IVEGETINE Inn -nuv-un.-. of the Libenl Conservative Auociution mad the object of the meeting, and he III gled to notice thnt it In no Inge. In penning he contradicted 5 statement which but been. nude, to the etfect that he hed on one occasion voted ngninnt Sir John Mnodonald. He then desired the meeting to give All the Ipeaken 11 hearing -even I Grit would be heard for half Ll hour-nnd then he introduced 1.. 3.... ..-...`"""...:.:..'..`.'.:1 Ind evening the Tories held 3 eeeond , mating in the City Hull, and it In I ' In-pone, one hello! thouepreuntbeing , composed o! Reforlnerl, who ubnded to but what. r. J. A. Allen lied to II] of Mr. Mackenzie beceuee the Premier re- fund to nllow lriuuell -to be forced into jobbery for the benet. of Mr. Allen : friend, Mr. Coolr, of Brockville. The chair Ill occupied by Aldermen Drennm, Ind on the plntform were observed the inuentinl men who hue undertaken to annihilate everybody and everything op- poeed to them. `I'll! lin ulnunr Oppoduosslanden-Spdcyscouu --Anober Faudoood Nailed- Iho Meeting Large!!! -.-_1...... leak : claim for hirollcel lllarmnuucauu mus] [Bro-ehoraniuppoinuuuzl Armmmuwnmrul Illnmuummnnl Dunn: or fill Buooo.-l! Vanu- Vlll IOIIOVO pub: ; cleans. purify, and llll d . restoring the patient w Iltl that trying dlloronl ph . lat] nuwllu and nulorlng {ctr W lllltoololnlnvo roof. If you no I , unbound Whyhthlnmou jilghguoh you cant! It works 5 In no eh-cum! Id. In 3 OM01 n 1001 PI[I" (l`:Il'|. LIST MY SPBHIH J. I. Men Ielisullis Btiemce. -u----' ----~- ,-..,,_. Inn up In. luxuunpol uaouv Iv nan. avv-an-u nu Iwvv aua. I Vanna` acted as with Mr. Mackenzie juet an if he had him under his hat. According to law Mru Mackenzie wan bound to no that Mr. Foster wae worth $4,000 a mile for every mile of the railway he had under- taken to build. I! it was then about 100 miles long Mr. Foater ahould have been worth $400,000. Independently of the Georgian Bay Road, however, Mr. Foe- ter had got the Canada Central RR. He had been told--it had been said publicly and unoontredlcted-that at the time Mr. Foater undertook these contract: he was worlh almoet nothing. Mr. Foster found there were enormoua diicultiee in the way. He found Mr. Mackenzie had Inede e mistake in hia calcnlationa, end one line morning Mr. Foeter demded the money for that which he had done, and wanted to give up the contract. Mr. Foeter waa bound et that time; Mr. Mackenzie should have hecl ao much money belonging to Foster in hnnd, ebout 885,000. Whether he had or not Mr. Allen could not tell; but if Mr. Mackenzie hazl it Mr. Foeter got it back, and 041,000 at the back of it. He aeked, in Mr. Meckenzie worth all thietoual (Yea and no.) He had calculated Mr. Mackenzie`: money value to them. He would now take him upon the ground ol II II ISUPII-I01 IOIALITY. They would remember what was aid of Mr. Cauchon. Mr. Oanchon when in Sir J ohn a Government wan attacked by the whole of the other petty. The Globe wrote him down-|Ie wan aid to be alimed over with iniquity--tl|at he had grown ml: by starving lunatic, that he waa preenxinently bad, that hie uinae were rank and mulled badly-in the whole Gris petty (and he wan a Grit. of Grin) than wan nogaainglaponouto defend Cancbon, but when he had changed lathe both! Ieladbeeulnnda . ...._Iv..- .1 IL; n.M...a --ul --. ...IL IIIIIIJIUI-IIIIUIIUIIVUIUI -U-uuvuu anoIIbollhoCohlnot. And In Inb- uquouy appointed Ibo lbut.-Contact ol Iouilohn. 1! tin oluneu ol Ir. II___L-_ -I.._I.I L. l.__.AA.. _L_ _,A AL- little -Scotch Grit tbet he is-(thun- dare of appleuse)-e men who, during the last reunion in the House, in his estimr tion enhanced his reputation as is ready speaker and 3 ready debnter. (Renewed applause.) Mr. Mackenzie dilerved great credit because from chisel snd mallet he worked himself up to the piece of such proud pre-eminence he now oc- cupied--(cheere)-e leading Seotehnmn from the country that in so remarkable for producing greet men. (Prolonged ap- plause and fearful gtirneoee by the Tories.) ft wee not llll (Mr. Allen's) purpose to take one iuta any from anything which Mr. Meckenzie deeervee, or any- thing that he in. But Mr. Meckenzie in not a_mun of colic-eul intellect, his eye and hi: hen`! cannot be everywhere, end he will trunk no one but himself. He hell thus told them whet Mr. Mackenzie in; he would then tell them whet Mr. Mec- kenzie did. Mr. Msckenzie gave a con- L..-..s 5.. M. I?'...s.. In 6...; ll. ll`...e-l' nvumu ulu. uq.:. unnunvunuu 5:711 n vuln- tncl: to Mr. F'oouI'. In fact Mr. Foote ~.u -1 up . v v UI -pInIvuu A: was vuv-U: In Q3. Coochondocldhototpttqvhynnuh (Io,|o.) Honnnot. thun Ion] Chi Ihsluulwulua ad-o;ho holionditnnurinondn pontoon. (Uboum) But It Incu- chndidnothiqinu in butqnorit Sirlohhddaunoclhg uiuohobd Idtolao. He no rpukinglohoni nu. Hnklov lb! it ldhui L. 1].. `...-`AI-.. . 61.. ._. -Il Grit. (lnI|N.) QOIMI lini-on odmnlloouldljlo unludllul unipo- ludynui. (Ai-.) Iutlohn AL-n-nII-|nnn:d-mg - - *3-sc s-W-'-1-*`-`.:;..'*::'.:r..,-: "'W --1 -V --'-7 wonld say he waa incapable of exaggera- tion. He may be nletaken-he might lay tbinga in the hurry ofthe moment like sny other Inan-hnt when he came before them tospeak on public ellaira he was prepared and knew his grounds. Well, Mr. Foetei.', was: great `friend of Mr. Mackenzie. `e had oelnel from the other side and was s great deal with Huntington end the other lesders, and Ivan: -uuv he was A great man-ln fact he was el- u moat e cabinet maker in thou days. Mr. ` Mackenzie gave Mr. Foater e large con- tract for the building of the Georglen Bay Railway. There wan no survey made of the road at the time, and accord- ing to law such a thing should have been made before the contract was given out. But no survey .was made-no reel survey. 0! course people walked over the line, and saw the hills and rocks and diicul- ties in the way, but no instrumental survey was made of it. It was thought to be 85 miles long, but afterward Mr. Fleming came to the oonelueion that it was 1035 milee. The Government did not know where it was to begin or end. It commenced noghere, it went no where, and It had no middle. (Applause by the Tories.) Of Mr. Meqkenzie he would any that he is . u.u nu n-nnnvn Ill-l\-ll-/-l\ WWTZT? I1 Id UJIVIIIX lb 3% j nnIhdOqd0$hIhn,hdlt. Z-_L....:. Lnl-d-I -..j.__.A_ x.u...,"' "~_n'.':.uu."' -;:;;y"'-51 f. llitff "Q, Ilt. AI: unulvuryvdinill-Id 2.-:2-~-*-W:--% IZQIIJIUIUIIII it turn! UIIUI v-1 nu`: uu-,nnnodHr.PII.|nuuohm\.h` Ibttd lotlloolnetthntlholovsu tan- `dcnhoIklu)Ibouuphd,hoesuniho didnotknovonythingoftlonnnnsking it. 110 alleged the Ir. Ihohnxh ro- eaindntdnnn,da!n-ingthAttlsolov- at hndonrvuanuptightmmhtho nu Iodthy, and thatvhuuonrity was good. In hohouo(th'u,l|oIovlr,IIr. llwtouio hadinnthoeontncHoan- other, boosuo|nnid|IIollr.Tottan - I .. III - AL... _-- CU: nu-II;-our:--x Emu Ir. Iuhinio magma. ludid,honHnIorpnhdit_. uncut tcndadid not at thoaontnus nu nuponuluhty III Iluovn upon the Inga` ` Utta lj DC! 1 Ian: Q-av Iruuuw-v no-'uyanduuIysL.cII:,nu.'ugu ilindd and ntHu,udboa-ed 4L.A 11 Al. Il ..LL.._R- ...-I.-.A...I -L-I hihg puu'o may lurnullkiid t} hthuhdr, Inaludnlnloluodndhlninllh an. Bisalolfocnunnnt hint` aluqnvnhllihuudflgb. caustics van nnyhagnuiuIdIn.* Wllbkliifaokki` uhonlr. lanai.`-uumum} 11 nn,,__ ;, ,___ __,n ;-____,n_- Phat.) Ilnnolilihlho "in. -n-I1 Lnnngl:-Q In It run nnman vme.` "mnsnAy snlvmnnxm :3. no In oonvmoen mu II wanna be legi- timntely expanded, and he had been shown the ncoount book by Major Strau- benzio, and found it u clear an the noon dny nun. (Cheen) He also told About I lot. of land, for the poueuian of which. he sued the Government-for 5 piece of land which belonged to him, but which. hud by tome mukke been sold, and which he had recovered, though the Newn--taking him for publio'gune-lud uid thus the Government being gritty he Ind got I nice piece of roperty with- out diicnltv. Ho ref to I convu- `o Ihvoux Q W0 5:11:11 been town you C |h'putohgh`t::n `won I. and phuln I G In one. ' htvlndn. It hu (`hon uu:: ml'w- ICIQ EIIQI VIIU KIIIVUIIIIUUIII IIVIIIH `III I, out diicnlt . 3 conver- ution whic he had had wlth Mr. Curt- wright, when 0. romu-had that the pro- perty clnlm III I utioua ntfair, and when ho, the gonoruu Ipockor, -nld he lonld nlinanhll him right. ntlnr end wnen he, the epeexer. -Ield relinquish hie ht 1-ether then that the Government ehou be held to blnno ee e nenoe of hie Action. Well, he wrote to . Ihohennle end uked II n recompense for thet to give Mr. Cook twenty minutes convcreetlon to explain hle nee. Mr. Cook went hint- eell to the Premier. The epoeker had told Mr. Oooh the: he had taken the contract too low, end he ehould therefore heve been treated the more leuiently. Kr. leekenele eonneed Iain ol Inhimz was pll. rue WOPK was resumed, and a further demand was made upon the Gov- ernment, but the latter would do no- _ thing and nally they took the work from Ilessra Cook and Jones. New this work, not being done, was impeding the navigation of the country. It was six years since it should have been nished. He went on to say that the elections were coming on, and the Government made a proposition to pay the balance due Messrs. Cook and Jones to the poor people, and the contractors assented. (Applaust) He remarked that the poor eople were to have received the money, at he had been informed that it went into the hands of rich men who had come - forward and forced the Government to pay money which they had before re- fused to pay. The Fngineers reported i against the contractors. the` it was actu~ ally two months before the work could be commenced upo the season and of the necessary prepara- tions which bad tobe made. A gentle- men having the ear of the Government said to him, "Get outside Engineers to examine and report to Mr. Mackenzie and it may alter the case.- An outside engineer was employed, Mr. Shanley, and he was joined by Mr. ` Keefer, who reported at different times and separately, but yet were substantive- ! and substantially in accord with Mr. ook s lans. lie had read the reports of both ngineers, and he had sent them to the Government. questions were so much alike that it would look as if suguzested by the same person. Messrs. Cook and Jones asked that they should not he placed at the mercy of the Engineers who have their likes and dislikes, their ign unce end their knowledge, like other men. Mr. Cook begged the Gov- ernment not to throw him with his family, r f tor a struggle , of live and twenty years, begnzared upon the wide world. One would sup that the Government would listen to such an appeal; and in a matter iuvolvin suoh tremendous consequences be thong t Mr. Mackenzie should have considered the ease the more readily. But Mr. Cook had received a letter previously from Mr. Laamme,requesting that he should give his assistance in the election down there. Mr. Cook's reply was this: I have never done so before on Government works; my foreman is a clear Grit, go to him and, if you like, talk to the people. but I will not try to inuenoe my people in any way." Mr. Cook said that the man who oame to him with the letter was Mr. Laamme`s agent, and he was reported to have said : Mr. Cook, you have aoontrnct with the Government; if Mr. Laamme you assist in his election he will render you a service in the event of diioulty arising. Mr. Cook re lied z I have never done so, add I wi lnot do it now." At last be (Mr. A.) wrote to Mr. Mackenzie that he had worked and spoken and wnttea for him; that he had paddled about in his aki looking for votes for his Administration, believing it to be pure. He even went on to say that be bad subscribed to some small The answers and` or- - n it, in consequence of 5 nun:-nun-u Iv Jun up-yuan, but he would not pay the mono until ho convinced that it would logi- timntelv axnondod. had baen , am an nu. was In: gong chm b dndooc be turned Ind naked, "Hr. oIu'o,JMyounentonyt|u I uttered I dolibuuo {uh about 1" "Ya," acid It. Iuhndo, "I did." "nu," add Mr. Cook, "you lb." `=3-,`*...':.5 .3`-.J..'1 :'........" "` "n".' I7"nti"iiE iii|"n6h`I'tnuni Iuj uyqululg Iluvj-- .:tucInunndputiolol , clnqpuncut. ..-n__..-g- ..... --..... -.... ................. ..,,. ....-... out of the money ' for two yearn, 823,- (XJOL Then the Minions: of Public Works would not say whether ho would pay for future work or not; he would do nothing. But At the end of two earn an election wu coming around, on then the money we: paid. The work wu resumed, end further damnnd ill mule nnnn the Gov- men: renuea. 11:: eonu-emu-I ueounea to go on with the work unleu pdd for the extra. The Government kept them O23,- (XII Then the Inietur of Public Works IIXI D WIIIICQ SKI -nu couru6io`y`pIi4'Ipm nun for further work. and than the Gonn- mnnt refund. Tlunhxmh-nu.nn` daalinul mr lunner won. cm was we uonrn mont refund. Tluioootuozaru` declined In an nn Iith Hm Inrk nnlnu nnitl Im- wu comment: until. uoo: I Joan found tut the bad of III__l{iI,u_' [U full ofroch, M . Ihiuhhldhocntollcddown the npndn' of Wu Ottiiflor nuns` bud` auntnriu. Tho contractor: demanded um: {tom tho Govornnint. 'l`hoGo- vommont demand, but gnnlpd than, after 0 while. Thou _ , Krcdhhdfnmmq ` Qlbngid Inugnutllo lb- hb.Ulya&Ua. todo -sign. - 3-d;.;;. work" u-,m"" i:u"3:t_&' Pl-Nil M I E` lOplO- nut thovorkntall. This noun oz nan-In -11-znn Innt Ann-` nnbilf II, it can to: uvouu xorlun. 1:0 sou touched thtcilhnluulcouo true, hdlauuunlulhhuby Iiuumcook I Jena, 1! Dloohillo, nndounnaountafvhiohhohdahun tlnnnri-Ink tlinlnnln In: In Kn;-In-uni. .. ......`" :3 :"w..:';_-'- cl j n-'& 1! Ha Guam:-Ink lm- sand ninuuurungnnuus .._..I _ _-2_.A `L. (I; v-nu, ....,u-u w, ..,. .-. II. II. I. Dunn- UCI III -I Inn and Ion:-ul battle: of 3 `I ha entirely and mo of Vertigo. I also and it for llidnoyoumpluut. It It In! nodlallo fot klduo com lnlnl. I VG!` nonond It II II n b purier. N. Ynmm. nuunco or me evmnlng. Mr. McGuire nnzl Mr. R. l'. Wa! followed. They spoko It puma lu upon the Iubjcct nf l'rut-ecu:-n and Franck Lock. While they wcru up in: the hull gradually llIium::l mm] shout 100 remained. Th. mmoann M... 4.. . "I...-. noon; IUU remnmou. The meeting oxmo to a clnso a 10:30 o'clock, cheora having been 1; ; lot the Queen, for Sir John and -- Gunn. ...--.- ., .40:-cu Tl! CIBCDH.-Them in thu,.usua.| H in ultioipstion of the appearance hm Cole : circus And menngeriu. Tm- bilution in one of the bee: that our gone through the cuunlry, I fall and complete in ovcry depnrtn. Tho people of thin vicinity will pntrw u ulnir largely. would Dauzswcreu. (hunmsln Ml`. McMahon (lL~.al` Hmnu ventuted'ln enquxru it he( had not the joints litl mul L tion of the Educational Bluul foro the oontrnct was given ml Mr. Irving--No. Mr. McM|hon-- You hmi. Mr. lrving-lt. is a fnlsohn-2 Mr. McMshon---I can [Jl`IJ\'( Mr. Irving-l chxtllnam,-e ung or elsewhere to show, I dn mu anything to the contrary of ll auto. Iwill stake all I mu reputation--upnn the Chtlnrllz one can prove unythim; In wrong about that cmumct. ( Mr. MnMnl1r:n-I Imvn my uu-. mcMn.nun--I Imve ty. ..Mr. Irving-Yuu infun whut is untrue. `Mr MnM.h..n .}.'l Im nu menr. wppmuuo.) Here the colloquy ended, Mr. Mahon feeling noumwlmt the manner in which the little llul" nest he had stirred up hml ucttlull 1 hilnlolf. He runmiuml sllcxll fvr bglsnco of the evuuing. Mr. Mauirn nml Mr. R. 'l', \\';xl -:44-o__ ~[Alt night`: nu A good rally hm; unr. Tbo won more Reformer: than T.~rion `I the City Hull. wnut ll untrue. Mr. McMahon said he uw the joint: In laid beflnrv Inn awarded. M. I ...:.... I ,.... .........o awarded. Mr. [rving-I can nswrt Mlhon hn no toundmiou ment. (AppIau|o.) cullonuv endc Iollnurn Pbooplorlud haul-Ion qlfoc IIVCCII VII IAGID-PIC-phnlc of Ilanr I pnpuul with the luau. ('mI4Lim r 0 I (um n .L_ ___. -_.--_-.I _-__ 1:- .. Ollwllllduo-rho-pi I ru Iquol (`ml Li-m (.)J -3.. n -anuuaud tgnalien in the cuulnzun u "lurk Iodu|."-Iav-Iu-I )uu/uzl- n.` (II Ilotd nlluliu tho uf B "lamb lodica."-bacIu.P)wqaIuz1- uf huumiloh union on largely mm lhI?'flInnn- sin but -an-bl and oqnr inzpotxant na- n-this Edy.-Plauphuru. the [rial bruin n in thud |IVi (or.In n form and unihnn Iouduirn Jo tmzbuuu iua mum j. j With rrM4T .i.'l.;.1lnIv rm/ml-`-:1 T flh olauunl. Th!-a an all inti- -dalyt In one dalnulrt-nt I!-rid of hnoonunu and da-.liutn nor. jaunboe and dv-Jiutn nor, ll-Arhbh power in nreaun the up! the unto count: 1 go Qhho -louuditknn of the nyr W byaleh-than no puvcrtncd mIlllKi,V$&MQd,lId (lat Illlvuu It In Mgilynomnmadzpfn As Mr. Irving wag Izlkillg Li; Thoma McMahon, (of many feats) bounced up on tho plat! mesnly insinnatod au:nuI.|:iu;.: :1: Military College. Mr. lrvino 1-mid that if M: '\` mInuu'y xmuegu. Mr. Irving auid that if M1, had anything to say aim-.n . which be (Mr. Irving) Imd in}. forward and put thu alxleabiuxm would bauzswcred. (Sunautim Mr. DIoMnhnn (l|u1l` Htnnn I nal! II In high! ronomncndul far :1:-you-. Clnnla Allin. (lmaglol, hnfub. bulo-I can uuir Iflr-.1-0. l1I.D(&aI2l`kBoua unuondi-qr. Qlhl , .crpIh-."uvIaUlnpnn' flnch II It -ntlkularlu alumni to On-H J'ult'yIla'uII.'lwl a-'o' In vnri 0% ll ilpnln Marl mic: jolvf Io DJI:-no (undo nch; ntnuuofl qt 1 I-mlilhhll :1 tbs inn pdht to than us. To gal adnhuui-x-dtavitwau-gum ldllo Vogouu vu entirely rollovod. I till my health much improved. f_ mg. ngood lnodinlno. Flu HAVIIITICK. I --III. Robert Shirley hxu entered tro Joldlor Culuon in appolilion 1:; Mr. u Bodnnt-.. ` DB9 Dfollgllf `I last session of"P -H-inn :l-.iuA.I wrong about man cmumcl. Mr. McMn.h(m-I lmve - 3Ill: oUlIdI|I d,oII.PP0llhxng $0 In:-by i|`dno sue. `!'honpukot Hill of and oouoI`Iy. nnd otht Ihilp. coping n no unikdo at `O ! (nah gntil he fell back beans and cxhnlhd. lllruauz. :5-zunugtwngnr. In-Ihgun o- upuhr.on- couupd by dcdonina chats, but glue rlvplnu II] I. I. SIIVIIS. Ioutonflass. Ana is I. 0. manor 4. (:0. Danish, lhptou. in gully L:-Iwhed upon the cm! Inna-nudlyldhwdhygmthlxagy. at 1 but desirous to Huh 3` point`, it chugui Ir. lfnolenziu nth nunnn: i ' thsniiunllhn h-0' Indium! uent. Thus at inti- hlyaubj of m Wit] (AMT ..2.'l.;.1blc rrp/ml.`-II =`t.:g|onn ofvhich is inm. the rut ulu um. lwnuw wel would have cmmi it had them Ullljlllretl mm. A: fur the at-ml huh: nu d any that Mn `.\l;.-l;(.-n7.xo ty uf personal as -l`I`n]>!ivH xrgod uguiust him that he speculatimz. '1'hua1.r.-1!u-r meeting that l\wlIf u _)'u.u- erof (lrmt Imtaun h.-ul g,!.u:u, fur he ha-.l l.u`~ -z Canal, uhivh as u Il1dol`lakiI1:5. (.\gixI:.u.\u-.) 3 the uhjectinu usually sgllf c -utmc!.n:.~s uf Int. having dc-.|xn_' \'.il,h konzia or uny--1 `or m1.u~.- to public wurk. 11 was he Engim-ur In-lxvwu Um no thu ($m'vx'1nmxu would pesturezl by cnl|tI`.'t:.!iul':'I, ing of the Cml; cnnuuct r. Allen. '[`i1uc.>ntr;u.~1~r 36-1111 c<)nl`r.u't rd Inn u. applause.) Hut lm l:.`:,x,[ e of pnrrsuuzll l.'I>U`1IjH|uu ckenzi-=., mnl rn l'ur:u ho uimuny \vm1Hr.::l~u 4| in 3 (iovarnmcnt. (ll:-pp.-u,- art that Mr. . f...|u.'n ..| ma. nut. cum lluw, f that whigh I nu IV :rLh~-my vlrlu. Lhul. nu 1 here I...... AT 'l`Ill'2 VERY LOWEST PRICES. We are ontolod to do no, luvi ht NIIOIIIR Sm:-1: rm cuuh mu! pmmiso oo1ive shone win 1 will fnvor u: with s all clue of It. I :1! tuntiun given to the Order rude. Our Goods hnvln been well IOXOOMGI. WI" U! hi! .0 50 I-hni('l' in q'1nIi!y mud now In style. Dr Thou lutoud n ordorln Gulls will Ind nodlluultv in luuklug n 0041 uhmuu. FULL AND COMPLETE CK 0 HEAD! [ADI Owl`!!- ING . uuu~.(.aps, Gent : I-`m-ninhing Goudl. Rubber Uonu Umbullu `huh and other (iomla uauzxllv found in our muumumm. H` DON'T 1-`Ail. TO GIVE us A ALL. uu `Ill ll. Klnvun :- Ilngn Ah _V-an VA-n m1u:u(.ug II 0011 unuwu. ruuu nun vuml unun uluvn Ul IIIBAIII BGUD UIIUI md. GM uumlly 3' uullluu nlululul nruu: wu pot yum, | REHNANT8, REINANTS. boln 2'00 pieoaa of Print from 60 per yud, 4|) vi!-('4-u 0fWI1ita Cotton at 100, worth |2c, Au Lola! Neck Frilllng from llu per yard. I ITETAQDEZZ 1&1: forks and Spoons, Sporting Implements. and Heavy En-dwtre. Job Lot: for mall dealers. an. `)n.I pm ; nu - Elana .'.`.'$'3' by myself. I: wall 3'. I -' "cu i`n:~rIl1o mun rc':'::ad|af` :h':Iuon.o=:iu`[ Ihslp lisp and Dub` 5 r the has Ixlllnh Ibo :i't:vT(`}'orx| ,..a....`:.".'ui" ct... repdl. ulatliixi, [N-uw `YORK aI.o1'I-Iiuc STORE. ` BROOK smwr, Fmr_11<:_9;s_m.'the Mu-ht squm. HAVING PURCHASED HEAVILY FOR. THE FALL TRADE TO MAKE room for new Btook wo Ivl continua mu 1:1 ARDWARE' IS I'.A.I.nIa1 G- G E T I N E rnnsznamownrsi Immense Bargain: in cutting sduon, U." '10 Lot For 3. `form of Years. I lI.':..vr.:.".;z.:.".*,"'... '::*:.:.'.r {ommr-.n our m ms NEWZBTOBE on 5th nu urrllun N. B.- Thin in R uplendid opportunity for call! buyer! to secure Bu-plan, ll Uoodo will nu\'u.r be In cheap as they are at the proaont time. _Q` Como only one and all. HENRY Lovvmbns, LIVERPOOL HOUSE. PRINCESS STREET. mu mu 1.|.'.-nun: run rlusmlanra nuw uuuurmu an A uuurumu Store, thrue damn from Wellimzton Street, next door to 0530': Bram, Jowollo ' ntfcra um WHOLE OF HIS STOCK for the balance of this monllfnt A GREA S.-\C .lI<'lCl~`., to make room for ono of the lnrgent. Full Shook: our imported Into I ma. city, which will bu Iqlulrolycured lo or Vertigo. M Cnlro, lIl.,Jan 23, ms. IADYH 0| panda: .0: orb-nlnqlo I IIAVING LE.-`\'e`El') THE PREMISES NOW OUOUPIED AS A OLOTHING mu... o|....... .x...... cm... \v..|l;....o.... Rm... nan. .Inn.- on 11... . Rm. _l.-4|... } VV .wi;i[. E]}Ii}nfEuI1 cinliiml Goods, aunimo for in; i'.II"EJdT , OWES'l` PRICES. hot` ummiao to give wk u N ew (`olored satlns. all Cut on Ilsa Ior Trlnnlu. {REMOVAL SALE AT LIVEBPOOI. HOUSE. I New Black CnsI1meres-alI Wool. 50, so. 10. 15 and Doc. ! New Colored Cashmeres-ull Wool. 50. CO, '70, 75 did 000, New Black (Iron Grain Silks--8l.00. I35. L50. I-75 and 3.00, | New Colored Silks---Ileautlml Shades. 'V':E3GiTI'INE {one Prlce Asked Emu no Lou Tuba. I` Sept nd. Jillyl. Ii-Balotooommonooutthooldltonoalotudly. Ami tn nmmnn. ....nI an. own nnlnuunl-uni mu, nnpllnnln an -nllnl l-n mud in Aug 2, 1878. {A GRAND CLEARING OUT SALE Aug 28, 1878. ._,.__j... {Ann cmsnm up -rum mutton s-iunn di nmuluuni-_n_ox`. I T L " lbs Iuunha pnuncn.o:I`|-.:`I.lI:.'h:.Iundvuvr_II'n.&IhdIo Aug 23rd. Bread Rolls STAND FROM IIIDEII I CP . ` T Aug 28, I878. Aug ma. `1s7e; iii? IE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW AND SPLENDID 8100K 0)` Swatch. Enrvlinh and Canullnu suitable the Fn.|l'l`udo wlI|oI| will hoonnd Plllvi EOWES1` PRICES. no. Invinz hmuln. nnlln V '-'5. IMIc1.\TA.`U G-E2'2'|'."O2lS' as oo. A L--.;-- ` " Ouli-ni Clothing i Notice: L nvhcn Iuhju SPECIAL Bl.RlILI1I'8. I" T NEW Ea-OODS AT THE XZT1 j if 1&1 LIVEIKPOOL HOUSE, STREET. I-I- LOVVNDES 0 s bushaculul R. WALDRON. Wilson's Buildinas. I_A_P S- ' 7 Block I'l'IIl.'I'. nu Inn from the lurks! Iqu T % ........"'7":'...".""..,.."'..*'.' _ II` I IIIJOI. nmnvlux FUN. THIS FALL | continue our -0_PP08l I`E OITY HOTEL. nlooodutprloulln lOV&IVOIhh.KjI-4 ::.::iE"cf>"i~r NAPAlll-Un-pboll out, lunch! lfhh lad Nth. - ll)lGI1'0l--City Haul. lunch: ml. 10%, 11%|: and 130:. IIOclVlLLl-It. [Juana ldl, In. mi nod sou. acmve~f` onamtion dl ltn ll. A ufw rggnhnuua` Spring|assTtus_s_and8npporler: I G W. HOTCEKIN vlll vhlt that {allow- o in Ialuu: . v-- . ,....... HC'll-Co ma duh nopomua Howl, Ion-ho: . thus TIIII witbolllol WU an lulu hauled in and V Uubolliool u walla AI-Icon: It: at- nneodagunnpoouullyolb non nut nndvlllutud tho but union pl! 3 Tuna. Tnnuforohlldnnuvollno glu. 0. W. Hocchlxlru nonoei uunulo Amos. `l`rnuu.'l'nuu!onhll1lnIuvoIluI_Ilu. G.W. kh'o:onoIo'oaunu|_oA|Hu. Onlonucouby, .1. I qn.0oua-Iytholmdnybuhtollulovl 0. W. Bmonnrn cnunul II pnoul. OVOI Olliu II` .'f1"..""u`.*`e".3'".';?`.a "' u.a....a""" on A-4:1 Ila nudnlcnud nsllnlc-annual dbh IIIIOIII Iciomllo pl to the coup: nnInnn.I.hAIA Blll Illll kllllll IJIIIIIUHK II W :3 cloned out rep:-dlcu of and. 2) Mann: Emhmklnrv--unrI uh. . w. n - c pr-no-I manual ..`a"."..7`.."'.'s..'.'L`1z'J'.u'.'.oj--I-g..! Brim. _'l~8.u7u :a.m;ms BROS -nu av unvuu vn "Vi `PR:vo'"I":" . u... 3.... 0.... on- u-.A..a - .l6lIAUUll'lVJlI I IN Oouu Kxn um Puma I ".%c**~_ . .loNAUGE`l'0N I I up Urn nun m llulluuc blllfllnot :7!-u-nu the um` 'lnIuvo in be a Good lodlclhe. 1'. I. ' L & mnmm, 0' `l'0l!.0R.'l'0- --..-......_. .______. Vscefilii-:1 l0HOHE|MEH'S alcxur I FORTES. am-"`:-:v-., Intuit: : II: Ila B. llxvlnl :- `hflh IOIIV HI HJIIIOOIIII g; lIo::.hoe: luring Chfllnonl; _ 0' 7030310. It Ottawa, Human, BC Cubs. w. -nu-u : I!.-l VIII) to inform you what our ' hltloumrnc lluvobooun iot Iliil la. Ind nmr ntng xhruo bot hdlio V he entirely rollovod. I I V J` I. In-rcn:u,. Aplt Rondo!-Ion : Louu, Btflauio. lo. jo Ill can not me 1 nine noon uuwt `VNII Ming ldlbo D Iunmnl improved. .:.':.`::'_:....'..":.} . you an In no In In nruTr.o' Dion. .- rwnnlno PHOIIOIUIIEI ;:I'ILI1I|II 533103`- Ihvdnnulluud mulolno of dunno originator In the and no nodletno that does not mt. I IIIIIIIID nurlfv and ronouca. hu `H8853 ! loport. V1931? E nd II! Hluoul /Irr. Manna of album originate: II! and Give: Strength. bu Quoln. In ,1; 21, I873. '..:'r.'.."n.`u"."'.?.{s.:."}'...'.`.'.' D luoul orixlnuu Dull! Ionvogouno in ban 1 I III -Io. llovo hoon huh)? ,@|vntd|I Ihonwnn I lhoboulb. o WWI III and until begun the use ' you Jlglvingnnohnmotliatorollel. . Fl Iylbll. [Purifying my Mood, -' : than all other medicine: , lno,uId lllod mynyntom with pol R; nail on nu-nod um Irlunmu nut II `C nodlurictn ol the south and `IQ would Vogotino two or three time: 0, . thyiolld not In troubled with aha at tho Isl um {oven thu pnuil nl Gila of you, Inn doctors bills, live to I good old age. Konpocuully rvI-,I'- Dun Nun. Oahu: [$1.33. I. I. ll; 0, II` .___..4o-._j ALL. Dunsnfa Vm'Iu.-Lut night in tho City Hall Ald. Drannnn doniod the nulemont we had undo, upon infor- mation furniuhod un, rognding his vote, nnd ngnin doclu-od that ho Ind Always nupporhml Sir John Ihodondd. W0 nlull. after looking up some old {yiel- Ilvo Iolnuhing mom to may upon tho Indhr. We do not think tint on! In- formant is altogether Inintnhn in hit ro- Iiombnncu of the AId0I llIlll'l only po- litical cum. lluovIn.--Ir. Henry Lovndon bu cloud the roman) 0! hi: dry good; that horn the old Liverpool Hand to the non n for doon out on Prinoul stud, lately occupied by Mr. O. W. W. Andaman, the clotllkr. Ilia not quar- uu no spacious and handsome, nd con- I.lIIdlN(|IlIlL Wosnalulthulo ioa-an inhis luuincn.u| Hourly pruaporivy, lino ouooul-aged his to com. pg such in panic. Ho will retain nuyullonio hbln don lnuboth `ddutnllnnovllhods. Iuvuurun nuu vvAauuun, ya on mac ILIUII of it, mid the defendant should novel- have been incu-canted. Tho Mngiutnta considered the complainant Inn to bluno all through, and therefore dnamiued the ` -:---gpoj. Usnu'1:umrronv.--Tlno Tories u-e dis- Iotiacd with the result of laativeningi meeting in the City Hall. It wu Ittonuly Refnrm, and if cheer: and ap- plnulo mom Anything it indicate: clearly the think of Sir John Mledonnld. Mr. J.A. Allen did not do the milchie! it In calculnedhe would do; Ind slur gather the Conn-rutivu fool thnt up- penrmoon were not so uttering II they dunired them. TIVIPIIIANUI. -Mr. J. Curl Cheny, of Vermont, I hmpennoe Rofurmern addrbuod tho Rina Club It Portsmouth lur. evening. Hi: lecture was in olo~ quent one. The sudianco run until, but npprocintive. the state of tho wuthor hindering porlonn from vonturing abroad. Under 3 prouing invitation from the oioora of the Club he consented to deli- ver nnothor lecture in the nuns plane on Fridsy evening non. Portsmouth should malts I grand rally on tint ooeuion. -----~o1o--._._ I-`sosrsiun Lsm Mxlu.-'I`ho Muns- ger, Mr. Stock well, has s splendid speci- men of are on exhibition st the British Ann-icen Hotel. The specimen shown is n guod Iellple of newly pun ore, and is ssid to be of excellent quality. The Company's works no situsted in Lobom -on the edge of Loboro lake. The specimen weighs over one hundnd pounds. The yield of the mines is said to be one ton of on per dsy. _..._..o:......._ Run Cusnuvn.-lut day All. n.1'.w.nm- noun tho grit gas, In ilvnhhnluilo IIul,_Ih. A I inIhoudinuuIInbblIr.1 ~WaothlIr.JchI&iluhdI$ nnduhtluul In-`g duo lwtblnnli lloanucuanqIclIhucuqlqn,ul huh Tut; g-Iyglt Iinupionm` lonniuapud6oIIo'pny lathuol '__...h_l..-IhnlLhlIn&i1l. Pou'v..--Edward Fitzimmonu, drunk, ned 8.2 or 10 days. Edward Valley In ncculod of nuaulting IL M. Ohnlton, tho ureet numbering man. The one was frivolous and vemtioua, to any the most -3 :5 -.A 5|... .I..t....A.no .l.nul.I n...mI- pi & hut uoptlonl readily nohuwlodgu ;_s `Quin; nun pun cl PIIOIIINL E ` nuhlollovbg utruurou I Imm- f.u`nuounawm.uw=-as V CI, `Inf; Inl --*0}-G lhln FALL.--A grout quantity of rain (all last night and Lo dsy-tuns of it. It must csusoa temporary suspension of ` lsbour in the country, but we presume the harvesting is pretty well over. Lsto crops have been quickened by the {as- quunt showers, and grnsis better look- ing in some places thsn it wss in June Isst. I I0! T Viilv Itj H ....,.,:.._......',.._.........` nluhnt-poul:.huI-`I1u` aadunhppr-dnlnhu-uuuuulbc-` Muuma:.-Tho union ol I popnlnr young couple took plus yutordsy, that of Mr. W. Bajun to Mix Sam Phillips, dang}-ter of the late Brigade Major of thilbinrict. They have our cnmpli- ` meant; and our vunneut folicituiulu. A Fm.vnI.-'l'ho heuy mint, and at A" time: threatening, had the aoat to- 415] nf completely spoiling the picnic of the Onngemeu gt. Cluhuel Grove. Th; ulondnnco must |lIVO been mall in- Arruouln P1.mu..--A nrgoof chain` Ippluaudplnlnninolud onhondtho Iehoouc l'ndor.1ying at the foot 0! Johnson 8u'ut,in lot: to mic pntehun. IV: - gnu `v unur Bacon, ot tho Chin: Tu Homo, hu bottomed the niain market, outstrip- ping :11 previous offer: In the public. New Vnlancin raisin: no oond by him at 14 lb. for O1. DUI] Iv Witt! wluitnuil \ur-I Iv yuy cloudy unthv, with rain and and pmbobly star-y to-son-ow. Tu Gun Ac1.--A lotlnquotiugllu `lath;-ogud'(otbo Ihoung a! pan, L.. L... LJA nu`;- V 0013011..---f'apuciul month; club 0iGy(}onlacthooo|dla'IioIal'llIo lndguthuhauanllul lorthh owning. V? M tho put olglnun months. and In doling that in nvury ' ' $' Iltvhdp, given gnu unturne- ' You: only. 1 I. Oovaua. Dnuhu. uickmnu, Ky. Iuw nu nu.-- ma v-vv in boon hold out. rs. lulu at :Yii1lox" so he anddpn: mun. In-I-vI| uuovvvguu un- -Cou.un G: own. j lnumutrmgunnml |u: gin; smut mu] wxnnrn;_>g_z_v__'xaa tan. 4, unl ........._.__..__...-.. - ~01:-rv aunt . .11-mu uu""vu d n and no; 1'30.-Jlodanto to authent- __l_ A- -__A_.I._ _2_)- _._J .I-....I._ A- Ul._&-UNI .__ _.nA.A- n..- Ij ` . H mm. rupee-n of nos:-no:;u' .- El.-I in uoonunbul b h - ..i .`.".. nonvoaon, mu- `L-'- . . _ D will nnnoupcutruion VI Duluth: aounqlnl on tho .4 high you-and Mn mod I; Iiiiti Jndnocll who we: applauded by the Tory clique when he ndvsuood to the front, nd enid thst it was not with ordinary 5 mg: that he stood that evening before them. It wu esid that when he found fault with . the present Government-or nther he , should direct hie special Attention to the hand of the Government--he mu proving hilnlelf recresnt to the principles he had slwnys msintained; that he had turned his bsck on the principles of Reform; that he would be henceforth ranked as n trsitur to the cause: thst he would be henceforth called A turn ooat; but that he hed not chnnged his position` but L those who had oppose/.l him had changed their principles. They had laid before them I clear chart; there was nothing which could be laid to their charge, they esid; they preached virtue nnd morality, and they had thought indeed that the country we: under a new Utopia---thst the golden age had returned, that things under their rule would be a perfect pare- dise. We were going to have free insti- tutions, the independence of Parliament, the country wss to be freed from bribery, end sll tenders for public work were L ' st... t.:.lA... L- 1.. In-n.t III In wuuuu nu yum-u nu... vvvsu `o be given to the lowest bidder. Mr. Mnckenzie hid aid that when the money was not given to the luweat tender, the money of the people mightu wellbo thrown into the see. Mr. Mackenzie hnd introduced I uyntem, which he would lay, hnd its` advnntngea, but then it we: encumbt-rddvith its dim Advantages too-a system to prevent bo- gun tendon, uinoo it required the do- pooit of ve per cent. of the value of the oontrect. (Hear, hear.) But conlintency wu I jewel. He know he would be `nu .-n-n nu-I-It nu-nuuvuw-rm-v Ilunuu unu :I:\n.u nu uuu-uvv v: -u vuuuu. ny. The que:tion' which he was there more eepecinlly to consider mu lhi: : What i: there which entitles Mr. Macken- lie to be Premier of thin country? (Hear, hear.) 1: it thnt he in I men who give: uegrent money : worth, md, therefore, we ehould exalt him to the high` and eminent position which he occupies in the Council: of the country I Whnt money : worth he he given thy people I He Ind given them nothing in the Itoei nil: contact. for that had been I lose, he noted, ol $2,000,000. In the Godo- rioh hnrhour bunineu the loan, by not giving the contact to the lowest bidder, Ill CXl,0(l)-oI :9 least, to be more enct. lb: Ion land been 829,500. In the Foo- bt bn:inee:-Ivhieh hed been foot-and well-there 1:: 0 loo: 0! l,(X)0. Now, L- __:__.I |.-A ll- Il-..L-..-Z. ..-gn 'IlI-tuI1II III: a noun vu yyupavu. uuw, In ukod, Ind Mr. Mnchnxio given none)`: worth lot those million: and thouundl ol dollan I The Iteel rail: he thought, should not ban been bought in Ahlling nnllut-they uhould not have but: bought st all until wnntod. (Gon- tlolpphnoo.) Ho objected to tho Pn- niot at I country going about an cannon hnchtor. npooolntinn with III nouyd HI country. It was not the kind ol thin; Illioh bneune him. ` In Ipghnd who they Innuul 5 thin; Ihypuuhuoditurbou they did not nutitlhy diduot puvhuoit. ~ -~-_ .__ ...Q-_.4.__AI Lnnnusu vvunn u\\,unmm;:.;u.., tlnl. it would he slid of him ovor the length and brudth of the lnnd, that he WAS vnr INOOKBIBTINT. (Applause) 80 Ill not incontinent; it wan thole who won interuted and who were try- ing to mislead Ma Reform friendl.` (Da- rilive ohaon.) In hi: opinion it In con- nmoncy to stand up for principle, to land like crock in defiance of ull alum` run , ,. A|_:,i_ L- ___ AL--- Kr. Bqkcltoluljinthltlvun foollllghpcnhahinnhllingunr ht. `lihphndlotbubdnunnod nonnninlughndvouldhaiotooaluod anyllingol chainin- dhuu. lIIMr.Iuhn:ioIboqtt- L- L__n __ .|._|.. L.__..|_ nL.A L. _..hI -WT-UUwUIZl<`1 IUV -h-Ixooljuunuhnnkqlpa dang Inn-Kai--I--In-JJ-nLp