Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Nov 1878, p. 4

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J 03 MOSES. New ank.Sole Proprietor .l Nun] I212 cent. for lmhge. cud-M] lo Nohmp JI- Lyunn. Toronto, Omnzenenl will In: the Dnluiuion. will emu" | home cont-Illa! on! 50 pills. by return unil- Boll druabh, S: In King-ton by E. H, Pub-r. J. G King. Hath.- Gun, H. Skinner. U. 8.} He had. J Md'lunon, N.C Polwn, Hy Wald And all undid" dado". Wu ' In mbwm:mnlehhnmuodvm oh. cam-Inn t (20., OIOIGI Bailout. 0'. A InforCa'mln VAIDIWA'I' t 8m. Anna !w [inpu- _ mung" lud- 1._I| 9'5""? '3'. lhe Grout Female Remedy. pmsgifxim- A MED OPPORTUNITY n urn! A won'rmuc, TENTH GRAN Ruth Tamil-v ...........2mooosu An-llm-o................. Yul. luv-toth..." lug-noon W lo- w u muwmcmnvhh-mud rm 1: muwmcuxmwnoum n. M I hit vamm " Assurance Company, (I. Illmnl [In] .A urn FIRE &__l\_/|AHINE 0W 0W! Gmadian Company. In. If]: H. Rutherford, Em Tho; D. limit 1 Tab Jules REID. .u- Iglmp nial-Mr m M. A DAUPHIN. PO. Box 69?. New Orlcaul, Louiuiunu. BRITISH AMERICA ruwuvv vvurv 0 140300.. "GLAND. , .,uu u rd ., In? mil _ n! A n__ I I l nu _ .7 , 3! WELL RR'OWN HOTEL 1. very o nlu rub the lnvolling public and the oily VInQCln-n Hotel in the city. Good molqoomu. grim-qu Livnr in connec- L -: ru \rI nymph-my [matron and orders to DAUPHIN. 2. New ()rlmml. Louis JAB. 8W!FT,Agont. 8c. [Arronoom lumen Phil n. .u mm 311-0300 :1 warns-d llhit 1818. I L4mm mum's. f .1031- onxm ourml mm c H ME T_V. Iwu. -......_~ ...--,~ America! 80ft Ind Hard lelt Hats - .,:,L-J .'I'o the Electors of [he City oi Ill-nu...- Gum,- Huin; been roqu 5! I '1. a . .,,,,u-u __._L. -Iolm Elma- In ranlcl nIVl-Il wuu nagw... _, _ ,7,- innudni numbgto! tho Elector- to roprom thh city In the nx Pun-mun of Ontario, I 7A -_. __._. an"... In Mm. h the um any III we nu. run-nu... .. v.._. ~, hue very gratplouun in weeding h the ,-__. __A u -4! lulu. nvnn'" In do I] 70 very mvpun-u-v u- m.-. .- -_- a quest, Ind 11 electtd pkng and" to do I] __ u--- in "In"... Hm Inn-O. mun-u of quest, Inc I! Iswcwu yin-y: ;... . -- _ n my power to Minna the but intact: am my naive city. hlmlnv lhn mann- and Inuence of every naive oily. Bahamas thn "nge- omun Invonblo to hone Ind pure Govern- l (011535: or TIME} HPruaftor the 8mm ARMENIA will leave Kinnton Ior Platon and intennedinw ports at 3:80 pm. [lemming vill leave Pic-Lon nto'cluck nm- For freight. Ind passage apply to IA MES SWIFT. v' I I I I' - _ Pum- StmtJho molt oentnl Howl In the City. In mmodnonforouuu And opmhu umplo Room. for Commorclnl Tm vollon. Omnihu sad int Wagons w ill Truth; A [Jury Sable . mhod. LBJOHHIO . Proprietor. MRMEEIM For Picton. Bellevllle and In- termediate Ports. [Ab-V88 Sum 61, (30's Wharf, duly, at. 4:210 p.111. ReturningLeave Bellevillo daily. 6 a.m., and Pictou M. 9 n.ln., except Saturday-.when she leaves Belleville at 2:30 a. and Pictun 31.6100 mm. This Steamer baa rweh'od an n-xwunlve out t and will be found replete v ilb every com furl And convanienm. Round Trip Exnnrsion Tirkcts to Bellevillo llll Return, Including Berth m Sum rooms v.00. The plenmtaat trip on the waters. (1 It HATCH. J1 A D .l- .l. JV V v daily, 4130 1L! RmnrninwIPuve daily. up luul uuvum. u... .__-, JAIBS II. IETCALFB. Klnpm. 80m. $3. 1878 ___________,____ apply JAMES SWIFT. 8t. Lawrenro Whlrf. foot ofJohnson Street. Kingston. 0M 14. 78. [For Montreal and Way Ports: "a *'*'*"- u- M 9 n'clock. running I tho Bl ids. including LMhInn. Rmurning. loam ontml even-y THURSDAY at Noon. and Kin n for Buy Form EVERY BATURDAY I RHINO u 1 a In. Return Tickets It reduced Intol- Apply to A. GUNN & 00. ll.- 21' IR? Steamer Alexandria. n-mAl- nnn Ky MLK HA". .0 umnl.vll| be nilhod In "as be! of u Io. nud nailing n. re-wnnblo prison. at 8 {action And! yuan-mood. 1-, n "-1 1-..: (In? rmdl. (b Jul do!" 1 mun-alibi ,ud a salami-(2:60 Anna unino u can: In I. UIW IIBH IM-II. all a; " MIMI!!! \ um. (hm momma leadMining aniSmelllng Buy. Pub Expoomon. l87l, Unurto Provincial Exhibition. IND. u a. noes mil-r min-cam. W. G. 8: J. ELLIIIT'I'. r. w. STOOKWELL, - Manager. Till PUBLIC WILL ALWAYS mo good choic- II I Hull 0! lPh tenix FiFgTisurancel C. u. HA'lU n. Ticket A out, 8%. Lawrence Wharf. Kingston, anl . H178. In ma no: u! I: I0. .uu W8 And (tall and Inlpr our goods. (ILA RK V' _ The Buunch Upper Cnbin Rteumer I, III I878. Kinptun. 01'. lot. 1578. Cmux llrm, LEAVES GUNN'S \VHARF, Every Monday Evening, IRISH um II 83180! Works at Kingston. Ontario. we the honor to be. Your obeth Ierunt, (to-puny. at land. .. THE STEAMEB .\ 1 r71T 0.. HOTELNo.93)! Ind l0. the Cl". Inmmmodpqpforoue'ot'lgnd 31 g? 1 loan-Inunl. bat trip me Wlwl II. HATCH. ml, Rm. Lawrence W]: u 0mg gym}; mum new Mn; N F," [metw no. u spool MBA! mu-mi hon Qno'bee ougmwn, PRO" OUEBKC : lesnro'iif LlllEl IL... A...- lJv-nml an" THURSDAY GBAND TRUNK MILWA Y alumna . . . . . . . . . . .v__ ,V, 'lheBmmon o! the Hahlu m leave I- g: {or 8:. John'u, N l. Ind Linn-pool u 'I 2 c..i:m........ Nova locum . . . . Hibernhn........ but of PM from Kingnon: Cublr-Kinguon to Liverpool at londondorry 859. '79 md .89. _ _ _ V Inmodmu to Liverpool, wuuu Glam, 846 uorine to Live I. Londonderry. Queen-tan. mm or Cardin, RETURN TICK 131s. -hln~Kinllmn m Liverpool or hot RETURN 'nu: ClblnKiuxnon Liver a and Baum). 8118,00, l Intermediate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "V- Smmavhsliu .................... .. 63 J o! Pumas between [man and 8|. 0 n I: ~ Pram! luuu Ceruleuu Mn- vhlung to send for thou mend-cu obtain PmeUel-tioam at. Iowa rum. The uke no good for one you Md the mutant ll mfundedv loan 5 am. dad uctmn. if not used. Full infomntion u to roturu tiokqm end I infdintion tickets um All matters of manage will be given by the Afntl u to new n certicates to be obtuned u or do! to beouut ed to thin bonnu. l-m- 'ukata and an turthur inlorunnon in! an] Una nun n- a. ool Londomlerry 3H8. mdngw Intermediate .......................... .. Shams v. Halifax. _ 63 not no beouuuoa w bul- mm... For 'uksta an ignorant ply to IL 80011 R, Gnnerul Agen roam, 0n HOMER 6L [IANLEY.A 1 0800. toot of B 13pm... lxprou. - Cap 2 Vincent, Garden Island Wolfe Island dc Gannnoque Steamboat Route. Maud. Pierrepont nd Geneva. NE of the above Stratueu will leave Klnguton for Cape Vincent; dullyd Bun- daya excepted) at 5:00 a. m and J p.ln..mak'm ch go connections with the ILW. & O. Built-on , Northern Syracuse Railroad and N. Y.C. Rail- mml. Pullman Cara Em: and Want RETURNING~Willlmwe Cape Vincent 0}: and Wust on arrival oflraina m. 10 mu. and 6 [Mu . connect- ing with 0.'I.R.. Royal Mail Line, and Buy at Qumte Steamers at. Kingsmn. :iei'lo'iimw de used. tickets uni mute" manage given 4,581)!- | Leave for Wolfe 85 Garden Islands, n..u. no n-tm n m nml :in5 mm. and lou- lot beeuutlod um I nlv in IL BOURLI } MSVO IO!" Wuuu 00 um ucu may, Daily. at :30 11111.. and pm. da 3, 'lueays and Hawrdava at 8:30 am. ETUBNlNGWlll leave Wolla Island on TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS M 8:00.9:l5 5.111., and 1 p 111,. on Manda 'a, Wednesdays, Thursdlw and Fridays [119210 mu. and 1 pm. On odueaduyn. Thursdays and Fr! mm A p uL. 'vu nun .7... ..,,....-,,,,v , and 1;: 9:1 dnayillleavo Kingston m. HBO, :30 n. Iud 3.4. pm. Returning will leave the Inland at 9:l53.m., Ind 1 pm. SUNDAYS9:30 n m . :30 .111. und lzl5 p.m. Returnm m. 10 mm, :30 n.m.and 3 mu. Will leave in sum FOR GANANOQbE dillymallingul. I owe Ilaud.al,3:l5 Fm. ~ Hamming lemus Gannnoque on ' uendnya and Saturdays at 5:43 n.|u.,nnd on Wodueulnyn. Thursdava and Frlda a at 7 am. The bummer from ape Vincent wll call a u. . ......uv nu. Film-atlas 5nd ape an Inland: in the ovouingn ONLY WHEN SHE' RUNS THROUGH THE CANAL. Sept I9. [878. [loan of Ardula nu! Dopntnron from King on Buuo loaned Time. 001 0 WEST. Arrive. Donut. Richelieu and 0ntarioNain g1;- on Company. ROYAL MAIL THROUGH LINE. __ Commencluz Oct. 8th and until further Notlce. A! 5.80 pan. lnr lunun nu um HAMILTON, calling at inmrmodmm ports, (weather permitting ) ' ALGRIA .V. on Weulnrmlnys. CORSICA N. on Fridays. SPARTA N. on Sundnys A! 'l 3-. COESIC'A N. on Tuesdays, .b'lA It TA N, on -hurnd;ua, . u... l \I -. u tianandquekington rhino-Kinan to m 59! pd w? mantis Lm (H C KUIIIIIIL., 14*.on Bron h'a marfannnmlna, ior mag Iton every ()NDAY. TUKSUAY, THU DAY. AND SA1CRDAY morning It 7 n. Hing It Sir Johns Island. Nortt Side. on loud-y Ind Mud-y. and It the South ndo Md Hand-1's. Wolfe Island. on Tnudny And Sunni-y. Running vill lean A50: 7901 CREEPEI v v (n c RUTHWKLL.) Kin an pverv T}!UE ' Int-turning A. Gun: h 00'. Whuf u 3-30pm..oalllng when required. BROCKVILLE. 0n Fridly will leave Brouxh'a Whrf. (h- nuoqne, for Hmkvllle n 8 I'm. Ronni-l leave. Bronkvilla Itlzlll.ulling than required ml (or Chm". Excursion. bench Wad- yl. Ior lumbar puniculm apply w A Gun GCrs": to H. C. Bath-all. on hoard. ' 'I . . uuvm vu -... .. ........9:00 mm. ....2: 5 mm .......9200p.m.....9:15 pm. .........l:l0..m. ......6 mm. AN JOSEPH HICKSON. on hum. Gonl Inn-go W Mliun IMME- m v v ~ .miinel of light. Also, [but [much Luanda: and Cologne Wotan, _..........-- A. I n." tut medium! from human. WI ol the Final Conn: and imvo Choctaw-Na for All mu-dd.- nou mm; '33,? "E35 '13- l 'o I I... n.- Iumc n um hug SILK HI'OCII [sac-p, W luv-n. M Bell ON. loll-III- nyddmmbl L- a. n.5- ll. l 4 -F. DID" WING m L! I'I 0' in... r . 1. M a: SPECgCLEl IHE STFAMERS OF THIS LINE WILL leave lilngntnn M quluwa: At 5.80 fur TORONTO and HAMILTON, porpa, n-iko- .u_-miniuur\ lupus-luau 'IDIOII.... Kingston. Oct. 51h. H08. 1 FOR MONTREAL AND QUEBEC A17n_m -lvv ---v- 7 1 I ' c. I. IAth Id-I. 0. ll. LAVELL & 00 era 151nm. -.....m......, A l/(IIHIIA N, or. Saturdnyg ' Passage Tickrm and any informan ' It. um Lake and River Stun-boat l, L Lawrence Wharf. {not of Johnson , 593m ' mu Liverpool, Londondary or 0'.6 n n WI) avoryull non QUEBEC: Ll GER on. Street no. autumn for 4 W aim Stun-boat! mce Wharf, Juhnwnl In" lull No. l have lull Nofz. hunch... 300 pm'lliuiuippl .. 6.00 leI Clonal... I35p.nl no . . . . . . . . M 6m... Hunk ... . 3.45 pal harbor Lake 6.50 pm ux-ovum: 1.05pm |0|den . . . . 7 I0 p.m [Imhgtonn I. pJnanthun .... .. 71!) pm Verona . .. 4.2 pm Hmrhinbr'kn 8 0) p m Mont... (4-3 'mlBodford . H .. 8 lb p m mmwm. m p.u,\v.m. .... .. 3.30 9.... Palm... . 5.25 p-hungton.. 8.40 p,m Old .... . 5.45 pm \urowmith 8.50 p.m MN. I. pvm' Inn-lo. .. .. 9.I0 pm 000 . . . . . . . .. I. p.37 G'onvnle .... 9}!) p m III-Illpr .. 'I U p.nHKlnIwn....low pm Ill-d m. but. Kinnton at 01:!) n m .nr thin. I. Mink-0pm It Illn Ralurmn'mu loun- Ibhllppl u Id p.m.. nnlvina in ling-to- u 1 pa. utherimornutwn up! . Agent. '1: C. H HATCH. Passenger Agent err .Glugow. mi , till. Q an 16th 71] KmGSTorz ONTARIO, Haume 0!. (Whit-1.30.0 Vua M, PAW .- their Pia-u: FIRST PRIZE. AND SILVER MED; man "I Mm. '81!!! t 00. km 11:3. n mwm'n hh mu can the ham ofhwhmt and... out-outt but ' ma. MlmhmIm-mhhkxllblquuthWanoiuI Wat:- onhix-Pnna. www.mmamm. thatan pro: rum-um _ hail-uh. 31EICI un a. g m 181,-!- ROYAL IiJ'RANOE COMPANY OF ENGLAND. , AGENTS : Commercial Union Assurance Company no EVALAKI) Watch and Clock. TO THE QUEEN AN!) ROYAL And by Special Appomunenu to HRH. the Prince of Wales, ELM. the Emperor of Russia, the Maharajah of Burdwan, and to Several Indian Princes. PRIZE MEDALS--LONDON, DUBLIN AND PARIS: BENSON'S E BENSON'S I BENSON'S 4 WATCHER, of everv Doacnp- lion. suitable for all climates. from 1,"! $0200 gulneun. Chro l 1mgmphphrouomewra Key loss Levers. Frown Latinu, Ro l renters, Runway Guardn. Fol - dlura and Workumnanullus of extra strength. | vvmn-v- v-w ' v -_ v 0' memo Putin- dodrou ol Insuring on depend np'ou low nm and fun-ours: mm mm mmgnoa. Oicc, aaragwc Strut. _ uugrupunnlnnuuuuwuuu "VJ -r..:r __ V . 7 Levers Prewnmti-m wud DI - the most accomphshed urtwla _ ' _ Ann'nc kmum CLOCK in tho urovloua Mulnls; Brno, Mel-av mm, : decanted witthdgwuod and char. Brnonlotn, Nocklnaan other wara,clenignud to suit Lockets. Rings and all kinds In! Ila of furniture; also as o! b outerie as supplied to |novaltiea for Preneuta. Mmla mom son: of the Court, and 1 loler by Hanson. From 5 53. otherdialingullhad personage Merchants, Shippers 1 Wholeanle Buyers are n ecmlly lnvltod before sending their order- mlsewhere, to ohmln from the mmufnowrv the lluetrntod Cnmloguu of Wnnhes,Clookl. Chains. Jowoliury. Silver and Electra Plnw,whioh He sent boat from u only are the diloounu liberal. but, u. sMecLiuu can be made from the largest stock in the world. Orders Ilmuld be wut llreot to the Mmufmkfry, Ludgate Hill. 6' BENSON'S PAMPHLE'IS on TURREI CLOCKS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, PLATE and JEWELLERY lent Post Free. Watches sent safe by Post to all put: .J HM. malrlll r115 I IL anu d o! the World. mama a. Hymn n. n. April 4, 1877. __.__d QEBEJGQESS- nnmnlnnl nilnn) XXMKISMEEEEW PM [I w? ICI 1 10.1877. [Stand Tlunk Brawl MURTUN, McKAY & mm] SUPPLIED l '00D 0!! WHI'LI. ()rdnn unliuitnd. and thou) m " eived bymni promley nttomlod .0. April 22. 57. \ ' A'nmaanmm. lSpIinglesshugmd Suppodels man. hm unwwua hh mug. a. may. Min putt. Mum tan and mindin- LL-.. 221.. unh- nhl hl-l. M Hum inn hu- I'll " th- Above w. HOTCHKIN will wish the {allow- . Ins plum: ' PICH)N-Cocmopol|tan Hotel. November 11th sud lhh. u A u. RFnnmnhnll Hanna, November IAILI. 010-- m. 0.1.3. Il- oldll Innuan l. l9 VII: 990P Nth. NAPANEE-Csmpboll Home. 13th And 14th. KlNGTONCity Howl, November lth. 16th. l7: nd 18th. nmwkvllJEm. Lam-once HAIL Nov. And 18th. BBOCKVILLESt. Lam-once BL, Nth 5nd 20th. a w nn'rnnlnl'l tmatmnnl ll nnoucll, 20th. 0. W. Boronxm'n tmatmnnl prune-l, rational and oconnmlnnl In oh'Muimmm diam mltdnnd ovontud cure. I h hand up on uiomlc prinriplu Ind wilydamonnlnmi to the comp oh union of ovary inulligam mar-on. u! I 1': us than! Bus-31 Spring: of euilydomonalnwn he ohunion non. um vnhnnl 8m! Bpn a or nrd unboun-o nuln In!de lngun. sud Hliqu up well ll Briconola,lt the ~ Kim what-nu o huan lngulnnl sud Umbolllonl .rlconolo, M. ML vmood um mvectfully of5w91 you-n. mu: 3M will "and the tall. unlau l" ring Tmuu. Trunc- fot children I. well u all... 6. W. Hotclakln'l mt ones 3dde ll Alblon, all... County. .V. . a' Go curly the int db, before the crowd get-in. Aug. 20, 1878. The mm. Cheapest and Best Selection ol IMKYI STIR. BM!!! full- AN" gun! tram w log All; 516' PAM-lhobanh- a-hbu'. ta . I... h :0 H utyb and I (to W uh. EGITY_PAI_NT {51199, v1 LghROBINSON | M til-III M-D'L'.h .- 1'!- ROOM PAPER] INSURANCE. . . - - - 825,ooo.ooo.u _.- _--_. - \J U 1v LJ \1 U Una/u. The Best Recommendnuon. Lumber Manufacturers, of Mill Point,- om... er For 510,104 of Queen Street, Kingston. ALL DESCRIP- TIONS 0" LUMBER md HANDI'AOT RID MATERIAL FOR HOUSE BUILDING AT LOWEST RATES. DNIQ . ~l-iooqnvi aper. ' Klng Street, Klngston. Tho But deo in the vorld (or Curl, and... nm. U100". 5t". theltlm, And Ibo- hpcr Depot. 25, OLD Bo_1\_l_n STREET. TWTEENsoN, rental Cu: Notices. III Innuh- STEAM FACTORY AND CITY SHOW ROOMS : n- TTTT r T [\T R. CRAWFORD & CO. rub mnuau, THE MEDAL OF HONOn. w AND DIPLOMA OF MERIT WEST END EHTABMBUMENT [marrow Poe'r omen Eln} I CLOCKSfa rChurehea, Tur- ' "$3.0! PublloBuildinga. Din- iugorDruving Boom Library, Carriage. Church. hall, or Khop. Perpetual Calendars, Dials 4m. An'rnn'm CLOCK. ESTABLISHED 1749. "YARKEREOELD STAND Important Nozlce tn Builderr, Im-men; and. Olhcrs. on? yam V U .L a. ha-.54, 32,76 per Keg of 100 lbs. Each Keg of len 19 (nunsan euuraly free lrum dun, mule. Ilivon,or hoodlum; unlla. each nail buing selected by Dhr mum! Auwmnio Picknr, 'hlcll givonat but 3 lb. mum of mrfecz umla to i. la keg. lShelf and Heavy Hardware,l THOSTSEALE, Merchant Tailbr, Clothier AID DIALII ll GEN TLEMEN'B PRINCESS STREET, (IV-Hy Opponu tho Cuy Raul, King-um) THE ORDER DEPARTKINT contain. an mmnnln r-mrtmnm. of Good. 0! the 91W . . hum Iii-M Mu. 1x: I: In ad Odo-II- In pJn. MI-IMWH- boroh Ill. Ely.- Wdfo ........ Wyn. nk- " ..... .. 102333.111. Imayzgmgeods ll MIMI! r-wrtmont of 0000. 0' III. Latest and Host Fashionable Styles. :4.-ng (A. u. Inn-ant num The In: est. Most Stylish and "out cm-I: rm- nll l'nr- my) aw. Bnlublo far the pro-out canon. In READY-MAD the Sunk um u- Icnalvonlch-u In uyk Ind numb-ml V u an" oc- Gal I FUISHIK 0000! of I (I! cpuom And In (mt "zloty. mm, on ' mos. sum. Prinmn lm! DEPARTMENT com Immense r-wrtmont I _A_-A __.l An D-aI-Inl lmnmg gyplpnnnpus mm in Grunt. Pm]. Water Colon and Ink mue- uluo- ouollonl. sgggoon and mm] UV. 3 "run Ont-roam I'm." KIM- Mnlm .udou .... ...1 launch-t..." nun-ouch... AT VERY LOW PRICES. a .4 :7 A call nl|o.bad VIII-III! IN 4. Mi PH 0T 00 BAPHIG. :7 Ford. In. old Plum nlupl I! ooh-ml should [in u I coll. (an-v1! l'nl' "Ell. 5 MI CHI. [Illva Hwy-mu :th toek for all I'll chasm-s In the City. W Mn [1" u I you. (BOIVIX IVOIY "PIS. dmdwmp bytmun mu. amuse: & unite: lm M I IIIW vu-I-cav y-Iu , Ir!"- oI Iztu. Alb-l! u all MbTmhy. 11m Any-(m1. Clo..&7n.n;ur|u u l. :_ r _ _ _ _ _ FORD & 80. .p-a I ill-m | GOLD JEWELLERY, ohe rh-hs-n and moan exuuiaita GOLD JEWELLERY, of we ricben and exquisite doaignl. with Manon-nun, Creaxund l)evoes.EnaumUed in Colours, after Designs by nhn. Brnonlatn. n- I I-v-v .' (Ill-l ! M a k e r FAMILY, law's East Indian miml mumww um or You-l. an m m?" waif? our mmym" mm y . n 0 gen uoeuen: dim. for ti. night-d col- ulucing. llotl'udd lnn. Jellies. Bille- aoupo. Griddle Olin. e; H II I ll'lt I- ciou uteummlmiobomof- lemma... Ionian loch . . Porto-out . . . . lawn" New Valoncisu 14 pounds for 31. JAMES noun. China '1' House. Rant, lh. icHEAP l cnmn cusnpzu |J. HALLIGAN& cal 25 Ghostslino Japan T054 lbs 81 25 do Choice Tn, 311): $1. 26 do Ohoice Green Tea. 31b: $1 ||l.. mun... nu..- 'lmu tn Im the boa vnluo (10 uuuwv \n can av... v um We gunnmm thew Tm to be the boat v in tho oily. Juli- nrrlvouI "v.- IVI Montreal Ginger Ale, do Seltzer ther. Montreal Plain Sod. VIIIv - M. .Moutml Wholoulo prion. THE SfANLEWY-N ETHIOPIG ELIXIB Best of Medicines For aidiu Digestion, arunniuz Torpld Liver! m n heal! \ uc:ion. ruring Jnundko. reg-Illn ing the Revels. purilyiugtho Blood. baniahln Hrs tplia symptoms. [lo-u of Appotito. Hk NM Mlm. Lunguur or Dcprnuiou ml in the: l ' . I ' mar-y Ivar-Mynuna-n m M (no-lock; awn-mm)... In. will). cImdqullov-z Vb Intutpnqm-llpm. Pot marl-Imus. Cauli- loam My 3 p- aptl-Ium. WIMMM Idlul In)! u how povth .00! chain a. Hairpin Hick llmu l)cprrnuiou,nnd their stead given Lifu and Reneth ENERGY And VlTALl'lY to the whole stem. 7 . n1~_- -1. llnull I u: um wuv-v -JVW For Sale at King's Drug Store at 500 and $1 per Bottle. Profussor Dupuin' opillionf the shove named mudicine,na n CHEMICAL CUM- POUND, is M fullnwa : Hl hnvn .-.m~ful|v rxmniuod the composition POUND, is lullnwa "l hm-w-Arofully com onltlon 0H1 'lonicCqupnuml known us the BI NLEY ETHIOPIC ICIJXIR. and have found its in- grediunmtu 1m wlmll vogvmblo. and of repul- ed nmdirinul valun. {I ouulninn no known uti- blaamo mixwrul nr other pomonn.|rd nun I. be cakeniuavouuhnnrmnldmnwithoutp noing carious oonsequenouv I believe It. to be thoroughly sum. and ruliuhlo. u far In H. is a ChemiculCompouud. mingled . P. Damn. I N. P. Dumm- Professor of Chemistryueen's College, I own. Unt. We, the undersigned. ('43. tif to whom H. m- wnmrn. that lmviu pvraonn v or Inour {hm - as. liked this BTANJJY ETHIOPIC ELIXIB refurmd m by Pml'omor Dupum In Mnoem- cMa.L:)ucarlullyuummaml II. w the public u be. In our iungm-ul nu exmllant Family Mad (-ilm : J. Halligan 6: 00.. Brook 8L. mm A van a ROCERY." bun lungmrul nu oxwuun. :- Mad ohm: ll. J. Eile-k. Tnh mph Uporntur. I, W. SLrnmzn. by. 'u, unfulh'gcura for Seminal Wmhxnap . Bofm Tm crmaturrheu, m .hng I" dmeaua that. follow I: I sequenw of Halt Abuse. an hmnof Mommy ,uuhernl hmitndo. Pain in m Hark. "humans of Vhiou. prem- tura old age, Ind many other dlouuel Inland m innunity or oonsvluption and : premature rave, all of which u A rule IN rst euuml by ovimlng Irv-[1] the path 01 nuture An'lovu m u. n,_. .. .m- _- which a rain IM um mod by 1mm the Indul venue. Th0 Specic Medicine II we r.- nulto alH'e alud And man yun of exper- hams h: troutin L muss main dim. Pumph et tree by mail. The pacic Medicine ll sold by all Drugmnunl OI pnrpmkugomr le Mk Act-n lor Gin" Will be mm. by Ingl[ovn_gooopt 9f ! any Order "Imp-mt - A- Uli linden. Prue. It. (I. rug-lulu- of 0.0. km Bulk ham :5. 9....ul4'... tum [Juliana-b maul-n: m Paul a. hub! ho- d-ud lab the 0 midlands-luau rot-Ind ink. all 3:3... ~ cl M. am. w. . luvs SPECIFIC mama). Drhggmu M II pnrpmkugomr all mi .301. .3, WI In by mnl on rooo to! Ihe moua . luv Mulruuirg WILLIAI U AY nun. im'aerhut. uar- Very Low- QUEEN InsuranceICompany, OF CANADA. FIRE AND LIFE. CAPITAL . . . . . . "2,000,000 Sty. IInvested Funds .... ..658.8188t. 6;, (20.. Wind-unnnt. Sold In Kingnwu h Ih-Illl a. Gnun,G. 8. Ho- hen and all rm-pumai nle drugth overyvhorv. Nov ll HT- 8. I. alllsuu w vvq u-vv- liEAVER GROCERY," an l5. I877. Near the FURBEH a I'DGK, Moran-ll. Chic! Agonu (or CIIIMI. 8. B. PHIPPEN. Em flnl, Aunt. thllm |coni| [own-Eon & 001 ._.1. J'. REIDS . If ALL FIUITH h a Mum. A J ERID'S. Eilbock. Tll I. Su'nngn. P.) F, OvnrnndA Build d~%WI F. UVOINId. Builder. .lunun Knarus. TaIegrnph Opornwr. P. Slam-nu, l-ur Houlor, E Aml nmnv mhhra. I All" I. ad-N; ."l 1.9.: Dumm- In... It. dbl-alumina! -I___-.al- HAVE JUST RECEIVED Wlmlmnle nnd noun. ..A'_ Is the lute introduced and J Int Irrlvodn huh lot ,,I n:_..__ AI- ____- OHOIOE GANDHI muv mlmrn. ., Aug 1.}. MIN. Ivan.- , lurks "I 5 king UND:R&AKIR.J II- PM awn-M van-.- a I. vmv yd d: all the hon I! I d $3.1. m... :2... mam-h... Wcurnlu Managua? mauth "Indium IMP-o- - news-ta (Im-.. ._.3 n, n n l wumllmmuid Oomns and Cask ta, your, dzmr-Ipom an than u'& Out In. of mm m quash-munch ' my. E" and: Whig ud Country on we no mag-3N3 Mk. (1 I Mmtwnwemmnuzy a Q "II I Councilman in M d with my on. FEAT!!!" DYE!) Ill til the m M now won. Ii annu uni (Er-m dinu] .n..-I.. - loan '"n'adth' even I b annual-Cumin gvhmthoh mmmmmn. Kid "lam Chum! nd Dyed n 0 kn notioo. who'de to be but! than may lol- no N]. " on I: to who. than u" on. ch. on ma. hoe bumb- (at up 3:33 to II'. Goutlunon mull-In Bun-or I Glaucoma? downtown wnettonoo maternal - RIl do lot read my that and but II m be dune. but do than: and! M it. 6 re; it malted. Plans auto I In. LI: . --v v"----, The ONLY Ilium! Dyer II Illa W. Urmwn Ohm111m dour. above MN" I. Pr noo- Strut. Down town (Dillon and Shun Dye Willi. m. Johnlol. cornu- Buos Mt, Klan. Juno II. 1878. TAKE A REST or 111. Election. AED READ THE Magazines for October Young Luliu' Journal, n_ n_u_ n; An u Bow llollu, Ind nll the banding Englhh II- gulnu noun-u long ago. 20,000 Envolopea ofall Hudu. Note Papoh full supply. Autognph Albumsovary kiudr School Boqu lor the (follaglnto Inlututo Ind Public School: cheap. ' I'III VIII. '0. I.' Took wt'on HONDAY. September 23rd Bow BolIu, Ind all the banding Englhh II- ago. School Books tho (follaglnto Inlututo Ind chow. Sullivlul Grogmphy and limtlyl Cop] Book. Thin] nuppr thin morning at MoAuloys Bookstore. Hem. 20). Liverpool& London& Globe Insurance II! N. |UI Total Assets .. Tuna-abut! in n 10581 BOW-n -----.-....ul,uu,uw Invested in Canada. 900.000 I..." II In. Jonln'u. LI an: Jinn. In"- The name prompt nonhuman ware mad. I. thu gram Firm in Ullil'ugu and Huston bald" giving I hug rum ul Ilmnny lo the Ill mu. [7' Run of lmumnw M low u my 0.) 0m. 'llna Cumplmv In noooml to no [mur- nvwo Ofce in the world. Application reootvml at tho (mm 0! Tuna. BBIGGB,Amt, Clamnoo 8t , ()ppmito lo Pout0.00 Sam 6. 187 7 m3111,nE TllE UNDERMENED HAVE 0N "Au" mun HAI u IIIUAD One 10 "brm Pownr lortuhln EuglnoIdulxm for driving anything requiring power. ()no IO "om Power Blntlnmvry En me, with 20 hone power, Holler um-ond hung. Una 20 Home Power Englne, with so ham power. 01m Rotary Pump, all brain, on puhlo 0! deliv- ering LON) JIIunn per hour v wily. [iAl-m un'L form 11m uld umd to! KEIAHK': ()F ALI. M lNlvH. U. M'tWLN 81 8|! Machine, Engine 56 Boiler LQUEEN STREET I n.. l . IHI'H I! Work. r V ' W lulled for moohllv PA l bilnlno club...- on! or othnr com Kmudn, onnlueunl do. In, lrndumurkn, Ill labels. Cavelll. Au II, menu, lMerharemon. Appenlu, Sun.- for II- lrin unclutnml I cum! Irlnln nndor I. PA KN'I LAWN. nmumllv Ilium ml to. lrom wuulnuwn. V no ml III I IN EN .1 OBS... mm .. sketch of your dnvioo; we Innkoeluninlllonl [rm 0/ thargr. and (him u m umublmy. Allcorreapondom-o nlmlyennm onthl. lrlo. low. and NO CHARGE UNLESS PATI'T mommnud cum PA' KNT LAWH, pmm pl INVEN'IIUNN 11 A ,Lh mu .l'JU .1 .l 'A unlike any um, Inmmtuuemhn [mu-nut! by m, Belnloppollh- the Film", mm, we mm main almar mm Ind Iwure Patents mum promptly, And with hronllnr chum, Llun thqu who no "mob from Wuhlnuwn. VEN 71ORSL.:":.:.: uknml. of vmu- dnvhso: make eluninltlonl 'AH chrMpondom-o a! dolly onnmlonthl. low, [H HECUKED. We ruler In uicinln in tho PM!!! on. M IN VENTIUNS 'I'HA'I' H REJ E01714} 1'; In mmhm-Jm Mann-(l hv I We Pawn! Ooo uur cllonu Kn Meryl. of tha Dam:an to hour Sen-wt And pus-aunt!" In Coupon. poclnl references given when dulmd. Addrou. C. ALHXUW a: co, in Dan-oi. Isl-u. lav.hll::x-k0u.0|hdw. w Vii-hr, A IQHJIIn-J luly. V "1 Sept. EITYLIVESTABLE "III I IWHUIIIIIU' Cf)ll)KlN0.CALC0llNI m h PATOIIIIO Plulerlnl and pound Jbblng duo tad [uuutm ullufwtkm m ull um wumm ma wlth their work You llfld not-ht II! Cupou or Furniture. W. JON, 0p .m Woleh'u l-rhln Worn, Mn. 80. $- Dn't forxol. Jolu' lb.- 0! ll "mun clmlnl. lrtuceu street, - -r - - K1111 u- OFFICEUndu Clly Haul. My via a! ("urine nn oLml nun DJI'I lo llonu clonal". 00! In. Luvuswu Ill vuumm. - vwwvv Lou" II III. Juln'u. LI" III! Juno. "1!. sum. Milled In lnll Inn-luau Inner lhe Ill-c, wllhom ubatrn3| Clmm Sept 6, m7 "Kiwi; Maker Adeum ah: In tho " In: Mlmtlilliu Im mama-nodular: {ml-u m - noun-la!- hn- no chugw umedTva-Iym mu. 0M Advent-nu nu . homo-l ht. you III-ll _' .31..- ...-c inn-n1- z? H $2955., CITY FIRE ALARM. n I II" -w.., -__-7, 11' 0|! noun Al! A II (I! luv u ADVLIOI.)M - 1i 0 w. ~(V m l... mu. rm Weekly Itltioh Will-g: In Publhbd on" an-day m OFFICE-Undo: do 0! Curious Am: A, 1876 u plblldud h, I. J. Inu- h 01! Inst-u the Old. [luck It, . Inn-um and. Bari-351'?" "m. ll OIIIQIII.DII(I Irlllll nnu. m kFENT nl I Il A" HAVE BEEN I I .\ I TN] \VI1 I l I... d... 9.0.... IEH'CM Haul in the any. uoou ale Boom. Fir-HIM . TWM.W.DAVI Pronrluor mum-mun- A! III DOM-AI. A lul. 1'. RIETIEY'S. Unquuuun uu lln ' I HAND FUR HALE CHEAP. pnblhlwl by l. J. Ill-l ru u. Iva-h um 0000.11mk, hm- Caul- . I. I ILA-j A IIAI. Gm- 1 fun dulmd. roll. A. KNOW 00;). Palm: OHM.WMHBIWD>D-_0_n' anumc, RINGJZALCOIININH PA'N I DEFY lb};- 3 I ALL_ A Company. # am I. mic. Salve. mum mouth I". I I. .. 7.470.000 .2 900-000 "A V I "Inn" by the Pain! (Mice still, I. Belnlopnollh- 'E.=-'=-:: 1w . """"" 3.1:" t AT I'mLuNs g.- u. Myudun Final-m 'um 11... in o! wih u an old. mimnl m a. .._- I, 8:. human Wad. 2. Ontario Ward. 3. 8t. PIIII'I Church. 4, Iontml w. 5. All hint-'Cbumh. 6. G. Nowhndu. Ptlnoeu Street. 7, Corner of Burks Ind Prince 8. I. Corner of Earl Ind Burk Strum. 9, noon'l College 0300. l1. vning'n Buttery, King Enact. l3 Dl. mailing throat IMEI. |,|5pm Ill IIIblry Ind-yo. Wodnu MI. Ciao-8&1) pm ; min .....4:05 p.ln. "50th EAST. Arrive. at oom. CLARK W R [G HT. Wallington Street, a. [mo- dl. Th. .0an stout- ! IV Ind um hi. climb Will. aw of hinlong nlk, udtbo admin 0! this duration mm on A waxyun 0C In. diuue, Mb. fell doln dead In tho burgu- Arrive. ..4:I7Lm. ....1x 2 mm. ..4:05p.m. ....(:|0 pm. 3 a I. tat-buli- _ m. 50 C 5 7zl) LII. mm n. 4:!) p... 723)..- 1:00 p.ll|. 7:1!) p.- NH!) sun. hat) pm 10:11) gm Sue tum Min 0! can" u m- ouuo thin Mu! left his 'Olljo-bvu with whom he Ind scarcely any lntuoouru during his life; In ihonbololt no lpocid interact, Ind 'ho, though lhdol own. to get. the > --A --I mud. In! the 10:00 5:00 pm. 9 Din. III-1hr. >. Peteonillsazin NIL 3 run le glib hamht I it o pad-hat: n Inlv'l or at I It.) m will lb ninth-MW anal-nun: Mun-tumu- m-yoc. Rpm-mulch." syn-mount. In n.- , -_I_ -_J -mI-bO-n mm was md~l:nmm nun-Hi uni-u Links the 10110 xor pun, Bruiul, Bord, Ulcou, Rheum, Tenor, Ch; pod lhndl, Chilblnins, Con-0,304.1 kinds of skin eruptiunL Thlu 8A!" in gunnnteod to gin perfect uni-[min "my cue, ormonoy re- fundcd. Ptioa Ccntl per box. For I. by J. G. KingJiinptun. Hf Idiom. mmrrmnm1mm dmhd min-kn it bun aun- Inn mild M.- m t .MLoo W8. Muhammame Alh'l NIB. up, __ 4|. -l._.l L" h "171%: drum to W In. In cl. 3' ImhanJl ll I'm m In. 9 and I..\.l_ m..- mill Wu llm .ac Moldldbon. Thu-plum mung"! clan t!kolhmualoiu.nldmll- lulled I but, They will lapel-L, col-Ind. Ala. mum Ind other receipt-3 In mum Sum; Io Minn. IllAl the publihcg no. pug pa;- tho '53:! swims; publiher pun pop Wm .u haiku. Nmn che-nor tbs-ova; h be! httochaputh thorn. l'llli(Ahlyo in Mm) .100 s Yur- lbdud prion-Io Clubs. Wren, p00! pdd CHARLES J. PETERSON. D6 Chan-u 8m. Ihudolphh, PI. w Inch-om am [min t! wrimm not. A wmuw Ursvnh UM. a. TO WIN A roman. TENTH mum; mmlnn'nox 1m, nw mums, wand, xovmuusn 12m. .- . A454--- HA_A_ 1- -LL-_.I|--.-w 'IUMUAI , nuv n-pnn um. The Inuillana State LotteryCompany mm. [nun-HI... -u rounhrlv humroonced Inc M nusw mun-u" menu Thin Inllutlon vu regularly Incorporated h :0 Loki-Mm of the Sun {or Educa'iun n And Charitable in 1868. with I mph-101.1311). , to which it has since LI! - m..- lnml n 3150(XKL ITS nlnnd Charitable In 1506. wml I clpihlollulxs, nddod I rene {nnd of HRAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBU- . RAND SINGLE TION will uh place muntbly on the R-Colhl Tweed: . It never scales or postpones. Look It the ollovin dmbutinn: CAPI AL PRIZE. 830.000. lollonqdlatributinn : IUDOO TICKETS AT TWO Dollars EACH. HALF TICKETS. ONE DOLLAB LIST 0}." PRIZE. l (Inniul Prue . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . ...m,000 gun's-mun snub Steel lurid-z!- m. uni-QM coals-MW l Clp'lul Prue..... I CnpiulPI-iw..... I Cami-l Prize 2 Prue. of 2500. . . 5 Prison 0! |.0W.... 20 Prime! IOO Prim-9le... NO Prune! 50.... 300 Prim of 20.. WW Prison of IO .... .. LPPBOXIIA 1837 Pruel, unonnnng 1.0.. . . . . . . . . .9: 1,100 Reapoluibln corresponding ngenta wanted at. lpwmlnent poinu, to whom a barn! ampenntlon will be paid. Apoliculon for nun to clubs Ihnuld only be ........ ... . . . . . . . . . APPROXIIATE PRIZEB' 9 Approximation Prisu of 10.. J Approximation Prince of 200.. ; 9 Approximation Print: of 100.. lstPrlun, mounting to. . D-.m-&hl nnnn-mnllil ~ompenntlon A plioulon mure to the Home Otoe in New Urn-um. Write, clearly utm'm full address, lor furlh er inform-non at can mule w Inc name Value In nuw I mldre: DA UK under the nu rvlnian and manngamnnt m (lu.G.T.BE UBLGARD.nnd GENJUBAL A. EARLY H. L. PLUM, 3I'J Broadwnv. New York All our Grunt! Extraordinary Drnwiugs are Ill-.G.T.BE UBLGARDde 4 Insgcgpomanyl moniy. aiuot have lino. lap-cu lumen] of Mir nhrly kin-mun. __.._. HEAD OFFICE - - ~ - TORONTO Church Imetorner o! Conn 8t. BOARD Ol DIRECTORS Goo. Porch-l Bldout. Enq.. Governor PM! Plum, Eng. Darnty Governor. E. Rutherford, Inn Wm Cnyloy And Thou. D. HII'HI. Anuulnhcz Tho Hon. Goo.W Annn'Thos.Stroet. Sir Ju [AH]! Bonloll. HML.Ind Goo. Boyd Enqa. lull r Murine Dmnmuent,Wm. tmvard .,T. . Birch-ll. smug Director. 0 British America Auurnnco Company Insure all And steam Vowels, their freight or atrium; by the trip. month. won or year, I? It low or dun o by Fm- or tho danger: o Nnvi tom-"ho owmtremunerativo raw: Th1: mDIB' continue to Insure buildings Im-l luvl ul uuu u u, ruv m uu q... owmtremuneratzvo Th1: mpny Ind all other daurlgionn of Propel-t .gnlnn In or Dunne b Lnon the man nvmbl Mml.lnd It tho on rate-charged by any Incl bf l?l the fumbl tom. and 0 not ratol charged good bumps". JAS._8W_IF1, Agog! WIS INVALUABLE MEIHINE 13 nnlnlllmz la the cum o! I those painful 1nd dmgulunl diam to which the lamsle comm Mutton h unblock h moderates I cum ml remove. All obotmctionn, and I upeedy swim coma- u'ul cure my be relied on. TOMARRXED LADIES. To MARRIED It In peculiarly mud. n wilLin A short. lm bring on the monthly period with Muluhy In I use! 0! nervous and wind Aecgona u period with Will-[Ry I In] Affection: pduln the book And limbs. ngn con ulight caudal. pdplhuon ol the hem, hymeria MIMI-.MPIIII will ao 5 curewhen :11th Ilvo failed. And dihou h I povorlnl madmdn not contain iron, mud Antimony or anything hurtful to the cousfinr clan. Full direct-lon- ln the mphlct mmnd 1%, which Ihnuld )e carefully pre I. . Proprietor ll mun] [autumn lI'WbMFMx'grTf-k ' mnnlu public 1112 n-

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