1h- buynhr medicine; and Imelda. u ' hi... I ad to pot-non an In. Inu moon. none-In bahm, VIII-l he. a) an huh. mu! ml nuonz. um" .;.n, n,- amount-um nu. down-uhhvm rbyyqu-Hy. . 'n .A. um.-. -... n..."- . .u wu'r Iuppcn n tho m: 0! Portland am be out n. ooiud bolon. Hi- ps: connoi- gonor- dly sppovod. Win it in thov: on Mania, n... in. that. It. Out'ri. "M to: 0mm Hum I labor ad on... Mayday-Ida tuna-Moms. he Mutual-how: n. 'Ah-I. .1 v:__.._. Lam; , . BILLIOCI.Ou mom of the vary unlwonblo rather und the clouding muddy foldl, the stbodnnco M the po- litic muting hold hue nu not u numoroully handed u vu expected. Only About one hundred were prount. Mr. Hunt '3. Mod (.0 the ehnlr And in. troducod ELM. Dorocho M.P.P., who for so hour won! out his Puliunntuy rt cord, And fully satised all pnunt, tint hi. Mum In for tho benet of tho. Rid- ing. W. my n10], prodiot tint Mr. Dumbo will min 3 In honor Inppon in (h. In! nl Pan-And lh-n In- --_ _ The Inuit conundrum, Ind we don't know whoil reopomible for It, In, which in tho hardest, to kill a girl Inning from you, or climb I fence lowing to you I" There in no I'll, uonly one lids of the problem hu "or been tent- . uun Fifteon thousand dollnrl worth of lot. hue been Iold at Woltminhtor Puk, 828,000 of the $30,000 stock subscribed; and when n the stock in paid In and lot. paid [or the loclety will be 81,386 in debt. 1 OADx The Liberal Cunuervntive Assoc- tion of Lennox wilt meet in the Town Hall on Saturday, November 9th, for tho pnrpnae o! Iolecting a undid-to to repre- sent the riding of Lennox in tho Lucal Logillnuro. an." uunuulu. -The Beaver calla nttontlon to the ab- solute boutllness of the present condi- tion of ho streets of Nlpnnoe. Rumour saith that Mr. J. N. anum is to (ppolo Mr. Derochu in the appronch- lug content fur the Local Huule. A poor man named Eccies, living in Alnmnte, has fallen heir to 20,000 ($100,000) in the old cauntry. Poor fellow ! 1r \'ennor propheclu that we shall have an only Ind severe winter, with great c)1d and good Ileigbing in Novem- L- -Ducks are much more numerous this season than for muly years previous. ._An L- nmu nnl L..- LN... " .vu vn um uuhhvuu- Hnmilton givu 84,000 to Queens College, King-ton. ~Tho Iun burner for the City Hill has Arrived. It in Ihundaume thing alxty burners. 'N...n.,..u_ -4". -AAANAI . .| ,L "an"... um." nu lu-II 55: pluvlvun. -An ice boat club has been orignnized at Belleville, Ont. Hnu. Mr. Cartwright la congratula ted on hi- nuccou. 11,, ,u. l -. ,m- Inn WUI W IIMU the eoul would be killed too, and thin was in direct opposition to the teaching: of Chriat. Who were they to believe I The advocate- of Meterialietic philoeophy or the Saviour of men? He quoted again in regard to the preparation of the soul and body for the second coming of Jeane Christ. He alluded to the old Grecian philosophy whiuh the Apostle virtually adopted when he prayed that the Chria tie-I ehould have their eoula and budiee pro-erred until the coming 0! the Lord. Finally. he dwelt upon the parable of Lenin: and the rich man, and he as- eumed that the whole nerratlie was ut torly at wer with the Materielintic philo- eophy. Here were men who put 03 the clay tabernacle and atill were cnpable of thoughtand feeling. Here waa Lazarus, the subject of intenle peace and joy; here wu the rich man in a state of intol. erable agony. From the dlucourae useful lainte were to be gleaned. Men ahould learn their indebtedneee to God for hav- ing .0 exalted them. Man was the con- necting link between the material and the Ipiritual. Ho wan made little lower than the angelcapable of mingling with the clodn or of aonring above the state. Again man should learn that he has a eoul, independent of the body, which wee hastening to another world, u world ofjoy or misery, to be determined by the conduct of the being in thie preaont life- Thelr relations to God ln this life would enable them to determine their future, whether they were to be like Lazarus or the rich men. In the name of the in- tereet at stake, in the name of the He- viourwho bought them with hie blood, he closed with the question, which of the two is it to be'l n . n .- - ku us u |u vu 1 On Sundny week Rev. Mr. Jnckaon will disouu Univernliam. 'I. Bun, Id-um ILcubhhl hi... m u-m-u IIV- v9. All ulna-ll. III [m of the lorustton ol 1 lpirit within an. making the! the creation of thin Ipirlt utun. to concoction with the body, wee one of the m'oet glorioul munifeeutione of God's wiedom and power. He referred to the low Testament end to thet pu- uge warning men not to {oer him who hul power only to destroy the body, but He who could destroy both soul And body in hell. Thul if the wnl I'll put of the organiution when aun- hnn- -.. v".-- AT HENDERSQNS City Council meeting this evening. Centre Huron in sound on Reform. Wlm is (all here. my countrymen l' _Er thro- clph'onoQ that inn. In valuation Ihhmwym-whval lpiril, ha-in to hunt could in. homo (hi-Wilkins. Ptol- Good. hoqnoudtotluoloct unk. body III mated hdou din ml In WM WhouGodfu-nodnm onto! tho amt. Win hlmtho Wafe. Tho thrillin- rogud- I 3! thin hm.- u \- _-_ Munan, III- In - 1' In minim tion of mind lib. Thin undo mu no both! tho tho min-l creation, and do- tnobd from God. In Zachariah ho rend A. AL- l-____ _-A , n , ,,,,, wmwuu mdthubiodho-um- d m I]. quad who. mind hapolGod.u-llu lugnduilthuuuw-m elu- -ih m- 6L. L..n:.. a... .L- -- l l (than bhin-dcu-Hu Mimi-cud hm... &- boo- il-(halml n-.-_.a......... ".I wan-u" '70!de Hour-db.- M 1-. GL- -_I..:..a l.. - ...:.n..-, In BRITISH wma. MONDAY NOVEMBER 4. 1878. Adllnglou Riding. W! N l) WAFI'S. Imam-m, my, III. I col-Joana! summon-m. at no many-um nus 'hhwahw In. with bold. Inch nish 4* uvbuub hiA-n ltiohs and Menial UteplessAion 1-! [mi than I ammo: [madman-amm- HWLWOIJ-ydlpv mtmhIh-dlthonich bunch. Admin-poem ii-IN ho had nial-Hy loan-q, an. .4 _I- h-n-tnlhmm- .1 W I. - I-Um II) III '01.!" In thome Globe. 'l'lu critic, Mahmud, am: you dd 0! nu-pu- iu Ind Ikiruhbln. unftu Avoid a upon tho pin point. at all. InWNomit-uw- Mary to how Hut u I my; of IMAM an. IE... Tho full munlng of this oxprollion will hunt upon you with a new light, nor having thought out n Inbjocl to your full utlafnction you ondnvor ln wrmon Inga-go to convoy the nut conno of your thought- to anochor. You will thm ruliu, probably to your own dilcom- turo a n', how ornda Ind disconi necked In that [in of thought which you nd to be u wmploto, Ind you will thus lurn shat. uncl uprauion roquinl oxlct thought. He urged the fonhcoming of mink- uponunoounl]. and 'every tench" should be propnnd tn give hi5 heal lid tondvucing thointcnuu ol the Lunch- tion. Ho aontlnnod lint It In now I little man than 1 you ago nine. In re- viewed Dom. propoud ohm..- ln school Mun, and unkind-h gin his opinion- ol than. The addre- wu printed and Wt] widely diddbutod, ad a be u- podotl h wan Ibw to n Adva .iah. In lL-l'mn. 111.1. m. -._'.:_ uuuusuv upuu wnuuu. luuuulxruu "no uu~ hard of until the inception of the pres ent. we. lie spoke of their rst year an primitive ondeavorn because a linglu year was scarsc'y sufcient time for the devel- opment oi that spirit which ll neceunry to the vigorous Iuatnining of an Associa- tion like the present one. That which in upended in thin Anvcintiuu cannot ox, poct to b. folud until After many duyn, Some might consequently look upon cun- tributions to this Lulucintion an a much time and money muted. But they uru not wuted upon the gouaral community no more thnn nro tho are upsude in koeping up our public,murnl and religious imtitutioni. Even if the return:- nre meted out they are not in money or time, but in the higher IlHl more inning form of intellectual and He hoped, how- there. iueuin which inonl improvement. ever, all would nd it good in be Socinlgathorinp of any kind may he pronble if properly directed. Thoy lend the mind out. of it: accultomed grooves, and give one an insight into the linen of thought pursued by otherl. if, u it was said, it wu moro bleued to give thun to rocoivo what must be laid oi tom. of them who seemed to be disinclin- ed to give, not poouniuily, but intellec- tually for the entertainment of friends. Pbrhnpa like the majority of the muld thoy would be inclined to loolr upon the old ying to being sentimental rather thin practical. He could Maui. them, however, that in lilil pnrtioulu (use nothing nddad more to their own inlai- lootunl advancement thnn dividing their intellectunl atom with othon. Snid lie. it in aid tnu DuluAIu-liluvu. vulllx uuu-nu. The rst. paper was read by the Iruai~ dent, Prof. Dupuia. Ha cmigmtulated them upon the success which Landed one year of primitive endeavours, primi tive because such a thing as a Teacher; Anneiatiuu fur the mutual exchange of thought. upon varioul questions was un- 1 mm} 6 nun] H. humubi... I ll. upon, Mr; Henatridgo than read I paper on Irregular Attend-neg. He stated ihat, taking tho report of the Miniltor of Edn- cation for 1876 u bin autharity, them mu 3 lou in thin county of our 60 per cent. of the money paid for public school purpouoa through lrreguln attendance. He then onquirod into the come, giving it u hil opinion that parent: were most to blame for the evil, but that a great lhuo of it molt attach to the teachers, who, too often, foiled to make the School interesting. He urged on tsaohera the necessity of doing u, and advocated tho I enforcement of the compullory clauses, monthly reports to parontl, and the en- tablishmeut of township board: of t1'uu~ teen. He concluded by showmg from the Minister's report llut this county wan. educationally, below the svengo of the Province. After the ruding of the paper Men-n. Summerby, Mr. D. Robb, Dr. Agnew and Prof. anuio made remarks criticillng the statements by the elsnyilt. I .1 v Inns v Inrnnn In the evening, M7 :30, the Association met. to hear I lecture from Mr. J. A. A1- Xon. Mr. Allen's subject mu Histury and its teachings. ll" 'WLIAIIU 3 rlrlln Min Oindotte Woollnrd than rend a paper on Googrnphy to beginners, show~ in; hot method of tucking thiaimportnnt branch of education. The paper wan well written and well read, ind Min Wool iurd'l method of teaching evidently ac- countl for her high reputation as a teacher. At the clone Prof. Dupuis, Pro- Iidont of the Aalooistiun, congratulated I heron being the tint ludy who bud ad- ironed the Auociion, hoping 'hat. other Indie: Wollid do the name. i IL "IVE HAWK Thonuution Dnnr wan i'nen opened. The question were all an Lmrnmll', and won tutored by Mr. Wouds. Thin wu prob-bl] the molt interesting put of the Afternoon} work. Mr. Wood. Inated the quutionl g'enenlly lo the utilfcclion of thou Fluent; button objections were psi-Ad r In III" mur III III alme II! I (inn by Mr. Snmhy; He took for _ his subject Arithwicmd the Unihry I Method. He held thnt, though seven! per-um chimed to he the mthora of the lunch hiked ol Iyehm, yet. he had been in the habit 0! using it More he hnd heard the name, end he had n6 doubt no of then proton! had done the ulna. Be conned hil nmuh to the tucking o! thou rule: depending on pemnhgo, I illmtndng hie remake by nolviug I num- her of problem: given u the di'erent ex- 1 nmlnationl. He rihhly deeigmtod the 1 unitary method An dgebn in dilgnine. l ("v-wrun- I... . m. Touher's Pocket Blbles in all Styles of Binding and all prices. t-v, I" ("ll I" I. The niaci- ol u hut-eating up. Mud conned, m othefot- nl hn-i-nn mu-4.; l.- V-uI "(-0". 'l'bornddt-ln tun-Smooth! .2..- l_ u- 9,, l'holnoehn at 11 L... Dr. loun- m- M-l- IL- glui- I'ucmv mum. It. Iddhnul a rcpt an Sebmlj? 37ml ll. up mum-sum ' I u potable In Mr. Kohl) thou rad A paper on P satay Coup-Mo. and Inner-um '0! M H. objected h Candi-g gonna {run the mu In to MM. "0 than {any uph ml 3. M... ..l 54.1-.. 54.... mm...- ll) WEI". II. M II, Id it, o! Idsng tbu n4 am A dim-do. mummy, M Du-mt. Wand, H: at It. Mun ruined. u... -.-..-.. mum. war. u. .0 [M !,'--ul-am1--. "Wu, -.- MummAi.wu,Wl "manor-nun ho was mid fur In Vic... Ho um he reapcctwl the h worthy touch", And he Iympnnllhz (ho noble and ho In doing. Inn i Ch. in order lm! he mu} inks his {ll punion in our hm], I urn-l ch: mom-r7. Ho hoped the dung-s noon come, said ovary pant," thaw inp Ind unnotth Ian 2km h m amt join in the ruponu of m it bo. The [hunted Hotel, by Collilll. 50c. A rule, wem I'm Illlt'l; tm: III: teachers should be luznlurl of 0;; not of political but u! liwrury n1; thnt the teach in (.hyllunmln a 11 Village" almultl be lusukml up In, x an rm-la, yet up a perm wm cupnhle of ploponndnnz htnruy nu tlc truth than the mnpmy nl lm b)". Legally n teaehur uau nut to attempt tnlmjmrt Instr uun v) than attending lclmul, but mnrull bound not to hide his light 1 bulhel. but to exhibit. it (or mp And odicltinn nf ollwrl. Thu m of n'nira wan that the clergyman pl). seemed to he the actlva mun. urioul ways enliltod the aympm grunude of the public, whilu the t who Ilwuld be "no of (Le [mu/t; on, if not the loader, falls int. - ll-L grunud u I guide, um I; won a men, but to clrllJmL Ho dun lmnrnvmr h...h..-... . . _|_._\, .| luau I it 11h man, nut to cltllu'r Improper treatmcm mater wu often urn-1.....-HI... In. 3 no. A dhcnuinn ! mk plm. in which inn Sommuby, Knight, Md Wood, "middao 3nd u: Premium up. , Ila. It. the milepan aim 3*. inlaid algal. Mygwm! ism puny 1d um: ad ! randy, in j m-nmu..-...-.-' l y' pot In in nu: mun: n_ l - A- I.-.: #1 loci, w umu plitl lvvr hu nu MnOnnl Ikn L . lII wanna Lama... lgLLINERY Coloured Picture Books, ff I." 'wv- VI VII,- 1.3.; HARDER, Boss's, 5m saw I M n In. nml- m. .L. . w uuuanulin, 0". mute-Immunth 0m: of Hm harm-d, lost Select III M M "M. M] r. H. .I 31: EW'EiLL DRY G00""D S ...oo__-_. SHOW Rooms LL Hui-Class ReadyMa-dEClothingfor Men and Boys. ' :BQIAL REDUCTIONS FOB TALL All) WINTER LT Sickness premi- overyihofo. Ind everybody complains of Iona (linens dur- ing their lifu. When sick. the obj it to get well;n0' (0 say phinl slut no pursnn In Ihia m-rld {hit iI-Iu Ii! Dyspepsiar Liver Conphint I it. till-cu. Mich an Indigestion, Ooovonu, Szck Hen-loathe, Sour Stomach, Hem Burn. palpuatiun of the WAD-M Sparizs, Bihnuaneu, 090.. can bk. (h.an s A Calm mexn without getting nnluf ML! curr. If you doubt thit, xoto liuuh it Uunn, or H. Wado, thd got I :Sunplu mm: for 10 cent: and try it. : HvLHI'zlr 211']! 75 czmur ' Two done: will \ l 'n l' n! next meeting on the Friday in My next. I H The Hair nf Chnrhun, by May 4 Fleming 300. MA lain"!!!- u [:30 the Aulwiion tomb- Prof. Dupui- man-id (M on m Hmd Drawing, illustrated by ample. Ilkl which is In docidod to In a. next meexizg the line Thad Ind Fridav in MM next. ' Q. m. 31-. 30. an and a M Call. The Miner'- 0mm"_ Ho w invited mm, but hit ruling III to good um what! was out of the question. a... u__. dioc'ininn follow-d aha m in I inn; Suntan-hr .Rnhh In! In. M Gammon muom. um Inn}- Hmn Summon-by, Robb ad I. am I ma:a=xg__j[_Nw YORK CLOTHING STORE. -L 5--.. --... L.-. "-_L_L .-_-_ _-~. NM [5 your life war! 10 W! mn's [Sim-k, I x I 1878. m WINTER CLOTHING mi iimdsoma Dress and Mantl Trimmings--Uhsap, JL'I W ALDRONS- Eugenia (irandat, by [lunnre do I 100. :jivizPETL'LION DEFIED. .r.x'..x.vv '- m PI'i.\'ln}ll.\'ui : .InluTs All) can WkMuIh- was. ,0 unmet balm Iman Wad IIIle : . .. ..'Y.'.1...u. a. my. orpalml 5 m: Ari-n5?!" mm Dnmh ' ---_ A...- A L... -_._ -_A4 -__.__- .u u 1- mo ruv. yr mun \I' III- AII'I.VI'IV' Ill' rnmvo '1'. no I'm. 0 I... t w luau. -u ' lvVI ---'-II ' I'Ili" 'IVUI- Bxck Szroet. Pour Dom from 1mm lqm. m Viii'iaillNED NOT To me UNDERQOLD BY A!" cwmwa HOOD! I:' FmrhrulpfigMn nmlqum vodolyoo-ptku. mm lm larva-t. Mark of Uvnnmu I ll... l'uk ad unv- M and r< m mat the p urhnwr. Our Bay's HI "um ll '0. '0. . . w. w. n. will In mm "hum Wot-vuqu w. l Yr [5' l'" Mm lull Bop, Al'o UK bu emu. III UN . w. w: .amrxuqauuy. Ml unwound-mourn: Into. .1: 351%! new .. mym lot. In .11 oh.- 0! M: I. and y. vM-ulht. Vaumylhstm Jinnah-laud lupde my XIX-antics ! Mantlea I U Vkaing Pants 1; u ....... .. w Tweed Suits, all Wool. Azrock Street, (next to McKelvey& Birch's.) (MARLIN LIVINGSTIDN. 'r- .u! .nfandmg mf'hm D In. w B m 01v.- - 4 'M- mlwhnyl 0.1 and with M:- l. " \ m4 mum: mum-u I. duh- mun-am- .,. m1ng In much. Bum-h- Inna. ' 2 ' biz-l I's'u' W! I, db . . Mum m. ; l n... won-,vilh noun; .4 d *3 . Ytluullllld an l , sank-n. I" 0% o Hum n-- - A-Ah- vmr nun; vly woll. 0.. .H n For Luck u! Gold, by C. Gibbon. luau. fwutfiuy 11311ng at Livingstans. rL nl RRAIHAMAIHC lIJYIHan 6. u. 8 25 mes CLOTHING HbUSE, limrk Street, (next. tn Mnknlvnvh Rim-I"- \ :sgggson, 2| Brock Street, 0.0-- . Age, March 2nd, 1873. n, Bentley J: Pear-on, nu! lhu rst of Novem- wu-tl a vary heavy cold, my lungs, and throth mg far about two month- I_\ speak. I med anum dullnr bulllu without. ()ue day reading your :l t'mt Hugyarda Poo- \uvvmmomlurl. I resolved 'nl' using three 25 cent .1 u... BLQTHING HOUSE." MEETING" V m t\lhcl.ll\'l. v (a a! .ch'l IIJ thveu 1 ... IUI lnmmm . fWAEiiBN. wusn's Buildinas. "In at 8] 00, 1.25, 1.50. 1.75 Ind 2.00. lo Volvo It. 8'2 5), 3 00, 3 50, 4.00 Ind 5.). I'rlnnuingu at 75c. 90c. ".00 Ind .l 25. Hm! fur Trinnninzn It We. $1.00 and ".20. N .1 1mg, me, 600, 75c and 90a. Im YulvelwmChelp. ('i at lllc, 170,180 Ind 206. 'l'rimxnmgn a! 250 um] 37. s in Mum l'riuuninul at 25c. and Wk, 5!! (Mnnd 81.25. an an;- m, 7n. an l'l: WIN I lik HAT 0R MANThE. u tlmwhola Stock 1- w herald .W'N" lnurlmnn. I. Bum" iu unkhw their mlmlinnl ll. nnrn Hendersons Bookstore. Iuamnmuou. hum-In Inlanm, ma-d Inn- 0: a! huh: Ind [mu m If, h "lob-l to ocmk KnbmcMuunu n- us. bl- unt-uni: and and M by y 7 '10 SELL READY-MADE CLOTHING AT LOWER \.:\Im tlmn un) ollwl' 5'an in I'll city. as ho mnuuwtuwl all his nlul you lmu- Ilm advantage of buying them In. MANUFACTURERS PRICES. O 2101 FukuET TU VISIT 3, '7! Vlilllu I'l.lh ms, 75:. 90c and 01.00. 9'5 0'" D .ms {or Trimming. A I fhnll um ... U. H u-mmmntlyun lmmln EXTRA SIZE CLOTIHNG FOR :1 l M h) u-Im'IubA-I' the place to mourn Burdm. l.K HAT (Hi MA NTLE. the whole lo lm 'hmw. Kr Bur-n Innklug their ualectionl It ( lmlh l'llnilo um burgaln. ' V II LMADE CLOTHING JI new. Fashionably Cut. 0 any CUSTOM WORK undo iu the oily. PRICES AND WORKMAISIIIP. ' 'W HORN: I lm )nl. Lloular. AhlelD Bull-fr. J.P., (Signed) WILLul Inn. luv, Tnonul Hutu. Prepared solely by J. [1. Ito-mm. Plum: nomqu Chou-lat. 8!. John. NJL; for ulo lg Dru-'giutu md General Dealer: Pr|oo .1 l per Souls; 3: bottle. for $5.00. In. Jack, by France: Trollope. IpneWmLWIGII m him my lungs wit. out {031mm m... tulle-n inate them up to manna. am 0 below I In: not; Inn .150 Final in ash. my weight in the ammo: wool 3 III. all low I: In nearly IMO pounds. Vito h pron: wall up to un format weight. The {ongoing in : eon-oi Imam which run prepuod to mu :0. sad I new] unho~ rile you to give u publicity In my nun. I am. don Ilr. your. an] , (Signed) C. II .Cwunrrn. We. the nndenlgnod . howl): con-ant w ham our Damon publilhod n witnum o! the em ur Ruumnoll'l Pimrnomun [Cumulu- on the wrsou of Mn Cronkhile and do nun. that an ongoing gunman u comet in ovary par Lioular. l.lIAln-l Run-In. 1P u the lkctnr mmfy. I wunndaleJnu mm. to wdk my distance without much I . I unro who III, gun And had by, and 1m! u! mica! night. and mu much u I hun- berman. Emmet bunny Ibo-l bayou lmlnum. And on him my lam [ lure emu-n or aha. I wuouieud bym play-ha huh And commenced Abom hit of A nine bu time I have felt A diam! Ila. AM mmenouidnmn anon-3mm a Ila. Ind Ibo look dwemmm III (at chm. the lm an I In. Ian-Np. in th- mmm. In Iran unr hmm I m lhl 0. ll. 8- mm In. On . . . . manua- [LIKE-non. 'DwShrlunplmeMIu-dnqm. I aid you m I nf'2bd 7n," 0 am q] 0 Co" In" WI. Lamm iuuil die but! pnputu fill. .11 Innovate-aorta. n wumdand bvmv uhnhnhnh II Imam mm? run an J. 0. King, neon-uh B. Mar. Hutu Squm llama Dug Stun. Io willgivoyonu kid $0M. Ins of cod, ornapludnbotn for .00. Pull A. n..- mum": willl m The or Lung dbl-o! if K , Smhy. I_L| Gl_.--- 'l_...A_- mum ob h w yummuu'ml agar Illa mm H m n.,&n0'mm a II" new cum. Nov 0 31"!" - tor, proonhu Dr. Kim- NI! Du- oovur m" M M 0' an. 5' a I. , Conn-Won m 8612:? Yul mmldgm .0! II' cums. nu nu:- colds. Cbhaha and noun-pun I '1th m Lung (Ii-nu! i! you will The Love that Lived, by Mn. 1 20ceuta. can... can, an... m nuptial. In"!!! Nb. \ than, or I M OHM In! a! hunt. KM M DI. 'Km's I waonn will n you hunk-Io n- hel. \V'oluo'ol huudnt o! oa it bu comle and. ad IN Viol In other modioin- No IY LAW FIRM IN THIS CITYA LAW D STUDENT. Apply-t. lhll oloo. )ot 26th. W M t '0 In. Wanted, Ill)" IN 'Iull ll'l , Princess Street. .-$ 5.00 upwards. .. 2'00 .. 10.00 . 2.75 I nn H Sun Slick the Clockmnkor. lUc. Hendersons of diluent nukarq. but. unpack"! thus of CEO. A. PRINCE 00., whirh nu wknuv Inland lint. mnunv tha honor mnkan. A. 3* am. A. PRINCE h (10., whu'h whnuv Iodxnd rst. mmmy the mnkn . SECOND IHND IIANUS Ind OI ANS (drab null lur hlrr, TU'HNG Am] REPAIRING amlullv 3L TUVING carefully "mind to. our prh-u bniu mmnnble and ml may In mmo I intending pnrobuen la (in us 9 MIL amunnz Mr And hone-l tnuuau: 5nd thorough lamination to all automor- MniehpHEEMFg ,mmm v LAMB-phat ., .,___---w ' m M K annually than 0! lb, Irf-vuou mu- !lctmn : Blatant Chic orlug, QRGA1IS_1 M we vxll I u must allmw IIIch 800K no! GiNmL IU- IIOAL_IIBCHANDIDI. All. PIANO-FORTES, TOY BOOKS I AWofm-Tmhbmwnt ' 'l I TO [INDIE "I PUBLIC 0' Mouths-mun: any Ithaca-n! 0. J. Ju'lIY. [IMA'UI 8'". .00 nu-=0..- WM and In . m Ail m -trlud 00 HIV UHMndw-hluuuh. Wunummm'sl I'h hdolublo mu! Mum and alum bl an anal mm Ibo but II I! porou- rhullyum.DyIpu ,FII. other inn-u- ho- nemsuthbn. ylsl-l non ml, Ind uple to le mam TORE cal-\- IIIUIIIW at which '0 m m cm, unhoriud Agent. (at the Dominion o! CmadA. (or tab null hlrn, TU'HNG awfully Dru-u Bunch" It Ottawa, Hamilton. 8t Cuba. III-u Ind lmnxlnn. r MDIAI. mum- 0' m. 3 Vanni- hr p. m L __ I "'T' 2""2 MW it,de a3""......'-'-::-.n...."~ ... ................l 1". I own II-WI. ._-_. .m- _ _--. 5 l m "w ~~7 v w-v--'_v' ~-'" In: I J- "PUWNri'Mu-kwhn "on M I Dwight My an.- "Mull/.5. P: .-..... _,__ 0 . PHOSFOZONE! Inf-II. 4925 mm m ' ""T"".::: OI WELLIIGIOK mm. In the Golden Lion Block, T0 ARRIVE ON MONDAY NEXT, M... Ma. WI. I'd .--____.. 0. J. JHIIIY. IIIUIAIOI mm. m moon-H- ; Cl.- MLIJIIIIlu. w. ,._.._.H __..v.._...v 77. '. 2nd. FANCY S'Iokl. VIOLINS 0mm momma: ' ml a! uni-mm BIBLES ! 05 TO RURTO. Bookstore. Duliham n n A and llalucs, - -AHm-inul A .n... D- . Eilonrt. 3 Baluc. ' Agne- lg. uuu- Mod- no dud-g In. mechanic-lid. hunt Caulk- h-do In July-d Minute-t0thon I...)_4_IALLA_ MM dun-huh.th hit-b. IBM-Id - kWh-uuh ouchHf AOGORDEONS A8 HHMHN'I AT Gama ClI-I hutTho M, Ilium tho Ind bu. All do... hirhlaoonp: "0.00! mm. inuhnnchdhylbthvbtbm mdofuhrquud-. In. Anni...- A... fin-.18.- 4.... Fw - l.- I,- l- m mun-m,qu duhdllh, Ohm Imam-ammo: WJiIhl-gcdcnqult. 1 'AL 5... .h-n-A-A-IA Wynn-own Bonn on TIADI.-Th0 Dupckh uyl bouillon wu not our Ind lbo'. lively on B-tnrduy u "so Board of Trad. Room; Tho netting wu lugon alandod nud Moan. Boll t Son nonr- od l,(125chtuo.paylna for it 8 sad 21-!00 oom- pot pound. This wu the only tnnuoon on Sunday. The" nomad who. diapudtion onthe put of tho doc-on to link. noun-lon- on also... Tho, m Iillin to do on! the op.- In: and 06%|:~ but. Ind hold the Anguilmrymrnhuuhc hon. moi-puns. 74 #A_ BurntA myltariuul nape of pri- lone" {mm the St. Mary's jlil happened on Tuemlny nernoon Inst. It in Inppul- 0d thnt they were in the ylrd Ind con- trived to scale the Inlln. The turnkey mu them It the limo. Tho two who nucooodod in ole-ping were Frank- lin Carn- (who III trlod u the pro-om Auim for burghry .0. Hum, uni untoneed to ve year: Imprinonmom in the King-ton Penitentiary), 3nd Wm. lnthy, the nun 11nd" "mud to: tho buwl-ry of Mr. E .vlooro'l hon... Tu: huntThe fella-ins ueemong the latent intimation: of prize: ewerded u the Pull Ihow : "Bronze modele 0. V. Gouletto, (hmnuque, wooden were; Gnnn L Cu.I Kingston. leather; King-ton Vinegar Worh. Hononnble mention -Ubown 2 Cunninghem, stoves; D. F. Jonel r. Co., Unnnnoque, Ihovell; (lumenqu Spring Works, eprin'l; G. W. Rubiuwu, King-ton, nulky; Will'um Power 65 Co., ehip modell. ClNTRuViLLI ACCIDINLA lad soci- dent happened near Centrevillo Int nook. A number of men won railing a burn on the promilel of Mr. Jacob Rombough. When nelr completion the m'uldlug gave luv, precipitating Milton 5nd John Rom- bough tu tho ground, A dinnan of seven- teen foot. Thu former gnt his foot bully Ithed And his spine loriounly Injured. Thsluuerhad his arm broken, with other ight injuries. A DLNUBR.Ful' mme time u .uch o! slruv, In the vicinity of the Perth Rand, ha been used by a number of boys for tumblinnnnd othercircuu movements. At the nine time they smoke and thus runthe danger of u re, md Inch 1 thing In the neighborhood of a pwder mngnzino in not dellrnblo, unlou we Innl. to ex- perience n shock similar to I small earth- qunko some of then dayl. Dismsnn. The manner in which the telegraph otlicel were crowded on Satur- day evening was convincing evidence 0f lhoiuturelt taken in the Centre Huron election, about which many anxioul an- quiriel were mule. A Tory, on being In- formed of the vurdlct, said, Oh the blnchgulrd; whnt I channel" The re- mnk in expreuive, though more vulgu thnu polite. .. 4..., Dnrrrzn AmmanSome time aluca we noted that the Ichooner Julia had been driven uhure at Smlul, or some point near there. Todly we lenrn that a yawl was found on Stony Point. On its stern was painted "Julia," and it con- tsinud the cnrple of an unknown man. The. circumat-ncea we give uwo re- ceive them, and leave it to our readen to draw their own inferoncel. POL|CB.Gecrga And Mnry Harri-on, drunk, were dinmiued. Jeuio and Derby Kcnigan. do. do. Tbrec cnbmm were chuged with lowing their cab. In the uolioitalion of hm. They were re- prinunded and dinmiued. Five mm: were summoned for uniting one Alex. Spencer, but the cumplmmnt not appear- ing the cane Wu diuniued. .-<.>. 7. I'b hdolublo which onion! [I'm- Iul Plum": CumOn 9h. Int pugo 0! thin iuue we give to wooth of the conclunirm of the Phuunix oountorfoiu'ng cm. The whole thing mun to have been n vile compincy, Ind Phoenix in Mid by the London Advertiser to have been nude | Imps gout by I din'ected And guilty gum. Pull" or Wan-Tho Caude En uine Ind Muhinory Works as no. but!- ly employed, und tho outlook II moat. en- coungiug. And the Nntlon-l Pulley can- not be credited with the improvement of the timel. Hun GumInst owning Rev. Mr. Gdhnith punched another Ipecidoer Inon, which 'u .0 good thll. we hold a report of i propuoj, but bad to hold it out until tomorrow. IIJUIID.-On caning up the tint on I Sunday thaw Piston no foul olw Mud-mi injured ho: ho] and Inn Shot-now notith npdnu tho Marina Bali. t-unun.v- I v nun radium wibdnnlntbocity Bulb Iidolt. VilmtdoPulSo day. We hmthuthoduavill bu- goodutholoctnn. * PatternTheda!th when. a 0d. Bin-WI lun- hu bun postponed until Nov. lat-i. [Iggmg gm mml - "um-II..-_-w Iv luau-1|wa dad, a... IOHDAY mo. 30'. 4. 1m. tuna-yuan no}: Ichabod larch-lulu. - mar-I'll! our 41;}1mt'. m__ .vuq-QI I l JHdeo Liam! muhuthuun-uh but, yua- H-I. Mich Ilka-.Hyuhhhouh! Mahohhnhdih. "h bun-d. lull-lulu Whit-h. In run-I. IIIII . VII V"! II awn- uhntmdehuc. The auto body Minty am you; Every hour haw" thou any con- 0! kin-nun... and mocking now his splat. Mutitbundhg dl thin, mines-douan entity hohanu-'o-bo in lb. all. puma now-hams. Ior l rain 1 upon, an! Lhnt nu pnwor to thnk enuld not he dutrxyml em: Ihilo ahead to l corn-i1 (out by phylcal niimom- :an diuum Th. lat-inn Ion the urgnn hruugh which the soul-cud. though the soul pout-nod I distinct-no! [depend-m povor of in on. In to Mac quaint: of identity he mound ah the h..- body noconly soul-tad d pub. but pom'hich rm ill-coo- *n. AQ-I- nl An-u TL- __ LA- u the Igent wu of In Instrument which ho cmployod. Tho Mntorinlint chin-d that it wu tho bnlm which originnbd thought. Whnt were the bnlm but mut- tort Thcy pot-and no new properties, :- than: by m unlynin, and i! the lub- Iuncuknmpooing the brain do not huo tho pawn to think tho oombinuion doo- not [in it to them. He dwelt upon the mstorhm'c unhntinn thnt the bnin II. but organised matter, while ho show- ml llml it in In inntrnmunt dvltinod certain upon, In .I. uhl n... k- J.A..-n.l -___ l 1' IV" u. lv-vv v. ...u-.5umuu.,uuu uv' csuse things were joined together therefore one was the cause )f the other. Day and night were joined together from the creation. but no one wss so foolish as to conclude that day was the cause of night. or that night was the csuse oi the following day. The legitimate conclu- sion he arrived at then was that man had I nature other than msterisl, and that though united to the body end dwelling in it, it was yet distinct an totally dif; lerent. He then reviewed mother line of argument. it the mind was dependent upon the physical organization for power one might naturally infer thst when the body becomes eofeebled by age and dis- ease the mind must be similarly effected. Did the mind generally sink with the bodyl Did the material organization sl wsys take the intellect down with it i Nay, when on the eve of dissolution the intellect had exercised its supremacy and independence over the materiel organiza- tion. if the intellect was the mere result 0' orgnniution how dill this occuri When mschlnery were out its power and lorce were of necassity diminished. This was not the case with man and his mental power, snd hence he concluded that he was not dependent upon organization for mental and moral phenomena. The body was the house in which the spirit dwelt, it wss the medium through which it com- municated with outward things. Thi. chsnuel of communication msy be des troyed. Every avenue of the soul msy be cloud, but the power of perc9ption is not deetmyed~the instrument by which the soul observes cannot be des- troyed. He held that the over the body that even the animll appe- tite wan It in dictltion. Reid had spoken of the relation which existed between certain impressions made on the lemon and perceptions of the objects on which lmproeniona wero made. but Reid could not we the force of tlieargnmeut,that be- A ._AA_,__ --....- Ltd- _n..,. ...:..A.'l - mums-unusuwe-uw In th- he wouldbeutterlyat alo- fora weldto make then known. Borneo! then were strangely materialistic in theirtendeneiee, and he nean they " had done no little amount of ham t, among the young men, tapeclelly anon; 0' the young men of thinking habits. Aa " an antidote to an. kind of literature in. was then about toeall attention to the . subject which had been previonaly an- nouneed. Be remarked that the whole oi creation was oompoeed of two aub- ataneea, naely, matter and mind. Theee were entirely di'erent tron: each other, and they peace-ed properties which served to diatiogueh them. Theae pro- perties were never found to wmingle, in other words one of these substances never manifeeted the proportion of the other. The reepectlre elementa were so strongly marked that they cannot be made to ooaleeoe. Of which of theee elemente was man cumpoeed l Was he a spiritual being or was he a material being 1 An- swers to these enquiriee have been nu meroua and diverse. He referred to the theory of Baron Swedenborg, whotaught that man was a pure spirit, that the body was not an eeeentinl part of the men at all, hand at the death was to he laid aaide forever. This theory he (the preacher) regarded as contrary to the evidence of the senses as well as to the teaching of the word of God. The theory of Dr. Edward Beecher, while related to that of Swedenburg. ditl'ered from it. He considered man to have been created a pure apirit, but after the fall a material body was prepared for him, and he was sent into the world again on trial. This idea in one form or another existed from the earliest ages. The germ out of which the theory had grown Inn to be found~ without much searchin the Grecian philosophy. The Germans at one time seemed to lean to that opinion, but now had well nigh abandoned it. He quoted at length from a number of scientists, and then to test the force of their reasoning. The mate rialistic theory was based on the false aa- aumption that a man's power of thought and will was the result of organization, just as the power of the steam engine was the result of well adapted machinery, though experience had proven that men- tal power controlled the physical organi- zation. 1f the will was the result of or- ganization how was physical power con- trolled by intellect l The materialistic argument was assuredly contrary to (not. So strongly did the unw-_.www that win dull-n- in '1 city Inll)th blah, whiski- could yo-inldd,buulhqwdou- lymbloitnn-lmaomly identi- d,NMghhodidnotuddgm . h -nnl4l|nnu-pI-- .ln- Ina-n mun-1.0m mun- poohoi nan-dimi- 0 demW,. lllmmh-idjold tau-(1th.. 6L... ma- M-I'n- in thin nit. HEN DERSONS