin. hu attended thin nrhiira tinn, The whole u! the evidence. as laid of um. hu attended tmn nrmlra hon. The whole before me, in loan in extent than what I have seen taken in 3 ungfia day : In ndy work st Niui Priun. No legal quealmm Mom Lohnvo nruen, yet the Arbnrnu-rs feel Amount to 0970. Camuut. |dj<:urn- Innnll Ara nf munm, the I--urcelnf the fee: Amount Iwu. Uamuur. |uJ menu are, of C-Mirna, the I--urce|nl very burdensome expense: of roferancou. It in not any to M96 why they should be I0 universally nlhywed. "I dinchnrao the rule. Undo: All the univorully nlluwed. I dinchu-go circumltancsl I do no without. costs." I: III II n .h;_._. I _ \l..-..|... -0 gl- Clrcululusllueu 1 uu nu Wlulullv um. Mr. W. H. Sullivan, fur Murphy at. I]; Mr. Agnew for Kingnton. Al lurau-anuuuv nacnu-ao II malice no difference how many Phyaicianl, or how much medicine you have tried, it in now an eatablnhad fact that German Syrup in the only remedy which ha: given cnmplete Iatlafactiun ln severe cue: of Lung Diuuen. It la [rue there are yet lhonunda of persons uho sroprodiepoeed to Throat and Lun Af- foctlom, Comum lion, Homorr ngel, Aathma, Severe old: utlled on the Breast, Pneumonia, Whooping Cnngh. &c., who have no personal knowledge of Boechee'a German Syrup. To web we would nay that 60,000 d--Ion were sold lau year without one oumplaint. Crm- ` aumptlvea try just. one bottle. Regular Iiu 75 coma. Go to your drnggnau, Heath & (lnnn, and Henry Wade. And aold by all druuiata. Pruosuv COIIIUIPYIUN Aria: (mm I de- cline or deciency ul vitality in the nuurnl Iuoplaan org:-rmhml mutter. And this dc.-ci may munlleota ital! not nnly in I gem-nl 731113` at umplny ol tho whole body, but ghn In 3 noculhr , chin-y in the lung: nraculhr dqndldou, In the lung: nod ympludc-yItun.nlpordmuof thh bio Into I ll , low llved. yd pI'()""II- mg manor. V Jnuuad ol mdntnininz lha numm and inuwic of the nuul (which in thp IIMIII what (1 Yd! them And Irrhnnthvll: with A Iuhtunce v ich In mum, It [Juan-nn.~ Dear x4Ir.-l hnvn mod your Vagotlno for Blol Hndwha, Ind boon [really bonotnl thumb]. I have ovary rouon to relieve it to be 5 good Iundiolne. ITXBIJIL 1' end thhdud-A3 natal h vihntly M5 ncioncy I obkpl::lol'r.\C. :11; thupnrld-l:$'g;n.:I.l;`miMin('v:rMthe pop. ElHnuolUodUvuUil vitlilactomvhunoluno. hound:-ul!`?1J H. un|lwl.f'hch. ' lactomvhunotuno. ady J lw||lv.a.f hgh_ M. NB. lovuh Tm nd Gcunlbuhu. Prim. pr 34; IIun|ulotI5.N. ' C`unl onrloruc-lIiuo|hoI-nuulolnu vboonhoruuwoleapchcuinnbeolth and IUQIGUOIBIII: upothtu in new lb: Dulofncu-IIhnuPuvdanu`IA:ulInIavo ooulnndllhuz upona in menu In: m"ICoIlttcaPuvduu`nlAnlIuan In who not Cosmos! and in has ndbyotnlovlouulchmrhllyanlru abundant In hnvu.~ hmoolduul sudhnnnnwhblqhocthnv u1ha-n &uIq.IC hi. qpdl-dnonzw ungub-n.|`1nIIlduo.;.n| , aoo d Hoplanv-Ytlt than um lrrhstathvln or |g- q to deny. uad eventually involvau than In in own didnlqnuou and dog lhomnholaliamrnmnluqruurnnnaun Irllction. To remain` ubutxdlnlnq 3:; yfgg tlllfy I 4.. sh... -Y-lei. lnpthnnana-Al lmildlnl nn nftha L80: Unt A Remarkable Result. ,,, nu-,,_.___ |_,_ - Ill Third M IIIADACHE.-There ue vu-noun mu-nu for hoodu-|In.u dersn amen: o! the u-lruuluing system of the digest. ou orgnnn gm! of tho wrou- Illmg of the nurvonnutom, hr. Vogoune can be and to be I nnro rnmody nor the min] Illulu of headache, u it mu directly upon that vari--uu t\lIIIOI of tlnuuunplunl. nnnounnou, Indi en non, ooollvonon. rheumatism. neuralgia, uh- ounou, to. Try the Vogotim-. Yun will novor regret. it. are lhxt any principle lhal .1-uml -Lylu Hf nllnwum fur T " IF:i'IaJ'.; l pad by By- dnhrninod bv a Ibule body. but um I, Inofdnllof Ihhedphst Hnus_F@@ingsai LWaidmn'sT. U THE OBOICIST GOODS! THE LARGEST ASSORTIINT! 1 T83 1108'!` M081` FASBIONABLI GOODS H! AND ALSO THE CHEAPEST GOODS THAT OAN BI BOUGHT ANYWHERE. THE SPRING STOOKE NO VV COMPLETE n._...a.a.- 4-..n u...-n*uv-rm: AND DIAGOIALD. unlhhlo fur the season. which I an '1't:lhJ SFICLLV Li Slllhilx 1-3 .LV\J VV uumr Lu 1. x4 Gouprhhg full lJnuo{CLl)`l`lllI AND DIAOONALB. ultthlo Lropuod to clot 53 prices Viki will oonvinoo 0 pnrchuu that I an dooernkml not to nndonold by my hon: tn lingual. and I inupd oontfhuo tho n-puuliou whmh hu boon to no for the put twenty you: lot Idling good nd Chang! Goods. CALL AT Till PEOPLE'S CIADTHING HOU8F--lnopeos tho0oodI.uouu|n riooa, and on will at once ho Ablo In decide `III! to loan your order or I NICE 8 KING SUIT. CHARLES LIVINGSTON, April 30, 1878. 2! Brock `street. lPEUPLES'BLT_lM}HUSE TAPu:s'rkY muwa rs-7oo. 75o. 89o um 90o-No- Duignl. NEW ALL WUUL CAKPl$1`8-3-50. Nu, 900 And `LIN. REAL Good Ur-ion Csrpou-50e. 600 And 75. `N0 Sons New Dan: I Nolhiughun [goo Cu:-tain|- (X), 83.50, 3300, [3 50, .00. [50.05- 'l'ho Chupeat Luce urulu. four ya-11: Iong-83 50. worth .59. Chap Coco lulu, Lapllld Inn: And Hunt: limp. ' Cheap Pmno Covurn. All Wool. new (Mon. V E. `i.E_.U_.N E SPRING OLO'I'_I__EIIZl.\TG-? mmssnns CAara1~s-s:.oo 01.25 u.5o-a.na.om. Pnnu-In. 55. 89 90o-Nc- Design. Wu. Chap Kath And Hearth Bu; Cheap Wool. Crumb Clolhn-`2 I32, 3, 3 I-2 and 4 yard: uuuro. n n I 1 . n n n A I ullurun TWEEDS by the yin! very Cheap. |THEN%Ew_%XuRKJBL0IHING SIIURE. 'M'ava\rn,` Ran HAVING A FlRS1`.CLA8S CUTTER WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION m THOSE entrusting us with their orders. For Dhaap Ready-Made G10-tE11g7a._nd Uluthing Made to [lrdar WE DE!-`Y COMPETITION. ------------- "--'- NEW RTOHK or I-`ANCY (:(u'rtNus_ Vin l'I'4l'| \.;u-n- . . . . _ _ .. We are now pmpnrulto show our Customers an nntlral NEW STOCK of llIA(l0NAl.S. 1`WEEI)S. ULUTHH. GIN'l"B I` RNIBHINH OUUDEI, READY-MAIHC CLU'l`HlNG(nur own make). HA18 And CAPS. UNDERWEAR. has. Our Stock in lmugln for cash ntlgrmtl reduced prices and lt wlll be our euulomvour to plane all in re unl to In Mnl pl-ice. F0 (IAl~l`ll we can mall lower tlnn an othnr House ln the olty and IV : I do so. our reputation l'orCutt'|uz and Fitting bu been out Ilnhad for you`: kill] wlmu we say that wn will uarauhoe A PE!!!-`EUT l-`l'l' we man it. It II" I everyone to get our urlco luafum purvlnm n elnewlmre. A lm-no ux-k MTRUNKS nml A HEB just rocelvod to he sold In. Montreal noloule prioeu. I? REMEMBER THE PLACE- ztpnavosr, .; . ..__-- A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Ready-Mada Uluthing and Gantlaman s Furnishing Goods, I `" "" """"T'T`T"`%L"",`?T.!'.!?."".!I9!E.,\_. OMINION7 Eb-1-HI1\7_'-roan. n_-__ ._ In n.._.|I......l.. lD- u... .- Mr H. H. Bk-Venn. Door Mr.--Wo hat! been ullmg your vnlu able Vppuno for three yum and was nd mu 0 [not perfect nlhfoollon. W0 behave It to be the but H1d"nrIor now nold. Du. J. E. Bnovlu x Cu . Druninun. - . Uniontoyp,_Ky. n. & J. cAnnmIan| ARE NUW SHOWING A LARGE AND and very complete Stock oi D RESS 31 ATE RI ALS For Spring and Summer Wear, at. 1 Price: Lhm over before known. Rare Inducomenta to Gash Put chaser: are offered in every Department of our House. Black and Colored Silks. Black and Colored Oashmeres, Black and Colored Lustres, Black Grenadines and Bemgea. Black and Colored Silks, Satin! and Vnlvatq, DULCK uuu vmuuvu Iunnn, unnu- and Velveu. Light and Dark Grey Dwergos, A Large and Complete Sock of Trimmings to Match all our Dreu Stock. .. un m. u....... -...I 5...: .....u-o..A Rana`: 30, IJTUII D DVDS. ALNO-Thu Inrqut ind bent. usorlmi 81.00.`: of FRENCI KID GLOVES ever shown in this mnrket. Kr! An Suupootlon Invited. Strictly une price Sula: for each R. & J. GARDINEB. April 24, 1373. T In `ho Golden Lion Block. April 17, 1373. PRINCESS April 22. 1878. 7 7 (\'cxt Door to Messrs. ll. & J. Gal-llnar s, Princes! Street.) jam) Dry Goods! SPECIAL BARGAINS IN LILJII 1.uLu.:. va.av.--..-._ BROOK smmr, Four Doors from the nuke: squ-e._ ___.o___ VEGETINE D()()'FO _ RE PORT. Wilson's Buildings. STREET. 2| `ROCK ITIIIT. UUARANTEE BA entrusting `Mann city Hat Store. M. L. HYMAN S. '1 l'1uxl|nd,l.lADlNG HTYl.E`4nf1h0 bruled J I. t W Ohrioty h Co : H ATM. n,__ u.__u_ ,: Auunun.u nuvm :. 0 Euallnd, LEADING HTVl.E`4 of tho role- ` U51` BEUlHVED-tl|rooV. from [An Inn. Ohriotv nneu. IVCY IIIDVII Ill IIAB Olly Cull Ind toe our NUBHY TWEEI) HATS A nice ne`onHon of BOYS l-`lL'l` HATS and SCOTCH CAPS AT blood booolnu life Inna And Ilumnut. Our Stock of AIKIUCAN linen. over nhovn in tho oily (fall and Inn nnr NHHHV T M. L. HYMAN'S. Princess St. Wnps. Pumps. Pumps} IN THANKING HUI NUMEROUS CUM- lomnn for Ihlf llhnrnl nntronne tn un for ALI. KINDS OF W000 PUMPS -IvwrulrIu -u.n Nu Our Fun an India ofcln but Whiuo Pine and kill 4 . We ulna unit the mlohnud AIIIICAI IIOI CAP I04 BASH WILL rmnv. Our PI-no an mm uni ulnmnl on AIIIICAI IBOI Puupo on Illnplnd the Grand Trunk Railway from Turonln ll) Ionwod. C All paniu ordaring Pump: will Inna Tn lunch at Wall Iron pufonn II-pi Bond orrlbul Well: 1 qporimlty. Mu, WUODII N)ICl PUIPS nude in ordm ud IIFAIIIIO duo on the -hnru-an noun. Cnllnndu:-nnnurlunuvnnradn ovdat Ild IIPAIIIIO dust node; Cnllnnloon prlooouvquodn urulnd to -uh all cheaper and honor Pun thou) othuiaounyln the Dominion I All our Poop unvnrnuod. 11 & nj-10 (II$IU'4.1.. WI Icon Cow nay `fliluv rlollou. ran`! an snunmf IIHTQ1 . lotonb Illnnv A. Can .&'l`;`IUp.I'..vQllb.g no Ihnuuqunl. lbliit-Inn-nun!) Ontu-Io Ilreet. - - lingual ApviII,lI7I. V7 , UnionwI!_ 1.Ky. V EGETIN E; Prepared by II. It. STEVENS. Boston, Mass. n Inn unu 1. 1-n n-....-;.:. R..!=..s:.=-- W. I. IIIOIINSIIIBB. Atlantic Pump Factory. (Inn `I'll nnumn roulonm Gananoque_LKingst3B Illa ldolglllllllbi U.` Ktngllon. April 24.1878. IN THANKING HUI NUIIISICUUH CUM- lomnn patronage the an I5 ynnrn. we wuuld mI|m4`L nlly call the Ituntuon ol pu Muwnun; Pumpl to the hot nu: we um nll.| Ll'l l IULV . RNIHHINH GllR|STV'8 LONDON E-H6i3I9_'9zon E. fog: ol Inn-onlol Jul Iotulu-d. `.0 ll. I`ruu-on Xulcr Strut. Iontncl. llth Aprh. I08. To the Proprlotonol PHUSPIIOZONE. n-1: -uI.n,-- lonual `J -SIl\Tj.H- at 01 dnlou-out uakan. but upoehlly than of (IE1). A. PRIUCB 00.. which no uhwv Proprtcwnol rnuarnuaum-.. 0nnuuI.-- lonuaol. I have la-on using our Plounoouo-I for the Inn In -oolhn. In I lava than derived vary `no; launch from It in the canals lnnordu cl Llvvr and of Inclination. In! I on: than has -on rordhlly ruouncnd H to M1 oular lu from then sllmnu. n.....-unllv. nun-1.) Jun: Porn: '~ruosruzoNr-';. baked /m. u-cry (Louis! and l)ru9gint Mm haul Mu Du- uuuon. Price, .1 (I) pa nu. c.}L'it7I_c5'--1\T- I-ICI PLUG OI `I'll Mynle Navy Inhaccu. 3 None other It Genuine. InI||III.lao~l|I`.lII. I0 I07 Izfrn rnnno mu occur-uunnuauua... Iullpnblnvui ] Qgovoonndflnvvnro gbfdhnulnnludusht 1., 41-- X--glga -Q` 13.. u-o-u-u-_._...,,_-,,V,,,, And by N. C. PULSON 4:. C0 . Drugginu, Kiuznton. in mm than smnnu. Iupeunlly. lllglo-1,) BIIWI . 1. erilg, I--I 030. hU0..vIik-la ulnar lodged Int Anon: the honor nakuu. IICUID MAID I lAl( and OIGAHI bl uh And lo: Mn. TUVIIG and BEPAIIIIO carefully I!- uodod In. Our prlau bob; nuonnbla and unnaauv we mnla I" iubldlu purohun in nu In 5 call. u-Inn; fur and hon-3 mu-an nd thorough ujaluuon to nll culnotl. YE? E.'1.`.11`.`P1 UIIL I00`! and 0ilII.A|. II CAL IIICIIAIDIII. Alto .#6od uaodiolne. our: very rupoounll . Inn. A For Drop-y. for sick lltjndzche. Cullrnl Iullo. Kl , Oct 1'), I877. ll OIL! LKITIII Evuuvillo. lu:l., Jan. I. I87 ! PULSUN IL I Dr H IBM-Vanna. - It I: n hmnuro In gin my testimony for your vnlun lo nodlolno. I In dot for: long time wllh Dropay. under tbs doctor`: can He and I. van IIIOI` houmou the hurt uul liver. I rocoi rod no Inn:-t uuul I oommoncoal akin the Vogenno. In fact. I was roam; worse. I have ubd mm; romodlomt oydul not holp no. Va-[ulna In the nodiulno fur Drupay I ha-gm Lo {ml better After taking 3 few Imlllel. Ihnva tuhnn thin botu In Al`. I Am u-.r family we. navel eh henar be out on: tel belle! than I lo. I IlI,dEIl nr, gnwllllvdonn. A WHEELPZH. Druninun. Unionwwp. r xv " Ky. like 83?`? T. _____ M- ruunsmv I.V'llG, BAYIIICAHOI In-nm.-'l'ho biqv nlly ol tbs llclormulol Kingston, to ruily the popnlu noninuion ol last night, will In snnonuod to-narrow. feast` Bzvuu.--Cnbnon will bus to be nhup shout taking out thoit lioonlol. Iinoo the City Oomminionor in in punuit ol dolinqenu. And has In: money und luv 1.. LL- --.. Au.n'u.-Mr. Twitizhullo, tho BOW American Consul, urivod bun yuterdny sud nu outoted upon tho dnticl of bin office. He boom: to bonlnblo, and web I name an to win populuity. our nu: naxuzrv Q-001.0 ln In ham 8 o'cloal|00I _...--91->1. WI IIO 10-l'L)Il Till PUBLIC 0! in In I Coxnuunol. - Tcrnonoi naming the Bishop ol Ontario will hokl aonrnov lion in 81. James Church. The ionic. will take plan It I0 o'clock. vu uw--..\.|-..- in bi: eye. U VI IIHNI DU I -on unnuu -un u-..., Inn so many nupparten from tho Pro- vinoo of Quebec at. the next election n he lund'y dronmad 0!. There's u had rou- liun in that Iccuon oi the country. Tn: Gnurzx luLA.~aD." -- Yeatordny Moan. Calvin an Breck received inhu- mnuuu of the nrriul st Bellut of the ocun usual Guden lnhud. lsdon with cum from Norfolk, VA. She made 3 qniclr puuge. -j-o-3.4:. Bu: NIwa.-S:r John w1|l not feel vary happy lo-dny. The now: from King- ll-on nud Quabec II he I little too much for An ordinary mt-Ire, nnd tho Chioftsin will hnvo to exert. hunoo if be en: 1!. All --... _.... V, . . . . . , , ,, mtm hx pun muster. .__,,.4..- __ PimiuIn.nizn fur the lower lnke ro- giun: Madonna to {rub eutotly to southerly Wnldl, cloudy weather with run area. St. Lnwronco: Modornto winds, fur weather with light. niu: in the upper portion. V W- .4 PnLnn'AL MEI-:n:~Iu. - Lat evening there In A fair moelung of those who were inlerentod In the formation of I Young Men`: Comarvntive Auooistion. The bun of anvh an orgnmution III ducuued, sud um: the meeting pd- juurned uuul nut Wedneldny evening, when the oico-henreu will be elected. Tm: L131` or run Duzuus Acr.-Tho Nupunoe Uuuncll ha: pnued I by~lnw, gruuung ought. tavern and four Ivhuleulo liquor licenum. Appllcntionl have been wula for seven tavern Ind whuleule|i' quorl1conseI,enoh to pay $200 {or the nine. There vull be one brewery for the mnnufncuu-e of beer. The hotel keeper: are jubilant. _. -...43.T. DnL'\a.\u:-m UP. -The Cunurvnuvo fever m the city must be wank, when, beiurehnml, the young men of Tory len- deuciun were czmvnued for membership of the Y. M. C. A. debated lut evening. The Liberal Uluh vu nmuguuled with- out any guch drummmg up, all of which indwalul the hallhy cundmon of the reform cause In thin clty. A Tuuunnuso LHFTIB. -Thin morn- ing Mr. Thnuma ltubinwn received I lat- ter that hml been dropped in the King- Ilnll punt utce, which purported to hue hoou Initton by nfriond who professed to have n knuwledgu nf nrrnngumanu mcuntly made by tha I L`. L o.U. for the taking nl Mr. R-nbimon'| Mo should he vmt Montreal nut 12th of July. We look upon the letter as u very (hm at- tempt at I scare. .___...-5- - _ TH: Commnr. -Tho prognuunee no out for the concert And mnliury enter- hinmant which in to be given on the 8th in the I)nll Shed, for the benefit of the bend 0! "A" Battery -rn!her (or the cre- ntion 0! I fund to bur their expense In going to Montreal to compete in the nu- sical jubilee next June. The indieetiom for both concert end Audience An oer- umly good. Thu latter rhould be u largv u the buxlding will fully Accommo- due -- O00 -- %-o-1-o.._ UH Tmsx So I --Sir John will hudly - ---~---4n-- I-4.- Oh; PI-n. Tu: \\'m.u.< lu.-mx.-Lu evening the hurt oi the Rolorm putty lhrobbod u of yore, Irhon Mr. Alcxuxdor Gunn vu selected :5 ch. nundud-bunt of the Llbonl puny m this next gcnonl cloc- 12.... Th- .I.l..o.o.. -Ln 1-zunru.-nd lhn uluvrnn yuan In ul-I urn: vacuum v--r lion. The dologntoo who composed the Couvontion, nubuqumt to tho nomina- tion, proooodod to the house of Mr. (lunn, when the poet of honour In u:- ooptod, sud than the wolkin rung. Speochu won undo, All indicating that tho Rolurmen amend mast anlhuniutr oally Into the campaign md know no such word a bi]. _ A Rlv Du. UIA.I1.--Principal Grunt`: many friends lull be planned to but that the Uuivorlily of Olagov, 0! which In In 5 dioungniohod otndont, bu con- lotrod on him tho deaths 0! Doctor 0! Divinity. To noun this dancing Io oolobnud I Univonity vould ho an honour to my cloluunlg but :1] who lnovlho Vary Reverend Principal rill agree with no t_hnt inthil an the no duh voocu an much honour on his Alan Mun uh: mains lroc bot. Long in be In npuod to not In: new mic and lo adorn u by his sluhty and loan- rllhhol Pun.-Th looving noolutioa in curled at tho -odilgal an Hanna Counnnllaayanladqyr That 1: __.;.4.. ..._-`gal nl IL. lnlln-inn W Ilmnu Luumunu-uyu--u.q, ` ..... aCounittn, oonpoadolth lollovhg pntkun.boIppoinudIolnnonunou lurthouuugunoul and npphodia: cl Ih t8u1an|honl und,t.: bomb-itud to Ihoumyndottlbbioanhr I-hair caun'donuon.ndIhuoocl Cousins: `dunpornothinu-idihuut nano- ;_.. ..'. as. had Ii-hnnnl Ihnbjg. '|Q,l.. IIIIANI lljuyuu Is-luv` :.|hnC|InnI1l0I,|loIlv.0.'aId, 8nIOI|KadIf.|hA:ILIuuuIdKiIt 4.. IL` I`. Iggntz Am Inn. in cm kupu manna: of IUIIC. IUIIL D001! and OIIBIAL IU IICAL -`no'l'uia cl: city don : his hppyh-day. ~-1-In ya In-.,u n.uum.,a.j ugnnudlui. no no" ol rnuwu. -The pupal-Into Idling III that to no onduonol pmlpaity. Thu In bo- ton tho Quoboc election. -130 than yacht `Cruoo' will Into regular trip button Gnnnoqu and lingo: during the nuns.` -MWI AL Hill Point ydurdoy, and M Gnnnoquo to-day. Row. lcun. Crnignndffnaoynto thohuppynuo. I. ..._. nu right kind of Iota III VIII] IIJI Utility uv -- --yy, .-._. -1: noon: the right kind of not polled in tho Quohoc olqctiona yu- tudoy to wit. tho Socrohry ol the Con- urvnzivo Anocinion of Kingston. ` n. n I I7 D:._- _.....al- dnlivnuutl IOIVIIIVO A.D$.llI0n DI nnugnwn. -Mr. D. I. K. Rina rooontly delivered In sddreu in the Oocidonl Hull, Toronto. The plan in avoided to ozone. and be III II received. Ho Innounoei his in- tention lo nuke Turonw hit home, hu- ing given up an NICO which he ouoo on- attained of leaving Cundn lorovor. The annual oongrogutionnl muting Ill hold Int night. Rev. T. W. Jolllo. the putor, in the chnir. There III I very unoounging inc:-one in ovary dopuunont ._I ah. nI...nsh'n unrlt, Lgnt we. thg enooureging Ilwflo III IV!!! uvyau -.u--my ol the church`: work. Ln! year Inembenhip In 83. Since lut ennuel meeting 54 person: here been edmilled to the membership of the cburcl1,5l on profusion of fnilh, And 3 by certicate. This does not include e clue 0! 27 young people {ram 10 to 14. During the year 23 person: here removed. etc , leaving I present. membernhip of 114, while 8500 L... 3...... rninml tn mv lur imnrove- -33 1111: . For that In an the only ouhothad Agni: Int lit DOIIMQOICIIIIIA. prunml. uunuuuu-my vn ..., ......- ,,.. hue been ruined to pny improve- ment: on the church; Miuinr. Fund, 8149.91; other ochemon, 8623.25, mnking I total of $1273.16, elclulivo of the pew rents, winch no required for run- ning expense: The following were chosen hy the con- gregnukm to form I Bonrd of Muugen : Meurn. R. Cnmovuky, H. Bonnet, W. Lake, W. H. Smith, J. Purdy, W. S. Gordon and W. Hnlea. .. .1, _.,__4-_I.. .......A:.... Dan 'I` W Uuruon and W. amen. At the qunrterly meeting Rev. T. W. Jollilfe and W. Lake In-re nppuinted del- egate: to the Diurict Meeting, to be held mt. Sydanhom on the 8th. A n.--.li-I and unnnimoul invitation IL byuannou: un Luv own. A curdinl and unnuimoua wu extended to Mr. Julhe, to remnin in palm for the third year. The invin- tiou wu accepted, and in all probnbility Conference will mnnn the arnngement. The put your bu certainly been one of pence and proaperity. Mny it ever be no. The Annual Conference meet: in Lon- don, Ont, on the 24th of Mny. Intelligence has reached here if the sudden demise of the Riv. Dr. Chisholm of Perth. He was one of the oldest and most respected priests of the Diocese of Kingston, having spent over thirty years in the service of the Church. We can- not give accurrate particulars of his early life, but we believe he was boni in Glen (any and studied for the priesthood at the Propaganda. He was subject to but few changes of station. He was ordain- ed at Brnme, and laboured successively and sincerely at Lindsay, Alexandria and Perth He was shout sixty years of age. snd enjoyed through life apparently the host of health. Many (vines he visited Kingston, the last occasion on which he officiated being Holy Thursday, when he scted as dean and blessed the oils. He appears to have dropped dead yesterday afternoon between four and ve o'clock. His cnrste telegraplied the fact to the Bishop. but the latter being away in North Hastings some time was spent in coinmunicating with him. In the niean- time the curate was directed to iiiake the srraiigoaiiieiits for the fnneral,wliich takes place on Saturday morning at R 30o'clncli. Many in Kingston were Acquainted with the deceased, and those who lmew him esteemed him in life, and will now re- vere his memory. Tun Axum AMlRl(,`AN.-To~d|IY this hotel chenged hnnde, Mnlup & Co., hu- ing diepoeed 0! their property end inter- eet to Mr. F'ellon,ol Pictun. Wecen but re- ooho the sentiment: of A Wetertown pe- per when we eey tht the populerily of the Anglo-American Hotel wne elmoel. entirely due to the menegement of Mr. MlfCI'0'BflO, who hm] oonlrol of it lor meny yoere, and whom we have no heeiulion in uying hn eetebliehed e mpuulion u e lendlurd eooond to nune in the Dominiun--or enywhere else, for the: metter. The Anglo-Americen wee eeubllehed in 1357 by smun Milup, who conducted ll. until 1861, e: which time he died, nnd E. Mileep beceme proprietor, with Mr. M. O'Brien :5 menu- He olcinted in this cepeoity until gar. l869,when I new urengomenl. wee ol'ect- ` ed, whereby Mr. O'Brien became menta- ing partner of the firm of I. Ihleep & Co. How well he he Iuoceednd in pleeeing the public during the peel. aven- Ieen yeern, Iney be reedily eeoortuned by the generel commendation of the tre- velling eonlrmity who hue hed neon- ion to be pleoed under his cherge in the AI|'|i>.\mOfl0I|I. oQo:-- lumen. lxnmunlosu. - The un- ' and uuninulou of the Medical Council ` ol Onlu-io, which but been bold in ` Ontario Hull nines Mundny Int. Ion ' brought to A close this Aha-noon. A `root. number ol uudonu have pruuntod (honoolvu. nun! being ll-on |(c0n|1 And Backup`: Collcgolol Montreal. Tho on-inauono but boon normally navorg nd the qodlallooo ol Ch andiduu huohunpultougooduu. The Ioiul Oolloil ovidcltly inboda in; tho ptolcnioa in Onlu-io Inc an oolnnoo cl Imqnlnlod pnoulnooon. `I'M nun ol than ouninnuou will In xonudoutho loch int, 61] Ihid lino tho nudism ol tho dnhroot uhoob ii]! tannin hon. A JcnunoI.--`fa-nigh I hula nil in nun-an Iblutd Iquuo in Inn at tho Iinl Quin Tuna. A4- A._-.. -g-L--nomad!-1 -an-moi y-u--. --.--.._-,--...., tIIl'I'J0|1.IIJ Ibylotyuppul nnkan. but upachlly lbs: 01 hU0..v|ncla minor Indzal Anon: