IIO ruomhsnumwa Auocuuoa yultordiy. tolling of church bulk Inaoeued and tho strum no mumed tith purdult. At Ground; tho \ discus invory compliostal. Puionlk hit by doctoninn hir way of redovony are Iound dying in lens thux nix homo ulter- Ulldl. Iuul. _ Nev Yeti, Supt. '3.-Tho Amman exchange of bnteor md ohuu deslen pulsed: ruolntion approving the pro- polsd dairy (lit in thin city thin full. John Johnston Ind Pntrick Rilov Ion polsa usury mt 1n mu my tmu nu. Riloy buried nlive by the caving in of I bank 3 Baponnyeaterdny. Riley In tili- id. The tlnormometor yeuterdny ruched 90in the nhndo. Several `uunltrokeo are roportod. To-dny the wanthor in close Add uncomfortable. 74-- v...n. 9.... `Ind k; w..|.:....o.... clone Ina uncomlorume. New York, Sept. 3|-d.-A Wulgington Ipocinl to the Tribune uyu Representa- uvo Rniney, of South Carolina, uys lha Greenback movement is unknown in South Cnrolim. The colored Republi- cans are organized Ill over the State, ex- cept in Edgeeld County, where they have been told no Ropublican o wiza- Lion will not be allowed to exist. ainey up he has spoken all over the State withouI|moleatat.ion. --o-j.-_j oec uovernmem roux peacesma [lonel- aiun of the Q.M.0. & U.l{R. The trains will begin moving on regular time to-day. Lani. niuht Cu]. Bacon. Lt. Grav. She- Pounession TaI;en-Ml1tary Wait- orsn Weslcru Slmutyiug, dfc. `pg; Ayn-In-. -vxw-5., Oltaim, Sept. 3.-Yealerdny the Que- bec Government took peacesble posses- niun nf the (),N[.(). A". 0. HR. The; trains wm oegm moving regumr ulna to-my. Last night Col. Bacon, Lt. Gray, She- rilfu Coultue and Leducn, Superintendent G. A. Scott, Maura. W. Prevoat, H. Matthew, G. Rouse! and M. Brnueau, acting for the Government, arrived at the ltuuel House about 11:30 u clock. A company of soldiers which accompanied the party were quarterad in Hull for the purpose of protecting the Government in- tereet in that city. The nnnnnl nrize maatim: of the Do- tereet Ill cnnu city. The enuuel prize meeting of the Do- minion Rie Association opens to-marrow un the Rideeu Rie range. Excellent arrangements have been made, and there in not the slightest llnubl. but that the meeting will be a success in every respect. The independent corps of Utice will lI'l`iV0 in the city this afternoon, and will be met at the station by the Guards band. In theevcning the non-eommir Iionod oliicere of the guards will enter- tain the band and nou-commissioned of- cere ofthe Ullcll cor e nt a. spread in the Russell House. On he following even- ing the Americans will give a. hop at the Ruuell, for which in number of invite- tionl have been issued. A run-bu n` anknnl Gmnnluv -lunnfurnnn llnllo ol Fronu lo. I2. 06 122!) pm. uom nave oeen xsauau. A party of about twenty ahantymon left for Bay City. Mioh., this morning. They have been engaged for the winter ll. seuon. 'l`homu' Oheckley, charged with utter- ing counterfeit money, was admitted to bnil yesterday evening in the sum of $6,~ 000, four farmerfriends and himself, each in the amount of $1,000. FIUj ljIuI-Iywunuuuuv-w-`I uuuu-p-an-Ni-Iv -'v-ri-|- %'iuul]liln'plo|JcItBh- Dirt! 1! 11; nonci `nu noovon-aucolumns nI.ldn,I.& Moss I11-turn---II on. (I. Bro wn s Speech-- l'Iu:1uuniclpal Tour. IIBII-I-I.--I:I vluuu I-IIUIIOI Induce! lldotna-IaI'I.h0nnIrf linnugtbiouuing. AlIInd&- ouhbrn-nhulyaunouulvhh `.;_n4;.......u:.|... ..I...u..|.:. T c(WsmtWgPhT1I|10 mg ) Ch I OTUII 0 Op . .'- 0 on. I9 Jujjticu Mclu returned from Europe yen- ter ay. Jamnn Cnnmlmll Brown, from Indin, in as me queen s. The Hon. Goorgo Brown spoke at a Reform meeting at Oakwood, Suutli Vic- toria, yesterday. There was a large at- tendance. The electors presented the Hon. Senator with an address, thanking him for his visit and for his exertions in the cause of llnform. His speech was A review of the political history of the coun- try from the Reform point of view before and since Uonfcdsrutiun, and his remu-In were most attentively listened to. Pnnisl for the Halifax Polo Club um-su most. uueuuvoxy nuenea no. Ponies for the Hnllfu Polo Club were Ihipped laom here this morning. Molt of them were purchased in the immedinto neighborhood of 'I`m-nntvo. 'l`|.n-n am Ran. ll-mu...-I nub-S..- ..l-..-.'l.. vmoa mr. Paris, Soot. 3.-T|1on will beamin- pnuivo fnnonl uramony at the Cube- dnl 0! Intro Dung in colohmtion ol the univuuny of the dentin oi Thiorl. It in mad that Ihdame-'l hie|u spent. nearly 1),l`l)0 in prephrutiun lot the cannon}. `Ila uio will In would-Id 2.5K! pu- lmnun. Tin Gloria I' ha nun: Tllliulllnn nuul uv bllnnu.IxnlI..1. ...... elm embnou the vast. mus of the peo- ple who will rooiprocato the consideration of their ptoum. ruler: by according them Shir ootdhl nupport At the ensuing elec- uon. In mum mu no manual uy z.nuu pu- lotuuu. The "Gloria." Ii ho non; to the Ioaumpnninupt of nu- hu-n; `Hm Cathedral Inn ham: dank I'D. UIW%I'II III. DOIII COCK! wig Iowan, olcinp from the depart- Iclnl rich which Thur: Ill inti,-Holy anodoud. A Gaul at Honor bu icon by` the `fsucrdc Dupuuuou run and Iiiuud othorcitha till -Wu euion to tho andnl. In} Til Cu Ina-' .- mad (Ia-ndlnul In-in Leruay. Jamna Campbell Brown, from India, i at the Quaeu Tim Hun Vlnnrurn R1-nwn nnnbn at nelgnnornoou 0! I urmn-o. There are live thonnud entries already for the exhibition. 'l`h.. mgi .-.`o. A! Hun mnnini-\..l .l..l.....h.- lot we exmmuon. The majority of the municipal delegate: will leave here this afternoon lorQuoboc tn present addresses to His Excellency. Toronto will not be represented. Lnrna mnnianlnanlu nf hulfnln nltinl mvo nrnveu note um-mg me put weak. The boy Blackhnll who was injured in the stone utln-owing row in nil! in I aim` Cl'0|ll Itall. A verdict of accidental deal has been rotnrnod in the case of Forbes. H... Al... Il....l. .... . 2- :_ -1 AL- (By Tcltgruph To-Day.) London, Sept. 3_--Miniour Wollll hu gone to Piril, having brought to I con- clusion the negutiaoium coneorning Con- don, the Fenian prisoner. Wohh Ind hour: In I'm-tlnml or-inon to axulnin lo non, me roman prisoner. wvopan iuu boon to I'oI-tlnn-I prison to axplnin to Gordon the clfurh that Ind been ngde in bi: bohnlf. The British oicialn joined in assuring Condon that site: lain reloua he should nd himlelf comfortably pro- vided for. D.-3. R.-`O '1 _`l'I:-tn u-ill In an hm, Loronzo mu nm be repruemeu. Large consignments of bulfnlo akin: hnvo arrived here during the put weak. The bnv Hlnckhnll Ivhn was iniumd --. ..... ...., :7 an M gmsgu mtg. Forbes. Hon. Alex. Mackenzie in pl. the Quebec Hotel. Fenian Lupcraterl -An I mpreui re Funeral Servuco. A RAI.I.v.-'l'hn will in aged u __g._._ .1 n.l.:__-A'nL. n..._.sL TIE FU_IE_Il8Tl|. Io nooolnpunnopl. 0! Tliocsthodnllluhoond r.._-.. Almuinnn I -n-. bk. .1 (By Telegraph 10-day.) .. 1-..: Q \.'...A....A... 5|. Euagguu. T0@!T0. Our Medan will remember what u fu- roreue raised by the Mail and ice 1 ` minions because "Judge" Dumble, of ` Oobourg. had epeken at is political meet~ ` leg in fewer of Mr. Kerr, the Liberal oendidete. We were condent that Mr. Duinble could be guilty of no impro- j priety in euch n mutter, and trueting the outngo with what he proved to be de- ` eerved contempt, we were content to unit expleuetioue. Tlieeo no to hand end from them it trenepiree that" Mr. Dlllnble in etill e practieing berrieter, end thet in the ebeenee of the Deputy Judge Clerk, end at the request 01 the Uouaur Judge Boewell, Mr. Dumble ouneented, without pay, to eeeiet the letter till the nternoi hie Deputy. This in the Inn: eedeubetenoe, the head and front, i Hr. Dunble'e otfending. Mr. Adam Hndepeth, of Lindsay, in precisely a Iimiler poeition himeell, run as n oendi- deto egeinet lion. S. 0. Wood for South Victoria, but that wee ii horee 0! Another colour. Judge" lludepeth wu e Cou- Ietvetivo. and the Mail wee discreetly eilent. In neither ceeo wee there any very violent outrage upon the indepen- denoe of the Bench. Certainly there wee none in the exerciee by M r. Dumble of hie undoubted right: ee e citizen. in the nine iuue of the Mail, in is-hioh_Mr. Double wee denouueed.eppoai-ed A bite- lutin notice of J ndge (hm-nul`e tint epeeeh to the elector: oi |Muntreal.be!ore lie reelgnetion ee Judge bed been I000p' ted. verily, it Inakoe elltho dilloronoe in the Iotld II to when ox in gored. Wltetleperfectly legitimate in I Tury in nothing ehort of outngo in R Grit. Illlilylillllllilllllllj III--uI- DUEL . Al nnoutingotthononhnnolth Rah:-uPu-I ituuduidnl binds a {undlona human in tho nthmnhmmnlnnn. Jnlr.I4nno- llolltloonnlnlnluu to I all In known of lhnly. nun: IIIO um! Ippoanng III use cllmnicloud Non" but not oon- ` out-ning|th`oml"or\h grad bud. I on positive y y it. _ hand in agar- ind befon Mr. Stockton noun Ind. Euq mambo: oi the hand bou 8. hi: own Instrument. sad the nonlnn fur- niahod their tutor. The Onngonoa ol l0L2L.(). L. stPerLh Roodgnntod the 5.-."! Oh- npiunu nl npgnllninn (hail. nanrun-anon. ruu sauororaunmu. um... I'\.... dc-.,_W3Il inn .lI..- - ll)l:h.U.I4.Iill'er:I'lSA)lIl 1.2: bu! the ptivitgs pnethlng 1. la the letter agreed to play he bani I_|Ien the war wanted. M for the ` bend boipg 5 Company bend it in I Iellehood. The bend played for Mr. Stookwell when he came to the land mine: in the epring. They were I un- der hie employ, and he proposed iving them 5 unit of clothe: end the gave him the privilege of naming the hand. i He gave it the name of e eompeny hand. . The clothe: were given with the under- . standing that they were to pley when Mr. Stocinveil vented them to, but they , did not egree not topley where he did . not went thomlo, so I think thet in , where the mietnke was made. Juan lnnnn A Wnonnsour. R.|zMImY.-The Dutch of Holland have 3 very novel and I very Iuceeuful plan, too, for squeezing labor out of refnctury prisoners, which might be copied with prot end ehpted to the clue of the American tramp. Thou Dutchmen pop the lazy bird into I deep cistern, and let in water jmt no fut thst he can by pretty active pumping, prevent himself from being drowned. Thin employment, relieved by I sound whip-' ping once in week during the next three months, would be likely to tone down into quieter habits, the trelnpe who mviah innocent girls and old women, pilfer orchards and fruit yards, pommit burglaries and murders in such countleu numbers all uvur our land. Though -breaking ltulm is very good, this remedy would be 1. enter cure. Adm: 0.0 999 ~ F01: MoN'rum1.,-ll~w. Dr. Sander aon, of London, (who preached here on Sunday) Rev. Messrs. Galbraith and Orozier, nml Dr. Lnvell llld Mr. H. Cunningham left for Montreal to attend the Quad:-ionnial meeting of the Metho- dist Conference. Montreal. 5 Bank of Montrea|~17l. 170 I2. Merchnnts' Bank-`J4 34, 94. Bank of Conuuerce -113 3-4, 113 1-4 Ontario Hunk-ex nliv.. 331-4. 81 3 4. Bank of 'l`umnto-1-I0 1-2. 1325. Consolidated Bunk oered, 76. 7. ), Mnlmn'a Bnnka-Ex. div.. it ), 913. Bank 1111 Peuplu -n'ercd 74 12. 7". J not men Unrtier-4:'), 42. (.)un-Lax: Bank-00. 00. IJIIIIB I.l|I L CHPIU ` IIIIIIIV us: ~ Bank-00, 00. }u_xchange Bunk-Mkud .m. .. .... Quebec Bank-00, 00. Exchange Bunk~mukud. 81. Montreal 'l`eL Un-ll3 3 4, City Gas 00-144 12. 144. Dominion Te . Cu `naked. I Citv Pun Rv---9L 86. Dominion Te Uu `Naked. 00 U City Pm: lly--9l, 86. Richulieu snd Ont.-62, 0| 1 2- Ruya Canadian In C.n- 00, 00. :~oo Montreal. Sept 2!. The our market is quiet with the exception of a hula business being done in hnparior extra at 4.80 to 4.85; and 4,80 to 4.85 fur extra; no clmngo in other respoou. T RE-bP'ENi-ID? T. B. RAY hm nnunual Inuinnn .1 his 01.!) ITAI IE'I"IlOol IraI&aWuiab-0oI- nltlovfll ho hllullldi-lbs lludlclunllnm Wheatdull; White Btlto at L03 to L08; corn rn or; salon I400: Cold at 486 : outs quiet, new mixad State at 270 ; white do 300 ; Barley guitar. ; Canal fl 0i5lItO-w|I6It and Pen 50 ; Ann and live 4| l-`(`. EIBTII. In this city, on the lat instant. the wife ol Mr` T. J. Donoghumof n dnughtnr. of Mr. Clmrlon Waggoner, Glenburnlo. and oldnat dnugmer of Arohlbuld u-thou. Esq" ol Maryabnrgh. aged 45 years. Tim fnmu-nl rill Qnlrn nluu frnuu hilt`nlIl|.. Ul lVI.II"ylUlII'Kl.|. IKE `II VUITI` The funeral will take plum from his dnugh~ tar : residence. Mina Wnggonor, Sydanlum street. to marrow, at `.3 pm. Friend: and ncqunintam-on are respectfully lnvxwd to amend. Lo 1): J.Il..l nucleon hum-unml huiuau IIIOLDIT Princes: Stunt. with ma oulrol now av iuglnthoaddlory, ad llbuc mum ;hlu_ b olden-noon uudvtll ulcuou to In `lhnuhlacsbunrunnwdbhngfvu Ilhaun. tunuhlutbnnrnounwlldblnaglvu i-noun. onmm All) IIPAIII caudal to an lbonlaulastlouu. 1 launch: the all nd. notch lrnoureggc wAIo.| Iuuu: uuoun Iq -no-u-v-an navy. Duu 81::-.-'Will you allow mnuar Ch: KHZ uncaring I NIIIIIIII III : In Kingstnmat BL Mu.ry'nCnhodnl. Sapl- tlnl, by the Rev. B. Higgins, ll-.Gornld C- I-Jgnn,of Ottawa. to Miss In gio Goodwin. {yungaot daughter ol the late r. H.Goodwny of omrnville. P3. IIIIAIIC In Km aton, on Sept. `Ind, Nnnoy Ann, wife of Mr. Waggoner, Glenburnlo. and dnuzmer Mu J. not he mnpomiblo fordobu oonl. my name without. my written order. `WILLIAM DI onmru. ..... sq. Invested Funds .... ..658,818 Itg. IUUEIVWI [IE ubliu are hombynouod that Iwl re mnpomiblo fordobu oantncwl in my Insurgnce Company, I HI!` NAMAHA I-`ORBIB 0. IUDHE. lonuul. {GEM Apnta for Canal; 8. 8. PHIPPII, Sept 3:-d. Agent. Klngnwl. `Mr John lays gnu -trou on the high opinion emu-uin_ed of him by the poople of thin city I couple at genornnunn Igu, and oouldontly counts upon the aupport ol tho"IonI and guudoonn" 0! his lint Iuppockn on the Account. Tim in a man lnlbdou claim, and I most delu- niu upoohdol n well. No one blunu the doctor! ol 0 byguno gonontion for Itodllq tho III: John A. Dlncduunld Io (Ii Uity Ooudl or to Pulmnoul. The John A. ol that data II! no: the clun- IIIIIOII "35! Join" of to-thy. Thou the III Ibo tondayelsinn our mvfngu bul II ulllloil rooonl, Ind in hot uyot __ ___...| -5 -II In _-- _-A niet; Canal froi hta urn and Rye A UIOIIIDGP OK In Sept. 2nd, 1878. 0 "HI T. 5. III, lcptihl. Inldloutllhnnulnlu. nu-pn-nu. aqua 1'91 : ' Olwezo Beptil. White State L0` 1.08; Mn-n Hm nr: ulna I400: mid at 48c : mun unlat. WILLIAI DEER! John 8t., Pormnoutlx, (Ird Bepv, I863. 1` [RE AED LIFE. are we nmuxo mane. ` Juux Onxns, N A Member of the Perth Road Bind. i lnnlu 0...! IRTR ISIITIUI, ISM-UII llnl vulva: urn Ii hi [loud lo 50. Could the non of Kilptol who Inc an our hu number uounprannhtivoioruliunont, hue lolnulthl hrouhi int diqnco Md 0163!! (lo aonlding old city, they woounnlyhsn Iunuodbolonuwr lqhh`quuIhourrup urou. Thu Ihodmcuuppuhd hi-n bound ho hum! Io IIIII of `pnau'4.' subg- quad: Inuunpnuodly io~olootdbo- qnvlovulal 0/ ptvauni. hi loo ibhlohtopuu-iu,iI h b hg hMIuiIiuutolh- Ijm -_._.pL. :...I....I I0}I'l`IIL|I. ITO!`-I IIAIKET. Qm AI 7a Obf- OF CANADA. . Notice. ... an hnrn-hr nmnh HAIUCI ED. -4 Lu u.....-.. 0.. DIED. a--. 0...: y wrnwn oruar. WILLIAM DEERIN. nth. 3:-cl Ram-_ Ii. _Montreal. Bpt. 3. 170 I2. Montreal. Sept 3. at oxoepuox T j1ji IllIUUG|lIGHWl.-` &b&p$bn.. ll-ouch jdpd InllnQ:-nIsn-JIL.A-_......l ;. AL. nuncnvnu nnnnnnnnnnh IISPECITIJLIJ nuucushn ho ll: 01.!) l'l'AlD. an-Au-iubbuunonuun. Mt hilt Db nd|I9Io%3n||cun.Clro- g:' g 3%HI` .m` M In-um-.r5o-v-bun. Vlhinl-I-bk:.._ 5...... yuan. usl-*a;19..u.,a.L RIM 0103 E60 dlarnd Worhwoniwnobu `b, I. . of axial ulugth. guy : h .' nloI:i:l$oI.Ih-55; h It you II: :1 whdaulo lucnnn mu * :.:%.:":I3:.;.., *`-'Z.7I.."':-..`:-..-.:'.:'=.';'.':.. ....... lIl:onl.bu8nu|oo'LlonounbolldnIlIII|Il'[CIO%khtIIIH_. ' ` ora.mnou|ah...asduumo:beunnhoouy,1.unn llll. ( nlnsoms PAMPHLBT8 on 1-uaan onouxs, wuvnns. omen; % ` pSi'n.mJxwn:.mRvuu1-mm. Wnhhunntufo u,ruu..n,.... * 1:! than -nth], Watch ma cuook 1'0 an own: an 3011!. uunr. . ?%i_, Ausylguuuppnuauu 3.18. the Dunno at Walls. ELI; tin Epic of` lalnnjahotnurdvwudtoluvurullllhnrdlnu. ~ ' ----.--'_._ _ _-~_v_ _.-._-.-________'___________ 133121: MEDAi.s-Lo1;)N,'DUnLIN A _`_ j ruarn` an an 01 the world niu :5: n -v -av---v . LUD(}}xTi war no II`l'AllJlIlIlI'|'- EIIE-1-Ion] |FRASER&MOWAT Sl H Blollzundlhunaad '3 ch Ihnhuclqyeh-di-n,ouu.a..,..a LI-nn-n2-n:jo.L-J .-.l ..-_..A aL._ Inl-cfnlvhcu. } 1 Il:IaIa'r7I manta !_I:EXAI Immense Bargains in Cutting Sciuors, Plated forks and spoon. Sporting Implomonu. goo 9,1, 0.`, and Heavy Enrdwu-e._tJ for small dealers. n__. n- n HARDWARE] lwedneully Ev:nTn, Sept. uni Tho Btoxsmor HA UD will have the Furry Wharf on Wednesday. lo t.1l.|: at Op.m., for Cluunel Grove. Return gwlil leave st II o_1~lock. Good Ihuic In nltendnuoo. I-`nre over and buck-l0 oonu. Sent `Znd. -wvv- tn v-v- Ponom dcairlou of am: or Iohdl Iu-la. duurh l.hoaItyoruv.of luoouuu. an and null qua or commnloau with napcuhg (to mac, an ho nhortlvtoluuo Q maniaca- ldlllg I olpmportkl to M dhptl 0!. Q o7I|C-lau-nun In-0 luv ll lean Walton In Inu-. l`l'o Lot for oftoujl jijw-vu--u-v---nuuttvplnj bldqmlintlipulitiuqlnnnhd .u. ....a....a n...... ......` 0.5L... .. cuAnuL_:u'If6iIT. N111.-1c Iongragatiun do Hntro l]ama.| HE CLASSES OI` l`!llB'lN8'I`lTU'l'lO!l vnll be I-o-opened on Il0NOAY,lopt. End. For can-nu apply to tho Supertorau. n . an-n nun: -nun ngw -u. -u-- _|,,.._, Irv um -.-.n...u.--.- On the same day. A NEW l|El4IO'l.' DAY B()llO()LwIII be oommenood on `lulu lay of the lnko." oppouluo Morton`: Buttery, where all branches will In taught. ........ 4.. .. vv -mu, u... ......u..-- -nu Irv v-no.-y TERMS-33.00 par qnnrtor. Children under :0 yuu,0l..'no porquulor, Music. 06.00 r qulrtor. Dmwln an hncy Work lrooofoharqu. Aux ill, 1 8. Q , j II. OIAITTIY WNW I data. Anna. _ . 2 i . Sept 2nd. Fire I Sept. Qnd. nulIu,w.w am Aug:ll,1 ' I lhuumlou Iii. ml. Real [sgg_ageh`c; STAND FROM UNDER! I. U LADY 3 101 . FOI SALE, GIIEAP, IS FALLING- 'TnL'7'u3FIT oA._13.D. J.` W. BNE_Ns_o_l~_l,m `% f% STEAK FACTORY AID OITY SHOW BOOKS : . -cc-_ --C-'1"? '-9 -1- 1\I?' ' ii72_.'neal|.L. onn n_9_n_ln % s-1-nun-r. ESTABLISHED 1740. |:::':.t.:--m Inubnihnj Dancing '|"FREN'CH K' ID GLOVES: The laoI'loIIdVory0onp|oIo Stock at lunch Ild GIDVIS, X IZIIIIHII Ivan-III, uu-u uu nun - Jvo` I0 nurdn all. II III yo! to ho` q. Iiuu been wriua, Qcohllyundo Io anon udayjmu tho nollowlu lurks: Frrnehxidalovu, In button, blink Bhul0I,Ml0opoI'pdr. ll`:-uochxidlo t bnttou.h . lodlun French Kid Glovu,.iu onto, two, that nnd (our Buttons, 5!. ll pot pdr. An lulpootlon Invited. Ir Salon 101' out. Strictly on prion. R. & J. GARDINIR Alexandros Km mom, twonbutlonn, at $1 per pair. Jooephinuf Kid diam, but Bhndud make, :8 81.25 par pair. " 3- We gun-unto: our Kid Glove: to N the but nine in tho Dominion at tho m-inn. Jet, not hot or Her l'ort\un. by_ Innln `Alma-AI: `I (In Signs, by Onlda friendship, by Onlds, (Inuit) 200 frlcolrin. by On!!- TUESDAY EVNG, SEPT. 3, I878. rolltfu-inc do 3313113 IOI'|I|l|.byllunIt.I0c w Ofm Ohsrlu Oolloy. that so:hoou;Ion$ Llfoolmuull Woman In White (stall in!) 100 School Books. TU-IDA I `I'll BAID In the Park at 7.10 pm. II . Onion`! 30clnv.-Bogulnr Meolug at. IILII. Large Type Edition. PRINOIII Billlf. ' v.'|l,-ll7l P6"aAL-:. us .11 041i. -an-I-h do Iv Iuulnua I . CIIAP Tr! to Channel Grove. o Frontenac W.ml sub Committee In. I2. st mm. i'uu'Ihp-mucus-'-'17nTu'..sm`1'o7':-'.'.' AIDTIIEI `WT_:!A_:GE` EXPLODEII. ll IAIJ. I'M!!- TIIE EIElm'AIV PLEA- REMINDEIKH. -v-vw--v--.-...--~ '._ wl. 8'nwAu1'.V mnnlnbtn Lucid! unnu- This "lulu:-aura`-nu; It In tIa-AfY 1ouuInnuu, II1IIi%I'l5C|*! linllr ....Ihl..In--act "Z TI WI II?`- "sio an; and elnulthcountrfn In ngnd an` nnnnglnln (15-15-mung} 3: PD IUI{UlUUuwvuI-nu--`- tubal. `lb Iohliau culpuihol 3 patch! vothu ugh: punt thon- ,ulnnn|t-rohud intbgntbolinjund Huoeoneondinthoahunxiphylnctahu of pnitlnl unity! Donagognotuul butolihilohunilhod from ufutoococnpolthopuhliuutvico I an` Ola-nu-I-2 an I`; lnnnnnnni nous V Naiv- Iftlj Turn 1 3|! IUIU-nu-5 |hunn,"unduo cndcovou-iugbynll podhlohlaudinl-chad hIuproun- oulobduao chopooyloto hand than ovcthoninuolpovur. Tbuoanaono ollhcpbuaolthouncsrnvn ucsiouol tho Torypno. Tn noun: w1u.roL- wv. Sm-outta pooploont_rns`thooo uoovitlnlhopubliuclnd plunder will 'I'hoIhiugI.hu Imhbooo the unonhnll bo,"|>utoIIy coagulan- loutnndnvorlodcpu. Ouoobsolvd bynpopnlnucqnill from the odiun -1 u..:. .........-nut ntiinn and no I1] I|l0]lIlI| $.IIIuIl lI'Ir- own van..- ol their unnpumd aims and no bounds noodho uttothoironpiditynnd villsiny. Onoo rattan than to power uld such I wotumnlin of corruption will not in :1 would dwarl to `pigmy propor- tion tho No:-thorn Rnilwny fund Mid tho Scan! Service myltory, and mnyhnp outriul the amt Pncilio Railway ini- quity itull ! The certainty that the car- nivnl of corruption would recommonce were tho Tory party once reuored in, L ---- `- L..I-......I L- um ...-o.:..t- ohnt Ill ! HII! LUI, yin, vurvv nu-uuuu -, however, bclnnood by the certainty that than olocton will not afford them the op- portunity. The people no foroumed because {orowu-nod. and a sentence of of live yen-I more of political exile will be pronounood upon the Tory louder: on the Approaching 17311 of September. We are frequently told by Sir John and his minions that had his scheme for building the Pacic Railway been permit- ted to mature the cost of it would have fallen do lightly upon the country that the iron horse would have been rushing from ocean to ocean ere the people would have been aware from the pinch of tsxs~ tion that the line had been built at the public expense at all. If the compact nnd the contract between Sir John and Sir Hugh for the building of the road we. to involve such triing expense, and was in every respect so eligible a plan for belting with a gresthighway this Britiuh American continent, how came it to pass that so magical a scheme did not commend itself to the British capitalists when Sir 0 Hugh Allan personally tried in vain to oat his tint Pacic Railway loan on the British market? Why didn't the mouied l ( t n I 1 t l I i I princes of England see that there were ' millions in it," that it would be not only a safe buts protable investment, and an jutnp eagerly at the golden opportunity the Uanadian ltailway King prosentedl British capital had been invested in every conceivable kind of railway enterprise all over this continent, but the most un- wary of British purse-holders seem to , have scented the putridity of the Pacic Railway conspiracy. and Sir Hugh sneak- ed home again without raising a furthing ` for his pet project, a baled, beaten and disappointed speculator. Besides, it is very far from true that the Canadian taxpayers would have escaped uneeced. Sir Hugh Allan was not the stamp of man to permit himself to be bled to the ex- ` tent of $350,000 without the prospect of i a manifold return of his questionable investment. In fact he advanced this ' blood vsioney, intended to buy and to ' debancb the electors of Uanada. on the ' distinct understanding that he was to be reimbursed. It was specied in the bond" that the great Bribery Bursar was to be recouped," not only by the Pu-ilic Railway charteritself and all the opportunities which that instrument would be sure to confer of thrusting the hands deep into the public coders, but he was to have an upset sum besides of 830,0(X),000 in gold and 60,000,000 acres of the best of the public lands across the 'continent.| These were only the specied and mini- mum conditions of the infamoul bargain the price and proof of whose corruption was the almost fabulous sum paid by the iinancial knight to the politi- cal ditto for the monopoly of the road for all time to come, and lot all the corrup- tion which it was intended to involve. [lad these tloodgates of iniquity not been vigorously and promptly closed by the people All Canada `there is simply no telling what destruction might have en- sued from the deluge of corruption which was then being let loose. Happily the danger was detected and arrested in time,` partially, at least, to avert na- tional dishoneur and bankruptcy. That the very parties to that conspiracy, how- ever, should unblnshingly demand to be restored to power they thus abused is exciting the astonishment of disinterest- ed outsiders Even the credulity of the Aisenesn press is being staggered by uh.- brssen uopndenesol the thing. s.,.. New York journal : "Nntlalne in current nolitim of tha- New Ion journu _ "Nntbingin politic: Unild Sldacrcozdn in mulatityw ak- lcvwtinaliou o Sif John Nacdanald tn nd the inn clcdan lo reinalate Mo. TM Oinadion Punk Railvay scandal wunoniu Sta clw-actor than an OM09 be on coupon it an 155 idol] Ma hilt. Tho -ollbon o( no 03% Gavan-non in urn -I--In an n.-.1... nut, THE IAllI`V'I'H;I8PlMTOS- vjlrtuyvuu Iuvyuuu-u-u-an tlnaulvu an the loaned _ n ,_.I ._ ._..l-__-.__'._A I... .II nu viuuiouw panama.` Eon u.-}u.Iy_aT::r:cuuna.- dfloil Ionininliunotuil-hlqlln 5- Il- And .I..-.-I.-'.. bl. I:-Sin T -'l HIV,` TI?! uhnppcvhiehthicntnupauhiuul. I:-nu;-oonuuuoon."dIlII. liflriqiololuyltinatlthllntl ihovnaptuil ofnianptimuas percent. Bot plleihclhlo any, do (Kan. -notlnnl nnnniglinn niuslv On Ih IJUU ml" II -I, -up than Iotdaol appl{ id (to dash! which `-1 -_..n ._ .4.-_.... an .--o-- nan- --VT Ct IIIUINII II. III noronn n nwnulorrn nun.` Wonudnotuoptqqnnnndouyd thothonundsndonoipuhuulnvhi II In El rilkui Al LIIJIIIII In I.- nun. Bi: decade for ndpndty of mill: which would uncut to :e :ve:-age duty of 45 rn our; hi: eeeIluthr-p- in; on the "inereesed protection` ring; hi: reitented ale: loo prohibituy old reulintory dntiel uenll yet ringing in theeerlolthepeeple ul Onlnriollthe eehoe: of hi: pie-nie epochs: during the lutthree yeen. In the (use! these inch, nothing could exeeed the t-nee: of borrowing hi: own word: for the pnrpole, ` end ntignntizing hi: tclegreu eheve qnotedn ui Ansvnn nunnoon." ll lnrther prool were wnnting, it I: et bend in the very reaolution which Tory or-gene are pending :: the gi:t of the0ppo:ition policy, and which we: lorlnnleted on Chieftein himeelf during the luteenion ol the departed Pnrliement. In order to inaugurate eoonunereiel end induntrinl Inelleunlmn (web 1: had been cannula- ineied in the United Sutee by the ndop tion of similar meen:) Sir John in hie reeolution demanded the adoption of : senl policy, moving, as it ought to do, in the direction of n nrcxrnocrrv or uiurhc with our neighbourl. A: the taritfol our neighbour: in much lighter than our own it i: not euy to see how our: could more m reriprocatiou of it without moving upwards, in other word: by en llu`I'e(lJd of it, the very thing the Chieftain : tclegrnm atly denied he lied ever ndvocated. Under these circum- stance: we are ebundnntly jultied in banding Sir John`: denlnl to hi: Meri- time wpportor: no In ebeurd felle- hood, and one, we m:y add, which will lergely contribute to the overwhelming ;. defeat of his party in this Province. ll J--- My declaring time and again that if placed in power he would have `recipro- city of tariffs with the United States, Sir John Mncdomild virtually announced an average tari` of at leul. 45 Pm Cnu'r.'; when, however, he was reported to have declared for A 35 per cent. tariff, he tele- graphed the maritime Tories that it was AN .ui.~u'Bi FAUIEIIUOD ;" that he had I .,,._..... :.. IL. a.._.`A` VAN All-Wl BI PAL`!-IIUUU , lalllr llrc "WW imvrr (17l1l(Illl|l7('ll any increase in the tarif but only a `remljuatment of the tan".' How nlmll A man who thul prove: him- self I falaiiier, be than trunted by the people of Czunulal Which will he do, keep faith with the Proteclionista of 011- l Carin or the Free Trader of the seaboard l To,.theae oppoaing intercuu the elutic demngoguo is equally pledged. {Io carol for the interest of neither but only for the booty of ullica. Once ensconced in power he will laugh at the dupes who were In creduloua as to trust him, canoe] unu wt. of promise: with the other, and with the utnmat complacency resume the tenor of his corrupt career. John, and it Wit it wonder the News made no mention of the ladies who were there to hear the relined language msde use of by Aid. S. '1`. Drcnnnn about the Wulo. It was more than strong And bitter"- it was lisgrncelul-:ind it is really no- cessary, sir, thit the electors of King- ston should know the kind of men who are trying to elect Sir John, to know how much dependence can be placed in whst they say, when they are rnslring reckless charges ngxunst the Government. We had to judge them by their actions more tlizin by tlirir professions. We will first notice Sir .luhii'e henchmen, Mr. S. T. Dronmin, and what good, may I ssh, do i the public kiiow of him! Is hejnoted for his religious piety, Uhristisn meal, er en earnest unduavour to elevate end benet . his fellow uisnl Is he found engaged in n ' life full of Christina setivity l Perish the thought. Uis life's sctions sre seen in his fnoe,his mural worth is on the lend of his tongue, snd sny ,one coming in contact with hini ., w .,........ .._. ... .......... ., ..,. I)EAlt Sn: :--Thst was another en- thusiastic meeting in the interest of Sir can easily form their opinion of him And then l refer you to iinother gentles men of the amine school, Ald. Win. Al- len, and what. kind of fruit do we nd his life prmlllcingl In it niorslly beslthy. ls his exninplu a proper one for our young men to follow l Can we point him out to ulll sons, ss s bright nnd shining light, worthy to be imitsted, is light we would be glad to see them einulste, so thst when they till prominent petitions in life, their repntstions may be so honor to us l Awsy with the idea! And then, again, we hue Dr. Sullivan, who, I msy say. is a man ol good sense, an educated gentle- man, but l am sorry to tlml him In such company. He, too, feels that the sins of the party are a little to heavy to bur snd in his speech he desired the Oreo ! l'm-ifm Sin In he rniietlv torontten. He sun In in: spqecn no uesirau ine urest Pacic Sin [0 be quietly forgatten. He did not Illl lu throw ovorbolrd their political pnllcll. Ah ! no, he is more generous tlun thst. We will Iorgive the Ductor. And again we have ex-Ald. J. G. Tandy, s man you an see more of thsu yun mn heM--A soured, diuppoinlo ed men. Still there is I lung list nl other Conservative lights, which ere hm num_emus to iznention, who rm be pruved by the same facial tut, and give about the some results. It is: Ieatnre peculiu tu the pony. These no the class of men who no tcying to bring dis- credit un Hun. A. Mackenzie, s nun who is in his public sud private life shove 11- proseh. These are the kind ol men who nre using every elfnrt to nuke the eleetan hsliovs thst they only preach the truth. and they only are worthy ol eredsoa. Hm ol Kingstun, when on the Wlh, if en went to know who to believe, and w inch dependence you es: plnee on whsttheee men lellyou, take their nos-sl exesllenee into consideration sud eon- psn than with the non they srs trying I: slender, end yu: will have nodileilly in India; who no petunia; the (nth. Yonn, A I Datum; Rnocaxa.-Onodolibuuut unit`! . i . l. 'h_ u` can ml Educ .155. Tu lhc Editur uf 1/7e_I3I'ifI'.vls Whig. I\..... Q... . I`I...L ._.- ......4I.... IIIIVU I|lI'IZlUj3i"jwj It. Bgyd cinjddu ll: ie| 3.`... -1.-`L LL45 _....._. `n-la3nA` 8-pU.7L - .-:w-_..- jj. E` BANNER WA Ill) IlEIJ'I'lNU. ' WM mu n n37 J4... AI Onvn. ran numsn me. 'mnsnAr;?snpm1smm 3, 1.370. OI. -.. . . . . . . - ..uwo. nun- 1 4 ` 'W.!'ntarIIoto,_ ohthoro, .... ..o 3&9 Hank Vicious, Gloluru .......0ct.8 IoIthV|al.odn,Linda . . . . ..0ct.9tl0 `I. Pourhoroogh Koom...0ot.l0tl1 8oIth0|urio, w um.,....s.pc.1sm2o `I.B.York,IIuklun........vot.3o4 North York,NoIvuuku.....Oct. {H09 llouh Outuio, Pom: Pot-ry.Bep.ll5 to 17 W# Dgulun, Bomnsnvillo...Uct. 8 to 9 Olltnl, Gnolphopt. . .17, 18, I9 pad 20 ` Wanton. Lofrdou . . . . . .001. 1. 2. 3 And 4 flag`! antral HnmiImn.()cL |.2 3 Ind 4 `"'*.......(........""',.., P-*..'.:& lulu-dncnlicin. Why, dI-,IIo- knn'ohnlotnodnocadi1in.(0hoIII.) lnluhunuiniaailind inthotd-hit A-5... -:aL - ...._I.- A .-nth-u Inonrilhnnuubcolguthuca. ulcuvionutinly oaiunido with his own. TIlrC%`IIUdl1l|IlIAIC thocntin bliodlnghnd ldhngh nun: nnn?:lli.n1 Ir. GhI::'o'| Gw- ,unnIu-uvuvuu puuuu ' nndtlntvioi viii ioet to the much: of Prouctioniulnt I I priuoiploilinannnnixod nil, nod one thntmnonlvbriuniun to the nut pnuaplo n u an unmxu nu, nun ou- thatoanonlyh-inguiuq out mmufwtnremudmo that will only bu-ant than for I short "tine. (Grant chanting.) Sir Faun`: much in` an Artinln thaotlnrdnmnnd Sir A. `I. GO. uhuring.) mr Inna: mun Ill nu uticlo thootlsorlnynnd Sir -A. Gun, Ibo in In lndspoldl 0ouon|tivo-- not ntullinhu-onywilln no in nnny antlers, thonnin IOIO rattan not In :put--both uytluttho unilld. clou- ruult.ofProtdioniI to ash uticlea duur. Then an be no qoalan About that. (Appluuu) Some one nay: lhnt -a will have more mount to but with. mu. ulppnuee.) acme nue -ye mu we will have more mane buy with, but I can prove that whi ethe wage: of votkingmon from 186! to 1873 had risen 60 per cent. in the United States, the prioee of article: which they have to con- Inme, including everything that went to sustain I lunily, hed risen to 92 per cent. (Greet cheering.) Now Sir, I will for a moment leqve the question of Protection, In I have indicated very clearly that our view: ere, and leave it to the Opposition to indioete to the people whet their view: are. Ilene thcmto reconcile, if they on, Mr. Tilley e doctrine in the Eutern Provinces with tint of their lender: in the West. (Cheem) -u:I- ninv t1AII'|(|lI AIlIl\D -rnu DAILY cu.umu'ron.. We are accused in several journal: pub- lished in thin neighborhood, in the Daily 0t'tizen-whioh 1 might fairly call the Daily Calunmiator (oheeu), because, sir, it mam: not to have the nliuhtast concep- uauy uamnmuuor wneen), ooonuu, u it loom: not slightest ooncop~ tion of what fair play means. (Hear, hear.) There in not the slightest sttomot, and there uaver has been since I have read it, to prennt anything fuirly-of nll mnnnnr of criman: we are cbnmod with Wouhti. lnliilou. .7. sad 4 Gran Oontul. HupiIwu.()cL I,2 . lunuponuothnniuhy n:ina ll. inin Jt ! -II W `I ` Cb ' ' hlk at "[hoy ( n) ` urn`- read It. to prennt anything rs|riy-uI su manner of crimes; we are charged` having been extravagant; we are scanned ofrhaving been corrupt. We nd that the Oppsition urators all over the coun- try. and the Oppoaim newspspsrs, are circulating stories about the steel rails, about contracts. about the Neebing Ho- tel, about the Kamiuiatiquin land pur- chase, and sundry little matters of that sort; and with such rm idea of fair play that they never condescend to notice some little things which require, at least, some sxpltsnabion. If any of ourfriends refer sn audience to the Pscio Scnndsl, he will be told that it is an oldstory now. But it is different with the steel rails transaction, which began only a you sitar, and which is a very fresh story. (Laughton) -run Dsnslu unshllill run own. uivlcl. Tho can 5 Inc with I run noun` wsunsi. is a little unpleasantncss that arose in 1873, and we are sccused ofhuving made a moral wrong of what wss merely a very hnndsome subscription from Sir Hugh Allen to help the elections. (Great laughter. Sir Hugh Allan is not smsn given to helping largely nt election. Sir Hugh is a very able man-he is a very wealtlfy man--a man of vast business capacity, and is man whose enterprise I honor. and have tried to sustain as is public man. But Sir Hugh Allen has some of the weaknesses of my country- men. Sums ambitious Englishmen once stisted that the reisson why the lnrthing was coined was inorder to give Scotch- men an opportunity of giving something in charity. (Great cheering.) It was a very singular thing that Sir Hugh Ailan s political subscriptions began in 1872~3, that they were never heard of before the election of 1872, and never have been since, and I venture to say that, until re- conped, as promised, that $160,000 he gave to the Tory leaders, he will never give any election subscriptions. (Cheers.) ....... ..n......... um...- I um L` nlzuunu nulnu A good deal is said about the Neabirng Hotel, which wn valued by the Valuntors at something over $5,000. Thin In spoken ofn I lose. It may have been valued too highly; how much I really don't know. Supposing it is worth nothing, thaw Tory gentlemen forget that Sir John A. Mncdomld paid one half of that sum to Mr. Moylun without anything At all being got for it. (Cheers) -..........n in nu. nnvln Inuurvl nnunu-an nu nun . -nu... unulu l Another accusation brought agninet no in n oity paper in that thelluvermnent hu increased the public debt by 14 mil- lion: witbont adnncinj; materially nny of the public worlu. This in a very ex- trwrdimr statement. We have not be- gun a ning e public work which involved the country in debt. Though the debt has been increued much more than 814,- 000,000, it he: not been increased by our action, but by the action of the late Gov- ernment, excopting the mm of $150,000 Ipent on the St. Peter Connl, which in the only work bugun by the Government The reeeon why the debt has been in- creued ninm we came into ofceil because we hue been completing the greet work: on the St. Lawrence and Ottawa canola, and any one who make: lllcll an extrnordimry Itatement mult either be grouly ignorant 0! what he writee, or else in deliberately necking to deceive those whom hie pl )BI' reaches. The in- mvmnn M the nnbio debt un to I lam LOU-Illflll Tlll BKVIIUI. You will nd that, by some more uccidout ol com-Io, or porhspo the typo got into pi," (laughter) that Iha lul you of the luo Guvernnanl in not to be found at I. The out of collecting the rgvonuo in 1873 in no lunch, the can of collection in 1875 in so much. but you will In unable Inml nnvnllininnhslhnlnnt vnnrnl Mn II`. Jpn. thou whom mu rownu. `mu m- anna of the pubic debt up to I Inc period in Iounolhing over 24 million: since we nooedod to oioo, but thin entire nun was spent on the lntatooloninl, on the bnlldmgal the Phic Rsilwny, nnd on the cumh. It you take lhia day`: (`ih':cn, you will notice, under the huding of `Fmu for the Electnrnto. some unlo-- II" notice, under me nuamg or `Fact! [or Electorate, some Inont no to the cost of um: II mncn. but unu no nnsolo tond onynlllnionlotholnt yurol the .110 (tovuuunt. Instead of duvet- into uinnpnoomoc mu ulna! in not correct innqttanollhiauort, I nntlu Iouyitvon in hair forth Oped- tiontohnnlhl nough to unfair nnalnn-nnlntnnnlnnnlollhn ml; `Fla uonsounurucuougnw unnu- ndonnplohntoloucnlolth-cu.Tln luh|nttn|nll7$uhantoloollod- ingtlnnvonu, ' nlliu rnll nibnnd oath 1870-7. than-7uuna_;couau? has aqcuhwvuialnlfd Xnalnlnl. "x foh Band or . - '.*-`,0! bvun-ouglh msudayonnmgghon uh, All lnnnvnllnvfnv-. uanganncuonnmpunnununun, tlllmnydlnvknr. Gnnd:.K`In..8orL 3.-Sixdalill. lchituuds , But can twdq. Thvhitus included 3. Andallu. ol the lcnplh; Bovuin : and Postmaster Oolnr. ` with Iwiudling the Relief Allan Inn drawing ntiolnusd ullingthou At New Orlunl. the Peabody Snbniutcnoa Auacintion ........a.- M. o..n;.... ..: ..I.....|. }..n. co.-i:'.3: ` The Hounds` gnu 8l0,() Io ` Tho true object of all Government. lhoultibe the greatest gnml uf the great- Oll number. The present Cahiul re- cognizes thin principle and the Prime Hiuiltar in his recent speech at St. John : declared My nun I8 to ru.o1'|w1' ~-. .. . - ....-. .....-..,. n vm_;_