Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Nov 1878, p. 3

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0! CM! Ida-I. but especially the. d O . A. IIIICI & ()0. when u. uku' In! M 0m tutor ugh-1 ID HAND IAIN M URBAN! I I'M. III! and IIPAIIIIO can-lly u. b. 0'! prion- bdn. W And my I. On". nll inn-db; punk-non uucnoux. a. a. . Louis, S.N. . Club. RS. n." In...- A Inn: IonIn u. Cont, Wynwbyldoauutmml Ila-Ibo Goo-q Glut, on. dun-d Imumum-i-m. ltdd-i-ahdbo-pu-uhdh mMaA-anbymmmm umhwm- 12 uh; I.- hm Mb-duo HOME-u- dnnnhuulhhlu Thoptopullor A "path .ood alight-g In In- qlouo, ad duo in quiu thick in the M. I]... mII-t PM. Im. Lna lnrounnou.Cnpt. Gui-on, of tho nhoonor ' 'Arhdne," t H: the Unego Herald that hit out md the crow of tho uhoomt "Republic" took tho Inner- ynvl sud followed "me- D-lmlgo. the nilot who In wrecked. till tho] ruck the Dish, when they loll him. Tth han Ind min. to the gala Ilnl not get back lo their unsol- ull'nm lullumng night. Thin hllunmtiun. if made public mliu, night In" and ten-m on to 0' the vaul- than lying in Snth "1 1..- w..._ l 1...I--- .A, ,. Winn: NoamAn Agate-n tag I- NC ath Ihib wanting in Cou- nlin- _l- at IL L-h. 15.- _....II-_ Lest summer, during the Iamparence I Convention u the Thousand lslsml Perk, 1 sKing-tonyouthsudulonlyundmyslorinus- ly diuppOlmd. No one suspected thshny evil bed befallen him, but his absence no one could account {or stthe time. This week he "turned homo, end he seame to heve pee-ed through an experience Ihich is yet reeerved (or meny older buds. ll. eppeerl thet while at the cemp ground he became possessed of s burning desire to (revel, end one evening took peseege b the steumer "Crusoe" for Cleylon. hence he proceeded to New York, where he engsged u cabin bny upon en outbound oceen steamer Snb~ eequently he visited Antwerp, Brussels. Londonderry, end sovenl other pleces, having enjoyed ell the romence he de- sired. but his roving cursor In nally checked by some English gentleman who bed been on the look out lor him, pur- susnt to perenhl orders. and who start- ed him for Kingston per eteemer "Ser- dinien." The led Ill led to see home, but there ie I (rent dieronce bet-eon lumpeeue end Cruediens. you know 3 The Enter!) District Association of Ministers commenced their snlnul meet- ings twdsy in the Lecture Room of the First Congregstionsl Church; Rev. W.M. Paecock, President, in the chair. There were present : Rove. S. N. Jackson, D. Mscnllum, John Brown, R. Brown, A.0. Cooler, John Wood, Geo. Willctt, It. Mlcksy and Cthers. The Rev. A. 0. Cossar, oi Belleville, wu elected President {or the ensuing year, and Rev. R. Macluy was re-elected Secretery-Treuurer. The Rev. D. M:- - cellum, of Athol, read a paper on The Doctrine of Eternsl Punishment." The peper wu A long and able one, end we cannot Attempt to give extracts from it, u it would not do justice to the writer. In the sltemoon the Rev. Jnhn Wood, of Ottewe, reed a review of "Bushnell'l ' Christisn Nurture," which was followed ' by s discussion on The relatim of Children to the Churches." A public meeting will be held in the First Cnn~ gre'ationsl Church, Wellington street, in the evening, when a sermon will be presched by the President, Rev. A. 0. (four. The public are cordially invited to this meeting. The Association will be in session to~mnrrow forenoon, end in the evening I number of the brethren will hire part st the social meetlllg to he held in the new Bethel Church. 0ttavn Herald: The St. Vincent de PnIIlSooiety of Kinglton in to be con- gntulntod un Ielecting I young man of Dr. Phelln'l In! and ability. Hil pro- !ouional duties will bring him in cum.ch with muny cm- of wnnt. Tho Blonds: had I 8380 house It Wntottovn. Tho Duputch up the nu. diunoo noted more di-grmfully than the notruun. .\.. w. . . ._A ._ -m "$.30 To "(Full Till: PUBLIC 0|? Innu- nd the urroundiu count" lu they Ihovnled him in th'ry niid nll rig He'l only I Iowiux whine gent. ' -Tho Ichoonor Union, which oontly drlfud below Clpe Vincent, boon ripped And lodged then for winter. m. n. . . . A 5 V ._ .. .._._,_,_ ... w... -Thy buried him darkly It dud of night And withuut 3n pump or pugunt. Anthony Ihovnled im mid right. Agent. uuu u: [Vlllllx In. vuwrl Ill. Ihom an upwud- of twenty wreck- on the beach north of the pic: at Grand anonl grueylrd in itull. , L-..I..._AIILZ 1,-uu . x . . Both political pinion would do I- well if they ullod quit; on the qu tion of nvining tho vuten link. 1h-m nn un-nnl. .J 5...... .._- 'fho Torin o! the County will meet on Sunnis, to select I undid-to (or the [meal Hon-o. n .1 Im ~vun. uu-umulu 'lll "WI "III M: Bun, Bulhvilh, thin "a. Th0 Unloria melt- the Appoint- loot of drill iaouucton for tho public lckmln, m. "u... gu. wulw on an usual to on"; -lev. Mr. Can, of Bollovillo, will punch a the opening of tho Congrogu Iionnl Association India; this Honing. -UoL Stnnbouie will innpocl the (on. R. n..n..;n. om. -..|. Ouwn-Jom no.in u urn: fuel. in; from [Iii common hi- mm In 0th.; w W". X I up. can! and don't dip in. Llnborin in being aha-ide BID M on but of Bollovillo. It) ll- ____,1--A, 2, .12, r,,,,, -l- I'- name... humid ifnjal'ie'plessiin - Uh", Illnl', I II", VIEW, macaw. ~1hoipp'ug oldest overle W.&0. Riki-hay. l|ll than. than inclu- doop. Bo Ind-II anal (In-I'D nun : CHM-i... "Ii-h-ibu can-tn! .5]. .l. .u w I! vl WWII].- -Bndlhoormpondnuoinisinm In IL. "Lon-I M " 7wa- 'ommu thinlvhohll -llh-i-A m I MICH- ~Bovinl| u Willis-will; mum mum's sullen. _'L- .in '- Indig- --- 4 _ "II|v- - W In uWhliilcll Congregation Meeting. A Romnntlc Youth. llrlle 3 Ill. Wm A'.&S.N0HDHEIMEAH'SI r Iintu, ;10 just qua- the A lotto: In rad Iron the County Judge, upwindng lundny. 18th, In! the MAI of tho oqualiulion .ppool. 0! which M In notlod I" potion. to take no A solarium was presented by n. Gonna ol the Gaol, If. C. H. Cache, denying that had but my IN by the oaan unit. in the County Gaul. "a an I Inn-in] an... .Lm-- - maukfo by-hv w" metdntudnhthw. ind ban. Mquichnn ud- In oh .I wmwuhm tho-OI... I... .- dim-l It. a... I... mdh-' Mr. Joyner gnu notice the he would on the marrow introduce bynluu rogu- ltting the payment of accounu, the inane n! suctiunoen' Ind podlnn licenm, the payment of rurdn for horse thievea, And the oonnoluhlion of the County debt. Th. Hmmnu -A:,.--....| ....u| In LAMA. Hog".- inlaid: .45- olont m n... "It wu-vuu-uuu v: luv VUllll|, "cut. The Council mdjouruod until I0 o'clock on Wednwa morning. PlANO-FORTES, pol-u, tho-sol the bum unnu- fncunn : The Council cum to order n: 10.30 o'clock, I the number. being preunt und the Wudou In tho cluir. 1 s cqunnuuo: or me county use-Imam. 8. In conclusion he auugoated that, a: it In probable the new (:uvernor Uono- I'll Would viii! Kingston befuro next It'l- sion, 3 Committee be nppointerl to draw up an white" And min the Warden in presenting it. On motion of Mr. J,R Dan-on spr- presenting II. of Mr. JR. Dawson, soc- oudod by Mr. Flynn. the above Ill re- ferred to the Warden And the chairman (If the "oral Stnnding (Jenuuilwu, after | vote hld been taken, Mr. Calvm voting my. A\ Lvunll. A number of lawn: were read And referred to tho Fin-nap Connutloo. -uu u, n "a... uu ul' yuan. The minutes of the n: day- war. rad Ind conrmed. lrom me any. 7. That 8! prubably belure the new Cuuncil meoll the Local Legillnturu will he in union, whether some steps should not be taken to endeavour to procure an Amendment of the law as to the seas- mant foal prnperty, obtaining if neces- sary the cu-uperation of other municipa- lilies to that and. The present out of meaning the county is about $1,000 a year, at an average ol860 per municipali ty, 3 sum for wlnch, in Mditinn, to an allowance fur expenses, one perlnn would uses: the whole county. The slteratiun, therefore, that he enggutetl, was that power be given tu County Cuuncill to up- puint An independent competent man to amen the whole County, whose anneal ment, when conrmed by the County Judge, shouhl be nal, [or any three or ve yell-I, it is hardly probable that Any great change would take place in the value of property during that pcliud, He would also do nwnylwilh the local Courll of llevisinnmnd make the appeals to be direct to the Judges, whose ducmiun Ihouhl be nal. This, or some other ayltem of meaning, would, he thought, dunwny with what h now become slum-t an nnnnal affairan appeal Against the equnhutior at the County Inclement. eunueatad that; In me board or Audit. 5. ,ln consequence of the many clisnges in the municipel luv during the past low ynrs some of the county byvlsws might ssfely be repealed. Soul. lnve fallen out of data, while one passed dated la in back Is 1850, and still unrepeuled. authorizes the Treuurer to retain two per cent. of nll moneys received and dia- bursed on socount of the Kingston and Nepaneo Road. He suggested a 6 mail tee to revise the bylaw. 6. With reference to the payment of Crown witnesses under chap. 87 of the revised etututeu, sec. 7, it is directed that every order for payment shall be to the Treasurer of the county in which the nth-nee was committed, or supposed to be committed, or if such neince Ins commit- ted in a town or city, or supposed to be committed in a city or town separ- ated {or municipal purposes from the County, that the order shall be directed to the Treesnror of said city or town. Lut year the sum of $424.04 was paid by the County to such witnesses, some of which should have been paid by the city, but u the orders were directed to the County Treasurer he I! compellsble under the Act to pay in the rst in- stance, trusting to be repaid by the city, i but this seems not to have been dune, and the account is still owing an a debt 11 {mm the city. 7. That M nrnhnhlv baluro llm nnw Iur unice- In lrreanng cnmlnuu, which it might fairly be presumed are covered by their pay from the city. Thane claims have from time to time been panned, but with great reluctance, by the Board, for want of any satisfactory authority ugaiuat them, And it might be the manna (If uving connidenblo to the cnunty if the o inion of some competent authority was in an on the mutt-r me muur. 4. He snags-ted an examination of the account. previous to being lubmitwd to the Board of Audit. F. In min-nnlunnnn n! sh- m... 4.-...- b prucnoea. 2. He lugguted a revilion of the by- law raining to the peymont of retards fur the Ipploheuliuu of hone thieves. The round 1t present in 830, pnynble on the certicate of the convicting judge. The recent experience of the Board of Audit about; that in some imtlncee the revurd doel not reach the bunde of the per-on whom the spirit of the by-luv is intended, the county ntepeyen, but is received by the police. He thought the round Ihould be reduced to the mini~ mum Ium, 820, xed by statute. 3. Thu At: avnrv lining nf lhn Hum-d nf NEW MUSIC! STORE mum rum, gm, and by statute. 3. Thu. It ovary lining of the Board of Audit clnimn us rent in by the city police for service: in Arresting criminnlu, which mith flirlv be nruummd Ara nmmrml "mu-w. . l. A moddolling of the by-Jur r0. hting to the iuuo of lieenlu to Auction- oon sud podlm, in order to conform to the rened Ibtutn of Dutch. which "quin- ill-t. the County Council lbs" Into provision for the issuing of such [icon-cl within tho County, and for pro- viding the Clerk of the municipnlity with liconua {or sale to partial Ipplying for 1 than und-r Inch regulation: :- [my be I prescribed. , 2, Ha murmuth n uni-inn n6 Hm I- r-" v'. "WWII-II m Mb, Judge Burton and Mr * huh-on, Impact of Crown oicu. man's Juan-nous. A long doouqont was read from the Con-31 Clock, Inkiug aunt-Lions to the bun-In- M . M v, I (allowing m : I A "nu-('0- "llv- .m-Uv-IIU-I _ A eon-unionism In rad (tun Judp Plies, mm; for Additional mood.- tion lat III. Obi of them-n. upsid- ly n m pheo fur the lyling of dncu; ' link. and I private room in winch ox- Ininltiou my be bold without intol- nlption, which cannot be elpoctod in n public a... nu. elnngu Ind bun m-md-Jh- .lml... R..m-. .ml II. I r! .. v ' Th dunno! Huh-traumas! wlmeNm nnlm Aim-nun Inn- n. Jump mind tho WWHIMoM. -_h N. . -_J LL- 111: BRITISH wmu. WENEsqu. NOVEMBQR 13.1370. w-un u-VI. it, dining II Hindu..de ll. 0" THE "EST BUILT. boat timber od. and but Ill! lad VFMILS for the I. Old [Ale Hula. u now 1min: hull! AT Ilh Mull-puny uboutXlJbunl-oln Light dmhl 0! "nor. ' AL-.. Ann-I _:n ,___.|_._ I.-- __J -_. 1.- nu..." . my. Tho rotiring Pro-idem submitted 0.010. gum: which he ind rooeivod iron Hu- milton, taking the Kinnton Society to join the tiller lociotien of Ontario in pre- unling Ill uddren to the Inqui- of Lorna. Replies bu] been sent. Igroeing to tho proponllion, sud king for lurthor particulan, which bud not been rooeiud. The not President, VimPro-idont And Secretary Ion nppointed I Committee to ulna such Nation :- thq thought prop" in the premium [9 -.. .mn-..l A- L-._ AL, , I my Pm... It. III anged to luv. the Annual ro ligioul union on the In Dumber, in Cluhnon' Church, Ru. Mr. Smith being roquelbd to punch tho sermon. In -.. .l.n.l..:.l_.l AL_-- _ U, "urn-w.- v.1 luv-u- Ill. .rlllOll. It tn the decided Io hue . concert in tho City Hall on out! "suing, 2nd of Dmmlwr, 9'10 entertainment to b. limi- lu to tin: of hat you. In1859 Mr. J. 8. Hope, IJ. hr tho County 0! tiny, II. IIIde Mu To- p", who I." broken up u M U... mdoudhmdmun now. convicted and in; for tho under. A Hail Mm Ibu- h Ind .- inlean Iith I 10-. In. a 21.. ml. . u who. Inu- having Ind Internet won, Ibo nth. ooh Multilingual-41mm... A vote of (hnnh mu moved to tho ro- tinng uicera, Ind to thou who took put in the entertainment on Int 8t. Androw'l Day. 'IL- .-oi....,. 3..---A _,.L,,z.. ! . u Intel'va run com, the nth. ooh unide .nddublloldwy Iowa'ch I'nminnoa-t Ilium-.31.],qu an H hunt-d Important to h'lnlp Ownen, omn- llycrl. Semen and Others. rxou, A. Macmm-r, U. Hobart-on, W. R. Mclho, W. Mcltouie, J. McIntyre, U. Morton InJ J. M. Much". llhnnlninn_ an F Mnl .na 1 I) u. munou Ind .1. M. lunch-r. Uhaplainn Rev. F. McCuIIg Ind T.G. Smith. Phyuician Dr. K. N. Fenwick. Sec.-'IreuurerMr. J. Yule. BudMr. E. McCoII. AuditorsMann. W. R. Molina Ind W. U. Cnig. A ...,._ .1 .|.,,I ver. Second Vice-President Mr. (E. Muir. CommittuMoun. N. McNiel, A. (1. F10, A. Maulist-r, G. Robert-on, W. R Moll-n \V Man-nio l MAI-.5..- ....., . .w.uu.u,uwuymu mu uullr. Repurta were road, lhening the re- cu'pu 1nd expenditure uf the year, and that I balance of 8H}? remained in the hind: uf the Treasuru. It. In A!" re- purtod that during the past twelve month: the Society rulieved some thirty- threc cues. Three gentleman were prnpoaed A. member: and admitted. The election of ofcer: followed with this relult: lruidant-Mr. J. Richnmnd. Fur-l Vim-Pwmdent-Dr. J. 1:. OH- VPI'. Laal mowing the annual meeting of the St. Andrl- v'u Society u held in the Council Chamber. Thorn mun llil at.- tondlnce of mambo". Mr. lLobt.Thoup- Inn, lreaidont,occupiod the chair. llunnd- -..un.. u-.l -l.-.-:_._ A_4 WA .uu-uu.u. v. I The Cummitleo rum and reported, And the by law wk than read a third time and passed. m1 r.. cording to mugfqunl' 1]. , 1V was. The byluw was directed against tren- siont traders, those who carry on I petty business, and who are not residents of the County. Every auctioneer shall have to pay $8 I. your for a license, to be issued by the County Clerk, and be lub- jcct to :5 line if he does not have this authority. The change In: necessary, inasmuch as the old by-law was not in accordance with the revised ststutes. Considerable delmte followed as to wht ther the County people should bepermit- ted to sell their own goods, and the idea proved so popular that a saving clause was inserted to that etl'ect. The license year was mnde to expire at the end of each year. Pedisrs travelling on {not were required to pay the sum of 82 per nnnum; with one horse, $6, and with two horses, $l0; that in the event of any one infringing the by-lsw. he shall be liable to a penalty of $5 or $40 end costs, or im- prismnncnt for ten or twenty days, ac- the dissretitm of the presiding lukitral. The lion- lam:- Cue Revival. v, u." .vsumuus .uu "out: Ul Willa! w auctioneer-I, all rule. to the contrary being suspended; Mr. McConnell in the chnir. --- .I-W - 'Ibi we no the om} mth Ago-u In! tho Dunk-io- Ml. .rWwu nu mD-uuu u: uuu Iv uluull. On motion of Mr. Joyner the Council went into Committuo of the Whole on tho by-lnw regulating the issue of licomoa to mmHnmn-r- n lllln- An Al... ML-.. y-I .uw -ulutluh Tbs amount was xed It 320, and the by-luw passed through Committee, which rule and repurtod. lh- labia.- ..--a|.... _A_.l _ ALL, I .4 Iv-u unu nuyun tau. Tho by-lnw wu than read a third time, panned and signed by the Warden. Hn mnHm. .J M.- J 1111 n- IL" n,_,_,:| The Clerk mentioned one one of e livery mm who recovered not only the round "nu. I."- N Ill. The object 0! the by-lee i- to "peel the old by-ln' (giving $0) end to reduce the round madly pdd for the Apprehen- niun of ham thievee to .20. and to mite by the {Act that the city pnli e claimed retard- for pursuing nn'l capturing thievee in the county who bed hired home in the city nod utulen them. The police ellegeil that the theft did not occur until the horses reeched the county. but About 850 for epeciil coneteblee' lor- vicee in securing the man who took hi- ovvu hone, but the Warden informed the Council that the Board of Audit Ind been given to under-tend that the uonetnble had buen nppointod by the Magi-true, Ind that they hul no Alternative but to ply the ulnouut. ll.- .....~...A ___ 2-,I ,. Mn . .. nlwvln Thu Council then adjnuruocl until 2.30 | In (Joann-n: on I'll. wuou. Ir. Jayne and the Council into Commit. of the Whol. on the uoold reading 0! (ho by-hw com the Ir- rat 0! horn thiovu, Hr. Joya: himul being Hod to tho chit. . 'llu- ..k:..-l .L- m_u__ :, L ,, ,,. . -v w W m II I- munppdcytothm _olthp|hliodobt; shackle-n bop-id innovdobcutunn. was pare-L' intend puma-,udthtnluylh nude on tho noun! mnlioipdiu'u Io: the liquidationdeon an mun he acqudnchyurupom'blo. Tho III- no In min-d unully it mm. Tho by-hw run-d :m lm. ' .mul-__ -_ __._ _#,AA_, mun-pm w; thin hookdlhpnlidlhhptddaiq, h: Mkhvmmul Jul. ST. A NDRE WH SOCIIIY. nub B-I -m J OL-l Aby-hutonlummbymoll am'r CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN. __.. -mA.___. Cur. KNOWLIMI. A hurricane tnvoll sight, miles In hour, Ilonm Inuvo thirty-nix, low river. ow four, uilinu vessel. mku ton, Imnlboau run ough- uon, a horn trot. noun, u man walk- throe. i! he in not. lviclim to rlwummi-m. ctick in the but. of NM? Ipind dilcnl- lieu. To effect I our. 0! than, me Hug yudn Yellow Oil. tho but mud, in the nukes. Price 25 ml: per butzln. lilburn. Bonuqdc Parson, proprietan. me'l Wonn Putden m recum- m In (In mind (unlit 0.9, II a. had "h o! CIROIIC .80!- CH [111, $8121... a and l Union. Int!- Mil-0.,Ilil- In. nun- . Ill-outing Cm Q's-hm nae-Md. JIVNUIIUSK, Ava-nun auu, Aunt Maura. MillmmI Bentley & lenrnun ,< Gentleluon,Abom the rst of Nun n bot la: 1 contracted u very heavy (wk which uttlod on my lunul, And thrung it. I In no house for about two mun. ll lhn I could hnrdly aponk. 1 used a mm but of diurenl dollar bottles mil: :1 my good aoat. Une lly [Oldlllg yrm Almwac, [noticed that Hngyanl'u I'm bonl [him In recommended. I regal .1 lo lryit, And After using three 25 um bottle- wu entirely wall. Youutruly. CHM. Counts, P.M. Nptimnl Pills no one of the mm 11 {octunl remedion {or discus. 1mm a noun ru'aen m odd by tho medial only. M .o.~. -._v It. Durid Clul. 370 West 39th 81., Nov York, Wood in Iriu badly while votkin . Roland lawfully a wool; np- pliod :L. Lilli"! loom or Al- loln the. lion, and and "in. In gal Eli-ml...- v.._|- I... I Ill-l- out I! .l Wm 'III. endiOupchowo. Pol-aloft] J. 0. Khan! Kantian-a. mo v I cum. aflme ' Jul-ill 3... 5 on. Will In col-l mm v I or on. In]! In mt resound. For mm or Intern-on Ipp'y by or or pornomllv Lu ' la nnm IV Thero is nu medicine prescribed I physicians, or sold by llruggisls. tln carries such evidence of its suocvss n . supperiur virtue u Manns HIILM Svuur fur severe Coughs, Golds lull .r on the breast, Consumption, or any .1 one of the Thrust. and Lungs A pus-u of that fact I! that any person slllich II can get. I Ssmple Bottle lur lllcunsa a-u lryits superior olives bafura buying 1 u regular size at 75 cents. It has lnl- I! boon introducoxl in this country fr -u Germany, sml its wundurlul cues an astunislung every one than. useit. 'l'hrm doses will when any case, Try it Sold lw. Heath & Gun" am] Hi \Vnrln (1058. WI relleve Try I Sold by. call Gun nud II. Wam -oo-_ (full at our Drug Store and not a trml butlle of Du. KINun Nuw Dmuvmu', fret q/rlmrye, if ym. uru null'uring with n Cough, Cold, Asthma, Hrunchitia, Hay Fever, Consumption, loan of voice, (ick- liug in the throat, or any alfuctiuu of the Throat or Lungs. Thinin the great re- medy that is canning so much excimment by its many wonderful cures. curng thousand: of hopeless cases. (he: nnu million bottle! of Du. Kmu's New 1)... .vmruv In... Dunn .mul with... H... L... ly say um an: I! reauy Lneomy mu run- fur throat and lung a'ectiuna, Ind mm cheerfully recommend it Lon. Call and get a trial bottle free of charge, or a Im- gulnr size for 8|.00. Sold by all drllgn gilts. -_viam quwm not!!! 0: un. nmu >4 LV new UN. (,OVERY have been used within Um last year, and luvs given rfect antihfuclinn in every instance. a can unheaitntingu 1y say that this in really theonly [mm affectiunn. nml mu uw mr pawn Imuum. Mrs. Alexander, of liridgoport, Conn, whn lured a man into her [mum and killed him for the purpose of Hell- Ing his body tun medic college, has been cnnvictod uni! sentenced to ilnpriS' n- munt far Iifo Why she mu nntu-xneuw ed by Ir.) hung was bscause Ilm W13 11 Wlllllll. rounu ner m um nuuulng. lreaidalt Clark, of the Siam Ag;- culturnlCoHoge It. Amherst, Mum, wr'l in Mny. leave Amherst for Ill uightcrin monthn' trip nrouud the world in uhnra'u of I oumpnny of 250 students, who haw chartered n vessel ut nu expanse vi 3?),- 500 fur much Itudunt. ill-o- Alain-"I." [J I!.-.' l amen I rulr :n mm (my tree or charge. hi prominent Mantle-l merchant leducod a young girl, a daughter of n rupocflblo grocer, um] was keeping bar in the UH Dmegnua Howl. 'lha pnlico found her in that. building. lrenidalt Clark. of His Stun Av I- W. J, Hughon, malmgeruf the branch of the Royal Canadian Insurance Unm- pnny, New York, has taken a risk of $30!),000 in his own Uumpnny Mul lhlrty other cumpanian on the lands in St. Patrick's Fairin that only free of charge. nrumineut mommzn. iuaeu. ~Tho London Stamlunl informs in readers that. Mr. Mlcdunaid has ful'ulmi a new ministry in Canada, am] that Mr.' Macbuugall will administer the H warn- meut till the arrival ufthe MMqms of Lurnu. V I ll...L- ........,..._,til. ,I.,. , ,1 LIT o'clock In the (autumn. to hen And Who the lover! c-ompl-I-uof arrow and ell-loan In u Volan' Lin 0! the Iunioipnli- I] 0! nlnpum [or IS. A ____ _- L-..|.... I. -__ A nun.-. _, U! ur NABUW. ~-'Iu- Andrews brothers lmve refund $20,000 for the dory Nautilus, in wlncn they crossed the IBI, lmlieving that. they can make more money by exhibiting it. -An unwin in tho uld wurld stands I small chunce. The counsel 01 Normal, who attempted the life of King Alfonso, requrated three dayl', time to prepare for the defense, but was promptly rc- lured. rm... IA...I.A.. 01....Jhrl :.J M, r. A sign of returning prosperity 1 found in the Irmufer of real enulo I Now York last. Snturdny amounting t 0 er $500,000. --'I'h- All/AIM.-- hrnlhnr- llnun Innaa 4 . A qnnkor of Shejelnl, Euglnnd, was severely censured by'Jhe coroner fur not curling himself to lave a drowning clnld. ' A a... .l .A.....:_- ..__ _-_:.._ A, cauqu In me my I: Isollovnllv. Dapusitorl in thuGluguw nd: are nuke-l tu accept fteen Ihlllinga in the pound. A nullmr nf Sheia Final-uni nun lllbU IU Cull Inn". A momter mukiuongo, weighing J pounds, meuuringb feel. 4 inches length Ind girlhing 26 inches, x caught. in the bny n Nollovillv. I)auusitorl thaUlnuuw unk nr mun "(nu uuuunu or Mme. know mule hmb-ndl the could ulize 15 cent: from _ A "Hana...- ... DOI- "may A. Danni-on mliud $5,000 fnrm "Thu Hulbuul of Mine." We innw lnllln hunk-rul- .Im Mum n: ennui and u an In no penitentiary. A Brook yn mowhwt, Juhn Irwin, in mining linoo Combat )0). He llsd 85,000 on hi. person. It ha been (ii-caveer that cumin bitten sold in Eugknd u tamper-meg drinks contain I largo porceuugo of llcu- bol. "-4. A I\._..:-N.. ___|:_..I our. tuu\ Burg. , (]oorgc Fender. defnultimz Trouurvr of Burk county, III lined 860,000 nu] emu and 12 in tho penitentiary. 1n mmhwt. Irwin. nu own amn- out. Ju. Golden Baum and Ivan Wnntyno, tho litter of than: is to go to Afghuiutulhnvo urin a: St. Peters- burg. (}mron Inn-hr llahulh'na Tau-uran- u, v. _._..r. .v. -v-v. Au pot-om Invan bulimia at the Court Are [lhd to hue-d M Illa lama time nd plum. M n. Kluuwn. this move-3h dny of No nub-r, um. I. VLANAOAN. amazon: awme u mun. -M Binghmphm n mu: killed his brolhor with a pilohlotk and than blew hilownbnimout. _l.. {InInn Rm.-. .m: 1.. noun. -Mr. D. 0.0 mm. of the rm ni O'Cuuuor .i' H: y. in to belppoiulod G -\- unmet". Solicitor 5t Ottawa. _.u us........n:.... . ...-.. mm: m. l -.n............. ...... mm mguiauux fur the return ohheir pm bum. . lI. . Ill nuthN. J. ~Hnnluin to ~- Hugh-tho Eag- Jilh uni-nu, u "NT". in Kay. minder-mum hn hum " R152. "" """ " if; ' organ-nym- klozdully inked-end into Minx. -Pdocn Alan-dud Halhndowuu Ii- hdlu'l mud min-a. rrulu sun-mu aw luuhu'l nomad mania... Sml that Ilm mol- lo I] Ill luau- loom Inna... profess to be um who prophay that Inditn San-ul- in yo to 00-0. 38"! 0! 1'; DAY. all In ten Jim.- uncqua m. dnyJooulp 000. "in" n. gnu-L damn-s. h- ~ The People Want lrool. Trowbridge, Much 2nd,]871 .- Mill..." 'lnnDl-n 1% Dan... .. .._-V-._. ,_., -_. 7 mmnm Bankrupt Stock w.r_._r__r._ .zlpt-clul lnvilnlnon. unr, ul l)l'lllj"0p01(, , Rh- .nnhnmd a- we, .., wean... u, ruggiam. UnL u] Eli's N .ul n, .mf ngs pL-ns 'wn Iliclnl, and a m Iy -m ul um "oil. Three Mn, it. ud \lee. nu" IINV- ulu \oWlnp ALEXANDER Boss's, street- npmnl'rl ("TV (mt In III, Imumona. l any. Inn lllllWlll In mu. mm Ulla-(MINI!) we ww, Blah Wm Irn-n 12... per yard. Pl-In and buy Wlnoe n. manual-totkgor uni, '|.' Junk .Iaolmt emu. in ill the mqu nylon and f. h' 0" HI LIN RY DEPAITIIIT, Ali-y. .- urnul gum-nun. will thin won. with noun]. "aunt In'nou ol prion pl... a. m, I'MwhouL GEN I"! FURNISHINGIOIOV dufptlon. I50 phon- lu' Trudi In W, BIKINI and Cur-dun. NIW CAII'H i3 lingual!) Twat". Wool ad um FOTICE- Young Ladies' Academy r l. IADIK" 0' a. mum" "u Wan-Ina I" "-0 m...-... h" Olmrmmuy 3- i I": Honour the Jmlpxo 0! the (ounly ('onrt Jun County I! human-o, the Court Home, nun uns- unn II. a a; Box- to announce that ha 1. showing 0m- ol' the Largest, lost Select Ind GIN-spent Stocks Dry ood IN THE ClTY,.nd inu- A" Intending pll'm to all Ind map! I. f . 9-m- T'" T'!"".!.,f["m "mm-5 3-"! 'w with um: W331. , )n ,.__,A IN THE CH'Y..nd nmm all winding purchase. all and baton In: in. alu- v. hm. Tho fullowiul dn nmnu mu I", Imus! varied with coming I: than I Imam nary mam zBllo deolorod BI . Dru- . In nll m novnu M wl mam- , I... (Mlluona. hwy- um unma- In much. Blm Cub-cmfwm we salad. Black Josh:ou n_-_won 991! _|u' 0g! [4]! DEPAITIIIT. III-v- nu wnmm nu contacts In! I Tuumv. smut m. 'hu. bl ulvnar. For mac-Em and! PAD. drum. [uracil-n apply In I. I. 0, lsawumlmymf 3691200} 1. In, . I on MORTGAGE ovun "noun mm. nun. Int-d b'. A D _' -' '_.' -- 'vv" WHEN SHLEUIIN?! YOUR WINTEER HATgBIANTILE. :Itho Imlo Stool: In u; be gold I. rim th twill in uoo onto mrc Me. u an n m n t our no] on c a n P In ' y tool-re both olwloo DB5 bug-In. ac . . m" In tho Golden Lion Block. Ferguson's Block. V. )_.I Loer '13:.HARTFX.EQ.W_ROOM NEW EALLQRY GOODS Special Bargains ii [lanada Twaads. Ultigs and Beavb A'I' W ALDRONS. THE PEOPLES CLOTHING HOUSE, 91 rm-1: Riv-ant Inuit tn Mornlvnvb 'llhmh'. \ OBSERVE THIS LOW PRICES: Overcoatg from .................................................... 5.00 upwu-du, Men's Good Working Pants from ......................... .. 2.00 " Good Canadian Tweed Suits. all Wool ................. .. 10.00 " Fine Pants ............................................... .. 2.76 Tweed .. 1. White Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. 0.90 Shirts and Drawers... 04.5 A largo Stoukul l-IANNEL SHIRTS oonltnnlly on hands EXTKA SIZE (:bOTHING FOR LARGE MEN. I? Dont. fall tn ramember the place to locate Burning. Sept 24,1878. 1:.. m IDEFI COMPETITION III PRICES AID VIIIIIKIAIMIIP. OBSERVE THE LOW PRICE: 'Votors List Act, 11m laAII'BUI, w 0MB. 5 I. lady. [hula-.7" MJU. unnurnv-uuunu an m [Ian Save 25 par Dent. by baifiig at Livingstnns. n- tlmt M- tmi nf munvxunc nurrunm I. n.- D .............. .- c. Livingston, 2| Brock Street, 7,7- -._ _, - _- _ _-._-. -.' ' ~- ---v-.-I l'luuso take notion that M. Stock of READY-IADK CLOTHING In new. Fashion-bl] Cut. well made, and oqull In ovary rupee: w myCUSTOK WORK lunch in the oily. 300 Pounds J. J. Baldwin's Besl Fingering Yams v v ALL COLORS It 81 p?! pound. SCARLET nt .1 2093:- pound. We olnim to be the only firm in Kingston who keep Baldwin Fingermu. n nod DEFY ANY Uct. 30th. Hamilton Bid-hunt Stock JAMES annuals", 95" 7 '.'"55',E"'Pf._ 3". WW??? 3'53?- OHCE ll hrrohy given thu A COURT will be bold. put-nut. to u SKTISIIAC'IION GUARANTEED WITH IVER! Mu. Months ago he introduod the wruan; 3' um um; just arrived. RAISING mdMofdlm .L _._ EVERYTHING Ol THE BEST, NOTHING NIOIB THAN m0 BILLS. N None of hhmxnpphkufbigsmdovn ton,th AT SKA R noun 1 ' A Chap mm: Table. A m...- ml nurmuuu. 'III un- ""1".le MV'I". Vlmlyllll u'nou o! prion plan. 0| dloun DENIM wlglwlccifuo; chin"! than] l'i'p mw'leul. 5.. E l'h dCsn an. I: run. . 00 ll... ." "' '"' "w noon on. autumn... ' um nluvunnu 1U snub ltlAUl-MAUE uwrumu A'l LUWE prices and give mom value t,th any other More in the city. I: he mlnuflolum I III. Goods, and on have the adv-uh o of buying them It iANUFACTUBKRS' RICEG. 0397; TBA Hobsm wm [PREPARE Fun THE harem : DETERMINED TO SELL READY-MADE CLOTHING AT LOWER Drives Him nnv olhor More the oitv. n he mnmlfmlnm .II In. PEOPLES WING HOUSE." cm or Klucsrou. Two Case: All Wool Candi-n Tweed It 50:: And 000. Extra (land Canadian Twoadl n! 050, 700 And 750. innuliful [Hater Cloth It 750. 000. 31,00 Ind .135. Cheap Nap Cloaking at 75:, 01,00 Ind .25, Cheap Beaver Cloth It 81,00, .135, .1,50 Ind ",75, Job Lot Canada Tmng It 500, former price 800, .lub Lot (anadn Twerl at, former price ".00, 'lrumondnua Burgan in Dnnugod Blmketl 5t SLIM), 92.00, 3) .nd 00. n Ill-l InAI Illll - _ . . 4 UULUHS u {u pound. wanum u [1 an only Kingston he Fin ONE TO CONTRA lU'l THIS S H G. HOSE, Puclrnui. , l878. ALnmenn'ii noss: ~vv vv vv_ 21 Brock Street, (next to Mcxolveya: Birch's.) t IIARLES LIVINGS'NDN. Mantles ! Mantle: I _.M n" Raglan T33 k;}53;a;'fnnn;.f";#. CONTRADIUT ATEMENT. 3- 93:- GABDINER mu. on": nus 'wnaln "R. WALUDRON. wn'sowgsuiiaiaaz. oo_ DO NOT FORGET TO VISIT NIEIIIIUII III TIIIUBU In OBSERVE THE LOW PRICESx NIW mum in annual-fr- .00! OWI'HJ. \. A--- k ua mnu ozuor More m me any. l but ANUIIACTUEKRS' OPPOSITE OI Bonn Alon mania- 'llo. About MI) will oomplnuv her Ind put hor slut. Tim...- . In u. 0- WW PAYIIIT: 0' mwumuuuu are-jsmqqu-h'nwh' . l ' Cola" NSUMIRB ' v nu. mums-d plan when :54 Wt: Pip. out" their a. one-mold Iro- lm. oddnly no ldbvmudhm? mu {at um "I y, M plundhniltwioullblhoo] , J. muox. Inn- nut. co. In. t, 1178. um anmm Water WW Notice. [Mn-nus. I II boron Inlyln. I In mu HILLL WIRESOur Stuck in thin de- punmom in very complain. Silk Pillow"... Puru T-iua nml Silk Nil-A Buick. Nov 7th. Oak'- tml Arnold l Tri-uaingp for Un hr-m. ab". Work. And locations. lol- Mlllinn, Emme Ind lu- nniu YUM Chm. uni Bulb!) Thad I PHOSFOZON E ! Wish We ol'cr u the lowest CAB. PIICI. WIEEQEPEEEWW Ida lot out. Htriolly one price. AI mm hvitod. -,I_-A__ ..J. u. 1 .1, I02 Princculmreel. Nov. lhh, 1878. Wm I. luv. Mun- but. lb. W lulu-III. (AVRIL Tea-hr of u- w Ids. ha. W'm 7]. women "udrnhuh our; up Wangnut * Biol Infill-villa?- OI IIST IOVEIBEB, l878, i mr-mm: paging-m I .. m... M 0-1. aunt. unuqul All". Mining- m 0hr- v U 7 7 If IICZI'I' smlm, _. -m in. (lbw u WI, u arm]. Dill-Ill Inn "chm" boll. W and l. nun-1 fur ad hon-I MI nut-laun- I. .u a All in. I m I. PLANAGAN. Clark urn-Id lunleIp-lily. E. BU RLEY. Unlh, 0m. Ill! and llglnca. - .. unkI A n-l- ruumu U fools-try wn, '-'I II I Mouk: "Wu. lm-bmc. titanic-um Mumhndhhdy In -W~~* hh' dIb--un But-$.44. 33: N42 Tun TAILLOl loch, s an mainland-WON Tull. Hi!ha:hq.loudohmt db- th hulk! laud-(tho d1. Gal-gm tho-l1 in. h Inc-humanist lath-alvth , -41, -t~ t___ ,1 1-4-4... L4-_ mU-m mania-Mm- - mun, who'd-gm. shot-bl- pkg-L... u - uw I'm'- ' my.vhbh.Ii-h (Id ho Mun-h: I- '- in... ' Soon:- Boclmll.A and 0! Jumbo of Saudi meiotic- III hold In Hum In 1-Way .oning, who- it no doddod to and I deputation oluvcn to Otuntopmtnjoht din- to Ch- l-ml- .Iul nu-akin. n. [m A. I S. NORDHEIHER Ol' NEON). w v..- w yItII I I-l I W thing-Io nod Madden-alum. rob-Mm: to Canada. Kingdom In In. mud .3 mi. netting. but it In um cut the BL Andnv'u Wuhpuhdmdvhth .nna-l [$573Ed'mz3 Ru:- Couxcnon. Tho Addington Re- porur loll ul thn tho His-Iona] unico- ln commotion with the II. I. Church, Odom, Ion hold lut Sunday "ulna. Bhbop Cantu ofan on the Men And pmhod A wry [unity our-on, ' lunch to tho dinpprvul ol 3 weary con- .ngltlon. .2234 In lob-edited. 34. l..- IL- L-lhnnn in dint-n. Ann-ud- and 'lv'uuuu. '0- v-I -- II-u-uuu-u. m (on). Indian- in din-moon, and .22 lo 3 it to them. FIVI Ynu.Thil morning Warren Uodlny In brought below Judge Price And ununood to ve yun' imprison- ment. In tho Kingltuu Penitentiary, for rubbing thc Mountain Grove Post Of- lice, which o'oloo he volnnhrily admit- ud. We believe lurch in ulll boing undo [or kho money, but to fur it In: not been found, Ilthough in rocovary ll unguinoly upth. .__.-._. ELILIION.1ho following oicon were elect-d In! evening for Ancient Frontonuc Uhnpmr No. l, R. A. Muonn: Ex. Comp. H. M. Wilkinlon, m Prin. W. A. Gun, 2nd Prin. " W. Baillie, 3rd Prin. Lollichoux. S.E. H 7 [mph E N' 9.0 MAN! I v. Vulnlwnln.Judgmont in court at Toronto Decree for paymout of the num paid by the plninti' for tho "only share: of duck purchmd nt Mon- trell, Le. , 8200, nnd with inure-t 5nd I" coat- and (upon-u to which be any hue been put. Tho decree to be with ax-- A 0-.O-A Tun SrranlLL artTho Palladium up the cargo (lumbar) of the schooner Spoodwell, which I uhore u Fordl nhodl. Ill lighterod Maud-.1. She WM pulled off by the ma- Wheeler, Moray and Gardner. Hor cugo hu boon dil- chm-god. The damlga in not thought to bo (rut. _. Hons: TuuVum.Quit.a I deb-to oo- currsd in the County Council this mnrn- inuin reforeuco to tho payment of ro~ wnrdn for tho apprehension of hom thiuvu. Thu amount was roducod to the minimum Ium 01820. The former row-rd WM 850. A lunch of our Tmnto Mbmhm'nt 0N WELLINGTON STREET, u . ..-.~ -v-uvu, -.u nun-u nun I-v beverngo. Among them were lover-l woman. King-tun in becoming noted for it. inc-ruling number of imbibou. Dnusxlem.Yutordny Ind lut ovoning Appeared to be I pl. dAy for drunkudl. Some fourteen were counted on Princeu Itreet, '8" llod with the UL-...,_4.__ I! A _, -,, . Huu Mfh Ian-m Do- Conn-nos. [n the report of the im- provement. at Bujul Brewery it wu uted lut evening in the Wills that the outan-hment In. on the corner of Wol lington and Bagel. Streak. It Ihould lnvo boon Wellington Ind Bay Strut... Ra- PmmLAlanndar Nichol-on wu churgod with being disorderly. 'Vho can It. wiLhdruvn on the pnymouz of coats. John Cmghnoy Ind Mou- lnubort, drunk and disordotly, won dinniqu on prom'uin to land I boner lift. Tul S'wlnv CuI.-0n the [int page of thin law. I. give | oondoluod [apart of the lumen! undo by Mill Sturdy, lo the Guelph llcmld,mpooting hor priaou life. It in inure-ling and will reply pom-1L ~ 9.0 Puuunuol.A muting ol the subscriber. to oxMaym mKolvoy'l por knit will uhplm in the Council Chun- bor, on lriduy, tho 15th ill-hut, M. 8 o'clock, for the purpooe of presenting the picture. __._..._._ -o.o- Nmur Scqu lho nun-bar 0! per- Iona now slunding night school i- grout- " than thu of any Droviuul you; And Mr. Mata"- ia meeting with am. no. an: o "HILL-Dr. Hobhkin, tho oolobntod tn. Inn, will nub Kinpton 1%an bin pal-oh will nd him [.300in lith 1-3-1..." Urgl- Julu IV'I'y-I Mdvillo, in (man up, and Him Man-on and dual bu. Inn but stuck in u loo. I. I. ml] In In alumna of MUSIC .U 0 00 and (I SNEHL IU- CAL .KBCHANIHUI All!) MannaDawning "Italy to north-My win-d1, [In], cloud, to clan ooolcr um. [xgggiggmgmh 16in. l l wzmusnu Eric. luv. n. ma! [Paint Shop Removed. l mavaun-um l'umm Uhlho Bid-m Rival, Jle- : l___ ._ __2 AL- If! AID 71011117. v. mun. r35. . MI, Junltor.

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