Ha Mun : 1tece;!.i-on --Bishop Du- lnameva Deparljnent-Th 0 (io- arorn men! n Beau/mmon-E!c. for 'l`nrouto by me ten 0 cmcx mun. Bishop Duhamel lr-ft this city for Rome to-day. It is understood that the Govern- to-day. It ment wil|rcsigu to-day, and that Sir John Mucdnnnhl, who 15 Iluw on his way |lo the Capital, will bu aunt fur to form an Adnlinistmtion. u;. l4`w..1|.m.-u Lard l)n'n+.rin arrived Adnmnatruuon. His Excellency Lord l)u'erin arrived here yesterday noon and is stopping at `the Russell Huusu. ()ll'u:es have been tted up for his use in the Parliament. Buildings, llioae furmerly occupied by him in the eastern block being unt for (By Tclq/raph Trrday.) Quebec, Oct. 8th.-`-A large number of peoglo have visited H.M.S. `Belleroo phon, and the other wur vessels. Th! . Venn-In are now being cualed, and are I under orders fvr the present to leave on Thlllldhy. T r\-A II..o|'.a-in u {ll inn 1: unmri r-Anni-rt E l'hu(iIq/ |!Im H (Ir-.~Ioipn-lm]) m'- " iu`u Departure. ` _ _ ---c-v-- Th Kn Y--at Ixumnet up ; lacy math: and huuatoqs-r -one olunncs ` OI unl--IyphpncunigIbouuy3 illicit:-dzuiluuuthuocur lhu ocyolh. In than lbnuulluf , a-lust. to `h:=h. I in hand. Edvud Rdnchut, an-eototl on Inspi- cion of eomplu-uty in the duthol nyon-:3 noon whose body wu found in: bar- nl nu Silva Ian. doolucn he can pro- duct the vocal with Ilton loo [ind n In -onlbougo on sum: Inland. and -in lhn since: A: no imam an in- oobodyiq hon ' 1, wild. iunutu, show out-pad bu-ibory at suntan at no Caunui Bard lot and nlhnnda (at All). the "stars idling lhnngh henna til Job) in 1&1 Ins-II NC! Ydfk. l'upIurr= 0/ .lli .llus'hl (.'0u!ra- rIir'I*r(.-l.'0po:-fwl "iqlalirm. T1 will us was -~ vu-w ... ~ jl yl ilk Ion-[aux 5;. .-z I \-'31 -"`;v" Simla, Ucl. u.-` of Ali Musjid In Cull Ealinhnrah. (Pct. of All IVHISJIU cuntrnmcu.-u. Edinburgh, Oct. 7. ~A Londoncorres" pomlenl. telegrnphu that it is understoud Saturday`; Cabinet Uunncil generully ap- [ proved Of the manner in Much the Vice-' toy of India is deulmg with Afghnnintan. I sud dqcided to leave the mutter very much in the h.unl: of the Indian Govern- ment. I,....i.m up: 7 - A Sun]: daamtch Landon, Uct. 7.-A Snnln deapatch u.yn:-Suuie uwrt that the troops have not IdVlllC(!ll beyond Jamrood. (Mhon that lighting hu nkcn place and that the troop: hue occupied in strong palition near Ali Mnnjiil. The lirnt repurt noun): the mint probable, an 11 Calcutta corro- Ipondent reports that the attack on Ali Mnljid vnn |>(|Sl1HIlI9.(l for in short time. in onmequence :-f the atrnnuth of the force which tho Ann-ar had collected their-. Six lliuuanud .\f;.;hnn infantry, with eighteen guns, threnten Jiunroml. II. will be neceunry lu empl-vy the whnlo garrison of I ea|'unvnr fur the Advance on tho Khyber Plum. l! in reported from Ulnbulln that lighting has commenced be- tween the Afghuu and Khyberou. Se- voul regiment: were leaving limlmlln for the frontier, and an immediate action was expected. _..._-.;o---- (Hy Tdcgrqlll To-day.) Now - York, Oct. N.--Tho lIr&all'u Omaha to nnha ammo lhn Cue: in p over. P1113 Indian: oepornod into nonporous bands. Thou In indictuonn of I goucnl nndenumh in` mom; ml] the Indiana, And :30 won: ll land. I EA-..-A Rpinehnt, an-anhtl ull unai- nacho mun. wmlcl _ lhuupounlmu 2lnYwt. The lmlum Trouble--The Staten - Inland Murder-qay/en Poll-~" ru. efr. .:---_.p.-?_. GEIEBIL D_EPITCHES. (By Tel.-qraph 70-day.) .. an Ll __llnr-Inn -an THE Wm. UBIOII ll DGOII unuutvu u um...-.....- Tory opuku-I and writer: than three you! put to be one of the utmur. Mgotwy. By All mum lot the couutxy has the Nations! Policy without delny. Zothiug but in actual trial and fulure will convince nu inlntuntod people that it '10- like its |nI.|Ior--one 0! ma greatest hands ol minor any Age. L___, . ...4A;-.. . .-,.._._ (Hy 7'1rIP,: `bniif ouJ_"Ec.T ,r(!ph To-r/1.1 I/v) I`l..x m...nv-iml ` Iu u Av :- v r ~'l`|m reported capture ntrnd|ct.t.-d. A I ./uulnu nnrrnn- v \-1 ---wr-r-' n""'`l ` Moon-cal. on. O.--'l'hn sin. hpn Jaoonlound by-ItoGudJ nd Ijnrv npailld mi Gilli. link gum round by IlO_UI'II.J ns Jlty against Dnvldllnnl. Iolloliok Ha-il;I,JoIn Fnlolnm. Alas. Oihou null nunn npmu, 0|-Alpaca, ubonnurnundonuaiy lunar lova- nng nnilkgnln-emblyud non` ' gnkl mmnincv. "ho uuunnnd `In In nntl oollplrlcy. `no ullulu luring undo ddult. Bench vanuln was or- dered to iwaoaguinu them. ' ` 1'ha Ih.nn..d Yuan: Bl-itnn: An 1|- CBIUI IDCBOIEIMOI E `The Kqnttul Yang Blihll an 01- ` My unhng pnpuuioun [or the onlo- gati-an ol the 5th ol Novoubct by a aunmrt . III` I IIIIII In um unt, you somehow or other aha lot` it oodldy In tho otlut nlliou" to pan- nll Ii. without her help`. running Il IO in tho diplo- nallo Quad Isiah nloayo lullo-n the Qiliqg in tho IOU. Hot conduct Ill anus unholy Ituilu in an. m lut dud idiot: `Halo: and Iluoovito. 1 IDUIIII I5` to In Daudcnd at _.:__A Q...__..__ -.._...-n.'.._. ,1 1....- (By rem-Sr-luv.) Uthwo. Oat. 8.--Lari Dnluill loom ` for Mammal b tholour o'clock tail on the North on Railway. ltil oh- tod that the Government has nu-holly Io~ aimed, And will and the resignation to Hi: Emumm to-not-row Innminr. uorcruuocul Lanna: Then in much. talk About stock open`- tionl and the :1 id forums: that In unuued by them, st vary for poo lo un- demsnd just how it in duno. nun. Inn-enoe & Co., Bnn|wu,57 Eiohnngu Plmu N , Y. Cntv. hnva nuhlinhod lull ugnaa, and mu um we nugluuot His Fm-..lIr~noy to-narrow Inonning. lawrenoe & Uo., unniwu, an Isxonungu Plano, N. Y. City, hsvo publiched details of their new Uombinnion Method of oponting in nooks, which in woudorfuh ly mooouiul. By pooling the ardent! umuundn of ounntomon into one imlnenu ly Inoeelelnl. Dy pooling Inc uxuen ul thonundn of mm and operating them an n whole, each tron in placed on an equelily with the on nperetor, and vufpmhe u-e divid- ed pro nln among Ilnreholden every 80 dnys. $25 Innkee 8100, or 4 per cent. on the stock in the month; 8100 mskee 8750, or 7 1-2 per cent; $150 nuke: 81,500, end various prot: according to the movement of ntoeh. Safety And auooou Ill theme- tmguiehing features 0! this -yatem. 3. Y. Senger, of San Francisco, Cnl., writea: "l have never nwdo no much mono innthe lame time an I lnve by your com inution system." The new circular (copyrighted Ind sent free) explain: all deuile. All kinds of Stocks and Bands wanted. New Government Loan supplied. Belt refer- encee. Addreee Lnwronce& Co., Bunkers, 57 Exchange Plaza, N.Y. City. Suimrii COMPLAINT on Cuouiu IN- l-`ANTUM, which in carrying oil" the infentl and children by the thousand at thin see- aon of the year, can alive I surely be checked and cured by Dr. order`: Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry. It has never failed togiva immediate relief in the most severe cases. it in: boon within the reach of every mother. Do not fail to give it a trial ; you will be pleased with its chum- ing, effects. For sale by all denlerl. Mil- burn, Bentley & Pearson, Toronto. A Letter from a Clergynmil. Verunville, Sept. 8th, 1876. Ma-mars. Mn.mvm~:, BENTLEY & Puuaox. llnnllgmnn _.hr l1`nwlnv'n Kxhnol of Messrs. DULIJLYBN, ISSNTLEY Lt l'l!All80N. Genl|emon,-Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry luu cured the worst cuse of Summer Complaint I ever knew. Uur lit.lo chil' was, for mu month. not expected In l`ac'\'eI'. We got medicine from our fnmilyphyaicien, bul, like eve:-y~ thin else, it failed, until we tried Dr. 1-`ow er'a Great. Cure--Extract of Wild Strawberry, which acted like u clun'm,nnd perfectlycured 1111-. infant in less then . three lays. Yours faithfully, Hiw. S. R. Knnue. _. _`._-_.:_ Sickness prevails everywhere, and everybody complains of some dieeue dur- ing their life. When sick, the ohject in to get well; now to any plainly that no person in this world that in eulforing with Dyspepsiar Live: `Complaint and its effects. such an Indigestion, Cuativeneu, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, pnlpitution of the Heal-t,Depreaeed Spirits, lhlmuuneu. etc., can take (innyms Auuusr FL0wEn. withoutgettinu relief and cure. If you doubt thin, 30 to Heath & Gnnn, M` H. Wade, and get A Sample Bottle for 10 cent: and try it. Regulnr size 7: ) center Two done: will relieve you. __-A ...-, . -__ ,.,.,_._. _,.......,,. ..........- nddllldyhnpguuinglv pfhlijilllopuvhounnnod. ad-vdnou-pub-.`---our-rs gatlilttibinllihaldn ubblxhubooouun-lcholal-and; Iwlolnlauqunioninohiou &b.d:uhBIl'abdnnnvu|anake IbIll&IIhunuuuooguu-ili qpoc. Ikhiuluuincd-an `1q(.o'nluIunIIiuIuiII!n g.hgu|.uhInnuIQ- uus-nag; 4..|_n-_ I-at--an-AI-nu-d Montreal. Oct 8. The Hour market in euier and pricas` have eventually not N9 yet branched bottom. Ole sale of Ipring extra npnm-d 1!. 4.0212 Ap- pears, however. excepunnnlly |mv. Quotationn are nuporior extrn at Lito 4.40; oxtrn. 4.40; spring extm 4.021"? t.n4.10. The remliniug kimln are unminnliu the absence uf business. do r.'x mv.. 1m .3 -1. I Merchants Banky-9 3 4, 951-2. Bank nf(}mnm<-rre -114 14. HI! I `L Ontario Bank-ex div.. 83 3-4. `U. Bank of 'l`0rnnto-l~|l, 138. Cnnmlidntecl Hunk ~75. 733 I. Molnnn`-a Bnmk--Ex. div.. 8-5. 5'3. Bank du Peuple -oemd 716. 70. Jun: uonL`nrtier--40. 4]. Que Bank-00, 00. Excbw a Bank -a.u|xed.80. T Mont Tel. Unr 11!) 15-4. H91 I City GMCO-137 1-4. 1:10. City Pun Rv~-'J5, 85, (my ma (30-1157 14. City Ry~-`J5, Richelieu sud Ont->5` noxunowuuuyov .ou:nonu Mhlotio 01-wads, lphnu the "Alum." 0! Bollovillo. ad the Kinguon lacuna Slab. Play In commence sharp at thus duel. . Addition 16 Cents; Chldun )0 com: A 1 In, unculnl_ |i1nToI1oit:f can-amt. Ionian " -'U U I BT13 guild D In 531.11: of Iulvnlreal- do III I'll ! At bin fnlhol-`u Eoudenoe. Kin sum, on Monday morning, Ort. 7I.h, Samuel lnmylton youngest son of the Hon. John I-Inmilton, I391` wan. j Io unto n at '.'I _VF`Tl. The funeral Inll uko plum from Mn father`: roaidom-.on Wodnu lay morning M. l0o`-look. Priencln and 5-qunlntmu-on an rupu-tInlI_v in-nul on .Mm.l rrmnul Iuu . 'qu2 invited to nttond. Erotica Inving Second-had furniture or other Goods will ,,I_,_- I_-.._ LI.-.... 2.. L. _l.I-... IIIIHIUIIIV VI vnnlvl Irvvuq wu; |pleuo have them in by trldny me L7.':s.. _' Y W 0 Cbunpxnnhip orhonouio on `hunch; out also 10 dAyot0ctohor. on shout Atlulntin annuals. hnlunn ch "Alana." City Ry~-'J5, ()nI.~5`. 2H 57 1-2- Rnyal Canadian lnC:~ 821-2. 82 1 4. -----_ ()awago. Oct 8. When! nu>ad_\'--No I Bed sum ll. 1,02: No.2w|un mm. |.0U. Corn ntaeuly, No. `I Western 48 ; Barley qu ioI.-It|te l,|4 Io I314. j __-_ - __ 0,\'I`IMAl. PIODTCE _IAII(lI l'. Tho Aldlinlll Inn hul HIGH Imlu Inc and have completed the Iupprouiou 0! duo luurgcut opposition which hu but cloud to their occupation-u pol tho Tlnty ol Berlin-of Bocnin Ind Baugoviu. Thin [at of arm: ~abourd u it In in In to ohnractorixo n-will ..A.l .. .-man 0.: Aunlrinn mtlillfv snecashl slack operation. -- ~ a o-.?. Is your life worth 10 Cents I runuau uoau us Leaves the pad. --A- (B! Telm-pi 15:00!) 1...! 11-; Q 1...` Lil` A. K. H. `%Uu. `.150. -v K- ICE. Mnntrt 170 I2` 170. Ex div.. 1&6 3 .96 ii A 95 'l-2. IIv0dOIIIW|IhOI hnh-hn&i Mnntrenl. ()1.-t 3. 5!. I70. IIIXIHKI III V-Inn vu-U-In --nu.-x, lillt. IIIKOOQII ready Inough to i but inptlhnes an an ol the 'f0I$ Putin" illodinuly Idtd by tho hue, and smzough couuuuly n.___.._;._ An uh. I Luul in the A uotinnit. White Goods and Linen] we ` IO h III Alon ' Ilepudnnntax ` 1'nl|!onahd 1-.6 Danni: .3 25-. nor, 40e|Id60cpryud. linlfllknobulbunuk at 30c,l0ond bocpu-yard. ' 'l ul|BlcnnhedDouuhu50a,I)c,'o'5o undllpotyprd. Full Bleached Dqnuk Tnblo Ointhn from I $1,150 each upnnln. Tabla NnpkinI--a full nlol-Clan! from 90:: upwards. w '!'ovoIn-- A mu stock 1...`... inc pa domi per dozen upwudn. " Lilyuon Ouaubu, Rollo: Tonlliop. Glut Towels, Danton-u,Kitchon Toullinjn. Shogtingu. Pillow Cnttcnl. Tiokingu. Luce Ind Mulhu Carmina at low pl-iota. Ing|ilh.C:snuli:\n snd American make: of Comma +-L1 at factorypricu. In. & J. jGARn1Nnn| |LLargaanawe11 Selected Stock IMEKEEVNEY, ; 31?! uuypvclalhlkaloutonndlho qujol |hlpvctu8-Iowa Lnjhidh Pflinl Go6lxin8r_ s-1-017133,} Inn: uumn .\\'n (`HAL They I.`unrnnI,ee livery Stow they sell to alve sntlslactlon. Which they olfur M. LOW lHllCF.3. Call and tune their Stock and pnool before purclnnsiung. . .._u_ . ..z..... to; ll.-|ln-1.! ylllmu-nuI,;_. E` Special attention: given to Honing ol Dwelling: and Public Huihiln with Steam. or Hot Air. We muken upouiu ty of (hue lmsi nun. mun bar um pIxwoe-~ Canadian Stove Depot. ~ Srovns, F strovis` CLEARING OUT SALE Those in want. 0! Stow: will (ind It to their mlvanlage lu<';A|| at (}rown|nguIory Wood Cook` WC um portable lnhhvloht loo volncuu in: songs Iatuuothrl -vain Inn:-nit hzliovmnlhihn vdt;aonliun snob iulnnnhn murmur Iona-nit hglwmnhtbo ooylov Ian-volrccullngovoh as v with turning ovunda tho Ito, Q But one ]Vn'i<-0 Iuulo. XIIQ for N65.` Flrst-Class llall. Pnrlour and Cook Stoves, B E LOW COST. sAUs'AGE s 1 SAUSAGES I I EGIIRODEIVS 75 noon STRIBT. |rovzs; s1-ovzs. I Coil nd use Ihocnvn Jovol invertible flu BALL AID PAIIAJI IIGATIIG `0Vl, no not -out-nful awn-old. I Ever; It-no gurntood` M00 Ibo - _ _ _ , , I .WM- i5'U'IbTN-,1 lnurvoirccdlllovoh vculnovnlnddlblnl Illl -Iy DI I9 5" win-nu-vu.-. .. ..... add no nnown to Auuriau mclilnry glory. Tboouoopcoudpruuge of this Iullon lor miliury pruvou seem: to ban.- voll nigh, N not totally, dillppelrod. Snootboduvn at the proton! century aad tho pan the hurom |u- II" o! the first Nopoloon, Austin hu ukun van lmlo ulin pnninlho coniuu of Mn without sun in hot ovu doleuoo . Throughout the viola Crinun struggle, l......_..I., although randy nnounh Rluuhu -, sunnzzniuyllg ohnhco` ! llln on 8 .,..,,, No. 2| Brook Street. He! Hth. 1878, BROOK STREET. Oct 7th, I878. AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. IIIPL ITIINT8. I033 Prllceu Street. 0.`. FOIL \\'<`)Ol) AND emu, tic nu. rns. _Pa1:lour am`! Hall ! "":.`.""' A130 OI IIAID lull: Imnngombu-~14 }Mmdc|:o_|gn Club.` o".hd"|'q.)'&:-aunt! BIRIA ND LIUTIXJ IN bu bind to lunch (III-I avsu nuurnvrutn. vsoli. noun nrur. cu-rum ua web. in an up EIIIHPL. rm. and van. RUDOLPH auntie. vuamu, I .| --`p--- L (`D 1710 1'. 14.801. Y. Out: Inn. A-ulna lg (to Diuhudnld Voullnt. Ilr-. 3. I`. Buovvlou." "Ii Alvll In I - ovvv-..-..__. I Onnnnhoholuu ....... ...........N'ui Anugd by I. Bantu. """" "2.'."&'s: Sinhnhhtfhhulhunaullu Bl .". Ilng|noi|............. ...... I ldvud llolldl. - r u.|.A_ p;_g. arnlou In rune-mun nu-_uu " I1'Gi'a3"Ii'.i21i."" ....... .. .. ..... Ianlauo ............ ...' ....... ..l-nun 5 chmom-mlonoeuu vu-nun... Snub Rudolph ueuunu. PART `Econ D. 6 Ballad mil `to: \'to|lu,. Woulaupc Barn: uouunu. _ 7 Soundohr lunch .......... .....JacAo -8 (homon I . loIo.ChIlnmo.Barruuu Inn.` 11:0-an syn. 9 German long wilt Flute Oluluuo. luau AM In. H. I`. Klovht I0 Vnlnocnprbo. Goupoid (with Plano , ,_ IRUMNIMM In couequenoo of 1 an u-foiug mpain tho 1 plus In tho Ontario Hull. Outnh. > |l\tD1IuuIn Arnngod by R. iloannog. TICKBTII-75 pm! 50 emu. For uh M MoAuley n Bookstore: Concert M. 8 o'clock. p-- in ........mm..- of n.. any llgll nnu Biddlon` & l`oreiru' Muorin Modioin. Dalton`: and Flint`: Phyuiology. N iomeyu-`I,Flin'n And Tanner`: Practice. Gray : Struclurnl Bo`.n.uy. IE8|GiAT|0I- Bryant`: and Drum`: Surgery. Wiluan : ma Gray`: Amtomy. Fnwne n, Ateld'|, Rosana`: MM Miller`: Chemistry. Rnnubulhanfa unl Igilhmnui Obno- u. in.` (7 j> Price: to suit the times. Any M odlczi Wnk not on hand procured in 4} iwurl. Oar uhck of General Literature were never fuller, and compriua nll the now works issued on either side of the At- lantio. THENEWBUUK-STUHEI All the Text Book: used in Queen 'Col- lege on land or to arrive in New nyn. Valuahlefreehold Baal Estaaa I ll. luau Wu in V-- wplru. n..n.....| nu. uonnleyn DOOKIIOIU? uuuuun no u I: own. of the City lhll nnw Concert wil tgke ulna We have the Ingest nook of Student: Note Books on hand over nlmwu in thin city, Incl at prices to cnnunnud rend y nlo. CITY MO Vllllli PROPERTY. ` Call and eumiua our stock. An we got all our good: dirrct frnm tho mInnfnc- uu-or. In em nlfer Ipecinl rate: ouflurgo or small purchuou. J At Murray`: Auction Boom. in the Il'..I...o Inn.n nt 10 n`nIo\nIr `On Saturday, Oct. 19th` I UILDING LOTS F-`L : and 026, Onlnnnce l.au-Lfronugo on Prlnoou nreot, I32 fact. about It feat. deep. with A frontage of :16 foot on Alfred Itnot. .u__ u_.._ m-_-._-..; ll .... _- .n...A..| .. ooiaifa am. 39 Aln._ - 4__.A Alno Your Tenement llounu, olcunbd nu} Ordnsuoo ml Bu-do attach, Auonud for {I60 1 nd re-mad for OH per month. an n -- Iauu. Also I `cuisines Ill lurrioold, containing emu roomy. two oollnn. -nftwou-.1-Chlaru. Bummer l(|u-hen. More Iloom.Wood lilmln. Cnrrluo llpuoe and Stable: uuohod The Mount In Iliad with Buck. ealuwnd, almond, lath md plum-ed again w n re-built. no It In vnnu in winter and boo] in nmnmaro HIE to the mnntion. Full view of the tit and Ar hour. The Garden In plum-d with c olce fnm. and owers. A vomforublc-, ruldoncalor I nu-nan rsurinu. ` Imam I.olnrthutloLmIt.| liwnng snow! E-'.Y.~:* FEBEE person I-uh-in . , AIM`) Three 'f`ene1noM Hmuea in rear; rau- tnln $I00` per your, noel two Kmldlg Lou aim-bod. Plenum Imu-u.uu| In Ilru nun rrpalr, with gum! tannin. .l Al! HI-IARKAN. lwnulmla and mu Dealer '3"":.L - _ ii~.':-...e!s.!41!:9.!4-| lost Douahovc Ibo Nu Iold, I I ll noon In It IA! `Ill Ion IX- uuivolu Ihh an onion: onu- tl-huluun halibut I unintui- [III l|III'vI| linsuv. olcunbd on Drdnsum nu i m-sou. 8160 *IPVTTUiIII r-U-v`U-- vw ` nluyunnulo. `!'hu,ohouru,ax- Iuddnotonlyillontn ouqnu-ybnl; `CW envy dcpnnuoat of (Journ- ,1 `L- (Ml 1|:-`I, "ni2.'rie'Z SQIIQTJ." .1} '{E'37c'1`c1E"' NOON, (ill? I}? IIIUUFII. Ul LDING LOTS F-`J5 Ind 026, Onlnmte l.:ml.fronI.A1o ntrect. A1TcTToN ASXLE L 35 PKINCISIII 'I`III'l'. I I I IIIIIIIC I IICLIII lucucur In no In: WI. IIII.) njuwu '."m 70` Ill` 03.`? AT PROGBAHII. ON IIAND. Unhlo u`8aiii;'.a;u-unlit: ray jnulnhhvohnjyutoduythnan ` lntlldtbhd-lth A. Undo:-"H iii": Inuit-Dad qpahtnuu. BI: it maid` 'l'IuolciulnumhutquIho` hutlhullhtirlohunnd hhllonro-g lipid uiatovluiuvitalcg IbI00lODIrI,ppoI'vIlntItl6 to ob} IlItIIdI,'ptoI|o6oulin or` --I.-- --n -uI- `Run: A! nnnllml. IX` 3 S. WOODS. IA II IIYLILD. 5 Burl-ten ntnn. um nollan. Inft ---- wov 7: King! inst. .|9/II. I. I. AKIUIIOIG. shoo agd uvnnuu. J ACO" SBA KHAN, In-rhlnhl II IIUIHLU. 9 aollan. wot:-.r Churn. 'uruuuuu.. vIcromA' 4 TWO NIGIT8 Okla IBEHTHA Mm ma mv.V I! viii [lunar wu u-. {eivil `81500 hon LioIIlonM~Goum- '.hipInndt.ha `amen eight down tn u ` sung: pvaoidom 3.. a. we 0! tin Gor- an-an `l'huuutuuIoHhonppoint~. huh ad` ptouotiau In 2.0M ! and their sisal coal to Ila country 0475,- m.on.-lauonhsll I million dollars! ! ow : that lot I nonbund" udniuiuur lion? Wouonoz no last to Ihuno--to uy f-(AV princip|o--u to hint In In hi ` .0$Q!II :33:-tug..|.g._ 'x..1uunQugaIuu.1\a.uwuon. Iqutumluqln uouudaoon , of nulls in o. Wednesday 375mm. 0. us. Tin lmmnnnnlvmaninnl Iuulnnl lnlnnnn. MIsdHIr:% I:E:0J.HA:I:_H==` nmnsnnv svtiuih. ocnqm no, can nnuun n\l\lII'I'l'A 2 CCIIKT XUXIIC V` t OI . '1 Pneollod ly A ND! SPLITTINO FAIUI; Prion 9350.300 sud 7. -u. But: cam now): . au\0:n;l:t Iolnlnfn Iiaohtom. b I . JmmseTtn]eaes1sm`a pnma`1a;.;1i;";;r;' mm,- |>.....a.a Iv A um: sm.I1"rmn anal: II llllj (I prlncllnv-us w --cu Nut tlndapvguat GWIOPDIOII may go and do likaviumnd Ihan in no far that they will drum of doing so. The noolloction oguchsvholuulunbuu of tho pqtrom ` Igloltlu Crownu tho shove few luau ` renal, howunt, should oilenco than Toty journal: who In contending thnt no nppoiulmont Ihnuld on any nccauut. be undo by the pronoun. out-going ulminiu Incion. Consistency in a jewel not high,- ly primed not much puuouod by Gunn- dinn Totiu who an too hungy [or ut- oo to stuck my importonco ton manor ,1 _,._- ___.:..-..4 ... nvdnninln `THE 'SPLENDlD" HANDSOME, unnxn Before von mnlm I at-IN`-tloll nnwwlxevo. Than 8 lauald" I|.lu~_\'ond all quawntlolnthe unk II; I uul Parlor Islmro ovonr invontml. pounc- mq uubbtumal impnwomenun nud ulvnugeo over IIIV null fouler now in mm. 7 Umlyoall and no It In-torn you puruuw any other. awn nl.llPlu` sag. G_LIFF S, THE ICXCEEDINGLY ATTRACTIVE AND UNIQUE DISPLAY (H-` Mrs. Andraws Show Room` rolpoctfnlly lnvlxo all her kluu ,.-ntmno and II man new customer: an ml lul. be planted to CAL , EXAIHNE and (. DER Ior llnlmloh vu-_ nuurlmz than: Ivurlbct Intmnnllon ill. up Asa-r||IW"" V; """ L"'."' I ms. Aunnews` % Mi||inery& Mantle Estab||shm'l FASHIUNABLE MILLINERY ; opt Cw! In vvvv`--r \nououry grade of IO! |-;..:u ..._.. 0...... t.a.-.o.....u...nm.I " j'-"""','`"` in gum gantisn 1t.r;a,3.; .- -.._........... . In SECOND T0 NUXHC IN THIS CITY. Having teuently returnod from tho rluelpcl market: when she ueloctu-I thts rio an MC most. nufulolauuf (land. m In found, would and many nugm Op Midland central Fair Society. 0! FRONTINAO, Tmmmmmmmm I lHl l`IDI. Eli. f1J(.hi xNr: (.|fn1uuo'ruanmI- voa. suturing porfuot In every particular. . 1... ..r mcnrrwm. v1m.JAcl1c1'I . Wodnudav. Thursday and Friday. 9111. 10th and llthootobor. 93,000 mferml in Proinlunu: ` tr Plllzl Lina null nhnlr rmu nu Inning ontrlu upon c:... In ohusinul {mu Oh I looreury. . IIIINRY mwnll. Ilaonlnry ' Kinuwu. An: I9. II7I. . ' J. nmnpm by luau. M wlnunoll l. mg as law Ollco. Plus: I! uuumum will he undo to can I olminmlo tenant II: M ounlud on npplkunua II the ulnlo of IMWIDEI Ir. IIACHAI. nhlnn Linn Hlnrl. WV`-UIIII-y -vuuuuu vuu Thlulonuly in! log] ' '7 .. ::..:..:-' 7 `III . lmlldauu on l r:I:t-on Itronl, to ooenpid by Iunrn. N wlnunoll C. I Plus: M llul Iu Iuuzu nu; --up-u-u... ... of mere nontinout or principle. Golda: Lion Noel, Ilaon. ops. 2.. INF. Si -mu. %V null I IN IIIAUILI YOUIG KAI, rope I nalllol IQOIII In own uu.'c1.-L I2 Ihooilli lutrutlou It-uhnu In K um-. Greek, luqmuua and`? lunch. ,, Auras `madam, WlIln0r7IOI,`h. j omm. ~ i AND 8AV GOHFOIIT TIIIS WINTER. rvv Q arzvv I-1.043 ! wt-Inna uxpnuly for this orpululloh. parnc-uuur. A lot of umu'rn~'u|. I-`UR-JACKETS i'm- nlnldrau. -0r. lIo|:o_I'r:n:t_lIe Wlfa - Chilly spin. -1" Air commence: to-marrow. ---The Ulnnoory Court is not vary in- to:-citing. - -Alonudrh Bay nnd Clayton Ire tnlking up 3 [I00-0OllI'I. . - Dupalch: Since the C0urtney-Unn- Ian nco tho Cnnadinnn have become Uroaublclu. rnL u,_ n:_..._. .-:`II.AI|`1lFlIliII Ohn Oct. 4th, 157 8. Klnpwu. J: 08%; M "inmuAL axulsltvlpi` Inn, -7; mu damp . can .nua."c'3'...'..'a'.'.'?.. on} lube W I'}I:laI NGTCDN HT II I2 I21`. ohuuou. f` Stuuptng done. Iiumri:-k I Vndniuu but am. IIITI IAKIB8! I`1,.')uencn, or 0 con pun puuuu. - l'ho Consular collection: for King,- uon Dintrict. for the four quarters and- ing the 30th of Soptemhar, zunuunterl tn s5:s1.042,2::. m... ._:.| ..c n... ....:.......r ('...an.I.-..|g/ BAILIFF_ 8~ am, PBINOISS STREET. PlI|VATE__LA88E8. and nlnntlou. u\uIl nu, ECONOMICAL, NKYIL W m C13 00!`. MI An Ila, AND ITS (IRUUNDH, sioiv Let; II III! ` " :T'I" 1. w. non uroauolcn. -'l'he Fcy Sisters will perform in the Victoria Munic Hall to-morrow evening. I n .4..- L:_ ..:t.. -...l nu-nu mnnntl nu, mu` llEL_lABLI. ? 9: 1 In -rngnlmhhl . NIRAIU Illy 0lllOl'. (IEO. CLIFF. nfteruoon. --At linbriul street market, Montreal, J. Elliott, of Kingston, told ten cattle It 824,50 each, or 3 cont: per pound. '1']... l`.....nl-m nnllnnnnn for Kinn- ' V lclol Mllllc lu nu-Iuuuuw Uvuunusa --Hnnlun, his wife, and party panned west by the Grand Trunk Itanlwny this _`b--vu1.tnt| .-- .1 ...- ___.u l:.l- .ua)L.U'I6,q.4i. -- The trial of the prisoner Gustaf:-nlaz, (arrested at Kingston) the alleged mur- derer of Mnlhieu Mathemu, will take place on Friday next. at St. John's. A nnlnu nf luzrnnnn will he nlaved ll] l\II'|lL0n Un lnurauny nuzu um-um. ...... Alorl~," of Hellevalle, and the Kingston Club. .1:-. I ..._._.. ..-o.....i.-_. G...-ullurn uuu. --`luvngelz Lylmmextomive juwallera of Montreal, hue fulled. The hahiluieu are very Inga. but the Asset: will umlm 3 good uhrnung. Radomptiun of the city." You, todmnpt.i-m" appears to bu the proper wnrd. It VIII med by uneof the but Tories in the County u! Lennnx, and he ought. to know what he`: talking abuut. ,p..II...1.`..... "`S.wntnlOawml01!ellUo- pmce rnuly mun. an no. uuuu 3 ~-A game of lucrone will be played Kinglton on Thursday next between the s- \I-.o.. (.5 Rullumllu mm] the Knmatrm ougnr. U) Know wnal nu I uu-nu; -u---.... --Palladum: Several0awogogemlo- men loft M. 1 p.m. ta-day for Kingston to utond the Auutmlian`-Canadian cricket mltch which boginn there to-morrlmz" In that no . Does anybody k:|)`.v anything about the match I I. :, ,,:_| u_-a. _....... .......i..h.....nQ.n In nuuuu uuv nu-u... . -1; in said that some appui vacnwiea 01 lung standing I made: by the Govorunient, 1 ..|._... :4. .. ........-nul that .1, nmua Dy um Huvuvuuunu, ..... .... whorl it 1: reported that J. H. Br: uditor of the [res l`r0.v, has been n Deputy Inspector of the Post. (mice. The usual life is manifest st the Crys- tal Pnlsco ground: in nuticipnuon of the opening of the Central Fnir 1.0- marrow morning. Dvmng the luv. few dnyu the entries have poured in. And now we have eve'_v muon to believe that the thaw will be: greet Iucceu. Ono thmg in aneu- (mlly nooouury-ne weather, wilhoul which we cnnnm. speak so lmpefully of the result. We are glad to say that some of our nlnzem are calculntmg llpull mnkiug hunleorue alinpluye, such M will no infective to the hundred: who mil vuit the l`al4ce. Already much uf the good: has been daliveretl. but a urea! deal of to-mnrruw wnll be cuusulnul In the arrengemem uf them. Fur viuitou Wednesday will be the ucczuiun of a gran: rush. We are hnppy tu any that the farmer: no taking great Interest in \lle exhibition, and, goueully spenkillg. vu- expect much of it. Tn Yuww Pun Sr.-nun.-s. -- It in rcnnfhd that no pnblic moth-out has lake: pll ii * til M 15590 flllldl In and lo Ilonyhbov lav Orion: or any- othol for Nb ICE` of the yollou kn! Illuul. R Hall`: Church ha unuandldauliuo. bulk roptuouud but A still panics ol thunuonity. A pun! aha-don is kind. 1! th- Iqut will had I aa$ithu to propu- V V `Annual.-I`m II. A D-In. the tragic! and notable Jungian of It. I. Ddll. haunt SI:-not. cu u Ottliqjdnd m the happy bud: wilt II. I. 0uuouI1,cIImItnt.ol Pygmy`- vi.51ihIIv..FuIl0uhu. `liq iioyiyo tuna lab [.0 In Yul. % *"-`' I Ymrxxu Ham-xvn.Lm. Hi: l.~-rdnhip Bishop O'Brien, uf Kuxgnnn. funuorly the put-r ul 8!. Frnnris .\'a\v|er Church Congregation m llrucknlle, arrived In chu I--In on Saturday nfternuun, and on S\uu]._v appeared be!-tn his old purist- iuneru in tho Uhuruh Street mhce. T! 9 Rtrorderuyi that the Imhop preached I sermon on the muum why Cntholm Ihould honor tho Virgin. and with lm uunlnhilily handled the ml-ju-t in A manner that nu both creditable to him- qo and pinning to his audionco. Bishop 0'3:-ion while I thoroughly well otlncated nllllilnn docs ant make use of the _ .1- _;b,L ,,,___ ._ g__ _\_____`A_ pun---u uuu an m... nu ., oaty pub: which nun: to be chIncter- Mic oi the pun] preacher: of modem dnyu, and in oonnqunan whatever nub- joct ho uh: up In mooted: in getting III nal uo_ clearly that aoyom of lvcngv inlollipuoocon oonpuhonl his meaning. no....-.-.__ muioruu. We pithy I uncut lo Ch 356 thi Mr. Hm-Ion, of Centre Run. In likely to nah _urp, !oc tin Koo. Kr. Conn-ght. The lad throat. .. -.A....-4.. pkg: il ll. l'nft(,n HQW Iluwa I nun-u-cu-y.q,..w an nurtnhmlt. I111. ll. Buhn, d Nov `Hui. not visiting lricndu, hon ptonind to Incl it incur. a... . .. j--....__. THE (EHNTRA L FAI IL WIND W APPS. uu.u...... .. have been Ind amung J. Brock, I 7 ,4 I , mintlnunts to I L--- un-n.-, nmdu UT T W UCXIDIC jg 313.com but do; nuplon, 13,313 but `clout: P"! Africa, mean. 3.03! `an!- .1 ..L..... u.....;. m.;...'.. Ii-hl-mdI uuylnlui [Ivy aurwlg ovuuu:-, u,vIrI p_--- of vial; Pnnia. Chicago, ligbllood 3,&`D5IIh of what. A ..:--|. -. lI..I.......L A. m....a'.- Hahn KQ. -I . Uttlilljls. Inn -cm -u--. an, on mnliorily, that 8! Mr. Horton uid naive my appointment from the odgahg Govcllont in neogoiiiun of thuailonol VD out in (aware! the than Iinioht, Inch us Ippoinuucnt 4-4.: L- __.._..n.. ...4_Il~I hr thn in- OJIIX UT IR WK. Aninllu Holcomb C 8tonn'I: Boll! liiugapuu, `lnlndn, 12.0%. but or! can; prop Alil, Ililwulhe. 14,1!) had: of -L...t x` The lunacy-lth uuiuu ol the above institution was so-mound yuuudny with an nucodnoi equal to that at lutyur. During tho manor nation the building has nooind inst inpmunwnu, the brush of the wink: hvingdou Inch .- x..._....- :4- :..A._...I -`-unnn-anon, Thu Imun or use vunut unugu-u -Inau to Improve its iinurnl dpponnnu. Thu seven! dnpnunnlc hue boon unbjecuo I change, and the nuns gentleman no Professor: 3: last you. The creditable standing 6! the students uf this institution 5: the umunl onlnilution of the Ontu-in Medical Council spring Iunhined the high reputation of our medical gchool a second to none in this Dominion. The coming ueuiun pmminu to be 1 pauper- am one to all boncomod, am} In do not doubt that is will be chuncterinsd by the name diligence whxch hu hitherto mu-lged . the cunt: of those in nttundaace. u n . v...__..,| .: w..n.......I. ha.- U16 clrocn 0! ulooe In luwuwwua. Mr. R. A. bound, of Wutbrook. has uuccsodol Mr. W . H. Henderson of this city, to the house Iurgoonlhip of the Gononl Hospital. Recommended as the farmer gentleman ha been. it in not doubled tint he will prove a worthy mo` ceuor to Mr. Iiandonon, who has lled the pot! to credilnbly during tho put six months. h"rr:An'r v.-1. R.API.--.\ suit I possruion of certain lands, ` Q . . ntralu the culling of lumber. ,.u 11.. I: ll ll... ETUAIH` V.-L K\.AI'I.-`.13'll|: w lvvuvvs and to re- lll':lu Judgment reserved. Mr. (5. M. Mncdonoll Ior plaintiff; Mr. }{.T. Walkem for deYend- ..n: ant, Hu1c.\`\\n)oo Vs, Sxoox.--A unit of the daughter of the late Tunis Snook to re- cuvcr pouesaion of certain lnml given her by her father by deed in October last, the land being held by defendant, who claims 1t by agreement with his father. Cue proceeding. Menu. R.'l`. Wnlkem and ILV. Roger: for plniuti; Menu. Brit- ton and C. Moss, Toronto, for defendant. n 7, ., n.... A ...:b in ..n nnhln and K1. moss, I uruuw, Iur u-:.u.\........ DALY vs. D.u.\'.~-A unit to set aside a deed on the ground of incapacity on the , part of gmntor; the dead In not d}'u.wu by the legal udviuernfeltherpnrty. Deed net asidu with cash. Messrs`. Wnllbridge, Wells MAJ Mass for pluintitf; Menu. Britmn zmd _WhiIing for defendants. iris` 'l-'l lQ Inn 03- I._..L_..... AA. Inn... .n-S-. l"..-3a.- Tn Nu Edi! H of (he Brih -/r lVhlg1. .\`ni,~-ln In Article In the Uttewa ; Daily Fitizen. of Oct. let, Chief Young, of Umuva. in reported as saying that he ` received nhnbby treatment :0. the hunt]: 5 of the Chief: of Ouveo and Cobourg. Now, for my part I do not know in Ivhet manner we {rented his compnny with din- reepecz. We did not Attend the tourna- ment for the purpose of competing against profeuionnl runners, but eguinuc lirenwn, and the manner his Iuen tried to ; make is common ncruw ommecl ion proved iv conclusively to my mind that his runneia `; ale n - fireinen. And further, if he lint` 3 oil that we zidniitwd we puc up a. job; with Kingltnu he my: what is untrue. For if we had I BIIOUIII rerlainly not have ! hint him nnr lmae cut to run with on } that day. My apinion in, that for email L tricks the ()Itiwe Cumpnny should take' the front rank. inn... Inn hare in return lhenln to the ; H. T. Co.-Auinh; hull. Oiiup, mnxnn |....I. _l '_L..n'. I_.....I- J- rank. } Allow me here to return , Judgra fur their fair and impartial deci- uom-, and to Chief Honey Ind the King- ston Fire Brigade, for their kind and geutlenmnly treauuem. during our Itny in your city. Your: ruipecfnlly, UK. l).i\ : Dear Sir,-~I am much pleased with yuur successful manipulation uf my eon`: teeth. The remoul of the imperfectly fut-med lower punion of ueerly hnlf .f his two upper frunt teeth, to well an the den-.n_vod nerves and pulp extending tliroughuut their interior up to the end: of the mute, the solid filling :of gold end the neat nrlilicinl resmrntion of them to their natural lengtlgie, in my antiniution, deserving of credit uau extreordinary operation vary skillfully performed, and perticulnrly an it was upon 1 led not yet, 14 yuan or ego. I mu hanov to think. Ill hope, that tlttohhhh inn-can inn-up lib ' Ii Amid the wnnderml uniformity which perudo: tha Ihnughu md cunomn ol the world some rovu-all but sud than occur, as when white in the color signi- cuin of grief, or whcn to turn on : back on 3 person in u nip ol nun-non. But perhaps for nnch round: an more curionl than the custom ol the Guns, in India. to cumidcr an inlringuont oi the rule that sll pro I cl Isrfilai Inuu come from the locale old: so an iluull to In tho mailed to which the Indy bohup, only to bo stoned lot by liberal ulonuiom bl but mm! in #010 the man : nahari to utonod lot by Hutu lllllllllonl bf bear up am`: that of III: "pcopol-" Mun curiguv. Donut, dam "on this in wir uumngo crteuouy; M which. that the hridu bu ban bathed in the unrest stream. the nddi party pfclodexl to the homo ol the . who pretends to In unwilling and mm tiny, but is caught and subjected to I Iiuilu shluliou, and thou I|II_u,lII 5961.01 Kb Inuistagtunnd his puum.I.o the buds`: homo. c.ncdyan:|ogocIcnnIonuI@tdo I brido'oIIuhvi::|-uhciddiqiu n clouuyvollpotml it In but curudyinmuu Iiuavi-val, in Int: inlay. dnqnnclqtun i--ionln-uldnlloillinguihmjbcu wlntoollod gnu Ina II-I-I-nun --u 4 I '1} -JOINS , Illa: nu uyyu-.u_.... wodlh promptly cneallod by the in- Iouing ullniniurntion. The nulnnul CC Il I ptty Ipiu, in the hour of their grd party victory low, nq-iiru no com- loutopooidly in viow'ol the but tint the Inodudn ol uppointnonln undo by that (Insular: an quitting oico won rupuul by Hon. Iu:komio'n Govern- nut. fur 0! Hon. Mr. Cartwright on tho front row 0! tho Opposition in the now Home in what inspire: the Tory Ioucion with terror, sad it in to prevunt thin oIlunity-!or they wuuld regard it In nothing luI-th|t they would badger Hr. Horton out of his pouible intention. The suiting Finance Minister will be in the out parliuunt in spite ui Fury Up, polilion. Somebody will make pilce for him till he Ihnll rodooui his own constitu- _-4 _ 1--. _|.:-|. .:n L. aura In human \ 3 . ,, `VH3 0' ?IIuu.5.. Q It ". N &->, `I-than I happy think, hope, you have put them in Inch A condition Hut they may lul. him for many years I0 kg`-nu-v nln-.-In utherwiao could not, but would have bmomo Ion In the course of I Ihuu time. No doubt thr experience you hnve gained rhrc-ugh your practice In Uhicugn hm-9 crmtrivbuted much to your aucceu Ill thin kind -f donul operation. Ivlnch I It--uld venture to say is rarely uwt mm in this quarter. 1 remain, yuurn truly, W. SA\\'\`r.IL indoyohnlml aqua anyw- iqwiuo In-Iondqlituutilgttibuvu -uuhniuuonti-urban _nuog_Ihg -cc TH E Fl REMEN`S T0l'R\ .\Ml'I\'T. Kinguton, Hut. 5, 1878. -- -ooo--- Court of Lhancery. ~-oO9 ;"l-ZI)DI.\'(-` (TN RE. .\ IN-ntal Sun:-cm.-s. ruipocfully, Gin. \V. \`VAll.~4o:>, Chief of D1-pt. IHTR QQIIDU. nun uu no Illlll rouuun nu uw .. Ltlll ...... may, I (not which will be More to luppen nu the MI! opportunity. rm: sm1sn_wme_a. r%ussu;__ box`-mama 3, 1'78 a __.-u__.._A....g _...... [mama usI__gn niiiiiv.-z 15 Oautiou Canning ' Trouble. (av 7-4-H I hnudou.0oL 7.-1 Ind: Ihlld uoatduy inuudugodin tho! :gypc&_n qanhon In 3 umon of [:2 i unuuquxnu-u Illl nun: povonglu 'hItnpuncnpohtn Rn-._ nan. 7.--A: soon A: tho lulu: Igypcun quunon DI` uo umun not I_u-Iy : II aukiq for bond! Ind othtr llndnu- nnnnn union tha rink: in Isuiicloak in no nannljolnuou ov ngypc. ` lone, Out. 7.--Anuoou satin Gown-at no _ upwind ol the inhu- ` lion xogiunn iniaImGioonlehuncbno< an Egplip adtniniuutiun. it `am to- muiliionn to the Khodivr And tau the ` ' and London Gonmnonu, declar- ing tint ltdy ohould boeuulidored III the an-auguunu. as $0 in: Inlay intent: to prune: in Egypt. Tho Khedivo rc- pliod that Italy : claim would In just it on inhrmtimul I-ministration ton in- tended, but though some furoignon night outer ch: Cabinet. they inn no Ionian oichl that-gear, md be ill dog toruinod to uninuill the co-phto indo- peudonoo of the Egyptian n.dminiuuI- tion. England and France repliad to lhlyi ropnunhtionu by Ihtmg nm the nppointmont of Engliah and Fund: aubjoou Ill merely An wt of oourtuy, not of politics! Iignilicancs. Italy. mur- lholou, iuniata (hut her right.` and inter- ost: nhall bu rupected. l. Um'niom: Inn nubliahed an article can man be rupeczea. L`Upt'm`om.- hu published seeking to damonnujnti. that n Mitiltarid crisis in inevitable, `and till probshly be causal by the rutiremant. ur the Minister of Foreign Afhin and the Minintor of War, in couloqueuca of the rent of the Clbinet not uupponing the former : action at the Berlin Congress. This, thcugh denied by the Ministerial jam- lull, has caused I oouaiderablo aennlion. \ug 91--'\[l upm. ; V'v>u ., Ottuvs, Oct. 8.--llsnlon we: met at the 4:40 train by the` Ottawa Rowing Club and nlarge number of prominent citizens and escorted to the Open House, where an address of welcome was present- ed to him. The large house was jnminrd nlmost to s-ibcatinii. The urchestn chairs were occupied exclusively by hr- dies. The grentest enthusiasm prevailed during the presentation and the after speeches. A pleasant. feature was three cheers given for Courtney. 1n the eveu~ ing Hanlan wus entertained at the Queen ," Mr. Alunm Wright, M. P.. occupying the chair, with the champion on the nght. and Mr. Rufus Stephenson, M.l- ., on the left. The whole event pnuod oil" admirably in every respect, and was one of the pleasantest episodes in life at the Capital which hsa taken place for some time past. Hanlan started for 'l`nruuto by the ten o'clock train. Rinlmn Dnlmnuel cltv The Bellevllle IM1li4_;ur4r anal other Tory journele heve been lmpallently cln. -outing lot the resignation of Ministers. We know the! mob wee the Ieueitivo honour ol the hibonl loader: thin. they would not hold oicu e day--nay, nut. an llblll-lullif lbnn the public inteiont nu- periounly demmdod it; than an Juull M ever the Absolutely uooeuary N.)-l'.lIl0 nf the verioue dopemnenle could be wound up end tnlufcr rendered pouiblo that treneler would he mule. We did think the! pouibly the Ministry would emnmnn Perlleuont in the usual wey, though at I much eerlior then the usual demo, and lay down their hl.h unit in in preeeuce. This we uill coneider u the mail digni- ed oouree end tlul. which wnnld hen lntorptel the lnhotiou nl the (,'nnItitu- lion. It wee eleo uid thet the Minielry could hardly neign belure` the elec- sione were completed. If yntordeyi de- epetoll prove mm, however. the Mini-my will not unit even for Lha linel return from the canetitnonoiue, but will l 0l.Il'0 es once (rum their present position: no edvieere uf the Uru/In. We nlnll hr gled if they du no to: one reuun at any name. It will et (moo throw the g0VeI'numn( M the country into the hands of ll1*u V proloee to poeeeeethe chu-med a -rw in proepetity. 1?. will compel these men to IIIOI their hend, and to diaclum that churn to the gaping admiration of l.lwM- eleetnu the hue given them the uppnr- tuully hr the dengeroue experiment. We know them will be no end of shut- Oing and delay, but it will be the duty of ell, II it will be the oepeciul province of the Relonn pron, to demand that them be no elully-ehellying 0': no question uhioh he: been leolered by Lhcmeendn of M. ._..|.__ -...I .4... nine. i_|.rp_..