2'! I' Street. NW. Wuhinnon l). L' ' .rodt. do do [mnxm'ifmmq low: [RIGHTSJ To the Emma! the City at Kingston. u" I an. , Hndn hm [aqua-ad by. Iago-ad luau-dbl lumbar 0! din Electors to topic-on this city in the next Pnlhmun 0! 0mm, have very put. plenum In nomad; to the a quest, and i1 elected pledge nyult to do :1 n my power to lav-nu the but. [nun-u of hi- my naive city. lulu-Hint: um mhm .nd innonm of every hi- nutva any. Bolwing the-um sud every eluun (Ivar-bk w neat sad pm Gonn- \OHNLGE or TIME.| tin. To e'oct I cure or mesa. use nug yltdl Yollov 0|]. tho but nmady in the mark. Priw 26 ceuu per bottle. lilbnru. Bonn-y & Pen-Ian. propriaton. Franmnn'l Worm Pu'derl Ate leoom. 1M llnronfter the Steamer ARMENIA will luave Kingston 10:- Ploton and inwrmed'mte ports at 3:30 p-m. Returning will leave Picwu nt o'clock nun. For freight. Ind paeaaga mmlv to h o'ulocl apply For Picwn, Bellevllle and In- wnuedlate Ports. .CJ. A D .l .l- A. u H, Loaves Gunn h 00: Wharf, (13111. at. 4:120 mu. Returning Innven Balhw illo daily. at h a.m., and Fiona av. (Hum. exwm Sntnnlayanivhen aha laavas Hellovxlle at. 2:30 am. and Ham: In. 6:00 3.11:. mm. m.......... h. rnnnh'nd m, :vINJIRiV out Inn. and convenience. _ RoundTri Excursion TIrLeLa to Bellevle nud Return, ncluding Barlh in State rooms- 91.00. 'l'lw plenbuneat trip on the waters. (1 n HATCH. 6:00 This Strainer has received :11. vxtenniva t. and will be found repletu wuh every com r _ .uu- VMn-v w. . q JAIES ll. IBI'CALIE. King-ton, Sept. 23. 1818 [For Munmal and Way Ports: lilbnru. Bonus, at ran-nun. pm Fnomln'l Worm m wounded by the medical flculu. Steamer Alexandria Rt 9 n'nlocl. running 11 tho Rn Ida, Including Ian-Mun. Returning. luan null-cal evnrv THURRDAY at Noon. and Kingston for [My Puru EVERY SATURDAY IURNINU n 7 am. Return Tickets at reduced rates. Apply to x . A. GUNN & C0. Potent- ot mm W)... M laud- cum.nrnn Iguana m OIICY ll'flulll) I! CAIADA III I. Dull-H clinic boll-mud implant-u uh. Ida-lama! - A. uinnucx. In 1-1. Khan- mpply 7 I A MES SWIFT. 8t. IAwrenre Whnri, foot of Johnson Street. Kingston. Oct 14.!!!78. 1 1 Tl PUIUC WILL ALVA" VIII) god chic. ll all kind. of at m BIOCI mun 3mm, -4- _- - -A "WHFROiIfhc 1 leadMining angmelling Bny. I. W. STOOKWBLL, - Manager. Thll remnrknhle nrticln contuinn all the qlllllul of he Ilow Mung common porou- plumr d ln Addlfmn nu onlmly new combi- nulon a native vegetuhlu ingrcdlmm from uh uh ll darlvu ital womlt-rlnl palu ruliennz, unngtboulng and curative properties. It. "Havoc puln Illnoot ilnmedlnwly and cures when he! plantar! will not even relieve. Thu munfutumn ol Bot-son's Capulue Poroun Planar were lerdod tho highest Ind only modnl ofncrn given for plateau at. tho Can mnlnl I375. Your funll phynlel-n will oon Inn our lumen: mgur in; m Rerll'l t. Worn-a and We Incl. lldmy III" e Ith-llhn. tubborl and Neglect"! foul. lung and 11m: III-elm. 'l'ho lane-en nu Won-cu mIII-r I. Wo- nel. lanol- Alcalou cl "no llmrl,('IIII-. II [ennui-"r- nld lamb-Io. lune-nu -1 run nu an n Whoop. ('algl.toldn Paril Expo-men. l87l, Onwio aninclnl Bxhibiuon. [873. . Jul dohvm in annual may... anion qwklyll ed. Von-oh npplhd u do: It. tunable run. I happinloldmt MUM Ph renix Fire Insurance Comp-am}: London. C. H. HATCH, Ticket Agent. 8:. lawrouce Wharf- Kinxnton, Muv l. "378. my 3r um Klnguwn. 0" lot. [875. Every Monday Evonlng, rm m! I! SIASON The Stannch Upper Cnbin Steamer "again, hm nun-u mot-nun...- and lever. IR. and Immune. Inn-urn of (Illdun and: Whooping I ('nlp. (when nnuu In early stages.) and all local ulc- nld Pal-Inf you; or nld [1' Is SIMPLY THE BEST REMEDY EVER DE BED UR KNOWN. 1 1 to. N H ( ) N'H Works at J "1:: ".il Eib. DVD the honor to be. Your obedient unant, 'i'm: sum 1 rT" lanainu li. eat [Hp vnu ways- H. HATCH, an (it, [Ann-once Wh A. GUNN m: mm? .skhlsn mun, NOVEMBER 6 1m: Thanh no other remedy so well mlnptedlor tho Above elm of nilmantn. Nu other romody com-inn lho ulna combination of medicinal Inlronu. Ben-on} Cum-Inn Parana Hunter in podn'oly hr nu wrmr w oommun poroun lawn. ad to II othur rxtarnnl remodiu ncludin linunanu. nml [ho moaned claclrii ml lppl IMO.- lu puwmlul innancu in (all. nhuou u the am moment at lpplknlion. I: {inn reliofmomfun and Info to um Inated, I II nod. and con "mom. .lm pleasant to want u it emula- mmlvn wantlon of gentle and nimnlltlul 'lnllth. :1, Ontario. 8611-; a. Human! our] TBUHDA! mad he. Quebec "cry SATURDAY. LuvsnioBL MAIL mug] _-.....- - manna-tn Mar-visas. Peruvian . Sudiniul. . Thiamenof tho Hum vinlnnvn Ha lifax {or 8!. John), N l1, and Liverpool u lollowo: Cubism. on u .. ""29": 0oz. .19! U6!- Cupinn.... u" .lhh Nos" Non Soot-h Hibernia. . . . . Raw- of hangs from King-ton : (BaumKingston to Liverpool or Londondntry 359, ?9 and .89. lntem mu to learpool, Londondorry or w GluaodeA Slur-zeta Live 1, Londonderry.01ugow. Queen-town, Xi'an or Cnrdi, 33L RETURN TICKETS. CubinKlngnwn to Liver color Londondorty and Return. 3] |3_00, I48 50 sud 63.50. lulu-median ............... . . ., . Bleemzevianlu .................... .. 63 Rates of Passage between Halilu nud Sn John'l: _ Cnbin..........---.....-.~.....;Q l Londondorl" 3,00, MEMO. lulu-median ........................... Steam vianlllu. . 61 limnnu cAPouu: m us 55123. _ John]: Cnbln....n..... Emma.....u.. . Prepaid Pme Cerulean- lanom whlung to send for their friend-w obtain Pungeterticnwo at lowest rates. The ticket.- m good for one year md the mount ll refunded, lean n unnll deduct-on. if not and. Fun intonation n m roturu ticks ta and all used. matters of [mange will be given by the Agent. A: to neocsc-nr Mrutea to be obmned in or- der to becum, ed :0 mm. bonus. llnr Tiaknta and nnvlnrther innonmmon 3p? becunied I For Tickeul a 2 ply to H. BOURLIER, (innenl Agent. 2 ronw, UN 7 (mp e Vincent, Garden Ismntl Wolfe lshmd & unnnnoquo Steamboat Route. NE of tho abovn Stanmexn will leave Kiugaton for Cape Vincent. llnily.\ sun- dnysexcopted) at 5200-. m. and 2 [>.m..mnkin clue connections with the KW. 81. 0. Railroad. Nonlmru byrwuw lluilmad mnl N. Y1). Rall- mnd, Pullman Cara East and West RETURNINGWW leave Cups Vlurent on I Maud. Pierrepont and Geneva. West RETURNINGWi'l arrival of Train m. 10 [LIIL and H [)Jll .(nnllect~ lug wlth O.T.R.. Royal Mail Line, uud Buyo! ante Steamers at, Kingamn. Leave for Wolfe 82; Garden Islands, n..u- mil-1n..." mu] :l: 95 n.m. and Man- heavu 1w vv uuv w vul uvu -muuI Daily. at :30 u m. and II: '5 pm, and da 9, 'lumr'aya nml Saturdays at 8:30 am. [{ETURNINGVVHI lonve Woll'a Island on TUESDAYS and SA'IURDAYS at, 8:00,":Ih .11).. and 1 p nL. on Manda n, \Vudnendnyn. Thursdava and Fridays ut): la n m. and 1 p.111. nn Wednoaduya. Thursdays and [Im moral" stimulating and 1 0n Wulnoaduya, [Im hymwilllenve Kingston 31.02210, :30 u. and 3:45 pm. Rr'tunxiug will leave the [alumlat 9:|53.m.. and l p.m. SUNDAYS20:30 a m, :30 am. nndA lzl SUNDAYS9:1! 2.) am) 1.; p.m. Returning at 10mm. 1303411 511113 pm. Wililaam Kiugnum mu ()ANANOQUE, dailymallmgat Howe liluullmt IMF; pm. Returning lunvvs Ummnuquu on Tuesdays and Saturdays 5:4fzu.lu.,nmlon Weduenduya. 'Ilmrsdnvs and Fridnvn at 7 u.lr.. "lhn hmaumr from Cum- Vimout wil will a Th9 btunumr Islands) the evluingn ONLY WHEN SHE' RUNS THR')U(HI THE CANAL. Rant ['2 [578, 'Ilmwuu um \annh. Sept [2.1573. Richelieu and (lnhtrioNaviga- tion Company. ROYAL MAIL THRHI'GII LINE. Commencing (It-L'Sth and until l-urllur ance. *- I. l "um. (OBS/CAN. on 'lnondnys. SPA If TA A',on I humLua. A 110 [IR/A .V, or Snturdnyl For Pmaun Tit-Mm and my information apnly at the lulu: and River Steamboat Ofce. St. Lawrenco Whmf, fool of Johnson ll-aunt. I .1. have Kingston my lolluws At 6.80 p.m. fur TORONTH mu HAMILT()N,culling It internmnnw lmlh lwutlmr m-rmi'niuu} With hbill O Condny a IEBFCIES. Ind thin-8': In In Perfnma. Aha by the acne SILK WHO SNCKINGI AND Knot 0gp, howled linen. Im! um Drun? Gnu, g Halli-nob! ans-cam she-13h! , "1 u. nuunwuuuq Lean-n Bron h'u WImrf,Ganannqnn, Mr King- I l mm ovnrv UNIMY.TULSDAY. 11mm t DAY, AND gummy morning It I am. - calling M Sir John's Island. Noni Hide. nu Monday and Thursday, Ind at the South Ilde Ind lhlldgy'l. Wolfe Inland. on Tuoodny Ind l Sunni-y. ' Returning will 1mm A.rGunn Qo'l hwdlhiohy'7munluuv .t Andaman. Ooh I- nut in rmnmhuuhthmq-plhh-h. , In"): or Fauvmuoo. ____.. - .-._____. H OT E L G UIDE- enmmmmnqrt .mqu- with the lnvnlllnn public mud r, u mi? Viuigm snni 9!, man Jul-m. bunu '7' " h I. cngox-JJ pm a! night. i tho. mm french Lavender md Cologne Waterl, i Shard-y. " " ' Return: A. Gum: 0; Co'- Whnln -wpm..mmng when required. BIOCKVILLE. On Friday '1" leave Bronzh'n Whnrl. G.- unoquo. for Bmkville II 6 | m. Returning have. Bmkllunzmmxalling whenquan l (A) for (Eh-nu, Excursion-n, Wed- I I. For further partinulun upply to A 0m & (in or to H. C Rolhwoli. on hand. ' I ' I KLIBTB ; .1 A nvolm mundlm! from Fm,urom l hm unortmem a! he Hunt Cantu and Ease-v0 (Shun-Jnluhle for anus anddo< : lith. 11.. IIan Mala Lavender And SPECIACLES' own: Gunman u... Soodnn nu . Eanamqug Ragga}. 9:!5i.m.. and SUNDAYS:30 Al n.m. Benn-mm: 10m W" " " ' __._:_._____ BAND 1'30" RAILWAY (huh-ll "" .2: m. nmg,g.','."12'f """ Kingston. 00?. in h. INIR, FUR MONTREAL AND Qi'EBEC, A? '7 11-1". HE STRAMERS 0!" THIS UNI-J WHJ. hmm K nummn M folluws c. II. LAVEL_L & 00 i liOLGER Gt HANLEY,A an. Oioe, toot of Broo Stmi II WI Tallinn I Quebec "on '80] QUEBEC : u 0.! Nn C. I. Lin-2.107 I d an ah 'I" hur- Al VAIIMH. cumin: M :1 afA V a _# ; 'frulscsss mm AT 1')! ILLAN'R manual-M . g- 4.... 9......- In... C. H. HATCH. Isnmntr Ann OUTIUN. Thus no Fnudulom uni worthleu imiutiunl o! Benmu'l Glycine Pomna Plum in (he mlrket. One in particular, having 5 limilu sounding name, contain- lead poi-om. Ench genuine Benson- Bomn'l Cspclno lluwr hu the word Cnpcino spelled C-A-P-O-l-N-E. Take no other. run nu nv ALI. nuvuoum. Price 25c ~40.- U. H. HATCH. l'nssengtr Agent 2011 Nov. on. an um lth OQ-J oix'rmmr' @3333: co. m __ - .4 n.__l_..--n- Km'rdx ONTARIO, HmMJWWWWJIn-uuth m an m m: FIRST PRIZE. AND _ SILVER MEDAL, THE MEDAL OF 110%... AND DIPLOMA or 1mm .LIL nmnmonuwur _m. mu-m b Gunan about! mu. Minn-am. imm-hmwumJuuhanUooLbehg I rum-oh Wonmhm kWh-n molt-Canal t M < dam- PMummMMI-uti l mu up 11 [Cl mar on annual 00 1018.7. I N B U R A N C B . Assets - - - -7325,ooo.ooo.-, Mandi-In. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY or GL1 ND. , Jilin WELL KNOWN HOTEL In vuryl ,o nlu And me ry VInOOh- Hotel In tho oily. Good unplo Boo-s. Firm-alu- Livorvin couuoo Hon. lu-nu model-nu. WDAVIS Propriowr Lumber Manufacturers, 0! Bill Point, out... Offer For Sale, foot of Queen Street, 11. ALL unsonrp. TIONS 0' LUMBER. and HANDPAOT RED MATERIAL FOR HOUSE EUILDING AT LOWEST RATES. A ruran - AGENTS : Commercial Union Assuranca Company nu ENGLAND 911.13 :SUCGES;S4I Ann-ununnnl nn, [hand Trunk Brewqhi human, McKAY & KELLM II '1 GUARDIAN |Assurance Company, or LONDON. noun). . |XXe2$29$e299rter| l 3 RnlmihedCupiul ........ .......:20m.ooosu : Tohllnvuu-d Panda npvu-dnolawul 000m. | Annmllnmm .... ....... ... Aiming Fund- lnvolhd in CIIIMII .... .. . g Immen- qnhut Inn by Fire mud u the loves: cumin nu- md chin- settled IN out "(moo m the Board In unduly. ROBERT mus It. 00.. vvv- vw ' ' _ _v _ Ol ENGLAND Punis- duh-on: o! Imnrln can depend up luv rum Ind In: (lulu: .ndnadmed. STRAIN HOTEL . w, wl um I u.- Prim (mt. the nut emu-l Hotel in the cm. (II mundnthm forum-u. Ind upwa mph looms for Cannon-u] Tn mm Dun-LN! n94. Baum.W-!!'.' 2 Bul'ansu I. Orders snlivin-d promptly atwntlu. April 23. I878. DJ; 5 JUL] l Insurancgjai'any | HEAD OFPIUE - - - - - TORONTOI Church SLreet.Comor of Court St. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Goo. Paroival liidont, Esq..()overnor Peter Paterson. Em ., Dummy Gnvamor. E. H. Rutherfnrd, hug, [Inn Wm Gayley nd Thus, I), Harlin, n THUS ES: The Hon. Gt-oVW. Allau,['hoo.8troet; SLIJu lein Rnhinuon. Burt..aud Goo. Boyd, ann. Insure sail and n cargo"; by the I against Ions or (13 trip, nut-nth. mason or year, against damage by Fire or the danger: 0 Navigation,tlmlowcmrumunrrntiverama This Company onmi: no to Vlnnuro building: OrNviRHOKIJIEHIOIOWCFI rumunr rative rates Company lnnuro and all other drarriqti- m, 01' Propert Ill) Loss or Damage by inmn the most. In)an mrma, and at the h vest rate: charged by any good Company. JAB. SWIFT, Axum. BL anrenoe Wt. n lnmgnea. OM, Clarence Strut. * The1h).GNLW.ARD,ThOB.strOGZ;SUJM [Akin Rnbiuuun, 32:.de Boyd ann. Manager Marine De urtment Wm. teward mm T \V, Rimlmll. anmnnz birwwr. lelu ltomnuun, zmrL.,auu uw. nuyu u tev E l .. T, w. Bin-1m, mmgmg 10 British Amnrit-nu Anuuranoe Cnln lminrn mi! and nwnm Vensln, lbeirfreizl knplo for Common-u] 1 o-uw and W: Wagon to outrun. A Livery bl. .mbod. a... JOHN . Proprbtor. "Cir! rut ALARHJ no. I. It. Im Wud. 9. Olhdo Ind. . l. I. M- Cluck. THIS INVALUADLE MEDICINE 13 unfailing In thu cure of all thuu painful and lungeruuu dictum-en In which the lam-la consti- cumun is ml)ij h. [under-alas l excesses and n-mowa all ubstructlum, and a speedy nnru mm: hp ruliml nnA all ulmtructluns, and a npeeuy cure may b0 I'llilll uni TU MARRIED LADIES. It in peluliarly (united. It. will.in n ahnrt um. bring nn the monthly period with nsguluity In All cases i nervoua and a nal I'ecciona pains in the bark and lith, ingnenn alight. cxcrLiun. palpibalinn ni lht heart. hymn-non and whiten, these Pills Willi-eet A curewhen .u nther means have failed, and Althon h I powerful remedy. do not contain home: nmal antimony or anything hurtful tn the constitu ~ lion. 1" directl-vnn in the mphlet around with racks. which should weiully pro ICI'"PL - | JOB MOSES, New Yorknlo Pmprletnr lino-ml 12 12 com. (or makes. enclnlod I Pmprletnr [100 And 12 l 2 couu pm a. to Nurthrop & Lyman, ToronmI $360311] . Agents for the Dominiun, will ensure - bottle I wuuning mar 50 pills. by return InAil. I for-the Ibminihn. bottle wuhning Sold by all (Imaging. Huh! in Kinzumn bv E. H. Puller. J. G I0 Grunt, lcumlc Remedy Suld in Kinguu Kimz, Ila-MIMI. GI: l hm. J Mcl'ammn hm. J Mcl 'amnn And a medicine d I M Human-Au. ' 5 uninvoulJ-vH-h tho I! I... . lo-tille . ' rvnu u vvno. Catnrnqul Tunnel-v Knumox, . . . . . Oluuo. Ind-durean mandate! Solo. nun.- Wm:- Upr nml (Ir-h What am lim and unlit. IA". Ind madam 80 md Hard l'elt Esta April 4, 1377. # U U Lv IJU Vvuwul The Best Recommendation. promptly attend: I878 I m uthinJ I bud: uduu. Ilth lulu-dun, Up I In" llu ESQ-E. HEARINE Oldut Chartered Canadian Company. an.18l5 tu'lm anuno- In. mm. (mm. .m; mu WEBER t co. Inn-unchaqu m'odd'n ht: mule-ll at Immin- of the Curl-dbl b hum-mun manual! nub-tia- patient! when!" M i I. M Piu- hn boon um all th- do" n n... [um-nan wanna-nth: thoEthhItsou. bu aha Mn 3' oak. being a ly SILK HATS. u ununlJill be nabbed In It. bell of n k.md gelling It mable prku [1'6 (clan and m guunutood. mu A tun-m our mu. Klng Street, Kingston. IOB MOSER Periodjoal Pills. BRITISH AMERICA .114 and lit M PC-3?.(12134 Kid. a... th- Hugh. vu-w-vv 'v'... 0 (bumble! IIIIJ V 00. Ill m- (mes-dbl- ma} ms. T-ni (30., 03080! Dnuou. Gent InfotCuwdl VAR DEWA & Em. In. for Kim. lmll, Managing Director. Company I (warn theirfrelght m n trm. Int-nth. year, rm MUG. HB- udlpllt W Wand nth Curing-bull ring. 7 hm by hlnn. H. Skinner. G. 8. Ho mn J. U hlnn, nun NC lolmn. Hy. \Vada lL-alPl'l. R. CRAWFORD &v 00. '00 B OR 011 LI . m1 111010 reeived by mai (7. mAmfulzm. Age-u or w 0': YARKERS OLD STAan I Important Notice to Builders, I Farmers and. Others. 'OU'I' NAILS, $2.76 per Keg of 100 lbs. Each Kng ut'len Ia guaranteed euurel; frea L, W ;,,A. -A \. .1: El.- -k A- x -..A1|..-. .. $2.10 per neg OI Luv 103. is enurer tram dust, souls. alivu'a, or bandit-as nails. eaoh nail boan onlth by Diu- moud Automatic Molnar," - which givesat 1m! 311m more of rfeot mu: m t e keg. |Shalf and Heavy Hardware .o. c... not 1R9); 33- ROSE I THOSfEEALE, [ Merchant Tailor, Clothier Furnishing Goods ! DDIUI1UUL Cl DIP PRINCESS STREET, (Nan-Iv Opponta the Guy Hum, Kmaum] The Largest, Most Stylish and Best stock for all Pur- chasers in the City. Gr W. HIN'CHKIN w:ll visit. the f0] 3 ing plucxn IICTUN-(nanmlmlmm Natal. Nun-l llth mu] Ilth NAPANEE-Camphell "mum, Novel 13th And 14m. KINGSTONCity llolel. Nuvembcr 16th. 17th and 18th. nunllfvll l n!_m IA-l'nhm Khll 1 G W. HOTCHIII'B tranlmont m practical, rntlonul And Monomical. Its oh soulynan diam roller-"d eventual cura. tilhwl up on minutiae prlulplos and milydemnnstnwil to tho oompelnnnlon of very intolllgen! canon. ihnl u '1: In hitlmu! Stool Sprln n m nrd nubnunno hsvln, henlad lnxulun and Umbolllenl u will u nrloooolo. ht. the MI vuoed ngea reowctfully ofILSwSJJ you-II, must I and wlll ntnnd Elm mat walnut all 8 Irina Tram. Tram {or chlldron u tell All lbs. 0. W. Houshkln'Iryouomoo idle-his Albion, Olluns County, .7. a- 0. early tho rst dly belore Ibo crowd N]. a early n: dly get-in. Aug..m.1873. The Largest, Cheapest and Best Selection 0! 16th. 17m and 15m. BBOCKVILLEHt. Lawrence Hall, Nov. 19th and 20th. A m nnmu-uu'n Ornntmnn' u. nrnmimnl [mum mums] no... l 'thm Mut'col-Idl ' Ink-mine... 3331mm and mvns.| THE ORDER DEPARTMENT com mmeuw r-aortmant of Good: of the I ,4-.. 0-..] A~ IF.-r.I.IAI And Boom Paperliepot, I BAOOT STREET. BETWEEN PRINCW All.) QUEEN BTIKI'ZI'Q. w HOUSE AF? 8101:, Pmqnin- in (Mail-l. r n n - banking. #:7de II a he nylo all on (in W .00.. Gummy? HQP,| WuhganOBINSON [ROOM PAPEB,| w A cnll solicited ORDER DEPARTMENT contains an mmamm r-nnrcmant 0! Good: of Room___l:'per. Cnva Knowunol. A hurricane .Im. mllnl .1. hour. tonn- move 'iion BAPHIG. Ill-run 0.. 'm M, Pmdrw MM-inu- - In think bk waldo. :5- mm nmhln nus-hath All. v.0 u'n III! 7m AT VERY LOW PRICES. .a... d denim; by trmtin vlth 3mm a stain: All?! Central Canada I treatment practical. heal. olvlnvuImmo- upud pm in. may: 1:, than. you light uidly kin-oil hol-ym. Sce- ubug-Ihy. 0 Iona!!!" Ind howmwbium; "I should burnt thath 0! not In pod- And than they can. to the mica he a; hi. an. in the around And tied u no RI '3 REDDENS. Virgin Honey 8i: Dolioioul Puddin {you 1 Wk landlls ion-hull monk plumb-dintul {re-eat. able [about u. II IAI- - um, veto-mum by our. 8 0 mm ext-Ham did {at *9 ' and on- vnk~oinl.rorl'uddinp.1tuum 80mm. mun. CIu. to; 3 than - cioua u Wu] u um-l mick am of- Hls East Indian laniml simpc. (hidhthlu; to; ii I. who lvnt 101% new amok um tau-ad for ulna-m.- u a landfordm- New Valencith 14 pound: for 31. JAng REIDIDIEN. Ghinh '1' Housq. 3th 4th was": mama. {.L HALLIGAN & 00. Hm... IIIIITII I. PEIIIIIE I. I. I 25 Oheutaj'ine Japan Tee, lbs $1 26 do Choice Tea, 31!). 81. 25 do Choice Green Tea. 3 lbs 31 We guarantee 11mm To to be the be ulna in the oily. I'll!!! Inlvou-I nu.- ul- Montreal Ginger Ale, do Seltzer Water. Montreal Plain Soda At {Montreal Wholmla prion. J. Halligan 6: 00.. Brook St, I ER GROCERY," ..- u. Ila-Ln THE STANLEY ETHIOPID ELIXIR Ema For nicling Digestion, mulling Torpld I lverl m a hI-uhln notion, curing Juuud k-e. maul-t- ing 12w Bowola, pulifyinglhe Blood, lmlushing [In Depth! aymptulus, Loan M'Appeliw. Sick 11w Helm. Lunguor or Depn Anion ,andin their and gin-a Lifo and lienuwod ENERGY And VITALI'IY to the whole 33115111. 77 # . __.. . _ 1-: _L lBest of Medlclnogl For Sale at Kings Drug Store at 50c and $1 per Bottle. Prnfcusur Dupuia' opinion,of tho above named medicinu.u n CHEMICAL 00M- IUITND, is as fulluwa: I Iva rarvfully 0xululmsd the onmpmion nfu 'I'onic (mnpnuml known m1 tlm B IANLEY wrnmvu' In I\'ll: Mul have t'vuml m in~ "N. b. DUI-ms Professor of Clmnislry.Quecuu Collaga, King- ston. Um. We,1.1u~ undornlgned. (3. My to whom It mnf concern. llmHmvingp:-rmun Iv m inonr {um BK naml the NIANLEY ETHUIIC ILLIXIII I (Mnmhaurlul-Iymmuwml it. to line public. In hemp: in our Iudgma-ul an oxuulmnt Fumlly MN! icima : R, J. l:i|l)ltll. lnlvgrnpll Om-rntur. QUEEN Insurance Company, FIRE AND LIFE. CAPITAL... .. 2,000,000 8m. [Invested Funds .... ..658,818 Sty. FOIHH'IS & MI'DHI'I, Montreal! Chic! Agmtn fur Laugh. P}. 8. PHII'lBN, mm. m. Aug-m, Kinn- "8"- Supt. 4th. BR. WM. man's HI'ECIIPIC MEDICINE. Maillot-50; 00 leonmmmm Wines and Liquors, mmnnhtuddlh pm If Dual-Mum mm m Call and W goods. (ELARK u Buar- Very LOW- 11 J'. REIDS. Aml Kinghl Ba pt III-IL ~ I d Inn Datum-p [f A. FRUIT k H! that! A J BIID'H. Oman Md w . d I. III-.mm._ Winnie-sale and Retail, ._.A'r_ HAVE JUST RECEIVED In tho lute inuoduoed And cm HOWE3:... w, .o. . Egan.- Ho: , AA-A______.JJ-IL.-. l...n. J not arrived- fro-I lot CHOICE GANDHI m'ig. OI" CANADA. d, lluihhzr. mm, 'lulegruph ()pomwr. v. Fur I'Ntll'. v IIIIH-I'M. ll. (U: uly up wuqu n In. pvrmuuflv my ETHIUPIC mr Dunlm in his (tortill- ETHIOPIC Ehlxm wr Dupum wul the puhllc mph IUDIL 1' Near the Mario . . PHII'IKN, Agom. King-low Oct lat. Inuku unt-iv. A w-mim. _ r UNDtRTAxln. o..- l'nn- AI-a._n.- non-am wwmnwmtd Camus and Gaskets, germile "up but am. of. dun-l on cantata. Do-h . -nmmuu duo-rayon.me In a". . Oompedn in A m 1 WM my on. Furnnus mm m .n m m Mn mm worn. - . 3! Velu and (3":ch W h' a: 0-0 In (Illhdlt Now it "n to 00,3: Indy 1er the Full. y K d Hluvea Cl. In". and Drul :- {huh- om mdy m we run. "1 and D314 (I II. an nurivn. m-knowlvcm-d m be M C!" than. an on clue can do 1121 III. v law ur'alu 01,qu (-4 ml to new. Uemkmou mull-m l mh- ermr I (":3qu pmm My mm d nu roll ton-4 IN. u- me It oun u (um um rush. ' N "1 do um rend my Humbu- ud 0b! .wr. 1.0 ba dour. but do than my)! all I: t [aw 1mm: irnquired. Plano tank. a IMO. this. W. OSBORN, no .lll mum In. I. III. on... -- vvuv-u-w' Oil-I mum In! In m M. Uptown Ohm-11mm door. chow MN I. Prunes. Street. - Down town 0mm and 8mm Dye Works. "2. Johann. mm at mm. Ill-nu. Jane n. mm M ' TAKE A REST After tho Ineouon- ANI) READ THE Magazines for October Young Lullu Journal, n._ "All- _.1 ,u .1 Bow Bells. and all the bending Euglhh III- gulnee moelvm 'umr ago. now Hells, um all the bending Eulhh Ill- gulnu 'mm ago. 90,000 Euvelupm 01] kinds. Now Pnpor-fulhupply. Autograph Allmmncvrry Hm). School Hooks tor llw ('ulloxllto lundtnle u"! Public Schools In-an. School Hunks cheap. Sullivans (lrugruphy lllll Bean)- Copy Book. Third mulpr thin mornluj n MoAuleys Bookstore. Sept JUIh. Liverpool & LonooKc Globe Insurance Total Assets... .....,..$27.470,000 Invested in Canada... 900.000 lane: at HI. Jolm'm LIL. all-l .luuL II". The ammo prompt notllnmunta wore mid! I. lho groin Fires in UhIruuu ml "0st halide. giving a lnrgu sum of nmnny to the In on". E? Kill! of Insuranle In low Inn-f. - Is THE B_E_ST mun. giving lnrgu 0! 101le the mutton-on. ulnyufc Olcn. 'l'lua Company In wound to no lulu?- nmua Gwen in tho wurhl. Applicutious n-cohwl nt Hm mm of THUS. I'llmhlas. Clumuco St . prmiiwtli Pan-0 Sept 6, "577 THE UNDERMGNED HAVE ON "AND mm mm; (IIIEAI. One III Home I'nwvr Im-mth for drlviux anything n-quirl ()no I0 Horne luwur hmtmln 10 lmrnn mum-Ix Hui]: I' wmn IIUWHIc ()Im Ruwry Pump. ring |,UOO gallon ra- AI.,. nn'l ('rm; I,uuu gamma pm uuul ru [7 Alnu on't fun-gal. Hm u REPAIRS 0| ALL KINDS. [B HECURED. We mlnr up mun-m. in tho Patent 0B0. 00 our clh-nu in aw-r Hula ofth Union. to nur Senior and unrc-naututlvo in Cong... Dacia! references men when desired. 119.33%}: .1 1'61 FOR Sim, CIIEXI CITY LiVEQSTABEEs Princess Slreel, - - - - KJlmlb. "III I I: " "VIII" C)u)luNu,CAu:umMNu a. realm Iluleru Ind when! ) vhhiv-g dog. .u gunman lullfvliun In I." {but VIII {but me Ilth their ark Yuu M-NI no. 1 3' (Japan or Vnmnuru. W. JONKL Advmum ehu odd cm In: nglovhi: nu CLO We . a or lama-t oo- luu-ndn Tu [um nu an: U lmwudlumum ' out 01b: Ad'rinl. m V ank h Coma par Ill-M. until and an an yer nut-v mu..th sou-opt vh- awut vh- thov null-II w um [01 Ron-- cleaning. Oct lat. IT OI! DOLLAR All) A IIALFJ VIII (I! "In II AMA-eunuch.- I": I! IMI they mew * Iuo-u'ulhu nag-thou. "' :rhsdtwrmoolnnun: , . M I I V swag-aha Inn-3"" L _ D any lot-.- pen a! Duh-Jun andJ Lingual-nu. nponn M and Low U ling-umJJn-uu A? III DOMAI- A IIAI. out; rm Wukny numb mu. In Published our] Thursday Hui-. . uvlu Sept gum- Rupn-uututlvo in Cong... pociul ghe Addmt. (I. A. SHOW h 0Q 0011 hum 0m:u-.Wuh|ngm DC. Luvoauuu lu Uuuuu... uw,uw [pm Jolm'n LIL. all Jule. II". cum, mural in run Imumuualy Inn-r Illa Ill-u _w lllmul nluleuult Clamm Sept 0. n- ()FFIL'E'wUndzr (:uy Haul. An, I. (II CIIVIKr ID plwn Imiu. any 187?: llpr KJJIAn-m m Ind-1. :2 lb- om... nd It. Kiting? Mikel BRIE-IE; 151316. smut". In lmmedlllal] Irr wlllmul IMIGHQI ur lilac-aunt. Autumn I: 1'. RIEEEY'O. H b It". All. r.- "I "I'm But! yum. C u Ill nouA-n A IIAI. om. III and {um um; Hunt-In. I ultimatum vh- Invo-tvhl theyre: non-lino mama}. H _7 W. JUL mu. Welrhu M-rhlu Wmh, In .. P D'm'l. run JUII-l' Illol you If Dela-mug. D. MEWEN & SON, hinn Entrinn Rx Rnilnr W1 MIN ' noun-gm... waneWISHING, RINGJM LOUM | l: l IAFCJ 1 Dan {MA- I- A _-LI.II.... A "Cull-II I Company. JONI - Nnvh. Phi-m n Enphmuluu irmu power. run, *9 (Ihl and for 0 nl dallv- DEIISED KNOWN. B E N S ON'H mul- nnnnllo m Au' olhdvuh Ill Mum hon an m. loam] 1i. 00110 HIST. w PLASTERSp pAFT-ION. l- ...ulul-nt nu mcnmonwutq-v-u-up luhilo 1 cut none gnu mi than. lumrinl the "our gnu-In. CLARK WRIG HT, \anlinnhxn Slrn the mm no at his an. in ground the path it. nuchwhnwmqwow, nvinr " it CHI. Kn w mun r, Wellingwn Street. - PI lllwl. 00:1 Inn-I ._... "4&1 I... "kl. pa. :yln (alllw pl; um I ank1nd: .11. ' yMy. Chm-:31; {aint wdmTlJHIT-m IM]. un u f." " van Mum-:- and l- luto shun!- and um." chumnull' A... m villtt ohudulolbvn: Vhintdevulnu. Pmr uwmummumg um Ill- add on all lane On! I non-Emmi)... {ML Id'ud [ah-d ad I. and the mug Ian-ind ninth-unhin- I I 0 tho usual-ap BIIk between Ito Wdqudlle. mum: roman. Ion-Ia! CM lulu been admitted Into the On- nnnl Pub! Union. than in a n unanimous a! Pod-l Ill. II lollowl : lot Am I. Donn-t, loom, yam, lurk. Gummlbnlw. Glut rm and Inlandllmco. Italy, Luxembourg. lulu, lanmm, Noumea huh. Hm. Paulo, Ponan mm, Ionuh. Buds. It Plan and illuuelquo lbanMnJh Camry bland. Swendon, I'll-thud and Turkey. and VI- Unlud Bum-Bonumh. Bah-ms. Clbl. ' Dumb Colonhl of H: Thom-n. St John, St Crohylmio- ann and PM Rico Lettenhu 5 coma per 101 Postal Curd: .. 2 mun each Novnpqnn .u 2 oonu per 4 o; hamm'Fm........ 5 com Newnpqnn...... ...... 'l conuperlox Regina-ulna Pee........ For Aden, Amulqu Contain-on. Emil. Bruin Oahu, Ceylon. Greenland, Preach Colonleo in Ann, Afumnlca, uul Am Homowa 8! Hum Ind Ilquelon, Per-ll, via Pen 3 03M. Pomnueoe Colonie- in Ask. Afrlu And Oceania. Trinidadvanlnh Colonial ln Africa.0uanloa and Amerina, except Unb- Ind Pun Rico, Straits Settle menu of Singapore, Penning and Illum latmn ............... . .. 10 cent. per i 0: Postal Curtis. 4 cents each Ne'lle . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 cents per -l 0: Bookmho .. .. .n... 4 wutsperuz Boll-Inna: lveo. . . . . . |0 cent- W II. w "a Vll'lr-v ...., V. r-" , 2:: End lot the goat." and than. lumring um had. from ' hi. should", inpriwnod u chick! and" it, And wickedly kind (In won, nub. In uid In would. ___.... latun.................. Imtaleda... Newnpapon............ .... Bo innuonlv ...... enlndin InlandnJlu IO canto p can 94 p cents p Hnlifax. u btnlion I" n. .. Ween!- eu Int; blandn, via name mu: m forms). Pnpumentby Bump In an emu. ifor Fall Planting\ A ml llousn Culture. anom'rns. Double sud Single 0120008 SNOW DROP, LILY ac to. wrun- villbo cloud ulouo'n: Vbintutm'hu'ya 1pm. 1-. mm Friday! pm. numb-cum B'OHEAPEST AND BEST. a Petersons Magazine. MEDICAL HALL!) A Supplement wlll be lvan in every number for 379. coumlnln a lull air. pntmru nheet for a lady's or child's rue. Ewr subscriber will rmlve.durlnl the your. two N of those pal- Lnrnn, so that [how alone will be worth more lb-u tho subocri Mon Miro. Great improve- menu will nlw muda in other respects- lownon'l Maul mnmlun ovary VFII. 1000 plum, H steel plates. l2 colored Berlin yam'rus Wmlmmoth culorwl fashion platen, 24 pages 0! mums and about 900 wood Cuts. In! prmcipnl umbolllalunonla sre Hn-nnnh Klnnl Itumnui ner DJII'IJI II IJUI.VI "In... I.- v nub-3. Ito mmeuw circulation tumble: in: proprietor w a) and more on embellishments. Itoriea,&.c. [bun any nlher. It gives more for the many than Any In tho world. Its 0.. Trowbridn, Much 20d,1878. Mm. Milbum. Bentloy & Pen-ton, Ouulomon,-Aboul tho not of Novem- M Id 1 mama! n "I, In", cold, -53.}. mud on my lungs, and tlnmuuh Thrilling Tales and Novelettes Am u but nuhhnhwl nnvwhnrn, All [he mnn Alum-us All-UH nun AIvvvnvv-vu Are the but published an where. All the most p0 ulu true" In: emp oyml to Into origi- n: 11 for Pun-a n. In 1871!. in :dditiun to the ununl qulntit of lhort stories. live! uriu n. Cogywrght ovalauu will be uivou. by A In 1 H lophoun, Frank has Bane-din, l-nu eel llodgoou Burnett. Juno 0. Aunllu and um unrivalled humanist, Lhu author 0! Jun ah AllomnWm-L WW VUIUI 7H 6 nnwuu . lat U- Ahou! of I othern. These plates uroengn' rd on Ileel. tiles the muml sin. and are l n- nqullod lot balmy. 'lhoy wlll he suporLJ colored. Also, household and other mceipta; in than everythan Interacting to lulloa NILAs tho publinhor new pm pays the Allen a W "B. .Mammoth Colored Fashion Platel AL... I- -AL-_ Th-.- I..n... .._. Inin' | Ihort publinhor pm pays pootue to nllauhuriberp, Petnrmus inchewer than over; In fact. h the cheapeat in the world. TERM HIAI-nvn In mlvnIn-Al .200. Year- v.qu OVOI'; In IICI II [ID cmpeu ll] luu I ll!- TERIB(Alwnyl In advance) $2.00: Year- Raduood phase to Clubs. Addroan, post paid CHARLES J. PETERsUN. m Cboatnut Street. Philldblpbil, PI. w Bpeclmeul nut [nun if writ.th lorZ |I812 Pensions.| NDEB THISACI. nny pernon who aorvod fourteen d. a or participant-d in two bar Ile. tn the Wu 0 l8l2. I. endth 14 1: Panama of :l per month from clue of uppmvnl 0! Act. W1 own 0! noldhrl u hue dvcd after similar norvloe. no answer III-t. In the duo of mar- ri-ga lo the uoldhr. m anmled to the umo Pen-Ion. All 18 Pennionon dropped from the Rolls Menu. of Mad dillnynlly no motored by thln Au. Amalie-an. um bo execumd beforo In 'IIOII "3". 0|! In, "an..." ....._ .V", V ill III to [loan for About two month. lb 1 mid bud], ups-k. 1 mod I num- but of diluent dullu' hon]:- without II] .00. Hod. Ono d5 tending your dummy 1 Iodood thnt limudl Poc- tonl Bclum wu munmmdod. l resulch to try it, and they using three 25 con; bout-I Ill 9min], well. You" truly. 01m. Conn, P.M. anioml Pill: no one of the Inn-Hf- Iona-l "media- tor diuue. Applbuiom onloor of A court 0! record. mm! m m {or mvlnlnrmon or blink. I... M urea mom-ox M mauwrmeuxmmmom u. math a bud. mummcmmjuwm is. aint A m m humanity. .- mun-mu. ch non nau- 0mm of record. Bond to no [or myinlormuon lauded. GILIOIK & C(L 11!!! 00le In boon dob; butan- i- Cuuh lot 55 you! udduu an no M: m thy-Nu Goddamn bypn- undlihllltMIOYuIryJut I'll-- (o nulha polhy hold"! m by day-n 01 m. cm Oh than I n 0!"... Po .0 this Anne Ind pdd on tar-a a my Int-oh- C.:. Q {Etna lnsuranceCoy., l 0]? HARTFORD CONN. I A. vuw I."ou I.an VV or marrow, cox N. Catpr and Sll'pllu- 96.548304 unu- p-Id II I! luv-q over - .000... 00.000 of vital wi- n him rll not I In. Iau. II II. A nuclpm uuumlunumuuus bl 0 Superb Steel Engmviugs. .- mmnum nirmllnnn nnnhlnn In nrnnriatn No othar rues manhunt unionon dropped from the Rolls lllenod (ii-Inn)" by FULL SIZE PAPER PATTERNS. Boom In", cola, which uttlod an my lamp, .I... I .IAh-vlv Mk. 1 M ._..._ INDER THISACT. who carved dun lmlliClDll-MI JAmb; .HA ah- "mind-On... nu IN]! IN. 1|... 1.8 And [louse Culture. Honmggun Y . 0 8. HOBART. do Ill "1". (MM L'AIIL'L Axowuuuu. - n ........,....- travel- cighly mllel un hour, nonn- Inuve thinyvil, low river- uw (our, nailing VBIIGII mnka ton, Iteunbontn run eigh- mu, I ham (roi- uvon. a man vn|h thus, d be in not A victim to rheumatilm. crick in thc buck. or other upinal dinicul- effect of the-Io. use Hug ...A'. Ydln- 0d. romedy