LIAIJZ. Y CAIRIAGEI have bean in combat nu I bhprlnu gentlemen and by the Princess Street vary, to whloh I Am pleuod to refer u to the general character of my work. .. n,. Onr Ruth, by Mn. Prentiss. 75 The Home M. Groyloolr, by Mrs. Prentiss. ` 76 oentl. ` l`nvolyan a Life and Lotion of Macaulay. I100. English Men of LettarI-8catt, Johnlou and Gibbons. Each 75c. I-v .....-.... ....-._...... V. ..J ..-._. I Chguun mud fr dnnb'l't ,onm f0l'l. lC{.. and good ni:h,:nd I am] 1: Ie the M fun when duh-ad other Can-hue: than than ropnuntod in my Wuraroomm I Print an low no the In-koc Mn ntforvl. Ieplng in all no hrnohnut reuouble nu- ROBINSON IIIIIIIII II. - IIIOITD-A |mmm ruorqcnmsj I John Ploughmufs Talk, bySpurgeon. 30 luau nu-go: 171 and nm.1d.' '00 pnrcllul npplyto F`. J. GEORGE, The Originnl Robinson Crusoe. 60. DiAm--by the IIIMIOI` of tho "Wide Wide World. 81. H||hIn'I Constitutional llinturynf Eng- lcnd. 81.60. |J'ohn Henderson I PRINCESS STREET. "Aug 28th, 1878. ITO mm 3 cAnn|nEu| ilctqyoul. Paul. Wuo Colon d Ink panama when ueol'|'ut. -hIhI vhlnold Plotununlnrpd uolonluhuuzlvo uocdl. Ihnnen of Modern Society. 75c. Near to Nature : Heart, by R00. 300. Indigestion and Diet-by Dr. Dewar--n capital book on these subjects. 60. IIAVI IBDIID BAKING. AND WILL but u had u 01; than |sHLooN and uAv|s.| I _ I . A pk REQUIRED FOR I mus All) mm: 8BIl00l8 | Miscellaneous Books RECEIVED. Bible Word: for Birthdnyn-ndnily Text Book, with Blmk Loaves. 45. ,Books and Stationery] lJo'ot'I New Primer of the History of Cuudn. 30oantn. CAlkin'| New Junior Goornphy, unhar- lud for the PublioSc 001:. we. Jaunansousl Ladies 'l;ake Notice !! Aug2hd. Inc-on : Guncnl Sketch of European History. New Edition with Mnpn and Index. 81. Edith Thompson : intory ol Enxlan Nov Cnmdim Edition. nutboriud. `MW scum mmxsl l3ii0'ilicRAPiLi:.e chill old Picture: oulnudobuliglvo nnnnnnv unnnw liva- tn:-by the NIH World. 01. `III!!! I UODIIIHII. $1.60. Drntl July . Pouulrv CHEAP BOOK STORE. III 130' FFIIIOI OI Quudt. 30cents. Atithmotics. Spelling Boolu, Grumman, ( ieographiel, nu VV - .L\l\.l.LJ.I.A` k3\J UIIICIIC I10. IIIOITOIA `I 3:! . llII\ "I'll-?D|)IOI1'I unuory OI l.'Ilj(|Ill. Canadian Edition, nuthoriud. 86 cents. COIVII IVORY TIP . PCIIIIOUTI KINGSTON. CANADA. SATURDAY EVENING AUGUST :31 107.. n. svvrmns or And all other HAVING LEASED THE PREMISES NOW OCCUPIED AS A CLOTHING Store, three doors from Wellington Street, next door to Gage : Bram, Jeweller: offer: the WHOLE OF HIS STOCK for the balance of this month It A GREA1` SACRIFICE, to make room for one of the largest Fell Stocks ever imported Into this city, which will be OPENED OUT IN HIS NEW STORE ON bth DAY SEPTEMBER NEW YORK CLOTHING STORE, BROOK STREET, Four_3o_ Market. Square. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW AND SPLENDID STOCK OF Boowh, En link and Canadian Goods, auitnblo for the lI`nllT which will be oilend AT THE VERY WEST PRICES. We are enabled In do so, hnv ng bought the antiro Stock lor ouh Ind promino to we those wh ) will favor us with 3 call the benet of ll. 8 coin! attention given to the Order rule. Our Goods lnviu been well uloohod, will be loun in be .i.4.x... In nnnlltv and mm In -mo. 5` Thou intend nz ordering Enito will nd no dimuultv urdia}1%uthi1Ig. " FALTITREDEL Ready-lads B1othing_ .__oo___ NEW G-GODS Order Trude. Our Goods lnvln been well noloowu, Um: no mum: to ma oholoeklln quality Ind new In Ag)` n otdorin COMPLETE FOCK 0 IIADY IADE lo0`l`ll- ` mm: In nood choice. I` ` lN(} Hutu. I a. Gent`: Fulxighing Goodn. Rubber Conn. Umbrella Trunk; and other (looth cuunlly mum] in our on Mnhlnut. Q DON"l` FAII4 1'0 `GIVE `US A (IALL. C IInIE\l1\1I 0rder'l`rndo. U I l I ulltynd owl tl. ?.:`. ...fa.'i..'.`. good "...i's... s-`dig 4?: Ourpeu, Stair Oil Cloths and Linens, Onrtsin Sam in Lace and Nut N .B.- Thin in A splendid opportunity for cull buyers to secure Bugninl, as Good: will never ha so chomp an bhoyu-o at the present time. Come early one nnd ulL LIVERPOOL HOUSE, PRINCESS STRE .` nf'l_J Grey cottons, White Oottonrlnd Prints to be Sold st very Low Prices I IIIIAIII. lhllnlli. IIIlj UZ'IlUuI-I:IIu$ an all !-btfI-IIpU)Ili. I you-n-. cauu us.-am , I5 -and tbnvunnhlt 3 ...i'u`t" uu3'a.g-g-a." -Ian-9"." V . -. 11 - q-:1: scanning Iu_1..-___. 3L..- -1. Pleasant Beside: FOR 34.:-:. REMOVAL SALE AT LIVERPOOL HOUSE. And the Auortnont 0! Shooting. Pillow Cottom, ckinp, Table Linens, Crotonu, Furniture Cotton: and llollsudu; with the bahnco on hand of our iios's's, rrmoeu Street, nblfl lYI`I'V IIIYFIT. HAVING PUROHABBD HIAVILY FOR. THE FALL TRADE ` run-fornvltoutvowloolthuoou lath] nun grunt I: llllau: nu. ---u--u-. ...._. Mtllltcnblorloo orlu eon. Inland. on 0l:- mun . . Dr. IIIIDIIOB--l lo 7' wad door above Dr. Y1: New Black CaisI1meres-all Wool, 50, 60, 70, 75 and 90. New Colored CaahnIeres-all Wool, 50, 60, 70. 75 and 900, New Black (Eros Grain sllks---$l.00, L25, L50, L75 and 2.00, New Colored Silks---Beautiful Shades. New Colored Batlns, all Cut on Bias tor Trllnmlng. |o:EE:E:A.:E> s- lyunnbdap l|Il&5&l ty. Ereat Clearing [lul S_a]t_: uf Domestic oods. A P- I-I_A_IR'I'Y' S. 38510 to commonoo at the old Store on Saturday. August am. ' ....u .......... ...u n.- o-.. m...L. ..-. nlannul mat. u! Gnndn ne nun-bed down IIIBII ho. 3'BlD I0 commcnw II HI! mu awn! `Ill vuunu-g. zljlsuu want: And Ibooatinm until the we Stoahuo cleared out. Our Goods are low their oliginul cost. All wo uh of the public in to come And no on Block nd tho prions g,_ sud than judge for thnnuelvu lane Prlce Agkci and No Less Taken.` A GRANDVOLE'AR|NG OUT SALE Ali! OIDBING UP THIIB BIHFCH STOW! ON PRINCESS B`l'l'll'l' ON zuhnughnanns-nn.anIh:th-dvuvhhnluudthsnlum Aug. 19, I878. I-an-Juana` Aug 28, 187 8. Aug 28, 1878. Aug 22nd, 1878. i-on 1-wo wnnxs Lonann To boclcuod out In the not! ten days IGIGIQO Sacrice inotdlttoolole the department. 03!] at (man, noun I chojoo, md In guannuo you the but bcranilloltlloltuon. I. E. SPIIIIS. 0.0.8.. L.D.S .I IIL'Il'l'. 07710! AID IIIIDIICE. Prlneou Rt, um loaned nd lydouluu stream. ninth: pail totlo col-rooting or it IMO: Ibo mm 0.lU ' .._......._.._......__.__...__.._ , __._ ;- . A. RI UILFEING U! THIIII ISEIIUII tholutof hopnnut ch.-(lull-gu ` 1: titlo Oldie shove mentioned Good: ntprlou that IOVOI luvebeon noon in Kingston. .1. --t. I, aonvslgq-nlshugs. :M:cNAUG:EI'::'c >N 65 CO. Clothing II. LOVVNDES :_,-'0 IIIIAIII. IlIlAI'l'..i }l-LI`jInnnoou, SPECIAL BARGAINS ! I-C -Ill .1 -I-ls. ww Mill) IIDAVILY FUN: 111$ l'Al.aIa ' rmufarnovltoakwowloonthuoou` R. WALDRON. Wilson's Buildinos. i"I`ii'__g_IAar. I ~LlllIl_l__ rumsu lclilounovo Ihoclty Iota. llupcu. - - - - "L - rergusozrs Block. 2- - -.-.:,-v. _. V. 7 . IIOCI 51:321. nu Dun ah: (ha Iorlol lqu ; IS OFFERING pa-u lat tohnnlhdrnu n|unlb'db hllrvlqlaonz _..__.nn -....-_a.n.S-Iunngat PHO.'l.'0I-R.ll'BS.| Alvllll UP10_I#hiIlh .. _ .__. _-_-,_ L A_____ n_. nn_ n_L_. __._ ..r,-- .7 . $Iun-Ic-scalp-nan.c:uahv' MA *`- nihlmnluu H. H]iND_l_I__0N. I'!-| JIVKCI McNAUGHTON & CO.. Conan Klxo um Pnntcsss STIIIT. j_ uvn I rnlu Iv ulvu vu n vnuu Z. --p-vuuw--.---u 'o.'T.'.. noun. ..a.;.... hulbcphlhuoll l'KlJ!Ul ITTIIT U n lurk this in Iqeu II I.lhlnkd~ 0%"-5'9 [ If you want Shirts tontgo F `to Ashley`: shirt Factory. Thla Collo 0 has A large And elolent Su of ll'Ifr0`IIlq.0IOh6Pl and provide: 5 thomngln training in tho Enxllain langluuo and [Atom- the Mntlaemncloal and Nntuml Bcienoeo. It. an 0 offer: spools! ndvmnngna for tha atudy of Music and the Fine Arts. For Pmnnnnlznn and fnrthar inlnnnnlzinn, of Music and the Fine For Pronpontlu And further information, npply to the Pnucipnl or In JOHN DICKIE.` |omwA LAQ!ES' comes] (`onservato;j of lluslc, RE-OPENS SEPT. 4TH. REV. A. F. KEMP, L.L.D., PrinoipAL ol nut-ulua Tenohen and provide: thomngb training in tho Lu. up ture. in Ancient. Modern 5: on, Anal in the Mntlaemucloal and Nntunl ienou. olfan snocinl ndvnnnmm (or am ntndv IL gauge in Quebec wishes to form I. Fr:-nob Clan. `Pupils nu be taught tuned with Me in I course of twelve lellope. For hum: epply It thin otlco, till September It. " `t'1 deal`:-at-L an up thin olloo, till Bowmbor ht. . .-Printo hut:-Iouon will be given I! desired, on reuonablo norms. Kingston, Aug l7ch, I878. N theouthwut unite! Lot 24 in tl bth Uonocuion o the Township of Ling non, ctmtdnlng 50 Acre: of ood cultiv..u Land. Thereon um two Dwel lug Houses, (on ') four Well: 0! water, and 4 Acnn or` u ' . in condition. with fruit. Than I: [ma nnw , lntnlv lI1C,lllA IDILP ILA a M. Qi IV . ATIOIIIY-A~l..AW 80- nwmuuu. ornuumm. bu... on I Dr. Churn D:-I; Dun. Iabl. DI. Urehlrd. in condition. with (run. '1 nun In one mm . lately Ivn.llt,Ilse 40:48, the but In the Township. l'hlI nimble Prop-xrlvy In Iltuntod near the Perth Road, in miles {mm Klnnmn. The nrnnartvmn bu man has- ed b paying onethlrd da wn. For fnrthor pu- tlcngn no u ternuor ot;1crwloo. apply! tho owner, wu. mvm, (map Inhr. Prlnouu Inna. u-Ion I 1' All the aot_:y oflllpuml BIOOID mm CIDIIIIO cl vul Inn that Intel CH IIAVIII |'n us Iarsraupatvaur-.| % vuvin'gunmq,oannnu-I ; I gun-nu-ypt-nun! Be mn"b':n'c 0'9" m In 0 n ou.xn' o I` I I1 ! Aoonsbluuon of llerlc and Vonl&c`gsuI. -13` 3 Ilghly llodlcuod uten an an I the Above that lold IK all Viola-Ia Ind .2'.oH .".!:'.`.?.`.?.5:'.::?.....""`.. `5 nu: A QUAGK NOSTRUM. Cautions?-I hmby can that for ants! Lesnrrc-`uc run and um V31-no Punun 1: Ice. Ind have never known than to full or-u lpead nuen snououeu (or which they ro rvconman ad. `rug are not I quack nournm. at I nmndlll unt . V ,0... F?"c'.'c'6?.'Lm:s`.'1";`." Buanrorr. 143.. Ill! 2'7. mt. PIIOI I5 OIITI. .::.s:r'"'*::: ::L';ag=.:.:.-;'....*':'.:....?=`:*'~ - m.s|.. u-n.....; U1:--. ...v. um I. rlwmx. xx). -3 I .nnn.:1.nI.lanlOo||ono! lagoons. *-`-'*`."`f*`:.:'"7E:"*-if`.;;`:'E"`:7"'I.'i2'.'"'~" B'.. i.'..`." '%' ..` .. ' `S. a an h on are I ve:.luna M3. 00-! men: 1.!1P__'9.!!5.!<!.r1!o(, In thuoono-n-I vodua oiclau'n'a'Df`}i(. nT:H""n3'w';n'I'l'. 5: ? ...:n:.:.-.3: w: --::z.:-.: an I ha of I In pun u.`&`:f.`5...u`."-"om.o .,.:`.`.::sr.*...... 3".`..3`b.'.:'5'.'.'3u'r n?a'. z'." %%%:". .`,"'r`.t?.'I`n"."` OILAID. 141.. Juno 6. III. B 02!. NOT A QUACK NOSTRUM. 9nulcm_n_t._--_l hcpolgx_ce_rg!!y um, RHEU:T|SM '1" &uiiT ""`m"'_""'"" - % -2:; w;"..z::',a;"::f'.-"L....,: Aug 10, W78. ~.:.u...... * ?i*..}IcT.....-."" Runoal cm. Ilalhtxomun-anununn.n; K ' ' I J-01.03! WI. D1 `hocianplroku. Ptholt. L T`?! T , ` mums: jjf. . . J YOUNG LADY having Itudlod $0 Lan- gunge in Quebec wlahu in-uoh BIA [All To IIIT. In mun rm . Applycothuuu. WILLIAI DAVID. The Chop Bnhmfdnau It. lhnhn. ,_ YOUNG LADY having Itudlod tie Lan- . Quebec u. `Pupil: unit ma -`FER SALE, .- ....oI.-...| .....-o_ l\` I no 61 F`j_r6I NO'|_'[OE. I TO RENT. I -Autumn Iain-II 4 or DICKIE; Bun I! VQLTAIG L_.__- reoolnmsuua oysnmtunsu mssd ol the.- Isdy in question, sad the hog of seeing. was constantly hsd cnntribu green to` induce Merle to swept the situstion of femm do chambn. Fssri that she might not entirely nnderste the "duties devolving upon her, she Ind oolnsto question me. I loved Hnritandm-lv.miims'no in nu. Ill IOIU lllfll I0 OOIIIHVO "ICC III. should no me without It being hath that Iuchhud boon hot vhh. Halo, Inn-nvnr Inwncl in. nu. ogmlnulu 0.. In...` lll lllll BIG DXII BC WIIII. IIIIIU, however, loud ma too unduly to It even so unimportant I mm, and no In: told in condunoe. 1'51: Alxix an u` no-O nl If`)--ng 1|- 1 nun I water HUM!` named Mane, who wept bitterly when I loft tho rovinool to undo in Pu-in. Souooly {ad I bun than throo months when one morning I luv plfctti Mario mm` my room. 8!, , told moi 0 had been [out to Pu-into live wltlrayoung widow lady-n Ho- duno do Liuuory. The position had boon-' reoomnuudad byonintimnh friend at tho.- ludv in annuion. Ind thn hang of Angina wu wl nu connaonoe. The claim on thn part of Madonna do binary named no, and I yioldul will. in]; to lack`: an ' My cudndty wu putly nci , and I niud union- ly tor the moment when we were to must. wuuuxycu-noacouousomrvonu ---.,...:-::.,...n- --wt: "ax; can 1 , as hot." lull tint the thaoght unto molIIniloduIluudl.holminowuI- ingohnyuoul. It Iuou Monday cunning in tho oIAIIolAqnnt that] unt Huh I.wuIonootha- intlu pnlan. Wt Ind boon noun liulo duo who I In I. `Will she IIOVOT come?" I uddmod. `Huh? whinpond Huh; "tho in con- convdl II now, and will hnr_ya." In the dindion at has cyan, and tuned Iolook..1`I~mngh an annual IIIIIQI Ilhnollo noq nh:..'In1llX1unI1uu:n-9' quuuon land Hnriq|tcnderly,rojiooina in un- ing hot ugain, and god bcrtogoto her now mint:-cu, an toll hcr that I would visit her no lroqnnntly u my own chtiu would permit. ning than `Manama-A Y ..lI..l -p..I l..u..A lIJH$ WOUIU POTIDII. Somo time afterward I called and found Mario delighted with her Ilhnlion. Hut nnilnn of Mndnmn Lima:-v -an nlnnnnnt :9.-..-mg: no not It I 1-non are pnuuumum -men Inn Man: to ho annulled. 0 doom: it walk to listen to undened Inn, And think: lab future donond: lninlv nmn A very trivisl circumllanoo will Iona- timeu control the moat important event: in lilo, and leave trace: difficult to other. 1 had foster liner nnmed Marie, lhu want hihnrlv ulnm I In; Him nnmrlmun in was to mull Io ununnoa Inn, and sink: dopondl mainly upon lsnunnur nuts. sue. a. H Be the trial whn It may. Certain limit hub lh lily; All-Iuiolent for I110 need II the gnooof God (ndeed; None are ever mule to wear Henvh-r crnu than they on bur. gh, tihe night Is not too long. In Lryln vigil: wmn . W.|-Aron our Saerluufl hclpigg Inud Beckons to the Better Land !" Joyful will the morning be Walking in eternity I Jnyml will the morning eternity Th l 0 Melt 'IfnI;'. I.;.ho . go` Jnnm':`i.: IIIIIKI. Wlilolyunodtouotholdrvonu unt lljlillul. Qantas uhhh -nn `nu plant. or boaneooun ower; Du eued clouds and miny nhuwer. Too, are needed to produce Things for beauty and for use- God Himnelf thnt rule: o'er All, Ever um to umm cull; et his wildum mev decree but will seem moat evonlly ' fheering hope And Ii e And aim, raving whence the motivm came. W .d 9h I, .h,;~:*.:r W W W "M 11 t; M... ;.. l"i.I'e`..i..n." """:.k...,3"' D: that! life while hen below Spring from moritng [mum of pain. Proving Ln eterml gain. Sunnlzine only cannot bring Into Me in early spring Tin plant. boaneooun and minv uhnln Shah ymu"n my boy. but one wad non; Kate a tie an 3 dove; She'll loll vou the whole world round. For nt-thin` clue but lovo. Jqlvhul *::.:-,-.-.':..... You llhovlu-dun Acton Hahn. 87 ID: No milk Ibo ta You needn't drive be: home at light. But jun lo down: the bul- Thm when you've orudlmuy 5 month` And learnt her. u in won. I'M bur - why, what`: the mute:-. Dink? sh.-snug! " ` Z And larat her. ' wh , tlunuwu. Dick? "Talus hat Ivut-l| s--hr!" What? not the ! vnll,l'l| 50 blamed!- Thi. Kin. `I dun: lid nun. wra: 1:? no dw';lI.:'.lL>'o bk-I ham 1! - You'vi took :29 mightily Butjheu a mun`: 3 man. Good ' ' ;" ."}`..'..i.""~'.':"'.i.?"' '* "-' l'njunInn bun"--Ml know In nlnl "But never try to drive the Inn; Ea aim`: like hot IIWI. . I've sun: found her you-_k the but. To jest lo'down mt hurl. - Philip Ions in Sonibnu. -: - -ooo PATIENCE. A3031 l_|_GEIVED: CAI!!! IWBPIII. MADAI! DE IJIEIIY. .d_ night, fc1iZi2'm`.".2o.m um .N0 204. | A *3-*'I"haI It in Col :-. ' nun: IIjC"WT mC I Ihllgllt bI`;;-qnI&dthmnhnhg;IImn_- r......."". ,'-"-r:.>'- '- - M I` that Ill " , udou :30 {o Inn usual m In. .u..t.r. m.- lush n1:odb'i inn. `M `Mon . Inunot rivolnu: thtio my p ilooophy. I 1:: I3: toll you that nu you to have In`! nlsoild IOVOI` for- ad van. '1' uamuurusmn. um... Ion you II 10010 III! I Illolld 3&3`?- . ' ` ' i. , u- '.:J.:11ovm u|doao.1|1l the not mm 1-nhghlun 'd'IIn nn_4_.A- L--- .vv um of III ZTICTTT -I, `INF V 10:01 : `loco, all one, pobohly, '61`!!! tllltll Inn upt. Huh no indo you fur aYa'Z,.'?*`.:a = 'M"a3 bio (pr I0 l_lIlI< 1 muni wt: 1 IOI| mm but to In I mil 'II ob! Akron Iuldhnl-an ` .!? :l' 3; on ""11? . T .1..... ;2;:`.';.a" ...,..::..;. i No mind but. ` ' Inc I hcdoAnton,|o mods I no will Iutlorgil nu 3 - CVO ` Illo ou no inppilul I\ll no. I uomanfua III] Imnuo on long I would bc 0 myulf. Mthv ugh _n Msdnmo `dd I1 bury ' oondunu or `lull id ml-A I bk:-`AI- non} my '1 oh osmium in I thus; Aunuuulu III uIUl'] or lBrDIll,' 1 oxomnoa, `um I can namely realm that your hue umrocl Ilioh horrible twill. ! ulna nick- ! thnnhioln mull) not you hold- at Inch frivollty doc: nqtvonhr your |mh...l' mu luw being! 1 land ' urnn_w; uuouw I IICIII Illll plllllo tho than In via v b hvi-"hi lend. lint when dupuu to our an aunt- fnr omoolvu. nuuvnon malpuu to III In II onrulvu. `What you My new to me utrouu. I oxohiinod. `Ind I can nu -vvnu In non- utrouu, oxolgihod, mmly rgn!is_c (gay you_r lip umrod GIG. `wouldlnoo Ind you on my nun-n an undornnd ndldd would not 1:31;-rm-hoop-nozouoixa no. u of 0 mar `No'lbO Iildlid qfl` 1050 Id not buuhtu way ' nu Lanna, `in |9YP5I`-0.1 mm in my $.`.'5`u'.'l a`L ..."."2z.'.';'3"`u$..f."".......""..`.' `Whntif In wonoQ|Mhd-il I III compelled to leave you!` I unlouily do- minded. `l yould promise nothing/the quietly rupondod. 'Ull| III? ' " ' This VIIIII on I uluulclond Ind ioohd iikil ~|% ` ` *1. In: an i not IOIIII: who :1? 33 ` `You, {or I IllldO|'I~`~ wall. `Yen undulillltr III`? Clt hay thulovulhr, ung`. ne, ldbdnutonanna-ruin: g-nnllnnun mulonuunxullnpuo ago, to- to la :'.?'ns'?$.`:'a`;';1'+`l'7v.'%a..'ev.""""-'I'-o- , and I W no g . IP37. Ind _ `, *<-v:.~':..*'..-:--'= " It 4! do I I Mai uhd Anon...-on-" " __.`*T`-.' 99*P#ia..h1sqL9wn! P9 tr-~ 9@:o u:oi ngokod nIi1ro_'|I5`J ol Che` inat- blltyol uholionuln nullcul. Ono nvdnmn Chin nrnmmlln OLA hnnninnnn L:;|;IIvculdldin.Aqggnig,' I -an ; 33 PKINOISS BTBIIT. dond mil`: W'`'"- p u'nd-'2: `or-. 3&1!-I9!-_h" ,.'::'.:.`::~` -`u'J.*.`*-.'l'.'.` mg! Hand` ` to dispose l I an n-ovi pmpulwmsmn olbuuououn Oh: lo Inylmn uadlkuwthu nlodnlwonld ha 0 had In gln-an Ill-I.' '1 do, an uuwond, blushing alight-` `I `-3.3 "037 lnildd .1 This no he on .d imhn lintahl nu HIIIII may not homi- !:uoh 1 I 1':--umuvuur Ida.-an mum. ' g`-`5".."n:=.&..-L.::.' w I -v-an up-.---T---. I|nI.IOXl-bullock. unlit -bu--~ -------------_-__.. o. I, uvuynn. nw.n., 4... (Eli Dnnolpuuthrhp-cg!) ' I'll IUUII IIIPII SHOULD HAVE and lnllal no will an Gupta ' ...`.".-I. -':.-._-_r.- -':`.'-.2:-..~.'..v':---~':..~. I. Kl!KM7|lIl'8 _._ n4_ - nun Ion 1-nu us: llICE|V- DAILY. IIeOIIOlO0lI|kIOWQ- IIIIJ HI-. I. Wyn :-(X0034 .DI'.lunp- nI'Ia.c-not 0! lb; uulwiniuu gunman 0:. `non . D. I`. AIH8'I`IONll. hhoes and WIKXOWAIJC -nun nnuII_Au innluala and Retail Dealer L g*_L.;- "s;:.: `Inc (human. I` SAUSAGES I W swsmns I I so-nnonnnvs 75 B300! STRIPE. (IN AND AI""l'lZI1 SATURDAY lxf. HAT LARGE NEW BRICK MANSION on Union lilroouuppoaila the Drill Shed, containing twelve mama. llnlshod in the but n_yIns,voll.h nnrbla man ml: sad gntu helluv- Ilg room, pulour nnd allning room. In tho huomonl than I: 1 (ins kitchen, hnakhlt room. callus. pnntnoa. olooell And land and non wntot cisterns. Anal hunched In the bonus I: at-out an acre 0! ground. roll lulu! out in fruit and unable nrduu. Tho onlblildlln In about ol ground. roll lald mm nptablo pa-dun. 1'1 oulbnildhu no large unl nulutanthl sud woll nrrngod Also that DIEATBIIICK CO1'l'AG-I on E: rie Otnotmvpmm the Crieht l`lold.ln|-nor]: ooouplod b7 the subscriber. containing night room: and [and mllu. rich Inrdnul on V3- lorohhno and outbuilding: oolnplum The II IIOOI II 3! IA! Till I08!` xx- ltnlvth Ill! all on-when ovary- thlldlheu vnnud |n either dopnnnoun. IR N23 Old ouumlldll vholo nlnlun an well 5 Iron n Inn; in from. Tern: may Apply to I Jnun nn ndnvuuv auuun - uu5nuu, nuvunru I Bullli mnry. Huon I, Swintoni, Mon-in, Davie : and Fleming`: (inmmar. Spnldingi and Collior'n Englich Liter tun. Prononnoing National, Chamber`: And Rood : fctionary. Loan Hooho, Bue'u Fin: Book, Mu- wn | French Clnuicl, Fulton 61. Exutmnnh, Beam at Clue - Book-keeping. National Meuuurution. Epoch Saris: of English H intory Mnnunll. Collier : (lrut Events, British Hiltory, Freeman : Sketch. DOIIIOYI urn: nvenua, brllllh nuwry, Full Su plies of Greek and Latin, French In German Text: and Dictionaries. Davidson`: Animal Kingdom, Laws in How to Road. DIIOL DUI I I||(l SIHHII I Elemnlfy Trignomotry. Drsving Booh, Drawing Cudu, Drawing Paper. P.D.S. Diff Boolu, oid style, new uylo, And I lOl"l Seriu. r.u.u. un noon, on style, uylo, brunet`: Seriu. (hlbnith cl: Housman`: Mumnla. ht, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Men-opolitnn Readers. S. WOODS. I-nonuud [nod uollu. mu Inrdnnd outbuilding: oonploh pnlulnon l!I(`I0lOd.hld a non: llimtnn mum InItitIta| to now. lluckl.-)n'| Health in the House. Blackburn : and Smith`: Elementary Triunomotrv. SPLENDII] cm PROPERTIES FOR SALE. SIIHI -wIu---, II `III rtlzl coxncrlonu Jun Iln. !1 uIIkUvo&IIot...A.P.KI@I.LI| jzn-.l A- 3.... n...|._ l (hl Ii --In.A.I.I%1.I.A .A.:l-_-._..n...__ In - tA_____ no Iuroo ran: bangs, Unumborn Mnlholnuin :1 Tables. The U nrinlled Atlu, The World. Little Arthur`: England, Edward : Sum- mu-v. mnun, Iurlunna Ina noon I, mcmm-any`: Arithmetic. 8mit.h'| Groooo nnd Romo-o|c|u 45. Todhuntefl Algebra and Key, Smith's and London's Algebra zoununwrl Auteur: Ina hay, b'IuIll1'I London : Algebra. Smith's, Pawn, Younge'a Euclid in Park or the whole. Kirklnnd'a,Smith'| Sfntico, Hydroltatica. Munun Mechanics. Hmulodge'I, Butler's, Americm Ind au- thorized Snellintv Rania. em; .Si'nw'_E17c. 1'5'=-'..-':-.:".'-'1":-:=.-.'a=3 Ulllun. DOVBIFI, Ullllplfl Ind Hod` in'n Edith Thompson I nghnd--noI edition, > 364 p. with Mnpl. " Jee, hodghfa. With:-ow`: and Boyd I History of Canuh, Boaoodl, Mijleri, Fauna : And Mull : Ch9' I7. Hunter-`n, ` alha n, Stur sud Mum : Milton. ` Enminuciun Pnpon Ind Hint: snd Anuou. Smith, Kirkhnd md Scotti, Me?-bitchy : rwuuouge I, uuuer I, Amerlcm and thorized Spelling Books. Three Part Songs, Cnumbor n Mntholnntin -11 Tables. Prion: Imrthanthahnwast. In-dud Icundny-Our lull luppuu of Iunoncry. which will new to bill < COI PIJTI. 0Ilkin's. Lonll'I, Cunpboll'| nnd Hod- ` Kin : Geonruiv. REAL ESTATE orramuc. Ann 99ml, A.` an. I srnw Ins AI-on ampl A -n-guy All] `JCUI. Ilrtullvuuy npyq nu JOHN CUNNINGHAM, , Bnudor,` Kinptou. An; L ). 18:8. [new IlAI,_8ToR.]x; hath: my-I-8!*1:= 40 Years in Business Algbd. "u: in soon mus. III KYIIIDOI. WILL II0PII 6! . IOIDAY. hi Clhphuit. `..-'!""A collliwn 1'0-In idinp complain. l ALDO 0! HAND ""-_ I--. ..D.;Mu