Inlom of thn dlgonlon urgnnn sad 0! the oxrou lulu; of the nnrvouuyntom. ho. Vegonno can be Ink] to ban I-no rnmody `or am many kind: of hamluvhn. M II wualirac-tly upon Iha vnrh Ill 0-woo: of thnoumplnlul, uorvoulnool. ludi an nun, uonuvauoo-I, rhonmulnm. munlgiu, H1- ou-uul. to. Try lha Va-gonna. You will Mvot ngrel IL lIIPl,WIC'fjjXq,-II -- tn.-any-Jana.-nu." amass :_n- _L-. _. ..n _ ____ ., 1.. .- The Young Men`: Libonl Club does not seem to {col tho lull in the political excitement which ha been the pnrliculnr chnncteriglio of the put weak. Tho ngular fortnightly meeting ol Thursday evening win the boutyet. held in num- ber: nn-l interest. The rule of member. Ihip reooiud I rousing addition, thirty fuur being proposed and noceptod, making nbpuv. two hundred in I". Buniuou mut- ter: ongnged the Club, but at the next muting sddroueu will his dalivoi-ed and oonlidorttion given Co the subject of the I boot. mode of governing the country. ulnusu. --'I`ho phnt boy will run on the msil boar: betwoon Kingston llld Montreal thin lutrlnov. The Ogdeulburg Journnl nyl he oar. talk I St. Lawrence county binary man out of limo in I single trip sud tell the truth all the time. uvuvv--nun yuu vu yin -gnu. -Tho dunno done to (ho Allnn Itr. Sardminn null be npnirod in time for her to nail fur Livorpool on {he 13th June. _, A -n.....- -01..-. :- I....:.... _._.l.. 5.. ._ w .... ..-. ......,.w. -... ...-. ...... .,....c. -A strong olfort in being made to to- man the hand allies of the Kingston Strut Railway from Toronto to thin city. "IL. L... A! IL- l'..II-..-w_ I..-) uuvvu 1-uw-J u-nu Avlvuu) up -um uni - - The boy! of the Collegian Institute who uuond the Athletic guns: in Nnpnuoo wall be ontouuined by the Nnpanoo school. u 1 us: ._,1A:__.L, n,_: -No holiday youterdny for the Poni-| tontlnry oonvicll. And yet none ITO more nttnchoql to Her Majesty : pornon nnd inutituliunn than they. r\ n -1.; n , ,,,, ,__n _,.I --0ua wonder if the Government reul- I 1y intend: to convert the 14!}: P. W. 0:! Rie: into an artillery qorps. The change ` from mull to lugo gun: may be Appre- cintod. IIIU won: . -`l'ho Fodord Bonk boo doclorod o dividond ol 3} pct coat. for tho current lull pot. -Tho truck on tho noo oouno luo been plonghod up and tho lonoo roiled up six toot higher. TL- 0;... --n...-`J oh- n.- Jnhn-nu I ll`. l&ovono:- Door mt.-I I IX` IlI'llUYa -Tho {snot Around tho new Johnson In-out Pnrk in I big job And not about ` two-third: oonplotd. Il-I|_--ll- in in 5.-.- . nrnntl ml-hm. ` "W5-If. iIIIPIUIZo -olloullo in to have I gnnd oolobrr tlon on tho n! olJuly nut, and will henceforth put. on city ain. TL- 1-..-..` Ann- 6.. AL. All... .6- -.uv-u -1 I uvw uuuvu vu our --nu u- this month, and Lion will bo another c n the 3131. an n 1 ,4 n,,,L L,, 3,,` _,1 - """"""" ""3 "`I"' `I "-3": '- lhbvia'n5tyI>yAncricun. -OuIIIdcn|qI upon an unuul hrgautaholbhthiunnou. -Agoodnuiulo-day. The Quiet gudanul Ind full wagon. ._V...-.I.w unnnn nl ll: rad bun glluuuuznuuu Iuu twat: --Yuunhy vuouol the rod bun dnyu lot that railway Ilnnboldou. __A1'.n-in-n nan-inn-mnnunddn IIIII Ill litj nun!-, ujvunr-nvuiu -A Turk an pronilo lion And do loan than other living l|nn-onopt Sir John. in. __I:A_ |_:_.| I._-_4-JI_ l_..A a|.- `CI-1 --'l'ha polio. kind-Iuutedly largo! tho launch! by-lav yatocdny. They did roll. on... .__- , ___ A_,_ -_ AL. .541 -1 ---:-oooj. Intro u |h|l.--Acaucdin' to the :n,__L...>I|_ u-.._J_ II. II P n'n.:.- -aliinhndnyullypucclunparu oluuiduh. Iux_-,, nn1__A Q_A__. lI.._...;u.._ -T-r wt` -usu-- uuhonlqon-by. .-'l'h gr-dnndnnnihnlluln so Ionuhulnlluundn. --`ncnuIuunlIIndndpaplonl~ rudyntnanulrinllq. --Outouuluingboogbt nplnplyin ALL .i.3.A- L. A-34-;-.4 EKLEUTUNIA SPH|NlS!I -j__L-QT- `fun: but Susan: -1 la`; nun illhnnn-nnnnnnlhn-an-uln-innd -'l'borc In a not moon on the 2nd of L2. _, _.L ,_n.L,., _:n L- __,n__,._ TIM Y. I. 1.. Club. $3 Ill! IAIII. ..... -...., both uihng nnd rowing. In the sailing nutch one hot! upset, but was taken uhoro without. furthor uccidont. The n: win of C3 [or rowing Ill uhn by I Kingston boy who declined to give hi- nuno, and unwind in the man of MI but Emmy. nnulu were carried on at Ilia Mu-ht during an nlurnoou, and quite a anchor of print worn ginn for fun running. The crowd urn shout oquully dividod Intvoon thin point and the rivor, until that the yacht not In completed. The My : proceedings were concluded by A xonquom noolaml nd hook: in the owning. The procu- don III odd linetion of tho "Torri- bla," ol Ihogoaun "Piping," well known lnlhpcomudvucndihblo louuou Ibohod ch -nmgunont. Ivar] kind ol Quads! In rOpt$IIOd-Indnu, X0-, louily pupa, uiuntul wotpu. ` tap.-ukqguduonsot hn|ndn|Qd1i&_no-nunLnno- nah. Victorina . . . . . . . . .. Burpnlo `.`...." Emma . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Lnur|.. Ec|ipuNo. Pecrlou . . . . . . . . . . .. liinnio ..... . .1`. Ramos] ............ Z`ilol||.. Eclipse . . . . . , . . . . .. Yachts Ihioh do not uppocr in thin lint dropped out bofon tho nish. Mm noon there were neural r\~u- I- Iouotiuohllodunouunnud lohtlaudt. In ynuologgvu louoddnvldlutohuuboaninlho Ggnnqulivu. Iohdhlhniuur Ioiiutnllvldubdonllocod hung-nijinntwu. The Great Chadian !-`unner ' an Ionlll lcoorl. -uwu --an nuu U-wvrw -no u s-uuu. It was found impossible to start all at once, su the Ramsay, Viotmiue, Lonnox, Comet, Maud, Eclipse No. 2, and Sir prise were sent on together, and the re- maining seven fourteen minutes after- wards. The start was not very brilliant, but all got under way within a low se- conds except the Maud, which appeared to be in tiiiculty in some way, and Fi- nally got 03 to leeward of the starting buoy ; but after going a short distance on the course this boat dropped out The Victorine and Surprise had a clone race all the way through, but made a mistake on the second run up, when they shoull have turned the starting buoy from both ways. This would have lost them the prizes if the race had been decided. But it was discovered at the clan that a buoy at the lower end of the cours~ drilteil 0! belure the int boat reached it ; and it was therefore decided the! the instch must be renewed to-cley_ Limited time will not admit now of any remarks on the rigging or nailing of the diflerent yachts. The wind blew pretty steady from south, south-weal. ; not high enough to cause much risk, but sulcient to render reeling neceusry. The follow- ing in the time of each yaeht. Distance sailed 21 mile : wu Advertised to take place. but like Ill Affairs of thin kind, the point: to be let- tled were no many the! it In high noon before the bout: were fairly uny. The race in muetly n prize of honor, the prince being but 060. 820 and 010. The following boats were entered for the race: Comet, J. H. Flmdern, Three Mile Bay; Emme, George Obrd, Jr., Kingston; Surpriu. R. Cummings, Trenton; V10- torine, Thou. Hoedley, Alexandria Bey; Laura. J. Mali. Ruberuou, kingutnn; Minnie, H. T. Fimmmonu, Brnclnille; Ecliple, W. Funnel], Gnnnnoque; Peer- leu, John O'Reilly, Brockville; Ramsey, W. Fuge, Gennnoque; Funny Senrlol, C. G. Griin, Bruekville; Meud, O. Dobbe, Kingston; Amelie, John Bowman, Brookvilla; Eclipse, No. 2, D.E. Sperry, Ohnumont; Zitelle, J. Strange, Kinguton; Lennnx, R. MoCrory, Brockvillo; all of which ntnrted except. the Amelie. Y _.. lm....-I I ...... .:l.l- 5.. -o...i -11-; I nun. ul n-uy pouvauxnu-. A! 10:30 the (hnnnuquo Field Buttery pnrndod tha street: with their gum, and led by the Clayton Cornet Bnnd-| molt excellent band, by who Iuy. After marching till noon. the battery red: nlulo of twenty-uno round: at D. F. Britten : whuf. Av. e|even o clock, the grant attraction of the day, on. u.,..... .. ...- -v-. nuu vvuuuoun nvu suuun Inn: -u the Ihuvu, on King Stuart, and us the Mukot. Squnra. At the [altar plneo A column 0! Into: fty foot in height III thrown from tho ullngo Inter work|,Ivhich cousin: of n 3~inch iron pipe laid along King Street, with hydnutn st clone in- urnlu, And the wntor forced through the pipe: by I pumh drivcu by I wnur whool plaood It tho Globo Works. The Inner III brought from King Strut to the Hurket Squnro by mum of I rubbor bone. The fountain In vary nice (or I time, but tho continued ow ol Inter undo a pond on the groan, and tho wind forced the Iprny 50 hr on Itono and Pins Street: 3: I0 udly intorluru wi'.h the cun- I fort of Indy pedestrians. An ln.'1n M... I3-..-.....,..- ll':-l.l nus-.- maul no um gun:-cu uuvu', nu Iuwlv mm ban been unnl thouundn 0! viniton gathorod in tho villqo at dilut- out. pun. (hnunoquo cover! I largo nd o! gmund and in divided into two part: by the Gnunoquo Rina, coma quantly no ordinary crowd duos not that luge, being neutered out the onliro dos. The centre: of sanction Ion At. .L._L,__,, , v: n. . ,,1,..L, .-__.... -_ .- ...., .., - Kat ol Ch ullagul unload Ipiriudly inso tho cnurptioo, nd the uncanny lands for nan, gt-In. nude, to., Ian nulily supplied. Inch owner or promin- wc on the principal nu-an put hi pm- pony in the but of order, und unrgnuu, human, and other ornulontd lp|I)inl.- ` luau Ion pt-olou along Kingtroot,` the thoroughhn oi the ullngo. At An only hour tho poopln from the country ` Inga tooono in, Ind during the fon~ ; noon About trout) uosnon from Pun: , curt, Bnckvillo. Rootpon, Aluundrin Il-- l--A: and Kinnnlnn nthlnd (knit VEGETINE oust, ZUZVIIIU. -vov-yvn-, aluanuunnn Bay, Clayton Ind Kingulou, sddod their load: to the gononl throng, till then -.n-L K... L... --_-..I nL....-.-.4I- nl |u....a.'u...a.. .02....` .sn'.'.'.'.'"r'..'. --J.-l-In'- -.g in .. manna: jjuwxxuguuuuuunrnvjn uIcooon:pu!:cboliIny,ud,bypI- tinaupnn-dih vqdnole Lanan nnlngnzk-E14 oEItunhnQ cut-U`--Inn; ur-1 2-: HW- Inlcdokiqiuinouqvqn noun Il...b 1!: Mn. mllnjn g-banal uni-ilgall-x rnjnmnan mus. suuxnu. MAY 25. 1878. --ml.-Ill.-an-an-.Jng`nJOnlnAIn 1..- wii nnnuv-nun, be. --u-- muuqu: Notwithatandingthc nnrnermu attraction: yeltsrdny, the cuu,-.-.-rt gun: by the Na. 1 Co. 14th Bltttalion win tolerably well attended. The City Hall was nearly tilled. and the entertainment elicited great approval. The proceodinga opened with military evolutinne by No. l Cn.. under Capt. Honey, and the praclblnn with which they were given met with vigornue applause. Evidently the mem- ber: of that oompeny had been ll)l)jOOtO1l to cnneiilerable drill, and reflected the greatest credit upon thelneolver and the drill maeter. Mr. Uldham and Nine Boyd played a piano forte dnott [mm the opera of Norma, in a masterly manner. and wee greatly applauded. The Wolf," wae rung by Mr. Humphrey: in good etyle. but he declined an encore. Mr. Perry`: Roadinge were very planning. The one on cvornaliou ceneed coneldurable laughter. Aa uaual Mr. Keeley wee we'1 received, encored, etc. Mr. Oldbem'e urcheetru played several incidental pieeee with conaicleralale preciaion, teete and execution. The rlub exercise! of Ste-Sergeant Morgan were wonder- lul, and ehowed ooueidenble ability on the part 0! the performer. Mia McDon- ald aana "Fading Away" with great late, and wee warmly received. She reepond- ed with "Beware." The nmeieal glee- eee performanaee by the Beebe Bro- there wae very goud. aa aleo was the laroe played by them. They were recalled. uiu Sephla Burton appeared and aging the "Viotet," from Me-ideluohn, Lie. der Ohne Worte," which were rendered with the greateet team and feeling. Her reeeption wae moat enthuaieatic-_ ehe was in excellent voice and her amging war chanting. Her encore eon; In an lriah one. The pretty maid milking her gov." Altogether the concert wee a great euoeue. [Quinn-Inf`: n a lane a V E(}E T I"1:W1`_":"'-1 Pnpu-ad by 1 II. It. s l`lI'lNs. Boston, lass. caualroru nun. Puutud It the lino spoiled upon an excursion tiahh. `(30 Lg. yout- day, Ordgluoto unbhu, snob; when vonolieud noun cl on non taoltd nod icluminl dtinan. glided gs-udnlly and oulatlohly hon tho lopotdtbo r:__4._ L D..L-sI.- B-I-.- i` g.- I111, IIT `Z WIVII linpunlPa-kilolldlvny. Wu. gnaulullnbynunu dlbdoentuu ololllrhuugh niuu-and unpu- udutonpocindqnpovidullalhuo vi-nliculh tale a Iuiuunod vi-vdlxfu Ii big gun- d,II|IuIo&QdnbIuu.A nunqlouldqh Ihoqnu-ua Under any circumnhmoen, and viewed from my Aspect, the Amalgunawd Sncie- tioe mutt be gratied with the result of the pic-uic held in the Crynul Pnlnoe. It was attended by lnrgo numberl, but the nuendance cannot boentiuuted, mince the cruwxla were constantly going and coming throughout the day. The urea! can and umnibunel were kept busily em- ployed. and n hdo of people kept surging between the Palace and the city. The grounds wrre psrticulnrly llvely, the dancing and gamer, and social plenum. trier: of the company being apparent. The result: of the programme are un- nouncud as fnllown: Ihue Ball Match--Young Earle." 100 Yards Run for buy: under 15 yearn-ht, Marun Purtenn; 2nd, Kemp; 3rd, McFall. mn v...A. n.....1;m._I.l w r.;...a...,. aru, Moran. 100 Yard: Handicap-- In. W. Linduy; 2nd. J. Nesbitt; . }rd, A. Young. (40 Yard: Hmdicnp-lst, J. Neubitt; 2nd, A. Young; 3rd, F. Crosby. Long Jump-1ut, W. Lindey; 2nd, J. Dmia. High Jump-Int, J. Davin; 2nd, W. Lindoy. Putting the Sbrme-S. Hnrknoal. Thruwing tha Hummer-Mr. McAdoo. Qu Fuirbnlrn. Beat \v\'nltzing--Mr|. P. Derry. Tug of War~G. Jenman, M. Camp` bell, J. McCammon, J. McColl, S. Hark- neu and W. Reid. vnu n.-:.u.n The: prize: will be distributed at 8 p.m. on Munduy the 27th inut , in the Ameri~ can Hulel club house, Market Square. unyu, nuuuul nu` - -v-ouuuu un vnvvllwuu music. The excursiouista lmded, on their return, about eight o'clock, And the Messrs Folger must be favorably im- pressed nth the result: of their first holi- day venture of lho senon. Illlll -n1VlbUI-av l)I1\_\lII` Tho Maud hnd in the afternoon as hop. py I partyu evur left the city fur Cape Vincent. A vury lu-go number took ul- nmnge of tho trip, and it wu all am. it. In: oxpectud to has. A more comfortable ueuner could nut be duirad for pleasure purpolei. The Itart. Wu made in [pod time, and the passage to And from the Cne wu very pleasant, the band 0! `A Battery, during tho nil md It We Capo, rendering 1 selection of excellent .i.n- I.-uIn.l An ......3.. TL... AUIIII ' gived for the Queen. In the en-vrnina, et 10 o'c|-xek, the telli- tery perade took piece on Berrieeld eon- mone, being teken pert in by the Cedeu of the Royel hlilitery College, the School of Gunnery, end No. 1 Colnpeny, P.W. 0. lhee. Col. Conan wee in commend. The review wee very ehort, but wee wit- neeeed by Ineny of our eitiune. When the larvae reeched the gmund they formed into line. end fired the fat dc join. A column wee then formed, end the con- : J-nun peniee merehed put et quick peoe, then ` double ; then the men were wheeled into line egein. end three oheere were All three divieionl edvenoed in line. efter which No. 1 Com- pany (Mzh), end the horeemen and gun- nereof the A" Better) returned to the city,the Cedete tn the College,eud the er. tillery on foot went to the fort.where the guns were menned end the neuel eelute of twenty-one gune red et 12 o'clock. Arriving At the Market Squero, on route to the Drill Shed, Cept. Hureey put hie men through the heyonet exerciee, which wee wntucesod by e lerge number end highly complimented. The whole mili- tery turn out wee mopt crediublo. The merahing, end the drill gennrelly, exhib- ited the eiciency end prociency of the dI'erer.t corps. The orgeuixetion of the bngule of this dietrict ie ebuut ee perleot ea mey be expected. Major Hideout, of the Cullege, geve the commend: on the eld. -an -inn [VAP- *`l' "' "'`""U `'l"``'` ""I" cough, but a chap noon ooeunil, and non: cl 680 by III thrcuoning Ind oonovlut unplug-IL In rulity tho cityihull is dull enough. uni the II- truliou can to but but sully con- lood In the excursion: sud pin-nien. Dunn nu:-o.nv p.-.n- Q1 `XXI IDOIIEIIUJ VI I `I-1 VII 133% ids ad onuhiu, than hing upoinlly u good dad at dude. 'I'hogIubunuhqoltbouuon'l`hu-I~ dqyu-Q!-nlnocinthinu niadi~ ..u.....n..a.u -..oL.. .. n.. :..u..;... ETAUTI ON- uq'vvj~i1u\lII-I--iililllr clionolhtigitvcuhorouthololloni-g Ann R. -:--l-- nu.-..J L-S-L0 III QOX5 8;;-dayvu 3 day 0!; Jn._.u.. 5.4. ...n ......|.a.. n....l -Q0: Q:-mars uutuu. |)| UV8HIBlHI HI HID Hllv5I'lHil fflllgmll of tlm line summer reuurt. We were ahown all through the building, And were egveenhly surprised to witneu the elegant usto which he: been diuplnyed in lllu de- coration of the purlurl, dining mun. nnd bed rooml. the wall: of which have been cnlnominod with beautiful tm Ln. ln briel, Mr. Farron has laced hi: house in tho foremost unit 0 Americnn hotel-, Mid the moat. lutidiuun vioiton mny ni all the modern luxuries sud oomfolta tlm the heart could deure. nu 1 ._ n 1 ~.. .. a u nu: uvm I. u'Iu|u uuuuv. We ahook hand: with the fnmoul In- dinu, Frnncil Shnrlutt, nhar whom the like taken 1:; nnme, and we uw u tri- umph of his in the shape of I mngnliconl boar nlxin in the note of Mr. Cameron. The animal In: killed by Shnrbuc, and Iuuighod 600 pouudn. After nmbling Around the locality for Ann hour or two the oxcunioninu gut. nburd the trim ndd Arrived homo in Kingston by About 8 nm_. hnvinu nund nn oxooodinulv nlnn. Irnvaa nomo m Iungoum by um-nl. 5 pm-. bil Muod In oxooodingly plu- untdgy. the wrektua or curnng smoke and nl.o..m of our engine, which ll-Bled an-nml the Minunnilppi atatiun. a lltting panting Iii- blcaux presented itself tn the a-innriug gnze of the rambler: in the shape of the triumphant orator Mending with extend- ed arm over the form ul his vanquished opponent. During the time the excuraian into remained at the Miuiuippi, they had An opportunity nf witnessing the manner in which logs of An enormuua :20 were drawn out of the river nnd'place(l upun the rnilwly truclu. A mngniticent din- plny uf hewn timber, lying in the river ready for shipment, piuaentod itself at thin place, the maid timber having been cut some thirty mile: up the river, And being the property of the enterprising lumbermm, Mr. Peter McL&l'un. Im- meppe qunnti'ioa of logs, lion and tire- wood lined the ride: of the ruiluuy tncli along the route, all ol which speak vol- ume: fur the great utility of tho Kingntou & Pembroke Railway. Upon the return nf the ramble-rn to Hhnrbott Luke thrv a ramoroxe tummy. upon we return of the tumblers to Hhnrbotl. Luke lhvy were entertained by the popular landlord of the hotel, Mr. Fcrrul, who placed hu- lore them a moat nubatantial and excel- lent dinner, cu wlnch all-numberi:. over 200-dnd ample justice. During the put year Mr. Ferreu hn made vut im> pruvemenu iu the internal arrangement: of Mn: line summer renurt. Wa wmn Ono ol tho lnrgou crowds of the day In thus which assembled at (II: Fan] Wlnrf prior to the moonlight ucnnlon. Thu "|un.long duh " waiting Ill ro- Iiovod by tho nrrinr of the H|ud'I" 0poY'1ncnn party and of tho nilxuy ucunion. Tho "Piorropont" got undo! --c -id: grandad duck: At am and tho "Iuud" lolloioa noon uur Illll I urge crowd also. as well on tho Buttery Bond. The Ihov of roworko land two hours, and two ox- ooodmdy loo pioca Ion I put ul it, 1'hFnl|n " and the concluding moo, with thoumi-non! dinplsyod- Bacon-a to Kinplon--G9d nu tho Queen " Dancing In indulged in on the phuorn st Iboron. Tho In mum In a lnilun, not haunt 0! my {salt of tho Olllibilon. In! on Account ol tho Attach pgdgw and] boys with -tuna bolero 1: had started. 000 girl had hot lurohotd badly eltby one ol the lying miudcn. TM puny ICU conveyed homo baton tuoluolv. II the nut exhibition in to ho ndonplunuu one nnooonnublu non ha ooyloyod to hop unruly boy: hudnnm:-tho Inn]. an Iolluthn Myte Iavy Tobacco. ncuruon. `rue "rmropom" go: unaor :3 with crowded dock: at 830 and tho -ul" lnllnn-1' lnnn AIIAI -ilk I lnrua Privsupuniuwm cannon. Thy van in mining, in pine` , udollacviuca nu than-olno. I Ihoonnbgnvuul Ii.-no can Iighod, uni uk mica can use in urine: In thdty. In npncnlunntho and ahnnd an . ..a....w..' .1 I...` ' It [H8 l|Ull(`U lilld elhq`-JUIIC HDUHIB WHICH tnok place bemoan a big (`aumhnn (who upnke ll) supp-:rL nf the prrnanv. ti unn- mom) and A lrmn, luuk, sandy haired Scnlchmnu (whu ndvocuted the return to puwerof Sir John Macrlnmsl-I) chm no one had pruancs uf mind 1:: uucertaln lhvir names. It mama A thousand putieu that juel at lhe mnment. the lhfnru ohnmpiun Ind, by hiouvurwlnalnnilu argu- mentl, struck hm opponent, ounp`e-t--ly dumh Llm uhutln nf Hm e-n rill mm Hm GIUIIIIPIIIII ILXU Hy IIIIUVIII WlIUII|IIIl" IITKII` dumb, the whistle uf the en,rine auu lm: Iubaequeut war of the dvlnrkillx tram mndared our clum-r acouniutanoelhin Iubaeqtleul 4!! H18 Ilupurklllx lrmll rendered acquuulancelhlp with the two orawrs unpuulblo. Amid wrench: of curling smoke and nl.o..m nl mur mmine, which H--ied nruuml Ilm reuunea. Al: evury Ieuluuleul mung we whole route the iulmbnmu turned out Lunlu..e Illa r1Cul'I`l-ru train, but It no palm, in A more ulllhunlalllld and numer- uul manner than M. the out I! the way place cnllcl Mnuusnppi ntunou. when I rlioplty ct rural fuunniuo Iurulmasa and lufly hauud Inucuhnu gallantry pronoun.- ad nueif :1 to cause Mr Creighton a lamb- lan 0.: look around them Wllh utmmln man! As they ulyly cumb_6(l lllelf ha-r and readjusted lholr tollals In onlcr lu umet crediuhly this uuexpoctad ovuluuce` of back woods advanced civuhz won We wvlh our Apnea I-uld ndnu-I of 1 more exlunded notice 0! than nppurenll) happy auj couteutod people, who, ll) Lhr aumu ol :1 pvrfect Wildarneu of w..nda_ and In CIl'uullh!Llll(`0l on! life which cull xnr their best euoruea of btum nnvl lllllrujln, do nut forget lhu more re-mung u I] mn- ce: which render mun uuxl woman Imlxlu, good and rot-pwled. And now yuu pull` tical orator; of Kmgumn lmk 1.. yum laureln, Lu Creighton": rambler: can tea~ llfy uu (mth, nu d-pubz, il Callutl upon, to declnro that Mlaaluipw Slatmu ('uI|tlIlnD two of the grmuent stump Ipoukurs that were evur let. lunso on aucwly. Every one on bamrvl um train was Ihuuderslruck At. the sudden and eloquent llelmld wl.i.,-I; funk nlnma hetwmm big (who darhuly rugged lull nonvuy uumuroa country wilh hum sud there 3 lug Imm- Lali m, uucu II. length the Mxuiulgupi In ruched. At evury aettlauneut nlung the uhnln rnum Hm iuhnhlnnu lllrnml nut LICY I0 [I10 CWCCHOII. `HO I IIll05Cl'l III in x-pportnnuity of louhing nbunv. them for twenty minutes. Here the sun broke through the storm nluud which hnd been upoudiug imalf tux nwhilo upon the devntad hand: of the .1- ourmunmn sitting on the open urn, und kept. nature uuilum durum tho tune oc: cupned m reaching Shnrhott Latin, 5! `Mich inwrentuu place, Lha tum wnned an-art. Lima, and than 15:11: u-pod uh over lhu last section of the road bum. by Cal. Fluwur, and which rum through I won dartlly rugged null honvuly liluburod cmmtrv nilh luu \'E(HC FINE. -Whon the blood bu-omen life I Inc: mud an anal, either from change of was thrr or ofcl mute. aunt. of oxarouu, |rr0gu|u' Incl. or from unymhnr cause. the Vagnuno will III. luau. l`u|`vI. AI nurly all our reader: no hniliu vi-n um pdculur bunny u! m. scenery Imch clnmm mu nlloutmu. of the lrqvrl Ier u,u-n tho Kmgltuu & l'a.ubr--ho Nul- wuy, n n uunoceuu-y for us to patien- lnrue It bore, nave put-hay: to -mo thul Creighton`: runblerl hul yallerduy no opp.-rtuuny uf balmlding it nu dl lhu u riguod uuu of nprmg, thou delightful uhadeo of green which ITO In relralung to the syn slur Ihelunu monotony of earth : Iiutur nub. Putting undo all otlwr onmideruiono, Ihn glimpse It na- ture`: ruurroclion h-um duth In His, no In weak. In nlouo wurth the nnnblo Lu Shnrbuu, and on to Inuuippy AI- rived II Vuroxu, where. by the hy, the [0141 villngon, luynl and mu up tho luck bum, bu! erected oven; the railway luck I bountiful tnuwphal arch ul evergreen: in honor u! the dny sad the occasion. the rambler: had uuLurtuuil.v of loukimz In ouuun. nun spun uuu tor the pntlonully eondnctan and ukilllnl ouginoorn, ow. Ycnlotdafa ucunion min In Iu.dur tho conanl uporvinoo f :1: oh 3 ` bad 2... .:.:r.....'.:'*-` W "~ U0 utmost uh lid contort 0! their pn- Lronl. tad. ddluugh any thousands of In hnvo tnnlkd out this lino, to V0 got to but the Inc co-plain! oi _`8ll|I|_IIot dhcocttuy spinal my ol nnpuulngnnnnnnjnrnu ;o|?hmd-Ilhhhld than II. 1 qonrliltny Wolobtlhz nmrtulitv cl nllhn nnnduu to Vvh CTOIGOII XII II U130 I00 [I10 mi" followed that with lug: nlnn. A: II In thn Hanan mnnulhwturml nn Hm pruunllu` Wu |:lIMraHlI'I! nutlnlzwuon and n purl}-4-I III. For (I|N'l` H l|`UKNlHH INU GOODS at lawn! pr.-~--A. We can showLlm`N4=vmct.nI1(7|1I:iN--t'itm-k HI Hm nity. nunnintinz of Shirt Collars. Nu:-k In-A-. H:-urfu. l|.uul|mrr-hmlu, Hillt null l.Im-n. Hluvs,(!Imn. UIdCl'W6l .H|I|)(`nllOI l. he. A splmmni Nhwk uf HAT)! AND UAPH nf the now:-at ntylor. Alwnvl on humi, at rloos to unit tho nn.u~s- .\ llthv Nanmut l'ut.arnn In Hvuwh lllll (`Mu-ilun all Wool) Tm-ml:-. apt nnnntnnllv in Hlurll. Alan tho Newman I-`nnvvcuntlngu, Dmgnnulp, 'oalin1|. Brood (,`|o1,hn.(}unnImere4, mm. Inn: And other (lnmlu tmullv {nun-I In u Hrul, olnu Clothing honne. Lu-no Block of Umbrelluu, Eulmor Uoau, Mackmunln. Trunks, Vnlu-an as! ways on hmd 1! Moumml whnlnn-u|e prion. Z. P R EVOST, rm-: qu:srnouor me my: THE CHOICEST GOODS! THE I.AR(HS'l' A88()RT|IlNT.' ! THE MOST HOST FASHIONABLE (10008! !! AND ALQU THE CHKAPERT GOODS THAT CAN BE BOUGHT AN\'\VHEl(E. .__-j dust, from am onm the Va some will r-mo-Iv the bl00(.(`I'1'_V0 the nu huuuurn, clumu Ihn umnsrh, I-(ulna I no bowolm nu-I lmpnn. I tons of vigor no the whole hmly. ,3... HOSE INTENDINH ()RDEl{.lN(} h'Ul'l`S OR. l l'l{Cll KSINH READY-M ADE CLOTHING will rum mono-)` by:-nlllng aqd nxnlniuingmnlu and -Humming prwon, M In urn dnlermluud not In ha uncleurmlcl M an V in nu lino. All (huuln of Lhn heal. muhlv and THE SPRING s'roo1 xoxv coMr>I.I~;Tr: l'.__-A_|-- I-II I1...--Il"llIl'III `Ill IIIAIIHIALI lap IL; -gA.- -|.L-I. I -... LZLD l3I_I`4LL`L)' EL\l\Jl LAT ..V\l VV \,J\JAIll lAl`4l. I : Co-prising IIII IJIusloICll)|lI AID DILUOHALI. Iuiubll {or 84 lluul. Ilak-I9 I um ropnd to clot an anus that will n-mvinrn ovory pun.-hutr that I an tlou.-mninul rm: In nnolenold by my ions in Klnuun. and I Inland Iooouhna tho anon which Mn ha-u noeor-and In no for lbs pa; uuunty yuan hr nailing good Cheap ood: _ 4-_ run, rr `rut l!lnDl.l'I ltltllll nnmm_I........ n.. n...I. ....c.a.. Order Ynu1*[}l rTIi ing and. IN'EW YORK C:LO_Tl-I_||_I_G $TORE. lPE|]PLES'l}LTHINl}HUSE |s:E>RI:Nc3- uu nu-yvv-u my-ma lllnthinvand aenni1iih'{'rmnma' Goals, ZCC f'Iby&oynlIvIryL`hqu ARE OFFERING GREAT lNDl7CEMEN'1`S IN THE ABOVE ('l1)()l)S A than inmml lnr Hm fulurn Inulavnm Ilmir linm to rhn1)Rl)IlZll W()llK Hahn: nnmmrmv for Kidney Oom plum. and Nervous Oomplzdnt. -1 TI: IL KU\'PlIl- Uonr ll|r.-Wo hnu been ullmq your ulu gblo Va;-uiuo lor thr-to yum And 10 m! Hui It [Inc pnrlowl utlnfwlluu. Wu behave M to 50150 boat blood punar not sold. DI. J. E. [hows .1. Co . Drugtuu. Unlonlown, Ky. xr 1711. 1;` V!` r x? Y.` _One Prlce Asked and No Less Taken. unto AvrIu'.'.':uII ctm-n n rnnuu-nu urnncnml to noon *4? Iota-uq nu uni bi ulna. _ T in H: and I-ul1un 5 lwce Cream. Soda Water; AND MINERAL WATER, STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM! AT THE BAZAAR. f Ready- - - . nu__`A...A. -_n._-._- AA__-nL T3"B"<>S J l wan slot. lmw ulno mulu-d Ill esh; n:_\- weighl in tho auumu-r wu lT3lhg., and now it in nearly I90 ll: ,whi-h H pretty well up to mv former weight. The fore-going is correct utaletnun. whiub I mu prepared to !\I`lI' lo. and I hm-rel-v Mllho Au nut uxd since that time I have I'M! lilo a di smut mun. and nluu look dianutly. and all for Chi) bozlm-. Al the aluolor mm tualxfy I In unable, in line summer. to walk any din hnoe without much "IIKWA I an now take my gun and travel all dny nudliu-l tlrst pm-at night and am. an Iuuvh as any lumlu-rumu. Hnvo not ul.-I any aimm I look your pr:-lulrm lion. Illll uuw cut. iuntn mv lungs wlllmnl feeling nuyuorunwsa. null I think l mu inate them up to full Ineaaurmunn smut-nu In-lore I. J. H. Bomnol. Oct. I0, um. Don Sir: In I-ply to our letter ofenquiry_ I would any ill! yuur M lphurilad Lwllinvl ul Cod Liver 0&1 Ir-"M barurphotphaln of I. imr. in the but pl-epnntion 0| lho kind I have an-r soon or taken. [was ordamd by myphvai-inn to (the it and oululucuoc-d about Ilse Inst of Amvnn And nincn that time I like a -Extmou from A letter from U. I1 Crolkhuo. liaq :- Uonterbluy Station, York Co., NI} . H. Bomnol. Oct. I0. I87` Dnnr Mr: ranlv on vour ofenuu at-luuoan_u-__uuuoIu.! Kraut, rueumunln, wnuopltu Uougn. &c., who have no pot-tonal inowlodgn 0! Baseline`: Gormnn Syrup. To such we would any IhnIl >0,000 dumu were told In: you without one eumplnznt. Cou- Iurnptivu try just on bottle. Regulu- Iiu 75 oontl. Go to your druyguu, He-nth IL Gunn, cud Henry Wade. And gold by All dnlggiau. -`---zoo-- A Remarkable lluult. It Inku no dilonuco hot may Physician, or how much medicine you hue tried. it in IIOI cu entablinhod hot thnt German Syrup in tho only remedy which bu given ovunploto utinfwtiou in seven can of Lung Dioouu. It in true than an yo: Ihouulidn of ponom who nu ursdinnond to Thrust. Ind Luna Al- more you Inouuuun or wno uoyredinpoood toT||mat and Lung foctnonn, Comum Iion. flanorrhugoa, Asthma, Savors old: untied on ma Brent. Pueumunin, Whuopicu Cough. la, Ihn have no 1)QI'IOlIll knmvlodun my 3, 1878. u|o"unununv' no usual 11 pouunu to catch I for Non Sootin mun, ind the vorkinIncu'n inloruu u wall A: tho nuufnccunri inuu-an were pushed into the bsik`-ground. Sir John II II gust Ahnubug at our (mood | laginlntin body. The Yukon who invented bul- wood Inns and wooden nutmeg: an not C circolnllonoo to him.-Slml_fonl n........ -I--IIICI May 1"). 1878. wwulgill Ila Ianuuunnn. Monty louokoon, and is universally mail by unnufutuurn in Ontario, and: rim 0! 75oontnpoc&on uouldhon admoni- lotto thonnuho pnunuiuo. Iswu be ulmnootioun mute: on laboring man who hon enough to do not in providing shnuulnn with Jul. But that nun tho ChMuinl" Ho viahu il possible to mm]: 1 whoa. und KHLC Ul"ll*.'I(.INU UNI`./\ l' INUIAUILNIISN lb IN TUI`. AUUVI`. HUUIIH lhay inmncl for the future unl:a\'-no tlmir time to the URDICII Wl)l{K. Balm; numnrn ed to do no by thn grunt an`.iuf.u\tinII lhnir NEW CUTTEIK. MIL M1-INTUSII, Inn-c givuu those whn have narc--l him In trial. 2' Pnrtiea puruhnaing l(oml_vM5du Ulotlning will ucl it up their mlvnnugcs to GIVE US A CALL May l7r.h, 1878. Dr. I]. ll. ltevona. - It in 5 Insure to give my mamnony for your 1:! la rue-ulu-Juan. I WM nick for a long than Ilth Urlvlulj . Iunlar the doctor`: cons. Ha ' and I. u u maul between the hwon uul lxrnr. April no, :37. ET E (lat column. I. &J..Ouba'I. I Made :McNAfJ:EHT6N 61: co. CLOTI Clothing I -BI-ROCK STREET, Four iloorsvfrgm the Market Bqua-re.` @151 I0 I0! IIG I'll! ylfl IO! XlI|I[ [Dill IDII Lltlp "01. .CALL AT 1'!!! l'l0l LE`8 CUJMIIIG nUI-lupnI tho Booth. n;u.-nun mo-I. and `on trill I! not in able to double than to have your Mic-r n Ill}! 5 KING IUIT. 2 Alblltlulllulb. mater the hwon uul I roowv-ad nu hvnem uuul I oommonood him the Vegoslua, In fact. I Ivu (mung Iona. have tried mnny remodiu,vhoydII um. help Inc. V:-[nine In the Imsdiulne for Dropty. I hogan to fool better uar taking 5 law mule. I luv Ink-n tlurlylnttloa In 31'. I nu: par on on I'll}! WHERE SHALL WE GO FOR OUR --v--: --.- -v--u.---- --..-._- "A! In mama: cuomu mu. I III ICIIII K Ill nnlutnnn. Anna` nnivnnnllv und Iv A FULL A8;.;l.TIlI"I' 07 Io `Photo You can 608 2: anocxtsrnzlr. T0 TIIE ; in our lnnn. All Gouda of ma pm a untlnfu-Lion and port`.-I-t In. For ( show tlm`N=vnut .| M (flnnrkw-nt um.- STEAIEI HEATING N. MCNEIL, I tlnrl IKNUOA In a hell] well. nover on better I Boner than I dun. I umdoor sir, grnuslnllvdu A. Plumlu-r. um; at Sn-mu I"m0r. Fresh Sea Salmon. 1' Wl{l.l.|N(`l HlCA'HID BY Hll lI() l` \\`A'l'l`?R on Hm In III 1 principle Snthfuvtinuggtnurnuteml : fmuurv l'I'lI'l't`l|l`1's -.'i\'u-II of dwrlluu CORNER KIM! PNCHXAPH ARDWARE _ to FRASER & MOWAT'S. rruar & Goon-go : Old stand. PIDWI88 BTIIIT. II... II: In: `f11i1: AV(3lAJ'/\:IZ{I7UI\/I.` I XII" lay I5, I878.` A Word to the Who. TUVIIU nul IIPAIRIIO onnluny ss- lcndd Io. DI! prions bdng rnooonalnla and Cannon! was nu-to all inhaling pnruhnun Io pin 3 5 all. nuurmg hm bud haunt lnanau out thorough uutuuon In nl! outouau. (EHARLE8 IJVlN08'l`0!, II hang`: SA- .'.V. ::;- .`llcnl. s Furnlslulnui, ()l.0'l` ll!-L l)|ngonu.'s, Worntul l`weedz-a, NT}? N. M1-NEIL. llmok Slraat. Klnmala-n. ~ l'nm'm-w Hrumms. nmm-nun, 3| Bunk Strum. v. Coming c, A. & S. NORDHEIKER, ()7 T()ROH.TO. ` at (East. VEGETINE Bunch-nu um rluuudhundou. Ad! I. 1818. oldllunt union. has ontooblly than 0! Old). A. Plllcl h(X)., v lab on minor llacdpd In: the both: -um. tpll) AID ltll All OIUAHI (crab Ild bthin. u~a!n!ly nndnd In. our nriuu bdu -$- is--w-y In which u an the only umhnhod Aguu hr the Danish: cl Candy _f. 3lOVK|l :- Dur II|r,-l hul a. can b for IE yurmwhau I oorumonoo-I taking um ngouno. I III var low ; my Iynusm wu IIHIIHLIIO-I by dlouus. ltd the Ktdnoy Complnlnl. and V3: very mar votu-uouI: bud, lung: mm. Whau I had him: one homo I found H Wu helping mo. It bu ha|pod my oough, um] I: Ilren then: me. I nun now nbm to do In work. ever have hand my clung like the eunua. I know It. In ovary thing II In nsnonnneudod to be. Mu J. A. Pulnums. AM! by N. C. PULSOX IL C0, Drugghu. Klngnlon. E3810 $13032 Whnnvm nnnnnuouollllc, IUIIC I00 ad OQIIIAL III-~ IICAL IIICIILIDIII. AI-o lS.IOHllHEMEH'S} Lhuahufour '1'mntolishliIhn'nt on wxuuwmu mun. PIANO-FORTES. Ilpoohlly stand the In-on nun- lacuna: VIIV CLASS 0? ACCOIIODA1-10!. J Ihlh hi-. khan and Gun Wotan In the Golden Lion Block. Yours vary roopootfnlly. In. Juno Conn. -- Ill Third St. HEADACHE --There Are vnrmun onnnu for boodulm on donnaumnI of tho nlmuluing ofthn dlgou on sud of lulu: nurvouuyuom. Vuonno ' modioiuo. ours Jnl VEGETINE nmusnrs or srnumf not two at fl! VEGETINE for luck Headache. For Drop-1. Ivunvulo, lnal., Jan. I, I378. Old MI oloou um oltou. nlwr the npun of 3 Cllldhl wink-r.lnyLbin[ has plmunl. from 950 foot oho many people gnu` to II:-Ir daily uvouuom vngbuul ml our Ipinl. but his the Olhvg, I KIT Dunn un-l ulullv sun. A. Wllltl-ELI-ZR. and lalnes, In nmhnoluul An.-.1. -- * `- Prnm,~`o -Mr. Hnrrold, n y-mug mun wall known in Kinplun, lining and hi: nppnhtiooohip Ivith the Tandy Bro thorn, n n Itonot.-utter, hu moontly ro- turnod Iron: Scollnnd, Ihoro he upon! some eight month: in working 5! his tndu in Ediubmg, Glugv-I And other plnou. Ho roporu tho Inga good Ind work plomifnl. Ho III on o! n Cn- nndinm wbu um scrou the ooun to lnrn nlitzlo ol pnctiosl lilo, And he In boon qmlo ntisod with tho result. ----o.1. SFIIDEN I):nu.-A punter nnmed Stephen, who has been ongngod in job- bing in the rent ul Pnttnburg, III found dud in hll bod yutenlny moming. Ho hnd been ill, but nothing urioul wu lured. [nhsnnuiun uf the duth III cunnyod to Dr. Barker, Connor, md Mr. 8Ln\chn:n, the Reeve, but neither of these gentlemen thuught tho cue requir- od tho hojnllng of an inquut. Tho do- oouod III I nun of diunpntod hsbitl. __- in ** *TO---j Tm Cnurnwxnutn.--Yntudqy Ibo Procidonl. R-glut and Lo Supponil ol the nut, topdhor ii!!! the Vioo-Plat loot, Soon-ury nnd Ilanbnll oftlo nu cionl Am timrhonnral onln ul Calh- tluupium. bad 5 npocill nun! at u lhuir dismal hr the pnrpon ol choosing the but And nut nppmpl-inn pounds lotibour hut onzonninuonl. Ihioh will Into plan A! In only -Ina. Thin Sodo- ty,intho natal: pr$ol0utu'lo. ishn Ion-igging condition, and Ind the bone! cl opening Ibo cnhtuinncut ol the 81. 000110 : Sodoly at Hamilton on lb n.._..-. ln-I|I n.. nl0C`"I OK [[16 HI. ID. L/UI1[UI'Qn(`6, IVCV. F. B. .`atrnu.~rn was appoints-J pastor u the Udoua church; Rev. W. Bnrrltt III appointed to Loughboro; Rev. N- H. Huwanl tn Camden Ind Nowburg; Rev. J. H. Andrews to Solby, with J- W. Thrulmr u Iuperuumcnry; md Rev. J. I . Wilton, B. A., to Tunwonh. wubuut out again. but Into venue clan drivou I-Iv lho t mg of amenity. M h haunts the nu-huu~r_v. no to want. of tho Linen both In bocolno elogfnd. alter bung ohlbd unlh urban. hou-nu nu nnounnry In wllhurrd n Imtu In 3 climate lilo Cuudn. ll Ibo oprivu, Ibo imvlduul onlun from ll|uncuu,. Inu-Inn. In-nnlurv of the Iuvoul Dunn. B|uo|nu-. 1)::-Intro: or ll-Iuli. LA-strand. to 1'5: nod not 50, Q ruulroxnus. the `nu norvnu loch. Iul know In prlnnry nut. to tho syn- xud anon all Inuruunlron the blood. .__-...__ ..._.-_ ,__, , ..._-.-.s._._._ l'nunr.uv1xu FAL"IT.-Mr. J. H. Warns, of the Wemplu Home, bu Added to him facilities 3 Clevelnml Preserving Flcllet, fur the better drawing And pro- Ioruuiouul lager beer, of Mr. Bnjun mnnufasctnnrc. The fuuzet in an very com- plate piece at nu-chnnmun, and in in wnrking given the highest |nmIfscl.ion- Thr Wemple Houle in gunning in popu- lunty. __ 44->_-_ .n.....,. J..... .... ...u ....,b.... ..._. .,.....b driven put. Thu unfurtllnata man In; injurod alum! the heaal, It III thought fatally, hut ta-lay we learn hail in B hit way of recuver_','. A.>o_:_ Aer-mu-r as Wciul luau.-Ind-t wuuu; Whjuunh and J. Vldtc and AX`.X_ L-__.. ._ - _... aL..'_ J"""""""""""""""""' iuld. Dlnln-noldlhlhpovc llotlhponr lullov bu India! 050'! A_.-A-L.-n.lA.--.-I. II--_.---, nucybou-ulhrvuh Hosann- oxnulyhduu-iouyocnnn.dn _a..uuh-um,-4.1-uh-Inn- _huly&0v'd&j.E&n Igdldphlhoj. a.....s.'.1."..;'Ia'7ur'n.a...i.n.~'s'.7...'.'.I.'.'7 tn` no-upnblolu vuluu cg-hi mmnvuh gnu riolnu. Ii llil J-aunt...-4.-uuoiu-albumi- I-`Banal fblru.-Jlnl-KLQ111 --~ oaos-o-_ TH! I)l.~m >5 - I` hm been decided by the Arts nml Aancullurnl Society that if 'I`nrunt.u doe! not furnish thu re- .. n v v 4.... Flu Mon1'm.-Lukinn, who III commuted on Wednudny for trial for uuhng u qulntily of clolhlug belonging to Pntnck Kym, wu brought before Deputy Judge Henderson on Thundny owning, and sentenced In the mouth: iu the Central Prinon. I --~~ ytso -. Exrn.-uvu a'nm~|w. - -A Smith`: Fall: man u Ihippiug large quantities of Iona post: And niluuy us: to New Yorkntnto. Ono Int of 30,000 of the (onus: sud 20,- (X)0 o! the latter are being nun: u lul. ll bugu can be ubtuuod. They Are sent by the Rldenu Cum] vm Kinglton. lr.ltovuu:- sir.-I Inn-Inod your Vaxotino for link Ht-ulwbo. nml been great! bonolltu Ihanby. I In to ovary reason to love It to be A [ood Tux Flnzurxko Hu.L.-Tha Fire Bri- gnde In ttmg up their hall at the city Fm: Station at last, and what Wu I gloomy mom will won be 1 tasty and pfuuanl. retreat fur the "buyl." Carpet! and dnmmk curtains will dn their share` The brigade is acting in great spirit. nu--. u .. -. \l"\/C ..-... ........... ..... ... quiuito uccummudntion the Provincial uhmv ahall go to Uttmwa thin year. That's predy gum! a.-\'i of the diurn- pect with which Kingntun is treated. TH: M. E. V(7VHt'nuu.~`.-1-; the neon! meaungof the M. E. Cunfcronva, Rev. II` n s:-_.p... ....- --..,.i..:...a ..-.5... .J ._.--.a>o-j A Fun: on Nuuu.-Mr. B. Nan- [sn of Johnson street. but I curiosity in the young chicken hno. Thu chicken hu lour lap, and the any it will In able to scratch np dirt must cause tho engineer ul uroou some slum. j. -4.-.:._ Puounurns. -Pruhlobrink Iouthar l 1; to water]; wind: clan to hit -um and poo-nbly thunder norm: at night in homo localnioo. Upper St. Lawrouoo hub to bust wind: And my cloudy wuthor with nm ueu. Nuuunox.-On Thursday onnig ` the stamina "Intel!" and in think.`- buur. Shah this running boat, which into ho plaood us punngu uunor between Toronto and I paint lurthor ...o Bovoluant.-Tvo or Lino rough Icons: oeelnod on the amnion sunn- ou yaohrdny. Ono uuult an in to- portonl, and two nocidouu vaulted hon rocklut conduct on the pct of young l | --.-..-:.___ Axxcu. llzrnxo --'l'ho umul gau- nl meeting 0! the L. and A. RED Aucti- nl.|ommll~ be holds: the rouidoncool tho . n n -,A_n :1 _, AL. I)... IIIl7VIlWIJlIEIIUHJD|IlElXlIlj\!I I53 Proidcnl, IA-.-Col. Foiruld, on the Boy Ihon, on Fridny, 31:! innt., st 2 p.m. DO();I`() RIH .I2.lC1 () RT. _ _ ,. ` I f_ llA`.`UBDAY`lV'lG, HAY 5, [CTN I fXI.$Al-.-Cl - W. vmnjgnrvrwvy Kntotdlouiqbvtlngthnyon _-u... .......n.4l -hln Olnn Pgiln-tint-I l 3 run I must: connected with tho` Pcnihutinry. _._-.-1...? lIl$|l](NGIl'lUlIII-livryuunnuuuu-, A-rumba: ohncn becoming lnvolvdin itho row. !llnilnotnvarynerimuend- 617? `ID VIOIUIYV ;}_omuuo-venue uuuoq .._.-oo---o A Dlnm1.n.-YouuI-day nflanoouu dilanlty occurred at the Oryunl Paint, ....._.3... J Inna h-vs-nina In-vnlvdlin Pnaouu. -lt. W. W. Ii, Dlpdy |l-_4__ .1 l...4:.. I..l-IA}-4 AL. `Ma - :7-{COO Rlot'LATl0NI.-Tho member: of "A` Battery band Imut foal It to be unplea- aaut to ba oounod to the boat in can of axcaraiona to Cape Vincent, they being told that tho military ragulationa do not permit ul their landing on American soil. N tho man cannot lanal thay Ilmuld no. be allotad to go on web axcuniom ; but than IO cannot no that it would bu dan- gamna '0 allot than to walk aahutl-a when the atoauar in lying at the dock. Than la not tho alnghtaat danger of their duct- tiou. ll tluy calculated on auoh a thing the military otdu againat tlolr Illum- harhti-an vaald not hold than. Wa hope tho Government wi.l bo commonl- oatad with in nlannoa to this ua ; if so the rolody will ho at oooa [orga- mg. Ilnlum nu -unun.--nvw-cum. an In! Bmelvillu lboolilr, Mr. M. E. 0'Brin, hurilht, uuouoolthooouho III gland in nomination at the llolorn Oonnathq usually hold at Prawn In colon 0 u ;..__u .._;`;.n... 0... .s.- n..... .4 n..... n: H. K Staveml. 7 II.-. la illfg In-- quuuu Dblvvh, uuulun cu cu`,-1, Luv .uv* toctiun of good genius. About three week: ago he fell into the lnke and win polled out uenuelus. A few days later ha wu precipitated from the top ofa. fence, fracturing the skull in the upper region 0! the temple, :0 no to lay bare the brain. After the reijuuting of the skull and nubnoqnent attendance {or o`ght days by Dr. Telgmann, the latter pronoulcod him not quite: out ofdnn- get for some time. Yesterday he wu to ba uen running thn street: with s bnndagod had in oompmy of hi: twin brother and I crowd 0! little follows, discharging re cnckern in hunur of the Queen nanny nuul II In-uuu ua noun - Uhonl andou for Ibo Bout olOou- uau dele`. Ir. U'lI-inn : Iodalty -LIl..J Li-. In tlnn-g A n4uinnOinn n W 1'! VVXTU TWTV ouipd big to (Indian nnouiution, but Io, in cannon with lb at-bu plo- pnul.pvonpd!Ip0IOiI|IoloIaph -U5-0-rt!!!` thorhdvln 50, 5! |I..- My (Vision In u_.5- In- nl nap -----:-0-o-_ Puoor Annular FA'l'Al.I1'Y.-JAm8I Al- len, I delncnto little boy, nbout seven years o1d,wn of Mr. James Allan on Queen Street, seem: to enjoy the pro< ....: _. -1 .._.._l ......:... Aknno H-..a Iauuu an") an v-up-IFrI- -1' '1 lion. Ir. Q'B_tion is you-in hr ol out .._-I.- (`x M X- K Z--.1. Tu Ln: Mn. COLCLOUOI --Yuter- day Afternoon Ll:-A ramsinn of this widely lamented gentleman were brought here for interment with ID ucnrt of friends. Tho rennin: were placed on I car it Trenton, in proaenue of I grant oonoonno of people. A Ipooinl utoppnao Ill made M. Onumqui croning, whare the King- Iton friend: met the fununl party, and 5 nulemn procouiun wonded in any to the Cemetery, where the Rev. Mr. Smith, of the C. M. Church, rend the lad service, and the remain: of I pornonnlly beloved guutlomnn were committed to the dun. The Gnnd Trunk Railvny Company were exceedingly kind on thin uccuion. The docuuod loft All of hi: buninou Al- fnirl for tho various oompaniea in I tha- rouqhly good lute. adv-. -l. qu_--o-upqu---n--rung-a poyclucy It. H. Huang. ..;;':. .';:.'.:':;'......."* :.:.."........-"' in may... in on man: at as: John Xndunld than u viii '0 pchlhld IKAAlL1L- -n L.-gnnlp-g-I.J-. .l Tjjji-$3", Ihfuhcdny, vo hvooohcwldpd I. Raucous albumin! aony,'nit L-__ A- 1. I_L_ L1_un an . V otlno II non-luhmg and strengthening; id on tho blood, rngulumn the howalu. ulna lu norvuul nyuom, mu directly upon I o co orounnn and urovuu tho whale nynlnn to nation.