Bvhfu.--I|aAhuu pig: Alvin, -r.u_.,a.u.a-.--I <` Ud;hqon,BInh'Iu;0uh,1'uu- h;Pc$.I.CdhuiIqulAI-uh -Thia morning tho stenmorv pu- aed down the river, carrying the municipal deputmiuns to address Lord Du'arin. Messrs. J .J. Hsttigen and Steve Ryan, oicers of No. 2 Steam Fire Engine Oom- peny, ol Wstertnwn, were in the city to-dsy to make arrangements for their visit to Kingston on the 26th inst.. on the occasion of the toumsment. They wish to oherter two of the Folger Bree, hosts for that occasion, as they expect to be accompanied by from 2,000 to 2,500 of their friends from Wstertown. They will bring with them their steamer snd the Watertovm City Band, sud expect to take some of the money offered in prizes. They vieitod the Fire Station end the Firemen s Hell, end were much plossed with the manner in which the room wss titted up for the comfort end convenience of the Briasde. During their stay in the city they were the guests of Chief Hor- sey snd Engineer Youlden of the King- ston Fire Brigade. Advices have slso been received iron: the Chendiere Com- pany Not 1, of Ottsws, who will bring their steamer. From Oobourg the Fonn~ lain Hoe; Comysny, with their haee reel, will be peoeent;su-l from Oswego the No. 3 Com ny, with their eteemer, w_ill ettend. hie! Horsey hse extended invitations to 88 Depeitnents; end no doubt two gels gsud red letter dsys us] be looked lur h tlwse intereeted in the |::....a.... Inn `nan. qua, 14,400 but that an 2,100 Dada:-I; lacy, 13.747 hid: ol 7; _-A \\\\ \ \\\\\\\ \\ xx \ Iiulllcllilu - -The band of `A Battery did not playin the Park last evening, but the bmd of the-17t.h Butt. aernaded several citizens, Bishop 0' Brian and Maura. Gunn and Carruthers among otherl. lllllnub M... I... nun mm Jnim. Imp. KIIKI KICIIIIIIIDIG Dllll-Ills \JlIllUlCo -`What the hell are you doing here -`Dnmn the Wum-Doublo Damn the Wu1u"-`l wish lcould choke it. Ald. Drounnn in public meeting of the gentle- man : party. -Guolph claims the champion belt for extnordimny names 2 Hogg, Binh, Ebenezer House, lJewer,Tawso, Scrug- gie, Risk, Herod, Cunt, (ling and Hua- baud--all contained on buainou signs- DOIOOIIG Ill 0 | Kingston Fan ---The genius who sent. the deapatches to the Bellaville 11ILelligwver and Ottawa Gtnzen in nu industrious party man. Porlmpa he would like a Government contract. \ mu, u,,,x a :11 n_u___. ,I:.1 _,L ,C)u(!ocsc -lpoulIaou` nu . lunlool `knuunu Wnnl &5....u! Z';.: -Read the N atioual P. Poetry on the _; _._-_ WIND WAl1`S.- Visitors. Tiolvo thounnd no sick in Now Or Inna, and two thouund st Vichbntg At the latter place it in impo-iblo Ior the . ggysiciaua to respond to all tho calla. Imnunmr one in IIODDOC on the ICIIOI h" toncponalouunrcnnu. _OVOf one in nopporl thcfin a rush for him by those who line the roots waiting lot the doctor. At Nuhvillo it in proposed to in cm- non, and than stump! to disperse the but ntuouphato. The tour at ioklnnn, Ky., proves to be the yellow four. - The two Iulian lever mtients at Phil be the yellow lover. The pstients Phi]:- do|hin no moovering, and tho one can in our York in Itill living, but recovery in improbable. ~ s Ountrihulionl from all norm.-es for the in improbable. Ountributjonn for fever uulferen made in this city to-dny nto $104,000. . ew York, Sept 5.--~'l`ho I"bImc ru- porb Ln intorvinw with Evutl no Wind- sor, in which In states he has not nished 5;. I.u..- pnnnnrninn um Ihlifnx Awnrd. which In states he has not mnanou his letter concerning thallalifnx It will be sent in a few days. No propo- aition for a Reciprocity `treaty has yet been entertains I. Evarta thought it im- propar to talk about what might poaaibly come up. Canada : anxiety for a reci- procity treaty was very apparent. Alter the treaty of Wuhington was iignod, and before the Fiaherioa award wan made, it wu inclined to let the ti-luriea nutter go if it could get reciprocity. | Condensed for _l;hig Bcadm-3.` W 7 -: vvuuuuuwu vwu-:1.` ghug Ibouwlohnhnqhb -Wholesale merchants in Toronto re- fm the fall trade to be good in dry 2 n. goods. --The Royal Cunndian Yacht Club re- gatta Toronto takes place on Saturday next. _V..n.-A.u mm-nnu Hm Ulinn Citiznna next. -Yeatorday morning the Uticn Citizens Corps arrived'at Ottawa. _'l`l.. uineimn nf Hm lain Montreal UUTPI IIl'K'1VUU. III. UDDIIIIII. --The victims of the late Montreal Ihoot.ing_u'ray. Steam: and Sparks, alias Prentiu, are doing well. -'l`hn Mnthodiat Ouadrenninl Confer- Prentxu, doing well. -The Methodist Quadrenninl ence opened in Montreal this furenoon, but it is thought scarcely more than pro- limineriea will be arrenged. whnhml mined considers` hmmanea wul Do arrnngeu. -Banhu1, who has czained considers` bly in esh lately, said yesterday that he intended starting for his training quarter hext Monday. -Mu. Thou. Hodainu. Q. 0.. was last hut Monday. Hodgillu, Q. 0., night nominated by the Reform Associa- tion as the Government candidate for West. Toronto. Ho and others will nddrau 1 meeting of Reformer: in Shafteabury Hall to-marrow night. _h in nresumed that Joseph Guennt. Snanaabury nan to-marrow nlgm. -It is presumed Joseph Guenot, the man found dead on the G. T. R. track at St. Henri, nmr its crossing by the Lawn .1: Kenuebac, was the victim of foul play. 9 our wpcroeu. or s In lotuotly pnid. Of count on 3' labof inovcn wont o. Thou-In non onployod in the ounumetiono the llonlod uilmodn won paid about 01.25 adny. Ounoll E Co., who lad Ihooonu-`eh for all the iron Im-k, their holders Iron .10 to `LU n 1. 11... Inc. Inhlv din-Jlnrcnd an. -an laulnumq 1-lIouiu|-IYI. I70 |3. W Elk-v-9C3 , &kd0Qnoo-|l1 H114. %Xl--x&I`.. HI-d.II3l.,_ '['0 UK l'l(lll()7' 0] (" Ii."WlSIt 77 [H1]. Dear Sir,-The two lirst speakers at the Tory meeting last evening forcibly re- minded me of L:uidscer s painting entitled "Dignity and lnvpudence." There lay, facing the spectator, old Bernard, (Mr. Allen) cautious, dignied, avoiding of-- fence, while beside him appeared the rst terrier, leaking mi ferociously as did Pe- lissier, the French General, when smok~ ing the belligerents in an Algerian cave, and as iinportant as the Virginian darkey revivalist, who claimed and persisted that the sun revolved around the earth, and would not l)6 cnntroverted by-Mr. Ir- ving or any other man. The pith of the information which this second speaker conveyed was cnnueaning the regis- tration of the steel rail contract- inglirm. which was published broadcast for months, and became a sort of nursery hymn, like `Hush my dear, lie still aml sluinber, and I am surprised, from his standing, that he did not supply ararer dish. The third speaker was of the Chesterlieldian style. but his manner was stern and somewhat domineering? reminding me of the man who trailed his cnat in the dust, and dared any one to tread on its tail, and apparently copying Emmet when he delivered his last speech asking that his epitaph be not written until such time as his political character could be better apprecisted and justice done him by in Kingston sudienoe. As for R, T., the last speaker, he is a decent sort of follow. So mote it be. Vm.-. -asnnnlfullu The question of wage: will receive full examination when the committee meet: again. Thin in the real question of in- terest to the realqneetiou of interest to the reel workingmen. Nearly ell wages one now wretchedly dieproportiomte to the coat 0! liying. Thin hu fallen greeta er. Let us any that it costs 312: week to lllpport at workingmen'| funily on well u it coet $18 a week tivo your ego. Thin ie I decline ol one-third, end 1 think the roportion in e feir one for illmtntion. glow. it ie unqneetloneble that in New York, at lent, the meme to meet on ex- penee of I12 I week ere now equel to the menus to meet the greater expense in 1872 or 1876. The wegee lint Ihnw: this. Cerpentere,l'or inItence,wlm used In eernC3 04:84 I dey, cannot now get more then from 81.50 to $2. Bricklayer- were formerly paid $4 to 85, and they and they do not now everege over 82.25, while mnny ere working A below that gure. In good times pluterere could commend 85 to I`) A day, Ind onl the hate! them can now et en!` .50. The meiority are workin for 32. Stone- eutten no down from 85 e day to 83, end work in very eeeme onong then. Plumber! now receive from U? to $2.50, ngnimt O3 to 4.50 before the panic. It in pretty much the some one with ertiun lebor Ill through, the present wegee I` not evenging 60 percent. of nuns lnrnulw nnid. lloit -ohm-nvrouu.Iuwu.:nn uy. Thyhun Inhly diuchrgod Guy Ion vbovou paid at this IIIO. A glut Xynaulgnrunuiglnodlyln [inn lonbov the full that button plan |lumod.~-has York _Lcun-to D-Jab .4: To the Editor of Me l> .'iH.~:h FV/wig/. nnnr Riv -'Nm tum r-at nnnaknrn n DH AIIBUT L Sept. 4th, '78. mun-.3 no uvu. Ill'llNAltl} AN}! 'l'llIa' 'l'ElHIll`.'|l. selnu`. g_u1`cIs. To-nAv's1u:cmms. uD~.`-CU'iU""""' klvdia OWN.` 5" gn--I-g-L-ilnjm Yours reapectfnlly, SIIARBOT Luu. 'R -.Iauh-I.lvP `-7 110 ll. \ Ponbroko, Sophnboc 9.-_-Bull A damn young India: not out hashing at Lower Tova hero on Saturday outing About 7.30, And after remaining I while in the voter dogrpinod to undo out further thou they won! and for this purpooe they, no I precautionary noun, took hold afeach other`: hnndp. They lull mm tuning (up ||nI'lP, chm fall! 13! look hold slouch outer : hump. `uuy Ind not gone far, howonr, than four 0! than diuppeu-ed undsr the what, hav- ing got .imo I deep hole. The other: were no Ilumod that thoy with diiculty auooodod in geing one of the {am out in a half drou-md condition. The re- mnining three were drowned before any auinunoo could arrive. Thai: names were Maggie and. Liuio Lee, daughter at Mr. Thumn Leo. on-nonlar. and Ad: lalllvo vuulu nssuwc Annu- dsu later of Mr. Thomas Lee, carpenter, an Edwards, dsuglster of II. J. H. Edsnrds. The bodies were recovered shortly after- InI`dl,IIld will be interred to~dsy Much sympsthy is felt for their bereaved relu- twes. You deserve to suffer, end if you lend D minerable, unsatisfactory life in the beautiful world, it. in entirely your can hull. end there in only one ammo for you--your um-euoneble prejudice and ukeptioiun, which he: killexl thouhnde. Personal knowledge and common eenle reasoning will eoou ohow you that Green : Auguut Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint or Dyspepeie. with all its miserable effects, web on nick heuleclie, pepitalion of the heart; sour Itmnwh. luhituel oo|tiveneea,dizzinou of the heed, nervous proslretiou, low epirite &,o. In anlea now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a Druggiet. but will tell you of its wonderful out-ea. You can buy A Sample Bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will cure yon. HI lllll IUIUC In Kingston, on Sepi. 3rd. at the reaidence ofhlr. Sunual Anclin, ,ir., by the Rev. W.Gs.l- braith, B.C.L., Mr. W. Hnjua. to San. wound dnughwr of the lute LI.-Col. Phillips. Brigade Iqior, All ul this city. - \lI:l!.IUI. 0110 of the Most Valuable Lots In the (`rlty of Kingston. 18 Ban]: Ivan tint Vnlubt KIKIQJ Iorne at of Ibo Pnnlelle Ibis; 9.0! Work. In us 10030? In an onplcynac ol nil Oonpny. IKA8. W. STOCKWIL laps I V Wig V . Y WIIE SUBSCRIBER has received instruc- tinu h-mu '[`umuu lnxvmu, Esq. to sell RV PUBLIC AUC'l'l()N. At his Auction Romun, Market Square, the following properly : L01` NO.--,ai|unt,a:lou King Stroet.,diront.|y opptmito St. George`; Cathadnl, known as_Lho .l. 'l`umIu In BY PUBLIC AUC'l`l()N, `HALEY Pnopenrv Containing by mlmousurounent Forty -one foot. frontage on King Street. and depth muat,_y~fom' fa-nmlnura or Venn, on whim there in 3 small fa-at.Inura Whltll more ll small FRAME DWELLING. Q` This pluperly will be aolul ponitively without reserve. DI"-IN` W0 HIVI BU nzgun. tune even- Allen ehould have won lit to pureue the oouree which he hee marked out fur hun- eell, (or we hevo edmired hie literery telente, though we could nut elweye ep~ preeiete hie judgment or the eccentric , `kleee he ooceeiouelly ventilated in re!er- ` Once to public egitetione end perty ef- leire. lt wee but neturel to info!` that he ehoold feel thet ho wee eecrilicing principle end ooneietoncy. end thet he ehonld ettempt to buleter theee up by explenetione, which, however, have fail- ed to convince ne that in deprecietiug Mr. Meckeneieend in oppoeiug hie ul- lnllliettetion he wee ehove poreonel co ' eidetelione end dlecueeod ireuee feirly on their nerite. We heve no deeire to judge Ir. Allen herehly now. lle lays he le etill e Relormer, and thet hi . prindplee laeve been unebehged, end our cuetelnporety eppeere to have felt .eo doubtful 0! tie eticking quelitioe thet it tut evening eeedltlly ielonned ue thet it could net elem the u e convert. M-met unkind eat of ell Sir John,wh-un Mr. Al- lee il ellerplycritieieed Int year! end ie whole our Aleingtun lriend lied no mun, eeteelly eheeuted himeell from the meeting `celled to epeeielly hon- "oiit the teen who Ind coueented to en ineveteully honnnr him. The Teelee hen reeeired Hr. A|len'e eym pellyto eeetteln extent. but elter the I neeeet they here ridiculed end belittle-I ` Ind eetuelly Ieepleed llll, they eenn-it Ielehiu to tbeirioeeu; but they will 1 liedly nuke Incl Iln for petty purpoe- . ee,eel,byeelbye,wIee:qeen target 1 eL-e L. -.. ..a`II.J' '-jneiaretineni M A 1 up-can -nw--n-J, -v-r--_. ~ . _ , , _, Q` first Beat It 10 o`oloek; the other boats uslrndy nolul. ltnush. r*`"} { -.1. M. son __S_ALE. Six Delicious Puddin I from 1 Pwhko. The Native; of V.he`ut ndtea make this Root one of the print-lpnl nrbnolen of Food. uni its reaont, double rened unto us Iaulocu. is igbly rcnommen.led by our sisloot hylk-Inna u a most. excellent (M for the nice and won- Vnlescinz. l-`orPutld|ngu, Jellies, Blane-Mango, onps. Griddle Cnku. to; it la the runs! doll- cioul u we can uoononucal Article bver of- fered for dessert. Un_ti1u!_o_;1f1A1I_y`. saptamharth. | IREDDEN S.I New Valencia. 14 pounds for $1. Jmns Iumnnm, Qia '1' House. THE ORAN-(EPIC-NICI {Hm East Indian Ha11iuca.| DIMIIO In Kin stain. on tho 33th August. the wife of Mr. A. illiamsou. ol I nun. II, II, I1 "I! was: luv 9... nu...- that 50 In nlldn ntioutionist And I CID! ||I1| Dal-ions-I politician, may A chub NI ad uhov him the to- W low niihil iniuch an ill- cnanhl uni uunvury an-mt. II: AI: In and: a sham, an no will __.|:.. In _....... l..A.. II. ...-..n 8998 cu. II. GIAVVPIY Mlit Ania. Vhkofhh lulyiuco-Hahn` It. 4' WICIIOUW l'Bt4.|'VB. Terms 1-ash` 'l`1lle indisputable. Sal: at I2 o'clock. Wll. Ill Sept rd. Sept. 40.?-. 3i=.E{IcAc1:s iv a I I svu LYOUIG WOMAN to infant Vlahlnilg. """ " w osnonx lop: ' Dycr, e. on SIlIrIlI'I|I|_\', Sept. 7th, Dunk; olfiuc Miles. Virgin Honey S..A.I-E 1'1} nu. "nus. .-.---...______ An Uudeulnblo Trllll. c3_i':TJ5T "ted } I. WOMAN mnnlusl King depth Inuat,_y~fonr there I|<`.Ll.lNG. M Altltl I'll). - .... 9....` |...I no- rather MIMI Ine reeuiu Us -u----u .----- npon studied principle. There was s oontreot under conliderstion, and Mr. Allen, II the wnrm friend of one of the oonirtctore, was interested. The job ep- peerlto have been different from what Meesre. Cook &;Jonee expected it to be. They hsd enrol ind extru end extras, nnd every time them were preseed upon the Government Mr. Mackenzie was in~ client! to resist them, but on two or three I successive ocouionl the Government nude oonooelionl, and thus the work pro` eeeded. Finally they omplmticnlly re- (used to grant Anything not coverud by the contract, and then the dilliculty he- gets which, According to his own showing, led to Mr. Allen's Attempt to manipulate the Government for his Mend : benet; end because Mr. Mackenzie had some words with Mr. Conk when the letter went to see him about his cuntrsct, and because Mr. Allen`: lrieml lost fuvonr with Mr. Mackenzie, we Kind Mr. Allen to-day in the position of an opponent, abusing the Premier whom he formerly lnuded, and in the excene of his bed humor nllowing hilneell to be mule the laughing stock of all political parties` We heve to regret thnt Mr. .n-.. .hm.l.l hAwn umn lit. tu nnreue Einliiif .. 4|... Inn. A . MURRAY, Auctioneer comm`? u"v':'o.....;..`.#..... ..1%.. .!.$.:.."",.`!""" ;" "` .. Kill DAVIDKIN IMIIKI h Ill - ' ' " vuunu-nun. VVIll`1llI]I-K`*u--f:`3`V' L " Hill. DAVIDKJN. IDOIAI I III: - ......."'*'**':.':-.-..':..-:'..`.:..*-..:'.:..-'*....."'.- ..:.'"""*"*"""-"~ lwoshohcgbrafos-totflsotcllov gulnu Iulnculvhll J an vsuuuuruuu rt uuuuuuu . non mu man cu-hon udunr tblwul Illh D! I on as on an as our being: rounnu. 8119! SIGIHI-I um low!!! 0! all kind: Foundry. A nnnboroluoodlnl lulu all ldlou it n||VlIY at \ . uuliuguou Funld . STILIIIOI1`. MW All) 0 mm. IIPAIII at all link `I donowIlIdcIputeh|?hoKInptoIPoIIIr].I&9III'I1IlIIIOXhllIA _ WA haw: Far Enln tin fol!-wl-p In-an]. --A D`-ngnolgan . uuuu wan n-pulnuuimnlnpsu nuiiry. Vjlillllivjku We have For sale the following Venus and C was 1 vxumouan mama _aunu-hr-.15. `. 1xn14`3`,'T.u". mam upuI:;o:na...o.qo a hub: as an n.....':`i3B{`: staunch ant`: and la 3 nor on _ A lumbar of vn.uun.n ab 1 I! an cm. on on non no on Gnrnlt 3 . 'l\uoloI-vullhvollulltdtuiovcltnll otvrol-hush. . N0 IONS REQUIRED DOWN. ,1x u:omnn-rm ndnd Ann of tho but Woohl rut In no can-marl " Into` nnurxon roa` 1-H: 'rmIs' I I _ln1-no organ: no.:a'nspn. 1:: Burn on tho Win! At 7.?!) p.n 5gii;;ii|fjt;gqLg: W! M `n ..-.-..-.--__..........-...4..-. __. .... Lustre: and Fancy Dun Good: will be Iold this Wook Al` I. F : GRIN! BIOILIFIOI. - F:::.'3;:'2':.-:35" s:N'm:'r`:,:.".%'.*1:.3*' """"""`~ "" P. HARTY, - - - - - T- Ferguson : Block "FRENCH KID GLOVES.` I Sept 4, I873. The Large and Very Complete Stock at French Illd GIAIVES, Speoinllyxunda to our own order-,u o'u7 at the following low prices: Frmch Kid Gloves, two buttom, in Dirk Shndol, at 400 per pjir. French Kid Glovegtwo buttonl, in Li ht, Medium And Dark Shndol. It 00 French Kid Gloves, in cm, two, three md four Buttonn, 50.31 per pnir. . lama Band at 5 pm. `I'll 7.i pm. Iunm of Annual Is. John : Lodges 3&8 p-In AID IIPAIII (dial it nunnon nun um u uuou uiglmupg UII V I Anmbco!VAl.UAll.lII IlTIICI`\'Y.CIIOmOI$OWI|, Bu-nu . `Khulna vu|lhwolluIhiIuNvuIul N0 Dill!) x: auana no man In an Alafmzdreu Kid (lloveu, two buttom, st 31 per pair. [T Salon tor cub. Strictly one price. 9::--u---vv V wvwt 0 0131.01. FIRE A_lj_D LIFE-. R. & J. GARDINEB} Josoplxinei Kid (llovu, but Standnrd make, at $1.25 per pnir. |rnouTyj_o wAnn.| AHEETING of I-`rontonm Wu-cl subcom- unmm will be held It the Golda: [Jon lilook Reform Booms -u,,, n 4.- - 4 VI Ihwuv nu -7.------- I Wednesday livenlng, 4th lut,| ur '7-'ll'| n'nunn|.- An Inspection inubd. Aug 31. I578. 1-at 1-nonnmus or ran xuwas-ron return! mch Ligla, Medium md Dark Shsdon, at mar rmir. r- We gum-antee our Kid Gloves to In the best value in the Dominion At the price. PRINCESS STREET. .0: In-In Attention to the suck or man dud: .`. mu maximal or Email: xllmndn an Ihanlznnnnngnlgt Ilgh-nmA-I. nus us! loulizvilw IBPIOTPIILLY IS SOLIOITED. Davldsqn. Durand. Go. _~ A_RTY S insnnznsous . Jot. Hot not or Ear fortune. by Annie ldvnrda. loo. Iondnhip, by Onldu, (lstoat) 200 -mootriu. by ogncu. REHINDEBS. -.-- !.Large Type Edition. Signs, by mud: Itnthmore do Bonnie Lbsllo. lack totho Old Home nr1;h:nom1n.byIuuount.aoo Edd of Killoons. by Black, Charla! 01151101. Woman in White tn!) 100 mo of Duruli School Books. Copy Books. Exercise i Henderon s Bog[ I .;.-zlw-:#`i7`!=1-'-'.` utpmiaunut. V 1 mucus min. T ` Vrilaong. Wouuiidhukinjttnlilgund `lahiaokuvihnnodfitd Iupnuhlhnnuuun at It. Jal- Ial.Inl.!0utn`hunto. -inabi- idIy.Innb,Ih_Ho nonhtlut lx.-o.. .-- ...|_la zoo` 100 150 100 Uityjy Iiv n_II- I ujcbdvthc nppulldao I To. W"&."'l$`IndInldfa1 Oilkliu at Vpnlac-1 IicIIII_'njoydby*0anuII_nnnIdno- tualutauoyptr au.,ndiu nay. `inch-annnulnonchn kid. 11 `lptuct. iupoudin unmiti- uppkuldlby dgnddhudw gm, Ial unnddcnbly augment tho prohdhllbyviiehouhono ptodoau '.n.lmi4nnl_ In -nnv ilnlnnx the HUT. II --1 Iquuuunyuu --w uiulctku-pothtion Iinhnlnrino lunuo,voultl udltho ndnuagoto uwporcnt.` lnddiou to LII thiqlhco intlu fact, to canonically duwznnfor prouctinu. 4 lllntlhofnllintlloprieo oi goldintho Uuihdshl haaaddcdtlu pet `liuntjalltotlupnhotion our manufac- o....-.-hn u Annink A-n-nun mm. """l"' "' "" I""""""' "" "j""' mnrunjoy u again: Anorian con- pomiou. Bury lnpnnu at nannfutuq .1.-and-Inuung Qghh an-Q thx, linm .@IIl"l l'Ill00IllAVl `upon-anus`-up [putt-. uvw 13.5:-uuu up us--w-----w odgoodaknon bhh out tint. Inca ._....L..Ip- Lg.` cl... n-anti-`III In Ir. WT`. IXVUIT M V-0 r-- Iu hi lad tho ulnntap which IOIUOI : lry oxiltod button the napoctin enr- nnnainn Al nnntln nun` (Inn Inf; What Iyuulwu uuswuuulae n-puma Ions` reseiesefcensdssndthsststes. What u inpodc loss: in this tmyis the mea- sure Q] what the uauqfutwer gains. Be- euue olthlsthein U. 8. currency. so nearly to the gold level, it in now next to imposeible for Americans to ll-xod the oonntt} with their products, us they did s year or two ego, sud Csnsdisn meonlectnrers will resp the benet of, j tint difference. ll,with All thissccuf V mulstion of ineidentel protection, menu- lecturers eennot exist end prosper here. ' it must be because they are unsuited to the country, or else beeeuse the en en- , gsged in them sre unsdsated ti) their _ business. In my osse the protections ' we heve euumersted oonlitutess mnch teution es the people can stsnd (for be 5 it remembered, Sir John himself hes de- _ clued nxun Ann TAXATION to mean the some thing.) end when more protec- tion tbeu thst now alfonled demanded, it is high time for the Government to step in And PROTECT THE VAST MASS OF CONSUMERS FROM THE UP- PRESSION OF UNDUE AND l7NNE- CESSARY TAXATION. Iuyuvuuuuuwu II1u- won uuuu --an gnoohuh Iuvorinu pndully to pol . L- Ina Ind lm ul-ugh-n -high lnrmnh _._ Leet evening Mr. J. Carl Cheney apoke at a meeting of the Rine Club in the Town Hall, Portemouth. Owing to the unpleaaent etate of the etmoephere the audience wee not large. Alter the usual opening exereiaea the Chairman, . Mr. Dohbe, introduced the lecturer, who eeid that although he knew not the peat hia- tory or the preeent etete of the audience, yet he knew that rum had been among them and done it: evil work. Some one wee reeponeible for ite effects. Who wee it I For 3 ehort time he would apenlr to them and try to point out who were to blame. Everywhere there were to be found thoae who for the eake of gain were ueing all mean: in their power to ruin young men. Among that claee rnmeellere cleimed a place, becauae they sold with ' full knowledge of the e'ecte of the trallic upon the livee and happinere of their tel- lowmen. Men were allowed in the Pro- vince of Ontario to deal thie deetruction from the open her. They law the elfecta cloee by, not from afar, ee did the menu- lecturere and dealere, hence they could i not plead ignorance. He did not heap upon them ell the reepouaibility, because ' eome were good hearted men, but aome ` of them were moan onee. He apoke from experience, having been among them. He did not attack the rumeellera an men, ' but the black hueineea in which they were engaged. He gave an interesting account i of a great temperance work in the city of Lowell, Mane. At the cloee of four weeks they had a Ihoueand nemea of drinking men pledged to reform. Ile wanted them to bring the young men back by the power of kiudneae. He believed in eettlng a right example before them- He blamed the people for (int demanding that which would aetiafy a ' depraved appetite. Whether Ieodereto drinkere or not they certainly helped to perpetuate the treto by rendering it more lucrative. He then alluded to the injurione enniple eet by eome of the up- per oleeeee of eociety. They ehould seek the evil not alone in low drinking plecee, but in the halle oi convivelity. He com- ; plllnllll that more ol the above clue did not come out an temperance workers. Sometimerhe thought the rich did not feel the pain that wee ehot home to many a mother e heart among their poorer neighbore. He depicted the aed elfecta ol drink upon them,giving illuetre- tiona with which he wee familiar. Every one could do eovnething to help the ceuae oi temperance. They heard of the reve- geabl yellow lever, but to-day a migh- tier and more deadly evil wee in their Ieidet. There waa work enough for all to go out into the world and make it better. He naked them to shoulder the reeponeihility-to preee on the good work. From what he had e-en, and from what he could learn, he would predict a bril- liant luture lor the Proviueee of Ontario and Quebec. He would eay to the young boye "never drink again." Ar-reugeaueah were made (or another l leetereeu theevening ol Friday next. n_- at- e_.I.. ..-...m.-mu! n.. Aifj VI-uupunyuu -u-u not Lilith (lauds, Willinuavillo. to-honor. Boon Ibo Mhlnticud 86. hvuunchh, lot sh ahnpionship at .g_ ,x._ 1. 4_. 1. 5.. -Q 3| I"_|lCX, an int 0-I-|I-VI-'"I' "' no in . `Do e in lo cognac: at 3 aid. Di 1%. -n, n_n__A._- L. - I:.n.l AL. .I.__- -' KllUlwII|I-I-:- vrr... liotdloiallhpldgo. A1-n.u_u:--Wn. Bpoiio. I: It `.'1.'*.c:.:.i'.`.....`'?'u'i.'?'" u....."".: pi viiuiou-3 suunma. IOGIIIIUI Ilnuvvnu-3 uu .-mu, .-u. Tho Bu. Ir. Aide pcononnood Iln . A, xx..:-_ -_.I -_ Agumnlnulou --n nl- T I501. 3| . IIVIQ yuuuv-nuvu nu- hnnodioliol III an opportunity in of- L--; .- .z__ n.. -1.1-` `l'hhoIRiIII`nldthoplnyut|:' A...:.__W- I`.-I-L` -..I- M III PE BAN C E. ': : Io"`&':q.IL " ' l 1 I I I 4 `n.ndDn-.`l"upparaddtunndnuutingin >vl:o Iun&ackod\uaenuhu;:pcquI | in pukmddaudoounnuuknof inllootdwnvn-Ilunnuu-pug -7-_-..-... , dual vhohuIlnnu"u|ont`hiI Idtuhi J Iimcmdnnllypuhtlllnilllo Ihphul -1 Ihidsho ocoupiodllntevuing, n? journalist {who ueoultflr. Allan : 1, philosophy and rhotnrin ad nnunlion 1 ptudivitieo in now Mr. Allen`: moat ob- ` I;1IIioul_.IdBil'9I`. Our ooubnponry your npoko moat unkind!) of Ur. Allunand hinlottonnnditilvnllhil idea at parlyuul party monsltonld ho ted at this than: V In Su,-I nttomlod the snot poli- ' .:...u ngnmnnlntian ol Wodluldly night but attended the gnu pou- ticul demunntntion Wodnudny in favor of Sir John A. Ifledoluld, sud, through the kindncu ol 1 lriond, obtain- odnuotnelr thphoru,nolhnz I hand distinctly every 1011! Ipohn. In mu . van orowdd homo, and Sir [om Ipouu. II. was 1 very John received I very bonny to from his politics! friendl, u did IIIO Dr. Tu per on hi: account. he nnonl impression loft. op my mind gonornl impression on by the speaker: Ill thin, tlutil what III charged against the miniury In two, they vote as not 0! the greatest incapable: or gwntgot trniwn to their trnnt, or such 1 compound of the onrruptionint and the incapable III the world hm rarely wit- naued. But, withoutvontering into pn- ' ticuhrn, we rnult remember, that than were the uttcrancu of acre-touted mm who had been rouleJ--}urIa,fQ0, and arlillery -- by the very men they wen coming. It was the biuemt enemy looking to dumgo n... rannlntinn of than who Ind drivon nookmg to anmugn the reputation of thou him ignominiounly from place and power. Men who for year: had held in their right hand: the destiny of Canada, but sudden- n... loft :.. nu. Home of Common: with a destiny of Uaunun, Dill Iuuuur ly loft. in the House Q were handful of follower: delnonlized and dismayed, were not verylilcdy to be the moat diapassiouatc of the mm whose characters they pourtrayed. bll` Jonll upunu luau. ..... -.,.,...,.. -.... sisted of some very pardouable btmlmm, julerlurded with much real feeling to- wards the people who had loynlly clung to him through evil and good report, In their fntlien, and in some cases, their grandfather: had done before them ; And of eulogy of Dr. Tupper, from whom he told than: they must expect in gieat treat, ...n- DIL 'l'Ul'fnn.n ax nnvu nu to the point-t.lnt point being prliu 1 of Sir Julin, of his transcendent Lbilitleu and noble self-forgetfulneae; of nbula of every one who ( pposerl Sir John ; of the great Conservative reaction not in ; of the I certainty of their being carried back to 4 power on the repeiilunt shoulders of elec- | tor: amid the indignntion and blasting of a grateful public; and he gave evidence ' (verbal) of the utter incepecity and bare- N inceul bribery and whololale corruption of ditferent members of the Ministry frnui the Premier (lnwnwurils. But call- ing to mind, us I ulid, the Bnriiiwtubing outcry and the way in which every Iunll editor and small creature thrmighout the country gave tongue and tried to BOUND norm Mn. MM'Ki:N7.IE, and the effectual :l1l`I lll he took silence the wni:'rc!n7.n emiiiium, I we not quite so readily af- fected by the chargou as some around ma, mm mm: on rusm novm `nus uox.omD wno norm ruzm nuum Ann vuuun-u Hl'|l"l'AFLl.`-I or l'ARTlZANSHll' AND msuxn. Dr. 'l'nppur's apeech was to this effect : Gentlemen. put mil. thew clumly mg. ohnnicn and this Minister of Finance and` pm. run in, mid I will show how an `artist can do the thing. Dr. Tupper iundo n few good bin, and i.l.ere wan nu uccasionll pusogo which manifested argumentative Ability, IOIIIB power of satin: and connidornble literary tininh: but. in general, his speech reca'led ..._..r. M 11.3. oonnoli ?_rlnuult.,vibdoudnll at Cancun and Pnvinons on tlodoucntdngcalh plplt - HOST PIIOTILTID COUNTIV ll 'l'III WUILII. Unly two day: ago; Iomnn anus to me Ibunt but non, who had one: vol-Rod with me. to know i! I could not got Iona unployment. for him. Ila lud truolhd all the any down to (rind: in Indian- tbo great, lottilo lndiun--but he could nomun nnywhoro enungh to n: him; for than Ill no money tobo anywhere. Han Qooplo Inn dot than by putting their inho on motbor'I pocket: I Hun mu any loan at n|l-- that any an ho no sided In, tho gin: {uni of my political ' who mum than to unit :17}: mg -- n-nu-in I I|.IpGllI'IIIOo|inhlI'I' John to data In dutuity, Lunar unlpuiorol damn But I look sand I npyouboloohdupoqtlo . mnunnnnolwunwr. Dun u:-when I into you ll} lultuywhah Iunnnllolaoaubaldc criuabuouthoqnudun-do.u_l&o minibnmm and considerable uwrary tiniah; but, in general, his the hacking blow: of the furiom athlete rather than the keen, incisive thrunta of Sir John. Still, he wan very uent, and seldom hesitated for an appropriate word, and his speech seamed, on the whole, a decitlod success; and, if not eloquent, perhaps the occasion hardly allowed it. I am, however, of the opinion that the mind of the man is oaaontially common- place, and that he is hardly capable of mastering any high or propound princi- ple, or of cmxnviatiug a [ rlicy which will ever aalialy any mlvancul student of po- litical economy. To me the Ipoeoh we a digappointimnt; not no Sill .vouN's rnurmc-Ix. A ~ . It in to no, livingin my uncxdld up Jpnuuuuoolioin In Ila : John M donuity. closing one, for though BUBIJME In .11-s somrmnu`, A.-m OHILDISHLY 1umcULorm, in this nineteenth century, in the enun- ciatiou of its principlu, I Wu thoroughly stimulated by the keonneu ofjta uatiro, ila wit and humour and literary sparkle, and its unbounded cnndence In the -v--r-n nnnru AVA`! OI-` FAKE`! 0' H13 Hilli- Urrluz luNuR\N(`K or Inn unn- zus. Why, thought he, Iicen lay and nuuy Anything I choose here, and in the lover of their enthusiasm, meunerize them into the belief that any and uneey are alike the`pruper thing. And the National Policy" which he repudiated on the hunting: here. he now adopt: In the altogether lovely. And forth- with-lhet in when Sir John in Premier,` and the! in to be tn- mdn-nw--everyLhing in to be protected end every one; And June: 11-! T0 as ronu an 1-0 my nu) (YBNTI Moll run soun- an g..u, ."%g;.;;;a. John`: policiu In gem-ru, As ouwuuu. us [T In rnovocxn. And thin, too, in the (use 01 the lace. that (hero in no employ- ment to he had in muny of the sum of the great Uuion-:hM tho people of Ur uda I78 woxnco n-run! l`I'AIVA`l I0l ll u... In-I nun nnrnlauuoll All! Dl-A`l'llI- TO PUT OUR HANIFH INTO Oll Alununun l'o:x|:1's,cxch.1nqo our cent: Id grow rich on (he prucoodu. It in a grand Ida! A In reaching policy! And, like Sir policiu in gem-nl, A8 oulouuu. AS 11- I74 1-normxvn. IM1lf)ll IIIUNH IVIIIWIIIII In In.` county nu 1-an wouu. ` 1...- o-.. .1... guns Imnnn anus lo. TH E rsrnmzn :3. Sir John spoke first. Bin lpoech con- .; nf mine verv mrdouable It. Aailillllu ' first. u Ipoecn con- lof hmlml with feeling nu. 'rUPnn`s amazon .1. _A ._..:..L lulu rm: suiman wme.W1DNnsnA!;snP1'mBER 4. 1.878; ,di uaui: -lo-out In-u u Dunno oi `hmunu 5....7."a`3 at 1Qp.u. _ --urnnnAv, , men who cum in his unploy, hi-stun-nu. from hint-cnsblo no to 03,000 and Ol0.(l!.Ho tho poor , butlottlnt ndionol the Government would have boll: Ht without I cont. (Ohoon) Woinidnhdn span ofhh ting blic Ioth by cannot undu- wh" oonu-Anton an to [in ucurity to an Gonruoouor than- onlion of their u wouumu: ma D0liIAOi0I8.I -- I lrontheGor|I,IVZ 1 >- llllotlll in our hide, end 0; ; O).000tothe verkingneo. AI ithep- we had 314,0!!! in our head: u eeeunty, end we were eble to deepntoli , to Ilontreel one of our elerln, from whom everyone of these workingmen re- oeiwd his pay. (Ghee:-I.) Theee men end nonpe rewlio nuke eueh eocnntione know thnt I compelled eome oontrec- . ton on the Public Works to terminete e Iyetem norm of them hed of paying their men 1) giving them order: for good:-- the ol trnolr IyItem-nnd to pev them every week or every fortnight in cuh the whole of their Inger. (Oheeu) Nevertheless. I em branded by those people in en opponuut of the working- men; And thou who were I0 much in former dry: the enemiel of the working- men; they, foreonto, ere the friend: of olthe workingimn! They patronize the Ivorkingmen And take him_ under their care, and if the workingunn will on] Ihut his eye: and open hie month he wi I we what he will get." (Cheer: end leughter.) --Mr. Mackenzie to the Toronto Worlrimzmen. nqluutauormtuulpo or am nonojocothornoldtybroh rnou ouoolthoeunloontncbllu olhu day; ......g 1.5. ...|..m..u..m-n nlhdoluitlr nonoyoc tbouounoy won on on onooltho`;nnnlooItncbtlu olhadny; onto! his nub-oontnobn Idhd olwith` :19 nm of mmum tln mnhmlm ohhiud .` , WIDIIIHIDAY Into. mm-.4,1m. ouot numb-oonunaorl runs: on run 812,000 of money the oontnotor obhilud lromth G c Iuvh I5- 1\lI"nn-&WolYI.n'!::n.t.-Il |nnn||. (' lsugmea-.; --nu. W0":-kingmen. L30 --The Orungomen hid their pic-nic to- day poltponed until Monday next. _'I`|m f`.nnn-ualiun nix-.nin lnlzrul nlu-.n llly |KDllayUI.lvl.| llllhll LVLUIILIIJ uuA u. - l`ho Conservative pic-nic taken place at Stall: Pofut on F ridny. n-u-......; l..I...,.I M. Man-.Il.. . BU own: I III In In: l'Il|.lD" -Oataraqui School, Mr. Met.calfe s house. and a vessel in the harbour were struck by lightning this Aft/GHIOOII. AIA T`.-unnnnn in nnnlinn tlnwn Lust- luvIoOIoI1'I;-kl N159` mud: III` un-gnutim Ilj ll.['|.ll.`l U llgllunug mun llwl uuuu. -Ald. Brennan in cooling down. Lut- night, It the City I1|ll,he was apparently quite ntiunal. ---Sir John showed his respect for Mr. J. A. Allan : statements last evening by Itaying away from the City lIn`l meet.- in. __\V.. -l|:"'lnl11 -nu-nlhinn in gun nhnul: III`: -We :11 all have something to say about Cook contnct in good Ihne-too much perhnpl for the hut desorter of puliticnl principles. . _V_ N. T. Oo.--`I'll. urrinla an : Schooner Dolnee, Jada, 5,309 but cl ui-cu; Kplghtfonpln, Chicago, 17,003 but at rhino; Clayton Bulb. do, 17.! but do; Ncllio WIHII, Oliago, ),-1.01 huh ol what; Anni: Talent. Talodo, 12,- 447 bll 0! what; Hanlovd, Ohiuga, $.43 but-clown: lay. at Pu-0 aky, ll,(Il) b-I 0! what. Pmpollot 3,0 but ol what; ugdoull than Imps. Tho do- pu-tuu an: Olitlo with bags Ant, 103:5 hit what; `kinda. 17,177 but that and 100 Ian: at phonphu; Inn- -.- |AAAI| I...-L -Ii and 91% ' For oona time ;it has been known that Mr. J. A. Allen, a Rolormar, had hcoonn sound and diaaatiacd, and ht- ` Only. as tho election excitement became more manilaat, this tooling demonstrated ital! in ontapuken denunciation of tho Government in general and Mr. Mac- hnlio in particular. Many of thou who hadboon an intimate terms with Mr. Allen for yuan failed fora time to ne- oonnt for hi: attange declaration of in- oonailtoncy, but the myatory no longer uiata, since Mr. Allen could not reaiat the importunitiea and the feigned admi- ration of the lights of the Tory party, And Int owning deliveted hinuaeli it the City Hall of the Inuit: he had to nd with the Rform leader, and now that he has piped while bi: wonhippera danced wo hope both are aatiaiiod. The apeech of this romaxkablo man,Mr. Allen, we (in: in thin edition, fooling aatiaiied that i wili,0n in: face, carryoouvictiun againat .thou who promised auch an expose from a diaappointod man, but who really made noupou at all, save that his ground. for becoming a bachlider were shown to be of a pecuniary Ind personal character nthu than the remit oi action buod H. _._..u..: ...;....anI.. 'l`h-ns