Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Nov 1878, p. 2

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W' umr wanes unisex. . 1 house (In Lululuu until the gum-ml 1872, when he decluw He introduced bills 5 law an to stamping lnll tending the law as m wnnnmm: fur making 1 you b ' .. weapons; pruvmmn fur the granting; uf new (lilild lH cuilninnl canes throughout thu Dunnninn; fur the cul- lectinn of cuilnilul StMiLLCS, nud to nhtm llsh the death penalty in cares of rape. The rth, third and hat lmumno law. While a member of 111;; liar ho mu re- tained as counsel in nearly every impor- tuntcle that arose {rum 1868 up to 1875, moat. 110mlle the prnsccutnun 0f McHen ry alias Townsend, one of the mrm. cxu tramrdiuary cum-s uf lnintulitll ilvntity un n-mmL run. even momtir g the U klmwn mourn, UL uum UAltllI.|wF H. Tlchhurna casu, tho NHL-full case, wherein thu mlu of ulm ] i' was caudem'ledzthe Hamin cane, wherein the name thng mined; the Ilubv-tx Conan c Anderson, the Blame; the St: 1858, when the Um: parlinuw sitwu vndeuvmlrvd in cunrt break down the Unvermnent A... Indmi. an Hll'nfjnn cn. to tax them; mm n'lml causes (.00 numerous to mention. Appointed arbitrator for Untmu on North Western Boundary Cummiaeinn. 1876. Sinoa his his elevation to the Bench, he in Jan., 1876,triml tho riotera on upm- censinn of Roman Catholics in Turonlo in the full of lSTDaevunl of Hm rioters were convicth and imprisoned. He has also duliwreil judgmnnts in several cases of general intrrout, and: as th liuhih'y uf .. (hm-ruman culliHvic tn turmqu nu l'r-wnwe. An mlvo moved. He wua ml condeumtion of the L tnrio, and (he syalcn their construction 2 local municipal ant (lmwrnnn-nl. control local Inunlcwan Illulunurn. v. _. (luvemnu-nt in mammary to the decent administration hf justice. Salary, $7.000 from Dnlnininn (hwvrnumut, and 8|,000 from Luca! Hummmcnt. - -.- Now we learn that it i: denounm Mr. Mount on a nhv, 0h,' by which. 2 nmnIn-rod. the nmmberu ( I....-. mm mm] H. v01? a $300 Increase 0| lnary. um .. m... swuld be taken in haml it Will .l)e found in buone that. will cut buth wnyl, ninco it In nrrivcd at by an understanding belwoen the parties, the Government snnouncing it on the pledge that the gentlemen lo the lull of the speaker yould not oppolo it. To nrraigu the Go- vgrmom upon thin charge would he on not that lould reect l-ul hula credit on the gentleman who are parliu totlnu engineering though of a project by which they don have prnliued uncmnpluninuly. It would only be p-lellntnl lumnw that Would induce mom tn pursue a Cour-w like this. War no! man to uke up lb. qua-lion, there can belittle doubth that. they could Iwoop the lrorinot upon It, t-ul for any u-f the original ponie- to do u) would be to uulufy them-elven. However, it might be gruelully gut round by either the Gournmaul. or tho Opolin'on propming a radnctinn of the indonmily, trailing it: incroua u an Accomplished fact, md not looking to mponion Nuns either here or than. t tho very Id 'no uokinu, :- In Oppo. .Mm.. In condemn the Hovernmem upon Bat tho Id 10! uumg, :- In upw dtion, to goudomn thin on. indictment 20"! how devoid the] In 0 mun-nuns to prder, sud how little condence thly have in their chance- bob" the electorate. -llautrut aw (lawn-4 ) w _ Tho Gmn Socialiete are laid m be I diecouing (be ldviubihty o! migrating I at mm to the United Stutee or to Alia Minor. They ere worried and wearied no doubt et home by the bony hand end repreuive mouure- oi the Biemerck tynnny, Fetherlend they ere not permith to re- uenerew Imh eociel revolution. We hope they will prefer Aeie Minor 0! the el- ternetive doelinetiom ebuvo nwntioned, In the United Sutee from all accounll there ere quite enough of their politicel kidney Already, end it would be exceed- ingly uncomiurteblo (or In to lame their numbere I0 lergely luereeeod ' immuliato vicinity, and are con-trained to leeve the Pal! Dunn Pun KILuL-uo u lodlm m immumm, LMdl valid In. the nod imam win. II m. Ito W W ion-mod put and dc. M and (Via to the min-Ir. I: in ' the apple'- lneml, and n it Iith men, or than!!me with-alum "in rw Dulu' Pun Mumla ol .4. .. .I-un. innmunemu. .nn. . . . I . I fbg Wltllum Ruhagla rs blmuf m hum But ntarm), was at. . m up: 0 mm] north h slve and emment hrmnf H:\r- . b H , HHVU (HH lur & Muss cmnlmsed (If hun- . ' , lumbar, the mes-rut Hun. Chluf .luillcu v, l - ' 1 AA rcglon, r. blurlxa Mast Mr. Furstlmr- s, -m I, Mr W A Fast-r and Mr um: l er' ' " ' Healing the 1 alcunhridgu- Wer largely M will be bullt I hrnnn run! was. for .l...... on ....I A....l In, III mistaken mummy nu uveu (Acqjtilg U casu, Nun'olk Hluiuvalty m uluo by a nherr nxn'led;th0 HasiingShriavally In thing was deter case nf John he slave ; Statu 'lrinla' uf parlinuunmry oppo- mvuurud courts nf law (0 l Government; the hm- mm.) election cusp, wherein o Ivuu nunmmllv disuuali- 511 LA!" (1 I I}. yumuh... 1 dcclll'l their numoon Io mgm, um-.. our own immodiato vicinity. We do not It I wonder chn no mention hands of coming to (Inn-d1. Thus Ihnld though viliounr : vumm hue - mu... 1--.... Oh-t in the devalunmont we lung mung men [1% tnwnt emphth in the :3 Court mum-a hf Ull Len. (hum prevailing fur n and maintenance by nuthuritnes. Adv-beaten I .7 .. 0.. Nu. Inns II'UIII lulu -ml electim of mod re-nomhmtinn. u for amcmlmg the bills and "(Madly ux carrying deadly u nrnvmmu z is proposed to I account of the n ml] be re- I or the Legia nu; tlncrlmslwa lint I! III c SATURDAY; NOVEMBER 2, i878. (9U rm hilt-3 Tomato. Nov. tch h- lnu n- guvul hon M lb- ol'nut DI-M. un- nun who robbed the Anti-Ilium of "ma. mm in be: mud in in his pun-hm. Buy the blogrtph opal-uh: on Ibo Grand Trunk, who in tode of canning by his wales-non- um collision hat Thundly. n- boton the uni-tub yuhrdny. Bo plodod not guilty Ind nu mauled and! Hominy Inn. The brake-mm in still in n v.3 critic] con- dition. If 1 Ihould dis g, cm In in An nlkwud petition. l n __....:n- nl than "mhn Club 'u IIIVW pouuon. A meetingr of tha Hahn Club held Int night. At which it 'u and thAt the expense: of thh anon Ind non- Iy nullowod up it: share of the ohm- pioul winnings. It was ranked to Open up . oomupondunoo with parties in Env- llnd w Irnnga a unuptign on the Thunel and the Tyne next anon. It in prubablo that m monument will be nude on each member to dafny the expense. or the trip. [lmhu told I oompondent a few days ago that he thought of king u my to England next February for plenum. James N. Brown, tha plokpockot who did such I good stroke uf business in the gum watch line during the Exhibition, has been sent to the Penitentiary for nhnld tnon'n Vlllumnn . .......- .._.- doubtbu bunt thnt in the davolupmont at their mouth: thwrinn Cnnndn in nnynt tn itn int-nay; that in thin renpect we no uvnrnl deondol behind our Yankee con- dm. With the lntter the tree of "pro- tection" In nlrondy boning it: legitimate [unit at poverty, doltitution nnd Oom' muninm. vhilo with un the sapling in but newly plnntod. If they come thin way Geri-nu Sucinltntn will an to the Staten nt nny Into till Cnnndn in in onough ndnucml' to prove nn inviting uylum. Loot tho, nhould ever come, however, we ninconly hupe thny will go where Glndv nun. Inntod to bnuinh tlio'lurknbng I L,#_-__ A" 1.4,. Minn-v walchlino during the L'xmmuon, has been two yearn. The funeral of the late Chief Justice The Harxiwu wok place lunlay. _-'-*_ lieeptiouAnother Acquisition - 1! u 334' a n l 'resau Euuluh Elections- Denmark, the Princeu' brother. London, Nov. 2.lt in reported Hm the negotiations between Enghud and Portugal in regard to the evasion of De- luugn Bay, mi inlet of the Indian Oceln in eastern Africa, 65 miles in length north to south, and 20 vnilesncruss, lmw bdvu cnnclu-lud. This splendid lumbar, immml purl fur tho 'l'mne mnl region, thus hocumes n llritiah pr)!~ sessiau fur $2,900,1MU. A railway con necting new part with the Transvaal at unco. 'lhis bay in a com- muilmus and sale anchorage, but. its uhurea are llnt mid unhealthy. l Mann Nov; 2 ~A SI. Peleraburg uhurea HM mxu \llllneuuny. London, Nov. 2 Peleraburg despntch my; the press of mm. city Imu- smldeuly became very moderate in their tune. A doapatch frmn Calcutta sayl the ln diau Unvarnuwut contemplates the ndnp lion of n guld currency \iunnm Nuv. 2.1he return of tho Vienna. Ausmau troops hm; been much delayed muhm m nmuru sturm and llumln. L'Wlllg U! mun; nu St. ldorsbmu, valn'is very ill. melun, Noni patch says the in: la spreading. 'llm muniu'ml 'llm muniuml rlectiuu thruughuut England n'nd \V dos yesterday were mostly Contested in l-lxlwal rather than local issues. lho A'mu claims that the ba- lnncu of the clmngus favors the LibL-ruls. *7vrr o (My Telegraph hung.) Muntrual, Nov. 2.The parties in the East End who have been getting up n demonstration agninut the Local (iuvum- m..." nn Hm mum-l thut tho ()ccn'lental .... zzled (Mb-The Telegraph Com- pmnm Ioo'ing Process. than. Inma- w "Dun-u vu mu! buggqo -to Ali: Minor. -.w_ PIS ! Lnd 1... n pomihlo rout i. The telegraphic poulng arrangement. is an uccomplslml fact. Capt. Mnyue, who wan appointol :Lrbitmtor. yesterday after- noon allttrod upon Ilia task of Neterinln- ing what purcunmgo 5f the receipu should fall to each Uumpnny. l'lu rendered his Jecisiun in Willing to Sir Hugh Allan and Mr T. Hwinynnl, Managing Direc~ Lul of the Daniin n Telegraph Cumpany. What percenluge is ullutted to each Cum- lmny has nut hedn lnutlu public, but we lmrn that. it is likely to prove mtiafnctory t0 the both Companies. The pool will corn-3 inin operation on Jan. lat. 'I'lm intention of the Companies in Lu cunllnuc the tnri'ua at pruaent. In- dvcrl, tho Duniininn Company declined tn untui' intn any int-alignment which hml for HR UbjP'1L Illa inn-cam: nf llll. exisiing rates: buv. :I very cunaidcrnul.) reduction Ill he brought about. in the working Tlu' Moduli-l] luquosfuolua lo the Murder or. back of ammo lumber piled, um were anI him through the head. Alter the daceued had ceased u ltrnygle Iho mud th. they carried him met to the brillgo Ind threw him into who river. Mn. Caughlm lulu the name awry Lu detective Banning. 50h much credence In placed III hul statement, thuggh many think Iho known numethiug 0f the murder And in telling this yarn to shield tho real on!- pliu. A number of Iimuul ha" been unminod and many morn no to follow. ([ny T*ll'_I/Yll-ph Tu-Day.) Ottawa, Nov. 2.At tho MoAulay in- quest yesterdny some remurk-ble evidence was given. A man and womnn mmod chmn H-slied that I wom-n of diure- puublo churncler, hy the mum of Cnuuh- 1.1-), had luld them that she a" McAuley murdered" Um she and a [armor whune nan elm dill not know mat McAuley on Wellington street, tuuk him down to tho of lumber piled, Ind there shot Linn Dhrnnuh Hm haul. (y Telogayh To day.) London. Nov. 2-11" Daily 1W:- gmph, commenting upon the :lapwuhu {mm lhilbdalphll shout thc Fisherie- din mo nyl: In I world who" no two In I informed people nk dike on my given subject, why would the lust am Lord Bilinbury And amour, Butt- m unable 90 aka uiultho no. vlot cmlo in Philtdel but a prob-and Ion- ' . huh. uhule (Act-b. Cb.- loro no public, and I. a. Inn 8 I]. no! com-um noon in both eon-uh: will coon unin u s Mend], w a h The 0pm!!!" of the London Talc- graph. " A Km Coluu' m [was 0". During tho are you- thnt Sir John uhivorod in the co Ihldal 01 Opposition much .410 III Inula shout hi. poverty. Quoor thing, thin Inter, to IuLa espi- N" out of unynny, but it In donavpo- lilionl upiul we mean. He had upon: and boon 5pm". [or his country. To in- dulge hi. paltiotio nmbltiun he by] do- uiod him" 0! tha compouncy which he one no 0in hue Amused gt hi. probation. With I hit corrup- tion! he Ind subbed nothing for hi. on pencil-l no and bandit. In ohm his hundl won clean. and hi! poc- ha in I like condition. no lthy luau diluting to their lininp. And 00 Sir John, on annual. of hi: volunmy pover- U .;A 4.2... -1 a... ..l .mnl ml. mim- riSniiicilis. Eunggm. w on ~- olEAL. CILQUJTI. l. . 2.A chharaat drs - insurrection in Bulgnria m and ummn. 0v. 2.Uunnt Schou- llienllhy. #A m. nl that uifv Imm- III. III I. nun-n, .uu v-m' com. but D I. a poor Inn lor A' M Und- thm (Ii-Honing cinnam- m do! it I enun- ol c-mguu'l L do. to In bout-Ming friends the country on, to think that tho Ian- a. lm I. hue untide will MI .0 W! II but by his oIcid -|- I "gm-um: nn thou-and" (Du curl W) Noni-bun, Nov. 1 4: m... I St. mun"! ban. 1". In. W in W. 0. Gibsons M May. ux! mnuniatd lo the m ih tho In: of Welohn Howl, ad a Hm Maximum n ned! an the unit: no! (n Ian ll "um-11mg ml'.V in dined no lllill IN (EBQ; nun-i for (In Inlet, of he who). u..." nut nf th- ln'n. Mdilo'l block nun-ind [or (In may 0! the non mu put of the town. Maitlo'l look at 5 umber of time- bn: III a ohm extinguished. Hr. Gib-onn Ink." .1! the MI anon extinguished. Hr. Gibmn'o bakery bum nbon mantion um dumyod by n Juno aunt in Jun!) lat. All partie- '0 bulimic an (ally inundm Wonk": buying the lug: number of poudol. Tom! [on about 3,000. ~ If you In turning 'lIh n novel-o cough. oold, uthun, bronchitis. onu- Iumplion. lots of voice, tickling in thu throat, or any u'oction ol the throat nr lungs, we know um: Du. Kmuu NEW Dino's willgivo you immodiue ru- liel. We know 0! humlredl of cases it bu completely cured, and llut when all othumodieinel had fuiled. No other remedy cm Ihnw one half an many per- manent cures. New in gin ynu ti-fur ' tory pron! that Dn. leo's le Dm- covunr will cure you of Asthma, Bron- chitin. sz Fewer. Comumption, sevoro Caughu and r-~l"s,Hm\rnaneu, or any Throat or Lung iisensel if yuu will call' at J. G. King, SacceuormE. H. Pulmr. Market Square. Kinuton, Drug Stnlc. we willgive ynu I lrinl bottle ire: of coat, or 11 regular sizallmule er 31,00. 0.- IMISNIG. u 1N: Honing-did Lou. ASingulLr Accident on me new )pru, New Hueu & Hartford R. R. Now Haven, Aug. 7, 1875. Dr Giles: While on duty In reman on engine 47, Ilmnt ten mil from this city. on Shore Line Road, mu accidently thmwn against a rock. train under lull headabout thirty-ve milaa an hour. Wu very badly bruined. You gent was on board. He furnilhed me with two bottles of annnn 10mm or AMMONIA, from which 1 received the greatest. pulsibiu benet. in four dnya was able to sit up. and am now ready to commence work. My aged mother also med tho Liniment for rhemmlism, which it cured. JOHN Gum. mi. nknrn w... u-ihmnml hv n numiwl The above was \rihwssed by n number of pnsaongors, and vuuchorl fur by Mr. 1. Magma, cnnductur. 250. and 509 per buttln, For sale by J. G. King and Heath & (hum. 7 7 9.. ! A Singulur Accident the New Yprk, Na. Hueu Call and nnd Fanny the 5|"ull .l 'I An John, on Imus Ill un- vvluum w".. ty. Ill tho obinot It use. 0' general ad- Iintiol nd lympuhy. 'l'rno thin poor ' In In in the mipt at a hut 10,. W O y (mm hi- hnndrod thousou ....:....L-I hi. hi lira. ud othv. al tlm KmaT W Jnlhne. I to lurch. Ann Sumh. boll '0" October 30th. Nit-1m] Picturing, m Mm Amn- alppbiulmrgh. Ac Ih-lnu nn (Dbl LUIHL. hr nl Hilbert, mulan Al Nuru pm! .nn 0. t. I-lnl, prlu-n Wmley Peck, of Anehuburgh. to In. Agnm Horn. 1 3.. I 3..- ml ll: ulmrlu W [flu-rm Ill-id. of reel, ol Aneuuuurgn, to II"- ngum um; u. ()n UrL nnl, Mrjjhurlea W Charm Id-id. [$4100. to blugnn, dluuhur ol Wm. chr, ..r I: lulu-ml. [ulna to Mar of m; M ____...,._r.._ I 5 Bazaar: Always Lhasa ll n dun-sum- nry Ibo mu. hail-k. Ah, I! ,9.va Ho 1.: 1 IAzlAl.ynmgulho Int-mu. _--_H A ......u_...... M NOEICET Young Ladles' Academy 3. 0. Bull, Pam 3 mm nu column or , want. toy-w NIL 1'0- l- 4... rum-poly no WI-l u nun u, nu- u... ally. Nd "noun! an manual M,HI,M Aye-r will a, math did to Maya-locum"; .- 1. AL .nLL _M I Gupululnnrgu. A! Pinon. on Oak IJnd. . (inunqu l'ictll humu. 0| I'mwm Athth Murynlmrzh. errimzyl l'iuum. In Me] For Fail and WinturUluLhing yuu will l 10 we to than] with I V Ilnunl l'rinn-oun Nlrm-l A Husk. l'r l Marty's, ~ {Ig sum. no new pum-g (hit am'itl tho mund- mhb Ah. nub". Ply-Au Till 7. Irrwmt. ruck Htrw "350.110. l'rincm lln M mt We new. __ n ngnwn. on UN, 2lth, a! Hm rl'nilli-lll' :lm Rm'. 1 \V Jollle. Mr. WW. Sumner. lnrnm Ann Numb. Lot]. nf Kill/zllou. l we tlm (:0:le u-mnunv m, .I"w "III-liq. uuu . dl My and up his hon-o In wmmnmm. Wad-- no hw'ill lanky.- unmwmmauam m nail M.- m h- W faggam. MARRIED. un. l'lrux'k HLIWIL nu h 00.. King Stu-"L {ruck Htrm-t _...*____ diaplmya uf tho must In rzlqu 014.. 23rd. (Inorgu n Bella 01m, third xlnugh IL Tllh. HUNT" LY MEET!!! of the m. (hurch Bock, nl King-ton. will b:- hold anho Mmmon llall It 8 pl! .0 TUE)!- I)AY. Nnv. In. i A full Autude In "qua-Md. A. LIIICHEUX. MunIn-ul. Nm [~qu n-nmbml in I! |.J.Tlloo'.!.miu(} mule-86d. A. LIBICHEUX, Maury ,___ ;u.__-I- m I. Ln-v-dh P- HARTYE WHEN BELICTIHG YOUR w to ill Mun-y apt-buan Fergusons Block. A_ llJ THE LADIES' ASSOCIATION OF CHALIKBS' CHURCH villi!" I hem! and Inslmmenlal Eoncenl In uh] of their lulu But-original Fund, - In In: -** o ' When the IESSBR. TANDY and tho onlo- bnmd leuor. IR. STANI4EY.thu\d by the BEST LOCAL TALENT. will contribute . rst-ch ngranmJ, wllk-h willbelmblhbod In a fem- dnys. .,.__.:__x.._ 02. um. mm It 7:!) .m. In haw ulys. Admission 250. Doon- upun st 7,2!) pm. Connor! mull-muons at 8 ollook. Nov 2nd. Friday Evening, November 8. I'vl E'sou- Nov 2nd. O 01 K)! NIUOOCN KN"K)000(HIOO1NIOUCOO0(NW000 S 9 give the Uitizans a 9i nunun: g CONCERT. I'Ml-usons Lung Protectors, Lauan Wool do In (Inunois Jacket, Hilmmois hkims' r all hill, Ilym-inlh IhIlbs-almlwvnrlcly ol mlxml 10'0lh, gum" & cums, iTHEIPHA-RMGY' Inn-mm and lo- I, rm . aclnwntmnlnw-dohhauu ucMamuUlMMhm. llmlll'llll! Q 1-. -- vuuv--_ _V~,, ' A mum w rm: ROYAL comm: uf urqpmul. Kuuluud. (IVI'ICE All) NESIIJENOEWullin can not. hull In, beuwnu Wilhqu and I 31mm. Oct Mih GUARDiA-W Assurance Company, I AIIIHII [II.A-n mum-m 0mm ........2.non.mm. Tau-llqu hula up-w-dggmgm "mwv-www- u .w but in Mindi- uhwmmdli m up with. dh' 50-!th- kWh-dbwl CITY HALL, IV "I. ACHIMII'AILI 0' Dali" on Cdmm.mt1num P.- mamdlon-Iu. Am Iii}; hm pulling To ml v . .u.mv.... TO-NIGHT Benn-lulu" Iln- l'lncr. 'nn HAMILTON BANKRUPT STOCK ! l . \V Nov 2nd . Io Mot-no. m an M h land... 3%? II a 06.. 0 so DIIIIOLI, 0.. Item VAIDNA h In. Ami-t mph- lurk 7 , ll". 0.1.1. m 0 I. H. J. sAunness, n.0,, . -uUlIl va'v-o, a "no. conci- hh v.1. Iill in -n ...L.Lllh---ALi-_' I- .II'H'T RECEIVE" mu It aum'LH. Ila III-human Mrcct. Iunw-uvv v_r__ 0! LONDON. IIGIAID. Mantle: ! militia! 1th I'IJ 10 LIT. .A... m..- NOT man to mam V "ELM-lb 139.35th w'rnw mavmw Mme Eheapj Reading! Hendersons The Love um Livml, by Mn. lilo-IL 90 cents. _. Mn. Jack, by Fnuou Tmllopo. 10. Bum Slick the Cluckmsker. 100. Eugenio. Gnndol, by Honoro do BM 10. Tho lloir (If Clnrltun. by M" Mm, Fleluing. 30s,. For Ind: 01' Gold, by C. Gibbon. I50. The llauntd Huwl. by Collim. 50. Coloured Picture Books, M salaman- Hendersons Bookstore. Teachers Pocket Bnbles in all Styles of Binding and all prices, AT HEN DERSONS AGGORDEONS! A H "(TM IQNI' AT 11 EN DE RSON S IJUBIN.S. Atkinsons, loud rny's and llemlrlcu I'ERIIIMES, IN GREAT VARIETY, TOY BOOKS | WAbn's lYll L'lltlll NEW I)" UH HTOHE. Market quuro. (Earner or um and Brock Streets. n.. 1|. OTTAWA LADIES' gum .. v A PROPOSED NEGI RA- For Cataloguing Inn-l inform-Hon apply tho Prim-Jpn]. llw nuv A II KEMP l. l. n "'mlm' l'm'm [rm/hm DUI-59 UK UNIV 1"). a... mo! Inl IAN. _ am, A AY Hum, m on Inththwll mum IIN all. A cum glvrn fa: Um rows-n at the nah. Nov lu. . \. . IIA'T IVINIIO. new. 0". ud Ila-Ilium. Imume I lught. could-- - national-0 m and" VIII plane In" nu I. WI. luv In vv cum, ,. To ll?! OI! REITA HOOII w I dl runny. mu- mph.- 1 mim- mu pnlern. Add a. A. W (ml-II. Nov. 2nd. "vuvw I Pllllll lllsllf In"; bf .l" ha I.- and _._. -n-.-.-- ~ A RIO POOR MAN- TU ARRIVE (IN MONDAY NEXT. ILIAV. n Guava, Nav lat. MIR. (Yolmsrvnlory of Ivull;vu' W0 blhl' KA'IE (,UAI Illin- A I vlv tn MoNAlmll'lUl a 00. "nu In! - A HIIJCNDIU LOT OF VIOLINS FANII' S'HDRH. Stfayed or Stolen I u... nun-nun! If. l I..." (:IIMI. llu- REV. A. I. KEMP, 11.14.13. A AMIJ nu BIBLES ! 53%}. 2.1313 "m mm, . .Juu-v. uni-uni. h: Bookstore; Wantea, r RAT KA'IE (SHA'I' I Wanted. nll DPIIZ. A lulu. Niotico. mu n...th I No 2). 13m. coLiEi M "H'Cn MEJCEWMF d thud-diundmh for .h u-......1..m 0... .mm. In um round- alqu luau-mum. OW-hhhbmmnd- I, Ala-d namwmi. Ml.w, illo (new am by muslin-Lilacs- My auwholuu ' rods-dd-linlolnonqunmn bailout: Iona-,inspiuol "pott- du'p'uuu had npoq total and h Mia-lunar, ith highly probable that at rout. I! be chained ud Insulated in we. to local alum from Mar- quo. To uh ling be u short- . as an. th continent. IIIOII our lam-outdo Lightly bu to compete load: of it, Ioukl b0 loporlniu. Induc- indoed, but. we dull not be at I Imprin if the Inmroolonid Lu- numb) k. munch"! II I to bully Iith Iimilnr line: to an } .- . __.r-_v_ __ folly should be manned _ bribe for (rash Pnrliunonmy luppt. Thou, too, i is puinlully ovidant (Int the Vsnoonur hinder- wiu bulge: their now Ito-bot And Mini-tor until the ter- minal Ihdl b0 Mnlorrol (mm the main- land, what. I. now locstod, to Vich ' tin. Thin will nocouitste the resumption . .L- 11 _____ -- In-.. Inhan md tin. This will nemuuw mo of the Vancouver Reilw-y scheme the mnnption of the expense of it by the Dominion Government. The enti nnted out of thin branch nil uy bu been not down at twenty-leven miliioue oi dol. inn. 1!, then, Mnedongnll'l chuga be so thnt topical. louiitiel end to win the sup- port of their memborl eight millionl were thrown into the no: in connection with the Intercolonial, it will be quite late to Iny tint It ieut thirty million: will he Iimilnriy thrown into the Pacic to plane the new constituents of Sir John, and to pay them to stay in uur Conledented Union, which he at the rst bribed them to enter, but which Iubsequently he IllVlBBd them L0 leave. The unneceeury expenditureto any nothing of the corruptione by which they will be lureto be accompaniedalready outlined by our reinstated 'i'ury rulrs, ore something appalling to the tax [my- inu portion of the Dominion. it will be I duhioue ntiulnction to Ontario, which bu for the int time in her history ao- corded I lorge majority to the Tory lqnnnalerere, to know that tho honor of paying the piper will largely {all to the Premier province. Tory government is In expennive luxury, for which the people of Ontario inn-t expect to come down hendwmeiy. (Ululuyuuu but night there was a meeting of the leenl Conservative Auociation at which it In decided to protest the return "I Mr. A. Gunn, no member for this Cy in tlm House of Com mom. Tho proud ha been despatched to Toronto in the nlma of the President ..., n n A h nIIAIUAI Mr_ Gum) Toronto In mo nlum um um . .9 oflhe L. 0. A. It clurges Mr. with penoanl eluclurnl corruption, and corruption by. agents. but chargmg is on. thing nnd proving quiet another. Mondly ya the last. dny for the recep- Hnn nl nrnmh lUIlul, n n lion 0! proton. To the Milor of the British Whig. u,.-u-_ 1.".ka n Hm 10 me nunm UJ u pun. V. .V ,_ Dunc 811, in abnu 1 ,a the atten- tion of the Aldermen :.f F " .uqul Wnrd we: called to the disgrawml 5mm of that men tnp on Ridnu meet. After (lurk It in deugeroul, and unless perenna bu careful peeling it. they are apt. to fall down and Meek thelr mm or [835. or they may be killed. If nuoh hepponed it would ro- eet. notional, on the (My Council, so to Ivoid it precautions nbucld at, once he ukon to remedy the defect. A short m... "A n um. bnv we: going home the! - nor luun [In to "ma-n; in... _-,-V.. limo Ago 1 little boy going I my utter le oclock. He fell into it, Ind hid it not been for name neighbour. who hard his wine he 'Duld have been drowned. A still more eerinuu accident happened lltely. An old pensioner was going home that wily pretty woll primed. end, up ulual, he was jolly. but this night. he vu ninging, Lec me kiss lwr for her mother, when he was whirle l'lLO the drain. H0 in laden with provi- llolll And lolt everything in the drain. but. he up he is a happy man to rave the 'muel. oheriehul of llll youth. Serious ones my heppen if the authorities do not. do Iomelhlng with it The election in lut upproaching, and I think it would baboon pompous of :he Aldermen to have it nd, so thu hp Iill necure the votes ol the people, This is merely a sugges- tion; it in not mum. for any individuele in particulnr. In the meantime I wunlll rooominond to the Aldermen of Cntarm ui Wnrd to try sad fix elm. drain. he board! their-cod on It to con: it new light, And the good neigh- bun olwn mule I nightly rim and m .k , In old plank to kindle their lira, end can- nquonuy lelt the dnin I reg-ll" trap. Tn convince the Aldermen I recummond duony dnin reg-nu- ll'lp. Tn convince them to IOok It h und they will "a for nun-ulna- than Io loo themulvol. nun-x. ,,WMJY.ICJ.uI:l5p-. I luv-u do null-gum. lm'yd an. I no". MWMgulp. lull- local Jog-lulununn-Jp- -.-_,.__..-~.u.-.._..- .. v hum-nth 0" "9" u,... A-.. mu-doithIM _'O.. Lost or A Saloon". 'lho has of u noon" Stu, ol Cobourg, in Innouneod Tho 8w Ill bound for Kinglton, loulud ht --'---A -...I n... 1. (land load). when bound [or mug-um, nun-um with whnt 3nd pun (I dud load), .31 In drivon m-nrdsChnrloMa by urns- ol 'utbor'dnring the norm bl Wedner duyollut Ink. Sh. wu making tho port thou smack by I pie. and} drug" I in; be than, driven m tho out pier. _L....|.. nah. Emmi-need unmet: do- than, amen w u:- am pm. Ihonllo ad. Blpc'oncod ohtlo not. to hue been o'Iio of u wont not known on Lite 051: cup wu bound. The Su'r'hbu'y 0. Bl. [u Innrod in me Wuurn [or -IM 78:11.1. Tn! w;:--. my... .., uncut! cap- Win. In number and gown. no. nll uu Ihik' will: I" - ----. Ir. (hollow-l Dario not. [an mlmmbnlhwll Iron Anne ..--L.... has. laid Iith :fps and al- _. .. suns-n1" nonmxu 111 mu m Kaunas, Oct. IIIIELUIT. to'nmacly the defect. A lnuru g.) bny H0 Klngswu Election. . Dangers Ahead. You H, m Inr- u... llmpswd'l'J atten v Wul 1 3mm , _ _ . ._- IL. . mun 171633 new IAIN! A urul um! to A menu m1. Thialluhxwn thinning run-c My, bin-Mi! amino.th Io-loulooI- .M . unwary : A MnOho" "151'! than-ph- My New, 5- 4' math Pantheon-SI! John My ew, obu- up Namath. PodoxquSIrJohn A mauld': insulin. We do not Wham-tn (wow u"... A. Mulllld'l juggling. not, know ulna: "A WVI Cotholio" j bums, n I 3de, but In, tho, or it, A Con-crud" Catholic" in n cram u had. We notion the (or a dljut to ll Igtph oudito- tlslwlunnl, and M m of my upo cidngumnh A Omani" 0m not: has udnnad. In (at, I the Aun- ; mm in the lunar mount- to this: Bd- , tor Inn no Pd. 3! i! till not. Ilppo _ u Connor-nun My." TM: in an Inn and mm of tint A Conan-- f tin 0mm, "id-gin ho Kingston . man I'm, nu. W. no not puny My New, up. We no; pm, and and thereto" '0 nhonld din, or_uith bowie lonimdo. us should pole in the guitndo of I suicide nnd nuke our exit with O hue bodkin. or, non Ipplopri- -...l- -m. . .mill, But la. u- think at tin 0mm," Inn-x to we may... New, We puny and and bodkin. Ippmpn- Italy, vith I quill But M thinum the Iuicido-bnt :bo Conscr niu Cuhok'w'." argumom, for In in- abut. The PM Ill 00kath to look After the speck] interest! of the Irish Outholial, irru tho of my party. It In uubhlbod to ghtfur principr and nnt for twtionn. Vat I Conutvutive Cuholio" would hue ul for (whom. now u County-tin nbnndon principle: wd Luke to putty, or I make our exit. Man. if they be men, who Advance ngumonu web us than, would pull down Gdd'l 11m {or their party, Ind knul belore the dobrin nud piounly swan that they did it :11 for the glory of God 3nd the .dvancament of religlun. Nay, they would work them- nelvol into the ballet lhst they were do- lngi holy work. We mult remember tint there are politic fanatics M well an religion: funnierpolitical dorvinhenjuat a.- wollu religious darv'nhel; Illd those nI-n n. Inn-k. null: and upon the darv'nhel; Illd muse man no link, Itnullg upon one pmionv-party Ibuve all. lo us any man. 01' any body or men, or any nmtv that attempts to ignore the claims, body or any party that sttempts or to outrsge the feelings of the Irish Catholic population of the Dominion, is no friend 0! ours. We care not who or whsthe, they, or it may be, but We shall not hesitate to hold our own as well as we can. Party to us is a secondary con- sideration, and we have proved it over and over ngsin hy the position we have taken both towards the Hon. Alexander Miiokonzie and Sir John A. Micdonald. There is, to us, something dearer thnn party to tight for, although a time may come when either party. after provmg itself the friend of our people, may oh- tnin our undiiidol support. But that time is not come, sud we fail to see what Sir John A. Mscdonald has done to war- mnt our saying one good word about him. Does a Conserrstive Ustholiu' think that we are to be deceived by hone ied phrases snd oily promises, touched upon as delicately ss shade touchea upon a ower! Does a Conservntive (latholic' think that the polished address, the cour- teous rofussl. or the promise of taking our demands into serious consideration will blind our vision or deceive our sensesl What has Sir John Mscdonald eVrl' dam to warrant the admiration which a Uunservzitive Untholic would ' - I 7.- u...) I. n. hp,- LA... .1 .L- Landau w1ll bhnd vmuu . nu lavish nnun hill have us lansh upon hlli mu. u_I "rm hnw int he has advanced our interests that we may be enlightened. For years and years he promised to eatiblish Sepa- rate Schools in Ontario, but he noverdtd it, when in power. Ii ho was the rst to take an Irish Catholic, as an Irish Catholic, int) the Cabinet, so was Mr. Mackenzie the first to have an lriah Catholic in the Cabinet, and an Irish Catholic in the Speaker's Chair. tiun of the Dominion claimed another re- presentative, and now we i)th vagUo hints, about removals, &c., 13., but the other representative has not been given to us. Nay, we believe that Mr. Uostigau was refused because, well. because he was Mr. Unstigan. And so shall we continue to be treated so long as we have a strong proportion of party hacks among us. Give us then of independent character and we shall soon break down the barriers which block our way. Givs us men who will stand by those who will stand by them, irrespective of party, and in a short time we would be able to let the light in upon the dark doings of those who are our enemies. We om understand men taking sides, and ghting for a party. but we cannot understand such political lana- tics so think that either Sir John A. Mac- dunald or the Hon. Alexander Mackenzie the beginning and the end of all that is good in man. A man who thinks so is a political ianatic, and it is not to political fanatics that any nation can look for the healthy development of its resources But Ilm [c.1641 is obvious. iolilics In this country M41114, and thereby hung- a tale. The other day the Irish Catholic popula-l ll '1 V ti t n r t r l c i c r 1 l B l c i i i l l l 1 l l -Mr. Langevin has decided to run fur 'Ihrre Rivera. "Sir Helby Smytho is expected tn re- turn to Ottawa an Monday or Tue-dd Av; " ,I I" the Lou duller. 3n Tho Board of Health of Mmlreul announcolthe fact um small pox in again on the increm. 1"- u .y. Mp, Rd" hu nuthnrized next. A protest has been entered squinst the return of Mr. Charla! Burpea, of Sunbury, N. B. _Tlm nrndutnru nf Juno: Barty. 0' -'lne H m. Mr. Bnby hu nuthnrized the Frat lnaa to mu that. there no no truth In the rumor thlt he in (0 enter the H.I-I-Dn mule for lhn Cabinet. [rum (lulu s :'l|vun:v The writ for I new election In LI: (.outyu' Juliane hue bean iuuo 1, Th nomination taken plum on the Nth ( November. ,1 lumm. in tin uvlnm It Toron! 7 Sun Scutiu CUHIOHAUVBI no mu umnimnualy in leH r)! the Inlectirnu for lhu Cabinet. from (lulu! lrnvmce. llm um far I new the A lunulc in thn uylnm Toronto Thuudq turned on the hot 'llul n himself whilo in 5 bath, Ind Ill 50 mm ad thst ha Ind. ms... nu... u Comm" bu "It?!" Bowen II" mum; w..- ...- -_,, , on Gan-dint. Not only hue our exhi- bitor-I won golden opinion: I. well u in.- dnll 3nd diplomu u tho Putin Expo don, but than who huo been Ictinly W with the Cum.th exhibit- hnn hull undo tho rucipionh o! Impo. rinl honours. Mann. Pollatier Ind Kat! Von provioully nuanced, nd not tho Hon. John Ross in uddod up having mind the er4 Crou of the Order 018:. Michal And St. George. We think the litur Ihould be caught- km! on the motion of such dawning Canad'mn citizen: to in fraternity. and 0! course In {.liciuto our cmntrymen on tho dutinction by which their merit has teen recognizad. __" .7--o-.._v dlod. ~Tho Dun-u UM Company nn action (or $1,000 dlmqgu Igaimmha city in conniuance a! An unsound cld'n [or mntorinl. Honk Col. Linlaton hu notied the Cut-panting or Iociiu chairing to present Iddu-ol to a): mail of [1mm um copi- muu b. (anst heron tho IA inn. 14 in}. _ A now-monk is on (not umong the employ... in the Dopzmnom ol the Interim, I): t, to patent Mr. More. dnbnb. lolo' Boner, lining: of mu Doputmouhu Ionic-of Ito. J. Nichol Planing. form. 1 Dina-1 DOWN, with Ionian! 'rwo. J. Dino- !or 0' Nu City of Glasgow Balm: on the coming and in willing to return, but in dined-db, Ilia lrionds from doing sunnury, Thc I... 1-. In 1 Uatnuuc wuluu l'lsh him! Let u_I hvar hr Im him advanced Intel-ant- SATURIMYS BUDGET. We hive no Iypnthy with the cry raised :41th Sir John by the "indopcu- dam" pron because he chow to call to hug Cnbinu Council hi5 old Puic Scandal colleagues. In lhll nutter, at any into, Sir John, ha been quite conmnnt. We mnouy u much for hi: critics on the point In quutiun. Tu uhjcct to such colloquial {or John with this lens! tho. of. union, they should .lao hnvo ullede to Sir John himself for the puniuun in which Nu] helped to plum him. They are good enough in be llll cullengul if he in good enough who their l'reinier. Hir John was unruly u deeply immured in Pacic Hundul mire u thou) whom he dragged uilh him into that unfortunate slough. sad it tho elector: rehnbilimtcd him he bu An oqnul right to whiiewuh the corruption of hi: colleaguoa. N. B. cred-turn rr, have accepted 20cm. on t v on or; Gwmin "A! In noun m gum WY. Though tho Lilith d in [Whip _ and Jude. Hatha- b- durinq tho put. in south: union-ll his (rind: gnu swab-minus. the ammo 'uthi-dmhvillhllu with > nitipbd udnou. hump Md I Inn-y friend- boyond tho haul passion. E and though in hi: on: \ulk of lilo hi- ln-n mi 1m 0 nuke I. must lo- my nppur w mu. m. gnu- void, it In an in the omnnisy n - gap thick [or many thy- will be patent. to the mind! of all. Pmegyric u n hi! uqnm II n I In! or or um: 1i- vir- tuu llme hone wt. 'I been o! In Ind Iith uutho hue Ina-pi- ;..I.o:..... n' th- nunv movement. with nod win: nanme bus nos-pl- tnbtinn' of tho may movements which hi: um bu boon waisted mm conjure up in no wind monument! more onde 1nd lribulu non tender nun pun an rut or inkvpmorn. Hi: life nu}! hboun m A bright page in Candi-n 5mm.-. nun from raiding which the md bright m canal-u binary-t p.30 from raiding young nu] cntch in-pintion, Ind lho uld draw courage to ght. 3 balls in life such u will earn thu commendation 0! I man, sud be tn earnest. of 1 future peace eterml. llm Mum Ihich carried him all while atom. The discus which while yet. in his prune is believed to hue been fully degenentiun u! the heart. I: but [ur some time been seriously aecting hil hvalth. Ind it is moro than ponsnhlo thnt his lordshipl uninching attention to duty wmewhut hulenvd his end. ' A lit tle more thtn a month ago ha run very wriouuly ill, but. hit strung cuuatitutinu did not. luonumb. and a week ago hat Monday he was (thin Lu be out. On Sun- day Int he suffered a relupse, and since then has gradually uuuk. Prnvinualv to his admission to the Bar uuuk. Previously in l854-be was selected on account of his great promise fur the olcs of Chief Clerk to the Crown Law Department for Uppar Cmndu, and he aerved in that po- Illiun during the inminib'ency of Sir John A. Macdonald, u Attorney-General, and of the late Sir Henry Smith, L: Solicitat- Genersl), from that year up to the full of 1859, when he retired {ruin the Civil ser- vnce, to enter on n prnfuuaionnl curaer. Created a Q.C.,I1867. Elected n Bencher nf the Law Suiciely, lHTl. l'rnctised fur sumo yous in partnership with tho late .li 'PL.\..u \'IcI lo encer on u Pllllunnlunu. v...-__. l'ructised James Pattern-iii, Emh and Thomas Hudgiiis, Emil. Q. 0., M.~l., mu; frum 1571 up to 8th Outuber, 1875. when he was appointed to the Bunch (as the suc (OSBUI' of Sir William Richards as Chief Justice of Ontario), lhu liuznl nf the uxtensive lirm of riaun, Ualur & Muss," him- ...'.r Hm m-iiuunr Hum nuvu, \'u|u\ w ... ..., y W Golf, the present Muss, Mr. stun Ojler, Mr. W. A. Faster, Mr. W. G. Falconhridgu. the political mnl legal puma, and was, many years, juint editnr of the Law .qur-nal. Author of many ilnpnrtnut la. juth edlcnr oi the LMU Juumal. many gal works and puhlicutinn. Was an Al- derman of the Guy of Toronto for save- ral years. S\L fur W951 Turunm in House of Cumlumls frum 1867 ___-v M . Roma an (Allin; wick wd fut up- "AHII-u Wm nmlv Inn

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