Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jun 1878, p. 3

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I uvvwn cw vi V! In!!- and In loan no anon, slur Ibo npun of 5 Caulk: I|nl0l'.IIIylMlA[ but phenol. from Ibo fuuufoo mun poopla gel to ma: duly Avcouuonn without was or B. but like the noun Ilnn driven by the my 0! second: . his boeuulo Ihn Inuvhmc-ry.oo to Open]. 9! 3 0 Mann hoalv bu booting . Illll bah; uulbd rub carbon. hearing In unto-ry to vllhuanql n wlnhr in nolinnu Illa Cuuh III the Iprllu. the Individual lulu-I from llnuucnu. nnru-cu. lnnunurv of no Iumun unrn Bmncunl. Dnrnnunll on mun. Ln-Irons. am 11:: need not he, {at Punalmznxn. the pun norvmo mu. VIII "mow the prnuuy onuo. loco the un- Ian. IIII nmovcul lnmnrmonlnn Ibo blood. vulomov.--Tho. no 0! hymn in HA Do.-L-O--I-- l`L....I.4. -.. J.L.A.J "WZIlCI%UUuuxu-_;-u.` haul ha : IIACIO wanna know`. -Crnighton built to Jana Full: on We-heads . . That : I rounds locality. -1 by Hunter of punch: u-rind hon today on an execution lap Bollo- nu-u nu-cu cu uuuutl, Wilson Ipoka aphungl j II:lJInalLa- n-J Ill! - --ooo--- IAIKIVE. "`P'I`I -v.-- - p-can so any: 3 lhndauduunnql Iuopuultrugln, H1553, Vluihutboonduun Al than aka -3-. l_a.._..:_- .g _ cord. He continued that there was . themselves in dying on the battle eld. ' Queen, in whose service he is. He stlopts ' ly, [and from the moment he dons it u -nuwun, vvrvls uuv vviuu us: uuw -at nothing inconsistent in being a sol- dier of the king of Kings as well as be a soldier of the Queen. Some of the noblest Christiana that ever lived had been soldiers. They did not consider themselves unworthy of the Saviour, end the Saviour did not think himself un- worthy of them, nor did they compromise He pointed to what wus being done in England by way of educating the soldiers in religious things, and rightly so, since the soldier of to-day has to be an exsmplo to others in many cases. To be usoldior does not mean to be In immoral or pro- fane man, but he can in oonduct and com versatiou llvo in keeping with the terms of God's holy word. To be a soldier means to be a respectsble man, and to retlect credit upon himself and the a particular garb and wears it oontinual- until he dotfa it forever] he is subject to much remark and obaervstion. As for the 14th P.W.O. Ries, who had given him an opportunity of addressing them, and who had honoured him by electing him their Chaplain, he urged that they should strive to be christian soldiers, aiming to be good and noble and manly. Although their service wee not required when the enemy threatened Cauadaut ltidgowsy nnd Piqeun Hill, they showed by the readiness with which they ew to arms, by their discipline end good con- duct in camp and elsewhere, that they were worthy of the trust re- posed in them. Had it been no- cessary the men oi the 14th P.W.O. Ries would have given such a report ss would hsve cast. no discredit on them- selves or on the royal lady whose name they bore. He [rayed that God might avert the day when the opportunity of showing their velour in this way presents itself; but should it be willed otherwise they should be prepared lur any emergen- ey which may arise. Pesos prevailed in the Dominion st present, tut in times of pace tlisy should prepare for war. Obe- dience. brotherly and kindly leelinghsv 0 made the main strength of the English ar- _- lo 1-an-D L- ... _.'al. aI.- t'I_..-.a.__ ALI. Dmnnu urnu BLuun_ If Vmrnxn will relieve pnin, Hanna. purify. nml cure nah dbaua. ruunrin - the patient In perfect hcnlth that trying di ervnt ph dcluu. many nludin. Iuuring fur yenn. n it not con- cltdvo pron! If nu An: I numr, you cu: be aural! Why In L ht medicine pcrlonn Inch `not curve? 10. work: in the blood. In 6 ch- culull uid It cnu truly booullod lhhusl. Blood uritior. The rut nnumo ol db-.-no orlcinnlou in ma bl : usual M modiclno that due: not art dltootly upon It. to purify an-I rermvau-. ha: any jun! claim upon public attention. u-on nu --v; v-nun: vllllllllll KC Iron othn War had no ntuufumo, bntouho um um thoyoonld not [on- pc that pout could oonctinu only be mind through I bloody ght. Whilo the In-cloud hung our the Inncnmnlinpt Ln non-`J AL-. AL- `an my wuuu, Inn II nu nun pliolllly ma, they would be pcepentl u any line to entome the late of the Empite of which they l-mind I put. If they poo- eeoed I spirit of independence end exer- cised it they would oonnnnd nepect 1.... ..aL.- \U.- I.-.I __ _--__.4:, WC lll Ill-[ll Iilillibll Ul III. 1|-IKII-u It` my. It muu he so with tho Cnnsdinu volunleorl. Ho rel: nod to tho Into. monk tint noun joined the Army to play the Ioldior, but the military nun ahould hue n higher Aim, sad that aim should ho dcvoon to oountry-puriotinn. Our country to-day, blou God, wq gt pogo. with the world; but u be Ind pnviounly mid, lhli -hnnlll I5. nnnnunndl .5 .._- vv 4:. any Iv-I-vuulu Inn. OVII l|Q Icahn-ucootinut. be psyui an en. lI-hIllI Innldl h nl.g..4l .- --__. - st is . quers the llttlf wins s for more illustrious , both for the object of destroying the im- vwws --as ow-you-svu- Ullovan nnncu -.- sisukind. Ho pointed out how thst every tree Christisn would not only protect liiusell sgsinst tho evils which slfeetod himself, but hack to tho wollsn of others? they should in roslity he osch other's keepers. Nur.in this bottle of life was it inysl hr s insn to tire one shot end then retire. sud ssy thst his work wss dons ; but he should scale the fortresses and , ght until the end. or st lesst until the Csptoin chose to csll him from tho nnks. Tho christisn -srforo suds only st destli. In it than is no such word as truce "-no such ooinsiisnd os retire"- l'orwsrd" In the only order known. Eseh should he possessed of the spirit ol the Spsrtsn mother so unsui- fest in the porting words to her wsrrior son. The Christisn wsrfsro requires grester oourszo thsn to stsnd before the eennon's inouth-it is o wsrfsro sgsinst sn unseen foe, s wsrfsre sgsinst their own evil prupensities, snd the one who oun- victnry thsn wssever giuned by the great- est of genersls. It required courage in- deed to be s successful Christion soldier, having the world outside to contend sgsinsi, sin within, end the devil usirg murtsl soul. Wu it not pertinent to ask on which side they stood l Were they on the side of Godl Were they ready to resist the coninion enemy! Were they prepsred, an port of the Lord : srmy, watching out, following fsithfully the lesd of the Captain of their sslvstionl Or were they tsliing it essy, Asleep on sentry while the enemy wss resdy to pounce upon theinl He noted the fact that insny thought hrsvery the very opp.` site to what it is. These thought it brsve to dare to sin, to profane snd curse ti o holy usme 0! God, the sweet nisnio of Jesus, ond in such s msnner as to mslie sngels stand amazed and devils sluiost tremble! Some thought it brsve to laugh snd scof st religious things snd jeor st what is holy sud beautiful. Wss this bniveryl No, he felt sure would be the snewer, with one voice sud one so` IJA AL-s sh . . _ _ .. ......,l -....s:-.....l j Vilbjlg T WU," M Alpghty would to pl-and a non Icnglgall -ninja] l._._.._ _A__ n ........ .... ...., -... .. ........,.., ..... the tech! III thdr hunk laid, they bo- longing to one gnu nrnphoiugnnd nu- alullcd undue one npuin, sad waned, Ioc with one author, but npinnt the evils Ind u-pinion which beat all mankind H. unis-tgal nut In.-1 Hunt uvnrw ;;u yo, stand lul in the mm] quit you his an, In strong." ._.... .. .._.r.._-. .,_..., .... .....,- or, 50 rev. gentleman ndeoadod Ibo pal pit and panda! from Corinthian xn n-4| I`! - Zlj jmlftwj IIZ II&ulndbK.PuI|'lGU&.& unwind which to-ndouopnpcinh Inolhgn-ad: `nu 'Rf!nnna rn-pnruu uy II. II. s*rnva.\'.s. Boston, um. A...A L- U 1` Dlll an! A. nn n_.__a-;- Vw out 3&5}: Altar the singing. India; at h-unudopiu.|o,n|dpny- .. AL- n... _._Al.-.- -.'.._4l.4I bk` -..I Yd-y l4&P.W.0. Bilapunhlu&ol)uI'l|lIId.nd {non plug... _...L~In.lo lL.uI!.lIn--EAL. rm: mumsu `wnm. MONDAY, JUNE 17.'1878. cou- unto: nun Mn t.v.o. nun I11!!! QIVICI. 1 ;, nnindinj 1 -nlall-- oh`! V_1_`_`i T. E5 } om.\'L`; Paul-Lr..- Thu recent issue of this wnrk, by the Belfunl Bram, should ha Amended by success. The book in written in Mrs. Harriet. BoecherSt0we'| moat charming ntyle, and ovary pugs cur_ him point: of Interest which link one chlptor to another, luruiuhing I nurntivo which. once begun, lnuu bo tiviuhod. The Itorieuof Mn. Stowono very popular with I largo clan of people. It must be uid of them that they are ulvuyu sttrsotivo, tint they abound in comidonble humour, Ibll thevrcompnuition in simple yet gnoeful and complete, while the effect in slanting if it in nnylhing. Wood! bu oopiu 0! Po- gnnuc People for win, but he will not hue them long. ALL THI DIrnnIucr.-Nouv thet Mr. Blake hu declered the! i! the people of South Bruce decide tn elect him to be be their repreeenucive in Perliement. he Ivillnnt hie eny ectiro etepe to hinder them lrom doiny en, the Conservative joumnle do not think nearly eo much 0! him uthey did 1 week ego. In {not Mr. Bleke in never popular with the Conner- velivee except then they think he in not 0! their eey.-lImIu'llM Tin. Tn P0l!|'I'.-ThO Joly Ministry wu found right nido up nquin yulordIy- -bo- ing uuuiud by A vote of 33 to 32. Th Connor-Alina luvs not yet had non than I minority ol the number: of tho Logialsluro with thou, yd oooll donsod that the thirty IP00 aha! Iubnnt to than domination of thirty IIO. -Ilmm'l- to Tina. wiin wiiicu H. 13 mien nail been let luoll-J by ll tr-ie wekening to nntionnl life. To lllll grnwlh of healthy, energetic patriot- iein Eurl Dutferiiu vine-roynlty hin largely contributed Never beloro have the American colonies been ruled by 3 auteu- men who to well know how to call forth the best qunlltiuj of the people by nppoul~ ing to noble sentiments end lofty (epito- tiunn. Earl Di-Karin`: unit, to develop I Ieif-reliant spirit. l.N500IIllll|( A young nation with loyalty to it: inot_her country, hu uicceeded beyond ell expectntion. It in inipuni'h`* to denyithnt the Duminion hu recently giveii in Iignel proof 0! it: advence in national dignity and strength. while it lieu placed on rocard by deed: And ` words its loyal devotion to the Empire of which its (urine an iuipurtant pirt. The review at Montreal represent: forcee which the inner powerful sovereigns might be pruu l In cuniineiud, troupe ouziiititiitad of tin nrst uttering: of Ceiimliene loyalty, the liist piinta of Canadian: patrintiain. Their presence and the popular en- thusiaisni it evoked in evidence of the in- tensity with which Oamdium cherinh the ties binding them to the Mother Country. The danger of England being drawn into A European Iver celled out Ill their latent regard for the Mother Count-y. No doubt the disinterested oheraoter of the offer: of aid tron: this culuniltl impreued the Imperial Government, and the epii-it which pronipted them may rile to iutill higher level under preiiouro. The devotion dilpleyed constitute: a large reserve of Imperial power. Thin wlictude for the honor a f Englnnd aiutninn the Iniperinl policy, and visible assert: the dignity and power at the Empire. This uprising in also most ulunble, pnctic-illy,euecuring the eafet of the culouics the.-mselvu.-- (llntie tart. ' Loxnou, Juno l`2.-A Ti-nu editarial.` dimuulng Earl Du'urin'a speech at Mon- ln-nl, says: Earl Du Karin : vice-rmnl mu-aur hum In-an IIPII, l)u'eriu'n vice-raga] career ha been liugulnrly brilliant. throughout, drawing to I close amid events of historic impor- tance. There in nu manner of doubt. than. the npeouh reucts the feeling nf the Canadian people, that the omhunium with which it is filled has been let loose in! n fr-m wn|(Anin.y On n.ainn-l lih. l`.. A ..-.. mu ..-,m. ....7 vuu`|uylI.|uu w . nun by him, by the Church Wardens and by their Building Committee, and give them. every support, both mural and umturinl, which lay in their panel`. Ha ulm asked Lliozn to invoke God`: blouing on the work, 1. do all to Gad`: glory, and uh Him to accept my work uf their lnudn ll Iuch. Next. Sunday divine Iervioo will beheld at tho uuual hours in the school hours, which in now being lined up for that purpose. ' nuke other improwevueuu Ac e um! cue! ' hute the several ertioloe needed-nn nltu ` cloth, chencel carpet, nil end chnir-- V (II IIlV&"IU I`l Illl Hf`-JIIKTIIU TIWIUUW lrelerenee tn the history of 8:. Purl : Church. It Ieie built II! year: ego, in 1845, u I monument to the Cercnrighl Broe., the Hon. J 8. end Rev. Robert Cartwright. The re: incumbent. Ip- pointed in 1848, In the Rev. Ir. Graig, to Ihnee reel end thorough devotion to the Meeker`: work Mr. Carey paid I jut tribute, stating the: the hnndeoine win- dow which adorned their Chnncel would ever be e monument to the high eeteem in which he wee held. In 1854 the pneent Ghencel one built, and rebuilt in X865, et en ulditionel oust ul emne I7,(XX) or $8,000. Since then various repeire and improvement: Ind been mule; Among oth- er thing: the erectiau of the gallery nt the weer of the church. the shale involving an outlay of about 81,000. The] now propoee to repeir the edice thoroughly outside, to put in e hendeome ceiling end of ubout $1,800. lu addition to this fur- uinhiugu hul been condemned It n veetry meeting, end he naked them to ennui- as these would not be purchued out nf the funds ruined, but would be preeonteul u alluring: to the Church. Mr. Carey- ehewud the! this work wee undertaken by the veetry in the most unnnimuue men` ner, end urged thcrcongruyntion tn wind I... Li... I... .i.- nL....-|. ur__..i-.._ ,1 i .. Don H1r.<'l`hln In to certlly that I hul boo.) Iulodng {mm a lhm ( 'nn:ur un Ill right breast which grew very rapidly, and I In Maud: had xluu me up cu (Ht. when I h of your uuw-' u-v -uuuuu-9 uu v-nun; V-UIvU-, npiting. and hoping than in thorough } tannin nntl -nnlhha chum Ln.-ni!_l-A "I----M -"' -"t"'I '-"" " """"l" repair and satin` Ilnun bounihl and witty of tho obj-.-at for which `they III intolniud-tho vurohip of Ilu Almighty. At thodnu nfhia diooouronlu nndupodal gal.-.....'.. In AL. L:.a..-- .5 as n-..I-. -vu-- cu-tuna: ZUIWIZIIC I-y ugtixunloploc up-Ind allus- liana. Boptencliodhiourntllnulh Int: Dut.xu,20uad 27vcnu.inal- nungthonnaudtyofbuihiingluohu, lunniiinn and knowing IL... in DI...-..n-L Yuck; u 1;:-onuingnurvin_iI thinlnthl Bom. Ronny- fulultoltdbhgdnndlottlo -.-Q .3- n..J... I... ._..._-..a -|a.... (auuda and the Empire. L n. nu.-s cuuucu, .'C3AlIIcu- OKAI-iznagl which mphlly, and I" Maud: giwu up your ` mo-liuinn, V'u,;uum-,, reuomlnemlcd fuI'C|ncur uad Unnceruun llumun. I comnu-need to tn it. Luz] won In-uml lnyuoll In M feel better; my he-nllh sud spirits In [all the benign Inuence which It zoned. and In Afew month: (mm the llnw I uummelwod the me of II: Vogrtlno. thus (.`nm-.c-r came: out nlmuot hudll . v (Hull Dnionn. plthlov ..'.':-.::':..-.u w.-.-..-..'*.~..'.;-..-:..'."c2.-:- "T5. ' _ '1'}!!! unduigud ltudnerrnlnndw do in `future I nrlctly CASH budget and hop Inlnla-nIh0nmnoI-I.hsvInguoxxuru- Ihgvlthn thtdnnnonntobo eon- ddnodclanodbwn nnunrm. Nod viloIhbIIdI2IQhIl:O.;ih:vchrIl:u-. Fm objootnr n to muslin autnu-ndaohcunr chi-can-ah. ausrnoITi'ArMoLLov s A NEW LOT 0!" \ Boots and Shoes, noon ll 51.00. noun '2 per pair. 60 pain of Woman : Pobbln Tia Shoe: It 01.00, worth `L35 per pair. Moainof Wo-nu : Bonn Sham M 'v van u.aauu.4`T:.uum.:.-au. do uttct|1CA8H hon 100 pain ofMon'a Blippon At 50 cent: per pcir. Iurth 75 on. an ...:.. .1 w..._-. rs--. n_...,,_I yuu I,-nu, uul tu nu ma. I 36 pin of Woman`: Goat Bnwun Boots at 81.50. worth 02 plir. min : The Shoe. on pun 01 won 8]. worth M35. NI nail` nf Pr:-I4 |'l0dl|y. ` I mrllfy that l mu pcrwnnfly wquumtotl with Mu. Dr Iforron. um] oonnldar her one 0' our vary but woman. In. I]. 8. I-`Lownn. M. -orcn Into. 60 pain of Pmnolln Guitar: ` It 01,00 vonh 81.25. H0 hair: 1-. Ponnnllg fI.ihu- .6 `PK -6. 6.$EE3LL""'5 V-l`ll()E WANTINU LACE CUKTAl.\'8 and Carpets olcuned should send them to this old and reliable Mtablinluuom. where thoyoan he made to look aqllnl to new in (8 honn notice. and Il kinds efnodu lhnl can he mentlonad CL ANED AND DY!-In sll colors in the but style and on the nhortont notion Tlm Luliaa will nlanua Lnkn untinn that I am no pan or rrnnom Unwn At 75 cu worth Il.(l). 11410 quote pdou. Podlul tab now. 1`: 1:11.14. Tho Lndiol will please take notice that I am the only Cups Dyer iu the city. R. 1v59!iT fne}e`a.Mau:_:@..nu,:ngwan this Act. Appliontions nun be execulml ' omoer of a court ol rm`.-rd. Sand In In: fur nnvinlnrnmvhm 1 The oldest RenovalIu2'& Dyeing Establishment In ltlnzston. (lllabllllul A.D.. lul. U NDEK THIS A('T, uny pr-rsnn wlm in fourteen days or pm twipnnad in on $10, in Iha War of I81}. i.-I rlllillnd mu P1` of W per month hum `lute ofag-|-rum] n Wnlows ol suhlirrn .5 Inns lira! um-r ni for Duncan 6: Oancerous Rumors. Pnunion. No othar part in: ara entitled. All ltili Peuuaivnnlersdrommul from H16 Rolls bfa\|w of alleged ml -yulcy are reuorml by t 3 I812 Pensions.) nervuw. un Innlt.u}' wlml wan lIn- hum 0| mur~ riagn to the auhher, are culitlod to the ammo Pnuninn. in Y *iIiE"i76 Iii/E. LL` v I'1|.V I xi skau-II ofyonr dvviou; we n frrr of charge. anal 1-ulviw at Allourrenpoudc~n.~sruri-~Il_y1- a-mu-u u| yum uvvmu, u (7 luxuu: umuuum mun frrruf [0 um-Inmbilily. Allourrenpoudc~n.~sruri-~Il3 Mull: uliul. Vlirra low. and NU (,`HAll(IE UNIALSS PA NI` Allourrenpoud~n.~sruri-vllg1-nnrlxluutiul. l A`|'['.N[` I8 NECURED. Wu rein!` to umnialu in this I`.nnnl Ollivn, m I-al.un Dancxng and Concert Programmeml I)AT F` N'l`Snbt nod for ma:-ha J uiunl dPVi(VI~I. um-Ii, cal or ollmr omnpowudu. olnmnnuv. -I Ilwoixlln Inule marks. and labels, Cnvoun, A-mlxll` menu, hrerlorencoa. Appeals, sum (or In- frin mnenta.Ind all MM arising umlvr Hm PA ENT LAW8, pmmptly attended to. u.vuvu~umn\\vu mu.-n n.`-n I:l.~I.nv Vullcun could tnurh my cue I luv yuur ogothu reoumrnomlul in mm l)ynpc;nin. I oomlnvnoad using it. And I umlinua doing In. and am not 3 well w-mun And rntmod In par- lacl health. All who urn nllcud with thin brondnr olu-mu, (I from Vvaslnngton. ._-`v-r-.-- INV I<}`N. T0 13 S::.:f..' nlrnn-In nf vnnr 1 I Which will be furnished with It neatly pr-iuu-ul rumor from 3. `5 per tlmuaunnl up tum an lur,_r A-nu-rv.Im-nl u! the lnwpc 8'!` Y LES 0 F BUSINESS UAKlD.'&. 2' Inspection invited Urdurn pmmptly lled. Estimates cheerfully given. ' ` V ` ` bv Hm Putunl K; FJJ Bit} 1 bl l)()'1oe:uuyal|ll. In mm-L cases. he pnmul by us Being nmrmams the Pats-nl (mice. we can make cl--ur nnnrvlno-R And aerurn Putenua more prulnptly. and with brondnr olu-ma, (hall those wlm urr rvnmla mien Non um nut cum IAVIIIALI nun Rh}Hl|)E.YUB AN !|HOP--Hand HIQII-ru Street Lnlorn Ion II. knee Bron. Scum. Prin can lrael. will he proluply ultmulml I-v. Hunt I6. I878. I". L`. IILO. ENvJ3;Lo1_=Es| h\'\'l`.'N'l'|U.\'S 'l'IIA'l' HAVE R 14).] BK )1` E I .`z:`.-..:.:'::.J in man. mung. In munul hv us Ila-inn m IN THE \'El.'.Y BEST Wl`Yl.lS. He can con lldeuily point to every piece or work dons by hun or 5 you pllt M I xunmmleo of hi: gm mien Non pwnm .166 iooMs.l VILGE PINE. -Wtun the: blood booomu Illn- Ieu and nngnnut, umber from ohugo of Ion- Ihor or nlvllunnlr, wnnl. of exercise. Irregular diet. or from nu other nun, the V lino will rvmcw the Moon ,(AfI'] o Ihu mu human. clause the uwumrln, regulate 1 0 bowola. and -purl. I was :1 vigor to Ilia vhola body. XIOI I-I I I. ma. IOIIII CL. 00 pair: of Prnnolln Guitar! At 75 cu north Il_(l)_ No'.:_';o:a. 410-. am, ac. IN THE \'El.`.Y BEST QTYLE. He lldeutlv point overv nicm hv st ULW. 70" Milo par. 60 pin of Women ; Home Shoe: u H. Iorlh SIRE. I WU ITVIGT K! UHIPHIIH H1 [H0 l'.I'B"l [In our cllonusiu ever Hula oflha Ur:mu.: guur Seunlor sud H]Il'l`.l`4llfHlI\'u in Cm: pecial reference: given when duh-ml. Auhlrnnn. (Y A l~`NHW.(r ll PREPARE!` AT ALL `I'll!!! T0 KI!`- CUTE ORDERS FUR Hmue Painting iuallils R:-auclan omoer of rm-.-rd. Seud to no for nnyinlornmtiou 4 needed. tboprieu on -yliha ul lloounnl lion. land:-urniuduginvhoulnlntluluoult on come u and In the BK _ Ihoo worn. thrrn rou Iil| ho nun:-d with III . I Ina Hit. -I `ah the I. K. HWVODII ' ploallln ul Irlny you I Ian ! cordticnlc concerning V odm pnpond luv 1:`; Inuit ovary 'hin nut vxpv.-I La lulxynlcun cuuld tavurh on. I bun been I Iueru th the D (or mar 40 yum And hnva had INC than lnr ow 1' six nmnlhl, and hnvo tried ;wu given up to db. and did vu [mun thy to day. uni an I yullr {'..'i'..! .; Ii on an; in A on P0 '1 m I} |I"-h1nw.u.nnoct.- and In 1568!`! IQIVE ll-not Incl` Shoo Ntuq-I, then _\'lL Ii villa courted; and hue:-n!I_r. ' \VIl DAILCIIVS tine I hvohoou ln bullIU.||hopi 5 ooaliuunnouoltbouumul insulted lboprlou nytihnk ul Banal lion. land:-unlined toxin tho public the honolt. PAINTING drinking llyxtlllldtli )lD I70 shunt: Dnrdponunp tinyo Ithuohoou In bulnIU.|ulIM nnnlinnnnannlnnn-no.3: I lnhnd nil Suumlbiluz new uml uuhhyin (JALLl.\'(1 (.'A|l)M. Neumaot thing out m BUSINESS CARDH. In Inn has luau. JInolu,II7I. HOSE WANTING LACE CURTAINS Carmela should send ma... m and well And rntmed tannhle linen:-. I wuuld kindly re-umuun.l to try It (rt ch. benet tr! their hulth, and it in ucnilenl. MA bland purier. ny Dr. '1'. n. 1-mm. M. 1)., I... MILK WM H Pllllyl OPENED OUT TO-DAY! \a-2.4:-V-Qua. aking my ti-lad: ad the plbl nllv fox-Ihouvuryllhunlnnuund Illlulx. Gluing, NO'[[CE. BIG. (7. A. liN()W 5! C`). Unn Patent ()iw.VVnx4h`ugwI1. DC. F. C. MILO. KIM)`, Sign Painting. . Paper Hanging`. &c.. &c., OXJED. nu Inrfvl-I-dlnnnll Oi: nlh` Vnlloy mrean,Qnaon'n('o.. lat; lnluad. NJ` Dr. II; I. Blavou: I 1.4. Hln , I 0.1.. 0|`; nlgn-nun ul -rlnn run JAKE D0110 Hahn. U` my. ml. In xsoxs. Prnociul llhoo In] Ink!-r V II. I'A l$UN5. r I-` Htreel, N.W. Wuhinglou ILC, \' sN`\'rd Iripnbad one Isn'- rlllilh-ad to u I .-nninu e axmninntimm {mu-nmbiliI_y. lx mnliul. l I' I Ace-dgynnudvcyuauau nu [noon OI no In : rnnllll0r.I0rlI NI 2 . I lwrnollngl Prlnucpocyd. nlll . o nplpaud shortness ladies Una Co ion in each KM Olononllnhovlu .101-.nd the -ulna-n,-col cf Goon Vu- mug. my. uh butane he an than sorry Call and snake our `aloud youulll unvnglnlt. II.\I DOWNDIS. LIVIRPOOL H0 US I, Print IL - no law rum. Allpuro [Anon Covong M250. no Inn-sllho Quill: 0! II N. lnphu 90: par dos. Tidy`: vary chap. A lull summon at Cntatnu fun I0 ounu. I AucMI9_ny()ouoou lhtmylalm. sum... Itrllvad ud (fhnahd as so ya}. Isl : 0!. ak`: Print 56 lot. In HI 2'` L`! 1; Tina. BROS ....;__._. ..._.__ .5. 2. s. Nonnnzruza, DI` TUROIHW). AIOHOII any (Jonas -4 Iaumyu to: own. MT: Ho In`: Ionic 2'. 50 o! I Print -4 he :1. mlln Inhadld unotIn'o ct. I HAVING A l?lR5'4'.C[.A8S CUTPEII WE HUARANTEE HATISFACTION l`() 'l`r)HF. entrusting III with their orderu. LIVERPOOL HOUSE." HENRY LOWN DES | American W In : Piqnel. loll lam from oc- ton, um I1. loo pornd. Some nplondld Hunt In It Ouhnm-5 -nrnoc. AIM the uncut. Chuponl. uni Ben. Iloot othu Lucru in the City, from lmnp-I wnrdn` Indian cheer" the Bye:-bl Lion III llouu Iuruhhlnn r-mum. Shznnorku While Canon, 37 )4) 13.5, MIG Hannah` Cotton la Ill widths and nu-hon law nun. Is Offering for To-day and the| coming week tome ve cheap ' lines in Drcu Good: as ollowl; & Hnow Fluke Ursa (load; at I`) I -2.`, I.'x~, I84-, U)1\,`nml ulna. I-`t Piqncn. U00- | per yard. Ready-Matle Uluthin `arid`6iii;it}}11ii1i's"Furnishing Goods, 51I!E.29r'!.!9!!w1r mm n .n-un . vui IIAVINU A l|`ll(5A'-Ulu\BH UUTFICB WE GUARANTEE HA with PW EIDB by the nrd vory.Chenp. ' C. W. W linndluu um I'll-uldlnnnslou. A all 1. I878. 0 THE SPRING S'I`()CI{ IS - O VV` COMI l'.ETltI Comprlling full Line-nof (.`I.() I'll! AND DlA()()NALH_ oululzla for the wuon, which I Am repaired to oe: at pl-loan which will oonvim-e every purohuar thin I um dowrmlnod not to uudouold hy any home In Kingston. and I intend to ountlnno the roputntlnn whit-In huh boon uoooruod to me for the pun twenty year: !or selling good and Cheap Uootln. (`,ALL AT THE PEOPLE?! CIAIPHING H0UHll-lnIpMI the 00mIn.|M'orll|l u prices. And you will at once he Able to dtwldo where to It-no ymu-urdur for amen sluunu sun`. Doiifiifom Cnorniivsrdxi, It Ilnnun in II..._.. In_...u___._ ._,_.....__.:......_.___.-- j-_.__j. _s'r1uw_nn1uu1:s THE CHOICEST GOODS! THE LARGEST ASH()R'[`MEN'I`! ! THE MOST MOST FASHIONABLE GOODS! !! AND ALSO THE CHEAPEST GOODS THAT CAN BE BOUGHT ANYWHERE. S I`()CI{n NOVV LE'1`l1} I8 l)lAG()NAl.H. nultnhln rm 2|... ...-.m. -I.I.-L I ---- IPEUPLEWTHINGHUUSE 4+?:5i:Ei:i3i=*fn&>nA% : Jnnqll, Tl. ARE ()FFElllN(} GREAT INDUCEMENTS IN THE ABOVE m)0l)s Ah` llmy imam! lnr the future todavnto their time tn rl:e1)BlIKR WUBK llnlng ouuuurug ed to Al II) by the great axnlafmtioll lhe|r NEW CUITER. NR. IolN1`()!lIl, hum -,;i\'nI1 those who hvwe ool-1 him A trhl. Putin puruhuing RNIll_V-Mid!) CI9t.l:_i_nj w_|_i_! u}! it_t._r>_t]m I= nlvnuge to One Price Asked and No Less Taken. T T oldbnot unluu. ht fly that of GIQLA. PIllCI&.0U..v lob an acknow- Ildgol Int thohuar nnkuu. OICOID HAND IAIKH and OIOAII hvulondtahm. Ilillnl -.4I IIRIIAIIIIII nnpnllflv 11. SPRING- oLo';I;[_E::1;JN'c3'r? Ye It on bu very out]; oxphtnod. First. they buv (or CASH, mud Mum! hr 1' . ) ` SAL rngnlu-ly. both In Montreal and New York, were Barxvun can x||iu_n b-ongucn 3.9: the road money. Socundly. they nnrl {hair good: u n mull ulvanuo on the Aunt. and u'r.oI quick in en, which enable: than to renew their Shook umnlhlv. Such Inn than than K()'l`I`\) and Ihnz In why they have done: the LA|Gn`.S'l` CASH IIUSINIRXS in Kingston for tha guui Iwu yearn. Uonu-quon!l_y. they take this nub/rrtunithy of Informing their n\luIar.nl1 omuwunon And we public gononslI_y.1-Int shoir GREAT` lAM.\I JTH SALE will mmnuuoo on Suunlg,-_ 51,1: JUNE. in (nu lumulunu Iu!n{IMNl) HILLS` Read IF. X. COUSINEAU&CO. sToPA"T4iL6ia%Nfj m Tn"EAn 1 THIS- April 30, 1573. Uneap mac: uronunnu-1oo, we, we nnuauu, New Guinea Stripes--N|v Blue mdsoal Brown, _ 50 piece): New Linen: for an -12 1 20, 150, 180, 200-: great bu-gain. n u:.u I'\{l\l\ll In-n a n on .- 50 Pieces ow Ildnngu Dun Ooodn-90cunl 26 for 12 1-20. Novhndu All Wool Dcbopa-Clasp. Job Lot Funny D|~euGoodu--&)o, 86c, 400. all for N43715: yard. New Lot Chap All Wu-ol Black Ouhmuu-60, 60. 00 and 75. New Lot of Penman`: Sctin l"in.iIl|(}roa Grain Silh -81.11). I135. I1 New 140% Uflolp Ill Wnol Blink UIIIIBQVI-0!, 000. TI lld 700. I-'onIon'I -81.00, 81.35, Ol.GOAnd 01.75, Uhoap Stool Gray silk for T1-iunmingn. Out on Bin. Cheap Blnok Granadinu--150, We, 250 and 306, New Gnlnuan Sn-inm --Nnvv Blue and Soul Brown. .1 ._._. B3}IhIn Dress A.'I` vvA.L:DR.oN s. uvull nu III In-I. Tllld I-4 IIPAIIIIG a|n(I'Iy ot- idad 00. Our puma bob; nuoanblo Ind bunny In llhlo nu invading panhan- Iopivo no 5 all. Iblfllg fur and bonus IIIJIIQI lull thorough nmlqlnuloo to I" umnnau. _.__.._.__. sruunlo urocx or unmr not um ruma bx mun.- (cumin nuke). u an um um sum. ours rcuuxsnum oooou. u min am... Put ..p|...m manna nucv cg}?-in u~u.""'ou-qf `1'-'-gum '""u:x'.'3 lgmvlcl-tlmcnnlnant. llaok nou.u-qvout-guidance-oiubbouuk a. an M J..." - -.~" -'..-.:.-a-......'--:-.-:..':-.:..... ..... .. :..- --.:-.'::.'- =~:..:':....~* *- '--= -rn('z`zuu"."\7Auu:s. cuurn mos. uunsI..ouoo'."uxu: us. . mnyuou "' `"'`"'`'"``' '``' ` 2. puvosr, IIAII lIlllI_ In-lDnn- n-n an- -._b.n n._... May 17m. 1973. ..._j_._._;-j [Adieu uhcervo ` Fnmhhlnp. uh: Auorlcu hum for oaosnu-gsuon:fu:unybyI.eann;vour' Urdu-rhr cleupnd lallouhlo I-lulu at I New `roux bLoru|ua STORE. - mo: 81'8ll1`,!'uu Donn fun and mu: lqun. June 12,1873. - T _ T (\'oxt_I)oor to Messrs. ll. 5; .l.]Gu'dlncr's, Princess Street.) _.._. yyyy ;._..__ June 3,1378. Gun 8011 Dry Goods so Ohaap, McNAUGHT3N an co. VEETWEI :I:o1u:l:n3:_9_N Clothing _; on 2| BROOK STREET, Because Thoro You Can (lot T3.`-1-: $1 M (Ir.-um Drelgu. M I01`, `.'||r. WHERE SHALL we 06 FOR our: HIUIQ who hvwe offal-I him trhl. Partial puruh Clotlnin wlil line! it to the GIV US A CALL. THEN CONSIDER HOW IT IS THAT A FULL AS()R'!`ME.\'T OF -_- -v- -v ~ -- - ~~-~. - ~~---, ----~ And by N. C. FOLIO! t C0., Drnggbu. Klnzuon. vat ubnsllu. i2".WXL'd6'.`Wi'IE6H`s Building. ,f_ -__._v- IIOCI IIIIII . Icurloon Can Inc Intel Iqnuo TO THIS ___, _,.__._. -.---rv- ----UI nun luv-1'5. noun. :- W uu-ea-nu at u-..: "' ""' . ml. mun. aw Eln. hyoxl-.l$Iu. Vi"! 0' '1'! Wing of the Raul H. HENDERSON, lfohldlctudnhpc Th! II! of I-._-'0' Hui gf I?` IIQI U173- WILL BI IIADY OI BATIIBDAY. London Journal. June Yong llen at m llrltaln, June Ivery loath. July lyna Journal, June Born of Inland, Jun Jun: 13 ID] 1; --you-us-uu-c-. |4noCunaho no Ipaqnl It now. Clnnnhmnn It-Inna lhnh L--- {ew Phutograhs ofth Mchuleyilonkstnre. `Young Ladle; Jcmruul. .I my ' Bow liellxl. ' TC. JCQIAIUI. Irv II VI CI JIIIIJ. IWI. Comum Kmo mu l`unu-mm Stun-r. 03.5 W. W. ANDERSON` Huungori GIIAI GOAL ..IJ.AIl.-.A-_._Q I0 " III HI-nnclonudnd On! on that: B to loan .1; IIIIII Irv `turn. an Value: and Cry: In-ad. under to ow no any on in (Pouch an 0 than nod: In the Full` l-uh lt-If run: In n -UW OOH ITIIITI, 7127!, CHARLES LI\'lN:.s"l`uN, 21 "rock HUI` but-nt's Furulshlngs, 'l`\\'4smIs, Coming 4, July urII1\I I \II I I In` apoohllylhuol ch.hnou-at (sauna I am nrlna OIEG-ANS at dnlnnm -nhn. but nnahllv ol Whuonv-JI nun-ucnaudlullc. ` IUNL I00 nil OQIEIAL IU- ucu. Ikucuunux up Anhlc_y,Wu_ahlIIutou Cu.. lll..Jnu. I4, '78` Mr H. R. HIo\'run. ' Door Hir. Thin In to certify that I hul bot-.1 Itlllrlnll my right, PIANO-FORTES. n-nnnhllilnnnnl lnijjt M S. IHBBHEIMHTS KIT` XUBIOSTORB A3:uchelonr1`antoBIhl|dn'|t on wxuumon nun. V` Ill in tum: ml runuc 01 nnllh nutty Ihtvnbvu OI Bnnchuu (man. Ihnmou. so can rhanndltndon. Itinltzjuup-|IIIw$V. Balboa am: that: Duran mu Obndpnun - unuuuoau... upououn phonon II.-ldonolnuluyioolldullovoc avuhbl-nnwudonhou-valiant.- In Ifedl-I`0` by III Plyucluu. Inthooidonhionlook. Fin '.i'|.n'.-; an: I i. V THE l)()(.`T()R'H (,'l .B l'll"lCATE. IIIIA II I`l` 'Iuou ms or sbiliif -_ .L- ____..__ V EG ETINE VEQETINE H. II. D:Pnuu1'. I.D.. Draught, Hunllon. Ind. J.` P=T*_ Prepared by If 0 us In...` -7. 55070"! 3"` Dar l9|r.--I hnro sold Vogetlno for 3 long mouul dad in `Ive: most. excellent nun- hetlou. -- -ooo ---- V|sl`I l.':. -Un Snturdny owning Mr. Adoil, of the '-\v'nton.own Tuna, arrived in the city. Yeolordny he paid 1 nm to tho huuu on King urea! which had boon rooontly bombordod nth uonu. Thin morning he loll for homo, Ind nut is any expect to no no intarostiug nolunuu oltbo vhulo uuir, especially unoo it 1' acid the Inc! in lacalnutod by An instru- noat ol Wuortnwn Ilnnnhucturo. ' Q uvw tau vvujl hula II UZCIIIX dIIO'IoU,5IIoOO50did.yg Ioddchnbd vithnltunnnd nuilyviicl-onudnindu-cola Ilqvcouppunhld. -- COO Tn C0ll('lIt.--On Bun:-lay slur- Ioou the band of "A" Bunny bu! Ito ollotlinnonl i_n tho Drill She], and A fair udinneo in In monduaou, who, by IIOII nuns: and oxpn-union, uunilcohd the mu:-anon which they oxporiueod. Th -uh Ill ohmuiog, tho gyunuuc uueiun olovotly porlonnod. nod tho hotvnu-hip an rally uoolloot. All tho onurulnuonl ill u mean. A llonn Uuuuu--Quiu a mu. 393 count! huynook IIHO tho County Council III in nnnnon, ah... II. D vvuuuu -- nu -ww-, -nun -r. r. Davao: no and no the chat. Ho ho. dubs! and H: inclined to dochuo pnuu. Q ova the Conan ! this in Couumoo .1 AL. GL4. L. A-_ L. A41 -.____ vu-u-II-UIV XVIII? nqhllnbthinnonbgdugd will: viohnd thobrlnnln-ling Ind naluhottomliuuh-his 1'50 nmnnnupuudtlvl|h.IhIq- Inuuonu-hlhgu i-In uIh(hond(oIlnn&tuu- hglniu-that qpuluulgdnnk Qloubnnu flu lhnuln gunlynninunodiuk. ` 1 ,..._ ..- Tn: Cl'It`HP..'1.-[n the nboeuco of Rev. Mr. (hlbnmh, hi: plus in thn Kolhodint Church pulpit: Ill auppliod by `Rev. Jamel Brock; Rev. Mr. Stool prouhod in St. .-\ndret'a, And Row-_ Prol. Muwnt In the rock Itroel. Church, Ru. Mann. Smith and Wilson being in Hamilton, nuonding the Uananl An- oombly. ~ - ,, ...,. _ Tu: '|`r|w ()u`r.-'l`ho 14th I`. W, 0, Rules uamlu n goml turn out yeulerdny on the ooouion of lhmr attendance M. 8!. Pull`: Church, when Rev. Mr. Carey preached to them I spacial -unuwn. The oompnniea were well lled and om. cared, Ind their uppanrnnca Ill Inch u to merit tho Oolllpllmellll of than who uw lhnm. ,_ Cuuu l{l.rom`.-'l`he Uuudim I)niry- mun : Auocin`.iun,of Wont-rn Ontario, bu hid in Annual report. iuuod, cunnin- iug the tnnuclit-nn nnd uldreuen nf the Annual Cmweution, hold in lngernull on tho 18th, 14th anal lfnh of Fabrunry_ To the mnnufwturc-r of cheese, Ihorever lucntud, tha report must prnvo very into- """.`a"::.:.:"f'..*:.'.:' V IATIIISIH men .. .u m . Iindnn IO` worn. nus Il-|._.. -..I Du... .I__.A --_. domto Ilupe. 41 -__ Uzmo1.vzn.--The singular cuo of the insult of the houses on King Itreet with Ilonu, wu canlimwd youardny morning, making the mutter even more nnnuying than over. The pulica have been attun- liro And penevering. but thay hue not succeeded In gating the loan! trace ul the ponom whose rasoality hu taken Inch 3 I liur-rlIu('l.-The Ilelmeator, issued by Meurl. E. Buuenck & Cu., in about the must Inhiunnblo book fur Indie: publinh- cod. 1! gxves the fulleu inlurnutluu on All point: poinu, An I aupphon Illustration: 0! ull the nuvalzioa 0! the Iuuaon. The July number of this Magazine in up to Ihu uuual Itlndard. .__...,. -_. Hvanln.~I.-Thero Are vut number: of lh in the St. Lawrence lhu season, which Are culled nhaxl, but they us not. It in nid they xe I_.' have no nnmo. They no hybndn, from the npnwn of shad 3 Id mill of herring, mud Are the result.- oxporimunu by Seth Green. _ ,.... Cnuuq: 1 l`1Nu- -0.: Wednesday nut, Chnu Church picnic, (CItnraqui)' will lulu place. Addreuon will ha made at it by Mr. linkpnlrick. M.l'., and other. The programme will Also include uni-bsrriel and cream, and other de- ] licncian. ._}.`-.. ---~%o~-- Goon Bnu.x\'.---'l`na boat Ipeciuneu of bulay uhu um have useu this your an grown un the harm of Mr. C. Uurdun, Township uf Kingston. It unsure: {uur (vet and nix inches, Aml luulu hunllhy Ind lruitfnl. U-` Cuuau run Lv:m'rm.~u.-4There II I notioosblo d|'cru.cu between the culabrr Iion u! Dominion Day in Bulluvillu and Brockvilla, md K|n;,-nun. In the tint no nawoJ plncen there is l chnrgo for everything, while in thu city the amuse- monu an open to nll. ,,.3.:._. s.jo-__- Euc-no: Muruma.-'l`he Hun. R. J. Cartwright II Mdreu the elector: 0! Multan! Inimad on WOdIOIJny, the 19th, at 7:30, in the T.uu Hall, am! on Thurs- duy, the `.!0.h In the School Houu, It tho nun hour. ` Puonuuu.-Modonto' to Iron]: winds and (air Iouhor. Upper 8%. Law ' nnoo. Inodonto to lreuh Ivuurly to` nunhweuerly Ivindl and fair weather. ; Lower, fair to ckxudy wnthot with ruin I ---o-1-0-T. lam-nxol Bocu'n.~On the ueond of July, the manual Iaootinz M the Educational S--cinty Hill be held Inn. A number of very important papa: null ho real by prominent Eclucsliondisto. _._..o3o___.. Tu 80:00:. ExuumoI.-1`ho city I-IIHI hing Iiaoly dl.-or-mud for tho on- n;-o-l..-.-; _L.I. -ill nk: nlnna On. inll IR!!!` IIXI Ur.-u--Iovuu nu up. -u kvhinuout which will can place to- -.-.__--_:-.. b|.-o -1 uh- hoignn TIIITI WIIIII IIJI ICIC III-CU `av- nonow uuaing--dnt of the Christian D...AI.--..' an] _ airy .uIn-r1cuur p-sou) In my van ca 3 o'cIoo'Ioog ~ 1 3'" !i13..53?!*' We-I i?cFATiv'z" 7:33:75` Gilli luiul Tlllllllt Ar Moira:-241.. mnnnnllnuunnn Till Auxumu Suznn -From tho Brocluillo Recorder W0 loam thnt tho oido whool clamor Alexandria: wu uiud than on Fdn oftarnnoon on tho roooipt ol o tologrnn In: tho Cuotono authori- tioo at Prescott. `It oppoon tho! tho Coptoiu Ind lolt Ogdoluburgh during tho lonmoon, and upon culling ot PI-oocott hnndod in hit ropott lo I nan nonod Buckley. who, it nous. bod no authority to tnh it. Tho Cuotono outhorltiu Io, oordingly tolognphod to Broekvio, uni upon tho urinl 0! the boot ot tho duel oho In ooiaotl by oaor Biupooo. A hunt! [or 0400 in [inn nod tho In ul- lovod to dopnrt. Wo nodontuad this i thotbjrd tiuo obo Ino not with tho ouno tnotuoot. mono but-II 0gdoaobu3h,oooo on Prooeots and tho but tiuo on F:-ay. nauvvu 1i. VVIZJC W `II: WW` _mu I-Inland not-ling shop, and Raw. Pthdpclnpt, napibg the dilucaooologiaiou Ihidubgind thodljld Ibo quaint. dlavjg any-uni. Io bid: nvuliniuhthouhu. I Miunav CoLLnuI ElAl.\'ATlO!i.- The hull-yearly exeminetion of competi- tore for edmieeion into the Ruyel Militery cum... It linpton will commence in the clierent dietricte on Tueedey next, the 18th inet. Eighteen young gentlemen hue fyled their Applications in the oice of lhe Adjutent-Genenl-fourfeen from Outeri-v. one from Quebec, one from Nun Scutie,u:d one from Prince Edvurd lelend. The number euthoritiud to he Idlifd from eech military district in two per ennum. but if eny district {mile to eupply tlut number the deciency may be made good by admiuione {roan other Jietriete. There no not for`y-four cedete in the C: liege. Ill-FVIIINJl.IIZ\ j IR ",1 II tho Pnsbyurhn Clurcha III Cobb! in hocunl Annuity on Sands; II... II. hm... ....L- ...a..a.... Garden l|lnnd-Arriula :-ucl1oonerI St. Laurence, Toledo, timber; Anglo Saxon, do, do; Henry Ronoy, do, do; FloridA,Duncan City, do; Iteunorirnm, Dickinson`: Landing, nix bnrgea; nchr Lily Hamilton, Mu-queue. pine timber. DoputureI-Ichr St. Lnvreuceto To- lode. ll...-A- l.I.n/I A.--I--1. on A.u~- nnhn IIDOO. Garden l|lnnd-Arriuln to-dny ; nchn RGuLin, Penuutontimbor; London, Toledo, timber. Depannreuwncbrl An- g'o Sum), Tolodu, light; Florida. May I City, do; Lily Humiiton, Sault Ste. Marin, light; brig llonry Runey, Toledo, . I. ..I.b nun: In, light. Uulll I uvli. Holcomb a 8tewart--Arriula : Prop Armenia, 18,100 bush when from Chi- cngo; ncbu Cnmancho, do, do, do; A. Falconer, Kinurdino, 12,560 bushel: of when. I)upcrtureI-b|rgo Swan, 23,000 bushel: of corn; Annie, 12,600 bush of wheat. M. T. Co.-Tho tug Bronmn srrivad from Mnntreal with three barges, light, and left. with the {alluring : Duluth. 15,190 bulb of when; Lnnouar. 10,921 bushel: of com nnd 130 mm of phon- phato; Lorne, 11,500 bush of ourn, 84 tom of phosphate And 1,000 bush pen; Advnnoo, 13.770 bush corn; Dnuntleu, 11,930 bull: of corn; ----, 25,000 bunh of wheat, nnd schooner Fellow crnft, with oak timber for Quebec. rn.:_-_, n-..__--n._- n.......-._.. rm... in On! P-no-I Inc In on: car. hill`. WIIII U-I IIIIIIEIV IV` V`-l'V\n Chiugo Forwarding CompIny._-The tug Funk Peron arrived Iixh three barge: light, nnd left. with two laden as follows : Nebruku. 22,713 bush cnln; Knnnu, 6,51] bush corn and l4,0o l bulh when. u n | - an __,A A__:__|_. 1')--- ll ,\IVU UIJIII UU. I M. '1'. Co.--Tho reported Aninlu Are : schooner June: Wndo, Chicago, 18,644 bush of wheat; Rlpid, Brighton, 1,000 bush wheat; Arnbin, CMongo,20,00l) punh corn; prop Cuba, Turonto, 2l.9'f2 bunh wheat; nchr Dundee, Chicago, 15,219 bush of wheat. lnnun n n llnlunbn. llulcomb & SusInrt--Arnvah: rchn l Hyderbad, frcm Chicago, 20.000 bush It-nru; Belle Mitchell, from Chicngo, 18,- 600 bush com And three bu-go: light. The departure: were: barge: Jet and Rnpid` for Montreal, the former with 23,000 bmh of corn, And the latter with I 17,000 bulh do. | , ,,_,_A..| __..'__I_ -_- . UIITU. --Tho young men who continually Inna Around the corner of Johmon and Wslfiugtuu ureeu, hunting the fool.- uupa ul certain young Indian, no re qniaatrd tr m--vo on. Their ndonlion in but little esteemed. -~-- V7 ooo---_. XIII`. -'l'ho lain {rusty woolllor bu seriously injurod, the My cop. Thy lam-r, will, in oonueqnanoo not bo I very plentiful 9 iuliclo. -Hu uny one noon Peter Tulund, Euq , lahlyl The ngrnnt con and ' gout. eta, umuld indicate that he has -()no of tho item: at the programme for tho Muliaul Jubilce in Montreal on the 2h: in 5 uonuur procouion of ill the bands, juduu, ho, from the Chump do I1-.. -'l'bo Cmncil will hold forth this Gill Eng. The ionic! don not pnmho to ho 1 wry haunting out. --Kinguou he not Ind an uciumont lot some lino until now. The pnunt 1 good tine to study the atone-up. -T|Io India of the Prubytoriua Church in Truman no to have on excur- nion to Kxnguton on Thank] nut, 20%|: ...-o 5-vy-.. uw., left town. -'!'bo Koutnnl contained 0! I. C.K. CIINII Ii Di 5% Brodvillo I El . - bloc, of Cup Viuunt, loot u new gun lino IilIOI,lIId the other day found ,- ...._.. I- . _.lI

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