Trade Question--Inr1'ease 42] Ton- nage--Ihe Blake Act and the Police. try. The tonnage of vealelu which have nr- rived at this pnrc up In dale 18 larger than at the same date nf any pfuvnm year. The reoeuua of Hm HesrbnrCom- missioneru have also increased material I . yAt. the Inrutlnc of the Pnlice C'>mmit- At. investing tee yeucevduy uftrrnuulll e um Lliscnssion enalled with re-pecc to thu .\!u;.'nr z4 state- ment that he had I-sh. the onfurcement of the Blnlte Act Lu the ['1-Ivce Committee, inns-nnch nun the lust 12m of July the Police CuImnilLen- Imvl nfuaad (1, place the Pulica Furc-5 under hu cunlrnl. Aft. r game dllclllsln a rna rluu--n was passed by the mambwrs nf the l u|ice Coxunuuee, affirming that they had always placed um p--lice furce under the cunlru`. uf the Mayor, and would be Puppy bureaftur to have his uaiauguca on all ncculzms. u.4.......... 'l'..I...- h... I.....n .m..,inn.uI huh-I ma ualauguca all Aldrrman 'I'n_yl>r ha: barn lpplvillled Chairman nf the1 In the absence of Aid. (ireniar, who 15 guiflg L:. Europe. munth. -Mr. Layard, Britin Arnhauadnr at Constantinople, has received the Grand Crou n! the Order nf the [$41.11, --Mr. E. H. (.'..rf`a npphcutiun for A wIu'ranl.nn the charge of perjury against ex-Solicit vf-Grnurl link:-r_ hu been re- fuwl. -n.., H Q u....... ..r;A.. tuned. -Tha U. S. Hausa nf Re-praaentrniu has adopt.- a I ll reducing the [AI un cigln at rive dnllnrn per thousand. --MeurI lam: F. Dickson, of the `Huron Sigllll,' anal If. D, Cary, law uudont, of Goderlch, were drnurned In Lnkellumnun We-|n(-why evening by the cupoizing of their uni-bunt. - Suvevll of the pnucipnlchaone manu- futmorl of Ontario no In M-mtre-ul Inning arnngalmmta fur lhedlrecl trunn- ....n.ui..n of cheelv from the lnclorv lo mnung urnngemonu mr me ulrecl trunn- p..n,.uiun n{ lnclory the English nmulmuo. _ A tn.-..ll umnu nrnented in bi: the English nmrlmut. -A (unwell menu prueuted his llcoliency the Unreruor-(:'ener|l by the C-xrpurgnun ol UNI`! yoalordny in uh; Council Chamber. After hlt Excellency had rcphod, he held I loves, which In nuond.-d by A Dunn nmnhor of cum-mu, who nv-ilod thomnolru of he oppurluul-| 3, lo any gm-d bye. .5. .._..._ Boiled Down for ` Whig` ltemler. U4, l(lrgIulvrn lu-uuy./ -Throe Ilumlreci and sixty M-vrmnna arrived at New York yesterday {ram LlVel'p()0l. -The pr:-sent nvaaion of the Quebec Lglllulure I! expected to extund uver a nnunth, -.- o0-... The Mad return to tho further ohru ol the July Mnniury lo ourruptly procllru Iddniulul suppun. True to in juurnd inuc nuuncry the local Tury meet. {unh- wuh lakrl up the cry and fnluly taunt: the Mnnmry with the pmchhu of Mr. Turcnue. The organ: seem to be quite: ul)0nhlc`-mil of the dclwnte 00lllpl|I.uel.l Hwy nu vhun paying to their own party, vrhuu luuhug member! tn lhun conceded to ho pun-hunublc. Tho Tunes, Ippl- rontly, cannot understand how the my pun even ul hunau Cour-ervnuvu an be _.... ....r..,..z lhulr ununl norruuuun ol Dasha From Our American Coudmi. muon: nu porlnnllun, Mr. Gnunun (Knmuun-uh) paved the lddrnn in null In tho Snnnnh from tho ' ------co-o--- `lamp: can the WAIIGTIAIT \'a -"'1 1 4'1 Monu'enl._ June9 ~'l`rmlu lnu been un- ` "- A `nrlng the Wuk. Dry ondl hnuuea Iro .-..n....-ng n....... .. ...-, ounce Lggnsumnz` GEIE-BlL gsmcnts. `. Inruuver n I quenuuu T0-DAY'S*1hE_LEGRAMS. (By Te!(yr-u}; To day.) In (By 7'eIrgra_/I 7'0-day.) ...... I......a.....l ....A ..'.o.. ll Tm molnnu, um: um nrgnuu Invw u. --v ulhur plan. Such nu ndmiuiun is indeed n dubnuun compliment to the general pro- bny 0! than own party. It. in well for the pruvmce of Quebec nnIv-ju|t u I! In lo!` the Dumunon in l873-lhul. there have been found indapondonl and patriot. lo man u! Conurulnns nnteoedonu Hill] the ouungo mud political yrinciplo to con down the gunners] ruuannou llld corrup- Man [or which the Tory party of Cunwn hn not become pruvorbinl not only wulun but fur beyond the bounds of the Dummluu. -lkle and |'nce.-Jz lhu rnl1ug-Meura.Chnp|enu_ Church. Rubertsnn, Maxhseu. icurd, U.suhIer, Caron, Dunn]- ch, lmlnndv, Sawyer, Uuhnmz-I, H nude, Dunclmuea, lien`.-vi:-_ Uharlnpaglna, eHUl)l Tull- Mutel, Ihartnmd, lioblllurd, Magnum. I -Allxlner, St. Uyr, I Din-I(uIt.,~-.{2, _._-.v-v-__ M0lI_T_BEAL. mu: .7 ycn are In from the cunn- -. I (Inc may uvvu u--- mrc une pruvnma oeuua :3 mgnf --pecc nd I l...I - I..- .| D. uuu. nu . unar- of the reaulutnnn 1.-nu.-wane \ Iuatructl-m, res; sch ml unspent-rn. The Lsgulutive afn.-rnouu, land In wnhuut prnceedin of the Bporcn fro: aunt, the final mm A large xmmher attended ul. the I In'II'lnIlu.( to ask tht em. all invre-n-e 0 ply Mr. July at-Vt c mtractu r, whu ha thmr pay one ahil .. .._- . ... ..... ....u r nrguad that the cnnltiu 1 la! the main one as the member for Lava :Klr..~-.)z. tn cries of `Chair, the wed that he could not but runng. spoke to his amend~ umuuu, -uuu an un- F9 II he nu-mulnnted. "53 n-inn Cnnm-I have r ` suggestion: that Ihel ` cunning (_`rn;(reu uh- " cuu Ll S:-cmhal q ` norvuu noun in rrpn-I since the uhmmng _'h B~rlin,JI1nI3 T V `ll Im ~ I Laden. Juan C.,--It H cu.-=0-1 that my pl'0|iIuilII'y quotas nguaing no sum: ol the Treaty (I! an Sglnnu in; boot: some to between England and Run- om. but it no Add Count Schauulol in tnking to BL Pounburg nod: lnfu-ndon u will enable Rania tn kn-nw thus in- utnnct-ona to gm: IIII Plouipomotiuico. Both P-nun II" go int Congrau Ira, but than in A kind of 0:51 obliphou bohuo.-a thou not to insist upon 5 one- uidod settlement of ab points wind: each In: oundoutiully Inonticnod an nanopti- ` bln o! I oolnptomiu. Pnncn Unnruohnkof I oraonoo I! the K age}-.. - Why shnud tho Laritf want ` readjust- ment I` It is pretty much as the Turies left. it, no pt that the present Govern- ment simply increased to lT what. the lust Tory G:-vemment hul ruduced to 15 prr cant. 'I`he clam-vnr f -r "readjust- ment" in simply a confession that the Tu- ries themselves had nut equitably placed the du lea when last they adjusted' th in. Besides. if the tsntf is only to be "run vjusted," the Ihil ing ml the duties from some things Ind adding them to others will be sure tongue diustls`sc- IIUH L v luuu uiuvluuu may Uu Luun uu on oz 3 oompzomuo. Pnncu prenonoo Congrou will beoonsidorud gt Vionnn in- guupunoua for l neulomonl. Nona of the Pnucipduiu no to be npnoontod but Boummjs, although her hope: of obtain- Mnmters Butinnn uud Cugnnlnioono, IIUI A-memonudum proleuiug ngnlnu Ihe nnnexnlian of Buunbia. It in point- ed out that than was I tint Ihul such I Cungreu u .hu'ono About to be -3- un- `biod w-`uld have been preceded by I mn- uta omnmuniouu between Priuoo Bia- march and Count Andru-_v; but u there II no probability of such a thing ukm-,5 pluco now there in no pqunbn izy of the hunt uf lhu Tnplo Allm.-cu lr mblmg the dehb--ntwnl. Au-nu; no in --irl h.|I n .rH'|.uI R 11:51: in; Ina! objnot is lonuning, till Ind` delnb.-nuono. Aumna, It in nid, has n rtied Rania that the nnmsxntion of Aulivurl Lu Mon- tolwgru would be oonnidured by her a mum: bulb, and I in rumoured that Rul- uh bu Abandoned Munlonegro. Thu Pun: Inn sun: An Animal In the nu bu Abandoned Munlanegro. The Pop: has lam In lppoll the Pawon to prutecc Romnn C-tholic inur- esu while rugulnling the ninro of Tur- Irrv kry. London, June 6-The Iutement of the Uilanoellur of the Exchequer thin evemng cum.-eruing the Cunureu, gave I shock to the omnmunity It large. It was nu-mfeunou tint. all yet settled III that a Cullgfrla should be bald. Thu nnuwrnlu failure! in the (ruin Uullgfrla annum oe muu. The numerous failures: grnin trade are due in some measure to I de- clung in prices canned by the reponu con- cnsrmngthe Immense wheat crap forth- coming in the United State: l`......9 unllnnnln Jnnn 7 .. A dnnnnmh Oullgl In the United mus: Cunstnntumplo, June 7.- A denpntch says man serious apprehension in felt of :1 revulutiunnry outbreak. Lundnu, June 7.-~Ac the Home of Ounmnua last evening Sir Stulfurd Nwlthc`-ta reiterated the statement that the Salish:-ry circular reprearule-l the general News of Euulaud on the Eutern nlnvti In. It I! announced that France wnll send Wdddil-gton to Congreu; Rul- H 3, (Jurtachakutf and cht-uvnlo; Aun- rrnn, Amlrassy; Uoxmauy, Bismarck; Turkey, Stu :-.L Pasha. l.umh~n'.lmm 7 ---l.nrd Beaconseld Uc-rLachaK nut! hcnnuvnlong Aun- Suuet Landau, June 7.--Lnrd Beaconseld I'nl`l:I fwr Berlin to zuurruw to attend the (J-nuresa. Sulmbury starts on Monday fur the same dealinutlun. "` Our little dmglnor, aged 2 I-210011, 2-1. --cud with with spuul nooingitn; mum not on hot Hahn. Gun Lnunn loom: O! Alnouu in dating a mm. In. J. 0. K1-rclu. Ml Woulbulucu.-orxoru. 25...: 500:! hauls. Ape U U. King nod cuhltn. I -0vin Io Ir. boy-Id`: hIoau,I.h ordn lllnbhhg lbdibd Ibo luau! llcrold has but tucked. bit It MI has ublupd to qlit Oouuuatb--pic. and I Ihouppradu at It; ppcaodoua. ul nunuu. uuurmvuuvuu u... m. mm Inhout lhull` uounl oorrupuun blrgllll and ule. The Inner in the old To-y mothul. nml tho nrgnnn know 01 nu ..n...- ..I.... Rn:-h -n mlmiuiun Tllhul that ol tlocnuuy bah WAIIIIIPIAIT The Late Dlm'.:;or>m--The Opposi- Ho-n rolicy-Labour Strike. my ....,...,... ..,-.....,., Quebec, June 7.--The diviaiun of 1 night, resulting III a tie, even that mm. nn nnmml [rum the decision of I c-mun nun we pupul or Inn .~.,...... High School. A lologrlln (:30 o'clock lufuflln DI Nil! 105.: 0` xiliw, mm uh. hundred yuda race, I mint cup, and Dun the tin hundred ynrdp net, I country clock. mguc, reaulung me, v.n-ugn only on appeal [rum the decision of ma Speaker, shown pretty well what the di- vnauu a will be on the Address and amend- .-.... me-If. The amendment of Mr. Mnllenr in a vrry shrewd me, an it. reaffirms the prmcnplea uf the Address with which the Oppnsivnonn cnncur but amid the consti- Lmmnal quu-stiuu Altogether. The debate thin nfltrn-owl) mun neceuanlrbe ou LIHIUIHU IIHPIIIUII IHOBOIIIOT. I [16 CIUUIIIU lhlli neceuanlyhe but. mna-ndment until It in lettlud by I d.\'iann nu Mnndly. Hon. Mr. Clmplenn will Ink for copies passed by the Catholic I Atlurllllh \lUm`l|tlce. Of [)ub" respectively, concermug n.h ml mnnerzturn. lg:-3 ulnInhIJeI`|:-V "I Bud 60 cents per day. we lnmnl v7 uresnnq favurnhly. f-Ah nn pans. The I} Ipinturl crmlinuel. Tar. Pic-sic AT Rulxrozc, on Wed- neldny next, the 12th mu., promise: to be A grnnd nucoeu. Fuher McWI|liAml hn full nuunnoa zhu Sir John Maa:lup- nld will be pruent. Among than other Ipelkern null be. A K'Lrkpulrick,K.P., S. Shnbluy, M I'., K. Hooper. Eoq., Jnv. ` ma ry, E-q, u. M. Domch, M. `P. P. The hand 9! the 47th ha: been so- onrad far the day ; I100 an uoollonl nmng `.|nd. not I llur one, U10 lone: wnu uu.-.... ly adjusted it no to blame; if the uint ing arrangemen` in an equitable one why I`r0ul I the Tories denim to diuturb in! Rvuljunting the tariff uold nimp y be rubbing Pelur w pay Paul, nndt. - my no lung - f the abstract xujun ice 0! such a umvu, h(! are lune lure "Peter" would new r nubmn to it __,_ .,,, o-.. T-jo-:. lxsnrvn .~`ronu.--To-dny our Col- Icgmo human boy: bud an Athletic 1 ..m..n Illh the pupnll ol the Nuponu an n o ._ _| A Inl-nrnln nlk) n'cIucH (By Telegraph To Day.) Berlin, June t3.-At. nine o'clock last night the cumliuon of the Emperur Wil- helm cull continued to improve. Nobil- mg rummns IIIICIIIIICIIIUI, but he is clone- Iy uuucheml, And Lmy muttering: are uutud. Hi : younger brolhor has been ar- mand. Hun brother: in the army have arnved M. Bu Inn, and Are nnxiuun to give all the Infurmutlun lhey can. Tl... I.ih..r.l- -hu wnhnrl ncminnl. H1: wand. Illa manner: In mo army nave The: Librnln who voted ngninat the nnu-'uc-"must bnllun in recent. introduc- tum inln Pnrlinment Ire now roporle-d rnmly 1.; vote the mounts in View of tho pl`vnr'nV circumstances. The R-rhn Criminal Court has received circumstances. The A warnIm.( that if Nobeling in doult lmrahly with all the Sovereign: in Europe llll It in uid the Prun- :-um have received with favour I the representative: at the uhnuld heinvited to dis- Ll qnealion. Illunmrclfs r-purted to have increased nmrn the Ahuolln-_I (If the Emoerur. The Agitation In German;/-The Wuumled Emperor's Condition, .-.u.....,..~.... .u.,,c.,......,, .,.,..........`5 uh Lsgnulutivo Council man: this Lin.-rnouu, will very likely ndjuuru with-mt pr:-ceeding to the cunnidnrntmn 3f frmn the throne, but will put, mm in the Auetubly. number uf lab-rrerl nn strike NIH-devi I`mli.unent. Home this in--rnlng the Hun. Mr. July to ob tun of their wages. In ra- ply stved llrat he had seen tha 5 had promised to increase Lhmr shilling A dny. Thu did nut amtinfy Ilia men who want Uh-Ir Ini- gt-i Annhleal. l'hn) have uruck on 50 lint` till manu mar dnv. -..- --_-.-- THE SOC|AL|S_T_l_C MOVEMENT. an r-I-1: fun.) Inn _ln-l_Il in -....;- THE LOViEl_I HOUSE. Hull [4 I luuu uuunuuu an mu, prived I the protecthm they now Injoy. If the phwnt adj-Autnneut of then turi in um the Tories who orig:nLl~ n u:,,_.,.1 ;. "41 ... I.l....u.. ul` Hun glint (By Teleg;];_}; To-Jlay.) .... Inn.` '7 _ I"}s.a Ai- . qne`-I0". INIHIBVCK B wrled 1 Emperur. V The Emperor in pr`- y. Ha slept. well And a Arrest. of Socinllst con- f last mugh = .0: Jun `$.13 Ilh dlr`. 51.. In Iingllc J30 Clhllj oaoidxv-It `Ital:-as-nlwlll hhulun Allah fjv | I-KUIIIWI-IIw'CjUT' c-mun|q.nuuu.,n- up nIpg uI- ` I aide-m-. In-oi Scott. Freud: ui tnuunn nupoetlllly invite! D194. . Mn.-u-an in IIIO WANKINPHAST. I950: Inna at Holley`; ' -w.- THREE OI IOUI IUAIDIIR (II to nooonuohlod as In. CI:-lu. In! 83. Jun `Isl. COUNTY COURT, And General Sealant. Cucnv huh an p 3. TI: uuunu Cu; Ball at pm. Can: [undo-n Iotluanoqu nod Copo| Vuua-at. Iv pa-U; IIIW H003! an Pdnau Itnot. Ion Alton Inn". oouhlnh at: man: and . punrnwuornnd wood oonvonhnt. F" In. `WU - J. WOLLAlDg Jun nh. Non dou- ' HI JUNE BHTIIGI ol tho Canary Connundonnnl Soulom at the? no will be holdcan A: the Cann Home, City of Iiinpnon on 'l`l'E90AY. Juno llth. It noon. All In nn_\'I' ny uuuoornod no nquirod to take ' lJ0(`t'. - WI. FKBOUBON, I Shaun. R in--hm Jun: 7. `R78. ausrnc:|vT1f ATMOLl.0Y`S A NEW LOT 0!` Boots and Shoes, unuuvv -_ at. 31.00, worm 31.20 per pm. 60 pnin of Woman` Hudoe Shoes 3!. 3|. Iwrth SL25. ll unit. 1|` Pu-nun"; (1-Mar: at .1 N) TF:'Ie%areMilliunsinuyingwellI 100 painof Menu Slipper: at 50 cents per pair, worth 76 etc. as: ....;.. ..: \v..........v nu; nun... Sh puura nl wumenn` U03! buuon Bouts at $1.50. watch 82 per pnir. 60 psm of W0menl' Peoblo Tie Shoes at $1.00, worth $1.25 pair. [min WomanI' Home 5|. norm &I.2o. 60 pairs of Prunelln Guitar: It 81,00 Vorth $1.25. Bl) nuirl nf Prunnlln anifan ll. 75 (`Ll lTHENW%BUI]KSTHE.} We Shall Have on View To-Morrow: nuuxuomu nuppuea U1 uwnya England in the XVIII Century. Silicate Pocket Slate. LVUIIUI nmuruxsusuu. 0 VUI-I Russia, very elegant. uorne1.1e's Works, 2 vols. Vnrln $1.20. 60 Hair: nf Pn-nolln Gaiters It 75 ct: worth 81.00. T I do quote prion:-I. Pmllarn luka nrlyn. r~u -r 1 1rr\T 1- r'\17' I Royal Military College. Rpeoiallybound and Rtnmped with tho Collep Arm: and (Jun. Additional Supplies of Lecxy's En alnnd in thn YVIU Canturv. lNotes Ambrosiane. 6 vols-. half Du--in warn nlnnanf bolu ways on me hue nu ma muuuum. Refreshments an the bust st 95;: per meal. 'I`l(,`KET$-'>0 cams; Children undar twelve wmn half nrico. nun he had It B.Woo:la' nwnespmnauxamtnauityj Tu wwuxrmsr 3. s.-....._? General Iuiwnu. Stationeny of every kind and at the lowest. prices. N EXCURSION up the Bay of Quinta to Piclou will bogivon in aid of ms C. II. Unumh, Uulhuuby. _ .- . . .1 .3.` - o On Wednesday, the 12th of June. .nunur; L_-L .- The up]:-ndid Stenlnar ARMENIA bus Man rug KBll.LlHl WI laave Kin-guwu at H |.ru., (`nllimby 8:10 u4m., D-aireld : 9 all. Hill I! .w-n mm )1 m , Amharnt. lnluud IU am . THE LINE [8 COMPOSED OF THE fullovnug drum clul udowheul steamer. : CORNICA N, Comroaiw. . . . . Cnpuln Slnolnir 0 . . . . . b'I'AI{ l'A N, a do Huloy L'0lI1V I HIA .\' do . do Fnrrell I - .s'.s`l 0lt1' dn `. . .. do Irvine AI,(lIL'IrIA.`V do do Travail HA U.\'l1."I` do `. do Cameron Time. of Departure from Kingston lTmun.nmiuu Tmudnv I'll.h Jnun: ..,u................ . ...,...__,, . .... . ....., . A: 5.80 33.22:. for "l`()BONTO and HAMlL'l`\)N,cmlu:g nt Cobourg. Port. Hopo and Buwmgnrullo dnily. Iondnyo excopud, 1wuuhrr`prmin.{ng ) 0.09 5-1, l"u Unnnnuqna. Broclvllle, Pnuoolt,ConI' Inland MA-nInsnI.dnil . landnyl excepted. uung N-ruuh the dc I hlful lOLOf] of who ghouund lllludl um nl tho Iapi-In M the HI Luwrenco by dnyligbt. on-um-ell! g :1. Ion- uonl with the Bloomer: for Quebec, Infra Buy. Rnvinruln l.onp,l,`u-unnu.Tndonuo II that far mnod ue-r nuuouuy. Azlo with the Gulf Pufll Spumlhip Cmupnny lor In Port: In tho lhrimno Provinces. - _. - .. .,.un-- _uI .-____-_ |,__ In use -1- uuur - lIlVIuvv-- . Tiosunmor IAGIIIT will on-mono: her rguln; `trips to Unvego and Chumuo on mac I . an . ., ._; -__ ._:____.x-_ _____ FRIDAY lV'I0. I03! .7, 1878. ____--:----___?-- l ;i% ii*o'iiu1nv%: `mm -2 I I-'rase]r&louat,| |ExcunsIon D-me : ll Inn, (lerxuaul lI:l.') a.m., Adol phur-town I? a m..nnl Lake on the Mountain 15.1. ) p In. Three hours will be given to new `hn nights of Piclon and call: will be made boll: the Lake on the Mountnin. Raf:-A-hrnnull nu aha bunt Al 2.'m mar |)UUKI!(H'O U1` [full] LLIU L H. KANKIN. (lhmrmnn of Com. June 7l.h llicihlleu and ontarlo Naviga- tion Company. 0.00 Pu (lnnnnunms, B Royal Mail and Etprcn Line 0/ Sfeameru. nguug-cu-u. itnlunu-nlvulbhplnoo nthb 0% 1 Inlnwdlnw nnlnnnn, hf Eh *\Q- Kingston. Juno 7.1878. I lun1,III (`nun half prion, may he had oukntoro or lrmu tlw Committru. u u` L`I.(lN ll (1 ( Kinpuu.Jno 7th. um. THE PRIZES RECEIVED THIS DAY : Ile 0| lrrpurluru I rum HIIIKI Umulminciu Tuuduy, Ih June: a- -up` __ _._ p , riuxunrnxvrn ` Pang: Ticket: sud any Infnrlnlllol ll llo Lalo nod liver Nlouuhaol . Bl. Intranet What, he at Johuonl L m mun om I. Lllll |.ru.,\ )v Mill} 9:390 u.m.. Amharat. am,` ll nun , u-umu'n n.m.. Till WAY IN WHICH S. WOODS. III HIE BAY. Boaigglnn. .-v-ivy C. H. BATCH, " Puuager Anus. Gout Bu tton (HCARHE. Secretary. BEHIND888. ._._. I ll-`I I-ooolvodhluuntlouhon Ila. Ii lbolblllll. It all nllollln hr Imam. Bur Fixluus. to . `D------- S`cuu| 13 ), IIIIII, DII' Innuuvu. cu; blond. uy. Juno 10, .. -.. nmm`: annex nun-I. | l'Il-Ilhro. In llxtnru, Mal looolvod hlrnouhon IE3. nuns. Faxtuua. 49., Kingston Uoiate Institnte| HE HUMMER TERM will begin on MON DA Y IN EX l`, lb ~ l9I.h1unluuL. and and on the I511: ofucwher Pupils! mnyjuin tho: Chan at any time. lbem no vmnnunou for a tow Pupils in lha l( I NDKRGARTKN (YLARH. I Sea Stlluno nnvln. ACDOIIILLI-s-l-Ublllounnovd In to also an Inndunullt. lnuxlnuntiooohhobulthllndycc I in th lobby of tholnnulir John Ins dcnukl politely toll Iai"."Wt. Iilh b `'00 to In-ll"tbo(Xidtn'n,h:-nnlulbduuo bin Bnntlorl udituu in his Q0000 : Binhdnyapcdilohdtold that-nit ` an uthvoll |aOo tn ch a---I,"m- ` that ulinuinz, "'l'Iut'a than be will ya it he dunno`! land hi ways." II III maul, IQ!/II thus to H936 I'D bitol Night-y lot the ab ol to null and worse I join. Bi! John needn't. lunar! the hot ol T-vry circuul, no In put it in the Bonn, `lot lack of I Ryuul.' The lulu pullo- uu:'| pnniuo hi-our it, at any It, nqnr polluted by prolnuixy. Tbo;not- cu. thug on utgh" vnll nonr Inn! for n buluon thou the Tory Uhiufuin can manage to be present. If Bun. Ht. Mnchnzioi pnbhc o-ru Ion intu'lud- od rich I oouoo Admixtun of buloonory sud bluptmny, wd ucouionnlly embol- linhod 4:! cmphunsod with Ln obullntnon 0` pugnlutio mvdyilm. the highly Inoml and -.-n ...... -._.._ -....I4I -6.... -....n -id: An. 4 I clown at ` ruums nu ma KINDERGARTEN CLASS. The vsontiou axloudn from the l5th Julv to la ufaepwmher. JOHN lrg/man. lmu Nd-I sin nut cum unuuun vuu BICIIDBNCE AN lHOP- Hand of can Dino: order: Ian at Ihoa Brno. Moro. rhu- 8! . Illhoptoul uodotltn. v . F. C IILO. A !Y (I! OUR l'Ul'l'OlllI that An nor lacvd I'M plane nnnfyvha nndnnlnol as 0|.-n. some oulomeu having named fu- lgeo to plum It will ho Inpuouhlo to tea on mu nnlou at-ultd. R. B. HOLDER, TEE NEVV RA PH ER HOUSE CLEANING SEASON I JUST RECEIVED AT Hursey'sNewFurnisl1ingStore l\'.o.2, l.:2Id-ehn "l`.IoAnI Block. GiIrnv'n P taut Curtain Bcretaher, Strp Lmddb-re. Cloth-1 llurnru. Grdo-n V-moo, l-`lower Stands. I I8 PREPARED AT ALL TIMES TO EXE- CUTE UB[)El(B FUR com? 0NIv:.7_c,'0ME ALL. , nL-__- PIl`l|lIlID nu-uyu-nu, u--u ||l.u| ...u.-. ....v Iiruwm pres would ring exam with de- nunciuium of his conduct. in last in Inch en uenl. the Premier would soon be deposed llum hm present enlud puition by the men of his own periy, and he would Ipeedily be voted I theme, edu- gnoe to Cundinn public life. With the Tun Chieluin, however, thing! ere dif- ferent This more he an degrade him- self by exhibition: like the move, or like thst with which he diegrwed the recent prurugniion of the Hume, the more due: he loam tn cuuunuid the npplnuee end the Idmirntion of the petty ol "gentle- man." When public mwu. however, get. below the geuenl plsne of the public nio- rality And some of decency the proh|bili- ty of their reelurutiou to power in inde- nitely diminished end delerrn d. It will prove to be In in the one of Sir John Mncdumld nuil llll collengues in the next election. 0 OUT NAILS, ishalf `gxylmlipjqvvvy Hardwara. Graining. Glalin g, 50-, G0-, (Iva IN THE VERY BEST ITYLII. llo can oonv dontly point touery piece or work done! bun lur I you put so I guuronusc o! M: ab - No-I um ANII Queen YARKz~:Rgg.p STAND Important Nuticv to Builders, I-`uruleru and Ouhers. & i. -1 $2.75 per Keg of 100 lbs. Emu-.h Kn-g ul Nxnlu is guaranteed entirely froo Irom dual. scales. allmru, or homllmua null|_ each nail lwing salucwd by Dhr umnd Auunn stlu |`ickt~r." PAINTING House Paintlnglnalllta Branches It in dnrprinirfg that I country like the Uiiiied Stiitea,giving liee thought and religiuiie liberty to all cluaea, no matter to what naii--nality they belong, aliould be alluwecl to be mule a hotbed of, by adventurer: who are too lazy to wnrli, and who keep up such bogiia I0- cietiee as the an-called Fenian Society, the Object of whose leader: in to prey on the credulity of the hard-Iwiliing net vaut girls, and t0 extort money from them in the name cf liberating lrelend. If only the Inapici ma of the victim: of these bloud-aiickern could be around iliey Wvllld see that they are aupporting aeet of lazy creatiirual who are too in- dolent for anything more than ocouion- ally, when they want fuuda, to raise a breeze about an l1I\`85lUH of Canada for ihe libera'i-in of lr--land. liven the moat timid can a"nrd to laugh at the-ae _creii~ turea and pity their victims. JIM! now aiintner and afar grrnter evil seem: to be tlireatuiuing the \Vrl*8l n Stiitu. We hear of bantlll of men culling tliemaelvea Coiiiniiiiiiatif who are openly drilling. In thin there is ciiiae In. alarm. The ranlia if then are yeiierally coinpuaed of Ger man: and French. .nd their leader: In. fur the moat part, well educated avid _ _ . . .. .i ._l. ._ h..I ......:..n. unl the Junoblh. an nun u-uwu... .._.._ -.._-_. blunt I0 o'clock. Turn: out J. I. U'l (`.l-IISON. June I, I873. Auctioneer. Jnu Ill- E1 M. u\,..-..- v..._. v_...._ -..._ And give the now Arm: 3 Chnnoo. luv I3lh. Mny`.`l, l878. sou nuns. will he lush 16. ms. 3' A call uol'm.u~d AUCTION SALE -Tho Into: |bo8t.Johnptnor|iI- uuy, Quebec, have utwh work. lotion! trouble in Anticipated. Th-ilk ury authorities In hung Ip|h0ov- --.'...- "".':"'- .... ............. "' 1"` U. I and P-ucugubbcuz choc In-no man` .41 Iodni. I` Ch opposite liq Guldtl llol Ilul. noun iiinnno. Fl cl Flower Btnndo, Haw:-r Pot Rm -ketl Hanging Baskets, Tui'Gl WIN, Hose and Spnnklou, Hun Rooln, &c., &,o. wuv. .-.--.J ---_ AT VERY LOW PRICES. 1%! C Ii mug, Sign Painting. _ Paper Banging. &c.. &c.. Nougat on INC!!! u: lddg ul the county. wlm-h given Isl luuv J Ibn more of pm fa-N. mm: to the keg. - IALOIIY. 1: Canon Kano! 11103. nonunion, 00. Inc. FRASER. Chairman. nuvn-I . II Clot: Iliad. Him and Guy Cotton. Table Hun. Dnpon. running: foil! ltpiinl. Irish mm. shouting. Pillow ooztou. LI`IIuIIl'IlIln @2114. cannni JDHN Ll`v.Vl.\`rmuI. Friday Morning, June 7, 1878` [Thu should certainly check ourcontem- purary Ind Iualw it lau huty, in future, to nuke charge: Against the Government which hua no [nun-lnti un in hot. It ro main: to be Icon Ihether our contempo- rnry will mnlu I retnctiun, although such 1 thing to do not elpoei [rum ll..- En. WIur..] Inna Oullhl-ion in all tho own!" shulnn, --vv --- 1--j w-nu-nun. Iidnu In just vu-My nd :1! union. 3' On prion only. Solon nu-lotly out R. & J. GARDINER Insurance Company. Deposit with Dominion 0ov'L, 050.000 A LARGE STOCK 0!` ORBTONI h'om11to86opu-yu-d. TIIIIDKNT ? JOHN HARVEY (of J. Hnnrvey E 00.) ans. _......... J. JEFIIERY, Agent, Jung G111. '18. KING -h now o-om unosnoin that Receiver- OrnonlC-Oln 'I run for Shdbumo County. N--VI Scatib. -Mr. Sprout. bu moo Cod Ibo Con- norvnllll numinnti--n in orth Bruno. It Ii" not ho quilo in rdu lot thou. who lujlo ouch cry has out the decit. in the Dvminion Pulisunnt, to upon gluon dmnnl povlovuuncu over the un- ----.--.- -0 ..l a lung!` dnnil. fut HID Head Olce. ` VIUI PIEIIINH I`? IAIES SIMPSON (ofsilupmu, Stuart &. Co_) lnuon-l-`. R DlSl AHl). ll. 8. ROEBUCK. lulpenlor. I . I an 911.140: 0! It ` Walk ldml-I vnlinblo IK`l AID |JYI'.uuIohbowuro lua I dcdinuu Ia jam onfv to I Jun Inf. mm All gqjtu m STE. Two Cheap Excursions SITUBDIY NEXT, JUNE 8TH. wvu tu----' `OB. lALE-T'lE NEW HOUIE OK UNION STREET. any-clu H1. haul` (thumb. now nypruoching aunpicdon Wm bu ono of the nut convenient L: the city, And lunhhod In tho no-It mud:-vn nyln; opn [run with folding door,uI tunnel A :4 W loft: cunmuul AK" HI. IHI. .I|Mlf. I $3! \Jf'\&&g 5 0000 III!!! IAIII. ooctuiom, 11 on hlslud uul Ivmtv IIMI. `llama nut In-o Dumb; thrun. for man I Luhonuy, , ." ' WILUAI IMVIIQ. -. `ock-olnlur. Pufnu unluucuoq __..._.._.......-1 Ganannqua and Gays Vincent. D but-lmnbum |I|74n I wot. ol non Quinn dolhr-. Inu sud nmlo lo (we: oonduhg, mlllao Iold cheep Ayply to F. J. OEORIII. In ll. ll-put ._.__.__...__._ -.._... K AND l`lIilll!l`}l'0.\'l`, -mr. apron nu not no no um- oervuuu n--minnti--n -John Gulliac hu baton ulocqod can- Widuo In the Llbonl interval: for Noni: Bum. --Tho oloctnn of B1-rlhior connty,nup- ponou--I Mr L`-um Sylv-cur. the do- nned In-on] ulndldlu in the neon! Pmvincnal olocuum and the (ulnar repro- o.nuVi1O o! tho county in tho I,-ad I4/ghluun, In inking pmonodinn In can on tho nleauon uf Ir. J--uph Robollu-J, Ir. Sylvoucfo app-onu c. on the around: --l inter!-runes and Indus inluonoo be-ought on 5:0! by the Rugu Ouhohc -1.94: .1 IL: nannln 'l'EAMlR for (`ape Vincml will lone It 2 p 111.. returning II. I p m` Blolmor for Gnusnoque will leave at 3:45 ,ratnruius1 at 9 p m. u.\_.__ 1-.- ..x.|.-.. Ir You Pay your Inc] and take your (`Inloo June 6th. Y `HE undnruigmd hsa dc-turlnim-d tn do In future u lLr`ct.|y('A-NH hummus and been tolnlonn hi: (`ruuom-Ar-, having acuuunu run- ning wilhhhn thu the sun are (.0 ha eun- lldensd cloned from the nal. of June No de- vintinn In In mule: frnm thou nhtn-n tmmn. Hh ning wllhhlm thu the ha viation to be mule frum um ahovu termn. Hh object for doing In in tn bu ublts to lull to hbl cuuolnerl. Rnodn chuper Hun It u-cunt bu cu: do. by at. Jean 20 pt-r cent. nlld mpul in D uhort ti o to vlnvv to him mm.-um-ru the gran Iuperl ty of: ouh an-r I on--In huniura ALL ACUUUNT3 due are to be paid bo- {ura 30%|: Juno. JAM EH lmN~ >1:HUF:. M nrlt in. Run ur- ' `W0 NEW RESIDENCES on Prlneou 8troet,uonvninhu( mum rnumn rm-In In-Id mg door: and [rules on Hrs. tlu-I ; Iuml um! non wuulr pump: in. kn.-In-n, w... I -hml ulld ntabh m vurd. Auply to llm own r. M I! W D. (.llAV`EH. conmr l'riu - n.-u u..d linrnu nu. Iny 0. I878. v TWO ETURY N1 ONE I)Wl .l.I.lN- oonlnluing ninn rumm. pmuur. (I on the corner of Clergy anal Wlllinlu tier. nu. Punch lion May lat. Apply to nlfnlulld Mnnllun [1 UHCIIANI) I" and (-umllrnn and well bearing lrun.-lunm-a uhuul ns mum H-om klngnwn. For tarlnunpply In the owner, WM DAVID, The Cheap Hrolmr. Prim-um BL, Klnglwo. In] I3, I~7!. Store and Dwelling Lot: HE new three nlov_\ lirh-It Hlorn and Dual- ling ou onrm-r I-I" Wvllmgtuu uml Quoon tronu. Ponusualun unm nu llrnl M ..uua. I-I` Wvllhmtuu lroou. Poueunlun pram llrnl. 0! mm. A lyw pp HENRY CUNNINGHAM. I &II \.ll\I-I- LEAIAITLY IITUA1 MD (11 YITAGI II Iiurklald, oonulnhm aiuhl room: and ocllnr. In} be enmlm-I on Application to F. J. GEORGE. RA:-I-Ianlll, law I IQTI. rnclluu}. wb-.aa bul pnuiunl get the etleru theur -ha.-n-uun, mm mm ul- reer, when one: they get lvvoso and unv der a temp may a. lrantnge, may he Ium~ ......l ;.. .. L... ......-.l._u..n re, mur- I f'I ` I-`ii, STQI BADGE HERA LI). rspoclty FOW but-|n.|-sham M743: can non: channd Mmlo In maul "TIIIC LIGHI` PLUMIC. Wllllunulllo. Kluqnum. qnlro gt he Hnlrmu Wm Kknnton. Much L ), '73 FOR sALi:7)R l`0 1u;u'r.% FINE CUT STONE RESIDENCE "N Hydonlmm Sn-met um-r Prmum-,o. pods. Tnndy Bron. Mnrblo Wmh App in-lldoof or :1 ch Wemph Honor. Tamu ntmlunu. In] lth . III: In. r. Barolold. In; 8.1378. 'I0 I;I'}'l'. 'l`WO Prince 8troet.uonvninIm( mm one-nz (um Mny 9, ma. qulra he Hurluc Wmu Klngltol, 15. '78. our a temp Iraq a nun-us;-s, um, -u -~.... ~` med up in n fcw wurda-upe, re. mur-` der and du'rvmtinn-~an~l whow creed ll, ....|.._...o;... ,.l Mu. 1.lY n 1 - I _. ,.,,__ gun on. um. iuf6`if;:o:BT EXGELLEN"i`VMVALUB FIRE AND IIABLVE PBINOIBS BTRBIT. mg` I$I FoF__s"AL'E. nn IHIII IAQI .....o.l.-.. FOR ~`-ALE, I IIAIGE HIIIA LII. rnnml FOR SALE, - .1 I9 III-In uouy FOR SALE IAUTI V IITIYA`! VII (HIT -n_._..:..._. .`.r..___ for Sale, CIBT SIN] U?I'I")ULIIl-"`lI'J wuv-vv unvvu I-, "No Uud." Lot tho authumion cf thn Santa: Lulu manure: to out down then worn than murderrrs at oucu, fur they may nd, win-n tun lute, lhn.iudI'erence to lh;3 arming and chi ling of than men will be I butter nuurae of Iruuble to them. A smlm or cmnumiun u! my kmd u Iuiuxent fur them to let on tires as ame winch cannot. eanily bu quenched. For Sale. I/uur ul nun 1.: . To it Ic.\'r, Aun 'rIJn|:Ir .1-n "l'l;"l-.|}. l, Milly |IVMI- Hamilton, Om. - II?" I0 I03 WA: '0 D! )N` (3HUE. Muriel. Bqunn ludor. fllel II In prlvlua Inulvluuu, uuuuuu, knuwtho Ivmelnent, that the G:vV8fl|' mum. would nut fur very shame pan me by," in nut the case. I nuve the authori- ly of the AvclmcctulthaBmrd-,1 Work: Ill Toronto for stating that in anything cunning through ma utce, reglrdiug building cunlructl, the uuly quulion raued ll tn eiciuucy of the pot- Ion {enduring and that in ovary can thus rule in ndherud ta` Sumfsctc-ry ream-no were IIIO given fur the short time aH-wed fur tendering. Puhllon were not In any It-)n|0 l0IOd to interfere-, nutwlthntundlng my running: to the contrary. Hoping you WI nd Ipaco tor thu huty pruluctiun, which, but lur urore xllneu l Ihould bun Int- nu Inc uuuur uj mu .4.-..u.. .. ".1. DEAN. Sin. -l was exceedingly pained, an my return {mun '1`-rroutu an Wednes- day morning, at nu artucln In the News of the previoun evening, ragnrding Lho Aly Ium cunlrlcl Ium I do nut think it in good tulle In men- uon any tmuancuuu in which mm of the rattles II n pnvnla Individual, beudon, ....n... oh oh. {J...nnrn. Tu the Edslor of the British Whig. ------non WAIIIIPIAIT. uner, I am. ycpurn truly, Juan C [DOW amnu pcvwruuuwu mu ..... ....r mmnoonrnt of 1 bony docil Ptonnoo ol Qubco. No contact could be mun striking than that button tho Ralonn On-vunucnt of Ontario, which- nhcr A Iibcnl but judicioun upoodiuno lur puhlno vorkn. mlvny mhoidiu, 000., bus null a surplus of seven! llilliou to spun, und um of tho corrupt Tory to. gum in Quebec, under than uupicon th-1 pr--viuco bu boon rnahing hudlong ta ngnonl min. That! it no rtloun why vita Proviucu of Quoboo should nut be rclntivcly u prosperous u our own, mud under I Llbornl Admininlnli -n we -. 1, ,.|.. .5 _.II .....p. kg;-nun; an T--y l"|JBl.lC l,'0.\'l'lIAl,`1S. , oo._.vT_ i 0l.lTl('AL 30138. `nu. yruu, um. u............._ wl_1-ma nuunu CCIIIILVCI. -- -_ -C.l;Il|lI|8l I lfllly, Jon! Cr~1Nl.\'nml. .. l......'.' IR','s-I In un- "pics to count: or was III-I J uh: dvnu. -2 it up to ban "ovovyuhiug any on the nation than "then can no nouoyor yarchuou." [1 no no no coho shin whey humor tut I5; par lb. then then In o-I! M cub viii Iouokotho I It -nulll nndninli has ulnar IMIO 0' I which Is youths punhuo." It u cudninly hos qloor -an nl-in hvoaooanuy Iolnll ol good ` potk nod potuoco, and kind, bullet, and olhunoooauriu ol lilo that than would honopunhuuot tho-! [Inn heard in 3 nary ol I phat U: N4-and with sbuduco (Int named pin in sound thounou with knivu uul fork: .....|.;... a. (knit tank. arvinl In tho uonld tlounou win Inna um torn tucking in unit bwh crying to H501 nu-n by `c-no Ind cot.` `coco And puun by `case and cos, `coco um out, but it carol could not be that Iucalityto which learned gontlnnun rrhrrod, u he in too enlighten! lo gun ctodouoo Io old fables. R... In nnnllllnhl hi nvinn. II no- credence old leblee. But he oouuuuee by eeying, "1! me- ohenice were earning .2 per day by hu- iyng plenty of work they ounld eund to y e little more [at :he neoeeeeriee of lilo." However well thie epeciul plou- inu may have taken till: the fu-more Ab`-ut Etineville, there in Another side to it. that will not teke ea I0" with the mo- chunan ol Kingston, nor will it (eke with lermen either when they no brought to no the [allay of the whole echo-me. Sunooeinu I mm in urniuu not thy. the lulnoy ol the Inolo Icvu-me. Supposing urniug pot day, in ho any the mun willing to pay I high- or pviotfor huttor or any other ueouury ul lib than if he into getting but OH Why does I nun pay more for what he needs] In it became he hni more money! No, it cannutbo thin; fur, if it were, we -hould no Mr. Wood: Ind other rich man going to the market and paying to the tumor: more for pou- tou, Inut, butter. &c., thnu ll paid to thum by the poor people of tin town; but we do not I00 lhll; no, we find the rich man driving just 3: clone bngsinl u the poor. But pouplo do on more for enables It sometime: thun begun! the DUI pe-rpm uu pey they do M. other times ; and why in itl Why, eimply because the price paid de- pend: on the relative pruponion of eup- ply entl demand. If food in nbundeul. in I locality it ll cheaper; if e-serce it in deuer. Therefore Mr. Woods policy in to nuke food ecaroer in Canada by keep- ing out ell foreign eetnblee no that the lumen here can demand higher price: fur whet they roduce, and so that our me- chenice and Aboring men will be comleh led to pey chin incroued demand. \Ve must. not furget for A moment that men pey more for whet they need became it is warm, And not becuuu they haw more ennamu money. Again, if butter is worth 15.-. per lb.` end theme is only be. to buy it with, we ssk, Whst is to become of the butter I" Will the old women make wool greu-e end sosp grease of it? I believe the rule in selling II, to lske what one is sble to get; therefore if there were only 50. to buy with methinks the butter would gu fur the 5c., and thst would be the price of butter imtesd of 150. This would not take with, thesrmers, however, snd su 82.00 per day hsd to be promised to the mechanics, so thst they might be enabled to pay the lsrnn.-rs higher prices; and to make these higher prices possible sll fu- reign corn, pork, &u.. sre to be excluded, so ss to create s cumpsrslive scsrcity of bread stuffs; for, said Mr. Woods, This would be sll chunged If the Insnufacturiug industries were protected." v\ . .. 1\I . .1 .,_:,u_,,,_.i lab out - Pumor, one of Lho'Lund-n detective: sent to prison lnlaly for oumplnoily Iiuh niudlen, in dying ol I broken hurt-| tho jail nurgoun Idmiu. --Oo|. Bornud unpturod an Indian umughold in tho Inn bad: on Saturday; 300 hostilities Itill ronnin folod at ntiouo poiv IL I -Tho Comotntivo members of tho gnu unuer n uluvu-a n-.-.........--. uou'v. doubt 1: null soon become Io. Counbou-I. -Hnnhn'ndoovnaot|y mind out ch courts which but Iltnnr tnvonod will Phhud, in 15 sin-cu, and did an gpponr to curl knoll dI.hor._ -lund-aid that Ind Bannniild and um lunch 9! Uulinbory inuod going to Gustav lg n -an-al-cu; that dopu-can III! to attended by no lot-duty. _ -LInhudulna on Into lldipn .L. .m. tn-In an Inning Ildr oun Novnthrow this duotrina intologicul lhnpu nnd what. in the result! Prioen are low for farm produce; to increnu price: we will make (arm prudnce ncarc-.r ; to `at mono to buy ut_the intvreau-ad price: 1 VIII: ' In \I\ll ...._ , K __.-, Luger. money to pay them their hixhur wages we will empowar our umnulaciur. n to charge the buyer: of their gvloilu an advance of pyiceu. Thus, then, the farm- or who sells his produce fur is trie inure, will have to pny more fur What he huyn; and the |uiddloman-mochnnics. work- man, elo.,-will simply take in umre ninney ulth one hand and pay it out with tho other, and remain just where they Are, so in an any real benet is con- cerned. And :11 this by Colllpnlnnfy luv 7 The Dunkin Bill was a mild cum- pnlgury manure compared Wllh Hill. -The Torin of Quebec Ire perfectly frantic. _'l`I... Mnnhunl fluuftu Iunln thn frantic. -The Montreal Gazette wants the Local Uonsrnmaht to to-tun. - Benn nre killing A great mnny sheep in the counties at Ottawa and Pontiac _I Aan hnrrA`n nl full nnrlrirlun fur Lhn in the cmlnuul ol uuavu nna rommc -1.450 barrels of ball cartridge for the Guvcrnment. Ire being landed At. Mun- uonl. ,_'I`|u. \.'inn_Rnnnl nnrfv Innvn nffn-A uul. --Tha Vice-Regal party leave Ottuu fur the Lower St. Lnvu-once on Friday night. -Tho date Kind for the re-revinion of night. tho Voters List: for 1877 in the 3th of July, At the Court Home. --l-Inlifnx moan uv thnt ve patient: July, At the Uuur: uuuna. . __|-hm" pgpon my patient: escaped from} the out Hupe [mum Anylum during Iha put weak. ` -Tha Toronto Lzscroue club WI plav 1 Anylum durma Ina put weak. I -The will play the Hhamrocn in Toronto fur the chnmpionnhip. on the 22nd. ---Fua hundred men hue been de- The fuel. thnl tho British (loverninoul. in printing the voluininoua report ol the lhlihx Finheriu Coinminiou will sue the l).uuinion the trouble And oxpenn of doing so. The Cuntiinn Goveriiinant in an be genoruauly lllppllisd with two hun- dred czpiu. 0! course these will be in the En-dish lnnuiiago, u the Imperial authorities will ham no occasion to print IL in my other. We are told that the qnutii-n will ramnin whothor nr nut to Iruialuu Ind print. the report in French. Tn ilu so iumlil involve I oust of 88,000, And umul-l employ I null of about lteen tniinlnon fur nix months. The grinn- ugo, in our opinion, II certainly not wunh the powder And that. To enable the Gen-rnmont to em-ct the nice little nving nbuve indicated the French Ipoiilr- in; members should oortninly lurego l.h pleuure nl peruling the report in their min niuilier tongue. {4}-.. ?.____ chnmpmmmp. me `and. ---F|-to upatchad to the scene of the threatened Indian trouble: on th Uppbr Oulumbix _'!'h. -curl:-nml nl Innlulm:.u_ entru- lmlun trouble: um Upper Uulummn. -Tho ovndenco of wuelulueu, eun- nglnco Ind fnud under the lube Nunl Socroury Robelun, in Mid to be over- whulming. _A call has been inuod bv the Secro- whelmlng. -A call han been by ury uf the Treuury (-1 the rodompuou 01 live millmhl of 530 band! of '55 consuls. 51;. -m`n.l.ur hut: hanu nnlnrnd hv -1110 Comotntin pron-gullery, :1 Quebec, Inn nlignod oeo, and the Kolurmzrl but uhn man man fut u but {out Jun. ---The It-at ul that!-CDO! Idaho in at- lribuhblo 1.0 In unouogtnd error in tho oompnu, through which tho captain. nn no pain: none: the show sun In inp- lnndnd. loodod. -Thc Briliuh Govomnont intend lur- Iilhhg that Canadian Uovornnom him no onpiu ol tho upon ol tho Fuhury Counbou-I. Alluul-nu . A-can -nnnnllo mind over consuls. --Six reindeer hue been ordered by pgrueo in Mnnitobn with I View of per- mnnautly intruducing than nnimnln as beuu 0! drlught. __1`h. m.ln ol E-rl Ruuell noon to ol dnugnt. ._'1'hotIt.lo E.:l gnu Lord Amborloy, 3 youth ol mum (on ` twelve year: of IE9 3 K"" " 0' "* cu`. ` _ P-lmnr, nnn nl l.ha'Lundun dolectlf Pmtoction, h! the joyful uound. What )le.-uure to their urn; A bnlm or eve Tory wound, A cnrdisl for C. eir tun. "Kc-`nu : _.___.._..._..___.__. Jud no to oxpoctod, the Toronto Man` and -11 tho unollor touch of Tory Inn: IN pouring on that VIII! of rightoouo in-hgution upon tho dovucod hood: nl Monro. Turcouo and I rieo,Ior lhoir oo- lormod dolootion Iron tho QI.oboo_Con- urvuivo patty. Should othor lndopon. doc-I mombolo uhibil I oinnilor pou-inn iom, and prob! houool. odlniuiotrocion tn pnbhc ourofnonco and corruption, they too onll ohuo tho [ratio but inpolom ngo of tho Toly prooo. Foo Ibo prooont tho gonllvuou obovo nunod Iuot boot tho brunt J it Thoy can IO ourd Lo du ou, onnooiouooo Hwy Imol ho thu by tho oouno Ihoy hon oloaod to ponuo 15, huo nooood Ihoir pnovinco. nlroody on tho voty voqo at ruin, (run irromor oblo honhtopuy And ouno. B1 (In In], tho vlono of tho orpu on thin Iounl oloo-ocno gono ul `Wo told you on,` on very unoomg. 0! oouloo tho nu vln tho Spoohotohip in on snot ooolrnuion ol Lboor prodloliuuo. ultougl o_o nun.-c lonbolilool oorooo-borthouhooho u,_ .1 .L- IAL__l -.4H.s. In: H.- saws or THIS luv. -1. -..7o-o-o--2- ._ vagina: -ma son or the run BRITISH wme. FRIDAY-.. JUNE 7, 1870. run-as ruu::au-Mm 5. i dog. I `(F1 795 704`!-) Qnobce. Jun C.-`l'h Spain but Ch- chair ht 3 p.-. . Ir Nolhon ptunntad I puliliou ban the dtiaunn of biannual. paying let an onutuunt ptolnibvng pony prucudou in this Pr-w nos. Kr. llohnu pnuon a tition IIOI tho lieu-30:. victuilan to Mom Oral. an ulh-Goo uvcr th:'l:r .;::eo of the :13: of lie nun. Mr. lnhinu n no tooxphin thnrtha lode!` Addneuod to him by It. Tnreotb had ho-n publhhed in the Nouav Maude without. hi: pormimug, (`hunon (Knmuuruh) Mr. lhunun uxnmuurllll) Ilnvoa Ina Addrou in reply to the Spunk lion Throne. Hr "gluon min] that hp nun nil`! i. 'l'Mouo. Mr. Nelson aid tlnt he rose with did- duao to uonnd the Address in reply to the Speech fnnn tho Thruno. huing had but little oxperlouoo in paluiul niiru. Hon. Mr. Chnolaun renlipd in I Iona but muo in pollucu mun. Hon. Chnpl replied long and bitter much u the Guvernmont. He moved, in amendment, that word: to the lollnuing ooct be added Altar the lat clause ul the Addreu : lul clnuu 0| we Mldrrll That this Huuno rognu thnt the Gw- armnout In: men 6: wnoeopi sad onn Iinuo in onion, cbouuh not supports!` by n . mnjurity at the House. Mr. Church Iocumled the amendment Mr. Mullen: prupmed in unomlnmn! tn the unoudmem. of Mr. Uhnpleau. thn. all the word: 1! or thtt in the unend- mont be ltruck uut, Ind that the follow- ing In-rd: bo uubumuted: Thu the Home eutirelv noorovu of Ibo: ol muuu-umu M an Ipuhonhnpuua-ongtbolonnotingo dthofu-yuan Wonhoniuuhq oqujuIa|m|o`n0'o:.Ibupoend puhudtbotuopnthuuupuvlou ~- -- -.- 9-ling ih Kiln ' than WII'Ull|a. A Washington Ipoeinl to tho Tnbvuu up the llvououy ol War. in reap-mono Governor uinlu nquu. In midr- ` odtbonhtpucut ol 5 quality club: In Ilrlhuoo to the Po: Inch Iilitib. `no nth-at-can al other mun on our- vupun-Nq -ma ` 9.: Gunman: on the unouubjut. Dana. 14 7.-Bishop Iaonohy in I: -uthbihtmtic and nin- inly. Di-one has voted his In much, at IJO. mg In-rd: bo vulblululad: entirely npprovu the ecnuumical policy lmungunted by the Government. and hopes: that they will ouminue tn put. at into execution. A diwuuiun ensued upon I paint of urdar rainad by Mr. Cnnpleau. who c-.n~ tended that the cuuntar mncndment at Mr. Molluur III oimply An ninunnvo of the nuin motion. "null Mama Ir:nA Ianunlfnr Ind the nuin Hun. Mes-rs. Irvine, Lmgelfor, nud Mnrchnud oomandud Lhul. the motion urn iu order. Mr. Speaker ruled tn thtl. effect. The decision of the -`peakr having been appealed from by Mr. Chnpleau, a division occurmd with the felluwiug re- null. In l.u.un- nl oh- u-u|inn__Iln-nu Illll. In flavour of the ruling-Mauro. July, Bnchsnd, Marchaud, Lnngeher, Luna, Chnuveau.Shehyn_ Camerun, Ir- vine, Wntu, Nelanll, Mcshaue, Blow, Flynn, Laberge, Lnfoutzine, Molleur, Murphy, Rmlret, Lathgeli-Ar, Paqnut, l"url.In, Gaznun, Ruclrot, Bruins.-emu, Boutin, Lnfontaina, Uupui-, Puirler, Lmell, Mrikle and Price.-32 A .`.......t |h.. l`h-nlnnu l.l"`e, DITIKIO Ella I/I"ICe.`Jl Agzuuat rnl1ug-Messru.( Lounger, Wurtala, Picurd, Cum: men, Lynch, ` Charhsbola, Lecavaller. Iieuub Ion, Tarts, I Lavnllea, Pelhuer, Andel, and Ducklt.~-.52. In reapoule `Cf Sprsker annuun:-ed cuul nupport his own ruling. Mr Molleur to mnnt am . At midnight L: cloned, whe-u Mr. ML-Shane, the member for M tnsnl Went, muved the udjnurnmont. 'l`I~m nmt.n.n wan nnrrmd um] lhn HL menu. Mr. I tionul claim. If m mm Welt, nmveu me uu_|nurnmonr.. The mutmn was cnrrmd nnd lhu Home udjourued. -:To4'+-?___ 2.. goudl runqlv and A few buycn I try. The tonnage venue (y Tcbgruph Today.) No! Yotk, Juno 7. -GunnI Dycl: Taylor -mu In the Herald, naming the NJ nuthorily lot the Iuumont oonorrm inu 3 cook-nnoa_ puhlnh-d In the: Nurlh Lluimn Raina. and -lonud by Gen. (hut. in Ibo lu. Gm. Hnllack, Taylor oddi that 000. ha. I Jnhn-ton nva henna Iinl upon III nth - nu ol um ovi any at us: $530.0)!` than WI: 000; A W..I..-mum: nnndnl In (Inn Tnbunn 2 1.: gang gsnma -ti mg.