Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Nov 1878, p. 2

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lntenueu I.) ap- I )nspe, will preside Muntrenl, which ..0 BHLIH BCHGIDB. (lge Lnflnmbuiau inhuman tn mn- In. I 'ubalnla that miun undul- . ... .,-:....b. (By Titan-v5 MI) W. Now. 6.61;!!! WI un- not open tho Inn-kn at tho ' Buddy on Honda, nut. th- Dmn non-Ind to an. It - m w. m I. I! u .- .onl 9:: Monday. Thocityul Quoboonovhmhuhlln at. It in iuprcbnbh Ihn tho public will lab-Rib. fur it 1. nd it! 1in point- ont M Quota Inn an anemon- debt for 1.11. Ii- 01 than. MW! P01!!- OIII um: Q00. II. III onomom debt the Th. (Yin-Inll}. nu-kin. Gamma! nut GQDI [0! UL. II- Ol may. Tho Clyde-duh Banking Comm;th the [on on ch. nuke. u c min-nu "and 1m 'n... N... hum-hulk tho loan us. make! u llllllllII pricaof 103. The lm blurb-db nd a Soomh Bunk taking n out-prin- of thin kind a tho pm: tins. Ordin- u-v made-an should In" noun-1M d0- h w I 'WWIII-y u. . lonhn emu-icy which has ho-atnobly ad gown-l, inw pad! Ind m thou-adulati- Iyy. M i- MMoitudoulup duwphthh-u. A- of this kind a an M3 .0. Ulmll- u-y prudence would luv. con-dbl by. In npih of the MW of asking Inch 8 price. the inning of tho lam just IO! loot- u if M. II ulnm lug-nay u n back of tho bot- ro'ting. I: i. hndly likely M my mnla Iill be (ouud to nub-cub. Should ro-ing. It in hardly mon an: poople will be louud my be (ii-pond to do no, tho, cull-m top carefully enquire into tho mm of the iuue, md who the won" in Int- od for, u it my bolster up shard" nil- way schemes or bunkl which luv. Iont nouey on than scheme; No information is a~rlnd yz t. It in notation: Hut both the Pmrinoo and the city of Quoboo have got into dlicultien thmugh :ho unam- pulnus (tutoring uf bubble undertaking; The London papers hue srrmgod Hut puloue lootean 0! bubble unuerunuge. { paper: errenged the following gentlemen shell ecoompeny : the Mnrquie end Merohioneu of home to Cnnlde:Mr. Priur, epeciel inlet for the Illustrated Londnn Non. who uiled by the u. Peruvian on the 24th Oolober; Mr. Lucy, nu behelf of the Delly Note, whn nailed last Tllurslny: Mr. Guy, Ipo- ciel currnpondent of the Belly Teleareph, who will sell on Thnred- next; Mr. Sydney Hell, epecinl erlist or the Gre- phic, who will be included in the mile of the Marquis, and who will sell with them on the 14m inst; and Mr. John OSbu, on behalf of the Stenderd. Who the Timee correspondent will be he not. yet. been determined. Government 1- about to suner tor tnerony of its friends who last winter gathered s melt In Parliament Umle Square to de- mand bread or work. While Mr. Mao- kenme at that time was not in a position [0 meet their (lOIAJAHLl: upon the public treasury, ynt suuh mass m were really deservmg were alluviuted from the funds in his own Ilrlldni primte purse. Aston- l ished by the success under the luderlhip i uf their quanting friends, the Tury i'gsnizcrs, the .Il'"L chant-tars in Lover Town [airs prelmrixg fur a series of Com- luulllillc meetings to ho hold in thirl city. Saversl massages of s sesmingly innocent ! clnurscmr have been telegraphed here from Chicagu, unrl the outcome is th tt two or three we~ks before the meeting of Parliament, u Cuxumunist orator from Chicago.will arrixo in Otturutor tbs purpose of addressing public gatherings. In Low Town at the present time there are eluiuunts at a most inammsble character, and I'm speeches no doubt will be applauded. as similar spsoches weru applauded last Hunter. A Conservstlvo hulJing an ofcisl pnsition is said to be on the Committee of Management, and is using the agitatiun us a mesns to secure his return as an alderman, The series of public meetings referred to are to be closed with a Cnmmunistic demonstntion in Parliament House Square. (By Telegraph To.-Day.) Ottawa, Nov. ..Tho Connerutive Government in about suffer for thefolly 6 on hinntla uhn I'm! uintm- unthiner I Spanish Senurc- French Debate; Another Flu-Hing lmpea('h. nu-ur 0/ Hungarian Ministers. All alwuipt. will be made 1.0 mm I 90:. lion, and fully believes that. the economic l umunro. nf his Government Ind in policy with referonve to tho vaincill niliuyl will merit. the nupport of the Home und the country. Ever Iiuco tho lut Pm vincinl Cltcllonl, the Liberal ruction has been quitn strum: in this district, en- couraged ('l late "at only by tho ntnnch- : mom. nnd ecunomy of lhe Joly Govern- ti ment, but by the much talked 0! but little practiced commercial policy of Sir John A. Micduunld. If Mr. Joly now npptlled to the c mutry, ho would b. I endlulily bquOlkil. l i i Broken ()u! m OttawaA Blue Outlook. (By Tclrgruph Today.) lasth. Nov. U.Tbe Hungarian Diet ' has rnjectml a mutiun for the impeach- ment of the Ministry by 170 to 95. llmhid Ninv 5 ._Ihn nnmhar of Cu- nf the Mlnlntry hy nu lo :10. Madrid, Nuv. 5. 'lho number of Cu- hsm members of the Spnniah Senate bu been Failed to 16. h-.;. NM- 5 ._'rhnrn In! a Inna nml r W I; loot: W- E: boon oIoTod It. lodouph'l ooot lot Throo Bin-I. Womyoxpodwbotold low M this I'm-nod hump houoon tho Tory IP31 I :r o Ooaoouivo Mum, 'u 7 _-I_ 1......- mrt- mm. and that ruled 16. Paris, Nor. 5.-Thoru mm a long and very extended Hitting of the Chamber of Dupntioa respecting thn invalidation of Paul Cunagracz election. M. Clunqracz IpOIe funr houri, after which tho Chun- beradjourled. Luudml. Nov. 6.1\ Sim]: delultch ber adjourned. Londnu, delpltch any: a revolt Im- brokuu out. In Knhilun and the Governor has bean murdered. The Ana-er is preparing lu anppreu the ' uprising. ThaEnrl of Cnrliaon. in a apoech d.- upriamg. ThaEnrl Cnrlison, speech vemd at Edinburgh, youtordsy highly (:nlngisad America anmL Nuvl F. Thero hn been a (xull-glsau America Vienna, Nov. 5 tremendous snow storm throughout Aus- Ori- trln. The impeachment (If the Hungarim Ministry hal been rejected by a majority ' of .3. l (Hy Telegraph To-day.) l Montreal. Nov. SlIt-ppel by in- fnrmnt'mn received to-dny from St. Hyacinthe that A leernl will most. cer- tainly be elecmd there in the plnce o! the late Mr. lhchnnd. It. in considered very l probable that the Treasurenhip will be rnmwrml nillmr tn Mr. Shchvu or ML }pr0hable that the Iroasurennlp In De luifured oithurtu Mr. Shchyu Wurxeie. A number of juuunll are clrculnliug iruluntriuully the rumuur thll attempt. will be made tn form . ulnn Am} full' Ina-Haven that. tho monomio I by an mona- non. Mr. 60011! Ludhv, of Crdit Villa, Ml'l, arrival hare by the vainn and In! rat 1m owning. I Th: Inna]- in Inn". A linin- Itd-I 1 ma won: in; nu cum. I Tho vaul- iu put: an hing halal . Iilh npidity MN] m hurryin' l'l] ' from '21! the ulnar will bind In! lin the [HI-r \u, "WP-q". lv'uu'.[ Mmtnnl, Nur. IL-lho mvugsr of Wmdwr Haul hu recoived incinnuon (hit. the erqu'u 0! [pm- Aod unit. will { rcqmr- luv dtyl Accommoduinn than, heglnnina pmbly on November 22nd. . A unbh'c dinnor II In La (inn in Hon. In] I ll' IwwIIv-uv- w_. - plniy done-tin put, out, 1 .n mum In the return 1 heglunll'la promuy mun-nu nae. A public dinner In [inn Io Hon. I Geo. Baby, Minute! 0! lnlud Renaud. by his fricndl hon. I up. (hom Luau... a Cad v.11.- I __ i Buchund's Han-- Liberal Pros- pods. Slapping a. the WindsorBum! cladShipping. ( (By Telegraph 76-day. ) -.-I \'.. I _'l'k- m-n. ST. "gyms. comLmusm. REMINDER!- Eungpgn. WHEEL. u WM [0 I. "turn u- va mmo um should ho an:qu depu- u.-1 I'- d hull tho Tl 013' AWIATION 0" W cannon will!" a local and luxtmmahl Consult hmuMIahS-mdpuama 1! CITY HALL, .01. ldq Ive-In. Number 8, Inn-WI .u. a. I |. We: But. with Pine Mpg-lulu "AM In. law-E ............M-l I-u. 0:03.- ni Inch-and. 9. lugTh Gold Wald D POM Ii- 0. I. Dita. 3. dl-.(. kalo'n M'....Dkbnu Ir. J. B. In! .I' W . 7] F'. 6. Sagum I Ramadan . . . G. Invr Ila Wynn. 7. Song14: In. I. d soldier l-JUm- lr Stinky. (MIC, Walla PART [1' I. Son -'Frhr| of OtJnuG .' .......... .. ILJ. B. wmo': n u__ n..- um..- um. nan..- "'wlu If. I. Illa]. 5. SongIAOH'I Imk' .......... "Salim". iu Wilsov. 6. Bang'The A'Iohor'IWoighed '....Bruhnm M . Hunky. 7- Where the Blpplln Nun-kn Flow" Iloun. Hun: 5nd Daly. lbourr GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. In oonu-qneuoo of the Ian u. of the fora going p ammo, it. in hope that the Ill-' thence It not ploter the Concert to a late hour by ukiug (or onuoroa. ! Admin-hu- 954: am-- nnnn It 7 30 um. hour DY Mung lol' ODDOI'UBI Adlniuioa 25a Door: open It 7,30 p.111. Concert oommonou at 8 oclock. Nov 2nd. AFKW STUDENTS can [at good accommo- dntion with privute parlour and dining room It modarnts olu rgo., Apply u; HRS. GENGE. w. an. Aland Street. Hendersnnsnnkstme. n it I'll Mlle! Juana ' . . . . H Van" Ir. W. Tsdv. Dnrectirom tho Quarries, for sale Cheap Wuuleunlo And Retail. MAM) mo Mu: no cumu, WW and. We My mat leonll at Thu. Bin:- Iill mu: Comr- Hnm, and pay o the Tury opposition to Mr. Cut-rigln than with the moat dunno moot) Mr. Imgnln. h in aid tho Libonll of Tina Riven no unguino of aiming moth" dofcu upon tho njoctod oi Chulovoix and Rimouakl. By the '3 it will b. interesting to not. Ilut mollu it any be Hm. prompt.- Mr. linden-'3 Mremont, And how hi0 loll-dank! will be rounded, upocinlly u out Tory friend. could neither undenund not bellow it pouiblo that Mr. Horton could do I like tel. unprompled by uny- thing groom than devotion to principle. w-. - very Month' do Sunday at Home for November. London Journal do Children's Sunday School Papers. Vuloua kind- !or Novembar. |Iw-, I runny- luv-Viv IlVU, limp. be up. hands. Photo- rphul Auk-[not Alb... ToyBooh, op, On! Local W, The, Good. _ in put vuiuy, u. Ahmtarmoum' WWII-Inc. MIMI-(Am m1 Wat [u mumsan | If... um . lo- Carh L............'n.J. A tr: Ila Bites. A-I. -_A ILL-I|-u- I._t.n-n 15!] Dozen of School Slates. Young Lady'l Joumr for Decbr. Ion: Cbup Imiu mind. a Li for r I leq'uu, -W The jingu petty ul England mull by this time be ruining in too unguine opinion am in the Trent, 0! Berlin Dir ruli end Sdiebnry bed Iran the guaran- tee of 1 peace from relucum. lluuie. Alreedy the letter nggreuive power in showing A very dubioul reepoct (or this obligntion .- it ehuyl bu fur other treaty engegamenu. Ruuie will keep "entice inviolele jun. I0 long an it is [owed to do no, end chin forcmg open tion, Ibeu it gets the dangerous length of Iur, 'u e heevy resmmibility for any British Gouernmeut to auntie. The letter hue lent quite e decided, If not peremptory demand um the new nude treaty ehnll be hilhlnlly obeorvrd, and n -m m... mu .m. Ruuie to determine AT Hm Dmsou's} Jun-u. noon, I Pun, Mann-d Piston Funny, I liar-amt... In In. hid-nth. M. HENDERSON S Henderson's Bookstoraf TEN CENT MUSIC! MWZINESJ In. ' coucam'. Ii'im air-"693%" RECEIVED ' E il '1th rulilud 7- - _---.. 1...... ml FROG IIIPART I. .lz. In. _nl. bx._.. uu-' APPLES. 1 CM RIJLIVED A"? PRINCESS STREET. RECEIVED. y 1403..."... Ir. ll. Tndy. I". Imk' , . , _ _. do "Indy truly Inn 06 uuuumy uuuu.-.-, it. will now rent. with Ruuin how in it due m the British note,cqqu- ly :Iilh tho treaty, 0t deance. Wan Ill-h thin trouble, the Alghtnilun dif- culty, And the American Fishery dilpato. the diplomatic reaonrcu of the Britinli Government. will be pretty severely [nod to hop the pom :11 round. owwif [In In: column 'IIo lk-Inlol unwound Elections Act. l8. moot-ion or u. loam tot in. Home amnion- of m f for!!! M31 Dim ottho any of mun. holdu on the Tenth sud 80mm day: at 80mm, A.n..- 1m. Dominion of Canada, Ptovlnoo of Ontario. to VII : ' YHE P311110): 0" MI! Candy? mi 11110): or valnoo or 0mm. luau. W to wu- : ) Dunlap! mom at Kingston. in the (bunon mail-or Inter. devour u {allot- : . on ya hoden on the Tenth ad lemma :3- of September. A.D.. IS". (an {on-or l i I u: mutiny olhominuion.ud tho [suntan 1 day 0! Polling.) when Alex-odor (Inn. of tho City of King Mon. in tin County of Front-no. Merchant. tho Bight Hnnorohlo Bir Joh- Alemdor IndonuIdm! the City of Mn. in Hm County of York. Barri-tar. and John stern-t. of the am cm of ling-ton. m. were tho Cnudhhloa. and the Hamming (oor In: mammal the aid Alex-under Gunn .- boil: duly anle st aid Election 5. Ina-bot for tbs Home of Common: 01' CuumJur the uh] Eloolorul Dian-mt. . _ .. .,- ,A..L- .._ 2 And you mmm mu- m the lloo (you hodea the Tenth sud lemma: dun Bellambar. A.D.. Is". In I-levI-I yuan-us. - 3. And your Pomlouer oomplninl of m un- due Elm-.tlon and mturn of the id Aluudar (luuu :- Moran. and any: um hfm.dur- in, It. and :flar lb. and Election, the mid Aloxuudnruuu Inn. by himulf, his: h. and other porno on Ina bohdf, an t] of bribery. Ireutlug sud undue inuence and oermuauon and other corrupt prwtiou and sud ulduo inueuoo um narration corrupt prwciou utter Mogul uud prohibited m. In Inference to Illwuons u drlned by Acts of the PM). meat. ofCanadu and by the common luv 01 Parluuneut. H... Thorn u. leveral noticeable difference: 1 to be remarked between the electiom ' After dofut of Sir John Mucdon'il and on. Mr. Cartwright. In the tint plme there In the great difference between putty victory um! defant, and all th's 1 difference In: of ouurno in fnvour of Sir John. It in than ouior for a defeated 1 member of n victorious puly to obtain a nut thun for Idcfuted member of u do- i laud pnrty to do Io. There no more Out: from whichto obtain one, in tho i aloof the triumph-at party; there in the much grater pmtigo and enthu- Iium in picking up An unhoned loader of Ivictorioul party thm onn pcnibly happen to: fdlen letdor in the rout of ndnfolt,wd lutly,thore in I grentsr pro-- poet of personal row-rd to lain) who may step down And out in fuour of a not undo Miniator of the Crown, th-u in n can when plus in mule for - Mini-tor jult roleptod to the cold Ihndu of 0p- pocllion. All the di'urencon npentod in fuvour of the chance: ofSir thn, lnlf min" than of Mr. CArtwright in out lug ubout for : nut After their relpoctivo dab: in the city I Kingnton And Coun- ty of Lonrox. But I. nu] punuo tho M._....;-.m n. nth-r th- coutrut 1. Tim: by reuon of the aid corrupt puotlA 003 um! arts (Io uh! Elovuou and . return of the aunt Al-nuder Gunu vole Ind no void. 5 l Inn! by reason of the nld corrupt pnotl- on Ill Mild other Illegal and prohibited not. commuted by, or mm tlw mlnnl knowledge and remnant of we aalql Alexnmlur Gnu-Ibo- l'ure, luIIthL and gum the aid Eleollon. um] My mum: of his unlux tho above mun- lo prom-um im ochuun, tha nuld Alexander Unnn wna mm is ilzunlmblo of being a candidate for. or of hainz elm-ml or mLurnz-Al to. are! aluan I. You Pumiour In . a who In My mmxmwu,mdd vmuthtbon t . ~ haiug elw'lml mLurIu-d oral mun: In tho Manon ufUummouu during \he present. Parliament. or for quu mum ul'wr his bran fnund gumy m r-lHh corrupt rat-Luca. Ill] Im mad Elm-lion and return I I! m uaid Alu- Luder 0mm View mu. no vwd. 1'2rn Jm m, uhfanudu um! um Common Law . H autumn .,aud in by rauun there- of incupnbm 01 being I: oandxdnle for, ul' of boiu cluch or rutm'ncd Lu, hr of mung In, t 0 Home at Cwuuonn ol'Cunndnlur- in the preoanl. Pur|iumeut. or for aovou yuan; mwr bia being louud guilty of such corrupt practices. ' 4. And that the Mill Alaxmulor Gunn muv bu ordnrml to pay on your lulitionur tho emu of thin Petition. Dated lat November, A l) , l878. H. 'I. BRENNAN, Petition. EUWA RI) JOHN MARKER, It) .n-ni m: ll'mnr ilh . l hum tho hmmur to infurm you thnt I Petition was thin disy led in my oioe by Samuel 'Iruiigutt Drcnnln, of the City of Kingntun, iii the Cuunty of Frontenac, cabinet maker, against the return of Alexander (hum, of the unit! City of Kingston, merchant, u A member for Lh.l mum of C'oimuoiil of Cnntdn, for tho Illectuinl Diatrict of tho City ui Kingston, holdun on the tenth and auvontounth day of September, A.D., "1878, And in puruinnce of ch. 10 we. 8. 37th Vic. Stat. uf Unnnda, l herewith elulnso you I copy of aid petition. The mine and nddreu of tha Agent (f the raid Petitioner in the nutter of said l'otiiion, duly authorized to not fur him thi-roin, in Thuuiu Horace McGuire, of the City of King-ton, In the Unlinty of Frontenac, Atiornoy It law, And alt notices, proceedings and pnperl lddlbll- ed to intended for the mid Petitioner, or his naiii Attornvy, may he left with,or served on Henry O'Brien, Attorney It Law ni Nu. 6K Church Strut. iii the Cm;va 0m: n, Co.th PLun, I mun 0' If. MINT Tuna-c- huhdgohhdm .1 7-01 LII-In, (ah. .61 A- In .-4- V WMWMM mum: ma. lav. s. 1?" or 11mm! m mum] M Ih .I L -vv- -v uncanny .4 m vii him: an,- "M ail mum \V' AL'II'LI) AT ONCE. at the 'nwrWorlu. n nnlulmr ul "rut t-Iw Quarry Inou. Apply 11' tln-(umlmny'a ()ilo. Nnv (All: I Salenf Ilsequ fancy Amclesl served Henry U mun, Attorney In Law, nl No. (SH, Strut, in the City uf 'Tuwnlu" h. J. Aluxnu, Esq Rmurniug Uicw, fur the Electoral Dis- tric! of the City of Kingltnn, King- Mun. Kingston, Nu' LABDURER_8'_ WANTED. ; 'Imumm, Nuvummx 4m, 1878. F J. BARKER, Esq i..- abnnr l.- H... V wioowwri EDIE DIFFERENCES "- umpu-w- v-v y..." :1- lo mm. to ob: tum 'I'ch pcrcenl lu- than llamuhnnrcrl mica amillon auitupt Stock '53:; 33%" Huh] Lm, Sir, Your ubodient Iervnnt, M u 1 mm HIL I)ltl\l4|\uy (liming mcer. I! nuinlvr of n in-,- u. .uu luvemher 6th, 1878. .l. BAIUILW Dunlap! mom of u at T. H. McGuire, Amn-m-y lur Poutiunor. 0.0 [611! Iervnm, M. u. JACKSON, 0 c. a; l., or. v mncer, giller of Kingahm. .. RI" I975] snmwgmusm WILL 38 SOLD BY Punuc AW 1".- A [LA'H'E rOUNP'RY. tutu-lo tuna. Ill-nun. , V (Inqu or .I. Wm. u .1. lulu-u.) - vivwv---' no low. Du of Non-Ia It. . nmlnnlu AI Io Al . TH! mlwwmo AITIOLII: . Conduct- of dd and other Witch. and: Ital". Pump nabbed. 0mi- nd 0!! Wink. Ins-tea. main-92! Inn-'5 HIM. C II sad Cub Wm m. W1. Hm Bins MIN-m new: Cabin wt. h h-pJut In Fem Pumpo.Wmhl. Iron in. VIC-i Ind 8&5! Cabin II- b I'll-pal. In Pumpmwmhl. Num Con Sena-Inn. lot-Ink 'Wm ml ohm Blanks. mm sham. stadium -. Illllpl.wmhl Iron . W O Nam. lot-l Tub . other Shells. Block no. Pu. Bru- Ilolhr Eli-Mun. 1m Bulb... in uu'uv .- n, and Md outer Blmlt. llml Shells, m Buhluga. [run And linu- Wln. Oimulu- I _' moron label anw.l Erna V the! A vs. toe aettScan. hm hm; Ste-I: Whistle. Bauer Pnrain hm, Pup, Bonn. Second hand Spring men. I! It... lwhlnc BmI. Holler Plat. Iron Chin. Emory (hime with 8mm uni I'm um. I 'IIIIIIIII. rulll_ umm Filo kxn label-.Wol lulu; u Ildlt bar Ila-o, vm unl r Whool. w u Iron Wheel Burrow, Mid Out And It Thanh. Lona: Copying Im. Clock. 8 law Cllp Bond. and a rich of Mutual... All. I anll Boiler and Enylno. about 3 at. Peter. luluble for n Chem Factory. All. . mum, of ngxhuu Vilm. T:- rm I mull lwhina Buol. Boiler PM. Iron M. Emory I'm Glut for Lulu. Punching Imhiun. Don't? Rullu. Sn" tantalum. Pulloy Bloch. Elm Fire lininzuhhor.WdlhInl Sula. lldln M |nu Dealer in New 5nd second and clothing of all Kindl. 1 YOU WANT THE REST CIDER In I. world l" the (Hun. (Juan or (lnllon. m to (fSQQOBZQib? 1 YOU WANT THE "EST CIDER III I. world by mum... art. or (lullou, go MI ISAAC DAVID'8, 2115 I rluoeu Street. ll' IUU "ll Your Sun nontly led and not. go to CHEAP JACK'E ll [\JU V'AII Your'luhn and Burre's repulrod no to lAAC - DA\'H)S Coup" Shop. )HevJATHEHSTAFFUH Wednesdayjgigg.nv. 20th TICKETS Lpm-nlu; mm Im lmmnrod Iron: members of Um Bur-My ur M lbs door on I. owning u! the Lecture. JOHN NoUIRE. Chamois Juckctu, Chamois Skhmnll sizes, llyuclmh llnlbsucholw variety of mlvml nnlnru. - AUAINHT WIL'I' FEET. (JUL!) chrllll- TIER AN D MUDDY ILUADH II now "I. D00. popul-r and Minn-In dnu-nd mud. by All (1lea of themmmunllyuldand ,oIlIIIJIIIIO and [um-l0. (l m sud Tory. _- ---Au 0 -_-- momma g} g 1. m 1. A. 'ln dolivnr n IAl'tl:l0 nu tho above lubjut H Um lnlwson's Lung Preteen". Lambs Wool do HEATH f 89 __!._'!'s' THEJPHARFWY 5 Itlan ALVA! AD-DVD-- Iu I by wrlring my Now mth a! Boat. Elma. Ind Intubbr (lomlulnulglml for tho '5 Ind Wlnur mula o! "7510, which have MI lusuulmlurml of ma" lannml mm 01M In uh)! workman-hip H: n ma be 101M OI. I with I vlaw w owufort. Kuo. DIVINE Md Che-Imus. "wvuIIUuw-w dehhw-al min-dutbdihn 0'! any olth iota-don! Tho' mbvhich'o Mmuyd ,hilhblouuqdnjodpuhiptoth ; hblllouyhoauilfgoiu, nl-h Milova. woo! dut - bunhndouuuinduhdth Mild IIwa It. O'Roiy'l 30-inch- tn tho Gout] Judphip n IbWhiddinu of one! his 001- hII-hth Iinistlydthodsy! 80 Inch nun 0! KM Policy. During WHOM new 8kan Kno- donld III-Mon the plhbh chm-of nd-plum ol Cumin tho unu- I_- -Lm (Inn 5. -nnld Inn Innuth {n.ngfnsrnouc, 0 Inlr W.- Ill... Wholesale and Batail Deals: 35 PRINCESS 313'". ' lell Door-hon the Ill] Idol. I! i Pgicas Lawnr than tho Lmst. -r__... - .. . w. a, 1'0 1'. colmnuu nun. During a Cohan. lama-rung nub. n Mallow-hr. Apply ~ am, Itll "v' Canadian Apcstlo of Tempsrum." I t'rlul unnu- Klngnton, Oct 29m, "in. I43 I'nlnceu Street. Nov 2nd . DI-WWI ul Vin.- l-I IWI- In; who". that ho would have brongh .I-- win-int man-hm Ind If. Nov ntu. 0d .146. 7|. Iylll III II IIIIIDH"ITII of IIIIXNI cnloru, 0 III. [HE ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY have nonuer llm survive: a! the HE ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 80 , have the n. 6. \AUmeTEIIACI {nu-t I. my: (my. Apply the Visual. w . PROTECTION GRANT) _ .._-_..~_ _... A... u.-|-_ .J n- PROTECilo' ' '10" W uni-unu- an au- pufiotia Intention. nacho-n nipped in the bad by u untimon blut thick nap: Ilh lron pour. Hm alto tho onlypmul o! M: good hid: lion in th- hct at when he had tho pout! he did _. ,1- n. n... .. l... {mu- (m to the Ill.) ON THURSDAY, nit-ll Inn .1 Int-M ClTY HALL! DIU( } ( } ISTS. Ir IHU nun. 1:] (MIN Edge Tanks mind [0 l0 AAU A 103- . JIYB'I RECEIVED m WANTED- A n!".. mm In: rd Lit, HR 1 EIIACI JAIEH AGNIW. Ulnulll Am. 39:1..ng an II, ill-t II nu hootowing upon the country the untold bloeoinp 01 protection, he octuolly deprived the. ol it by reducing the tori iron 20 to 15 per cent., ot o time, too, when owing to the dienneo in the price oi gold, there won for more necuoity for protection thou thore lo to-doy. So it hoe olno been in roger-d to the legiiletion of the poet llvo yeoro. Hod he remoined in power [root end monilold would hove been the bloooingo which in thin roopect would have been vouchnfed to the people at Condo. 0! theoe, however, they blindly deprived themoelvee by rejecting the grout ototoomon juot It the moment when theoe beneoent intentiono were developing into the coneiotency of law. Even with rogord to ouch undeniebiy une- lnl legiolotion no woo odded to our etotute booko during the loot ve years, wrre not oil then onto prepored by the grant Sir John And hlo coileoguee and left pigeon- holed u o perfect god-eend to theirin copeble ouoceooon i Yee, Sir John Would hove uo believe that by bani-hing him from power in 1873 the people of Canada innnoly dulled the cup of prosperity from their very lips. Such a tormenting reection would be perpetqu purgatory to the electors of Couldn, did they not know thot the Greet lromieer who seeks to inipire ii. vmo never yet convicted of keeping o oingle pledge, ii the Violation of it would strengthen in the least degree hie grip on power. The fall which he then outlined end his subsequent exile iron: oice won by no meene en unmixed evil. A lwile trick-tor like SirJohn woe bound to extroct eome good from the dis- utor; end no out of the huge crime, which " cost him honour and power, he has ex- troctod the political capitol of persuading the eloctore ol Coneda that his exclusion from olee he been much more the coun- try's looo then hie own, land thot innu- merable were the benocont intentiom which he would hive realized for the coun- try hod not Ito milled and infatuated peo- ple. listening for the moment to the voice of hie troducere, deprived him of the op- portunity of conferring them. Thooe who know him but, know well that had he continued in oilice, the nun who con- celled Mr. O'Reiliy'e nlmoot gazetted ep- pointment would never have lgiven him anything but the promise of another; that the men who reduced the toriii hod no intention of resina itiu ehort, that his whole attempt to utilize the defeat of 73 u the ooepe gout lor his political abort comlngo in only Another gluing and tram- porent lpocimen of his now proverbinl duplicity end hunbuq. meury. ll 1.0m I: do _oo.o.oo_~ When Hon. Mr. Muckenzio mu called upon to form his Cabinet live your: ngo loodny ho discharged his duty Ind unn- ploted tho alignment of Portlollm within twouty-four houn. Whun Sir John wan nimiluly called upon to form a govorlh meat on the 10th October ult., be dilly- dallied with tho tnk for more than a. fortnight ! The incidentmny seam unimu portnnt. but it is indicativo of the dif- ferenco between the twu man all through their respective careeia 110... Mr. Mm. konzio'l Administration was dintinguiahed throughout by n couragqu grappling with And settlement 0! diiculiieo, regard- lou of tho per-0nd or politics] consequen- col to him-elf Ind party. Sir John's career on the other hand had been 3 long oontluuod uriel o! shufing, temporiaing, And poatponeinem, invarinbly placing himull tint, party next, and country lut in their relotlvo clllllll upon hll concern. And yet this in the mm the country has delighted to honour. -h-AA Much speculnliun in indulgad in re- npocting the ptobable coune Lu be adan ad by the Local Guvernmem iu con-c- uonoc 0! Mr. Bwhnndl death. Mr 1y rionda o! tho psrty dniro to see Mr [nine In tho Unbinet. but Hut. geutloi man is believed to prolor It pro-ant u. re nnin n priuu member. Mr. Shohyu'u nun. In (real, mention-(d In cunnocklon till: the Tmnnhip, Ind .gnin mmy 0! Mr. Jolyl Iupporton desire ucoulitiun. and would [riotous the Hon. D. A. Recruit-mi lo-n. Wurule Ind Lynch bmuglunw the (min-t. Mr. Joly {Minion-l to be sdvem 10 my audition, however, Ind Ippom Lu bu ' lion ch tho economic mumm- ol hi- Governnont should mute hr it n VOIk In; Injonty out union in the Homo. loan-til. Mr. Wm... .\I.P.P., ntivod hon thh naming. And it is rumored that. II. In hlqnphod for yrunhy :0 come to Quebec. gm gums}; .: in M"#_... ..m - can. -2 Iliq, Politic-u. Mud-t. = gas-3'2 3.35. can . . ~ - [mu-J Inpumrnus: m" um 1-: by Geo. Ilium l 505. It! I! m. m m qualms. Q. 'l he Q!!!th 1 runnership. '.-----"m V khan-060d W k; W k"! W Emmi-chm l'h Il- ~ ' 'm n. lul' I u noun; i I- arm... I moon, not. lIIO nu an M ilnhul'nqdiudnl b-thy up: -"l'ht 0 8m Ihould choc-o and. MI In Imkli-h uh! t nut-III. uuuunpmc mum-q Intuit-hm nu! M W lull-lo the Ann. 5 mtg-mmmg Ida Wivuhbmmd' an ,II'. Wobb,.namn>dyln mud stadium-l. All duo Iorld lmmthuhnoa our had- just MI quit. on much ll Inna vandal with, had . nslly (gin-Hy Ia rim apmmlih that. whim lduug to in milieu. would Main Iron caning O [2mm [III "III. Inn nome as in podtion, mmwilnkdhdngvuy Man the yublic uni] our tun Iud unnamed IDONMDIW Atnymunl iuw. Mai-gum. duiml at 1.112! Alabama Arbitration, I. might certainly In" expound. hop Amiga. Tho truth in, tin! while tho nu puny mun which the bargain III undo still} holdl 050. In the United sum-y u lint oppottunity k noud w mnknn mint. Illinll III in than it in reckoned that other dimculuu msy torc- u- to give y. Nothing olle III to be expected, 3nd [or our own part. In no in~ clilud to thunk Mr. Eur for touching! n... mnntnm-n th-t mtiom nonenllv u lint opportunity I. sync w nuke: int Ilinll just who tlnt other dilioultiu any force In In nivn -AI, Nothing! Illa dined thunk Mr. Evert: Iur mung our counttymen thlt notion. generally are no mot-inclinedw tango their ad untegee over one mother in the 19th century then they here in the 18th, the i 17th. the will, or the am. Let eonti-I menteliete blame Mt. Earle, for he he disappointed them, not ue. The Ameri- cen new-paper- of ell ehedee of political opinion, without giving e moment'e oeu- udention, let me hope. to the {not thnt l the quarrel hue nothing whetever to do: nun the mud oi ammo nude in n- } vour of Cnnede It Helifex, came for-I vmrd at once with the contention that! this money due, nod long overdue, to us 1 muet not be pnid until end unleu thi- new dillereuce lo eettled in the way they think light. Nine million dollars of the Alabama indemnity etill remain without my reuonnble claixnent,nlid here are 85,000,000 more to be retainrd. We- ehould have up oeed that the Americans could emme egord to recnll attention to the various nutter: roleting to the Wash- ington Treaty nugl to the manner in uhich ite provieionl hive been carried nut, But then. we too have A. little sen- g ~WMOI p- uyuwhmm no _1.__ n....n. I...- Irillnd. hm. which its prurisions lisve neon carneu out. But then, timent sbout us; for. in truth, the whole story is one of is continuous attempt at 91332011, and evasion of s somewhat shabby kind. And, curiously enough, advantage was taken of locsl regulations 1 -the lossl regulations of the Stste of New ,Yorlr-to sroid campiisiiCe with one of the most important stipulations of , the Treaty in favour of Canadian Blilp ' ping. Therefore Lord Salisbury lltB()pnlI to him some very pertinent ruturts. But twu wrongs do not make is right, end if it nppesrs that the Newfoundlsnders, who do not form part of the Dominion, hsd no 1 light to take the law into their own hands, in view of the arrangements entered into on their behalf, of course compensation Will have to bevmade. When, however, the Americans argue that the whole sh- ery question may have to be re-opened, we are at liberty to disregard whet thny ssy; or we might answer that if so, some other punts would have to be recnnsi dered at the same time. 'Ilius it would be at least arguable on the part of Cans- disns that the very serious claims for the monstrous injuries inflicted by Americsu citizens on British subjects durng the. Fenisn raids should sgsin b3 put forward, I since according to every recog- nil-5d principle of international law the l'nited States were to the fullest ex- tcnt responsible for thu:-C outrages. We mention that, however, only to show how troublesome it is to go too far back in such matters, and to mix up questions which ought to be kept separate. It may . be possible that Lord Salisbury has taken up a fslse position with respect to a local or other right of Newfoundland, thou-1h. since he had sll the facts before him and the knowledge that he was dealing with a very thorny question, we may fairly hope thnt he has not done no. But in any case we shall have the satisfaction of knowing that, whatever discredit there may be in this talk of keeping the money back, or in suddenly springing diplomatic mines at an awkward moment, it is not ours." 0n the 18th of October twelve persons were killed and from furry to lifiy injur- ed by a collision on the Pontyprld Junc tion on the TsH Vale Railway. At a point where the Rhundde branch unites with tho ineln line the Llenrlplnt and Cowbridgo lines run to end from the sta- tiou. One of those, after discharging its l pusoiigerl, uvershot the points and struck ihe rapidly advancing Rhcnddn train {Air in tho contra. In a nmment several of the carriages were utterly smashed. a cruwded third-class auil'eriiig the most, twelve uf ils uccupenta being instsntly killed and iiisny other: being more or leis badly injured. Fer the statements of the survivors it seem the word ell right was passed to the Punty prid Junction aignelman, on which the driver gel. all, only to discover to his her- rur, es he turned the bend of the lin9,that the Troheibcrt train had not passed down, but was o'vming against him. He ssys the drivers of the two trains could not see each other until they cune iutu cul- lision. The engines were reversed, but he thinks that Owing to the slippery neture of the rails the wheels did in-t bite. An eye witness ssys: "l was gm ing elong the Rhondde rusd A little slur {our on Smurdsy Afternoon. when the Rimmidn train passed, and immediately Afterwards I heard a leerful crash. Leuk- ing rullnil I luv splinters ying in all diructiuns, iiiid l. with 1 friend who was with ma, mu beck. We tuck ii ladder Ind went up the line, l'ld MW that the Cowbrilee trnin llld shunted into thunhnnil in inin mitiinu it right in two. the Uuwbrllee (min mu Innniuu lnw the Rhomlia train,culting it right two, one part. going with ihe engine 1 'Id the other standing un tho line. Two of His Rhonddn carriage. were lmuhed, Um wheel: u! the guudl an of the Col bridgebeing imboddud M iv. were into the carriage. My lriend immedinirly pullwd open the doun md got into ihe carriages. when a lurinl specuclo met bu qua. The dead Inddying were lying in A man on the oor; A mm who leg was bruken uttered lurlul moms .- ho was lined out of the canine m1 handed down to an. la the non compartmont I: I unu whose head on being lined up la [in two, And in An uljoiniuz comput- monl In}. woman whu wu doc-pint. Than in I very lugs ptopurtion o! lin- gb Ind oompoundlnctnru of legs sud Inn. Sonnet/f ho m'creu bore their '1). with (attitude, while othen were antic. 0n. poor workman, who ind his! broho, quiwdy rogue-ted male body to hold it pp u it. an; huwly. Edd. hi. In I woman who. loot sud iq Qbou the at]. wm Ina-bod unor- ly, and only hold mocha! by Mr whet- iu'. Annual Mun-ammon- wow-nun. On a wu in- um Mnmmn-r- rol any... in I mm mm ulna. "o w. Ion killer u Minot: .0010.- up In My hum. ond pinned him in, but than doppod cud in upon! who-I. The mun] again 0! lord But. no in the int in-m. My in from at much that run-trod. Ho mood wily...- .Th M to ACCIDENT IN WALES. nnmsn wuw. WEDNESDAY; NOVEMBER 6, 1878. ., -_- mm 1 nobody I. hurt. . e h A spool-l cnble manage lo the Mg"! mew uyn owluz t'o.t.ho lute of affair: 1n Iu'dlln, mm! gnu-tho critlcmn of the prmm admle- tnnon there 3:] Lord Lawrence, . 811 m } Henry Havuluck and others. than n I do i gacd deal 0! till: of Lord Lynona recall. w Should the talk take a prucucnl turn and for. ! his Lorfhhip bu lummuubd back to 'Eug- I mullnnd, u is coulidared that kg Will be succeefied by the Euyl of Duvenn, when l ulme In freely maunumd wuh tho \ Icet ' R"y,lty' . . . - u 7 Tne Mail's Wmmpca correspondent. tho olootion bod not yot boon hold, [0 lhot no one mtuolly ruignod hi: out In {oor ol the Chioftoin, oo did Mr. Hor ton in (wont of Mr. Cortwright. Moot important dileronoo of I, each of the cooituoncioo pm'erod t0 Sir John, viz , Marquette ond Vic torto, one u told-rod, (or the moot motoriol Ind him 0! hell muons. Mr. Ryon in Hmluutto no Jinan-lie! booouoo tho Into (invoininont had deterv Dino-I to am hil loooiity tho go by for tho vory good noun thot it did mt lie in tho uoot diroot routolur Oll' Poaic Rolny moon tho continent. Morqnotto Ion lot thio roooon eoorly onxiou- tu [in Sir Johno loot, inumuch on tho aiming thin {our would phoo him undo: to chongo lho muto, no lotto: ot ohot public coat, to unit their htotoot Ind ooovoniouco. Prociooiy no oh. with Victorio; 3.0. Tho pooplo ol Voooonvc'l blond hon boa: olulowun to hovothoit cud city node tho terminu- ol tho Mill]. Hon. Mr. Montoan bod lohd tho tonninuo on tho nun- looduboiqlulouonotly totho root (f tho Dominion. Tho umoty oi tho poo- plo d Violuio to clout Sir John on (at tho mood potpooo d bridging the Stuttgbndtn tho Vonaouvot 1. main, oodbootin. tho tor-tail ol tho mod nt Vidol'h. ollotthoaol tho Dooiuioo, thou-to no], Ail, thoupoooo ol tho We! Oolorio. lootdtho punch... pnhtodtlitJohno out to Pooh-OI III pun-phi by tho um-um. Boo dihuotuth can loan. 15-. with. 8". Hon mnotholialo wm I, ox unuuu. uu. .- um, rm"- ._~ u oomporioon or nthor tho coutrut o stop or two {urthon In tho cone of enoh oi tho oomtituoneieo oorod to Sir John kahmu.'m In. loo Ilium non-h Hum-lun- Idopuoly , ud-lolyh-th'u-ptioo alps.- quoollu-oddu lama. gusto-lottome l __ 18m IanDonut collage-Sir John and M This nal... . bwmwuaupuol Wt!!! not ind' mill-alum. by; 3 l '0! an Inn ulqu- was :- vil| Int lung. The Provincial Exhibition medd- hvo hu- ncoiud from England. The, no in tho high ,1. at at, uni very land-out. The mutual union of tho Dental Col- lege ope-ed yawn! monsoon in in I" building, m 0! Richmond and Victoria um. I 'l'ln. Ill"!- nnhlinlnn - mnarntuhlnr' i Yukon. l Tho Glubt publi-hu u congruan llolwt (mm George Fund! Tnin w Sir | J ohn linoleum. And the Premier- cour- uoul "ply. and up thu the thorough hall: 0! Britain in mum", on the look out (or lies. and ho It one: demand th- l anti-Bridal: mun of Sir Jhn undon- dd'l Nnciund Policy, And III literally "upland n his moons. Another Attempt to mu bouul silver unpturod In: Auothor Attempt pan bogus money in nude in - uloon yelterd-y, but. me bu- tonclor was too uhnp (or them .nd they undo good their one-p9. l A nliaht mllixioubotween tho Grent l .nd they undo good their A slight cullisiou botween Weutorni-Jburbou and one a! u mulu lnim Look phee hut night, but no dun- .Igo of my consequence we: dono, Ind nobody I hurt. l A nmcill cnble menme the Mail Royalty. The Winnipeg correlpuudent mnkes noun severe comments on Mr. Cauohnn with renance to hil late dil- .\.... -m. m. mmrhmArL stating thut. the l Cauohon with reIerance to nu IaLe mn- pule with big oouchman, stating verdict is unattering to him and does not wdd m his popularity. Tha m hrivnda had urun hut night to Md hls populanty. The re brigade night a fth If November bmtiro. Tm. ;........~ ..n Still mu rnanmed vea- A real Enoch Arden a'uir took place bore yesterdny. Eleven years ago a man named Jewett married one Annie LooI a pretty girl Seven years ago he deserted here and she heard he was dead, 30 she took uutu herself spuusa No. 2. No. 1 1 rather autoniahed the cuuple by walkmg lm; the hours, with the intention of tak- ing uphis abode there, but No. 2 would not. hear of It. u wan dead they uid and dund to them he must ronmin. That I In further adjourned unnl Auursouy. night he went. went. i I New Yulk, Nov. 6.The lrilnmc, in summing up yesterday's elkcti|)ll, lays the returns show an emphanc Republi- can gain in all parts of tho uniun except - the sohd South. In New Yark city the anti-Tammany Republican Cnmhinntion ticket vu elected by about, 17,000 Ufa majority. The Republicans have gained lune Congressmen in New York State, and elected their candidates for the Court. of Appuals by about. 15,000 of a majority. Pemwaylvnnin was carried by the Republicam wilh a plurality estimat- ed at 25,000 or 30,00I. The Le=;islature in strongly Rupuhlican, and Senator Camerons eleztmn in thunght .to be summed. The Democrats have lost Hm l. :1,,,,_AA_.....J .1.....n ml. "m. -.-.-.R fth If November bmnro. The inquest t-n Still was resumed yea- : corduy, but no evldenca of a very impur- taut nature In given, and theeuqulry further ndjnuruad unLil Thursday. A null Enoch place Republican Gains-u'IIw (.recr- backera CascuThe Lara-st m- r i I ed 20,01!!! JU,\)U|. 1m: hellslllur Congressional durict, which WM carried by the Urucnbmk camliJaw. Mucus chuseua has defeated Butler by nplnr l: ty placed as hxgh as 40,000. 'lhe lla- pulllicanl hue solid the Congressional Delegation with the cxuepliwn of hm diuricu, one of which has been caniud by the Urcunlmckers. In Cannemcn' there is no olocliun fur Umornur hy Lhu penplC. The Republican candnlnta has n plurality but not a. mnjurily over all, which is necessary to constitute an elec- tlon in that State. The Legislature in Republican by an increased majority, which lecuren a Republican successor to Senntur Barnum, nml a Republican Unv rn r Tum |t..mul.limv| (lnnurensmen Senator narnum, nnu lupuuucnu \Hn- om r. Two Rupuhlimw Congressmen have been gailml,(iuueml Hnwloy in the rst district. and Fwd. Miles in the sec-nd. Appainhm'utu riumlriul Srhrmc A Writ 0/ Jim:damask-Colm- (er/'1 H. ur. urou, wnn Pm H. punluun uuum v Hull. Mr. Clrtwright, WI an 211 private Secret-r] fur Hun. Mr. 'liiley on. Mr. 'IIlley in expected to town] to lhu Capital and remain a few days before viniLing Eugllnd. Thu ubjeut of his visit more in not known, but in suppused to be connected with annlu nancial scheme. lb :- um..-hl elm! ,1ml.m Lain-unluan l connected mm mm It. in rumurcd that. Jud whom it was urigumlly pnlnt to the bunch AL GM at N19 Crlmixul (.unrt, 1 _I ... ._ n bl." Ilhk inn II I! by lhx: thl m \U l (.Lylllll l U'u-x I ' Quebec. Nov. 0.H-m. .Jours. J. .1 Inugolior, Run In-l Chmzxo..u. left : -~.~n In! evening for 80.. Hynncmthc, lo M- loud the fun-ml today 01 their lunamrl oolloquo, Hon. Mr. Buchmd. Th. ; ap on the Pull-mom Home Ind public ; building; In. yin. It in" nun yookr- ' (I: out 0! rupoct [or the Into Trounror. in lmnllcncv ho [crank ol born. I L1 em. Dececlivu Wilkinson uf Nrw Yurk, whu has been in the city fur some time put in conuocliun with tho McAuley cum. left [or hnmo yeliorday, other businus do- manding hi! attention. The. tall-u- nf the [bulk uf ()Hnwn vea- mandlng h" nuammn. The teller of the Bank of ()ttmn yea- lerday detected I wry cleverly executed forgery of A Canada Bank of Cununercn ve dollar bill that was brought into the bnnk. This is believed Ln be lho rst one detected, Although It wn knew!) that r they were "n existence. 1 state Funerulu- The (:muul's ; Tom-Arthur Sketching. dugout ol mpoct lot we um Arounnr. | 'u Stallone the Karqui | Md h" Roy-l ighncu Prue-u Louise, m not expound w op u M mud, or my Ihm also on mm In, fmm Hah- ! to Quit}, but will turn} night through by l :3! train. Tho I unit of Frank lane'- IL through by .u tum. Tho upwind-t Frank Leslie'- luuud Pup-r. DUI in m", bu blotch- od 5'." (not! pictun of the my, look- ing fro- the can: than. Il- lilun Print amid uni-lo! the in fro- Ibo than. 1. Kiln Prior, ' We! the mutant! lmdou on, Ibo united on Sunday, Msmhod for It. s. ' .- ah min-ml nan-mu in Tumo- and, in Mv-m, Ind 11 mun-ll, 2-! Icon. Inna whim. Al'wqoqu l Inigo-I 7:- I... n. I- bo- thollix $3qu Girl. I ball Bunny, mum" [of no u ' I. the '00- u u Tum! Edna gcnlmm w, 0' ID-b Ball haunt. 1! In. H. in fauna! a m. mm Minn 'r In I. 30k. 5" I?" mum-mun.qu i. h all n Inna-ll, 3v [ml-d0. cl but a. 3". _.4.....|-.h|..-_ Armin-Inn". lain-07:3 s... mum-w. Al'wpq-Iyolll' l I a thoqbnix ' In 1...; ch .2! Hub (My Telegrnlh Ottawa, Nuv. 6.1L l- (hm.- wk nalvl i.- tho-gt Ii: 4 I Ian tit 01d hit-doll In ..-..__.m_'l'.. nu cum... tathnyndy-z-e, AMERICAN acnous. ,a wrnhI m 5 Mayor uh w run. (b'y Tclegruph Tu-duy.) Almlnu Lauri, munueu, Wluuu u on the lUlh inst. r-pnrted lhnt the rewards olferetl 'zly Council {u the disuuvmj uf Marc-r nf R but McAuley hung ? a writ .f mun lnmua will be served um! h-J attempt lo pay (By Trlcgraph To-dly.) .. W..- 11 u. 1-"- 011m. ou_c. i.- W w Ion-v '1'"- mhh'nmwdmw 5.. Wu an 'omm-ity 1" '50 IoLn mini"

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