Daily British Whig (1850), 16 May 1878, p. 2

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lliltaln Indus any uvoro can of Lulu. uuouu. u In true than an yo: thousands 0! persons who are to Throu and Lung Af- loetioou, Column ion, Houorrhngu, Aulhmn, Bonn ldl Ionlod on tho `Brunt, Pnouuponia, Whooping Cough, ' la, who have do poroounl knowlodgn of Bcoehofo Goran: Syrup. To such we Ionld any that 50,(I)0 dozen won told Ian you without one omnplAinL Cou- onnpdvu tryjuot out homo. Rognlsr in 7'5 cab. 00 mo your Jcauab, Haul O Gun. nod Bury Wait. And ooldbyuldtnuish. Why In Quaint , Booooo the staple Dnlnleo ol America! 3 Simply boaun It in iupcuiblo In use it, inn for I rock. without potouving nu ilnicnb obs upon the tooth, uh use | and tho haul. nd prmoil can 0] no '5,-jg ..doI(0), land , nnlnhndl- ln|IIn|IIII:vloborI?l. It [moon (U), on lunagy, nnhhs I -Causal:-y tobunnl. lnjhnlokp .hovonr,ubo :."'.'.'...."::*".......' ".. ':::* .;.n- my rater:-7 Mos.) ..n.. Il.- lK__`I\n-unt l m:'og_t ucf ----ooo-----. A Iennrhble Result. .I:aL_-.... L-.. B-""'.':-.:':'...:'..'%.'-,.:'.:'.'."" '5! (Di Nymph 1'0-J09) ~ In Yak. _IOy~l6.~-A|"lu u oou . hohungl byuqurynnlool dopin- cip--l gh:pht--his why. no -uugu hum yoohun nude in this citybyllln agents of the Bunion Govcnnonl lu- Iordp tho purclnnn ol my qlipn. Ad- vicu Ions. haunt. received yeototday from Phihdolphia to tho olloct that Cb ' uhoooar `Sun 0! Cnlilominf an itpo gtolollor of 3,11 tom, mien bu boon oils 1: tin yu-d ol Wm. Cnwp ct Song, of that city. and in IIOI ready to: Immob- ing. She bu been told. pnnuunbly. to an Running nook. and bar nook have ing. Sun nu noon nolu. pnnuunmy. ID the Rulliln upon, ngoou hnnn niimdnd My non Quaint froinhl for. (ah: gang gnush 1-thug.` Rullill upon, and not ngonu nu ' been directed to stop onpging (night for` hay It it stated nlno (hut tho Cimbrin sud And Thu:-iogin. which no dlily expand to join her. no ohurtorod by tbokinn Government. Him the pnulego nl pur- join her, ens:-urea by Inonzmu Government, ..s.... in an at In between Enalsnd Gonrnuem, nun me pnvuqzum ur- chuo in out of In Eng nd uad Ruuin. They will, if no coullict. oooun, retort to their origind ounou, who will he pcid simply for tho time they but been douinod. wuhimnon. Mn l6.-Tho Govern- but been uetunoa. \Vuhingwn, My 16. -Th ment bu information that Rustin in no- gotisting {or tho purchuo of vessels, urmn and ammunition in nrioun pub of the United Sum, and regard: it more In the light of I certainty than a contingency uf II . Mall Compwy nu now ms nu. Iuluuur City of Sydney" to unkuuwn patties. She niled from here in the unuul any for New South Wnlu on Mundny. sud, if an, in dammed to be delivered In Ruuis on the Inter: of the South Pscio after her .n-iu..l gt Rvdnnv, Sun lfnnouco, may 1 5hIlCumpu1y bu told I -`Gin Bvdnoy" ux the Inter: or me n nrrivnl at Sydney. -:---ooo----- T0-D|Y S TELEGMMS. Boiled Down fr;-;-`I7IcSg Rosa. urn (By Telegraph To-day.) -'l`wenty lives as supposed to hue been lost. by the explusiuu of Ammuni- tiou m the Rue Bernnger. --Five hundred barrel: of gun powder were yeutenlay shipped from Quebec to Rt Juhn. N.B. will be umntoa Ill muunuu. ..._ ha! (mm the can of public lilo. wee 9-.-.___.< SI. Juhn, lV.|*$. -The medical testimony taken yeator day at. the iuqueat nu McCu'.hey, the vic~ tim of the Monctun tngndy, urengthenn the belief that death was caused befure Lhu body mu put into the water. __M r. D Baruev. of Montreal, was body Into me water. --Mr. Barney, yuterday urrested on a capiu for $3,467, at the imtnuce of the Cnunda Puper Co.. for liability 55 a member of the late rm ufAm{uu Logan l Cu. - l`he M oulreul Police Committee have Logan 1 U0. -The decided that one half the additional force of tiny police shall be French epeeklng and one half English speaking. The Sergenute of the whole furce are to be Armed with l`8VulVl`l. 4:........I P..u-ink Mnhnuuall. the new Armed lth revulvern. wtieneral Patrick McDougnll, Commander of the Force; in Britinh North America, sailed from Liverpool for Halifax yesterday. A detachment of some three hundrud rank and tile for the Halifax gnrrilon left in the nuns nonm- ship. 1'1... r1...ml nnnmu Lad. nf \\'ent.ern amp. --The Grand Orange Lode of Weltern (Jnttsrin assembled in Toronto thin morn- ing. It. In believed that the: mute of af- fair: at Montreal will bu froely dinouued and resolutions conorrning the num panned. ----:-ooo:--- There 15 no auluanuo lmormnuun w hand respecting tho progreu of Count. Schouvnlutfu million, but advice: from BL. Pateraburg gave it to be understood that pacific inuence prouil for the; pre- sent. At Conutantinoplo the ab- aenco of new: hu hnd 3 doprouing effect, and the fact. that the Runainnn are eutrenchmg themuelvea at Sun Scefunm is pointed to as an indicnmou that the Run-Jinn! do nut enloruin nny lively | wan IL_cms. I The Diplomausu._;a WorIc~But no Ifult. ia pnlllted to as ldlcnllo mu me Russian: any hopes of the speedy Iuueeu of the nego- tiations. Count Sohnlvnlulf will leave St. Pi-marnhurg town-all the clone of the week, and may be expected to arrive In Lnndon nn Tuesday. Thu nnanlinfiunn ranrdimz the surren- Li-ndun Tuesday. The negotiations regarding tuneu- der of the furtreue.-I IN hung tire, Uen. Tudlehen's pl'UpI)Bnl not having yet been n,;[r0ved 0| at St. Penerlburg. The atateinentn made an Tuesday by the Austrian and Hungarian Ministers , have been well received both in Viennn ' and London, where lbay are taken to in- dicute hoynnd a doubt Auulrin'| iutentinn 9.. unnnaa Ruaaii. 3) thnt if England has dlcnte hoynnd doubt. Auumn I lutenunn M uppnae Rllllj, England compelled to go lu war she will be Able lu do In under more fnvourable circum- stances than were recently hoped for. It ll nlsu belnaven chm. Austria`: attitnda will have n benecial elfoct It 81. Peter burg in assisting the progress of the nu` gotuatiom. -- .. ---o The Weeteru juurnele ere beginninii tn dllCOV0f that the Turiee 0! Ontario ere Au deserving of the epithzt. Intely were the Con- eerutnee of Quebec. The term ha been in uee lur some lime in this region. The people hereehuute hue hed penetrelion enough to ueethnt none were better en- titled to the cognoinen "'l`nutioniu" then the party which propose: to tax the pour man`: loud and fuel fur the mention- eble henetit til the elreedy well-undo his not going tn work. iult "'l'nutiuiiiele" -II unuulecturere. Athie taxing the mnny for the benet ol the few. Tnry end "Tnntionint" ere con- vertible terml. Protection in only the hunt on the hunk of tuetiun. That bait II tmi thin, however, end the `melt quite viuhle. The people ere not than to be oeught. The nrch Angler in Already doume-l tn dinppuintinent and delent. The Ta-ry juurnnle hue lntely been qunting with lD|.|(`h gusto from the Perh- hull (:'-mm some etrey phrase which eeeniml to reflect upon the Uuverniueut. The organ: thmight, no doubt, they hed gut ennther Peril Star one in prospect. The following periignph from the 0010. II eulcient tn show with howjmuchlreuon. It ii nut lixely the Gareth will he further quoted by the Tory hrgene: "The and if the present Conservative p|rly,with nllitunteoedentno! uorruptiun and lrend, in at head. Any Coneervr tive party the: may hereafter hope for eucceu will require to thiuw uverbuud the present Cuneerutive lenders, sud eurt unit with I lreeh pletlurm, without the fetil encumbrance ul Sir John : III]! to he held eccounteblu for." Weighted with no currupt end unprinci- pled I lender u 8ir Juhn Mncdonsld un- doubtedly in the Turiee cannot win the nae for power for which they Are won to enter. The Liberal: 0! Kingetun will do thaCuneuruiivau of the country elerviee, Iur which they is-k no pny,eiid will get no tlienlu hy puitiiig I periud to hie political cueer,et any rule :1 iueinber for Kinn- ur. _ Sun Frunoioco, May l6.-'I`|~o Pncnc u..1 n.....n.n- hu mm the fan utouner The intrinsic merit of Dr. Pierce`: Family Medicines have made their lumen lioueelinld word: throughout this and other countries. A: the hand Ilretched forth in peril trireecue, in In the nved An object of life-lung grntitude, no then hi\v~ iiig been cured by the me of Dr. r'ierou'I medicines write of their undying thunk- fuliieee. Are yum nlicted with onterrli, cold in the head, orh|y lover"! If In try Dr. Haze`: Ceterrh Remedy. [til the most ennthiiig and hauling remedy known. It niiuiberii nu nblolute curee by thmiunda. Are you afflicted with bron- chitie. canonmptiun,'ucrofulnuv. tumors. hiinchee nr eru tinml I! I0, uee Dr. I ie-rm-In Gulileii ltredicel Diecovury. It is the but tunic, alter-tive, end reeolvent. medicine known. By reuonnlfih lape- rior iui-rit, ii hu. to A extent great eupe~ aeded tli.-pulnir-nary nyriipe,urIuip:rillu, , l and tniiic.-,iii the nierliet. Itwill not diuppuiiit yon. Indian suffering with d|lt:l1QI and wnlinauea peculinr to their sex, will nd prniiipt and ponitive relief by using Dr. Pierce`: Funnte Preu'rIp- ` N.) Fnmily Il]edlClD.l have ntt-ii.io-il ` Him. the celebrity and niicoeufully heed the field. your eftor year Igsinet competing meniifnct-irere, u have Dr. | ierce'r Cuuld my better evidence nl merit be ulned by the most eknpticel l :_.jooo<.__._ Manual. M Bnnk r.( MrmtreAl-)67 (H 1671-4. lie-rchgnti BIuk~-?0 34. W11. Bunk nl Fnmmc-rco -118 1 2. 11814. (hurin Pmnl(-87 12. M 3-4. nl Fommc-rco -11 0'1!-lrin Rank 0! Tr-rnnln v HI. Rank Tr-runhv HI. 1.16 Rrrynl Psnuiisn Bunk M. Mnlmnl Hank-En div.. 94, 9219. Hank dn Po-upla ukad 70, 74. MM.rnnoUl|n- ' dn Po-upla naked 70, I Metrnlpoliun - Conan idated Bank - -M, 79. KO - Chlmumny l6.|:I)p.n. Wbu-l0-'>8to7lforIn ~75lfa'JIu; 5|-Rfor Julneornlo I45 (win; 934 Mdlorlulmtollor-Vnl ouabrlny: Sriorlnna, pork `:17 l- to l,1HotJl1y: Inn :79 m n.lL751mJuo. . Pr,umIu:v_ Cunrurnul who [run a clinic at drdcwncy nl vilnlity Moplcan ov pa-nus-Al maul . uucvlunlfdh haIllnatgII_|y_in_n_ itibo Andlhh Our eontempouvy has been supplying ms renders with whst it hu bun planned to csll s hmuricsl skolcl of tho `Isms in conuocuun Ilth ths romovsl of the Son. of Uuvorumont from Kingston. Our contemporary cunlemls that it In A R- lorm Uuvarnment which Is: responsible lnr Hm ucL,whi|o we hsvo pointed out Lhst Bur Juhn,st I banquet It Uttavs, took crmht fur having established Psrlnsmont. Charo, nndwhen "our member" (sum the unrk) m:.rJo Hut fsmous speech H. the Uspunsl, has onthar mum tbs! hasaid, or he doceuml tho pm-p|e,or he did nut know . . L _,_ ...I|...... .h....o -hunh in not There is authentic infornntiun ta .....1 .-n....m-oina oh. nrmn-an of Count. Oral . huh Ia-CLO. _nussIin'r_ni!|f:HITa'.; llouu hold Words. WIPYIIII llunldr ..l viulitv itlhn nun-LI 1!). ~- 1 VI I IUIll'.3 l the unbnn-n nnrtinn -Montreal. May 16. H IIIDAI. 'l`u.rucl Bop Mania; 1! 7:1 pp. Mnnllo ol I. U. laoouurtus Coho nil. II. hrlub-t!.o0to9.45 - :n|u-1005::-nuhnhr"ou8 :dilu5.Dto C 5.$. rhnioo.`b.i5Io!.M; OlU'I,;h I,$ Qpacr I3 lllu. I31! I If I Bu-slut. Ito: Ill- AI Xuunemcn lltl I'luuaun""",ii' "" W Ac! .-:.117i-pqhnmtlnvihoflr John Phnlcpgola dnlgitlr. AI Nnpnnomon IOLI instant. ldslvnlunltu dnghw of Ir. Pull 80140:. 9 us. At Napuaoe, on lilh ixuhll, I. Hi. H53, ngad 87 yours. _ At Csznden, on ll mltnll, Ihvibo! Ir. uexr. Mocuup opdnuu. - 7"-It -MTI x -- . ,~ x `llorn. Dun iouuu. HE Siatenol this lutlhln hlhlly noknovlodgo the receipt M y Dolhn unnamed them by Matt (hhn C Black. THE (`.U\`l-211.1038 onho Klnutou Bap!- tol uckv-uI|ed[e with thumb. the M0019: 01 Forty U--llu-n from tho Corporation of th- Imnoe. Aln Sixteen Dollar: hum Idwin Chowu. Esq, being amount collected by him fur the Hon-iul. ' Esq, Del Hm.-iul. Mn! Ilh. |srisr cAn_5nvImsIuc.| ENDERS wri an Iunomvnn up to me 26th May at noon. for Adventu- ln Snaoa on Guru of Kinxunl Etna! Iullwoy ENDEKS WILL. Isl nuwmvnu lng Space: Kingunn Iallwoy Company, for one you. from In June. For pntionlu-a apply st Oloo of the Conpsuy. J. L. MORRISON. nu IR Iml fg-gun`. no uocelwu may pm-pm,-n uu ulu ...... ....... whnv. ms In talking ubuut, which in not cradnuhla to him m any menu. Now, to huocarulully looked Into the butan- enl lwu, nnd we hnve arrived at ruulta winch no Iuuroendunhlo thin my Ihich . can be ubuinod by guns work And gar- blud extract: from prejudnood sources. mu .1, 1 .\.-n .5- D.-n-Sm-nu --nu unilnd Mod byllua-I.CAlvII I gin; amount of their Alnlnl donuts. Ivy lth. . AO._A_R . Freon Ovntors. Frelh White Hub, I-`mob Haddock, I-`reah Halibut, I-`relh Msokorel, Froah Lobntan. Bolt Mackerel; do So: Trout, May I6. Sm: Lmmdor Honing; nlupnu. lid: IubIt.tbovQ;od Ir I'liadu!.d:nn. , , ,_, Muyl. QUEEN'S j BIRTHDAY ! Excursion to Gaps Vincant. The HA U!) will leave thn Forry Wbnrf at Q p.m., on I-`IHIMY. `Nth MB] for Cnpa Vla- Mul. roturnlng M7230 o'olo<~h~ nab IzAnl_OK Dnntn ` Steamer Illaud. I 1]` FAKE -20 ucnul. By kind permiuton of Lt.-Col. Cotton sud | Ofoornof A Battery the Bud wlllbeon board. Mu us.137a. ,_ French on the Miracles. French on the Parables. 8purgeon'e J no.Plonghman I'l'alke 8purgeon e Lectures, 2nd Series: Illustrated blud Ollfldll Hum pnquuuvvu -vuuw-. We rind tint the Provincon were united m 18, Kmguou bung uloolod u the Cnpll, and m the new House tho Re- I-)l'moI`I comlnuldud 1 nujorily. an n ,x,__ 11..--....n-nO ravnninml in bpurgeous ucuvuuzn, auu nnunvuv Illustra ted, Arnots Autobiography, My Enemy : Daughter, by Justin Macarthy. -`u.`.nuunI)1nnI1V|l D ..... .... oh- llnlnvvun v-J - THE MODERN SYMP1)SlUM-Pnpora on the Future Life um! um lnuenoo of Monmv on Religious U-Iief-b_y Humrison, Huxley. (`mmu Isnrrv. Duke of Annie, Lord Her l)0U| un uau Jung- Arnots Laws from Heaven. Arnotls Parables. Arnotxs Lessons from Life. Full Set: of Mrs. Marshall`: and Mrs. Garey Brock`: Books for ` Girls. Sunday School Literature in im- mense variety. Stationery of all kinds. Sermon Paper, Thesis Paper. I8` Prlces to Suit the Times. any nu, Io THE ..73.QU}iRIi-J"l;I:.: ` ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED ` at the City (,'lork u0\oo until WEDNIB< nu! non. um `um! lnllanl, st noon, from ! DAY non, ` person: vnyliug to Contract for lwaterlng Certain Streets In thin l`IIm 1 During the dry oeuon. lqforlnullrn required I rolnuvc thorew can ho had on npplhauon to I dun Inderhtd I I rolnuv3 mhoremo 1 the Indenlancd I-)l'IlMI`I comlnuluuu n unqun-y. Thu Reform Uovommant romniuod in point ull the 110th 0! Soptombcr, 1543. Hours. Lnlonuinc, Balduin, Dunn, Duly. lhrriwn, Klllalay. Hmokn, Ayl-[ Inn, small And Me-nu bcmg number: 0!` _ !* For Plcton, Bellevrlle um II- termedlnte Ports. Dioenoef 1531.1 May [6, 1878. havoc unnnswu wn-u,u...y,.... ,_ Ileturmng -It|VOI Bollovulo daily at am. and Puewn at 9 1.111.. axon : luuvin 3.150- ` she hum Bclhno II. 2: A... an Hobs ' 516.00 in. ,Thin Dinner bu rooohol nncnunvo on! M nod will ho found replou with over}?- lort and 1-onyvonioueo. Round Tlip Ityuniol Tlrkou to Iolhvlllo nd Relllru. Indbdlng Bonita Icon nono- mm. The pleasant: trip on the crown. I ' :HA'?F1FNGs- _ ` AIILITI can! In! at Ihirultllloonunu Bill. I'{5[|II"llll.|K It I .01! U uun`n~ I3" IAIl-25 Cenul. ll. Hnrl nnrmiuunn nf Lt.-Col. ' uni hdidm; nun |I.00. pleuunot 0. B. HATCH. : Tithe Agni, Gt Lavrnca ling-nun. II] II. III! ____.__..______.____.__ -3&1-a-1--w w--, hum 011:: t Co`: Wharf, duly. gum p... Hnnrnml I|niIy,u 6 L_Ia., LIIIIII H. IDEIILIIQ. Zara Illlloltbol |lCol J . Enghnd. 0VCI:-mbm. .4A.utu Dr. 0:)`; ll llDVlIC_l7r-[_-no n, A Cunurvntivo Miniury ouno mto porn on the 28th of November, And ro- Inunod m oioo until the 11th of Decom- bor, 1843, Hon. D. Duly bung Index of Ihy Ith. lingual. Mu I6, I87! _ Harrison. Huxley. Canuu urry, h0rue,N0e|, H1uley,Greg. 614:. 'l'hu\b|ou Book of the vent. Ol Tnnnns. IKECEIVEID T0-DAY. A BATTEIIY BAND. Tho Btnunch Upper CINI Htollnv owlodgo Hy Dollars bunt their H. A chnnp win then undo in the Minin- Iry, but the Uonurnlino romance In point from mu Doocmbcr, 1363. till the first ol Soploubor. 184-4-I!uIr|. Duly, Yup: sud Duper being in the Gonn- S. WOODS. Wanted. rod! HAIII A- I 111`: II-Inu- thls City: M. rmxmm, City Clerk. Milxi G-. I "III 0ooda.Co- Buckets. Fhhlu Tackle. hr- fuuo, Chin ups and an-an-. ucv Van-. Do`In. hue Onnnull. Units Iuh Culihn lotthmln bore-oda, Ilhid Portfolios, Gold ud llllmr Ihp. Brooches. in Map, Hock otdxu|anCuu.()iIG|oIh.Uhudu- II-n,|4npndnhr[e|oulo:bc|-uuuluilo Iunolou to mention. Dir. II III ITIIII`. Who In ntill hon tho l'un-ylhodl bul- uu, to all st in store. |Ooxnn:on:1:g "on I At 7:3 o`cwcI. UUIIIEIIIUHIQ UH annual v\u-Au`. Tz ud IVIIY EVRNING till all in sold. :11 u! Clo Above Stock without nuns. Also on :3?c|:_|hou flu nal .I It ll n'N`.n max. DOHL Thou III null uuothor Ihuo in the Cubism, but ya the Conn:-vuivou bdd| the bdnnco ol power Iron Sopl. 2, 1844.` `o Doonubor ml: 18, Menu Duly. Vngor, Dnpu. Iona, Pupiuan and Saul: being in tho Gonnnout. `FL _ A __-----n;-.. ..-ni-...4I in unna- Waiidepaltment INVl1'l`lS8PEC'll()N TO A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK IN THE ABOVE DEPARTMENTS. Buck and Colored Cuhlnoru. Buck and Colored Luau-nu. Blnok and Colored Peruhn Ind Ruuoll Cord: Oouruulgi hGruut's Colobratod makes oi Blk CI-IDGI. ` Oourtnulgl uuruuvs Uolobrntod mum 0| nu Cnpou. Dobegu, Grey And llrown-all Wool In: Ground Grouldinen. LlIo--8tr|pod, Figurad &(`hookd Gmnulinen A very large Stock of Black and Colored Sxlka at Low Prices. Silk Frlngeu. in Baal. Navy, Plum, Iiyrtle. Broule and Buck in rich designs 1|! low urinen. nroun Illu DAICI Iu rltll uralguaus nuw prioea. All of the shove Shades in Wool Friugoa. immlng llh, Satin: um! Velvet: in all tin naw Shula` uuw u..--.. 114 Jonophlnot KID GLOVES in all the fnhlolr Able Bhldea. I3` Ono prio uuly. Sal--s alrn-My o R. & J. GARDINERI D-nu: living In In. uuvuu.-..... The Cuuntntivu continued in point ull IMO IIOII 1 you ol coalition was turned, and out authority lot nchnc has Insertion in 0oou'I Polmenl |MEMBEES\ The Pteshyterian Synod` Hemlerson s Bookstore, hue LARGE stock} ._ -. 4:._.___ *"!EI1!'._.lE- lay I6, ma llliscellanoous, Sunday School, and Religious Books, ` Leading Papers and Magazines -Stntlonery of Every llescrlp- tlon at Lowest Prices. John Henderson PRINCESS STREET. Appl uunonu. Loni Ilocup Ill Connor-Oounl iron Ind ll. 1843. till Rounhd , g..- :11: ll- 4l.._._.4I . Ilgln-- `Young lady's Jnumal for June,` I. ousovv Msy 15. I878. Henderson's Bookstore. I lSAZERAC!| `FRASER & MowAT's.! Selllu (II it (out. Iran (L George : Old Mud. __ -..-a--it -115212 Notice. IIITIIO olhohhlduocllhothluv qcl Cant-any Coupon`; will b hold us Ihoccu-all chain. OI ATUBDAY. MI hu..uIo`o|od p.-.. (clad-odbhcun and naive layers at 1"nuu. I. J. OIOIOI. FUHEHEAPHAHDWAHH flu, IDIR III until: I ncua-- nunuu-ynhblnt yl. oviq Mathi- lonou htvnnunndavhlw gudtolnrighlto nub uppuinlocou yopgbho union. ad nlld consan- .... n.-n-an uolu lacuna} II. & J. GARDINER lay I5, llx. hug... lo1|5,7I. "A Word to the Wlle. PRINCESS STREET. INVITED TO CALL EXPECTED THIS E\'l7.NI)'0. ._._.___.....__.._._. AIIlM|._ _IEET|Ic. ABE RESPE(.`TFULLY I -TC uvvu .1: - PIINOIIB B1383`! AND INSPECT ()N H A N I). J. E. llU'N`-HERON. Auooneor 0! Dry Goods Iold II In: ever baton known. IOIIQ III on-:1. ... -..,` boloonllobocurluuhlnytiniog uuq. 11-311:-ybunocugg. JJ. IoithJc`n.I.A.,nqbo. nul. IIvupuI&IIyI1;J_| C.nphllClno,luIDb.bl'I. 4: nous, Ia ) (LC. co. J. I[ALLlGAN& C0. nun um nctlvxxi bohuhllultpnrogilbatl 25 do OhoiouI'u,3lba1. as doOIdoo0run'l'os.3luQ1 Wcnunnuntuunmhgnu hnnlvnhn GIIEAPI GIEAHI CHEAP Ill luv V-GIIIUIVIII IUD; 011.5 Wognnnuntleuiiutobothe butnlu hdaoelly. Inga:-Q Iaovv. JIIG nnlvowl-s (tub in of nn__._,_u -1 7-uuuu uonuii 6i;.'{.. u.. do loltnr Wner. A-no-4-I KIA] UVIICUI IV-DUI, Iontrul Plsln soda. 53 Hanna! Wholonln prion. J. Hallignn & co.. Brook BL. R. B. l:|-OLDER, PHOTOGRAPHER Opposite Ila Iiollrn l.IoI Ilocl. DI D Iohool Bo- COME ONE. UOAIE ALL! HE SHOP AND l)W|l.LlN(} HOUSE nooupiod by Mr Ashley. on I . lnueu btnol. Pnnnnnlnn on ur hnlnnq thus 1-! nfJum\ fl-`Ill! BHUI AND l)WIl.l.lN(l HOUSE Pououlon on or bolore tho In ofduuo. I) M Inll.` to live; outrun` prlvnus door. Aprn IIVIH. av IlIlI| N tho Burnett Huuso Huulding. Onlnnin $lroot-n ground ux. Iuiunblu Iur not: on m . A 1: U M "H 0 us. uAnTva.n. wfc wlwr pumps u klu-hvn; WU: ntnbln In ynrd. Apply In Hm uwn D. (`-RA \'EN. 1-arm-r b riI1.\uua and lay hl I37. _I.. Street. containing uluhi roams 1-non : Iuld Inf doors and gnmm on tirnn (hm: ; lmnl nml no I kn km-In-1': ; Wood rho-I nul ninhln Ill ward AnnI1:lnl|mu\\'n-`r MR. `V. -v -._.-' TWU STORY ITIONE l)WlLl.ING-- oontniniug niuo rn-mm. sillumd on tho corner of (.'|or;:`v and Willi-nu Hlfcoll. Poun- aiou Many lat. Apply to (HC()Rl'lE MOOEH8. :E-S and Dwelling 'I`o Lot. III nun | , HOIME AND Tlllil-I A('H|-I8 01-` AN ORCIIAKD In nod mmliuun and well bearing lruil.,nimnuu ulmul the mile: iroln klngutou` For terms apply In llm owner. WM DAVID, A III OF HISTORY- The Ohup Brohur. Prlnceaa BL, Iny I3, l"7!!. -?-..n~-j-j--~--:r-4. `-._ TIIE uewthroa Ilnr) Hrirk more mud Dwel- llng on corner of Wnllinnuu wd Queen Sh-con. Pououlon [won on In: of June .. Apply to HENRY CUNNINGIIAII. BEAVER GROCERY, an, :5. nun. mu um N EXCELLENT TERRACE H()U~'E hon rooml. good |lAblo.&u. Bcnt3.';. lfuold puruhuer can make nuuuul payment Kn plum of rent. 0. V. PRICE. |l..u-nl. 0 . I III iauvq "THE LIGHT I LU.\lE," on Princes: Street -Wlmmnavllla, Kingnlou. Fur purl. uulnrneu- quim at `he Blurxnu Wmu Urrmn. Kingston, March 11:. '78 Fun \Jf\l-I-. PLEABANTLY HITUATED CU'I'I`A(H in lhrrlelleld. ouumiulng Hzhc room: mm! cellur. May be oumlm-cl on Application to F. J.` (lE()l<.(}E. n, .n-I.| ll--H N7)! And [|\'0 the new Artht I Chuhoo. In Iinh. '_ U,` \ I'\ l- I: , TEAM BARGE IIIZIIBA [1lI,nu`pm-ity 9000 K bushelmrobulll 1671:: u cont 0! seven tlmunnd dollars. Engine and Mnnnr In good condition. will be nold cln-up. Apply to F. J. (}E()|UlE, May 8, Klugntou. Klngswn. May '-'- iahii'"A No iii{L:x :rLonT`iiIE. April 13. ms. HIALI. ENGINE M lwu hurua powar, with four horse Vl'5l`lh'll Bollo-r-good no new. For ulo chomp fur ruuh Apply to I). IlnlWIN Av 80)! I \III \a:\--:, 0R BALE*T.'lE NEW HOUSE ON UNI()N 8'l`REE'l'. HI. Jnmod Church, nuw lmvmuzlnhg uumpletlnn- WIII be um: M the must mnvt-uh-nt in lhn city, uul fulhinlusd in the nu-t. maul:-rn ntylu ; upon grnlul with mantel ' llllll fn'ding dnor, Ind v-wr -ml an M'I'i!..'1*. .. ......-...... ... muntel llllu Appii 11 O H I li \aru::, A-GOOD BUIIH FARM, vontninnn shoal one hundrnd And Ivrntv urea. `hon la I new Inmn Dwelling thereon. Fur mrln apply to the ownnr` WILLIAM DAVID. Thu Cheap Broker. I :-inocu u , Klnuwn .. v..- .. U 51!: (lanconinnuf tho 1'--wnnbip M King- ston. cnnhlnlng M Aaron --I (Md cultivated Lsnd. Theronn Ara lwu liw--'!~ng lluuuau, (ut- cupkai) (our We: 0! WIUPI, and 4 Acts: of an ()rc|urd. In nod oundllhm. with fruit. fhcro |n nno new Yum. Indy hu||t.niu- 40:48, tho but In the Tuvnuhlp. Fbln nlunhlu Property in dtnnhd near the Perth Bowl. u u F ml>(in km. The property can hr purcha- ud by pny 0110 third Jmvn For lunhu pol - dcularu u urnnorotrurw1u.nppIyIol.h `I EVICN ROOMS |I. Hm Do`nn Hlnwk. Prinoou 3 Street ; uou\'~nic-.nl. and n-olnlurlallle plnoo D outrun-cw Ir-nu Prnn-1-an hlrnrel, by Ihy 9, 1878. ILL Bl IPLD on than Dvalllnp lieu kfl and Johnna rnuoublo lama, the on Gordon lurou. Io- luroou. ovnod by tho but-Ihu. `Ito hue: In no rain torQlwpgy,q:t'.':ud ::a.n?nuouo. ryon 4 oou Tho L` \.I.LU rs/au-._.__ - ITIIPOO Residences and Lola. ,.,u..|.n nation It . ." WI. IIOWDII. . L 7., Johann Inns! .1. _.n _.u .5- 1.1111... ninth on Alblbt w-. uu-uu .---, lay C ! wlllllbo Iclldlagulngly or slbqotbo , 4.1-4: `ii. DAVID. no chap Ialu hand. r. Bnrrioald, Ihy 3.1378. IAY 1o, Iis_ Fob 8. I878. April I 18 TR IU IUVIJU VI \lVIly TERRACE HOU-"E . Inn rnnml. mood v._- .- I N the outhwent I nlrl 4' Ir! but 94 In the Ootwcniunu nl King- .. mnulnlnn To Rent or Sell{ 2 u-vnun I n-um vrlruunnlr FOR sAL_E,T u xunrnr nm.uI.I; minu- FOR SALE. BA\!'I`I V uI'l'IlA l`ll'.n (`HT !f9SALE. n SALE, {jsons;L:/; _...-un For Sale. 'l`0 iimi`, AND THHI A1`! T0 illcr. D AMI! IIIIIIFI To LET: 10 mm`. ulcmmn MOOERB, Hand (folhorno Sn-not up fur n-MI: Apply [0 I)` IoEWIN IL John`: wu D_AVID. 1 u .()|)| N IIUNNINOHAI, liulldnr touch Icons. I In Kllgslan. uuult I , the In-ho. Ullllthfllll pllll um-an Mrnwel b m. nomk. ')A`s ll|, ., Kiugnon. ig ygpgun; III! III II` pIv--v- *- Quote. It ull b-.n-0-wk-l W` -L..-6 -`um: 1:]! Ann W W.` QIODQ. ll Im II ,I-uv-pug-. ._.- About uvcu you: no the Oicunlu puny in Ouurio, jut nllor lbcyolatin-an othu ti-0, dnlnud to IIIO sound I nnjority in nu luenl loziohmro non ` non strenuously cud condently than tho Hail ll|d`I lot ol tho Ianr-nnydio organ ol the party chin I majority not low the debut Doouelurvillo ubinol Who the Logialnturo nut, tho but but : vote of unight run ol eundouoo prayed tho panic: to bo puny ounly diudod, but the Rulormon hsd it by I mnjority - - =-4~-.-I.. n-_--_. 1.-.: 9).- Lil- but me Isclormoru nu: u u, . ....J....., of out. 8ueoly.IoIovv, bud the Lil);- nb otouod the (loot of the Home than that majority began to grov, until it ho- euno quiu maple (or mo control ul Ibo lnginlnlun nnd the eiciom Govornmunt o( the province, no Inwiloll did It I001: become tbnt the Relormorn were im- uounnbly nupouor to their Tory rival: '., .L- -.a -..:| |..l.it nl hnnnnl Adminis- Uollnnmy lupouur w uwu nu, V..-.. in tho Art sud habit of honest Adminis- trnion. They have remained in p0-Iur our niuoe, with I strung probnbiliiy that their loan ulaico will be indotinitoly u- hudod. Once uinoo Iheiradvent to pmnr bus the people RIVBH the Reformer: of Onuriu thoir decided endurneinant, with the oertninly thntho verdict 0! well- duno" will be still more emphvicnlly ro- postod at the non Untnrio election. Siinilnrly the turning point bu been reached in the Province of Quebec. Than: the battle bu been ouccouiully ` huxht, though Against tremendous odds, by the Liberal party. Thu. they Iuve loll not uuly a moral victory but In no- ' . ,_i __-.'....o.1 u. luv-0 nnnmadad b! 31.11 not mil] I luunu uuun, Iltll .. _. tual majority Ill lnct conceded by the Turyurgnm, except. I for that are blind bocnuna they will not Ioo,uid who, ostrich-like, ihruni. their llBl'll into the and utheirdelencu against the cutba- iruplie. The Hmiae will most And the July Ministry will be wsuinod, it may be nt first ty a M'l (IW mnjurity. That majority cuimullc imullrrr than that of the Reformer: of Ontario, Above nlluded to, but, likelha latter, it uil! be mre to grow. Tlmli-meet and frugal conduct of public uain, which we Aft! condent the new Liberal Unl:imt. will iiiniigurnte, will win niippurt fur it both in lhe House and country and bqfure long, Mr. July will be u haiidnuiiii-ly aiielaiiieil in Quebec in Mr. Muwu in st Ill moment in Ontario. In this tuiiaiaiii qr iwlli of the Liberal party first in our Province uid than in Another, wliiit we are to iindarataud by Cuiuerviuive rt-act.iunl" If so we cordial- ly my Ill hall to ll. Oollan. L! I _ "'1.Q)"||.||'|-u-u--- ounce `run [0 ton!- rs ouur nu. A voiy enthusiastic meeting of mam born of Synod and nthma interested in Queen's College mu held this morning in St. Audraufa Hull. It was called by I notice posted yesturilny upon the door ut St. Andrew`: Church, no special invita- Liuns luring been given. A,.......... Ilunnn nrunnnl Ivn noticed nuns lilting been given Amungnv. those present we noticed Run. F. M. McCuaig, l rnl. Mount, T. G. Smith, of iliis city; and R:-vi. Dr. Wurdrope, E. D. McL&ftl1, M. McLean R. J. Ci'aig.--Suilierland, J. M. Gray, D. J. Maailunnell, A. Y-nung,--Boll, A. B. Nicholson, Donald Fraser, and Dr` Neill ; |lI0 Meuru. Jiio. Cnrruthen, G` M. Mwdniinell, Prufa. Dupuil, Jardino, J. Mudle, A. P. Klllxlll and uihen. Dr. Grunt acted in ChBlI'|l.|n. He brief- ly explained the object u! the nioeting tu uk fur nu uxpresaioii of upiuiuii in l`8,(Il'd to the projected wliaiuo uf mining 3150,- 000 to meet the growing wants and ab- solute neceuiiiea ml the College. v- :1, 11 I ._.. .J Llnlluulln nnnlxn wlute neceumeu Ul um Uulluxu. Rev. Mr. M:Lvnn, of Belleville, apuka briey in fnvuur of the scheme, and utfurv ed to do everything in hll power tu aid sud tccumplah the enrl In view. I _ 1.` II Mnl...-..n nf Simona. ax- um tccumplau Luu l`lI'I nu vlovv. R-.-v. E. D. Mclmren, of Simcae, ex- proued hm Wllllngllell to work for the endowment of the college. and conveyed .. -;...il.- .....r.m.nu nnd endowment or_ma cuuegu, mm W....._,\,.. to the meeting similar sentiments and wishes from Rev. Mr. Mncgillivray, of Scarbmo. u. I\ I |.l.....l.\..n..ll ."l-Illihr thnt 5J\.DlIlIl|\l. Rev. D. J. I Item ought to b the amount requ mediatu actmu. an n U L. | ledll Icuuu. The Rev. 1. 51. Mcunig said thnt. be Ill thoroughly in aympathy with the scheme of axlunding and enduring the l,'niver|n.y. Thu llavs. A. ll. Nicholson, Hall, J. M. Gray, ll. J. Craig, D. Fruer, Mr. Sutherland, and Dru, \\'|rdmpo and Neill alw oxpreunl the interent which they fell. nu tho (`allege and the urgent nocauny which exuatcd, in their opmiun. for extending to n a man. vigorous and united support. uuuu. ....l.r..._. After 3 thorough mlerchnngo 0! opmiou the {allowing remluuun Ill carried um\- mmnualy Mon.-d by Rev. Mathew W McLe|n, M.A.. Belluvxllu, Am] Iecnndud by Mr Judlno, eldur from old N1. Andrew} Church, Turuutu z.n__, \4llu|\.u, .-.......`. That |hu meeting Approval of the ac- tinu tnken by the l'u|v~nIly Council and - Board of Tnuteu Wllh refv.-rence to the endowment and equlpumnl uf Queen'- Cnlvorully, and u ul upnumn flu: nepa uhuuld be ll once taken to enter upon the work of ubummg oubocnpuuno (mm the friends of the nmuuuou." - . .u_n.:A lI'IUI||lI 1;. u-no -u---..--..., I! only n-mum forum to add that it In genonlly full and exprt-nod that the ondowlnonl should be imuguutod in Kinguon, llm home of the Collage. N0 doubt Klngnlnn, when Ipposlod to, will lush an omhusxulic rooponoo. rfu, v.snAv `Ivwo, BEJIINDEJBS. A NI!` Mlxuru - - It in aid thot when Ir. John Muoduuald, M.P., present: hun- I-H to the oloclun ul Centre Toronto for ro-o|I-cuon II -III be u I Incmbnr 0! Mr. |ln.~koun:o`a Cnbum. The pnonuun which It in Inhnnlod he will fill ll Prolidcnl ul thoc--uncd. It bu lung boolyfolt that Toronto In rmillod to I no nuntunn in the Cabunu, sud their on no doubt (hut Iho conlormrnu u! I position in thc Ministry `Ivan Mr. Mwd--unld Iould be ' new-pied u I gruolul |.ckuoI|odgonun| of than in duo to tho sec nd C11] in tho Dominion and tho dnmct uhioh ondrclu II. Beoido thu, it would Inuonnlly uliunhul Ir. Inadcmld in his nndiu ' than land he hubd Int. plolnnto by ii: any lrioodn. - Tchgnn ; v _W. R Simpson, Cauoclor, cl lanai H U". i. m. N d..l.hd"` up-go done. nun; nu mu- : . bu undo unsung pl [la-ovum Io! _ an ulna oUu.ooo, stand by `Polo. 2 [;'.7"""`m.,.,.,.' "" '` "" '*"" Bun. . pandcobonvolnd. '[lsoy_Ial Oran! 1-". ,0.` _1-, .`-u.,' M ; Ibotv gnodlltlld (:60 uncut :1-,.,n,.:._. eh`:-u'I:u Iughnd QUI-JEIVS UN IVl.'l(Sl'l'Y. YIUII-tnngv--ov null in bi! ,;n L- .__.. Macdonnull lhuught thnt t be taken at nnce to raise t required, and advocnted im- ... .. ' onciil 50 PIP 5 "` " 0" uduahool pvuioit pwil '". andwlnnaul intend:-l in O vary ` _-.|__. ....__..;....-n 0......` nniln l onhruotlu. I [furl 1 won. 1'50 On} dull III llod Ilp--Ion I, uni l')d duh! H-\1`L'k, and char that hundred: In: to turn III]. _ Only out thounnd ticket: were sold in dunno. The crush in cauud by the Inulmudo ol unu- Illrraovil vlrvnw -aw psetod utonduu. The crowding md diuppoinuneuu, no gntifying 3 park of nppnciuioo of tho ounoort. Icro nonr- lhohu I nan! to Mr. Maualh and hi: lady co-workan. though nnuuzdlbln. - --7-.-- .4 the n u I...:-... In B01-I] Iarwvlnunu, u--cu... _.._~ v.7, Mr. R. N. Hume)`. Cihirman of the Ichool. nccupiod the choir, wd the eu- rying out of the pro`:-umno Ill much furuvardnd by hi: eiciuent direction and judicious ounzrul ul the nut juvoniio ela- mem. in the Audience. 1-" - 1 LL. _..L_...I In 0.. nnmhnr of I l l i I been chnseu. The seuiu: boys acquitted themselves well in a but song, but were distanced by the girls in a spelling nistch,sll being "5pell'?ia' down" while ve of the girls of Miss Keys` Department yet stoud`ou deck." For s vvhile, too, these deed the incessant [ire of orthogrsphy from the [nspectur and Mr. Motoalle. The sole survivor nf the battery of words was Miss Burns, Miss Duiilup being second. ()i` the biys Mater Rsyinond did best, with Msster ----~ second. Each of these were presented witha hsndsom bunk on behalf of the Public School Board. Five of the junior girls sang very prettily Birdie has Come," sad the junior girls did justice to II hnllle sung, Fair Canada." Masters Shannon, Raymond sud Butter- vvurtli recited sn amusing dislogne in the rsi pert, snd iii the second assisted Messrs. Hersey, Tliuinpsoii, Campbell and Burton in another dialogue, equslly to the point. and inenfully done. The Secretary, Mr. Phippen, saiiy Robin Ruf," and the pliindits were frequent. Very meritorious readings csnie fruni smart little chsps, Miuters Tueples, Her- ... n-.. ..... IA. mil lhn aslltl`-ellu re- I 1 J i I I l 1 in the Audience. Girl: of the school, to the number of 100, ung npening md oluoing chorulolv Uh, Como. come Anny` sud Toiling on," both u pretty song: u could have been ch-men. 'm- - :,- L--- .......;n.A ahnmnlvu w. m inlurnud aha`--in. J.8. 1&3. ox-mombonin tho Conountivo undu- duto" lot tho County of Dnndu. Mr. Ron nll nut bodoprivod 0! km title An ex member by the ordpll at tho non eluc- -: ~ -4.... .... nu Tan ox-moxnbon Irnan lllua cuayu, .u.-.~-- ...I... , new and Raymond, and tha audience Ipunded wall to the sentimmxt Give us hula buy: I chance." Mun Burton lent the Iohool her splendid vocal assistance in two aungl, The wmds that waft. my night: to thee," and "BenutifulG1rlof Kildnre," tho lu- Lur of which was molt charmingly ren- demd Mr. Uldhnm accompanied. Miuen Smith and Sudan played a duel, nrt'|al.i- - II 'I`|... -..k,.lnu -ara indubmd [9 mi. ... .17 A III Alli Ill ICIZUX. Smith and Samoa playeu ta uuuv oally. The eoholara were indebted to Miss Smith, ulao, for several acoompani meme. The aenioi; girl: ahowed a muni- c.sl tarte well ahead 0! their year: in two eone v Let the deed and the Lemsul rent," and Dreaming of homo and mother." Mr. Metcelle, whuee umlring exertion: have worked the school up to the high:-at state yet attained for it, and who inspired every part n! the concert, ` read The Flag Halt-maet," and Mr. , Penae, Chairman of the Board. made a short address, nclmowleding the credit the Queen Street School had done the public echoole, and bearing evidence of the great harmony and prosperity (r all u of them equally with that shown by Quoen Street that evenin,I. The Chairman of the Separate School Board, Mr. J. F. McDerm0tt, end Mr. Rentun, Secretary of the Y.M.().A., were seated on the platlorm. There will be a handsome sum of proreede to present to that worthy in|titution--tho Orphans` Home. ~- A racout urthqunke in Venezuela lulled 600 perlum, --The Jnpnneoe Minister of the In- terior has been ununnntad. 4.1 Vnrin nnnar weak; of Moody and ununnntad. -A Pu-in pnpor Ipaak: Moody Saukey an n umull town in Connecticut. --Never put otf till t.u-u1nrrow what can be dune jun as well the day after. --A party :fe1cavnu`r-1 on Westmin- iuer Park,une.;rtIu~:J us human nkeletun,m the crevice of as rock. ~'I'here are three col-svenl of female cricketer: in Englnml--oue owl: at Aug- ......... . l`.I.nud and Thunlev. `l.BIneIbrI Icon: 90 l\I'IIllI[ conga ' , upllltuvoo. The nudouo ol the Chur- ; Inn :4 mo luau Anoduion Ill 1 burned to the ground. all the rundown of (tho lawn denol'nhod,snd `taunt ";m7 append on tn.-no quollodl ' ` the dburhato. ! V` 1 ... I in lSnglmu--one own In. nug- mernng, Elnteud nnd Thunley. --It in proponed to utart 5 Iummor ho- tel on the Island opposite T`runt; M. 3 coat. of 360,000. gm... Innln nil! have to luuk to his 360,000. -Tho mule will have hi lnurell. .A New York mun wan kicked ' death by I worunu lost week. _Duid June. I Iunuia, escaped frnl lost week. -Dnvid Jayne, encnpod from hi: keeper: :1. Kingston, PL, and wan killed by apuung Lrnin. _Twn Edwudlburu heroes, .s1l uu~ tram. -'I'wo Edwnxdlburg known to fnme,hnvo played [00 games of Croquet. rnauluna in 0 drawn bntlle. --Tho nhonogrnph hm been an inn nvnnnu. Eunoun loom; of Lulu: Lodge at 7-16 9 us. urunlluln M. School of Iowa Dun men! s -Young Inuliu hue now conceived` the Men of wanting bultonl Iuude nfl pnlxuhed ulvardimen, bearing the in .:l|l 9! their go.-nth men Iriendn. _'l'hn H--nth Auunlinn Guvernmonv. ` ' cluuol II | join. ` ' --8o:ioIu noting oocnnod yesterday at ` .B|acIlmrI the mating count I cmarnhvon, 'n.Al$idO&ol Cid?- rnauluna In urawn uuuu. phonogrnph proved tbs: it will catch Ind reproduce words npuken fteen feet. frum the Innlruv mun! . 6! lnendn. -Tho I-J--nth hu ntfared 3.1000! of IML000 fur tho duouvory nf I oonl eld within the lunnl u! the province --E\'el'y nrnngomonl u cnmploted for Hon. Aloundor Ihclunzzci nddreu to tho Iorkingmeh of Turv-nw, on tho 30th inn, M. I` n Mani: nn Advocate recent.- --Hr. FD. Monk. in advocate ly admitted to the Bun! Montreal, son of Judge Monk, ha been received I member of dnltingninhod Order of Advo- autvou II Romo. 4 An . mnohna nl volunteer: onioori Iv! --At 1 meeting of the 5th Mnlnury Dulnot. nrnngemenu were made In lnndlomely entertain the ucon of oorpa viuung Montreal on the 24th. -Tho Emperor 0! Germany And Mnnhul MncVlnhon.PrvIidnnI uf Yrlnoo. L--- ;..I...-.....l uh. Oman of their content ' MncVlnhon.l'rvIIunn| ul Inna. bun informed the Queen c--maul to the both-thnl of the Doha ol Cmncugh: to the Prinoau Louuu, tho Ohird And youngest dnughlu of Pnnoo FM-dotiuk Charla ol Prnnu. n..n.|.. Mu lA..-L'nivonnl noilo-. Clurloo 0! rrnnu. | Iunlo, Shy l4.-UnivonAl naile- IIIOIII ptnvtilod nlong the burden to-dny n-in; tn the uportod cmunng ol lour ` hundred Feniuu, but nothuu hu occur- 'ud|un to unto any pnauuom, the |IhnIo lhuu being looked upon by all I joke. ..n..am. mun oecnntd vuurdny ;.:au-rv.-luau NEWS 0|" 'l'|lI'Z DAY. Lodge 7'!) In. I this evomng. I Bf" Iv: I "'1 `,. Qnrrmd 00': I0 50 .1 ,II ._-_ Il..A nus BRITISH WBIG. THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1.878. The Os-Idiots Win- uer by turn Louguur-J lard Pal:-Gnu uejoirung In To- nm 0. _ us "wvv-r- -- --1-: Toronto. In} lb.- -Th (not not In boon towed uni Hula I Ch Iinucr. During Ihosotuoon tho Bay In nodd- ed with cnlubl pll kinds, iron the sun: sotho -usll row boat. Thowlnrvon the count won worded Iilh poo- nln. duo tho building; fuiux tha Iutat. 'KI'uT{'..o'c1oeu, uuTou1- of the ` enter vulumpy and I strong eontll rut rind bloiin`, and {be prospects of I two were very slim. This dgubllul mu of thing: continued until ve o'dnok, when the wind oeued end the velar settled into dmuet. I deed calm. For some reuon or other, I: never, the reiuree did not see lit to cell out the oanuen for three qnerten o! an hour, Although the race might hue been commenced and liuinhed in that time, the lllcl being :0 calm as could be reuonnbly ex For lony minulee the great crowd of epeehluon I Iere kept uniting in euupenu. And any were the execution: given vent to by the ' impatient crowd: on but: end lhuvee. r AI shout twenty minutes to six it III don; the crovuoa nu pun- plo. duo the buildinr IIKC. At chnoo'c|nck, the our stating. --0.: -ulnnunv And I ntromr impatient crowd: been nea lnerveu. At twenty evident thet the `referee had decided to ntert the Inca, end the excitement oom- monoed. The Iignnl being given the oontenunte eppenred from their boat- houeoe, Hnnleu striving lint u the nut- ing place. He Wu loudly cheered. Plain- ted followed in lees than A minute efur, and he III greeted with cheere After the ueuel preliminuiee bed been Arrang- ad the word zo" nu given. and both uuuul prelimimnea hm been Arrang- od, the "go" given, and men started off. The Toronto mm, who had the innide of the tr|c|x,qo the bet- .... I1` .|.. ....; hm... nhnut 1 uf 1 boat innide of the trlcluqol we now.- ter of the nut, being about} of n length in sdvnnce of his rivnl The time of tuning Iu6:08 o'clock. When shout. 100 yndn bud been pulled it boonmo up- pnrent tbs: Planned mount bun- non. for iunt st. that point he Plaiued mean: nun- ueu, just caught. up no Hnulan, Plninted ul- lmg 35 strokes to the minute. un- Inn was here pulling 31 stroke: to the minute, very fut for him. The nee now III evanly onnteatud u fur n Simcoo street, where Hanlan forcud ahend. The crowd greatly cheered at thin, which seemed to encourage him. He iucreuud hll lead, And at the Water Work: wharf he Ill no length! ahead. About half the courts had now been gone over, and in nu. nlninlv nnnnrnnt that our man 'l'l.l.I'llCl D01! aunt; Ml!!!-0 any at 3 p.m. Tuulu Ior Dniu. Sidewalks. Bhueot lun- henng, ho. nscuvod 5: down. the had been gone over, nuu it was plainly apparent ntood I good chance of wluniug. Plain- Lod did his but and gum Hanlnn A hard shove. Froun thll point I night. of the rmo was lust. to the prunmen, who were nn thn Itnnmer Ohicorn. which kept. in lust. the wno were on the Iteuner Chicorn, kept. rear of the others for some unexplained reuon. All thnt in knuwu in that Hm- I-.. .....;no,.imwl hi: land and mused the All thnt. ll known 1: mar. um- lnn uuintainod hi: lead and pused winning pout three (3) length: in ad- vance of Yniatod, who did his best. for a Int hope. The actual time is not known but it. is somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 miuum. -- .. 1V! . Ul Au unuuuuu (From Hm Globe) On the question, Are you ready!" ba- in; put the men, Hnnlan made 3 pnrtiml Ihrt. of About half a hunt : length and atoppod. On the word On both men sprang upon their 0I|'I. Plnilted catching first and gaining thereby about 3 length. The pace wna very hot, Planned putting in nhnrn hanvv work at the rate of 38 The hot, rleiniea pucung in sharp heavy stroke: to the minute, and Hnnlnn pull- ing I long full stroke at 28 to the minute. The latter did not show his truest form for the tint hnlf mile, but laboured more then" his ununl; indeed no noticeable was thin (hit some uue remarked that he was pulling like Frenchy" Johnson. Huwever, it was only fur half I mile,and can easily be explained from Human`: having had fur too little practice in his new boat. At. all events Plausted, with his most determined etfurbn-~\nd he did row for all he In wnrth-could not in- crease his lead one inch. When about en eighth ol 3 mile hnd been trevened Han- lnn began to are-p up on Pluieled, and _ st 3m. 45sec, fr:-m the start the pair .--.... .....,.. 'l\P . lnnrnnnf hut nnlv a mo- 3m. 45 see, from the start ine pair were even for s moment, but only ment, as Hnnlsn drew away from his sn- tsgnnisi, who was thus early decisively beaten. Pliiisted, who had been swaying his body backwards and forwards with great fnroe hsd clearly pumped himself out. His mouth opened wide, snd he was breathing heavily. Here and all through the race he did not seem able to make any use of his legs. His bust, too, seemed me stop with his stroke, for one-third of the duration of which "she carried 5 passenger." Hsnlan continued in increasing his leenl at his one until they arrived opposite the Grand Trunk elevstonwhere Plaisted rallied mid spurt- ing gsrnely reduced his opponent`: lend to about one length. Hanlau then res- ponded, and by a spurt essily regained his advantage. From this to the end of the race Hanlan took his ease, and won as he liked by two good boat lengths. The oicial time for the two miles is given 3814 min. 10 sec. but it must be said that the race appeared to take some- thing over lb minutes, one experienced Liuier giving it M15 min. 18 sec., there being s difference of 3 sec. in this and the time taken by Mr. Meeker, Plaisted's supporter. 'l'ha staerintz of both Darties was good, power. In the course of the evening Hnnlen and Plaiatsd both pend n viait,Hret tn the Lyceum Thutre end letterly to the Royal Open Houue. At the former place of emneemeut the victor in the ountent of theday In made the recipient of I hund- { some gnld medal or hedge, cnnuiltinp of la pair of eculln, e rudder end rnw-loclu. The presentation In undo by Mr. Gor- man, one of the memben of the Lyceum Company, on behalf of Meur-. Redmond & Beiley, the [l'0pI'l0l.Ul`I. Col. Shaw ra- turnod thank: ou bohelf o! Henlan. Three cheers were then given for Hnnlan ' and three more for Pleinted, Mr. Meeker. an behalf of the latter, thanking the audience fur the oomplunent peid him. At the `Royal the reception 0! the row- - ere amounted tnquitc en ovation. In re- Iponee to the cheering which reeled the ouramon, Cul.5l1Al thanked I no audience on behalf of bcth. Toward: the oloee of the porfonnenee, Mm Buford paid 3 greoeful compliment to the horooe of the day by presenting each of them with I beautiful basket of owers. supporter. The steering psrtien guod, Plninted being in thin respect the better of the two. Hnnhu, II uaunl,often look- ed over hi: shoulder. 'l"}.- ..;..nm-u in nnn m-nlhv much of ntvla shoulder. The victory is one pretty much style as the men are, thuu h built upon dif- for-out models, of mucll the sum physical I WCIHCUIIV IIKIIIIII It lulu no dilferenoo how many Phynlcism, or how much medicine you hnu mod, it in IIOI An uublnhnd lnct. thu Goruun Syrup in the only remedy which ha givnn onmlotc ntiuluztion in of Lung It in true 1|... Ara vn nmuundo persons :1. Illvlllnrwu .7 ...- _, ., nun. Mmy ans tho Toty ox-unexnbon who no npplymg to the people [or I re- uul ul Pnrlinmantary honoun. They will be umntod Ill indenite lane of N. r A 1_.._ .|.- ...n.. nf nnhlic

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