'.',uJo L079 4.5.1:: 3,963 28.060: - llu: :3` " . VIII Ionian. -- _A n; _v__g; ._ Q. ml `IVE: Id. TPnJ..D.upu'u. B on obicuot tn. 1 than ln unuiomud `Yearly Pny't.. C 3.319 3,513 `( 5'00 mu sums}: wmu. %suUauAv._,1u1.\= 15; ynva. a,`J01_ 8,431 8,038 9,474 10,042 10,645 I I OH`! I I .500 11,960 12,679 13.439 l4.l'1b 15.101 ll`._|) Y.` 11; 1067 17.984 .>,4 2:: 3,953 4,190 4,442 A '. lIR IIIIVI n... to any that (fnudums are dawning their own country and seeking employment in thy l'mtad Sula. The very reveru of mm 1: lha fact. Whnt he up u! the present. vnu true uf his own regime, When In power luuneli 480,000 Unus- dmu urosnecl the hue Ill qnou of em- pl--ylulml. Why did he noulu Iunustlnng L0 chunk the exodus when there In one mul when he nu in power, inuud of nmng the acne crow of dopbIJun" now when the pooplo well know an: no aunh thing uinu except. the Industrial hugin Iron! the ndjomiug country to our own, mxd which, imund of Adding to our , .151. .....| nonananlv. hu only hgd the 0.0578 7 n`.'H ol the I h\|Q Ah; t I H!- no smaorr 1 .~ - - 1... Min: Qoohor. Juno ltpo I usblodu the Jun-{U0 (H; and -an nddtj H! ` uubhd at Juequu lunar gurus And can ndduuoc y `OM- Suuth and [gum FREQ Q83- u lnrul-unkind [him to KID CHI` 1 i uonlnltnli-on . with nod nut-Incl , pun; nrnin thin loop qnht and ordnrly and do nothing to b.-in; dingvnco on tho working clans. They can II" naiud, uidnt the oonzlnuion Ion Ap- pumnd on muulavieh Ibo autumn nnd Local Gun:-mncm. mu 5 print: the the diteulun nu clnruntod to Smith Ild l"onInI'. This norm in; both np'uk`ci-I" handed the organisation, nud mu-clued Ipto the Dr pnnnnuul bull-liup. HI ! I501 I100 Ix. Piton, Mnnngnt ol the bnihlilu IIO in imply In their and noted that In wuld undo to C vnncod wagon, being N oonu more shnn I50] I!!! receiving. The Gontnlnont Euginou, Mr. Unuvruu, nu puuns, um took 3 dup interest in the vulfun ol the non. About Ii) workmen Into an- gqod, oomprinng than cuuon and la- bunon n the different scale of Inga. During the morning the dialogue: ol the non approached Hun. Ir. lnuriot to induct him to telognph Hon. Mr. Mno~ kanxio to urge the beginning of the Duf. Iorin imp:-ovunbuu M. unov. Mr. Lnuricr lolngriphod to the Premior. At. the dif- Iphnl Ill! and workshops, vorkmon have begun ngun. The excitement hu entirely nuboi-sod nod and quintnou now pi-enil. The roluntoon Inn boon kept on duty during tho whole of to~dny. Ono hnndnd and tiny nun of the Hon- uul troops roumaod bomb this |f'el'- noou by boat, nud the bnlnueo will follow %o~mo|ruw. A nnhlin nnwv. na hll been Dludd b\' A public mart ng ha been by the Mayor, in reap-mu to un nnuoutially ugnod roquimion, for 11 o'clock to-mob row. to adopt some mum at making ing Quiche : npprecintiun of the conduct. of the ML utraal lruopo, Ihioh came hare to slain. in quelling the rich. In nll noon! aiszht hundred men want to saint In queuing me nuu. In al| about eight work this morning, and fuel perfectly u- tautied at the advanced wages. w..-..no. mm. iulmd m-dnv mznimt tautiad the uhmuceu Wnrnnts were iuued lo-day against those who stole or purchased tiuur be- longing Lu Maura. J. B. Renaud. It noenu that the majority of those who broke into Mr. Round`: pltoe are not working men, but auenk thieves, which appear: t, be pruvon by the hut lhut. they Iold the our 51.81.50 per barrel. Two mun prioonen, Iuppuud to be riuglaaderuuf the nowrs, were Arrested . I mm which, mnwnu u| nuunuu w ..... wgllh and prulporlly, hu only Qoct, 0.` wdueing the Ihure of employ- mom. for Canndinn workingmen. ' .00-o-.7 :_...-- lo-day. . The inqnu into tha cause of Bonn- duiu`n death pmcceled ta dny. The prnucipal wnncsa was the Muyur, who narrated the facts of the not, the neces- sity fur reading the not act, the tiring by the military, nnd the lnmentablu result. The vanliol. has not yet been rundereil. Two or three niuwasua declared Ihn. dooeuoed wu stumug the Lulhlznry vlhun nhm Tue Court held its fourth aitting on Thursday. P;-enent The chairman, (Ald. Wnlkem;) Alda. Mnmrs. Woods, and Moosaie. rm, .....A..|. ..l n..1...... \\'...-I .......h... muuuaalu. The apyeall of lhdeuu \\';u'J was du- poaod of M follows. John Lalxler, por Grac-.9 Lau-ler, chim- ed a redncunu. lladlxcml to 3750. John B. McLareu haul his Inune cur- rectod. D..L...a mul. mmnlninml Inf nvnr uneas- unclcrgymnn. Allowed. Joseph Winters nmmidered himself a over ausesaed on his building on Dlvism Street. Uunruned. / Ann Purkor, over-naeaud, refununl 1 Iienr. Aneesamentoontirmel. Run 1` Run-ulal 1-lmnmn nxmnmim rectea. 3 Robert Clark cmnplained of over nsess- ` mom. Reduced from 82,200 tn $1,800. I)... My P...-.mlz clnilnad ammutiun mom. ueduceu Irum ezmu: In vI,m.ru. Rev. Mr. Punc-rck clnimed ewunptiuln unclergymnn. Allowed. Jonenh as Aneenument OOIIHHDGJ. l Rev. 1'. Bousuld clmluetl exennphun. ` Allowed. . James Volume cnuuplainrd :1 over us- aeuxnent. Conrmed. Andrew Rankin, d--. John Alleltiue, per A. Shaw, complain ed of over aueauneut. Reduced from eunn 9.. null ea 0! 0V8!` aueuuuunu. nuuuuuu uuun $900 to $300. Thomas Smart, ml, -uurnml to 28th imf. Wullinm M::UnnI'uun annealed nazunut asaeunneut. Keauceu an ,:rUU James Mc(imre wn assessed for 5 four new Iotownad by Mr. Briggs. Name struck utf. I .kI\ ll-an n\'nP.1llAlIwIl, ".I`.IIu('(`d L\nIna nrucx un. J vhn Guy, Mar-useuucl. ltculuvcd frum 8|,U75 M13900. John Gray, second appeal. Reduced from $800 to $700` lira lh-iunnnnn nnnliml in hV6 Thunms The Uhlemnn told me pcupm an n......... that the Mam/uno Province: were unwill- mg to enter Uonlodvntion because ol the heavy lune: in old Cnnndn. The uri ho Nrther mfnrmcd them about that time " -~- ---A A. -..yuhml- known from $800 5.00. Mrn.UI-imuun applied to have (irimaaon put on an tenant. Lena pro- duced. Name In put on. u....l. n.....m' annnnlml Avrninnf nuan- Urllllaloll IIHL Ull an IUIl|IIll4. Lgvmnu luv Hugh Bnnilf appealed Against aneu- ment on l0t.~-Kadnce4l m 88.30 and Mr. lgudgl to be assessed fur lot. Gum-no Brown annealed nzai mt uncu- lgudgl to be assessed rur mu. George appealed ngai menl but his appmsl wu llUtB.JW01l` Jnhn Mull: applied to have his name put on the liat..-'I`u he put on. Ms. Sponkio complain: of over users- ment. --Uonrmed. I Q ll:-hngnuplz fur Han A, KiI'k~ --Uonrmed. J. S. Kirkpatrick fur (km. A. pllrichlppenll Igmiunl. uwuznent nf navenl vwant luu`--| to $400. Tho name for Inn on Colburnu Struet-- Rad need to $400. n...;.I H-rnnv In: Mr, \V_ Mcllouia. Reduced in M01). Daniel Hersey. for Mr. \V. Mcllosuie, claim: uaeument should be 8400. Tu be 8400. Han Mr .[nlilIH.n m, g clm-gyn1n;]_ be 8400. Rev. Mr. Jolihli-, clargymnml exempt. Appeal: of perszms nut appearing cun~ rmed. lhnoin lhn hnvn uni notied M re~ rmed, 1 Pmt.i(`!I who have no` notied gird: who:-ll, lh-3 Iuppurt to Le usaeased u fotunrly. I Yentenlny the nppe sln coming St. Lnwrence Wan] wrru henrnl am! with In thu mnnnor W W (`inn-n nnnunlml nnxnil A Ilth uug W. W. Chuwn appualod ugxml a mom.-Conrmed. l`|..-lg. I. M..||..v nluim-la to I To begtrnok uu M. J. Brown ubjoctod tn .'uIoument, uhould be l'0dUOO'.L` Reduced toCl2,- (IV! ho iurniar ininrmcu unnu Iuuuu u... ..._., wu lb per cent. Au everybody knows it in now 21, per cent. higher thnn ihu. 8:? John, however, decIAreA thin tArii!' to be uni. of All ohuwter too low And ho pro` pow: to indenitely ruins it. If he does, how than can he hope for Au-board nip- pon. whon even 15 per cent. wu enough to mule our down Euler: hesitate lu to enter the l'uiun I Yul. in the {Ace of All thin, in counting for the next pcrliunont, ho clnimod A lnrgo nnjority of the Blue- Nuaen AA hi: sure Aupporun. Hoiltu hAvo, he run, two tn one in Nov: Sculls, live out of Au from Prince Edwnrd, And A innjonty lroui Nair Brununick. Nnw the iiiliiculty we want ciured up in, if the Maritime ulaclorl ruinwd Cunfodarlliun in 156'. became the low revenue brill, thou existing wu too high {or them, why will they give Sir Juhn In Almost unAniinuuI Aupport in 1878, when he pru` pan: to iuicl upon ihun lho intnlornblo uunlmu ul A prohibilory hrl l The thing II Inc Absurd (or A inomcnlfn belief. ll Sir John : relnm to power in to depend on A Muiiimo mAjonI.ytho event. will he indetiuiuly delerrod. 57%, ?...o}-.. ment.--hunnrmcu. Chll'Io1 L. Mu-ry 0bjuL'L~I round I--r property has never 1 Tu hantrnck u 000. x Clxulu Bu!-gnu applied tn hue hi name put an the Ian. -Gnntvd Mn. Mu Mal av`. Wollingmn Street, John nun-goon. ducod in $3,000. Hg. Hr .nn :1` pm. we IlIl.-UI IIlH!U Mn. av`, Wollingmn hld hot lllolum-nl Iedncod C ! 93.0) John Burgou. nu-sued hm lu,rh.-Re (Int-and in 83.000. ( ducod In 53,000. U00. Br-an appeal: ngsimt. Ievernl` uneumonu. Aauuvo-I. On putt` A (300. Brawn`: ply.-o George Mclnlluu to be uruuod an tommt, nud Jnnu Douglua, do. {mm In of Is): Ru-unl Thnmlon. out nneluuonl. ; Jlll U-Itlgllll, un, Irnul nu c 1 up . - Sunuol Thumlon, usemuanl, roducod In .5.(lXJ. JuIuJohnuon. unused too high on` us-ck.-Co6rInd , Scull Coy Ihmlld be Iuenlod intend ; ol Kltkpttrick {I Rogorl. I Fnlnor lanlov appealed uninu n ; or gsmpuncx 6.1 rwgon. Folpr tanloy appealed J uuuout on aau-Rcducoa be $000. 'I'|u.mn nmnun nnulmj to be out nu ola-Iuucoa w aw. Thoma Ormnoun Ippllcd ut lid I ulna! for Griuluotfl Hula . - -'l`u to put on. Willis: And John Puihll uppulod . ._:..A n-9 gnunnnnnt--Radnogl to '% not nppocrlng lobe Iulonu uppouon ul uhoula lunu-vly upponod Apyub ol patios not npponnng arm- I non... run (mun; ol the mu H A voodcdul euro Nine nan my '0! ulna-I with this Id:-ills uaizphint. uh. , _.. .n.u.d bu luau: allot lunar. won! ` -_ Mr. Rhxoloy in to be cumplimontod and congratulated un his plucky sud unoccu- {ul encounter with the cnomy at tho Rulton gathering. To borruw | Iclipv mnl Illultntion iron! Nu John, Mr. Shubloy unglu-lundod longht the bout: 5! Ephuun" and cunt out vicmnmu, Thus to board tho Tory lion hinuolf, 1! not in his own don, III I most oourqonuu thing to do, but Mr. Shibloy Iooumpluhod n. In I pnctiul, common noon vuy ho elplodod the pmloction ful- locneu ol the Chioluin, And onnvlncod his commuouu that pmucuon to than, would simply mean incnuod uudon, 4.-. ;- 5.. .... ah. nnilllnl 0! A hilhot In uuuca by uncut um! luau, wool In tho Iilunu hospitals than!-odu .-canal. Invd than All--tovI hull-. inlaid III! III! ldrlx ouupuunz. IIIO ! unaided by clean} that luau, ; an nu l-nu houulnh than l-do T W? IOIU Univ-us, nu` sun. `all H: sou. Agath--Ogr. gland Juan. fnumu amari, I( William McUum~u --...........v ll..A.m 4.45.... Court of In vlslou. `J, URI IX Ill-'0" III` .1 no with only to-pour} on-; {nod Dr. Gun` Lunar I C Amwnu. Ila slid unin- h. lb 3 not call. Q Il.,'\-__.._ U. -l.'I II-I017 pugs In Dana, 23.. fun. A 1A.-.. L.ul, A_._n_,.. u! II In any, III puyuum nu . ........ print for may thing they have to buy, nth ` I wry doubtlul prospect ol [suing I cent of dunes Inf IIIII they run and all. From the truehory and inoonahloncy of Sn John`: oanov. nnd eopocinlly Im ut- lot indicronco to this very question of pmloouon whoa III onion, Ir. Bhibloy ahouod that no IOUAIQ whatnot could In plncodonthninamy :1 thin to gun any cloth his pivot-nu pt-ouhu nu protoetiouhoddbocln-he imopovm open hynnuolhinpnn-Iaq. Ohhin, bonny, It. 35551:; mind My uln- un lid! in pndoil Iitllo dngu. Vary pcniuuly did he racial Sirloin than limpet would hop kin buy II the null chitin. 30% Ian Ii: :3 boot lnbthhgh, opnlidboo which tho can rill nbcndndy unh. It my --- _A___. IL-A (Ln Jnnnnalrnhj mu.-, MI -tllrnl-Ml Lu 43! In IcUum'uun appealed against. Reduced $l,:3()() Int 1....-.. n' n 'Innullu\1' fur l >\`er-unnamed. mm , u in ;pedI frurn` dealt: .- punlad ant,-u~ y to be Il~ uccupiodn acted l.- to `I2,- hush] l..-(3nntvd C'1t3.m n-sued u....,... .... . is enthusiastically mceived. '|'Im l..'unImhdnt`9d Bunk nunngument have sent, Lhrmuh the Genuln Cunlul the nu.-cm-nary ni-luiu for the prosecu- tmn U! Buner dc Umnkli-:1, in uhooo pul- oeumn_ In M unich, Germany, were found ntnlan lumen at Um.nnhdnt.al Ill) bunk bulls, and f-rrgud Am:-ncan bank bulls. (LR Fnlhre. an 8l),00() hanhnre inuolvant, -Hen mu crudnou tment: on the dnllur, unwuured. H15 offer lzu Llall refused. IOTI II II C-UDIITI Illllfu Montronl. June 15. Thu Mm--woo-U] ru n of noon in mm Ihuwa Ilmt uh cloth 0 I"luur Inn loan raduc~ ed In . ;HU`.' biylr. II Ilhol. Elyni ml the col VIII you; ind HA5!!! blla nr Inn our ohm mnrlmt II r B:-ooI.'I1(n Bridge II yea and the rreutloncu---'l'ha Com m unfit Feeling, ,h|l tI\llIVI|llII-II uuuuu pllnipohntiuia in 1 body. 50 -impr- ol Ibo Imlil Aitlulion I-I Coo-ouutiuopla will sin p:LNy cost up -hAtin5,J- I-Indy boon uhrnd to Don"! Balconi- Ioll`-oad tho unolibn nu c-I tho availi- rudy boon ulund Q0 hot-S Boutonn- availi- two 01 tho-`OI! H Ruumnnn Ind Bul- Lrmann, dune li).- Ina mmuurua launch! an hlilbuq betas gain` in Borhn muultod with thy India bun uh-an tho u-I up Turkey unit 3 viuvto tho uhhlithuout 01 n linsnoul oomuiuion at Constantin- oph Iiuilnrto that IHII uiuting in ' Igpt. The Iohomo nppu-outly nooivol ` the Iupporl. of the Vnouuu And Berlin 1 I` .l.Ln..|. mg pt. 1 n- nu pporl. Cabin:-Ia. A l4uunn I Cabin:-la. , A London urrupondont 0! lb Hu- ohdnor Guurlau ssynbo 04-loninl Onion < vishod Lord Dnlforin to nunin u Gour- nor Conan! uothor term, but Lard Dulfcrin declined and will return to Eng- hnd About Sepqonbor. Harlin. Jun 15.-Ooom-cu in not to Inna lbuul Deplpnoor. Berlin, Jun nit duly but the time sud intorvnlu ol ndjnurmuant will be left for dooini-an lrum dnv Io day. It. in the gononl im- pruuion that Uongreu uili Luz several nooks. Tb... Nnlimml Zn'tun.: mum llmumrui nooks. The National Zritm-5; any: lluuuu-uh luvs: Berlin Ibom ten days. Mr! lhnl ncither Baaoumold or Guruchnkotf will unit the and of tho dellburunun-. If thin in true tho nal dotniln will be on- truued to the ucond and third pIanipo- tanlinrinn tonliuiel. IL is univerunlly believed that the Globe announcement of tho Anglodiuulun un demanding in authentic. 'I`ha Timn andunan the tum: of agree- dantandmg ll nucnonuo. The Time: andurun agree- ment u publilhod. '1'... Rnunrnn: nmivod I the fun publilhcd. The Empress nceived I the plenipotennnrieu yocterduy. - - - [(,'oudemsel for WIu`g" Readers. --Tho militnry nnthorilian hqvotlraady taken acuun tn prevent disturbnncel in hrIn|)(l'\`n.l on July lflh. ~-The Uhur`uvuix eleollnn Icruliny yeaterduy nhowod Trembluy to ban three good vote: more than Gaut.hior,bhe sitting member. . -Sixteen aura were wracked an Thl rr smmg member. -Sixteen duy at Thuran, on the M-rmrenl. 0.unu, and Occidental Rnilwny, owing to the (rack having been loll unlwilched. The engineer and reman of the train were bnlh hzully itjurml. --Tho Fnited Stuns House of Repre- bulh mully ltjurml. l'nite.lSta!oa Repro- seuznuvea yesterday carried, by `J15 tn `.51, 5 mnl.ivI\ for the snipe-union of the rulvs and the adl)|uU0n uf u reuulutiun do-. c'zmug Hayes and Whoelur duly elected, and nemng lunh the uncuns'iLulium\lLy hf anv nH9n.l>t bv nuv future Gunzrou to gum - ' bvsndnn, Juno 15.--Tho Stmdafl |..-....I nAu- Sdinlmru hnfunn min; in and Iellnlg lurln me uncuuavnuuuuuuy of any um-n.1t by my futurg Gungrou mmul or disregard the title of the Prou- dam. _|.. nu. n....h.u- H..un nf Aualnblv dam. -lu the Quebec House of Auennbly yesterday Mr. July introduced hu Bid for tho nbulmun of the `Railway Com- mnssiun and the trnmter of it! dutiel lo the Culumusinuer uf l uM1u wurku. Tim Legislative Cnuncil met. and pnued anmmlunauu tn the Addreu cennuring the actiun nf the Liemenmnt.-(ioveruor in dis- Iu|s~in|_: hll late Minintry` [ (By 'I'eleg1-uph Today.) New York, June 14.-'I`l:ia ultnruuon as the workmen on the Bruuklyn Bridge wvre luwelu-g one of tho large cnbles, tho hackle parted nrd inutuntly killed 513- burur, Iutally injured another, and dun- gerouuly injured two ntheru. The tackle parted at the Water Itreot Anchorage, and the: huge iron shoe. vsighiug between 800 and 900 puundl, that over the ad- ininlnv human. and ludned 100 feel. dil- 00 and 900 puunm, mot, over we nu- juinlng human, lodged tzmt, knocked down several chimneys, nnd complateiy demolishud the lelegrnph WITES. | wires. New York, June 15.--\Vnshin[ztou speoinluute that several months before the Putfer resolution wu paused. Mnrtin .\l-.u'b]e and General Barlow urged lend~ mg Cungrelimen to begin active men- surea lo cult Huyel an won an the Demu- crata should control Con reu. Une mason urged was that if ildon were given the Presidency for two years has cuuld be shelvud for a new man. '|`,'IA 'r.-41...... -..nmn altar A Lhoronuh cuuld be shelved tor The I'v-mum repent: after I thorough invulignliun that the number of wen be- lnnging to the oommuunl onocinliut or~ ganizntionl in New York nnd Brooklyn In only abont,1,300. and that tho lnnut of them are Uormml. They indulge in ex- .-,....mnL Innuumn Imt III not drilling them Uormtnl. `runny maulge In ex- travuglnt language but no drilling nur arming, And the police boluve that no truublc il found. `\g M.` I `K: N `N I I | .. In N I N` `N \ H Return of the V--uunoera-A New Proponiluon.-Forvery, A -c. Montreal June 15 -0130 hundwi Ind fty vulunlcern returned from Quobec thxa morning and the remainder Inl pro- bably nrnve thin awning. Thu Drunoaltinn of the Rev. Henry buhly um av-smug. Thu prnpvmtinn Henry Ward Beecher, thnt the Broulllyn l'nit,ed States re/Imam. risilhere next `Nth May, Bunk mnnagom ent ` | ` ml Munich, bunk 1: It I-`uh.-9 an l2(u).(JO() malwnnnnr rssrlm. :3 ; And honcnueconectt, | bills, and mrgooa Amrrlcan bun mun. uen ooenh I .54 um uthot. 'Jp.nm me nupomnug |n<|o;:..`)lH 1 nm we.-I-ago; gar lac our thc mnrket In rm hat for nunnz our: and lover grade: It of In awn` [hr :I Ijlhot. ilpn reuuomnuz ncbd Itlr; we.-Inigo; for In our the mute: hut fora nnz it ` nlmroly Mn 1: IIIHIJF ann hoering fro-ely to IIIIVB at 4 h to! (2. hul nu lather source on the spa! iwaprfag cure was '05 ed :t 4.37 I `1, but nomo lnulnen hu her-n mu :1 4 LL : , u nuall Mtolupnrior luougbl gt LI5 and I umul1Imalul.ron 4,60 . provlnioun us an- ; vino . (`bu-our use funlnpplng km. V _,_ ... ____. ` Err.` nu. rm - Hunlnn um Cmnoun-o -"B_yn momngl klowledgo of n lutul-Al ' Ian which gunrn tbgapndonn ofdlpubn " and nuuiuou.uul I ou-will up Iaulluou. ' Ibo u proponun o well Canto, Ir. B pa bu provL.od out hnnkhot tabla Int 3 elkuuvly avoured bonny. that m nu us many heavy donuts huh. I: in try ju- many heavy I: In hy Ola):- dicboun-oofneiuclnoilituhouoo-alt uuou may be all) built up uulouou I! dunno s:.'.'. :.'.. ..`: .1` ....Z.'." ..a.H":... -.u.. rilieguvl} that diriouuo ofneutkIqO(IhHhuqanod- I cuuslnt van hrllclvttl 00Il'boI'frllI."- , _ ""1 `I 70-I -Ti I2`??- cl Ii: Ivnnnljuli *- Allulnuhiknthlyllin gullhal-avbobjlybori Jun. 30.] 1lIADlB10Yn.PIUL CIIUIH vllhi VIII :. hlhCYIA (H nn. ('I\d)lO'O. `TI. L-` It) ,.,j- .-. l\MEA|C|I_DESPlTCH ES. Io-1E?7 _I'EiEiiAms. n0l_TE|L. M0lI.I'OIl.J|IIlO1-1 non. nf awn Pupils of the fin-lulu - en School. ` . .. CITY HALL- lueadny Sin. Jun 183.187.. `. MIIAIIII E__X_]!lBlT|0l| Jouoph Onvhy. C\ofIo-A.'l Hail to The. 0 letter Door.` - - .(Uunq The Chiolm IWIMU |Bpuohoiuh.. ,, W-I: .. . - ad 1&5!) ` DIo&--0|!Ioo%nn. row no ohnbobtroun I. Wu-d and J. Idligu (SIIIIVM Snuohoullosda ................. ........r ' _ bull Inn. ChorIA..Olvo no my own din llIo"Wh||o Tboudolohnoa .... ..............l'I|o D. locum (sup!) If. lush (Fenian) Sony-I`enovu-shoe . . . . ... ....... .....l` C I In Jatgglcnnuinghnn. Oh `bled- Inlh|In".... VG " llvucardqlndv. . Rnndlun... .. . . . . ... ... ' Ir. Wm. Ilooloy. Tho New Pupil Exnminoi .... . . . . . . .3 I-` J. cunnlnghuu (Dachau 1. L. l'Aluluh.'l`. Juno: (N. v: Pupil) P lnvloo. COIlU30I`.. PLIT IKLVIIL Me-dlu~--Kc-nuinhuaou at lul.nud.. Pu-ul`. Uldlnufl Urohuln. TM Unvulling Wiunu. . . ...... .. H. Iiugihbon (lAWjef) J Powor(9`| . . . . . . ..Hughu Povm~(i'nr-on Run; in uumn-"llote .IO Ihnd_",.......... Thu innlu-c Itivnl Polinohm. . . . . . Bake 1 hot. lrl c and Polar loonoyu Duct +Bmutil'ul Vank-e".. . ."-' .. Drouior M lhugiblmn and W. Cnulnghnll. Recil.u.iun--"Cnllmg.n Boy in the Iorning" Ii;-Mo Cnnnlup. [Anon Plano Solo-"l. Courlon"..... . . ...Luttl|er Pm .Oldhnn. A sum or TROUBLEQ. ' Mr. out (Inn luvulid). ....P Rooney. Juhu Iuourl Sorvun)....l-` Dohn Robert Gout : Ne}-lm\V|_ .J Cunnlnphnm Bouolin (I Budding l ot).W Kanuocly Hirul ll Yunkoo). . . .. H l".t|giMson Bobollnk Budding l`oot).W Kanuotly Hirnu (ll lI`.u ibhon 'l'|.niugI.Iu_v (3 man uflueumryl T Er _v smmnmring busvo | Pruf of Kloeutlola) . . . . ........DEnn Comhasong . . . . . ..-......... . . . . . . . . . . .. Mr Wm Kev-nay ` P Koo-voy and H hugibbuu Cl;o:aov-lknt B|o"(uloop. . .- . u IIIHATI. ..___.__ _:.__. TIE IEIIEI FBI AIIDIIGTOI. Mr Wm Keno Colloquinl-Tho Amhlzuoubxurmtor (.`horuov-Boat. Bnco"l0loen . . . . Rnnlmi, Thu more knowled a an benc- quired by Ubnorvslion than by uhug. A murlvr-l) Icgnn. '1` Erly. H Hluibbou r9alic-r- P Koouny, I) Iruoom, W Ken nedy -/nulg-I -131" P A TI'Lvll(9y. Mr W (I Kidd. Hr T Ii ML-lhnre. M13 Vioodn. Mr M |"hlul- Inn Mr .I M.-Nnnulnnn If T Ma-(hurt-.51 gun. MrJ M\'NIugh1 Own an: Huctinn Salvxmtvile fteehol` _.__.. .. up-.-nun rut u-uuyu run` -_._-_.~ . . . _ H, V PECPEETT u RATL`Rl)AY,June`22ud.ul. |')o`u|ook.noou Hy CHAS MCMILLAN. at his Ronuur. mau- Mnrkrt Squaw nml (tualuxu Hmnu-, Hm. Vnlu~ able I"ru)I<'rt_v nu livverly Strml, near the (IKOVE IN. lmlmmlux Lu JOHN C. HARDY. the UKUVE lmlungmg nonsinlilue or lmln `:7 and `M, lnwlng 3 I*`ronl~ JOHN U. HARDY. nolnsintin-g lmln lnwln 35 01 Sm furl uud I'll feet Deop. n nod Double lrough-Cast Dwelllugaml u! Hm'l(lc'ugu on Mr P1-emuaca. 'I ha Hmmuu urn hnngmu I rrutal M080 per your. A Hum! Cluuu-o. I5 miuubeu wulk to the umket and mur the Hue of {street Bail- w.. v. Every thing In good urder. Title Ute of Kail- vny. thing good good. '1 arms at sales. Furdxiluulnn apply to I) , IAu|)()NNr.l.l. 61. M n.u~ri.mrn. an . or CHAS. MCMILLAN, |ENl;L%|SHmN"!KlJAl|NE S| CHEAP SUMMER READING Young Lady : Journal for July,} Camel : Magazine. London Journal, And other Maga- zines for June. HEND1;1{s0N s) Terrible Secret, by May Agnes Fleming. 210 Cums. A Ma-I Mnrringe, by May Agnes Flem- ing 25 (lama. Thu Daunlea, by J. nller 15 Cents. Mnldrad, by Mn. Uolmoa. Bcuy Bobbitt . Mncaria, by Allullwfll Euna. '10 Conn. ` Bnrduol A Feather, by Solhern. 15 CM. Chimlnney Corner Stories. 10 C1-nu. IIIOIII IIIUIUI-cu cu---"'1 , 3., an pgyncnt higher -..--. thing I saw luv: In In". ugynn In Rnnlmi, The knowlod benc- nuin-d hv (lbnnrvnliun bv uhux. lnlle Excuwoinn, by Mark Twnm. 20 Chi. \ Juainh Allen`: Wife. 20 Conn. A Chaim Al;`lIIi!|ll\lIC(`. Culxtn. By the Tn-nt, by Mn Oldlnuu. u A Mud World, hy(`hamher|. I6 Centu. Epismica of Fiddlelun, by Brut Hurts. 10 Cents. Buck Lug Studies. 1 [Silent Pnrtnt-r. by Mn. Phalpu. 2: ) (`(4. Children of Nature. by the Dean. 35Cenu. - 09-~' ------ Lmn told the people at Rniltuu - n_ ..L....... ......-. unuill. Prineeu Ugruhu. Mmlc.-ru Athletics. I0 Cent- Ii Spcrrowgnn Pnporn. I5 Comm. prices. June In. For King uul Punmry I! (`tutu cunnlhghuu (Dachau. L. I'll! Pupil) DAR`! IKFOID. lulitnnt yugnszg It. Oonvhvo. ivv'A:n:n's XIV DIVE 81088.. In-hCIu.o~I-naval Ila; onilneklcruu. -1-- sh Tbolngth ~33. nu menu a Qiolloelaneufioll |K' nd Hun-Ironln ol uthrrl st vary lo! run. vu---uvwu----. ..a.o-on................... Unv . -"A!l to Tlmo.'(.) Doc r nnd True, by Mny Agnes Fleming. z": Pant.- n '1'. o'c|,ocx. Honda ......... .. . llvo I -uovennoe .... .. John Cunningham. the Ian nuhln HENDERSOWS . I . . . . . . . ...-------on Into an not-uuy -p - 51 an ealculntod w uriounlnru anon; QAC 10 U Int-qhidmg (Inow UBVIUI flh I been pvwd lotion: &is wintry quit: Inn Iron the taint of Connnniun and all no uundnnl evils. Ln poninootly pointed out by our Mont:-col eoneqnn. hut in yuln-icy`: ium, than b no doubt Iluuvut the uunno sthchnont of blame to the Ouvornnonl 0'! Obo dny lortho iodutrinl ilk undcr which, in combat: Iilh odlctnnlionn, the country has had labouring, in _the ouploynont I ah dutudly, eon:-dlyuad non danger- _--...... 1-,. ......-.1. um nnblic TITIE """ " ' ' uuks. MCMI LLAN. AuuI.luuooI'- IDGIIWIMII. , by Huwell. 25 !FRA1;tBK& Bum `lint 0 `nxaanuvsu rurrsnn. BI I'M count the bnou -illh-nah-oh: ' nlIbVlhOIIdC*ICd- ll 7 _ atnhil st 9|-icuhr huh! Puuuwuliu uythag hill: 50 thlgluvdo-olitofinuoncnllbehn pr rhythm. hvoalo=vulIhl-alt bub-1 \'upcuut Ca ill] on hand `I'll. .'.l`d|u:-In dopuhncnc i continua to be nu~ sued in Ir Mnllould. I prwdenl avatar of am? you: exp-dc-we bush in Cunchnnd the 'nil.odShhI and dandy putty Inn xpn-Iirnaan in Cunthulid 31:" 'nil.odSt.AhI putty knarnwnauyoflhouwh V0 hvolll novclr-up-unn.hvIhoouo nadir d rnu1ent-with the power tu hotuw-hee de dutucly, eoilraiyeuu noun um...- one weapon. To egarevete the public diecnntentr by ueigning utterly felee ueeen lur prevailing herdehipe, luv the Inle purpoee of menu- (ucturing party cepitel out 0! public end unnvuideble mielorlune, ie nbcot the most exeouble device to which even the Csnedinu ourruptiunien, in their direat deepeuti-m, could have recoune. To put the petty torch to I meg-zine of elumbering dinlfectiun, iney result in I oonhegretinn web In on: not be extin- guiehed until irreparable devutetien hee eneued. And yet thin in the vovy thing the Tory perty patriot: ere doing in {ameni- mg the public discontent end directing the mind: of the working meuee of the people egnimt the givernment u the cuuee end eouroe of every public ill. The legitimnte outcome of such e policy --if we may dignily Tory conduct Iith the term-in rebellion egeinet ell oonetituted nuthority, end ereeort by the lubonring muue to violent mean: to ub- tain thet livelihuol which they ere being duly taught by the Tory preu the Guv~ had the cruelty to withhold. There ap- peern to be no doubt that in Quebec the feeling of populir duutisfaction with the condition ul the labour market has el-no been inamed by cmumunisiic ornieearioe from abroad. Tm: veer. rebbla of netive lebourere, unnrting under I real or fen- cied some of injuuxce and inhir deeling, have been incited in public pluniler by thuee demon: ul lnctinn whoee eel!-ep- puinted miui-in would appear tr be to in- eugurule|i nnivernl war between capital end labnur under colour 0! at determine- tinn tn equalize the dupariliee between poverty uud properly. if these foreign agent: ulull prove to have nggrevared the ,trike in Q I6l|6C there lllvvlllil be no heli- tntinn in dexlinq mil. to nll IlICll as may he captured the most severe sud luminary punishment the law can inict. At the --..... linnn in llrllllllll with their dupe: knot W F his round ....Rua?$.L.."1T:}m..Z.$u .1. to uni gamut In .va:`udo'i-.3. Tdlorimg since he hfnnn iuomunt ovary gultdlu cub. My stuck at everything in tho Tulluru line iahu and u-lecomouiu ` ofthbui lhulinh. Eon-L ma (hmdhn In-d ofihllllul Em. goth Ind (.`uadhI Bald- c , Canlnons. ll nd C 0! (ho kind It 111 of VII 50 h onhrnuhn vuzpn-{Ha and solo aunt. ning garment is . Aim my neck (GI-iN'l`. Fl NIt~HING8 cannot be III In: quilt md cheques. Gloves. It` ]. "`:.m' 5 "" "if. `i.{..i`i':"."..n'I?.'i..`" Bow `u no 5331. at the max ,1, and a prices lower thus who name on I-0 pnmhunl ahewhrre. Knowln that nuny persons douim In bu`:-. sn id:-1 of le out of Nrhin u'c'eu Ion; baton they pumnue than. I dull nltnyu thrcfuu be hwy tunhow myxoodnnnrl It-no pceu to Any one whether they ink-n-I purchasing or uut. Pl:-no there!-we all [ml exuniue my good: whether you ink-ml tu fvun.-hue ur nut Ania wknowlzdglngzr ibeml manner in winch in which I lure I 0|` nut Anxnln mtnowlutgintga: gntmninal bu the uiliunu ol Kingutnn since I uune nunolgr-I lham. nu-I Almfm thr runny M-um! personal kimlnmu: c-xtrn-I4-cl tuwu-In my-u-If and fmuily. ICt`d]Wu my Iumxuinceru uul gran-{I11 tlnlnh \'...... L. |d. yv, FRALIOK, Merchant. Tailor. Opposite Pnuln luau`: Grocery Mon-.nnd four llou-I above Ilr Albion llokl. Ilokl. I :-lnrru mrerl. Iuujuol. CL() I'llS sum by llne yard nmlcnltlng ne. June II, 1878. L|VERPO0LL HOUSE." Is Oering for To-day and the coming week some vo cheap lines In Dress Goods as ollows : ..-w... -- ---... ..-__.- ____._, , New mam-nnl of (iruniln Dc-Beige. I 104-, 13! |-`. _ 1. ), `J00 Snow Fluke Urmsl Go-nln nt 12 I-20. I50. I80. 201- mood vnlm-. Lon, Alt 0:, I0 In-r `uni. Som-1 nplundid Ilm-as In lk Uuhlunrm At 501-. Min (ho largest. Clmapuot and limnslm-k of Hluwl Llmlrmn III the City. from I20. up wards. pununluam, um mu lulu ululuu. ... ..... ulna lime in deshug dupe: comidernlion I! the daotilution which prompted them to uboy the nub Ivar cry Above quulo-J uhuuld operate In mod outing the rigours uf the uutrnxod luv. It in I mutter of uincula regret that the riotous strike cnuhl not be quelled withnug, lou of life. 'I`huw is no doubt, however, that the lavuu nnhury remedy of the dudly nhnwer uf load In the only vuy .5 -._-... ..:.L. M... nnnnnvnnnv nnnl it in n lerclnnt Tailors, Il. lull rulltl. Allpuru Luau ()ov.~.rhu; nu 25. MI Murluilh-a Quill: ul II 00. Nnplunu 90 per dun. `Tidy : very help. A lull n-uormunm uf Crnonm-s from |0oeutu Aluc riuau Urey Uul (on at I. : am) yd lur II .00. Hhirlingn Slrix rd and ("Inn-hm-l at 80 per yd. I3) moon ol Ilu It-`:4 l rint.vn.l0c.worh191-2, 50 [ml 01 Euglin 1 Prim I15`-[bar vd. II rlllingn, A e-plemlial wIMu'tnu=nt. L|4l|Pn' Linen (fulluru I'~- <~.u'h. Kld ()|0\'6IIItHrhI4leI In. nvul Hm nu.--r.n..unrt.msu1of Gout : Fur- l.i11eu(7uTlzI|'uI11-70.1:-II. ()Io\'eIusllnha4leu - -00. and the HIIPBI. Ilnmrllmsul of Gout`: I-iuhinusilx tlm city [I in luettcsrw be mrn than b\||`l'_\' (`ull mul xumiuu our good: mud }`u\`A w ill umor rugyut. 'u.. ll|}.\ Ill LUWNIDIES. l.lVERP()()L HOUSE, Princes: St. I...... III '7ul STJG A M RR lVIzXU I) "| [IN I I--urxn-, -v.-.. .-_,.. _ Under the uuupfueu of the l.m||4~n Aid Society of the Methodist. Chum-In hr the noun! uftho Pnrauuago I-`uml. l'n\Il.`l`lH<`.N(3F. \\'ll.l. ulv. IN HICSSIUN Mn-rs. C-wk, Son. A Jcnkln-, the lull-known Tour- Iu ngcnu ul London and New York. hlvl chartered lha mlelvrllod Iteumor Chg of Chester, 01 the In- mln line, tn ieuc New You nu TIIUIUJDAY, A|l'!llI 1-1` lor Ijltrrpnol They will nond n modal anew In Ind on nml ' mamen under huge of nm of I elr con. [Malina Pnrh umbobr .,_.. _. .- u.-I A To Paris and Back for $220. Il|.lCI4:|'I mum-u - 4 $220 I-.'.`.`}i T1... ...... -.ll MAGAZINES RECEIVED McAu|ey':l_inukstnre. aenmy lnnwcl UI wnu Inn puv nu VVZ to cape w`th the emergency, nnd it in a cannon! publn: cungrntuluuhn thnt by A row!-Ate demunav.m'iun uf authority the npirit of lawlessness has been suppressed. We nin cc-rely hope that the fair and nmictblo adjustment of the original dii- cullien becweau nnutorn and men will now be aiiucovoxwl. and that further violence will, by this but :2! means, be eectually prevented. __4 .-ou>.. ,?__ | In uturu |n_\ um: um nu In ... ..,.... lucnha In: 200 |In3\'ugrrI, uul only um numbcr um be Idxou Tho had Inrun will hvuahihahd alovudlnn lly hollnv leg-nun roqulnd whoa nulu ls vqhwnd for Furunar gnlnulljl Young hull:-n Jmlrnal. July Bow Bells-, Lldiaa ulwmvu llw S1-erunl Linea In Iloulu |v`nrniuhingn4 Jbnlos Ann-riruu While Cotton, 37 Id inch. London Journal. Julio Young In M as Britain, Jule Ivcry louth. July lyru Joniuul, June Boy : of luglnld. JIIO J--.. 1`! [HI |mrzLn2ir` | ATTENTION I 1 I'lll8'T('l.AH8 Steamer, Railways, and Hotels. FOB Sllal. A complete I c! Artillery Ull- (noun I"m$`o l'|l%uI. C$p|I\D. IllJTAIY." I I-`uml. CUNl~`I~:Iu \\'ll.l. Thu Ht-auner w`|| luvs the I-`erry Wlmrf ul 7"|0A.M` muuuug duvul lhu Am rivun and -- London policemen are not luuwuu w become members of any secret society. --H.190 but been c4-Hocted by the Ut- tuu Dominion Day Cclubnlion 0om~ nfbnn I ' K! A. ll , I-nu-nun,` -my-.. rt-turning by Um Uuumln TICKETS, fut) (,`uu1.n. u-_|- ...... I... ..-mmrml lit! '03 Bnocxvxnnn. ow Flulua Urn... 20v. good vnlm l.H*rluIsn W In L }`I ITRIIIAY, .llJN Ii 7lIl1`. `IN Hum Mux Fl(l .AL mm In Iuullsunu. in mm wull In: ludo um...-1.... nlhny lie-lab by Yuvk Coulnl H.l| to New Vurk Ind III`-DIOR we on Gay of Cheater In hlvujnoul Ind bl. 4- an nlluvu (I-kol hclvu-an l.hu`p00| And Pub. Inn .- uh dun` huh-1 luxtnnlllwtllllvll In Pith. ' (`onou in all u hltha Ind nmuhorn Ir ruin: um TOIHI,\I`I'0 back to Tononro, of mu ruv.AI. hm-I IION1`ltlAL ..c. nut...-Lu. nlhnv by mitten. -F|fleen eugmeen of the Censdn Pacic Renlvuy staff hnve received notice of duochargo. ...'l'hn cheese nroduction of Ontariu l|;men nbc lelr Eon. ||un_Ur|g|.lnu, mappo.l`nr1|und bolor m 'rmm.\I`|'o nnlmlun Iddron Cool, MON. 1 umun an Brudny Nu-`tort F. 0. In 0% III. ll`('Il on board. 1 uuuv. mun nou. Hun- nnrll. July White and may Oottonm % rm nnpm.rmuim ; uuunp. Pillow Oouong n... and lulin cumuu. Truman tn!-it mun `IN! or n. u. cnnnman Finch Otnbrios in :11 the Newest bula: - Q On prknuuly. thin :r'iM|y nah An Inspection: n-am-ctmlly iuvilosl uf dlnchargo. --'l`bo cheese production Int year was 44.000,000 lbm, and lhal. of butter 13,745,000 llu. _Q..u.-ml nf lhn Umnaa Loduel 0! To- ` A Luna noon or canons I bum 17 to 25 per yu`d. 11.` & J. GARDINER GRAND PIC-Nib `: St. JOHN'S LODGE. A I`, l`l'l'TSl!l ll(lH, Thursday. or - Juno. nun \lIhl1`I\'n A1 lllni On tho llauulill GROUNDS (H-` MRS l`ITKK ORAHAN, Ailultml on then lmukn nl the Blur 8:. Luvrouon, In Plluhurgh, whvro evorythhmrlll M rm-ulad In nmku Hm Kn urulmnout nus on a moat unjuul-In nu um wuon. ADDIESSEN WI" lnmlnlnxnnnl I-_v .\ A. Kklpllfklk . `LP , It 5 Wqvxnain and Print Ill] be Ilhu-Ibuml to nu.-..wmluI Klrlpbtrluk NJ It Wmnln nml ol on "Inn in vnriouu gamma. hm. no-nu w II` the lhpoul of pnrllm uh--n lug In u-u|-~v I boating or shing, ` Amnla lhfh-nlmmnln -111 ha: nun" id.`4| u Iollllg or Illlllx. Ample Itofhalnnwvmn wall gm-r i-1.`. Csnvnu. The Pin Nu lu uh... -um X313: isi'si5i.}%z' ciiiwoaxs 13,7-lE>,UUU lbs. -Savrrnl of the Orange Lodges ronto have denitely decideds to vim! Montreal on the 12111 pron. _,h in nnnnllnm-d lhlf. MI`. Alh(0IJ Canned Salmon. Oanned Lobsters. Osnned Pouches. Canned Sardines v-....uu -u-u nu-.. A very nino Run`! of H10 nlmvv Jun! ru-m-|\'~-In Jnuo 1-'|. '78. ` ` MRsf i(EtILER. Midwife and General Nurne. KlI)KN(`1- Mr JHIkI'Iv~' Hon-4-. I'v|n- rrnn Hlrnal. lmI\rnwI| Hznnn uml Iii: hm. 'l`0 LEI`. STURI-I AND l)Wh`.l.l IMI I _l.rul. Imu at-uupn-d ua .- l< Rout low. Apply In llI.`\.V l'H\' .\ I .I. Hlruet,uomulnnu,v mgln mgtdlourn nml [run-n un Hr` not lter pulupn in kin-lm Itablo In yard. Apply tn 1) ml! water kin-lum , Wm In nnl. App!) nu own D. GHAV .3, vurm-r l X'|lL`4- um! Ilny Ii. I873. TICK F. TS Iif mhn mum only `.'5 run! TWO BTURY MONK l)Wl<.I.l.|.\ll+- containing ulna ro-um-,nnuulul null-u corner of (Margy and \r\'|lI_1nm Nu-. rln |`0Iuu-n Ihm May 11!. Appb` tn . IlI<`.()IH!'- \l(Nll{IlR, _" _ ' * ' "9 HUU E `AND 'l'Hl(I'l|`} AFIHCH (H-' AN 0` D."m `(nod uundlliun Ilul wt-ll bnulni t. n1m|m- ulmul nm IHHPI {mm Rlngnlun. For tn-rlnnupply lu Hm um um`, \\'M l)A\'ll|. v `Tho (`ht-up llrukrv. Pnuu lny I11, Ir-7!. Store and Dwelling Montreal the 12th -11 is uunouuoed thnt Aahton Crou WI take charga of ma Foreign Ufce during Lord Salmlxuryi Abaeuoe.' _RuruInrieI are nu the iucreue in "Till! LIGHT PLUIIC." an I'rma Wullnmvillo, Klngntnu. Fur purl qulro nob. Bun-mu H ma mm-1 Kiaptol. Mason 15. vs Axxcsumrr Imus snow Frunm lnwlnng llullun rur lhml lppl] to than UIm:r `w _ WILLIAM DAVID. fluwupmkor. Prlmwull HI . Klnquon fox 8ALE.0;{ T0 RENT. ll CUT STONE lH'.Hll)ICNl'|-J cm Bydnllnu Sun! lunar l`rIur-un,up|mu`nn Tludy Bra`. srhln 'mhn. Apply no-ltaluor or M the Wu-mple llnnw Term: numluvnlr Iay 0| . Tllli /\()U.\RlUM. 1' Till VILLAGE Ul-` M4llY19\'lLI.l Wnlb ln|ud--n vdunlm IIKICK IIOUKIC AID |o01',aonulnIn; one Men. in n high -nu olclllhltol For lulu: apply In Juli WATTI. Jon lot. Walla Inuul I VI I vrw 1.. u... 1)LKAlAKTLY IITUATEH (`UTTAOU il Ihnhold, mnuinlng night roan nnnl collar. II] he cumin;-d on nyphcnnon In F. J, (ll-IUBOK. n...un4IJ I..I ll`)! D hnhlmrobuilt III?! at I nod M can: light and Kg}: In [0051 WI- qpdnlmvlhuold do... A `yu- Y. J. GEORGE, Iayl. Klapmu. ._... F()R IALl-'r.'ll: mzw noun-2 UN I0! mm ct cs-Elna gang 3 74:. wui boaudholnu cannula! I-nude]. and luodhouvu-cndannyk; own pun I15 nasal Ibo luldlu doonaul vitamin-. Appbla Umce uurlng h0I (l canuuury - gunman.- -Burglnne.-I Ontario. Hnuulton, Luudnn, And other plncou no nightly wanted by these mid- night. entry. -- A denuu Mercer. of Montreal, hu Stru-tn. Kinsman. Jum 1011:, l*47H cutout" un- cho Iut rock of of IKIITI. `nu ma Undu- . A.".m tr. wv.: ' -I run lino: nun bD..::pncu mo 8 bllhlmlbbulll I87! I! I "of mldollln. light and liol r goqt i I -u-- u--- Fan ux.t`-'r.vnr. mzw norm: on UNION ITIIIBT. ovpndta Ht. Juana` (huh. uwuubhuu mvnplulnn Will `[ tn unumnwe that :4 Pic: III` in Mil llmlding Fund ul` the In-ulunuu, uh plum on Mny 1', I878. I. _'!"_"`__'_"'_".-.'.`1'z'_ _"'; "Till! LIGHT` l l4UIlI." llnllnmville. Klmnlun. P3180388 STREET. _ R Ifl night. gone to Quabec to urge upon the Gumm- meat the necessity of the party procu- .i.m- mnnnnra "II CUT ITONP. l(|CH|DIN('|-2 UN K Ilwnlnnhnn umt.mmr I`rIlIt'ol|.up|muiln [IIDIUI Y rnnlcum smlrr non-nu do-nu. s. ya.---4 unfair. FOR SALE. IHII Mlfll VAR mm NEOR ALE. IAITLV IlTI'A'l'If_l) l`H"l'1 Pb ALE, an a`. nun nun. r.n ....... FOR SALE _.o-" mun nun: utu _F;r Sale. unur Ill nuv '._. For Sale. ` VII Lllf [II-' `IAH nionn meuura. -RoporL any: that Mr. Joua will be Appointed Judas to till the vacancy cnuud by the death nf Mr. Junnco W||frel Dunnn. A T0 T70 I. 3' `, `_ .InIt an 1\|I .3 . `I'll LIYI`. I`lL`II1h`N1`l.'\ nu nun. RESllDF.N(`l'2S ` Iuiuiluz ulgln rmun (fallen on llru Ihm mzm`, mu I.I.'|.~ .1- In JOII I Clllll IGIAI Dollar 'l`o Let. aoquutntod uuua on ma mung. --J. D. Ulegg, ll) Englinhuun, touted the odgo of I nzur an hi: Ihron M. the St. Lawrence Hall, Munlrul, yesterday, Illh cumidenblo nnocau; he In remov- od I-ulhu Uonernl Hospital, __.A Rnmn nnecinl nu nauotilhnnl Uluuu 750. CCICII V3 luv vyr---.._ lander ol Quhu"eooIluh | nnjm-y in thouu-bly" and ad-iu thumbn- quoudy the Govarnluct In and lroauov.hdolcI|' bylhovoh ol the n-__n... who -. n-ald Iiko to know -- Iv. in undenluod [hut the non of the Isle King M Huron-er will prrubnble formally renounce hi: prutuntioun In the Crown, no u lulocuto the return of the uquutntod uutu of yha King. Ulnu. l):nun. ---Mrn. A T Stewart has purchaud Min Hucmafn name 0! Ranohu. frvm Mr. A. W. Unuvold.of New Yurk, hr $2.7M); lhut gonlleuun purchuod it for cm od tutu: uonern llvuplul. --A Rome npecinl uyn nouotiltmnl bun ooumonood between the Vntiun anal the Cllhollc Power: to modify ox- Illing Cuncnldnula In the dirochon 0! . [tuner (roedom 0! action lur both psrtin. I --'l'he Libcnl-Conoorvuinu ol the I (roedom ol ncuon lur Don: psrun. County 0! Lsmbton. at A muting youn- dny. oloctod III. John A. McKenzie, huh rmor, olsormn, II the candidate ol their puny. to oppose tho Hon. Alauudor Kockonllo :0 the coming Dummion cloc- hon. -E. HoGi|hvn_v, ol (ltuun, hu 0!- loclod Ill arrangement nth his crodilon. his Ear ol 60.(llHor the bnlnncu ol bu sunk hung boon A-coupled at a meeting on Tuoduy. I"urly~uuu out of lly- Ihroo cndxun hut uguod the dad oi ooupouuon. -T|o uooplool Ouuu mu! In ndq Bonhviah niunl want, no In pro photo: 0! the quit; my: hip nlu in the an nu-ago lot the nnnunu month lot) grin-nu I dqy. l abipouuol. pooplool Ad lot. Dunn; the hot npoll at tho vo- bolcn Int they mound ll gallon ol niunl tutor, bod tin pnr ._'.a... n` an -nu-ion nn vun'\ lot but eunlrmudou nan. `Non! Ha, ha` Whu`n Clo I-am will bornull is too short, too `us or cooked -05%? You're we last ion, pun; sun. A town naybon chun- .'u.'., j I Io|'M if it lot but ounlrmndod . -u...u n. L.' Winn : ah -nu: -- London policemen are not Allowed to -nnm nmlnherl (If IIHV Iocietv. lrouAaouotuIuA' Uyl-vv-u .. ..- II . Wlucntnldliko know` ll, why il Ilr. Olnplcm : uutrullod A nu- jam, in tho llouu ho primed the Go- vonnunt to obuin A uajodly 'IunnodiAu- ly thondw. We Mu tho Tory majority in tho Quoboc Auonby it not under Ibo onnplou oohtrol ol the Opposition ludcr. In poimol {Act In hunoc yd natured A majority oi the Homo" At All. The mm to which hiA noncnhry notary ol -~ 1-- ----.1-A but 32 won: in MA .--.>.. ,& SATUIIIDAY .S Ul.|`LA.\I.V US. .:_._.....__?. Why is Wuhan`! Iury llcr. `, ` MI uuuu-u-.. Ila Gaul not an ID o'efoeI; Show ha. in and-u_. . n-A nnn I II -guru. in J--yu-I pvonooooh by-lav l'O- ` plain; Ilopcynon ol tomcat: by the Oounly `hununt. Ir I3 idflho byvlo ounhrn by-lav Na. 244, 0! the Tnvnnhip of Swcriugu-n, which unnud 1 in: ii mo of its funds. TUVIICIIL - Mr. Wnlkot bond. that like -hi to eooto by-kw No. 244, I my vlnllp oi Swmnmoo, In run! than than and I" rulcl tu tho cont:-my Ming nu- pondod. no; 0 an In. [OLD UHIFTI. Hr. Wukiou, moved, uoondod by It. Son rn, was the can of 01,500 be appro- prinlod for grant: for inprounouh '-of with sud bridges. In amendment it moved by Mr. Ila (}ruh_. uoondnd by Mr. Rntuu, thn the unto of the nances of the County does not Inrnnt sh: granting of money lor ............ an: an known to be illogsl, `Q In gang gum): `ti ???- ..-.._.__-------- _ _ . ._._..._ 4-...._-.--- grunting oi [or purpo-on that no illopl, and that but upon the uaopcyon o! the (`.nnnI.I, Illa `II-I DVII Il.)VII VI-U In-'wr-"-_ 7. . ,_ County. Carried on the followi divilionz Yeu-|1eun. Anghn, Alvin, 1 . Do! non, Becky, Joyner. Mccunnell, Mo- Gnth, Rutuu, Stnchnn, Spoonor, Vuo- luvon, Wdker-l`). Nun - Mann. Burke, J.R. Dawson, Flynn, Howe, Quinn. Sell-on. Tnfoping, Wnuim, Wnt.- sun IL, Wnnun, jr.. Wi`liAmn-ll. M-nod by Mr. J.R. Dunnn, It-00lldOd by Wntkim, thuc nu nppropruuun of the following sumo in the following Townnbipnz H|uchin- ` brooks, I75; Bodfurd, I75; Kannoboc, $76, Clarendun and Mllhr, 875; Pul- larnwn. I75; Bsrrio, I75; Barrie, 875; 010, (75; Olden, I75; Wulle hlsnd, $100; Pnrhnm. $30; Loughboro, $50; Howe hlwd, V5; Portqmouth, I50; and chm. n by~luv `)9 introduced confirming the nine, And letting out the particular road: and bridge: on which nid grant: shall be expended. Mn-ad but Mr. McGnth, Ioeondod by he nude, to be expended 2 upended. Moved by Mr. Mr. Rutun, that nu equitable rate be struck _upon the equnliud queued plo- mnw of Lha uvoul Townlhipo [or the the equalized aueueu pru- porty of tho for repair: oi their loading roads. . During the dilcuuion on these motion: the Council udjournod until two o'clock. AVIIRSOOX sxsuma. The Amendment of Mr. McGnll. Ina cl..." null Ind Lat un I Vote of 11 to 1'2. Amendment. 9! Mr. mcunu. was then put and Lung 1 ). Mr. Dunn`: motion ygng then put and alnolonton I who! )1 to 1:5. Mr. Dunon than moved, seconded by Mr. Watson, than the fullowmg mm: be gauged to be expended on cexjuin road: and bn on in the [allowing m_\inicipal1- tien; an: Lhut I by-law be intpodqced Lu conhrm the name, and to rovide for tba method in which it lhllfbd expanded and ucauuntw lay. and the roads upon it uhgll booupendod . Hiuch-. inbmoke. 55; so, 860; Claren- don, CO0; Hedi-mi, I50; Konnubuo, O60: Pnlmenton. $50; Olden. I60; Banio, $50; Howe lllnud, .50. Luol.-Yeu,`J; nnya, I3. nu-nnPnD. Bll}0UrI.u. On m0I_i In of Mr. Oulvin that number was [Nd I240, munoy pgid by him for shrub: for the Court. House gr-nmdn. -...a-n three times. Mr. Anglin moved the Council i Cummlmse of the Wh.-la upon the port, which mouon wu carried; 1 Flynn in the chair. After the lint clause had been re PIHDDII. Mr. J. R Dawson, that the by luv to conrm the Equnltzalion repun. was read times. M. Anulin moved into Flynn the chair. rezrl, on motion of Mr. Tapping tho U-vnunilwu rose with penniuiou to nit again. DI?`I'l'l'InH yu Luv u~a......,-.-- 7,. ,, _ uonsounnmu. The report oi the Committteu on Con~ Iolidatiou WI-I had A: fellow: ; In _4-|;.I_... H... (hmnlv (InhL viL. of In noun u nu. .... one in duo rocordod but 32 bi: lAv0(II,uI'| minority ql tho Iholo [Iwu_ Counuug u Spain! with the nay: to Chnploufn motion, the House Inn nooly divided 3? to 32-01: u unly oo- -.._-_a _-- g.` ".- Ylillllun. A petition from Mr. J. R. Dawson. on bohu'.f of Pllmerllou, uking fur a gram. on ccruiu rusdp, In rend qnd poforred to tho Cummituo on Road! Ind Bridgu. nnuunl I IIATIDN, Iolmauuu wu I-nu .. .......... To oomolidnle the County doht, vit., $262,400 in 30 Venn, nu nununl sum of 819,063 will be require]; an the intern: 1.... s2a2.40(). at 6 per cut.,u 815,744, l$lU,063 willbo requ1ro1;:u me uuercu on $262,400, r the balnnce if the 19,063 Wlll be $3,319, which if Applied u Iullucu will pay of? the debt nndormentiuned : Yearly lntx-real. Yearly 1 ... . 315,744 - 15 M5 3515 This Iohouo Involvu An mcmwnn untion of 5} cut: on nary OIOU, M 67} cent: on overy SLOW on tho pruont munliud uuunoul 0! an County, In ILUUU mo pruuuu equalized my amount nqnirod Annually In no null ....a lion nhiod lo be attained in no voty nnonm nqnlrou umuuu, Ind the objoc\ ...n..cnnt. no fool condant tuba stunned II very nnpununhwo shut the nchomc will moot cm: the gononl up- probuion ol tho rn ypn. Mr. Joynu not - the adopuon ol AI... nnorl. the I Npofl. Aducunion follond, during which the Coundl ndjuurnod until Sulunhy. ----- --ooo ~ ------- Tho Lint in tho Inynu orpn or mu I when humus spun. no it control: no mg, ham: and hupplnao M am. When .. a. tlhnrbod in nu pcopor nation, 91! hnpplnao at nun u in disturbed pauper all . .;..n. .1 nilmontl an (L0 utunl ruulz. `II disturbed uunn, nu ! kinda of nilmum Thu dig-dbl cl loud, the constant: ollhahcnrllnd Hood, an oetinol the bump.) ugnouquu-. III all inno- a..a.I- mnncdad lilll Ibo Iotkinp ol ch. ngnoulpu-. An unno- dmuly aoalndad Line. 1! has has ngluy ytond ppgiuc out udnllnuuun on qt that unit ho. so on- halty "odthuvuulllltonnh. snpno holds: to cry. to cum. Panama, uold In nll min on tho Wucunuuthcu. Thu dcuovl ptovo lid is '3 `V Ibal ,0-IIIIL Innlu 75005 layout dng. Book I Una, A-I Bury Wdc Ari told I-y ul Inib. '-*-'*OX--'--:-- wvv"' l '33,: I hen Anociuiun man {In uuionpnd I fuzdl gum but the couuyimild n H: 5. ` ' IE; 1 I7 zu A 26.` -r.- Involvu ndditiunnl .-ninn n! 5' HIM DUN ! the Inpwigl orpn 4 .|...n. human Inuli. I` @090` UIIIPIXII I nl-uvu, ...- _, , Ilu euion when the Government III Item lngly dolnlod. In 1 lull lionutluGuv- (turnout bu bud A majority ovary tiuu. L'ndor circunuuucer like tho Ib0VO Ihn utut nununu it is lor the Hall to lnlk ul tho Louder of the Opposition `control- Ila" n nujomy ol mo Assembly, I thing ha ha not once been `lbla to get, much Inn to keep nnd to control. so-C-Q; twlllilluh luau lo: ru _._._n._ L....l..I Ln Pun-I 1l'D|O'IC"l*- _ n hubyul. Iovumll I 150%)- ._.`.'."'..I'.'I.`n..'.:: him u,nov , 11.109 . lU,632 1 10,125 9539 9,021 n,4 '."7HI\ ,1 15,545 1:. sun .1`l.i `? 14,01- m 77.1 10,091 15,110 14,373 14,621 IA QRK 1-1.140 l3,4:'6 13.119 13.763 1-1 am Liver In lb; :1 Whu greater nonuuu could be uttered Hun the on-nspulod nlatemom ol the Chlellmu Nut thin country in being do- ploloa of in Inbuuring cluwu And nkilled utiunn V Ho insulted the common Jenn of hi: Rulwn Iudhsuco by ruiunuug thin nblurdnty. Who due: not know till! than an: llrudy more skilled nrtium in (hand: dun can ll pruout be employed, And that thin very mu ol thing: in lnrgely d no no the (Act. can lhcro bu ooon a. van j -ux unto Cnnndn 0! Alnencan working- mon, who If!) here to nook that who!- once wluch ha: been dumod them in their tm much protected country. II. In I de- Hboruta Inuwpreeelntuliurl fur Hxr John very ' ..I ah. lIIL_A I... -.....