A PBOPOHAL. Berlin, Mny 17.-'I`he Cologne Gazette published 1 report. of 5 plul. on foot to eitnblinh a re public of Turkey, with Mid- lnt. Pub: L: President. I ATIKT Llllmu. London. May l|.-- Afternoon: Euro- pean Iecuritieu cl|l.li lUB! tn riae. There are rumours that Count Schnuvll :'a miuion has been nuocouful in the inter- est: of pence. The Colllgan C(;:_e--Orange Pro- cession and Decsion-Fem`an Raid-Hce Harney Case. (By Teleqaph To-day) Montreal, May l9.-AI thu Collignn inquest yesterday uevernl pnrtiun were eumined. including George Ellnmt, one of the tivo from the Uruugo cuncrrt whu puaed Wellington Bridge under the fire. Ho mid one of the atlackiug party game I whistle. and tiring h gm {rum lilra Ihedl And the rnilwny 2 uk. Mr. Orr had. the witness said, a w..Ia with an unilant. on the bridgu, but gut. uuy from him. He did not we UH` re his nvolver, nor did Orr tell him be him tirad. One pintnl, red by 1mm in the cruwd, ushed nlm-mt. in wit.nesa'face. This `True Wit.ueu,' having lnuunced that some of the tivo had km the city, they hnve denirad the press to contradict. the atatemunt. A pnlicemnn, turned Lezget, testified thnt he met, that night, nyuuug man named Page, who had - receivud a blur from B skull cracker. 41. ..f Hm ftv man received un the receivud blow from skull cracker. Out of tha fty man received police force ye.-uerdny twenty-ve were French Cnnadiann, thirteen English npoaking Proteltonu and twelve lnlh Cutinlicn. Mnyor Pollllry received yesterday 1 Inner from Uuncord, N H., from I man. who send: hll nune And nddreu. He up In in An Orange Ynung Briton who joined the Fenian: lu nd out. their plans. The proposition At prenont, he uyn, in to reach the Onnndinn bordar by June 30th. The communication ha been Iorwu-dud to()uuu. Ab . nusalina ..f Mm ()1-anus (Jountv to Ouuu. ` At A meeting uf the Orange County. Lodge, held Iut. evening, it wu unani- mously resolved to not upon their lnrmer docuinn to go to church in I body upon the 12th 0! July next. Th. Pnlim Court invontiurtion in the 0! July The Police Court. invontiurtion Ruuell-Bu-ney cue bu been resumed. Patrick Csxroll tenlioed the he luv lzlumoy crou the street tmurds Rnuell 5nd than Kuuell nppronchad Hurley lwith 5 revolver in hi: hand lnd`5tod. ' UV)-BITS EGMIS. Botlcd Down /or l7h1g Bead- `... | (By Tzlcglph To-day) -Inrd kuuol ll doul. --H. M. S Kr-var, on puugo lmm Borvnudn to Hnhfu, Itruck 3 rock, Ind III I-onounly dnmngod. _u.. Mgiuti unll vim Woolvioh BEMINDEB8. dnmngod. -Hu Majesty II shortly nnditupoat tho troop: than for the ne mm in twenty-two yum. _w.Il.m Run hn boned .600 by inc -Wnllncn Root pooled .600 by telegraph, with: ohnllonao to row lhnhn u. my only data, said not In take place at St. John,N.B. II. is rumoured Ihll Hnnlnn will, that hit not with Iiorrin. pay I vim! to Eoghnd, when ho cull ucklc tho but cannon in luropo. __nl..Mi.xion nu boon mun on u ucklc tho but u: numpo. --lo;ocin.iou ban gun` Blackburn button tho ropunoutuiul. o( the Inner: and opontinn. null 5 no!- tlnun in expected to ho mound lo-day -t|u opentivu to work thru nnnlho as I reduction ol ton pot on-nL, tho Inllo to hnrunontiumndngutobo rained u `L. ....I ..l aha mum mouth. provtdod u hnrunontiumndngusuoo mm: the and chic Ihleo poudu provtdod nu duo of wide Idnin M is. T*` Tlniu B. Plno-, log. ol tho Iqui- uhlo Lulu Inunnco Conpny, IN Bund- -n{. I. Y., 0010: _ but had upornnu, and know D1. cu... Lnnnu-I Iomn at Annouu in th0hl.,l,lDdIOC'*'0cClI)I- hinuhn lliuhuour cone bdrm tho _.u|. In noun nuih. I: not lI'I9.|O In 1E_L_n_euIs. my rd-5-75 to 4-1-) -.:-n-n ---cyan nnuuln4 movqgaif -oy- Owrnpndn tun Bonnib XI. Tuiuduol hajutnu:-udfrou0uoiuu. than the nu-res t'mnI.arn|aneu nnu ecuyuuu luv ...... our (1):! sending Inch I man to thr CruIn |1l x f the c runny, the citizen: 0! Kmgntnu `aunt to know` why lhll area lulu has the pruverbml ruu~rud in bi. b,.ck c\'U|`y lino tho Interoats of hll um. um nutusncy are up fur conudantiun,nud yet cam In uubend huulrsll to promote the prmpuny :1 other plncu, even when, n |uI|u~l.I|m)9 hnpponn, it it done At. our ex- pense 0 Nut only hu he done this thing, but he hu dune it repantodly, Ind boul- ed of n and claimed credit And political I-lppnllfur it. Wu have his ward for it that ha Ill peuunnl imtrumonml in plating Llm mu. 0! Uov-lumen! int)!- uwu, uni ha ha lxllll sud Again `Ielici Laud human` uxd the Ut.v.um people on the tuulung prunpurnly ol lhnt city, uni demanded the nuppurl of thuir member: an I`-rluwuntun that very name. In ` ' L- _..,l`.. I`... nu-nmiun gnd 131 lllj IIKQIUZ, I1: I-- Oovulncat Ian Jv` ` nllthInoIu.iIdm|i Ir.J.J.0Ir~ n.I.thoI-Uhr_y. cl , lfodilulion Onmnabnoxupdng Jo_do Bthlllf diuvnliln viii iluir an-nan. With N- -- - inn-nntwuu HOUIIIIIITII Onu-nub: oxaptng Juqo nuupr diapmuing with on-viau. pd huh judgovbo pruidu at tho Uomuabiou, no notion will he ukon un- til it h fully decided Ilutbor 0: not tho eodilnxiou ol tho Provincial cumu- Iill pmeoodornnond bopot toil. Do- nidod nation will III) In taken with l'I< will proooodotnnond upon Ion. cidod aid to the nilcny commission, which, however, cannot ho abolished until the nponjugol Parliununt. it Iuving has-u ouuhlishod by Ill act of Pulinnont. ltluuover thus oomlnini-non no to be rouovod,u roll ntho Chin! Enuinoon, and our reporter lonrm that Mr. Wdur Bhualy hu uln-ul been sppoinbd to the nauiti-In of Chief nuinoor of tho rad. 'x'."..."1"zK.'"."n}l'-2.i":`.L'.'..'".pp..." -"an pnuitiun nginoor I H. -ill noon directly h the G01 pnuiti--n 0! Chin! Engineer or can run. Ho will report directly Govern nun. A grant nvinu will than 3: one: ho brought about. What with the ra- ducnll of tho salaries of the number: of the Cnbinet. the dinbnnding uf tho Pro- vinoiul police, the doing Away of the Du- u-ioc lhgiunaiu ud othotfsimilu non of retrenchment tho Joly Government hue well earned the title of Anti-uxioniatn." # 10.3.... won anon - Wuuu. The Bay of Quinte Cunferenee nf the Methodist Episcopal Church in Csnads met in the M. E. Church of the tuvvu of Prescott on Wednesday. Bishu Curinan opened the Conference, and delivered a brief but pointed and forcible Idtlress. He stated that over 1,000 of an addition bud been reported in the membership of the church in the two: eonferenees just cll-eed--Niagsra and 0ntario-during the present year; the financial aspect of the work in these two e inferences was on the whole very cheering. The Rev. A. Martin Ives chosen Secretary of the Con- ference: the Rev. Wm. Blair, B.A., Journal Secretary. and Rev. W. Burnett Statistical Secretary. The nominations of standing committee for the present year by the last annual Conference were, with slight amendments, adopted. Geo. Wright, M,A., Ph. D., Professor of literature and Modern Lsnousge in Albert University, was invited b the Conference to deliver his lecture on me before the Conference on Friday evening. At the afternoon session, Rev. Jno. Sills. who asked for his letter from this Con- ference one year tlgn, presented himself, and asked to be reinstated agsin as a member. and on motion his request was granted. The Conference then selected the advisory cnmmittee.vvhich committee. with the bishop, selects the presiding elders for the coming year. Thos. Richards was continued on trial, and al- lowed to attev-d college during the coming year. Rev. J. W. Briggs was almost continued on trial. Rev. James B. Dunhem was admitted into full connec- tion, and elected to Deacon's orders. Mnntmal, Hay I7. I-`Inur- receipts 4900 bblo ; market has still n declining tvnd:-nny .nuperinr extra 5.00 $05.65, axu-n 5.2. ) to 52,230; {Inc 4.90 to 4.95; ad:-lug extra 4,7": 104,75; super ne 4.4514) 4.50; utron lnakarku 4.90 to 525; ue 3,90; middling: 3 ; 5_: 5 1.30; inc 1.9!! w 1.3;); uurIu[ middling: pollnrda 3.00 to 3,25; Ontario bugs 2,50; ulou 3,50; upriug extra 4,72 009*???` Pnrlluuum un mu Mm manner he undb bug prumioen And gnu Inge repreunutiun to the Bnlinh Uulumluuu [urn precisely Ilmlllr rou- tuu. In these and ulhur one: on! o] Klrujafu ho is not too [rut man to do nary uunll nnd vary IlPIl|`O lhmp upon ncuuum, in order 1.0 gniu support in the `U! -uu u. ... Huuu. Wuh poor uld Kmgnon, hou- mer, me an in dllfurenl. Sir J--hn u lure cl tho support vl my number In lung nho ruzurm himself to pulumout. and so when the people com- phm of his cold nhuuldor, And ]uu|y thugs him with completely Ignoring the ; very umanoo ol their city. uoopt u I | more pocket borough, they no cold to bus uluuod with their Illunmonu mombofn grgunug ! Uh huh like that the poo pin ul than any have boon fed too long. What out may about choir member": gtulncu (evou u! all his worshipper: Il- lcgo upon this palm. Inc two) U the nuu-noly ol the Insn in to be mod. 5: I! ha ban, 3: the up-Ilogy lot his contemp- , A ..._.__..;..n..- nn-Incl of In: Montreal. M Bank of \hmt.real-162 3-4 162 1-4. Merchxmla` liauk-90 1-2. W 3 4. Bank nf Commerce -l|8 3-4, 118 l L ()'m3.ri-) Hn.uk-85. 8| 1-`- Ranlr nfTnl`lInL0A-135. 137. Hn.uk-85. HI 1-!- Bauk of Turonm;-135, 137. Royal I`anmdia.n Bank- 00. Molsnn`s Hnnk-E1. div.. 94. 921-2. Bank du Peuple naked 76. 14. Metrn -liun-b|nnk (`nnrmidnmi Ihmk -30, 79. uahec Bunk -b|ank. .h-I-al#lI'6 I04 |-4. IDIII-III- ln Kinsman. on May 16th, the wife or R. Wuddel I, Esq .013 ton. Oranges, 1 Avian UH EAP FOR CASH. Mnv I7. vo.uurE7fsTTnnTIou I` 0F'P`l(TER AND OTHERS RE UIRING Hmir IHCLT UIINAMEVTS, Sin (3 Armin, dun. Elnctro l"nuul far the QuN|n'I Hlrth urn rnqm-Mod to lend the umeto tbeKinxIwn I*`lnumz Wnrkn muuriy An poutblo to Avoid 4linalII)0illYlul'llt. dimppoinnuo-nt. MACLEAN. CHARLTON E. C0, 167 Wellmgwu 51., non 5. Wt-oda' Bookstore. May |7tb Strawberries Uhsap To - Bay, AT THE BAZAAR. mam Ei1mna&'iicB`i COIl_I :l I . N 0'31 (2 E . ll D000, II Ipmvp, nu .... W. cable and eonlolnptuoun nogloot plun duty to hit ounuiluoalnl II ;|.. Jnhn .-an nurd II) III! II V` "JTIIUIIQ TVVO FIRST RATE VEST HANDS. Appiy w MuNuughlon & (Io , King Street. Mn 1 - Enuino and Mncbinory Canon in here ,no$i~d. that in Mom-dnuoo vil. nroqnkt unn, uugnod hv Nhnreboldorr, holding ane- fun-Lh ol the Cupaul of tho Company. 1 Erect- sl (Hanan! la-uh. oi the Com nv wll be hrld st -he Cit Hub. I31 Ht anon Street, _IonIn||. UN 'E8DAY. the tub dny of IAY . I878. u two ('1) o`o7|oci In the afternoon. fl!!! HAREH)l.l)E8 of the Cllldiall h THE AQUARIUM. 1`L'Esnn. am dny oi IAY . I378, o`oioci {at Ibo purp-no of ounnidl.-ring any proponllioo for ma -mpoul of the I ropony and Anne of the Umnpunv. or the best mode 0! continuing Ibo Ioiru If the Company. or in winding up n! ma uuna. BV order. _V _____ _ the camps! of the name. By IONTIK ll. PIOIIHTI IAIIIT. Warn :4 M ACLEA IL New Boat and Shoe Store,` PIIICIIB DTIIIT. plun duly to ma uuu-uuu-.., ll an John an mum pay nonu- louhun Io olhor plum: than to IIII own constituency. why-, ion In in povn It- nuvmv, it would in In honor lot King ICU!) 1! In van not in -ooh: at I. It the conollnl Malta to which no Mn ht-cu (mud in the prion '0 Mn! pay ' tor the honour cl having Mn our son- bor, to humbly but Ornly submit not 1 only lhutlu '3 ho big-lbdllll in Lao pad u be long. Study. to Ian ; `Hun ch a nu OI!` not in pntiionul lot um;-tour yous. in gun. our sun cl unequaled uhulwiooey. ll be out '0 to pulunocu ogiqh in high use no.0 otter plan dhlnubhud ind! lot "`- --H`--Eh I-C cl` Inll Pine Applet, Cunnmbern. Tomnloel. Onngen, IA-mums and (Iuconnuu, AT THE BAZAAR. VIHIE llAREll)l.l-)El`l8 lcnninn Cc Bone! Iomreul. lay I7, I578 In lhh. ` SMRSFIELII & DILLON, l0'l'|llAI. ITUCI IAIII I`. plan n-nu--u. ...... .... Ibo quilt quttionno IOIC Ili km (or scuba. Tho unt:-by by wild In In but nund H puluuul In unlyonldouilint lid that-d U_l_'J_J_'J K.) ...n_a .. V j Ilnnurnelurllg (`onI euo|erI. ._ I" 1-`? Ill DOLANI BLOCK. I. 3. Conference. uvun, Fresh Black Dateu, Oocoanuts, Pine Apples, Bananas. &c. l.`l'\|2 (`ANN Wantedi new HA1 BAVI El-OPIIID ` r"-- . ILEIFIILD O DILDOI. B[l'l`lI. 4.. 11.... Ian. JAB. W PYKE. I lB:_o8IetIryn:d`l`nunnr -Monica:-1. Mny 17. 3-4 W PYKE. nu-an And Tnunr Csndlan ".4-unnnnv unborn muatrox iluronmn fniuuicriiiq lonneni run nmumun. $1. -I-0- -nu1n-ra--:- : N.B.-Nop1|or uh: ulna I ullllilou the d-ynunod. I Ihyn. Those who wish to inn God: pulp In order tin n-lyongoodvorknalnhlp.proupO- In-Iudnlou can break. Glild Trunk Railway ` IUD nun. nu... .V .. I thus udmru of hu [ wrns thnutarnnshed I GRAND MILITARY REVIEW AT MONTREAL. RETURN TICKETS WILL BE IBUUKD between :11 int: on the! line in Cnodt on lay `Mth. 1: lug]. Faro Tionh, good {ot tint. day only. nnvI\rVD\! 'I`lf`III"I"Q -II `I-A ha In-nun` an lull ul_y Inn; RETURN TICKETS will ulna be lntlud on `23rd And -mu In, good to return up to the 271.}: my inclusive. between nll polnn on the line in Canada an one But clan Inn and mm thud` one thu-d. loumrs B|HTHAY!| AT nsunansuws FANCY STORE Flag: for Decontions. Pop Guns, `L870- IR. MAURICE GRO'l'l'Y. Toy Pistols, Soft Rubber Balls. Sponge do Lacrosse do Base 3311: and Batu, Croquet. a splendid lot, lLarge Supplies of live Oont and Ten Oent Music Just Received All New and Populav Standard Pieces. Fans at any price, Iontrenl. MA] 17, I878. ALWAYS OI TIIE I Young lady's Journal for June. Other Iuguiuea and Papers for May, 0| 8 INOUBII D|8FIAl0|II8ED. Town and Country llendcrsolrs. [HEN DERSON S AT HENDEnsoN's| Play and Prot. in my Gnrden, Iluw to Build Hot Home. Anmusur I-`locwr (Jnrdnn, Floral Dooontionl oflhe Home, I-nun. -.vv.., Choius Gnrdon Floworn. Clutter`: Unltla Doctor, What! Know 0! Fnrmiug. Munnnlu on Dog, Cutla. onu, BooI.Bilk- worm. GL0 R. B. HOLDER, `PHOTOGRAPHER Opposite II!` Golden Mon Ilool. qusms BIRTHDAY. com". 01v1.`.77;0ME ALL rl _; _ IN.--`- &c., &c. nven him In Iurunumm. . ......,. what that to have: neclod upon. 5 polmcal crime: has Ind echpled the hon- `l)f mm . A 1.-....` .-In; lhu urea `New Hat Store,| Another Lugs C000 cl Ibo Papnlu Weather Indicator lot. and Clu-In-ty`I London. Young lei : "Mitch Drills" M Till NEW HA TIII llw nun unv-. A-orlmn Dbl Bri-" Run II Till IIW HA1 ITOII _. . -. _n .,g__, lavolun II. RI-Iv Ooodnd `I'll! IIWI 'lllI HDW nun --v-. Trad Hub-In uurtnul at Till IIW IA? ITOII. log`: lab I: callus unity. ____..- \1ur\(\n $I'J..l..l4;La-a ..-_-., -_ cor Prtnccunnl Inna A..." IDI. worms, cw Book and Music stores. ,-r1" / DO! I'I I [ml I. an EIUSIO. llllawvvnn ---.v v - IOITIIAL IOAD. foul:-unnyb-Iduvl JOE` D1 folluunnyh-lulu: JOEY DU" Iunbl Oul-nu-niud /1711.: x/`v54. vv..-...-._ And glva the now Artm A Churn. lg: llh CALL AND SEE IT, AT 15*-bn. ` by I0-0 than Tory papers baing com V III` IIIITKI ITI lhdocton olQaodoc in ends! to on- pnu tho dzlnuol tho July Iinhtry was anything but us Inuiud swan Tioulyai; M.PP.u, .11 told, responded Oaths nuununo, thy Ioiopoodouu and sound numbers hilhurlu may old-oi Iyiouooa byshut Abuses. The upshot ol it All in tin: even tho Haul bu loot haul in the iunmadinu oondounuinn of ' Ibo laiouunun.-Gunrnm and the ipoady lulu! ul who Lxbenl Maniotry, nnd Inn poorouly (muted than I npriovo till next Jnnuuy from the din nonunoo ol lllllihlllllon Ihwh In no Ink-ly inlai- mud ngniuu them by the very ulna nulhorisy. Say: the Maul in n roam pm um nvri 0Q|H1;q- `;.uo.m.no...-mounuu-sci. luhnuurolrcnning the dad`: 1!` < Par 8 B. Polynatan, it the do I-Ivoodnd IIW HAT I703! \_. ...-o-man Al Much to HAT ITOII. . _A-" ll-.- .0 JOSIPBGH lC:80N . 01:. angst. ` HHEMFEIEBAL mm 01' 0` [ADJ . Chtd. .0000 PAID IJP. EH30 or tutu.` nuns: 5lounu|1nnn.....................Pna|doIl Wu. Vim Pendant na...an.-.- It In... Bank-In Ilvnll. l A sum as uov-:-uux was omen I n xmonoli. oI In In, |IN `PHI GOLDIR LION RLOCK,| ooooollo tho Pun (moo. with Tho poliny of the Oppnoition in to lo- euro the non of Ihn (ionrnmont, Inn unhun union, and tbrn adjmrn until Jnnuuy. In the intrrul uvonl uuu vnllna reg-clued, Mulnlmnrond, Bioma- Ili, Misninquui, bluulrul WoI.Kunour- ukn, and wane otho: oumt.iIuou'cun which no uh hr the (J.-nu-rutnron on I ma! uloctiun, no to be oomutod, Ind III-on the Hunt: meet: in January than will ho I Cunurnuvo majority of ten or twelve." n . I ;.z,,n._ _:._..I- :- sI.i...I.- nl [N THE GULDIXV l.alU.V uuuun, opposite sulnp link Du-parluon Attached, Via. a Ilnonl Iullng Bushes is done. Gala and Cu-tony own and mu-ling I! change bu It and cold of II `host any 1.3.!-lnkiwrut Iovnd. Including I_ho Savings` Tj_j__.j:2T I will open my new rurrluxe Il7.. -n-nnII| nn Thllrunv. hill II Install I`, with the Ingest. Ina Banal Auortld Nook of CABIHAGBS, PHE l`()Nl"_ BUHGIES AND WAOGUNH. to . over shown in this part of Canada. __ -,`.~_---r~./xuv van-u.. I G. VV. R0 I3INSONa IIIIDIII I`I .. KIIOI'0I- WI. LIJXAIIIII. . . . . . . . . . . - .. V w rn-Iuuuu Iivu-deuloy Jr..Ioq.. c-lnllynu. v onhnua. ' of `nbu-`Ixou-go`. .Io_:_."f:_ P|_Q,y_talr.` EOAEINET G-C0138.` ilvor Wnro, Gold And Silvar Jewnl`ory. Jet do. Plated Hoods, Mmuzmln.Puper Mnuluia, do Plain Warn`, Birds in (Hana Sluulm, Albums. Drawing CIFWI, LI- dlon' Work Hun-n, luluiu nnd other Goods, Purl liuxua, J1-vol (Jun. llrnfl. Board. Che-an Mon, Cloutn. Br':ohn. Ilnlr Gooda,Comba, Buckets, H .hlng Tackle. Per- flunoc, Chin: Cups; and Salim-rn-, I-`um-v Vum-. Do`ls. Fancy Urnameutmcruiu wnh Cull-hwc Bonlu. Rubber Goods, n..|..m Portfulioa, Uuld and silver Rings, Broochu; Eur Rings. Neck lAoo,ve or six (I85 L`m4en.l lil (`luLh.(,`lmmln liermhumpa and 3 huge lot or nlhor urtiuloo too numerous to menmun. xunun. In It ?!- I unvn any-.nnuu~-s-n./-..`..-.. ....._ 311'. John Ox-ldiford, unu nnn;|;r. IWCIVO, H0! delightfully simple is this plan of reversing a gununineutal majority! A thniiaand plllul the Mud did not suggest it live ye-are agu so that the Miiokenxa majority (Dlj(h|.l0l ere thin have been tramp-used and transferred to Sir John Misc-lumild. At the risli: of tllllllglllal the chsncu of the organ, an pateutee of the lll|{0DlI)'lI plan, to are bound tn divulge the fact that the idea is not original. The device is outunt of whole cluth from the plan aub- initted by that eminent military authori- ty,Capt. Bubodil, to the King of Eng- land, in the unrest Ind iuoat. effectual means of deleisting the enemy in the lield. `.t Illl be remembered that the Captain'a plan Ian tu select nineteen gentlemen, an brave as himself, and,plA..- Il'I|( himself at their lirad,t0 challenge twenty plched men from the uppuaing army. Alter Lilliiig these. to challenge twenty inure, and loiun until the enemy was deciliiiited and destroyed. It will be seen the pliin of the Mail is a precise- ly pamllrl one. The tlppociti-in are to re-capture in the cuurts the constituen- cies littely won by the Liberals. Those above nientmned iiru to be the tint to fall and If theee should not prove siiicient the organ can readily select its many more, until enough of the Lihersls are pl!|t}0d hon de cumbal to make the Tory restora- tion a litre thing. In the ineaiitimeit, of course, never occurs to the calculating "rgan that the enemy may return the tire, that the gums of prutest is one at which both parties can play, and that the atrong probabilities are that the Tories would be as badly worsted in the battle before the cmirts us they have already been at the pulls. This giving the Libe- rals uf Quebec enough rupe tn hang themselves," slluwiug them it respite till Jsniuiry,and pqriiiitting them to try their hand to pruve their incapacity, etc., is all thoruuglily iinderstoud. lt. is only aiiuther way of confer-siiix defeat. The Leader": bluiitei wsy of acluiuwledyjng the corn, by thrneuig up the sponge at lice. is much more calculated to win the up public respect. -r..-o>~.- Who In rotlriuu from the Fan:-_v (Mods bani noon, to ht at his more, noun, in: mu .. ....... Commencing on Momiay Evening. n 7:30 o cmcx. |PAI1\T":t-I :1.\Tcar 1| UUHHHUIJUAHS vu almanac; -v u.-.3 Ind EVERY EVENING till nll |AAold,aI1 uf the nbove Stock wnhmn. reserve. Alan nn Tuoldny. an `2 o'clock. when !un. of the lineal. Good: will be sold G` Terms cash. J. E. llU'I`(`HERON. II... In Inn Auctioneer. IS PREPARED AT ALL TIMFIS TO EXE- CUTE UIKDEKS FUR Home PamtlnginaIla't.sBr anchea IN THE VERY BEST *iTYLl Ha mum u dantiy point I,nnver_v piemx 0! work hum uy bill! for I your [I-Ml M a guarantee of his alw- lmu Nun: Bl1llllll'U|.AN nnruznuu UM-.l: Btmot. brdaru hen at Km-n Hrno. Slur:-,, l`r'n.- oeu SIN-I. will be promply nlwudml tn. Inch I6. I578. II`. C MILO QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY! KICSIUENUE AN BlIUl --l|o-Bil uf Km-u Bron. mu Mr:-an nromnlv lny l7l.h. nu hurriol tn-ip-:l-the 7..., cum-tJ .- II.-no.-.I In non -Knl. an-ll h D Tho U4 U!) will in-`Ava the Farry Wharf at Q p.m.,on FHIIM Y. -mu May for Cnpa Vin- oont. returning st 7:510 u'rI0('k- r.- in now _0Il (`null [Steamer n:aud.| If Illlln-no vcuul. By kind perminuon nf 1.1.-(futtfutmn and Ofooru-I A lsnlwry tho Band will bcmn bond. May I6, I81. cHEAPTcHAPn cnsijlu n. 5 at-n1-uC'sQ.. cumn IJ. HALLIG AN & c0.| I! u vyvu nu; nun ~_...... Wu-erooms on Thursday, 23rd Instant, . n._.n_ my l, ms. 25 Oheutn Pine J span Tea.4 lbs 81 25 no choice Ten, 31!): $1. an A. n|._:-- 11--.... '1'..- `Ila. Cl 60 III! VIIUJVII IUD, 0 Jun 'L- 25 do Ohoice Green Tea, 31: 01 We gunrnntoo than Tau to he mm but vnlun In the oily. -lVlIvI C-1 5` at Komrul Wholooaio prion. The true Iunt of I Cunservuive in the city of Klllglhin Icelnl to l-e hi: willing- noun to Vutu f- rS1r John A M.u:donald |'l nll lmzaigla. It is ccrtuinly A crucial taut lur any Llmulnng man" who feels thnt lll vutc is his Mn, and that when he 5lVeI it llz`. wuuld lll\0 l.-- givu it fur lho uumi who ha l)clluVt:l has the welfare uf ` ` ` ' "" ~`- ' `I-HI" Tn main `J. Huugan dz Co.. Brook st..| AucnoN_ _L, 1Wl`IIII1`l` I .I JIIII lrrlVv(l-l Il"UIll IV! In Ionttod Ginger Ale, do Selim Wster. lonprul Plun Bods. . n:,_.,_.- _n_ __;--. nuns M1; BE RECEIVED up 0 M ti Hwy 9! lots. [or Advonlr Inn Inn: on Can ol K-nnvma Icnrt lot It] IIDIBS WILL BE lusulnvlu 0) 3!.) lug Spas K-nnmu II Conpcny. for no you, [run In Jun For pnnleulun apply It Ooo 0' lbs C--puny. J. L. NOIIIII IX. 11.. IL 1111 gugu. lstim cAn_1_\nvntIiiE I`UII|EUu A".`"J.`. .." c::`""'s. 1".` ```' ..... . u ` 1 I 1 I80 Ml (git. U l..I ATUI|oAY. $515 b.,uIo'oIoct p-.. Iorolooud dbinuocn ml nacho land of `haunt. V_ r. J. Simon ' an on. do. .____ Wanted, 0 AITICLID CLIIIKI. A I to Valiant Wdhn.IolidIuI. [mu nnunn _A| nut. ruulrulug It 1 an n I`lU('I- Q" PAIlB-25 Cents. I- lulnal nnpmi--nun nf Ll .[`:.I hum cunnuluuncy uncut M. huart. To men who are led by party, ur whu feel util- tied that he equal of John A. lur wine nutauunnnlnip, jull. leglaluuun, And inter- est III the bur--ugh lhal . hu elucted hum. WI never be fuund again. the tent ll easy. Tu H1-we who urn nut uf office and huva cxpectau->nn" by the return 01 Sxr J--hn Lu pmlar Again, the last II pleuaut. But to I nun who ue free and iudapen` . .. ..;.... A. on In. "BEAVER GROCERY, I3y|5. um. Nou the mono or nlnciba ; , .______._ l Sugar. Inovv. lay M, IUI. L Walton. Inytll 3'-IIIII. In 13. um. mung Glazing, A BATTERY BAND. my I. u--u man u. mum: ID. [""s.a':.` '*.:.'.'.'.'-'.:'."r...'.::":.'::: --u or an .-ems:-:0;-1.-_-3 F. C. MILO, (WITIOITT IESIIVIH HAVE JUST RECEIVED Jnu nrr|vo;--n_ Inch lot of ___I :|x_...-.. AI- Ixmg, Sign Painting, Paper Hanging. &c., &c., &c.. VITIVV RIPKT Q l`VIJ<`. Nu mun 4-. n _i5tice. rn cl IlnrkIn|IdJt|A GEO. HAIR. Inna. uunnu, Kuhn i n.."-'c :' .'5.. 1 .. - -.. and curpnrnt - cm], and --no: tlwxnwlvx-| c-u u _ jlltesslioudallepartment IIVITI IISPRGIIOI TO A LAIGI AND WILL AINJITID ITOCK IN TIII ABOVI DIPAUTIKNTS. Bhotndcolud Oulncnn. llnokullliolototlbuotroc . Iholnndoolnndlhlduud luInI|0ol- Oouruulli taunt : ca.-nu naloul III Capos. now-. Guy uh nu-.-.n Wool. In: Ground 0|-anndlnu. AIno-8u|pod, Ilgund O Glacial Gunilla A lup Stock of Blah vgayxooloroduksstbow During: Silk Fringu. in Dal. Nuvy. Plum. Iyrtlo. Bruno and But in rich designs at low prions r-.v-. All of tho show hula in Wool I`:-Inga. `bula; RlkI.8nuuud Vclvau In all the luv Ehndoo. Jouphluu KID GLOVES In all tho thalliu- sblo linden. um. u r-rt Iuul IVUl' IUIUII III! 3 One prion only: Salon nu-nolly out R. & J. GARDINER TH E SHOP AND DWICLLING IIUIISI - aouplrd by Ir Ashley. on P. ilmou atroot Pououlon on ur belon the In at Jun. R. )1. BOSE. Klnnmn. In `2. HE 830] AND coupled A|h|oy,un Pnnnulnn an nr bnlurn that In nl .lnnA -Ir ll-J-I N the Burnett Homo Buvldlng. Ontario street.-5 mound u. suitable: to!` non or uue. Apply to JAS. MARTY AL C0. Anril 18. I378. EVEN R()0|l8I:. tho l)o'Inn Bhuk. Prlnoul Slmel. ; uou\'oulom and oounfurnnlvlo plum to livo; 1-utruwu from Prinuw-a hlrooi. by prlvula door. N. DULAN. April 29, 1878. `W0 NEW Rl'ISll)l-IN(?l*ZS on Princes. Blroet, roulaining uluhl rmomu mun ; fold m dour: and grains: nu ru uul ; bird and wk water pump: in lnvluan ; vmml -Ina-I nml. utabln In vnrd. Apply to the uwn- r. MR. W. D. GllA\'\`H. corner I r|u.n-nu um! llu-no Bu. Iny 0, H178. ATVVU STUKY H'IUNI` UVVILLI ooutaluing ulna nu-mm,n|lunlu| name! of (llorgy sud Wlllium Stnetn. aion May lat. Apply to nltnlenlr Mnnlr [1, UNUIIANI) In 0011 (`nnlimmn MI` W bog:-`mg IruI`L.oiumte-x nl-um lira mllou in Kingston. For terms Apply to Hm owlnr, WM DAV). \\'M I). The Cheap Broker. Princess: 81.. I}! I3, l`7l!. Store and Dw e11iI{gm 1`{{*LT.. Htreou. I` APP`! W uuu su .... . dent, mud \ I` 9 May 15. I871 N EXCELLENT TEIINACE HOU`E|` tan rnomn, [mod ntnl.lo.&c R4-nl 35. "gold purohuor on: make annual pnymenl-I in place of rent. C V. PRICE. llgrnh 9. : I VII \Jr\\.n_., l.EA8AN'l`l.Y Nl l`lIA'l`Il) (71)'l`TA()! SI Nnrri-lhsld. vuulalnium muhl. moan and oollnr. Mu] be exmuiuml nu npplksatmn to 19 J mmmnn Kingston, lay I III u-nu. "THE I IGHT l l.U.\IE." on I : lnvona Strata Wlllluuuille, K|ugauu.. Fur p~rL oulnru-nv nusra ml. he lhumu M mu In-nun. l-\ r` \I'\|-|-, `1TAM BARGE HERA LI), rupvwlty I000 l7ulhr`l.l`Ob|.|ll[ Iriihu It soul ul seven tlmuuud dollar-. Engines and Mmlm in guod cundlllon, w.|l be sold uhnnp Apply to F. J. (ncmmxcz, Kkug-mu. HA7 3. April 1!. mime Ann gtgtsrrraiz mt. SHALL ENGINE 1-{two hnruo power, will: [our horns vnrllt.-ul linllnr-good II naw. For ulo ubeh|bIul'I'lMb. Apply to I). MuEWlN Av HON. prlvulo dnor. - fL'xuudn npprn\'. of those pr then-lure unmun Ihnfbrit par And If hu timls n`m (luv. : mud n cefuuu pau1.y that an :2 but anxmu: to am In, clung: tics, and {urm thmmelveu In -* I-7 .. sI..o .|....-n nnthin I \II I \II \|---, 0|! f-`lALE-~'I"lE NEW HOUSE ON UNION H'I`lUF/I`. U|)|IIIlll5 St. Jumod Church. now nppruwhing ouvn]-latlnn Will be one 0! the mun! oonvo-nhnl In the city. nnrl lunnhhod in tin` lnnul. unmle-rn ntyla ; npnn rule: with mantel ' Alon luhling dour, sud La nd u. A ` u '. r. K pp}Ol;N (IUNNINGHAI April I 1878 Bulldot. V-.:-` I T I I AGUOD HUIII FARM. vonulmn about . one hundrnd nnd nu-nlv um. n In I new Vrunn Dialling tlu-reon. For nu-mo apply to the owner. Wll.l.lAl DAVID. The Clnup Brohsr. Prluoou Hr. . Kingston. N u-Bouthuut mm: 0! Int In 150 rpm (Iuncedan n thr Fuwntlnlp to Kill] ...n. mmldnlll 50 Anna ul mu] culdvnkd ON thlouthlut rrnrmr In (It -tun. oumhlnlng land. Them-n uru two Dwelling Hanna, oo- vupicd) Inn: Well: of um, und 4 Avian II Orchud. In nod ormnlilhno. vhb {nit Thou in non new vn. Incl |`~ut.Ilu 40168. $50 but in tho Tuwnnbip. This vslul-lo Propuriy in -itunhd war the Patti lhnd. in miles from Kim . The puwuy can bu ad by pa on third dawn For In or vu- dcuhn uoocuuaatotlnrviu Applyh III ntnnt. I. I J. GAIIIIIIEI my 9, ms. qunre \A Kingnxuu, Much 15, ' Wll U-vsuo Chan lulu Pnncou Iuoel. Ilncnuu Ann! 24.1376. I`. Bnrriuold, May 8, ISJK. bocaun n .\,___ .._..__ ._ ._. , , ._ ...._._. FOR SALE; `nroo lesldegics Ind Ink. ILL ll If`l.D on nunuhlo tuna, an that Dialling: nu (Jovdocg I! run. bo- tvnu lulu-dlahnon Iuuou. owned bytho Iul-arIbt.1ho hvuuuvwfluo urns-no. nunutn-r0IDpovnu.uI I-an um bout slouch puvryu. all-v The use tar.-ti sud bovul: n-nmmbutdu lb dumb. I-u and molar: Ttooro II n Oh- you Iornlnnoh bouo.u-d hum! and anal: Inn pomp-in Hutu. no--d Ilmln sud lot In` print. Ina! (Judas umrhhouo. UICI auunlu-tubby-Hana In Iunpun. is-than nnauhn u unlluuon IO Fob 8. X8?! mm uyplluuon WI.l Iny I. `II. Joizunuuuu 'l vlllulllholdllloudulyotnluntho RE new three ntnr_\ Uri:-lt Store and Dwel- ling onourner nf \\'u|I`muluu llld Queen Lroeu. Poueulun [won on Ih-It of .auuo.. TWO BTUBY 'l()NE DW!l.l.INO- nounluimr rn-m:A.n|lunlu| unlho . many nnidant for In |naelI'Im-m wv--` - ~ In u 611! plus. to no utuod tbs! I 8': John ought not to be olooul, lot ' [inning spin. Hi: long lens of power : nnnlling in no hula lunch to thin city-- . has 0': huh llugnlon-duel not `tall I no-uuoud hinnholnot that Kingston bu ; ciuuou J vodtb and , ml-um. buhlnlnio Ililptoftl-} dam. -Unto prosponlj ll ouoxlouut with ` udbwod 09 In that olthodly and not -i.|\ Ionot uy. injuriou tone but Iuhnnualou any; udlho no nod- ---__nn.......ahuu-two I II nuuzn I . mums AND Tuumc: ACRES or AN` L URCIIAHI) in oouonnmum..u-J-wen n-hm |ruiLniumIm nl-um Hrn mllnou [mm no lulu I Apr \l 24.13771 . PRINCESS STREET. vI.'| IR7I AV IIUIJI VI vvn; NEXUELLKNT TEIINACE ll0U`E|` . good Tb Rent or Skllli v nvuul I uum rrlruu FOR SALE, M RANGE IIERALII 4-alum`. jgga SALE. Au. non.':_vmmn 3 I n .. has on in -unlit! ituug 9.; FOR sALt-:" A\! I`I v ul`l`lIA rh`II l`I' L59?! SALE, THE TEST OF A CONSERVATIVE- F01: SALE, For Sale. .... ILL... T0 LG I`. D A\ll\ I\lI|rII T To |m.\`r;" AND THIKKE A(`| T0 LIE I`. ..-u u....-.. I) T0 LE I`. Wiu'|'. pa 0! In Good: loll cl 3 Ila nor baton known. "I and: OovofInt\&&doIt. godlumhnpudolh subcuta- -~- --I-A nnndyonfduouxing u, 5| lur vhnu. Apply 10 l). MuEWlN WM. DAVID. an WI. IIOWDIU. Johnna Ital! n , A. -1- _n- -- -n...nL- lppuuntluu w J. HEURUE. ,1 .. Khagoton. and 'lI`l.hIql'UUIuu-~ ... .._.._- wind Indyocy daunting | lwuuuuuolsho pupa-`wy `vlldha uuu.-,- . \ - ~ Suppmw u A. ......~ uh Iuumoil any. ---... ..., ..-` iqlnnlinptonol thunu ..-cal; 0oOOfIDQ\ii*X C coo uyou 5.7-? pm in sum. Oouas. 0:1: or Ties go to ASH- LEY! OHRLP SALE. ---~~ oOO- ----- nuld hu- Ind Ul Luau u-.. .,.._. mnl degree with other cine! ` rut nus, the my in hard, cru- which men whu lhmk for `I uzunu-I nulnnu to. r unc cure n('nmurvn!ive,andhe than Mr Jubn and his: party skx-n th-A great prlnciples under bocanm L`unu:rvauvc, 1: ho Mmlo by hi: princuplun, or - alum-1-vn hm principles and ful- uu null n lvmlcr i If he ndnl Lhair their country in own city hoiIo1""""' h'-' ..._A.-- -uucdiq to Birlch be-hung, bonus in In recently fvomi chat this is lhouly L1-My npou that In in the noon-rot cannon a! riding over spin into _ ,,.-: n1- -|.-..I.l olnly not Iimrls cllulun In llllau. cw... - powotl W0 should think not. 7 0n n curd. inuod to the doctors our the Iignuun of Sir John Incdocnld, the public oxpondilun for 1877-78, it placed at W0 mtsd in I I-count inns tlnt. then run lulu gnru. We i|d,upou oxnuiuuiomllut tho nueouout ul Sir John llwdonnld in An impodout falsehood. In the lira: plnoo llu uctutl expenditure lor 1877-78 Iill at In known until July. In the second place this sum ($26,203,000) in nude by the diqrwoful And dishonorable trick 0! add- ing 82,000,0(Xl, ohnrgenble to capitol to ordinsry upendicuro. Then in no like- lihood thn! tho octusl upondituro will ` oxoeod um of 1876-77, which an 323,. luluuu II-A-n . < 510,301 71. ML. _-..-_ 519,301 71. The expenditure of the Knodonnld and Msckenzio Government. (mm Confedera- tion. is thus oainlly given 2 1867-68 . . . . . . . . . . . ..8l3.486.092 96 I368 89 . . . . . . . . . , .. 14,038.06! 00 1869 70 . . . . . . . . . . .. 14.345509 68 1870 71 . . . . . . . . .. . 151323.081 72 1871 72 . . . . . . . . .. . 17 589,468 82 In-so -1'4 , 19 174.647 92 Mr.Cam-11 in unending to asking And uondmg st Mnllnfn. :- V"'.!~ . lnonnood plan. ounalhgo Ocu- litldui -v :. L. A- uur.. 1| lnul omaluly guuu . 136889 1572 73 . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 174,647 1873 74 . . . . . . . . . . .. 23.316316 7:": 187476 . . . . . . . . . .. 23,713,071 04 M75 76 . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24188.37? ll 1876 77 . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,519,301 71 A ootnperieon of the nbove table will uhov, that in seven yeere of Sir John`: Government the ordinary expenditure had been increued frum some 813,000,- 0(I) to O23.000.000. e diereuce end ud- vuzce nf eb--ut $10,000,000. A comperiu Iou of the four yenrn Mr. Mackenzie`: Uovernment ha: been in power Ihouu but little increue, all of which will be wcelpted an evidence of care and economy displnyed in the administration of public Affair: under the present regime,eapecial- ly when it is remembered that so many important publxo enterprinee have been undertaken. .+-o-0`... Lut. evening a munical and drnmutic enlenninmont wu given by `.he plIp|ll of the Convent Du Nulre Dame, and it wu I moot Iuoceufnl sud plenum Affair. The hall nu not uoarly large enough for the crowd: who altelldud ; many, we are in- iormed,wenc Anny unable to gain Admin- lion. Hm Lxrdnhlp Bllhup O'Brien. V1- car-Genural Farrell], And other clergy of the R. 0. Church were present, and dur- .- , : 0:- w L... Kl-../I ....l.ln.-.1- IHB IV. U. pnnrcn were pucuuuw, nnu uun mg the evening Sir John Mncdunnld pi-e~ nomad himself. The music, both V001 and instrumental, In: very line, and the dialuguea and drama: were uoelloutly performed. Not being present we enn- not panicularize, beyung giving the pro- uranime, which was carried out in the moat creditable and utiafnctnry in-inner : Music . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . "\V'ed March." Mine: I. Nubia, S. Brnlligau. M. linrrett, A Bruphy. 'r.:,. -...l I`ly..\.... `T`h.: Nlnv Hnnn " I Trin And Chnrua. . n...,_. u- ny uuluun I upun. The May Pole Dance. By Misses J. Sullivan. V. Morrison. M. A. Human, S. Sullivan. F. Bu: ahy, 8. Brauigsn. I. Flanagan. Id. M<.'I)unald. I Muaic . . . . .._ , . . . . ..M|rcho dn-u Tmnbuuru.` Miner: M. Veruillan. I. Noble, 5. Bruui gnu, I . Brunigan 1' .\...:.. lIiulnunn_ . "Hm Unmlv Puniln.' - nu -nu \. Upon-Lu` . gnu, 1. un-nu,-an Comic lnalogue. . V . . . .."l'he Unruly Pl By Minuet A. Burke. A. Bowman, I-`\yle, M 0`Kuc{a, A. Bruphy, I. U'Reillv` by mu: 1.. Lrowley. Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .'The Four Friends. Minn:-5 M` \Vaggt-ner. A. Buruaingham, ll. Mciunil, M. Mcbuuald. Sacred Drum: . . . . ..`MoIes in thu Bulruahes. By Mine: U. U'('unnor. I Mccovnville. 1. Noble, A Brophy. Act. luv.--'Laa Inge )l"nb'9>l. Act 2nd- '(}rnnd W 1.1..` Act 3n]. Lut evening, at the rogulnr meeting of Ancient St. John : Lodge, An interesting presentation wu nude. On Iovenl MI- ` mnin ucoui mo out 0! the brethren, Bargt. Major Olulm, of Bnuzry "A." ha been of grant wrvico upon the commnuea, and the promoters of the recent. Con vonuione xowlved lo frcsent him with an gclmowlodgmenl. :7.` he obllgatiun thay felt under for hi: zeal md willingness upnn thnt. oocuiun :5 well u on the precdmg one-n. W. Bro. Walk- ` om, Chsirunn ml the Committee, appealed to his own lodge bntbren tint. and [mind the ruponu no hearty that ho did not Attempt w [0 boyond in boundl, except in 1 law on. Thll. Vllllt very {'pn}pli- monury to Bru. Cluke, mun. be roan!- tod by the other lodges, who desired to slurs In tho scknmvlodmnont. Bro. Wnllmn, lll prouuting A vory olognnt - ..l i.......l..l ..;.b. Mahl- g: yang gmiih um. Little Song. E uuuu ...u... a........., Vocal Dust . . . . . . . . . ..."I`ho Singin Leann.` By Minuet E Iminez. NI. Vansni lea. (Iumic Uialuguo. . .'Thu Uuwolcmne Vinimri By Misses Murriuun J Uwyer. S. Braui gun, A Birmingham Act but ~Munic- 1)" art.` Mines Mucarow. N--ble, U cefo, Ver- uailleo. Act 2nd. n . n, . .'r|.- V.J.r.` Wlllaln, Ill priuuuuu` a nu, HIV`-ur unit not, of` beautiful lininh, highly complimented tho recipient, who acknow- ledged the hnndrnne tootimoninl. The present took that form n Bro. Clnrio an nlroody amply omloved with juolu Ind moduli from hi! colnndu and lriondp -v~v __-.--v-.< Anonluhlng rut. A largo pro Hint: ol the Anoriann poo lo In |o-::y dying from lhooccu ol Byupoptin or dinordorod liver. The ruuluol than diuuan upon the Inn- nu of inulhpnt nod uluablo poopln in non: alarming. muting Mo actually I burden iuouod ol I plenum onnunu ol oujoy-out ynd nululncu, up It on Pin to lhmfhototololoolrouunlct J! I onjnyncnl and nouulnou, u :5 or nu (u bn. Th0tOIIO[0l'III'C |1h,u you I_Ill only throw udo prejudice and ukqua'In.tahtho Adria-ol Dru '13` ;.d nuI'(I"|Oo`I.|Ddl!] 000 hot a! (lunch Aogutotor. Yonrupoodylv hdinunrtun. lillionlulbouluoluis n-diiuohniongivouonylowyko vi-tun uivh uuidutory nluloionory gg, oucubu ouuytohncdoi-w m.-5.5.-_ dcuovullnlion unbblry. on. or 80-17 lbnuih `cutout: ---'w Ilhavdcun caucus. Hxoituly 0Wnoru -0|-H! Wndo.An'4l-aldbg -anwnuv r1 all nlkv Raul Ouuiu-IL ..Dg1' Jayno, I Mu...-can-vf-~ PM -` '-` nu..AL..--numb. mic . . . . . ..'Murr Cmnpnnion Milne! Mumruw. Noble, ) Keefe Ind Brnpby. . __ : mg... .'n... \v.....u.:...I'.R.m onus-ruouunqnu um When Sir John wu in power and 1nd 1 the opp--rtumty he did notoriously notlr ing In-r thus any swap! to sit in in Inn` a (ll Purlumenl. New um. he is out of po-or, nrd likely furuuno nun to any them, what V-lLI he do for the plnco whnch 4 ha: done so much for Liml Tho only ounce he can do thin city IIOI or hul'0-- that in In nhod upon it the dubluun luntre ul the moat tuniohod roputation cur III!) by AC;u|dmn politician. If Tune: hue hul goo! union to rogroz the blunder u! nppolnling the chnmginn of clurupuun n the chieluin of their party. mun . bitterly hue King;-tuninnl had reason to run the rub mindaad of sending him back Willi over so pmlul 1 nujumy In l nrlument.. Thnl. mulnko Iill nova: be repented. ,1 [mac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .."l'he babe" 1;): Minuet Vrrunillen and Brnphy. . . . . . .......,...'|lurr Cmnpnniona" M ... Mnrgruw Nuhln. ) Keefe Ann] AI (X1981!!!- l'1N'l`E'l`A INIENT. !.--'Laa Inge nrnblen. Act `Grind l`L- Eln ' 4 . . . . . . . . . . . .. nd By Junior Pupils. nln 13-... I lI|'l5l.VTA'|'l0N. sin, leilly. ."l`ho \Vo<>dbinl'n 80113.: .`(}od Suva the Queen. prunu,/an Pupils.` c. J. To socrmnt. for Sir John Msodonnldi utter indierencu tothe interest: 0! this city, we have frequently been told that, pretty much, we |uppooe,u Shnkupeuo hu been termed, nut one but all mun- lnn-lu' epitome," no Sir John in not mere- ly Kingu-:n'a but its wholo country`: ro- presentulive; lhnln heuen-born unu- inan of his lowering abilities and Ill- tl-: once, placed, amid a nation : great no- cliumnmna_ upon the topmul. pinnwle of of pumer um] inuence, cuuld nnl be ex- peutml Lu Inttcr Away his mighty unar- giu upon the matoriul intern : of the pnmculnr place which hnppenod to send him to Parliament. The people of King- u.-n hue ngnm and Again been told tn nuns their vision from mutton of manly |ur|i-I nrd locnl concern. and by the ud of )1 [now of nmukod glass, or through mums Iuch fri-sudly medium, to view him an the great. Chieftain ul lhe Tory party, ralhar Vhnu u the member for Kingnton, Array`-d in All his power And glory upon the dizzy summit of politicnl grentnen, Ind to nccq-L the proud pmiliun of being Inch I hero`: urf an being more thnn punllllmvi In lull fur the uni. the city Pusm; OUHI hu KIVEII him in Parlinnumt. by thufnct ..nInin-I , 1 l. .- primal hug nuy` .. . .. `The Match Girl .. Crowley. , ,-TL. Vnnr F'rinnd|_ J" ACE am. .`Tha en. nny_ ,...'I`be Mny Song." "(iranrhm u Fen! " |'nniIn 1'1-In BRITISH wa1a, 1uumnr: %M,n" 1'7, Feeling Agoln-;coouuug far. i K {won Bantam Gems; Kanna- - t!4...4_...Ll-.-.ln _. Innnn-d-n `I110 Iuluun pnpurnuona to nuns- British cannons uncut you Attention. Th Tina nun: Tho Unibd Shh: my In tlopondod uponto do Jl indict: point to oborvo the Tnuy ol Wadi!`- lol; but out: it tho R-union: mound Ill onuinnina thnir little COL R Hill but n In Isnulul III: III cqui ping thoir oat, Iunlydo much mischief. and in more likely to lull a victim to our cruisul than to mlhct changes on our merchant- Inon. We might but some trouble At Old, but a slut! duo will Auoo tucks: oh. ..uun Ibo}! the nnnnndnskotlupannqoforonr Inn-ah In In ! I! IIOI. tho loll Illa -01: Ill veuuhuulounow. YIIDAI. 'I'n.n1c| Bun looting 5: 7:3 pa. I-unto cl knaru Common It 8 pm. nA`ll1ll|A'. lllla I -an I In. Goruchnkol in slightly better from Iii Int. lttfck of guul. -nun. -u A u IIAIVII HUIUQIIAJ HUI lb. Ponth, M-y 16.-Tho lover home of the Hungnrin Pu-liunou: not to-day And ndoptocl the bill pruviding for tho audit of tiny million Ioruu. Only the onnno Lm opposed the bill. In the course of tho dobsu Tina, Premier, uuud that the Government rogu-dud the shit ol the Bnlhn Chriuhnn u I Euro~ poan quuuion which they inteudod to col- tlo in oonoon with Eumpo. A nnnninl from Amen: Inn in Crab the in concert vrnn Isiumpo. A Ipecinl from Athens up Turin Attacked the Chrluinnl near the Guru. Fighting oonunueo. --nun -an ---A--In IIUl`l'l.l8.'l Inorn. A Vienna dupuch puts. that tho of- !oru ol the Turkiah Uummiumnon oun- tinuo fr-Iitlou. According to the Wiener Tuyblat the pun: reported uken by the iunurgenu no the Derbonud, Bnlknn And Trujufa gnu. All nltounpu todialodgo than hue been unluoceuful. Inuuvul Till rmrrn, PIIJOIKO nu roan. Comtnnlinoplo. Mn} 17. --The Runinn {ones In being mused from all direction: nonror so thin city. They conltamly in- Iilt upon the Pona preumg the English to withdrnv the eet from the Son of Mlrunorn. The unouinau in the popu- lnr fooling Among the Turin in increa- ing. mum arocxa. HID` II` UIKILB. London, Mny17.-Tho Ituck exobango opened thin morning with altrnng feeling. And with oonoidernble rise in Ruuis md other Itoclu, directly nfoctad by the Eutem Qumtion. . nnuv-n Anus: v av. London, my 17.-Tho Pot`. Said de~ Ipuch nnnouucen the arrival ll Suez. of I portion of the Indian contingent. IIIAII nnMH'l`AN'l`lN(\Pl.l_ Nun. oousnunuorun. London, Mly l7.--A dolpalch from Porn any; that the Ruuinnn are four kilometre: nearer Comtantinople, which hu inoteued tho uneuiueu. Tho Rul- niann Are now extended bofore the city with their lines of tent: in a mnmer im- pnsuxve to the popular mind. News LOIIICI also of other correaponding ad vancon from the rear to the front. n-Inlilwn `run PIIANNIL, nurllmo `run CHANNEL. The Ruumm are about to deepen the Chumel from Tchekmed Lake to the sea sufficiently to permit. the pauago of I small velaeh. ::....s+:....m 6. AHA:-hm] tn the lmliaf small velaela. Signicance is attmchenl to the belief [hit the Channel squadron will leave PortSaid for Besilm Bay immediately nfter the atrial of the Indian troops. A Pllvll. nwnmv. Tu nun (or In. Pull 0 Church npaln ro- pnvml Al. noun.