-u -p. uv -up ncuu--5 It run an var our the sun. In order to got more purchase on the out he got up on Ibo `outdo. and a pal ol wind ntmck tho coil, And in trying to hop tho boat. alu- Jy he broh him out, And loll headhu- nou! Into the Inter. Cnpt. Donnell} wont hon Gordon lohud And rut.-nod tlupooc idiot, who Ill coll nigh on- Inctl, Md Inning lost all his clothe; His ski! in not drifting toward: Knapp`: .L_l UIIUIUUT III IPVCl1'Iil.*'I0`EWl'VW Illlinlln In. on-In, Iinucd nu-nu,-`uum.n..5,.;. 3., minnow. ulduiughauq no 5--lllnihu-not Iv.0urpA_ IIIII-IIH.Iu. In than-an. 5. Dlhuhbfldocl 4.3.-.l-..n__ n.4._x_ __n V.` W Fl. I,-UIIUDI. VI u|Q-J ucuv boob, wbhky. lion, whisky, Bah-p--loa_ whisky. bait, whisky, change of clol.hin.;, vhinky, more whisky." --On the `And of August, It Muuugn Point, the much nos for the Yncht Slut)`: ng and 850, between the Dnunr- leu and Mmdcnp wili tnke place, and the Comnmd'>re'| Cup will he mailed {or by the Katie Gray and Knthloou of Belle- villo, and Emun of Kinguthn. IIUII-VI Iuu vu T -`l'bo following nnnondun ol an oullc for I shing party 3; undo Mt!!! old hands! the bminus: Wbipiy, ab- L...I.- -Li.Iy- Ii... -|.-I.- .h.n..h.. U517. -Ono of the qultionool the dnynnd lllugnahr put of (to night to VI", in wbothu the our-tron nude in hoping I fun 1: operation does not nuns more heat than the breeze ruined by the fan ul:`|l$.Il:&I:`n?olioe. lab: nu 13f`-L -A big rips Iomun, if well u'not|,IiIl do moubnnhumocufwgulhnuh jocl thus all the char: 1 and crowd cu mic. ; A1,. _,--A:-_- .1 AL. 1-- ._.I -'I'Io lodinn mun ol the river lying button Clayton and Alnnudria Boy In` lnlutonoc, at Garden of tho Gnu Spirit. -link Nil 0! lemon, jut-I. -'l'htngIeAn.hutook I largo I-In llroIKinplonloOollinnby on smmuy WV -`l'hn iongnat mob olvinitonto tho nttnativo Point: of the 'l1v>uund II. II. It. Bl'lVl!u| :- Dou d|r,-|lu'm[ auarod from a break- ng out of Uunkrrma Sara for more lhu. live Lzurmnnumd by an uoeldnm. of I {natured no. which frumrc run Into I rulum sore. and hum; used ovary thin I ooula 1.1: nh of and nothing holpo-I mo, Illll I had union in Hindu of your vnllnblo modlolno vhlo Ir. lulu the u unwary rooommandod very highly. Thou uh homo cured II.|I|Il A11 I III .II Ihul owe my health to your nl nnhh '&Ql.KnaI. -joo-o--- But Auroucmnn -~- _,,A.n,#m .|_n,n `|IC.hpuhud'oL __'lI.....I...q...u `wt-.-wfuu -1'hnoIhuunIlyuln|-sinned fluubouhdthoindlhuuool-tnightof angular haddock` -lnvilau In honuut.oloI.boK- Elrounuvillo (on-that nnnloc 1...... Inns 0! Iovunol.--`I'o~notnv II... II. n_, . I` ;-VQIIqw.;X0. _ -Tb -ha qua. an sun, In naph- -3`,-'-o --3uauonqln-CI.iaI'oioKin;- lg. A4-n-n-Ln] AI Alarming storm. Htloflolnun, Uukchnholioo. Llnlo nod: nan Ill! .1178. Pnpcroa by I. 3. snvnms. nuunmua. And by N. C. PULIOI & ($0., Drlubh. Kingston, ` .... -., u-nu .-u--y -1-III. -AviolonIninunrupQIlovuNn- `ptloolbonttvo Bushy novlhg, Io- eonpnniod Ii_th Viv II- 10! hnrrimod wind. A! ill Point -thohillolllautullybfjt. Johg gnu ldnoqnnd.`..'uhiqIonr|ynlHhog|nu liuu_u-u-ibuatmgniuiupqh, llinnlilu hnq and .l.._..l_._|.-|_ -.-u The annual meeting of this Iodply, calling together do educations! clenonu ol Intern Onioa billlhia waning in the City Hall. It will be 3 deeply in- teronting union, and Add 5 very volcomo addition to our roll 0! nmnmor visitors. The programme of the three dsyn in ` Moumy. 5 r. -0poning Exorcilu; Reading of Report: 7:30 P )(.-PrnnldnnI.'n lnnm-mnl A.l_ -.v:. n I>-y.-c$-.., . x.,...., In Iuntn Q1! nu-nag. 0. his way from nilwgy g, _A r&..I.nt -.3- .A.._. ._...I .L_ M. ...-......v_ V, avvva a... un- ln the evening a large audience gather- ed to talie part in the cloning aervice of the religious camp meeting. The sermon waa preached by the Rev. Dr. Laneing Taylor, of New York, who announced he intention of dedicating the diecouree to the ahermeii of the Ieland, whom he , waa glad toaee present in large nunibera, and (or whom he elpreeeed the higheet reapect. Hie iext wae taken from the 13th chap. Matthew : goepel and 49th and three following rereee. He that referred to the frequency of mention made in Scripture of the worltof the aherman, and apolie of the outing and hauling of the note and the aorting of the eh an hearing a atriliing compariaon to man" probation, the judgement-' and the re- tribution for ain. God employed many net: in dealing with manhind aneh a. Oonacience, Law, the Goepel, which were potent in the ealvatiun of all. Theee note an ainkere had God`: wrath at ain and for [hate the proiniaee of God : mercy. The -ortinu and diepueal of the eh were eymbolical of the judgm ent when all will be arramzed in two cleans, the good and the evil. But an on earth the llah differed lo the saint: would dler in Heaven. He urged all to immediate preparation for the nal change and concluded a moat imprea- aiveaermon replete witl: intereit and Iullol power. hire. Latlirop spoke, exhorting all to accept Chriet. A prayer and inquiry meeting followed, and the ainging of the hymn "Shall we gather at the river" and benediction cloeed the Camp Meeting which he: done much good and the in- , fluenceu of the eervloee will, it in thought: he a realintion of the object for which they were held. 'IVL.IF-aL,a:_ ,_.| n :,,.-p n -..v_. nu. .. .....u. The Enthetic And Scientic Conloranoo opened It two o'clock to-marrow After- 7:30 r x.--Preuldent'n hnugnnl A-L drcu-W. R. Riddoll, Noulnl School, Om--. 1U LU. -- aoeonanry lsducuuou.-A. P. Knight, Kinguon. 2-4 r.II.-8oboola and Bohoolmntora. -J. A. I$oCnho, Principal Nonlnl School, Otuvs. 4 6 r.It.-|liaeol|nuonu Bnninclu. 7:30 r.I.-Publiu Adda-.-Bou. A. CI-ooh, Ii-Morel Iduaolion. u. U. nuuury, uouogtuo llotimh, Cobonrg. 2-I r4u.-E|ootion 0! 060011, to. 6-6 r.u.-`l'Iu Hula! School System.- F. Burrows, 11.8., Nnpnmo. 7.&) P I.- Public baton - " 8IO Poonlu Daludnnn, "_Pn-hi.-A IlJ4l-ll -JIM. lam, Vary r|l.al'n|ly yuurn. JOHN B NOTl`A()E. Au. Dnuun or nu moon -4! Vxur rill will rollovo pdn, alumna. purify, nnd ` can IIll`|I ch-euu. rutoung the patient to health after |l']Ill[ dllenm pin . Ilobu, many rounding and nuorlug I-r yonrl, In u not oonnluouvo roof. if you urn | uru, on on be and Why Inhh modi- nhn mun: Inch Iron enrol? It workn | (J! r l.~ruom: unsure " Soho l Poplnu mason. -'_Puuuac nud.n. | Tn lflllllll.-A-Il upuhIh0Ihpl.T.OojI-nin- Io--hi-unuapu--gt-y..| syn.-colon-nub. Ignacio an ' no-I-In-0 luI'I':!dvnQ.nlbIulv'nuuno u-I-ur-w-Inzuwujuj jyloluuuo-qhip-u Jnmhj-I. I4-uh.-nos. WIIIU D\J\lV|I U1 DI. Twill?`-IIIP UI UIIU Society, And the Benediction In pro m-unced by Ru. Mr. Erwin. In sh- Anni... . I...` ....l.`....... ..-A|.-- nu nuv mu-nu; Jinn wuuv 'vA'\nrv'-Mu lluy Ind omploywd 31 -illionnriel and I4 nolaooln. Th Solioty won now adu- oatina !or the active work in Jnpnn a young wo-Lu, who had boon nlmod Vuc tori: Canada. In conclusion, Mn. Tay- lor nppenled to the India present to join the Society sud thus become interested in their great work. Mnny new mmen -n-- ..IJA.I 0.. oh. ---.L--I.-. nl phi In Luuu `Aunt wunn. nanny nun unsuc- wero Added to the uenborlhip of ma Q.-...:..o.. -..A H... l1..--.l:..A:.... --- ...,. WIFII Z00 jl |IIlVlI\`1o She Ipoh of I80 diluent lotou 0-plop Id htudnlhl cl Inn, and conclud- ed a trutr l.'n.LaHmn by an elo- quent. appul to the WW II: audionaa. In. 1):. Iain; Taylor, oi New York, lullowod. and evinced by hot remain an Irdont lad lot the nnuion work. The appropriation: of theSoo1'ety ` fur the coming you won $81,000, And ` . . 1 4 AL__ L_.l -..-.I.._..l Q`! _i....... .... -_.I muancr both phndqlndlugnucnhtivo. Sin rclonodto tho diluent Ilguuab ndnncod by that oppoood to the sauna ol lorcign nininm, und in ouch can she placed before u largo nlianoo the (Illn- ciu of than plan. The importance of the york in ovidont, Ind thngootol tho ....;--....- _-- .L.__ L. L. -_-ll -Ln-. ` IIII rain it Uvnnvus, it -1,UUIwI vuw millmnl us down to bc vnnll, than oompnrod with tho snout upondrd M. homo fur the ooournioc I then (grand , -.; n,LL,.x -_J _-_,...__. __._:I___. and! Why Inhln Iuodi- [ also orulng gran In nu blood. In the ciroulntln uid. It. can uuly be called the and Load I-`urinrr ung: mum of diaeus origlnntu III the In : And no mediums lhn dooo not an uvuuw I--u Ill` vvuvwuuuvu - --uuu .---.w-. with Sabbath and unotpu-y privilogu. EL- __-L- .1 AL- .lD._._A l........ .._..L.-. -n|lZ lubjn .u In-In taut nu-n-on luhotio-Jhouhohanliaoaotuuniq ml ____._:-A- L.. _I.___.__. .. 5L. .l-:-- ....-..-..._.................. Ippndno in oloqIIIu.nI lhochinl ofthodnin hldvan sdvoahdina , ,4_- __ .1 ,__.___-_.-u_. ;V. I. Al[II' IlIVWIUiI UACIHUZ locu- Lothrop, ol Winoouin. Ill introdncd and dolinnd I most impruuivo uidlln. Shoinnnougihod lsJy,|IJ onoihono Ibilily u I public speaker in roll known. We bu disc an an nu _.L _,_. __-n_-.| 4 lIlyU'InlI(IIZIWVUIlvwwIyI- tor-otondtlonnnunluungioulo .|___.-.| L- _-_- ;:...`_-_:.L.J LA- _ II In Vljw TC ! The Dating yulnrdoy no ptcnidotl out by In. 30'. I. C. BI-non, of Poul:-, H V `.04: .I....h`..-I nii KIA, .-___-, ______.- .. --------a-. 'IDl3|MV. 10 Ll.-Univclity 0ouoliv`ou'cn.- ). C. Xaoury, Uollogbh hutimh, lubonrn. Fvnwuzujx uu -1-v-r -j w an : Tulip Iidau-y Iocy. M 10 Secondary Educutiou.-A. . `ninth. Kinnton phocJopIlIl. Xhliuu IInabolddIl1&*&o`d._ ` Tlonnhndnhnliauhuul utnioo-:'elndviIInniIIpIIt&`IIlls;I~ nap and... Ano-.1 nu. nu. Dr. Willld, Bahvin. l.Y., punched an All- dbounlmuIhovotdn,"And than ollhotonplovlllbtiltoninlltlh toplodubouou. ` A children`: outing at on ddook I puaddlhonnulnooling ol hWo- ` n.! YE G51? `I'll nngnsnl WRIG. MONDAY, JUL`! 2:. Ian. Onuoltbg uixinpuuu .i_hn.'I.I..Ip-gl-A--In-n--In-yin-kn. nomunstup nu. t;ducali;rIoo|oty. Waller nan. We lsncy we do note so improvement in the Iitersry meriu of the Csnsdisn Monthly Ind Nstionsl Review. slnee plscod undir the editorial msnsgenent of thstclevor writer sud critic, Mr. George Stewsrt, ]|'., Ind published by the new Rose-Bslford publishing oompsny. Its contents en remerhbls lot their vsriety. (or their sttrsctilenea and nish, while the tendency of the whole nsassine is cslculsbed to eleute the tone of the vosder. As such. then, its success should be sesured. A glsnesst the August num- ber will convince my one ol the nerite n! the monthly. The "Elinburgh Jut- tlngs," illustrated, furnish some interest- ing reading of plsees end poinh of clsssig sud historic intsvost. Willi! Collins` Rented Hotel" is continued with the ssulplssssnt elect. A Qssnel with the Nineteenth Century" iss sensible sml somewhet philosophic srticls, -`eh pk-nnalgoinlhn nl tin mung`-I 1-- vllu vI|1%UUIII\? VI 9% "TI III . [gully inviqng no Tho Koch at The- loun," u u-itlaiun ol Tbonu Gimp- bdl, `later : Military Tales, and Th Bun u! I Baum Conlid." "Toll, G|oooe,TllIo vIy,"'nn uuy pot.-y; and the unwind %ou|ru.d' Alloyoouldcuniqol -onthapnn. lngnoa. Bound Ibo Tnilnund Our- ugu ujuuuu have cut Ilniq qndu fauna, Ind Ounnl lvuh. In spam!` uluno,uoriIi.IuynnlruI,thu|n, ulnnlouhninluctda onbjauup .L .___ nun unui-u_y. use In It) nu - nu. nun. ere would practice the Divine preoepu wonld he regerd the million on which he wee juec entering n eucoeu. Not to be like Chriet here wee to be unlike him hereeher end forever, end it wee the duty of all to aim It hie imnge end to rev eet the divine llkeneee. ln concluding hie eerneet end ilnpreeeive eddreu the rev. gentlemen eppeeled tor the oo-opere_ lion of his heuere in the work to which he bed been onmmiuioned that euooeel might own their united eodeevour dur- ing the minieloriel term on which they were entering. Rev. Mr. Devie entered upon hie du- liee yeeterdey nleo, end preached in the Willieunville end Depot Churcheq. Hie eermune were verie and inlorutingl unnuvwuuu yuuu-vyun. uuuvuu, W rich chu-uurinlia 0! the punch! day.` Inna: `.Ik`Q nu. U'FL` nah. -l `Fl.-. 5 grant many ouru by Iain; Vogocinc alter I `got out uni nu able to aloud to my work on n onrpouur ud bnlldur I will mm 5-7 N hot cum! n was of my wife : ollaurugln. who bud NI!-rod for more tlun *0 nun. she can she bu not had my noun-slain for eight Inuntlm I luvs givun II. to one of my child nu lnr Lauhr Ummr. I luvo no doubt in donltvishthuil. nu ma ..v.., u. .,...... ........ ..... . ,....... of men`: peril. The vurningeol Scrip- ture also were eignele of dunner. 1! thin were I phantom then the whole Bible were A fnble end in religiun e enpereti- lion. If it were not I phantom, but I (not, then it becune the eiubueedure ul Chrin to speak pleinly _and to warn men of their peril. A lnrther future 0! this method In thnl. of touching. To do thie euoceeefully there must be two eeeentinl oonditionI-exporience of the things to be explnined on the pert of the expound- er, end e diepoeition to lurn on the part of the heerer. Men In I motel agent - hie very dn in voluntary; no nleo mull. be hi. ulvnion. Every mun: might be em- ployed to induce him, but nor. to force him_to accept ulvetion, otherviee he in non: reeponeible being, but I more mn- chine. God loved nll~eqnslly. end if Christ, ecoording to the text, wee to be preeuhed to every rnnn oerteinly every men might be eeved. The direction given to the will power in this respect. would nuke or Iner every humen deetiny for time And eternity. The and, or objec` ,2 AL. lvL_:_A:-.. Ll:..l-A... _-. 4,. .._.--..A Iur uluu nuu nun uuq. nuw mun, vi vI.qUv' of the Uhriltinn Miniury III to prcunt every mm perfect in Chris: Juul. The speaker had no desire to exerciu I lruit.~ lau mininry. Just in In In n his hear` ._ _....|A ..--..o;.... 4}.` hi-in. nu...`-u. uauu. Lrclvuvlvu nuyuuu uu---un -uuv, -nu it we: Iblllld to any that where this Ill needed there In no dnnger. Salvation had height: to which nun could never tour, and depth: which he could never Iound. When the Natioml Directory in France declerod there in no God, that bluphemoul presumption did not ex- tinguinh the Divine Sovarcigniexiltencc. In the Agony of Christ there wee u proof ,3 .__..'- ...._.I 'l`|.- _.-..:......Al $1..-4... ituvcynnjjuuuu-U39-uu-w olhrilt Among the rock: of humm ex- poriouoo, repelling nll impuritiu. l: Inn Ilia duty of All whn burn the nuns or the Ssviour to be like him. Like lowly And loublo avors ulmuld In the ohrintiui [noes be mum on the humble soil of hu- man lifo-in simplicity parfoct. Ind in purity uululliod. The nuthod ol present- ing Christ included the `vurninf of every mm. Salvation implied dolivennoe, and :. _-- _L-.._.I A_ ___ .|._. _L.._.. `Li- _-- wvuuu.Iuu, -nu nu IIIU I. uu: '3':-nu 0! our ovn. In him his shone dl the ex- edhnuin with An unusual brightnun. E3. - ___ __l1_.;J ..._-_ --.. nL. I8]. J:-u-uv. as non noun vsqvvuuu u-so uuu inoocut nhould not the: Hot lur tho guilty, but tho idea of vicnriuuu \ uuting run through ovary Icahn ` of luau: lilo and uporioneo. Some would build I barrier round the cross, but than In no scriptural wu- nnl lor such I ooune. It was the duly ol nvory hornld of that crou to pl-econ; Christ`: (loath u tho uononont o! the world`: guilt, Ind his life at tho pnuaru 4-J nu. ..-.. 1.. Li- Ht. -L.u.- all Oh; nu- vu vvvn u-U Inuuu l--, llll`-l Inn vi ` unveiled at the expense of sovereign 6.15.. lo hut L... ..l.:..a.4l nlnr nu `Luna:-Cu at run vnyuulu In IuvUIuI'u justice. I: m bun objected am an. innnun-.6 nhmulal nnl Hun. -`an l..-- 0.. 0! child my Ialnvl It will cure guy humor, it la: (real. nloouor of the blou-I; u in ale to given child. I II recommend II. wtho world. I] {author In I nan ol-l,|nd be up Ilium lo Illa lilo [in strength uni life to n :3 pol-non. lcnnnot be loo Ilnukful for the use an ll. I um, .-_ -. --u ' uuuvu III out vuu-us-u I-nun. `auonIru`;:Ihn.t hodiodmonly nu titan; tone to I non Isniluhdon ol the Putin : Ion; cunt : that his whole canoninnluding bk ninth. III An 01- unpln and nothing non. `ha Iclfipturu, hovenr, not lo:-III bk dust on substitu- tion]. Divine Ilarcyfuudi u it youn- od out (In fnllon non, might not ho Aumngi-.4] .6 5|... --......- Al ...---.3..- WT VI UIU UIFIIKIIU I'C|pI1- ' Oouliating opintou provnilod u to tho nine of the bountiful oi-ion and tragic cod ol tho Fonda ol tlu Christina hick. iI._.- _Q_ I cut 1:! punnull I/I31 dull. Fuovordn tho rev. `subcu- ljn uruu nndobquuldir `ooulnoontho onbjcct.mothod,ndcod '0! ch pauhhgol OMB. `hath when the Saviour dual: Ind hopool day. and imuuouuu, a.u.a..r ox- oitololt and ionic! uphunl lilo tho pnnnnt lot all sunk to hunt dead} the ounplo ol Oh-in and to examine the l.__A-u... .1 LL- nL_:-._:_ __n_'._ .1 in 1-. ujxj w W &m$Db& lotio- ` 6-1. Al the uunviohnaocnot (`until he aloud no hinuxtcoludnnlu dqxillhnuo. "Who. to push, Ilnilgonrynnnudunalling ovoryl lluuoctcu union or run III Illlornu. 006 Thus Cnulun louunly . bl Ill |'uI-u--. L an LII: life nu-us. nuourn. money a reason. UI1I'n.nIu,-Dr. Fowler`: Intact of WM Stnwhcrry bu cuud u won: out of mu-or Uomplsint. I out loot. Our little child in. for one month, not expected to meant. We got mudioino from our hail! nhnioinn. hm, Iii. updated to rocznot. W0 30% mtdlolno lnnily phyuioinn, but, lilm overythin ulna, ithilodnntil we tried Dr. You I (Inn Gnu In... ..I II. II. I. IIYIVIIII :- Donr Iir.-rl hnvo been 8 [root nuoror from nlmpoy. I III ooollnod to In homo more than I you. ELI Inmmu of tho no I III nuts I} hnlpleu` I In ahllml to Ian two mu: bolp II! n: and on 0! . _Ivu nlullan [9 ovcryunn OIIO, Nlllllld, untul tried For t Ora! CIIPO, Extent of Wxld In-urban}, which acted like u charm, and parlouly cund the infant. in la: than thno dun. Your! hithlullk Rev. 3. Kuhn. llllll Illl-I Elli!!! II 0|!!! 0|)! OSOIIIO I0! you-your unreasonable pujudioo and okepticilm, which has killed thouunda. Ponond knowledge And common some reuonivzg will soon show you that Green`: August Flower will can you ol Liver Coxnphint or Dynpepok. with all its miunblo ooeh, nah u nick hoodsche, Kupiution of the hurt, mur ntmnuch, nbitnul oonnvonou,-lininou ol the hand, norvoul prootntion, low spirit: &.c. In sale: not reach every town on the Western Continent nnd not I Druggiu but Illl all you of in wonderful curcl. `. onoon buy I Sunnlo Bottle lot 10 centa. 'l`hm or In Ionaorlul `fan can buy Staple 10 centn. Three clout will can you. -u urwuu uuuu u mu-r;y-uI. Vornonvillu, Sept. 8th, I876. loan. Milburn. Bentley & Poouon. UIl1'l.lll!l.-Dr. FnI|or'- Ellrnnf nl A aogulu uaeidoot on the Nov York, Rot nnnud HI:-(lord llulmod. New Huron, Aug. 7. lHI4.-Dr. Gila; Wlilo on dam.-at Inna on angina 47, about can i from this city. no Show Lana Rad. III uddouy thorn of Against a nut. Ink udn lull haul ,ohonI thirty In idol an hour. Wu In-fr hdlv :51-thud. You and In on had. He uI'vu.InIIIIwlIIuIOIl,0DoIl thirty ` lnnilu 1117 holly lurubhal so with no hula at our Lllnn loan or Announ vonl think I nndndtho [must `bk boolt. In locrdnynlwuoblo Itop and on not nod to connect: val. Tho St. John, Quo., Now: nukes tho following point. in {nor of n remliotory tariff." When the Amoncou hunc- buyer oero ouo ol our horoo-buyer: 880 for o hone on tho Itrooto 0! St. John. he dooo not huiuto to any that it ho hod been in 80:. Album he would give tho sell- er $100 for him; but inumuoh on he will hora to pay the twenty per cont. duty, 880 or A (nation over the is all tho! he an olford to pay. 1! it won In the pow- or of tho Oomdion Government. to oom- pol tho Umtod Staten Govornmonz to remove tho duty on horooo going into tho Stout. lhoro might poosibly ho some point to tho illuocrotion ol our Quoboo oontolnponry; though we contend that oven than the rooull. would not nine tho prioo of ho:-ooo in Oonodo, but to lower It in tho Unitod Smtoo to tho oxtont of the duty rommod. How in tho name of common nnn tho l`..rin nu... nnnnln uuuy runuua. now m the or common unu the Turin expect poo lo to believe that the imposition of 1 Ii'Di If duty on bone: oommg into Cqundn in going to oompol American buyers 1; gin our {Arman higher riou, in mom thsn we cm make out. 'hore oonld not In n grater nbourdity, and yet lhst in whnt tho Ton tnnioninn Ara Irving an mnin gruur Iooumny, Ind yet lhst ll Ihnt Tory tnuiooiutl no trying to muke Cnnndiul lumen boliovo.-Lmdmn Ad- um!-her, an uunluno lruul. You dunno tounct, And if you bu] I niurnblo, unsatisfactory lift in the beautiful world, it in unduly your run fault and than in only one for you-your unrcuonnhla nmindim and an nmnuu or no mu 1 onus-a ohll ad In! and 0! I was motor lupr than my natural also Around my run. I -uuro-I all I run could and live I Irlod nll nuodloa lot Drop-y. I had three all-not Ionian. Iy mam all upeetod I would dlo; mnnv nlghu Iva upoolod to an: boloro nmrnlng. Av. lul. Vcgetlne mu unt nus by I Inond I novor shall forgot the Int. do... I could rulilo In `and aliens: Inn day today ; I was why lunar. Man- I had taken nouobor 6 uh: I could sleep qmto well nlghu. lhognn to gala not qullo Incl Alter inking some I0 bottles. I could Hulk Iron on pan of my non lo the other. I] nppotlu wu good; tluo droray nu ma. tlno dluppeorod I hp: min` t o Vo`oI.|ng mm] I rmmluod mv uunl heal; I hoard of --_.--Q`.-qug-1- `laodpl nub-O h adlc .1?` g olbpdouuhub The Despalcls reports: Saturday nu the dullut day of the year among cheek- men. One reason for this In the fact that Mr. Hurlbut hud purchued durmg the week 1,900 boxes of cheque for the luntreel market. The factories tepre- Ionced did not feel diepuud Io Accept H cents, the highest oor tint VII nude during the afternoon. Up to 7:30 p.m., not a box hul changed hands. There were only eight futoriu registered And the olerinp were but 1,169 boxel. ' :0 unuuauat Ur% we ll rtdlbu exehnngod ul 'te. -Thn't. Jhn, N.., ;'c. egn:Iph goinh out that in the Mnritime Provvn `en the Opposition Putty no uhuned of the name Comm-utive," end uid In no- knowledge that the trade DOIIC] of the party is prolmtion. The newspaper 0l'1l\lll of the Uppx Iition continue to nhunt out "we IN not protectionism" we are not Coneerntivee," thus Lopmg tn nil in under (Also oolorl. -Prufeuor Lewin Smnth, n! Ruchoetar, nnnouncen that ha ha discovered new oumet of ungxfmin habit: and no tell to ape-nk of. Thro in an Jul come! due about chin tune, but According to gure: the old comet mnnol be where Ihe new one in, union it met with nu Accident and jumped the track. Prufouor Smith in not familnr enough with Lil come: to know whether it in going from In or coming townde nu.- .-. wnom no two gnu uw,uUu. --Religinuu Nut luglmd in ngiutod. An Orthodox ind Univeluliu minister in Nowton, Mum, uohnugod pulpmo. Of oouno thin in very wicked, but ocucoly had an lands! diod do-u-yhen IsUnA'hnn`n.:Jl`|r&r&- -i7jn in mower, Inc can manna mmmea, hoqnutlu hit can to Iii: children. Tao right to any on bu business he be- qncuhod to his brother Frodurick, to whom In tho given $100,000. --Reli|Iinun Ennhnd in mziuhud. unnnnnoll Iouau. A aurora rumor m Cos Cob, in dun Bhtmhu hit I l0Q'u|d- ing uouud his huuu for yuan, and Ian 3 Incl! portion of the hone unlniuhod, than to undo the law. He bu succeed- ad. X. -1110 will ol tho Into Dr. Ayor, After inking pt-oviaioa-for his wife. hm mother, and Inn distant mlntivea, hoanntlu hil Huh In Iii: ahildmn, Ill COIICIu%. -In "To Pluiuoni and: through Soups: Inc had some token of nlootiou. Ouo drunhn nau rnnud to has him; but that III mun than out: to could stand, mud in rolcuod to be kin ezl. -A IAI in on tho nnlnh hnnlu nl nunu, we no roman: no no in ezl. -A law in on the stub buuh of Connecticut nonpdug hon taxation all unnished houau. A shroud fnruur in Cm (1..h in plus no.4... l... I..n . ....a'..m Id II Tinunlo ' "PHOJPHOIONI -Thu low pm nllon onto Slim of no llypophsphnuc, v lob hu but and Pump!-nu. In In! [using fr we Iltl Ila Pmfondol " lo Inn n on oouvoyn ndoquu Hon 0! Ilduno-I nnltlumt mmouluuohngo mined by this Inulublo Iwouu. Incl. n non ant-not shown. It to bung nun-aha I) 111 by but Phydohuu-I prluu bullion "PHOSPUZUNK" .-cnbakad jroa (wry (baht and Druggiu lbtonghoul the Do- -nghn Pria. " DOV Owl. can not unusual urn pouucun. -A Bollovillu dupotch union that hu- numg bu bnun, I glut breadth ol Itrby, when and rye being out. The crop: an large, the grain being in uploa- dd condition. _I-. III`. DI.-i-..._`-" _-..L nI._..._|. -u no on IAIO lwmpn arc to be nliod on, the wouhot In just 5: hot one on tho lake on it in an shun during that his caper In-n dun. --Thopmpertino (or I [III to many in that the Inn oonuud up her ash and I uud thus! an luppo haul! In our hot hnohund tutu polnicisn. _ A Hall.-ill. llnnnnlnh -9.9.. oh. L... -l( thouilon Into Iiehipn on. the Inulnr In inn. u I -uuwIIujus unnot- '-I anhnuouhbahtbonr poop ouo, ' one-hundoonl. I -1 ingolnolanlhnalnln pouou-uumcdnliuou c-loan ol -A ` ambit] r nonoluohnonhhv --- -ooo.----.- A leuor hon n Clergy-AI. 17,- an n . A,- Wu! rlowu Board ur Trude. -.____._.....j_.j AI Undeniable 1 null. l......- 4.. -..__ __.n .1 - an`. lndullrlnl ` Nola. llld WHI DO HNIDCI wall IIDOIOU VIII] Oaks: and Pastry Fresh Everyday Thnnlinu our nummero for their llhenl 0 ALL PBOPLI WAITIIO Kl!!! (or Loohaubo Mod hub that ordonumh WIDAV . tho `hop what He has huudntlluf Kauai hand. WI. DAVID. Brour. and angler II New udlooond lhod 000610! on donor! Hon Uppodu In. Bargain Funny and: tom Pnnoou Street. Klnptol. ZUHIAP JIIHN Doalern will nd at to null: Idvnntago to call nu! ma unllly Ind get Prim Ll! boloro burr-hula; e where. 1-|.. .n.a..o..o .n...nm. titan us all onion wuwu WIII uu -um--uvu w wuu .....r_.. .. Our new RETAIL BTOIE in Ilno rumplola And will be Iound wall Itoohod with I Un,_._.__ C_--L C_.._.1-_' U318! lllu {all-Ky tuna Gvmluu Thuzlini our nuwmero ptrmngo n the put they have In nunl. I nontlnunncu of their utaoned furor: Ivhk-h in all canoe but their prompt umntion. HOW CAN WILLIAM DAVID SILL unciogpv hbhooounkobuynibpoda uhnovuwhu. Ilounywoll M ulhllho loner ;3 %9E33-3 I ` " V ." lllohlhnlnthnvuduooolhauouuda 0 ndlncbthnglnruh an . 0Cth,JcvoMcry.IIdA eglh-urInuu,Wouhu nl(:lo-in IX IIACIYI BEG 1'0 ANNOUNCE HAVING COIPLET ed um: new Fmmrywhnt with new In chinery or the moat modern Improve menu, an new munufnoturlng B`3FPiF_..`E`}_. ._`E9!l99F.i.9!'W| DI] Pf` IIXIIII |$I IIOIU. The nriu-to-1 ucontlon gin: to :1] whkh VHI be Attended to with dupnu-In Welllugton Street. Kingston. n. u w. J. caorulcmz. . 1-.- Ready-Mada G1nth'i'11'i_|-d%antlamuurnishing Hum . AT TIIE Dlllllllliflojlllll STORE. HAVIHG A |`lllST-CLA88CU1`l`Ell WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION fl) l`ll()NE cntnlullng us with their orders. ---nnuxu L_A`._ ___.I ...-- (`buggy- RE-OPENED. lull tho 0;: of Ihotlty IIHWII rwxzus by the us! my C`P- .- u. II. I. lnvun :- l|..- my _,I hg-. hnnr Gents Furnishings Cheap; "-TA.'I` VVALDRON S. I Dommom c::o"-1-mm; swam, -5,-.. g.. II._..... II lV_..AI..--l. N0 BRUSH-Onlya DAa'mp_Ra%g'Needed-NOWATER owon. roathen. Trimmings. Silk: and Volveu. 0rnunonta.La.ces snd Inncy Nittl. Iuhionsblo Hutu. Bonnet: sud Shape: to be sold -5 I--- LI.-_ .I...._.._;-._-_ __.I--_ P. HARTY, - - - - - - Ferguson's Block. ` Jul. Rm nrrn _.__. ___v_, _--vv-. --.-.v-- -----p -v--- cu-u uwuu-'rv- vv uv -vu- st lou ti-1:11 importer`: 1;:-ions. POIl'I'I\'l! BLIOAIII '31-! II GIVEN Ind we solicit your oarliml nuu\~nu~uc In KXAIINK THE STOCK. July am, ma. 1 Julyth. tha droray and I nguluod my ulng Vogacine got sblq Vlo pg!-ond_ >gny_ ALEXANDER ROS8 S, Princess Street, l\DDl'II'I`I nl'l'\' lll\'l`l`I. Tao. HAVE BEEN REDUCED; and will to cleared out. llyon Illll BARGAINS now the this to [on then by calling early. JD`! fnlh. A uumnn 1'0 ms: The GrLSl__nf ril_|iM3t_P;HAHTY'S July 3,1878. "-'..'.:.-::-..'-:`.-.:._.f-'.;'...-...-~............... Q0 U` lla- I 810! V Conwllvluoun U IRUIII CLIAIISIG BALE. big)`. We Inventor of u Hound Wboludc .I'n!l [0 ('0 III null. TIE I III I to we Illa-I In; an vlll than nuysu to! 3 ; ~';.:"m ; '8! I Q I -0-I-rm IIIooo-n d ;`?l'l'BA (%\" Is Clearing Ont his Parasols at Cost Price. . T a ` _1_.-..-- V A S fill 33' 13 HOW UONSIDIBABLY ADVAIIOID WI HAVE 4-004 In-0 I-In-II; club Inhuo clout unnto no 30!!!! cbormlo A1` PIICI Ionohnuturourlhllluu. Allothotoodoannalvx (lonnlhnish lhhul0pI.'l`vu-dc. `I.IhuIlnnIo|oh.|'unqyVndI(qt.wIl6h tinnpcshnonr. Puuhnuuu Ildtulvul boullulounhnurlhek bu_u3 pulfhuhg ohovhlmll nailing this A-sllll -~ ~-- --4--~- ~ I---.-._ A.- _-A -_ A, _ 7", sh... .. L..- -- L-.. _ .._-- |..._. %KIIlI|~ofTIUlI.lC 3 2| '0 UNI? OI Llyllvnllolllrlt-eIlTrIII|lV?bI cl! thus uohhnr tho |Ilsm-nnd look fcrflll 'l'l'IAl. \'I DION. ruhmnagaxtorszan. ii 10' `j [Haw YORK oLo1'mIIo `reins. ' ` mmrpnr, mu :1? Inns. ____ ____-__ _- ____ _-__ , -- _.\ .3-A-5 nun-n nu..." II. & VI. J. GIOTIIEIIS Great Clearing Sale of Spring and Summer -0 In 0 T E I H` G I July 9. 1878. Jun, 10, mm 7 T ' (Next Door to learn. I. la J.|GnrdIner's. Princess Street. ..:__.n4 man I Man's I Men : (` Men's ( Men : I Men : C Men`: I Cheap V 50 duz \ 29doz E vvit. 1iA."v`n>. KZE__Y'S- `No1_1__oE. Jhc.` JAEOBY &. C0,, Mauufatglirers. mt Wcstlllroulwny, New York. Inminrnnr Announcement. If you run A IAIOAIH ll BUN SHADES call Ind one then. Illa I India Gauze Shirts, 40c, 600, 60c and 7:30. I Marina Shirt: And Pnntl. 350, 400, 500, 600, 75c god .1, I f`/ouon Shirt: and Pmu, 354:. 406. 500, 600, 760 and II. I Uouon Book. 100. 12 1-2c, 150, 20a, 2134: nud 30, | Merino Feet. Books, 200, 256. 300 and 350. I Colored Matino Socks, 260, 300, 400 and 50a. I Fun Striped Sockl. 3iHK U101, 300, 350, 400 Ind 50-. _) Win nor Tin, Duke Scarf: And Silk Handkerchiefs. z White Shim, lino Cotton And ue Linen, Cl. 10, worth 82.09, 7. Best Wllito Shirk, nut Linen and Cotton_ $1,215, worth 82.50. nu 111.1" n\n\AnI Illll . -_ .. -1-13:18 uvvilnxz. I. WOW? I1 Lloral. WI. DAVID. Q-:&nn1.K&n-A _A_. ROSS B R I 111 L11 I A N '1` ll` None genuine Iv-thou: the u the box Auk vuur Gnwor for gag. Bopgnruuu .1: 8()N.Wh ':3'.'.-"'~"~ JD , '1 In the boat In (ha Iuurknl {or the fol'mNm;.( runmm _ "T"WAfbE6Nf Wii6h7":i'JiIHiHgs. A FULL ABSORTMENT OF `It creates no dual. I will pnnuum thou moat brilliant I" h - None genuino Iv-thou! tho oiguultrr o'{..;M|`,\(l;`:l,`'|yv`;`:'." the your it. l)m|.,n, `Q; I, mu ll unodn ncutlnor brush nor water In colon o'nlI gmuw and rust. II. wlll not [mm 03 It vranlea dust. __ _...... ._, _ _.._ OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL not an: ullunwuuuu unun. Z. PREVOST, IIOCI I`l'IlIl'. Pour Dun non Ila lulu Dunn Self - Shining Stove Pish I _ -- -u--:-. nilln 41' ALL nus TU xx v- " cvn: owns run Wetehmekeze and Jewellers PAINTING- Prize Cups, dc. Cull and atulino. I uloallou [bum lo RICPAIIIUO. PIILICI LOW. House Palnuuguuatuunuu-Ia I-0 ROGERS sraruanvi G-AG-E ISTATUAHY oonuuntolu I an Q. -n III] -50:. OPEN F1) TO-DA Y 1 Plated Ware. GAGE BROS. ....-E;-L: '.W-- PBIIOIII ITBIIT C. W. W. ANDERSON` Hunger. mo uuuuwro or J..l.-\U()l1YdL 1.` I. mm lllllpllnd I. Wholoulo larohnuln. Klnpnm (W and llrugguu lnmngm runlon. Pricv, II pa-v Iloula. BROS. A I -imyma 0|` TORORTO. Bnnabuu Otuvs. Hamilton. 38 (`Miss rhuludbondan. Ad] I, lfl. T mil] I% of an Adar hunt natal. AIOI and OIOAII O nnlu'l_y nuoloblo pad Vhzuuzw-.n an-urn-uflullc. I and ennui. IU- ncu. lnclnmnl. AI- PIANO-FORTES.l Annnnnni IL...-I IL. l-.-:n mg.- Lkuehdouljju DI UILLIIEII IT, The Conclonao-u Phyulclu. I. & S. IUHIIHEIMEHVS KIT 'l80'lD.`Il:.0lI chunbuo J.` \lJ.Io JJ n.u\/.L \; A v I lane shall forgot tho Int dons I look. an: L-~aq_:__:_._ I Owe -y lullh In Your Vnlunble VIGIIIII. No \v'ogotlno. You most obodhut urunt. ALIIKIT VUN In the Golden Lion Block. No'.13_IcJ~::. --u-va-`y-_- hlIyhaodlhln.aunnn- .0 Instant: ' It I lnlmly void olullnhnu Ind prqpm lino ad ha I ooucun at-adoat. Ho loops pus ma ovary (nth thought nned. pun into (In man culling! . u n snnllhr . nv~ In that won: M hath! lhun he u._ya2 57);? 173615535` ,1: o_._-_. .3- l__p 1.... I g... "I'nZi'.n... VIGIIIIL Novport, Ky . Apr. 29, I877. Inna Propcrod 1'! M|rnuu.-'l`ho nhuoholden of the Cnmdn Engine And Machinery Company hold A meeting on Fridny, in Montronl. The Star uyuz Among thou proton: were Sll F. Hinokl, Maura. John Ran: kin, Allrod Brown, John WntII.'!'. J. Cluton, and olherl. A rololution uti- fying tn ngroomont entered into with the Onnndinu Locomotive and Engine Com- puny, about I month ngo, wu carried. fun Purrv Fuuzm. -- It in pretty biuer in Kinmton 3: well u in plus- Ion favored by party tolotution. A very Iivnplo innunoo occurrod on Sunday. Two little boys wow nailing ouch othor with Mom: moat vlgorouuly on I mnin uroot. A lady-pun-:r-by nkod one ol `hon uhnt ho Ill ghting (mi His manor vru given run tn omphuia u` botokcnod nolhjunticntod, "Oh, he`: I Pnpiu. " Thin in I sign of tho t.iuu--A vory bud sign. Ssuu BuAT.\I_~-()n n bcnd night the number ul mull bout: that cluuer ground tho Queen`: Whirl in oon M- muknblo; but Kinglhon cannot oompuw with Brochillo in thin rapoct. Every oitiun ol the Inter Mom: to pouou n boat; And the wholo river from in linod with nkil human, varying In duign And dinonniom according to tho Into and mum of the owner. 210 Ivundor 1 row- ing ngnu prnvod no nuoooulul, when tho gononl population ol our noighboring town (not uquntic oxorciuu up lully Ind gout!-ally. OOO~-~--__ unu IIIIIU vuu -I1:-vu yuan:-unv, ---u ,-u I In busily buzzing about u if oun- unntly runlml md overburdened with H travel. TnvlL.-Tho tido of true! Ian on in in red meat. Tho uoumn panning hon daily urty their hnndro-In ol plounro anion, either carting out or ramming homo. Al coma u_unll plus: along the river, oupoolnlly st jiuu whore a jaw- tion in lornod but-coon nuuncrl and mi]- IuyI,lho mono puontod in one of [root miuuion. The conduct of the boul- rlnnan "u the but indiouion ol bui- uou, and lines that [OIIUOIOI no no go:-pond; united, and have sound 1 it-nip scant, it in ulou cause an! buincu in good. j: (rail thought uuuou. pllu Iuuv .nnv~ In` won: u ya! known, as [5 show! from on u snot ukon -.....- . u,_ .4 __`k ----~o-Q.-.-.. M. E. CounuIc|.-Bi|hup Can hu iuuod n notico cuncorning the nut uni--n uf the Uenoul Conference of tho Mothodiu Epiooopnl Church in Cumdn. The meeting in to be bald In the M. E. Tnbornnclo in Bollonllo, cunuoucing on Tuusdny, Aug. -mu. `.g.___ '*`*9TO-?-? Srnu \'AcIrrI.-Durin A trip down tho rivur one mm. he impruud with the number of small steam ywhu which ply batman the camp ground: md the vil- lsgoo on the Cnnudinn and American ' u.lu. One cannot inugme how no nanny cm nuke the noon protable, and yo: _:x.. L..-..:..- -L....n -. H ...n, `hn Luau Qvunon.--On Boumhy onuiqvobcrd nliulonon shouti- di-chup ol tho non II-um the Gonn- nou until-beau: they won Scotch- nn. We no I0! Ihomnghly ntiaod Ihuubooo-plainlol ooool the-,Indo oh-gn-L AL- -.I--n- -I -..p .-b.--.-.-- vi nuuguuuuuu --vuquu |u_xj,u|u ooonppnndto hngqtvuynnlnd Iiubotutboknoauiuunboldilhoow _ ,__-_A _.__I.-_--A PBOIABILITIIS. - [lining baromator, brink to high westerly Lo northerly winds, pnrtly cloudy to clear, cool weather. Storm ugmln were ordorod up ylnbrdny evening at nll untinno on tho Lower St. Lulroure u:J in the Ylnrilimo Prnvincan. I-Iijwuqvwiljjjgq. on-nu-uII|-can _ _g-gum mmomodcb-vs. Iulnlo -ch-L......I.--.-._-Q '&._.A.. u-uvuvivvvii-HIV? tlbhoqunlypnqni lino!- udlullyuqnulihhicllu nniulbiughuuvo Iho Qt j i 11% b IudludnunhrIjo.Inl' intlyqnnlatouxgom n.anL.-..s_..L..__. at -at -V`-u III -dually . VI Sonar, dq owning no nhonutho font bold: Sannbooowhovonnurtyoamount IJ IL-an Lnlinnnliln 1\.- L.1J . L:-A TITTUU III!!! W77 j" I"XTEI ollburuuinunlity. Tboyboldsiind ..l I-J5-nlin. _..a;.. .. - -_1 (blag man in Ihoil I villa CA NADA LA Haul-0ocIr.I.-AnolVuCb|dq undo to hnvulhopulun no lawn lhb ad Ouuhq nu! duh ha Jn_.'.n...lI.l|..u'l|. Annhus. Poe-rruuen.-0wing to the heavy sea. running on the hit thin morning, the Unregn Bue Ball Club could not nub here in limb, nu` hence the much with the St. Lawrence Club bed to be postponed . >--.1.___. --1-um-vuu-yuun--vu vu-can -u-,--u- thank the alumni 00 our eonunponry, an: IL` L..`-|u .l .L._. In. I\. In... jij II D`. ij yijy iltbnhonel ul the Von. AuMoao;l I:uu'- OIIU Iuuu--In -III up-uuxyuiuty, an the height ol shunlity. On Samar. Jgn guninn -. -I.4 --_ AL- I..- _..LI. Pu-uoll. S1-. Jun-s`.-Tho Vary Round Dun ol Onurio in tho naming and Rev, Canon Boswell in tho tuning, conducted _.__;... -A :1. l-.._' .4441`. R:wu.-PHodpnl Gnnwill arrive hone mu": to-narrow to spoil a week has lurnroot, which, honour, till be broken into by his uddnu at Huron smith on Wodnaldny evening in the P110- L_a..:._ l1I.....L `:0-=l|.,--nVa'|n annual ukon IZIIO CANADA LANCI f.ol Iny ln,pnb- `hummin- "PMOSPIIOIONI pnpgrpglon Vmu. Anxuu.-Thuarnrdcnun Ania hunted, I Icahn d vj Evin; -_. ..J ....o...I-- 1`. -all -Isiah Ill` aunt. uupuuvwuvuuuvuquuu nvwv. .. G. Smith conducted tho onlrtcly IC- -*1... .IuiIA-.- n--AX- -AI-an'I in U. D-Iul tllullulx DIG QISZI Z- viaoc ahildun, prudlq unduly to `hem. Thorn in I largo Mlondlnot. .-.:..j.--_-. unvun yuuwnuy. -an nun: vulvu -cu coming down the [Ah yuutday nub lively tint. _.___....__. Qnrrnu Snncu. -YutoIIny nom- ing :1 8:. Andnfc 0IIro|I,tho Ru. '1'. (3 S-615 Annlnupd ILA nngrt-|-II Ax- com, 1.4.. -an-nuu..w";.m;i-an olllo Van Lint. `ho cut 5 not . I:_LA __- -_.| _-._ _.._.. .._...I A.-n lighten, udnoyoooIpyO'I|'I|`|!' -:-j-o-__ !'uGovIunun Wouu.-Wu Inn nadud 3 lulu loading tho dieing: olnllogadleotdnn has tho Gonna. -culWoth, botvo hnhndjohold it out until to-saint. l ` T iii-A any aunt Jljkl UT `OI!-IVIGI VUN IUEDBB. "It In uuoceaury for no lo anunonu the dluuoc for which tho Vogollne Ihould be Ind. I know of no dunno which will not ndnll. ollu me. Ill}: good runlu. Almost lnnunornblo nomylnllu on ouuotl bv pulaoo cu uonnonn In slug blood. which can be on Llnl Olpolled `from the nynam b the nlouf the IGIYIII. When Ila: blood perfectly ulonnnd, Ina ullu-use npidly ylnldn; all palm mus . bullhy wlion ll prounpkly roowrod, and tho pouch: cured. vr-=9!NE 11:1. '1. jX j la'ldtho`l`bInnll&|IPukduiIg AL-._.._.-Ag:.--......- .. I . I HONDA! IYIO, JUL! .lHI- ..-&:.___.--. On Saturday evening prubabilitiea pro- miaod uaa danh of rain, lollowed by cooler weather, and both of then we have ex- perienced. The rain, however, did not come in the nnmner Anticipated. For, if my, expected the rt xrm of curly Sundey morning. True the viviJ aahea of light- ning on the previoun evening were omin- ous, but they were uiiatalcen by muiy an indicationa of heat rather than premoni- tion: 0! a diuurbance of the elements. About two o'clock un Sunday morning the storm was at it: climu ; the rind blew a perfect gale, the lightning was very bright and lreqnent-Io much so that it was momentarily expected to ntrike nttrantive point.I--while the thunder rolled and roverberated in a loud and iuve-inspiring manner. On the water the scene Ina one ol greater impreisiveneaa. The steamer` oolning cluwr. she lnlre were obliged to stop running and heed the wind until its lnry had spent. The pauengerl were not a little alarmed, and the oicera ol the steamer: were called upon to me their best judgment under the ClI C|lllll.dll0OC. Several vouela no reported to have had their canvan torn in the pie, which was Iuddenly nprung upon them. A Mxenxzzv Hxnomz. - Yeeterdey the eteuner Mngnet "had 9. remnrluble peeeenger on her trip dawn the river. She hllled from Rochester, and was ac` compenied by e gentlemen whnm she designated " Will. " She talked about everything end everybody, displaying 1 mnrked preference (or what we: Ameri- can in either eh, eeh or lowl. Fmelly, in our hearing, ehe commenced n com. prison of Architecture, and to the re- doububle Will" Ihe remarked thnt the houeee on the Cenedien side were such men, plain, dowdy thin ge compared with the buildings 0! Rocheeter. She relerrod to Cleyton At the tune, end when notied of the feet by I byetender felt no chum. rined thet fur the balance of the day she seemed tongue-tied,end it would be a bleuing to humeuity ll she wm1ld:ever re- Fnxs n (hr: Vn~nu'.- -The Wnter- town Timu reportu. Thundny ufteruoou tho roof of the St. Luvronco Hotel at Capo Vinoonl book the but man discover- od in time and the fire promptly at- tinguiohod. The name evening the ahudolior in Hammond : hnll, having boon lighud [or the musical uoocintion, loll, bucking {our or five of the lamp!` lvorything Inc in I blue for I momanl, L..A -.._.- an- had ..-..-nn. nl .-.3-ml nvII unu' not In a ulu-U IVI n u-vuuuu-, but noun one had presence of mind enough to seize the national ag, which ndurnod tho Iullu near at hand, And Ipnud it upon the nmeuv, thus ouily quonching them. --y---coo ~ ---- ... ._....__. Nunu Diow.vIu. - One at the man bolonging to the solar. Mnggio Mdine, lying It Garden lnlnnd, Ill crooning from Kingston this morning In n mill, with a nil Ip. Ho In ueoringlt with an on --.. 4L- .4..- I- ....I.- 5.. ..A ....... -Ill!!! III-I-Ia! '-uvIv- uuc vvwu UOIQII hon Scotland which in uddooo Odlll cl tho friend: have of the Voty Id! Dr. Boodgno, Into Pfilcipl 0' Chan`: Collage. Hi: broIbor,|Ir51t. _ Iodgrlqvunutrucl by: tulinytdg! nuhntkk UNI nu our, dull oun- llgilnlovboun. Ouol thorooaooo vlldpcalcu Principal Boodgnnlo Itihkdnnd Iutlodcdnloh onrhhboobvr. I-Idoulhhuvory n... -.-nd IL`: n..l- |noapI?lIbtl'IC_;`-I`-` Tho nu of diusus originate: we bloat ; does Mnotly arm lno punt mud renovate. Inn my jun 1- Ann upon pub to nuonuon.