I 'clu-unnonumunubonguuu of a gin: win-muythlu but plan. has hltcloobclvpuplogob blholvdnlly onulhnoumunu-adv humon- Iutllovcdrhu bylh clone:-lug`. lllnhnlhvbnbou-y.uIoupaol.d not..- Tul BILL or Auvuxnu-n.-Had the Council met lut evening 1 grant. would luvo been naked for tho Dominion Dny celebration, and it in certain that 1 re- npectablo sum would hue been grnnled, though it might. not have been so Inge u some expected. The bill of nniunementn II being prepared. and in now nbnnl cum- pleted. It includsl areviaw ul uuups, I lire brigade procession, including the fire brigudo of Wntertown, N. Y.. regatta sud nquntio Ipurtl, athletic guinea; re work: in the evening and A gnnd turn ,... ..c n.- m.-.;......,.......,.,\..i..;..i..I. wulnu ... ..... ........5 ..... .. ,....... out of tho Phyningnonooapochriphnla. Tue prr-gramme is certainly interesting enough. ind will draw crowds of viaitorl. _L Tin DANl1'I8.-0n Friday uul Satur- day evening! we will be vllitonl by the Dnnila Theatrical Company. Of it the Bellevillo Ontario him said : "Thin much in oorhin, no cumpnny Ins visited Ill this wuon thlt embrace: I better clan of Acton than doe: the Duniuu. Evury man connected with it hu, Iomo tlme or n.nLher,p1Ayed 1 lending pnrt, ind they are well tilted tn produce this very jntereuting play in a croditnblo mnnner, which they did last. evoning. The landing ohnnoterl in the play Are suuuined by Mr. W. H. Brent Ind Mn. J. K. Vernon, and closely allied to them ll Mr. Vernon, and Mr. J. K. `/ernuu." Mr. Spnckmnn, I0 long connected with the Holmnnn, in now the mnnnger of the Danitel. -4oo-j-- Sun. Ruu.-The Kluge!-on New uyl tlul visitor: to the Punitentiu-y whnrl can no load: of run end ucnpe ol the steel ruin which Mr. Mackenzie pur- chued at A great Iv-on to the country. The nil: hue Iuered very much by ex- ponuie. I. in utonilhing to see the large piece: that have fallen off them." This we clip from the Montreal Gazette, the editor of which hu noel nil: on the br-in. One would think 111:! the nil: until recently piled on the whnrl had about A fallen tn pieces. Load: of duet and scrape! Wlnt I utrotch of truthl It would bnla lhn Nam editor to scoop up 5 bmhol, 3 pack, or. for that matter. A quut of duet. And as for the ncrnpe, they ltd mighty few and In between. Perhaps the New mun bu been engaged like Ihet fnmoua Senntur who backed up hi: speech with I little pacluge of dust. -._ We -33]! the Wntortovn Tina: DJ- miuiuu day will bring another uounion pony up from the South, bound {or Kingston. The pooplo who go from thin city on that dny nil hue plenty ol cum pmy. --;;- -An Judge Prie2`| nun nppous u 8-alicilor in: number of County Court and born, he rill cuhnngo sitting: with lodge Wilkinson of Nupinoo. , 1-5. V... A-..-|.A--..~... n_._-n:. .._ r||Il`v -v u-nu-uu vn nuysuvw -'l'ho Von. Atchduoon Panel! in ro- liovod ol tho an ol Chris! Church, On- urnqui, by the lrrivnl of Rev. Mr. Echlin, who in lling Rov. Mr. Wilson : 1-Oh. `man-37-: _ -hinuidIhouvpolinonnn hints. -Bud Inkillolongcthobhial. Ohldit. Q- _.____L.._:_- :_ .L_ .:.:_:L. .1 in-I -Iuluvvlj luv:-v um.--, v- Iauldunn about ruined. Tho luau did it. -lnseodunl I aonul cannot prune- cuuuthiolilhar pane in him out cl Ill ouhido skirt poeht. __A _... ;. 11...... I V Innahaan "Valley btreun,Quoen'n('u..bong Inland. N I 1)I'.H.U.SlmvnIm: - but Sh , I Luke the plenum of writing you I small carliliunlr cuurvlnmg Vegetinu prepan-cl by yuu. I have been I uucrn with the l)yupo-p- El: lnr av! 60 year: |U|I| hm`: hul thus (`hruuic hrriltun fur mrr nix m-Jnlh-0. Anal huvv tried In-at every thing; wu gin-n up to die. And did nut -xpouv. In line from day to tiny. and no phynicmn cnuld touch` my cuu:_ I now your -n unu nu sunny, u. -.,q- load .11!) for boing caught with I oun- eulod Iupon no hit potion. 71%.- --...J .0--ul an Hug Lg-. L. uuua us vv n-u----u- - an---cu, -Ir -u-u ovary providon in boot: undo for the contort of the npecuton. 3-cu uuuyvu --u us: lpvuvvu. -'l'||n gnndunnduthobnu boll Held in Wiilia-Ivillo il nished, no that ,__._ __.__._ L`- L--- ..._J- I..- AL- Inna Rcnocn.-Tho nhorikv 0!? L. ,_LI_____- _L.'.L __ 1__;I. l.__l " lmuu .. 000.00 " Bonded Inuflnoturoo 482.76 It AIl.aL.. nnnnnnn 7718 Canal toll; . ' DOIIIE Elli l$|Ill Alldhc nonlva. "Cl -'l'hI Itnvbcficu intho vicinifyol I..I...4_ -.. _L-_A _.:-..I `FL- lu-o- ' IUIE ` Mum. Hy-icinn touch cut: I ego-tine re-u.~ V.-I ruru l)ynp.-puln. I e-unmencod using it. uni l cun'inue doing In, um] am now A well wnumn um] renturuul to per Incl hullh. All Wlm nre nliuwl with this terrible -Hun. I vs`--uld kin-Hy rzcnmlm-n.i tn try it fur lhu hunetil --f than hrnlth, And it in excellent no I blow! pnrilier. .. .. m .. -- _.__, 1. p. ;v__ Will WAITI- 018,271.50 __j .l3.3K).38 6,931.12 --v-vv-----o d1ho|tc.bunn-cufnronlintluir! oonnndo. Allthtnnynbpyauud !du'nloIotifyIr.l'h|@I. the CR] (}|uri.ciI.bapuuull1dIby|dur,ol thuirdoiodo-oh, Putin: Iqa- nIo.&Ooi'iodhlu|qhvuI~ bIoOxd& ny~u~u-v.-u |'P'I- } The installation will to hold on J IIDI 24th, than did Iupomtiu r-oor: Ii ll be ' nloncal. i 3 Tu SCIOOI. Arnng-.1`M Buoys]- joflulthc citynnpunhd ovntho oo- Jicugivon the-In mad Ibo Ounoli `n-.a..'... --A A-1... got-`_ _L_.l .._l r MIIDIN LoDul.-Lut evening the II)- ncnl election of occn of Mindon Lodge took plAco-thiu lime (or Mann 0! air months only, an lhu lodgo bu chnngod in F:-uinl {ram St. John`: Day in J uni tn 8:. John`: [)1] in Dooombot, nee:-ni- uting uno nhnrtonod Inn of oco. The lodge In doolucd out o! dob: almost on- unly, though tho not lodge room Ill only lurnuhod In: your. The oicon elected Ion: W. Hunt--Bm. Wm. Baillie. F I Senior Wnrdon--Bro. A. Struhsu. Juninr Warden-Bro. F. Wolch. f`h.nl.in_Il.u Hm `I {'1 nt...;.|. n, Jealw unx ; u, Jmuea nony. 2nd (`lass--I, Dura E. Malone; 2, Ella Jones: 3, Mary Jane Smith ; 4, Christina Nellignn ; 5, Armintn Rugey -, 6, Mxllie Andrraun. The following nubscripcinna to (`allege Endowment Fund Are lodged since yenterday : Friendship . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. John McMahon.. . . . .. In. p-ruin Vl:P.`l`lNr: -\Vhn lean and Ahqtmnl, an mm or u! 1-nun-oh-. um I`-. J. UQTIUH .. ......... IUU Isaac Noble . . . . . . . . . . 50 Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Mr. G. W. Andrews. .. . 35 W. U, Kldd . . . . . . . . . . .. '25 We Are infurlnod that Sn` Juhn MAC- donaid and Hon. Mr. Cartwright have given 0600 each; but we havo no author- ity for making the announcement. 4th (,`la.ss-l. Al Mary Eunuuml ; 3, Chan. Harris. '1.-J (`Inna 1 I): (mun. nnrna. 3rd (`Inns -1, John Nnucollxu; 2, Cunmnghuu; 3, Sarah E. Lem-rs; Thns. Fcrgnsrn; 5, Carulinu Fergus: l}, Julm Cuahe vn Junmr 3rd -1, Wm. Cunningham; n,..... H n....n. . u 94.... I u...m.. u,.Ju1m Lusne 1, Duns H. myth; 3, Sarah J, Smith ; -I, Juhn Kenn-dy and Hum. J. Donnelly ; 5, Juaai-- DIX 03, James Kelly. (`lass ~-I. Malone : 2. uunuuvl uv-u. -uu u-nu nu Iuvuw pnnu to the nulgnoe that renninad without credit; end he reserved judgment until the Master made hi: repoyt. Mr. Boyd, Q.C.. Toronto, for plainti; Mr. Britlon, Q.C., end Mr. Whiting for defoudlnl. Cnon vn. Nnnun On Co.--A Iuitto enforce A Vendor : lien on the purchuo money fur lheland nu whigh the defendant`: buding wan erected. The defence wu Lhnt. inumuoh u the company was in insolvency, and the le- Iignmeut. regillmed, that lion could not be enfurced. The Chnuoullur made I decree for the plaiulliff. Mr. Boyd, Q.C., Toronto, for plninti"; Mr. Bethune, Q C , for dofendnnt. The following 1: a list of the pupils of the senior department of the Uardo.-I1 ls- luml Public School, lOC0ru'iug to their Itanding in the various olnuel for the mouth ending Slat Msv : `l'HE'BRlTl8 WHIG. TUESDAY, JUNE 4. 1878. IIAK. Mccau v.-c. Bovu.-A suit brought Aauimt the dalundnnt, an oicinl u- Iignae at Windsor, to not uide I deed made to the defendant by hi: brother, And representing hil brother: intureu. in the property known In the Burley Entntr. It was cuntanded by the plaiuu that the deed was made for fraudulent. pur- poses, and the Judge hold Lhnt it via mnde with (but intention, but thnt 8250 of the purchnu money, or the sum Agreed upon, had not been uccouutod for, and he directed that an account u! the bnuineu trannctionI_ be tnken by the Minter here. and have any money paid 0.. nm ........-.... duo ......;....I -:ol.....t The usual summer sitting of the, Court of Chancery commenced yesterday nfu.er- noon, V|oe4Chanocllor Proudloot.preaid- Inn at the Aldermen ol at. Lawrence vvaru. While I c--ngrntulate you on your ele- vntlou Lo the Bench, 1 cannot. but ex- pr-M that I am peraumled in the unani mum feeling 0! yuur lute colleagues in the Council, that we regret that your :3- numptiou of the honourable pmition -f Judge should have been necessarily fol- luwed by the vacnncy uf your seat around the Cuuncnl Board. I .I..Il ............a ........ I...o.. .0 Hm mun Thousands ol Remnants to be Sold at your own prices. we Lmuncu pom-J. I lh-1 present your letter at the next meetmg oi the Cuunc 1, and can only add my persunnl conviction that vour lnte culxatxtlmllh will find it nmatter of extreme tlithculty to select 3 succesnor to ones whn in clvic dut es hm been charac- terized by nmrked fzsithfulnela and nhllltv um uu.vuu- vuvun lnlvn. Dun. Sm.-l am in recenpv. of your: of the (Hit ult., intimating the resigns tion of your seat in the Council A: one of the Aldermen ol St. Lawrence Ward. W}.i|.. I n .n.u-uonlun. ....u nrl mmr uln- IBYILCVI Ability. I am . 1 . {only hope chm! my norvioul hue boon worthy of the ward Ilnt no long and oouv tinuoully honored me rich its condence. And that my macaw I' may enjoy tho nmo kindneu that I have tho hunor to uunovlodgo. I Am. Sir. Iy ox rrouunne renuerl my tea as In: Cuuncil noun. I cannot never my connection with the Council without upreuing the regret I feel in having to I-dire from L bond -here I have penned no nanny agreeable hours. and where I have dvnye n-oeived from yourlelf end all member: the moat eomunl lurbeenuee, kindneee and nut- 54-- nun Inlvn n unlu- Hu; Hosocn. Jana: Pucn. JIIIKIOT "IruGI1-DrVT. Chap|Ain-Rev. Bro. 1 Trouunr-Bro. R. W 8oanury-Brn. A. La Ty|u- Bro. K. BOIL `FL- 3-..4.l\-li..- -ill L. lunguon, any 51, law. I11 Dun lno:.-Iy appointment to III; olco of County Judgo of uncoun- ty of Frontenac render: my rod 58 the Cuundl nn.mt_ ...---_....--..........__...- dto olnyuhilunnninuuplv unhndlklnvlunno Wuiindncity Gould]. Th noun Iocltl Inn coco 1 n _, .;-n_A_-;|n-4,_, -.__ k_.IAL_.__ For Cancer: & Cancerous Huxnors. 1 nm. iour Humor": obedient servant. JOHN Mclzn-x'ur., Juno 3, 1879. Mayor. .Jn..oI..X.-`Li---g-ngoi-A---n-L I0 I lO(lO. I Am, Sir. Yum! Th` Endowment Fund. Garden Maud School, nunnlp 1 Parnell . . . . .hImes' HM`! . Kn;-ch , . . . .. I t....;n Court of cnncory. \, air, Your obedient on-nut. 0. V. Pllcl. I unuunu nuns.-. Kmguon, Mn] 31, 1878. IAYon..-Hv nnnoinnnn` RETIRIN{}'FRIl.M BUSINESS. E ; Queen's ...o li`uml Q!-A nnlrnn L--Df0. I . WOICII. . 1`. 0. sum.` u. W. Borhr. . Lclhchonx. n.1I Illbtlioulr pheua Brnbam; Munnie Dunnelly ; u V--cu u u acknow- Omtcrmsn & Mr:F'u'land write u (.1 lot: :- Wnpnkrmeu, U. Jnm-. 1377, -- GoouI.--HIvmg ban in the livoq huh nun lur mu pus! u.-n yarn, and having} Iuuycuu of Colic in hunu under our Irumont. Ind having mod nun; runo- diu Md llniucnu to cure it, to found that the hunt. ebupnt uad quioint n- . ad] in! Colic in bonus in Pony Dun Pain Killof. sad to honntly orn (In: to quot failed In euro tho want an ol cqlie to out no-.md Io cheerfully noun- mod n in navy body. an the handi- dujo an colic in banal. } tutu. not 11:1,: oooullu haul cxullntlohhinlbldty. Thuavho rs-athonlhlin-bnl|n:--ad-.l isrge nawtnorn i an W43 wiiiie wiiii blollilll, and sceiiled the hit` all around with ins leliciuiis frsqrsnce. Below us, the stream was rapidly eddying, WlH`lll|( the weeds and wild growth that eprsiig up from its bud. Just in front, in sudden fall in the level of the stresm csused the gurgle and fnarny splash of I tiny water- f4ll_ A all-ping bank led lawn nn the right frniii the road to the winter's surface, covered in such splendid liixurisiice as is everywhere to be seen in Dswnsiiire,witli tsll, I'lCh, delightful green grsss inter- mingled with the exquisite dark green frond-i of the llertstuiigiie, end the hand- snme iihutilecuok-slisped fronds of noble spiociiuciis of the msle fern. The left bsnli til the brook hung fsr over the ivster~ the brushes, ivy, snd moss-cmered brsnches of trees which Cffhllml them stfuriling cool, dsrli. snd moist nooks for the ferns, whose exquisite fronds, drop- ping gracefully over the stream in splen- did clusters, lapped it Iriih their bunti- ful tips. Beyond the bridge the stresin ows fur s shnrt distsnce under the dsrlt shsdnws of the rum] winding. falling. splsshing, snd fosming as it hurries Ilnn unt of sight. The deep in this direction is del'ghllu'.. Tres sbnve-nioss cover- ed, ivyveovered brisiiohes ;some gnsrled, And other fresh and vigurnus; trees in esch side. sll dens-~|y clnthed with their fresh snd gluriuus Msy dress. The clesr brook i-escts tbs shsdnls of trees snd shrubs, snd blc-FIDO. dimly seen ss it ilis sppesrs under the dsrk ruin of the wood. This visis, formed of the delightfully in- termingled brsnches of the tress unr- hesd, presents the most churning peep. [The matted hrsnchrs, green limbs snd twigs, would fsirly ElCllldl' the light, than it not tlist st the dsrkest snd densest part of the csnnpy slight upon- inus sB'nrrl s Viol! of the sky, and whilst they silmit the softened siinrsys, 'lVe s pmspect of the besiitifnl wood-tr-miied hill, rising upwards beyond the delightful lcsnopy ehich cl-vses so grscsfully snd l rninsiiticslly over thls clesr snd glancing wsters of the bron|.-1lu hm Paradise [7 THE SALF. to 4-umuu-non on 'I DAY, Jun-9 `nth. H175. \Vl\'l`ItVI'.` Uruwn. -A Washington spacial says this nd~ dress hy the Tvnnelwe dnlngliinn, in re- ply to Pustululer General Kay : letter, will declare In Ipo-cilia terms that the signers wnll not c umtenanue any Attack on the l re|1leuL'n mla. 'l'llI'C HYLVAN (IIIAIUIH 0I" DEVON, A rude rultic bridge crane: the azrenm and guve: acu-cu ton narruw, sheep, am; winding path which hsauls up inlu the dusky recesses of the Wood. When we travelled the route we are describing IL was Mny. Uu the right vi the rumc bridge, and nlmnal nverahnduwnng |t,a Inrge hawthorn I an white with hlnnum and lcalllud the: an ly wnuL':ls - Gnurge [Bart.'oy, accused of the murder of Sergeant. Dure last fall in Benuce, WI be tried M. the approaching term of lllu Court of Queen's Beach in that dmrict. Mr. Dunbar, Q C., of this city, will probably prulecute for tho Crown. A \v....I\;...-um. nnnnlnl much. "A. oe nvuru umu. --A young widow named Baldwin had I daaperate encounter with two tramps, intent --n rubbing her h-nuw,nt Riclunund (Vt) nu Frndny night. She killed (ham both Will] an us, but wan herself mortal- ly wnunulsd. nurue iartlov. W c-IL mumg nl Uurnatn. --A deapntch to the Globe from Britiuh Culumbm up the I`r0vint:ul Government carry Yade, New Woatminister and Omni- han, eight cuuatitutencles out of twenty- vo. Kumenmy with two seats is yet. to be heard from. A Ivnnnn ml.l.uu nummi D.-HA.-in I-um! ll anucxpmea. -Iu the Court of Commons Plus: at Torontn, yesterday, A rule m'.n' was ',;l':lllt- ed ca|.i|rg on tho Hun. J. G. Currie to nhuw cuuae why he should not. be utruck off the mile. __l`..| l'..kiH ..f I'l.\-m-nnilln u: on the runs. --Uu'. Uubitt, of Bowmnnville, the gentleman who figured in the Brown- Slmpsun big-push trial, ha! been nelecled an the Conservative candidate for the Welt Riding of Durham. --A dnnrmtnh tn the Glniw. from Hiililh he 1: cunnneu to ma new. ~50,0()0Ialu1nn fry from Mr. WiImnl's oalabhahnwnt at Newcastle, have nrrived at Bellevillo, ta be deposited in the Stoco sud Moira lakel. , F}... ..u-. .... Hunt nf Iranian`: in rnnhllv lud Mulru lakel. --I.`he Ipring Heat of veuall in rapidly laaving Uueec, and in another ten day: very few veuuls will he lrft in port. A lung and excupuunally dull midaummur in anticlpved. -[u the (fuurt utnuo um lo! mm. 0 'l'UVllu and REPAIRING ea-Iu'!_y nt- Ioudo-I to. Our pria-no boiu mnnoubblo and lannauv we mvau all intending purcluu-rI 1 lonvn In n cull nuunng fur nu-I hone! next. cunusu. -The Jury trial of the wumnn Sun- auliuh has been annulled, and she is to be tried mew for shouting the St. Peters- buru Chief of Pnhca. .7T|un 4-nun-Ann dutisu nnl|.mI.nd Al. [ha IHUIILII IKII; year Ul IIUIYIY J,\J\}U. --A vxcnuus pug ntucked as man named Haney on lhu Richmond R.nA.i_ (htawn, yestrrdny, no sever:-ly injuring him thnt ho is cuntined to his he-L an nnn ...I....... i.-.. I.-..... u. \.V;Im..n`.. H'LCLu|', wu noun In new xurx, on me 18th May, twn days after his dxnppear nun) lrmu M-vutrell. -The Uni-n Bank has declared a ulividund of? per cent. for the rurrem half year, paynbloun and After the first ,1 I..|.. .-...-9 lI`0uJ muucren. Uni -n declared run E of July next - -'l`he Reformer: of South Ontario IL'lIin tlnoruughly united, and am n` c unlident. of redeeming Ina Rxdinq :11 man. (suntan! burg ulnar ol rnuca. -Tho customs duties collected M. the port. uf Toronto during the munch of May,, than an increase over the name munth last year of nearly $9,000. --A Vllflulll nlll I[.l.1I".khd ll man nnmed lency u vun so me angnonny. -Mr. T. M. Gnbba Inn, on Snturduy, selected II the Cnmervniva candidate for Suuth Ontuno for the Common. 1'...` 5...... -.~.-.. ._..o in oh- |u.....n ..6' tor auucn ununo [or me Uollllnoll. -'X`wo buy: vars lent to the house of refuge at Roch:-uter. on Tuoodny, from Ogdennburg, for stealing I hnud rake and u pitch fork -Jnhn Kelly, the miuinz cnnnl con- trsctur, wu scan in New York, on the Ind. \l.... n......l..... .5.-. hi. .l...nn.u-. Inomn I my. --Aueument of Ottun for thin your II be about 8l2,000,000, or IL,000,000 lean thnn Int year. -'I`ne Governor G`-nenl`n rush: in men men In; yen -Tne Governor General`: yncht in being prepured at Quebec for his Excel- lency visit to the segment}. -Mr. T. M. Gxbha Ian. on Snturdnv. `hnnlhn will Isl tho OI-and Ooalnl lnl `an 'a-Nhn-Q-ullnga-no HAVLVO D|'.Tl .RllNF.l) TU IKICTIRE II um-r Hm wholr of his -'l`ho Provincinl Police were dinbond~ ed Int evening. They reouived M1 nun month`: --Auauuuent of Origin for thin vaar Eolwnb I Bhrnrfa : The uohooocr Eureka arrived from Toronto with xo,5oo bill of what. The prop Seotin. from Tulpdo, lighbonod 4,M0 bun of com, And proceeded to Mont:-esl. Tho barge: Sta? No. 1, Bur No. 2, Minnio, And Hunk. Arrivod from Montreal light The do- pcrturoo no : Bugs: Annie, 14,000 but pgu; Williuu,v20,000 but can nnd200 bbll of nut; Star No. 2, 10,500 bun of when, Mu-tin, 12,000 ha of corn. nvuvu-v. nv,ou; IIIIU uv. Stilts: The propeller Gudon City panned up from Ogcleubnrg, And the aunt: Ooniun puuddown from E5- -.:h.._ nimrau it In, In:-'--VIII, uv,Auc vu- do; Gallant-no, 214] but do; Con Odin, 19.30 UIIdo:IAI'Do. l3,UX) buodo; Ioaknhnr. 14,05 but do. The aolzoonat I___.:_ |un.:._ ____-,,z 1_-_ JILL). Au; `Joanie White arrived from T ohdo with lll) in of what; the F J Co|lior.froII Turomo. 10,31 but do. n_.:l.'- . Fl`- _..__II._ n- _.I__ l\:A_ ll. 1'. Co. 5 ts-3:; mmnaaepuua Iii tho lullociug hugu : `Vlryilili 14.05 in am; Kinghom, 19,132 bu: 4.. n..n...... on mm L... .1... 0.... man. NEWS 0}` THE DAY. IAIISIL Tho Hrnnd Ccntr.l in now uering un- usual inducement: to buuinou man, In- Ilnlieu And tourilu. The price: fur board have never boon I-1 low, And the tabla ll null kept up tu in nt clul high rnndnnl. Tremendous llodlnrllonsl tin-at Bargulnu ! 2 Iluo hhnuntb hunnbdvho Qlvil VH3-In lulnuphf i=L`;....... --Extr-Mt: {mm I letter from C. II Uroubiu-. Esq :- (Y-nu-rlmry Hulmn, York Cn , N U. I. J. H Homuou. 0:-1.. I0, I571 I would any lhn: ynnr PM 1 :hm-u-vi Kmvrlllrpn n/('94 I.n'wr Oil r.Ih lull`!!! :I:nq;A.ua 11/ l,nnl_ in the heat pmpanlmn nl IL kind I hunt out soon or Lnkon lwu nrdv-rod by my phrntvmu In lake is and OOIIIIIIOIWGJ ghoul the Inn. of Annnut and -im-A Hm! (inn I but {all Hi: n -v fwlr vault. The fovrgning Ia noon-rout. -human! which I an prq-and instant in. and I-hnolry auto run you in [ink publicity In my nuts. I II. that air. Join truly. I (Stood) C. II. I. Cwnunc. Wo.tbnIIdero(gnr-`J-anbyeavntuhgn our use: plhhohod u - Huston up Ibo plan; of 'Io||8II.`n .::-I wanna -n"cn Ibo norm: alIr.Cn|k no.3: `ll-ujvlnhnthn sl lobho1.'a .ml V.-IN Ibo of Ir.Cw|k nan ` dnnalrllhoub icon-tn; unison! h oovnvu novcrygnnt nlu. A'l.lIaIn.l ICIAIHJ P. (ligndr I. Art. Iur.`l'nnun luau.` 0` UV: 0il.vu| lquotho-ideal Ibo. in re:-nu (II were uiuuuel upnn no mu men of intelligent. and valuable people is mull lllflnlng, making lifu ncuully n lmrilen instead of n plouant exinluuoe of on jay. mout And uululneu, u it might in be. There in no gooll muun fur this, ll you will only throw neido prejudice and Iltepticiun. talus the nrlvicu of l)ruu4iala And your friends, mil try one bottle ol Green'| Auguiv ""v~Iur. Your speedy re- lies! in ceruiu. H lion: of bulllel of thin medicine have I, in given Anny in try in virtual, uitli nt afnctury results in every cu-.,-. You can buy A nmple bottle lur ll) cent: to try. Three done: will | L'lleV0 thn Horst csua. Pmitiv-~ly Illd by Heath Gunn, ur Henry Wndr, and null.` by all Drugginuunthe Western Continent. and oolnmonc-d shout Int. of An out had -incelhnt time I haw fol: Hi I ch -rem mun. nnd Also look dirrwutly` nml all for Ibr hrllrr. u thr durlnr ran Motif} I In llntbhl, in lbs summer. tn cull my din ham ullbout much Intlgun I an not an my go: out u-usl nll tlnr And fa-AI rnl nu at Inght Ibd an as math no Ill] lumhrrnnn. Hun not ulod my Iinrv I took our prrpur. tiou. And [101 cu. inua my up vmtmu llld Inflouv Innp hells` nvoovuonl. And I thlnh Ion inate lbcn up In full mountain-at amen v.-on up full I-atom I in Itch, have Illthlllltil in ash; my volgm in II! union 1:: I75! lbt. uni no! u ;'u pogrly IN l|u,Ihnch ll puny roll up to -yfat-nor weight. I The fovvrihl Ia A large propmliun of the American people are to day dying from the ell}-cu uf Dyspepsia or din-rdered liver. The rel-Ilu of there diuuuel upnn the nl inn-l1i.mnl. and valuable m-nnlu in lnnll VEG-ET!NE I do not thin/.' Jugar rerimuq mdigem to Canada. Sugar: can by relinud III I United State: and on the Clyde for L money than In C:mnda.-Mr. L`. ` Bunung in I876, now Nutiqual Pull candidate for Welland. |u|1. Those connected with the lumbering interuu. of lhll country nmght Inn: be auusaalmz fortune: with tho celenty they had d--no fur the past few years. hul ho connidurud that this industry could u_(I}prd .4 cerhxiu mmnmt of (empnrur y depr4'u\\.}n1. ~I)r. Tapper In the Uouumms, A1-nil, 1874. "Uwru la uuw A1-rul-'cH-Alleqllnllu Ineli- "ty par crnt. Thu! mtg/nl fu ho .m_(urnn.t foruug iuz1uJry mih-Ll In (he cnuulry; "and us to other.-1,1"! u.-uul'l be unwiac (U at tempt tu mwtuln. them by scal "props." Spec-chdcliverud by Sir John Mu3dunald'| ropros:-native (Mr T. White, jun.) at the Duminiun Muurd of Trade in Jam, 1873. It is not of the euance of such Protec- tiun * that itahuuld lead cu the eu- usbhshtnent -pf a rmtple of rnauopr-He-J. nor r m it be .mrce.ufully cmtcudevl (hut sugar- n~_/imug is a Fmuuzlmn nmzmfuclurz In the sense In which then words are generally undarIt3f2od.-'I'oronlu Mail, April '14, 1874. "A fluull per cent. tariff mums Ill "than fteen per cent. lxr--Lectlun "umnufactureu. There in the ens . Irmspon. uf gunda frum the other a M [nu Ium-r. which mnuunla un un-)m.1y capun: Ill bun nun. no L.-In uuu to the dustreau numng the lahurmg cl mm: in tho United S'al.o.-A, and stated hue ho lief that if Iur ahuultl nnfu.rtunah<.Iy break out bo:w.on Eng an-I and I'uuuI.A, this cuuntry Wullltl bu invaded, nu-L by FunIans_ but hy hordes of the llna|nplI_)'- ed wh ) are now r-raining ahunr thu mun- try an trampv. lhe only my lu prulrsul lnhor was not tn enc-mmge the immigra- lion of the arlizm and luborlm; ulaasea incutne cmutry, and this cuur.-o the (;U\'l'lHndlIT. had puruund, having instructed Its Menu in Europa tn vlfnr inducements only to thaw whu WKTU de Iiroun uf taking tree grants and becuuung wealth prndncera by the lilluge uf the soil. ll WCIH lU|IIIlI [nil LHU CIIIIIII-ll Ill InlllIll- Inccured gnu la mm su nu In axons -:1 [he demand tnnt the hmne nmrkel. was ulnar- ly uvmblu to absorb u. 'l`h um||uIamur- era thrn end:-.n1orel to find a ft-rulgll markvt far it, but they found that lhu m.mufm.~Lnres in cuuutries_unr|vr n newn- uu talitf wcro able 1; lllldefur [ham and they were {mead to purl with their good: nun ruinous gure. In he an _yunrsful|un1ng this purl-rd the nlnuunl ul mmmfucturud goods steadily and lav pldly decreased, and m lhe Irun III eruat Alums Innllumu of capital mvuulud in u were huprlusaly lost. He pumlad nut that In) nrnmmtnm had [men made to lmprlusaly mu. Ila pululuu Ulll. than nu prnpumtmll protect lanur, thnugh lnbur wax in reality the n:.l_y capnn! Ill Gun Idl. Ha l'.'fI mud numuq lu.hurI'Iu ; a f Leo undo an ' `hill . Unlu- ;:::;...."w...`:., ..... ' ":5 ' 2 0 protected article instead of pug" in uouury of tin country, was inw tho rlockouol the individual unnulactunr. o ":3"--3-'-" inntucnd tlnunolibo lune Ibo < complained to him that Alncinu oau Inn told in Canal: to tho injary of the Canadian luau, And that :1 duty should be placed u cost: to prvvom it from coming in. in reply in that the vary Inc: Ihu tho American funnel in get- ting I lower ptiou for hi: can under 3 Etuuotivo uyutem than he could gut in Anndn under I revenue tnri l)`l .cuI IIJ tho but pup-J p-ramble M Ch: fnllavhy ol the chum thnv pr--Luau m w -ula mm; hlgn-r pnoua lu lhu lunar. \'.\ppluuw ) The fact in that pmmuuu In-uh] enrich I hi munulscmrnn II the expanse of tho farmers. H: road fmm A Ir-lo--f el- poru and impuru -honing lint the 2:- port: uf cereal: new grutly in uceu ul the uuyoru sud nut It. would thurefun be nhuurd to uuppuu tho: I duly upon the qunntily imported In uld increuu lluv price of than exported. The rffvl of the Innpuruuonn uuyjmply thu. our brukers and curri-.-fl mu muuoy by the trnuucti -n. Ho repr.um4'd an urucu|~ turn] ooun'y, nnd kuouluxhu pa-mun nu ouch ha reuuad the attumpl. to mlrudnre I pruloctivo nyntauu. 1: van um lha fu- umn ulnue whn Wulllul be injured by pun- hczmn. The mnnufwcuroru turn I- ru- mult III the s;iutmn far pr -I -ctmn. Th:-y had an Agent truelluu turmngh the ouumry preaching up the dnctnuo In lhmr iutureau,-nnl hm] Iubncnbad a fund of $20,001) to arm In cnrtyiug um luc- liuu ul chow who fnnrad the protective Iyntem. The nun who in nu nhlu mm IH per cum, in his favor, with the car nzge uf lhe uoudc in his [av nr, and Ih cheaper living in hm fnv/-r, uh-nu`.-I no out of the 'muueu hi mm Ihu he nu tuully nIn.u.m.l f ur. (Applause ) He read mm..- lurn uh mrlnu Inn c-ffucl uf I Drulx-cllvo llL`l Ilnuvlngtlnu (`Heel ul prn.x-uuvu lnnln {bu United States When n. mu inLru-lucsd in that cnuI:V.ry in IBM Hm rnsult. wan vhat it iucrmnan--I Hus number of umnufncluli-on gruntfy. Ten yeurs Idler it w.m found that the qnmntlty uf manu- hmmmd mm) I (ned) Oldllntoal Iuhorl. but on hit] that off 020. A. PRINCE H. ($0., V irh are minor .. Indian Int snout Ibo Inna: uaten. I. J. H Hmmlws. U:-1.. I0, I876. Don! 5-r. In rv-plv to your lunar ofenqnirv. I thg: PM Kinulllorl ___...-___ Tory l'll4-ruucw. on Proleclhm. PIUIILTIOI VI. [III TILII. (up. u..e.T...~'.. unk.) .ooo Astonishing FM; ` yoln truly. and um: cuuno me I u :9 y L. _ Policy M W. I. OOIDOI1 Pduuultpinbhudall of Granada nl Durham on thoduulhcudphqlo 8' None either In Genuine. Ilnnnllon. lurch ll, IBTI. CIU. PKINCI Vhirl nctnow g lodge-1 anon] tho nlunii Hull) HANDS and UBUANJ lot unit and tar Inn. - 'lll\llI.A ....I nrunllllin ugh-'n'lv :1. Ice Cream. Soda Water. AND IINIBAL WATER. STIAVIIEIIIEI AID BIEIII AT `PHI BAZAAR. --_-u-up-quark % ofoTbla;ccu.' Bfms B_RO8| -.n-Anannpl-1 fan null.-non. uuuun TWEF. DH by the yard vary Cbunp` I-`rmwr & George : old Stand. PRINCESS STREET. u,, .- Ready-Made Ulnthnnn nndGent1emen s Furnishing Bonds, AT THE DOMINION CIDIHING STORF. nu u--- ---u-----.- -.-.u---- w-vu-I IHAVING A I-`llH'A'-CLAS.`i (IUTFI-IR \`\'l'I lHTAl(\Nl'EE H\T(Si"k({'l`ll)N Tl) THl)P.H`3 c!lH,l'|lHllH_' ll| with thmr urllnru, ISAZERACH ForcHEAIj;1}2nwARE | FRASER & MOWAT'S. lo nm um! houart treatment MN! xhumugh no mutton so :1! ouuwuwn. [ oAU:1~Eb Ni] lPEfJPLES`ELTHlN[}HUSE THE CHOICEST GOODS! THE l.AI{(.'ES'I` ASSORTMENT! I THE MOST MOS! FASHIONABLE U()()I).5` 3 3! AND ALSO THE CHEAl E.5"[` (il)()DS TIl.\'I` CAN BE I5()UUH'I` ANYWHERE. [THE QUESTION or THE nu: |s1=>RING.- 1 CLOTHING? `TIII-I s 1_cI N( `r s'1`<)T:1_{"l: 1\'()\V C()IVII LIC'l_`E Pnmnrinimr Inll l.in..unI'l`l.IH`II\' AND I)lAH(I\'Al.l nnnlnhln fur IL. .......... m|.|..I. I ..... _ 0.1% Yourm{}lriI;liingm1 Bily Your Readylmadtflthinlq One Price Asked and No Less Taken. J-U-Iii-l-'-JQJ | lnncbuurllg (`cola-Iloqon. I yC.Il7!. A 8- -+;N_9F?ER-3 ARE OFFERING GREAT lND[.'CE\1E.V I`S IN THE ABOVE OI')O[)~1 AN Lhuv Iutunnl I.-r llm fmum In nlnvnla zlmir Hum m Illa ()RI)ER \Iy'(IlU( lhinn t|nnn|IrAA1 cJ:.:EuL:R{:i:1\fG-" `ii - `W /" * _ CIADTIIS. Read) 3 ' magonats. Worsted ladies` lunllla Unhtdlu with Cup And (`lnin moonu. Indian In-utlllu Unbnllu at 3?}:-, loo. sun. 75. II. equal iI In all lk. Nov lat Punt-In u Hun Viuinh Black On: Grain suu--um bullllh I|d0..l.00, QLII, tub. 01.50. I.75nd ta. New Black (Huck ilk: 50, (I0. `I50 and CI. low Uulomd Bill: 75. 90:. II sud Q1 `:5. Cheap Blah sud Colored Satin: 76. `J00. `I And .l.`).'>. I` IIIAI l\l'\l\QI IIIII I I` II II new Uoloroa Amoncun nuungn. "Inc n-uungn Iucuu pa Timmy-Five Donn India` Znilh Uqhnlh: from I cont: ,3` Luliuvill plan. all and ouninothe lb0V0 Goods. I'Yl`.l\l !TIi" %GiiL6apit" Si%iI(%'U?IiIii-Elli?-. Ajj--A:-j::---:n can .1 Gun Black lhnclcuhlnotu at I0: 759, Ono Can Wino Striped Wunpoou And mama Ulothn for Snih. No`! Colored American Frlingn. Whito Frillingl Want Tvromv-Five Donn U-bu-llu an [Just eceivedat F. X. Enusineau & Ep's. May 3, 1878. May17Lh. 18TH. A Word to the Hrpnchn ll (hurl, Huniltan. 3! Pub. rims and Lwnndbll. 1.1: I uni nu. U they :1 May 27, I878. Hay J). 1878. (Vent Door to Messrs. It. & J. GnrIlm\r u. Princes: Street.) Selling (HT at l.`o.-It. ['4 U! I` ISKINU lilCI`.:\ l' IN UliUl`j VlI`I.V'l'b IA` I U IS: A [7 V N UUUUN A?` my Iuteml hr the futuro to n.In\'-ma their Hum In tho <)Rl)F`.R WHRK lhing ononurng ed to do no by [Ina grant nnrinfu-lnuu Ihair NEW CUl"l`|~I|. Ill. MolNl`U5Hl, hnn glvun lhum who h-we uosn-I hum n u-i.nl. (T Martin purolnniug Randy Marlo Clothing wi?l tlnnl it to their urlvuuugas to (HVIC US A CALI. Made .' do Bill Uuhnllu. do 2 50. in 2! V Unhtdlu Cnpund manna. U 37%. 000. 50. ll. 00!! : Twill Bill Umbrollu. new colon. `L50. vol-CI 01.75. do Kilt Unbnllu, do . |.`.'I. do LS. do Silk Uuhrollu. do 2 00, do 9&0. do dill Uubnllu. do 2 50. do 3.. ' lnnllln Unhnlna with Can And uent; -- v.---ur-u 1sacNAUc3~I-I'I-EN an O0. l]ryl3nndsandMi|lineIy. AT A FEARFUL SACRIFICE. ` ll GILT LE1`l'KB!. Clothing Eeoau,-o Thoro You Can Go! IS ITAIPID no T0 WHERE SHALL WE GO FOR OUR A.'I` i7vALDR.oN s. A FFLL AS\`t)l{TME.\"l` HF - u gnu. g:-W3AwLb-lu20N. Wilson's Buildings. 2| BROOK STREET. WI-on vs I!!! kupnn noon-an ollcilc.` `WC IUUIC sud OISIKAI; IL` IICAL IIKCII JDIII. Alan I vluegy T0 'I`Ill-I ;LOTHING STOR E`, HOIIIRY. KID GLOVES. Jnoephlnoo uni other Muduvlv Inn in (zboloo lhdu An lnipoohoo naooethlly Invited n` One prion uly. Igloo dual] on-h. :lE'l'B. MUBLINB. in. & J. aunmzn noyoohllythnuol tho (anon Iuu In.-Guru: ' um ASSORTMEIT or soon: EMBROIDEBIES. LAOEB. A Small Aclvnnme on the ('01-`I. fn. & J. cnnnman Cm .y".|UIu Cokrutn Km; AND l'ru.wxn.-4 Swan. vlu Bookl. lpon. lllpn`? (Ibo:-u Incl Vlgm-on. IAWIII, Tilia. nrlnum and nvnu`linoo.W|uIn AMI Hal Hum-n nu! rum-on. IAWIII, Tilila. Tnrlnum nvnu`linoo,W|ula Wynn-I nu! IAN! Wort. lnnllnmwhlla Dru: Inlin in spots, Check: and Imps-0. llnqluh. Hunt and German nnhu. Also, llul olbdggu Hoot. dust, or lrulu an qtho-r mum, um V`-gn Muaw than Mum curry of! line [mm-I ulennm llm -luIu.M`h` rngulnlo Ike hm Input I tuna of vigor to the who! I; Ron llnlnun, Hlnck And Whius Kan! Enzlunh Thrmul. Blush Ind Whitla Imiulum VAI-vmvianu. Clurr. hnint. I) lily-I Bruno-||n. Tullu Ch:-nolln .'lpnla.'_", Whikv an-I much Dpuu,"0-Ilnngrnnullnu Huiu Eginn nvul luuortlunu Ilunliu ntillgn uml lnuarllum. (nnnhtlu I-Ilpup nml Iunorlimu. Iuml linzlunh Thrmul. WMM VAI-muianu, Clary. lain! I) A`:-ucou. llrnuollu and ollmr Fancy Trim mu 1 I.AlI\l. `s XI1ln!'ll'l| drqmrnm-nl. Whivh llu-V um at-ll`.nu III r. x. covsmxw a co. om : Hall I u not: It: lln:-In lqlnrr. Tweeds, Gent's Furnishings. \\\` \ \ \ PIAqrf_lC_)-F_C)-RTES.l And by I. c. PULBOI a co, m'.:,u., Ii-`nun. u.&s.`unnnnIMtn's1 XZ% 10310 STORE nmcnam '1'aonuHah1imn'r.l.; nl Ill.l.lIu1'0l ITHIIT. WI ICE `[0 IIUOII TH! PUBLIC OI VA I , mun-7 -nu, L01-1. N( )'l` I ( IF. Call an auto bud um-uru I dmiuo u will be A My main. NJ! - For particular: ace hand hilln. vn I-vgnn lay Ilht II Bceunnnendul by all l'hym.-lam. % I?! an Golden Lion Bl<;ck. Allah} . Wnhlngtun C0,, Ill... Hy Dr. 'I'. IS. I-`u `l'l lwl.|:H IAVI |r.* 1'lIl'3 DOCTOR H (`I-ZRTII-`l('ATE nunn II` VEGETINE Sl'l.IJ.\'l|lD STUCK TIIOIIGIITS OF SPIIIG .m_n__.- __ .n..- -n4. on. n...- vzgnunn FBWVIAI OIKVIIHJZI-Uu-|. OI Wlbbll GTO! ITIIIT, luau! Purifter. Tho I mun-a M du-can oddlnten in the blunt . and nut modicinc that doll I00 01:! nlirvctly upull ll, to purify nn-I nnouu. has any put him up-m pn'Jl3c Alsatian. I. B. Dlfuln. I D . Dnum. lhulwu. lad. P. HARTY 07 TURURTO. Pnpud by mmruu n._. ho-L um hlorrl but-mnm life enln-rlrum chungoof in mm: 4! nlrrutm. irregular .ho-r um V.-guuuo wnll , P.-hX'rv. III and llllnrn, I- -. OIn4a`uA4I 1---!- -00% Tu: Q('l|Ill' Mnulu -31. Print, 01% ChIouulIni,_ has boon rockonod by both; pdruoo In lmndly Illhoul my Iulhority olhin. Ho only urinal from England by the P--lynounn," And that nading the Blnuul Wum on baud nur Lnnr- 1 pool, he dud not don} u. prying.` lion ol n conudnnblo chungo in bin that Ho hu nlcnyu tuppnrtod 8:: John`: pony in Quaint poluia, but in n you-wad lnbnd In-I ndmrrr ol U. Joly, uni null slow! 3 nuuldlo count, ptuhnbly. 0.0 w ` ll`.lICVQI:- Door8lr.-l Inn on)4| Vopnu for 5 long ilunnll I-4 it `In: pool oxulloul nu. faction. _ ---~ `9 .-- Won: l'r -Tho liollenllo Ontario up Kmgu--n hu atluv. I:-kc up to the impurunm nfrouining Queen`: Collage hero. lmleod, Kungltun hu never been blind to tho daoznbumy ol retaining thin .duu|nn_|n|litulI0lI hon, and plli - bonlny of ullf cmwnu deconstruct the hct. Our cunlemponriu should uoid conttulmg licllaullo nth Kingston un- Inl the only of the Bay become: I hula nnm bunmuo lnko Mad satin, ind bu something In bug about. * - 000 T. Pnucnnx (luv -1`|h caning this corguic ooooorntovol the piano hi 1 uonbknono ul drnntoaun on _L,L, .:._ _,__x;_,,;.,, uvw bud,usdIu1 toohstoliu ouocdol-ably In got any notion unto! Ilia round: tho chemo boon A lady ooopldnod Iooply louulthonuuiq lullotuol |inonodneI,udohodidlool nanny, hind. Bun-gain-ludlocndlhu Onyd-dvnllyhunbo In, ad A-all-innllnhlggln-4-... "T-'1' v-I--ugvji uhuhununthohohliq-nu I - - --- lnu.-u...V Cm H.r.--Hu lmn--r Judge Pnco In-day preuded ll. Lhn usual mung ol the l.Hvmnn(3unrt. We believe thnt inthe Cale ml the County Court, J.adgo \\'nlkmmm_ of Nnpanee. Inll prenido, I while Judge l'r|ce Illl lake the Lonnox .1` ,. ml , _.: ., L., L ,_ .,|,_, UIlI- -wt j- DIG 11 j -nh1-.DX&&jj-n - .4-u. __. I IIPUATANT. -Ihll Janeen And manager: all over the cuuulry vnll watch with in- usmaz the nsulr uf the Ippell in the cue uf Priuulu V. Tuwu uf N.spaneI-, being an ncuon fur duluuge fur the refusal of the 'l`nwn(,`uuncnI to permit of the use of the tho puhhu hall lur a Iectule after it had been engnuv-ml. The cue in being argued belure the Q men`: Bench, in Toronto. h .3 _. -., ..... Pn':~1cnm.-Juum hn inaugurntod the hostel term, and xf the tempere- turu b. cannon much werlner life will nut. be It) plenum in we `lhould like it to be. `lhe chnnga has been so sudden Lhnt. already pic-nice hue been plzsnucd all Intended to whirl our citizens out of town An] lodge them III the cuulmg retreat: of liullll end gruvu. - N 7. o>._-__. I HI: Fm~T I\hn'u.--'I`he tirnt hue bull :'ImLuh ul thus season WI be played to- i umrruw Afternoon butween the St. Luv- rcnco and Yuung Earls. An intimated In 5 the mlverlmelnum. culmum the match Iull 1 be played un [he new ground at. WW1- luunsnlln-, and It In inscribed u umnl. Ad- Eula. '11- '|uunaullv, ]unrab!u m In unudltwn and appoint- I ->- ~-03 Tun CuL.\ n'[I.. --'I'ue auempt to get. I meeting ml the (`,-yuvwll last evening In I failure, there La-.u,u - uly wvon momben pmnen! at the hour when buniuau should bu (mlllllltellcrd. Thane seven were. The Mayor, AMI. Auulntine, Carson, Clo- menu, Drmmm_ Harry and Mum.-tn. - o... _. Aluuvm Him!"--l.v..-Cul. Vun Strau- hanzm, U.D.Ah'., and fnmily urivod from l'."nr Ina! evening. They were pIlH6.'n\,(L'l` by Inc l u!ynouinn," The `Uulunol wu warmly grealed, And cou- gratnlntud un hm Improved heullh. He II fully lnunu.-If ngum. -~ --.4n>. __ Pun.-u.uL. -By the Englull mall we learn n! Lhv death of Dr. Eikinglnu, Into 0! Bruckvnllv, Untan-1, and [urmerly of Birrniugmmz, England. Dr. Elkmgton Ins lulu.-r of Mr. F. Ellnuqlon, County ` Clerk, and of Dr. Jahn E|k|ngtun,ToIvn~ 1 Ihlp Clerk of Vulunerlmll. _,.U>.__ I ' ` -1 0- I I I I hm bu --A rumour in In olrculnuou yvnlcrday to the all ct lint mo Onuriu Fuumlry had received An order Mr can I, -_ ..,. 4`... - lI.'.. p....-..h L. lnnrn Hint i?-~O-jO :-_ Auunsn -A man moehng of I. C. B U. yull be held on Thumlny evening in Scwty`n hall on Km: street. A large atlondnnce ll rm-queued, 5: Hon A. M. K Ioly, the Unmd President 0! the LC.B. lf _ wnli nddrrn the meeting. ._.-.co- -- I Tuzl|-L1nAv.-We bchuvu lhnl. unny ul our Cllllalll are uppusecl lo the ar- rnnzevn-.~Iul.II which an: cxlculntod lu take pa--plu I u`. uf the city an Duminiuu Day. ` IL ll prc-pt ma! [.0 have the gamrn In (In: ' uvmtra of the cny And lhy WI be true , _|l __4....;_. PuoIuu.x-nu.- Fro-I: to bank to southwesterly to. uorthwutoriy winds. and hit -ucha poosibly norm in nu: Iucalf us. __..-~.:o-_;. \'nnc1.u nll be mluuuod to the hu- bcll gr-mud, Wnllunuvillo, to-uorrov, Inc 0! charge. Punt Duwxl.-Hm. Mr. Mukoolio puood down thin uhernoon from Toronto fur Ozuvn. Ha ha by! I non cotdinl receptmu wheruver ho bu gone. __..4-5. A ' "Eiri? 7 Jib` notutrv QOOID In Newhrt at 3 o'clock IOOQ ..-- .19---- Mr II. It. nwvrns. Dear Sir. This: in In certify that I hnul lnen Iuerlng (rum I Know! `uncut un in right hn-Mt which grew very rapidly. And 5?] my his-uuln had given mu up tn -lie. wh:-n I hmml I-I ynur @nn&.3a Ihohapvup-coho wall 0uun._ . l::IhuprvvL4nd oubnunuthilnuv o haul; Inward hovcnalfi list In any Luvydo-urn bilb, II D U] Iiuvydovurt dneiounlualnohnrlbllo tniauunyhogrndnnllyillllp L to non: onryuudclyb bills. as 1" -and:-mod casual uhannrthcono not I. coup -II -an |I>pyke-punfeon-r:ny|van vol! 1011 I Rabi! and i paper! ncurhhdh _-" En-via 0uItc.- OI hlnllod. "Jun Kn-I E (10 . an-aopolhh lfbo-inn. I1-ado: ' _,. H . . I `II ` Ira` laI"v:`ncL gwveri Ihopuuuofll Ind nu-ins-.nn4 by: -and copy oldlnaulj hvuu I0 `N bury Joann B J" dneiounuo cl Qohdwnv Eh: ggailg gram iis. TUESDAY EVNU, JUNE 4, 1878. ruulmry nun rruu--cu nu uivvl .-.. ..... luculuutuel We regrut to loan tint .; ,,,_ , ._ :_ . ,.. .-.... KI-I-I` c;-Aim-uurunanouauuillo --31:-uunhnovb-Inutnlnud ) I ,,.______ Tun Puuvn Fum'I..--The chnngel de- cided upon tome time ago by the Police Commiuiunern have taken eect, And the force retain: it: elclenoy and excellent nppenrnnoe. Nncnuley in one of thou gentle, guod nntured detective: by whom it its pleuure to be nrrelted; Canon mnkeen lively and attentive nergennt, end the new policemen in reel Allah and ` handsome. Some people have wondered why the Commiuionen to generally Ip- point pretty men tu plnoee on the police lures, but no one need rexnuk it nince n good cheek in one 0! the grenteet qu|liti- oalium of n pnlioenun. The new hero bu hi: ohnre --l thin Article. .5. "..u..'" '".T.."..'. '7.T.'u":'..: Loam` uncut Brita`: hdovnbytho cine-duo ol LL-Col. lttuluuno . O J, __.__ |.._- L- .;_ I: u#., 2,, -' Thorcparbollhofooinn-ovuucnhin Ihuounddthouhgatdnh ugh Gals DUI no uucuu-I abnhgdb dctlhiblulyb _n-._ hhh -1 in-1 lrwq tvlirauvu C nu-1 lVsW 1 Norlnm no Slu.1..-"l`he Bcllovilla Ontario on]: than is nothing no mall on lifting pnnto ubocriplinnu in thnt plnco lo!` oolobrntion pnrpous on Dominion Dny. Of course In no given to under- stand that Ibo Corporation will but the entire uponno, mind that that upon. nil not be limited. Well, we no no` nurpviud at tho pnnunuco 01 such a po- licy. The Council of Bcllonllo in I truly rrpnuntativo body, And jun u the citi- Iono live too flat. no moat tho Carport- tmn [nllpp nlong, rqnrdlon of mvmioipnl 4 deciu, bad credit, duhonour sod repu- I diction. Kingston [in not but: given to but Info, And to hop it never will. --.v---roOs__ ------~ooo--..._ [lulu R|vu*|.-CnlIocu'om mad: at the Inland Revenue 06.. Kjngnton, F (or the mouth coding 31-! My. 1878, I -__ mix to-2-II uuuublhputuu-cu. MBDICAL ExAllNA`l`l0ls.-A copy of the Londun Timu of the 23rd, to hand, contains the maze! of those who have passed the necessary exsminutiuns for diplumu md been s-imilted members of the Roysl College. Heming these nsmes and (int in the order of merit we nd Mr. Uhd Hour} Dmsloy, M. D , Queen's College, Kingston. Dr. Dows- Iey must be oomplimentod upon his suc- oeu, hsving psssod his Usnsdmn and English exsuiinntions with equs! honors. Queen`! in also tu be complimantud on having gddod mother to the list of stu- dents who hue distinguished themselves sb run}. ` rwpuun I} I. I. SIIVINS. Benton, Inn.` . ,. g- nl n -u 44).: A. nu tu.___z...-