--r'nu-uQgI-am,-A-nun ncknl VIII `AIR Civic Saluieu. . Public Schools. ` Insurance on City property. City Engineer . .8 Pruning . . . Cnnnqul Ward 1, Frontenac 1, Oghrio umvo.... " .. Nn_nin_got:ootu... Wndoung Id} nnrnnullunn. Deciency in revanuo of 1877. $1, 185 06 Discount: nnd interact on bondl, etc. . . . . . . . 3,049 06 -1...... . .--.. ..-.._..-:.- __, mm All srulnonifunnii tones, ac. Incideutnlu. . rroportlon or team work . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Ringing fire alarm bolla. . . ....... . . Drawing engine sud apparatua to n: General repairs. . . . 1 Fire alarm gong bat- teries. . . . _ _ IIIOII Fuel. . Ropnirin hone. . . . Water orh Co. . . 2 Proportion of team work . . . . . , . . . . . , I Entimntod Revenue Eighteen mill: the dollar on.6,l74- 605 00 . . . . . .39: Lou Sepnrnte Schools . _ _ _ _. E Enginoorf nlu'ioI..8375 00 Caretaker ofongiuen 500 00 Assistant Onroukor 328 50 Alpha How 00. to non. Am-il_. _ A 0.`: an to All Apnl... . . Allowance to Fire- IIIQI1 I` mpna none U0. to 30th April . . . . . . . Hook & Ladder 00. to In April.... . Fire- Lighting Lnmpl. $1,625 00 Lighting coal oil lnmpc............ 28700 Two new lnmpl. . 3000 Repnira.......... 30000 noou . . . . . . . . . . .. Provision for prin- oneru in Station. Cabmen & On-can Medicd attend oe. Fuel and cutting" Repair: and clam- ing. . . Incidentdu. . . rlipuuu In} In I. ITIVIH8. l00I,'ll88. - Au nnarouou. ., , HI C0 Drugghtl unnnu n Clerk on! Market. Scavengen. . . . . Incidental: .. .. Pulico Magiatrato..$l,400 00 Chief of Police. . .. 1.0(X) (N) umex ox ronoe. 1 Wngeu of men. 5, Clothing... . . . . . . Boot: Pu-nui-inn hm nu - YUIICO Ulgltfmns ,4) CU Chief Police. . .. 1,000 (1) Watts: of man, 5.425 25 Fuel and cutting. . Incidental: . . . .... Ddoldueyol C3.T47.77._ Tluilnnlnn: liVZCjII|IlllI ID -illlootbdolknuhvlluvoo .I.I.l..__.. _l I `PA? I ! ODL- :L.__ ._ . mu mp: Schools" . . . . .. Remission: . .. Uncolloctnble . . .. VEGETINE LIIBGFXB 0|! KIX 1876........... 150 00 Dog ax, 1878... 300 00 Sale of lot on con- tination of Montreal 8:. . . 1,260 00 llllfell on DIXDI 1875 . . . . . ...... Interest on tun mm ' "'-rs.......u. aondl IQ-t X Ih-uutuqIin&~ hbon'udbyhnaulIi|yariI.- XII` H: ---1.3. Ahgl-._.... Ulf] mauve Fund .. . . .. Tue: -non-reni- Kdont....;.. . . iup'n ID Phi - lipuille Rood. . Innslmontu on 10!: told . . . . . .. Frontage Domimon ' -Gu lighting dome . . . . . . . . . Interest tun 127; DIllil'l`lllA%D0'- ng .... Uinnl and than "inQ__pnIinn [Vb ' mum um anon Finu-Po|icu U`! n|-.__ n_,,_ , unquor, wnoluul um nun......s 9,029 50 Auationoonm... 1601!) Only: nu! I1...-. W0 46 Entimnted expenditure. $110,518 23 .-._._-..... Jun: sums: wine. 'rmasnAxTsT1c1'rnn131ck 3. 1870; lull. loull Imveleepwellscn um. ' hkh Ila Vuetlne. I took hir- bnny II: In good; the ulcer l_u all! us shletoettend tobmlneu. I 0 four hundred doling for medicine before I bought t Vozellno. I lueunersd Veqekose tobomazrnnvlgh 3% van [9 Is 3 o t I1 I01. It I: e not! excellent medicine. "I! ll mm," u Inn". I`. Anuonu. mun; ungxruuwu. Deciency . nxpzn m1- nu}? fi- .. 3,142 39 us 7ooooA 35,650 00 Ir. Anllunl ll onoulvoly in nnn$t.||o0oI-nan:-holnvo I; In nlpoemi by I". 5200 zuuuu 25000 37500 $1.10 on an m 11,914 (I) 8,13 Cl: VEGETINE} 87,492 89 $107,770 46 1110.513 23 : 9,472 25 . 12,000 00 320.277 57 02,747 77 2,242 oo 478 IOI 2,201 11 Tn Rmuo C;nI..-F:on an old do- c:lI:uu;`in the Ridge Oandoogtho I I intruding has III aha. Pay cnablinlmont, 110,279 ponds, 19 nl|i|lmpud8ponoa;eonIo(pu|,23,ll m. ' I0 pun, 3 hnyz _ poudg, 13 Anna`, " $0 Votbo bu done for lll. About two Igo IIIII Ion cum on my log , It noon I Ulcer no troublesome that I thdootor. `mt I at no nllol, grow- Icnollnn day to an . nlerod terribly. rcudayorn in: [Va noroduoed In I won 41 never rooovanl con admin at Ooluulnu. I loowod Im Id ildldnogood. lomtrnlyuylwudw than I In both; our nw your ndrorunonc at an Blood Puller" for Oh blood {Ion nll lnputloqenring I an to my fumnl , I V o. Bcfon I {ad I n to fool boner. Ipuy clad liul C the right unidi- leould now wollun ltook In mood: tha nlmr In IID, "Hutu II, I ulrplnl luu IVO Vlllll I-u,IIophyoduollcntnudo-|pro` guano usually than the nvongo odor nl nkinnl Inhhinh `ln$IIlI IIIIIOIII - I of shoot mbbiah. :' Delaware 0..Pob. I6. I877. Q! I.l.Innn:- ' ,>; I$'IIr,--I Ilslnogcu onhluenmonls 10] may know. II In: others know] COO Mn-nmoluu..- To-dny at St. Mary ! I Cubodul, Mr. Gm-Ild 0. Essa, of Ou- hwn, lod to the altar ono of Xinplolfl moot tooomplinhod daughtnn, Iliu Magic Goodwin, niece. of the Inc Alderman Broplly. The happyoonplo Mt lot the val um Iiutning with tho but wishes of upir numorono friends. Fun Kunculn. -'l'|u city Ill yacht- dayvidtodby nhnrpintnnd tuoviolir 3-In -In nlgnul -wag.-O --I-h _- .... Tun Bun) In nu Pux.-'I`hc Battery Band will pin} in the City Pnrk this commencing at 7:30 o'clock. The follow- ing in the programme: 1. Mnruh-Tho Mocking Bird. . . .Necn. 2. Quadrillo-The Two Harlequin: falndn , A very eucceufnl plo-nic, coneleting of the Elginburg end Oollineby P. M. Bchoole, wee held et Welbux-n e Paint on , Wedneedey, the 28th of August. The u weather wee remerkebly ne, end ebout three hundred persons were present. The amneemente coneieted of boating, . ewingl, croquet, etc., end were entered into heartily by the young people. About ve o'clock an abundance of provieione were npreed and enjoyed immensely by the pic-nicerl. Greet credit in due the lndiee who had cherge of the department. Both of theee school: are exceedingly` proeperoue under the euptrintendence of Mr. Wm. Dey, Oollineby, end Mr. Joe. Henley, Elginburg, who ere eupported by a noble ete` of teechen. Seventh Diviaion--1, Robert Gillupio, 2, Margaret Bromnor; 8, Minnie Bell; 4, June: Pnyne; 5, Inbella Convery; 6, William Priestley. Sixth Divinion-1, Sarah Miller; 2, Ellen Oonvery; 3, Jouph Little; 4, Maud Vnnnorder; 5, Funk Mills; 6, William Brenner. ,. 7-,. . . -. . .n... Fifth Diviaion--1, Jane Davidson; 2, George Little; 3, Charla: Lindsay; 4, June: Bell; 6, Don: Mills; 6, Hon Smith. I. n- - - 4 [VI . --... .. u, vnuuvxulv luv 11 man`. Third Division-1, John McConnell; 2, Senh McConnell; 3, John Prieltley; 4, Ruth Stewart; 5, Alenndor Bnmner; 6, Mnry Derngh. Fourth Divi|ion-1, Mary J. Bell; 2, Williem Kennedy; 3, Alex. Mcwekor; 4, Margaret Mcwntar; 5, Ambroee Payne; 6, Alexander Adum. uuuu, u, uuuoucuu nuulul. Second Divinion-l, Alice Honltridgo; 2, Robert. Bremnor; 3, Christin: Brem- ner; 4, Henry (Jonolly; 5, Sarah Adam; 6, Catherine Mcwnter. -m.:-.: n:..:.:.\.. 1 Y..L_ ll_n_.___u, 1, Auuuuul uuuvuuuuu; U. Lood; 6, Elizabeth Adnmn. Q.........) I'\:_:_:-_ 1 A |:,- ,', lulu-Ior,-l IIII: tognvo on this untlmon In ; my V has done for two Jfllpuuslllonounoonlny 101. Mason First. Diviuion--;,- Jane Adams; 2, Sarah Kennedy; 3, Elizabeth Henltridge; 4, Thomas McConnell; 5. Fannie Mo- 1`,..!. R 'Il'l:--L..a.L A.:___ POB'l'SMOU'|'H`PULIC SCHO0L--JULY AID nmnn-r . Vula--nuanro . . . . . . . . . .15. M11 . F:nt.uin-On Guu'd.. . . . . . .BoIqui . Galap-A Wild Bay. . . . . .8011 God Save the Queen. .\.H. R.Acn'n-, Bnndmntnr . V|lBUl.'|llU`-lllC 1W0 lllflllllll [a|odI{.'.ir'.' . Soloolion--La Dame Blanche . . . . . . .. l D.n.lA.-. menu. . .. Poutngu md Teln- gumu.......... Nunlna foundlings Registry Olfioo, Fnrmtnro And nuporul-I loos. . . . Rcgintntion of Birthl, etc . . . . . . Coinn And Inter- `monb. md Fm-ml urn And u-nu or mnyon . Furniture for Soli- .-;o...'. ,.m... rurnuure to: son- citon-'| oice.... . 125 00 lucid.-m1......... 500 00 A ; I will Try Vegetine. ` IIE mo, % `VVAS CURED. Iliothrtlnn snylodlcino. ' oldorlol Ky.. Doc I877. lhvoIuIIl!lsnuu' V` t.lno.uul like ,; tggnnymonlldu I on used for _, lulu ` Hood. One bottle 0! Vognnno non good than Ill ounr uodl Cu '0 n . Tlolu Lulu. lloldonon, Ky. _..- ;..`2.:.'"`*.".*'..-1" *" "P9019 0! [I5- ooon ...........4,lM 00 UuoIOoutEouu for Dkidnn "E"-.--." .1: Ullnnnl and Mnyon Furniture for Soli- m Aiuilnlqlo Anti J. all 0. [Quit ` CO sundny school l lc-nlc. lION0l I 7500 7500 YQMhoIIuupo::orllooII.B h d llnry plauunuo uh; av?!-yozllild (N -- 10,29! 07 T: $110,515 23 .5. nu`:-Io. ` . B(Iql.llI. .Sohnoht. uuolhl lnnrh lath."- than nuuhlnol v" -% with #1.: Irofvulh nml. Dian-hound dyuntqnoplrlupulho mat eon-on of our only day ills, and ovary pcnon In: none spacial an at their on. On: in Pcrrybavio Pd: Killannnd hvingnnoditlcnuly yuan uunoonldoullynoo-uond it. __..4.:. VEGETINEI I! shown in Ito pmpcrtyol suhhi person: through Inonhl diculthn. as Zbld we 0: bottle. F0 0. King And nth & Gunn. Chou-fulnou d t` `t o! inulloot u-J:'.7'd.'-.d"b?I'r':II'.;-Iv." Oompo-Ian! Snub Hypovhv-phik-. and . vvm. uugoou rngo, nugnouc Phy- nicinu, 521 6th Ammo, New York,m!- fend for many you-I with Itilfnou and intense pin in bi: knee, and at timc-I wu unable to Iulk, canned bynninjnryro ooivod on the Hlldloll Rivor Ru" road. Triod over; remedy tint skill or ncioneo could dunno, without bonot. (iu.u' Lnnturr loam: or Alutolu pro in- stunt relief nod oifcctod a complete euro. 251m! 500 r bottle. Fornlo by J. King lruth & Gunn. Goon.-AmidIt all the or-la: of light buley, than are some huvy oxoophimu. John Soby jun, of Adolphuuown, Iuld to Harris & fhly, three or !our hundred bunhela of bright bu-lay, B nmplo b who] of which] uhn minouounl from the lot, w had pound; he lvurlgo night 0 tho ontirolot will easily unounc to 50 pound: to the bulbs]. This is not on exception! out. Another for nor`: barley Ill wolghod and turned the nesln at only squatter of 3 pound lou.-1\'apa- unnoy Ill woignoa and turned the Icllil M: Bauer. I M. A'ron'.u.-A gnmhler from Buffnlo, N.Y., hed memorable experience I for ` deye ego. He dent on board I schooner end Ihipped for Bey City, Ilichignn, on condition the he should work hie pu- uge, but should not beoalled upon to go Aloft. The Ioether vru plenum and worklight. end the men begun playing and: in the foteoutle. The were noon cleaned out by the gemb er. Soon I -storm nroee, end the eeptnin, rigging I pumpthrongh the center-board box, not the gemblor At work pumping the lekq up. They ke t him It this till they reached Bey ity, and then took all the money he had won end kicked him uhnm. miserable affects, Mich u lick lyaadncho, Kugihtion of the hurt, sour Itomnch, 1 itunl ooutivonoaqdiuinou of the bend, nervous prontrntion, low spirit: ciao. Ito ulna now reach every town on the Weatorn Continent and not 3 Druggiut but will tell you of its wonderful curu. You can buy I Sample Bottle for 10 eeuu. Three don: will can you. You deeerve toeuer, end if you lead a minorable, unutiefeotory life in the bountiful world, it is entirely your own halt end there is only one exouee for you-your unreeeoneble prejudice end ekepticiem, which he: killed thounnde. Pereonel Imowledgeend common eenee reuonivzg will soon ehow you that Green e Auguet Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint or Dyepepeia, with all its each u pepihtion heart. Itomnch. vununuvvu -uuuulvl LIIVII IV! C Ulllllllfy which year! nugnnantod in charge: b nonrly A MYILLION AND THRE - QUARTER8 OF DOLLARS tu (`hr-T30 their uuooo-son with oxtnvmmnna for An qunnL'n.a Ur uuuunus cu ch--rgo oxtnvngnnoa fur tn AUGMENTATION OF ONLY 866,000 PER ANN UM I ran nu Ann UAL INUKEABE 01'` I 866,328, I u-bite in rich Ill account an that of the Dominion. I. it nn..:I.I. 4.. :......:.... -.... ...-_- mar. 01 mo uormmon. In it possible to iuugine any more barefaoed numcity then for: Miniury ohu-gealy nonrlv AND THRE Au menutiou in three on-3.. 8202.985 IglSTEAD OF A EARLY AUG- MENTATION OF IEXPENDITURE OF` 81,666,666, WE FIND ONDY THE PALTRY ANNUAL INCREASE OF 836.32%. I nn.l\itA in nunh An nnAnn|,0 an I Dr. Wm. Olgood PA`. llngmti Ph - icim. Amino. New Yolc. In !- mo can-gel or me uonmmen: by I10,- 000,000 in round numbers. That in an augmentation of` 01,666,868 in every year. Now campus that with the result 0! the thus can 1874-5, 1875-6, and 1876-7 of r. lhokonnioi IdllIilIilI|'I--- tion, oomi down to the lut you to be found in t 0 public nooounh, Ind whn do we no? Expenditure for our 187!-4..8_23,3l6,3l 6 (THE LAST '!`IMATEs I nxponanuro tor 157:-4.32 (THE WERE PREPARED BY SIR JOHN.) I By Mr. Mackenzie 1876-7, um J uuu . ) I By Mackenzie 1876-7. $23,519,301 I nun Ir-1 . - . . . . . . . . . u - . - 60,0l.0,ill) It will be noon nut in nix you-I tho MACDONALD MINISTRY nngmontod the chute: of the Govunment by 810,- 000.000 nu one unuulullll Inn llnlllucanllot III tlmiunolutvohd Parlia- sent. nuonxznt-an srmr. ruumnn comm N01` srmw Hoax IN -rd: um: 137: run: an: Joan A. IAOD08ALD'8IIN- xsrmr HAD Pnoroam no SPEND AND um OBTAINED Avrnomri T0 snub. or oounan an-mus: 1-mcv 1-Honour rr NIOIBSARY ro sum) 11-. mm cu. um mu- natkm we Iubnittd the following I- IIIPQZ '_ V nupoottull youu " y ' l|`.AJI1'uo:u. Ir. am: In onoof the lancer: or Dell . Ila Iottlod here a nun. He in Ihnnaoftbo Inn of F. Anthonih . Anlluol known. ea- hola well known : human bvnll. In 1867-8...... 1868-9 . . . . .. 1879-70..... I870-1 . . . . .. 1871-2 . . . . .. 1872-3 .. . . . lll'IR_A mt run an runner lunar .pnpIudIhncnI|untundinour- rd tho An ouanpt In hoonumlntoulddlotlunlpouihilityof vucu u an uaiavaiau rnnh. mzunnwuuuwua jnll u Incon-In-:wb|doIudlt|oIuoHho nn Ilnouuanoh u all rhoum. IOII-an otrbnneloquolu, ulcer: and mi; :1: condition zra :55 blood Hz care than u; It has no oqul. In alum an j till Illlltlllo Alllll. : All Unduublo Trullh . . . . . . . . . ... II.`-53.105 ..... . . . . . . .. 14,315,509 .......... 15323.08! 17,589,488 19,174,489 23,316,366 .D nnmnnnud I Pleasant I the noun hr_d:l-Int-In loo hauled. lhonolutlolloroluauhhguduy eulucu ulrhgn nun hv-cult dcllvcolnl: than -vutlyhttht undaluollb nun. byl-vb; chit avlnnut Onulwlton. u JIIIII HAIIIIQV .".:.".:;'a'.;.z".::'m.:;'7,`:.:,'.`.`..;.`.",':':.' I .;7Y.,A"`*`"`' ALEXAN ER R0898, Princes: Street Aug 2_ 1878, OPPFIIITI (1101? IIIVIVDI 1. s NORDEEIIER, 0' TOBOIITO. uunpuu -IIIIII ltll Ill pal ylfd. BIIIANTB, IKIHA u loocuollmncrrondorcryud. UEOCQKWHIIOCOQROIII 10o.vcr1 ` XQ.Ol'fllffoI:Snr-anv- -nun; nun nectar lnduoomanh to pardon km invest that -0001,}: DIY (WWI. Special nnontlonu ul followlu Luna : BluknndOolotod0roudlnool'mm5oporyd Innoyllothhlklrhltl donuuunonmgcpouml. conmauaumua-auopcyou. hnoy Duuooodnh-on was per uni. ll-broldulu h Strlpodluhulhnloopaty . Illknnllanlllo and lB ll!lAl'l`8. bola; olounlou ngnllm dud. aw; .r.'.- ` P.".'da I N Ilj XEIru-a-up--ha-nan.-.. Kath tlll Ind taco In -' W .......".":':......':.'.':`.:..:... -..:_oo__.__ HAVING PURCHASED HEAVILY FOR. THE FALL 1 room for new Stook In will continue our Oupots, Stair 011 Cloths and Linens, Ournln Sstts in not and lath And the Auortmont of Shoolin , Pillow 0ottmu,'. I Furuitura Cotton: md ollmdn; with the , _--,- ._r_._.. ..I_....- ' ----oo--- E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW AND BPLENDID 8100! OF Bontoln En llah and Ouudlnn Goods, Iultablo hr the 'IllTI'Idl' which wlll ho clawed AT 1-my vzhvlowwr pawns. We no ounlod to a. co, Lu he am-nu Stock lot cult and prmulu to 19 those wl: J wlll favor at with I call the ollt. sttentlon given to the Order nae. Ouraooda having been well uloohd, wlll to an 00 In choloo ln quality and new In nlclle. Thou lutond onlorl lulu will In no C In in mnkin 1 ood choice. 1'` L A COMPLETE Cl 0 IIADY IADI OUJ'l'H~ [No B: .(npa. Gent`: Furnllhlng Gooda, Ilubbor Goat Unbnllu `huh all other Good. nnnlly found in our utubllnhmont. w now nit. T0 mvi nu bn.x.. `lull-An:-.In1 ` Eteat Clearing [lut SEIE of Domestic Bands. 3?. IIA.BTY S- Aqnh, Niuw YORK o|.o'rHmo stone. BROOK STREET, Four Door! homitho Kathi Scum. II'T'Il' IJAITIII Iurum nuunnrtrnn I urn-o nu... .._-_..___ ___- __._ -_ nraern1otmhg. ELL TRADE. Ready-lads alumna. N E W_-(I-0 o D S `HAVING LEASED THE PREMISES NOW OCCUPIED A8 A OLOTHINGI Shore, three door: from Wellington Strut next door to Gage : BmI., Jowollorl o'en the waomc or ms swoox for sin bum. of thin mom at A onuf SACRIFICE, to make room (or one of the lu-gut Fall Stock: our hnpol-tad Inca thin city, which will bl OPENED OUT IN HIS NEW BT03] 0! llth DAY IIPTIIIIR Ellf :I:-.ovv:N':DW r "M"msW,' LIVERPOOL HOUSE, PRINCESS STREET. N.B.- This i splendid npportunity for cub buyer: to man Bugllll, ll Goods will nover be lo'o.hoIp u they are at the present time. 1 Como cu-lyono and All . New suck Casluneres-all Wool, so, no, 70. 15 and 00. ew Colored Caslunoros---all Wool. 50. so. 10. 75 ad soc. New much am Grain suks4I.oo, 1.25, V 1.50. 1.18 and 2.00. New Colored Silks---Beautiful Shades. New olored Satlns. all Cut on Bias Ior Trlnlllg. jsMovAL sm AT LIVEBPOOI. HOUSE. Aug. 19,1371; `us 28. 1878. B. WALDRQN _--77-vrw---j oruognlnu-aoudoo-any-buns uvaunhu-unullu-on. scan. to oonmm at the old man on nu. Andyouunnongulthotvoslochnnelnonlout. ournlnun hu--nuns. One Prlce Asked Lou Taken. uuonosmo or mum named mnnoxmmdnnmurox """""""' ou.u.""`o-ur-o' dIInhd'i.:Ie.voImh".`..-_ A ammo CLEARING OUT SALE mm Aug 23rd. Aug 28, 1878. 'f To be cluud out in tho nut ton dnyl at I Gnu Soot-idol lnotdu to 01000 the dopsrtmont. Call at onoo, ocean I claim, and we gunlltco you the best bargains of the season. `u. am: 1878.` FOR _ALE. at Go. M:c1\T.e.trG1~1' srnarnn I-IIICI, '0: IE Rhy Afalb |i- --`J an JJQJ WW II in PRINCESS STREET. SEE- LC)'VV'].\TI)IE'a'S J0!!! IAIDIIY. A. Gtlalall. ., _........u-us. -mu; onunuounll Hf. rfnld. IN haul: Ihoyaouru. lb::=a.Wvofl"lr|Ipl,hI IOII&IIod: R. WALDRON. Wilson's Buildinvs. . . . - 9 -`!'eruson I Bloch '_6px>31n om norm. 1- - --:-- llocl I1'lll`I'. lair Icon fun the lulu jun 1 w1 ._-._-no-. In uouwna, `nolungp, Tabb lulll, * II; bnlsnooon hand 0! our 1. ,1. but . 1'.'a":'3"s1..rouo'-';'n'i..1.3.7.'T"' Goo" (}IV.!!(rl'0llllIllvt|iItIov- Owl i%*nANoFom-es. :` nn..A.n.n.....a .5. c._._. ___.. it. ~ `V3.11 ulvl III A UAI4. 'i=-'"riI:vos1'," '. Inns I-an lb.-n ah- n-.|.u n- IoNAUGH`l`0N c 00.. ' Oouu [no no Pnnnm Gnu:-. TRADE 1'0 KARI! Funliu. s.IunnutIun'sj v. KIT uinunux Iauduhhnou - *3 Hana: u" put: Lb-u--c La- vlgiiqnn wo'u':rI':ru:n caudally u- >unvo|IzII-Illlu-than-nan-n Dolowun, 0.. Pub. I377. Ill :- nd by ID ; C. In. nuyu-. In I-U VT U32. unrloclhuptoghn luau up-bud InIheauunndallh0I&nDop uni-not-.h uuauuusuu-nu. oudhondiquhndhqb it hilt Id. It. TQH Obi IntqyhlQ.niuuvold&oInl- q-hoiI0nndnbQI0jld Inlcitilhllth VI|I_IIuhundu&&% '%. ,d_`h*|&b& E - ..` . ` luwvww GRIT -if uld-Ibo went down Iborivotolthoov ....:... ..|....|u..|.L.. g.n.__....;,_, IIu-IuII it: CHI: 51 KHZ X if X` c-I-in nlnmulau bhudbw uIl!.u`l|a0nIhg.hIloy,|poJ t|oGhfhh'nGInnultoIh0fdIo uylhuthquudlhvobuuthudl uhyhgpllovh-lhuhyvutllhn Ookcupdun '.-I ._....n- ":-'-- :1 wad -I-d-F u...-u uu--.-u-u wuunuu-I Iup. porkninpdnbhnuunonuIhj- duuninIhonulvouinpclIIo!hqq- pnrlohu. Atlndvilloyuluhyai hhhnhdtvllunurol Einloh Ind:-_- -l.l ,,_L. _._A 4...- AL- .:___ _. n__ __ -f" V `CI 1% IX II ill! IIIBUII` lion king to play the Young Eula. Their nniul nu ucomplinhod u not I llhllournnd tboglonndwuoonothut it In decided not to play, and the "-nnnI|An- -.-....n..nl- ..A..--_.I I......- II v- uivluiu Bin I0 yin , lull IIII Dunlleu eouoquondy rammed bone by the oxounion sauna.` Th Yong lulu have an auction to Broohlllo no Il...4I... .__.L Du Nor Puv.-Yoohrdny the Donut- lcu Bus Boll Club, of0tuwn, u-rived him by the Emprul ol India, the inhu- Ih.-. Lg}-.. 6-. ulna CL- V..__- I!-_I- ULuu:'s Mn.l.s.-Yontonhy Sir John Ihcdonnld and Du. McCamnon and sauna dnve one toCluk'- Mall. to pa: in a word {or the mndeu burnt `of the Oonntutiu banner. It must now up- poll ovidantto all who (hair: to be (In. did, nod who are not earriod III] by party feelings, that Mr. Mckony In: no ohms in Addinglon, Ind that In mun Iuhin I dinboulaning dclut. Lin B:nnw.--Tbo excursion Ihioh came horn lut evening from Pnoeott Btookvillo md Othvu, loot evonlng was the Ingest Ihlt hu ruched lure this lesson. The party numbered fully 1500. Thu Empron of India, upon which (hay came hare, did not nmnin long, Ind Ibo started on the return tripoo sharp on timo Glut. About 100 pononu were Mt, including the Oltuu baud. Uurowrunun.-'l`he Ottawa people vote somewhat unfortunate yutvrdly. The Ottawa Artillery, who were primi- polly inurumontal in getting up the ex- cunion, were left behind At the Capital, being law for the tnin; and here one of the band: nu lolt. by boingnlow min- utes behind lnnd for the boot. Tu: (human Tn1u..--The hunting of the ciao, in which four or ve Ortngamon of Montreal no defondlnu; in continued from duy to tiny, but pnctically without results. The e'm-ta of the prosecuting oounul seem to be directed to an Attempt to prove the dofendnnu Onngemon, but no In they have been unluocoulul. hlquzsr.--An inquest wu hold by Dr. Bukor, Coroner, on the body of the Into Andrew l"it:Iimmum. The foreman of the jury nu Mr. 0. Belvm. The verdict returned was lhnt deceased cum to his death by the hunting of nlnrgo blood veuol in the head or neck, probably nnnlurinm " RI-ornxuNo.-Mr. T. B. Rayin About to renew buaineu in big old Itand, which has been renovated and nnowod uinoo the Isle fire. In his line of bunineu, harness-mnkinu, he ll one of tho but in the city, so any one will ulmit who onminu hi: stock of goods. Anunnn. -1 I 3 3.4; -A.L, J. W. Axounsou hu boot: end shoe: hnper then ever M. the Arcule Boot and Shoe Store, opposite the Albion Hotel. Having purchued the bankrupt utock 0! Chen. S. Cronby, hail detemxined to sell below Montreal wholeule prices. Hun Fnornzuc Lno _M1sn.-Notioe i. hereby given that Fredirick Kiluhnw, lor- merly Mnnngar of H16. Frontenac Lend Mining And Smoking Company : Works, in no longer in tha omploymont of the aid Company. . PoucI,-EdIml Fituimmou, drunk. npd flat [0 days. Patrick Roomy. who that 0 stone at 3 horse, and stand it to run Muy, Ill locmnd And dininr ed on ps}"ing the coals. l'n1on'rs.-'l'ho whr Belle Mitchell in now in the hnrhour. She Ind the high- utlroight paid thin season, 6! each. Rue: have ndunood in Toledo and Ohicngo to 61 and 9 cont: rupeotivoly. vrwuu 5:: wvvnuu un qpw var . lav uninv- odharoon tluouurdoo by thououur Enprou of lndin. vliv Iucll uunut ul I-uu Ilxvvnvluv Atvuncv, spent Int evening in no city. Ho arriv- .4l hgn` an u- -.u-.vI..- In. OLA Anninnc ` v Ton Ilunla.--`l'hb owning the`, Toqpurty will ban: mating in tho Oity Hall, which noun! potloucn upuxposkd to speak. The pnnlnd` upon nillnotdolr. Onnn'|udi1h- 1 tnnmylnjury. _:.c1._.,.. . .......BBs Tu: Pxm.-|lr. lav; Sonllvoh, the loal editor at the Bmokvillo Reorder, __,._g L.` __,,__._ 2.. AL, _:._ ll- _..___ IIIII VW Cu. I-U vlw- at United Tuuplnn, will addict: a nod- iq 3| Potunouth. . n...u.-isu"x&a. Juotbthgldolth lav. Danoghgolhhuilb. Pnouq:unn.-Ialanb trial: And pudydtuly Iain. M ! | _1.__._.:V.? lnuummnunuml 01171 ! 71011177. CT!!! IO! YOU I IOUUK I! 'l'nrn_Axc:.-'I';; Ir. f`,.-Il`..-..- -a--.-lg] -hL GI-:4 l\.. Apps on -no nuptial man, nckuvlodgo 1' W cu-um when at mono -, lluttnblbvhg oxtruunn a lower 5 *I6lIudvIIvlllaIom- (K-shah-A-u Anal I un.-;uu I .--._n4n._.--Inf --..j-.-Q-0--jg ClIhl.-IohIdny nun dull day for dnoouuuuthoWouu-tovlaudol. `lhbuoun. Apinno I-lnpu nil tIdltvnhututhdouybuux- - 1 mjk--3.: AL. _..L.A luotuc Ttxrn.--uu night linden Iuuuic Lodge Ipnlod I committee to each: vithnuniuuo olaity lodge: and dnphu, to annidat the advinbility og pouring I building to In ucludnly Iho pupcty olthocnmvhuuit will nod Iihy, and nine than will to Inigo, Ohplu and Iunap-out mound eon- vutuyjuqju III IV. Zj dlndutlc. John ; udlto. 0. W. Anlnndvuoullcnullloplnn. luv` vjvu II -I'. -CT 131,55. vv. uuuuru u ncv. n. `I618 ION appointed ononry Bocnhriss till the annual nesting. Hr. Bunion : dntiol can on tho 7th incl. 9 Y.K.0.L.--AI tho buninan meeting last night it in douided -u the Gnnd Trunk could not give I tnin lot un ex- cursion to Ottawa on the 11th or 12th- not to but it at 1 later date, but to hue I prdon party on the ground: 0! Rock- wood Asylum, if procnnblo, on the 19th inst. Tho Secretary : upon for J uly and Aluuut you read and ndoptod. Mr. W. Osborn pad Rev. R. lhcksy Inn nnntintntl Itnnnvnun R`.-lam`... ozll oh- ` , Cow W.u'In.--ll one want: a drought , of cold Iuer, and bus no ice. he may be 1 grntiliovl in thin way: (let 3 In-go un- ` glued owor pot, with saucer to mntch. ` Puuome Inter in tho uucer, and after having not in it C veuel of drinking wu- tor, invert the put. over it, no that the edgo ol the pet will roll in the water in the sweet. Thu: one may secure with- out expense, deliciom dnnking wntor. Tho philooophy of thin plan ll manifest. The cotutant enpontion of water, from tho porous encloauro, will produce 3 de- cidedly low Iempenturo. In the tropics this in the nniverul plnn of procuring A cold draught. __:...___. Illlf':-- chi-HhIon.Aul.lDa. an o/PIOSPIOIONI .- E`-' -"-":33-*.:*..':.-z.:: ; ----a -to 2---- A Luann O|urw.-We have been ' smueed st the learned criticism of Hon. Mr. Huntington : speech, which sppesr- ed in last evening's News. We were especially tickled st the qnotation of thing: which the learned critic said the Postmaster General had forgotten; that Mr: Huntington is 3 mm of ne ap- pesnnce end from him whom one would expect to hesr something ouculnr, but, if Anybody indulged in greet expectations on Seturdsy they were sadly disappoint` ed. All of which convinces us the more rmly thet the writer of the criticism must be den! or deft, and that he cannot tell the truth even under pressure. I.0.0.F'.- Yesterday s large party, numbering sbout 450, of Oddlellows end their friends, left by steamer Maud for Brockville. The trip down the river was s pleasant one. Broclnille was reached st 1 o'clock, and after is three hours visit the return. was made at four o'clock, home being reached at ha,lf put ten. Greet praise is due the Committee of Manage. ment for the mnnner in which they enter- ed to the enjoyment of the excursioniste, nothing being left undone to make the trip s pleasant one. Mr. Elliott nleo ex- hibited his usnel good taste in providing for the wsnts of the "inner mun," excel- lent meels being spread for those who wished to pertelre of them. All expressed themselves es well satised with the trip. ---- -?---ooo:----- Wuo WILL 11- B:z4:r1rl-An a con.- tompornry put: it, who will a policy of inereued tention benet 1 "Would the hbourer earning hie dollar 5 day be benetted, end how 1 Would the brick- . layer end muon who hnndled crude me- . teriele nd their condition improved their day : labour commanding a better price, and the Inge: earned spent more Advnntsgeounly than nowl Would the tailor, shoemaker, timmith, baker, plu- terer, blacksmith, printer, boolibinder, mechanic, clerk, etorekeepor, lawyer, doctor, be able to make their dollarufo further in providing for thier fnmi u then they are able to go to-any 7 Would the lumbernun in his shanty; the sher- men in his midnight toil; the farmer in his effort: to make two blades of grass grow where one grew before, be benet- ted in that way. 1 l ._-.. -- nu. u.-J:-nu ulnuly. :Uole n hippodrome will not visit the null places, and no we no threatened with 3 visit from the people of Cnpe Vin. cent on Friday. We will be gled to use our naighboun, but we hope they will leave the Supervisor: at home. Our ex- perience of then gentlemen in somewhat pocnliu. --Tho prominent |non'in tho Tory nah at the present time on than who look to Sir John ngtho only hope they can have of making `n grab at the public money. Sir John Inn dwayu boon uf. ictod with men of the Moylnn atnmp. :`_`h[_!. l.in.-uul-nmn -pill -mo -u-0 Hm '-: l'|n lnvonnblo price for barley will "auto tho human to than out puny lively. In-non should not hold Choir L.-I...A... I... Inn.-- ._.x_ _--_ -1.-- uvuuyo rlntri IIIUIIIII mu IIOIII Hill! lhrlvytoo long. When gain you show itnrml vnlnn Huang in n zlnnnnu In ln.l.8, -uuvy Iuu nun`. vv nun (run [02 IDOVI itonnlnluo than in A dungorin hold- --AaoaI'lin loouoonkouponry Hon. Ir. Huntington in of small coouqnonoo, `ondyot Iuvullonnnvho unkind illlooting 8irJohn|ouroHho0ppoIi- lion. ...;,a.., .,will|n'Kinpto_u'u -&0lhvaBuIp!syu_lthougI,& I dly brunt; It snail has ` pdxoolarputyhnu. ~ . -.0ovnd.yon-nu!_Itinnnn:-' lngno. `lino Ibo donotfunto ' dullinvhgargotnndtnekinuu-nu. Tlootlnngutiilldbynlorndo. 1 --`lb pay in dollar: for: media! con- ulIuion.uidtlnhboIdondtolanr|n Ill-wool chin, `M I gooddullikc being `laced. ` I. I. .-I Inc sold Vogouno for I long _ Ind ltgivu non ouollont mime- , LI Dlht, I.D.. Huluon, Ind.