an gang `;_Ij-:iti5lI?1.1~_1_I:l_- medinwly bum. A rm in this city Illa Rent $700 worth of (rug: to New York this Iuuon. Hmh rm-n are becomina danzoroul. nf lrugu to New )ork mu Hush n-I are becoming dangerous. Non Hull theuld nump ha been burn- ing for neverul -layl, nnu lut evening Ind gained much haulluy n In look Lhrantumng. The old \'Ict-urin hnnd lire onginv lml In he brought nut 1,4. ght it damn l<,`nI=rIm'm'nq .i;rlougzIl ~- The Horrible Cell.-a~'l'hP Bush I"Irr.0 I.` rnllu on u (Hy TI/If/fllph To-day.) Napmu-u, July `J0. Hurglsn entered the dry gumln Alum H! J N. lmpum Int night. 1! Cemrenllr. hy c-ff:-cling an en- trsnoe lhruugh (hr lnusk lonr, And drilled lfld blew the from out w! the ale, And Ilole About three hundred dolleu in money, nuuu tn thu nmunnl of smut. nix- lncn hundred dnllnn and choc an In the um-um. uf the humltal dnlnrl. Mr. I H L,- .5... ........m ..l Hm u! hluulnxl unllarl. mr. Lnpum hu upped the pnpmanl ul the cheque: Al the Merchants` Bunk hero. but hu no hat 0! the m-too stolen. No good; can mlill. No clue hu yet L..- muln n In the burulln. sol mums. No clue nu yo: bun nude u to the burxll-fl. Bonn powder ml othor uvicl--o mod in blowing the uh open In-ru loh in the store, and ulna! :1 All, A n l'.'.r- M. I . mo Illa op that us all. _.__ -..- AI Exru-uno.-a.-0ur nunti--n Inn boon cluoaod to n oorrap-mdonoo in our Ins ism that contained some anon otnctnreo on the Punt. Ucu Inspector fur the Klngun Dulnct. The complaint was Lhu Mr. Iluker, m the notion 0!: no! nail mum bennoo Nopcnoo sud Adolpluntmvn, noyluloono phat `Dun : Elbow," Add our currnpuodom uh: mn- hnp at the 'unpm|omnn|y' npnunn. Wu :1: mlornoi that II it the ctutmn We uunnlornoai n the custom [ct nnamuuono to In unnamed oloadylutho Felt Qoo lupoetur. and it It Ilnduly Ill nahng out I route to nuy {allow Ibo inotrocthau waned. I! can In been any unpollounnly u- ...._a._, it 4|... not mung wanton hon II II In romombcrad Hut at the tune when out Tory {nendu weru trying hud to upnd the purchun uf lho Noobmg llnul Into the pruponmm of n "jub,' A lnod run, which In A wretched uncu- luro,ol the (rad u! the laumlmg embell|Ih- od nearly every Tory nrgnn Ill Ihe coun- try for the purpow ol ahuwmg the poo- plo ol Cuudn how Inulo the Guvernumm had obtained for thn purshus pnco. A mu. nurvouunon ms nu! muntented lent an oocunto ropnunutiun 1' them nnw luaouo bunldmg should nppou m Returm purnnh. and tho public n being props: ad I-plan tho elect bylho inumntmn IBM the "oovnrnulom Ixll be uhlhmug - . __u. ,.1.|.- .....- \ ..luuu uhmh in bun unpnuonuuy u- . it do: note--Inouunlon t. Eric. in [nu than who lanth- cd Ibo Dourtnul Iluindtocunuphuh can In turn .-uidly eouuuicucd to his. WON-rut that any dagg- Inty to II`an molar as quiet Igflcthnn pundit should have n- nuhglg inlbo lrpnu but OI! kit h Ibo Quinn and Juana. clue conqoodonl I the auto.- Noyuu ltpnu. hngo at we 'ungumomum, an 1-- AL... nngnvndnnnn In h lI0!`I`I()l(',' I llrowang/. T cutnAL gggmcues. I Ifohbml niourllu. mfgss: -ojo T otpyngj` by I ro[ou- : 1 .3 W 0! IU ColdCCl_s--(iuqkqt etc. (By .4 luuul,J 11- . ('LOuII'*u :11... ".::"..':.:. '**:__"*". nan ll? IQ {ruin ,1 lug: not. b It I . pay? no unngly spins: thojudguus `NI.!$o Ivuipnl Juhiloo n to cu-ry geuoltl oun- vidiun, And the Fund: Cnulun Iyunicnl nap Iain`: sun at conckrnnlinnv '50 L the 18 vi anihnnanil I M... Rgnd. 2.. cl... oh-.9 nl-An anal Ihtt LDC "l.I0VIIl'DIIIIvIu In: In: 1-_....u....,. I photognph ol the vmr .\'eabmg," whzch it in dodgrod in bung "tilted up repul- lcu ol ogpuug." 'l`Ivore u no uccumn lot MI] Inch iIlDlIn.`e\| duprnol ul the Nu-biog ulnndur. I: III I-mg Ago ex- ploded by Pulmmonury unutigaliun whrn the Oconuu ul the Guvornmuu ooliplololy {tiled tu make good their mu-h.buggudmu of exlrnugsnco nml pohticsl lunnriunm. -..oo-o. _._:._ IX ICC ll lllllhj I' my Baud: iu the tint place, and IIOIO hoI,l:y nn imperlcct spec: of unl*Hug,`oua or tau amid any the douuon, and demands thn lot the like ullnluic in II`our`aul, juttoanhonld yd to stone. Kr. Dun]; g Onco- ury,uil| withholds thoindivihil lvuidn. Tho Homld thin noruinll canal out ,Iuu vunnouu Iuullulvwvll uwunu. 1'InHomld morning Anion Dun Lyon: and Stan Quinn. in tho whil and Manure: Department, tho shunted theuueln-a on than 12th, Iningoworuinn special cannabis. is , iutiuuu me the Govomnontulnula in- dn!p their inollmtiun fur pnlioo duty `by pd-uniting to juin the rogulnr force Sir hind: Bunch in out in I loner, the notion in the Superior ` c _ Couuhln by Hal. Juhn Hlnnill -u u him And the) (:'ru},Iu- Comp _\ ,u on: of unlignnm 3; inc. Than in I movamont Inn: in hvrur uf 0! llllllgnlnl 3; no. `Photo in a movement in building an Unnge Hall. 000 --- - C'0IldIl!l'd for "M hm" lhwvlrrv --AngmI. the l?th uxll ho Ihn~ cwic holidny in London. --The Quebec Loginlnluru null be pro- roguod thin Afternoon. --Hin Excellency Dr. Conruy in noti- ouslylll At St. Johns, NIH. -Kin Alfonno hn nnminntpd Ranor loll. #'I`he Ruuinn guards will return home lroln Turkey If] the end of Qha pre- sent month. ` A 'l`h. -gaunt an ......n.. (J oh- f.....n.a |n ouuym u m. Jonnn, nun, -King Alfonno hu nominated Senor Mnmillu u Spmlnh Minister ll Wuhing- Inn, lent monun. The recent. ac.uunhs of the fnnune In Labrador an nid to have been cun|idc~r- ably uxqgoruwd. -A bnnunet. will be nivon to Lord: my exhggoruwa. bnnqnet. will be given Lord: Bonoonnliald mud Snliubury by the Culton Club on the 27:1: inst. , rum. nan .... u.- .n....m:.... ..:n.. 4 x..... UIUD 0 H10 Zll IIIIL ~ The Bill tor the abolition of the Que- bec Legislative Colhdl III tojeclml in that llouu . -~MOIU'I- IArkIn- 00., of St. Canin- im-s_ ()nt.., hue led tho IOWCO. tender for the construction of tho guving dock at Levin. ' __.k`i. Ll T I-In-I.` n}-in` Innna ..i A out-nspoodcnt nl yam-day : .I.!.u.l writing to I50! Journal non! the nnuun II and hing of count in ful|.qfn- Flu!) `"5 '1`. ODOIII hi: oommunicuion nth tboondnd ooalcnnion, "It would be dillo.-alt to ptou or dhprovo the menu ul 80! John lunlonnldh motion in PM- lhnonl on this quouion, outset Iron :5- urnclpolilhnlooooomy or fru_- ::.'.`.:-I -:-` 1-Ln ;. 5.. nu ma. nnI.hor n nl. he'll. --Sir H. W. Hoylcl, Chin! Justice nf Newfoundland, will retire permnm-mly from the Bench and from the colony In September. A child belonging to a family living in the Unturio cnees: factory on the hmndary Ium, threw itself out us! :| high Chlrhuat evcnmg, fmcturin-,g Ill skull MH1 canning duuh. `TO ' - EU 00 nun unholy nun juuwe tn citizens M uately cumleuin r.nem,Dnt I! H. liul. an in- the thnnsmds uf respectable citizens who give vulunlnvy evidence of benelita received, In thus qnenliun and doubt their veracity and lIIl.U;(I`ll.yl Fair hauls :-s atnndiird scales are extennivcI_,r advertised l).:us it necesurily fullnw thnt they are inferior in innke, nnd leu uccnrate than u-then! Hue they nut ht-.n deumnalnited to be Amnngthe bestl Aguiu,ia It cnniui--ii Ienne to suppose that 3 physician with capital could be induced tn liu'I. |l'\.l it and I hard earned re-pulatiuu upon is wurthleu nltiulel R. Y. Pierce. M. D. ol the Wm-Id : Diupennry and Im vulidn' Hotel, Bulfnlo, N. Y. is the pru- prionur of the must pnpnlar family mall cine: in the Iuarkul. His reputuliun in a skillful surgeon and phyuciiin has been fully eltahlinhed lur many years. Would ph) alciuns .ind clergy, after having toiled Dla medicine: thoroughly, unite In com- mending them to the nlicted, if they poueund no merit? The nndenigned taken pleanurein recommending Dr. l"'l(`l'cu And llll Family Medicines to all who umy need them, I` I! Fair.-`:il.l M l) Sana;-AN Y- W". U. Cnuuiua M J. McClellan, 51. V ~ ' F Hull tr L; W. r`. mm mm. M KML, F. 8. Minor, LEI. lien. Diotarich, M. |J., linltlumre, Md ;J. H. D....|; I...|- H... |( I liuluumre, Mu ;.J. ll. nnarruu, m. 11., Plmli, lm|.; Hen. Ii. Uhnplnun, M. l)._ Plalmnunlh, Nab ;'l'. J. Vuper, M. l)., Springeld, Uhm; James H. Porter, M. D., Uurhnm, N. LL; 1). I`). Wellu, M. 1)., Briltol, N. H.; J, A. Millar, M. l)., San Lenudes, C31,; J. N. (Jump, M. 1)., Iialaden, M:-.; Jun. S. Ilurr. M. 1)., W, Lnfnyette, 0.; Rev. E. N. Hnrmon, Elnh, Ill ;Re-v. Isa-M` N. Augustm, Ship- man, I|l.; Rev. Tuna. U Reily. Newman, KAIEL; Rev. L. Wanton, Ilucklln, M0,; Rev. L. A. Dawmn, Humor. L; Rev, W. S. Long, Hrnhum, N. (3.; Rev. An~ draw Adamo, C|lhuun_ Um, Rev. A. 1 , Moore, TIL! \Vu4hingLun Street, Boston, Mum; Rev. L. A. Thayer,M. D., Kiwani- burg, Uhl0;R6V. I. I`. PrutI.PIlmyrn, lll.; Mn. Elizabeth A Hnyd_ ml. uny, PL; J. Spencer, Union Cu. , Mioh.. Hub. 0. Basil], Renovo. PL; Din. M. Korm, Pulmyrn, Mu.; Mn: E. R. Daley, Metro- p)|il, Ill.;Snmual I-'nrnur, Java, (,hu; Sialeuu(UhnnLy, Ht. Vincent`: Asylum, Truv. N. Y. Birkettxs (73-l1;I'1;:agne bidet is cool and refreshing. HIc|.Lu\'u.1.|--Bnrlo-y 00` Wheat 0,00 , Ont: II) In Lilo , Peg-u 5/4:-. Ryo.'>.'l<- , lluclwhenl, 4.510 to .'I0r Hat-1.4 Lu Sin Lnlnh .514: 034-, Mutton Y- w7c. Hams `0 to I01-. Huunr. rnll, H w`. |I-_ llunmr mh 7 In ma (`homo i to He; Kan to Tc . w 1'00, Butler. Inn, in Ion` 7c; Egg: I0 w I'Ir Lard mm l`.`c; Pnutumootol per bqp. Fluur `[5 par hhl, H37 `I0 up `I0 I`). Pnnr Flour perhhl :.,m loO'|.- I()_ (Dumas! per hbl 04,110 lu..';_ Who-al~- rins:.po-rluuh CI to I,|(`- lI`n|ldo L00, Pen . In lm. Hnrh-y 1'-1 . - Run II. In 504- Purl, Mom III to II. Puutma For hush '.'.'x- . Wml `. `.'_L`l| In .4 Shot}: Illnn 1. : H1701` and ponunu Damon. ur -n-_-. .... .- tic" ha in to any that. nnIer (booty notnpoI' thos~unib\-I rotoluun In uldonloo-I nt rodm.-no lo lbohudpul cl pro-ol. Thin Ill pn- chly Ibo lnlnllioool the artful author 11 I50 huh`. Ho ilhndod it to boon dndbnh htuonnu uni visa and (undo the not oonlnding, ad unable Ligdlbccopuutoltloloop hob vf" Ibogcunlliu on an no wv-'- undo cl puviluk. In: u. can u-. A-munch-onto '-Into.-I N -I1` ulctuohldhtio fdlllllli 0`-~ u-duu. h\nanIboknoII*|" bi nvn ii IIIUOIUQC "puvdntuvd" u out! I-in .\..a.........nchn cu-Iuhiogu`, Munu-nnl. July 1'". Flour Muriel thin morning modanloly Au- tins sud nuulv nl yulrulnylu qnoullom. o-x cop! porhnpa na.I|nrh nnighc In l|7I10INl g Lnlia lpu, any J_. () In ZLM, row-Ipln 4 I lphln . ; Ky: 4.. lion! per I00 Ibq.| Buurr I0 In l.h~_ Ina. any :i_.'0 ;I,m, row-I an 413 mm lhn -nlu thin fun-nunn Will, NI) up , 25:0 minl dlmqn, spring sun 11`) I .5 I00 min 314,!!!` IMHO C it-'I. ---aj-.__? lilo-loll`: Bolladoonu Improved India linbbrv Brno I lunar. -Than bu ver Ion sumo, than the Lodm ofao nunydllavuldmu Q In Ma: and Nut Iumkon on th- in in nu usd 9: bet Ibo: on-r nuns. Llfof an entire populnuoo ol the blue noon to the no of ordhnry pluleru. y are vuy oollnnd Ibblmlull Id 5453670; and: um I null in mi Dacha. bob Cb MI. and | ohnn ad. Mala M. mind wnwtn 46. Hun _v. lm min-d Run 3| , Canal (nights. when and Pun Jo. (`Ann And Rye-3 fol! lo Ila 0! oI'u|IoI'y plnnu.-ru. 1 say an vvlry - nlInd$|hbh.I||v udnuuol can far out Iran, and um Inulublo In that Ibo have 5 (`AH ol long Ollhdhl. and ones pvuonu (`onunpliuu hos rrriloll o-the Iiolinu they won nunly c.-and hy the in than of a has-and nun-pun. Pvnuo-I by {holy-weir :Ianly :9 of than an a on non: Mon. owls: I. uncuuh. us-.u.... ....a In by O" Dllllu IIl'IOC'I~-U`h.l'l:jII(u.:idOf fotl --' W 0:15: , -%-__TA ___.___.-._.._.-_... _-_____ _._. nun:-. Olllollhou. at Its Congrvgubnal I.nIo.IldIovil0o.thav6lnoIIhoIov Ink. Invmolucu.` MOIIsvs.uJIhIlIh.thvIlu(C|noll I-#0:: Inn. In .01 n ;'.: Many i u be war Oll HIGH). 0. R. Fuirchild, 1! It (1......;... M -Assault M Tuuvunh. on July Int. It Illu- bohy. to In Jan uglud. but at Cnnn ---~--ooo to-oars _TE_LGhAiS. y imagine all adverlised medicine: mrthlenl nmlrluun, and iudi.-u:ri|n|- uumleum t.hem,but it nul. in- 5 . uh. ihnuunndn nf n-nanny-tnhln n, Fuirchild, M. 1)., Senecn,N. Y.; nuuiun M. I)., Albia, [nwa;M. lleu, I), Unrrnltuville, N. `. Hnzl Lon. M. 1)., Sxlver Luke, L` M;.... "Li TI \'....,,;.. Nun. --%-v-4ou.. (`omnmn seam-_ _`._I.lbIlc4 112..-; 1. 11., auver puke, . D , Vmsziv, Nev.; , 101': Vino Street, qr...-...l M II $01` . Burk-v If-1 , tune I: . Lurul I011: `Ur .___.- ___. ---.. ntuvmzui. ` IXIII Illlll IVI . I31-, Ergs llk' . `.'I !n`21 '.IIIe4I 11' an `H In II. .131 o-w-- , ' ,1. If .t-.`E=..=._.~*'g;..!"; "....":: . .'.`.~."" 3* 5" """"""i:'.'.'a u.l.e-an-I I~iID.l`OIN]QlI~ -I nun ~ i, as ciqy.ou my cu. (.`nIhHuCu- Tiolhnnnlilll Ialmplnu I plant 5. n..eomu-nooq-nun-uas.qpluIIv~ In Kuhn: A mix`! til: :_I turn: .iI Iapmo WC - nu . uni." m'.r Ir. nunu-u-b.' Qt Jtc B~yCit .Iich.nnJ ad. I115 a.u.....-auacunnuu nlnl-. I1 in u._n.:i: .Iiea.. einulu-. not In! olqmncc. AI C=ubviI|e. cu. 'l`hcrIn;t.u`;! in tho dude. try Birkotti Ohunpqu Older. THE ANNUAL IEYINO oftb Odd Pol- Iuwu Idiot Aolnlhl ohlndn. will it held nu no Odd Polbvt Hol|.oorIcrd Prin- cess and Ionved Unumuu WIDNIIDAY. $41!: inul.. at 7:2!) p II. W. D. OOIDON, Innnrv `Brand Lacrosse Malchl HEW ATHLETIC GBOUIIIS. Napannee vs Belleville I-on nu: c-"nu-um. cIAIno.uI|r. We-Inc-sclay Ilnuu nuu I-can q would njoia ton .._I.I--g. 41 . VlI`lI uuuu-cum. 31' A n! hum Hum! will be in um-ndnneo. Admin:-luu l. u-, uudr N veal`: Hk` Plnyto 0oII)Iut`l|l'4'I M II qrvlork. A: thin in the docidmg unnvh It is lure to be wull oouwatnd. _ ... . . .. . ~... ., ,..__;-_-- Liverpoo),I.ondond. rry& Glugowl WICNTY a5vlam|i:V|rnlI Btollllihlpc, full powered, uublo engined, Clydu built: (r'in:u:uiun Ammz... Canadian I'ol_wusi m Nmstorum A rudmn Sarzli niun Murumuu N ew_/umullmui Hibernian .`-Kunmzfmu Waldzourian (aupian I er-than Humoocian. Srmuliu'm N, -`icutian Connlian. 1v.....d..... M,....'t..}.n.. I |LI%vEB5i!i6%i% ?I3'%L.&!! Shilling fruxu Livnrpool 1 zuul from Qcmbw over: (firousnlaln . I0") Sunl|uhuu.. .. . I7xh The tnmnnrn nf the Hnlxhu I ill lnvo Ha- |II'u fur HI. Julm'n, N I". and Liverpool nu lullnwn` nf lha "III llilnerninn. . .. . . . . . . (`nupinu . . . . . . Nnvu Hcolimn. . . Hilmrniah. . . . . . . . . Nuvuuulluu . . . . . ClM1x)i.1ll- . . . . . . . Nun; Ha-nl` llilnwmm: . Hg... .. Rates of Punngn I":-uu Culni-:-Kingnt.ou In Livurpu .- 5' and [89, lnlurnwdmlos lu Liv-rpoul Ulmuzovv, 3 II; .\`0aur:me tn luv:--' wol, Land Qn--t-nstuwn_ nlfwnor refunded less an small aluduutmn. If not uud. I-`uil xnfonnnzmu we to ruulru Hukou Ind Ill nmlwru uf panama will be given bv the Agent; so an new-.uury oertirauu to be utmnod In or der to bu entitled to EN: bonlu. l-`nr 'l`il'kc~l-I and an tunhor ilsorlnhlloll V plv to H. ll()URl.l|i. (innernl Agent. a mum, UI . l-`()LGlll E. HANLEY,A nu. llhm Ixmlnf Hrnn Hhronl Kingston. July `lnh. IITI. I-In W W . Ioug-nd Iholoalipu` l..._ .n._.n u. 6.. kn lH`Z'l`lTHN TICKETS. (`Mun - Kinxnbou m Llvarpoulor Lolnlnndorry null Heluru, Ql-I8 .50 and `I61! 50. Int:-rum-(|intA~.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .90 . "7..." . ...._.- -..--._. Permun wluumg to ten ! for their lnoudnenh nlmsin l unAugeL`erticnI.aa In Iowa! rules. The tickets are good for one you And the ununnt |l aluduutmn. If uood. Full xnfonnnzmn nu ma rutnru Muknu and STEAM gnuma N. IIIcuEIL, vuwr hm-, four uurml, nI.u~d mu: rudder. soon In Inn! And nlern. two unu In nlddlo. bole III foruunl mm! for mnt. claim with abort run I|H.u'lu-I to how. unnvnu and Iwo IQIIE in I! u lu-n Uu-II mnlmr 5 Immo (A. location), nllllopo-I In |ml. Au person leaving not In furumv mm at. llm Iurlul W|IIoUv1|(`x_or .\h-l.'m|m| '4 Hunt. llnunn I-I wall had In mu rot-an-r_v u nll he -ullnhly rnwlrdnl .In|\' I`|!h. II?!` Plumlu-r, Gas & Steam Fltur. 1` Wl'Z|.LlN(lH ||EA'l'llJ BY HHCAM (ll! IIHI` \\'A1'l-Ill uu the most up rovud l'||I1`i|||4` Hull-dm-luuu gu-nrnntood,nm nth- F.-...nv mnnm-om `mu-n of dVIt`UII)l heated {V Oored. T(1l.F.N from M4-(_`ovkal|'| Bout HOIIO. 0|! L Kumlnv umrumg lull. A LIGHT VAN NISHIEI) CEDAR HKIVF, I-I faction . 3| '2 I`: In-nu. Vlrlln-In hleu-haul whim ho It the [uzw HAT sIon,| Aunt)-r pm Inga nf rlwloo thing! In llnl` ('AN HEAD WEAK Tho-ac Hood: IIIVO hl pn-curwl at 1-xlrnm Iy LUW I"IlCII.Ild `Ill be nolnl rrnrvllngly Rye:-In! slltlon uu c-alto-d tn uur hsnduuuo nuonul Moo! 1:! (IIIILDRENI "LTD. lhhh I570 WI I0 he an-n in order to In npynebh I. Io up unt 0.5. uungomem :1 duo Iothillh -mar not eolnyum NI of in Ibo'~ rlptooch. Tho Tonu huonountumno swap: to puma runs-us.-mu am. 0! an um. ] hymn ol olhot nuiomliziu rich the ` orylbt tollo Sontelnncn bolon; tho` mil. " nu! -.n In... in - Anmnlxinnnl Tho prop!-r'y I Print ltnol. at :0- Incl. nrrlylld by nyull. It would 3 Int run -nu-than lornunlng bounmovlot n-gllnn I'Ihipl!Q|'DI.:b'I3l'. II 0'0"`! I I'I`I5I . 0.0% hoot of I50 sou buhaahonllhuh tho guy. ood ,ud.ouIbu|llbp.`&.h Iii -- W M ---'--m.-.s.-.:.. Knn:nn.JIne BIL, ISO. New IIII Store`, Illlala IIOE. i l r|Ira~u Street. To Let For 0 Term of Stan and Dwelling To lati iuwrogu vianlhui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 01 Balm; I-I Plunugo between Halifax and 31.. lolrn u ALLAN LINE I ll Inga. June mu, lsil. REUEI VEI] THIS DAY I July H-II: VI I20 Ivluu ow-uvlu-cu Iownvu-R --v 1 Ipoila," sud yd hub in: eumplxilnnt I II-htuibing Mnulf "A Scotch Wot hng- ` uAn,"|I.|ogjIg that Ilia nntionnlity cu in port, at hot, Ibo rouon olhin dinchnrlze. Mr. Kirkpatrick : nlnndotin Puliuuom to tho contrary not-iuhaunding, no pn- liticnltut Bu our boon Ipplird to any i nun ouliddng onplnymenc fr-an tint ' to Ian. From tho ntomptcd um-or ol our oonlonpontyi eurfalpondonl at ah. u`). ...A n|..- .lI..-ml um-vounn' __ V4183 u'onxs.-Jon-.....i. Lo.o.r.-_-_mmc. lilmrnian. . llnl Sept. iuvuuutlun .. ..|7l.h Sept. Iunpinlz . ....`29tb U0! inn; Ha-uli.uu . . . . . . .|'2llI Nev. lih1~I'nla|u. . . . . . . . . .'. |3!,h Nuv. I'nuu Kingston : n-Kiru:nt.ou Livurpoul or boudomlarry ' ran me, one, v,$I Lsmdnmderr .Glugnw, lawn, nlfunl. or Uluull , .3. II \(|I*l)(`K` (Ivory DJ I nu-M QUEBEC: _ Livurpoul, bnndonderry or . Next, 2-uh July. N. M0/NICIL. Hr-wk Streak Kingston .u xunrnntood, and until- .`v-u dwvlllogl . `.'Ird July. . Mb Aug .`20!h Aug. Ilnl sopt. _ .|7l.h Supt. In via: vvllwilylnux u uzu--a-I Ila Grit: and their nllogod I nun! tho ooqiu election, tint nu, Ill 5 1 that though not an olnctor, is noun. Round no ditanhy ~ count in goningomployotl. > um ah- All go lnnnl nl THUREDAY ; URDAY. ..July 90th .. `27l`h Aun.'!nl . `27l`h . Aug. '!I'\l l0Ih SIALID an nun 1-ulolu unuuuunau anon, anon on-o. csu luv. and . `maxi? 1ous.| I-3-~v-..*.:..*:::-*z;..'--'~| | Fun qcnogvhiI.l'|%|Io has the charges. I |O.lo,d |Markets Nos. 1 and 2,` Culholnhh udqt tho provision on tho City by-lawn new In but II zhh Intuit. for one mt. nu: Ibo In lo-an In Augut an to In Ionduln Air. is 9. the In: nua- 'l`ho1ulu-Itou- nu. lnvcrtlnaljongt-|.Iho III ofnouy mhanivouhrll-olnnu call .914 can-5 u-u----vw uu ------ .. ad: on kngthlbo Inn at not lulu. and Panda: hr HN*lo&1`ol|o." 3: stem `I ho. Luv uent N-qu for R duo porter Ibo loan. when meal I unuru bjolnod I0 an-In Tender. an under N o`oIook noon on hing thou. harm or Ippholllol lo the III untied. `u Oouou tn-I not noaanully uupl. the highest or my Tender. And may accept the Tendon at tho tune pot-non fur both Muhu. Th [anon ollho 'I'u||lol' lulu lo. Ruhnll nails outlod to uooivo any `Full or Foot III V31 WJIIXIHFXIK I U\llIuIyvnuv--u -- norvou-nu` In nko it u! Tory nympr and yet he, on that ac- It in: fact, I too, that one, sh loan, of the mung foreman, now And thrunghout. ongsgocl 3'. the worh,iI and but been In umu-rwmg Conurntive, nod yot bin well known support to his party bu been nn bar I . his continued employment. The fun In nooompleuly did Mr. Kirkpntrix-k : phn of ntuck bnck down that the cry in now to be raised, um. t/hat men are valued employment. be -.._,. Al.-. - --4 '1'... _..u..._ L... L..n.n..n hunt Inlet lo. hull olhu computation for the uoougnion of my pal oltho llnrkol. No. '2 by my irons. Him` or Exhibition under lie-on no iron: the Guy Council. - . A , .;, 1.. ,1 ._...._..._...|....- vvuuuu . From And that Ibo In of August lvrollmr, the Woigln Hula ouumla Wriglu lonm in No. I Inlet will not be mad - - . .< :u,.n.n..... oil for Any mduoliou wlml stated in an-voploul trndarn. I Uihy C|atk'I Utlioe. City llpll. K|ngIl.ou. July |9l|I. H78. [REAL ESTATE] I` ILL BIC HULI) BY Al'(`N()N, ON TUESDAY. ll): JULY. lha followlug vuhublo Properly oilnnwd on the corner ul Enrl nd Bagel rltroalu. WIN) 1: fmnluge or Hi foot. on Earl ntnsel` mi loot ou lhgul lr(\t`l. Iuulu un nu... On Earl RLI'm~l. thorn in n szoocl Rou Imam! Home, with on In mama, bu-k Kitchen. `ollur and u never Ailing well uf wauugmul riublo and shed. nu-u uwvvvuuu . ....... Term: libernl. Iumle known in lime ursul.-. which wi|| (Mus place on the preunlwn at lwu o'clock. uvv--. . u-nu. ..... NEXI` WEEK wa ulmll hum Hm mutants n{ I`! Cum: at H`l`A'I'l1lNlllY jun!` urrivod from the nuum"au'uIrnrn. lmuk out Im- HARGAINS. Ins we um buuual to l'|Q'II" ml the whole Hwck In four months. We no now boning AT 0051`, Eugrnylu A, Chmmoo. Uhromu Lillmgrnplm AIM I (- Lure: of null Hudu ' Prtcm 01 3|! Good: to nut [ha tnnon. I2 (1rmul aua-Bnuk of England. I`.' " mu~h..n u R-uxIru bran-I. Blhuk Books of nll kinds. "lul'l`I|_ Books. Index lmlgnn-u. ...._.. .....n.. . nu ,, .. , , ,,._ ... ..,.....,.. .,...,,..., cause they Ln'l'ory voters, hut. be-cause (hay have no vote: at All` Duubtleu had the non-voters been employed In prolaronoo to the bong-lids electors uf eithor political ponuuion, we should m -....l. - .--- 5..-.. - munnlnino fv-nu: IAHIIIR. IIHENEWBDIJKSTUHM A l PLE l()N S A ME RIUAN (` Y(,` 1.0 P./EDIA, (,`uNDENHID FRUI THE UNABIIIKIII) nu. - -u---1. w... ..... .. .. No politiun will bonnusruiuad lay the (`ouu nil Auv mduoliou wlmlowr Iar unnouul. Esp. and Ingrnvinga. The ubrldged edition not onrnll an tho public- enhruvn nll tho mm in the lot r wnrk. I v gatluar vuth uonrnluidillounl ml. on now Ina! ed for the tint mm. The nniulu have In-on cunlill rovlud. und the infurmnfun lb-y contain in-on oomntul down to IIIO dale ol publication. It in laopod thin usmul oi popn lur knowlodp will mount the Iuuva of radon whoclulrosoouvaul-nt book of rofomm-.o.wlIh octthoalubol-no tnocmonl. and ooplou and nnnuto dololk 0! tin: original cdluon. In order workout the nautical utility of [he work. Opvohllv for Ina-ho `I, the promnm-lnlvion 0| lhodiu-ant mlu In glvan with grant can Ind unotnu-. Fur fnrtbor pornlluru ululrv-an At 50 (`ems Each, FORMING FOUR VOLUMES. The Properly of Ike Inlr Ha-`I Illytl. Y ..!`5.'.'i`n3v7.'.3 c';`.'.`...2"" """' TTE'*'.-! {'=%+~-_% T1 1 Ianonhor l.hlI.hLIa:y`& In 1;: Gilt I lh1ru.0olr.:0un.Ihirt mu. u. lruu. loch. Undcrclotb la; and om-an ' July mu. ..-.-- ._- - .1, , `tor nvuov. qua to non , luv: eunhbu , -un-Iu"In Ilouf, nrrunhlohnl bgIn.:h:o't`|y.c::`oIl'.;-ul . I In. Ionblnllu-T. blanry nuhlaou Ito non of tho of July. 7|\|I'l PVIIIIDDI |lUIIlJQIIvu' vvy -uvu.-_ ... such 1 can hue n complaint. from some- body that ma men who had name Ilnke sud inurelt in the city were not gutting their due nhuro of Governmental rcvuglli 1100, and that they were bemg pm-and by - .. u ., qu_,___`, Alto two other Fruuus Buimingn. Jul! llth. FIFTY PARTS, I`V\I\l9I UNIV T0 LOAN in largo nrnnnll Mum on cal) KOPIII. TIIOIMI BIIUOH. Hunger I`rovm-v-us Loan nual lnvnlnmll hold. Klnptoo. July II, III. ncur: vvu-I -- -. Ilou packed II the name Once. In Ivnllnble In ready rel co- Price Complete 331. Leather Binding. ......, ..... ...... ...-, ..-.- _-.-, _ W , In favour of lh8IluIl~6l0Cl0T.1 The cr_\ nl dntrou raised by the Sc-Jch Wurlnn,;- uun" In one which Inll elicit pubhc nym- 1,, ;,.|...1:_.. ...._ .._.. k... ...u- I.- %_n;ee new .-2 ~ 'lY\DI Ill ...-L. nnnll-in ixcu1oTnTs' SALE SEVERAL 'l'II0lYANl| n mun n}b_'rwo nuclu you IALI . pun haul nu! last years Inmln. ally Illlll Wumcrrlcu. ' _ . III'.'CIs`.II'lH| I`0-Ill Y. `nchnonpixoku. 0'0 "1 "I|1` (Jan I) Apniown & 00.. Puhllahn. 3:419 and .'. )l lirundwuy, Nan Yuri. S. WOODS. 10 be uolnplewnl in UJIII ll UIIU wuuu II An on-.11. ruuunu u u. 3-Achy, including our uwn,but uure u uot 3 pnrental U<\ erumel|l, bounal to furninh employment to all who haven`! it. The unumpluyecl of other places thruughuut. the country have an cqunl claim upon the Guvern- mont, end much u the Inner may Llrplnre prevniling dutreu and Icarcnty uf wurk n. would be mnnifenly out of their power t) perform the nencul mirncle nf rl:ll0V' ing it I over the Dominion. The fan u! the mutter in the cue in bum] in Jul! thin, thnt very little work in !'O(|\llI`0d to be done at present in connection Wllh [hr Militnry College, A few nlxght nlluruzmna and repair: boinglhe uueut of it, For Lhm reuun but nlew men mu be engnund,an4l these for but I u`wrt tinm |'n.der such uircumltancee the men who are employed to do it ahoultllccupl the nituntiuu and be vulling to take UNI!` nhare uf wmh when it in going, And aubuut heerfully .-|.I.. _.s...n nhmr -u\rI7||\Ml urn Notice. l`l| IJIAN m IAruAA J. II. DEAN nlatnn It (`An Pnhlln u. Vlllh frontage or oh 1 S1rM~I. .ANAUA.\'. (Elly (`Iork HIHEAPELEAHIIBSALE In-lag lheconlhanioo char cboupaulo we are otarln [ the hllowlng Goods noaoaim Qsuuung. 0! .1: mac. . On Pinon Ooonn. White Outta-no. Uni." bleached Gottoua, --q.....r.- The tilt between Eula Derby and Salts | bury goes to prove that the man! exultxxl Ituiom urn not free from thmo rivnlrie' and julouliou which human nature in heir to in humble! wslk.-s of Me. Mag- nsninmy inclurly not the monnpuly of the upper ten. Eu-I Derby e\ idently en via: his successor his nuccen ; while mm. bury in determine! tn permit. nu reectiun on the Boscoxnfiehl pulicy In accuunt for the Derby rutiromeul from the Uubmet. 11. in intorutinu to note how nll are com pulled to too the line of 'pruprieIv ix.` the Britnh parliament. There a state mam. mny he ir;corrocI." but nothing In unt.rne," nnd the pt-rwnnl honour am! varbnl vernchvo( ovary man in nnimpeach ubIe,u hi: deporlmunt. in supposed Lo be In-nprouchablo. In nll them reopecln Cunndinn M.P.'I ctnnot do hr-uer than In n,, .:_x ___-...I....... I351! lineal 0n 1.... and Mann Cufhim, On Blankob, Flnnnoln and Connie:-pun On Crumb Clulho, Oil Cloth! and sun- Linnnn On Home I-`umiohiug Hood: of our; delcptiq-n. R. & J. GARDINIR s1.ctnnc*nih`i:nnn mum: anon Simeon mm. 2` Special imlnoomoul. tu cuh bayou. 1878. GRAND ANNUAL PIG - NIB I Iuwu u. ll Kuulg, nun: -.......... . .._-.. ..,J to tho ineviuble when their services are neaeuarily dinpomod with. I Ills.` 81`. GEOBGE8 8l)(.`lI-ZTY Mm the honor I.u.nnuonum their Ionnlx uununl PIC NI(3_ n Q` Fool Ramon. Plvlal hportn nucl (hum of rrary dooorlpuou, fur which n lint ofvnlu 1 uble Prlun w I" ha umouuocsd. -9- ssonnann will lone Maura. I-`olgcr and llunh-y`: Whurfnn I0 mm muln nl. Peru mouth. IL noun, I. `I iml !l:`I) p.|u-. l u Int bout at 7:3), rmurning In llllm fur an-urn'mn|nn lo reu-h hmnn llolwbon 7:30 uul I0 p m. TI. Hm. return Sn-nnu~r \\ in all M Poruuoutln . h`I ls`.(!lAl. NUTl(?E.-'h-Inperulu-o ltcltlll ruuu. Dining Illd Itafmuluueut liootlu wlbo ml the Grounds. Puuillmly no uplrmuoun lnuuorn will be sold. Ian`: TICK Is`.TS--A|ulu `J-'-u ; Clnlldnn line. to be had from numbers of the Comlumu. M. the lioohwron nmd un the Whnrl. I-`or pnrtirulnrn loo pmgrnumiu. E. J. ll. l'l1`.N3E. Plnluutr. H. W. lL\KKlclt. 'I`H()H. SNIRAII, \`|.m.Fn-A-hlnnln lHENHYLUW%NDES 'l`n lunka room for I'll! lInf)m'l.nllnnn. 'AlI Hood: marked In p Aln gured. GIIATLY IIDUOID P333. Fancy and Staple Dry Goods 5&3 Jul`; I7, I878 U`n.0|IlI Ul;I . I lalluur \- ntick to British pnoodence. .___ uoocl Music and lbnnclngi ()Nll 1T 1vI.l()I. ()NL'Y'. Princes Htrec-1.. u,.u_ uuL BASE] BALL A GRAND MATOH NEW ATHLETIC GROUNDS. 0n Dlomlny Next, July `lial. THE NEW K|`Z'|l[)EN(YIC nu Prlurual mum. Inn lo Ir. Woollnnh Bout nnd hloo lm . wuodobodl And well nu the lat. Int 01:. pct Imuth, Apply -1 Mr. Woolhrdi. July .'!nl. UIINTAlNlN(l I`! mmma with Incl kluvholl . Inn . the Burns Dwnlllug on runl Itnol. uljoluing that m`('IIpIIul lay DI FUWLII, to whom apply. July |..lI|. `W0 NEW I.I`.8lDEN(,'l'.'4 nu Prlnrun fur-sot.,ooI|nlnII night run: each . [old] 13 aloof! Ind gun: on u-cl. oor ; hard Ind soft Inn-.r pumps In Hwmu. vuoul ahead and uyhlo In all. Apply In tho: own-r. Mk. W. I). (IRA J0, corner Prlnuuuul Murw Him. In 0.. I873. Iv la-I, Till SPOII now nmuylod In (3. W. Alder um. lha bolt ollflblv -lunhd In Kinplou {or tho Dry Oc-nth uf (tluthlau Inmmou Puuu Rov. Mr.Uriin. of Hamilton, com- mand: the Iinoorut _lylllDAlhieI of him nanny lnondn in the huvy bun,-nvement which hu :0 Iuddanly overtaken him in the Ion (by drunmng) ml in- u_ ul u r1.;cl'... ..l 'l`..-..m.. Thr- .579}! an ollflblv In Dryooadnnt lnuhaou. don Il may limo. Apply tn M. DURAN E ()0. gun Mao: nu-Aw, capacity woo | bunlalmvohlll ll at I an! of mu: thcnnud lollnn. [aging and llollot In pal oolllu-. villi: told chap. Apply D I`. J. OKNWI. I - - yr -12, LIAIAITIJ IITUATID (YUITAUI II Innhldmaun am: one and call. lay In all. an nppllathn I- r. J. Iona; In-olnldl. In I. IDI. 'EDXISDli, .IlIL|' iilst. Ian: at: non BIEPJIIDEUCE :3 Mint lair rlnonu, Tulyu`. luhlo Works. Anlynnnur unt Wonplo lluuu. `rerun -otlonu, Tudylrnn`. lublo Works. Apply non dam uaourmph lIuuu./ _ v . roa SALE 0_k T0 1uN"i'I , ,-.._._.___._..._.....,.., _..-,,. ...,.- FOR SAL I IAI.l-'I"I '3' IOUHI ON UK$' - jl It Jana` T n......1 n.'-o' uh-`nu-n' ...'..`Z`., July lblh. In me Inn (Dy umwumg, In .... non, Mr. W. H. Gritn, of Turulxhv. The circunuuncen of the one Are llnupaultnlxly ud. Although lnlhmg in company with ulhor yuung men at the lune the aridonce II. the inqucu el-cm-.1 but hlllo clue to the cm-umnuncoa ul bu uhng all , It) nudden nu In! dun nppennnco Irum Among them. The , event hu out | gloom over large circle. of lriondl In the citin in which he and hi: (mud: respectively raudod, nml hm cut short at ill vary ouuot. 5 Care!-r Ih|Ch in said to hue Loan lull -J promin- Wc under our sincere conduleucen ln tho- norroiiug aurvivun. -- ~ -~-o._ ].\`l'()'I'I(J~-.- Admkuiou I. -v ` under I I ymnl lv July Nth omn MONTH, July 3rd. I). aluvm, II] 0., lav I. |';I' TIIE (3-W7EG-()3 Wll.|. PLAY With the St. Lawrence Club. P31110388 ITRII1`. . I? my: DI Murals, the open singer, hu La-LI her mnlrimoninl Itury w I reporter of Um Chiugo Inlcr~l)ao, prolacnug ut wuh tho Iuorlion link the II 01 uuble lurlh, and Ihct hot mom: m Eurvpd us won- dorfuL A French mu )! lolluwod her I-I .._... hm nhnnnnrnnd hm nur ul nur- L! I I'.`lf I'()(Dl_. lIOUSl'.`, AT GREAT BVJDUCTION8. v Ivu - u-nuvu... 1/on SA l le` Trill QM A |...| FOR s}\LE, u in-nu u-u;I: `FOR sALia; -An`!-I U ml`!-IIAIIF-1| nl T0 Mi nu I-J ......... _.;I` T0 LET. T0 LI: I`. ' Illl'|lllLL`|.H~|Inl T0 LII`, C an: nnam-.h.l In ._,_... . we :_nmu-.\. A. l.I:IlI(`Hl.UX. Honroury. dortul. A rroncn ): wnulvou ner 1- I yous, but Ibo spurned hu nur ul n 0. And he mdoapnnuon Ihol hum ` 0: She 01):, u to hot tint husband "In nut umnn III I voxmu Soulchmnu. 1878. ull. aha to nor nru numnnu In our uouyo young Andonon. husdnomo, Ioll oducuod, And an uadloul pnnut. I sup that in. brilhnnl ooupluioo In I 0 result .4 M, M` III lb ldlcll-Inn uf boortdiunn. I hid bin vary -cll.bu\ non: dunno! ol anything mon, amour- ho uhovcl IO nub attention In New Zodnnd on tuning he Ni hum Hm ma-nnio. I had Inn can:-I Zodnld can; no you lrum um punodool I13; - to my spat-nu, and the duel: and -1 run I Iaribb and dhnnndiouu. To _.....r.;_ L. aid-`nu mid. could be uu uvribb nuod oluunauuu. In now his, Ibo mid, mu. I untolon .00 up ny upnnuenu udtookmhclmud clued oishuy -dd |I Inning In-. I III round (rum ug cbnpuuro to but tin pooplu I-on qyinqhd|uu I In taking oullololiok on in my own boat. Hahn! olu. ud bouulnu --_. -.._-Li- nhnhdnnlv Alon days I The Hal deduct lint Ir. (1. W. . at West Ilddlonu, hob Mu ooo of : the nuoollnduning in upon bin, and! oxplniu this on lscnl that ho uudt I lonltuilgliahdu Inca." 01 count! than in no nuoublc doubt than: at I Mr. Ron triumphant cloction. H the I Tory harlot won only an auto ollia lull. I In hovonuon to Imou bu upporun I Inn would gladly join in the "Nana N Dinmiu" Ibo Chiondn up be hops: very duwdy I0 lib`. But this ux lo, in not tho orgnn lost hsppy in tho illumin- Iion above uuplnyed! A huge unh by which to us forth u Tory pony at Canada! Pity the country it it should not In vritbo in the dndly embrace of the coils oh! Tory nlnoondn " W.-H. !.1.~...F W `""x "1"" And` in Ida .`nnd lnilnu, .. . .g. ____._._._...l ~-o-_ Britain`: Inn. A Sud Event. : works. 1 Aru-v glnllu -TIN-re no u Inga index I Uonuunnn ' {nun law: into than Noni:-Won. This ` `re-pctrianon movement in All the non gnublng that itinquito Iponnnmut. - "I`no Beumlul Blue Danube` vnllun thin):-r. ..[hv3 I ' 0!!) loan. _ 1: a..}..x.a um Ir. Alchiluld -ml bonppalnd forlucond tun` Lint Guveruor ol Non Booth. -Kenn, the nutorioao Uppor (Klan: lndun, ha: been captured at the village oi Cumnnndn. _'l`n. Mantra] Slay min: -11. in un- Turuunnv nrxo. mm 20. um ..1..,'g.:.: and pmdudion of tho` Unilul Sum in 1577 III In! 50.wo' - . 1 _ n. ;.......n n... Ir. Archibald nll Commands. -'I`no Ilouttul Stu: nylz -II. un- ldenwod ch bdniu oloovi-an no to _ or-no 08 about the uiddlc cl Boptonber. -Mu May Furs, cl Edinburgh, 11...: Ian but much oaunl month. HI] turn, an -in--:--'-,| lug, loot but Ipooeh month go, and Inn jun. uoonred it through lhu necidontul nnllmiag al 3 pious of IO! ' T . hr . . 'f.`.n..:..`.f.`."i..,....""i'.'i.3."',..','I The usher, uncsa lumonamo In Hnghn I, promise: to Lana: the ngo nua that uh: Priuceu 0! W319. hubg. gun ta uh: [cums on it. index I Canadian: I-urn I..-n Inln lhn Nullh-W'I. thet. uuqune eponunemu. -"I'ne through l,(X)0 miles of country where one-lull the people never ohnge Cher ehum, and the other hell never bed. *1 l.- -uh um A Ionnn men in sham, and mo ouur nun u-vu uuuu. --A four Inch :30 A young Wxscunun who mutually frou so ddnth with ma thormomaur Among tho eighties. He would be reprdod utholuokint mm tn the bu-ineu now. ~A hllunuou father, who hu ve gnmn up duughurghu mod the country. He clniuu thnt hil reoidonco hu been I used us a court house {or the put two ..uunr| yearn. A Buffalo mun bu broken his lag in pulling off hi: boot. If people will peraiu in In-nring hoot: they mun, uf cmnrse, expect lu sulfur the consequences. --\\ uhiug1.-u`: vnll in kept. in A glass can: In the otco of the Clark of Fairhx Count), Vlrginia. The writing has ztllnull. all funded May. And the paper II nu hall that it Will not boar hmdling. ,u ....n lnhalln inunll. Llelcflbd UV II` Will ban nmaung. -Q men Isabella : jewels, dencnbed by Mr, Ru-hard Whiting in thn World A few dnyn ugu, Are telling Ll. very low rlcvs. The first two day: of Ihe ula only yielded $100,000, half the lun- mm, lllulllllltvu III v put quarter. -lz is cslil Wat Is eslilnnted lhnla (:rIV.`t`lHS|'Il uf lu-Inn am ulw-ya uve $`. 5II_tI00, gl- lhuugh he in prohibited fr-an ace:-pting lhusu pnsvma which mule 3 grant ad- duiun In the prulits of a Haallngl and an I'M an The Pnooott Tuqrapli given publicity I I go the has nut in spun ol All the xndur 1 trisl uapution about which Tory orutnrl 1' and Icribblun run much I uckot, tho {notary 0! Mann. Count it C0,, of Broctviilo, ll mud to in utmost capsciuy to hop pics with tho domsnd for thoir muhinu. Lut week they hunt to their split: in nil diroctiom the doopatch 2 " W0 canuolfurnlb you with um nvuhme. W: an on Utmuand abort of urden." What in true of thin rm in equally so of many nthon throughout the country. Whore than in tho occasion or neoeuity lor gr-aunr plotectinn I By tlm wny II It not I ploumg symptom of rum! prnupon' lytnd I wulcuuiu reminder at n buuhlenlll huvut that Agricultural implement: uh-mid be In such uupncodunlod dernnudl The country in to be congratulated upon returning good timer. { ,..-o;.. .-- lino. -The export: to the United Slate: {rum the connulnr dintrict. in Ontario, which has liulleville for in centre, anuuuntad In value to 192,894 dunug the ....v nnur-fur ~- The Shah 0! rerun, aurnuz nu uw nsidence in Paris, l'e08|V0d 5.400 letterl, llkln hum: uf [rum Iifly to three IIHHIOII Inumu, mther as gifu or loam. The lllulwy aggregated fty million francs. Tue VII of the late Dr. Ayer, after provxdiug for his wife,mother and fmnxly, IUATISI the nght of carrying on his hum- m-as lu his brother Frotderick, tn whum ho hu also glvan $100,000. _.ltnh.-rt O'Neil. A firmer nt Lucm, IlU0,0UU. --ltnbo.-rt O'Neil, Lucm, whale standing in his barn during I Lhun - dnr nturnn.-ins utruck by lightening, and knllml. 'l`ha bmldmgn were on re, and burned down. ,n..4.... 1.... hnan nu-aived from burned down. Urd1-rs have been received New York to some of our butler dealers In \\'alurluwn,nut. to pay over 8 to I0 cvnll fur line tn fancy butter, and if thuy cnnnnt buy hl tlmao gures, not to m..4rxxlu nlmrzuu. 7 H1: uuumcullo sclollity the Shah drunk n glass at loumunde In the Paris upnsmnn. llu wu caught in the Act by nrepmtnr, who telegraphed Ihu fact. to uuexvf the biggest Lumlun dmhel. -A| the annual session of the Grand Dxvmuu uf Iho Sun: of TomperInco,held H151. John, N. B., Mr. Samuel Tufls was elecusd G. W. I . There are 2,274 memlmrs, and they huo 87,700 invent ml rd. --A Wolverhampton mugiatute, I pohcelnau hnmg arrested nburber for shaving four men an Sunday, nid-Tho Sabbath wu mule for nun, and no! man r._ n... u.+.L..oI. nun : hrma these cue: Sabbath mule Iur um um umu for the Sabbath. Don L bring these hrrc. Th-uentenoe in that the man pay a hmf penny, including coils." -A urnvouone at Bun Hnrbor,Mnine, including costs. grnventone in attracting I good deal of curiouity. The weather ha vi I-ought on the face of the none In impreuiun of 3 human bend wearing a crown. It is noticed particu- lnrly M marking the grnvo of a very humble Christian. - A cl:-rgynmn at Bath, Me., hnving ill uthcinta at the funeral of the wife 0! ll member f nu cuugregntion, prayed mrncztlly irn-half of `the bereaved hul- Iminl uud thv n :9 to come who nhall till thuplucu uiu-In ucnnt. by the death of uur du .-iuml mu-r. mhluH bu ntruck I capiul idea. Some benevolent person: have uunged lo nund poor children to hrm houuee for weeks At I time. N there in 3 Parndiu in thin uneilunlly happy glube, it in I [arm huuno la a city child. 1*... mm. hnttaen the fmlhmui city cnua. The race between the lfU`I of Harvard and Curnull, which ended In victory for the latter, Ihowl the nun-ndvlubnlnly of bud, long tniniug. The Cornell buy: took to the wntor with- nulany yylulullum practice, rating on .\hy `J5, Ivlule the Harvard boys have been -1 work nince Chriutmu. -- Letter: frum St. P-unnburg nmte lhnt. there nre at lent 50,000 sick wldion In the Ruuxan runs: of Europe nnd Arm. 'l')phuId, uumll 1 Mn] dyneutr) are (ha prmupal unlml ca. Surgeon: no very ncarc. Sixty-two gre reported lately u humg dud, up] one hundred have reached hume, broken In health. The prmturIinl|1o()llu\u Hnuld luvs nnwk vu.rL wing to their proprioturn ra- ducmg their pay to 27 com: per L000 arm. The Typngnphicll L'n|on hu wanted It circulnr to the public stating I .. uh- ..nn|..o-1 -ill nul. den] Iilh ner- All luv plnn. loluv. lQ.AIL.`BMIb~b9IZiI.3'. lnnuucqdcun~qdc|aoIn.L!.A.l_. V Thv Sulun lnlaly gun I recoplion to A corpl nl Hilh-ll oi Chuily INN to hit army by the Qnoon 0! Saxony, on which ocounm he thanked them fur NIOII` cuurnxe sud dnvnllun nnd prcunlcd etch nth 1 nmhl L`--oo und Ihorbel Iere I--rrml, nnd I|uun Pubs promnlod Inch I llh I'. .'M. ulu ` ni.r~rX\lL9. unwed clrculnr to we puonc uaung 15.11 the pnnlcn will not den! per- aonu Ihn udvotule in Hand requooung l llthe wurkmgman lo ndupl 5 umllnr .l.n nth I`_'. m. - England baa L:.c'.;rod Cyprus. mm] In! nap-clcnl I nnlruld down the Ehphru-u 'nll-y to thin Porlinn Gull N-IIIIII. ham-g ucnrod Hnumn,Iill c-vmpluo her vmlvny from tho Blscl S0: to the Cu- piln, sad in roaching out altar Bothsn. In which In mmy rain. to u Eu! center. All nontnl Iarritnry It Contnl Au: lull Inon ho Ruuinn or English. A coll-known hvldon piiiunj A toll-known pINiIuI| house hu decided to not spun n can evcry yen from their pruh for tho bonou-I pug euplo cu. An nnounl varying In-on `I25 to `Hit will be paid to hnnlln ul cloth And uotiuou who da- m then hrltc that nnmininq nub oh;-. -`van Inn!` ml II R lli their slur Running Inn than uvon yuan. Thgn II he III) payu-4-nu Iu ponv-nu Ibo. slur town you: mania -uhtbo Btu, henna ll any It} menpohlo of lurlhot Ioti. ; .-A uoounohbc dodiu-nulls..- ._..____-..__- Jnve. The Shah of Penis, during his lute . ...',|........ in P...-;. .-.1-mnul 5 A00 lnttnn. Inupoblo ol luulhot Ion. ~ A oooungol no Bcoly, puhbu and nap-Adar ol 35. Tnronlo llclcnmfl can plug o. :5. 3:5 int. III: linhd-Iiuuliuil to he .50.; |1.-'u_dn;, and h-oonnhnndbly nu II-Q luqcnul tn] canto. Ihd. if an- Iuuy hudlcd tar our y-II. and not lend my-uh twist. it La blind til has I I IDI- u:o-`hlhu no its SA`! QIIAII Ululllll. -q-._ .__... 7...... .-- The Momimj Adi~r!i.4er, the publi- csns' orgsn, supports the Hshitusl Drunkard : Bill, new before the British Psrliunent, on the grimml that "wlist- ever tends toloseeri tlriinkeiiiiees iaiid In mukeuwn subcr I'Ill deliver them (the publicsus; lrom s hnrrthle nuisance and interruption to their lniaineas," It will be considered by some 11 new depsrture for the British viutualltsrs thiistii pru- uounoe drunkenness `a horrible iiuiii- snce,' snd s hopeful sign thst they ahnultl join hsnds ss shore with the tem- pursce community in a ll10\ clIluHl. iii- teii-led `to rnske men sober.` We should rsther thlnlr, however, thst the latte.- operstion, st siiy rate. on tutsl sbstinenoo buts, wuuld itself re stilt in s rsihor serious interruption to thsir business Duubtloes the old coun- try puhlicnm do not desire their patrnnu to become thus iuteniperistely tanipcriite. Tliey evidently believe in cure much mere then they do in preventiun. su1'r1%sn wnw. SATURDAY, JULY 2o,%'1o'7a. ` __ . llumcua Rehtrulnp Hugo-0;; ` pow! non Jlcaolu I Uvnolnhunopb, July II.-III run- ! Cocuiniouco as \'u-and Clank -0 ` mnoviug hoops and vc -ninth]. ' `ouuvr-Jar u! that lotllb hiphm ' hortl . Tho Poem hnuxptnnni 0- Hnnn-.,m of nwnlicl button Chm I ahoflly. TIC roan II-II . win Innnunl nounlct th I .:._. -..A L. Lgcin A1 Knlnnn Pr `luau--mot noun-Ines Icnuun sun- oiulnnd tho Luis At Batons. Prince` lnhuol roplicd that the Jluniuu can in apoaition lo gnu-uh: thbnniuul-` not 0! outlet. The Unit Consul It Tnbiz--ndo ulegnplu that the Bali no mucking luitfdl Batons, nod QW IAxin_ dinnhvinl u Brilhll In. ll! km. dupxnymg uu urunn In`, In conoomnud to dofond tho town. It is stated that the Ports, in ooouqnonoo of tho rognunmiona J! the gun: poun, in tiling to outer into nogotiuionl with Iuuehlng luvnml lsuoun, Ina a,uIu km, dinphying the II`. mnmnu-and tho rogllunlnuonaul mo gnu powcn, . Iillulg ` (`-rt-coo. provided the latter qua to pay the Porto my surplus over tho punt ` revenue 0! the In-rrnary Ibo In] Iqli, or to bar I rzion of the Turkish doll. lnndun, uly I9.--The rmhltinu, U which Lon] Hutington nu notion in in Common: thnl. he should move, will ho an fnllovu : lh.-`.1-ml MIA! -hiln Ihin HIHIK hll tnuovu Heoulvod, thu Ivhilo thin Homo has learned with ulinhction that tho Imu- blu in the But. have been ta-hinted by the Treaty of Herhn, without lurlhor reoourno to Anna. md veimool in the u- by the Treaty oi neriin, Illllolll runner - recourse lnl, vejmoos u- tausionso! liberty snd self-Gonrument ta some positions of European Turkey, it regrets it IIAI not been to uni! premie- sble tu desl more sstislsetnrily with the clsims uf the Greeks; um with regard to Asistic Turkey the ix-ilitsry lie- bilities of this country hsve been unne- cessarily extended; thst undened squee- meuu relstive to the British sdsiinistrs- tiun of the Anistic provinces hsve impou- ed msuy responsibilities on the stste, while no euicient mesns are indicsted for securing their fullment; snd that the responsibilities hste been incurred without the previous knowledge of Pur- lisment. _ 1'5... .i..I...m will nrnhnhlv nnen on the . ~-- ~-o+>u ---~~A-- Uur local contemporary lectures "the pulpit" in a column article in last night a game. The stricture: upon clerical mort- oomingu any provo to be I lienlthlul tunic to such II nootl it, Ind we rognat to uy than no some who do; but much u very properly and in attenuation of defects which are too oltan mule the tar- get of undue criuoinn by the uccupnnu ml the pew. We endorse all that in said of Ibo nversgo olcelleace of the Onnulmn pulpit, and of those able nml brilliant preacher: who are enumerated u hnvlng chad 1 lustre uu thair pruleuiun, and oonlorred an immense murnl nml Intol- loctuul bonot upon the Clnulllll com- munity. In tho Iummiug up it II Iutud Thom no three l`l'<||lllllI luf the pul- pit, wlueh are ncm-nary to mnliu A nuc- ceulul proschor, Le, eunentneiu, cul- ture: And talent " We may bu permitted to mud thnt some small dc-`roe of piety Illa ll genomlly nupponod to be an enun- *~' ---- -J - nmmvh-r`: mural millit. (By `I -I-9:?` .) Uvno_ln_hlinnp|u, J. u.- rum liamont. | The debate will probably open on `.. 91h. ,/,`_Lundun, July `.30. The Paris and Vienna uevupapen generally comment lnvunbly upon Beaconneld'| speech. Th. lulun (lumrunnent and the Con- fnvunbly tseaconnnelu I Ipoecn. The Itulun Government nervatlve on-gum cuntinue to attack Eng- lnnd. Itulinn Rsdicnl newnpapern do not notice the nubject ol the English occupa- tion of Cyprus, but exclusively devote their nttention tn Auntrin. The Stand- urd`s assertion that the Italian Ambnn- dnr nt Vienna ha been called to Rome on thu subject is-denied. (Hy 7tlcqra]:Ii 74: lug/.) London, July `.20 -A curruopunulent n! the Edinburg Scutmnni lays the British Cabinet hu finally decided nut to dis- iiulvo Pnrliamonl. this year. Hut weather prevail: here and on the continent. and the heat in severe. In Paris And in some part: of the Exposition building: the I.uu1pernturo is umandurw h'i- Iu'uglh~h l"m-liummnl Woll not be lN'.~molr0d--L'oIli.~u'ou at Sea- The lleafml 'l'rrm-.S'u'm-lug of Son H: wrIu=r.. he. The Britinh Cnnlnliumunarl to the French Exposition have ntcinlly non tied the other Commissioners nf the In- tornalinnul (Jumminniun at Melbourne, Auntnslin, in I880, auvl invited the pre~ non! exhibitors tn pal`l|cipu.t-`. A rnrrnnnnnxlnnl (If H18 T111115. It BU exhibitors tn parucnpul-. A correspondent If the 1`mw.v,nt Bur charest, tel:-graphs thnl the Iluminnn ad- vertise the sale of war material in Run -r|!|I|Il) LIHIIIIM. Frill Spain, July 20 ~The British Iteamer l4afl'.1,l>(-unilfrnm Newcastle to Malagn, collided with this Ill5IIl9I' Europe from the Meilitwriam punts riu Hihernltnr fur Liverpool. The latter was sunk. The crew and passengers were saved. Nev York, July '. ()th.-'|'he 7rilnme lays the oicern :-f the Signal Bureau any the heated term for the summer out of the Alleghnniea, had pruhahly renchedita culminating [mint nn Tliiirsdny. This npininn in baud upon the fact that the hent wave has steadily followed 3 declin- ing bnruineter euetwanl, end them the air currents which set in several day: mgr; in the nuithemit of Umusdn and the United State: have ntendily increuetl in furce, and in direction tnwnrdn the south. The . weather to-duy in warm and close. Lint ` night was warm and sultry. Tl)Ulll8n(.lI' . in the tenement districts slept on the I Iiilevnellu, and many wulnen set upon the ntuupa with nick l`hll(ll`Oll ull night. Forty thuuaand people bathed At the free bnths yoataruluy Vii-iturn it Long Urnnch i an Cuney lsluml cumplaiu that the heat In tlllblflblt` there yesterday. --~..3. -_ (B31 Telrgruph Tu-.1u_n/,) tntnvu, July '..'|).-- Mr. J. L. MAcdou- gnll, Auditor Genorul, will be entertain- ed 3! A dinner by his friends at llenfrow on Saturday nun. Th. urdict M the iurv in the cue of Saturday The verdict of jury the man Dnvnl, who died in the pnlice calla, was that the deceased cnme tn his dnnth by congestion of the lungs, hu- tunad by being cunned in an ill-ventilr tad gm! vennin-covo-red cell, which in I diaunce In the city and atfacu all whole June: or misfortunes com >e| them to breathe the pniaunoul Hench The jury recommended that a new Illiun be im- Inedinwly built. A rm in thin citv lm1t8T00wurlh ulna genornuy -uypuuuu L\l W .... .,__-.. In] put 0! I pmachuri moral and one, too, on which, I. I very gr-M Ollani, hi: Iueuetl dapcndn. The pulpit oocuiomlly prvlchel tu thv Press, and II. in only flu lhll. the Inter should now lnd Again return the cumphumnl In | lnondly way. ____ .. coo -.