Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jul 1878, p. 3

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Hahn-I In Toronto PIIOSPHOZONI -l`|h not pro ununn of ch Canto! nu Ilypoph Ioplueo, I lob Inn In an u and I uqm -n ma. II fut `duh; {A- war mu ska Pmfuoun " M-n lonuun an aunts: mlo-gusto Ida cf uhnlnnalhhao-I gluon nu-no-noun ahgup j Yopcnn cpunlnpudnauonnt 1.- 5... L. -.nAn Insignia. u 2 n,-, At W. I. GOIDOFI 1 D-I-Ann: -I '$Inhh` The annual meeting of this Society taliea place in thin city on Monday, l`u.-s- day and Wedneaday of next week. The day acaaiona, beginning at 10 am. on Tueaday and Wednesday, will be held in the Court Hoiiu-. The meeting will I-- futnially opened at 5 p.m. in the nine place, and in the evening Pruleuor Rid- dell, of the Ottawa Normal School, who ,a President of the Society, will deliver A public lecture upon the mini and work ul the Society aince its urganizntiun, two year: ago. On Tueaday evening Hon. Adam Crooks, Miniater of Education, will ilelivera public lecture in the City zlall. We uuuldlilie to see in many in pouilile atteucl this meeting, an it in the tint oocaaiuii upon which the Hon. Mem- ber for South Oxford has visited our city in hia capacity of Miiiiater of the Crown. We ought to iuentiuii that all the meet- iuga are npen to the public tree of cliuge, Iuid will be Well W(l'lll attending by all iiitereated in ediicnti--ii. Tnz SHl)() I`lN(: C HI-.'. - A rurraspondent write: to the Nnpnnee llcuvrr, and Al- loges that the shooting of Samuel Kelly byJunon White was purely nccidentnl, Ind not the result of any ill-feeling ax- iuing between the young men, or grow. in; out of the cslebration of the Twelfth in Muntroul or in thn locality. The two young man have lwuen lI\'lghl)')| I since childhoo.l, they have always lived on the II.. 9..--... -uul immndintaluy .... ._-o I- uuvu Vvvtlllv-luv, -nu... nu. _, ---- "5 Kelly, and his hither, have. with a do- groe of lmne-ty and liberality nf aunti- mont which due: them innite credit. stated thnt they heliavad lhc shunting In bolocidenul And not iutemiounl. Rum Fun bmm-a\'.-0n Thursday the ateamer Cruaoe" brake her shaft while coming up from Harimioqiie, and was lowed by her crow into the wharf at Huck'| light-house, hoping :1 fris-ndly panning vessel would render auiaunoe within an hour or so; but it mu not I good day for boats on the river, and the "Cruaoe" had .lo lay there helpleu, with her impatient passengers, from 8 LI]. till 2 p.m. At_:h:it hour the tug "Franklin" arrived from Kingatun In amwer to a telegram, and towed her up. McEwen J; Hon are to have her now ahah in good running trim for Mt-nday'I In. It It. H1-nun - Du: Ir,-H|vin; Iuonsd from n break- ug out of Uunlrrroun Sara {or more than live an. nuuul by nu woldnnt of I frm-cured In. which frmmrr run Inn u runuln sore. uni having and ovary thin I eou|d uh ul of an nusllng holpoal nu. nut I I Ind union on Iunuu uf your vnllnblo medicine whlvh Mr. Iillor the a moon] rooummoudod var highly. Theo uh botdo aural uIo.|ml all can n_y.|n lbs! I own my hunt: to ynur val -.-1. un 5 y.m. .u._. f n I trip. l RrAENTn1oN.-L:ut eveninglhe 47th band met st. in pnctlce roum. and thence mrohod about the street: and played a vnrloty of mnuic In a tune and style ll)- porior to what hu been heard from it before. Subsequently the member: of the band Ind I few lriends enjoyed a supper II Mr. b'humghan's reauunnt. During the evening the leader wu puc- nonted vnthn baton (Whit!) mlplu Ind blnck walnut, silver u1uunt~d)bearlng I Iuxtable imcnpunn, ace nupaniad by an Iddrea. Mr. Judge reapmnled lpprr\pl'l- tely. Uomplunenu were pusod on both tides and all enjoyed themnelven until ll I Iuvvl uuy. - I1. is funny Lhst when you uk :1 per- Ion In ulvortiao he uhon decline: with the otnauneut nu nu )udy`ll use it." But if you udverliu tome little: c-per ol hil, gratin, ha geu indignant ovcr the oh - uinty that evcrybody ll no is. --A-- on`. v Puu'rn'u. l"unu:mr.-The prosecution ol the prupriator of the Nnpunoe Erprul for the mun of I forged polmcalnddrul, having Appendod theretu the nuns of MI'_ Edmund Hooper, has renchod 3 point than the pmceodingl bemme wmowhnt hrciotl in their nature. The end.-nee simply Amount: to nothing. [I cannot c.-nvict8oott,|nd the vine J J . `a who ha" been hating thoonoo noon to think sbont M much. At the last meeting of the Court the dolendtnt nu not pronont' A Iurnnt In written out, but in plus 0! lunng it encutd one 0! the mngutnton |.nt it in his pucht. coo---%-- 'w`I`lW. I - ndeulnuldliqcttbou-0 nu putwothiu cannot. Thu: do ox- tn-uncut. --Banal of our neqnninhncu luv you to visit (hair Mill! in tbc country and get stung by tho Innblo-boon. -Ir Johnson 0! Annliuburgh bu pthcrcl this union 8,0ll) qunru ol unu- bcniulronnnaiandshnllof vinu. --The Arctic and: luuntainl In doing ` the business today. They an owl to look at. to uynothin; 0! lbs cooling `drinks dun spring lroun then. r. __ _I,,_; ..-_. .__- -r.._. ..v._. V..- -Short utuou tcrnorruw. Our cleri- ul hand: will pardon the suggestion, which in made by In in bolnll of 1 lung- uinning Ind lust-suffering community. *m.- n-..-........- n.......4... min. Sunk. Illlllll` -Il UTIIIIUI us` uunuuuuu . - l`he Gmanoquo Reporter thiun Suck- ling, who won the n: prize At the neat, Dominion Day, Ihould but been pnuntod with i nursing bottle inatea-J u! I Iilvof cup. lo :. fun..- ah.) -k.n. mun nnlr 41 uar. Tut W|u'IIl.-Ir. Vonnor write: from Iu&inIm!' Tho co|d turn ol 150 9th ohldy, pndod by no uvoml Itch |go,5Iill probably ooc-Ir botwnn the Nita! 25th,snd luill look tor hut. Angus Ii be cu-ribly hot And __|... .. A. .54.: ch. lnln or man I$iII'I. luv-cu-uu II: pp. "_.._ ,,_, hvior oornspondn otrikmgly In that ol I871" .T-.Q._T_ l A Swnsnnu.-A unugor Ihooghuo iupou ol the pa hater ol Troy, ELY. lilo ptuuodod to Into an! I'll inun- gknl bear. and that '10 In loion oubyuooulaohoolthoooo. Inns- .;...:.... 1.1 ._ oh. .....I...;... L. I. The 1IonsIent_I;un Physician. ouoyunouuouoouuonmou. unnu- fylium led to tho conlcoiun by ISO Innprthtbohdtboochotoinhiu pudol. llndvillcuodlimgntonnuil -iln-uuhtnpu-ulpl pacnaau nub In-uplnao-aHouoptI.|oor gig- IIIII. I run on noun-nu, uuu -..`. uh:-y up Go shout tho l5thor 20th, I30! Iingllllrly cold. full-like toolbar nillIu'u,vilh huh vmdnand bony -Iu. _,._-_ .'- : . __-._.IL._ Pntlidtnl bayou to Germany. a II`. ' Xi than. I --`Do Iorlyu-rind Wuldynn datu- -._ _;II ._A.. _.s.... this nlnbinn t._ "A1 Uvvlyann--In ------,-u u.--,`,- an rill emu upon their dachsh- -.._....._---, -_-___'._.-_` l _ V llolhlastlpmh-dag. "OIH pludaunnnoqu 3.1331 --3..-n.no.u-g." --l'inInhuIypoul-Iptun-I. Ann :..L. _|__J- -AI _ ._ ;- J- uuu, nuu, unvu uIwn)a -nvu uu Iyuv friendly turnu, And immediately -, Illd several Lime: nince the unfortu- occurrence, both the young man. _ ...;I R}. lubhnn lining: nulblu r. J-_ III WAYII. Education I1-chug, ...._- ...-_ ,, known. u t; nhuwn hum nu usual ukon ru-|hoCANADA l.alCIl`.of Iny |nt,puI> "PIl0.VIPIIOZONl - PM: pnpugljnn j ix"-u vuuv-I I*. . noon-outta mu, uniting nluduyubbuain nod n rgnonllohmocuvndnnnd l "III 3. I'UIIiI.IPlIlI- Piutr.Voi.nair.-We esteem the l hreii- ological Journal a much In its most ar- dent admirers, not merely for ite phren- ologicnl Ilntur, but for the iiaeliil end iniecellnneou: inlorinetion, I per-iiuil of which in czilciilnted to iiiiprnve the mm! and tend to the literary cultivation cl tiie reeinr. The journel given evi- dence of being cerefu-ly and vary nbly edited. It in publiehed by Mo.-sure. S. R. Well: it Co., NeIYork. Tu: D:i.i.un-on II 0Il\.'l|IlV0|y 3 mi) : back. piiblilhed in their interest, and lling its own peculinr poei~ tion in the world of f l Il0n aiiil litera- turd. lte pletee ere intelligent and nt- trnctive, and the expleuetione of new lea- turee and noveltiee are such as any per- son can undereteud. If there I! Inylhtng neat 0|` pretty or t.|king" the Deli- neator" etforde the fullest pu-ticeliirii re spocting it. Published by Biitterick & Co., New York. tIv1uii.un.'e Moii'rHi.\' in e niegniticent llllgnlllle, having I populerity end favour which its merits entitle it to. Some uf the hunt eltetchel and Itoriee of the Age appeiir in it, end in Iuzgeotionn and lead- ing idea: ere such 5: to cell hr more than pauing cimeideristioil. Beat of all, its content: ere vi.-ll eelected, they ure entertaining end they ere pleaeing, but they ere elm eleutiiig Illtl iiiipruviiig, and nuch they niuet continue if the repu- tation and Itandiiig of the muiithly are to be ninintnined. Published by Scrib- ner & Uu., of New York. u rII|s - n 'l ,,v II FuAN|Lm Squuu LlaIum'.-Mr. S. Wood: rend: us A Beautiful Woman," not the genuine article, however, but a capital novel by Leon Brook; `Alas No. W of the Library, Kingston, A novel by Mrs. Fethentonhnugh, o!_ puro and .who'.eooma t. )ne-inwI-eating without. bemg unu- tioml, nnd docoroul without having I'll. ---~0>~ The chief of our cmtempornryi sta'zit- tended the annual excursion of the Cu- nadisn Press Aeeocistion, n.nd while at Chicago it sppeare he met one Mr. Weelre, and this individual is alleged tu have exclaimed in astonishment, `Why does not your Government put on a good round duty and give these people (it few Csnediuns employed abroad, three gra- duetee of the New oflice who could not nd work in the printing otfiooe in this city)employinent. at home." The genial newspaper scribe wes resdy with an un-. swer. He (the scribe) informed thin gentleman thet thst wse precisely the query that ussny Csnadiene were now making, and to which A reply would be given by the elector: of Csnsdu within the next few months." We cannot do cide who of the two telkere delivered himself Inoet senlibIy-the one who ask pects the Government of Canada to ac- complish by I tariff whet the l'nited St stus, the beat proloctetl country in the world, cunnot do, or the genius who un- dertook to cast s rsy of light upon him be- nightod friend. The quotation snd cir. eurnstance serve to show the hollowneu of the plrtitudes by which it is hoped to [sin Conservative strength at the mxtl election. No doubt Protection will be the iuue at the polls, but should Grimm triumph some other basis will be lsid down for the defeat of Toryiem. uur u uu., Ul nun lull- S1`. NICHOLAS.--Thil in Scribner} il luututed maguine for boys And girls, And it in conducted very creditably. The reading in nlnyn good. u...v...... c....|. :. Jr... l|ulI\A of u! luuulul II IIIIIJI svvuu I BABYLANlJ.-SlIUh in the name of an; small periodical, prinzecl by D. lmlhrup` &Uu., Boston,pfor the beuetil. of small children, the picture: and mutants being adapted to their youthful circumstances. The Iirst number is A decided nucceu. J Thin naming 3 circulu Inn sent nu, without name or indiontion of the nu thor. It use of political meaning end elfect. end the nttention ul the lumen an di rooted to it. It urged the: at the nut genernl election no me should vote lot my one who will not pledge huneell to nght the ltvn of the lnrner. Theee Ironp we were Anxious to find out, And by erudmg of the circulnr '0 acre en- lightened on that point. I] it; lhovnng the Ialntiou of the country depend: upon the removal of the tn on melt, thuiltbegruwlholbaleyie to bocun~ tinned in Canada the tuna! must have I In-but pledged to euppott the changes recommended. It would he iuuuetiug to know Iron that diuillory the circular L__L_._ L_....J ._.l -K-I 2- --lln --, W 5-Irv lnl I-.| ulxuxiy but -any-u-n hlbon iuud, and wk! '3 really 0:- pudod who (mind by it. Docuucnu than out about the country no not no luck iuoldad to under I ("out upon the public an clay Ictitulo upon their ha. PI-inha inlotuu an irtho had ground. PI-nuonfu Ihanuu.-'l`ha August number in bolon us. :5 rich in illumin- Iioo and an interesting as usual. Thou who hue no] this periodical, and hue Iocnod to Ipprccinto It, Iponk opouly of tha-ir proleronoo for it uud M the antithe- tiou which it gononlly gins. The {run- tispiuco. `Tho Wodding Ring, is 3 be- wiuching picture. Tho magazine is pub- lished by Mr. C. J. Paterson, 3015. Chen- nut BL, Philodalphin. Duuiunlnxlv 7W. AIOAAIII Hm Phrun. llcnIn.-Aa Ir. J. Dunn! and hblnnghlotvccdl-ivin; pad flown puotolohuloodny. Ibbono tool lightning nng,lhovinboIh out. `PL. On-.u.---A. pL.a II. II......... III I IJIMJID I II. Hhdlult (huts, Hnlllnn. St (`Allin ribs And Inudoll. A all I, I875. ' Il"II in It nth , I301!` `ThOualIuwurh0hn Ir. _.. J-_._4 L. AA. I;_.. -,.__ A:_4___A 11- W ZIZ Ij III`! VUIIrIdJII|h[ upon BI. but lab bnuuly bank has but Ilhhlly. In D-1-.onnnL::n-_.iA.-_Ll.J;. l-- v-u-on uuyuuu -:5 -I. vIv-urv 0541*. Clint: nocodinuncu _L.- AL.-...__.:.L -4... -_.I go Iain hono._ '""-c L V """:,u....` (int btyplbhnun. in Ibonckndar uunotvut! (L.|'Ct|v|lhI'ofd'houItantevou! Oi. brunt bhnhnhlldicioillv! 05. fclaadrhlnt counting holull Iru=u`uqhu baryon :5!-us {he box I Ohtornpnnlnaldonuhnintuocnl-liy. Freezing my uoulvith n>ghlooo{bc-r aye. 0 ` "`3"2.':"'....."'.'."5`.'.'..'.'.'.'.'7.`.':""_' In. H. K. Il lVlIn.- Dar IIt.--I Dun but a gust union: from ulropny. I III oonlnodlo my homo man than I y-an-. nu manila of the than I wuoolnro Iy boluleu. I III olnl o-I so have II. non Incl In In and out ol . I III nwolbu 1!! worst larger nun my mum! also Around my Iuut. I Iuond III 5 mm could and Hm I mad nll ronodba Iur Drop-y. I had throo IIHIrI'cII oloulurl. Iy (Hand: nI| upoctod I wmnd die. mun nlghu lvu expected to (In: hofum morning Al lul Vogotino wu calla! . ' (15nG'siruy.nIhIt. has-not tons.) CIJCIII1-Iolitldludedoddonldor. Ohvhuoyhnuqqu would in! BRITISH! wme. SATURDAY, JULY 2o;1s7o. WAII WILTIII POKYII. A smart Question. All IOOIS. ~>-vvv A Clrculnr. nlulhltdny Ill pill, |U G lLld'I Ull IJULCIUHU U mmunnln_y I think (int: are getung very noI\'.)u.~1 aboul coming election when they resort. Lu snxallnesa as preventing a brother I nf the earth |u.n'e Ru tml tn yet A 4 V.............S ...... .`.u......, ., ....._.., W .. -liunce we cannut speak with his nu- thurily, but certainly the communica- tion appeurs on its facn to be about as silly as name of the editurial muttering: which have appeared in the same journal, ` charging the Premier Willi bungling the work of his Department. and Lhv Mili- tiiry [X-Ilege in particular. We du not believe any man in the 'empluyi.nent. of the present (iH\'1`l'lllnclll was dismiuetl un accwunt uf his iialiuiinlity, uinl we tln not believe Mr. Cameron saivl so seri- ouhly, anal in [[113 nninv of than for whom he is noting. If idiucliargeu have been lIl1I4l6 at. thv Mili- tary Cullege,they liuvu not been inuenced by Imlitics, and the cnniplexion of those .....i.... in. i... .... i.-. run (or Lanhr Huuwr` I have no doubt Iu ny mind :1. will can My humor. It in: nu: ulnuuot of the blood: It 1: Into to gin: hi. I will noounnnd n unto uurlcl. I, lulu a I) run chi. and be up than I: mull: uh It to Iva nlronglh and Mo to nu agm poroou. cannot In (no Ihnnklul for the mm .1 u I Am. uy I--ruuyn, ullu .uu vv---y.-.~..u-. vn llIlIIl\v elnpluyed under Mr Irving line lIP(`l| aullicient evidence of the point for which we contend. ll: 1: great pity Mr. Irving cannot be mule to support. every grum- hler whosu family sulfur: for liwli I.` bread ; indeeul. it would seem to be the golden rule, that -all L?-znlervativeu at least must bu {W1 and feitted, no matter . u n ,. anlannesa as preventing brother worm the earth lwnvu [ml to get A crnal fur lmnself and starving family. I ask thorns:-Ives 1! it wuuld ammd quite Ill harmony with their tastes, strange no they are, U hear their nwn children try for food and nune to give them, mu` tho: menus to get it." \\'.. I... ...n ....... KI . I .... nl... ...... un.-um xv Hun n. We have nnL_seen Mr. Irving, the con- tractor oftlm Elucationnl Block, and- presunuing that reference is made to it I... on mu ..........A -n ..I. ...:nl. Li- -.. whether der vulm `A Scutch` 1| -.n.- mu. boner H\'ll to those I luo|ml u I uu . nu--5 mun -no---mg ' plezm-u. Scutchnmn pl8C(` of nnpenimnce generz||I_v knnw lmw lu The caruxiii acc-viiipnnying Grip lhll week shuns John Bull in the act of get ciiiga new view uf himself. He atnndl in front. of xi large glam, and beholda, in- Item] 0! II civilian. 3 fat. old cccleliauic, having I! face not unlike his win, but with u very clerical cut uf garb. John Bull huldi; under his arm ll document bunriug the words. `fbritish Conlmiitioni Civil lld neligimis liberty for A; in) per- Iecuiiuu." In the auppoaad redaction of himu-H thew words are changed tn rend. il\.I....I-4-`I l`.. .._... lV....I __.' -.I.' run up `Ann-nu v, -nun, n tullllulvlc. ``I am [I lubollmr. I started on the 97!]; June with the (iuvernmum and nu paid oil" on the ltjtli imt., slung witn in-mu eight or nine more. I asked Mr. (_`iuno~ run, the fun-maxi uf the worm, what was the rennin for my discharge. He said in cuuwquence of Hm Unnserviilive party in town saying that Sculchiueii were all the 311. He had orders to pay them all u`. There wyie fuur uf us Scutchinen in all on the work. They had in) vutu. We were diachnrged, but the in a who had the vote was kept. Now 1 don't think it was fair play to pay in mu.'1 or!" because of hi: . . . _ the lino. nu-......n..... vnru n...v n... nkmn H... uuu-gun -.-u;-u vnuuu ulw \.nnu5vu u: uzmu. .VXuiit.rosl Cuiintitutiun; Civil mil nli gimiii liber:y fur the majority only, no rule, nu t;vlcrntion." This in the result of apoap in Lhu Mniiiranl legnl looking glun the British law an iritorpratod by Be\udi'y'ii lawyers. Behind John Bull Manda Fnther Duwd, iiiuriiviiuiin in one hand. while with the other hand he hold: ninuk. somewhat resembling [ionudryi Il..I...-..... " 5...! -A 1..- In..- I.. -..-. I -uu--, -nnuwuau Ivwvluvnulls uouu-u, - phyuug," befure his face. In roar of the reverend mmr a rough in nhown in thc act of cudgellmg n unnll boy, the of- fanco being Iuulutod In the langung nf Ih.. -...-ulnno `-lu...' .u. ..-.n... .- rnpum ny I. R.Sl`IVINS. Boston, I ||1ul null A. (In rlrnu IuI1\,L null!` Iuulnobvu In nu: Lnugungu of the uuxlnut. Allan nu orange II syn than how." To the right. nre n opecinl cmnmble and H. Dmhn, tnmpln; upon cwil rights, and cnrrymg upon theur uhouldcrl Mayor Ueaury. who hn|d| '...n A` n'l"b.- I__ l...... _--...l...... .. ...w....... .....,... ........,, ...... ........ "Tho |au--juu Iuund; everything II illegal {hit an don't like " The special oouuabla burn: bony club. Ind M10- p:nod unywg Thu u what I lunko." ` 'l`no cmoon ya but Ono 1f the lovers] Luca winch are prvnled, Illustrating the Invert] pnuu ul public Icahn; went the pro- caodmgn ol the lzhh ul Jul]. 0! count mm] lull dmaroo with the Infermoo which may he dnon from Al. Una nigning himself "A Scutch Work- ingman," has written such I lower to our buaiiwsn cuiileuipornry that we really be- lieve lllm to nailing under fnlsuculorr He make: the following complaint, which will be pt`l'|lId by many a leurfuleye: HI nu. .. l..k.....-..- I .1.-.o...l .... gl... ___..... Tnut. Lacuna use an in In shape for the Octagon on Monday; lhoy will I-nu sll they can do. A rim [Inn II upoetcd. Fro: the own" of the anbbuud lut- tin; bot-no oaty-All you claim lot Gnu` Lumun IODIDI at Antonin, u cunclt. luod uulguotnutolny Iona Hoary. ltntho but undo I out not an-A (ho Ind nu unvtuuny hlluhnn ul In ulna. T573`, IT. `-3 lb?` *3 Ibo quniigoliliol to tho north, be Iill Ink. lap pin out his previous Ir jo_-icy. Hi: election bu alvuyn boon {no INIJOIN, but in in highly gratifying to j in! Oh: persecution which it ill lib! at the hum]: of hi: opponent: bu not ban forgnuaa by the choices. And that they bun doicnninod :1 stamp thgir npn-butiou cl Inch not: by return- In: their present. ublo ropruenlnivo by 1 majority of at loot. Mr. Shihley hll boon charged :1. by Wgggoner, dua- xod tbnhgb prutuu and law suits, his character udiznod, bin bonealy qneniolr ed and bi; political principles donounond. Yet to-dny we nd that all Ilnndon have boon lumod uicle, the cummon loan of the ponple decide that his penecubon bud u selsh object in View and -lllll ob- ject 1 not for themselves in the House of Common. So lit, the Cunurutivoo but been unlortunnto in the uloctiou of can- dldveo. lu Wuggoner they pouaued 3 llllftl clus Plumb, and in the pruont. upinnt they hue, to uy tho most, I geatlomnn with but I limited knowledge of public Anirs and by no mom: quali- ed to boonme I ahining light in the poli- tical horizon. ' Tionu Wgggqg 9! Hanan O Nathan, llruuu, 1,1, 5 and Rh put hula. Aqogu--J,u.., Km; n-I nun: Uunn. I `Wxumgms. % ! '>'!'IoBroul'i'h&mrderl'nnn chino; -it than ltgivuoxpnnioutotho : Ir. 8'Iinyisnakin;u|nc- tivomnu alhdngtoa, and in_tho Tovip nlnigly viibd has met Iith I cnrdial naopi-n. Woluothhulul uchoatyauuaagauunoacuaud BL- _.._:_' ..l:\:.. 4.. at. _...al. L. _&II W hnae nth...- PXPEIIBE` cl... A New View of ||lm.~.'eII'. `In. lam. Vuy gnulully ynurl. JOHN S. NUTTAUI-2. Au. bunny uv ru|_Bu)ou-lf_ \'mn up n. m. Iv-A nouu Atllvvu nv -u-nun 0 and regardless of lh-y are w.-a.nu-d and ran- iv for the pup they receive. \\'urkingnmu' would havenhown ISL` had he left miarepresexltntinn ...L... L.l|..... 5 ..- .. Ln.-.in...- ..-`J , uau nu: lulu lAJIn|v.lIlu\.II|/nlnul |U follow itaau business and nnulher job. We presume ; can manage his nffnin an he "Scutchnmni" letter in n npenimncu which the public A If cling Tale. nay: ; As I In: cunning home Wodnulny night at About half-put. twelve, duun Bluury :treet,l noticed two rough-looking customers coming up the III! street. After turning into Lngnnchetibre street, I ubnmrved them cross the street. as tb-uugh (H mteroept mo, and noticing that I I-nckened my psce they dnd Illa. Un gvllillg close to me one of them remarked tn the other, "Thnt'I the Orange-sou ul 3 b---,' `and looking mound l pc-rcen'~d that they were Armed with big utnclu, and hsvlug m.tLin to probe! me but 1 hght mum, l cuuuidend diloretiun the better purtuf valounend took to my heck. They immedutoly give chue, but lmmg bleued with I good pair of legu.l got. into my house before they caught me, hump; had I herd run iurit. lmiuht ny lll conclusion) thht lam nut an Ur` nngenu\n."- Wituus. _... _...T__ An Uudenlnblo Truth. Y4-u drserve to uitfer, and if you load a unicemble, uunntislactory life in the beuuliful world, it it entirely your own fault. and there in only one menus for you-ynur unreuomble prejudice Illd skepticism, which hu killed tlmuundl. Personal Lnmwledgo and Oullllllull manna re0a0l!l".gvI Ill noon uhow you lhnt Green`: Augunt Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint. or Dyspepsia. with all It! miserable Hoots, such as nick hemlache, papitation of the liuurt, wur ntuumoh, lmbitunl cout.ivonIu, the head, nervous pruatrnliun, low spirit: &c. 11.: sale: now reach over} town on the Western Continent and not I Drnggilt but will tell you of its wonderful cures. `.'ou can buy 1 Sample Bottle for 10 centa. Three dosoo will cure you. __..., A Lunv Ku.LIl..-Snn Fnncincu re- joice: in the pouauion of I uennuonal criminal. Julius Stein is in prinou for lurgery. and the oxhibiu in his one show that ha ha truellod under twenty-seven aliases. Some thirty odd women have nnm nrnd Al the van] whom ha Ind A-`lhar MBIITI. NIJIDUTII, Utly C VBBFIOH. UENTLllEN,-Dl`. Fuwler'| Extract of Wild Struvberr hu cured the worst case olnummer omplaint I ever know. Our little child Inc. for one monlli, not expected to recover. Wa got medicine from our family phyliciui, but, like nvarvthinn glue. it hilml. until wa trim! lrom mmuy pnyucun, Out, llle everything else, it hiled, until we tried Dr. Fowler : Great Cure, Extract of Wuld Strawberry, which sated like u charm, and perfectly cured the infant in less than three dnya. Vnnn lnhfnllv, aliases. some mmy oaa nave nppusrod It the gum] whom he had Luther defrauded. seduced or agreed I marry: some uf them wish to marry him man now. One in plrtiouilr, to whom the day before hi: nrrolt he hsd mggaawd throwing herself with him under the wheel: of an oxpreu trnin, inninn un re- mnining with him in (mi. In .b can |owo nunuu unblo again. Your most obodloll. Iorunl. ALHEIT VUN Seven! uses of Protestants who hnve no connection At I with the Orange L):- der being unultod at night by ruvtdma whu proleu to be ohunpionn of the Cath- ullc naligion hue been reported recently. Thu latent circumstance of this nllure in reported by I gontlemsn living in St. A]- exander Itleet, himself the victim, who .. -. ..`.. ..-_ .. -.-.., __.-. Vernonville, Sept. 3th, 1870. Maura. Milburn, Bentley & Paarnou. (hzN1'LzuIs`.N.-Dr. FuIlcr'n Extract of Sumuu Co:u>LALv1-3 on Caonnu Is` I`.ANTL`.\l, which II carrying o'lhe mum And children by the thousand at this season of the your, ccn alwa I surely be checked Ind cured by Dr. owleI'n Ex` tract. uf Wuld Stnwbeu-y. It hu never failed to give immodiale relief II the moat severe cruel. It in I boon wnmn the reach of every mothor. Do not fun! to give it a trial; you mil be pleased nth its churning effects` For sale by a'l dadan. Milburu, Bentloy IL Pearlon, Torontu. PETl'l'!8 IYI IALVl.-A| lablliblo Io mod] for nll thnuo cube lye (name or chro- aka`; granulation of tho lldn, ulceration of the Inc rymnl glands, lm nod wuknul ol the viaiou from any ouua. The Amarkuu Eye Salve ituonud to the puhho with the nu unmof salmon:-yuuc rulua! moat dues- loqof the rye, menu or 0 rank: lnuunuuou, who-tbor induced by Icrufulou origin or other- wise, Vishnu or debut of vision, dhnlnubod mno oftho optic nerve. or I dnouod auto ol the tiuual ooumuuu thaw:-nu. It In used ('n.LunnI rnounltl COIPOCID Du rlnlcl. -A fragrant. , nu-input. nd disinfectant. II h a! lunch]: whklh are Q And wholnulnc. ailoctunlly dnniina Torch and Mouth. and nmdun ofuao optic dluaed the oonntumu that . mooonlnlly for Hint. HI no by also: n nmnedlplue and I per I can nqnlru but I for Application: onh E Lynon, l'o- ronw. Anna forcunda. lo by all dmubtu ld wholonlno. elloetunlly _'|l\II'ng loud: ptudur N inatbnlnaothnolblduou hhlunru In Duh! Anndnnn J Oahu-ro- dlcau-hodudund lhhfnyourc Compound l& It (or gcurI|Un." 1%! u'oolcvhI'|h :uvIunuvboq:uIkandvI-Insane.-uh` ,.. u __ - `F11 J Bnu1orWnu.lon.D.D. 8 . I. 0.3.. hot. at o D-may an D-an Pubolmluhuulol Dcnduryw "lh nu you 0 upon! DIIl4II"vIJ ynuznd huonldo ditch lnud 3 hndud run I. Pov (,`h|llI&ljl;:: I kn 3:5 I. III uo 'o-pQI I-n- D fun-um. Iljjr fij. `L ` 5.:}i..`.?ER of thnlunno-Ibsen:-I ahup pmluslby III: ouolublo nmok 0, and no In about anew: clown. la Icing anon: M It and by b -ch fhvuclsns MI privuo bullion -. punurnzn.vr' mu bu AM Irma em-y will be xuuy manna. nuonuu men an m I luutu amount fur uppomntlycoprh cioun change in the own: ol the Ssh. H: r nndnn an doubtlnn nu-0 that it brood: in incnlculahlo nunlocn, Ind that. when on in poriodinl uigntium, it moves in shoal: ofconntlou uyriuln, u- tcuding fnauontly for -ilu in each direction. nful an it ha been found so an -melt 0! food tor nun, itia oqnnlly nppnciued by tho dcninom oi the doop and many nu-birds. Each uhod in fol- lowod by crow-ll 01 larger sh mil ight: of hinda, which oontin-ally pay on tho h~|pluu urinal. Mun duouvu-I the ` Ihonl, and cone: with his not: And up- turn million. But th--u combined anemia no incapable ul muting nro (Jun 5 alight unpreuion on the immauu uunhorl. Then whnt ouuld have induced the herring to chnnqo its course! This in I quutlon which leeml uinuuenble, u the disturbing uuun indicated shore up- poarimuloionl toaooouut for it, mun oopemnlly us they would exist in nny uaw direction taken by the (inn. A npocinl coouniuion, onnuinting oi Profs. Sara and Smith, ha been nppointe-l by the Kingoi Swodon to consider the whole subject. The change of lucatinn seem: to nus tnhen phoo u tho ox nu of tho cunt. of Norway, which, tort o lint time In many yous, bu not been this your Vinita-l by the herring. pmuno ol all your at oouunnoa, mo prohbilit in lid the lotus! pmapony will be! ly unloved. SuiontiIenonuo' 1' n luau tn mmunt funlnnnooromlvcanrh `7.Z.".Tn'-.I:...'.'l'.'.. ...u...a"""""'.n.-. ad on Ih It {Su |udbnniI.uIhd.lun|o|; dnmd nml An in runs M Mu boonn.nIuc,IunIo|;ooon|uu- donod ad an in ruins Should the pmuiuot thilycnr ho continued, tho nrohbilitvia thclho on-coon! o:u:>-- nvovnrn COIPOCID Du -nun`: -A Inn-nut. nlmnlulnn, Ad:-Ina-at lvu upocu-,d Ilm morning A: uni use by I frtand I no-var shall forgot the Era done. I could rullm no good out-cu Inllu day today . I wuvlting hotter` After I but taken noun 3! V : mules I could slow}: . ulla wall night: I began to [IIH now quiua I .14. Allan taking nmno I0 bottles. I I-ould unit from true pan 0! my room Iothe other. I: nnnauus vuu mod. Iba lropay 5!. this When Wlll I'lnlI I-Ind! Iroe anya. Yours faithfully, Rm. S, IL Kunw. Gents Furnishings cheap, 2: ear 'WALDRON S. Ready-Mada G1uthi`n~i11_d"t`liaV1itifai11ian s Furnishing Goods AT THE DOMINION CIIITIIIII STORE. HAVING A |v`l|iST.Cl.AHS CUTTER WE tlUABATEE HATISI-`A(,"l`l()N l`() 'l`IluHlc entrusting us with their olden. uu uruu PWEEDS by the yin] very Cheap. nE-oPuEn.'] BEG T0 ANNOUNCE HAVING C()IlPl.IT- I-cl their new l"Acwry.t.hMw|lh new In chinery 0| the moat modern Imprnvo Iuouun, nro now manuluturlng B1399??? _.._'!!l ._2I_1t99.t_i.9!18W" The atrh-Int nwanlion pvt-n up all on whtvh will he Auondod m with dupnwh. ....... .. nuuun; ., _u__ ..,__ sud will he Iouuu won Imnlea mun Cake: and Pastry Frelh Ev.r7&ay. Thanhiuu nur cnnwmon for their lihurul D3595 IRE KKK] ssvnu uvu uu-'v Thanking our cnnwmcn pair-nnngo In tho pan they how to mom. n continunnm of [hair ochoolnod {Avon which in :11 run: hnvn chelr prompt. attention wu: no uuouuuu u. ...\.. ...._I. _ Our new RETAIL STORE Ks Ilno romplnto sud II he Iouud well Itoeked with A 1 ,_s 15-..... H..--I. 'I_..-1..- P. HARTY, - - -` - - - Ferguson's Block. P Jnln Rho IRTH NO`BRUSH-OjnlybaDa}hp,Rag'Needed-NO wnm D'~61w;111$v_1*t)-1'iI:`1T6i'HI1{f;:17o11/E. -3--.. 0.. Z`---a II Ir I I(.`_nIIallnAII'u all and use quality um murvhuinx alsowhnro. TI`. .9-mun -tlnnlin Inn: I ruuuunu .- ..... -....... Wellington Street. Klngswn. H. 1 w. .1. Cno'rm~:ns. cnnA1=m1"iz otdtlnnn -nkumbunlly lhuncl mo. A. l1::CIt(.'(`)..;v on advi- IIOUID uuo IIAIOO ad 0301!! la aloud lcrbhb. TOVIIG and IIPAIIIIO cu-lnlly u- Ioodd In. (Mr prion being runnnbb and urnunu IO unto all hlnodhg pncbuun umnn I call. an-urn; rurudbo-not cannon and Ilutough nuhlnon In all Elm, He in scholar in new and cooond hud Ovodl oi as ulna-ripuon. Inch 3 Closing. Furni- unrt Ardvuc. Dry Gouda. Jovoltary, Inn ml lutrul-oIu.WoIaIu Ind Clonh. 1|. nglnn UUZ XXVI} limp Inter. Pnnotu I008. IIICIIOO. _.. , Flowers. feathers. Trimmings. Silk; and Volvota. OrnsmontI,Lscu and Fancy Netts, ruhiomblo Huts, Bonnets and Shnpou to be sold -A I--- A|.-_ -_._-_.A-__V_ __x--542 : July am, 1373. in an the 0&5-y of the my Tina: huh; IHBOID MAID CUITIIIIO nndounotodolod olvilllmnthdt scion with IIVDAV D. lhncboop Brutal`. appudh lap uuodalavu, book will sound -as nu.-5. ' WI. DAVID, `I'M Clgl H. Pfhtlt. Ihpta. POSlTl\'l-I BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN nu] we Ioliril your sullen! oonvnnienrn to KXAIINE Tllll STOCK. HOW CAN WILLIAM DAVID SELL no Cheap! ll ll beruuelu buy: him [nul- nl. hm own price. No may well be called the Dealt-rn will nd ll In their nduntagn ml 4-nllud and [at Prime Lint beioro nurohuimr who Inul nun":-and fur more than W Venn. Elm nun Ihn but not had my nourolah for eight Inuulhl. I have yuan II. to one of my child I have doubt ALEXANDER ROS8 8, Princess Street, l'\II1\GI%E l\I$\' IIIVPEI Too. HAVE BEEN REDUCED. andvlll to eluted Out. "you cut BARGAIN?! now also doc to (06 than by oslllng early. Is Clearing Ont his Parasols at Cost Price. V: -~~-~-....! ---Q----- `Nil SCAN! IS IOW IXMNIDIBIBLY ADVANOID WI HAY! doc:-IPIIIO AID OUIIII cw:-ante A1` v '"' mu 1 Gail! ? oollnndou-Ila hound this A I. puolnunb 8 3%.. Gouda. . .".:."' .Ill nun; human cnnuu nu. . I luv 3*:-... ...'.-'~'......... '3... Iowpthou dovollonvo-null. Ila; t."l'I\'l IIOI. p - -_-I.`-2 "The [Ia_t_S_a|E_t1_fh1i|lg_z1t__Ii._HAHTY'S I July Inch. Irzw roux oLo'rmuc STORE. I 1 - . __ _ -- .-An-. --- us...- JAIL llllbvscclug un- 0! Iy pouus [M mmotlpluppoorad. It nun] I rmnninod III III GreatClearingSnlo ofspringandsnmmer o:I:.o-rn1n__;;x Jnlyth. July 3,1873. A UAUTIUN Tl] ms F n.:& w. .1. cnirnans July 9. 1878. July 10, 1873. ' T T (\'ext1l)oor to Messrs. R. J: J.|GardIncr's, Princess Street. .__ __-o0O I .vu uu'/, ' `.5`Jdo7. I y pod. lro y nun :1 mm :IP|u|-pared. I hop: mm as Vngonuo uuul I ngninod my uunl hula. l hoard of a gun umny I-unaobv ulin; Vegntine IMO! I on, nut sud III nhlo to lend to my work I in n a-uponlar unl build". I will plan any at lnu uurocl an aunt olmy fe : of Neural 1:, than W `be ....u .1... ha: any eight ALL PHDPLI WAITIIO III! ml-uh-nhxslhlhluvbathutl TMPDRTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. J.a,c:'.TAGOzBY IL 00 Mauufacwn-xrors. -9 58 Wcsqnroadway. Naw Iorl NO'[[CE. If you run` BARGAIN ll SUN SHADE! all and no then. Ilia I India Gauze Shirts, 40c, 50, (`:00 nnd '.'bc. 9 Merino Sliirta And Pants, 35o. 400. 500, 600. 75:: and 8|. | Cotton Shirt: and Pants, 2150. 40c. 50c, 4100, 75c andtl. | Cotton Socks, 10. 12 1-20. I50, 200, 25c sud I500. | Merino Feet. Such, 200, 2f1c. 300 and 35c. n Colored Merino Socks, 250, 300, 40c and 503, n Fnncy Striped Socks, Silk Olox, 30c, 36c, mo gnd fyuc, ; Windsor Tiu, Duke Scarf: and Silk Hgndkgrchigfg, 2, White Shiru, tine Ootton and line Linen, IL it), worth 02.09. v. Beat White Shirk, linen Linen and Canon. 8l.2b, worth 02,00. _ ..._. --nan. IAAII --g .. .. -1-2:13 -.'vv'InK. U CI:-CI; vu Ilnplon. _A!.- BOSS VE.S_=`-E.I!!5!El I, wanna IIII pron:-I. WI. DAVID. -_.._. 1...`: u--I BRILL1ANT I all orders Lu dupumh. In the but nu the market for the folluwm - -.--v---.v :_..y ---_wv- u..- at less than importer : pci". "'fWKL'b"6N'f Wii6h":"i|Hi'5gs. It need: neither brush nor wntar 1!, him oil I" greuo nml rust. ltwlll not burn on. ltomau-n no dunt. 1!. ill! prom-no tho moat hrilliumt polish in law: than va nmumu ` lruno enuluovvithont the alxnutnre of J. J,\Co|-H5; (,- tho box. A. vuur (Imoor for it. Doulon (`III In nu|np||o`c'l'::lyl 9,30. B0KT0N GL 5()N.WhoIona|o Kergh.gn|.,`|(.|l,g,,'o,, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF WE UUAKAN'l`l|S HA [`hAnn .__ _. , _ OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL In that wont tho a]IbW4 tovshobocnlnhudcnnda. Self - Shining Stove P31-ish ROGERS STATUARY ! (3-AG-E Prize cups, &o. Call and alumina. liyoohl nucntiou given w REPAIRING. PIILEI DOW. Watchmakem and Jawsllm PRINCESS ITRIIT ?STATlJAHY PA. INTING- ll PIIPAIID AT ALL [III Tl) Ella- CUTE OIDI PUB Home Pcunungluallun Bra inch on `In Paris and Bio! for $820. a, 00., Manufacturers. Wcstlllroadway, lork. ()I ENIC1) TO-D/\ Y .1 July 5"]. ` `.' * V mrouloonnouholutahlqun Plated Hare. GAGE BROS. L`. PIC! Ill vv in! go: do olhhmol 3 -1-on Aunotuuulotlu In 4... ml on more-wan u-_I. `o l\"I IIUI. Z. PREVUBT, -.__ -_-_ g._ -n. -__n..n 1. C. W. W. ANDERSON` Hnungor. F. c. mLo, B1308. whuovovell manna-udlullc. IUIK. I00 and oxuuz. ll!- IICAL nncnnma. Ab A3:-nchdonr`1'cuh&%'nt nl UILLIIIIDI ITIIIT. A.as.nunnmImn's KIT unu -u--vu--u---. -.-. PlI;ZNO-FORTES. auuhllv Ihonool Ibo luau: -III' OBGAK8 at Am-an -gk-u. but nuublly than of .13. A-notuuonou mp: tun up-bolt DI Iob-uI\n.,.Ii$IOC. . 3 ;. .1\TO'I_'_IC]-_T_L 4...-us" ll`?-L'l.A IuI.Inor.l:1l\ny:, and noun -I $aDu-w -.u.., _. -_._, ,, Ami bv N. (5. PULSON It C0 , Drugghu, Kiuntun .L`\JLI- AILI-urn. K1 gr I pout shall forgot the In: done I wok. In the Golden Lion Block. .L2\..J.'4A.J.Av I Own 8! Ionltl to Iour Vulunblr Vllfll. VUN EUIDIR. "It ll unnomuuy (or nun enulanu tho -luau:-I for winch the Vogoliur Ilaould In und. I know of no dnocus Whih will not uhnnt ofitn Inn. with good runlu` Alumni nuunonbla complaint: are and by pohon mu uorouonn In the Mood. Iilola can is an uni oxpoml (`mm tho aynum by tho usual the `I nurlil. wm the blood in perfectly ulouno I. the uluoue rn lily yhlsln. ull pain- ouno. hosnhy uuiuu I promptly roalorod. and the nnlhnl vunsd. IIIIVT I &II I-3` aopahlly than ch -out luuuu: FOR 1'-)-R(-)l;S`Y-. _ _,__ -L_n 1...... oh. l-o `I1... I 1...` allvn . Cilcicriu, Bani w.!L_'J_:':aIR.- 12$: 0! WILIJICIDI ITIIIV. vsgjgnn "Flo Jul: botllo IuO.|nl Al! I uh Immune. U7 l'0R0ll.TD. ....A__ , ___n..,_ Vlvunllln Nerport. Ky- Apr. 29, I87.` lvlu could rvullus nu good om-cu by was clung mm Vi bu sting 5 [nod . lro `rad. lkopl taking ad u stand my 0-: uul huihln. lllu my I: la out-rnly void ofnoll-linen and prun- dlo and no noouunt umlun. no team you null ovary [rah though: mlnnooal . put: into yruolloo moot nllungl . no ll aunilllu .|ny Ioo(l'lIoHar thin be (man! u In In l&1- cg Pnpuod by IIDHH Il..` olllbll IUIDIR. ml ! ma to w nmliuno lhnl. does not ml. u punlr un-I rennvnu, hu um pub to nuonuun. .l\IIl u nu-.. vi: .. .., ... uuu -....... .-.......- I tho but mnnnuumnl. lllld recreation H l 01!! be dulrod, especially by cluldrun. j'- OT l'.`x-unsno.-1 T0 Kuuaros.--'l`he Ouvo~ go Inn ball club II play the St. Luv- renoo ol Kungoton, ll Kmguon, on Mon- dty. The Uuvogon Iill leave homoon Mund ny morning gt. 7 u'cluck on tho tug C. I . Morey, arriving nv. Kmgtuu M. 11.30. Returning, lone Kmuuon st Incl by 5 -ch I'|'IV|IOIlnI nu ynvuu ----u- PIl0.`8PUZl).Vf' can N [run every (`hand cowl llruyyiu Mrougkoul Mn Ila- ramlnn. Prkr, Cl pvr Bult. -j v T "L Cll.m4ll.`u.'.'4. - The Uorpornuuu oicinll hue rwontly Ind n-svurul new cruumgl. Those ul thn kind winch have been tried hue given such natilfwtion that the re- plncamom of the whole: lot. of none con. uectmn, in me {or man your in King- ston to the constant and unanimous din- gunt. r! the cmzenn, will I: but 1 nutter of lune -the nbortur the boner. __,-r -41.. ..__ .3. A S<'I`av\' TnuuK.-Uu Frndny of Int week, while the family of Mr. P. Curry, Nnpunoo. ware Absent from tho home, some perwm uutorad the house Ind tore 3 Catholic picture from in fnnne, tore it ium shreds, hung yolluw or orange oolor- el ribbons nbout, putml a picture of :-L':..._ u.'.II......" .... aL...l.....- ....l.-.....- Tl-llHIAT.-ll. issull intense, though not oqunl to pvhst. xv. nu yesterday, lhs thermometer registering 84 in the shade to-clsy, Ihnla yosterdsy it wu st ons time 92 . Thsuk guoduus. I! the prubsbili- ties ue renlnwd, we shall have a. cooler Atmosphere u-morrow. hr. (Jn:mu.:':~a } u'-xgv.~-Mr. Juhu El- mer, lhv caterer It the pic-Inc, he: on- glged that excellent cook, Mr. Wilkin- wu, tu prepare the dunner: to be eerved on the {run . 'l'hz- use-crumn uble hu Mun be:-u plwed Ill Ipccunl hands. Eve- rything will bu` first clan, ul. Kingston pm-c-n. _,, ..>..__ ___...... CnArn4u()u'r.-In I rm! down the nut hut evening we saw scores of poo- pll cuupod among the lnlnndn, oujuying the true slums and c-uliug breeze which I-law from me lake. An uccumnul after u~.mn'n rant on u .9 u! thus Imall illnndn in that . ... ..; --v.`:-. Tn: Tunnun Wus.~h is uliunud that during the pnuago u! the heat wave Iron: Mnniwba to the Atlsmic cunt, our two thouuml men nndthroe thou- sand hone: hue poriuhod from hen; the lnulny to horse: being very grin! in the cities. __,_ .4... z_. -- 4} ~ ---4 B: HUIANI. -Tnke A large hnndful of wnlnut lenn-3, stoop them [or twenty- four hour: Ill soft (ruin) Iubor, than boil brinkly lur liflaen nunuten, And apply um: I luau bnuh over your horse, (pro- vided ynu hue une,) And you will have the plenum of seeing tho mind in com- fort, u farnieo are concerned, I dny A l zr.xn:NTun\' BxnI>.-Breom.h|n. the Canton (N. Y.) prisoner, who hu eon- fouod to fourc dd b|-rodod nmrdon,(hroo of them In Cuudn) And to mvenl vil- lnifwun nu-mpu, Idnuiu the atonhng at | wnlch nt Arupnor and to four years` in priauumonl at Klngnon Pumtonlisry. Since going to the Stntu ho huocnusnh I_ L-.- ..l...ni..n munl.n- In grid In hm Poucn.-John Kym in (hunt, and In In diuiuod, sod pnhobly John III n hula duappoinud nboul. it. Perhaps uoplnoe II In cools: the [aunt libll` the gunl. an no skilloy lat locating! in I ghout thin snuugh for my dynpeutic un- | key. --- . nu.` muted utlwr acts. JOHN S. NUTTAUI-;. Diana run liu>ou-lf fill will roman pain, olconno. purif). nml an aunt: Inn-nu, rontorlng Hm pnueuo. 1.. porfoct honllh after lrymu dill":-rent |m_v datum, many rounodwo nncl Iudbnng fur yard. I: it. not uunolumve nrouf. if you arr u uularur, out-saber-nrod Wluyiathlunoaln `mu par arming nueln grout cum ' ll. works In the blood. in ulna niroulnlm uhl. ll. nun MCI] be ocllod the llrra! 10041 Pun /lrr_ ' fl-on neurons of dheuouriginnuu in tho I-' : nnd uu uuullulno doe: DIIIW Illll` U: Luv uwuvvu nu -u-vuu ly been planning uumler to add I scanty notes. ---- 13+. ST. (iwuufn Pn~N1-'.-Lutavoning About thirty gunllomon of tho pie-nio com- nmoo mm. The 47th Batulion Bundl (bu-an sud qundnllo) have boon engaged to: sh: day. Thu Inc at nnuunonu Inll bo Announced on Thundny nut. Tho connpuicioau which ucito oontrouny or jodmuiu us to ho ripdly ucludod, And than which uuuu Mid entertain an ooouungod. ---o1o-_ l'nonuLmn. Light to moderate Illdl and partly cloudy uouhor with loal nhoun, fullmul tn-manor by cooler nnrthotly to nonhvutctly Iindn, ----- or-o--us xuucnn I|IUZ'I"""" "' u..n'..n.u.uah.|--h-I-cu 3- oII1oodqhutntI|00l'0" `g. lnvnnoo. ` lib: agaiifg` QM!` '*R hig.i BA1 Illnu.-h would uom thnt the gun uujurily of our male populnuon mm expect by bathing to ubtun web I cooling ol the uynton u thoycaonol. hope lot during tho buaiueu huun ol the day. During the nllomoon tho ouunonhu du- Lun point: no united by many, but duv- Iug the naming the Iluvu In due with than who nnon Iain-in; bunt. Anything lot nliol. null nothing In hr canto the phenol A goodhth. X0 4 "iiir'|7`4un rnnufrr p-eotounu Vortult o'clock sou Bun lhu..-0I Icniqlh ouch buvnclhvunitbh bo- nuolhobb plauufdut onlhonoi ullltiegnloh.-Qoo `I'M an of dloeuoung U ; And I vltrootly urnu u in r DI] ind ti lltll up-m '10 nun: .....__._ Hnunu.~Tho Nnpuuo lfvucrgin. none: that out woo! thou Iillho no pp: haul `NI bu ole.--nu Ibo lvillhhn inolidAy.IIn1'huI thonnou-o Tho tutu-IQcQiou A .L- I)_._.'__ L--- ;- L__._J uuuw us vyyu--, mu -.-up.--uw.. n.-.I gnu-ynn'I|tnud.uIhuI.huoIi|l ...... mu.-..-ch nmndinn, an.-1 tn.` W W- T j lquuutlohphptatthofliuduuvu up ;.nL-`-.__.-..a...A nnnhnn-(Inn. uudulho cyptm, tho Hooper-Scott lot. .._...._.a.-n-nJ nnlgllhj-ill jC"j-III-I-u.--un--u-uuvwur bovcylimnuunh ncncdio,uuputu~' Ban-Ilulu but net, and Hula ll , .. _:- .1.-. `V an nuuvun -uuuu, V-unuu .. rivvuuw V. "King Wnllmn" on the door, And coun- __.n...l ..n|.... anla 8.\TUBlJX_\ _l`?"l0, wane, ms. onnno , honmay sauna punch!

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