umnu al low nuns. Fur Iroighl sml puns apply In .I AMER .1 AMDD awn 1', AGENT, Sf. Lawrentm Wlmrf, Kingston, Out. Juno 8. 1878. Tbluunvppcuunnnut F. I!!! l1l'T`IVlIlU -5 II C I. DFIIIYII-` oIIoelv|llou`lI|.tul|iq when II for Ohnor. lxeuniou. ta-.. un rd- Iyn. In further pnniculnn npply to A. uh Co orb II C Iloqhvoll. mu bunnl. 1833 I878. npp HOIIJOII lo JAMES SWIFT, Amzxr, manna \\ |.n-I L'u'n..m..n l\.. C. II. IIATCH. rm. Puulpr Ayn: umpool .l_an;n1'I;I_I_;I'.l'!U1II0" |sI.v=Wt .--ii" WEI .,, -nunvnnn-`A BRITISH AM:-RTGAN HOTEL mnu \|IIfll. IKHHINN l~I() l`|l. in 1. !-rl 8111 no: Liverpool THURSDAY `:5! {ran Qnolaoo ova-.y'TUIDAY. FROI 0!! ERIC : Paruvizn . III.-Jininn . . . . . . . . .- Snruutisn Citcnnim Ilonvim. . . . . n Sudininn . . . . . . . . . . I 33!] EU lth do 26th do 2nd Nov. 9th do 16th do ' 23rd do The Human of tho lhhfu win leave lin- llfu: for 81. Jolnn, N I`.. and Livarpool u iollown : follows: ibarninn. . . Hiheruhn. . .. . . . . . . `litlrov. linen of Pan`! from Kinpwn : Cabi;-9-:iui`li:g;fo'u to Livcrpoolor Londanqlatry lulennadxsto to Liverpool. Londontlany or Glugov. $46. Stoonga to [Ave I. Lomlondor . Glugov. Qumnntown, lfusor Curd! . Ml. RETURN TICKETS. Cabin-Kingston to Liverpool or Londonderry Ind Return. `I48 50 And M63 50. ' lntcrmodlnte. .......................... . 390 lntcrmodlnte . . . . . . . . . Sloeraqo via alifu. . Rate: of Puuzo bu vin!iAlifu...... .............. .. 452 Puugo botwoou Halifax and St. Johns:-- Chinconooll-otuonooaooncioouoow 8taernge......................... Prepaid Puugo Ccrlllcuu Persona vi-lung to and for than lnnndnen ohmlu Pnuagecartioatu 5: lowest nuns. The ticket: I?!` good for one you and the umuunt ll mfunclad loan A small doduuhnn. if not used. lfuil aufommtion an to rocurn tickets cut! all tufonunion cut! all nmmq-a of passage will be given In the A am: an to neoouu oortiutm to be 0 media or- dur tn heanm ed to this honun. I-`nr 1`iaket.n and nnvtunher imormntlon In? dur heanmlod this bonus. 'I`icketn and An funhorimormntnon I '2 ply to H. BOURLI R. canon! Agant. 3 room, 0; 3 i`0I4GEB dz HARLEY. Afonu. Oioo, loot of Bron Htrool 1 ThaN`ewandE1egantSteamers HOTEL-n. .,IvI mm In. Pnnuu treat. the most oentnl Hotel In th (my. Sn umur noeolmuodnlion fnrun-.41.: nu Ipnoiuun mplo Room: for Commarmal 'I`ru vullon. Umnllmu and Engine Wugonu lo :11 Traoiu. A Livery `tabla . mu-had. .8.-J()HN . Proprietor. mu law o-an-. why: I urn. _n.unuwann-um .4:-.1: ..auu-an - - z _. , M 9o`oloek. running nll the In Ida. Iuluhlx 14.-Mn. Returning. Inn: outrun] ovary THURSDAY at boot. and Kingston fot Bay Park IVKIY SATURDAY IUIIIXO It 7 n 3. Return Tili-In st Induce-1 nun. A I I0 ' A. com 1 co. tut-an-up-c 6.13;. ' '`?~"`" -""` 7 ls_{1SIf.EE.1Al um; emnn .v .. -..._....... uo>< _.._.., --w-~- rs---:~--v ~ ~--- *. 7" `-' **`*""~"` ........-~~...... ,. AI-I-AN VIV-{ml |n. r. ABM8TB6IG,|3"-`11._;!_... 1- `I00l||| 0NN|I'FWlvl|'i-3 '1\'I'l"\"'l""l"f`! `I51 1 . _.-u " ~.*- .. ...:.........,,- . ICUBMARMENIA Will leave Kin um: FOR GANANOQDI-1, -lni|y.(-nlling II I owe I1|and.nt3:-I5 pm. Returning lo-an--c (hnnnnqno on Tneudnyn nml8uI.urdn;1 at .'r~l.'-| on Wednoodnyn, Thurndnvn Ind Frulnvn In 7 1.1:. Tlmhtnallnnr frnm Cu Vinmn! wil rails Inland: In the ewuiup )Nl.Y WHEN SHE` Rl'N.`| TIIRCDITHI THE CANAL So-ht |'..'. I87?` } Steamer Alexandria.` ... . ......., ,_.....,, ......., Anal 'l`UE.\`l)AY, TIIURHDAY and SATUR~ DAY EVENINGS at 10-1: m.. -_5--mg West. Ia...-ma. rvninn wno ...-Ia...-.1 III I ml thin Hm -fills WELL KNOWN HOTEL In very populnr with the travelling public and um mnly VWIICIAM Hotel in the city. (lood nuulo Rot-mu. I-`int-a|u.u Liver in cuunec` nun, 'l'nnmIumlento.W,DA\'l Proloriotor NE uf thn almvu Btuameu will leave Kingumn for UapeVincont. dily.. sun- dayn on-pu~d) M. 5:00 a. m and 2 p.m..Innkiu n-lose counorhulm with tho R.W. ll. 0. Rail:-mu , Northern Syramlae Ruilruul sud N. Y. C. Bnil~ roxul. Pulhmm (Inn: East Ind Went. |E'l'l"lL.\'lN-Wi`l leave Cape Vincent on l|"I"iVIl uf Trains M10 n.u1. and Ii p.Iu .t-nuuot-L in: with 0.'l'.R.. Roynl Mull Lino. nml llnvof Leave for Wolfe at Garden Islands, Daily, in Il:fl0unr| nml SK-Inm nml Mun, days. Tut-n'n\'n nml Hnlllrdnva M, 32:1.` I m. ' Rl~lTURNlN(}-Wll| leave Wolf: lnlnnd on 'l`L'ENl)A\'N and 8A`l'L'Rl)AY8 at 8:00.19:l.' In . and 1 p III.. on Mondn n.Wod|mAdays, [`hurmln_H nml Frldnyu at 9:|. and 1 Inn. On W4-.-llmnslnys. Tllurudnyl Ind Fn- .1._n.wi|lIo~av- Kinguwn 1!. ml), Il:.'I) mu. and 3; |,' [I m. Returning will lean [hr lnlnnd gt ` I."-u.ln . ulul ||p.m. SUNUAYHc-!:.'I)nm,. II:m .. m ....I I-H. For Montreal and Way Pnrt. Will call AT KINGSTON. on SUNDAY. \\'l-Il).\'ES1)AY and FRIDAY MORNINGS. at 7 a.u1., going East, . . mnu.-.u..u Nilllvliurnnv ,, n an-nnl.) IIAI ILV l'.1\ ILVU3 HF lU~[I lI|.. Pa rues going: West or Ema! \\ i I ml thin the l'||lHII|l'.Pt and twat rontu yr! ulfnrocl. an the tulluwmg list will prove: n. 1:1: . .\,_,, -nng vvuu. From I Rt-turn Tickets at reduced rates. Fir 'l`i-ha! nu-Iudo Meals and Bertha. wing '1-,5! or East willllml it to their mr_'r in call on um before nun-lupin cjnp as Vincent, G:;rieI| Island , Wolfe Island & uunanoque l Stemuhoat Rollie. 1 Train: M10 .0 mgwith R0 II . Quinta Slaullwru at ingutnu. GHAND TRUNK ,uBAlLWA 1'- I Maud. Pierrepont and Geneva. ( NE uf tlm almvu Stamens alarnoxc-nwdl at a. m and 1! II III Jnnlinu navuuvu A\l\ vv vuv uu uunuvu nauualun, Daily, in |l:.'lOum..sud -`i:I5p.m. and Mun- ulnva. nlnnluvs m. m;TuRN1Nn-wn| lmvn wow. Inlnnal ....1 rofumlacl lo}: dduuhon. used. nmmq-a nuaamze nzivan bv Agent: Sept I3. ibdlhml IIJDI.` lg :n, ma. ':|-"nun . ulul I FAIL SUNDAYS--! :51! n my. I hm mm. and M`: ;:.m Rntnrmn ml |0n.m . Il:Il) u.m.nnd 3 .;u. Will It-.n\'e in FOR GANANOQ{}E, `lnilymnlling ` lmum St-pt JOII1. s 'n s.-pa I-:. ` ~00-ox g... u-II-v-H99--bra-on--noun 'l`or0nm and 0:;I|eu.~`bur.'lI, CAYIHIII I. [Tl - LKAVES GUNNB WIIARP, Ivory Monday lvonlng, ...,.,. ,; __ ,- n .1 H on1cgg_ATm . F .-\ R E . ISTI,` 1 Kingston to Toronto 83.17 " " Hamilton 4. ? '4:-:.:T-' .,"":; .'-t u. ll. l|lL|D.llUlLo llgllln mniuiml Tu-|PgI".I]II1 (mice, Ontario ht . )lh. IlI($I&IV4I']BlII non quzuc; ll J. EILBEOK. Agent, lion '1`:-leuraplx (mice. h do Meals and Bertha. Pnrtleu r will llml advan- pun-luring else- GER A onu. trool llprou....... .........':w I.m. ....4:I-Juan IXpI'IIl.......... . . . . ..9:U(lp.nn. ....9:15 p.nI Itnd..' .... ............l:l0A.m. .... ..0' am TRENAIAN. J08!-IP11 HICKSON, utlon Hutu. Gc.1 lMumgc-1 D IUTOIIMJ Ou).UU ` Hamilton 4.70 ` London 0.40 ` Snrnia 8.00 ` Detroit. 8.90 ` Tuledn 10.00 ` Cleveland 9.00 ` Chicagn 14.00 I nrnnrru IA ulrr. I-1;. IAIE SWIFT. II.lavIInn'h.| co. _ END LY. 81.50 2.70 A '.'ll 4.4:) 4.95 ,4 nn 4 00 l`. [Ml lmluala nu ma num| lnnionhove the clay Incl, Ilnpocn-. (Ilouulo . lnrvnle. . . . . . llurrowumilh llnrthngtonu Verona. . . .. liodlunl . .. . .. lHI.'mh|nbr`hq Purhnlu - Uldon . . . . .. . . 1' p.Iu`.()so.......... 031 p.m_,IIInu'hot Lain I- 05 pm `0ldon....... 7 5 p.m IPnrhuu....._ 7 pm 'HSn(-hlnbr'ke 1; . [OIIBN0I I|. 1 pan jVerunn . . . . . . 8.30 p.l|| pvuHnrrington.. R ''rI'I|rrowImilh 8.50 p In hurbal Iuko gun Iurvulo. 9. Uou......... pl1:3|anVu|o.... `.`.3l)plII Mhaiuippi .. 700 [mu jinxston ....I0 00 pm Mlxovl Train: leave King nwu u 6.1!`) nim . ar riviux st .\lin|naIppi nt ll :30. Rotm-In.umg lndvu Iluhoippi M 1.1 p.In.` arriving in Kiugnloll 5! 7 [mu 5 in: true: us BY us: run non um tolniro In thin sodeongnhuonry ` tlilglhton I-and lnoithar. daourhuut. \ Prices Lunar than tho Lmxt. ID. I`. ARMSTRONG. Iivalucfo L|_V.| The Oldest Ienovutlnl & Dyeing Establishment In lilncstolr (liuubllaled A.I.. mu. u now WANTING 1..u.:1-: cuunms ` Ind Carpet: eleunod ulaoul-I and them to thin old sud reliable establishment. where theycan be mule to look equal to new in 48 hours notice. and all kind efoodn that can be menzionad CLEANED AND DY!-JD :11 colors In the but style and on the shortest notice. The Ladies will plane talus notice that I Am Ladies plane notice the only Capo Dyer i the uity. R. MONTGOMERY ; -.A_ ___ --.1-.. Kay H.187! SPECTACLES \" "'..'..n.' ' 33} 21-" ' \ I ad Modlunl...... -I 4 Purhnlu..... .`. .5 (3 0119...... ... ii ue just roeelveddireet from France. in com | |oto uuortuwnt of the Finest Cnnvax and `o'm.-ave Glssaea. suitable for I age: and do- greon of sight. Alan `Finnnt Fran!-.h Lavender and I Also, Finest French Lavender and 1 Cologne Waters, 1600. Thou-1?-ion & 00` ST.hAWlS!U0lWHARI.KllG8`lT)H ` Wholunlo III_lDIdI Dania In -In $.._-_l._4l--- .-I ggl .:amoTswm. E With Lubinha 6: Comlmyn PERFUIE8. and Atkinson : Eu Iioh Perfume. Also In the same I hunt, SILK LASTIC STOCKINGS AND ` Wlm Lumn no N Lunumy n rnnr u-nu. nun I linh bout, SILK LASTIC Kuna (Yuma. Beveled Mirrors. l4`rc:uI:h Horn} i{.fE, "s i1IK ELAs'r1<; AND! Kuue Cups. Horn` Dressing L,'nml)s._&o. ' Dreumfz, U0ml)a,&o. l Medicines obtninu any Lune during the night by ringing the hell. I Dissolution oi Par1;ners1u'p.{ lxprou.. Ixprou. . It HIQBBOCK STREET BUTCHERS, un A A I -l I l'PU _ :PUR:_E* Wmos and Lnquors. I nnuoma Dirocl mm rm... of nu cu Glli Brandt Inna. Bundles. ca. Jc.. no. 11 um xxx. | rum xx mu 1: HE I-`IBM (ll-` (7 ll. LAVELL 51. C0., has been dumolvod lhiaday `u I1llItllIl00lI- oent. All debts due the law I5 ;-In must be PAID AT oxuls in order to close upthe bunks. The Drum lmninmos of the above will ha car- uptlne books. The Drug ried on by (I. H` LAVELL. who in autlnoriied to receive all aocuuutn mnl pay all liabilities ` 09 than late tinn. 1 (E. H. LAVELL 61. C0 . K irunnnn Jnnn L . IK77 1 This Colle a hull a large and etllcient Btnll 0|` tlruwclau oaolners, and pruvideu a thorough trniuiug in the English Lau lungs and Literal cure.ln Ancient. Mmlesrn nzungeu. and in tlm Mathematical and Natural Svienoes. lt nlro 0"arn am-cisl m1\'unmgesl'or the smuly Till.` PUBLIC WILL ALWAYS lI`lNl) good uhoioe m I kinda of Uuululdelivm in all parts of the ciI'.y,nnd nrden q xlckly Ill ed. Vnssaln supplied It tho moat rauonnlvlo rates. It` mum ounoalm Molhlvav &. Bu-oh`n8tovo QUEEN Insurance; Company, K OAPl'1'AI...... .. 2,000,000 Btg. Invested Funds .... $658,818 89.3`. Ilpnu. Ixpnu. }6hAL_j_3EPoT i 0Fl*`ll?l:-\V-Illnglon Hlru-1. oppoulle III: M. Gem-[e'| llnll. Itlnxnlon. , Subscribed cal, LUAN DEPAR'l`MEN'l'--Mmw ' mlvullaau on the nm(-uri'.`vol' I-`urun or (ht; mpany. in alnmuuts to mm the wants nf Borrowers. 7 R0- Bdrrowern. Rn- pI_V|uul) us may be uuule oxllu-r by ueriodicnl xnalulumuta ur in one sum nt tlug emlAofs term [ inilulunmllta the end 01 to 01 years. Interest nnodnraw. For furzlu-r lu- fornnatinu apply tn . IA M R: Mmx RTH UR, bnnwaj LADIES` causes} nflllunlc and the Fine Arts. I-`or Proopemtln and further iulorumti` apply to the Prnu-apul or tn JUIIN DICKIE, Anu I0 H178 Bu] I-`ORHES & MUDHE. Innltnl. (fluiol Agrnu for Cnnuln. u on DIIIDDIEI ONTARIO i Building and_S_v1'ngs Society .1 TIIE `L-I45 NC. I. Tu Kuhn (mm! on MONDAY. Sc-pl:-Inlu-r '.'1lnl. _...... '- I Wm.Fonl. President. | M. Damn, Vice Freed`! u..I:..xo....__n M R.-unnn L) (E fouservutory of Music, RE-OPENS SEPT. 4TH._ REV. A. F. KEMP, L.L. 1)., Principal. I It nlro offers special m1vuntngesl'or utuuly and the Fine Arts. ln`nr Pm-nnntun and iulorumtion_ 35 PRINCESS STIIIT. ITICWU ll-CI Io-0 o! no but ovolinboduoa I III: labs. 4. j. II in noat 3' Shop oppoaito Molhlvey Depot. Kingston. June `J. IKII7 ....'pvu -5 p In 6.0- ` u.u...... ML : pm In 511--.! 'I-..|..- I... In K} [0 J|).ll1. mmmsnr. Bllllird on uupuaua DEPAR'l`MENT--Mmw mlvullaad 3n u-e(-uri'.vol' (`.n_\` mpany. Aug I`) l87t. II CIIVK ICIIK two 3' I-prtod dllomnl Brand: of Ilsa. Iv-undies. ha. Jen FRESH MEAT IN SEASON ]lRIg` xXN_I) I.lII`I. `1A\'l NGS BANK npen dulv from I0 a..m 3 to 3 pm. luumsur. allow;-.1 on depaaita I In N nlrlu u'I`Llu`.N'l'_\Imm\v nulvxlllaal |fn .IHN)UW' u E: III-J V-"'9' ""` JAMES REID. .54.`; ning .. .. c. ll. LAVELL &Tco v":'f"i:f E '13. "|aL'i'.'i6?r. Guido: " . . |0:.'Iu.rn uv:uo..m Nuhuollonto. . . . T:00n.n:. -'-:00 p Ila. Ponnoltllau .... 7mm. Upm arrhlclll . . . . . . . . .. `.`.30pIn. H,l.'2pm llamnu and l$nIbury-Innc|nyu. Walnu- olnyo ad Vrldnyu. Clone Zlzll p In ; arrive at llzi A.-. Amhnnl Island and l4l.olln--'l'nMd.|,v. Thur: I shoes a.1_1d MEAT. -- Ann :'-.-....----. ......_ lane 0 u very ll PL! srtioloq 0-Dhllrcldn [U JAMES McAR'I`HUR, Manner Iyiwu IIVIII nlneholllll Pllll l0I' lzlllllll. .8. 8 PHIPPEN. Agent. Kinptnn I 11 U lt, Manager- Cunard Steamship `co1Ppa.ny,#(I_.imitVod.`) 1-nu v.4--aw-.7. - Between New Yorg pad ` Liverpool, onuxo A`! oopgx `anon, IROHNIW nmr. ~ . man may you, -RUas1.4.......w.anu.1.y. Sept 11. awxeu Wednesday` Oct. 0 sc1=rnu_.. ...Wadnc'ndqy, sopc. 13. -uausm .gw..m..a.y, on. 16 mnrnu .... ..1-um-a-7. sopc. 19. 8RY1'l1lA.......Wodnondny. Oct. 8:11`! ABl S8INIA....Wodnuday,8opt. 25.. 9431-31,: ....'[`huud\y. Oct. am. BOTHNIA . .....WoduaIday, Oct. Al!YSS[NIA....WmlnoAdny, (let. 30th And our;-louovug Wulnudu I`.-on New Yuri. Ilakglgto Park 015.00, Golmnddiuonl. ' " 7' ""`V "' Bonn `finish on hvonhlo uuruu. Btoongo n vary low mm mmnmohn from Ln-erpuol and qumnntawn ma .1] on" 3! Invest I-nu. - 1 P 0` mill `IVOII Iorlklfut. lOX'0'. lVPO.An!\\'n-rn um] slhar nnl-In an kI.A l .u. rum-nry BoIt.v-Tnuuh_v-. l`hnru!n_n um mnh . (float at 3:5). urns at Mr!) mm Uri! Mniln will be clued II lnllowo: Vin Not Ynrk.awrvTmw|nrnt 1 n m. P... --:-jutj---:-`r &`J Qf ilano - Forte Manufacturers. KING STON ONTA RIO, Have Been Awarded by the I ntenmuonal Jury at the World : Fm` r, `I-`lniludel-uhs'a.. nu tlmi-r Pianos - - ~ 3 Rates of Panto u - B,\"Su=nmera :- m-ag Stoougo. C. Ind M0) golmnooonllug tn :|.|`.."-nlll|Ilh`laMo||. y `La Steoragc-. ... 3 Shaun nose.-tr; -'-5-mag`-`.830-f`|0 and 0130. .0'11.ao4-.nnluI:: u-oollmollltlon. On `FIRST PRIZE. AND N ` SILVER MEDAL, ` THE MEDAL 0F.".,`I-IONORQ | AND DIPLOMA 0Fl.\IER[l` {To STEAM USERS (A);-:..".-4-_,"-g-..-*.a.".'-'-"-% J E38113 WEBER 3 C0 in lllnOll|10iI1Z their suouoas at tho \Vor|d'o Fair I 1 M attention ofthe Caundinn nbliu to the (not that mler the moat ao3rchin'()9|:l|dI11i`:1it'i:: } by Gentleman eminent for their union! hileni. thnir Pinon have [mun mm 9.4] um .50 Prizes. These lnntruxnenla were not made for the Exhibition. but L-nknu i'rmn 8' wk. being I 1 fair rnpruenutlon of them` Pianos. This should hen proof to itannmlimua that Ummda can pro~ ` dnoe no nod Piano: in the bent imported lnntrnnmnts. 1P ICE LIST on nnnliontinu. Ioqouunutly; Kudahrgoud vuiod adsorbent ol Fnnnuo. Unlarnkhnnuundul ml: all Ill branches. E1}. B-.T{TxTHBU N & S()N%; ` Lumber. ./Manufacturers, . 01' Nllll Point, 01m, 1 ioer For Sale. foot of Queen Street, Kin ton. ALL DESCRIP- ` TIONS 0' LUMBER and MANDFAOT RED MATERIAL PHI! HOUSE BUILDING A1` l.()WluTbl'l` HA'l`lv`u thud: Mill: Ion Idnmod into um 04- non! ll (Inn. Show in n n urn-lemon: Iruaucrh. Iol . Ellonnari. looluul, lgpO.lPnoro. Ootuuyonbrnlnr. that Ir|InIn.` .`lI:.0{, launluun. Cltmi. Oi - lands. In-way. hub. Ponuul. Am on launch. Imh. Itlorrou-I lluolon. lvN9.r=R.$_.45.3 -I ning: - noun` `Ill rT'Il5`I'Uu T- Undonnkln onadod no In: Kupnhn nlnrnuunnenol (`AZ-_ _-4I II.`-Io. on had a large Inortnett ol bgmns and Gd.akets,| olnandnurlnlon nuth ion llou-nu ch | Puma: dosh-out ol lnnurn ' undnrligned. (mica, (,'a Street. Shalf and Heavy Hardwara,| A T V P H V I 1 \ W D I J l l ' ll`!-I 10- ROSE \ FAGENTS: sugar: nownu } __._j {r. J. nonoenun 2. oo,1 | 53:10 1' L03 OI LUU .103. Each Keg ol'N 1|: In guaranteed entirely free trom dun. Ioalo. n|ivorn,or hoadlnu nnllu. ouch nail being selected by "l)Iu< mond Automatic Plchsr, which givu av. loan 3 ll-n morv of pnrfnrt unlu III}-(XIII. AT u_'uu.LAN s ` Iaunniun. Are too well known for ml to call attention to them, nnd our GROCERIES and prices in general aurpana anything that Inn ever been o'ur>l in the city. H Upenerl Out at the Nswsture. A Important Notice to Builders, : Farmers am! Others. { OUT l\T.A.II.aS,| 2.75 net Kan of 100 lbs. BARAVMEI linking! Ilnllno "INsURANcE{ Assets - - - - - $25,000.000. FIRE and LIFE. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY 01!` ENGLAND. quantity of Sugar some tinm ago, we are _ HAVING PURCHASED A VERY l.AR('lIC| pub IO on. rates that will uuw pro Ifed to obr it to the surprise. all. I YAi>LIiER5s'diD smij Commercial Union Assurance Company OF IENGLANU `III nnuntl 1 A`ElI(I ll rprlellblllou U] LIIUILV rlllllll. I done in Impor JP nppliontinu. Oct IOJB77. cl nhht|n(.IIlhn_nIol odlUh.l.hnunuIoii'l.cbII& " nc:;'a-rnllannnocftblllr /'* - `g. Iuhccllo-Iun.o:u|dII.ulikclnI ofiiuulntpnotiilgbtholu-Qhdi nun-banal Punnuo. Undo:-nxlnsutndul no branches. [anon I In-no nmrtnnt at I A call unlit-ito-l 01-` IENULANU Pnrtiu dosh-out oi Insuring on depend upon low raw: um] um danhug by breath: with the undo-`dxned. STIIAIBE 2. MIA :2: Al llllh Uull bunnnn IIIIII` BLOCK. PRINCESS STREET. Aug 5th, I878. AT THE OLD CORNER IlAR'l`lN' In nnu n|)Iu1In'uc u'rDI.'L"I' (bu-In Prllecn alydnlnn Mnou. lo. 05. Illulol. .II- A pril 4, 1877. _?. OUR TEAS :- \ Hunt: of AI rival: sud Dopnrturon from King- nwn tnuon Muntraal Tmm. aonia wmrr. I. L. I IJ.J.ItLL..LI..I..l. cabinet Maker -I-V -..I..I-L r U .1. $2.75 1' Keg of 100 lbs. I: oI N nm nlunt. mnlo. I|i\'oI .0l' nui jj l wAn Ds.` ~rv 0| rfnrt u (A) t 0 R051. cousin vwu-vvw, IIOI Inthioullouullk ' hnudnntuubldlglldty Lucurougpnblour-5 . uvusuuu uuu nun v&'tI.V.I.UlIvl.'.I 1 FOR HOUSE BUILDING A1` LOWEST RA'l`l~'$-L R. CRAWFORD & C0. 5-.4-his-po----J NO`TI'CE I 1 wow vy vnv 1 IIOVITOCODUIIIGIII cl tiff] (GI -PhiladelpMa,`ou their I-`(anon .- NAILS. cmn I'4IhrII.pot(l 'l`.I. in- oludlng tho Iumuuo LIO pm, I`rov|eon........... `klllpm. Wuwrn.per0.T R... 1H0p.m. 9:0) p.11. Hum. vln (`ups .... l:i)p.I|. _ . HY. IIAII. II II II 1\JI. UF ENGLAND. ` CIIII. KVIIV 1` ... Worlm . . PARTIIIA ABYSSINIA. ...Woclnoa i812 %P6i sketch of your daviu: VI unuoun Ior War `III In I-In Irv -us-nu on /71? of Mary. and -dvha an to `.5; zaddmulrg WIILIAI oily Alloarmpoudnoo-tdotlycon sl. 00.. ,0nt. low and I0 CIIAIIGE UILIS3 PA`! I: [hubs by Hank It (hu.(l. I. Me It! xcvnxn. null :81 An-.....a`u mum ovonvhn. nndion poll:-y holders are seem-ad by deposit M ,000 wlllh mo Govornmpnt It Ottawa. Po iciu Ara written n this Age sud paid an arm: n fnvornhlo u any on er nvoluo Cpnny. Jnn`v. I377. JAB. HWIFT. Anurul 9:1!) |'up0 l:i)p.n. Plot:-n........... 7:00nIu 3i:|lH|.m. ulned for mechln . it-3| dnvleu. mod! ml or olhcyr com and, mumanul dougno trade mun. um lnbelu. Cavpotu. Au! manta, l..n-rlennca. Appull, lulu for fr-in cinema. um! All _<-nu Arhll nndar l PAlNT LAWS. nrommlr Mien ad tn. lnnu nu. In .. .w... IN VEN TORS:::.. akeu-h tlavim: unhonnln Im of charm. ndvho to punish! l IECUIID. a tutor toolchln in tin Pnklt our brain are Mun onto Dun. our Hunter ..:'L,n-o-mm it can kl rofmua given yin: deed. A-ldull. C. A. IIIOWE. I 09'. run 0Io.Wul THIS COIIPANY bu been doing bnnlnou In Clldl lot 5. : years nud during that time hi; secured the public condant-J bypronft and liberal settlement ofeveryjuzt claim. (It nndim policy holders secured by Q50,000 - v v - - -umeu nor mot-nun I momloduln EA 1 .l bit-aldnvleu. unfullijcun for Seminnl .n.r.2..:.. , . mommmm, m Ikhf 15,; folhqugggnpu on ml l A"lNT LAWS. prom tl to. mvx-zrmoxs TIA um: "`"""" ""'""" .ul 33 nut, DI: VH9: was M Ila Pu o`|`d -re.-ad-.n,oc'I`."uaun.o-uhschud `J. m any at it - ......, u oppoa ':'n .'.7"n'>T.'m.: 03'|=stp..:?e`:.n nine along 1:51;; lmll the put 0| nun urine! and nu-Inc Pumnu non pro-pd}. Ind . hroulnr claims. than than who uv re and Patent: pronptly. hroulor from Wulnngwu. stand: your duim: nah onnh iii 'i?f13 l W2 ruler In ol Capital and snrplllr 30.546364 Iaun pnld In 51 learn not - 04l.000.00 I The hz|rge:~'t,1Ilmu|Icsland Best Sol:-.ct.lm| 0| cm PAlnlf[_9P, 92W p.In. Ptluo lalilrll Itl 7:1: in. Nov-lunrg and (Nuts. 3:11!) p m. Illrmwnultlnh. Imagin- Iaumbr It P. 8.. 2:2!) nun. And Room Paper Depot, BA(m1` STREET. BETWEEN PRINCESS um QUEEN s'rIu-:1;'rs L?` HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, Grain- iug. G|;:. Paper llnngin and Cu!- nmuiniug. 6w . done in t a boat. `Mylo and on the ohorlant notice. I ' [Etna InsuranceCo y., l 01-` HARTFORD, CONN. iWM. ROBINSON Anril I0. 1878. [ROOM PAPER,` 5.400.000 of which wan pnld lbr lie (`M- 4-ngu nml llnlnn lane-1 In I011. L11 . 1 April It), Roon~1_Papr;W Central Cnnmln. d treatiuwnh STRANGE & STIR GE AFIINTF Illrmwnultlnl. l4m[lI- ho:-o,b P.B.. p... wom In -an ...... .. -.~..-o ....... .. l0::I)n.m HnnbocoIoIIlo.... 1 HEW lllllu svoduuky . ....WodnudAy. Thnudny, 24th ..-Wm|nnAAv, (Ink Both" HWIFT. Ayurntu .._..__ ....___. _. . .._..... -...__...._.. Ph enii fire lnshranoo 9' I IIDHII II H Um humus Purpl- fvoohy-g . The Indkbolqpo all Drnuuuu 0| pupakl[l.Ol'Hl !or33,or will haunt bynanlon ot Ioounln adalmulu WIILIAI 0 Y C0..W| nnr.0n|.. nun: u uuuv. e Davnruqut Tonnory Kma1oh,. |l:1l) Anion! !|toll|--'l'nud.ny. 1'}. an In and tlnunhy. Clone at 7 n m.; u-rivp In In. ll IXIGIIO .5-mun an """ manly E of J2-.-W-e -an-5-'"-we .._____n__._- __ __ AAA The I u.u Pm-if . (mien 0|" the Li Ilowela, and are iuohlonml to Fe The ()m1~nn1- ." . THE Ear `WONDER Juan mm,` } 3EwA3g E YORK 00UN- .`I"I"R \ way IL ($0., Curran J: C also by the xlicuue Colnpa w in: an urn -- Again Q` I don ul ' Ointme I'\IIIll'| III I eommu lymmu ` god. 3 I rm; ALUAIXLE MEDICINE I9 Mai e vureuu! I Umlo painful nnd -Mcutu which the fomnle consti- `li|:;;joct. IV. Imnderatm nll exams and all nbulructium, and a speedy cu", reltvd nu. MAJKRIED LADIES. ly nuik-d. It will in snlmrt time M monunyp.-ran-I wish mkulnrizy -u :! nervuuu And I {ml nllectionl hark nml limhu, atlgueon slight lpimtiv-n uf tho he-an, hynterics u-ac Pill: will eeot 5 curewhen The UINTIENT ` for Band Inga, 0 d iuoldenml to For of however lun P1 I won the Clergy ` Indian, uua ` North Am denounce I l'u|-ch Ilrilnh Mail; VIII be land lullowo: Vin Nat \'nrk.ewryTn1-nlny at I p Fun 0 in [Int I 3 ounce. ,. tcuudha Friday nt 8 p m 50 per I-9 ounce. tonal [Anon nhmhl be mailed half nu .. hour pnwtonn tu Ilm than of clnolng up u..n. of No7v7vT6i-k, his own |u|k l 9 name of Holloway 0:, Co., lmvln ls mark ucruoonv. and Serpent. c Robbin of New York are agent: I 0 Thhlmpe hints`: to docmve you uubluahingl n4_th_a Pnb_li1:_ iI3_]:9_y1nll Lines of cum: terlbluu of Tlwmpe uubhlahin I '1 books of Ir _ which are Q Beware of I n..-......... 1 Duwurv ul Unwrap: low price: uulu M m I much M1. nun-s srnmrlc MEDICINE. ,|*|..-jut Ifemulo ltenmly. J R8. New York.8olo Proprlnnr l 121'] cent: for . enclaud p AL Lyman, Toronto, t..gcnerI.| r the Dominion, will ensure I battle over 50 pilhu, by return mall. I drugulntq. Kingston by E. II. Pu-Inst. J. G ulhdu. (iunn, If. Skinner. G. 8.. Ho cl'nmumn N1` Pulnmt, Hy Wadi nudicilu (lenient. `HUN Lom1{l877. I-"OBI! & I3. L1--A: 11!. T33! mun have lulled, and Altlmu h I medy_ donut contain iron, omol ur anything hurdul to the oomtltu - I din-c1.iannln the mmplnlct Around mgr, which nlnoukl carefully pro Ell;-ac Pill: will curewhen ban;-1 HI. I on M0125 ocu on]. P111-. ' IIIIIERTIIEII snuusluun}; `}`HoMAs HOLLOWAY. IH77 P 0 may he clofrnlulod `. Ven~ ,1 rtmu "HolIowny'n PH a usual myganulno make, Ilnll on be pnrnrnhu-n to me. be:unp- , and their mnnoa never dovul I TMEGILICAT l"|liai B0- mul hoope- rinl recoun- II on] in nu unfnllfn can "Fm i-`L . "um nlv rolublo remedy ,3 do. Hqma and Uloen, 3,. ug. I-or Bmuohltin, ,`c`..,K .(!oul.. Rhounumun, D hi hul no equal. e spurious unmnuoul. to its` lura obtain than It very them to the public in Cu Pills and Ointment. nu-1 rnogootlhlly up ml to 3' zen of umihoanm nther ,, public gennrnlly oflzlrmnh Ln M llmy umy be pleuocl to gly chase frnuns. ulol lonlc lo the label on an. ll` Ila udclreu III III Inc. > bone`: n the Public in the Imull Ikld to their Modlolnoa. spurious nnltutioun, to its` II. ;0rda-n unto! on all loneyurder 0.0: II (hands, Ih Ulilad I am. Prnloe livid Island and Newman And nd the Usual Stun. nouns! Ind :50 nnlnuoorof .5. Ole. hvinp Ink burn: the I trapomuu He- al New York. mule mark thu- _Jo|ophHu'doak ouunusrfelu ul 9 name Holloway .oomot All din- l muh, Kldut-ya And la in all oomplalntn name of Hello J. I-`. Henry rug lull. in He- nl Nat York. KIIIITOI I. PEMBROKE B. R. cu: men: an in us ulsctu r til .4'l0.00T0"` Infvutod in 0annds...7900.000; uuuaIIC.Jol Inn. on 1:10.389! V nu. nun`: r-I`: l.uuelIntoIy I II: FIN. wuloul antenna! or Ihunu. D-I Ilifverpoorz..%il1ohdm"l3l;f Insurance 'l`|n_Iuna mmpl oottlonuanu was IIIIIIN the gun 3 no In Chicago and Boston hdlnoo [M o llfillllllhf money to tho unt!!!- Rnton or lunu-um as low II uh, 0 ac. Thin Omupnu in second to I0 nnoo Ooo In who not I. Application: resolved at. the lioe of THOS. llBl(I0,A Cleaoo at . ()ppoultoIMIoIt- Sept 6. I37 7 .__..__..._...___.. _-_.__.f_.-_...-_-. ` GUA}}D1AlV Assurance ~+==Gon1pany, OF LONDON. lI`.N(Il.ANl\, _.........__..---~ -.....r 0!` LON!) ON. ENGLAND. lllubllllol IIQIJ Balm-|hodCs 1uu...............e>Loouoo0 1 ` . Totallnvoo l"nudoupwurdaof.9.l0bl.llD ' Anuunlluoomo................. ' (50 ON Fund: luvutod lu Cumuluu... .. `w Innnrunou nzulnat Inn by Fire sooopuul 0| the lowest. can on I rum: and claim: Iottlod with out reference to the Board In London. ROBERT SKINS I. CC.) (JE(||l(}l DENHULM. Gen.Am-uI.nfn|-(13:11: KINGSTON POST OFFICE GUIDE -oluponnnuon will be paid. A plicuion for rum: to lulu shuulalolly M o to the Home 06509 in Now 0:-lolll. Write, clearly ninth: full Mhlrou. for think, or information: or can order: to II. A DAUPH IN P.0. Box W2. Now Orlouun. Lonlulau. or in II. L. Pblll, 1|!!! Bmmlwohlov York Allour Grnml linrmrdtnnry vinpuu under the nu rvlalou uuul mnuuonnonu an-.a.'r.Iu UKl.A|lD.und ou..wIuI. L `1 so: nu Aiul llouw culture. ,......... 030003 do SHOW DROP, LILY` 4I:c., M. rm: um A1` mu |"..s-15..-9.u.:.-..*g9,.a...:-~' lollud lchul if . V nndenlgnml no npu-ed to I` Gnu] of the hon qgnlylty. HUI! I AND DRY. nouns! Ind :50 hvinp bound I|.u.nod 4 p.I. mucus oocnon. A: Cheap as any House in tho_ Trade. 5 DKIJBHULU VFJVIIO Uidbi `C- Ws WIN A |v`(`l l`UNE. l`lCN'|'lI (IRA! l)l 'l`l(lI!llT|()N, |8'IU.A'l` NEW ORLEAI TUERIMY. 0(3 !`0lHR 8th. The Louisiana State Lottoryoompany l`hiu hnlitulinu wu rmunlnrlv Inmrnomhnl nuomms, Doubln and single | . usmou. HALL I .;*"'% o. slnoyur. lGOA.L CH9 ZVHJIHIII UUWU9 IIUUUVLJ V In anyway This rngulm-ly )I'[)0l| b the Legimaturu ul tlm Slate for Edna! n and ChI|'IlllPl|l|l'[)0li4'I4 in 1863. VIII! I . capil.ulof.000.000, to which it bu Ilnoo zulded n nan-rve funnl ul &'|50.000. ITS !-`RAND SINGLE NUAHIHCIC l)lH'l'BI3U- 'l`l()N will Lulu. place nmnlhly nnthe second 'l`muda . It nuvar cu,-aim or puuponu. hook at the nllnwln dintvilnttiulnz CAP] AL PIHZIL IIIOJIXI. 1897 Prize: nmonutlng to... . .....Il10. Ruponnlho x-orranpomling ngantu ll ml pmmlnnnt wlnu, to whom A llbonl wnuponnnuon wil be paid. Application clubs than Mail! R- raWf99l- 5! 0- .. ........-...n-. Allrnuu ll mnvr Mrnlvn-u pulbpuulil. III!!!` nllnwIn$dlut11|.u|Liuu : CAP! AL PRIZE, IJO.(X)0. I0',000 'l`l(.'Kl'l`H A1` TWO Dollsrl IAOII. HAL!` 'l`lCKl4:'l'. ()NIC l)()l.l4AI. ~ LIST OF l lU7.|".". I Dnnltnl Pnu...._.. _ _ H of: L; G was !.`."`ie..2L". .'1{a ;":3 `:`:':..zi;.'.:".: nphno! nutmeg urn spun around` Ipidulllfuithlonmolxhu inoohocixr-' Yaw. nvuoaco, Ion-bk alo- ndanol tho an Inn: at the world, In in than-Inn an hovuilul than reh- hitl night has t-niI_nd louver that ouelnnlod Iluold, if izuxinr u dnotkan oolld have kept within bib in mid douudo upon noon. lot till Cuioliau Ind pllnd nporuition an nnlidll. I50` Proton-Into `100 Print of 50. . .500 Prim: ofW..` I000 Prlxea of IO.. APPROX mo woouy sumo w ` `ma r-ma-an or, hands; IuIh__[. ___-__ -41` la'lIOl< I877 .5 Print ul L000. `J1 Prim: of 5-00. . I00 Prim: ofl00... 900 Prlwuof 50... .500 Prim: n! `)1. In r.n.u.a ll.) -an-In 0% " lnpinklgs Ibo 0&3. llod Into-, `null u nu nuns a Inn. 050. \'4NuIs;wA'|'mi an lIl'l'l'I. A `ten tn 1' or Kluutua. Kmguton March 7. I878. ()ul.Al'llI OHIO! _.., , ........._........-. Int. lib. ` ___... .__. `..__._._.....- ....____._-- Vlglllllnllll aiu. n1u'r1s `wine. I Cnpltnl Prim. .. I Clpllll PI-lus...... 9 PI-tum of 2500. . .. 5 Print (II L000. . I Capital l'nu.. I Capital Prim. . Clnlhl Pl-1w.. Drll I I9: I run-- --yr... . ._ KNOWN HOTEI. 1` unmlnr trnvelling u A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY -1 I) III! A L`ll|I'I`lYNll', 'l Iu`N'l'II IIIIAIIII l!Ul l'|leA of l0............ . . . . . . .... APP|iOXl1lA'I`l-J l'R1Zll: ll Approxiuutlon Prim: of $.13)... L0 Approxlmulml Prim: of flit. II Approximation Prize: of l00.. nu nun iwnc 103'! "Km: llouw (ll`.'(lIl(llC DENIIOLM. (3en.A euI.nfor0IIOIa VANDEWA1` Gt l|l'l`l'I. ten fur Klnntnn. OomP"V* A us. awn-r. 8:. L-vruuo do cl-r _H'o1'EL-No.-.o3.a, u}: 1 mean I Hu -7- H I n Lgnllu . ,0W .". 3.m . 5 . no.0!!! I name . MW . 10.0% .l Isovin boo ndnmod and run this. urn-o-om our nu 41.131. ion ind plll Inponuuon ` on oupanitiul, till bu! chhoncad 1 npouluin theology which cousins so with intellect an Icngth lung icon it an incredible, did dunn- plu Iyhici guarded the thnno told their Finn and y. The Gu-dun nl idea in dcloomtod, not by tho tnupling of con: .......-nu. and no n-anions neoucilintionn P` n -Yitjstlon Mogtraal Golda Arnvo. . 4:47 3.11:. ...4:05 pan. 6 EAST. 7:00am mo pm. 9:IX)p.In. n 7`-W: Arrive. De Art. ,,2:00 mm. ....`2: .5 mm . 3:15 p-I|I- ..l:I0a.m. ......I' am.` Jlml-ZPII HICKBON. : ll IIICKBON. ! Manner Iozonnu. |"0pnL l0:(I0 3: m HIIIH) In. 4:30 p.In. 7::l) mm 1200 p.m. 7:210 p In. dcloomtod, by tho tnupung 01 con- tmnuy, And no Irgcnionl ol nligiou and acionco, no rive:-I ol ann- Iic holy nabs, an venture the ruined luvchueu of traditions:-y mm. But the truth Ihizh in in ull anon ital! ....;.. .. annual null Indore. A no- Do-. art. .. -:1 :-l`I.l.II I mup.| llnn l`:n.-- audvlcpru Law of ' oauucn. _ | Tlucofioyogtron llnptonl I`;-znndnn Tinlnv. L9!) : uuuuuclngnuuriuuuuu: In 9 ..:*..-,.,-.'. .a=~.;.::'...:".'.':'..'..+.:.* V aullmv villa. `I . loud: IvnIiu-.uudI~1.- ' un." A.t.OOs.xn. 3101-.` lrouhvigo, Pnuott.Curn- ' g 113:3! |I::I..oryofI u.' 8 bloodland u the Input of the - It. lacuna bydqllthhonguotirg :8 Ion- Irool I11! tlo Iu-onfcrQIoh. -It'll] Boy. Inland: [AI .CuoIu,'l ndouu ud thofnr-{anal Ivor y. has with as (half Peru Bun-IN; Coupon; for All Porto ' in tho lamina Proving. ' for Pinup `Hahn and any Intonation > spply 3: who late and liver moon-hon for Puup 'l'lalnu and any information Iy ( , ac. lavnuo wlmf. {not of Johnna lunar. llurtlmrn Tmit company : DAILY LINE 0! A ETEAMERS. I Thin roll-known and populu Line WI r in this anon on the People`: Fa- vourite Route between which in 1:: nuguon wm uwun uwwu nuituutud ] without God in the `noon ol ikia not pwtmishd to aid; wnd whoa onca more 5 spiritual crowd hu established iucli which nun own not on in their lives, uul holiwn with that wlwlc Iouln, it in to be hopwd thwt they will have grown win: by axponwwow, and win not gain lure the mat Proelom ul thoir possession: to be ...; kw tln oxlnvunnui of an ung- [ran om unnu mum 1| ]KmcsTou AND cIm:Aco,| Oswegoleveland.'l'oledo,Detroxt, Port Huron, Oheboygan. Mil- waukee and Interme- dmte Ports. l `H: u Lueliu cum ml of the f..ll..wing I-`|r1liL'lnnI U per(7nbIn Htvnm-ers.anII roll]- mand-ed by I e followiuv z-xyn-riencul otucns: Cnlyul New York, Capt. W. H. \Vi|liamu, Clly of Concord, H. Brown, Chlmplnin D. II. Davin, Uuvegntchia, W. S. Shay, N Ilhlll, Dudd bnon, Maine. " lrs liiahnp Granite State, M P. W. Uonlun City of Toledu, " IA. W. Chapman Lnwell, " J. U. Berow Lawrence. A. W. bpragne Milwaukee. L. W. Bailey ' St. Albans. .L J. Knapp Harden Only, Alvnh Shaver Clavolaud, Chan, Edy - I K2-pmnmopusa. um. nu man be I %:co emu E."u?9."u.7n':'.1 Ag` 31, um. l.m:?.aI9_~i Ania. ung _._...-. ,.,,_,,,,, Tu: l uH-KILLInL-Wo hnve long known tho high chnncter of this medi- cine, sud that itin met] with great me can And ntinhction in our very bunt fnmiliu. It in the hvorito medicine uf our miuiumriea in heathen lnndn, when the nu it more than nll also togeth.-r fur tho dinoueo chm! abound in than warm climnlol. It should be kept in every house, ind be In rudineu for nudden at luck ul Iickneu.-~l Im'm':m Prma. For I-mu. Iollevlllo no In 1 terucdlnte I-om. III I. xuIuuI1.I..; haven Bron In`: WhnrI',(}anunoqnr. lur King- amn even ONDAV. TUKSDAY. THUI& DAY. AND BA ! UIDAY morning 3! 4` I In. calling 1: Sit John`: Inland. Sun}: liide. on loath; Ind 1'Imruda_y, and at the Soul: mlo And Ilnlidny I. Want Island, on Tnmrlny uni Sound. . Wharf: lawman will loan A. Gun k C!!! J!I)pn..ool||n; when n-qI|ri. IIIOCIVILLB. On Prtdny wall Ian Ihoughi Wlurf, Gn- unoqu-. lot Brockvllh at 6 n In. Returning lo-ovIoIIoekv1llau`l3.ed|IugwbonrN| Ind Opt: mu 1-zvmnr lC\'l'.'NlNG for mw..g.., (Ilen- lum|. 'l'olo<|o and Datrmt at I0 o'clock. and 1-vurv MONDAY. Wl'Il)NE8l)AY and l<`l(l~ IIAY EVENINGH at lllo'n|ork fur (3!li('l|:Il!. Through `Route ad No Changes 1 -*' '-w* -""" """ ` '***' ru- Olfurin to the PI:-nmra Seeker:-, lhudxlena Men and `mnilian oomforta and cmn'nnien(aes equalled by no other route Ior lean money Hum any other line on the Continent. `Eagi"r`gi;&:x;;ion `c eta At all Im A It greatly RIIJDUUEI) RATES tn Mxlwnukeo. Clnicmgo and Luka Erie Porn good until November luuflhi year. All Ilmlclsvaa ticketa inc-lu-h~. meals and lwrtllu. the Wo-at Northwest or 54 pnwuml on application JAMES S Dayhght R.ont.e:o_ Picton, Belle- ville and Trenton. 1 isteamer Armenia I III. with Stunner (Tim for Balloville and renwn. givmg puneugarn Ihrcn hours fur bu name or pleasure II Pi:-ton. REl`URNING-- HnaArmma lanvoa Picmu fur Kingston M '.':ZD p.m. Mu-r the arrival ol Steamer Uh'ca frulll Trenton and Ballovillr. The Armmla in new and [has l'nI.n.l Susanna-r on that Bnv M` um: fun. Claus eonnoctionu nuuln with the I-`olgor llroo`. Btasmor l'or Capo Vim-ont.W|- lortuwu and New York. Aim by Canadian Mnigntiun Steamer! from llannllox. nnd Mon- Irul. 2' Liberal ohnrgu to f'lI||Jlll(!I'(`iIl trnv usern. Hmulny 8:-hool and National I-Zn-up noun low cHANG_ (_ir Tmcf unrt. all. LULLIII. -llnauvr. Loaves Sumo Wharf XInznt.on.:lail .(Sun any`: uonmod) II 8 0`:-look n m.. urr wing in I`u-ton II II un , whom the nuumccu dnily atl nm. with n-numqr Him for Hnllavilln nml on.U'son,i iananoque & Kingston! In-rtlm. Thmnzl tiokota to all 11 the Womt Northwest ELJHIIIY. -tun " `an-unuuh-no.0-o Qnlnlo. |"uu-lien of ten (10) to Helen nud return for wms fun. Claus eonnoctionu nmln with the I-`nln-r llrna`. Ilmnnnr for (fame \'inI-ont.W|- rnmnturruhnn nl um: pounuonu w in mi by the utnngnnuo ung- gtnting credulity." _ ....,_._.._-