Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jul 1878, p. 3

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I`l III loll" VVIII, lllllu IIU -vvnuvu I/\I|.|||l|,||`.V catin. He can tsllr no English of Any 10- count. He remsined I|lllBIl nndmornne, and appeared to be u only umv men could under his poculiarcircumItanooI.'l`he uhock which one would Iuppooe would inter- (are with hi: Iyltem did not hue nnyeoct upon hisuppetite,a.nd Juriugtheeveninghu ate nvenuunly, And with great relish, the food that wu pieced before him. Detec- tive Cullen and hi: coinimnion, who had made the capture so Iuooeufully, rennin- ed st the station until after midnight, when they conveyed their prisoner to the depct and took the expreu for Montreal, where they Arrived yesterday morning. The otcern felt considernbly eluted At the result of their trip, and indeed they were entitled to feel thul, the errant hav- ing only been aooomplinhed by prompt- neu ut sction, ntnteqy, md uhrewdnell. And not for the details of the murder. nu uuuau luau.-uvu un nu u-w . uu-.u u--...... wnere ha wu asked aeveral queationa, but refuse] to unawer auvof them, stating that he lhould malm no axplanatioun whatever until he arrived in Montreal. He travelled undur the oognumen of Hunry Snuvo, and had with him the boxea of silks, otc., belonging to the murdered Mathuron, valued at between 81,000 and 02,000, and he wore the gold watch which wan known to be And of which In: in alleged to have robbed the latter After he had killed him. During the evening uveral persona yaw Coot0fro- In. in tha celln, but ho avoided communi- ,_.:_ Ll- ...... A-ll. .... W-...I.'.L nf -.... ... gun un\.mnnn.u, unnl Iv lrlnnnlnn no luddauly, and by the hand: ofn treach- eruua friend, nu n native of France, aged between 40 and 45 years. He was un- nnrried, an I followed podling for n liv- ing, hit stock in trade being unlike most podlnru, humour, Iinoo he dash. in noth`, ing but expensive uilku and nimilnr mer< chmdize. Be In economical snd in` duurioun in bi: hnbiu, and during 3 re- nidonca of some can or twelve you: in Canada Ind unuaed I conuidernblo mm of money. HI Ill known, Ll. lent, to hue some 33:00!) in the Sominnry Bunk. but recently haihgd occasion to draw i: from this institution and place it in tho Pooplef Bank. Beside thin unount be ia uuppoud to have connidonblo wealth invented in real estate. nuar. , bound weal. At the lime Cullen and hi: assucinte boarded the "P.-uaport Coal.o (rulaz nu up town, having stepped ashore for a walk during the time the steamer lay here suul prior to the hour of her departure. They had been in waiting for a few minutes when the guilty man made hia appearance, moving along with the uunoat coulneu and apparently unoon~ union: of any danger, being unaware that the evidence ngninat him had become so palpable, and that the millions of the law were ready to pounce upon him. An he neared the boat Detective Cullen got on one tide of him, and Bergt. Dreifuu on the other aids, and simultaneously they closed and made him their prisoner. He offered no reeiltanco, but enbmitted to busing marched olfto the police station .......... 1...-.. ..l....l gm.-m-.l nimninng Coetofruloz in I netlve of Savoy, just outside Fnmoe. He in lbollt ve feet nix inches in height, reqher thick net, with light brown heir And moustache. He bu elwnye led e rouleee life. He in well known iii Hontreel. He int numd in that city en I wetchlneket, on Vntre cu-net, en-I eltetwenln removed so the corner of Boneeoonn and Notre Dune etreeu, but (tiled to proeper. He next removed to St. Jerome. when, in per!- nerehip with otborl, it in aid. he started 1 watch one factor], Ind hiled. Re- ` tuning egein to Montreal be [en for Rouee'I Point, when he neeidetl until the ` ewful drcnnevenoee ol Wedneedey lut ' compelled bin in lure. He ieeboul36 yearn ol Age. He bee e wile, who pmleeeee to know nodaing elnut the gender. It uene tint tbeeetwo men hedbeooooinu-we,ud that for none tine heat they bed been known to cute [hdr tripe eboet the eoeeuy together. They bed ohee visited laeolle. end their Action were elweygwelcbed with empl- IIO Cllf ole, who Ltd lemma to think (lathe pe`nwreoI- gegedin eneglieg. say one lonkgd epoe ee Ive had new who U-9 not above outtting deer oeeee till AL.-Li4.-l-l-.Ld- -.A.--L-ZA I 1 1 1 "WTIUJF--UIIXlIIllIUjIIo-c-- ` othoroccnoin thodnuvu hung OI- ` mud, Lo. lhonnutolI.hololoI,IholuIl ondnvuurod to coupe the puninhnunt of 5 his crime. to aoat Ihich he Incl (Alon ` on-qo by the R.-yd Ihil uumor ' Puaport" In-on Ilonsunl on Friday - morning, nachung lure auuurduy dur- noon, mrmuc to London, having hi: ' hlunae Iegintond in tho use of Henry " Suave. Tho polioo oloor, Ind on ' Ftidny morning leunod, sitar some di- oulty And psliont enquiry, of the route taken by the oulpnt, and Dotectivo Cullen and Sagan! Dmifnu unuodishly tuned in pursuit. Tho uulur Iud undo the port balore the train undo the Kingnon union but uqnirkly u they cuuld Ian). whilo the can were yet. in muliuu, ulul drive to the St. Luv:-once wharf, they plnood tholmclvon in com- municuion-n izh thy otoerl of the manner and lurued thn. the I-V IIV'vUI vi jg IHU ll. Bouhlly tloy|nvoohonnhImd- alhohlcgtlivuuyquntlh to low chc'..oun.IhoI|Iovcgiviqa-an-in A. Inn-IL-h-and-A-nninlgalh-ah. Q jvvtvwuuzjij-If clan-udthols-. On n-I-gnu-g In lb) and nu-input. -I. an` Lnjgnln-.4?-Ina VEGETINE |I-7::- ujvu-u-- `T Uj '..""h'-.--4-ti-I.v-.nI:-sag...` "I via Zljtl-5 I :15:-, f--- at in up Wno, iuiuuuu so--mu ' oluloll ad nvoltin; nurda-on [Ah Chnplnin. Ion Uh vilhp of 1490110, dluh button: Bonus`: Point and 8!. John,` ml III-u lhirtpln ncn from lonuul. Thouutdcnd nun-u nuud lnhion Ualhuoh. nilk pull, and H. nudism and anouinuor not 57 $50 man M John Cuosoholu alias Icribol, that Do Mu-ibcl, tho Into! I jovtlllrlnd AL , .!__- AL:- 1.-.n-n.A uuuuyn an-noun, um -u--. - J--.--- v-~ Iatchnnhr. Ac tho am this journu ___. A, _____ __ ;_.|__ .-.. p|.-6 .n_ ' I j 'usw0!ulUIouuu nanos- | On _oruInzlI--Anucu- n-n inn:-n nuupouswun: nun unuu vv-n nu. luvnu on the person of Mntlmron, his colleague mull. have come to the conclulion lhnt It wu It hi: boarding hours at Montreal, heuoo his visit. as described lb0V0. ll. in certain that the murderer never dreamt. ; -. I z,,, ,AAL. n.-_L_I n_._|. -_ |.__ on: M: null nu yuan` lulvuvua --.-1 vuquvu of his vuit did not tnnlpire. but the police oimn hnvo their infer, men, and they seem plauuble enough. The probability in that :2 ch: time the men rowed out on the lake Coutofrolu iungined that the pedlnr had tho I3,000 on his potion; ho no doubt. know thnt the deoeued had drum the money from the Semimry Bank`, but did not know that he hsd deponited it In the Pooplen Punk. The murder Inn in all likn-lihood perpotntod for plunder; and when of it being et the Peoplee' Beuk, or, hav- ing done no much, he would not have heeitelcd to commit forgery in order to gain access to it. After vielting Mn- Croee e he eceme so have epent e reetloee night. He put up It one of the email hozelein the outekirte of the city, end at eight o'clock retired to bed, but he only remeined in his room about An hour end 1 half, H. the and of which time he lied his luggego-coInpoeed of the deceued'e two trunke, and e emell veliee containing liie l.oole-cuted beck to the Grend Trunk nation end ticketed for London. In the morning be head changed hie mind, end, returning the reilwey ohooh, he had the goods conveyed to the mail eteuuet, on which he took pueege Iveet, end on which he ienoied he bed nude good hie eecepe. It muel be borne in mind thet the reooves ry of me In` IIIUIIIVI fBU- JIJBIILI might pm. On receipt of the telegram and I enbeequent one with ndditionel in- fnrmetiun, Mr. Nu-gleloollected the de- tective in-roe together with Sergeant Dreifuu end- eeverel truety men, end daepntchod them on In eclire eeerch, which in prosecuted throughout the day, but am fer without obteiuiug my clue thet would lend to the oepture of the fugitive. In the couree of their en- quiries the detective: learned that Cotto- frolu hed visited Mont:-eel on Thurs- dey, end had called upon Mn. Cruel, I French speaking bonding house keeper, nf Amhent etreet, at Ihoee houee Me- thuron boarded when in town. She .2 .u . ,, ,,.|:-, II. n. 11, nm':-:':':"' H" `W "' '"' Don Ilraul-1 Inland from n brut- ng out of Ihrvu More fur non um. In non, oonn_od_ by IQ goolyiut at I fnmurocl 7-. _A._ - ..._..A_- -.... ululun uuunuuu In-u nu u-Inn. -luv stated to the detectives that immediac- ly he entered the house, u.. an. u.nn.nnunnr -nu-nun: vvo ....s I nun, --nu-nu man. ..-u--.... --_, ind tfu! mnnnor. canned her to Itupoct. llnzaomethixig dreadful hui hnppened, Ind knowing him who an acquaintance uf Mnthuron, aha nkod if my calumity hm] befnllon him. Conbofrolu replied : "No, he hu gone lo Albany, and I must huion after him." He then left, mom- iugly in 5 giant hurry, And Iho VIII unn- ble to ask anything iurthor. The object. .: L.:- ....;o Aid uni h-nnnnin-A ununuulvx, unu-vu uuw-u Ulluonvs -v V-V. look the importance of communicating with Acting-Chief Nuglo, of the city fox-ca, until I very lab hour, the tale. grnm only reaching Mr. Nuglo at am nfclock yesterday morning, Tolegnmn were At the suns lime danpatohod to In other points when it won thought poni- blo wu much quicker than could ordinarily be expected. Sevonl dnyl nlully olnpoo bolore I oorpoo will oat. lo tho vnhr, And hnd thin ban the ruult in tho pro- nont cue the mu:-dour would Inn afoo- unlly dodged aural. Wlun taken into .....muI- Ln Iugtl hnt I ) And (LA nlA:-hnA UUIII \IV|l`U|-I DUI? Iv nun (via nllvl-I cnutody In Ind but C2 told the Ilonlboc. ticket scouring his pounqo an hr :5 To- ronbo , and the upped!-ion in thu luv- ing lnilod to obtain the nanny, the sell- ing {or which impollod him to 00-1180: the dead, hi: only way of golng laud. tn the sale of the uilh. Tho whole cir- cunnuncu corn to illustrate the saying that "nordu will out." Ooolufruhl is . 1 A, -_AL, _ ,|,,- L__,,. Ilyviuvu uu :uv I crime in Ilontnnl. bll.\ -unavu -nu v-u vuuuruvunn II upoelod tonnkanoioon blade! the .-:a-- In |l..no-.I uu .... ,........, ..... .......... .. nun-hing party III orgsniud And the vhula diurict Ill loom-od in quul of ` Coatofrulu, whose nhunoo named him to ` bourougly unupoctod at tho Amnin. I Unfortmntely tho all of the local 111- I t.hnriu'u`in their oorh to YOU! the I murdoror, canned than untimely to over- `, I, .L_ :____..p-_.. ..l ..........n_i...02n.. On Sunday morning 3 Wilma ro- pottet intorvicvod Mr I. A. Hido|`ln, the Cmtonfooov, who has boon intru- nonul in Induglp the ninuo circum- ........: oh.__ .1 H. mm m.;.a -vuu-u nu -1--5 Ur -uv -a-I-uv unwillin- uuncond l.looau,udIt. IIH,0h'Id oi the Rocu`iI`ohcPullq]uu,`who Inrnin |h:1n'l.I.AnIkinllI nd] th- ""l-"'I I .I. ll. SIIVINS. Iouonfluu. And by I. 0. POLIOI _co., nnuhu. Klan- vuuu-uuu:uu.,uuu-vj'u: hadnoiqchnlh. loin-g` `-pblbno&&jclu` .l4.n-Iglnn-hnnl.LnInnJ.AI....I. I IVPTI TIMI rmw.` WT UK I. were in lhtcity, and kindly gin all than _..:i...l.-n -Linl Oh. gal. J in-55.. Wu$CZTK' mu: puud. lnlldollun ho I...I..-1- .-.l.- -antic:-gang.-nllL..A yvuua yuuuuuu -. u-u. nu-an-sin IUU bndnqlduuluxuulynynupulthu Jon0nohcIn,vho uulnqoandyan 4;. a..s.. 54-... l...A.'. I..;.A .1 HUI. TI` WI! CI liwlv 31 I50 Ininohtvun Ionic : Pohl ad |a__;_.-| _.. _.._..I 1- . ____4x__ Iootnnl, nu {pl in II... nln Idhllhhj run. nut vnouuunv '-nu urn-uu III uuv ur ensued, and what money he might have l.-4I .... Li. ngunnn nan. nlnlnn A lgnkhnkdhhddbufol Pd!-I. Iluu-It-oilitlidyulunuu _---u-o--1-----255' nuhIlor|cr|huuynturnlnluuoudu_y' wow. I -amend all 5 an uuld nod lln ltrro-lnllruanodlnlocl) .lIull.hrn -diluent hours I] all expected I would din; uuv Ilghu I'll upoolod up `An bolutu -oiling. AI has Vanda In non: use by 3 Mood I um atoll (urge: Illa in: logo. I could rullu no good coach: Imunlayudny; Ina Ollbothl. Aha- luuluuuuncc lulldlkep qua wall nights. I hon: but now quite an: AM! unklng noun I0 bottles. I could run: Inn on pan of -y roou lo the ouhu. ly npyuiuwu mheln uthln lino clhopynnd. hop! Ink Vogotlno uul I ngnlnod my and heal . I heard of I `mu n-uy aura: by uh; Vogotlne slur I raloutnudvno oils (9 nuoul to my vutk I on n capsular nod bulldnr. lvlll ulnu in as ho: can-J An Iuul olmy wife : 0! Nouralgun, who had Inated for more than ll Mun. Ibo nu uh bu not had my Iunlnln for eight. -ouch. I Inn given is to one oi my child- nn Inr Lauhr Bumur. I hove no doubt ln -y n.|url II will cure any humor; it in non lulu! of an bland; II. In tale to given child. I VI roeommond It Lotta world. ly (mm lo I!) ynn old, sad to up than la nothln lllo It to give strength Ind ms to n n; uonon. lcuanol In too thankful for the an :i . nryuhottopuooino. and van innoJiudy_ noogniud u tin; of the [padnuugum-on. A hon-iblo gun-u- V anon the lowland. shov- od tht ho hind Ibtknlbyloull plny, and nundry cuts upon his land: I nhowod that In Id notnlloued his life , to be nice without I arugula. An III` 4 mination of the body olicitod tho but : .I.-a LL- ..._l.._Ll_ _..I.I ..-L..L Al IL- A; unu-uvu vs nu: Irvin vuunwvu vuw ---u that tho ulunblo gold Inch of the do- ....4.I .n.I uhgl nu;-mu L- nainln bunny. may w-:u-with-u-I-cu-u-vU-U-v u;tdqy,ndlL(0Idun'0Iathqu totiiukthutbyh-I wild Hand Mannpliahnd duitpm-pans, Ila shout 3p,n.uow ol hugucnnodougund ` nnounudthouarb lingflatbaftho suolloftbohoalnhd and tho nun-ed bodyolnuub` 1-into I-bourbon. Su--'I :'-I jWfjlIX nun, nub dootololiduliovnr -.-_4x_.. IPL- u...u A... It Iii` an-I 551-U-U --:uIUuII- g-yr thing In an olcithurolthonontlol ...oA.- .-J bk-MI`-In-n ffgvznn puuu.- - --u--. --;, "0h,ho'IgoIov-t."InI hviq nou- otlthobouhnlbd doulylouuhis .5... -A|L. A-_-_l-Ligkhi--J--... 7 LIA-his-hauddoflulu aloud tn lnnIiIodoIo,QlIuIociIgvlno lb -tho--nnn-Jnnlinzn-Ln-ml Hnii The informntion hu ruched us of the elopmunt of e men named George Harper, I plumber, with e widow nemed Ruche, the former leaving 3 wife and Iowa eight children unoered fur. The delinquent hmbend her not long been I resident of Kingston, et lent not since hie return from the United Stetee. in which he had lived and worked for a number of yours. Not. long ninoe Mn. Roech loot her pro- tector, end with e ehow of Mllllllod lym- pnthy Herper nude 3 tour ol the city wd collected I run of money let her, end every one rnteczibing commended bin conduct, and recognized his enxiety for the poor Ind friendleu. It now nppenre that both Harper and the widow have diuppeered. and it in generelly under- Itood that the two have deoemped with the money reiud by the lormer under {else prelenooe. We pity the Abandoned femily Irhoea heed he been guilty of much crilninnl deception and duplicity. In. H. II. lnvIn:- ` Don: In-,-l have hot 5 pool alum from drop}. I vnoonludtou House more nun .u your. an mantis onto no I wu unre- Iy boluhu. I In oblim to ban we non blue Ill and out o! . I In uunnn 119 no Iarnrlhuuy ntunlulu uouduy mlofol n_n|I I|_d>II_d I The Fire Brigade have received a large porter, giving pertioulere ol e [rend lire- Inen'e tonrnement which will teko plwe et Chicego on September: 4th, 5th, 6th end 7th. This ciroumetenoe remind: us of the eoheme in contemplation here, of having e eimiler tournement in Kinguon during the holding oi the Oentnl Fair. Such I thing would be en event of more then penning importenoe. It would ettrect meny remen end othere, end would eon- tribnte largely to the Innocent o! the Fair. The tournament would embreoe e pro- gremme oelcnleted to test the efllcienay of the Oompenire. J udgmente will be band on eotnnl work. We eincerely hope Oept. Honey mey Iuooeed with hie plene. lie in full of energy end eotivnly end will nuke the Fin Brigede more then e mine it only llberelly beoked by the Council - end citiune. inouueai, July `Rs.-uuuori-aux, aims Merahel, the murderer of Mathemn. was brought to the city to-day and lodged in the central police station. Mfhbzl had left by the Riohelieu Company's hunt for the treat, his destination being Lun- dou, Out. When arrested In Kingston by detective Cullen he gave his name as Bauve, but when confronted with puliot sergeant Druifuas he admitted who he was, and labored under great agitation. To night the French Consul, your cur respondent and several others inlerviawul Ilerabel in his cell. The prisoner had seen his counsel, and was very reticent. He has been in Canada ten years; has been employed vith Schwab Brothers, jevollers, of this city many years: was 41 years of age, and had only been married a little over a year to a girl named Same, the name he assumvd. He denied the murder, and claimed that the body was found in the United States. and he should be tried there. The body was. however, found in Canada, Lut the poor fellow in his agitation looms to grasp at my straw. lle will attempt to prove an alibi and throw suspicion upon another party. Cullen purposes going In- inorrorr to Rouse`s Point to work up the ease. Ell`. IVIOIIOIII III lI|_ OI OII IIIO lrllll, jubditwunoonliu-nod! hohdgono to the Springfield Home on Cathedral utnot. He sent our end got his huguge, but hutily pretending to see something wrong with it, he and, My begun in not in good order; I won't. receive it.,"nnd Accordingly he tent it back to the depot, from whence it In speedily removed nnd he diuppurod. 1~(|n'I'n-Irl\l Al In unu-us-.1 Irvin `Hill in II itlhould 50. Cities have not 5 min in data-mining which ol their In- duaauoud Ilnhllnnnotmddod Io cortilaul ol qmlihldon. Thin III lonlurly nuupd by oulddon who turn in no II] roqaoonibb to the City School Boudgnndwio Inn Iotunponod to lnvnnnvknn-Inlnnnlz|na...|.... Anon; Nu -Ill] oudluat impmvw nuota that have Mandy boon nude in: our School Law, II notice the lollow-- "'I ~" Board shall oonoist of the County and City Iupootwund two or non other can at Potions, when qmliauiou clad .fto-llnotoduqbogrncdbod by tho Education Dopnnuunt. `Mn. 5. an in .Iu...I4I L. rV;o:._ L--- __- mar non: lot as. JOIII, ounnnumq mu journey on tho freight train. When he touched than lu than look hi: ticket for Montreal on tho trun. Hi: bqguzo wu mu od Henry Snuvo, and Ill IIl"U -I nUvw-j pg 1 T "Y`Illll00I'[ourInuatool, -Loos______ luau`: IhuI.-`l'ho Hnnilton lhnlntdylnilldduu-ouniug hriu|IkoIIilot,Kt.Tynnr,thnic|u bouullodnpnu noouneothodoniu oliuhiu-IIIIOI| .Kr.J.W.llnnin, wield out -no tin buy nu-In p-bug, Owcillunpluryluurhin. lylnuuulahndo. `Wohnpo I0 I111 uoutonhIou2n-hn..|.......| um ud_B1|km$22. ` noon noun 1; uncut. no nu ma ` lngguzo taken In the depot and informed Ir. Hun m. the album: want. that he desired to 30 AI freight U0 36. Julian. Ho himull also embarked on the luigln: train for St nuvillo, that ho bnnghl anu- thor ticket lot 86. John. continuing his ion:-nan nn tin [might train. Whnn I.- nu null clonal-nu: I-lV l-- wuuvw, than the largo trunk and ulin had boon hidden. Tlwynn qliotly homo to the boat, and the guilty nu, will hi uncon- Ioiouu |ocomplieI,`OnIhrhd. tad very noon lnudod It Lneollo. He had the hna.:Ann tnhnn I}: Oh: thuu null inlnnnml uunngggu nnouunusounom. no embarked with an tugs. ind they land not gone for over 50 Itlot when. in the utilluun ol night, :30 nulul alum had boon oounitud. baton be said ho had to no ulwnwpunouo hangs. Thy . landed. and I0|l%olIDIIIlQOCl'CI,ll\lCIIOII Ionnugpd nhonltonutolacollo. Ho amhn-ind with nnmncna. iatltlnv land _._...--r~ ------._ __ __-_.., _.._-.__ llll nucinom IDIHIALITY. Ho left his Illo and got 1 chum to dlin him duvnlh I-Int`: hunt no the houuo!AuuunodPdcu.I'runuhom hnnnnnd Ahanlkliilnleolln. Ha j all IO E` . to hnbouaguhnv Ibo: hohdnouoolly nunioud dopcvitlhinoaloudsynightand uuunu-nun-n In -ununu-u. Mouuul, J uly 28.-Couofrulu, uliu Wnrnhel. tho mm-dnrnr nf Mnthnnnn. an van-u nan. Mr. Nichol]: him mo the tnin, mdit wnloon Ihrnndl holndnonn % 3'-7-.'..'a"u.'7 .." . . `. Point. `hits Inlilhi sf...`- davnltunnan. n PI reach : Burl: of runners. A MOICQ mrnuuont. Is Clearing Out hisParasols atC0stPric9. Too, HAVE Ii)-Zl\.N REDUCED. and will be cl:-grad out. lfyou Inn! l|Al(]AlNR1m the time :4: gov. them by culling early. ALEXANDER ROSS S, Princess Street, July 0. 1878. OPPOSITE nlTY H()'l'El., HAVING A FIH."n`-CLA8S CUTTER WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION ['0 THOSE eutruutlng In with their orders. FWKKDN In than IAIN` vnrv (`Jinan Giits Furnisliiiigsuj -A.'I' VVALDRON S. A FULL ASSOICTMENT OF Ready-Made iilntliing and Hsntlamans Furnishing Honda 511"` ""!!9!..`?[`?T!P!9-?'"- nnvn . nu n nun.-nun . Bin n IJVERI;[Tl0: HOUSE. `EashBuyersinl]ryIuuds| ._ _____4-_j. ` DoM1moN CI.6-Enriia S-1-onn IQIQAAII tn IQQIDAI D I l1_...g|..-_ ,..- uu ll'|ll FWEEDS by the nu! Very Cheap. Every Department Ins been Reduced, So Lhnt the public an hue the opportunity of pun-b.m :g Good: at E lTl:e Lowest Possible [later-Ll ALL rnor1._:-wArrnm I x H [or lnekooanhn Had in land: shall rdaII|l|WI.DA?r.Ih0h0p hot I Ho in lnnljqlnol Inna bud. NOB`RE-Onlya Damo',Rag{Needed-NOWATER ordain with UK. DAVID. Ihochu o Indulge! WI. DAVID. Inter. and anal lnnlnlnd DAVID. Inter. lulu II New and bond Haul 000450! on duorlplin Unuulh In. Dunn Punv man man P. HARTY, -` - 4 - - - Ferguson : Block. J HII `)'{rd IRTR NOTICE. To All tho uni}; onnnpm. We hue -rm on hand u large lot og l.emuum.vhlch wall bench! at pdool that will add! `you I 3 u-gain. And no madkuno Hut does not art. A y u I Inc pan! sud nuance, bu .uy Jim. at upon pun |o utonllon. ':'ho'frun iouoo of dlnuno on-mum III we _.- .3!-gm . and lullnery Stock It | ` ken nouo boumlonold luu hounln thouvlo.nd.nll ulocnodalnlbolhuvn gnurnuae 3 nuulno reduction 0 mm ID to I! I! pr oulonour loutoiuolov plea. X__#-_-__A Q 1 A A uh--l--Lnhul VV JJJJJJJ We will star the Ilcluoo on lull fur sinner II-caooda and lllllnory Stock in byuyhouoln thuulc. ndpu 1 Tv We houbv -only nil buyer: that ho ho mule um lumbar nlulouhsb of his Goodnundnlnothuolnmnoronuhlnallloputhollhlb . . July 5th. ~ 3* P. I-`Ian-ty s rand Clearing Sale; We: hnnhv nun all 1...... an. 1.. 1... .....l. mu ....m.. ...|...u....a. .3. _.a... ..p 3... July 9, 1878. July 3,1375. urn I In nk 0 I0 Hohhot Ibo ||h6- an-I ho! for THI YI &I. Ll l'ERI`O0L HOUSE. July -am. -:-Q__._ A8 1'8! SIABOH IS NOW OONSIDIBABLY ADVAKOID WI IAVI hlllpdljtfoinllloolfout-l'Il'9l'DIUIIIIC. OI` ` ()oodg'l l`nL;n`n:.$TIunl:.'."hn uun`:.uuu.uuo" 335' u and lknputtbuovct. Puvhlnnv Indltlouldrndvu I-nhcopnn-|nhgohnIcII.u II Inland `lull-3 Ila (Tu ; Itlnl. nlthnhro uonuphuhuvluduoo bin. Walnut his 'nu-.aur:m4- -ruvnncnuauuvo-an nfuluiulr - Anviuvuxonanu-1:315-unkunnluwnrin Iolhnvlnln . In gem; Clearing Sale ofSpn'no` and } o11l%:.o9:.-rnrq-xv V V HEW 'roImo|.o1'muo jl, KEN? _ _--_ __, __ , ._ ._....._.... -g__.-._ July 23rd. 1373. ..V W... A fifs I WI. DAVID, _ `IMCIQ Into. Plh. `W July 10, 1873. 2' "`-`-'-..==.:.%_._ - * (Neltlloor to Ileana-IR. J; J. Gnrdlnerh. Princess Street. mm Men`: lndin Gauze Shirtu, 400, 500, 600 and 750. Men`: Merino Shirts and Penn, 350, 400. 500, 600. 751: and II. Men`: Cotton Shirts and Penn, 36c. 400. 500, 600, 754: Ind II. Men : Cotton Sooh, 100, 12 1-20. 150, 200, 260 Mid 300. Men : Merino Fee: Sooka, 20c, 250. 300 and 350. Men : Colored Merino Sockl, 25c, 300, 400 And 50:1. Mon : Fancy Striped Socks. Silk 010:, 300, 350, -100 nnd 50. Cheup Windmr Ties, Duke Soul: and Silk Handkerchiefs. 50 doz White Shirts, ne Outton and fine Linen, 81.10, worth 32.09. `.. 9do7. Beat White Shiru, uent. Linen and Cotton, 81.26, worth 09.60. .'l'\ Illnl l\r\n|n Inn: . -- .. .. VVM . I )AVID. If you want KJSARGAIN IN SUN SHADES call Ind Ioo_lIolII. ll I 6. JAGOBY a. co Manufacturers. 58 Wesll oulwnv Kai Ear` `ll CALLING Till PUBLIC LITIHTION T0 Till I000` 0' { ii}QiJ3`iV" 'i{.";".';E."T nli I.....I .. I. .... -Li..L _.aI L- -..I.I -. __x-__ _A_- BOSS THIS I . IL- ID_I_..... ._ up-lvonunl tun.-auulu IIHLCI. QBRILLIANT DRESS GOODS ]iRTWA[D"6N'f W6B?;UiIEi3gs. It need: ueilhor brush Lor Inter: H takes onllonm and run. It will net burn on. ` Iv. oruuua no dual. It will prmumo can most hrilllnnt pouch In Ion than he mimuu ll None enuino vithounlna uignotnn of J. JAOOIYIL (H). on the box As your (`-moor far it. Dealer: can In IuppItod'|., GEO. ILOBICRFHUN & s()N.Wholcnh lunbulu. llngnlon In lhbeat in the mlrket for the following reuon : OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL. -___v 7'?" non unuI'.:;nu-anon: uulahnoqun _.I__`l _I_ .411 ..-_I .1. 4.`. .L. Se1f- ShiniIIg=Stove Polish 1, A. :. s5_1ggg.3gz1nn, (3-All-E iaoam sumrm _P1-izo Iloupa, do. GAGE BROS. Watchmakms and J mllm` YnungMiI%ihftTt:_n-Mi STATIJAHY WE KAY! PLACID OIIILITIII DAY `lA1' HUI OI Wanna-uad'toIol|ov." than Inu- anylunll nnulyoiulo JBI`|' III AIlI& In I! IXTIA WIDE OAIPIIO IAII. NEW HAT STORE. -u"..`:u1`f.'. .!:'."jo`:":a'7>'`.n I ado `In .- ""l'0Vl&1on.n'lu:lIAllllO uuuf|'Il`y Iaruoou`vIolIvmoll pnubucu uivouuooll. ununqhuudhoun Iuunau and Ibnngh-(nial It all lclulllllhkll j W . AIJIDMIAASUII-IIUI 0! 58 Wcslulroulwqy, New Iorlf. L Plated Harm. III] III. OPEN ED TO-DAYII AIEIIGAI FELT IMT8 z. Pnsvosr, _I nnn1n-n-|hn1.nhl- C. W. W ANDEBIOW Iaupr. PRIIOIII ITIIIT IHOITZWD 9 vol In on III! II. VE GE 'T_|`N:"E`l _..,\-.. -`up-\r\wa ' x.7o'1Tao'p'a3F.- Iunrohllfugot Ito lmlnalboh. nd Eula; Ind ovary Ian; I ovum mm; m All nothing helped no, In I Ild llluu Ilx buuluof your vnknblo In which Ir. lulu an up-whoouy rooo-not-lad very highly. Thanh muoem-1au.w1 3|: I can .|a thulovo my Ioslth Io yournl nth 'cptho. Your man obdknl taunt. ALIII1` Vul IUIDIII. "II In uncanny to: note onnlorou an dlnuu for vital that Vquuoo umu to nod. I have! no ducuovoh will not admit dug up. with pod nuns. Aluon Inc-anus oouplolnlh on quad bv pohon on soonuou || Ibo Moo`. which one be en- urol upouool fun the quota lid In uuof Ibo nouns. Win: no blood perfectly manual. the Manor: lily yloldo; nllpclu nun; healthy nouns pump .11 rouorod, nu! tho pubnl ounsd. vna-ms L-__...; 5... PIANO-FORTES. upu&yIl&ul Itch-ulna-w hotuuu: I One -1 Ioclh Io luv Vnlublo IIlII`l`I_!I. _ j T T` Citvji OI 'f0I.0|l`l'0. Bauhaus: Onwgnnltm. D0 Cad. dunondbondon. A auumrs, KIT Inlhonlllnlalonllook. , which I nth; I nothing I No'J_;IcE. The Doncioltlo-II Phyllclul. 1 Vnlnblo IIIIITIII. Iovpon, Iy., Apr. `:9, I877. IVIII :- b Irllnnln sure. I could lh uh of ,1 nnnnlad vvn --.--A41~r --- Tun: Ecuru. -- Thin nltunoon th. oclipu ol tho um In to his place. At the prounl mm of writing it in van in- probcblo tint the Astronomical cunt, nnu H. in, nll be won, ainoo old Sol bu boon fully ocllpud by panning cloud: most oi the day. But an the oulipno will last until 6:30 o'clock, A clear sky may enable our radon to bun n glimpoo of the parting glory befon the Ian hide` incl! bnhind the western inilln. _____.`:. *_ -iwo-1o-_- Dsri.nu:u.-Mr. T. H. McGuire hu sent no a letter, exhibiting bin |rnnge- mem, by which he claim! the Reform guin to be but 6 inntud of 53. We can not. see why ueebould publieh it in con- tndiction to our own nnnlyeie, submitted with no intention to deceive or exagger- nte. We mil believe we I?! right, md Mr. McGuire mny coneidol` himself right, end we presume both side: will be .:n,n sad ntinod. --~o43. Tu: Fwmiu.-Cumplaiut ha been npimt our American oouninn tux the rock- lounocq with which they pulh their Enh- ing opontiom. Down the rival large quantities of the tinny tribune Kuhn and dntroyed, tho catch being for in noon of the oonuuption u huxun diet, and it in noc dainblo thnt tho till: should ho fed mun hop,n they ha been in any instances. Proton: an to ho onurod oping: thin wholculo uud indiscriminate Ihughlnt 01 on ab. .___..xs,_:_ _ .-4-cu-o___ Tu! l`.?'ru or A1'r;nrr.-'I`ho civic holi- day at Toronto hu been declared on this dny of Urmgo celobntion, and I grant iprognmmo ha been announced there. A Iimilu ln'vu:n|en in being aim in King- awn. A pemion ukc lot a civic holiday on the 12th. A |n\jori y of Ahlornon to J... ..l..I....I al.-....,.l-... on ..........6 lo oj Woob mu Tonox1o.--'l`ho benets ol the K. I1. I . RR. are now being clearly seen. Not. only does it Iupply the city with All nor.-ouury nuppliel of 3004! wood, but to-day the schooner Annie Falconer Ill ongngod in loading fuel for Toronto oh- Hugo l....l ..l .-nah 6--5-Lb 0|.-O Inn: ._.vo3.:.- Lzrr rm: MoN'ruu..-On Saturday night the member: of the Mourns] p-lace force left for homo with tho Inurderor Umtufrolu, whom they muted 0.: the St. Lawrence wharf, be being: pnuenger want by the Royal Mail mun- ur. \Vm:u in oultudy tho prinonor noted nay quially And ronignodly. Tho evi` deuce in piling up Againlt h`m. Hi! --.... in Dunn RUl'llA!lz4.I.-ThO tuidc-nu of Union clue: would njuioo I! the polioo could ascertain the man: 0! than who diuurb- od tin ponoo on Sunday morning, by dia- ordorly conduct And by annoying uncl- hnding pononn by stunting their houses with nonu. Such rovdybn oumm ho talented, and thn polio: nut nah An clan. to an tho public [run than nightly town which occur to lnquontly. Huh Ind blood can ! land it much :- llo in Qllroly void 0! nollolnuc and piqu- dlaoondhnoonuuuadoat Ilohqa put mu: non In-h noun advanced: pun mo -nuuoo not -any .uua nu .nu mu that provuunl! hunt the In on yet. known. an h_ opp! Inn on corn: scion ......n :u__ 1.. _..|. was Ullsnsuu nu nu-nun` nun nu lvlvulu tho lint. load of such freight thnt bu left the hu-bur in ve or. six yarn. -jog. -u-- -v-- wuur.w- nu..-` -..- century. August Nth, 1887, total in nonhouto! Germany. south of Ruth, Contnl Aim; Auguu 9th. 1806, total in Groeulnud, Siberia md Lnpland. Mny Bib. 191), t--ul in Spnin, Algerin, Egypt Iunl the l,'nitod States. vuv nu-.u. n mu -nu`, Ill nnuvnl-VII day pluzlgc-J theunulvel to nupport it. 0}- - 2, Nu Lu>uus.-'l'Io nu hddon have has added to the Apparatus ol the Era hripdo. a truly toot ladder sad I My- Ivo uuuipn ladder. Tho blur in 0090- ` oidlyuuxodlontpiouolvork. nhoo oontunclcd wait on In ninotloa the Oonlnoltlwunot ndlontdbybcu noninthodlnhupohhnbduty. Sud cquiphdl In Dal inllol III I 1 lilnqurtundditionlo chonopucuouc iillboamurud nnugth loft. Tho hnlnluuvon mnhetuul by Is. John Doqbony. Tumlno, and nnind by tho -lng-no l`..-ni4n- unnlnnulgn 1.18- CO0 * Ivrvu Evu-rs.-'l'hon will be non total oolipua during the plant .....n..... A.......o `us my: 0.0.! In nu:--U, - w-Irvin`: nn pvuv. um:-navy, however, withdraw his challenge. dail- lug tho: u brohn rib preumod his nor- ciniug himull. ooo---. No Mncu. -- Putin upruonting Donn Hincklry, of Wolfe bland, van dovnto Aleuodria Bay to dopooit the money forfeit fur I roving notch under ` [In-AI.-'. .L.lI..-q I... fill Iulagdlnn Aaotun DnnIulr.-0utolr~oh:, Ihot|j:incvduu.IuIuInnkiIo IoIIucIlloIholou(nIlPI:,hu|h inlotlolduylhnngditilgllltinb bfnaulnnppnnh abandons I-pdq. Ooothhglnurhlcln u-.oI.uuu.--b.a.au.ao-aa~ oduu-vhiuinoooon-H an hhodngnlduiuIuulurNn..o -L4.-Illnlhihnnjxh it Ijjv-Civivj `nan-in-tin lilauub quid. dun nulls; unto hndd H-. llonmtaul -in jut In In ___l_._4I __- .L__-..I_._.I._ _.-.l__ nujluudnndc l.l-..-..J AI -41 "'-T"'i mt Ilwbjvahjlw drulldxyh E m, , -----o3o--- Tll FAlI.-` noting ol tho Fron- tenac Agricultural 801.-id] Iillho hold on Thank] nu. The dual 0! the an Midland Fair will be doddd It this nootirng. ..-._.a>.__.. IIUIJI" l`)l'IUlI nu I IUIIII` mutual: Intuit I Handle) : ohnllonp lot 3!). Hondldy, L;.----. -ZoIuI..- In . ghgll.-u-. .I.i-, jwtiujj -W 'uhcuuIInlI_bIuvdn f. IV,UI,HlblUZ$y'I\$-Iltau-v having Gun`: {bad at 3:3) o'li1bk. VIA-Iv.'-vI3Uv-I tutu v-nu. 3 Adding!-an llulntd Division, has been named (much Iluololou. Tu cnuoI.-'l'Nn stuns will win onqclaytnlhoennpgrocndlliolock, |....:-.. n..--'. -|.-.a .o :1-ah ..'.x;.|. Zi'b.-T-`nos? II pooldut con. Luhwhhh um i lb I rllnnlnf And vlu oury |o'_l_ gou_|d_tI{ !2_a:t'`ss 9% MW! Il)lD:Y_l_V'l0. mu 2:, nu 313 ? JED 710131?! Our Attention hes been called to s by- law which hes betn honoured morv in the breech then the ubeervenre, but which it is highly importent should be strictly complied with by the public. We refer in psrticulsr to the fire by-lsw. in section 167 it is explicitly set forth thet Every store, dwelling house, or build- ing of two or more stories high, which may be erected in the Asid city After the passing of this By-Lsw, shell have n scuttle on the roof, And A suiteble stAir- wey or ledder lending to the some from the inside, so Ae to Afford A convenient eccess to the roof in csse of re ; and any person buildinn or oomtructing such A dwelling house, store or other building, without heving such scuttle And stuirwsy or lAdder As Aforeesid, shell forfeit snd psy the sum of one dollsr, And the fur- ther sum of one dollar for every three days the said oenoe shell thereefter, continue to exiet." AgAin in section 158 it is enacted . Every dwellmg~hnuse, Aienufectory, store, workshop or other building, heviug A chimney or chimneys shell befumlelsed And rneinteined with good And euiuientledders, reaching from the ground three feet ebove the eaves of the building, And from the cevee to the ridge cl the root` Ageinst or uesr such ehiumeyor chimneys, Now, ss s fsct' theee |legAl enectments sre not com- plied with, mnchto the detriment And dengerof remsu when cslled upon to perform duty under the circumstencee. It is but A few days Ago thst the Chief Engineer hsd ocossion to sccend to the no! of A building. The scuttle hole wss there, but not the lsdder, sud he hsd to perform quitesgyninestic feet in order to Accomplish the object he hed in view. The Council should here their by-lswe i enforced. The Conreville burglere have evidonl-- ly been extending their opentionu, un- deterrod by the chue which the Kim- etun police have been giving them or the fellow: who hue lled their place: in the euepicione of the olicere. Luz night A descent nu nude on the safe uf the linen. Rnthbun IL Sun, in their timber office ll. Oollineby. Crowbsn and panache: were ewlan from McGuinn's Mill end Mlodulielfl blackemith shop, end e hole nude in the Info door. Pow- der In exploded in it, but the door did not y open According to expectation. The luck we: turgler proof. The open- lioue us euppounl to have been stopped just 3! en intereeting point by the Arrive! of lcArthur Brother!` tug et the wharf . lg- u-ml. ._.- -...I n.- k..-..I__. n_.i III jumlrlllll IIIVIIIKII Ell` II DIIII WIJBKI I luv rod: Ill], and the burgh:-I ed. Tho Info In wall pcdled with money, and nnccouful broAk" would have undo the thieves comfortable and lens onvioua lnr 1 while. Will IOU! IIUIIIUIJ ll IIIU I-IIlU- ---On Tuesday lut. while; nun were sucking gnin near I largo bun on the Iuu of llr. Brown, Pittsburgh, a r. wu dinonvored, which so rapidly aprud u barely to ennblo the men to save un- nnowlug mnchiuu and bone nlze: nan by. The bsm In entirely destroyed, with All in c-mtenlu. Luu, nbaul: 8I,~ lY| ` --v 1 but, by 001' ailouo, it might bo oon- . nidcnd an ulninian that A Scotch` Worth;-cu hduiloqond us, Ionillilnh , on! the 0|-its pool-nlly, udoonvinood tho ` public as largo that than III oomothiny wrong about Iii dinning! from tho Gov- ornnoot Ioch, M the Military couq. `roads, we may uioply sub, by van; of In] uphudoo, tho: In ounnidcrod the 10 too trivial to pny any further nun- (Sol to it. That: is yoryoillytoub loch Ioilonnhru nll.upo-tially In tho poblioprbt, loch dohgno hoonlyuw a-n h nnkinn limp." Anna-n oh- -..... put:-IUyu-v,|vI|u IlIlI`EIII.UIIl I|IC` |Odlh1Hqlihmllnpponrthounrc| I-Ilia-I-n M i-a -gll lug... A- ...-__ In--. ---.r.-.,_. In oho5i"no- tolon FRI Ibo UAUADA LAICKLDI IA] lI.DIIb- llnbod tn Tunis: "PUOJPHOIONJ -T_HI I_oy -Au Sir John ! ulntion dapondn upon ` I for votes ID no not unrpriud that our aontouponry should become oxcitod about the number olpinu undo It the Court ol Boviaiom Tho Judge may ex- poot who impeached {orbit Alleged out.- nguun decision." But Sir John : goose will ho cooked All the IIIDO. I\_ |F..,_)-_ I ,; ,|,' uy---- --.-'-u--u -yyuuunu-Iurv lricubu, it til; Id] hot: to msny, an AA.` in .-9 A-an-m..l..o -011.- 53.0 Iitllhynnnnlmq `-nut!!!-I-Inna-xynuub tn-d-tpnIqhnlqg|...g, #11 MW I'ayhd-than-u-yovuu,.og.g. ~_ at-uuulnu-Ilchoau.n..,.. -Annnhulduucn. 1 occur` -I v-u vunjlllilli "VIII WhoKnon,"Ihu it In coldy on us` clcutolhbhinnusholhsnrviou nu dhpnud with when tho; van; and the uni dhhhhhg. it hunt ucunry list I guild ndodho in he nonhu- ..l-.;.-I-.-J-L...lJL.._...I -_J I33 yjvt $ "I11 oln-0$oydohou|d|ucluobd,ud. uau&quun.booonnavun I-o_L.-..I II........_J.|.-. *-rnvyuvunu vlu ll-WU uuvnuvu uu.uu.- ` on tho [Rh 1:! August, at which our ` D will In givon in print. We hope tho Oven! will not be nttcndod by no any uoneulul Inputs an on the [Au oc- casion ol 1 dollar nuturo. ..T...'.'. {i."'.J..7'...', ....s..."..I'. ha `I hnjhhn than any Anglo-nun; ldoyindldcncu. -uuuv - `IQ!-CU I Iatull. --a\ lo! days ago An nod, small sized Iolun append on the cu-uh of Guns- noqno, having no clothing on but 1 pom"- oou, which III intend about hit neck, and docking. Sh nu innao. _R-ngluuillg -ill L--- -...u|..- annuit- -ion vi-turn inn 14.3: $3 luv coda -1'0 rally the only paying thing shoot 3 angina-no : court. _A I... A--. g... -. ....I .__ll -:-_4l m- . -Tho Bnllnvillo Inna nllllnvo an vcuis-luau A-hauuah-a,o-char. ll.uIi$.oIthoIlihpox. - -'l'h ynh Iunnud Ilarlimo! Khptoo, villootu tho Bollovilh ro- >:Iuo-Iheivioialitlly. V --`fhnllnlornluvo pinorlbsvotu by 3 Iuvinion olu vols:-I lhu. Th Gtibnidoutlyprolblbylhondvioool thoU.l.O|Ib. -`A an End O in Gannoqno nds |.:....u n....a.....a -a.. :1 m`....... -n.. -'lhG2lqu banal 0! (ha `'17- an-urudpuhuuyuausu. I . l . rl. . Tlal Aurlovel "Workluuu. " --u -vvuuugu. any Iv: nu--av -Bnkvillo till Inn Anolhojr regain .- AL- IKAI. .1 A_.....o -0 ..L:.n nu-- ooo-j-- ANOTII Ell BUKULAIH. Broken By-Luv.q_ II `I III 3&3? IITII m cm. tz.oo`.a.u Tho LL- ....I_ .___.__ gI..__ Wrn nrnsn WHIG. MONDAY. JULY 29. "land ' person. (or theme ollt. Inn, Vuy gratefully yolln. JOHI I. NUTPAGI. Au. DI-mun ut `tlll l!uoou.-l! VEHI- nn wlil ration pom; olounu. purify, sud can umh dmuu, tutoring the pollen to glue: hum: slur trying dlnnal. pin . gun, Iuny mouth: and alarm; lur yuan. hltuteoulnnvo tool. Uni no a ulont, ouunbocnrotl WI-,yhthbucdL also ua-min; Inch [I155 oun ll. won-In tn the blood. in the circulating Ilnid. It ran u-Ily In odlo-I tho Oral load .l ur-vlcr. Tho fruuouoo orlglutu Iuzhe in x and no t n ms Aged I

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