. 4100.000 .. 50.000 1'. thematic canal uh... - cm.- wally...- llnviu In. nun-Id by I lap III haw-awdumc-w thhchyhthml Ination-uh. in. mwpwhuudubth o quennldew Ms-muted. n-ymu human-claws! .u- __-a_. .1.- _-, '-_._ 7.--.'-_ H, ,, Many-ind. WMMMduq winch fumbl- nm and [unconn- _-_.. Kingston. Capo Vincent, Gar- den Island, Wolfe lslnnd a Gan-noan Steamboat Route. NE 0! the lbova Ste-non will leave King-ton (or Ca Viacom. dnily..' Sun 111,. excepted) n 31 nan. sud 2.)...me all no connection- um: the ILW. h 0. BAill-ou. Northern Syncnno Bnnrond Ind N. Y. C. Bail- load, Pullman Cm Eat Ind We. RETURNINGWi'lluve Cnpo Vincent on Ind We. Cl urin oflniul at 9:45am. Illd Flu-.OHIIDOOQ in; with 0.T.IL. Roi-l In Line. nnd Mayo! Quinta Shannon :8 inglwn. Maud. Pierrepalrtr and Geneva.{ tho 'lmuuror mw Leave for Wolfe a: Garden Islanda.l unu- -o n-m nnd llafln m Ind 3:30 DJIJ. 1.6qu wt '1qu u um um. nu-u... Daily. at 8:30 Ind l|:30n m., and pm. RETURNINGWill loam Wolfo lolmd daily It 9:15 mm. and 1 p.111. "nu-um: man I... Inna-mu at 9-30 dilly II, 3.1-: nun. -uu . y-Iu. SUNDAYSWill leave King-ton at. 9:30 .m.,n:30 nun. Ind 1:15 p.111. Returning at 10:30 mm. 12:30 and 3 [MIL Will luave Kiuzlwn FOB GANANOQUE, Will Kin non UARANUQUL, duily,(-nlling at owe Island, 3.30 pm. Raturniug leave Gun-noguodnilyml 7 um. um, m. 7 "HE undersigned are prepared to delivel l Coal of m hm mum], BUBEENED "HE "FM AND DRY, As cheap as any House in the [Trade. JAIIB '- INCHES. Klnml. Wt 23. lm R. Crawford & 60.! WALDSCIILOESSOHEN! un mun-nu Robinson um I the Trunnror I -Q ih-nn'l Hil The popular Waldoohloouchen [I now mp- plie-l daiI) in wood or bolta. 300 dozen. of the new patent. lwttlan received. The qualitv of everydeliverv zuanlnuqd. _ We challeng? p'xstent. The qualitv overvdeliverv guaranteed. We challenge compotlou from any Provincial or im orted Luger. [T Patrouize home munu nature um] urular vour Lager whats you (ll! be sure Patrmiize munufmtura of getting It good. Alao. _y-r I 7er Al... _..I IDA4n II gnu mg n. l XX and XXX Ales and Porter, 1: BEST [I THE IARKIT. .w' The noullnc Depart-en will be I- lluuru of II. A. IIAIIIACK. Ill-ecu DI. Aprll 2!, I878. mm. luilv mllmzat The oldest' Renovatlm & lining u-.-|.n.|u--no In II I-dlnll' D YWEI EETBLIVEL l'l'WHUSE WANTING LACE CURTAINS and Cnrnetn clunod should send new to l'[-H()SE WANTING LACE CURTAINB . nml Cnrpetn lbem this old and rllinhla eumllliahmenz. where thew-an be mndo m look eqnnl to new in 48 limits notice. And all llimla efGoodn that can lm mentioned CLEANED AND DYEI) all a! Giboon'l Hill. B dun Not 65 um! 06, (or nppuiuting I so loctor and xing the rate of neu mont, worn puud. Th. lnllnwinq bills were mid. H H mm lumi'rs nd llindn Good: that he mentioan mlnrn In the beat style and on llm shot-mat AND DYE all colon on notion. . The Lndiea WI please take notion that I In: homo. the 0111" Crane Dye the city. R. lgou'reommyl Q-Am mgr. l (WHIGWORK CAN COMPETE WITH ANY MANUFAC- TURED IN THE PROVINCE. I In Ihia par: of Ihn muntrv. "I Militia for doing work of all k min In moot complete. Its type muhrnu Hus lsrguv. SIZE. Plain and 0mm onto]. Anal nllkindn of Haul Typo lnaiuding boil: Plain and ["1ch Blvlu. Gammon who denim their BILLS oncmcumns I: Will nd hen the In": ad moot. uned mt. Ind on. (1.2mm. mu w, u. nu an... M3 0 plank nlk in from of Mr. Nurth- mans nu hmllc, 814 I" v.0 he churned to divilionl Nos. 12, 13 Ind H; the Clark (or letting - juh Ind superintendinq work on road Ind drawing two deeds, 85. TM Council Adjourned till the n! Mend-y in Docember It. 10 o'clock mm. E1812 Pensions. mu. nuns or ALL sins. mu: 0! m: FOR HOTEL! AND MAM. {CARDS}, CIRCULARS, an "mums. I POSTERS. PROGRAMMES. c d I "II I .1 to! any n. 1878. The Tho {allowing puid. Bony, [or building 38 rndl of plank walk Ind (Tuning, 8117 '30; Ilw {or build- -.ll: in hunt THE "BRITISH WHIG" OFFICE Lowest Living Rates. ne Ulucsvllcuuvuuuu m "yo-II Establishment In Klauston' mama-u Am" ms. 0R JOBS OF ANY KIND Illustrated by Wood Cuts, nnmwwbo. Jourdan-turn, 111: am momma ill-14.! I. - Ia-lu-a- Steam Dvor. II IRTR WOOD LETTER, The Beat Salvo in Hm world for Cuts, when, Surat, Ulcers, Salt. Rheum, Tenet. Chnppod Hands, Uhilblninn. Con-I, and all kinda uf Akin eruptions. This Sulvein guaranteed to give perfect uuhcthm in every cane, or money re- hndad. lricr- 25 Cent: per box. For Illa by J. 0. King, Kingston, ---- A m 9% WE Wain. homn 15 m 2.71 Bout lygyinrq'giiif mug} -- L __M -mnlnnnA bl I Ill! vvu III".- Balhl um. um! o THURSDAY n from Quebec o'ery'aTUEDAY. FRO! QUEBEC: n~-:- Nn- mu. opium. . . . . ...-.V ___ The Steamer: of the H.11st villlun HI- lilu for BI. Johnl, N l. Ind Liverpool u l Iolh'l: Cunhn. .. - . . . . nub: 00c. Cuphn. '1. Hood .... Jh Nov. Hibenhn..........26tbw. The Hummer- : I ch (1130' Line ll all from nches to tho Clydo on or on ovary Th u: H A _ human . . . . . . . . . . .. qur-u-y. mm m. Batu of PM from King-tan: Cabinv-Kingvton to Liverpool or Londondony .59, $79 And w. Interment-to to Liverpool, Wonk or . Glmov. M6. 7 V HOTEL GUIDE m > T Eli' 'LIEMKEEJQWTRQ 5!; Imminr Ilth the (ruvallingyinblh with? igvclmohw l a d m manta vo , u on any. um. Qmmtonfgzlfu or Cudm, l . RETURN TICKETS. CuminKingston to Live: 001 or Londouderry und Return, .ll3,00. I48 50 md .lwlm lnumodlnm .............. .. . Myrna Swenzo via Halifax .................... .. :3 Rate. of PM between BAH! and St. John's: A Clbl...ocuo Steenge. . . .u Londouderry 63.541 lnumodinw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Steer-mo funnel luuu (Tel-Ilium Persons wishing to send for their friend-cu ohtuin PmeCartimtu Ac lowest mm. The ticket: am good for one year and the amount in refunded lose 1 small deduction. if not. used. Full information u w roturn tickets Ind all used. matters of pmage will be givon b the Agent: 1. to mace-u. oortmmma to be 0 tuned h: or- der to be our. ad to this bouun. For Tickets and nuyfm'ther inmnnntlon Ipi ply to H. BOURLIER, Geller-.1 Agent. 1: route, 01 1 0 |FOLGER &. HANLEY, A Ma. OoeJoot-ofliroc Street n... M: 1m. - - (H. c. ROTHWELL.) Leaves Brougll'u Wharfannm-quo, inr Klnz- man every MONDAY.IUESDAY, THURS DAY, AND SA'IURDAY morning it 7 an. calliaq at Sir John's Island. Nor: Bide. on Monday and Thursday. and at the South side and Hnlidaya, Wolfe Island, on Tuesday und Saturday. Returning will lanvo A. Gum: & (30's GR9E| Peruvian Sl-uinign lii'ui-i'yf Co'a Wharfnt 3'30pm.,cnlling where required. BROCKVILLE. On Friday wnll leave Broughs Wharf, Gar unnoquo. for Brnckville at 6 a m. Returning leaves Brockvilleatl:30,uallinzwhererequi 0mm for Chute-r, Excursions. 61.0.,911 Wet}- B Tl HAM RI AN Una. ~llu 'ELL KEUW? (Wig-l! In vary )0 In ("walling panin wd the our, Fur-tClMI llutul m the l'ity. Guod mph Rooms. l-iruwlnu Liverth counse- Non. Tenn: [under-ta. W. DAVIE Proprieuu I 3'301Huu RRF leave; Brockvilleatl:30,uallinzwhererequlm 0 on Excursions. 61.0. on Wed- ne ays. For further particulars avly to A Gunn 81], 0:87;!- 10 II. C. Rothwoll, on board. ' ', -1. . |cHAN_cE or TIME. iananuquefKingstdh Hemaer tho Steauwr A RMENIA will leava Kinznhvn lor wan and iumrmadinle ports at. 3:30 p-m Re: mum): will leave Pioton at. 6 oclock am. For freight. and [mango Apply to JAMES SWIFT, St. lmwreuoeWhui. foot, of Johnson Street Kingston. Oct N. l878. For Picton, Bcllevllle anii termediatc l'orts. D All 194 _.HA.STINGS-. m... - f'n'l vs lmrf. dullv. at 4:30 [Hu- .=L AD J- J. .lV V v, Leaves (Iunn Jr. Cos barf, dallv, 4:30 km aruing IA-|ves Ballovillo daily, 6 a.m,, and Pictor- m, it n.m,. oxmpv Batu-d- a.when .116 haven Helleville .2130 am. an Flown at :00 nun. mm. mm... I. rmivad an extensive om. This Summer has "waived t and will be found replete with ovary com fun and convenience. _ n h nu -m. n... furl (omomgucui Round Tlip Excursion Til-km: to Bellavillo and Kmurn, including Barth in State room! .00. The plea-suntan trip on the VIM. C. H. HATCH, Tickez Agent, 8!. Lawrence Wharf. Kingston, an lb. I875 .4 [-101'E|__l\ln.1mI IUI Inu lug Prince-- Street. [he most mnlnl Hotel In tho City. (in nor accommodation funnel-u Ind Ipwlom nmpln Room: for ()omlnoralnl Tn "ll-n. ()Iunihun lad Buggnzo Wiggonlto nll Trnlnn, q A Livcry Btnblo ducked. H...JOllN80 . Pmprbmr. W111. m 1 01-0301, M6. macro to Liverw unm- a. mum" Cast-Wearing Apparel U a I PURCHASED. New and Second llnd Goods 0! on" (handpth ml" and did. A LARGE STOCK 0? NEW CW"!!! new on had for alo' a non ma Anon- I'IIIVI 'v'vv' . quosn-I: mum luau Inor PRINCESS nun. mum, Ann-Ilva| _ The Staunch Uppar Cabin Steamer from. Plunge Cerulqu m... an. m mad for than {rum Trnlnn A Invury ul LIJOHNBO Pmpomr. GAGE BRO __ _,..._ d___.._ JUST. ARRIVED. m. ' THE STEAMER Hri1". I STUCK 0' FIW I for uh" "Thursday. Nov H. "Thur-thy. liov 9|. fun-n King-h. 2 no: Nov. ll KINGSTON ONTARIO, ummAanrWJu-yum W n- m: FIRST PRIZE AND SILVER. MED: man "I! lane Ilnill {30. I "Mm-n lull Nu"). [Mg-toluu 1.1 p lll iulaippl 03.00 Ln. Glonvnb.... 31 .mbnmununn 2!) {Mn lurvnla, 3- .ln Nharlmt [who 61.30 pm uni-lulu! 05 m Ululru. .. TIO p.m llnnlnnon 4 VI [Luv jPArhnm: . 7.30 p.|n ROYAL I'mce COMPANY OF ENGLAND. H. BTRATHBUN 85 SUN, Lumber Jltmufacturors, of hill Point, only Offer for Sale, foot 0! Quoen Sheet, K on, Au. gnaw- TIONS 0" LUMBER and MANDIAGT RED MATERIAL FOR HOUSE BUILDING AT LOWEST RATES. I GIW'IQ . / Gill'lmli- AGENTS : Commercial Union Assurance Company 0? IHGLA'HD an n nn- Gland Trunk Wigwam! (MORTON, McKAY & KELLY, xx $5,522226136-i9mrl "uni-mun I "Irnuwn . . Veronn...... -t Mford . . . . .. I ll|nch|nlvrln I rhun.... {- Oldn .... In Ila-tho! Lula 5 (Dunn... u. vvnnv- v- 'v .____- 0|! GLAND Punk! dadrmu o! [naming on dopond Inn low nun and fun! manning]. STIAI Orders solicited. :w-l blur-e reGeived byzmli promptly tended an April '22. 1878. I SUPPLIED I! won!) on er'Ll- I 6W _ J a mes Swuft. ST. LAWRENCE WHARF, KINGSTON Wholesale and Retail Danie:- in HII UVUVIIHIIVIIu v- 'v., For Home Furmme, Blacksmith And 3mm boat use. The best description ofllouse Coal kept on hnnd under cover ; screened and deliv and u ordar n the lowest market ram. [7' Country order: will meavo prompt It, u vim-v -..u u _ 4. All Doscrlpons of Coal, nu- 11..-..- n ...... .... nlo-b.mi..nd nln GUARDIAN Assurance Company, tnunnu ENGLA Nn SuboribedCa ital .. Tomllnvuw Fqu ........ ......?.000.0008m Toullnvuw Funds upwnrdao!2.%l.0008tg Annual luoome .............. . .. 15450900891 KINGSTON a. PEMBROKE P. R. Toullnvuwd iuuua upwnrdaol Lama: Annual ... 15450000! Fund: Invented in Cmmda...... "00: . lunnmoon main-t loan by Fire mount/ed Cmmda .... .. "00:000. Immune: sgnimt by mpmd It the love-f. current runes mud claims settled with out. reference to the Board in London. ROBERT BIHMS b 00., GEORGE DENHOLM. on Atlanta for Cunnil- Plucx In g mm. April 4, 1877. ,_ the Great Female Remedy.| THIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE 13 unfailing in the curoaof .1! H1080 painful Ind dmgernua dincam-a to which the fumble consti- tution is subject. H mulean All excusa Ind removal all obstructions, Ind a speedy cure may be relied nn. TO MARRIED LADIES. LADIES h in peculiarly suited. It wilLin I short Hm I bring on the mom.th period with regularity In I was I nervous :nd npinpl Iecgjopn Mull! arm P .3 Phat-dub '1 ICE LIST on upp U U .L'v UV Vvuuvuu The Best Recommendation. rlgcblnlw'la {'5 pvlll Vrruna . . . . .. NJIUpAm rhun 5.1.5 p m Hnr'ihnlnn.. 0 p.m 515 [mu llnrmwumuh N60311:: 6.05 pm} \lnrmla. ".IO p m 000...... 0335 pm; Nonvnla .mpm 'hM-lppl .. 7M [Mn Kingston ,. . .10 (1) pm leoll Train: learn Kinvsmn at 0L2!) mm , 3r thin; I! Mi-ninlppl u 11:101. Return) nine lean-n MIuhuippl ll. Lil [Lm arriving In Ilnntnn st 7 pm period with Munrin I" ms u nd nectiom pdnl in the buck sud limbs. stigu enn slight exertion, pdpiutinn of the hurt, lay-harlo- und whiten, thew Pills willeec'. I cure when All other new have lled, 3nd Althou h I powerlul remedy, do not contain iron. mnel Antimony or mything hurtfd to the column. on. Fuil directium in the pomphlet wand WVl. JOB MOHES. New ank.Soln Proprer ll 00 md 12 1 2 cent: fur pnuuuu. enclnl vowerlul mummyV um um. wuw-u nun-,wmuu. amphan ml) pochge, which should cmfully pro and the lowest. market rat 9 Country Kl uhmn J. .l Vang; enclmod to Northrop & hymn. Toronto. t..gonon.l Agents for the Dominiun, will mun I botde contains] over 50 pills. by return mil. .8lo druggiau. in Kim-mu by K. H. Pukrr. J. G Sold mdngiau Kingston by Kiln. Heuhdl Gunn, ill Skinner, U. 8.. Ho MJ Md'ammon NI) Palm. Hy Wadi And I" medicine dale". l Ume EIUI Mot Inter, Uphohterer sud Undertaker, Inn Pm.- .wut. A] kind. of COWIJMBKI'I'S. IHIOUDI in an on bud. A N" H mm o bum: tho). - (uni-h Dunn)- .0 tho so nun! IIIII I suntan-q commie, Will And N M gut-la utiafwuu I. -mumr-nd You nod-I may-rum no t PATCHIIO jahhhg in. all sll ltd will hm Am .1 bVHMrv-In Wall-nu... KINGSTON POST OFFICE GUIDE V w I it... """ '" w. Jana, deol-bh'mhbv-Ic. D". bun Jud It. m a annel-aha. (BIC. Assets - - - - - 825.000.0006.: . _x ___a -_' VAN DEWATEK &, BEITB, Axeuu for KingstonL ing-tan March 7. l878. Ontario I"... '90...- 01 Comm Wm. wnnmlnmmm - INVALUATBLE MEDICINE IS nnlnilimz t painful King Street, Kingston. All. my ALE-Cl . A m I-l1 111 m HAJuunJ Iu \ \ Bird-arcane. mme Shea .Hlm. AT M'M] LLANS u-_J_ ---QA.-- [3' I... .0-- IA "1!. cm" Ind-Imp (I Tl. In alluding um Imtlme I In D m_ onvium........... 9:00p m, Wollonmorfl' B... M0 p... WM 3),... MI. Vb Clpo .... Ir p.m futon........... 7am... 1H0 pm, "100 pm, I'M-an Edi-Id Suns 7:00.m. JOB HOSE Porlocu 0&1 1-. JAMES REID I I... Ink-I- "hind-9m! A! )lhl uum Alb human. caum | yuan: mam If." un'u-Jn-u II" o! IOWA-l vo- LIJClgn. 1 r N" Blush. beam: that). 0..an Wu tho ml I. -vv' vviirr OF LONDON, ENGLAND WIIITEWASIIIIG. mmmgwomwlg 9. H31 GonA entaforClnuh VANDEWA'I R & BEITS, Agent; Kingston. irectium Elnphltt around , Inow l'onapplhqtl- K [N GSION I hlloo Edna! Stage 7 lgvhr' 5nd 040:". 3 Iwultbtwh' INSURANCE. R. CRAWFORD & CO. mum ' *rn MEDAL or HONOD; AND DIPLOMA 0F 1 -__,- Im-{WM nun! IHAKIAF A "momma 80g 011529613008: Manama. evo mm t WllI - 2.90: .000 s; 450 000 8c; 0100; I. I. I VH IYARKERgg) STAND I Important. Notice to Builders, Farmers and. Others. ' md (Nun-IL 3.1) p m II;II) Ln Inn's-Mat h- m,th.t P. .. 2:39 pm l0:00..|n. Wolbldnnl........ 25:09:}. |:50pm MOI " ........ IVE-1n Mngm Icmmlu o . . Tian'u 3:00 pm. Wu H. 7|.m :I m, BM . . . . . . . . .. {anm erln Mum tad Cubanlawn. Welan n and Map. Clean: 3: pl ; min 123;? had uni m n 1- t t a I- 4.11am {my ad Sunday. Clo- n 7 ll! ; arrive I! an. _ A a $2.70 per Leg 0! 1W )8. Emh Keg orth In gmmtoed entirely free tron: dust, scale. alivorl, or houlleu IBHI. each mil being sele by Dh- mond Autonntio Plohr." which give-ulna" 31h- more of rfoo null w v. a keg. CUT NAIIJS, $2.76 per Keg of 100 lbs. ol Nails from dust. malt nlirun. IIUI. [Shelf and Heavy Hardware,| 'JuNo- m ROSE nmhJ IRIR FIRE &__N_IARINE BRITISH AMERICA Insurance Company Oldut Ohartered Canadian Oompw. HEADOFFICE - - - - - TORONTO Chunk Streetomer of Court St. BOARD OF DIRECTOR! Goo. Porch-l Bklout, If.qu Governor Peter Paterson, .. Dene, Governor. E. H. Rutherford, ., on Win 0|]on And Thou. D. Harri- Tab 3: The Hon. Geo.W.AAn.Thol.lmot; BlrJu [Akin Robinson, Bm.,lnd Goo. Boyd lull. Mann er Marine Do nrtment Wm. tcwud .,T. .Blrchnll, him-gm; bimotor. 0 British American Auunnoo Comm] ., T. W. Blrchnll, Imaging Director. Coma): Insure sail sud Item Vouoll, thou-Ml; t. or wgoea; by the trip, month, season or your. nal loan or dun o by Fire or the danger: :gnvi ation , at the ourth remnnontive nm This ommuv continue to 1mm bulldlnn This Company building- snd an other dowrlgtiona of Pnpert scum Lou or Dnmnge by ireon the non vat-bl genus and It the lore". nmchugod by my good bompnny. JAB. SWIFT. Agni THOS.S_EAI,E, Merchant Tailor, Clothier AID DIAL I. | GEN TLEMENS l | hunt, loanMn.hnnhn ad | nd-n Clan 1a). Irv-mu mm.- Md In". v!" hr elk-ed uhlhvu: Vb luv Yuk.uory1nudq u 1 pl. P. n. I. put l-i no. Parent-(Inn Hum-very Vrkhy M 8 pl- to pot l! mm. mm be mailed MM u AT VERY LOW PRICE& w AMT-solioiwd " " " The Largest, Most St llsh and Best Stock for I lur- clmscrs In the City. \mzibirs 60 'l II WI)?" PRINCESS STREET. (Hm-1y 0mm (M Dufe, Buy-cu) _ THE ORDER DEPABTIIICT nonuth alumnae r-Iortmant of Good- of th- . _A_., ..__I "~_A n__l_l___l.l.. IN READY-HADES the Black |l man ox- Ionnivv.&.nr:-rlm In otylo I.d qulity.ud uvor rue-lance rim. UE TH FL! IM'IING GOODS of II] (III ciwm sud ILI [ml UM], Mazatlon ha . r'wnman: I" W. 'l LII- Latest and Most Fuhlonablel Styles. inn-MA (no u- nn-nnl nan-In, l uusl was ur uuu o u, I or u unsol- Nnvi ompauy bulldlngl had description: Pmporty 5(an The Largestwbupestndlat Selection 0| [ROOM PAPEB,| cm mg" gqu, O'TY HOTELNo.1), | Prince-- mnlnl , H.-- . ....-......~l.ninn l1 ',..nuw.. to II min or 5-D. 5' d m tho lu- O h - um. him M it. How- unto-dud tho hood India M Md M " hi! '3 notched I '0'" 'u h a u min but Inn-3"" would am on his nun-id Cum '1 W, Thin-unack- thl nu it eucaan M g- .L._I| 3.... n.- n" out. .0" BAGUI' man. I nuc- AID QUIII SIC. mange-b. nail-'1'. m 5 nyb nu .- a. W . Emnnomusonl May. 75. a"; Iw. Suitable far the proton: Ian-on. READY-MAI) Sim-k hm. mnnivvlmrz-rlm Itvlo nulitvmm! Room Paper. IJWIQC 'MM MI 'lhniF-im I dad I! MI "v. a'm't 1' am: mun-Inn Hum-very "may I: a lama-Who aw viilbw llo! om. 15 (mount-ta! on All lmyoua 0.0. Mmunmam own-nu Hun! lm dun Ilium MNMWWMJ Central M SWIFT. ACO- Bt. human n THOS. FIAIR. Briann- Am lawmw! Sula-hplunl do M up 3 .1- u do ammonium-01 , WQWMMbhhm Illdly. .m- Vm now- Ju valn mm mm. (Al-- Al- nun-cum 3th., l1. Htlligmt m.msn.| DI AVID comma). m CUBE; "27" 90mm. WWV-- v v \ of 70.4mm. FIRE AND LIFE. curl-u..." "12,000,000 m. Invested may .... 553,313 mg. .-. ._..V _-.__. l'owuhlp o! Klan! Count. .._. FORBES I. [0008. lam-l. Chm Agent- I'or (hunk 8, & PRIPPIN. W N. Agent. Inn-m .Wines and Liquors, I...an mum mm Moo 0! I m I. uuu nu - VII "WV" "Bum GROOIBY. I" Hull". In: at Ink. RIGID wuu alga-ova u, Imported Dlroct mm mien-ant IIde of when. Inn-Ila. la" do" Ala xx nu xu. for!" XI and Ill. Ire-cl In. Colo-it. - vary on or nude.) 1: amp-no (Idn a--- -1 n..- 5.... Aunrlntmdnmd n thh lGeo. Thoaggon & 00' THE PUBLIC WILL ALWAYS FIND good chain. In .11 kinds of n 3138003 STREET BUTCHERS, Uuamuolwm In In p-van u, v", .._.- orders qnokly Ill ed. Vouelo mppliod It the moat rouonoblo um. ' Shop oppodwlolhlvoy In Blrohnstm- Dawes. 1374 On Jul dolholfin I put. of the my. Ind ntgg. __ _ ulbs for Fall Planting And Ilouse Culture. Imam "um-mum h Ola. lulu:- Bnl bot-nu- Ibo hunts-dual. "Ills- mun. 'Mhmnhadzuubu tub In-l I .l n cum-M wan-aw...- I-Alh. In. Dun-II. Inhal- lnnom'rns, Double and Single| CROOUS do SNOW DROPJ LILY &c-. 360. FOR SALE AT THE MEDICAL HALL 1| !SPEC:P;&CLES| ue hm mowed direct from Fmoe, a com Iota mortment of tha Finest Convex And nave GlauoaJnlubla for n" .39. And do of night. um Finn-O. l'mnch 1.1.1911er and [not of light. Also, Finest French Luanda:- and Cologne Waters, With Lnblna a Condnyl PEBPUIElmnd Mkhuon'n Eu Huh Perfume. Also {lathe ulna bout, SILK LABIIC STOCK] (H! AND Knee Clpl. Bevalod Iii-Ion, Much Born Dru-ml Oombo.o, [III-"nu - um Soul. of the but over Introduced n this Ink. 1 _- n n lodlolnuobulned by ringing the hell. |Dimlutiun @MHamhip. l THE "II ()F C 91!. LAVELI: t 00., bu been dluolvod this any lay mum-l con not. All dom- duo the Inn rm man be run n onus in order to close up the boob. The Dm: bullnou of the shove will how run: 1 mu: 0. I.' Took aloof on IONDAY. Ropmubu 23rd on! Ile book. Dru rind on by . H- LAVKLL, who in 3.0.1:on to who I nooolum we! pay nll lublliu M the I. Am. (J. n. LAVELL a CO I Kmnwn. Juno 2. I377 FEONTENAG lead Mining anmeiung Goy. Works at Klugswn,$0ntu.o. l. W. STOOKWELL. - Hm. Park two-luau. ma, Oluo hound-I Inhibition. lm IRISH MEAT IN SEASON _V,_V, . PATENTS... 1mm; d Coll- v M .I undo-nth. : bhh. 0am A , nun, lam. April. In]. lor a u 1' mg..." n m [sumo-3' 1-341Y Inn in: REJEUIEDme hunth-Vldmdh mmum '- Iw haw-hp. all-uhde Knee Beveled llmn, Much Horn Dru-m Combo. ho. lodlolnuobulne my Mandarin; the night by rinan . VIM mm DIUUD ll Dal-- UV 1 v_.. "w. c. & J. Hum. 0. III. LAVELL &_ 00 1;: 334; do do .15. 3, Oablnot Halter - UNDIBTLIII)~ wing-Am lEn'THWum' ( dmmh mhumh tum DYIDN I 0h. ' U... INK..le NW Ieuouu . ln.ldanolnul-vmm IBI- U wvn OhmMinoan. m I. on. root. Donmtnou ad.- by! WM I12. Ionizing-WWW this. June Do" an 0.0. OI Joli-Ion com: I Juan! Magazines for October Young Lullu' Jomll h,._. n-1I- __.1 _|| .L- Lullu' Jomllu Bow Bella. nu! D WWII. NIH I.- gn'uma hemlvm 'on no. Bow Hem. MN! All WWII. guinea 'ong no. $0,000 Envelope: of I klndl. Nou- Piperfull Iupply. Autograph Albumswry Mud. nLnA' Inn-I.n In AL- anl-_1_h I -' "CI; Ink. 1-; School ooh.- 1nr lb. Collelt mama ad luhhu School- chap. 3 )llnvuun Geography I'll Dany'a Cop Book. Third mpplv this mania. u .._v ........_.- . .v... 50!:th ooh: lb. (10"th [antlth and chap. ' Arum DYID II I Q. N Ill-Ion. , t outt... inn-IQ W. nun-ohm without... haulvath - McAuloys Bookstore. Summit). rpoom London& Glob. Insuruloo Tom-Alum...".........27.G70.m Invested in 03mm... 900.000 I..." n It. Jot-1 I.I.. nu Jun. III- The lama l the mu 1' IHVBIDBQ m VIII-I..- laun II It. Join I.I. II J Ruled I "II I.- he run. without tin or Illa-II. rompt newsman won I. 3 the pen rot in Chic-(o 5nd Bouto- gwiu s hue um 01 money to tho-inun- :76 Ram of lnlunnoo u low ungydo hue of mm low all-.10 0 'no. This Compll I- second to u - unce on! In the wot . Applloqttonn noelvad the 0.00 o! T1108. alumna. FOR SAL_E_, CHEAP. THE UNDukuEN-ED nun: ox IlAun In. at! It ll-Al) Ill!!! UL qutUIUA I! u- I I- VA HAND FOB BALE UHMP. Ono l0 Horse Power Fumble Int-maul for driving mythlng nqulnI power. One I0 Hum Power Button lingtl 20 borne povar, Boner mu bu . 0M 20 Home Power [inuential D hon. 20 Boiler second bud. power. Ono Rom-y Pun? ull brm, pubic o! liv- erlul l,000 I on per hour cull]. Alla oh't for at tbs-old and It It 'Alku OF ALL NDB. D. "THE" & WI uacmnqmunouu {worn 'n'ilm- my u: MIMI). Etna InsmanceCo, Oll' HARTFORD. CONN. J "u" Luum wuvv Vv or HARTFORD, 002m. . 3:22..le II onrcgd 5.4.... of which wu all 050001 an and lau- laud II II. THIS COMPANY nu bun com. bull- In (Jun-d: I0! 5: yum Ind during that ch. Mn muted tho public condant Ind libenlunkmmolouryjut o u " nun. pollny holder. Anna-M 1:. 0,000 with :0 Govunnul it 0 _'..A )0 nun-n poll! [roman-limited I. I000 Iithu '0. P. am no wrmnn as thin Anna All you 0. will u fuvonbh u u] L! m Oom . J33}. m7. .m. awm. tum can: errJun! min. be M from :0 wot u. Jul-"Mi". Ho. "I *wras'son; maul mun-unkn- 01mm 50]" 6. 1877 Ph lenix Fire Insurance COMMOg m. Barnum-n I: Hi. ._- one! Inux!!! II M Ill 4, [Lin-Hall! clth www.mwm nu. Wan-1m , uwmmn. u Woolly W NIH I An. I5. um. THIS COMPANY bu bun dob. bull. Jam during :Iawlloama. Linn-yin . W Proprietor "Anal - -"- U- v '|. o D' h and IJJ fm "Ind- '53.. | 1' III Ill-All; II. M . III 93:9,! m7. Burk-B:qu ;. Wholcallo Ind Kohl]. " IIMHOII mlm6. 6Cllalgnoo 8t . 0"de NH)... i . D. M'EVIEII & 80H Ll-w1MmL-Iln- & Bucklens A rnlcu Sal 1'0. allow? AND nun THI Company. w mdn pun-bin. . I 0! Mr. Gnu Councillor I allowed to drlw QOIrnm ' mund- nuking - culvert ml 1M emf" REMEDY.| ml Enquluuo and m pt- 0 that 1 youth! you my nd an. Inn." The dammed winhd: tho R'- muho Mm pose. hound, but III lad Mny, 3nd [in winning lam din-donut]. o! hymju I'm heard. u the W n-Ippum md aid to It. W buhnd.'lhuk you, air; '0 a good capturo. Tho My 7 in WI topnonhnnd h!" the ne Ii'lgo to you." _.___.A_.... U. r_ Mt" L_*_;;'_-__ . ham). Alcaiou 0! ch: out, Fang!- .__. -._r.~ w. wrppiflnu, Smlfbfnn uni Neuloctgj Gold. nd dough. Pout Md A112, um BACK. Wuha- ol the 9m} Muglu, Kid; 7 _. n wu . wwv __Vv.: Im- 0! Child". Inch nth. W'boopi; 0:14! 0mm ELELCWI-Jnj W, _|.__ _--4l :. :5. _.l..Im-. .ml (or vswy.--u-v. -.-w_., , dl load Adul- Md Nun of youn or old: _ . .. x, __,_._.-.I h. Voruah ulna-bu than u i- nmntod :1: ho "pom w my hon moody. a-.. an. III-IIDIIII no "mrhblo merit of Bonum'n Capcnm Plum: bu been moonwd by play-imm- and chi-bu everywhere. an my recommend I! on who bu danish moonin the truth of the nbovo statement- to eon-urn name reli nhln phyuhl in unit on Imllty. By taking 1M5 smnll tumble aIl Ill! be convinced that the article It proova what It i! claimed to be. . IOAPGIIFEISBEIE mm; "I'll Ulb I Ullv-v - - . -- tln boubulud of almost Inydruggint in the Uniusdsutu or Chunk lor 25 cents. Pur- chasers should bow-re of worthleu Imllltiona and platen buying-similar sounding mun. Unprecedented Attractlon I OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. 50;. LIombon all pronoun. On notion o! III. Gm- tho M10: in: moon!- Iun grrntod to the pom: Mn. Wendi, .2; Mn. Shaw, .3; Baht. Rowe, .9; Tho; Front. 5;}. On motion 0! Mr. Spoon" Councillor l The Louisiana. StateLctteryCompany l 'ILh amohmhm In. rmmlulv manna:an '1 na mmmana gnaw you/cu. y Uwuyuu] Thin institution wul regularly incoqwnwi b the Winn" of the Sum: for Educsliun I andUhnriuhIe purposes in 1868. with a capital 01.00011. m which it. has since added I: reserve fund of $350,000. I'l v ILAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBU: 350,000. ['15 HAND SINGLE DISTRIBU- TION will an pbce monthly on the arculul Tuesda . It never scales or pumwnea. Look .1. the allowing dittributiun : GRAND PROMDNADE CONCERT, during which will take ylacc the Exlmrdlnry [be-l ' Ann! Drnwlg. Li Na- nrlmnl TUESDAY. D00. I0lh. mun. 0| (inn. 0. T. BEAUBEGARD. of Louisiana, and Ger. JUBAL A. EARLY. of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, 0100.000. Er NOTICE-Ticket: urn Tm Dal-'er on! ,- Halurl. $5; Frfthl, Ql; Ttvit/IUJI. LIST OI PRIZE. 1 Cupth Prize of 00000 . . . . . . $100,000 l Gland Prim of 50.000... ... 50,000 Exlnordlnry Se-l- Alnnl run-u. At New Orlmno. 10m. Under the per-01.131 supervision and m mage- meut of APPROXIMATE PRIZES' 0 Approximnion Prizes of 3290.. 20,000 "10 Appmxlmulon Prim of 100.. Icxm 1(20 Approximation Prim of 75.. 7,500 H.279 Prim. Imounting ....$5!2,.)0 Gen. 0. T. Huunwun of La. . . . Gen. Jam. A. Enum'! Va. zcmmm " A nnlinuilnn rm- mm- to clubs uhnnlll onlv be Gen. JlnAL A. tunnel va. ) A plicullon for min (0 clubs should only m o to (he Homo Olce in New Urlmnn. Write for circular: or send orders In M. A DAUPHIN. P.0. Box 69), Now Orleann. Louiniann. .u- In TH E "STAN LEY ETHIOPID ELIXIR Bestof Medicines Ivorlldfnx Digs-Mon. trout-Inn anphl Liven tn Ilium lotion. curing Jmunlim. regulat- hug the Bovoll, puifyinztho Blood. lmniphin llvo puo symptoms. [ml of Ammm. Sh- he. LAnguor or Down-inn nnd in tbvir Item] [inc Life and Rout-wed ENERGY and VITALXTY to the whole system. _. _. __. n a. ,,L 8;}. On motion Mr. 0n- vu paid 336.35 [or "pain done by In. (nation on Otlunqni bridge. to he For Sale at Ki '5 Drug Stdre at 500 and 3 per Bottle. lmleuor Dupuis opinion.of the Above named modicine,u I CHEMICAL COM- IOFND, in II lullnwl: --I luv- numfnlh umuinad Hm rmummilinn l'Ul'NU, II lullnwl: "l hnvormfnli, annuinad rmupuailinn anTonlcComponn-I known M the STANLEY ETIIIOPIC EIJXIR. nd hum fuuml in: In- nfnTonlc Compound the STANLEY aw! uredionutn he whn|l "gembla. And of repul- ml median-l vnluo. {launching no incmnpngi I he who vegetable. um ol N'Plll- mlmodhinul incmn nu lvloomo mlnnn! or other pomoumurd it "II I ho mhntuuonabnorm-ldwawnhoulpmn ncing mrium manna-um I believe II. to bu. umqu mun mum I MIIOVO ll. 10 Du vhoronhly .- a. mud mlhble. an {a u it in - Chemist! Compound." (shard . I? Drrms Profs-not of Chtmhtryuocn'u College. king- momma. Wo,|.ho undenlgned. ro. [If to whom it may mum, at Invtnl pawn-l v m incur {mm- Izm. mod tho STANLEY mulomc unlxm refund to h' meeuor Dupuu in his certi- STANLEY ln'llmPlC [mum h Dupuu ubmhcerfu yoommold h to Iba public :3 beta; in our judgment nu urelmm. Family Medicine ; I. J. Bilbak. Talent-uh Uporahm DB. WI. 6mm sinurfc DICINIL paid 836.35 for noun none Dy MI dilution him out 0! thc county gum [or 1877. And"- MI I paid $4 for bu"dina I 131' l 0 I Gnnd (1 l Grand Priln n 1 Largo Prize: 0 4 huge Print; a Prizes ( huge ( 20 Print. 1 :LIKMIHIHI 10qu Bin W Monk. 3; ' 5km gill-tun tho! {0110.305on 0! Hrll Aha.uh1:.l0-uy.uinmlh-ilde. Mhtll .Dbuo-olvmompnu cmddngo.ud-nyuhrdhuunmzkul| CITY-[WEESHBLES A 1'.- BIQIEYJSK I ur may mum. Duncan 3' l mum-hat:- m ' I v ' 1!; .h ~- I -J 3'. Ovmahuugdtr. uno- I. no u h Open-(or. P. Smut. Fur Im-Ila!) And my other: Km. Au ll. um. porwr wan; um-.. ..,.-.,.,. I I" PHYSICIMI. ,_._-_L-u- nu... n' hum-V. Cn ! WW". Lr-z; :: _-_r -m# pmlun and in in only luau, (or _.______._.' out u. gum In! 1m; . Andrew 861ch paid Icnlvort on the boundary line betnen King-tun Ind Sttrringtun; Wm. Duin $.70 fol- wmh (lan in mud diviuion No. 37; John Barry 817.35 for digging n dnin, furnishing lumber und rewiring n Flak In. to be chude to dividonl on. 12,13de4 , 0n molinn of Mr. lnir Councillor Gnu um nuLhr-dwl tn In" the newly oponod ml bohoen the tint. and second mnmionl mldn punbln. a mam-mun. I armou- BEN'ON'S odhim; Talwnph Uponmur. I. W Sun . l. . P Human], and", I III lat-o ' DWI-II t... . him ad? I! In the luau introduced and mrmimntion 8290.. Mice. MIMI-b.- {mi-Pa! .. u . n.3, b upw cull: nau- noun-I u n Inf-Hi] can for Sonia-I . H. L. PLUM, 319 Broadway. New York oponod row beIIocn [no In com-union- pun-bin. On mntinn (In