PIIVAIIII lay . I. I. ITIVIIS. lO8$0ll,'Il8l. L I! I0. POLOOI I. (20, Druggiul. Klsguon. --nuuiuomx-Inn In-vi-Iii-I -lAL`.4._l....Il-Lg.njQ The Firemen : Tournament. Author `Plus latter. Inn hh nhudiy -5.-.L. IARIN: vyoo Igthg VIII, thy would not no u-ouulou umu Ibo `ml or the Iuliunnl favor: that prevail at mllltlliu of t yoalnuvo doowrtmlla, llvo to I load old age. Eoopoouully [Ilia-Ii!`-I vuu u nnnn \a rum, nuu lull Iuulmler luaavu an ing of some political institution. one thing which every man must build is personal character. All-else belonged to God, but character was absolutely his own. Men will often value men by the amount of wealth they possess, by the social position which they occupy,by their mental acquirements, but God values men by their character. A man may be a prince in the eyes of earth, but if he has an unholy character he is wretched and miserable and poor. If character, then, was such an important thing how careful they should be in its formation. Chrractcr was a thing which (1) every mun must build for himself; and in the formation of it each must stand alone. Parents and teachers, God and the '0hurcli can help, but young men must work up from the material furnished them that imperishable thing called cha- racter. They were surrounded by in- tluences good and bad. Their character depended upon the use which they made of these surroundings, but inuences could only make them good or bad accord- ing as they yielded to them. They must throw themselves into the stream, and yield to the current before being carried out to the sea. It may be said that cir- cumstances form character. That theory was not in harmony with the fact. The temptation may have been there, but thev,shonld not yield. Many excuse themselves by saying, It was not my fault; the temptation was too strong." Then whoae fault was it? If they resisted no tempter could force them to do that, which is wrong. It was one of the most pitiable things in life to hear a young ` man say: Here I am, I am your ser- ` vsnt, do what you like with me." He drew attention to the fact that there was a difference between character and repu- ` tation. They should not confaunil these things. Reputation was what other men think they were; character was what they actually were, as judged by the perfect law of God. Hence they could readily understand how their reputation may be I either better or worse than their chance ter. Again, in building they must look well to the foundation. To rear a build- ing on the sand would be valuelesa, and just aa a good foundation wae essential for a building so it is equally easential for a character 1 and the only safe and sure foundation for such a structure was Jesus Christ. Built thereon their character would be safe for ever. Men dig down to the hard pan and rock before theyoonuneneebuilding;youngnienshonld dig down until theyreach the Rock of Ages,and take it an the foundation of their . character. He quoted what the Apostle said on the subject: "Now if any man build upon this foundation gold,silver, -nntl Ian: nhnlshln -Inna`: 'IlXulnlII|IIIICHIiIjlrIl no. Righh forwhioh their father: hed died, are to he entreeud to their keeping. The progreee of oirilintionentl the hope of religion depend upon then. After doe- oenting at tunher length upon the re- epoueibilitiee which not upon the young men, he eeid hi lnuxnege wee not dentin- ed ne I pneeing compliment in order to eeonre their ettnnlion for en hour,but ee e eulomn reuou why he ehould specically eddreee them. The ecripturo on which he buod hie eermon wu oonteined in n - .1-,, .._ en. Corinthian Ill, 10: u A _..-_.I:_.. 4.. 5|... Ullfllulllll III, IV According to the; grace of God which V in ginn unto me, u A wine aster- buildor, l hnvo laid the foundation, and mother buildeth thereon. ' But. let every nun tako hood how he buildeth there- nu In the study of the scripture they would not have failed to observe how often the sacred writers drew their ll- lnstrations from architecture. It wra even used to represent features of the Church, Jesus Christ being called the chief corner-stone, God being the builder and man the material out of which he raised the glorious superstructure- The sacred writers at other times spoke of men as the builders, and that which they did was to rear their own characters. It was thus they were to understand the words of Paul which he had just read. All men were builders. Some were build- ing one thing, `ome another. They saw one man building away at some scien- tific theory; another was applying his energy to the rearing of some mercantile establishment; another was devoted to the ereotionof some social superstruc~ ture, and still another aimed at the build- ; , _,;|:.:,-I :.._s:L..L:.... l1..s WXUT Illlll ICU ZIIIKIK Ill ill-I rU-Uvv [thud bounnidthtournoblclt intll. out, our social institution, our ml dunia, our religion! lihutiu will noon bu committed to the hoping ol tho -......- ....- ..I... -:u 5.. oh- nun... nl IRFII K W-TTCI El DIIU wall` Ill Univ young nun, who Iill be tho tnuhol 0' -.....n.... .1 .n .5... :. ...... .1... In u- ----uu'ona--- --.---.- -- huldnu than to and: dull!!- Bo could not look undid that oulll` line on tho Sabbath Inning! Iilllo fouling the inbound intent in than `who Ilihd upon the ministry in that plus!- I. Lu] 5.... ..;.a u... ..... nnhhnt inI.n_ I`-a- jT eonilancoihoyoqnquculhnlqaoho h.lL-- -pil '-nI'In4InjJ'n@L k` In. I. R. innu- Dnor It: -l have and Juan! bottle: of Vouslu; I'H|uont|rc|y cured moo! Vertigo. lhvo abs and II for Iklnoyoonplnlnc. It IIIII but Inodloiao fur kldm com lalnt. I Ink! noolunond it an n 3 bloat! purilor. Dllll |l[l)ll Ill IIIIIIIIICIIUII `VIII. cu:-u, pncioua noun, wood, hay, nhubble, ovary man`: work shall no undo nailed, lor uuclny nlull declare it boonuu it than be roveslod by in; Int! tho lira Ihqll try ovary nun": work ol -nu-on it in." Did they ouquin of bin lot Ohriat was to be tho lounduinl Ilia uncut would be ;4., |_-l__. AL.}- _:..J. IL- -_ TCTUTTT IXIIT tohu'nu|Ia:lnIllu'.Ir.J - nonuIh'Chnudy:-ugnn. In -0-bi-.-ALL.-nun:-J:nnh:1i.I`A 7' ltothuuiipl ---..:,n_ -3--- loInQo~h.pcapupnIu- unhlalhlholylnlnnlhut GIIO 0.. Lg.-a-nlnglnac `nu `O M- XNVOIIIIQIZ-HI uni: tutu: to-y out to lagiun. How 7. L..__.LA Q.-cl In IL. anlnn-1 Wljil liyidtzj-Iuuvl mum and ch-u-II. |>r|-inch-IN .heIh&OU'D&IIIIihIIi3 any Id |tohn.lw Ihnnlllu cl nL.:.n..-no-nhnkhnnlnjmnl .aI cyH, f: Mm lam can-t.hI-oduII-Hi--I-I-vb n__:.L... -_olc1:QwilIn I. 3. Mann : `f.~--wO hvtog boon ulllng your V ht no not lghtoo uh . d II.p|ounro t: .mh.. um: i::n::ory. J2, DUI klcwlodp. II has given glut. unlu- . Yuan truly, E Cowmu. Druukh, lhehuun. Ky. j},-In-ug-u--q--w----'-v WIMHXWH nghnljjhml 1'11: nnmnuwnla. nouoiw 8EP'l`EMBER.9a Ian: cIllL0&II"IOulII`I. .-.- Itill. He cautioned them to be awful how they formed chnwtor; Ind then he ukod, u: bu boon the nnult ol th ---..:....'. ......2.. ) Fan Ilunnn -hn tlgnial- II. --H7`, WIICI Ill IIFCII IIIV ITIIII III UIIID evening`: Iervioe? For, than who decid- ed to lone the nutter in nbeyence for u still longer poriod he felt sorry, for he should be e witneu ngeiut them in the time that in to eome. He indulged the hope t-hut all would by their character: on no other fonndstion but the Rock of Agel. He I_u-nod them egeinetdeley. Daley in I matter no importsut u thial Delay when the house in on tire and the loved ones in (longer? They ehould klelny in anything and in everything, but in the matter of chemcter they Ihould be prompt. Now in the eooeplod time, and ...... H... .l... .J .-I..-o:.m 'l`.._.-.m-.-n- A cue came to our knowledge yester- dey the particulars of which ere of such I nature lhnt they will be amusing to our readers. It nppeen thnt some four yenrn ago 3 young and good looking men in the city had each relation: with a young nnrried woman that the former wu declared to be I child`: pnrent,nud the husband of its mother became so uinoyed nbout it that he threatened to luve untie- faction by taking nction against our city friend and claiming very heavy dunngoe. But his feeling: were not much injured after all, and he kindly Ind readily con- ] tented to compromise the diioulty and `accept 8300 or $400M: helm. Time ...--.I .....l n. oh- nluihl may it huenmn Ieucupu wauu ue peeeed, and an the child grew it beceme exceedingly beentiful, end little ower that she wee in eppeerenoe, she wee given e name which wee very epropoe,"Flore," while her netnre wee exceeeively sweet end lovely. Her city pepe" toolr quite e fency to her, end he wee deeirone of getting poeeeeeion of her, but her mother would not pert with her. On Seturdey Flo" dieeppeered suddenly, end it wee st once suspected the: she hed been eb- ducted. Enquiry wee et once mede but lor e time without eveil. Yeeterdny morning e search warrant wee iesued, end the city scoured for the missing beeuty. For e time there wee nothing but dieepu pointment, but evenl.uel.Iy the police got upon the right treck. They proceeded to e houee on Queen stroet,occupied by en vzuv 1 - uunu. ---u. ecqueintence of the elleged father of the 3 child. Here they were met with the en_ nounoement of the lady tenent thet she would not edmit my one, not even the olliciele with all their show of euthority, breee buttons end betoue. But when informed thet unless quietly edmitted , they would break in, she opened the door end the perties entered, eolemuly end suspiciouely. There wee then e curi- oue ecrutiny of everything in the plece Furniture end clothing were turned up side down. end things were not left eo neetly eshoneekeepers generelly desire ` to here them. The down steire end the up stein hed been plundered end over- heuled, end the compeny were ebout to I beet ehepleee retreet when s discovery wee mede. The peeudo perent ol the child lied renieined soniewhet behind the others, when they had eeeended to _ the tint floor, from e bed room, end cat- ing e glsnce ehout the epertnielit. he esked in loud hey, Are you here Flo 1', The child heerd end identied e femilier voice, and contrary to express ordere, no doubt, in` be quiet end keep perfectly { mum, eeswered the enquiry with e cherminginnoeenee, which wee both re` lreehing end eppreeietive undu the cir- Aml theme. think Ion. `.e-e-6-enema into om-nily with poo: and Motel chu- notor; And thou All, (Into In the torri- bla sentence from the lip: of tho Judge: Ha that in unjust lothiu ho unjuut still; he that in luthtul kt him be faithful ,._vn n rl. ..._.:____,1 AL-__ A- L- ____e... 1` It not nuptial rudlly acknowledge Innpiug nun pron cl P80830- Ion... no Iouowtq utnu ho: a loner VIII chow :- Challottdovl. Au 8, I98. pnusuyh Jnuu nu vuv uuvwyuwu uunu, -nu now the day of nlvetion. To-marrow may be the tiny of doom. To-morrow! It in 3 word nowhere to be found in the holy regiuber; it. in only in the puges of the fools calender. Wisdom disclnimed the word and refused the society of those I who own it. ` nopouibilityol unpingtronit. Ho thondacrihcdudcntinyolthoonouho boil: hi:chpr|cmIhound,sndun ofhinwhobuiltupoutluockof Apt. 1`l:eploun:IuadnulthooohrvruuI.in- lhd;hohuInorid:. and oajoyod tho -A-lnl hm - -AI`. -5 I-math -lulu. .-.A R. ` Ilillgllill-CUIXI. Illll IIIJIl I|l lu- world, but I voieo at lougtiqinh and In hntl in nan haul Dank ALI ib- wwvuuu-ruujuu-36- Vjig. too,Iu innorhl. Tin have noodle: will otpnhlo intoninmluwholn unhildoouodlo pun'nh;thoErna-utwillhrolldlo-` gotlIunnpuvhnonundpguuIay.but clnnnur will Illlill louver. Than nu _- .....xL:l:L_ -1 ______ __ a_.__ 2A :1. 2.75 Z'.'i"ix."'..~..u.a"'C:"'... young in njcdul tho EH03 It Inc nlal uninn Q-I nnlnnn M Irulmngnnn Ipytuunuvu nun. u..- .... cunutnocu. And whore, think you, I reader, lflo" wu hiddon? In the bot- wnol alu-go trunk, bonosth I quantity ol niloolhnooun goodi, which boon nnninod bolon, but without I ' `thought occurring that boocuh than the ma. 4 [it] Ill slowed sway. 0! couno the landlady II! II. 0000 trusted, and with `Flo ovnulucud In the polio! nation, but ndooovqodhono. Idling In done inthoaub-by. `hunch `hulk ahiidnovdodind Iopnuu-mud on Ihconnuquntulnllvhvnoeonoat odvitiikflotkolilluitlgkunihu - _|...._A.L._. HZ." nan- -lanvn I-I-.u-v--u-uu:"uwuICIu--its ranch Ililp vial udodunnb nnnnohni I'l._a...|..4In..A__. will tllol Has your, an dooturr bllla, ` live good age. Ihopoouully nun. , _-_ lttillbolldldiniwoulcupcnl-y thhovnuingvolnillu-d. Id at Sunday Ir.IiibluyIolIodiln I coo---l"&'Ii'&I|ny dht0duIy." llud ap- pa-uhIIuIqpnInlII.vohn uuhhjhbb I zzli , CIIILD ABllU(,"l`l0.Vc unluu. 375,000 nmsousuvoug lot scum Bar vies money. oi nhid tlonilnosudil u in thoouo of .oth Mn. this Colnmittoo isofophion ' 83:0 acoosn.nt ofcusuuulurqcrnpnu or rot r- vios should kept, In if liuglsud, In s book spend yprorsnd on 0" purpose. And that this should be inspected umunlly by 3 oondontisl oommittoo. of whom two shall ho members of the Op- position of the day." _ There can be no doubt the Committee poanuon or me any." and House iutomlod this Ihonld up ly to every subsequent disbursement lot gecrot Service proposal. mnnm 1-nu`. Mmntv K,'JI'I|iU VIUW HIDING THE MONEY. But, an e matter of fact, Couxmittee did not know, {or it had been eonoeled tron the House, tlut my ouch fund was then in enuenoe. For In l870~7l thuthen existing pruotioe Inn departed from, and indeed of the amount. actually lpenl. - during Ohe uun-ent you being charged in the Public Amount: end the bnluuce than shown, the whole I-un voted in 1870 III curried to uooonnt, written off, and thul lolt light of. A: a matter of feel, there In some 848,000 lying in the bunk it the time the resolution In puued. which was reduced during the year [8723 Ind Ilter the date of the resolution, by draft: on the fund unnum- ing to $l5,000. On the7th November, 1873, when Sir John A. Macdonnld re- signed, the enct balance renuiuing unounted be 832,179 04. vxvwnrnrntxlrllvru Infill wnvrnnunn uuusnuvx ;uu :.uu vvuvuunwu. Maritime, on the eve of the meeting of Pnrlimneni. in 1873, Sir John A. Mnc` donnld hsd procured from the bank sll chequel and voucher: than in his hand: reluting to the fund, and destroyed them. There In another holocaust of vouchers in August, 1878, when the late Ministry use in a most critical position, Ind un- certnn as to in fun It the hands of Pnrliunent, which hnd udjournod to tho 13th of that month. 0! the halnuco sforeuid the incoming Minister: know and won told nothing. A l.)hl'I"l') A{"l'lhTfl H! mm Y}? 6.3 ir_I.NJ nun); Lvrnv nan u vv,vvv. And for two whole yenn the innney remained in the bunk, when Sir John A. Mm.-dounld-theu I private citizen, no longer Minister ofJuItioe, and therefore no longer one of the trueteel of the fund -~mnnoged,by I letter from Mr. Lang- ton, the Auditor-0enerel, which the manager of the hank inter reted to be equivalent to authority to p ace $25,576- 04 to the credit of the Receiver-General, and ellovr Sir John A. Mucdoneld to drew the halance--O0,600-by his own private cheque, to well uif with the last- mmed amount, payin , he an, 06,000 to one ex-oolleeuue en 8300 to another tdeover dieburuementa they had made for necret service purpoue. nmrnnm I?`YDl'.ANA'l`lnNSl lUI' IEJIVUI IIIVME PHIW AVOIDING EX PLANATION S. When this trenuotion came to the our: of the Premier, Mr. Mackenzie demand- ed en explnnntion. But {sir John, on one excuse or other, nnnnged to avoid the interview until after the prorogation ` M1876. Mr. Mackenzie ! intention -0! which Sir John A. Mwdonnld wee uure -60 bring the whole matter before Pu-liement nu frustrated. ` It u uhunoth Ioulilg of this doclnoot. It nu no: Hana. Kudould, Cartier. and inch `individually. but tho ins munhnnln nl u nnnmtirn Dnmrhnnnnl ma mun Inamuuuly. out no |lX~ cnnlhnnu at an rupopcin Dopnrtnouul ollnuforthotinohninguho wan to Ian tho control cl tin (and. RESOLUTION 0!` `FBI OOIIONS. In May, 1371. Ihlollo luolntion vunnud In llv Ch Pill Account; ORDERED TO DISGORGE. :Tho Public Accounts Committee in 1877 took the matter up, doolnted the proceeding: to the moat irrogulu, And thnt the money should be :0 id to the Trnunry. But Sir John A. Iodonnld bu Ihown no disposition to dilgorge tho mnh. To-Inorrow tho nomination: of Pnrlir mouuty candidate: wili be undo per- uunnt to the Amended lAw-t.hot in, they will be mule bytho pnuntation of pnplrl signed by twenty-n olocton and nocompnnied by Swank, to be defol- od to the election oxpcmu. The two great politiohl parties will be represented by Mr. Gunu and Sir John lhodonnld, but: third in to be heard from, Dr. Stewart, who in hnlng hit pupor signed. And who doclanc lhnt be will In olcotod. The City Rqiunr will In obligml to I.--.. Li. w\|Ann in u. it: I1-II I-nun I`) Luv vu. nun.-u-u vnu IrwvIrII'Ir\a vv hop bin place in the City Hall from 12 o'clock to 2 pm. Bpoooluo will not be sl- lond in the name plnoo when the nomin- tionnuo undo, And it in really an tall, at public muting: dun ho bald at ulhlf tinoojnnt no well and `with oqunl loot. `Ac the present line at writing IO b. line is in not the inunuon at Mr. Gnnn or Sir John to make uldnuu, but '0 cannot Ipoaku to the otlcpudolnnh inton- bin-nn IBM: AWI7KIIIfI!'nuVdn.| TBS ORDII [U (XDUIOIL I: 187050 Id uh 0! Band Sal-via ` wmmotouhe - RTE imrhmwnr; ....:I..I int n. innit.-I Al Ill lntlrelycuu-ed lo of Vertigo. Cairo, Ill ,.h\n `.33, I373. lilo AlA`h`.-Q mm ~ mi `Ito wuyau-Janna-natal Th; County noniutiou will he made It Cnunqui. Mr. I. Stuohu in the Reform nominee, but '0 cannot say that L. .3! ..._L..a ILA 44.... I! ma Il- I`.lOlIlI'- IIIIIIIT, IIIIU WU ilunn Io unit `brill coulomb election. I! not,Hr. Ferris, dd:-yum, will oppono Ir. Km- .4 -`AI: Ionian : """"' ` " (`Al uuconwul otllnllu pupudvuhlh Oil.-can! thnuunlu-olrnuollnhb cf B10 Ina ulurnuuw uulu Iluu. u. I I3 y p IOIIII 3 N. Yocuu nu uuuuu ~un.vv-,...-u . DESTROYING THE vduoumns. ,, ;L. ___ .2 AL- ___-;2.. HI ! Ioulu uuuuug. ABSTRACTING 06,000. A..- L-.. ...|...l- ....-.. H... NOIINATIOII. I IIVIIU WIIAII lIX[|IIA'r|I II: KIIO l\IIIxIIUlI ruuuury, wuol3 worlllll II. Iullllul 2 II"!- We have For sale the rolxowlng Veuel: and Properties 2 The Bt.omn'ln-g Wh`.'N; she in the boat of her Ilse In the Dominion. The sum Burp - INDIAN. ha: a mu rying capwnyof '.L`l|.$ ft lumber. The menu Burp HAROLD. 1 utaunoh craft and In nlnnoat new; oapuelt !!)00 bunboll. A nnulber of VALUAHLE BUILDI 0 LOTS IN THE CITY. on the I0! IQVI II I0 Gnrrntt Prouonv. Them Lou/would be well snllul to the wnnh of Imhm nl unrklnnnn. A Illllnber of VALUAHLE UILDING LOTS IN 0` 550 Proeorn. he would uulloal to the want; of Install or workllgllua. N0 ION R QUIIHID DOWN. ' IN BE RD-Four Huuulrrd Acts: of the but Wooded Land In the County of I I-`ronlanso _-_s_n,-._ In-_,___ A. an. INFORMATION FOR THE. TIMES ll IMPORTANT T0 STEAMBOAT OWNERS Claim that they mumfwtnla the DIS)` SOLID SCREW PBOPILLIB WHIII4 OI 'l'II_I CONTINENT. W0 froonoudy rooolvo umh tuumonhln u the followlll 3- . In ontluly rolbvod. I hum: nmph impmvod. Uhim that they DIS)` PIOPILLIB WE frequently `such following uilll nA\.'ll'\nI'l nnngu L 1141 . in VUA1 Anna 5. VIII Il'Vl{|lUIlIaI ITIVU I||I`Il DUIIIIIIIXIIII K `i IIIIIUWI I" KISSES. DAVIDSON. DOIAN &. 00.: "i GuI'n.I:I1nI.-'l1:e new Wheel we got from you for tho pmpolkr lduhladl, hudood Iunoeu. She runs two mile: on hour fuur. Youn _ CLAII do lloauu, Iorohlh. Iuhttn IArIIoIr.I.Y- ' I We Alto hog tonfor to tho following [utloman and Iran:-Cophll W Iibyltc IIIHI InoI1lr.?_:o lnopoclor, iloooph Tnyor, `IQ-`,l0IVOIl:lII0|Il Bw IIlpOoIIIl'.::IlI- *0 non nopol-tan In law: Any, nun. t o t wnnoo n `UV UOIIIV. lean Calvin dc Brock. can A Gum: IL 00.. loan Iolgor IHII-. Icahn QHBIOIINR _ ownouo 5 FOUNDIY. STEAK ENGINES AND BOILERS of All klhdl DIGOCIGD DC K Foundry. A number of second hand In-lno And Shunnory Bullet: for uh VII? 0 the Kingston Foundry STEAIBOAT. SAW AND 0318'!` HILL IEPLIRI OI ` done with dunau-,ln At. the Kluzltou Foundry. Ihoos worhnoa second to nun. the Kingston Foundry STEAIIIOAT. SAW AND 03131` HILL IKPLIII OI dupau-.lI Kluguou Foundry, I W. IIQIIIA Ens H-In {Ila fnnlnn I/An--In uni -AQAHQIA Lustre: and Fancy Dress Goods will be Sold thin Wuk AT A GREAT 810811103. . t` Buyers, make our selection: at oncou thn FASHIONABLE A D IN GREAT DEMAND. .-........................._...........-.........,...........m Andtoaundnuoutllthotvouuhnuolundout. Cluroollnnllvbldlvlll " lovsboltogluloon. A|lwoukol:hpIhlhiIIooonooIdItIIrIlIIkIIlt|I&. ndthujdpfuth-nlvu ' EVERY DESCRIPTION OF GAITIIIO [N IRON OR BRA88 undo on the shortcut notice Ind At the love 1 . India P. HARTY, - - - - - - Ferguson : Block. Sent 4. W78, New Black CulImems-ul.Wool, 60, 70. 75 and Ne. New Colored Caahmeres-all Wool, 50, 60. 70. 75 and 000, New Black Groe (iralu Silks--$l.0O, L25, L50. L75 Ild 2.00. New Colored Silks---Beautiful Shades, New 1`-oloretl satlns, all Cut on Blus lor Trlmmlng. Irlslntooommnoostthooldstououlotulnlnmllgnst ` And ....u.......mu.. nnnnangnnl-.-nun. lhnnnln an -uhl In-n-id ` SISIII UBCUIIITIIUK WI UIICIIUICC lowest can the [lunar undo the Klingon. n CHI Klnntou Foumlrv RTEAIBOAT. SAW AND 0218'!` HILL IEPLIII d All llldll Ono Prlcb Asked nd No Loss Taken. |rdarl}*1Eiii1g."F;{LL% TRIBE. Tnaady-mule lllnthlna. ! N E `W V G- 0 0 ID 873 thlnndtbpnnntnn ullaihghunnlnnvli Iln&IlulBtn1u I A GRAND CLEA.RIN(?.."5UT SALE lthoshou-oqoudhulnptprhulhl uvunnuuuahuu-cu. All`lh0ID2I(.} UP THIIR.-EBANOK B'h)II'(`):Il'fIII OH H """" --n. lhuygodatunludtohvo - m ' _ -- -~----w- -`---v- ---.4n___- E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW AND SPLIIDID 8100` 0 Scotch En link and Cnnullnn Goods. Iulhbla for tho hi: wild will Unt` A1` rm: vain mm` mucus. w. m onnlod Io do no, 3 .5... Stock for anal: and promlu to In than vh ) will favor in with n all lb 0!. -:~.::'r"::.::**.:~:.:"`1'.`.;::' ;--:'..-.':'~ 2': o 0 II I1 I N! `V '1 - I no In napkin I ood choice. Iv` L A OOIPLITI K 0 IIAD HAD! 0 H10, Raga. syn. Qgnru I-`urngglglgg Gmg_%k Costa. U-bnllu. `ush. E III Pnprirc Q P.O;lPI'0l0`Nl .- .."'* *.'.'z.-.'.2'.'.'.':`:.r"`......*' -Lt: .` < l'lmhE9l&vhI ncwn puunqn making ood ohowo. FULL AND UOIPLITI IFOOK OT Iillif ivilil ING I! la. . Ocnt` Purninbiug Goodl. Dublin (Auto U bnllu 'n|1 Good: u:ua||yuf o.und in oar aubllalncul. 3 DUI? FAIL :0 (Vi UI A Inll; -an noour inducement: to pardon victim to bud thdl Ian] II DII COOK- _ lpoehl suntan us and lo bllovllg Lhn 1 Black uni Colored Oruullou fun 5c poryd any I.=oRHId`&". do [Action from Has not yard. '-~v -- M '~- '- '*.'.x"`- .'..-..*'.:.-..-:.':-.:.'.-..v-.'..v-.'.*......... Blrlpod lulnu Inn I00 pot y IIIIAITS, IIIIAITI. hing alunlott -4--3. ua. an In 2 I -~a*'.=~...~"**"---*=r-'=----'-~ lI'1:AIQRIR I|A\1InII- 1 9 -- ,0 cl: HAVING PURCHASED HEAVI LY FOB THI FALL _ roontoruwtookwo vlllannllnnnn vv vvnuu uvuu In-u-` uv- av fut yunu. | I: "1. ALEXANDER R08 8, Princess Street, An; 2,1573. A orroonn our soul. |':-7'-"-'*.:.e.:--...-.:.-.---I Sept. 4, 1373. t*Buyon,mnke k`ARHInNAH[.I A r Sept 4, I878. ha and. 1379. Aug 28, 1878. Ana 28,|13'l8. 2, 1378. -_- ---(,;PPOj -- Heal Est_atAgencv. m -_:o._ .__ KINGSTON FOUNDRY .-....._ ._.,_ V k -. . A Gcli'slIl%- 1zrcNA'd'GH'ro1~'r as 00. Attention to the Large Stock of Drool Iloolu Clothing 1 IW `YORK CLOTHING STORE 3mcx,snm, !'our_;)o_c:'oI:_f:3_mItho nu-he lquu. SPECIAL BARGAIN ! Ii _.._.:.:._:- ' .76.`-an-.' THE PROPRIETORS 0!` TH] may unmvnu run. '1'!!! FALL 9 room for new Stock '0 1|]! outing on R. 'WALDRON. .Wilson s uildinii . IS SOLICITED. ___ -----ti- lloci IfIiIT. but been the Intel lquo -Davidson. Doran &. Oo. Purlleuho Ilood IS OFFERING A_BTY S CIIKU WU CODIIW; HUI CO! out. ounooum-uhuon-ah`-" lhhmmnandnourllnldlii. Irv-I . u . nu ulvn VII UAUIA z. Fnzvosr, '. Donn man, an. n...` -. `A. zs;_1_ggggmuzn, L".:.::."7'..::.u'7 ` BNAUGHTOX I @- nn Inna AIII P111111 Ill! TKADI 10 I. r OHIIP II : I klldn VEEETINEI VEGETTINE Ilium`: Report. VEGETINE g-ad, (col nqniu than f. null lalunullo. .n__.;. ll;-an mnn, a*munnuuun's MEHANOFORTES. - -n--Isl-ah.-nl ning: nann- In -UIo.I)1:Ar';-6-I-Jive-v-"1 unit and Dan W"-W" ' " ...I.A_ 51.. ll .-I-H; . RE-0F_ _l_N[-.D.* . BA '-'-.....".'. .';~.'. `V _ Cl . L ' mt Ir. int: :v DI! Ilr,-l with to Inform you wlnl. our Vanda In don Iur lIM~ I hue boon: tor -yv `Z Irv --v-v---y__._-._- 0| 'l'0B0li !'0. lamina ouun, Ilunmon, B: can knnnllnndon. VI: I J. E. lncuzu. `ll Henderson`: Loans, 8:. Louh. lo. ijlyvpund I50?! 3:`. I u----3 E and (lives strength. Du Quail. Ill , Jun. 21,1873. vu `Inn-, nu cu... -.,...-u. In. I. I.ItIu.u:- Dau In-.-Yonr Vogoslno has been doln UIIIIIHIIC. Kan boon luvin Chillnan Ulvcr.aounoud In the num 1 o tho bomb. llng W: relic! until begun the an an! op ,tt;Iv|ngmo'|nmu1hka`r:J`| odI. I I anal. purl yin; my a , vlurou 31! other medium-n uqud Iliad my: new with ui as all I in Iotkod the ffnunlllen t at in the udlomcu oi the south nnd IO! folk! 3 V such, may would not he u-oublod with me no! Aunt lntlnu your, doctors` Mlla, ogouno no or three men `III 1' IIVI. Pnpudl by IQHH -AH` Fun Husuncx. __ nnu . -lhtl 3 0"- PIIOIIOIOI `I nnd.ul u-hum] l oL1uu.-Joneph Mellovillo, Jnmol Swan, June: Uouil And William Rynn, drunk, 8'2 or 10 day: gm-I. Mury Burs, drunk, dinclurged. ,_...,._ I nouAnII.|1'ur..~4`.-lncrening nmntlwrly to outerly windn, inycreuing cloudinou and riun. Cautionary storm Iignnlu have been ordered for all lnlm stations. -:-~.: Tn: HANLAN l{Iu:I:.-T|1e location of the great. Hnulnn-Uuuruney race hall at In! boon Iotllonl upon. [Aching in tho fnvored rpm. The Muntrenl pooplo have oiferod apurua of 845000, which ._:n .._..I... AL- -o.I.... 9|] lll -- o cobo---- (humur. l n,-ma-.--Tu-giny the Orange- Imnfu picnic took place at Chunnnl Grove. The Ittoudnnce wu not no large n it would lmvu been had it not been for this recent diuppointmeut of I postponement. The day was favourable. nu! such an to permit. of the utmost en- joymum. --?o Y.M.C.A.-'l`ho evmgelintio meeting: in connection Ivith the Auocintion, hold in their momn, wens resumed last night. The President, Mr. Hobart, conducted ` the meeting, and Rev. W. W. Onrson, ol Bnntlord, gave an Able addreu, band on the 73rd Palm. The attendance wu --- Au. Duuua or an Bwon.--l! Vuw Illa will tqlbvo pan; alums. pull` . nod Iloh (I , tutoring the no: at to hulth Altar lrynng dllanlz play. In] remedies and naming lur min In no ooulnnvo roof, I! you no I , unbound Wluyhthhmodr ttpcmlngnoh you earn`! It vorln Ilobloothll the cireulsun uid. Mean It and the Oral load Purlllrr. noun 1:! about oruiuu In the ' IIII no nullotnc Ihnt door not am It purl! nod nnovulmluu I0 bl] Inn o no upon pub in attention. .__.._. Nut El.IVA'I`(m -'l`ho new olovnlor at Mill |'omv. in Inge enough to hold 60,01!) bulhcll. An engine will bo put it that will land a vc-use! in short (mlcf. Tm: Wnmc Fn.nuuc.-Mr. Mclnlyro at Hnruwumith on Saturdny evening bugged that he had beaten Mr. Gilda- nloeve, nnd that ho cuuld 'do it` again. Ha wan nut no plucky IMO. January, when he raced homo and concluded he wn lnuteu, before the nal count In undo. --V 7V -:-: A Fnunumo PIuvn:.-At the close of the usunl service: in one of the City Uhurchea Int evening the pulor pnyod `hat his congregation would be led to go right home Ind Iludy their bibles, but iunteul 0! that many wont ltnight to the meeting in the Young Men : Chrintinn Auoehliuln mama, which In the very thing tho revarand gentlunun aforeuud diul not donira them to (lo. .._---o3o--:-- In. In --y w. thin owning. Wno MInmm.--1'hin evening time will be I nlly of Reformer: for Mr. Gunn in Ridenn Ward. Let the Alton- dnnce be good. Inge. ST. Vim-In DI Pu'L.-An excunion fur the benulit of the St. Vinoont do Paul Society, of (lnmanoque. will have King- ston at 0 o'clock on Thurulay. the 19th of Septombar. for Brockville, per num- er (known. This Society in nllogothorl charitable one, which bu done I good rod: among the poor pooplo of thnt pilot and tho i|lmdn,snd it deserve: the ulmolt , ..4.--. -...a -.........n lllu [III Iunuuu,-nu n wuavvu .. oixcourugemont and Iupp.vrt. -_ Mu. Au.I:u'n Exro-cl.--h. would hsvo boon perhaps at well if Mr. Allen Ind nut been no randy to pitch into Mr. Mlckonxio about the 0-urillion Csnal J ob, bocauu hi: stuck: upon the Prcmior on Ihu Account have boon the mum of opening up the can and revealing to the public cilcumnuncoa not :0. all lavounblo to tho contractors. Wu duire our road- on to umlully road the corronpondanco ol `Trunn in thin iuuo. Tr (` B03310. 0' TIIII PIUVIIU wvvlvv yawn `I'll un 01 `III vouumnuf luau. It A1 `Ill urn run wonun um: run` run: or run. to :11: won- uarur, us wauw 1II`lA'i or want nun nu rum or-nu, nun. 81: I Believe to be I Good lodlclnc. x.m.,o., larch, um. nlvu uuuruu an y-uuu u. V. ,... will make the stakes $11,000. s`j.j.. (Iuon-la`..wvcI.or|o|A.--Envy deput- Inont. ol nu, Ioicnoo, and history, in shly npnunhd In in pages, and in nouns in Iow uublinhod, may at our nuhn do- \ oirounul being p-mound of I rally good Encyclopedia, one containing the nut roan! inhruuion, conogt and sup]; lucid lot all ordinary purpouu. Uunuot datum than Iuboctibo to this encod- ingly aluop And rally n!-chm publici- lion. Ir. (ho. Vin-no. in Touonto spot; and Ir. Stony in spa! [or Kingston. ....._- unpa- Salon I! In "l`A`l'lo`lAl. nun ucoanunununrown wanna Atuunmmmm BouIAnx wouuvuxn nu-ucnov nut to: or oouvu NOIIAIIAIIO Donal). -I-nut nun nu IIIAD II IAII. rll IA! OI Al. Uolllll HE luuuaann un- Clf 0' PIOUCcYl%"'L' IICUILII II on. mi nl rnnna.-Lqlnl WOULD IIDUGI rlollccrwu-Au unsung. .- fll (III 0! nonuc-no: Ill noun or Iuunc1u|nl-l u- -num-nnn nu `IIIII. PIDVHI WOULD IOIZIII uuuuu-uuguvu-u-3 -..-. lnlyunv spun;-nnhhqloi. udnhtl Muilhvugnilghtud dulhligbt. Ir.IlnQyn|hcnpuI uulhdlhinpnpuruouonry-utynnnn. mini-l`noouIcok h."nd|oa. hllllfnnqgllgul si37fI;s_ amingo! ma_x3m_munm. lunnno. ITIIY MM! 0! ll-IAD II GDAI. WOULD 11$ IIQIAII `I'll man: an -nnr:-vmu--Al IIGIIAII -7- TVT -' Votho boon I OI Illh lhul-ugh. Ind slur using three bol Col Ila Vogullo enunly rolluod. 1 ADD till my [aural bully improved. It. lolnqn -u-u --u --...A.. .. ... huuonnlhl chill nut hot lth chopddadnlm. End cl nud- dutnllunluinthindcy. .----- -4} OI Du|!-AH.bo undo; at liar- rowthou8nndqovuuI[lr.lO- I._._.. .._ - -4..-. -g- lulu.` -oi, Innis.-Glut 3001! ,-TB (XI lgagulonu-tenth--II| III- --i-nni:h'1Qb"X ll` fl at-rvjpn vxannrv. '00 CI `UK If 3 0530* '00} ----o1-o---- ltmuun |In1'um.-`fhoro;nhr -col n o! tho Council ha been called to: New Nation: It in not u.mLa nun ` by thcouurnlivu the Sir John ijll bouhdd in Kingston ntthoKinpto`n at the coming declines. Run the "old ` Inrhono hinnolt expect: dolut. --|Ir. Iolnlyu up no one takes tho Wutnnndyot in circulation isgoing up` nanny--Iou rapidly thsn Mr. Mc- ` [Ityroi politic! ropnluion. --Bir John ! Month In hiking of In joritiu. TM] nhould not be 59 last. I! the najority ol the electors no true to thunulun Kr. Gnnn will be elected by a Warm odds. --Onnndn rum probation, and wants it ind, but the kind of protection wanted in that which will prouct the country from the horde: ol Tory oico cooker: who III endeavouring to rvgnin power in order that they any grorwullhy st tho public : oxponno. Thin in not the kind of protoc- tion Nntionnl Pulicy mongon go in for, but noverllwlon it in the only kind re- qnirod. ------:ooo------ ova uul um: , uu--en, um.-uu, ...,wv bun when; Rutherford, Toledo, 15,369 bun corn; Magclala, Dresden, 8,500 bus when; Pride of America, Toledo, 25,- 342 but och; Deance, Jordnn, 5,821`: but what; Btitinh Queen, Toronlr), 7,5()() but com; Thornu Smnmu, Detroit, 13,000 bill when ; T It Merritt, Toledo, 20,100 but eorn. INA __L....,. (A. II,...|......l . unan- 9:31 ! All OWIIOII TIIIIII ._1 Ate meeting of the Montreal Finance Committee on Seturdny there we: connid- ernble diecuuion upon the action of the Fire Committee in granting leave of ab eenee lot tour deye to twelve of the re- men to go to Kingston. which wee do- dounoed by Alde. Nelmn end Claudin- ning end the Mayor, but supported by Aide. Ohilde end Kennedy. The lViluu-V hu enertlnlo upon the eubjoct,concluding ee followez The city oenno`. ebrd, for I paltry prize of I200, end the honor per ohence of heving the name, without the reslity, of poeeeeeing the moat ellicieut re brigede in the Dominion, or even on the Continent, to rink the deetruction of millions of dolinre worth of property and ol velueble human |lives-nml the Fire ` Committee hu incurred the reeponuibili- ty of thet rink, notwithetending their enp poeitiune to the contrnry, end the consent 0! some of the F ire Ineurunce Companies. At (or the edventege to be derimd by whet our remen ere euppoeed to learn trom their Iellow oompetitore during the oonteet in which they are going to engage, we Are interned thet the Inter supply in Kingeton in very decient, which will netetielly lent: the ednntege. illlor pther the projected `trip to Kingeton ` eeelu like e ioolheuly epeouletiun." ..._ Holcomb It 8l,ewnrt. --Since our lut report we have to note Iho following ll'I lVIll.' Propeller Lake Ontario. from Toledo, 4,400 bun wheat; echrn Bunga- lore, lrom Chicago, 20,280 but corn; Wnwanoch, Toledo, 23,400 do; prop Leke Erie, Detroit, 3,7-18 bun wheat; ochre Bella Mitchell, Chicago, 21,605 bu. corn; Msry Bottle, Tolede, 20,030 do; Two Friendl, do, 18,000 bun wheat ; Al- geriqp, Chicqgo,*l7,52`2 bun corn ; (lib- relter, do, 18,348 do ; Lingar, du, 21,500 do; props Luke Mnohlgan, l)eh-nit, 3,663 bun wheat, Shicklunn, Chothnm, 3,813 do; echr Polly M. Rogers, Chicago, 22,660 huw-corn ; Victor, Toledo, 17,711 ) do; Ichooner Mary Lyon, Chicago, L T,~ 363 bun mu; Coeuck, Detroit, 18,000 n,,.L.__r.._J m..|_.1- 1r. rmn UIII lllfllo Doparturu for Montreal : Barge: Alice Pncy, 17,000 bu wheat; Mans, 18,- 000 bu corn ; Star No. 1, 21,000 bu do; America, 14,100 bu corn and when ; Rapid, 16,000 bu corn ;Star No. 2, 11,- 800 bu do; |Finch, 12,250 bu do; Snipe. 11,600 bu wheat ; Lurk, 19,000 bu com; Stren, 21,736 bu wheat; Minnie, 14,000 bu corn ;Annie, 13,000 bu do; Martin, 12,300 bu do ; Frontonac, 21,500 bu do; Jot, 23,000 bu corn and wheat ; Hawk, 11,540 but corn; Hawk, 11,450 corn; Alice Pwy, 17,000 bu corn and wheat. ; Prin- ccu, 20,000 bu oats; Virginia, 15,000 . bu out: And wheat ; Alabama, 13,000 bu out: nnd wheat ; Beauport, 24,000 bu corn; Mionn, 18,000 bu wheat; Eagle, 20,500 when Illd corn. \1'._. n7, ___ ...t..-......l H; H... '. ,`K:'\.l WIICII IIII-I IXIKII. N0rn'..-Wo no informed thnt the nl. gang of Ihuvellon, employed by the Company of which Mr. Gunn in Preui~ dent, lut week mnde $25, and the se- cond gang 810.60 oah. ._ "hlookingslinhelux lltotho0ookI)'oh,ihoIotId'l- -:.-.JJ--Im.n-nInnn- an Hun Iini w `ugviiididibhnnpul. -`l'hHunuIiI|'ncIuinI.hoa`ty Io-dny. llouinndlnnokiotnnadn gqhoqmudaduuuhg nan} This nllomoon we tccoired mother churning opiulo Iron lhnt polite clergy- man, Rev. Fsthot M'W'||liun, who writes in Ilinilat Ill-sin to blunt he did am So- llmhy, Ind Illbfibu |Iilnu|f "Your: our lorily." llo Ag]: we have uhirkod the g6 hut. i.o., II to him using coer- eii, an `auction. 1- In put: it. We diquh Md inhrcnoou. W0 Inn uh: tho nntond politician in Ink tor canning for Ir. Mallory, and dug Ii: elctiohl inlaumuin the in- luut of the Oomcrucivo naming : ohdul. If it in not that ho '3 pastor clIhoIldInaII.0.CIII'di1. nsyhoho woulothool-ulurviaotouyou. Ida; without the use ialuau thu- `-1-A-A I----- ha. nlnr-lulu uoo, ll '. m `j IT -U unvnuhnn Okigynnn be Icahn-il 0-plays nquinolaoouiol, fat man -gnu-an-uuuaqauuauuuu. Ila liq nu,puin,|nn phddnullu-Iinu|uhnA.o~ 'j.hIloupd0ydu old :-1 : bI&hny'nuvviIIiicouuu|n- A1... ..nnL...._---|--l-l|h-