- \'l 8XCl|l`llIIl bee in spoken J Hnnlll. 091: ll apunuu .. . Huuue. ~The member: of I of Muulrgsulhatl :1 [HI I night of the Wc-stern 1 way to the Snprumo U l|JuhlJ, NJ}. ' Mourenl, Mny 31. Flour Receipts 7076 bhls ; mukev. ban the bouom out, declinr all armmd ; superior extn 5.30 to 5.40; exu-1.5.16 tn 5,10; fancy. 4.80 to 4.8b; Apring extrn 5.50 tu`.')..').'>, superne LJO to 4,33; strung bnke-rn I 7. ) La 5.00; ne 3.75 to 3.P\O;middljngu J M In .i.40- Pnllsnla 2 90 tr- 3.0\*. Onuriu lmgu 2.510 In 2.3- ); city hug: '1 40 n.. `2 A5: no tnnnctinm ', when recciptn- 3.00. Unumnu nngn 1..." It`! . Lo 2 65: 66,000 hush ;nu buuineu; Pvt` 23 795 bull! '. ml!- ,3 him . butter 3,23 plrgn: c fur MA) . Moutnu. Ml Bunk o! Montreal-165. 164 1 2. Llorchnnlt Bonk~l 1A3. 91. Bank of Comment -118 1-6, 117. Ontario nIl|k-QfdiV_. 8314,82) L n...|. nI l`..mn\n -1-16 naked samsu WHIG. mumv, MAY 31. 1a'.7'8.L 83 I Q Hunk nlTumn%n B--yd lluwliu lhnk- (II. Mt)ll\n'I Mnnk-Ex ulna (N. Bunk dn Peuple naked 7. ), 7: Math -Cilia ~ blnnk Conn&nud Bunk +~crod,'. Jncunu l'll1k`l I C. N 3 Montreal TeL L`-w I20 4. `I20. Chy Ga l'o-H9. 14.` Dominlul To. Co naked. 84. B {in ukad `. U. `L.-;;|;'uur KN $6 an 3550, Uta .00 . to -umuonuamgo. llbocpl Clo 3: Incl (Join. nnvlndw-d. buivuo: '-'. | I- rl'$ `I: 5" -vs . ..,., L23; Batch: 45 wine. opnuq when I 1-- bl,lh: '5 VIQCCI. 5lo.|Jl, Pwlplaollhl I-Se: znumllnn llc; Lu-d rnno. hlao, I.5,50IoO.Boel3..`Ot ;Lu.5 6530. Woorbc; Ollie Lppln urbuu Inst ` 0. eouuon ' ' --- A L4: 4- AA __,,` A EI;EKDFU'L msnsren. III TELEGMIS; T0-DAY' fELEGRAMS. IOSIJIAI. ITIITI `Alli! T. U defraud. uicnl meeting at Wallace being was addressed by Messrs. Mc- nl St-qpheulon, and much ex- f..ll.:wnd. VAIII-II IAIIITI. .2.- .j. Lu: evening tho norkingnafn domai- .,_ ... u. |l..|....gi. mok nhoo in nbern the Orange Order mt! pubixc welcnma lull delagzuen on the Qnprume Umud Lodge at St. `fa, 66|| ]u'g Read- Aornl mn from Ottawa Lo Que. f tor the upening ul Lha mumges. . P I . frr Nulth lum- L Huunlmu Pulicu Cuurt. , LIE-1 ..p}. Ln5.(ll; 3.70 to u !) ions Ieu; curn-l3 302 bush, v.u-88; mul9'\; uheu kgn: che-:09 5.07 pkg: tsc Mulltnu, nnau owu iueeahnw; hu ulsu Mmitnd. Mny 31. 16412. in a Toronto lngrnliluue tn lI'l|lIIu ............._V.., pruu-inn, lftpdlllly to the electuu of Huh my huvu mu been M the pie-cniiui. 1-nio.r,tu lr spoken to the our in seductive goo.-nu, hut Iillll the menul ro`aorvnl`iuu to break ilmiu in the hope. Sir Juhn Mncdoinld lull w dernennod hlllllll tu- Iunln HIM cily II In render itquito crtmn tut hu wuuld leave it to in lute, nnd tho uylociurn hnve At langtli ri-nolved to reci- procnio thee ooniplimmt ul inditfurouco Ind have him to his Into, which will lhcrltll him I" the cold nhndel lor another l-nrli-meuury term. Thu! in II never turn Ill. in PIl l|l)OnI for Kingston II daily becoming morn nnd more ovi- d-ut. But we warn speaking 0! hi: `con mini:-nc_y.' More in vhnt the Hun. Mr. Cnrtwriglit ruooiiily perpetrnted un nu- nlhrr pi-no -4 the nine ndmirnblo trul- of tho chialuufn charwtor: ".\'uw,gentlenieii, l desire to be fair to Mir i-ppniuaiiil, mud Ilui bound to II] timi. win.-u the lender or the Upponitiuii, nuii llnllbly whrn Sir Juhn Mu-Aunuld ii-l vucntcl pruioctiuii, ihuugh he due: it in his uni l'uliiuu-uul in wish I Iuy thnl it w-.u|d be utterly uupuuihla for the ii-mt iulroit iruiuctinnint to nnil `um I: iinytiiiiiu un '85 it nulu hiu.inell~-ho II p rig--.t|y our unto-ut in doing so, fur lroui Lint tn luv. during the grater put. of hll carnal` llll deturuniiniiou bu been to carry im the (internment by 3 well or- uuiiizcd nyuom of bribery. (Hair, hut) First ul Ill he brihcd iudividinln, tliun bu tuu-li to bribing ounoutuisnciao by lho unicu -4 Sir Hugh Allan Illd olhuru, mind than he want in [or bribing ihe whole pioviiicu. And SirJuhu Mwdunnld. II he ll put brick in power, II. if it nuitn his purpose-. go to vmrli to bribe Wllolu rune: .1 the cuuiinuuity; sud 1 am will- nf Ottawa have All 1oong_11:rGx% IIIIQY lIAlIIDAI.II 7. $01` Will give two 0! I501: popular oniertsiulnah which on cvgryvhgo [noted with low and H@iloQl looury, Ialinue Koohniul noon. Btu-tun; Bnuchn. can-ng Knit. and Superb Can of Chnnolon. W Price: in nuuL Round Sent: on Ash :t:Au.l0y'I. ht plrtielhn no on: Imnll 7 `HI nndnrigmad ;n:dnta-mined to do in - future I Itnctly CASH buninen And beg: l '1`!!! nndnrigmadtu data-mined do in Itncy to inform hisunuxmotu, having account: run- ning vllhhlm. that the lane unto be con- Iiderod cloned from the n! of June. No dc- vindon to in made from the lb0VD terms. Hi: nbjectlonloing no in to be Able laoaell to hi: cw-tumors. good: cheaper Ilnn nt_ present he be Able lolou to run cu.I:oInon.good1 At nun: caundmbyuloutporcent. md open in I short time to prove to his ('uuuum-rI the grad uuperinrity uh cub over A cro-lit business. ALI. ACCOUNTS due IN to be paid be nperirrrity of`; cro-lit business. (on Nth Juno. JAM!-IR I)()N0(`-HUE. Market. Squnn TRAYED QR SIOLEN - TWO RED `- CHWH onn nnnller than the o`her. with I swap in the right hip'v.ho_ydiuppoared from Married-Id C vmmon information rclpooling them ill be ,(||4V received by ulnmA\llN RARNEY. Kingston, Nu me who know! him In Klnglum inn: . . ..... .u... 4.... ..l um'l`urv Chief- DUITB3 DUIBIMTIUI ! ill be ,(||4l|V reomveu uv BENJAHIN BARNEY. Kingston, Or tha Bridge Home Keeper. Ir. Woods. lay 3|u, s:z:;_m~. j RH-`TED on to Gnrdon lnlnml on'l'hurn day morning. A ROW BUAT. Iilh one until` of ours. The owner cm have hm-upon puymnut ot expense: on Applying to JOHN HARRIS. May 3|nt Garden Island. crn |AIaI:-III!_lI-IIIIW-` Jysters, Iny Slat. l"\'UulIIU VI wt r----- Ind its effects are omen, alwr the rigours of a `unmlinn wiuwrmnything but plmuaut, from tha fzwnoflo manv people going to Lhnir dlily nvonnions without. Iran or spirit, b_ut like _the Maylllst. Czmmlinn from nvonnionn s irit, but the verieat alavu driven by nm on: of nooeuity. Itiz4ha(`nuIeth1\mL('hlnery.no to speak, of the human bodv hm beonnm clogged. nfu-,r being atuod Wllh mrbou, Imnrin; hire necessary In wlthnaud Al winter in B 1-Ii_rnat.elik_0 Cnllputh I-|:a'|:ll'IP|.l`sIlll, :I}d'l the Isadore mu Sh I fumuu--nml arulecunn at In II:-Llly ll l I - _. - I... An,..r.n| my 31, 1878. .. fire 1-limateliko Canada In the 3;-r'|n._r. the individual aulfera frum HEADACHE, lnrsrxrsu. HlRll'ABlI.lI`V of the um.-.....v . . NI-.llVUI' Svnrut. BILIOUSNIBB, lJr.I~RIss1nN or M-nu rs. l.uarrun|,&.u. The used not be, For PHUS|I`UZl).\'E, the gran. norvme mule WI reunove the primary much. (one the Ayn tom` and remove ad! inuuurluel Imln the blood: ill onteruiumu which -` onIIov in-nu. Post Of ce Savings Bank ` 1-1A'&'!'Q1 T@- I v`jW"'jjw- Q3 OAK AIDA. P051" Oi`!-`ICE SAVINGS BANKS C in Uutarm and Quebec am open rlully for the receipt sud rupaymeutofdepouiu dunug (Ins ordinary hours of Pout Omen busluasl. Uusumu-. Tho diroct nocurily of the Dominion is given by the Slatuus for all deposit; mule. A depot-itor in any of the Savings Bank Post Oiuen may couunue his dopoaila u nuy oiher of nlwh uiu-ea, Iithomnoliuo orcbnnga of Pan Bunk and can wnhdrnw money It that Suv- ingn finuk Utcu which II moat wouveuieulv to him. him. Interest nttlm mm of 4 percent; In nlluwenl on nluponnu. and the mu dad Lu the principal on the 30111 Ju Vl _TAHE AQUARIUM. yaur. Po 2! maatnrs are forbidden by llw to disclose the mumm of any depmultnr, or the amount of nny sum depocited or wnhdrnwn. A full armament of the Regulations in pub- Iisht-(I in the " Puaml Guide. and many be seen at any Punt Otiice In Canada. w n. can-`nu, scoop-Ibo Iil l"'-'-- - can. can my an-uh IN cuulumuouauhu pv- plolloundnuilnhuoohlbvloh A.IuluInHcunyuhrnn nonp- `nor-..ial&lpid'uo. . Punt (HIM-c Dcpnruueut. I ttawa, May, M78. 11ET1P.1N1 mm BUSINESS. HAVING DETERMINED TU RETIIKIC u-111 oer the whole of bin |]Iyl}nudsandMi||inery. AT A PEARFUL SACRIFICE. Tremendous lledulctlonsl Great. Bargains ! 2 Thounands ol Remnantu to be Sold at your own pr-Ices. _.. nu. :1 ` LIAVES GUI`! \VHAIlI', -5 Ivor] Monday Inning, 1 ; ` M 9o`c|oc| running l the (do, heludmg : Luhlu. amruiu. eaves ovmul on -ry p 'Hl(.'|lSDAY :8 too`. And Khsltol foe Buy . ` Porn EVERY IATCIIDAY I INIIO n7 :`nu. Return Tlckeu at Jdoood nun. n.A..-lilo THE SALE to commence on THURS- DAY, June 611:. 1873. N()T[()E. 4-_u ... mm. mm! unsure A choice u {hum E K) 1 LKJIU. (`all at once and secure at will be I My rush. NJ! - Fur pulionlnrn hoe hand bulls. `I! HAD`! `F;1:r,iI'6T;fcTalWW Pom.` `steamggggmdal lxe nu, u u lun- cluwl M xng lu ndmu tlmlnuch n ma nlull In um an ul lwguralcuunvn lhll ho is nbln (u go the Ivhulu ruuud n! the circle, lint brib- ing. ur unnlnn` belnvo to bnbo, Qua cl-u ul lho cumu-unity, than Inulber, and In nu. uni nu-lly leaning them at Int all pt-Ital Llnu ho fuund them, but Ill be- having lhu hey had all ot 1 good thing um J an John Ihodon II." I fPHoTooRAPH| ._._nnnIQIl0IIDd- .7: xi: oNsT'Z-om: ALL `I60 ._: .a_.sL.-Q Ailcm lny Slut. Inoucits dfsiliuuu - mo-.. altar um rumur! lay ll, IUI. Ulllla vuuu v-... _ _,___ Anlgholhouovlrnchncn Imlh. SPLENDID STUCK having hey hm Ill 30:: out J Mlodonnld." cows_LosT. Seuwgalnnou, White Fish, Shad, 50 Lluu. W H. Deputy Puaunntor General. .rmnnt_ } J. C. IIASEAW, Axon percent. per nunmn `. Interest is ad I: June xu each A. can t co. A I)()N1|(}U II}. Squnn I P. L. noreut M! HHEIIEWBUUKSTUHH Tho Cunuh (`hrulauu Advocate on- dorou u a sensible View oi things" the I--Iluvnug pnnguph on the rumourod in- lauuun at tho: Rnuinnn to pray upon Bnuoh olnmorco that the mnnner of tho Alnbunn duprednlom. "T-m much Imp--rlnncn uuy be much- ul L. Um R-noun plum Inf Iunung Eug- lish 1: mumroo `In line olyoclod vur, Bury l-2 guah manhunt Ihlp cun be put .100! I I. r--qr: ling Illhuul. Inn: to the -- Unr in; loan: by Al-bomu "'".'.":!'1`_.`.:`..`t..'E'.""| Ilij 5.11:7 -nvw v. --v -v---vw lug Popular Works `Ind mam . mzmm-_ Iigilntiwtlu. THE IA!) IAIKIAUI. numun. uunn AND run: In ormoxs an amt IOBIITB. snuxrm rr TH! cnnrrxzncun. ucvnn-s wonxs coupu-rn. mum mm. an SLICK, -rm: cwcx nnn-o-ny 45 cents. ooInplo.o in 3 Y0]!- About 100 Vols. of the LAKIIIDI IJIRAII oouu1in'|n{v&bI chained Works of III: Huluct, illk comm. Lord Lynn. Thnctersy. Ge-on-go Eliot.C|nu-lea Reade. to, he. Paroouolly noloolaod. ART AT IIOIE Slllll. l THE INC!) 1! NJ)! AND 80013013. THE l)I!\'lNG BOOK. THI PARLOUR. Shnwing how by A small oxpondltnro, nv-Itneu and beauty may be secured `long with oounu. : And elepnoo. lms umvnsm.1 voonuuu nun, TIIIS (I"I{ID IY) EVENING, n 8:30 0'l`LOCK. IIIIB \I'I|Iuru-, -.-....-..V, n 8:1!) o`cwcK. A lull atteunlum-ea in rmluestad. The following am mrlubrrs 0| it :- Maura. (`An ulbgra, an-\ unborn. U. A. Klrkpavrmk, Dr` `ulhvun, (inc-rgo I-`n-nwick, Ur. Mrlhuunmu Du. Du u u, Rev. 9 Snmh, Ummld Fm-u-r, J S Muu IPILOII. Phur au- dt-r.~un H S llu1ml't.W. 5. Muduuuld,A Mo - \- 5: .mm, M P P.. W. H Fuller, u.-not n ling Inumut. was 10 Inc ovum; Out Iutu duty In lhuu lat oznlury nuuguwu his nhnch 1- run nhenuo nu American only that non choker uudu n lot-xgn u`. 5--mo u! out uncut vocal: an null sailing the an no-Au lurongn hp. And ` ac-nun ol that oiuch hcvn bocmna Bnluh aunpcu In urdor to any on than Imu- mu adnuupouly. W0 Inn pad dov- ly lot um bu. o! monopoly umunnd pro- IOiuu.' EM @3113 ggtniixh `Whig. J--hu .'\1rr\-1 R. Lingo mu ]E;'OOKIgIE;S.E` Do not |:e1`u-vn all you read, butlnok for your ` um um W0 11 we Show Koo,-Iu _oI]_thu ] More Carriages in Stock of Home Manufacture than any two Shops m the City. lay !|uL Of All work built n.) our own Shop sud uulu-1| In uwnuu-rs ul Hm rm, Had an we nnpluy STE \ M Pu \Vl<;B and FIRST-CLASH M\(`,lll .\'l<.R\' . ms can run-iah work ohesper H.-nu: uuy ulher Hh-pp In the uity. Al.S0-CnrrKngoa for hlre. I3; BROWN & co.| AYOUNG ENGLISH LADYWIAIMI vogue EDg|i8h,G6!`lllIl and Music Luooua in return ur Umud. Highest rafaronnon. Add!-on 8`I," care of Wum Urrxcu, Kiugulon. May 'JUth. vsn- _=_I3_..UNN=| May Sly. The closing hunk Ionld pron gul- ly two u the spun ol "nunupoly aw a-nun wuluuuu" BOI ulvoouud by Sir John Iaodc-AN can Imp:-nod into the c -mmcrdd p--hey of Cuudnn (Journ- Imm. \\ haunt alumna! they may be to mnhulnclurfifl In the inuduanl prone r llnu uonlo-1 by n nnunuo Inlild mono (hey 5-. -olauno cu,buA nth Lhu,Ihu:h mdo-I no no null manor. they should nu anloll. Than up puutnoly some I 0: -by an ran an: cl wununn 0'5-would N Ioddy load. duply hr Ibo hunt us! I dun chat in Ihy -och Q--npcuopconnlh-thopoplov|cun_ _....__-Anlnlulhdupdqj llnvlng knurled III: Prelnlul. IS NOW IDETTER PREPARED THAN ever to furnish Inn friends and the go- uonl public with Stove: and Ttnvvnro And 1: prepared to receive All orders for Tlnulng. Plumbing and Gas Ilttlug. On the Iowa: terms and with promptlludo and lump-m-.h. REMEMIHILK THE PLACE ~- PRIN (JESS Sl'Rl opposite the reoideuoe of Dr Duouiu nzcnvno 1'o-uv. .` UESH 31 Dupuiu ()Wl.\'(} TO THE LIMITED SUPPLY OF` ICE 2-ITUILEU LAKT WINTER. WE ILL NUT til`! ABLE TO SUPPLY ONLY Alimited Number ufuslnm BIS. Tim Srnnon will be THREE MONTHS, con.- P m l`I|II[I)l) lhu1nlufJuun_ MEETING OR` THE COMIITTEB Ip- L pointed Ian evening to r-manna lhn city rsuhnoripnunu to the BUILDING IUNDOI men a Unlvnraixy. Illl be held in the Con- amtiun Hull. 3' Pu-Lion tnkin hv weight I ed 40 coma per I00 In. wu DI Pl THE MONTREAL TEA HIIUSE 0l'l!.\'ED 0UT AGAIN! In the Albion Hotel BiocK, PRINCESS STREET. 11. J. nuuuuHu&cu.3 nnugoluotuopnnuldohonoooo.` llhnhuuuidulbo Uuilnltll In` jbonpunlltlolllolon uhnntln on _.__.. a..n...._ nuhunuh-hush) March 4. `I878, WE INVITE ALL OI` UUE OLD IBIIIDS And 1 host 01 new patron: no call upon in. I our New Stock In ll Cheap as the Cheapest we have sold Before. -~ - -,__Ln nml At tha Same Prica as Last Year. 1mnrnr1aunau'ic[ MEn`:I THE UNDICRSIGNEI) BEG! T0 IKVOIII tho public gun-nllw that ho bu sound the service: 0! hnnsn r.nL nifgllllfcil YOUNG LADYwInhu vogive K Emnish German lhy `I7. |8'.F. 7" r 1' '|'\anyhov|ah1ohnvo0cOII ii to adorn: nlyonpod wort-nnhlp.ptouyh laoundniovut brand. jbonptwouuouw-uu-._.... .._, ghhqluku. Andlhudlahlhii h uraunbonldulqdiu. Io u up -A--Jh -I---I Iuhdh-" h \J..L-I. J`lJ-\/-L-I-I-Jul cu II-Iollil IIOI l I QIIIIIII - In nud. V |~ xvun W0 uwo blmw nuu_vm ` gruurul I-`Iunr uovnnug over I square fact. and hive IEE! IBEE ICE ITIIIII III II Kinpwu. lurch 9- '37.- I. E. mus. 0.o.s.. L.IL's.. 3 In] I7. MR. MAURICE CROTTY, HI --- SIR JOHN '8 `00|lSI8TElGY~ '_ S. WOODS. 'm ln'u2uu.nou, M P P., H Fuller, -lvn-y. K \'. Huger:-,.|uo M`Iuohar. ml U. M. Mmmulmonll. A P KNIGHT. 3 o in of and cu: Ihonfon uh nun. WM. PIPE. JOHN MALONEY. )Lll0!ll. A P. KNIGHT, Bu-nary. WM. DUNN twiil be char; |A.&s.=IORilE|M[H5S} Ill :;;'ronn` BEHIND E88. unncnarmrmunuunmml nl WILIJHIIOI ITIIIT. Whom In wl ll uoonnou of IUBIC, IUIIC B00! and OQNIIAI. IU- EIGAL IIICHANDIIB. Also Istclnwn . m. |P!AN9f.9BIuS| brtb0Dou'nI|oIoIOIInda. `J in T3: -j ollimnl makers. but upouinlly than: of CEO. A. PRINCE; &. 00.. whirl are wiuow , Iadnod In-at upon: tho he-that union. ___ whirl wluow lodged anon "szuunn nun ruuus and owns for uh null [or hire. In-nulnlu -...u mtpunmn an-fully nt- mad hire. TUVING sud REPAIRING ouvsfully tondod to. Our prim: being ranoouublo and term: an In mvuto All intemltng puluhuan to give an I call. no-unnx fur and honed Lmumcnl and thorough u.|nhouon MD all customers. T min 8`tA|aTZI_llI- Brtuchea at um rinu And London. A ,..'| I H179 IA. 2. s. No3ps1nnR,| In {lie Golden Lion Block. `MAUI! no Pu:uIucroN1'.i WIYWM EXEUHSIDNS on snunnnv, fun: usr, Ganannqua and Cape Vincent. \ TEAMER for (`spa Vincent will lune II 2:00 p.m., ralnrulug at U p.m. Steamer for Gannnoquo will leave :1. 345 p.m., returning at 9 p.u:. FIFO lor either Exoursion-'25 own. You Pay your Holt] and like your (`lulu u.- Rmh. OF` TORORTO. Bunches 004375 Hunilton. St Cnthn u-inn: And HEX nuu I.1(ll.IuUIA. A pril L 1878. I0 M0ll0P0llE8- Regular Business Nleetlng NEXT MONDAY EVENING atKu'olock. H. RANTON, u_- -m man G1-\n.Sooretary. III:-3-T-_-j_ especially shone! the funou mum henna: I'oI PI] 1': May 30th. \AiETiAc!j ForCHEAPHARDWARE GU T0 FRASER & MOWAT S. In 30, I7R_ Fraser 1mrucmH`v:\ (Enlarged and Gnlored Uopiesi "J. _ NEXT 3 U 1\1'E.AY . rr 4:15 PM. More Iuluurnpti-vns are coming i I fresh luv. Inll nppenr to-xnurrow. In the but Styln and at prior: to unit the times. 1 Flow: in grant. vnnety. Coma llld nee npeclmenn. PRINCESS STREET. .. ,n H. HENDERSON,` tuei-:h seen.) `IICI O! VII!` Awvlwzuuuuu OI WIIJJIITOI | -nivpo; Mr llarhock I niacin knowledge at tho Botllinj buainvu, I uulrllztea -.:u..-um: lodlputhlvbo my hvowhhu with choir M -I Z A C-9Al -1 WI.\'(} to the un u! my builna, IR H IIA BACK hu undcn-ohm an b(')'l'l`l.lN(.' DI`AWl`I-INT or MY LAUER Bl-ZPZR. From ulendve knovvlodp ol . lhn Botllinl buainvu, guuuguu -.;_x._(..-um 1"" .'7ui.`uhb 1. -man-an mm 5 up any lav him, up; In-u In on Lust for his Ill ulory I10 ""' ' ' a I. umuv. May I5, I875. O ._._.- I IATVIOAY. vuxfill nu "vans: the III. loll J n .5.` - -Hender|on, the professional Iulkinl, hu arrived in Klugstun. --Gum at Clnca;u Is being insured for Kingntun At 20:. -Tuu Trcutico Buy: entertainment at Tmnwunh was largely attended. -The St Ge rrdg-9'3 Suciety Cummmoc Inn Ipying nut pxc-nu:dny. --Tne awduwnm-m. uchoma hu taken as wall on the malt enthuunsuc cuuld winh. -Mr. W. Marshall. hardware mer- chmt, has nsulrd I-r Paris. Ir . _ n..-.L........ _.ll mm._ np_[[ lay `J6, llfl. "A Word to the Wise." ADM . Il7I. `urban SMALL PHOTOGRAPHS rill Indclllglnd ban Manda: tho public nnbd 0 Infwjno jolldllnjrurkj Selllnz 0!! at Cont. HI' 3. `I17!!! .u- v.- ramonss s'rnu'1;." |n um- Njvv & George : 0ld lund. cnnm, mu uauru : -u 1 mm. -K1n.:,atun Presbytery null r. 1!. Pictou an Tuesday, July 1 iinuo of (`gamma cl Iuldhg Fuud at P23) p.n. nurnnlnf. 13u_t3on. lanlglnd hnulounliautbopubilu to vnfwho mama; urdon . us. an: pruullng an and llalncs. |_ _. gI.--l__4I Anon!` I . BAJUS. Ivorytliu Is: the cheapest . to" the Beat. [Fishing 'l_ ackleA mm. -AI the Mnyur remarked lm night. inndverlently. `tho pohuca of twenty yulrl up are nut the palms of lu-day. - After thu rr ul lune the fare from Wulortnwn In Kmgatnn will be: reduced 1.--$1.30 fa r aningle trip or 32 50 there md r.,turn. -- - -.... -... _. C` CIIAI u.mkpamci`amcy Stun, PR1 NCIRS R'l'Rllll' u 1' III! I 9 TBS SHOP AND DWELLING H008! cocnphd by Ir Alhlnyon PI lncul SINGS Bnuoulon on or bofon the In ofJuno. I) II DI|I- W0 NEW RESIDENCES on PI-luul haul. containing night ma-In nun : fold in door: And (runs: on Iru.-.Ilo-up ; lmnl uul go Inn: pump! In kitchen a mum! -howl and ohbln tn nrd. Aw`: Ye use avur r. MR. W. D. GRAVKH. corner hlncu sud Burns 80. I 0, I373. TWO STORY UIONE DWELLlN(3- containing nine l`0'\l|II.Iil|lll|d on tho sonar ofclorgy And Wlium Sn-non. Puuu .101: In In. Apply to nlcnlmlt unnlrnn sum and 15;,m;.g" To 1;, 'l"`.i"..,." iltroou. lltroeu. Poona: Apply to Mny 9, 1378. [K S denhuu Slmnnlvenr Prluru---,uupm|IvI Tnndv rm . Mnrbha W4:-kn A|I|Il\` unxl, dool or at than Wemplo lloune. Terms umduruto. Kay `Ih. _,. __..:..--.-v- - . cut I PRINCESS STREET. lg, Jo, In -The Montreal Field Battery Illl plradu lur uervlcu in Stanley utroal. Pren- bylerlau Church .-n Sunday, when Prin- cnpnl Grant, nl Kinuzon, will preach. --Tl1e Thunaaml lnlnnd Park newspa- per Iuakun lavurnble meulinn of the ap- p--Inlment. uf Mr. V\'` Tandy M lender of the singing ul the Sunduy School Pulm- __-... I '7 I\II4I I ` HOUSE AND Tilltl-2|-I APRES OF AN ORCIIARD In nmmluunullemn And well In-nrlnu Iruil. nilnntml uhoul Ih--\ xni'nn from Kingston. For mnua npply In Hm nwner, '\1 DAVID, FEREALE OIYT6 REN? Kingston. II! 9; '\1.I)A\'l|)_ Tho (`heav Broker. | r|nN~nn St .K|ngnt0n May l1l,|*7P. UT 8058. on Alfred llmu-,1. mun- thou; well fuI1(`n~4l and nmmu-.--J lnullrau pl (0 ` P y A. hl.\l.\: I vs :-uw` 'l'HE LIGHT PLUME," -In I`: innen Slrocm. Wlllinuuvillo. Kiugnlun. |-ur p.rm~ulnre (`ll quin: at -he Bklrlall V5 um own 1. Klngaluu. Much lb. '- 5 I VI I vr1n.u_, LEABANTLY Sl'l`UA'l`ls`.|) t'0T'1'AuI in Harrie-lie~Inl, 1-oululniug mum rooms Ind oollnr. May be uxnuzim-d uu Application to F. J. (i! .()lL(}IC. nu.--.i..O\-|.l Ilnu Iii `rut \vI 11:; NEW HOUSE, no-nr All .\`nint'u Churoh Division Slrenl, Wllll |m|' nu In-ru ufgooul ground nuahed. mull font-u _ lwu goml wall: und In Oroh Ird. Am ly on llw praunuun to JOHN l'U'|`.|\', Ilu1`)mh ().\ In-r. luins -he lsnu-ml vs Klngaluu. ' -- It in thought. that the water in Lake Ontnriu will he emcee-dmgly high thin neuun as already the wmers of the Lake Ins nearly In high In the fnrlhell point they reached lint. yerr, and they usually keep on rising tn July In nch year. -. n .1 n .A_.:- n';.. l..l... nun 1'. Barri~a|d, Mn; 8. 1321!. IRE nut Hm Iton llrivlx more and Dual- ling ouournar of W:-Illunnu uml Queen I-ecu. Poueulun given on urn of auno. FINE CUT STONE RE.\`H)E.\'ClC N K Swlmuhuu Slmuv. near Pl'lllI`l'~'l. m-x~o~|Uo Mny 90th. .l..\.JJ.w n/-_.-.?- l'l`hree R.(?H|lIClII`(`H and Lou. ILI. HI-2 R(`l.D an rmumnublo larma. tho throw lhnlllnun on Unrdon 8 reel, bo- lwean Enrl and Johlnum Hvrnuu, nwm-d by the Buhu-rlber. 'I ha huuwn urn nf limo uppenrunoo, mu renu forlw per pm. and Inn 1: Inc rumnn. bun, olonu pcntryun ' l'l'nl` 1 he ulhnn rout. fur Qfliouh and lmwuux wmm.b|du tho chm-lo, psnuiu Ind 1--darn Tlu-no In 3 Ch- tarn In each hmluy, And I. ml Mnl soft valor pumpn km-hon. (loml ".~-In and ;lnI tad ynrvla. Bmnll Onrdam In ~.o- II Imuu-. "a man aomforublo ruldenreu in King-Ion lfunlur n-ruouhn an 5|-pllcnlnn u- iaomlorublo ruldem-an In Km; portlouhn 5|-pllcnlnn WM. I WM. HNIIVVI In; I, '7 ` Juhnno: "I Illlnolltho Budingl singly 0! I 0 ALL PEOPLE WAITING KIYI for Loch can In: supplied be Iuvin Ihulf or-don with NI. DAV 1), RIM `I-up rah! Ho 1 Illlridlorflienola hw . WI DAVID. Ilulcr. And only III .01 pad lo:-ond llnnd Goodao! aver. We-orl lbs, (Jppodu In. I4IIv[un' bum, nod. Doro, Prue:-Stun. llnguo-. UIUIIKAP J0!!! , _. __ __.._. -... I Ivar V.. ......VI, . 7 ,, , -B:-llevnllc (.`nIrnrio Sir John uyl thnl. eluclmnerriug card in Kingston, which no gr--saly unan-preaemrd the pub- lic expendmnenn. was not published by his knowledge ur cmn~enl. The Men mm is that H. em|IuIt.':'J hum the New: utco." Ruugh on mmebudy. I-w -rvv,--- - -- ~ -_vV III: Htro-A-t. w--'a-.:- '-..:-2: -.-.-.2 ..:;'.'-.-:..-: mu Ieluou. lurk In-rt J. I. HUT!`-IIDOI. u_-Q IHI AIM- gum sae;agiaa1Tm;t;. , nborrtho `ll all at his Inolli I untoth mnggf I:N' IIATUKDAY. )0` 1`. u II-alto tcloci. I00. ._-_ n -1 --A 'I"-A Ilnnnnn 1 April 9m, 1375. labia l A'.:.:.'.":.:'.'**-~.'.:-~-: % ' oolillu , ' an - ""' uc uni nixsrt. ---bun `I: I. In. FOB SALE, (mummv.) M.T.(`Iv.-Arrivals: Prup Culn, from Toronto, '20,'.'60 bush of cum; achr Nin- gnrl. Kmrunhnn~, lE>,535 bush of wheat, ochr llulivu, Clncagn, 26,138 bush of cum. The drpltlllrnl IFS . Tug Ulido. for Montreal, with the huge: Mnrvolt. 15,501} bmh of cum, Luluth, 4,000 buah of 0- rn in d 15,5155 bunh uf urban; Cleve- 11nd,?-58 hm bf coal, Ind Uov ago, 6- FOHSALE V RAN'I`I.V l I`IH\'|`I1`lI I`l|'l'l Fgr Sale, AR nu Alfn-al nlrnnl nu-Ir TF6R`sALE, ll RAIHIIC NEIL! LIL ramm- m:s;x`.:i;t` T0 LIE I`. 9 [VII Illvll "us itiwl`, Al'I'\ I"Il|ll-`I? Al'I 'I'0 LEI`. T"r_o~|."|: If . .w.- an 1\\vn - U`-3 rlonnrl. .. Dr. Sullnvun. , June: Re ldcll. Mill Mu:-IuIml".A. Henry Lnwnticu A M.cnhMer -_y m oxnnmc vnmcns. Hand L`-olborno street . ' mm .. pi ' hr JUHN (TI1NNI.\'(IHAM, lhnhlor. uug u-nu, um. WM. DAVID. n_---- Al---I Illndn bl.\|.\i(|NS. Kmu blI`rl'l. V\ 0 Hull RNOWDIN. Julmnon lltru {mm 0`den|bur,,; Cny of New York, lrnm(,`1ovol:m-I, Clumplninrum Chica- go; Clnwlnud. from Toledo; Algerinn. [rum Muntrvnl; Spuun, from Huulltun. Mulmmb 8; Slolull. Burp Clunlnnd Tolodu. 11,000 bunh 0! o to. . St. Lawrence and Chicago Company-- Arriuh. Schr Dudley, Chicsgo, l5,l32 ` S-|h'n--.`5Lo-nmeru mllnugt Mnhuukeo, ` bug ol onrn ; Onuriu, Uodaricb, 15,330 bug 0' `MO! ; A C Ktlf, Tulrdn, 90.676 but of com ; H F Church, Toled--_ 20 bu) bun of when ; Ens Jolie, Kllr ,_.A.. . 17 R73 hul of lhlll: Flor: A, lncnnmut John l`-met. . . .. Dr. Fnwler . . . . .. W15. Mncmmnlxl. D Ct;-l.L| 10' cufll. In I -w --I now u m... ...u ....`., "A" 10.180 bus `I Don, nnd "Albetl." 12,883 DUI I-` du. lufl fut Mon(fgd_ (hrdou I-Inud.-Deporturu - clu-I_ ' Anglo 301"". T -lulu. hghl; S$.L|Inn(O. do. do; Buherm. Bay Cny, do; Hay` -,_ A- A- LII` OVOIIID. llll wvI|Iu'|u-u u -.-_..._ utruwn to Mr. Ihckonxin took plan Adelwio Mn-at nnk, Tomato, sad it III to ovation which bud no ponllcl III the binary oi the Queen City. The attend- Ancu Ill nnprceodnnud. and the enthu- uiuvn Ill beyond ducnplinu. Hun- dndo, porhnpa Lhouunch, could not gun ulnmuun, in-J the crowd III Inch lhu nun; who lorood I puuxo into tho budding Ion nosblo to hour tho Ipoochca. Whnrovot lhc Prelniar hu` recount), Appeared ho hu boon groeud Him I ooruinlnly and Ilrmlh ulloelmg thu mun. have been gut-lying to him; And the noeling In; IVHIIIIK sum: to haw been the climax nl his lnuuzphl. Thurs can bu no minut- iug tho lund of ructiun which provch m thin cuuntry -- rm rniuuking the genuine hr.-nd of tho Iuchngmem Thu Mr. Mnckanxio in onnhrluod in tho heuu at the oloctun there cmnol In my duubt, nnd when may have An oppmtuuuy ul uhln pucuul uprat- niun I.) Lhuir opunoul, they II du it in ouch a tiny :1! tr show tho Lnberll Unv- brumuut [M be much mun popular thnn uuu-..._._._ lnnd, (:68 In-VI`; l.-I 205(1) hill 0' Inll ; nun nnua, nur cu-dune, 17. 75 bus of when-, Flou ung, I"-rt Dnlhughrn, 8,526 bu. at .5. ; Pmp Columbia. lightened 4,(Xh) of In 1 r ul Ibo Persia the bug - - - - J -4- .-.I HAIL-.." Inn): angina onllumcn so um-n-w '-and us-noon Hr. Bonn, I cl - `DION tho Inghsh Church, aways` `coma Iloluurubnbou-0 nub. `. ododu-d:~Al|oI not to aha- `biahouousiounhoohupd Devious Au nunonouloluyuouun cu p"...J, -Iiidln Bosnia tho dugout Icvhodcugtut Ilohl. It. Beau! nocooohtnulolbo childllunllouw Ihahveouotho-othothuuhai-t,nJ huhqupocodiupiu unnaouuun staunch. Aqooonbaln am: nothunnmul I Chang ! * ...L..n.- and` unit cunt IO A UILIIIATID I.ux.-u- nu--u enniu England onuluman ta annex any .' .....1 nlonnon duru- .l1um:u .. _ MoAnrur........ .||enivt . . mlry nublcnplioua .. WIND WAl"l'S. I)\l(l.\E. a lncllulnl pdhaonntb `M Pnnmo Inux It I p -. dunno (barium d Querncolhn I-Mhc I meet next 9th It 10 IUU 10;) 100 IIII IUU 100 100 M] 1.?` Int!!! u--v--- ..(}p` 5:.-nil: in , -42.-`'..u... :h,V:ucuI-bra'udintIn IIIIIIIIIII-I `"0"- .31.... sin-Idol 01 30853` P-Imn;4nk -n -11: QIIIIIC. ruluuat-I apt: can-u._ _ g -I-and or-canola-n uuII|Il_l'4 luau-ucm,ooo no --.-u -ennui -1-ICIIIIZIIIIIOII Ia Pndnuat II cunM._ -l...uu-I no-h-nlnl Id Ihudy. -0 Incl Chic Arthur. of the Brethr- bood J |- vuuoun Euginootl, ddnicl the rep .n o! u conic; pnonl rulruul -Tho Oovotnnoot ha olond 3 public fnnonl for Ed! Ruuoll It Wutunniuor Abbey. The Lord: and Common: will be mvitotl. _ `Hm Ru-inn kn-n not needed the The Run" an but not charter of an 5 camp Cnnbrin, um! lhl in expoctod to rvtum to Hunbnrgh bolun lunil. lauolling Iuovll yn noun. DALI of tin sub o! lo Mac : at W 5 I. `hn no Cusp luuduu In tho nlurncul | lull. u LIP! lung. -Tboupona of the Unitol Stun dur- ing ten months ending April 30th, ex- as-dad the Import: by |nou(. um hundred And twenty-nine million dulllfl. --'l'hu Cardinal-Archluohop ol Purl: million dulllti. -'l'ho yeuordny order-ad` prnyera at the Cunn- dnl in oxpinhon of mo Voluiro colo- bnlian. The enlobnunn iuoll pucod 08 without. disturbnnco. 41'-.. .n.a.d muntarhiten were 1:- -inhnut. dmurbnnco. `--Tuo allegod euunturhilerl rostod neu nsnntfurd yesterday. Ono unn Ind a piece of maul on his perwn corresponding Iith the material of which the min In made. gnu .id...dn Inn!) 1:! Don Carlos, -The Aid-Mia amp 0! chnrgad Inch pteoling the oollu of the urder of the Gqldkn Fleece, belonging to Dun Cu-Inc, roclnrel lbs. whole thing III arranged in ordor thnt tho Prince might run money on the jewel: without |cnn- dalmng huuulf.| --~-ooo~._; A depuuhon of Onnzemon. conninting --f Aldormsn Tn: rd, Moan. E hurt] F. Clarke, Alfred Modcnli, Juneph C`-mpt m -and Junu Irwin, wuu-d an the Hun. Alex. Macks: 1 e at Lhu Queen`: h0V.v:l,'l'u~ runtmyutardny, to urge upun him uu bo- hmf of Ynrk (Juunly Lodge. the necenmty runtmyutardny, to upun mm on u\:' hr! of Ouunly of some Itepl bring hlnn Lu prulect lhu Ilrnnuenlan In the rxorclae of their right urnnuemar. or their ngm U) walk In Mnmronl on the l2Lh uf July. Mr Clarke introduced tho Iuhject to the Premmr, uyinu Ihll thay were driven to Apyly in {he Federnl auth -rules only be- cause they had no rouwn to l)dll0V0 that M lyilf liuuuxlry or the other local nulllurltlel Ivmnld do Anything tn pre- I-~17: um pmhld, being hostile to Urmge- mou and in Iymp nhy Will] the Illetl ICL1 uf [hair --ppunenu. Mr. luackcuzlo sdturted that iv. was the right of Ornngm men to walk m tlm public nreeu, but pullnletl nut thnt the Donnmon Uovem Iuent cuuld nut call out they troops except on tho appliL:>sLl;n of Mayor Baaudry or the mlglllrntel uf Muulrunl. ll lhuy -ltd nu wllllnut. any such Bpplimtluln tlu-y uoul-J he brushing the law, and If any man were lulled by the lmnpa Lha Gov. arnmant would be lmbla to prnaocauun fur xnurdog. Anythmg he could dc: to pre- norve the pence he would be happy tu du, and if the local Authorities nppltad lor tronpl, the batteries at Klngvou sud at Quebec would be plnced M. Lhelrurvico. The (invernment Cuuld nut, on their uwu n1thurIty,call uutthe troupu excupl. in M... 4.: Invmnlon or insurrection, lllll lhll Pl) ---- - ha Mnyur Iiuuux. Wu pom` I -- | tl .....nr mmlul n c:n u<-f Invasion nuurrmzuuu. luu tun: nu neuh--r. He express-d the npiniun chat vhn()ranyomou would be nlluwed Ln walk grncafullygmvi deprecated the inux -.f()rangeu1o.-n Ln Muulreal us only like-ly m prnvuke dinturlmucun. After some: lur- Lh.-r cunvx-rsalmn, tho deputation thank- ed Mr. Muck-nziu fur their cunrteoul re- uepnon and withdrew. . EMU: 'O.\"Al'I I0 11: no Cusp nlurnoul A large propmliu: o! the American people are to-day dying from the effects of U)lppIln or dinurderod liver. The result: of there dneuea upon v.l.e muses of Intelligent and valuable people is must. nlnrmlug, mgking lufo usually 1 burden Iuulad of I plenum exuleuoe 01 enjoy- ment. and usefulness, as it ougllt In be, Therein no good reunn for lhin, if ynu Inll nnly throw aaidu prejudice and aknptnciuu, take the advice uf Drugqintl and yuur friends, and try onu [mule of Green's Angus Fl-mar. Your speedy r - he! re cfflllll. Million: of bottle: of this -msdwino have been given many Lu try lu Vlrtlles, with aatvnlact-zry results nu every -.... . V.... nan lmv .1 rumble l.)l)lllul()r1U nth aalmlactury results every cam. You can buy 4 uuuplo cents to try. Thrae done: will n-have then worst case. Positively Inld by Heath Uunn, or Henry VVMIP, and mid by all l)r-Iggiluuntho Weuern Continent. rooo~-- Wuv DoN'T I`ur.rI-Thu Tories won Qm.-bec-ws sre told. Then where sru the cannon, the bsnd, and the hi bsrrell Tu wrench hack a pmvinre from the vile hands nf I set. of usurpers is my ignuble tank, and it should be celebrated. even though the mnjnriw of twenty were con- verteu into A msj-nrily of um. When Sir Juhn Msmlunnld was elected in Kingston, st his last. c--ntesk, by a bsre mnjurily of sixteen, the bells were rung, the cannons were fired, the boners were lighted, and the bands played all over the province. They didn't. hmk at the hut of his nsrrnw escape as compared with his [nrmer umjuriliesuf hundreds; but they menu- n-zed the font that he was still their man, Now, why don't they do the same thing sbuut Q-iobccl They no virtoriuus, ynu know. They shuw the \'icl.nI'y in their very cunntensnres; and they didr.'t need V 1.: was: s moroel of crspo to tell how glsd ` they ate. Thvn why not hsve s celebrm nun by such A eelobrutiuu people) `A little bird` whispers to no lhst they would if they believed they still hsd thsc pro- vince; but the little hird s suggestion is played nut. There is no point in ths Y- (bbourg "'orld. no-4 V'uzJvms.~Ths old custom of og- tho be.-trsyer uf ..;.... -- Inning In-nrmt." la In pi V'u.n Jl1l).uI.~-Thu uld onuom oi nog- giiug Jiinliu lscnriut," bx-trnyer nut Snvioiir. at the London docks, nu only 4-burn-d recently by the Portiigiieuo 1 Am! Mallow -an--ru, And them were lhrne 1 Ieparntu nlrrrvnnoen. Hilleu nf `nod I dvckell nut in rugged clothing were used in emgiu ul lhe false np-ado, until the . I uilnn. armed Iiih kiiouod rop--onil;_ I i-gun-d Jiidiu until every rug 0! cuvoringl had been cut c-If the Iundan truiiur. A , rnpo being |lL.\ehi~d I.-i him. hu Ill Illlllg! up to the yard-Arm I'|Il uuilod with HI) precntiuna `Id curses. In tho cue of the POI'Ul[\l! IO n:l-in, Jodu I-cariut In than love-red to the deck Ind kicked In the gulloy lirc,Irhero he an burned maid honny ftjlcin And the Iplioing 0! the mun bi-na;" but Aboard the Maltese Ihip the oiq III cut down from the yu'd~uIn, and huing been curred and lnlhorod and on alight, Ill spot upon by the whole can sad hurled into the river. had been cm. on nu un L um I urhu(u-so Ju IQ-1.-boc on: ma nppruucm--5 ....-....... tho lpgslstnro nu be-comma mama. Tho . H--nu will man for Ila election of |` Spoghr ll lhroo dclnck on rhurulny nut_ uni ll) tha mountain: the Opp -our-n uh-o- pullon lad by CuAn.ul sud TAI~ n, no malt-sq n lrsntic, but oppcnnlly unmccou{uI,onduv r lo nmlo I mind! at tho no-ubcu to mu down It. ou`I ecodndsu xnr `J10 o lllhip. A for 1-.. ..n all the! -Fm Pmn. `n a.. p...g..gon'1n on any on unr- Lrnuu-r Iombl or Aunoun. I04 I50! uy it has no equal. We coil lune In- uuuul II. 01331; ! t Ho_I|u.|.,W oh- gglg Druuivu, `lulu, U.` . 26s.. to... II A homo. unit. Booth I Gun ad I. I. Pubd. ..__.._.,__ -11: nursing at 0--unsung Won .1 v......a. Pnll-n Iondmud Iitl tho -`I'E OIIIII-nu: u--an-.._ ...._ dVtwIu'o Collouo Iondnuutl (natal _il'|:.Ilov Hall! I IOVRIMO tn onui .1 . Tlgo pa! ynrhlhourutooaatulintagg I cl Vi-:btitCI|qo,Oto ndaj ,_ ol st: b in for ' than cl -0 - .a....'...., ..4 u'.'...a..... .3 .`l' `n new shooau sun 1 A1 leIll.l.Al`l loath: ha I177. You-3 hdunbnn union! the wm .5, IOIIUW. IATUIDAY, ""\'|Nv'f W Idngvolunuwuundnlndyal-cl, ggg, Inocnllntlou-p-lid-nu ht nclunnul I...` Ivan.-h-I. sin-3015, V < candidate xnr .nu- | *lA)I Ill] toll the t --.._._. Cuit nun 5. who know: mm as nuxgm... ....- do vnll dill ule the {wt uf the '1':-ry v.un`nc-u-mtuucy. Vornulmnnd change- hl u the uhunoloun, :0 Sir Juhu in kuowu t) be on unny points, lhern us lulno rupmzu in which the `member Iur Ktngllun II as true Ind Inurublo u in tho neudla to the pole. Among the thing: hr uh:-,n the cl-iuhuu can be Implncnlly rehal upon pa in u unvu-yin` neglect of and ingrnmude 1,. h'llIln cuuuhtuuncy. Hi: ,..,u.. o,. ch. nlmuuu 'l he Orange Procuuloun. Qrlnc Puuncs. -~The uciumont ui J-u-bu: lho approaching mnmm of `._ I... .I.nnm u Tho; ...__,ooo__._ p......gcn in city Gun` `.--u-us lnmnl '7 ..-j-<--<--- .-utuulahlug Foul. hump. A J:.-Iru I -- . . 1 Something at La! About the 80(- ` ueuwul. (By 7.1.93; Tvday.) ; Landon, IA] 81. -AI but II "hi Iouulhing doiniu nnrdinx tho nnltol tho noun nogoliui-In. Yuhdufu . London Globe, in supporting u Boomin- riold Govcrnnon, and generally Idl informed, Itabd um the ooonhling of Congrats had boon donilnly uulod. An nndannndinx Ind boon |lIiVOl! II by Rueein end ngnglend. subject to nuke- (ion by Congvuo. whereby Bulgaria In ` to be divided into ten pruvineee,oee ` north ol the Belkene under 3 Prince, end the other eoulh of the Belhne with e Chrieuen Governor end e government eimulnr to tint. of e Bmieh colony. Eng- lend, while deplunug the retroceeeiou ul Beeeerebie end the ennention of Ba- toum, will not expoee anther. She re- eervee the right. to diecuee in Cungreu the intoruetlonel errnngemeute relative to the Danube. The queetion of the pay men! ul en indemnity ie to be left to Can- greu, Kuenie promleiag not to ndvenoe her Azien frontier, to lake indemnit in lend, or interfere truth the cleime ol ang- li.h ..-aim. (Imwmu Illll'eur'1n||g I inteero Imn tne cmmn or any- Iiah ercdllorn. Congleu II to urgnunu tho Greek provinces. Bnyuid in to ho oodod IuTurkey, the oodimz tho Provnnoo of Knour to Purim. The puup of the Su-nu in to remain in ttalu qua. Oun~ grou Inll suggest that Europe re-oramiu Bnlguin and null ducuu quoalionu cou- carning Raumunia. Snr dutfurd North- oote in expected to mule A Moment in Pnrlumant on Saturday. Ruuinn public opiuiun and the przu are very bitter At. the cuuwuionlinn-le,|nd the Ruuinu nrmy is excited av. Cnum. And!-nay`: utatocnentn. Speaking to the Hunurinn dlvgazmn yellerduy the A.mri.sn Chnn cellor was very druunniumd In time. The Timu contiuu.-a to urge the ndvanlngun ..:. R.3oi.h nrnzanmrma over Alintlo llmu cnnunu.-a LU mg-2 um -........__.._ uf A Bcitish protectorate Turkey, and It Imam: thnt sums Ichelne lunllng towards such tr-Iult ha been put forward by the English Uuvermnut Berlin, Mny3|.-It ll repurlnd that Cuugrau in detiuitulv called and tun Ang|u~Rnuian Agreement in an monum- pliaheu incl Bulrlde, May 31.--[t is rumoured plnheu met Bulgrnde, that the Auntnnn trumps have: entered Brrsnm. his nluu rep-tied that the English fl-o-L will return to Hank: BA], and the |{uuumu Ln Adridlllrple previous to the mueung1f Congress. An Iron (`lad Sunk with over 400 of her Crew, (By Te1e.z_n'u;rh Tuwluy.) Lundnn, Slay `.l1.~'l`he (L-rmnn irnn clud Grneaer Kurfu:-rst, Culllllud with the ir--n clad Kormig \'Vilh~-lm, at 9.45 this morning, 3 miles oil Fulkeowre. The Grower Kurfureret unk almost im- medmtely,t.ha boiler: exploding M nho went. down, the weather was fright. and the sea calm. It is repurtetl from Dover that unly 18 out of 460 oicerl and men were saved, boats want. from more nnd were sent. from anther veuelu of the Ger- man eet. tn the assistance of the druwu~ ing. It is hoped lh.|l more were named. Dover, May 31 --A UL-rnnaiuqtmdron, conninllng ofthre-e ira-m:|a.da, the l reuu- Ien, Gruner, 4,KIl3llill*`l'Il and Koeniu Wilhelm, paused Duver lhu nwnnng L r I lymuulh, whence it is expected to mil fu| G|bl'nltar. When the squadron WM offLndxal.e, about live miles from sh:-1 -, one of the Ironclad: was observed 'l6ulll|;_' over on her buun ends, and the men were seen C|'~)W(lllIg on her bulwnrku. 1'1 about livu iuniutea the vessel went down on her nidc, the boiler blowing up as she sunk. ls:-tn fr-Am the other iron clad: were launched, and annnibei-_ of linhing smacks mar by hurried to the spot. It ll hoped many lives were saved. The Fallutnne He-boat arrived we late Several In-tuner: have gone to the ncene frnm Dover. It in l)L:llr\ 8(.l the Koenig Wilhelm, which ran into 'thu Groalen Knueufuernt, is badly damaged. Boiled Down 1 ~-Wm. hplnxa, Iunu-I u. .. -.V,,, drain by falling earth. -Cu|. Uulher, of Ilmullt.-nu, ned 8100 ....u .... Mr Kueeahrnv; Culher, ul Ilmn for asnaultun Mr. Kn. ....;.n ill an an nlmmwes. for assault, on paid $1,000 as u --A. Uncle. M --A. Linda. M. x ark, acqvuttexl anl nf imam. Ludefmux ol mtem. w ucunuu -A puluicul wee last. night, mldr Mnhon and Staph: ciusment fuH.nn:(I. _'I`h.. l\`|.a.urs. M fullawml. ~'l'he Messrs. Muruan received a legacy uf $l."1,<)U(). --l)x1uhun.a is making and ravage: in nu _._ A. _ ....__....:__....__. ._...__ FRIDAY IV'5G, MAY 81, M78.