I "*1-"""-.-4.-"i'..=.-J-i"`-7'3`-1"` paella Iuly. but use me mpuum it turn: illln oily matter. I was told it III iqpoulblq lot lb i sent!` input I stop to th1I'ISr-hwlul pncl oo. owing to the number sud dint-Anus of nut! put dawn. It hll bun Iuggulod u the non pnunpt And randy can fur this evil to cash it Intel (or nay person to out nnd dutmy dun mu whonuvor or wherever tuund. I lvunt mi. -nun Ii" be: Icon (0 hv 'i' 'C:'1;;'. ."~'8_|';`.}:Is`-'."JfJ" n33. W. Utiou i| to have I walking much. "' mu ....I.. ...gm.t Limp Thu diaunee mun Inou nun; Apart from ` ol cunplunt in 1 Amenonno 4 _..-. and us. . 1%; uput-u-c----u- -.-. olonttouhotnin.ufriondn, not an olnpou. Tlthalpotln 1-mun hue anon bond Iron thou, sand In Hcrpur In nooivod noooy hon hut husband, IN} kofljmtoh Clhlp. but in nu!- Iyahnhn. Kopddtvd the snowy 0-`O00 ! !.'.'|- 30-08. the in 0 -M"-uc the 50006: cl it. In. Kuporhuup I';A L`- -.._.A.l.4.. 4... d. ._1." 5., 1-pond. I Hunt this -um will be teen by than Ihou duty it in. Anurt from thin. nnutbor treat. cnuu l A monoano Oh I Ill [0 water, and me In many an I--u trolling hunt in each host. and none hub in)` be non of, W Ocufnuh viih ` linu ti. nil ...np.. Amnripnna hnvn owl. 0! oz-urn Americnm hue In much right to Bull in the St. Luranoo :1 Cum- dinvmbnlhs than huh on hair ovn unitary. Yours. E:-.. EPOITIIAI. INT 5% III? uaupyuvu [or hot. esllod to in lo unto n In lu.-to in uplnnuion, which I! gin without uncut; `ap:-ndsbo-ido-u nut ..._cL...d-45.3.. ufriamln not I H1001] 0| uurper. Inn II nu.-vvu by poha l'Oo|Il1,ol ubooondjng til!) '9 IIW GI 5 money oollotlod 1-- g.. ..ll_J .. .I-- n.. .4..- . 1.- In-ml __ TUKDAY ITNO, JULY N. 1875. ntifiiiikus. )|I|Il'l IwI'puI-In-uuyu-u..-... .... inuulioulnhulnuln our in! - --to-ygum.so,'n-och-uano: ac. Ibo Income! IL nu. nllporlulpo ph'0Il'tIenrpori!ipuI$mht' but a. nuns-. has Iii. but inhi- ; lrioodol 3.3;. who a. manna ._ __Lu- __.. -1 -|.....-.|.'.... -3). oh. Kinmton, July 30. _.__..._,._ lflulxluy on the Iilver. -9-- cpl Hnovorhu ldsuioh mu-~ In .sa....j` .4 I thin, grout. cause] Ilhut grout. number: of on: Into Omnlian nu manv luur and 6! Ufton nix >......~b..._..n n.-I nnnh Tho boot not botwoon llunlan sud Ron. :3 but Ibo Incidents Attending the froquont poatponmnonu of it, aurd but |.o.l- ...... lnr nnnuntulntiun to than _MOl' nu_ my: toe- Eo dulxpcdil uuuny,_ usu- Iamel won-iv U `'35! uluun '*ut|I'lI cnI` d goon, in nnr.JoJ u u nun! important in many yearn. Tho 1\nIn:,., dincnnfng that pan ol Lv|fd.ull#'I uncanny; mu pan ol unm uunuylonl` nnnlntinn nhunx to British 3 nnnoctiun A-mm Tntkov. an : "file!!! lllllll II-Illlnx IO Iillll uaI'IMII' rapocug Aunt: Turkey, up "nrn in IOUII fur the 42- uzonuun that Lord [hr tingh-n"q` auuru - I the Troa lrciihc Coo hlllu `M l u much. If III` Iiuldry Lalo involved the canon; unnoanuriy iulhbdniuol to put ohuot. the Uppuulluu olgu '_w .9 g; V uonotlnng more than " Thoyoa hztonemd ho": `. wad: ullollfi, u: take olligo tioir n-In-1. nalanm the Inlinv to think: ooulur menu, to nxo olnoo Inolr " ag, (curve the pdioy to which the sunny and: umuunlltod. If I_.hay no not pnpuod formal doudod uuuthoy ought to lean tho Gunm- . nut Ininkoned, to carry into ooct tho ol Ihioh it Dan hid tho but oauiu put: in in Ilcninhlo an the Government should not on in own ro- npondbilily. The real q-mm ion |l whether iutho ponn1noul.ime 6 ts of the Br: uh in in desirable to any dldlucuy t . Kull. That in mm than no. but u nu uaulnou w :9] almncuy t Kuhn, go, no mmm-." I ._J __ I..I.. on 'I"L . .l..L-A- i. 41.. Iondon, July 30. -'I'ho debnu in tho Ho-nu of Commons In: mm is duoribed an dull and upuitluu. I: was Idjullrued at an only hour. Some hue evou ex- pressed the hope that the debate woulu bamneludod to-night, but N. iugenouy ` oxpoouod to clone on Thundny. During the Ipoochoa of Mr. Balm Uoohrnne, Uoulurvativo, And Mr. Alb]-I). Ubolll, ouby three or {put ulller Inomben were pmaalll. L--rd Snliuburv was It Osborne thin pmlalll. Salisbury mmung to raaonu [mm the Qingen the iunguin of tho Garter. AI-sxnudl-|'A_ Jun: 30 _Nnbnr Puln. H 0q|IOI`|l pvlbyuuuuuvnw ul 1-. gnu.-. nu.- lmlo cause (or oongntuluziun who juntly ugud `tho oer u the munliut. ol nhklic npom, ind thnt, L00, the lust oontsminntod by r--wdyum and foul plny. Nothing can be said spinal the content- nnu or chair rapoctcblu supporters. Un tho coutnry, they no much In be com` mueuted on the rough treavmom to which they have been uulvjoowd The unnvuadablo puatpononnont. u! the nee day Jlll dny bld, duubtlotl. Iumulhlng to dun With the ohulhtioun uf rowdymu to which wo rain. The Jol-y wu unnum- .I ......- _....l.p- nu: In muguu or mo uarur. Aluxuudrh. July 30 -NubIr Plain, Iumnuouou from Pun: by the Kha- dnu Lu uuiu In the euublinhment. of re foam: In Egypt, bu ucceptod the pot or Mu-must without. I uurtf--Ii-I. M-mnwr wmiouv. purtf--I1-I. Vunnu, July 30 -The Fremdm Blatt nnnuuno--I lhu apprnnuhing beu'othnl_of Uounc Andrus) : only daughter Inn PI|'|L'B Muntouumvin. | dick!!! oounin nf I. my Em;-rot 1-( Augtrii. _ l 4r1s. Jul! 80 _.A nauliminnrv meet I nmpwror :1 AM my, PH". J0`! 30. --A pllimiuuy meet- ing .:f the dulugsven to the Conurau fur so-.3-dsr.u.iuu 1-fvtne comauoroinl trenty botiuuu Frlhcg gnd [ha Unwed Slums W" "01-J ybnlerday. A draft nf the t|'t`-M-) WM Iubnnme-I and will ho discuss- .-u at. luuure an-e inn. II. II plupulod that the French Gun-rnmom nhsll n-ngngn to admit. All Annrlcnm productmns at th- saznu rates at Imposed up u: the phndllcllulll of the moat funnel utvinum, and t'm Vultuni Suntan lhn nuke the same n-Ilumzullmllt regarding tho prmiuch-Inn --1' Fmuc--; that If either uupoa-n a dmumlio duty upuu its own pruducunnc. the name duly muy be un- pou-.d upon lha pr`-ductmu of the other party. ---r- The Orange Cu.-we llosumedn louse u Point 1Kurder-Eri- dent.-a Accunutluting. (`}y Il'&(q'|l(.III M()ll|rez|l,.IIIly 30'--A meeting of Irish Cuhulius, calla I by Mr. B. Devhu, M.P., in cunnectinn wnh the prolecution of the Orange ca:-an. wu held lut. night in St. Patrick : H-all. It was of A atriotly pri- vute nature. It I! renurted thnv no on- danvonng to got the; b`~:licimrVGenara.l of the Province to pruaec\Ih5. The cue wull be renamed bofure the pulice mngintrnta tn-dny. Hun T) A4 Smith. M.P. fur Sdkirk. tn-dnv. Hun. D. A. 3IIIilh,M,P- Sdkirk, left thin morning fnt'Maniluba. Th. m.m.i.m mman vim: verv favor. left thin mnrmm; mt Inn-nuns. The morning papon view very favor- ably the app->'.nt.ment of the Marquis of Lurne to the Governor Generallhip of the Dominion. l1`.u-Hm. inf.-mminn Inn hm-In rannivnd Uorninluu. Further information has heen received from Knuue'e Point, fixing the crime oi inurdernn DaMiuble. A heavy revol- ver, with cluttad bln--4| on it, ha: been found on hi: premises, Ind early on Wed- nesdny morning I boy and A man law I perlun in u bunt dragging something to the middle of the river, which they thought was 3 log. Search is being made for the spot where the crime In committed, to see whether it In in the States or Cmimh. If in the States the nunumu will he hnnrlnrl nvnr In the Unit- States Canada. It In Ina mans mo priannar will be handed over to the Unit- ed Sutea authorities. Diaautrous Fire--Bu rning of a saw Ilflll-Loss $100, 000. TITO! -rnnnmbf-rt -I7-"P"g & n-an-1': P|clIo-l-0011600 ` (by Tdcgrnph To-day.) Ottqu, Jul 30.-A moat diau-u-out re occurred nut. night, renulting in the oumplete dostrnolionuf Balmub, Currier - nw mill, in Hull, oppuaite the city. The tire broke nu , in few minute: after mid- night. The Itruotura being voodoo, and of large diruenainna. the blaze Wu Iimply tremendous. and illuminated the city :1 Othwa. Ll well as the city of Hull. The mills, with huilel` houle, etc., Ioveml lumber pilot, the nmohino Ihopo. ebul- od trnmwayn, wood pen, elc., were con- aumod, and in- the Ihurt-IpQCO Of (In horns, 81(X),0(X) worth was in ruins. Thu .-nlnmnv fhrnsn ahnnl 150 men ml! l]0|)l'I, uuu,uw Huron was Ill rulnl. The calunny thrown abuut150 men out o! employment. Tho mill hm] bean run- ning tor Hula more than two Ioolu {hip neuon. ro-nn'_s_nws. Condensed for "Whig" Reader.-u ` w I --lwo mwarea uuuneu ox nut can can nu-red in Ucilevllln nn Snzurdny. 1,3. wu bright, plump and of the usual -~.iuhl_ 07'8"`, pllllllll IHU UI `III IIUUBI wright. -The Police Cumminiun of Kortrnl hue rewlvrd to report In the Council in favour of nt.l.uc'|ing1ho fty ours lupecluh, aw-urn In uh`-ut three months `px AL... ......I..- L.-.. . HI uvuur ul ILLIU nu! lb-ul` `ago, to tho regular I-rroa. . -1 -.`-~, -u ...u ...h...... .. .v. --Yaoter-lny evening About 190 iumh grunt: united in 'l`nrmm by brain. bil- ly-Ive were Ink:-n in churgaof Mr. Don- nldoau. the others going through to the Woueru nut-0, Ac oh- (`mu H.ll (ho.-n undon- Woueru nut-I, -At tho Cnly Hall, Ottawa, yOIhI*- day, Jump Run `"9 dooioiom in the nuumenc upped: reh-trod to Mon, Ihlch Irodueo we aueumom ul tho city, 56 II G|I0IK|IO.b]_IIOl'l] lhnoipm drud Ilnnnund dullnrn` l\_ n,.._ , uruu I ll"llIIll\.l ullllll -, -On Shnda, morning bvtwoon 8 Ind 9 o'clock a burn owned by Eliu Clnpp, in use 2nd ouncuoizn 0! Molohuoio-n, In tlulroyod by In who opmnla scanning at thirty load: pl buioy and I qnov-my of My, rye nd other grains. which llod dm haul. TL: In an nomad by A Hlfllll. uoxnurn on UIOI-IIA ll- nnma, Ilnch in carrying 01 the lolum mdchxldreaby tlolh-InnI_uI-Iinur ...n n, uh. nun. an Alinvl Infill ho lllol WI rnlur. luv -Iv:- ..... ........-... slab, in-wont, and none, wochro uy, re gnaw! it unto than the uhlaueu nu-m- lQ|HI. Thus they Ihnuld be put II: the muuuulubla inmnvonionoe In by] on- .s._. .a.....:.1 [we burn 11.. In In: count: is I hired mu: panting. No iaunnoo. o loo: in utnmuod at Il.30. nndclnldrenby thou-Innquuuur run ol tho you, an 51': unruly checked sud curud by Dz. Kc-mic : Ix- mud Vuld scuba-ry. It haunt {did Io gin iuvuolu-to mud in the moat noun am. It in a boon timi- the touch of inf] notice. DI Iothil up `no it I um; you II" In an in obmmiunglgng Torah Mall It in , X lrtivo inno- clionln Pollen` Bypoplwaphiun nu nlnlnln lam Inn clad not b In-y dull: ol Idiots uypopu-Ipnluu an alhd-idulmultpuoluhnu-Ibo.-y Kpuhjbliiiuo thuthiu villinap-onto lnupvilyaltho -unnaihh uno- -Ludnanlu-nd-lacn. " 'l'uool'o. j- smm. conunn 03 Oman II- n. ..onu -In-h in ngrruinn I1. Ill Inlnnn` Two hundred buuheln 0! IIGI burl .. .n..-nrl in l(..;Iau:ll.. ..n H-lnrdgv all .(By Trlcqraph Today.) `......| l..Iu `UP; A unnann A 1a..__aa.I; ' lIhI\ul1IIDI` lnlnvuluuuvu with u--. .... mun. but that. in aaditinn, they should bu um -mjaou ul In--b Viulv-IICQ Ill uimyly mu! prlldidy anuuublr. We ninourely L .. u... an mm-uin will mom on. oIf_ngu. Vignhohoccaun count III II I` audition, but nnlownnhly M ol qua-ens would not allot the no: In ` pczno c-I. B--ch cannon -about DI- ~ tug. Tho Iind in not: link light; . nhonld lb: not not mm Jib than ll envy likelihood that It I I1 50 uruurod fur w-uonuw morning. `Plum h lwlrulhinllo nporuhlnnlu was to olnugo his q-anon. 89. John, N. B. linen.-Btnongbopu nf tln nan Iu.dAl_ B1 . JIIII, n. of the Inca hrd urn:-mill. I o-mu. no buuuu no Ir-mucus. There -on twenty hunt-in aghast-Id, o'oruIg3 709 bolts. Ru: York.-Cubic Mo: cannon orutnnga luv noun. R3. York.-CAN! `CI; cotton good 6 N: 7 canto: [lit 01300! 7* 80.3 mm... mm .r.1lv -rah: lu-n Itook Quill fig-`y-z F"'P| for ; light Inna blown`; Illlf IIBIO good 5 7 W [QTQOOJ 1` I0. cams. um-.n1ly Huh; lujl Qi uvrr. Reooipu 140.000; upol 83M. M..nIued.-Szook in soouulluinu ; eulorod 8} och; white 7} out ; Mot- Inn0._ Inn 5 In 7 man I demand IHIQC eulorod (5; can; Imu `Q can Mun kept, Inc 5 to 7 each ; demand enurely for perfect avor. pr! nltod. Wish lunch I I-run number to ho carried over nu-thing but I dull nlriot an be Iookod (or. _j- 'l`ho Liver in the imp:-ial urgtn of the whole huuun nyneu. :1 it oonlroh tho life, health and hlppillrll of ant. Whoa it is disturbed in in proper nation, I" kind: of nilmeuu us the nunrsl result. The digo-anon of loud, the nnvolloutl M the hurt And blood, the notion of tho brain and norvunuuyutam. In all innit- diataly couneotod with the Iorklnp ol the Lust. `.1 ha been successfully proud shut Gm-n : August Flavor in unoqlnod an curing all ponoul Allcwd with Dyn- pepsin ur Liver O.-mplainuand Ill numer- uua symptumn thnl result from In un- hunlty c- -uditiun of the Liver and staunch. Sample battles to try, 10 canto. Positively n--Iul vn all In-wm on the W-tern cnntinont. Three rlmn-5 II prove thnt it is just. that vn.| mun. R.-uulnrnizs 75 cent: Go to vour loo-us will yn.l want. lie-zzuiarlizas 75 cent: your tlruugllll, Heath &. Gunu, wd Hoary \`Vulo. Ard mid by All drugginta. Like Qunkor Guns Artioinl Irelh are of hula use And until] devenud. The cure of the real ones. All ynu need in fragrant SOZODONF, I00 jc dni|y and your teeth will bu the hat of nn'.ure'I gun to {nil you. A Gun: FOR D1nHnnu.--Kn. Ellen R. Mason, wife of the B01. Punch MuIon,'l`mmghboo, Birlnuhmddz My I-m was taken violently sick with dipthorio, culd uhilla, burning fever Ind lure thrvul. I counted one muminu ton little veniolb in his thront, very white, sud hil tunuuo, towaris the root, just liko I Iutormelnn, full of smsdu; the rumlilldtl coltodll. thick 3- I kmfe bhde. I tried the Pain l.':l|...--. . n.-.-In mud fnuud itl-nu-ighlu (}|Lxm L1NmI:x'rlomDI: ov AMMONlA,l new md gr:-M. diucuvury, I remedy whole cm-nive a-if-cu aux-pun my thing hereto- fore placed before the public. No lunily can ahrd to be without I bottle, for all are alike liable to an attack of the ill: lot which it hu proved itself I Iovonign ro- mody. Iu eqnnl In: no! boon diuoovorod for the euro .1! rheumntiun, gout, dip- theria, pneumonia, eryllpolu, frnnleal limbs. sure thrust, bruiua of All kind: and wound: of every n_uuu--lndud, the lint. ul diseuen which is in uoolumondod to cure hn mu-co I limit. A`. . in ,, l,AAI n,__.. I n__ It tho , R|I'el'IidO,'. .;`.lU-'- ~`&'lI- gr; light wind blowing; IMO! hula main-1 unused: uni nnbdnl IU Ilulu LIII Iluu xv I uluu. 25 nud 50 per bottle. Agonu-J.Goo. King nnd llouh & Gunu. -A pmlnutnroplo cmzen or nompnu has just wedded I Min Hou. Ho doubt- leu look hot fur wbul or whoa. And took her on a bridle tour, of oourlo. Ho gn land to bus [Allen in luvs with Ilinl Huu by using her dark dd vi.nite--tb|t ' in he saw the mrte below the Hon. 7 If Ivnn hung I-man ninluina nr hmmllimt n he the mru boron use non. If you hue been picking or handling acid {nut and hue nuuud your hands, wuh them in clan um, wipe them. lightly, and while they no yet rnoint, strike 11 match, sud Illlll your hnndl nmundu, no u to cutch the unoko, And the stain Wlll diuppenr. _ I`Im arnnlnvel of the lnlcrooloninl the atam Wlll uluppenr. -The ernplnye: of the Railroad. enhruinod Ir. Brydaoo, General Superintendent, nt dinou at Munnlon, Mr. Bryduol in bold in high esteem by all the ofoerl nf the rsroad, became, while he inniutod on strict Mr kankinn to duty, he in than oonuidonto. Mon . Jngr; The our mnrllol In dull. the only 0 in quouuou: lrom yesterday bun nu; t lnney, which Is: lluln no-liar It! to 5.00; R in re nod that a 1.000 bbllot ofgpr 1:; sun tan Mu offrsrod :2. 4,80. And thus quotation: would In alluded to tnduoe human; than wu liulo buoineu done as buyers do not can up urcnua at prount. And no upootlng I dar inc, out In an-Ivln more Ironly; the receipt: today being `J hob. pmltouy Ildlcununr. --u ..........., In 1:. shut III nthomiu on, lbw Iholuomo rhzourml the hi on [buns when but: ttiod In bring discradit on n noble and manly Ip~n -- oo -~-__ Banh CC TolnnOo-140- 137 1-3 (' llhud - IU& 751'. H(:=r,m`| liuk- Lfiin. ,%. Hunk nlu Pnuula aid 76. 731-1 Momma Bank of '4lantreL|-lG'I 1-4. 108. Mon:huu' Bnk-~9I4 1-1 04 Bank on! l3omInorca -113. 1121-2. Ontario Bauk-ex div.. 8? 1-4. 80. Bush cl TolnnIIr-l40. 0"mu""':('3"-"i113"1`7l1" = olnnho- - ` Fouolhud Banbolnol. 7| 1 opo-un Hal-nu`: Bauk an Pwpla uknd Jwr ucn l`ulcI~--. (J (Jun no RAnk--(D. (II. Exchange Bonk-id. N. O. NODNVIJ Tol. Co-lN 3-6. 11412. UK) D0001. I`! Q mi Tc. U0 -d. U D on 1- if LEI. 'a?"' " " m.Lu..7` ..i on-nu. no. Bnynl Cnnnn I-Ur Cl-I. oniueg -TOT -A philanthropic citizen of Molnphil ml inst ununuuauuyul -so- (`Mitt-40. 1 no Bu\k-(X|, W. Jchnnwo Hunk-KI Inrl lnanodold he learnt by manu- fnl upcixo at Bali: the ulna ol spanking on bin Iild holy Ind boldly. Bonn il Ioglodhul duoo-o us uoboc xchnngo Hulk-id. W. C. IN! #99--v--- Ionvllu. ru-Ion nntllt. -v-- Ialntdl! lucid. Alla 39 ; lur Julia il,l`ol`.'l'orJIIy.9.Olor NIH-I 745:1: Ir. vlnlor 4 I2. I IO!`I'ulAl. IIOCI IAIIIV. ~""'o--._ C.I(Y`g. .m.'. 1-... In. '3' I. W: - Mound. J M. lull. ma nnlv It BI -yu ll W` u-u uvu--u oulduully only I|I|O 0015500 350 ____ _..- _.. ohm in-n pl...-4| -nnhl Montnd.JIly31. [-4. "Ii I!'**"=l all than lower than our cloud BODI- Kllpton. _ ` S4 WO0J)5; ,|.{ . sin." ` l0luedon-a Novel b Stephen Yuh, Ininn In 1] of t lrmllh I00 `endersonknokstme. A Buntiful Womm-by Loon Block. ICIL 1 I3 urn In-wu -uuu uucuuuuuu -- H000. us! In bpnaigihuod ruler (Nu nctld. lluvovalho op-`non, on Ihbpbtducduut and Manuals! auau noun quoul `un- Ihhlinulltyod It Iunonabocr jllncdlvnu-&|d,tnbubuIr ulpocandtnnlpl. duldloqu his I&hqn$pnht.'l'botribnouIopud toll. G&Iu-crane!-nvulhyol -nnnudndhn; Ilnnnnnmoh-I|.a_.. I I: live P0pinjny-by Tm|l0po,(fuurHI lup- ` pm.) me. Kilrogcn C.-tuna in Hu-pot : Library of Amcriotu Fiotiun. 500. lm Primrose Pnth-hy Mu. Oliplunhl 50: Edward Gibbon - 3 Memoir by J. O. Moriuou. Jdy nu. how we Rdud our B;by-pnpu 40. 8El.I.l||G AT 008T: Croquet, Henderson's Bookstore, J5": | Vocal & Instrumental ` hn lnppud. It all uh"--u chucld .4 .- IL- JAE-L Pnn:mIn limit an Inn: IlZHEAPl2LEAH|Nl}SALEI Henderson s Bookstore. We are littering the Following 13 0 0 ID 9 , 0088318. A hrthnd oomplom Stool at low prbu. HOBIIRY. 11330118. KID GLOVES. A most complete Block of an but main. SUNDRH. `V -~ 1- Collnru, Call. 1400 Ibollld Thu, India lull flu. Dina ulumulh Intuit! Nat ovlnl Iii M11. H A Inca Dunk dlnbn I-bl II unbnrg udlwhl light! all . Ivory Aruclc In our luaillnllid E- `no.1 Iulqn lnrlnn Ila (Qj COCK PIICDI IIVIZIIOIT or on (`yids n-I_.u1- can sunny no priu. Infa J. aAnnntn| Inthnu I noun ulg _._.I._. Kmgntou. July 30. I878. mnmj ` I TEN BENT MUSIC. wedon-a lupin; Do. 11.0! t lrunllh IQIIN Llbnrv. 100. npmg no. not Llbnry. mm! Annum man `TU It'll: W'- OICIII-suuulijwn-any 33% {hone nooxs v Dill. Gunilla and Alpaca. 931.33 I 0 Rod lolbduu. Inglbh ud Goran nukes. IKIIVUIEI A very large and oonpktgltoot. &ll'I`iu.DhnI b|Inu',I|I I New Novnluucl loipthu. suegoeugutcnuc. may -by Hon. Ira. FuIl1onUoII- I00. PR! NOE$ V STRIKE. INTI! tn Iqw --u-u nun vu- nun Ill I0! llatjuut duud would not L,_- L___`_.J II .II ..n..-. .L..-IA ANY QUANTI FY, PRINCESS STREET. Balls, Fans, }ll'llI`l'.W8l)I`I""'.0&'!' ` nun jlj j $........I..-I v Gmhd7'I;\;;IrPic-Nic wn1mn;.TJunvu.c. ~ Q-Ion Iiuliuuru-n=ou-not I ldvnlt ---= ......:.-.........A- . uuoullnulllpmubhahul Iuunhglnuna hruouohnhuh in-ohtnnnhul no Inn. The ncuustnunwillnllnt Forhnouth. no upu-tutu cllr-rtllli-`mu I30: I. in *-*...........---.-..~.-.-.:.a:..; 4-W VI lII'PII|l. u can --q--uu u--nun at --I the Bdthl Fromm : limit so in! 44? x :4 ___n-I _,_|_l -._-._- .'_ IlQlfI`IU`I_'K XIII lVl'IlCOI|I- II In laun- nn um um ' _y upiruuu ._..__.....~.-s._....____.._ .. =x9un_sIoi TH! lunar IA (ID will lava an retry Whulfuldolook. .l.clIu0oo0IIOotho `hound Inland Par . theme to Wat- nluut hrl.uI.ur|I.I: to tho furncr at luv .u.. nil vunlnhg all that the cushy section of tho Tompcnnoo Cunp Inning. can the Au -pic; of tho nnu. on mnnv, mm Aunusrf Tn: AM on will km .5. ruy "A Thousand Inland . mil all Itf the noun; Tompcnnoo Cunp l`l0KE l`8--500. Children undor 15. Q0. 9'...-.*-.-*.....'-'....-'2-.-..-.'~ am`-~%*~.;: shalom. n. n J ' u Inmrnl, nowu inf mm. By Ctooznnu` "hlA.D'b.n The Basic: vlll leave the Ferry Wlnrf :0 I91!) o'clock for Alenmlrla BIV.0llll[ at Walla [dud ud`VV_onlmm_ Ink. lg-n- _ tn; ubolltipn. ' TICIl`l`8-Adulh 50o ; (lhlldrun %c. In boohumod at the Boohtovu. u Ifolgor an Huxley : `Hutu OM00. Ind from lM.QQI|` mm. 4 V _ ' A -"..".",....... '..n'"...f...- vii an -sohnn-n cl In our: vaj ..A .5 agent` ...-anti. " ` ' m.A...... In Aid of the Organ Fu`ud of St. . Jamar Church, Kdnaalon, -3- Bottle: Kfving this Labol vi blowuonthoG1u::"Ph1lIp Damn I -_._ Bl-.. Tlngngbgn l\mO " Inglnuuu IJIUVVII VII luv Illlil. I Illll sq :- Inger Bier, Kinpton.0nt." belong to mo. 1 mu alum than when- ever found. Button Inning Inch bottle: in their possession whl plan not dinpou of thnm. K. A. EAIBAOI. Prlncnl Street, Kingston. lulu `ll. |I'II v --u uyuwvwy-~ ado urn In ovan. A. Lnucatux. July ml. January ~_._q........._._a.... ._.._ will nouuu no mlllluulnuxvu 70 other g hotter ulna than my hthodty. Alhloyl Isrtinh new block. Bu-you _l:or Snlg. mm nous India ma nmu. July as, ma. 'n;o tho Shh-c,0ollu and 11! trade of the atlas boosnu no muufutnru alum Iunlnr aging thgn Anv Or at nu.-an Iouidry. Jul; HI:-4. nu: cw non Illlnllcl 0: II!!! I00 :-|Ioou.o Tutu 13:4`. . Ihuu Ann`-ox duo `.~ -v- .-...x .. _ July 29. ms. , _.._; i5ifu.i grro` A V ....~-r--r M`: *3" g3g_..-:.LF9...".':ef'3.}"A..w nnjudu muslin. Will Fof sauz, .:1".5`!`.-',`E'%m 1. 1. Cu July mu. um. Doubly. Kingston, Jgly IO, IITI. `ml 1! W lmuolmci: on P:-tutu nun. nInIuIurd'olo-Ind.-g m'ijIZ_ in as idduqcnalvol bqpilty ditha OI TIIESDIV. IUGUST 6111. To wn'a.7sn:.nB. ......._.._. Notice. [OUIY 10501 In lnrgot on an mun. T IIIIDIICI OI L IIIIOIJT .T:.`.. noun-luou.o .4. ,n..u.i.n nun. ..._._..--v.-.~_. I. J. I. PIIII. Puunln. HAIIII r runs. 231 OIIITODUA . on cuyufna.` EXCURSION "5[I_CE.% -'rF-:H. 7 I'D-|IlI'I'-fVI FOR. SALE, ---an-Q-A nnjl 7ro7|.n. r manna:-`hung 7p H HUOBI: tn! Ind sad Appl tonic own-lhlll. W. unct`lhatund Bum Iu. H 'MVI'I W and all Q ~ \ `"1 no It. WDOIIUWI. ` noun umau. nnlnm And lnvoulnn W KT "'n3noux a co. UV! :1 lugs or nuull cums s. RAIITOI, On. bonu- In Islam. ` | and lnvmnul ll. Tulnojual An: `A. HD405- | `No. he 5 called] wnpliuout to him: udthio, coo-Ipou.iovuryhrhvu the ' imcnuonul an lchyuu. It inonnnun- ' ly nqoqld that tho 90-910 mm in u indlyuou rouonunna nu-in-I nu poliuul mrpuudo oi the Inc '1' -ry uVo , annual, and lnuld it has pour; that in the Ian qrnticutknal any the pooplo Installed Boo. Ir. Kahuna and hi: ' eollugun iutldr plugs-d onrpincu unkind than with I has-hone pnriiy nonury ocjwl-Icy. Ail shin, ncoounng In our noIul" ooulouporuy, in a po- pulu doluinu. It In all don by tho gnu Glob Diotolot. Tho pouplo won '1 sun dnpuu and tools tor the occompllnhn nont cl tho Alcoa-It : purpono than, as, It could appou, Ibo .111: at tbodnuindioaol Eoa.0om[o! Known to tie nhoio Illunt. yonfd, ii: Anon," nu in in nu nudugy. Too an-I into that III) bud III at had i`! bunks, Iii nth"! &' "lly Oil. t new Iron nulrm ul gold, in boon u'~ rooted sad b(ou`ht w Ina ugh: jur- ueo. Ono newuul ul the ih "cut 1 an In men "I9 pt.-and In annulus: 1 1|: ulna, IzI O Inn soon by Ohm _ Po on 5;-nc.;hq`t,[un`k Qn`nlug ice put 1: out $13 vhiql~Ihay`hod lid. and road to o ududcd lactic! I link nuulh of Form M--nvg uuoty, and lost the form -homo of the nun Pusan. Thou rwemb mung, it in l.ll)ll`bI 0-uofroln Ieiuil an opportunity [Dd uruck Enthu- :10 n heavy bl-n nu tho bud, and that A Itl.L'oaI.l in un ouuud, in which the victim : bonds and bud were out so uvndy. Ibohntivo Culltn, however, h--Id: my opinion am. who; they lnud-ad to ooooul the goods the but smut lute but thin. IQ pmblbly when the good: run dcoouiui! lhl mu-posting can but our the trunk, and than the murderous docile Ih`ch hnd been nnkling in Cowolmhfn mnl for months. bunt III rcltnint. uni mu, _, .. vviuu -"--. --v Pronict And ollc Gonrnnonl WP` ,. L ` _ _. ... ...... . Inn (ha pou nun own --w, mu .... ides ol yopuhrgonnnncnt in tho mic In :1] 5 doluuon ud nuuu. Thocounuy. government and All po-'p|0, are grinding undcts Continual that wont 9-cable ducription, I001 than my kngxblo dupodun bane of the iupdpublo vny in thus}: the tyrant sup bornud tho ....... -_.a _... 9.. ......u..o inunihla In Ihlll IIO Syfllli Ill ! In-lulu -no uouuoc, And nu. by mum:-t inudble vim, tho gonna;-ul machine. The Hon. G-so. Broil: has been credited with In inpotuudty which hu led sons of his enemies to not him donn u a govornuunlnl iupouibomy." Tno Tte~ vrmn, for on, dinputu tho fuliwy, and thou um with an uunoneu shut has in pnnllol In: I Inoouu. and which in cuully inauupnihlo with the impulsive ruhnou which Tory or-iuos hue um- . bulod In hid, the Hun. G50. Bfulll in tho grout-as pop-du manip-nluur ol tho ugo, lhnt. In ml: the po-pie through an nllogod but quite lictiziuua [IIVrl lI- lllunl. than G-vrruorouonl, the Minu- sry and Lie puliuncntary lntjority being oquully Ibo nut-vunu-nu which jump n he III] ohouu to jerk the string. Out of rognrd to Hon. Mr. Brown, {or Ilh--I6 union to tho country In also unlerum tho [luau ulnintion, we hug to spoil no larva a oooplimonl. Truth Ind the hat: oolnpol In to shun, banner, that Globe idolatry in in thin instance carried our oontnmpunry ton fair. [I in two much tn ho true. The po vplu of Cnnndn W are not Inch fool: or Inch tool: u the opinion of the Telegram on Moan. Brown and Ihokoiuio would mislead - the Cnnadiuu pooph to Illppolo. l mu ourmni Tnjfnns succsssom ` thet a moneter exouleinn of all the muni- The recent ennouncement of the Lon- don mu, to the elf.-ot thet Lord Dulle- riu had declined en exteneion of hi: term 0! ooe ee Governor-Generel. cre- ated no eulprlee in Cenede, ineemuch al Hie Excellency, on the oooaeiou of hie lete rec-ption et llerverd Uuivereity,hed elated hie intentinn of returning to E: [- lend in the coming September. (10 where he might, the Ueuedien people would be eere ta hope (or e deferment ol hie departure, eo thoroughly hee he etveched ell parliu of our population to hie pareon end regime. Ingenuity in on the rule fur eonle unueual meene of tee- tifying to the epproeiatien and edmira- tion of the Oanediane tn their retiring ruler, ee witneee the remnt euggeetiun cipal bodiee ehonhl r-peir to Quebec, inure to pay the reepeele of the people to Hie Excellency on the eve of Me depart ure lr-rm our ehuree. 00 when he will he will carry with him the hearty good wiehee fur hineell end Led] Dulferin ol the tour inilliune M Brltieh American oolouiete whu have leeret to appreniete their worth, and who will follow their Iuture nereer with en unwening intereet. We doubt not that thle feeling will be recipruceted and rcqulted by the intereel. which Lvrd Duleriu will eontinue to lelio in Oenadiea eeire, and that, though re- muved iron out Inidet, Earl Dnorin, among the governing and inuential cleeeee at ho-e, will ever eontmue to be the repreeentetive lrieed of Oenede in the heert ol the Britieh Empire. In tehleg leave ol Ceuede'e moet popu- ler end eueoeeefnl Gaveruor-General, euriueity hen neterally =enongh been on the qui eiee an to he euwreeu That feeling he been to e large extent ella, ed he the oebleglen at yeetenley, to the el- lect. that the larqeie of Lorne ie the ounaing nean. In the epeonlatiou which hee he-niednlged in in regard to the next Governor Geesnl ol Canada, Dame Ruinonr made pretty lree with the nenee ul Her Mejntfe eone. There erw eorne reaeone ehy the eppeintnent of a Royal Prinu would have proved very pleeeile eed lettering to the Oenadien l>"Pl'3 but there are eoete euntra er\neid- efetloue 3 well. Without etopping to y enuieereteone or the other. we will la- I: mark that the Irilieh Government bee r done a wine thing byeouproinieing the matter end eeedieg the Queen'e eonin. lewtoreleover ee Warn will be the greeting whleh will weleo-e to Canada our eonieq Govereue. eut merely on hie own eoenwnt, helhedeeehe will he ee- e enopaeietl by oeeolehe deuglnenol Her i. I jeel\yQneee Vietnr-in Were enything ....|..a e. 1.. eh. Lnglee ..l n....u... in )--vv---- '---- '---- -J----I add to In the loyalty ol Canadian burhtlninfnuuloosvoold not than all Juno with devotion to thu atom: in cuchuuoptoudtochiu ndcobout Lbutlcndahthohtighutpn. UCJXII lit-'-JlIU lull l:`fIhd!b`* oaty : .1.n- -1--A-Ali kn:-1 if l-Uj|UI'IIIII I-wit I-Iv--Iyu uu` !5OC .ln]1db*C it not shoh:IdIhoyo,oCuuutu>-o:- row. fhonalnbo vuyuhuim ly gdudntn K sttucliuu Donald spoddbzuil. oannoloohuow _.....:-n and An 5::-gal AL-n Hg St Omllfl HCD.-The annual n :1 _.L.__--_ .1 .L_ .&~ n-____v_ n, ...._ ..-~,, ,, ,` mud, viotiufntondn 1 4 Had ` ` mu-pooling ` until the murderer thought. it at an uh when no good: VIII cu-puuuu uu-u-pectin; uoul for months, the murder Ill committed. Tn: ounm- b uion on tho hi 0! the 3' would gnu loom to have boon inieud'\vho'n the victim in in a ntnopod pogiun, 1: i. thougnt the bud; Ill than dnuid 1 the: water nod loved out into tho um. duuuce, And then it In 10. nu nun, who was at. -no time In the norviro of 3 lawyer In thu coly, ll said to hair: I auto ` ..! drrp nor:-ua at the crime with which her huolnm! in olmtgud. Both prolull tho Rnmnn Unthollc niigion. INTIBVKIWINO `nu PBIIONII. Tim priuvnur us not Us but 0- hnruoll nitor hin_ nnivll 0% tin pwlnoo ` autumn Shortly Ihf hnving been lock- ed upln his cellhro rnl (at Mr C 0 Purmnit, the Ftr-och Vice-Consul, whats Mview ho obuinnd in ralwnncolo Iowan] xnsunn nnd than nut in loan! oounll. .Dumug Lha nfusru-mu nod evening he Ivu nncetviewm by raprrswnutiventmn nearly all me Engli-h nuwnpnpern, With Ihmn he ounverled more or Ian irooly. u Val engaged in cnnvanauon with Mr. Porrnnlt and Mr. R-pbidnux, of the rm ..l l'\....n-n [Tantra & Rubidoul. hi! oozox The failure nl tho St. Andrew : Society -1 Ulluu 14! pt up their contemplntod -nnoial I--umuuut is unly nnothu prom ol the well known [not that um public ounldonos anus be qnllod Iilh un- puoity. Not that the Above wciaty hu ` been guilty ul my Inch impr--priety or in likely in be. The inn:-cont often suffer ant and toe the puny, md thin II lhc Oust: B--do-y`: prount mm!--nuns The gigantic lnud porpvlruod by tho Hound manager: In no -uhonod the public wnlblou In All such entovpnooa that the Hulda and mutual Ioeudon can not to pauuod-d to go upon lhtt pruvod to ha, in tho use at the Momma` Jnhilau, I loci : crnod. All my Inn ghoutnodoullllluoollllbobonada I III. AIIIIIOI I-0'0!) ol Ottnln, bu`, dlqubtl II In the cloud oonpomon at tho Ido Dormant. is will nut be po-oihln In than to moon: uuh.-iun`. outhdnoc It I lililnl vontnn lot some unob cons. Ivory hand in not only I dun! injury to ihiunodhu victim in dopduo any a rally donning ob judo! publiooolldooco and uppott. Porn-nlt And Mr. tcumunux, or me arm 1:! Duulre. Duntres & Rubidoux, cuuuoal, up-In the nrrivsl uf -=ur repurwr. II. In night, and the llghtlnone clearly thruugh the Iron bar: on the wrcstched luau : cell, rmealnng n tell-dre.-lad and uuuuewlun. ourpulum. mm of About funy you`: 0| uga. mnupnm A BAR uucarnnu A nan ulthecellin either bun] ho wmchod t'l_'I-rly fur some word of cnmfors from his counsel. Tbrunuh the courtesy uf Mr n_-.....1. nauunl numlion: nut. the counsel. '1'nr-.n.4n me couruuy m an Perrault, seven] queulious put prinonor, who spoke nu Engluh Apparent- Iy, were interpreted. Ho u-ted that he became ncquuintad with the murdered mun nbuut fteen mo 4h! ago in the houlo of I fell--w-cnunuyunan, Mr. Bor- dnnnnir, of Vntre street, and he and de- ceased became very grout friends. Tho prim-nor Ill reticent throughout. and Appeared tn lavur convqrunon with his cuuuuel rulher than wuh member: of the prnu. Eu-her in the day he gun an ac- count of his action: up to 'l`.audny even- a... ...|m-1. nan.-rdad iutha main wnth the of mu Iccmm no 1 nanny oven- ing, which accurded reporu primed, but he would go no lur- lher until he law In: counsel, who, of cuurrv, tnld him to keep quiet. The prinouer will attempt -In I-vnulm AN ALIII. nnqvuu w... _ ......r. TOPKIUVB AN ALIII, and to chargo the crime on the pedlnr to whom he intruduood dooouod. Detec- |i\ e Cullen, whn no cleverly effected the arrest, Wlll probably pr-posed At. once to find uut. lhe exact Icons where the tune- dy occurr-ad, and which, undoubtedly, was on land, and not on the rivrr, and work up the other dohlla uf the cue. vruu nnnilll nl TIII IYRIRII. smugglers un Nun ooonmon (:1 lane aa- c--rdmg to the statement of Mr. Nichols, Cllm-n1 House oiaer) nicer luring met at. Luoolla, took a boat, plncul in N. the lurua trunk and value belon mg to Mr themn, sud proceeded up L river Lu- wardu Rouse`: Puiut. 0n the '1 up they ntnppod It A nocluded spot. on Ana- dmn ternwry. nut Fart Muutgmnory. where they conceded their g-hodl In I bush nnd then continued on choir OOIIIIO ... oi... pnlt uh-ninv that (Moudu) 'lI DUIHI Ur Ln. unusua- Lnoolle in about town mile: from Rouse : Point, which is it-lelf about two Imlal across the boundary line. Tho thin (M. lent Io- n.-rdlnu ulgnl ll. U6 Ularlmul. nguu uu nuan- dny night the two nuodwon} on the piur in I bout, 0 I.-amibly for Lnculle, but really lu the Opal nur Port. Muutgnmory wuure the go-1| wore hid, vim the ub- jact, Nxchulo brlievod, of having them slnllgqled nornu the border in the night. It no Iuppuled they landed At. this up-pt. llld (hit :0. thin time the fou-lnl tragedy was ouuumnued. and nut Ooutulrulu throw the mnnglod body 0! his vicum mm the rivor, undo! the In on thug his work would be hit! 5 II] otomly long tune to enable him to flee the country. ..._. ... _.... ..-.u.. an -nu nnd than oontmuod mnr comic to thu Point, sleeping that (Monday) night H. De Marshal ; Again on Tues- 1. .- .........-...l um lmmlml At. thin nnut, 'hulnohItonuu1.up.-. Dilute` Hal -I In omo-luo--" nu-'.'}u,'..'"`' M` Inn Into!!! lad ..L..7;.... - -"'=*'-- - DIM:-_. , Eu-ly thin morning Doloctlvo `Quon ~ nude Iuuthel discovery which will be ` unad u pl-out ol C~vobofrulu'a guilt. On oxlmining one u! hi: boob. ii. In found 4 lo M bonmurod with blood. Dunn: the morning number: of people, many prom ved by cunuciiy, came to tho Cen- trnl Iulico S auun to no the prinner, and many in. no -dmiltod to the cell. He IA, Illh his buou nil`, And refund to spank tnuuymu. Hi: {Ice in partially mnculod nndnr his arm, and ooouinnnlly ho rooilouly shifted hie position, -ud uh with hll lop cruuoi, Ihilo I | cyan gaud enrneuly at the vmt-in. Bounl guru were undo lo inducu him to antor mm some canreruli-in, but they taro lulik, an In an-and hnc shortly, sud would um move from MA position, After some moment: I print. this Rev. Father Anny, rllltfod nnd Ippmuched the door "(the cell. Contlrnlnx on toning him ruined himull up, sud ndunood fun-curd to moat him. Pntlur Au` oddronod 0 You words to bin III 7 : You an, i-ul-4.! in Inna! n-rntlnl llllfifm. IE1 low total I0 II` III II'-cI : "up: It, indud, in am: uormnl smucion. Inc plan more] from God; He In tho only on tho can dn anything for you not." The prisoner, who in shading at the itch door o! his call, held 3 Inc in out band. uni In the ouunnol 0! his Ipintul Idvinor nplird ennlq-ly. "Ya, 1 km: It." hum Anny than vishdpt, And the wretched mun runmod In lorupr position on the oor ol the ulL `pong than via time! It: during the nnrninl no Iloduno Bwrdomor and than Ila mu IIQ cu-sq nu morning run her non, who. is in and, Inn indoood no man out front _ loud! hon Ccuufnlu lb : #41 ab cum I-.- | 5; null oinan I at his." II is thy noun shuhinnhjouniodcdng hnilyto enauw cud; run but he -gum than aloha:-nu. Thin. hunt. h qnly emajoctnro. Tho pvisolct X G kind no joint o--rneu ol laps Ro- bidrux ndSt. Hone. Ii-aahgnhnnndpn -nalij nint- UVIICIT D frog` the cell, ' an n hilruxulat. horn. Pun`dooIhnutvdnInMiculubqv- lag balm-4 Pjbo prbau Ida Mid muhiniv` I t J Ho -urdond -sAn~nouondo'itht of un- |dunoUauouuuodur. sh-duh ...-..... .1 Lad-a has -'-lav nun-I cult!) r , Lx._ II I. :_ .L-__L. L- BRITlWB_I!_% WHIG, 'l`t~`ESDAY.` T JULY 1_-8'78. Inonulrium lo Lutzlpu. UV?` -5 Idbl ex lfyphuil four in tho_ um: use an upset iuull. -1 Kim l$IU'll,IIUU,vIJu. uv cu tn has con, -y~A un o! B, De gout In ahp shin Polit- unnd ItilL -`l`ho ohriuo ol -lroaso St. Aug still continue: In draw Imnmuo I3! of pI|xI'iIII- ,. ; . -'l`nmiI 5 world ol second hl III`. P"I|`"in.. I dhpo. - utoinnvor o Iocon Every pro- ili In bnonun otht |nIluI'I Itoothoart. nut; pnq gun` u IdluI'n _.Ac. dun Ali Iulluun Iuoolholrl. -_oAI. lib Kittigulnlion 0! HI Tocmo University ueuty-one Indian fl 550` luoal exmuinaliun. . . V _An '11-: mAn Ihn laid: n E I -An 19': nun who town i Q I also-gnu noting` inn not `pal pay in pnyorl. . -`l`no Telegraph Coupny ` `hu duck.-ed udivdud '0! thus pot cent (or too halt year. ..Iu.-mm umh at mud in taken out (or we Inn -.lb,M) north `old 0' than xnmu in the County of Buuco. Ono . Inn Ink- ' Que, Ins wool. _ - l`ipton, lows, sdninu anon: in `nnmeruun mum:-r nttruation I pig with Oixht lop,.two Inch, md one head. - Iulklnx Inuclual 'fIpI`hIInb|tl.I:;c-5.14: ; In Baotou`: Pwlw.-loan Inn at 10, ILI, I. I, Iullpn. . [Jun In to have Julnnx |lIIlII,(II unlu. unuut time. Thu dinunee `a :4 he walked In 128 ho-In -BooheItor ouulum-0 5,000,(X)0 gnllona of Holnlock Luke Inter per dny. but very lulo _of thu. amount in med by Ruoludu Odilon. m `I ,..:--s...... 55.- .....I.. -..r.m `.-iru KMIIIIIIIK Vuuunu. -St. L:-uinbout the unly weom-n bllfy that hu hnl Ihu c.-local cheek tho yur Lo claim that itinn denirublo summer -.....-O rclurt. -An the doctors uunter by the fruit- ntludu sud --baervo the nmnll boy nl {hr poriod purchasing gr--on npglea, n deep ills thnir uoulm -Yc|Iow fever team! '0 be spreading Illa lllllr noun -Yc|Iow spreading in the S.-uthurn Batu, Viokobum being the luau plwe. --A Iueoudv gunned brua foundry in am most. place. -A Neoudy foundry Gnlt. Out, hu jut added the m-mu {nature of lock: and unail lnsruwaru generally. - |`tm woodnun Thundur Cape Iota generally. ~'|`tui wood: nu Capo recently on lite, and nimilnr forest tirua an ruling all Along the shares of [`nun.lor Bay. -The Hun. Mr. Muck-nzie has in Bay. I . Muck-nznu III npected the wall: and fnrlilic-Atiulm oi Quubec, and tinda the wurk proceeding L00 Iluw. TL- nial Anni-nvnnnlinn fur thn (X- Iluw. 1 -TIu mm approynanon for the c-:(- I hnbiunu buildunga in Toronto was $l05,- 000. Thu buildmga are rnpxdly guiung nu up. ' -The bumble beudld nut appear until the you 930 A.D Trmrefuns all Lhil talk [bout the llmlelll-I having any fun in the lIlOPnCt nomame. _l'.nn-rl Nnmnr nf MAnd4ln. and the the --Lord Napner, of Magddn. and Mnrquu of Lorna W1 servo nn the Cumcil of the Military Oollege at Oxford Univormy -in Enulmd. -.-A In: can I! cumimz on in Englnud `fondue In Invited by Oournnont ud- nnhcooot lat thoouuuuotiun ol the Pail: Inow; botuoou Lon saporio, and the Pauli Oman. Much tine km 500 I-fill] coat in the pnlimisly urvoyouud the ovum I locluon utroau and who will any. in 4 mnun ol Iuols -uncut. that at in not well to make $0 daily? Although tho lulhnum duh: may an-your pr-mi nu onto Ibo qluliuu viii I Guurununl which did MA inutd Io plunp the country into hupolno bankruptcy, y--1 we any be `In tho Dork ul conutuctu-m II uuv an idely Ind doodly an Thu Ipproumutc coat of the whole time will, it in and, be known by December non. ---- Univonuy -In l'.`nu|..nd. ---A luv can coming Englnui whxoh vnll excue a greater degree of at- tontion thnn Any that has been known Iiuoothe Tmhborue trial. 4'l`h..-.. inn : Ikl muwh fuqn made over Iiuoothe Tmhborue mu. --'[`here isn't. an umch fuss made over the ilnuguntiun ufa boy's Kim. paula pocket. on thqro in uVd' the laying of a corner atone but there nremure thing: put in it. --'1 he row nbouttho Separate School in it. Separate fund in Toronto is gsttiug canons. It is roported that roam uf the money mu been illegally taken away for other purpoaea. -When you look around you at you church, during a dull sermon, dnu'L you nd It dzicult to realize that Lhuuuands olpooplo die every your for sum of sleep? Dh..-l;.H:- nlm-numnn in I1`.nulAr.d are Ileapv -Rltunliatic clergyman in Elmlnnd are advocating diuentnblnnbment. Neverthe- leu those of them who are in pnuelsiuu ol living: hung on to them with all the tenacity possible. -'l`hu Onmzemen in Ireland hine tenacity pusaxbla. Onngemen guaranteed 10,000 toward: taking the question of thelegnlity of the Order be- fore the Privy Council. -Tho Wuuusru Fair. in tn be held in Lmdun on the 30th September, nnd lat, 2nd, and 3rd October. t`\....I....l -..MI.nn.In.- in nrnnnunnnrl 2nd, sud iird Uctnber. ---C--okod rauleamkel is pronounced an excellent remedy for lrprony. You pay: your mono] and you ttka yuur choice. A: fur I]! give: us leprosy. -Nu use bringing chimpanzee: to this country. The atmosphere in bad on thou, and they can't. qumpew with the yuunz nun who part: In: hair in the middle. -----vooo 10 the Editor of U-|:;rd!iaII Whig. Sm,-I hue just l~~v.urne.l from camp- ing out, And have hand msny bittur oumplaints, undo by the farrnarl and ulhurl lbolll the Whu|eI|l:e, wuteful und melon uluughtorof nh, prpeI.n(- ed by themoul nets. `:1-pop now are olpocully destructive. One farmer tuld me he Ind 8001] thew not: down in onu plus in the river lince enrly lprlng up so It h__in three week; :50. Lnrgo And nmdlnh are thus trapped. vhelnrgut ulna to inurket, the amnllest either thrown to rot. upun the Ihore or taken to food but. e named in HM swine thus od produce n vary diagno- QHI ti. VHO ! lot. only tutu sud oaol Inky. but that the htpu-to! in hu-nn inn... nilv mutter I was told Aoalexmulnauun. -An [qua who sold: I} n........- anal.--' niiun mph null. nan Willa in Oundn than in Int tgric-ll tun! luplooonh I dumud no run that l tho I\.ndIn;" Innuhoturen of them aux : to "dnlnlo" through their otdou MI Iupoly tho demand, in tho Uulnd Eldon mob: of man In ougqod in riding upon tho (ulna And fuotunu Inddinhhhhgshlnplouunu u the ` Ilhgod unit 0! doprlving than 0! In- bout. In car county. unprouctad by n blood ptohibitory lull. not only no lnpkuonu but an in great demand for All ootuollun Ishour. Neither men n vr Inchinos onongh can be Ind tr gu- IN! the bountouuu haven, so much an )8 pct day bung quoted at the prion ound in Iona lootlitho for hrm In bouron. On tho other Iide the unem- ployed lundl An wrecking vanguuce on the machine: so the mum of thou- duuulution. And you that u the country 0! whose undo policy that ohhe Tory puny in Cuudn ll I wretched And indel- mbb mnlory.