lulmla and Batail llaalar an ncnoox. mu. non: on . uoymn. an uupu-nu. aouorn, noagmm, wunrora and Boyd : Hintory of Canuh, Banach, Miei-'5, Fauna : and Audi : Cholnintry. Hunter's, Bonlhln, Starr : and Huon o Milton. Examination Papers and Hints and Antwan. R-nick l(i.|.I--.I -...`l (1....ur_ |,|t.,_.L, n, nan:-u nuuulyivll I luIlsIIllul.IU' WIIIIUII, 364 .p. with Maps. Jeorh, flodginh, W`uhror'| and Boyd History Canada. luelved nun day-an nu In lcuknery, which will now to bind colfllfl. Oullilfn. Lovcll'|, Cunpbolfn and Hod- uin'u Gooznnlly. unuuu. uovun, Uunpoolrn um oa- in'n (loognplly. Edi! Tlxompaon I Eng|and-~nov edition, JOEOVI. floduin. 'iLhnvl'n Aml Rand : [ o..`_3'.;_?.c'..'I.JI'-"cc'E:'..u [ irrs Almost my}; wA_'1_-:mIe.. [um :.ugL_sIonr.[ SUMMER HATS _ cannon roan "" m.`"?"`cu.".-:"-u- :6 Plus E ff "mi VOL. XLVI. r"nes.anagg;aa.;gsa:e; 75 BROOK 8`l'I.Il`l'. Fitisw noon smut. I1.-I-3 1.3_3_~ jS. WOODS. A15.) OR RAID L`! Mali. n. uonraonny} :.4_.__ j;-_ I'D! noun nun snovno mvx Illlvnll-vo {rt ud Iuloouo h nmbn; I lguhnp plu. uodk-9, .3 Portion within old Pkvenrnu onlund column! should gln In 3 call. nnun-v nunnu mug.-... fie Olden Ienovndll It IIOIII Intlhhlell Ilnutol annnlnnu 1.... nu. |mranA_L_ rnotopmusl l1IhhdinCv-uyou. Patel. Water Colon Ind Ink ptonouloo than uoollonl. [s_g1_Ey)oN and oAvIs.| o'Y:Iuc TO LIVE. oompomlon from uny Provincial or in: orkid or. 3 Pntrouize home mnnu aocuns tn order your Lager where yuu can be sure olgoulng It good. Also. `Y Ann` YYY Ila: an-I IIn-6..- I 0 IIIIUUVI | E fin Iollllng Depart-out wlll be In Charge of I. A. IAIIACI. Prince 8:. Annl 2). I878. Tbodpopnlnr Wnldnnhloouchon in now mp- llod nil) In wood or bottle. 300 dozen: of 0 new pawn: homo: received. Thu qlnllty of over dolivaryxnu-nnteod. We challenge oolnpedvtlon from Provincial in: ortod Lager. home cu guung ll goon. AIIO. XX and XXX Ales and Porter, Edie: mg Notice! CAN COKPETE WITH ANY MANUFAC- TURED IN THE PROVINCE. `\VAlI)8cIIl0E8:_:c.llE|H' J!" I. wit: -Q` IIJITI. to lurnlan when denlrod other Carriages than thou represented in my Wnreroomm ' Prices u low u the Market. can nlford. Rt-pulling in I in branches at reuonablo rates Id. W. ROBINSONQI PIIICIII -IT`. IIIOIYIIII. HERE WE ARE AGAIN! EAFUS Y CARRIAGES have boen in constant um b prlvnw gentlemen and by the Prlm-an Street ivory, to which I am pleased to refer on to the general ohnncter of my work. II. n...:....... --.. ......a- 1.- ,x.._,. '1`; ly Carriage: are made (or durability. nom fort, Itylo sud good nish, and I am able also to furnhh when denlrod other Carriages my .... -....._...u. u. nu, unu- CLIPS! IWIIPIII. g:rm-s*_ mni;ue;:| PH OT 00 RAPHI 0. ITIIPIP OI -. A Apnl 2), I878.` CONVERSATION leave: Brookville at %80,calling where roquird 0 n for Chu-ser, Excursions. &.c.,ou Wed- nucfyn. For further partiuulara apply to A. Gum at Go .or to B. C. Rothwoli, on board. Aug 31,1373. Hatnrdny. ' Returning will leave A. Gum: 61. Co`: Wlunlnt 3'1!) p.m.,oalling where required. BROCKVILLE. On Friday vnll leave Bronxlrn Wharf, Ga- uuaoque, for Broolnille at 6 am. Returning leave: Brookville roquirui Open forChu-t.er_-, &.c., on Aug ?2nd. (K. c. uornwnn.) Leave: Bronln Wharauanoqnxo, tor Kin - Itou overv ONDAY, TUESDAY, THU nu. AND BA ! URDAY morning u 7 am. calling at Sir John : Inlund. North side. on Honda] and Thnmlny, and at the South nude sud Hnlldayh, Wolfe Iolmd. on Tueoduy and Saturday. Roturninnz Gum: C0`: I=W!;.E=l ol lopiouhor. 3 PRIZE LISTS And Blank Farnu for India; entries upon can be obtained {mm the Secretary. HENRY BAWDEN, Secretary. (mum. Aug I9. um I IIUIT POI TABLS USE BI-It DAILY. ' l|_Ell_l WHILE, I'll I-Ilzl coxlncrlon 1-.` III $8,000 Outed in l |-clams. iananuque & Kingston Wodnuds.'1'hurIIIAy and!'rida.- sch. 1'om,.na 11thOctobu'. l [rana11o1aa__t_y__a_u;_ys:a1ra1aco] ||mnnansnm1rmsaciaty,] Of IIDITIIAQ COIVIX IVOIY TYPES. no nut in nude with the Bocnury II 3.: or halons 'l`uudnv,IIo 24:]: day n r. AND ITS GROUNDS, IIKUUIIUIZ `ll I'll` OP YIOIIIIAO. IAVI IIIUIID BAKING. AID WILL Inn on land at All cl-nu .....a::..-.-.'=.:.}-._ KINGSTON. CANADA, muxsmv EVENING smrminnk 5 I070. | I I I u A n n I I. P. QAJUS. -..a...._ ..un L- 1 E0-1: Inhnthrllln All-ILIII 8! psi 3.1 hj .& . ;` I -7- :1-- F R BALI--'l'Hll NEW HOUSE ON 0'` UNION 8TRKKT.`oppIIIik 81. 1% luck, or npprnaoh onmplodon. be one 0? the and convenient 4: ch city. and lunhlndiuthomonnnddrnutylr. opal gun with nnntal-"nho Iowa; danjar, and ..,....1 ` '9" lhcunmaml. g April an, 131 mu... on the owner of Brock udordua lltroou In the house at locus. olooou. hard and non voter. The lot ha 71 foot (rant on Gordon street, IN ootonlhot-1' true: A. OALLIIIOEI. Kmnton. All `J. 157K ulunn nnnun uuunn Ann M]! owned And occnpio db` the Indonlgnod, Iiuutod the rod and Gordan runs. nlooeu. hard ma halos ooku. (mall and large.) On!octionIryuulWoddln( OLIII. ' H8 BRICK HOUSE AND L01` owned dbcho 9n ghqoofnor u-mu i leasa.nt Residence FOR _ALE. G. W. Hcrmnxui treatment ll prwticnl, rational and eoonmniosl. Ito ol 'oot.o--iImuo- distn relief wd eventual cure. I in lnuod up- on ncionlio prinnipioo and ouilyllemonntntad to tho mmprehemion of every intelligent tarpon. that n Truu without Stool Sprin s or nrd aubaianoe, iuvin lwnled lnguinn Ami Umbollicnl in well u aricosolo, at the ld~ vnnced ago: renpootinily M65 to!9`.! you-I. mint and will stud the tent against all 8 ring Trance. Truuea for children as well I! am. 0. W. Hon-,hkiu'aoat oiliae add:-on in Albion, 0| lulu County, .Y. Q` 60 enrly the ii:-at day before the crowd getain. V Q" Uoearlyl [cu in. Aug. W. 1878. `DAG; If you want Shirts cheap go to Anhloyh Shirt factory. Jllyld. NAPANEE--Cnmpbell House, November 13th and 14th. KINGB l'0N-C|t.y Hotel. November |5t.h, ll`-eh. 17th and 18th. nnnntnvnrxr, u. 1-....- nun -v-- TEI IFOII not I 1. lbs: nldhlv G W. HOTCHKIN will visit the follow- : lng plaeea: ~ I-IC'I`0N-Cotmopolitnn Hotel, November 11th and |2v.h. llwlu llill unu mu). BBOCKVILLE--8t. Lawrence Hall, Nov. l9t.h um] 20th. . 40 Years Business A usw pgcnAMME. Springlesshuss and Supporlets Io co. Ill! To I40 In hpunnnun urns. '""' 1-noun nuns. lnngn Iuutcoulau and llnttu Ildy. Wetehmekereeand Jewellere Call and examine. Spools! attention given to REPAIRING, PKILES LOW. II-'1'.Tiz.e 01111`);-sf, I IROGERS STATUARY I) Kmptou, Aug `J. A J. Iv. I-'ni'LIcK,1 DD TITIICHG lII`-IlllI ISTATUAHYI V lcubuuhou Ila cm Ioul, * G-AG-E July 5th. _P_lated Ware . OPENED TO-DAYII GAGE BROS. July 15th, 1878. ` CLOTEI NG.l PRINCESS STREET FOR s_AL_ nan-nun... Prices Low than the Lowest. Also, : Flue Auorulenl or PRINCESS STREET. u Ital. lR7 In`. hamg ZBZELOS. D .DOIAl&. .. - ;%'.'.'.2_""""""` If you vnnt sum tantgo toAnhloy'|ahh-trnoto:-y. ANY SIZE UP TO 95x30lnohoo, nnbhod In the but Iunnor In Cnyolu. Indlllnk or _Coloru. They on be mndopilher from Life or Copied from old PICTURES. VIEWS 0? THE CITY. Inspection invihd I H- HpmPR0N,l ] pno-ro GRAPHEI AUU U51`. London Jonrnul, Family Herald, Boy: ol England, Young Man ofreat KI-italn, Il_yrn'o Journal olVDreu, Band of Hope, n_;:-|. nr__u__, _, unis `manna. HAS RECEIVED HIE ` English Magazines for Sepvr. "I! noon II II! In 1-ma Iosr xx- bdn II III: olty nd oon_pno_o_ovory- Young Ladies Journal, .. .. . mcAuLE We, the undersigned, certlf to whom it Ill oonooru, Ilmtlnavingporsoun or inn 1' hm - lies, used the STANLEY ETH OPIC LIXIB referred to b Pmfeuor Dupuu in his outm- cntmohoorfuliy command it to the public I! 1191113 _in our judgment In exoolsonz Family N. I`. Dlmm Professor of Chemistry. Queen n College, King- swu, Ont. ` ggg .-4.;J.1.AJJ.Jl-Illkl.` PRINCESS STREET. July I0. I878. V . "1 have osnefully examined the com Mon of n l`onlo0om and known so the BI` LEY l'l'HIOPlC E IXIB, [Id have found lulu- grediontato bo whollf vegetable. and ofnphtr ed medlolnsl ulna. coonhlnl no lnoonghlt bloamoxnlnonlor other pousono,u:d it :1 ? Ibo tnkonln ovan Abnormal done: without p nolng serious oonuquenoon. I believe It on be thoroughly cafe. and reliablo, no {It on it In I Chemical Compound." (Blgnod N. I` nnnnn I huvo ofn l`onlc ET!-IIOPI Aug 15th. _v. nnuv uvnnugi Ufllx D501` BF 50c and $1 per Bottle. Profouor Dupuin` o inion,of the above named medioino,'u I HEMIOAL COM- POUND, is as follows : "I lnvo 9_f_n_ l:qnjcCompouId um SI` xmcv has ilu. EOTIOE. J For Sale at King`: Drug atom at 501! and 11 run. `llnou- ....m, -nun-nu; Lutplll union to Ahaaltvpo-tion, curing Jauudlea re ulst- ing the Bowela, purifyingthe Blood. {Mn hing Dvn ptlo Iyptoma, Lou of Appetite. Blck Heuohe. langnor or Depmuiomux in their lwad givou Life nnd Renewed ENERGY and VITALITY to the whole nyswln. I`. 0vorend. Bulldor. Jnmea Kurnl, Telenph Operator. P. Bturno, Fur Do: or, And many others. .KllllIAOD, Aug 13, I878. For oldin Dlgemon, arousing Torpid [Avon touhaalt y"Aotion,ouring i_1_1g owels, pnrifyingthe Blood. inn Mm: [ Best of Medicines I `+ne1m%nL:v" ETHl0PlG auxin" The Latest Novel `FITU ` largo: In-ii-Ln andonld . lb puns-lm ml! to F. J: M. L. HYMANS. Princoss St. June 3rd. lllalu El Direct {hm New York, It ltruvv Eat-. Ian : Brown Bmv Bantam. Hon : Whit Straw Baum-1,6 Hen : Brown Straw Dex-byl. Boys` Whlb Stun. Bop Brown Stu-nu. cnnis n M.L;nvMAu%4 monoerfuuy itfto Inn; in Family ednoinez B.J.lCilbook,Tl I10 tu. I. W. Sm e. p pen I. E`. Ovoreud, ullder. Konnu. Tnlnm-ml. nmu-..n... ll. 1.]. H. ?3|:tsiloo1i* In the lntut introduced nnd 0500! an Foundry Ily . est novelties in A FELT HATS I An Vn-.|. -5 AUGUST. \ ..... \Il -49.711 Bntinh Wm-hum, nnd Every lunch. I!` s-.:r::.-2:3 IIIAI IIIDAIIIIH n. mvieu & sou Iuhlno, mm as Dollar Worn. OHIKK ITRI I_'l' ONTARIO nnuaingmqgungx Bueiuty. ,nu%'Bu In-a'T.'.""' " wnIuu.rnnun.|mn.n.,v1ar-an-c luau:-3.1. In-mun Q.c. B. F. ARMSTRONG, a. an. 1.1. in. [hit J '--..., ---- -uuu-u nu-u Ono M u-It Pbwur lI|gIno,vIl.h 3) I-anal 'OIc TWIIG ` 0-030 PI '.-Ilbr-umornbtooadn-` euy. J ' 1911.. ..u I.... `L. 4.: _;__.n 1-- ll-Ill Uu lIl.'Jl\I\,l\JLV uul LIA V In UL` HAND IP03 SALE UHELAP. Ono I0 Home Power Porhblo En;iu,doui~_'ned for d vb; anything requiring power. Ono I0 no Power Iuctooor game, with I hone pour, Iona new . n_._ on n-__- n.___ n__., , ... .. . -@-- THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ON IIAEYI IMID nnlnv nunln - rv nuu rnurun "Allllll lkl`. [I for Loohean be I Had I) leaving I `call 0I'dBl'l with WK. DAV , the `hoop Ila hu hnndndn of Kovlon hnnd. ordprl Hahn Imdndm WI. AVID I And Iooond [Ind no nu nnaman ol lsoynon `DAVID Broker, Ind dealer nu New ad Hold Good: of every due:-ip' ion. In. Bargain lhnc Good; more, P oautroahxlngnton. H `HIIAPJOIIN. EOEEALE, CHEAP Those huvlng SECOND HAND CLOTH! \'('l nnd ochqr Good: to (II: of will leave tlaanr order: lth WK. DA D. the Cheap Broker opnad&aBur:ou'li'ancvnwI.nmm -5.... I.- nun out r Good: din leave _lth Cheap op uallux-gen Fumyooda store. when he VI lntwnd with the club. WK. DAVID, The Cheap Broker. Princess 86.. Kings!-In `argon For Sale. I V: I \JI'\I-.3) -A.GO0D BUSH FARM, oontalnin About one hundred And twenty Aaron. bare in 5 now F`:-mm Dwollh 1 thereon. For terms apply to tlwowner. WM. DAVID, I0 OIIOCD Broker. Prmceu Ht Klnvnum To All the GCITIF) of Kingston. I IIIDJII. owner, wu. mvu), clap Broker. rrlnoeu linen. Innate: ______.____.________.__ - vac ct 1:1, [ N the Southwaat nu-ter of Lot `:4 , in th ' 5th Uonoeuion the Township of Kin stun. containing 50 Acres of good cuitivzsu ' Land. Thereon no two Dwelling Hausa, (no- cupied) four Well: of water, uni 4 Acres of an Orchard, in ood condition, with fruit. There in om new rn, lately builhsite 40x48, the belt in the Township. Phi: valuable Property in Iituoted near the Perth Road. ve miles fmm Kingiton. The property can be )urchns- e_d by paying one third Juwn For {urt er unr- . um. Avuuu. nvu muel n. pmpertycuu n1rchns- ed b pa one par- tlcnlira an to terms or otherwise. apply to the owner, ,,, __._ . the hlatl.-omaonl and Nnt.nm)'Sol:nceo. It uh oonn npeoinl Advantage: for the at udy of lunlo And the Flno'Am. For Prunumtnn mi fawn." a..a.......-.:-.. of lnnlo ma we Pruupmtun and further lnlormation, apply to the Pnncipal or M . JOHN DICKIE, All` I9. IW8. Bnrnnr. Aug. loch :_. This Collo c has a lnrzo and uniuieuc sum of u:-oluu or-. and prov idea A thorough trsluing in the E1: uh but ungq and binom- mro i u but ode:-n mm d I the &i:L7:d:auon Nntnrtl n..?fL." " trslulng In the En bouunga M1 in `LAI1p1Ol.`It anzungea, an Ha -emotion! Natural sciences. _I_t_nla oouplppeoinl Advnntmtea for the AI Conservatory of Music, I RE-OPENS SEPT. 4TH. REV. A. F. KEMP, L.L.D., Principal. ffki mpb_u-:' icbilts I ..___ FORBES A: MUDGE, lontml. Chis! Agent: for Cnnuln. 8. S. PHIPPEN. Sept 3rd. Agent. Kiugnton. ,, --__-- v ww OF CANADA. FIRE A_l\lD LIFE. OAP1'.l`AL.. .........2,000,000 Stg. Invested Funds .... ..658,818 Stg. WM. DAVID, The Ohenp Bmkor. Prmceu 8t., Klngnton. QUEEN Insurance Company, 019' CANADA wo ALL PEOPL-Il--WANTING K r: Y 5 . Melt bl`! . `hmn l3n~{.Ar A. ulnrn I. nxTvi6: _ allnuaonoynlcol co! I-glad. ovvw-Ic:- mu min Dr. our-. n_nm_mu u a pa. n-III Illovcl n Iqtt ll DAIf- I auurltrotlu-at v.h J. Y. Plhlillllala. Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant In 15. !&'8. . 1.11.: 513.50, And no not nu-priaocyl pg the morgue. I \I l1|-lIl) SHALL FAB! T0 RENT, live mile: from Kingston. Applytocheowngr, WILIJAII nnnn .. ....... mu;-wu. Apply no me ownpr, WILLIAM DAVID. Tho Glwaprohu-.Prlnoeu BL, Kingston. POPULAR PRIOR! 1'0 Wo Inn dl Goods in the Provision _ :- nut to ` `i Oll 8l;I;UIDAY8. In Me I Outoucro VU: a nu .2-.-sr..-..?-.-.:...._-:.":n* clhrhnudn-I , '2 sllveryagnns on the Road I 1 Bnlurn, A1-ronmn-A-uw. so. _ triuhldl Drug lion. LIOITOB #0 . 0PllOI--Prlnoou troot . 1". ~......<--._..._._.__ :1 Boots, ':l:)ns1-A-1-a:a.:]L \nlVUUl' VVILII Iqy DAVID, Cheap Ii bandied: Koynon Ind 1` wild Good: even dam: KEYS- N61jCE. 715612 SALE. DD BURN Punt ...... ..:.. TO RENT. J. Iiunu rrn nnum .. ___-_. .._- V...` ._...,. on'I Ibo old stand for if ALL KDI. [T JLIBIL31'IUl, niuou, !'1:':.'.:z-` I Iugg um binom- and in mm) ...}a.","::"'..a.."'.7':.s'.Z"5.1"...`3."..."..'.".` warn and Ihuunul to llnnnbun _ CO 10 that --- @ IUIIO . |IChi|n,v| Strut mu-s.I_uu. "TOOIII. M thoou Mon 0! Mr. Anglin, Kt. Wotkinodif hio motion. loovlng tho chuoo that tho Worden bo ouatoinod in "hil E0II. N, llr. Vouluvon obiontod to the nouno of tho Wu-don, Among othc things contending tho: he nhonld hon on- ployod but one lowyor on bond! of tho county. ` "Tho Wu-don oxplobod that ho. had 4 demo, thick to lllu t ruht. Ho `I "boon in (non: ono Iowyoc, ` a; cunt Inonnboro ol tho Oonncil annals! odwlthhinhod u odmd ooeolod tho` In.nnd|:ohnd on N10 Odk Of! "IIn-- man than In onlinln h"_ I "i'r7uy. Houyuhououndlu gnu` coauthor, Inow the lam-R but Ito otrnoaoh-ndlulunu hs` non Journue II no: oorrocl, (M the War- den note) the nrioue reporter-e man have eolluded together to furnieh the nine out of whole cloth : Kr. Wukilu moved that the Warden "be nluiued in bi: ectiun in defending "the Equeliution By-luv end Chet he continue todofond it if preued ; thet "the following be I Committee to edviee with the Warden in reference to the suit: Mean. Rattan, Mcnth end Wuhan, ll . After eomo further debate the vote wee taken upon Mr. Wnkinf motion, resulting II lollon : "You-Meeen. An Inn, Burke, Od- vin, J. R. Dneon, .Duuon, Flynn, Howe, Joyner, McConnell, Mereth, Quinn, Rutlen, Tapping, Welter, Wet- kim, Wetkine, Ir, J. E. Wueon, Wil- lieme-18. l\'eye-Mu-re. Strechen, Venlnven -`-2. xor. Fourthly. If the following resolution, printed in the report of the three King- ston jourunll in not oorroot, (ll tho Wu- avers) nnmun mnni. I' TICIIQQ. hinlly. Profeuor Du-win mention: 1 tribe of Auetnlinn aboriginal: who eon oount no higher than ten. The Werden'e numerntion seem: limited to live; and at the printed report of the proceeding: gr fore the Judge diecloeee the fact thet vit- neuee were enmined by Menu. Britten, Mclntyre, Agnew, Mecdonnld, Mudie and McGuire. to any nothing of the ex- treneoue benecinry services of the Coun- ty Clerk, elm I lewyer and by County by-luv legal adviser to the Towmhipe. Thin. when 1 went toechool, nude eeven, end I did think euioient legel lore In still extent in Kingston that one legnl lumimry might hue eulliced on till! lit- tle point without dragging in neerly all the Ber ol the city to merely recite the oginlon of their Toronto agents, end meke t e unfortunate municipalities pey there- ` (or. "-2. "Hr. 8nton Ill oxcuud from voting, sud Mr. Haley wu absent [mm the room. IICOITIIII ll)!` DIIIIIBH. Secondly. The Warden edmiu thet three Reeves (Ooneervetivee at that, 02 per day and mileage) were ooneulted by him, and he took the advice they new lit to give; but he does not. lay why the Reeve of I Townehip which, no later than two you-I ego, furnished e Wu-den for the County, was nu-uck oif thin Commit , tee and the Deputy put on in hie eteed. Informetion on this point ie pertioulnrly re neeted. . L.:..n. 0...:-...... n.....:.. .......x._. _ me new. F iratlfv. I Ituted and reitento it ngnin that on y Kingston And Pittsburgh uo~ t.uAlly_uppea|ed ngainnt the I-lqualiution, on any one who chooses to enquire may ucorhln for himself. ;:..m..A|., rn.. w.....a.... -.a....:.- .L-;i W . Hal]. ouynholloudl nadir. Iotlotlla hthlil. `I1 no nnve avoxou u-om mo Wu-den. Now, I had not the slightest intention of villi- fying that ollicinl, but in laying In sum- meut before the public it hnrpon tint I was compelled to reler to m notiapn in the maltr. [lo aoomeu me, however, of tergivenation and min-epruonution of facts, couched under whnt hoiu planned to denomimte unhealthy (tic .9) umum. Let. u: see who ll endeavouring to min- load the public, and who is borne out by u the fnctl. . 1 Fin-.oI.y I .o.o...I ....I ..:....;.. 1; -__._ u I All mu. uuwu: u_; uw u: nuou vr rug. Sir,-When I sent you my int commu- nication on countyextnvagnnoo I did not expect Inch 1 vmuhy re: me an it lean: to hnve evoked from the Arden. Now, nlirrhtost of Vini- Ta 17:: Editor of th.e-B-r-itish Whig. I Riv _Ihnn I -and -nu mu In.` .4 Thnndnuble ! 'I`lu-u fetch. with the livid (we. A___\Vhy- dolt thou unzmiu mv lovelom mould. Tlmndnuble {we Why m mould, Thnt was rbckexl and rantn (bin var: place So many a night in the times of o`d. ` _ ,j, ,_ My blood runs culd when hit face I lee. "Pun my own very self in the munlight. Itundll Still I. we aim, and the ma smYon.;. My darling dwelt in thin home of yore; `Tin years since nha from the city In: own. Yet the house mud: there In it did before. Then. too, stand: a man. and Aloft lure: ho. And for stress of umuinh he wrimn M- Fullofbothcr uid wo.'r',1, Forcalch ullyor ogmea in with some trick of own- Bn't-he secret 0! winning Liennllln begin ' . be sure you Are righhmglld. thon-Plny it June 1" - .. V- ~l--. The-drulu `of K0 zzlna GUI t m(;{dII: thrown own. Inltbelt Iuayourwiilo Tolnootllfo withnallo? Orlflowlihatyoueverwonlwclib 0% it! All. IJ.fe" in u Anne 3 curlou: guns I And whether wounile. child. or whether '9 (mug It nu Tm; luar ml o|kLnd oonprhoo ovary- Illlg Ihuoon tuned In dthor dopanunnt. TO A IAIY. W II `lift `I. . W'II!9IAqI|UtbIo`( C0l'lI|: them. too, stand: mu hands; : >)_ . THURSDAY IVRG, 5. INC: ._..__._._..._..__--._-4,----- 12 rule: of down ! Till`) COU:\"l`Y CASES. vm! V V `Ti: 1: qkun-y, Fullts? '1' :i wony, :1: ogmea loll]: OOo-~-_: STILL IS THE NIGHT. be muot ouch plsy In turn. we name mny lulu |_of ognlnetmt eudnutl `ft. sArAnIs.i3...TT%L.o.s DINTIBT. Vflcl LID RESIDENCE. Prlncou Ht, Intunluu! Iydauhm mm:-. _ Ilon pald to tho correcting of Ir . I of the tooth. NO 208. mu. and Aloft nuguilh he wring: Ml Wan Tnv In or I1! 1 hr ab hp-nhl at *..':::'.:-.'.F`;...'{""..-.-........-""-- -........ n, dotoouuo." vddl 7 `"'_;d, , mg...-.0 . `*3-5-:".'.....'-** annulc worm and Old UU$U J - :5`-'.:.~ z.""'....,..'-.'~.:*.rrum ac Y I 6 Ural-to l`.:>`.l'lla3 butt: '~'...............,....a'.'.-1:` 'Iono!D:,J.Pnrrn vlnllonnkln III and -no-I` olvhlol ltlnudo |y.oum odwitl " I oloounl of vhmm ly. almnouulnd will z""""""""'I;'I In vjtwr, I Q n:}".0.g.V.HDId dlnllhhl &b|' = `z... '"m:-......': Em W A '7.-."` - '_!_V|l|O9tuoo|IIIn Tn An Hlplbllo lyplh ._.J A Iv ` '..a- ; ngungwv 93% unounxolxddhhaa: h hhnnuhunmhc ICOIIIICII loo! 0! nuvouur a luau load`; an 9......` ` u II;-a{I::l::;_w: Qnulnlun at In. unulen py mo proponon at an not had when-can tho pbpdei ' ' Ind Woolwioh Arum! II cl To turn this point tho Prlneou Alba` Ildoccuid on: toithghtbonk vulkru out of or pro count . nu probohly o u'rod'byhu` nu powdol Inguino, IIlI|"'bUlIIj "hunk small and Iowa than an Bynll Outlqtho man no upon but bdon dunno: nu nomoiud. UllIlI,1l|O mm WU dungor pumping. --_---_..... ll. ugmtnuors 5:15.01` 1: oouovogi to-`tho t;:`bdh`t':o_dvn- no net roun n; 9 _ 1.: caused by the "projection of an)! l_n_ndVwlporoon pbyddr ,_ __.....- ..-.- `_._. qllv ._-vnnavgylll III momanl of peril, ET. taking I wrong oonru to ovoid-each other : biuhdor. `rho (pane of tho` Priuoun Alla db- utcr itboliovod who that but dug in- ula won rounding tho hand In an .1...- disoanf my olrounmmou `:i.',2`Z."'..'i'.`.`..:`.`cT..I.'iif.f`c's'4` . --a-`I2. fromonotoheot to 00 onto `I hot k M! any. The sooidont In prolgtbly due `to minundbrutondiug, on `mlahwrptotilg . the intonation of tho other. _All the ruin of sailing won Tqt 5% 9;` _wind,I,iu the H , ow ' Iron Ivcgo-nah otI|nr n ':3..u.. I oonnon mo tId_o...uLI O n uu U! In FCC ID ' u;u`iah and Its; a grohin du-k, not much In dam. It in ' vod thsluotnorothn 150 on- cupod out of ll Ilool. Th `Pinch Alioo nu a long and low Hm munc- built for olournionl dIm'-the' of which tho middle nod dun! Londqnm an vary to . Ibo` Iodin- ~ loonI.ou tho forward sud After Nah; hol- an-rym capacity III Inunlly lute. A In; ` portion at tho ` . you on the upper deck IIIAJIIIIIC En noon their] pondingd {MW ` In Illa new in d no naming Ind! -turd` a grab I d hand the Htldtho on ' to ,dbtpu't boyond3t:r:utnti1.:le"tho 0. vuinbout. two hiwn ogf, iihioll I ' Ohb5k. Clii Primed Aeoto nu` -mu. inn` "oinbk. nu` mun chm n non: Ihuuc, Ihhh anal be bomoon tho tidy.` IALI lnpnuiblob any olrouhuunou Illllnodhhlv um: um 01 cu-ovmng` Anguilla pnying grohint dlfk. nu uu. 1 in u :'o.3a .1 n3.b=.. ..I`xa'2.".".'.."..... Mai Ii ' aha tho Alien ado: ha; 73. om. ;I'__' I dun. .....;., but the rim roe". ngaaeaa _ luli of drowning 2 lunch in anguish nnvinn nnlh - my hon latch `s mums, iliddflfdl J11-owning go mm in]: i ' 33in. 7a"..:'.`l..".5....:. ....{ .$'.'r'.. ....... 35 PIIICISS 8'l`III`I'. ::.".:':"'..':"""f "" W . "-`I, V tho My rn-rrrrs :2: sun ' '39" FOR TABLI UK! RECEIV- IIAIIJ. ` of nlc, AIL- I`; nlnnluun 4` AL; n uwa-mu or and llihnn. Dlfllallll. Jhwu an n. unwi- -' XII 6 00:`: Icon. : \\ N I I I luuuuv-w - ----... Ilauuuuthuluu 17.. Kirk J KIIUIJ lholonlcol of la: emu, OFFICE :- llbu 3. bush; Day's. IE8! DEIlCE-luuno 3" oppullmuoond door shove Dr.Yuu. III: .0 "I "ll; ` a-0Iooudnn|luun.Dr.samp- Iu`IcIu,onn of Its; uawuu... jldh Dr. hm`. M II`: clh A hy Asnullulllf in-:-I "".I'I`|UlI lllrun unvurusnv n I cum rcnrpoc an In oano I013 ; W i I in. need! 00.. "5I`..Ol':'lIQ'te bnon cm my ulnun ouhdlh labour. and tho-. I0! Ml` CIIIAP. '$--:---qua-_.------- Co I. ma, I.D.. ID} Ilnla L-Q-la ht` H lBlllDElCD-lmuo p'y lmuoond H` W3. Ofll , I OJIII !`%`:3o-...-1. D. I. Anlsrnou. DABI . 'uIln'r Eli. n-van A-IIwl1l|zv.A.l.AI hoea argd u-gang A. Inn-Inl It`.|.I-I--g % wa fumlurnnimusmn `I._Q_lInIAnnl.I$Ihck. inulluvaun aunt: lmjlljln Jntnonarncn .....n An...-ya -1!`-. DVwI-j' I coxrncrlonxnl |,IvO I7`. GEORGE, Klnmon RJWUWI `|IK'mn' \ 5.71., to. I-I-nun. I U IIuIi`_iAsr.l In ums_s_;_ Puma! o-L -mo?! :23.-.-.%-a-I chap-II-u-u-n:'v.A.n.Iuuhn-.I.A &II'IlQnp&au..nA.0lv@,IsA. a7uuanEnu1'ou.| UN AND AFTER SATURDAY NIX1`. Ilinmun uouaaiata Imam] ndd-IuIcv...A.I .I*H.LI 1lLn-nAIngI A. 1._.. .u...n__ [ sannonnnvs| SXIIHSAGES : swsmns I I III ISIIIQHII Illa lllllll wholo ramlnoo no 1 Iron ling in front. Tnnnn AAAV Ann]: ` 'I TIIAT LARGE NEW BRICK MANSION on Union Street. opposite the Drlll Shed. noutainlu tvrolva I'0uIlll. tlulnhod In the but style. Ill] marble manuals and grams in tin" lng mam. pnlonr and dhnlng room. In the buouuun than in n Ilue kitchen, bnokfllt room. oallnru. pnulruu. closet: and hard sud non vine: clnerus, and attached to the home In about tn Ann M ground. wall ldd out ln fruit and vogoublo gnnlonu. Tho outbllldlan um large and substantial sod well nrnngod Alno that NEA'l' BRICK COTTAGE on Bar rlo 3'IOI.0pp0llte tho Cricket l?lold.fou-Inorly coupled l-vlho -uhocrlhormontoxnlng eight moan and gnod oollnr. with hard And ooh In- Mr chum: and outlnull-llngn oomplow The well an-loaad,u:d I nut nlu... `_UIDt SPLENDID cm PROPERTIES FOBVSALE. mun ourn I and Sunni : Elementary Trignometry. ' Drawing Books, Drawing Cards, Drawing Pnpor. P.D.S. Cn Books, old style, new Itylo, Ind MPI{lor n Seriu. Galbraith J1. lIoughton'n Manuals. III, `Jud, 3rd and 4th Metropolitan Readers. -mun--Inn apply |u JOHN CUNNINGHAM, Builder. Aug 22. 137:. _8ln-Ion ____.\ IIVI TIIIIIIK Ill ITUDL Terunnay Apply to Jnnn rm uomerl ureu luvenu, Brmlh Hlltory, Frumnn`n Sketch. Full Sn plion of Greek and Latin, French an (lermnn Tub and Dictionaries. DavidIon'| Anlmnl Kingdum, Lnwil How to Road. to now. Buoktoni Health in tho Home. Hlnclburlfs and Smith`: Elementary Trinnolnetrv. j ZjTi ltlIx1.0!).IZ.AlDAluvl, Ammmrl - I nauvvlv nu-nus 5 Luugnuuu, uuwuru I nun): nury. Muon'I, Swintoni, Morris, Darla : And Fleming`: (lnznmnr. 8pdding's nnd CoIlior' English Lilon- tun. Pronounciug, National, Chamber : and Reed`: Dictiunnry. Louie Hocho, Hue : Fin! Book, Mu- oon - French Clnuica, Fulton St. Eantmanb, Butt) &C|uo`n Bunk-keeping. N at innal Monnuration. Epoch Series of Engliah Hinlory Msnusln. Collier : (irent Events, Britilh History, :---: REAL ESTATE OFFEHIIE. lo run. songs, Unnmborn Mathemati- ml Tnbleu. The Unrinlled Allu, The World. Little Arthur`: England, Edward : Sum- nun. nwuueage I, uuuorn, Amencm Ind au- thorized Spelling Booln. Three Pnrt Songs, Cnnmborh Mathemati- Tnblu. mnun I, row 5, lounge`: Euclid In Put! or the qhnle. Kirklnnd'|,Smith u Statics, Hydronhticl. Magnet Mechnniol. Roulledgcfl, But.lor'I, American nnd Uhfid Hnallinu null: Aug 9911:. nmwon. Smith. Kirklsnd and Scotti, McMurchy'I Arithmetic. Smith : Greece nnd Rome-each 45c. Todhuntor'nA|1ebra Ind Key,b`mith I ` and London`: Aluebn. nounuuwr I Algebra Ind nay, Smith Algebra. Smith's, Pott'a, Youngoi Euclid in Put: Ihole. Auonosu ? lilj Ej AIDA-IVl[