i%u7-f_i:Er "1!;\:i|"l.lll`AL ixliinlnon F-I-3 3.39.9.-:_ IS FALLING AND IRS GROUNDS, Apply to JOHN CUNNINGHAM, Builder IIIKIY IIAWDII. I-nnhn` mnunul nu Hm Prlnoou nod to refer ' Inrk. ox ngnna All the chool Books Used in the City. SEATITS HILTON, LUNDONB ALUEBBA. &c-. to. Cull um! examine. Spmlnl atmm I to REPAIRING, PRICES LOW. W II III-nu-w---'- -7, banner to no late Wn- lid .3 lholasalu and Retail Dealer Watehmekem-and Jewellers ITHENEWBUIJK-STUHEI Beautiful Pun Pnrtoul-;. Inr Cnbinat, and Cute Ina from In upvrunlu. 'I`nnpconeho-t.ha most beautiful ova shown II this city. G-AG-II ROGERS S'1`ATUARYl] ! Prize Cups, E5. g Handsome Pol-tolnln Vueu in Mauve, Pram. N Pink. Black And Gold. km. from 81.50 to Blank Booiantiopor hundred pixel. III PIIZI CONl'IC'I l0N ll! Jlullu. lonlu Index. motor: nln porQuin; ull other Booknlt Illllu lulu. um: Iloohnl nll priceo Inn 350 parlan- dud papa tpwnrdn. Iiliury 00110;. Book Lsboln at be per doau. I Lustre: md Fancy Dress Goods will be Sold this Week AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. s_I1_goou and owns. INFORMATION FOR TiI:- TIMES 11 F Hllyfl, IIIIIIO yllf lBl0C`l.l()nl 1!! (H108 II En FASHIONABLE AND IN GREAT DEMAND. nun! awn:-us. / aunt swnuw ` P_. HA~RTY, - - - - - - Ferguson's Block, New Black Ca.slm|eres-a|I Wool, 50, 60, 7'0, 75 and 904:. New Colored Caslnnel-es-all Wool. 50, 60, 70. 75 and 904:, New Black Gros Grain 8Allks--$l.00, I25, l.50, [.75 and 2.00, New Colornd Silks---Beautiful Shades, New Colored Sallns, all Cut. on Bias tor Trimming. July 5411. Ind examine. Spminl attention given lnkllgulllgnnku-Inluolnnnbbpuu hhnuthurunuyuulxuuuu lpuhl uulthn In enlld Io following lama : Blaokndcchnlnudiunh-ouoporyl Pansy Bstlnoklnnuta. dclmtzulhnljeporyud, tkluululmbhmlntopcyud. hnqlhuuodnhculbpr ml. -Bubrounrholgounoporynd. Bu-lpdluhulh-lhpu . llknnd zonilluvubullu neutprko. nmnnrrn n!lllAl'm. bob: olauodou nprdlau ot_oout. Btrlpid Iuhu {mu lb per rnnl. 1 auxuu noun: v-uwuu us you pr-nu. IZIIANTS, IEIKANTB. boing Least. 3 of Print I 69 d 20 been luonilo ' pnthru, 40 at wuu c'.`;`... u'c"i33.':vo'ra Inge, :5 l?o:uWool :s'J.'..'`.......n...:.. I look P:-Illhg from is per yard. and styles. A 1 jj A nrj $331`? ._}_.-`.._ `_._,-L Plated Vlare. MI 01' 00 IIAPHI G. I unlock l"ruIIngIroInJeperyIN- I Ainnnnnn noss'I Eincess Street, nnnnalvlml nl'l|V I:ln l`I'l. OPENED TO-DAYII IVS ! I008! lllrll IIIOULD luv: n Javtllnn ucupoundnolmno h nnnhm v nacho; up plgn. -.oax._._, -----uqp--.--- HAVIKG PURCHASED HIAVILY FOR THE FALL TRADE 10 HAIR no. form: a vivllloadlinno out I-H-ntnur-sun Q Bayou, make selections at one; u the Goods are selling fut, they boiug FASHIONABLE Sept 4, I878. Aug 23, ms. Inpcoueho-t.ha moat ovu Indaolne Porcelnln Vueu in Mauve. Fromm. Pink, Gold, In-., $1.50 Ilidonornclr. Plnk, M: $6.30 per pair. GAGE BROS. i aux. n_cnvEiT % lily ! laifumilhlnustura n._.n.IlnnI.lonIlock. Aug 2. 1878. IUTWUVCI lgailbtlhppcndjn T PRINCESS STREET Alu, a Plus Auartlunl or S. WOODS. Attention to the Large Stock of [Press Goods roollogo Rota Paper and anal ngmnnd- KlNGS l`O_N. CANADA, TUESDAY EVENING `SEPTEMBER 10 IBIECDS. SPECIAL BARGAINS ! Ill!) IIIAVILI Iulg rum tum was torn: ed vb vllludliuo R. WALDRON. Wilson's Buindindf`; IS SOLIOITED. :- -w---- -u' __._ OPPOSITE CITY E0-"l-`l!L. IS OFFER] N G A_RTY S |.I. II. rnKL|cI(,| .... -go;-nnn nnun -nan: For nklln Digutwn. arousing Torpld Linn tn shoal vuon. curing Jouullco regulat- in; :5. non. pnrifylngtho Blood. Lam Dmk symptoms. Inn 0! Appomo. III: II o.LuughororDprrnln,nmlln|hdr I! lI 00l II I huln In thin thln line THE STANLEY "ETHIOPIO ELIXIB" ilg no 50101:, pnrllylngmo mood. manna? llle 0. Ln or Dcprrnhmnml In their und gins IA Ind lucid IIIBOY sud VlTLLl'l'Y to the vlnolo uncut. l'or8s1ostK1n`: Drug ltoroat we and` $1 per Bottle. .-.-9- I tr .'.`...``.'.`. .'.'.`3 .."'.`.`J".'.'.g.}`-'3 .4 .c..,.."' "' dnodlchal ulna. {tenths Io been L blnnnonhnnlnrathcnnnnxd Ila in Best of Modiinoa| P:-ole-our Dnpnir opiniomn! the show nnmod mdicinqu I CHEMICAL OOH- POUND, in an lullon : "I Inn on-uhlly on-Ind he an-:0 : of n Tollc adhcwn at tho II` I ITIIIOPIC XII. ml hm fund It h- nndhnhu in wholly nnbblo. ad chant Qbn I IIBVOIIIOIU Ml =:uadnlbb|o.uIhu|Ibo| H." [nd 5""-;"..'s".'.".".`.'l Dunn 1......"-~"-...... hn.ndthl`l'AI OHOIIJXII nhnodtobzhutauu ':hhunIl- lnh. you-all: to pblhn big in at jo-onlanunnlaulbily ':.i a"-$5 Push-unlch-bu-y.Quu`o auu,o-c. bl- ..__.___........._.-j.:...... __j.-.. 8tmudDnning'l'oLd. I-via-u I-In-o..-`noun; l'IO at: CiJ0T5ING{.| l r1onaLmr than the Lowest. I. AILIIV3 July lfptb. I878. In the latent introduced and Lb `land that! may in DB! GOODS. tollovlnt Luna: > PRINCESS STREET. _ I nL I9" He bu hundred: of [Conan hand. WI. DAVID In-our, And cooler in New nnd Second Hand Good: of every duo:-1 tlon, Upposiu In. Bnrgoor Pnno Goodn tore. Princes: Street. Kingston. 2' `HEAPJOHH. -0-... l'l`o In-.t For a `form of Yeats,` M Years in Business _ The property on Prineou street. at in- un: om-u ied by myself. It would K. I r-wrote I uutluu for s boarding house; orfor : nmullaum 3 "lhop front" oouad he put up. than alfording B lnrge Shop and Dwolhng in one of the best. business looalmen in the city. Good yard, outbuildings, to. in Int- clnu nepnlr. For purcioularn saly to me. D DUPUII. Having obtained the noe|pt,( boo expense )wo an new pruortrzrnl" article In oentllnth city. can Itnghlon HA1` IIJOIBLI ITOII llllmllci, w uh an uuuhttnobd. on oollquuua, now occupied by Inca}. Panama: on In 00!. Apply w > ~` nnuulmln nnrn-utnamnn `III PINE WIIL ALWAII IIII Dulchho-slid Vi_11'1`1;z_%l_19i5n`<'l9z Rous[ Rgams BROS! nnualurlnl can odhnnn. V `U Ahh KIIuUI I.4& WAHIIIVII I .1 for Loan on be Iursliod h Iuvln orders with WI. DAV , the `hump E hnnd. DAVID, Chan llroxer. cool lb lulu VII Aug list. it IAVI IIIUIID BAKING, AND WILL ~ have on hand :8 all Moo I. u. a J. nutrr. I 8! I $311! A0000 BUSH PARK, onntalnln shout . one hundred and twenty Maren. are in a new Promo Dwohhg thereon. For terms apply to the ownar, WM . DAVID, The Cheap Bmker. Prim-Au BL. Kiupton Thoma having SECOND HAND CLOTHING uul other 0001]: to dispose of will leave their Thole having SECOND HAND CLOTHING di order; with WK. DAV D. the Cheap Broker oproeiln Barman I-`nncy Good: Bwrenvhero he wl I attend with the cash. WM. DAVID, The Cheap Broker. Prinoeu 8a.. Klnpton w.- -.u---- ON the Southweut unrtar of Lot 94. In th 5:!) Co_nc_aeualon o the Tovnuhlp ol Kin ntnn, contumng 60 Acres of fl culvuu nu onus. (oc- I To All the aerTt?y or Kingston. I T B RA nuance rim. 0 9 announces tlut ho bu resumed bualnou It hi: OLD STAND, Prinoou troot, with an ontinl new nook of 0V6|"`IrlllnK ln tlm Saddlery, unau Inukln and nut linen. He will be glad muse la old onntomen and will endeavour to (In the satisfaction in future which he [in given in the out. at , taining 60 Acres of culvnud L::d .c(l?hereon are two Dwelrgqouu, oc- cupied) four Wells of water, snd 4 Acres An Or-chm}. in good condition, with fruit. l`hu-e Ind of olod in mm naw rn. lnmlv huilhdm 40:48, thn iod condition, with fruit. 'l`hom in one new n1, Intel builhlito 40x48, the beat in the Township. his vnlublc Property is situated nan the Perth Rood, ve mile: from Kim-atnn. Thu uronartvmn he numbn- Golan Oahu. (Inn)! and large.) 0IIf0otlunI'ylndWoddln( OLKII. is situated the forth lcood, jive miles frnm Kin to . Tb pmpa-qoanbe - etll1ypay%|.1g:I:naLhi::l down. or {u or pu- ticuhrs am to terms or otherwise. spplyto hho DWIIQF. owner, WM. DAVID. Glenn Irolter. Prllqeu luau. III`-nun. RE-Olj-.'Nf:D._ T. B. RAY .ES .!. .i`...,.?.".`..?.. hm mammal hnnlnon at STA! ' the shortest notice. ' Q` Remember the old llllld, opposite [lender-non : Bookuora. Prinoou Street. I!` `D D A V XCCCZXIII `ACCI- JUST TO HAND: 50 bbis Patent Puried Flour huh from New White What. Our Loads Moss Pork, VII" IJUIQI IIUIII lllll IOU Arriving weekly and Ida! very |ov.whoIulo to the undo And mtnll to nit curybouly FOR ITRICTLY CASH. ` BROOK STBl1',- re.-cm 1 And0o'1"nlo_'aI.-" man A what. 0: flour. ` ' 300 A funny sud family flour. JUST TO HAND: Kingston, Juno $1.]: I878. " DIUI AI` 14. ] nus mount mulvsmsj lluphtob Iuhul h ulhhcourhn 0otho,inr|ahr't.Ichpovort:;iuh|rI- In- -4.. In I:--._.. -- l- ---1`:- gnnglhnngnsrusmveq __ ._V ,.__.. ORDERS AND REPAIRS nthldod to on she shortest. notice. ' Auglnt. 'Khga.A-:10. tit. y to . ' WILLIAI DAVID. The Cheap Broker. 1':-inoou 8t., Klnclton 10 ALL PEOPLE WANTING K E Y 3 . hi leaving their hr: . `hub Brokor I `I I Iil` I 7 HOUSE AND TEN Acnna or LAND, about ve mllol from Klngnmn. Ap- y ' A xllnri . rnwlox. nu). M `I'll cl llolo 100! of Inrgnonl. kglul. .07? (.'I:- lllbln mm, .11- 5.. Hi nah. I.E8lDlN0E~-|IuIno LID jh . pmmul __..____.T. j.._._. `son `em, cum, --.l\l- w.I.H-L'-l~.J .l_r.|.u\II lnlnhuurllj colfcdhlon. .-.0 11...! ""'%-1 - -----9 -- .- rvwuv, .. .___ r"I"*|`(I&l&.IRll|lyQuu "`" `'58 Phi! h- In Im II DIUIIOID, IIOPIIIIQEIXI. lanai. AT THE BAZAAR. To in LIT. ' luoxnu: non numllcl, I In unattached. Gollunmn. Oar L034-1; 1101,11 and Food n rm-klv null and van |nv.whoIa-ale U` "V3 '-io-II'I;|'ann| Sydonhun Bureau. KIN uuuua paid totlno om-rooting or it FOR sALg.j.._ II\ `DIIHII 9111!! -4. --- 'FbR` SALE, ..AL-u... -..-.L_.. ..A [AA 01 `Noyes. TO RENT, CH1` ANY! 'I'Il`\l AFDFH II otnce. nvhrn Inounhmn llI|rUlU- L uuui oinaula. T. B. RAY. Saddle and Barnes a lake:-. mp, 1.0.. III III!` rm 5 ly z.:':." ( lsundonignod bu detotrninod M (In In future I Itrictly CASH budget: and begs to inform his Gutomon, having Account: mn- ulng with him that the cum no to bo mu uaannclaoaim therutol Juno No do vlatlunkoho Innda fulntho Abovotorlu. Hh object {ordain I0 is to he nblo toull In his amount, cheaper than A t I ogado.bynt|onIt5)pu-cutd inn dzorttinoto nto Ilnenuhnun 0 arm! Iunodndty 5 cadmnr sand bndneu. ;III_gIA8'r. 1 ;m!lAj\HmI1l_PuIlRsI;% I I HEundoni-nod ibis--datotrninod do in In-ictly hen LDII. lllill IINI LDFII. BROCKVlLLE-8t.. Igwnnoo Hall, Fa-v. 19th sod 90th. 0. W. Ho1unInI'a treatment ll pram:--nl, muons! And economical. In o ouu-Im~ue- ding relief and avanlunl cure. I inbuod up- on soinmilo pdnoiplumd oullydomomm tad lo Elm oonprohaulhn of ovary Lnulllgent Egon. ttm. n 'l`mu`wlthont Iuol Sprln 4 or aubotanoo. Mun` Umbollled as well an srinoulo, M the ad- nnocd not rupootfnlly ol65Io9`2 nun. um um wlllntnndh tho again: all 3 ring 1`nnIoo.`I'nunufor (ldron as well u --lu. G. W. Hmhhln'urtmm adding I: Alluon, Onlunncvun y, .1. Q (locally the Int day boron the crowd holed lngulnn `und- Onlnuu County, I.Y. Q`; (locally day the (I . "Aug.N,1878." [FINA u\_n_I_ss' causes] an-oP:n`s_g_n1. 4111. 317. A. XIII , L.LD., Principal lulooiul d Ii -IOOUEIIO. -o:}'u7a`3'4:n`e" o" Aug IIJII Aann Illu Lllull. KINGSTON-City Hotnl, November I. -ch, 16th. 17th sud lth. EIIIIIVIITIII Filo I ---- -- -II \`.... non! of BIIPAIBB. The churn: will be undo low, couaisun with the hard funu. ' The Railway is capable of hauling out. the largut Vouol. 7 J. I. owuu. " l~25 :'F.l UI..lD . Bnlann Inc at -L 4.3%` "' -.- _. r__...... ' HC`I'0N--Cotmopolitnn Kohl. November 11th Ind Ink. 1 NAPANEIL-Cunpboll Home, November 131.1: and 11th. I!lHr1'l'n|Y_!`h- u..o.I u....-...s.-.. Inn. ALLAUOU H on lth Juno. If j;u want Shift: to fit}; to Ashley : Shirt lactory. Ills`. nudnrdznetl hnvingloued thin wel known Ship Yard for I berm ol yous bu improved and retmd ft, and I: prepare to glvoirnmoaliato attention to any 1-Inft need of REPAIRS. The churn: will lm muln Inw. mmmun 1 Pol: rsmw tn Marine Railway. A NEW PEEIIIIAMME. Spriug|essTrus_andSupporleIs HA8 RECEIVED H18 English Dlagazlnes (or Sepvr. 1'hoLItost lovoltlo; In American ISL`! EL`!!! I')|u-nun! 0-nun N .-y V.-ml, -0 icAuLE V `A! A11-ouzu uw so. .Bl. cxfgo. orncc.-mmubcms .IIl - MDDIIJ . IDnIll.oto. Young Ladies Journnl, n,_ n,- SEE` II` Direct from New Yotk, at tn. L. mums. Princess 3:. JIuIo3nL *-travv Eats. Ian : Brown Btnv lloalzu-u._ Ion`: White Straw Bantams Ian`: Brown Straw Derbyu. Bop Wino Straws, Barn` llnnwn I cIlBl8'TV`8 wmu%Iun M. l. HYMA|l 8.[ dzorttinolo nto Ilneuhluuitllo man. Iupodnd ALLA UNT3 duo nntobd paid be maou: Jgyns rrsnnn. In: 81. W8 `R9 3.1! Augnsm. . IVDIDI nun w , Alllll. LAW ucuunmo. on I 0!. Q5019 ! Drug sum. _TO'.I3';l:O:El._ '1 W. HOTCHKIN will '1!" tbs loltow- To in; pluses: nvnmnu n_A__-__.u-_ n_... n.,,._ .._ Family Hand, Boy: 0! Elglnnd, Young Inn of anal. Briulu, Kym`: Journal olcbuu. Ilnnnl ml In-um F OR BALE` -A- xii q--- U-Ann JAME DONOGHUK. ` Iarbtlquu-0. 1 'Vsto:y-oflulc, III I OUIHIII UPI.) Bud 0! Hope, n-..x.u. iu.._1 .-.. V. paulrvl nmm. Warhpnn, hm, &,c..&o -up nu-aw I, Boys` Brown Btnnu. and Every Month. an Six Deliciom Poddio from 1 Paohko. The Rating 01 who Int. ndlulnko am one of the prhaclpnl ornolu of F` . II In rcnant, double rened sun so ulna. ll Highly roeonmonud by our shut hysloluu u I most euollom. diet. for that sad con- I uni unv uununun IILF" llll I I} ' UH RAID I0] IALI Oullloru-Ponrllulouo lo I,vltl Ibo:-Iopowcr,llo|lorIuooI? on D Eon: Pow light. vllh N but `power. Oula PI .nllbn . blooalw n:u'. .'.u,. :1 An.. ...u 1....` .u_- .u .._A 1.. 4 |......'.'.-..-.:.=.\.!.=::..-2-........| Fonnn of1'endor on be obtained on Appli- oution to thin ollloo. ... . . ,. ; .__. The name of two uuretlu will be I-oqujnd for the duo porlm-mnoo of each of `he -bow services. ulna..- Dopu Adjutant Genera`: (`$00. K I. agtgcj. lB_7I._ ' V U` `DIX lnlclu - llnih AID IUIGIOI. OFFICI- &. Gun`: Du; Icon. lam : East Indian. lan1ur.a.I hlghly recommended by ntluc hyslalun u|uoh6. l1'orPuld|np.Jomu. lllno-lags. riddle Cakes. to; t In that non I- soups. Clddltllnvlai. Cc; It tho doll- ehua A: well u aoononnonl nrtlole over of- torod for ducal-tr New Valonoin 14 pound: for $1. JAIIIS IIIDIDIIN. Ohlna '1'.` House. Rgnb A6). [F0RsAL_1g, CHEAP| '73: UNDIBSIEW-llD- nAvj:- 01! Ill! -(ID CAI,D lIjAB T... -,v..'-.--u'u -u- u Also oI't I lb IIIOFAI-In . E"'l""-" I1 ]REDDEN s.| ` IIIIHI 61%|!!! IIOI IU|' `DU IIUI IINI %- uluoin . l?`orPudd|n:I.Joll|u.lI|ou-lull . l Boupt. am; to oloua A: oonounoal of- 353?. c m .`70In ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED At the Deputy-At nun: General : Oloc. Artillery Park. until [1 o'clock noon. lonufuatuglaaluulruwlcl 1. the Deputy-At Gonouln `Militia lieparimeni ai Klngsinni V ` For the period of OPE YEAR. '0' ` 0 bur, I878. VII. - I 011 'l`IlIu'sdIy.Se|)ta 19th. I878, I For the perfonnnuoo of the undomontlonod union of the 93- Our Stock "n all dapunmonn in llod with the n;uun novoltiu at the nu- uon, constantly added to by look]; shipment: of our own importing. Goods sold on as mull advance our cost. An inspection invxtod. Er salon [or uh. strictly on print. R.-'& J. GARDINER Al-. 0! . vu..a....,6n..".`.'".na Point D Alonooul Inna. - Ru! Engliah Thad and Mqluu lung. Handlouo Oitrich Tipl, A nrycomplota um-aunt Silk Ribbons, A full nubrlmout of Swim and Hamburg Embroideriu, Linn Hnndhnikb lo: x..a...,-o...-. and Otildnni nu. New Silk India Oollan, Oath and Bulk, UV` Au to. uni. QIWIDX. B. VAN STRAUBENZIE, Lt.-0o|., D.A.G.. Il.D. No. 3. \.-.-b- AA]-uL..-0 fl.-.4--I'- RCA. 5 $5 8053!. 6.191; DELIC A0138 __`,-.. Benowing Stove Pipol. Sweeping Ohimnoyu. Fuel Wood. Straw for Men : Bedding, Goal on, V Putting up and Oloaninz Stow- Pines. -V-, . ...-._... n. mm. n.o.s.. "Lii.s IELHBT. VHO! AID RESIDENCE. Prineau in, hunt louuolan-I ydonhuu (huh! pI|d_ to tho NOTICE. Virgin Honey A nuzummmgs PBINUI88 STREET. 0 IRII 113% d g_:".,51u-h-`a'"ma rm MIZIT Q0338 I'l'Ill'l'. D1 N0 212. HIM I VDII EDI IEDUIC UH lIll`lIl|lI profullon. When ho had hit hand m in maturing Mr. Donovan's louor, be conveniently forgot to Ilplllll his conduct in oonuoution truth the gnver noountion which that communication contained. Tho truth in In could not on on thin wim- out convicting hlmuf nu windy. no doubt, he doomed II but tony loud in nlonnno tn ` IIPIII aim; brought to my in roleronoo to n gnu aim brought homo Io bin. Thin oriuu 1|! noumhl akin to high trodnon, if no rundlnbot ht, md lg: which who Mail, in chat, ullod Mr. 0 Donahnn A Fllhll. wmcn mo mm, in O'Dono|Ioo 3 Fain. ----o-at Thin pnpuutian studs n romody (or all unmet ' co. Hue you diarrhcuilb will `I vclyouu o . H.111: Iull oholch norr: II III] gal?- dunno: I 10 will Ilvolyouro you. HIVO yuu oholm 37 It will pud- am, can you. Ban youholla or dump! in the nomads? It IIII pnmivdi can you In your staunch noun: ill post tlvalv can you. An Von min: on A you! II NI! T13 T71 VIII WI` many can you. _Aro on plug on I nu voyud Bo nun uh 1 buulo ol Stnwborry in your hlilm, (or an In In uioknugvomiting Andothot lrrltulonl of the stomach And` bowoll; ll. dill - tiwnlu mun inn, `Iron nnn Innnkn ink- OI II. 7'] IIIVO I10 IKIIIQ] In Nema- nunding Dr. Iolda hrut a; Will Btraubcny."-G. W. Int. sc.o.um-am. "I would ulviu anon unlldux Iro- IIT;v..d*\.I.VV. `LII, BI-UOIlIIl ;I0$- " can win on unlu-lug run Ingmar oon llin|.I`I 0 Io DI. Fowler : Extent of M Bern ' dbl! Mal." -Gnu! I1. Gown, I. . On-Oman. Dr. Fowler : Inna-old hnchary vupututuchhd.lou."'l`usnovpuI. buy. Om nan _ })t.'ovl n Inna ol WM Bin ' with anal- duu."-Jvml I. I. ; `Halon. I nob-on tau Italian; to th'viruuol Dr. In 5 lmuut Wild llnw ," ~ '1'. Irl;lIIo_l. n,|IuIIqI anon. .`l'annh to ma yw-any 9: PnnsaN'IL".:m1m' `F 4": Thu oonuquohoo II (M! ' hoflou Ontllolico will vote for-Mu.` ' ` Tho `IDII react Comm: (J ntnlnrhijl uunoun Inn vow `vary wont Ion oz vim-o politionl nu IIIIIO POIIFIVII I ll I DIN` 0 u that to which r.mn;m hu cvotod Iovonl or the liter yinu of Mn life. ' * * Hi: reputation In at a kind which dou not could to ntlnot to him 3 vote not uunnd by Mp religion: prufunion. In an--nu}-an ll. nmm-n.'. IAIJAJI .?* Dr, Igvilofa zxrndtot mu sh-Awhurry or Illa nwnuon ma oowou; :1. Im cinly ours {om Eur} nun Ipuh mi- Iy 0! it. 9` `nu Tlodhacy In nundhn fault : hired at Will nr wont no:-an ox noumyv political :3! Avatar] lIlPI| nl thn Illa! lilil (If hil nnuwuopu. 2 :- ' go that which :.'3`3:..o in I In. Jllllll www- 1:23 `into tho Tory ` old. -' To n vou- rowdoruonnixha ol Ur. 0'Dou|:oo`u nntotull-tn '9] ' ; V _;to. Sir John A. Mmomu u9g`on.l:p_`ppoinc- ed Iploon, In tab the M101 : truck from hiuorgun, the -1001. 1 In It. 0'Douohoo wutho Baton: ondidm in Em Torontofor tho Oonpuou On the 97th of January, 1874,. uid: * ' ' Lih his olou Grit call 0 in tho Contra Division (Mr. Wilku I nun ol unblomiuhod reputation, on in An innlb dul to ho Ind Mn. Mr. 0'Donoglxno in not 5 0 Int: {or Eut Torontokuand to the How! of Oommonu. Hi: whole object for you: In. boon to hand his no-admonish Ia- IIIII IOTUIIIIUWJIUIIII I III` KIUUX `VI bu boon to hand his oomlhhubu ta- glther Inutmywhoch would Hdahb to him in -dim nunl,M|. vuu uv uuu-cu -'-u-, up --u...-- Quinn vvw null, who 0 pawn him, I not hdutllo to the admin ration. In Viotorln, tho present. Conurvnivo member. 311-. Costi- gnn, will be opposed by .Dr.. Bruin. aonoorning whoouhuoas yo luau um. Inutuud 0! uining an thing tho Coa- Iwulivu will loose in Q! Brnlglwlnl, the bum z bola a.....n:: T...::.?`/.': ?:':%';'.`..`V"......' .. Ki! UI I-lull!` IIl&lIl|Il' IIIU \Iv1n' in Q1 as they ought. todo _ fut ibd Ilioln Dominion. They - lm` `Cindy- vo votu in tho nut _ "062 A In. o'nol9Ipl_ I can. .... nn n`-A , , ' L ,.-_. .-__-_n.. HI`. UIIIIIC DI VIM IIIQ llll opponpnt Mr. In at Mr.` Piohrd will but lain opponent by Alum 1,500 votes. In0uldnn'lr.;Appbb; will be chosen quip, 4| hough Ht. 000- r:1':.*:::.r3.`.::E'- .: at..`::'.`." J: Iomo of then no u-loudly. 1: II I-- niblo to who till he Iload. Tho iniutor at .no will but Hi Chap-` mm by 0 thonund votu. Al the must at mum. and: Ir. Wuupno. Liberal, nil hero-okoudlor Alhou. Lingl Mr. Domville will ban to wotk hhnlor thus In nor did in his lihpad will thou. in all robobilily, loclhin u. II 30. John a proton: Hhonl Icahn will bomu-nod Ind It. Pulsar ytll loco Mucus, no thotouovillgbopliytl Into. In Ohu-lotto Kr. Glllnot-' ill!` I N4 .lu.n.A u---n tlnLlhQnl.`nnn1I-intlvu In Unu-lotto Ir. uumot nut no mo- olohd,Iuvon thohlbcab ` `tlvu will not candidly support In Indus. In Quinn`: um nun o! I Oonuulont uupputhtin a mu . In Bunbnry 5;L..2{'$??3:.'3 ` :. ...n. u._ hldhil` IDIOIIII ECU I0 CICHIWCIHO of: on friendly. It il 1-- nnnihln to uni who till ho clot-tad. Tho "Viw `A \` A ` _ _ C an: x. Wit. N :1, us indopondboi ujvpomi aft ' _ hid! putty, will be Ibilod viddutopomun. in Glouauhr Ir. Anita ml! in wr- bability have no nonunion. In ur- thunhrhnd I`:-. oolhll, I llbuulmill ho cannon by I hudlolpn Inqjurit In Kont than an noun! undithcu n th liahl llllll on! whom It 1] IIAIIII III lsom more nova!-A; nunumu III III dold none olwhon hwln thought an nhooiut hands to choovcnnougnd nnmn aft um um frinndlv. [I ll 1- -.- .--._ __ _. ___. _`_W_ o'nolIu _.;`. ...*':::`.`;.;`.!'.;'.%?.':.$3.'.1';.4 % -`mo 11:.-9 +_on_1._ + wxamrxvm. aIn.1g;I ( 5 uvuu av: ' `.. i`i{_:I7I. . 'l'ho8L Jolt -2 BI" :vudnndnh'.q.='d..?nn`:.- um j-vuu--1 H ' `:':`\:`.J `I, r<.`J xi .'.-S-.'* """...'%""~. ` -1-on.--_I'5"a:'3-s. _ -wit 12!. {hr- P1018 NI ` FBTCITICX '~`*=' 12 J" umlld dtlulnfi. hnnthnllnnhh H E, Toronto W IP00` BY PAR THE I03! IX- In M sud comp:-Ius ovary- tllu Ihlocn vntod In either department. 38 PKINCIISS STREET. VIIYIT 703 TABLE I13! Bl0llV- `DAILY. IIEIIY WHOLE, -- ---nu A.-IDIIVIIIIN III -w I Jinn nu---_._... IOoI.OoHqII-bullock. I. Il!IPTI|0K'8 W. "Ila ruldnnn, Dt.8unp- us`: alumna-nor cl lung umlWilI|un , JJWIUI:-Wulhn MIMI, by Dr. 0515. IISIDBIIOI-lama I 1?pulIo,uoou| door sbou Dr. Yuan. Lgyl JIM. ..._.._. fhobts, A no|'""""" Invalid} V -canon urrnnl v.A LA D. I`. ARISTIADNG. '8hoes and Wlllih WAIKII Ejllj L. DI. Tllilll. an nun nnnnnnl ()9! D b'$dahnlnu I-A.-I-5 -.-__Vi >7 u. up: 1;!-in sndlonld -` pcouhu III ..' `W F`. J. GEORGE; Klunton. a`h.. Hing-Inn D-nmlrv I1-'RA8ER&MOVlAT Sl .-. --- _-__.-~ .........,- W. ., .. I; Cnrrioqunro mula lur durub.m.y.4mn fortmlylo Mad goo-I Ilmnh. and I mu nblo Illo to furnish when lull-ul other Cnrrnuqoo than thou ropruantenlin my Wnraroomm -Z n.x ._- -- I..... -. I.- |l....|...A ...... -'....I U` Prion as law no the blunt run nllbnl. Rfug in all (ta bunches M. reasonable nun Id. W. RoB1NsoN.| DIIIGIII I1 .. IIIOITOHA Ilia and llantral Fair Society. 0!` FRONTINAO, ' TuheHa1da.tthsGrystalPalaca IIIPJTQI. ad and: . Thurlda d Itldn - w 3:3, found 115: Bcntobor. 7 |08,000 om-red In l'renlum.| Y cnnumzs hue ho: ~ mnntn by private gnlllcunn |mI - Prx Simon L|\'ory.I.nvh'u'.h I Mn 1 . u M the `annual lune!-gr of ._y wurk. ` 6.:`.UTIO' V IIIC Donahue the cm loud. Immense Bargnins in Cutting Scissors, Plated Fork: and Spoons Sporting Implements, And Heavy Hzrdwsre. Job Lot: for small dealers. n.-. llttlu nulho-adovich uulocnu-y II :|IptoI.uIut baron `l`uudu,tho Iuhdqy ar'r3::' I.wru"'..a nun run. he Ioibgcuuklpponulhooblnhod fun the bounty. EAUBAGES I ' % " sgusmns H T0 IIIYEII 0_l' BTQIIPIEI l0! AND AHI8 SATURDAY lllf. | QUHRODIIV3 `is non: mm. gt! 1 Bribiuhulu. h h Inlunupn hGuIn.hIh hIcr' `.1: fllgunlu nnlncu O-Kctonhll-null HARDWARE] style. I ill: marble Imnlelnnnd gnu: in drew- lng room, parlour end dining room. In the huemnnt than in 5 Ilno kitchen, breakfast room, cellars. pnntnee, cloeete nd bud end can wile: uiuerul. Ind Attached to the bone to shout an Acre ul ground. well hid out in fruit. and vegetable garden. The outbulldinn we [urge end enbeuntinl and well arranged Alan tint HEAT BRICK COTTAGE on Bar IVE] Iuuau nu-r--n nuuvvuu ..... _ anpllvallnn Col-poludmoloono h be: . call u...a..'~E'-`$5 ."`....n""?.`...7. Ji Iltncjqmnl unouldflubhanr. ' I10 DC It tbs. FOR Illa! (`-HIAP. urge Ina Innlunllll Ill!) wuu IITIIIIIII Also um HEAT BRICK C0'l'l`AGE on But rla Streotmppouite the Cricket i"|ald,{ormorly occnp!u! by the nubscrlhormontauslng eight room: And good calla. rill: lurd nd non wa- ter olnwnn nnd outbuilding: complete. The vholo prclnlnu are well em.-looed,LInl A non lron railing ln front. Terms 011; Applyto HIKIN {`lYNfN'IKfll-`All -L Ill Ullllll circus, uppuuu! sun urul Dru, aonhlnln Involve rouum. nished In the but Ii ulurblo lng parlour room. lnho hqndbhv E 3ND.....E.E.3N- -'1 WHAT LARGE NEW BRICK MANSION on Union Street, oppoaius tho Drill Shad, nvh. 1 mu-his notes lsrmnln cm PROPERTIES | spa SALE. Ann 90:`! . Lug `rind. sinw Ins Alum om: Away. [mew mu sron.| ijliios Take Notice ! 3|-In-. Anus. um SUMMER HATS - (ZOIIIKCII "_I`C-Dli VOL. XLVI. |f:;eaaaw.gsa1a ; Klngoton . Aug `)2. 1878. J-Ia`n"IIT.'" "REM; EsT AT'EIirFEI?iiIE" Ag? AI&0IILlD STAND FROM IINDEB I old I Foundry