Tho plenipoteimnricl at the Cungrou in under obligations of secrecy, no that the dupnlchel which hull from Barlin AFB but nhrewd uutaido guouu of what. has, no (Ar, been duno. 0! these lliure in I cnpioun Iupply, And Among no much clu` of conjocturo there any be some genuine grains of fact. The Lunduu Globe I few dsyn since published what purported to be the preliinuury ngroouzont. botwoon Eng land nnd Ruuia. TM London Adrerzer Ailmn thin I like `understanding ha: been ruched lmlwoui Rziuia and Aun- tria, while uuumilnr authority it in given out that `Emu ul'|t\Hl uul Turkey are ulna mung in concert. In fact uonrly the whole Congress in and to be P`l jl.|,.0g in [hue little at-lo allinocou, we Iuppuee lnr purponoa of muliul lupport nrunncl the intarnnli anal council baud. Ruuian jourunln lpellh ooiitidemly of n pscilic iuuo ol the Lbngruu, nlthouyh there are mine uurlllxo abullltiom an the put of 'l`urli-y, Mnnlenegrn, and oven Austria which nouioulmt b'c'ou the pncilic nul- look. Judging from the put nubody will be nriuunly hurt by Aiutrinn boili- goroncy. Tho mobilization of Auurinn 4-. ..- .- ...-.-I- i..I..n.luI In mn-non Worcester. 1'. , Uunlim-ntul , 150 men, intend vililing Man- I August next. Thuy are the hnsuttn crack cnrpa. u L`uurs:I will be the Gnurl Mar- Hm .n...-Hunt i..k.I;... (By Tel:-graph To Day.) _....| I...._ Is} \I'....... I1 coo -~ -- "mou_IuL. Dilijnhivlhd hduluumu `,-T:)-(l|III`|'(nVV Um pi L nu- . l`I.. Jmm B. Mnouz, 1":-real City, Montnm I UU lllf`. IITPIII lug umnicztl the Puncu v - OIvo[o.Jnno II. All nrndm. Whoa . ,... ...- ` Church Ill be ` beautiful grnwu! I XVI-H jubilee. \ Ill m-I term In Illlll us qunw Plvrblvu W ..._. {rum Tory oourou tht the prupiunliun oocted at the above interview nccuunted tor the Vice Kegnl leniency. HIV ouldc o'lU0 . pa. IA... ._ n__` TICKETS coon 1'0 RETURN UNTIL `rm: I81`! JULY. lli b'l'E:\IIIK A|lAIlt.'\'5I, .`npI.un unnron. II lean Kin ton hu- and ChAr|oI8ooItho3`nl Jn Lttnlx I . un. ` Thin will be tin most popular Itxonnhn of tho dny. giving un 10 time to exeunloulau to . vilnnn Ill tho cola ntwlu of the thy. the din phy ofravorh In the evening. nnd lune also lor our oitizonn to vhit my fricmda Ind nin- livea residing in my of tha above places. The Hague! bniug u lint cluu upper c-nbin icmn EXGUBSIUN of nbovo pluses. layout Slnomor, ovary oomforl. sad umommodntinn in olaro-I fur a largo nnmhor of punengen. C. H. HATCH` June |8th. Ihalellgerdge-nt Dxily Arriving and Sold Low to THE TRADE. uvan, TIHS MORNIFU. henuen Barrio um! I : nnceas Rtreola.A DARK LEATHER FUR.-E mmuinimr over I6. sud some [mm-rs. Tia 1-uullinin over 06, papers. l`le under wil In rewnrlloll in returning llo llaumto LT. ('01.. E. 0. NE ITT, K15. Jmm IBH1. HERES. FOR SEVERAL DAYS pul. wilful and malnoious injury In: M..." dun. in mm: person or oenonl unknown. With the word 0! politicni extincvi--n (ferbnnginx them hyulingle hnir, the Loginlativa Councillors 0! Quebec are giving vent to thelr imbecile Anger and chngriu In I mriu cf rewlulionu quite powerless to reach 11' dnmlgu the Iri-nmphnnt pnty in the populu House Tu mova and to pan in the upper chun- bor then: reactionary rou-lutiom in only to dainumtrata And illuntrnto the recent Tut] defeat. in tin: country. Particular- ly in than true uf Hun. Do B lllCh0fVliiO himusll. Hut 5 mar! time since aiiA[mw- . .: L .n. u..._.- .1... .. P..n.:..r in UEHES. FUR bnvnnnu UA I3 and been done by some xenon person: to the Home And `onuervawry of Mr. B. W. l-`olger, situate u or near tho oorner of King and Earl Stream. in thvs city ; And, whereas. the Council, of the Corporr Linn of thee Citv of Kmgacou at its um-chug. nuthorized me Ls` rannluliun to ulr the Re- Tr `Ia painl to am` pt-rsuu who Ivul mm ouch nnlhrumumn nu WI lend to Llm npprelxaun-Hun nnd uonvnunun of the Iaermn ar persona guillv 4. {ha pa 1-sons above described. Ir\ll\.' Il..l\I"l'VDIa` Oar Loads 01 Flour, Now therefore. I. John Melulyre. Mayor of lhe City of Kiugnu:u,do hereby oer A B,.wa,rdA of FIFTY Dollars] for l'rlm`ess and llasot Slrceln Apr '.'-1, '17! And :1 now prvpuod In [in all an old rut not-sand to umnynov not no vlllhumr him will: melt potmnnp ugh IIA!0AlKl| mound tounuyuvnn IlIIIll|unnr| I . with pummgo such BARGAINS as they hue nut hofon had obnd. `u ulr cu-ber will ups:-n no point n has this shop ch hunt in then]. but no Ivpnllqnnlnyd Good: sod lawman! prim. We usually solicit I Iihonl than ol pubhe God; at uunhhlagh low yrba III - I!!! `I'll! PLACI- Kirk : llld stand. Prinom-It D. I- Al-HTIIIIII- , i:"{liig-1-i3rt1is~'T"~t_iT1iig`1;' Cbolllu. t IUDII Inn at Ir. Gldnlnhovu. lawns New Hat Store,[ Weather lndlcator llut, and L`IIrI.~'ty`s London. E HasPurchasedfwmH.W.Hi|lyard ms TIRE STOCK our Young Man`: ' Snu-h Hriml" I THE NEW I4 nun. A`|'vvA ` Tweed Huta-m- nnmrnmupi THE NEW ` Uny I Run in amlleun unity. `mu. w.msn nun: rmncn THAT THE UNIVBRSIGSEI) -va--v-. '~u- Pnn to 0-I020 uni Ieuu-:........u O0. I-`Are no Chm-Iona uni Botum ..... .. 2.00.. paving for tlnisadvvrt Kingnwn. June I`, ' 4.49}-. W0 all tho situation of the Tory or- pun to the [met (In: on tho urivnl at Quo- bec 0! tin S8. Dr-ui4l-nth the \'ioo-Ro- gnl puny on board-Lieutenant. Governor Lo-all:-r do 8:. Just, Iccomponird by Hon. Mr. Joly, Premier of Quebec, bouJed tho rtu'mrr to pay no uicial visit to Hi: Excelloocy Lord Ducrin. 1: than no Attempt At eolhuion hen] At my rue Ibo orgnna will be able to any Ihu Lord Duurin bu boon `nppruchod` by the Liout.-Gpurnor And the Q-uboc Promur, tor the vinit. of the latter hur- nil] inapliu u much. Should Uuvrrnur Ht. Juli. not be dillniuod by Lord Du! {erin Io uhnll be qnito prepnrod to hear 1- ; rrv .. -......... oh. oh. nrnnitlnlinn I nun in receipt nf Invuiue of two Duzou Puck- Ages of THE BEST REMEDY that ever \\ am invented by man for Hm death of Us ulnve lwatu. ll, irlhighly r(`~ T[|[5 M(\l{_\'|{\'f`-, in- the Shay: of Minutes )n_vl(s N. l[IvkIV`, u SUM of MHNKY. The .u-nun-1-nI|lnn`o~H|M uum nu inlenhlvluz it and TORONTO FLOUR STORE, M. MORRISON. lll I! Ulll Ilkullg IILIIUIII D. I. LIIHTIOSC. April 8. ma. `to Oawegn and Rochester. NOTICE. M ILLS B l{(")S. A R&`{I3{LIJVTi:`D I GOLD NECK CHAIN. with snmll looked K nn Saturdlv. between the Drill shed and lm-nhlc-`a. By lenvmg in M. the Hlunm up, (DFPICI. or H. Dumblfs, the nder will nuilnlllll I-awarded. Another Large Case of the Popular `rvumv zvxc, .1333" 1k, lava." " muuxnus 2;. Car Loads Feed, THE PUBLIC K: H. Du uilnhly rewarded. m- 1711:. The Potato Bugs. Per 8.5. Polynesian. at the Oar Loads Pork, pun-2 STEAIIER uwxxr, ,.una'on. II Ionvn Klnnmn Fqundi Z T '-.T:. YUIIUII - `In In: in the Path u7J0p:- - . -g_ nu._...L__ I.-A Car Loads Bacon, L051`, IX!) hnlwn nu-h it HAT STORE. Car Loads Meal. ` if Thu inlennlylug H. I the Uorporr t ) ut14r IALRII TEXDKR8, uldld b the II '.nrr-inn-I. nnd audunnd ladarfor 0b 1 ml Raw Marti." will be not-irod at uni: onion nuul tho u.uh dnr ofJnly. non. {of the gm-Izruu-nun ol ll: Iollowing ratio. between 3' .-on and Cu IIIIO. VLI: znulmanod Dun with HIInId&p`ln- ' Anhurund lhnuv|tIl'IuInIlIInplnlO- ' to . II the G and Ca!um-I Ha Ida`. A submerged Darn, us the In Rnpkdn. in the Rm-her Pnudu Chanel. And Idea the oxrnvuuon of about between the Chnpou: and Culbua lacks _ A luv shoving than union. of the nut. TME BOVEIIOI3 EXIT- the Chas;-can and Culbu: lacks may obtain; pun'|ouo.:f river. vithpluun nyoom eunuch V-\I:II cal to out II mum... Ihothlnl OHN. lun- Incl. sud II the Button! Engineer`: Ooo. Cnioheor. on sud ulcer tho 25th day of June. non. Printed form: of Iondrn can nluo ho nhuhnd It than uhnnn. ulumug, . Sign Panutlng. Paper Hangmg. &c-. &c., &c.. IN THE VELEY l%E.\"I` HTYLE. llu mm mm- denlly pulnl lncwury place 01 work dune by lnm fur a your past as a guarantee of his nln. litins Noun; nun Irumr cuss Iuruuum mum Nmuc mun RVJSIIJENUE ANI) Hll()P-Hea(l ofQuN-,1 Strret Lrdern Inn at lie-an Bron. Store, Pri- ces Slroc-I.,wi|| he prom]-Iy Muandml tn. Mnrch 16,1878. F. C. MILO, T7 [Upper nm Him lmmnllell f none: n:_BumcIons. Printed form: of oluo ho obtained :8 photo. This Department does not. howovcr. hind null to tempt tho lawn: or II] taunt. By order. IS PREPARED AT` ALL TIMES TU ICXI-.'- L UTr. Ul(l)l`1ltS FUR llomm Pain (in g lnuIIa'!.~'lh-mu-Ia ('8 Graining. Glazing, Slicrn |W1i'fWSI 6, | notion `Hm Lmlin-I will plonno tnka uotloa than I Am the only Cram Dyer ln the wily. | The Gheapastnusa in the [my 060. 'l`ho7n-gson M70; I AIELITI [I131 150108! will be mind to Innis`: Ila! a `A-Q an-h Icolou v in`. uatolxing. j I a LAn|s'a.`JuA1*1EMi' - Cast-0Weari 1;g Apparel PA I l\T"I'IN' G- EXTRAORDINARY I WHAT ? I Fraser&Mowat ARE SELHNO OFF! :i5 " Wines and Llquors, Dime! tr 1 all :5. '-W` .......*:..':2::'. Irma 09.03.. I! and II. ronn I and III. I Iulllfobnrhn. Pluutoring I And GENERAL JOBBING DONE ` Q. nausea`:-3. Tllf. CONGRESS- Prix-cesisstree t,o on iteW;l::ha Marble orks. An:-il III a- sum THE .u:musss~ F F F 5 F 5 FF MRS. JONES, ()l';'()n'l[`| \\'lL(.`ll'.5` MAlHH.E SIIOI R. 1v9NTc:<:MERY (4-.m*rul llurdwnre. In 1.,` IIIIIII I all I-III II n In: In Paints, om, dc. llurv(-st I`oul.s u Rpcrlnlly. PRINCESS STREET. Fishing` Tackle in Great Variety. I The oldest In-novnllmz & Dyeing Estnbuxlnm-nt In lilngslon. lI'nIn|hII\IlllI I .II._ IIII. Which will be funuinhoul with It nnally printed corner from 3 l '.'.'J prr HI-uuml up. Mao 5 lnrgo nunrunont ol the latest IITYLEH OI` Dancmg and Concert Prograxnxnu. Bomothin new and nobbyln CALLING CAR 9. aunt mu. on In BUIINIII CAB I. Zlnupoetu-ninvI1ed.01dero promptly lled. Eniusta eheulully given. Win In relefrui e leeqleye to . the deegenhnt nu-neucal am In in ellovieg e body ol iei-Ilietniho -Q hehetler hove irylbe eeel (`ag- eiuniet-,9 openly drl endottin (ht, eelvce into dhdplieed amp Ll nee, we Ind little idee that our one country Iould hen heee uiede the In! place for such leuienteble eceeu ee have been ex- perienced et Quebec It he: been eetielerx torily proved, hoee`ver. (list the coding- IOII who were labouring, no doubt under egrievenee, love not the inetigetore nor Here they the leedrn in the lete lioie. ponry edventege, the duperedoee (end this ere none in every city) who here eetlieg to loee, cen [or e tine creete e- penic emnng the peeeelul citizen; by their unlewful ecu. Anuthereucceee, (olloeiug the licking ol Beneud'e store, end ` Quebec would heve been e eeene of ` enerchy,end re, rnur ler end deetruction would heve lullowed in their course. Thet during the ehurt reign of tenor the Keyur wee unqm etiwnebly to blame there can be no question, for lied the Riot Ac` been reed et first the eituelion at once would heve been in the bend: of the inilitery, end no blood need hue been Ihcd. Llouever, we have leerned one lesson, thet nothing but prompt, decided end determined ectiun on the put ofhthe nuthontiee can put down lavlmneu ')l this kind, which emounu to nothing more then mob luv. We ere proud to . Iey thet although we here only e emell rt-gull! ermy belonging to the Dominion: Ihllo we heve uuch regiment: It the Filth Foul:-ere (who number e greet meny old soldier: of the line) the Prince _ of Welu' Iliee, end the Victoria Rie, Comniunmn or any other lewleenmu can mver eucceed in Canada. The elecriiy with which the Volunteers of Montreal reepnuded to the cell to arnu, deserve: the thenke uf the whale Duuiiui-Jn. end we would Ilka to we I ma public demon- uration in theirfavnr, on that eccuunt. It in eleo ehone, lhet, under e teal RUYVIIC . IIIU llluulllbannuu vn uuyunuun trunps ll moral] intcndod to Inuence Conxrou in lsvourul Iome move in the Auulrinu Interact, and will uover amount to unylhiug in tho ol-l. Much ducun nxon I|ll precede daemon, and noun Lune mny yet elnpoo below I haul: of general Agreement bu boon docldod upon. \'ew and Secunal llmul Goods L. .....| _..|.| ,___.. 1.- _x_ .z.._. 6YEi'Ii To LIVE: wmc aoAti`ribbNIS`. ENVELOPES_ llvyson I ma. K nnhuctuod Huinldp Inn- ke .1! Rankin`. April I3. A Btoazn. Dyer. May II. 157!` Ioooduahunovwlnniuuillhb lube. May 81. 1873. nu uuiuu nun... nu...-. ............. .... locelediii the vicinity of the Artiflery Park. The building still ataiids, and is ucciipia'l by prrsina whi may be uii- nciuiin of the lii'i5\i-bll hiatury uf the house. Our iiifuriiimiittella us that II the! time it was cmiipnrnlively ilolatcd, and (In. the aide airuck with iniuileii {need A field on the eat, on which any one could be seen iinnler ordinary circum- ulzuicua. The Cnllilllfllitill was commenc- ed nbi-ii: ll o'clock the lirnt night when rape were iimde on the frunl. door. The occupants, I iur leilius, became Ioiuewlin. alarmed niiillenrml tn open the door Finsliy one upunail ll \ViH\.lIJW and pee-pevl nut, ind though the u;ir~ ruuiidings were illuininatel with the inouiilight no one win eren. The cir~ CUIIIIICAHCB beoanie the more remiirkab'e the second ni.:ht, ahniin 10 o'clock, when the noise was repeated. A neighb-iur rune lualily from B into ten, and seizing h|l guu, diulic-.1 out And iua-la an exami- nation of the vicinity, but coiilil not an- . __ ._.i._. i.-..i ..........i H... ....'. ,..... ..... . OPENED OUT TO-DAY! mom of Publm Worn, tulu. 17th Jun. I873. on IIIIII nVuvu--can uucuuuu \lIIu' of evnrv den--riptiuu bought. and sold. J " \'tnr- u,~u an .`s'.m1r.h_y evn'nn;,' III Ii Vt-lm-k. F. C. MILO, l':l\I'E5 .\"I`RlZE I . up: its lawn By THE'LA1`EST STYLE ` IS LADIES` SCMIIER HA BONSE . `rs,-__|_-_3b_Ig~ H_-ye ml 0 _|v_-bier Silvie -n<|_ _B-.v_g. tad tho_!_ludoTs-Ia: ou&|ou:is 5 P. HARTTS GREAT SALE ` Thu lillinary Ilapartmant gmwts Special Attention. ._._._-- ..:__. A genllx man hu called In any that the mynteriuus ntuclu upun Mr. B. W. Ful- ger'n residence has A parallel case in Kingwm, of which we were unuure Ihen we made a atatelnent uf A contrary effect a day or two 113. The occurrence to which we make allusion occurred About forty nine: yuan ago, in the umnlh of March, and tho place being the object of some one-'3 wmth and Llinplunaura was r .L, . _..: ... l.:.s .. ..6' M... I Slndoo. Golouriv-gs and Ida`. will be ound st `nu. LA l`n'3'I` an uss In L.`\UlI!i5' 5L Milli`-It HA `" r A-Mn-Na Huts pl for Girl: and Boys, and tho :3;-ds"_AfE`s' in silk. Bmu. Volvo: and Inn Goodn. A'oo In-Mien. lfbnn ad Ouuuatn In tho Hon: \. we-unis vvlvxll 1-1: nuu an-nu-. wun luv uuun-In no mess nun mu must I QIIIGK omen-. or ti: ems. After 40 years in business. Past: y and Cakes of all kinds. Ladies` Fingers fresh every morning, my own manufacture. No drugs. I) `l\T1`Il'DT`ID UKUVE IN. holunglnx In JUIIN (I. HANDY, (-ulmiuling ul In-In `J7 and 5.". hllVillj{ ll |"|`()IJl.- ugu 0| `.90 fun! unul l'.'| hm! Du-1!. ll Hood Double Mung]:-('unI l)u-rlllug and (In! lfullvlmgu on the l reruhea. `I L- Klnnn-n ..-.. . I-nnlul nf Ill n..- IIIII: Quin Ilwllva BIIE IIZUCCTUIIFIS X A Splendid Lot. mmprv-lug all the [aunt Novelties. will hoalhrod II pou fmu Ibo npvnl nmnmwm m..Mmmw__ P. HARTY, . - - - - - rergi1soi1's%1'iEi:. In 17th. 1878. |Elentural Division society! on Friday, Och July. Enrica can be made Any time nmu- In Vuly. Pnoi:ire|_v no nutry l (`(`(`i\'o\l nfwr 4 p.m.,on shy pruvluun tn l-Lxhilnuulu. .u ,..~u .- ,,. At length the Cauneii he: come to e doeienon in reference to the bulcben. Their cue wee oonudero-I by the Cuuncnl lee! night, the null o! e eenn ebue being that e reeulucion has penned. er.- ehng the butcher who male 1 null in the Ilnnbke to have u uhop outeide. Tin vgolalinn, node by Lang Wu. K1, it 50! `his: lfeot to C50 eeneelione coeluned in e conuuniadon cent by the butchen lo the Cuuucil eooe hue niece. hence to the veedote ol heel neelitull bee euidenory Antago- - - -' - --- ---J--one 4|-Q;-also By the llerlllinnill ul'(,`ol Hm Band at A attery I evening. 'l`u'kHA at umluhorr-lnip be hurl on am: i ~nlIoI- to Silnu-nu-u'n I Him. Ulnar! (.110 Post (`tlin-. I-`OR .~ l'.\lMlR l(lu" A DING. Macaria, The Terrible Secret, S1lent and True, Mildred. Sa- mantha. at the Centen- nial. My Opinions & Betsy Bobbitls. Lady Audley's Secret, Children of Nature. An Idle Ex` cursion. And a very lnrga number uf (ha Lnlmaiclo nn ullml rlmup li\ynu'i<-H, Rpt`l`hl_\' bwlm-led (0 our trmh-.. lchurch Pic-Mic] Auclinn Sale Valuable Freehuldf Hn H>\Tl'|(l)nY.Jun~ '1.'ml M |`Zo'1'lm'k.l1 Hy CHAS. MCMILLAN. at his Rmllnr. Marin-V. Piqunm and Cunlmu House, t.lm..\ uhle I ru|u-rl_V nn l'<-rurly ilrtml. m-gr 2-rm Ml Hulv Fur ml`l|(`lllI|'I apply to I (,`D()N.'l`.LL AL MLIJHC. B1U Tinl0`I |.&c' . nr (JIIAH. IIFMILLAN. Julm I-I. Ann-tlmlraer SUMMER sHow( lIH[NEWB[1l]KSTUHE.i }uEw BOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS. DC` II Ulll W I jtrvxwy -13-`:- ncul ol u tony nu;-haunt dulo-uh , `But due; the Council kn you to in II Ihonll go indict, Ind,by holding I up- dl nouth.0ub|o Ibo button to con- _l_-AL uh. .-gnlnl h.kI, A 13] An 5| Il|7I|Il' nt`l'|m-. .\'l`}W A.\l| (Tlll}.|I' IHNDICS 1:xE`u"n sfi rnrmmuua I` Ilhll . (?()Nl-'l'ZIlEN(IE WILL BIL IN {IFS MON The Hletmrr w`lI loan [ho Farr] Wlurf gt 7:30 A M, puuug dawn Ibo Ant-rk.-an And returning by thn Cnnuhnn Chnnnel 'I`Il'I( [TH 51] I'.AuIJ ST 1-} A M I'}l\'. M A 'U_] ) '.1usrncwn.AmoLLov's AHEWLOTUV l WIIOQXII yrwau. u-~---.__._-... O.L. MoL1.pY ] ]]K) Ul\ 1B.lJ]A_*}Si !fhEfereMi|@inuyingm| Boot; hoos.| I00 psin 0! Mon : slippon at 50 all!` pot pull`. Iuflh 75 ch` 36 pain 0! Wmnu-`n 0050. Button Boat: I! 01.50. math .2 per pair. 60 pain 0! Women : Pooblo Tin Illool at 8100, North 01.26 per pair. mmin oi Woman`! H0000 Hit It CV00, par. onpun of out .1. Ionh `L25. an n-in nf Pnmolh Gnilou II .l,. Iimh _ | 50 pm of Pnnulla m,oo| vonh .135. G) o! Prmullo (hint! at 75 ch -...oL (II Q1: uqmodinte euninlion oftln Stock by nation wishing: ulloion is dried. \III II vuuvnuuj, v uuv Luv IhuRIrc-at Rnilwny will convey lo Hm Pin Niv (Irv-Ilmh and return for (Ill! lllllltllll Ull III? I rrluuufelu 'I ha Homu-n are lrnngmg n rnntal of I80 par van. A (Mm! (`Imuvo-. |.': minuu-on wall to `I IUKIIIH, II IJBIIII. lulu I'll be procured on board. June H . IN. Iunvu'u-vv- wIuqnouvr*'- ;.-1-QR? `iEja:`:s*-vv" { 11., ms. BROGKVILLE. HE NEXT EXHIIHTIUN of lhin Boon-ly \\ ill be bold in uh. DRILL SHED. In On Wednesday, J une 19th. `T 1|... Rn-mu lI..ilu.r.u will nnnvnr 1-IN l Rll).|l', . min. iuuxnory ufull klrdu, [Hunk Books of all . Sltwk u`l nrw and n|m(`htH)` nun-ted I! wants uflhu trade hem. PROPERTY. 1`l'un.v .lu|m'1. n |`lo'-lm-lc KINGSTON. S. WOODS. u~nuwnw:~nw = Imllcu` and Gents Sllk lluclkcrclla-ls 2 pt. comnri-in Ln-I Nnvnhha. will h..m.....o .. .;-1... n..- nnmr lhv line uf hlrurl. KIN- Ing In goml order. TIIIQ` gmul. Fur apply I. II ln vriven in aid of(,'llRH'I` (`.-\"1'Al{A(gl`l. at row- lulfu mile north of Catara- A l'AllAl.l.|'.|. CASE. gum JOHN C. '..'TuII1I huviuu T1 ) , .VliI.\'I!`. 2ll"l`. uf the IAIHOI `M Smdety um-h lor Hm mm-lit 0! thus 1- AIV u: unu- H. DUMBLE. Jul. (`utluu Illd utlloorl y wnll pluyduring the . C. Mc(Hl4L, lip:-natnr Mclil nu, Eu-retury. I`\lI1 \:rII-I-. ` IUIII IAII. aoitolln obit AooL1nlIIo-wont: B .,.q amp. um... hr In-A qwuunn, W1lgl.lAI_|)A_!_lD. ` lie Clly Ihtclcru. .L Hlrux-t,-.umnininK 4-ugh! In dtmrn nml gran-n nu ma lull water pumps in Inn-In. Itahin In nnl. A|npl_y In [I I). lU\\ J4. (-ormar l'1|n.-. ,-_ -, TWU STUIKY BIDS!-I l)Wll.l.lM| -- oontnhnimx ninn rn mm. mluut: I nu Illa mrunrul'(.`lo-rgy and Wulhum Htnula. l`muu~o- Iiun May Isl. Apply in nl-inluxlf \lnnlru.I Onnned Salmon, Onnned Lobsters. Canned Peaches, Canned Sardines A van`: ulna Inn-la nfll... vuuuuvu A very nice Stock of llm uh0\'l"jllI June 1.1, `T8. Store and Dwelling To Let`. ling on Mrmuu` I` Awly to I TII `cunt: FOE lALl-'?.'Tl IEW HOUSE 0! UNION ITIIBIT. owv-silo M. ha` .......? L'...' enhntndall Dainty. White and Grey Oottons. Table Linens. Draper-s, Towellinu Table Napkin, Irish menu. ,1 Bhoetinp. Pillow cottons, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Prlnta_ln greet variety and all nncea. i W Ono prloo uni) . Huh-.1 urlully cash LE2}: i>}Vs'5i.}{`kS`2*.'i4Ii'z'oRxs "MRSQ KEijL}.;u[ Mldwlfe and >9:-n. :':1| Nurse. l{ESIl)FINCPI-MI` Jn~nlnI.n' Haul!-. I'riI|- N-al Street, bohvrrn Ihurlv nul liivlninn Itmotn. Wu. IMVII, 'Tha Cheap Broh-r. Prinro-nu HL, Kbugnton. Iny l1l.|`7P. ..u.-u In 5517: vnuub] uuu Ill prices, | French Gambrics in all the Newest n bhudes. R. & J. GARDINER St. JOHN'S LODGE, A F.. A.M.. l`l'l'[`>`Hl'l:4:H. Hug [ Tlmrsclny. the run. of June, nnuuuu:-Ixu .. . .` THE new tloron um; I`: II Slum Iml livel- on ct-rnrr of W- - wlnn ml ((-14-an Pr-ueui--n In. .u mat. of JIIIN1. \U T?` `""'l" Wghiu i l'l'.-mbldauosl enr- squulooae hit his the U. 1 scene In and tn nhelelootnu 0? Ir. Dtlfflll es()oonnuiulQoe the an --in qnootiun, dovolug s IHIGIII1 nl ope-.-ml intatesv, ox- eupt n lute: tnenahr Evert: from Mr. Dllluobd, uf Zlrd u'.L, ii: which he ststu it In at the express request of the Gov- ernments of Great Briuln And we Vult- od States that he accepted the nteo ul third commissioner, which they both tendered him. Mr. Delloua nl-u stated that the objection to his sppoiutnem. ruined by the Umtod Stun uenrslyecrn tau were nhorlutoly unknoun to him to their plllllltdll tpo months ago. The manage Iron the Pnsident tnuuniuinu `the additional eornapundemo in nerd to the nppoirmneut ul Dnlluue as Fish- ery Cumunuiuurr III referred. The House Cnmvnltteo on Foreign Atfun reported s bill for the Hnlxfnx Fishery Award. 00:, of Net York ; Butler, 4'! Mnuachuse ta, And Springer, of Illinois. raised s-ven.I objections um ti-`ointl --I under, which were nrerruled. ne Spesker melted in wns his duty to promote the passage of the bill. Bu ler nntl Cox made the most persistent elforlu to mldre-s the House, but were met with loud sud re mated calls to order from all s den. Hut -r not yie`ding, the Speaker called nn the Sergeant at-Arms to do his duty. While Butler Ins conferring with 'l1;n.uthci2sl the Speaker told the Sergeant he might retire. A motion to sdj mm was Vnl.8-l down. A motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill was rejrcted by 155 to 87, nut being two third: in the affirmative. \V..k.'-"Ann Iulnn I2 _I... nnnuuun-n;-A TIC new U07!!!-3| |-VI wlPl'W' --, ouuiqtoo, ol rouniaing in point, Itll PHI! CUT STONE R!:lI)ENCI ON Bydnnhnm Strut vu-nr l`rmrnn,nppoI|tla Tami) Bron`. Mnrhln Wmlu. Apply nut duo! or no that Wotnplp lluuno. Tenn: modonur. In yinh. I Yul um: IIIBA LD. apuuy IIIOI 3 buhlmnbnilz I574 at I soul of now: lboIOOtld%n. and Hello: to good gogdubmv. nonollahq. Apply Io H I nvnunlv A LARGE STOCK 0!` ORETONB from 17 to 250 per yard. GRKN15 P10-me! |ron BALE on To RENT. PI.lAMNTLY Illfunlrn v(rn'Aul In Burrlrnhhnonlnlmna mm mount and rellu. ll} ho enmlucul on spplinullon In In` J HICHRIIIC (ma. `J. cnnouujil VII v-u---V LIAIANTLY MTUATED C()T'l'A0l In Bgrrloold, nontnlm-1 1-Allnr In ha uapliautlon June l3;|. -I)r Conroy, the Delegate Apostolic, arrived in Montreal on Suurdny. _l r..i Richie]. invvntur uf n vimz D. lU\VEF|, May n-_ 124774. THIS AQUARIUM. lay 9, 1875. Ilmmta. Khupnmn. Jum- 10 LHI`. wwn uuw unc`-umr.m'I Hlrm-I a~.un|uinin.r ....n.- r I". nmuuu. In; a. nu. ..s2-_.._._. O 3!! &IIM `Till IAIGI IIIRALD, enpulty N00 5 buhrlmrobnllt """"""" wnuu mno. 1|.aapInur.Pv|oauIt..I|qlQ `g In nnunulu-u thu lhulding Fund In lukn EXCELLENT VALUE ball: tmn munln --Hnn. Mr. Morris, ex-Lieutenant Gnvcrnur nl Manitoba, hu bean nmnilmb ed for Selkirk. ~Ald. Hughel, of Toronto, will be in- wt d by the ltstorcuaru oi Niauarn tn cunt--at the nest. against Mr. J. Burr Piumh TL- luv-an nn...k..r ..f hnninu-n fnilnnn NTOILE AND DWI-;l.llk\`(l .. Street. Imw mm-un-h-d an n I H. law. Al-ply In HI-'\.|."I'II\' .l- PRINCESS STREET. n I} II?! .i;3lR~WSALE.i an IIYIH IAIH nnntnlnnnn T-`BE BALE, 2 `III! HIDAIJI Aqnanx m-nun ruun-rl{ull_y iuviln--l FOR EALE _.<- nor. canny Illll !'T<?*`..* :.7 -_... -an Ar-l\l`1`1'I To m:.\'r, 'I'0 LIN`. 'l`0 LI`) I`. \'ll nulnxn ll\'t ruw. A Harlin spacial says A ropurt from \'icl11mufu medilnted attempt on the Ma of the Crown Prince Frederick W11- liam, cauwnl a sensation there yenterday. One hundred and thlrty S milllllll were arrested last night. at Tivoli Bnergmion, In-M` Lhuro. 'P:l 0=l CUIIIICI I mt. `4 npyq W F. J. GEORGE. lum- uou Qyplwllluu u) I". J. GEORGE. nu `lunling Dinner. W right, In the Uuunly or uwnn. - It in dnngerouu to wear yellow avor: on Nlnutraal `streets; 3 yunng man with assaulted by four ruughn there fur so doing. -Ganm-nl Rnrlni And Mnnlo Marble doing. -Genenl Bnrlow snd Manta are reported an being the riunleulen In the monnnnt o! the Democrnta to out Pmidem Huyon. -A dinnum balwaan John McDonald amrmauve. Washington. June l3.-Ia consequence of tho failura to pan the Finheriea A nu-d Bill in the Houne, the Senate WI insert an amendment fur the payment, of the Award in tha Sundry Civil Bill. -'l'he expense: of ma Mnnlrul troupc 1!. Quebec will exceed $5,000. -`2`2'2 Hnrmnnn nailed from Liverpool tor the Lulbed Blllel nu baluruny. --Three hundrod hbourmn were dim charged by the Curpurution uf Montreal lzu! week from the Rand Dopartlnenl. ~ A llama rlsnnntrh lav: tha Cathulicn l'ulHL, Lake Jane. -A large number of the Lancnahira uperativeu have ruumed work at the full reductmn, and the npiuiuu prevai`n that the atnke ll scan and. The masters have resulved lu re-:1;-en all the null: to-Iuur FINA" nrrnvod In Montreal auuraay. -l ruf. Richlel, invvntur ying Inachinn-, prupoooa to y ncrou Niagara Ealln this munth gum. Ll. M..rpi- nv.I.inn0nnnnt lllmwn. nu: -nu-us umv -.-..,v.. erfnl in bulh Iluueus, the 4-x~I`remier, in his quarrel with [he Liuin.-liuvornur uiul In other respects csnvsssed and dilcuewd from and tr and u! the Dominion. he was invested with an lmpurlancu tu which neillwr his poumisl sh-lily nur hn urns- 1-milile 1 mniun t-Iillll d hiui. lluw c- In- plclaly in: has been stripped ol this impur- liuico, his present lulile sttemptn lo Cull- IlOI.lll| the Government with which the pouplu have replaced his own abundantly but. most. piusbly demoustrnte. Cum- pletely luu e-x-Preuxier De Boucherville been show of hit strength. Malignant disosees often demsnd rignroul remedies. The tuutiunist lymnt. Ives {set driving tlieoountry tn ruin, end the people, first drivingihimlelf from power,l.sve signied their nnmisiskesble desire thst the ex- pensive incubus of sn Upper House of thick he is lasder shell be abolished. IIIUIIIU -The large number uf business Iailnna in Uuutenlalu has created A panic nun:-u-_; the Inerchanta of that city. Rucunt bank- rupvcivs nnmulll to 81,850,000. --Al.I, Realmn. uf Hull. nnnuunces rupvclvs Ilmnulll. to a|,o'.>v,uuu. --Al-I. Roan-an, Hull, himaelfu u cunuhdmu fur the Hmae of Commons. in opposition to Mr. Alon /.n Wright, in the County of Ottawa It in dnnunrnun tn wanr vallow avor! Frendeul. Heyoe. -A dispute between John and George Harrington, II. Shedmc, nu 'Ihnredny, teuminated in the latter : favor by Mcbmeld getting I bullet in hie left. eye. --Amlnm 1') Han. uf Lnndnm. iumned hu left ~-Androw 0 Han, Lnndun, jumped from an excnramn train just befnre it stopped, fell belwen the cnva,nnd receiv- od uuch injunen lhut. ha died a low hauls afterwards. A \.L'..|n'n..o..n -nu-In] ab: Hunt mlllinn d--crane on tobacco. - 33,000 Sucmlinu tnrnod out at Chi~ cmgn your-rdny, of which 8,000 marched in pr-sceuiwll, he Lded by 240 armed men in umfurm: mguy speeches woro dolin.r~ but the proceeding: Ion otdorly, And no nrrocu Irf msdo. | 1-..... u...;. an nu.-. mm .r. Izuz week lrum ms 1: mu uoparunenr. ~A llama despntch lays the Cathulicx have rl-`clrd two of twelve Municipal Conncillura. Three of the l ru\n-uinl Cunm-illuu chosen are Liberuln. -110". Mr. Bnchnud wu uunble. owing ta a severe cold, to deliver Ins nnnncinl Itntouuaut yentordny. 1!. ml! be dcllverud tu-day. --Thma llQA-~A man. woman. and uenveruu Lu-any. --Three VD-~d nun, wumnn, ch1Id~were Inn. on Sunday by the cap nizing of the schooner James Scott. of PI.` Burwell, on Sunday uwrmng UH` Lung I -Ant, Lake Erie. A I....... .....-.k-- ..l H. Iunmzghu-.4 bums afterwards. -A Wuhiugtun npocial Itntra that there u: A decrease ol noay Ii; millions, in the Internal Revenue tax on upirxts, for the last ten montbn, and nearly A million du-crane tobaooo. _ 4': mm u.....,.I;.o. Ono-ul Inn} at Chi- nrrutl Irf! mule. -JameI Harrin, an Ottuu lump, ll`- rentea fur the third for ctiuainnlly unulting little girll; ha ha: served con- udcrgblo time in Kingston Penitentiary, nrdis a uutriad man; his puni-ihmeut uhoul-J be bony. ._.Mr Rjihll Hnnn. r nf New York. The hopel elcitod by tho Ihu-nlent H! the Lumlon Echo n coupln of day: Ago. nun-ganl w the ercnuiun of Lord DufT-.r- un`: tc.-rm. are nut. we regmna lay, very hlrly la he ruahzcd. It in 110' said Hut I roquoat In thin utfoct In tendered. u utnhxl, by tho lmperul Guvornlnent, but that Hi: Excellency but declined in sc- codu to it. A! or bnlcliug tho country fnrovoll and luring the capital as roam lur England, it In: hnnlly to ho upoch ed that 8:: Inc: lleucy In-uld return and manna his Vino Regs] dutiu, much u it would have du-lighted the whole Cum than people Ind ouch I prulougshcn uf in term of uct 500! punible. 'hI]o on (men! grounds. md lot per wnnl rvuuna, the whole Cnnndinn pooplo rill deeply rqnt wlloollcncfn daemon not to I'O%ul'n, the Tory putty will ban special rouoo to ho sun], '11 than Ion anything but nunitiguod rot in no-0 oi the noon: nlluiou'Io Ibo ro- uting Ouvotnor illho Tun put. Wu would npuny modulo with lb Lain lot mnuplo, than bopulhntlnnl Du. lain`: Man on handed bacon the uI\anu'on 0! John A. to pol, an nun A._._-.I 1. Lung. .I:..-...._-..a Al... would be busy. --Mr. Rom-H. Bonmr, of New York, in mud to be Iurlh noarly $10,000,000. During his llfelune he Inn apvnl Ill Ad- nsrliniug (war A mlllinnl nf du Han, am! his Immnnnn fnrtunn in Hue direct. rasull. of 11. -There will be one or two Itufnrm dumnlmrutiunn hold in tha Tuwmlll;-I this Iumlm-r,|t which thus l`remnr. Hun. Mr. L-sun-r, Hon. Mr. Hunnugton, and other prominent lender: will be pro- lent. VIIIICLVCIX-II, XIII I E ? IRI- lihlg, luv Bin Royd ighuu in that. and tluonoly devoted to hit prolon- :, and In had no upttioooo in uno- L Comlerued /or "Whig" Readers. Quebec wlll exceed I0,UUU. -`Z2 ! Mormon: sailed from Liverpovl for the l.'uiLed Sutea Saturday. --l`hna.a hundmd Inbourmn IQ!!! --A throo hundnd bvrd utill n the Victur Unl Renery, Lvvndon, bunt yua- lardny morning, spreading in cuul.enu~ our avuything m the vicinity, linking I lnmonduun blue; 1,500 empty cub core ounmmod like paper, and the coup- ory wu tolully dutm od. -'l`|m Hon. W. ovhnd ha pur- touuy delllo cc. ~T|oo pur- chuod Lord` Duluixfn yacht. Tho `Hm and `Annie Cumberll will find tho otnnuorn tough cuosnmor in I good nil! bronze. It II" I'll) be a madman ul- dlllou to me does of she Toromo Yacht Club. -1.. m 1.1.. 11 la \ 1.1..-m.L uvl -Tho St. John(N.l1. . hlqrupa up A goal -gicnl explonuon lhoin lhn near the hem] u( Gnnd [A_kI, in the connuu ol Q:-um ml Bnbnty, than an 150,CKI),0(l) Inn: ofoocl, or D |upp1y 0! 150.000 um: yauly for n thouund yum ` -Hiu Excolloucy I/xi Duin liv- ing doclinod In rennin nacho: you II Gunrnnruv-nerd, tho question ol the btoboonrnornpin count up It in novuiduou the Doha ol Gauguin . :. .5. .._l_. -.. Ln: nun In In-all: OIUGHI ynov status: the D!!! linlbocnninunu. but duo in mun. 1... ua.n....|m.h.-ni- liluitulll UI cucu n. ulyvivlgltv-vi doonod in Nut! dinppoulnonl. Also Iholnvbau Inuit appunhlhl H-0 Iuulloncy Iould any inodnr list he ujllinnutdun his Camila ngioo 5,ooI`nn1llGov.I4IIlIhAI'Inov 3.9.-gnu sanding. No gun! in- luultcoch nanqnzaanuhnn . uII"f`' WIZIII ij 13 u but use. It-v_9_It innocu- Gradually dcuiig -La. Iindnnndclou hi: vodka. Unit a. u-_.._._ u_|...a- -a.J. .`.A 4.. I vlnuuu-uuwu w uu -u---. yup-u. 5;, [`g|>.oQ-- unallt Iil `Zr . 1 __ -_..L-- I.._.. In I4.m_-.._| { " "True nsugg mans. 71 b. u-Tho St. John(N.B.z.nTlq~r5 III! ....\I ....'.-.1 nvnlnrniin nhuvn To-hA'v'-s. _f*L'cmns. (Hy rd-F-3 IN-an .i.4_ Jan. I? _.AJ& 1.. vwv l'U|1(l'2.\(}Y. upml nu- ? dallnrn, direct. fl of l "I'll IAII - It rail in '-o-y-- lxn-mou at tho clnnunn Button n thoiillyllul. ' rm; BRITISH wmu, TUESDAX: JUNE 18, 1378.1 L'-ndou. Jam I7.--The hound adult ol rho Berlin Cmguu can hold V nfurnuun, llld laud [rt tlo 0'0 ` until nine The lIIbjO'l under discus- lion uppenr Io have boon Ibo ullinli--II - I, \v, ..'r-`nu 57w. 3 Grboro, which III] I): uippurhl by France, England, Austria, And porhnpa Germany; and the Bulgnriuaquutiou. in the e--Iuidentiun ol Ibich uvonl abou- cle: Ia-I onoountond--Euland, is is tuned, supported by Anunn, doolnring it imnuniblc to men mnnder tho [nonuni- Inna, unpponoa Dy Anunn, doounng ll impouiblc conndor tho topsoi- tiun lot I Buuiu. om-npnuou ol ulguin alter the uguing uf I treaty. Tho Imllbh. Roninn and Auutrinn , __ ` Auvurlenla 11 Holy `rsuire '2 Iv What hr: (reveal #01:;/a:'.' i . u nuer Ina ugmng ul Irony. The English, Ron-ion on-I Austrinn plouipolonhlrlul ure nail to, enter freaky Into the discuuiun, while tho GIPIIAII, French and luhnu nprooentxtireo m1iu- uin g, mic: rucrve. An ubdantnndmg bet-can Bunin sud Auuria in.:-uuidorod certain. um] upori the whale the prut F-:1: of I ponoolul nulutiun no increasing. hon ha boon some Ironblo in Home- nogro owing to an Attack by Turk: upon Ilmtonogrinn, but it in not K5005. thnt thin will let! to further In rilitin. The next meeting of the C--ngreu till he [acid to murruw. so mun-uw. The Duke 4-! Richm--ml sud Gordon dated in the Home cl Lard: yuterd.-y that the meuwrrudum u (the ngrume .1. between Eughnd mud Ruuu, puhluh-ad in the London Gbbe, nu nurropunouuly obtained through ILNDO perlun hu-ing ao- ouutu cuntivlenual paperl, and xheref-`re an an uplnuuinn of the Government : policy it Iuinoumplete and inaccurate. Cumtnminonla, Juna l'.',-'|"hn hut \.._., . w.;,...,... . .. ....,,., Montreal, June l3.-Mnyur Boaudry tul-J B (luutle repnner that prupar Step! would be taken to preserve the peace of the city on July 12th next, :1n.l in was expected thu the Party Prucussinn Act. will noun be pused. In any event, backed by the City Cuuncll, he would lnku neces- nry precautions. A deputntiuu of Orangemen and8a\"nr- ed Lu interview him \\.rsh'p jonterduy, but he could not befuund. They accord- ingly vnt application fur prutuctiun In tho Oily Counvil, with the requear. that it nhnuld at nnca recuive cunsiderm tiun. A A-.....L.... m.r...|.l.|... (`nun-un..i.b .......b_ nun. A drunken would-bu Communist creat- od excitaluonl. yesterday, and wldreaaing atreet. labourers, wlm, hu mid, wunld mt be allowed to work Mr ks: Lhnn $1 per day, he said a meetin,,r of workingmcn would shortly be held in the Champ de Mars. I'|... \\'..n.u.\.|n.- I' Q I` .. LV13l'B. The (lunnls, ] lreal in . Massachn lu.l.... mmgu qnursnx mu 0 almll at the appl`*HLc ||I) Nlnett-enJns .1Cca of I As ms.r|hnHI. A|\....o `Inn ....... .l _ln nlu-Iucolo_tlu natal politiall dnngu in Quito It Inn has unini- od that "now hoot: nup Y-. The Gonna-out I! `Q:-bee, now - -~~ -1 -._-2-i-- in nanny, -[III ms.r|nnm. About 300 mun, di.~ac|mr;,gm] by {he Cnrpvrrntiun on S-at.ur-lay, mu! on Uhamp De Mara this furanuun. Thny Are so far perfectly quict They will ask the Mnynr to-dny fur wurk and any lhey have no sympathy with those who cnmmiued the outrage: inQuebec. Still if they do not get. work hy Ihe and of the week they may be 'inven Lu desperate nctl. ---~-.oo>. ,_. pom.-y II Iulncumpxele nna inncourue. Constantinople, June |7.-'l"hu gage belonging Lu lhu Ruulnn he xdqunr- ton Iu removed from San Slefnuu tn- dny. in in um known whether Tvdleben in moving nur1.hwnnl or toward! that cun- tro of the Russian lin-. but the inner direction in more probnllo. Bax-lln. June 18 --Cmurnn. nrnnued amsouon II promuo. Berlin, June I3,--Cun_{|'0ll, arranged in order of procedure, agreed thnt the power: Ipuk in the fullnwing order: Russia, Englsnd, Anntrin, France, Ger- uuuy, Italy and Turkey In Cnngreu yeuarday Schuuulntf briey explained Russian : pulley which lud to the Treaty of San Stefano. Biauurck prupus-I the uimultnnema withdrawal ul lhu British Heat and Russian fun-ea frum Uunatami- nuple. Salilhury spoke in favur nf Lhu ulmiuion :1 (h-eon-, auppurtevl by Wm] dingwn. Nut decided. Adjourned rill Wednesday. I (lurutnntinunlm June I8 -(`nnnl An. I H euncuuny. Uumtnnlinuple, June lB.-C0nn! An. drnuay urged the Purte to refuse to nur- raudor Wnddon and Ruatchuk. The Ru - umm are shifting their headqnnrters. The Ports has luvi unl {uh-Ign capim!ia'.s to develops in the internal resources of the Empire. The ghtmg between the Turks Ind Montenegrma in unxmpnrtant. --~ - ooo~--T he kept. near an. naua in case I)! ncciuenz. Fur pain in tha breast take a little Pain Killer in iiweeteiied milk and wivor,bntli- lug the lireiuta in it cleiir at Iliu amine l.llll(' lf Ilie milk ]h15islI;(t`S ll|'r` cluqgvil. l'TvIII Cllltl, ur other cans H, lllllll iii lliu |'aiii Killrr will gue immediate relief In all. The (,'eIebralmn of the 1'2th--The 0:-amzemeu (o be 1 ro!ec(ed-- Matting Mo'lil'I'u--The (`om- numlslic .1101-1-Ineut. *"` *9}-O Muthan will nd the Pain Killer invalru-l ble in the nursery. And It Ihuuld alwava he kept at hand in uf nccldent. Fur mun in Llm brunt: (aka a _, ,..., _ All the Linimenu, Extmcra nnd Lntimm that my wife mood for a sprained nnkla Ivu money Ihrown nway until she mud Dr. (FILE.-4' Ll.VlMI'.NT lulvllm m AMHUNIA which cured her. A w {}r'\.I\' A. n, u:'.v.\'. ` 142 West Qbth Struot, Nuw Yurk, ` 25 and . )0c per bottle. A._;onu--(Joo. l U. King and Uenlh si Gunn. ` Nllmlfed Bunk of 'v` 10212. Merchants" Bunk - ..'1 4.911`). Bank of (funnmt-n`e 4ll3l>8. 11 I ouuu,mo, or Ivunnuu; u. rlwww - .. nup out of oxidant, lot it he hoped loruvontho ubmu upon which their car- upc and tynnniul pudendum Ion fuuniug, I'M which won lat driving the pouplc to dupontion and tho Pro- vinu `null to nancial min mad political '- -_- I..I. Li.` -L` gnanall Bank 0! (Iummorce An;s1a,n I Unhrio Bunk -0! din. El 35 SI Bani olT-.rum.o -l.L`. IZL ; " Rnyll Vanadium Bunk 0" 9 Mnhun'| Hank-E1: n. `M. `I. Bank 11!: Pouplc naked `:5, 7;! M moo-llun ~~hlnnk Pouplc naked 75, 7 Metro -Hun-hlnnk guns--nhcoxl Hunk <|h*1l_ , & Vbrff -(X 13, (0. 1'l Bnnk~h'u.nk. Quohrc Bank -~00, (I). I-Jnhnnml Mnnk -|nk~l. 9') 7 nahrc hxchuure lhnk -u-k-I. 75 MnnLnAlTel.|30r-I13, 1171']. City Hill (`It -I481- I. NT 12 Dominiun TI . ('42 ~nkrd. 35 II. - I TO . h `fa.-at--.' _, ..... __ I have derived much benet from usin Fellows" Hypuphnsphilea in chronic cm aupnuon. I Mrmuz. TH! ['h,'.\'l<`.- '|'u-mnrl ct-unecti.-n with Christ hold at Cutaraqm, in :1 Attend it. -- ~ one II. I Flour dohvcv-d. `be , All grade: . Wm-M woody; Wino Eula I312; uml-w liomgnn I_l|l : Corn alendn, Tole-In 46 ; ute 44; Cum! fvolgblr-Whack And Fun I I-0 Corn 378. Am 4: . Hurley 3 14 to New Yuk. ~- -~oa. - . ,, In-I UoooA.- Gnnrm. All: (`nuronv-0 -"|Iy tbmngh Iloilodgo of tho nunr-st Invnv [vvon lbonpontionn ofdlguuwn ind Inlrhbmnnd . mum! op;..u-ouou :n. Ibo Inopwputinn wall nlnotod Conn. Ir I30 In pnvi-.otl on btvnktut lath: with O haul; voal-II how:-ucovhal anyhow In nay I-vy do-don` bub. II to by unju- lhbudunlueludlhtchunnmtt Indus -ny:'nlulIyhn lp ntalumu , 8 In ovary tutu-nay to ll-no ol nub asking: an loam; 1&1:-Ind hunch Ihoronr lhonun in! put. 0 any c-upunu s (an! Il byhqn-[out-II-uvoll {cull-dvh! Ipdihbdlu lonrbbolfruno."-; Obi Urn: (:`cy-'lt- `lacs II Patio: " Alu Krn .. uncouth 'X-bu. lands " ncwsII_coIsI`Iss.%`! 4-1-n .-; ;.Ty _ (By rag}; 1:4...) .... l..... I? -_'n.. ........| VIDG llltll I0 Iluuncau nu... ..... I..-......._ watch}. IIIII high Line the sugun Iublu Ion clnncd out The not Gt vemunnl. till thotonghly -inns-hug: that perhaps diugnosblo, but none nu lau noccuuy, duty. .....g-..-_?__