Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Sep 1878, p. 2

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living tho-nun; `hltluynpokon than would hm I--d -39-x-.0994 2 99-P-F9`-. Id they npohn tug anal. have no. gmmm oonpIri:l.,. ltunttbo nidolr. Wslknn that In and in nned gontlomsuly noi- nur. He did not ya man dinturhnnegndho desired none, and seven! tins during the evening he sugguted poses to thou" who were in- clined to auto I row. Kr. Wnlkom in nnhcnounblo opponent, but the sum anon buuid_al his chum of Salurdsy " inning. UIAI wall).- nnd bustle And gnniggda I In an uun: u nun.--;.u `vi vuu up u-- _-- inninoarit of ououa contest: I hit our good od city yester- dn Innrninv IL/2 :|.|u.. turning my fuo contests 1 Ion. goon old my yester- dsy morning st./2 :i.ni., turning my towards the eastern provinces of our grand Dominion. A strong desire to view our stately limits has for a long time ins, and now it is about to be gratied. As I stepped aboard of the train I met one of our respected cler- gyman of Kingston going down to the General Methodist Conference now being held in Montreal. Instead, therefore, of curling ourselves up in s sleeping car, as less enthusiastic lovers of debate would have done, we entered into a conversa- tion, thorooghly woke ourselves up, and discussed the world to come, "the re- surrection of the body," and the life everlasting," till far on our way to Mon- tresl. We had a pleasant and, I trust, a profitable discussion to both. I might ` say an paxsmt thstl met several of the Methodist clergy in Montreal yesterday, ` who were formerly in Kingston and vici- nity. I believe this Quiuiriennial Con- ` ference is a matter of considerable ini- rtsnce to the Methodist Church. he train glidhdboautifully along, and ` at eight o'clock n.in., we found ourselves * in the great commercial metropolis of 7 Canada, Montreal! And is great city it is indeed. It seems to me, however, that it must strike nstrsnger from the west as very peculiar, when he glides so sud- denly from a most miserable country into A great city, as is his experience in going from a few miles below Cornwall to Mon- treal. But this iocoiiipatibility of the situation vanishes when he learns that Montreal's success is not affected by the country immediately around her, but that she claims the wholl of Canada West as her trading-ground and ms rket. Montreal being at the head of ship navi- gation, holds the key that unlocks the tressnries of the east and west to each other, and therefore as long as Csnads is a nation, and shakes haiuis with the eastern world in the brotherhood of trade, just so long will Montreal hold the rank of proportionately high importance that she now holds. With the ocean and the old world products at her left hand, and s peerless chain of lakes and rivers, and s fertile country of almost unlimi- ted extent st her right, who can say what her future may he `! ` I did not visit Montreal to utter pro- what. he!` luture may uu I did pro- phicieu or write a history about it, and all the time I spent there was from 8 n.m. till 7 p.m., the time of the departure of the but for Quebec. While there how- ever, I moved about pretty lively,lonking At thin thimr nnd met. but. takinn the . importance. 1 moved about pretty uveiy,iomung at thin thing and that, taking deepent interest in the dock: and ehip- ping. These [do not nurpaee to de- Icrib for most of your readers know more perhaps about them than] do. I refer to certain facte I observed than which show why the city in of such great I counted no less than ve large ocean steamers leaving and unload- ing-two of the Allen line, one of the Temperly, one of the Dominion. and of the other I did not learn the name~a number of large ooean nailing vessels, and many smaller steamers and sailing vessel: trading with outside ports, be- aidea, all the lakes and river craft. that can be seen nt any of our inland orla. Donbtlees I raw but a email part 0 the ship: that do her ocean trade between the above conditions, and why should it not be, and why shall it not continue be the great Ihipping port and com- mercill metrupolie oi thin developing Do- nuluon of Canada! Many tine buildings are in Montreal; but this fact we know all our lives. There are two, however, that ' attracted my attention yeuterulay. the one niehed and the other in couree of com- pletion, and which it would not be any to eurpau on thin continent~l mean the Windeor Hotel and the St. Peter : Church opolite to It. Alter nvina orocnred mv round Uhuroh o poute to n.. Alter ning pwcured my trip" ticket. and Iacured passage and ntsteroom on the `Quebec, for Que- ham I rnmhlnl nrmuul Hm nllv. cnllimz end eteteroom me Iguenec, I01 quo- bec, I rumble-l ernmul nity, calling on lriende end `seeing sighte the remain- der of the day. About 6 pm. I wont eboerd til the `Quebec end anxiously ' ewsited the nmul of the delegetion Ii-om Ontario to present tho nddresl to Lord Dulferin. About 7.30 p.m. the `Pneport' steamed elongside our boat with e lsrge number oi jolly good fellowl. end seversl of their wives ebosrd, who were ell duly lreulferred. Tliie wee the delegation. Ever body seemed pleesed with everybody e so, end all went merry ` es s 'merriee bell,` excepting now end then e word of indignation, or e nigh of sorrow tor thoee who heal refused la. telie pert in this work ul love. l Md. Cereon end Mr. Scott, of King- ...__ It in ezlilying to note trhnt the on-gene V of the very puny which reeieted to the V lut exlremltfthe lduption uf the ballot ere now eloquent in it: praiee, extullnng ite eduntegee and neux-mg Government ociale end ell whom it mey concern, that its cpenliou ere ebeoluwly secret from humen ken end curiueity. All Hm in very lull, but the electors Blluuld remember tlnt lot the protection of the ballot they are indebted to the Liberal petty end to I Belonn edminuntutmn, and that euoh I he would never hue been found upon the statute book had the Tory Qovunmont temeinod in power. in thin work ul love. ston, who were unnng the numbor. noon diwnvorod mo, and poocoedod to narrate their plunnt. experiences of the trip down from Kingston. Alter sown] in- troduction: nod un hour or no open: in diaouning the situation of the dolo- ptoa" and H107 pfobnbilitioo u! 3 plousnl to-narrow," your oorrmgxmdqnt sought an Itch room. , um... 11.. nil tlnln nu. river from Abouitluuil down the river Montreal to Quebec nothing mad be said. If 000 In hui his lnppot. has so- mad 1 good lbw:-com, nnd in tolonbly Ilupy and hot [run am, in any calcu- luo on mod the uncut plum voppu puuibh. Ho will be in I portoct an- din until he Arrive: at Quboc About 6 at 7 o'doak nut_nou-uiug. Baal. at but, i up oxpamlneoolyourhn-Ho nnnnt. 4 Bunny`: Born. Quo- , boa. Sept. 5th, 1878. Dunn Wu1o,-To get odt of tho noise nntl hnnn And inninmritv of CWO]! KIMISTOI T0 QUEBEC. The Ohiofuin hunk of how udminbly he would have unuugod thn Pncio Rul- way buliluu Ind tho Cnuudiuu people not boon no futidioul an to crush and punbh Ibo oollounl oprruption with which his toluene in innnguutod. How well he would Inn oouuructod the Pnitio Bnilvuy, and with whu economy, may 1.. hul-ul hut hi: Nnrchnrn RALIIIV jnlupust. _u_> uwnmnuor or IlV-I]'- tom-nunIn?nn:dh niovhdhn, ur- I-in('lintoI yeuerLy nomingundpot uputhest. Louuokl. On the II) Iron: 'lI;omnto. hold ohbonl um nnport," clquuoluilod I. `LI. Duly. Knot of 3tIIGfuzd.PIIIdouI of their pu-Ky, and Ir. Binoogoi Giolph. Rmrnnri. `Hm dalmatian in nann- Boo:-otuy. `me u ` In unnu- punied by thrice _Dur- ing tho morning, the on1_oy_od than-ulveo In various mag nrnunll the chi And again: dulh. TIIDI around me my ena-e-mag uguu. Lucy also eigned their nemee to the copy of the .i:!dreee to be presented to [lie Ex- cellency. This copy wee heeutihliy il- luminated by e Guelph ertiit. The title pegs ie indeed an eiquieile specimen oi enietic ekill. The bend of ` B" Better] Ill stationed upon the Oitedel Square, and during the afternoon pen-lotmed eevonl choice eeleetioneol nun. Ieyor Del], of Sinuorl, having been nt- ed to His Exoeilency,intI-odnoed . Kc- Iiillen, of Guelph, who lead the Addneee. The ceremony concluded all the mem- beri of the deleptiun were pceeented to to [lie Efcellency, end st this moment the group III photographed by 1 local nrtiat. ' u;. I....i|....w :.wu.a um nu-iv to thou-ulveu vuloill Owl. anvulg Around the city onducing dglh. Tho} u.- A .u.... 4... t... .........o..l Iv: Hi. I32- Irtilt. Hi: Excallarwy invited the party to lnrtake of light hlnlhmentl bolon eeving the Citadel, and Iubeeqnently to accompany him on I trip by Inter to the Falls of Montmorenci. Before the lund- 1 ing was effected the de`egntee were called to order, and Mr. Mcliillnn, ndtlreuing himself to Lord Dutferin, said that he luroclan omission had occurred in the nddreu presented in the afternoon. He wished to add to it, an expression of the hope that His Excellency would ngnin viait Canada alter llll departure in Gover- nor-Geneml. In reply, His Excellency thanked the gentleman for the remark, end said that as some of his children were Canadian, he supposed thlt he would be required at sumo future time to revisit the land of their blrt`h--In en- nounuomeut which was received with loud applause. uoxou zvwo, sun. 9,4373. ; (irenucla, Sap. `.).-A number of patient: in the Clmnberlzsin House are cumulon- cing rapidly. We are almost without communication otlmrwiue tlum telegraph. The mail: are ll'l``.gIllr; the POBlYlll3l.8I`~ is dead ; the Mayor died \v0elnu ago, and the illness` of the Express Agent will prove a. great culuuuitly unless his place be supplied. Cincinnati. Sal-1.. `.|.-'l`he Governdr be auppuea. Cincinnati, Sept, hn uppoinlevl the 13th day of September as as day of fustilng and prayer for the fever sutfun-rs. Newport, R. l., Sept. `J.--Mrs. Millean Mm-re. of P]Iil'|L'1'][>hi:l. contril)ul.ed Newport, l(. 1., Sept. `J.--Mrs. mulean Moore, P]Ii|'It'1'][>hi:l, $l,00l) for faver nulfurers, yesterday. Rum-lulu slam [hut niahun Leemv. 0~ $l,UUU tor lever eullerers, yesterday. Specials state that lliehop Leemy, thnlic, has arrive-.l at Vicksburg to relieve Bishop Elder. who is dying at New Or- leans. Of 79 dead on Saturday 28 were children under I2 years of age. Such mortality among children was never known before. A number of prominent ladies publish :1 notice to reduced gentle- women that they will be privately assisted upon application. In one orphan asylum there are 57 sick and '13 in another. On Saturday night two tramps were dying on the street. Much uneasiness is felt lest the fever takes in new start to-day. lf it does not it is hoped the climax has been renched. The general opinion en- tertsinetl in that the nmxiuinm of deaths will not be rezicliud boil-ije the 159th, and will then he double what it new is. The suffering among the lower classes beggars description. ln one hotel 13 are huddled together, live raviuig with fever and the rest idly waiting their turn. Nnw Vnrli, Snnl. `J_-hafIll`dtV'I OOH- The Ream-cl of Death and Suf- feriug. rent. uuy wmuug tnenr mm. New York, Sept. `J.-hahll`dly'I trihutirma for the fever uubrerl amount.- e-i to $1,500, umking the total amount $I5(.|,00l). ' - """J"'I"' ' "".`I'I Beriin, Sept. 9.--The Raichstng, which meet: l.o~da ', will be pretty full st the opening. l arr Forkcrbeck willyrobnbly be re-elected President, with two Conser- ntiveu as Vice-l maidenlI. The Ultra- montanes have not uucoeuded in forming any combinatian. Nu nlcention will be paid to their clainu. Pnrimsout `J. --'l`ha rumor that Krantz. Openmg of ReioIantaq~-TIae Gar-I mun Ilmperm-'3 .9pe(.'ch~-The Treaty] of li.'rh'n_ wunmsuu nun nuur llullllllll pttiugin. - Ila. I.0.0nnataniunooIuoIu Iprk :8 lb Anphichcun to-night. '- lllllily, lull VIII: wu-u u-vuuuq, ---, be judged by his Northern B.ul_vuy lnndl, And by thc rooklau way in which ho mankind to national interact: in the oomtruotion of tho Intorooloninl. Mm- dougull, the pnoont. Tory candidate Jor Bnlton, In at the time I oolluguo of Sir John Mnodondfn in the some Cabi- not. Barely the uuonncen of such I mun will bo nooind by our Tory {nond- u nnthorlutin nnd relinblo. Fresh hum the Cabinet Council Ohnmbor Mr. :1 __n,.__-u _-I-_...I-. A....I--...I nus Mu- nputuuonnpuuuublom 3. A vonunnotl lhnulllrv-ollunl I!ra|dhaIi;Monoonphhtd\V-. Cduull, vlno duty Patrick huh; tbnuesulcolnnnhdlinghcnluo Ittuotiuloughgcohln. Tannin niaillnnoonnn. noncenegnnn. Berlin, Sept. !).-'l`ho German `lovem- mom recently will a circular In the Big- nntoriea of the treaty of Berlin, uking them to lake common ntepl with 3 view to bringing the Force to execute nipulm lionl of the treaty. Auulria, France and Ruuix replioul allirmutlnly. Italy end Bnglnnd will doubtless reply elrmr tively won. (By r.u;:,J. Tn-day.) Toronto. Sept. 9. -Tho Noniuoliolo for tho Oonty and City token plus I)-I9! - A palm: unsung Inu noun 0I|Tllll`I- day to take into ooonidoruion tho but Iothod 0! nothing and oilhlhhilg the Gov.-(lcucnldoring the ulihtcioa -at ll. hntnlnhlnllnl. tho sin -ill _.._. Par-uaonenta ry Nomlnaomv-- llerewluq u: Governor Gen eral. II - IX! HIC U, "I run. ho illun Durihqthobtocuolwindonlolucdny IL: (hnn Inmkn onnnl Inn mdnlh ow. ` A public muting will be bald ou'l'Imu- Into into me soumnu PLAGUE. A-38.1020.` (Iiy 'I'cIrg;:;:I; Today.) IV.-UOIIOIII Ilfl Ill! CIIIUKCK Ii: thulho ' ` -ht.-gobble cuyvdl (Ify Telegraph To-day.) n - L,.,_ Emyuu. Iomi_m. TIIE 000K-EXNSE ltsvulualloofleuod Slupfrnclleo. `A sand-mm Plan at man: I'rn:'wu Tm no Busnmsal No Wonder Why Us-. Huokendc Dropped Item. IIUIII IIIU UIUIIIUI vuuuvn VIA-Iuuvn unl- Maodunpll solemnly declared tlnt the public interval. in tint mutter III uorin liood [or political Iupporl; that ho (Mm- doupll) And Hun. Mr. Tilloy alone 0! all the lnunbon at tho Cubinot were in far . vour oi the uzqllinitiou of our Gnnd North West, nnctthal they twu obtained up reluctant oonoom of the rut ol them by wishdnving their own opposition to tho perpolruion ol the Into:-oolonml in- jnuioo. Thus under prouure of the French nonbotl ol the Cnbinoz, and to buy Ibo Ioppolt ol tho French oonnti~ tuondcn, the now oonfuudly wrung mute an about: lot In Intorloloninl Railwuy. n_ _._-_- -1 ALE. nu. 1-.I..n...|.l- k|..n.I...- t 5 I` 1'0 the Editor of the Britiab Whig, ' In the Daily Newaol :0 an-oath. ap- pears an attempt to up to un- Innnioation of the lihh, -when-u n Hr. Allen chat-acterizu `nay explanation oi the 0oohe&Jonea aau-aaa bundli- haltl alander on the gentleatee, whoa: ec- ooluu for extra: he attempted to collect, and for fear the facts, aagivenjn the let- ter. may leave him without feet to ataud on, he insinuate: that it may he the pro- duction of wine diuniued drunken tn- loyee of the at--rcnid gentlemen. or r. Allen's int.-n-iuatiae`:, and tlloee he in Iryingto mislead in liia- l.IIll0@|I.,llIj|ll'\94l, bland, way, I would any I am not indi- vidually acquainted Iith the gentlemen, Cooke S: J:-nu; thatl never wee in any way an employee of theira, or of any per eon for yeera paai,being in my own email capacity both_me.ster and servant; that l _have no object to serve, deaire to wound, or inclination to injure any one, but I do it pro bouo pubiicn, and with a ain- oere wiah to check thia taileea kite in its ethereal ights. Japan audc. Al for hil uncalled for attack on Mr. Page, I would atate he (Mr. P.) in not only A practical buta thoroughly theoratioal engineer, a aehoul-fellow of the author of the `Testi- mony of the Rocks. amzm of great ex- perience eombined with rlnneea, one whom the people of the Dominion one much to for his good sound judg- ment in all the affairs under his con- trol, who has not only thin time but ` in mnnv other cases checkmated the lrol, wno nae not only mu tune out in many eheckmeted deeignnof the trained intellect: of the men ufscieum-, (Shenley end Keelen, lor the benet, no doubt, of our common coun- try. Does the gentlemen know that thin ncientitic Mr. Keefer win the chief en- gineer at the time of the construction of the Parliaunent buildings, and thet on cer- tain points being iniiadin the House of Commons, he (Mr. Ii.) found it advis- able to resign! This was during the Ad- ministration of the Chieftain. Does he know that in the otlicinl report: nbont contract letting unclur the late Governi- ment, if he turns up the record: the following can be seen: For Uarrillon canal dam and .~sIide,the name of the low- eat iunderor in Chilinn, Jone: & Co. at $523,689; that the mme of the company to whom the cuntmct win nwerded was I}. P. Cooke K Co., (elitu Coolie, J one: & Cu.) at $570,272; amount of Ion, lim- ply by the inanipulntion ufneme,$l6,583. Now does this nutehow that the whole thing win at monetmlity, It thing conceiv- ed in sin, horn in iniquity, and Accord- ing to the theory of the scientist: of the dny,(tIu xm-nunil of the fittest) should luve been strangled long ago. The nt- tenipttnbring cullnsiun between Hon. Mr. Maekeiizio mid Mr. Page in certainly a stub in the dark, and shown tlllt he is efraid of an honest scrutiny of the al- fnir. Tacitmn viuil mt peclore vulmu. \Ve nrimiine him in full renort of the mnr. Tacmuu man not pecwre vumux. We promise report whole affair, and we feel convinced that we can show this gentleman of many tides, who lripshiu literary light fantas- tis too,and wheels about no nimbly, that what: know a. little shout thin u".ur, of which more anon. Ubiquo patrinm remimsrr. Yuma, elc.. Tluuu. Brockville, Sept. Elnll, 1878. ['l`ramu'e" reference to oontnot gub- bing is perfectly correct. We nd, on examination of the printed olllcial record: of the late Government, thnt when the work on the Carillon Clllll dam end slide in: ndvertined Chilion, Jone: It Co. , and R. l . mks & Co. tendered; that the former offered to do the work fur $523,639, and the latter 8:";70,2'.'1l; that the loweut tender wu declined and the highest ac- cepted, but thnt while the nunu would indicate two rms there was reelly only the one, and that by thin piece of decep- tion Cooke & Jnne|-l.hoIe deer friend: of Mr. J. A. Allen--humbugged the country out of $46,582 by I Jlnere Intui- pulntiuu of nunel, as our oorrelpondent ` put: it. Mr. Allen : cousin cannot squeeze anyiliing out of Mr. Meckenzie, ` and hence the latter in open to the Ital): 1 of the disappointed ona|.~En. WHm.j (By Telegaph 10-day. ) New York, Sept. 9-1: in Itutod that 27,000 wm-|nin;men, rapreuenting I popu- lnlion of 108, have been ronderod duti~ (me by the plague in the South. An earnest appeal in undo in their behalf. Nuns: an paid 310 1 day It Memphis, and yet it in imgouible to got enough I0 cue lot the mic . 'l'l'wre no not enough men nnilnble to bury tho dud. hi: propoml to fumigato the whole city, And also to try the cnncuuion" expodiont. Then are 2,500 peoplo sick from fever at Vicksburg. Great Su erh-a_g_ Amaug the I orktngmeu. The Liver in the irnporhl orpn of the whole humnn,-nyunnn, an it council the lilo, health und happinou 01 um. Whoa it in disturbed inia proper action, I" kind: 0! nilmonlu no the natural rank. The digestion of load, the monmonto ohha `mu-tun] blood. tho notiauol the unnpu noun: I0 :17. Ill nan. rc-uvuy sold m all towns on the Wotan Ionian! Thtoo done: will pron that it k that you run. Begnlcnlao Much. to you dnqku, Hath I. Guns, and I Wade. And sold by uldtp. AX lupus vI-u- van--nsu-nu... ---u-.. lb an Luau AID "EIGHT MlLLl01\s OI` DOLLARS THROWN INTO THE an; H `rno ulguuon ol Iona, ulo movomonu olthe hurtsml blood, tho notional the Dwain um! nnvcnnn nrnln-| man All hung. OI IIIO DOST! Ill DIOOO, IIIO IGIOII OI IIIO brain and nervous uy-ma. In all inno- dinhly connected with Illa vol-Hap ol tho bigot. R ha been aooomlnlly proud um Green`: Annual Flower in called in ounng 3" person nlliotctl Ii Dys- popoil or Lint Ootnpluiugaol unnu- ou symptoms that null. Iron ta II- badly oooditun of tho laintudtonuh. n-nln haul: in In. 10 Ink. Pdlivdv unn-1.:-1 Ba-id lnnu|-Il 34. I01. Indiana Ink!!! 4. N34. luknlOn.cIn-ll III I-4 Ontario link-ex din. I4. I! I-4. Ii :1 `lunar-ll. I I-2 lul-cI-Id. CaanI%Il #- Iuhun II. Iv" I. I 1,4 lath -`ad 1| 3 _ _Ol'4. N. ' -&I`...7C. 0O~I1|. IISI-I. l1&&--Ill. I. ncuty oooaunnn or Inn uva-uumouua. Supple bank: N7. 10 cam. Pcdtinly sold In 31! DEM C00. MIES I 60. ?.__-._...jj nssuns or_I_n PLAGUE. ICIIIIAI DEX -LIIIV. -,,.- ._._.____ Llver Is King. I4. I00 '- The Subacricr 59:10 with the 31/ Kingston that in has opawd a Tailoring lud- lialmcn: it the Corner Q/' Pris- oss and Wellington Streak, `where he inlet` baspinya fru- class assortment Qf Cloth qf all ~ the diferont' makes. Also a large stock Goat : Furnishings. " Ilaving secured Mo services of III) II A I'll _ `TA... "--,I. -51.- |Tai|nring_tp|ishment] MR. RA TH. QINM York only, whose rqmauiou at a` _)!r`t- class Canter stonds unsmjxuood. I am` in a position to #11 any orders I may be favored with in a style equaho my shop in tho Dominion. Mmtcula NT TAILOR, , , Como: Princess and `Wellington Stu. Q...-.5 (LL `W. Y, :BoYJ:>,| To the Electors oi the lloctonl lhstrlct ot the County at Frontenac. At. the request. of n lnrgo num- ber of electors l |huo oonoontod to ulfer myaulf an a candidate for Fmntomo. I do an as an independent elector. and promine the present Ooveriunontn {Air Ilure of Iupporl in In good inu- nurea. It has been Allogoil tliu the present Government In: been in some vny reaponuiblo for the depreuion under which to are All suffering; if no, its inlluonco mun have have been very wide, niuoo we no the nine dinreu in all trnding and commer- cial countries of the world without any mean: having been found to obvinlo the evil by leginlntion. In 4|... man`. ..6` H Dmtmtinn '5 I-ill GENTLEMEN :- vvn v nu:-u-uuvu. In the umtter uf Protection," I will give it my enrnelt csnuidonlion, but at the same time hold the View thll. tho preuent tariif in sum.-iunt {or the want: of the country. in tint. it producca rov- enue enough tn carry on the siin of the Government. ' Rain" . `nlunnr nml In-inn liuml Alllnlln "I8 UOVP|||Ul|l. Being nfarmer and having lived Among you a lifetime I think 1 know what ll wanted for tho farming community, And will therefore me my but endeavours to procure Inch loginlation u will ha of be- net to you I. The time bninn nhorl`. I will not be able nem. w an. The time boing Ihort I will not be able to call upon you I pononnlly, and will therefore trust. to your united etfortl on my behalf to secure my election. I rennin, your obedient Iornnt, ihyetto Shaw. William Illrml II...l.I..-ll"... -ml fnn n-H: Goo ono} cj Insi- ...'!.`..a.. the .3 2? no. ononn as oo.. INIIDIIIIIAHVF |rnm-my, tlu 1qt_n_ mm] cg-g m noloool " ulalho Alooulo D la main mmrl nL':xAuI':T tun. mom: or mum mwI,| Sept. 8th. Tp. Kinmond `-JUVUV nuluvvo Ivunpuul DID-avg Bmckluy Shaw, sud John Onuih. FRONi;ENl0a unis Aanw, oud Aug- I mum. sort M. I870. _ 7-` -_._._n.-- Will (u cKI1"l-an: Itduats. Insolvent Act of 1875. . inn A Illlunlnltu nuan- llyti-lb-lpuIhludDv.lI|hnJ nu n uugnu -y----u, u vlnu uuv u-nu m nhnpnunbuou puuhhod u Stool Rail unluhu In Ftidqi 1Voa,wo cm the following : ullu (IL-J4 .41.;-g Jhl an. -.H-. Lmur or A1'1'r.`;Ill'l.lAl an hand In Nah enlo. AND AIENDIIIU ACTS. tuqlnlll. Wound. DGIPIHYIMLLI onmn I. I |,9th Boph, I878. % Jb`+ii]fr%iii:s. 1: Rant, Il. " DIIINDANT. .vIlloIuIl Ir. Ohuhn Iuchnio did not mire icon the Sun until that Ihuo Innue- uon had him phat." Thoohwohlolunllogodn Iluttorof lad bntonulorol eon. Tho um in that II . Chub: Icchouio had sutured hnn_Iho III fully llll Iounu bolero Ihohcod Clo tnnndou In quuuon. Io Ir. Output, 0! C50 rm of Cooper, Faint: 00., dinduy and pt!!!)lul- Qy Hand 0 putknu ul undoubted Vanda, that authority to mpg: Ibo CIMQOII of the lad. Doounonluy -uni -1: nlalnahd In nanln-no u` n.A.. -..`, _.-- _..._ -cw". nludn'yIvuln.8opLIc. Al lAI.l~l-Al! III-In n`a.nn- um... will Iodnvoul` iynovctqluo-; nlunputlcnu. - . wwuou. Jouu II` V` "3 * cm... .......* nu:-rue or `I'll ILl0'|', OI` IidoInWunl.lhnnb|IIo unmmu ll. cull. will in nu AT annull- 1-qp snot. Bunk Iuoot. . n -Ania: -in-I-np II`-.0 Ql New Frillinp, any Tia. Lullon own, cum and mu, Also. I Inigo amounts! of- Vnlonoionugolung and Point D'A|I$I Lana. ` _.... ... ..u.-. u-, 0:)-Our Stool: in All doputmonu HM ` with the noun noroltiol of 8310 I00` non, constantly Idded to by woolly nhiomanh at our mm imnorunn. ` II. & J. GMIIIIIIEI tau mo: and `nan, um 'l`t|I$I- Hnndiotohiulu, Linon Haudkorohkh (or Ladies, Gilli and Children`: war. ' ` '. [loll English Thuld and Multan Inca.- Hnndnouno Oattioh Tips. A vorycompleu unortmont Silk R/ibhll. Au luspootlon lnntocl. tr Sale: [or mu. smoay on pnog. ow vuicvith that nluiuol a nu-Iaulcholaufocyli-ury.-m A lull nuortmont ol Swim and Hank! Embroidotiu, Good: sold on n mull ulnnoo out out R. & J. aAnnnt:n a_' Sept 6. II78. .r..-._j._.: ENDER8 WILL BE RECEIVED, It tho Doputy~A nuns Gononh 0C8.` `~ Arllarv. Pnrk. until I o'clock noon. I uiuulslu-I wum my Iusulil. Geno:-II : ( Artlllery Park, mmll noon. .'A_|-t|l'|.e'rVy"P;l'iL`, uiitil o'oi6ck uooii; V ' 0n Th a .sepc. mu, ms, - - A - - 7, ,,,..,__; \_ , For the pol-furunnou of the undotucnolld union: of the Militia |iepaitmeni,4 al_ Klngsion ram period of0Pl 1rIun,:}o.u m om- bor, I375, vh.- Z THU III ICC scum. nrullullldlll-I, pcodvu adduced QOOId9l'lO||OItn|o- u-g.A. Form Toad: an be obtdud on appli- cation to link also. The nun onto unu wlllbo l=.IlKd to: show :I.a:":n.a.o.porfnonuoluchol union. ~ B. VAN UPRAUBINZII Lt.-Uol.. wu.d., pm. In a. Dem: AdJIhI (hut-ll` 0800, K IpIon.I0'pt nd. I _ , not _._._..._.___ . -........- HEN"`Y %`UWNDES " LIVERPOOL Illlll, Has Removed to his Ale! Sims, TERI! lm0B WILIJIUIUI C lalh In Iliy oollolul It all and annually . ~. I-lonry LoImhI : PI-local Much ` Cnlllnaina FALL 0008! NOTICE; Straw for Ken : Bedding, 00:1 01!. Putting up and cloning Imo- Pipes. Renewing Itovo Plpu,` Sweeping Ohlmnoyu. oomunuy muou an by an nhipmagh at our own importing. uunulurmvuuruui but "3 -1""-3-_'i-_-vs3esLI-'t TICK, ' 3"` A fllll AIIOITIEIT vu-gin Bondy 1.1 nmroot. noun. A Uilllj. ' w .0011 84 I ! at 0033;. ms. ah 1-nmolss ITBIIT. H R IBI I":-Inceus Street, on Must. 8 loan not hiolllutol lllon. Inll can-tlnnvllr-pct lioloonhry. liqjiulntlic-!OL`:.tIlIOp.n. WI. snwucr. Iotu dun. tun m.` but!!!) Luau All Iingll Ipocznon, from the tinuo ol -..|-nu.-n -n.1.li.|u.4l .. ,\h._| I uuuuuu nu: nun nu-u-u-mum gun.-.1. ' luau 0! thin unpudonublo blund- .1 --.. ..- ---- nunn-ling-n-Irv ...... . I IN I! WOULD 00 IT. BEHIND ERS. .-._- um: nivfuxnous. `HIE IAll.0T- I1. TABUI , Clainnu:toCo-. B. TANDY, nhnirnsn lncon. wuunun alunnl-vanojvrryhgndlz .u,a.,.qu-In-pa-an-'-`Id,I-II: uncut-'-ml-aunt bydhnul 1_uIon&Ino aunt ththo bl pqhlfcIZlclIhu,TcryiIqDI' uysiuvauynxoamp-alumna: auulcthin n-a..u.- ix tiidty. ``yIlbo0lobad$IIIlIy: "A poiliniy stunning nun: VII] Ki$lonoIH again that Sir John Inuln-nldinniv-innbotnrnstbra w announce oluoronux IIt.hpunnnhtnnio|oHho'l'oviu thing Auction. 19 cannot lldp ngouuhtthaniunnpuhlrcuon whysin-.|ohnl_nodoulduh9u|dbo vdl knninintlnvnilad skid. o 11%| why an Joan npenonun noon on non knovnin the Ullilod E0 in thc only Canadian otntuunn who our dad to iuiuh Laotian corruption. fun you I30 tho Auutiun ion :4!- vcrticing this tnccfron at York to Ban Fund-ao, and -on poniti nly cloning ovortho snot not-aol that sir Juhu'u alilnl furnished to than. 5irJoluLuup- plid tho Auction put: with I ptworful In quoqv ugnlnolt which they have not Joonllauk in Ilill`. but which in incon- f plan And Inching tn npplintlon u long ` an the dolinqnont in Ill exile Iron power. We nineuoly hopo dill. no othu Cuudinn nuuunan will our bobotno known in tho ' ',nito_| Sula bf Inch dingnocfnl ros- Jm-usnu lot which Sir John Mac- . donhld in now then known." v, ,..|.|:.:.._ .. AL. :..I._..\... nah- I3-CIVIDI uuvuuuuuu ~ iilllllnoucllun-I-kl N WILSON '3 BUILDING. . him even while they thank him. . `III IIIUKU BIIIIW II: In addition to the infemonu noto- riety above alluded to our Tory Chieftain, ia alao known in the States an ` the High Joint" traitor who hauly aur- ren-lered in the Treaty 0! Wuhington our inst claim of reparation lor Fenian depredatioun, the free navigntion ubonr megnicent St. Lawrence, and every- ` thing elee we had worth giving. ln that capitulation he oravenly ceded our na- tional birthright to our neighbours. When i the time mature: tor the eatablinhnieut of reeipncsl trade, we ahell be empty- handed inateed of having these Iubatan- tial adnutagee to oer. And yet the very man who thus insanely threw away our chancea haa the impuderlbe and the impotence to pl-ate about reciprocity of teritfaa the alternative of reciprocity of trade. Yea,l\lii-John Maodonald is known in the United Staten. Americana re- member him ua the man who gave them everything for nothing. They despise They ` alao know him aa the man who by his etupendona oicial con-uptiune out- ehamed the worat~ exploit: of American vemlity. Let the people of Kingston ahow in the coming battle , an the whole country did in 1874, that they repudiate the man who liaa proveu himuelf to he the betnyer at once of hia country'a in~ terelta and his country`: honour. And no our oft-defeated friend, T. White, of the Montreal Ga:eHe has been rewarded with the chence of A consolation rece for Parljultuit from Caldwell to Ot- tewe. He will have in work his cards well, we fancy, to but Mr. Puttullo, the Liberal candidate for that constituency. However. we cendidly sdmit there may be 1 chance for the hero of so many defeats ewsy in the Western region, where they, perhaps, know but little of the crest-fall- en snd much-dinoerded Montrealer. Mr. White has gone Went to pursue the can- vees, being Accredited to the people of the so-claimed Tory constituency by s molt attering teetiinonisl from the King stun Daily News. Should Mr. White lsil of his election After such a attering introduction to his new friends, we shell begin to doubt the almighty inuence ol the Press, in which no fer we here been implicit believers. in thin manner the Tories have quietly closed the open door through which, an i 4 `we recently pointed out, Sir John might hue backed down from (lelant in this ` city. The little game in teing pretty fairly pleyoui, but the ponsibilitiee are the l umeu before Mr. White consented to fill thlerdwell gsp. Mr. White will nuke 3 capital warming pen for the sure~to-be-defeated Chieftsin, end with ' out whining or wineing would no doubt step down end out" for Sir John after tbs Tory battle in this city he: been fought and loot. Certainly we think Mr. White, even if elected for Csrdwell, could sffnrd to been considerate me was lions. Riel, and as the letter worthy re- tired fuoni Provencher in favour of Sir Geo. E. Cnrtier, so Mr. White could make wey in Oerdwell for Sir John Mec- donnld. Polite Mr. White would deem it too bad to permit the defected Tory Chieltein to wsnder a la Sir lfrencis Hinoh, ewey beyond the Roolry Moun- tuue in quiet of I beat in Pnrliunent. max on rms mama: mm on rare. Delano Eamon. IIYOBI PLATYOII. Dunn Colncnou. Ionian `run Lion Tun-I01: eiur Pun. clan Cunlmo. In-nl`uT:' Ward co...` nituoulll iohldu oouuuo. llutlduuluun `long Ivuluwbu haunt, uLf7 o cuoox. =, Isuu-un.--'l'h Wagon up: four ulna unluouu blaming In tho IIOIIG WEST- !nW`7|lLI Tum ` Aounr llunu. I Elam or IAIHIHI In-Inns. 1 Ilornol or LCIIII 1 Tuna. I i`II'|'Al.lA`I'0II' Wu win fill lntu. ! Dun Inn-mu nn'l'o `...;....uL-_mn imu. , , __ _.....---n- nnnnn u A VII [Tn Cnnuur I 1 KW: `nu; `Dun lbooum null _-CONSERVAT X \ E PLATFUII. Ipuloh `rnonlall, , told ho- -nmnu his oninis II II rnomg_g\_c'wAnn. Iuinhd. `non vucnuaacullolumuu . nsthiuimo, but its Chitin quidly enllodon ' Hon. Ir. (hunigh as ch int 1 Ipuhr. ` 00 I1. cums. yilhg so ' speak Mt. Iolutyn ray nqaully run and called Older, but to ` without his boot, for It. 0 In scathing |onns,`told II. Idntyn to mind [us via Minus, an the Ohitlllll ;.:f.`.`:_a*:.."'.......=':`.`.."m`.'.'..".:.f't wu quilocAptbln;XI vi-Iur ` ' . M . Cu-tut-$1"-sh ltzutho Mrnyor nlllnlhg VH3 50 II not soon forget, B I800 1 . thin ulna mntiulol M h `w hid ulna cutiullioll Ii Illli I15 reluogg 1? reputp in Iul.I-lull: I 0! W '.'L.`3a" ...'.... m.. `can In and mu Ind nznnuugvuuun at him at I _BIII Didi! the Finmoo Isaiah: IO n4..v\V My nnt-Ilinht IHQI Finuoo I-Ill; III PW` am. Mr. Outvdcllt abound that .. must: Ionhauok lb. lnlntm sum. up. out-up: now: use 3 buutilul uuhuoook ,KI'. Idntyro Ill in his political oarol'--hoI that in 1854 ha nooks Inna-lnnninot Sir John In In! pnuulxl uuvw-uu- man u. ` 1864 hoe OHCl]r`IllIl3il'JoblIx Mmcdonel end Hon. . Campbell when ` Mr. Briuun oppoud the mm for the Seuetorehip ; how that he egein spoke egeinll. Sir. John Keodoneld eud him- eell (Mr. C.) on Amherst blend in 1867, but tint now be In: the moat elevieh worshipper ol the ehiellain. The mun- lion use most unoolnfoneble for Mr. Mclntyre, but. he deeerved all he receiv- ed, now no one in more blstaut end loud- muuthed, and even vulgnr, when he he: thing: his own wey. Mr. Certwrighl. epoke Iruly when he aid it ill became the Mayor go stand forth u Sir John`: apologist, erpecinlly when the letter stood convicted ol one, of the greatest. crimes any stetesman could be guilty of. Mr. Cartwright then, in a epeech ol one hour and a half, explained the felleciee of pro- tection, and urged the elector! to vote for Mr. Sbnblay. He uid they should not be deluded by my cl: -In or promise: that would never be ullill)ed. During the delivery of Mr. Certwrih Iddreu-he wee frequemlyuterrupted by Iowa per- tioe who attended for thet pnrpoee; but. they hall hold of the wrong mm, as Mr. Cnrtwright. said he would speak until he had liniulied all he had to lay, and would not be put down by any roIvdieI.,At the conclusion of his speech he mu loud- ly cheered. Iv. wu impouible for Mr. Certwrnght lu stay until the clone of tho 'neIting. The Ulmirnnm next. called on Mr. C. F The Ulmrnmu next caueu Mr. u. :- Gildersleeve, who said he was not in the habit of addreuing political meetings, and hecleimed Ill preteoniom of being n. pulitncel spenker, but u I men of bull- neu and I free and independent elector, he claimed hie right of voting for the Government, which, he thought, would best eonduce to the public good, and he llprrd every elector would do the meme. (Cheert) ln hie humble opinion he thought the government of the Hon. A. Meekeuzie entitled to their uupport. and he gave his reneoue for no thiukmg, He dud not know Mr. Mallory, but u amen connected with one of the most impor- tant interest: of the country, viz,, the K. Ex 1 . RR., he could tell them that in Mr. Shibley ha nlwaye found a strong eup- porter. He was lorry he could not may the name of Mr. McRory. He hoped they would return Mr. Shibl;y. nrlrer. In M. .l...nnh ffnnnnlv. uf thev would return Ml`. ammo . Mr. Joseph Cunnoly, of Yrker, next called on. At this wage of the meeting Mr. Mclntym thought it Wu time that ho should hue I chance to lil` himself, but a quiet rebuke from Mr. Gunmly had the'o'act of settling hi: narvnn n little nnd Mr. Uonngly win 11- Y.I.C.L st Odom. Gun Bally It nu : Inpporun in Ildon Wad. In-1 no 0! In-vonwnu: Ward Commitwe M. 7,3 p.I. Cumnly had the enact or hauling [Ill nervuu Uonngly l lowed to proceed. Mr. Connoly mid he paid A: much tine: as any mm in the i lllldlllcll, and to an doctor in his own riding, and an a free British subject, he claimed the right of spanking and` speak he would before Mr. Molntyro or any other person if be its ed until dny- light in the morning. Loud cheer: nnd `cries ul go on.") He thought Mr. Mclntyre learned to forget. that if he win Mayor of Kinglton he wu not Mnyor out here, and he aid that if any one of them acted as Mr. Mclntyre had when in Kingston he would soon be in the hnlil of a pnliceman and be run into the atatinn honeu. (Oheere.) He uid the occasion lvrought. him back to the days of 18:57, when I Reformer hardly dared show hi: hand, but times had chen- ged, and they did not owe the change to Sir Jullll Macilnnald either. (Uriel of ` tul-in ... ... "\ [1 than In ADI man who urulnlA@!IIlIrI.y Six-J..lm Maouomua enner. guns: that's m.") If there Ill my man who should my, raise the tariff on mnnnfeo- tnrell importu," he thought he the Ipoakar) was that men. but he :1 made an lmnelt living for the put 45 yenn, end if he could not continue to do so under the prelont terilfol 1 per cent he deelved to go out of bnliueu. (Cheer: ) He said that on the eve of e general election it behooved every mun ` to weigh oerefuliy the intorente of the country and vote ncouldlngly But II his opinion was uxed he might uy the: he considered the Government ol the present day fully entitled to 3 {Air Inp- port. He uid he reed {or himself, end he hoped that every one there did the ume. He could ace 5 net .li'erenoe in the way that the Government of the preusnt time was conducted an compared with that of Sir John Ileodonsld. For .u.- . ..o a... sum. the nmennt Govern~ of Hur John Ilunonua. x-or tho put turn you: CHI promo! Gout-n~ ment had been mnlignod and lied About {xmu (mu end 0! the country to the ulhor. M. wnllmm naked for nroofn tint. the Uppouition lied. Mr. Oounoly aid that if they would allow him In Imnhl illiuntn it in: vny of hi: own. Bonn your up he bought some property 18 Bollrook (or lhe mm nf (560, Hunting ho would huh I gond thing out oloit, but the propcy wont done in nluo, sad the otht d: be Iuld thouuu pmporg for 3100. t was jun the cane Ii the stool nila. ((`.hro.) Hesho nhowod by pnntioul illuatrniom how tho oonnu-or paid the duty, and concluded once! the non un- niblo Ipeeolul ol the evening by noting - tint houhd nouns: in voh his in], but tovou honadndforl.hooouu1'| . lr.8.8hibI0y uxlunolon ,ud said an In!-ulhun hounded In-on township lo\ovuolrip_ ulotollf Mr. Wuuem I lied. Oonudy "'.. n3""i""` -on It ..........' .... ..l ...__._.......-._._- _ , an gui_l___g gtitish mm. nesting. The Ulmrman 'x;m....I..-.m whn aid ha in not in >Ih9r. Mr. Wnlkem Inked proof: Innnninn liar`, rm: niunsn wme. Mo_1u>Ay. SEi"1`EMB_ER`9, 1:370. " '*"' ' "' "'"""'"'" "........"' ";.'.".:a.~... ::.r."........." '7 w......."-"'" I5|0- 1; an ldvill duaiho l for utilizing. Ai :7auuc.nouQubu.--duomxsu muuueiqum . - bu ~jp.,uu snug: o:|eudin;,: _ kind ll 150"! ' ' :3: ml. an lmunho. .` a.Dunnatho|::*u:oL:rv: o|I::olurdny Ir. WIIIII lieu loo: -nu X? -qd ` loodntldnpnhoulnot Iodloqntk intluoulypu-t of tlpcunilj. but ukuowledged mu tlunodingnuont tluthitputy III tobhno,!or|ndLhnynnt|nag.pdnhout hing tho-outing IhliIQIIIIy, and hnltlnvnnokm rlnnnqndd. they Mr. L A. Jet, Into M.P., fur Mun- Inul Hut, bu bun guutwd Puune Judgo of tho Suporiur Sourt. of Ruabee. ?-__--o--co}-o-.____:_.

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