Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Nov 1878, p. 4

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Leave for Wolfe & Garden Islands, l\..:l.. n: in! and Han a In unul 1-10 n m Kingston. capo Vince-t, Gar- den Imam]. Wolfe Island a Gamma-e Steamboat Route. ucnvv u. " vuv w vmuvu mun. Daily. at 8:710 and l mo n.m.. nd 3:30 pm. RETURNINGWIN leave Wolfe lnlnnd daily M EELS an]. and 1pm. SUNDAYS \Vi|l leave Kinunton at 9:30 am , llzil) um. uul l:l5 p.111. Returning at. 1:31) nun. M30 and 3 pm. Will have Kingston FOR GANANOQUE, 51312 Pensions} VII) 'I'Hll ACE-lym'h m WWI-min. tights-W: Ilka-Wham d I nmhhhudmdln Maud. Pierrepont and Geneva. i CAN (HMPETE WITH ANY MANUFAC- TURED [N THE PROVINCE. '1")? Dnnnlnr Waldnchlonuohon in now sup pllml daily in wood or Mott's. 300 dnzennnf the maw lmmlt bottles rmeivedl The qualin' of pvt-rnlelivorv guaranteed. W0 challenge mnnm-ciqinn l'rnm any Provincial or imported L umr. CT lntmnize home nmnufuture- Ullll gull. Ingur. CT lntrunize home manuluture- rnl ordar vonr Imp-r whnre you can be sure 31' getting it good. Also. 7, - rrr -- I n 4 , lHIE underniunad are prepared to drhvm 7 (,nal of the beat. cunlity. SCREENEI) XX and XXX Ales and Porter, THE BEST "I THE MARKET. The oldest'enovatlnz w [Dyeing Establishment In Klnzston', (ii-lublllled A.D.. nun WHIG WORK ! Plain null Ommontal And I" kinda of Neal Typo. Iuoiudlng lmlh Plum uml F-nrv mrm. Cnutnnmn who deem their Ln'rn HEADINOS. ; POSTERS, moommes, Kill awn FUR UANANUQUE, l!uily,rnllingtl owe bluudmt 3:80 pm. tin-turning leave Omanoquodlilynn 7 am. Nuv hh ICC231 The Bu! Fulw in the mu "minus, Hutu. (Icon, 5 Tuner, Uhagqml Hands, Cur, Anni Ml Liutu 4 Ikil Thil Halve is guaranteed [u utilfncunn m evr-vy cue, r1 fundml. lri-r 2.3 (ft-nu p-l ulo by J. U. King. ngu-u _, ___ .- .-k____ lr HE drhvm quality. AND DRY. As heap as any House in the Trade. u I -I-vv- .ti' 'l'ln noun" Bop-rune will be In I "urge of II. A IIAIBACI. Prim-Mn SI. Ann-119'} IR"! {BILLS on CIRCULARS! !CARDS, CIRCULARS 4 Eu. enema! may-ml pro-pd: and u: up I III , R. Crawford & Co. BILL HEADS 01' ALL SIZES. i Illl! 0! "IE I FOR (NILE All) Imwum. DYEINB TOiLVIVE. | In um p: rt of who mnntrr. Ito {Militm l'ur' doing '0' kof nH h min an moat nomplen. ll's lyln- rmhr'n-en [he Inga" SIZE. llllnllllur, mun-n- gnu, nun. Mr'nrs. Millmrn. Ihntloy 6L Pent-nu, Gemlexunn,rrAhml tho first I-f Novem- bar list I cuntluuh-d u very heavy cnhl, which m1le my lump, am! through it I Ivu m hnnrau Mr about twu uwutLI that lcmuld hmlly wank. I used a num- ber n! dim-rem dullzu' bullch without nny good uuqt. ()no day reading your almumc, lnuticed that liauynrrll Pec- wnl liulnnm was rec vm'nomletl. I resolved Io trylt. and after min; three 25 cent battles was rntin-Iy well. Yountruly. CHAN. Camus, RM. Nuinnnl Pills any one of the most of. lectunl remudiuu for disease. Lowest Living Rates. nc Itch-Ho ho. Your Mint-0mm. JAIBI I. II'I'CAIJI. Ringling. Sept. 5. ms- :THE "BRITISH WHIG" OFFICE Illustrated by Wood Cuts, Inn ml ALInyp-v-Ivbwwl WMQWho-ohl. I) M30 and 3 {Hi Kin'stou GANANUQUE, handling! Island. nun. THE BEST APPOINTED WOOD LETTER, CWhW. lnlrlL hxerLI-zlmx, - A nurnuluu Involl eighty mlln- an Inn", norm- move thirty-nix, low rivum Huw (our, sailing vouch makes ton, steamboat: run eigh- uon. a hum: tr-Ils nan-n. a man walks . ; .km.....oi.m n Inn And most nortan _'E7"B.55_98..-_ mm mm 3m _1'_11__$3; 5-3 mgmk 141m. Beat Ill-onmunl 0! ill!!! I-II_ III-Dim. Imwmgmamw] CnhinKingnum to Liverpool or bondomlov-ry and Return, 8| 3,00, .1 us 30 And 9:53 .50. Intermediate . . . . . . . . . .. ...... ""390 Strange vi: Hulifnv...................... 63 Rates of Plunge between "allfo And 3:. John I: 7 Cann....... Bteomga. . . .. I}!5995-!BIEHI Fur ilnpairnd indigt stion, And in flat, {or drlnlily fmm nny cause I know 0! no- thing equnl lu Fulluwa' llypnphnsphikl. In dmct e'ml in urenglhlning the mlrvm-n uyntmn runtloru it aulublo for the umprny of dimmM-l 1.8. Hows. M.D.. nuulauuu qurnuq, Ill! u. RamofPu-sga from King-ton: Cubinc-Klnznon m Lin-rpm! or londoudorry $59, 379 Ind W. lnumnedmta in Liverpool. hacienda-r] or Glugaw. M6. Swen" to Liverpool. Londnuderry. Glasgow. Qumnato'n. Belfast nr Cardin. I. I RETURN TICKETS. RETURN TICKETR. bondomlorry 100, .l nun": run urn-ram Pal-noun Willing to sent! for thou- trundle-I ohtm'n Punaxzdrrtivatn M lowest rates. The ticket! are good for 01.9 year mm] the amuunt II mfundao' lwa a amall :lmhwnnn. iflmt um I mfundan has a small :lmllu'tlnu. if not unad l-ui! infurnmtiou as in ruturn tickets and all matters of panama will ha zivnu bv the Agent: A: to neumr canicuteu to he obmmod in or. dear to been: ad to thin bnnus. l-nr Tickets and anyturtluer imormnhon np ply to H. HOURLIER, Gnnernl Agent. TD route. 01 . Salk-x ho- ldvctpool our, TBUIIDA! And from Quoboo ovary SATURDAY. van-l nnmtn . lullowl: Gaol-n. . . . . . . . ....29th Oct Novl Scolian . . . . .. .I'Ith Nov. Hibornhu. ... . . . . . .26: Nov. The Shannen M m (Hallow Lino will nil [Ram ueboo to the Clyde on or About over] I! I] : .vuu -v- 'v--" (IPIOSH'I WKhCH HARBLI If")?I "new 51:331. at Ii n'aloc npply to (n. c. ROTHWELL.) Lemon Brnuzlx'a Wharf,numnnqlla, inr Kinn- u'on evl-rv MONDA\V,TUHSDAY. THURS DAY. AND SATURDAY morning It 7 n In. calling at Sir John's Island. North Side. on Monday and Tlmrmlnv, and m, the Bonn: side and llaliduyn. Wolf Ihhld. on Tuesday and Saturday. Rafurlunu will leave A. Gunu k. 00': O mu for Charter. Excursiunn. Baum" Wad- nem ayn For further lmrtit-ulara Apply to A Gunn 6L Co or to EL C. RoLhm-JI. on board. ' 111 1878. Midnight ducmrn are the moat unwel- culno vmihur-evon tho doctor hunlolf cumthu lucktlmt compelled him to In" his ennnforladu lmd. anpnm ynntry our lllelhml, nml km.) A bull! 0! Perry lhvin' l'nin Killer In the hon-n, Ind let Dr. SnluiHs may in his bed and enjny hiuuell? Ilernnlter H ln-nva Kim.me pnl'tuu 3'le o'clock n." --- n For l'icmn, Belleville and In- tornmdintc I'orIu. A LARGE STOCK OF NEW CLOTH" Io' on bad for la a' NOT! THE ADDRES GRUSOE, Gunu 51. cos Wharf at 3'30 1) "1.. walling where required. BROCKVILLE. 0n Friulny W!" ana Bunuzh'n Wharf, Ga- nannqne, for llruckvilln at 6 n In. Returningi Jenvr-a anckrilln at '2:30,:-al1ing whore require: ()mm Charter. Sumo" Wed- Epe 05 wTIMEf umu- a GENTLEMEI'S Cast-OE Wearing Apparel New and Second Iland Goods 0! even description hung! And and. The Hood Stator: u! St. Jalophl H lblh 5L, New York. fur the Aged Inna nmlvr their urn, uoo by directh their monhml mlnsn, (hLm'Lnl: lonlh: or Anunsn. with grant an: 250 Ind 50': prr bnltlo; Fur .310 l (L King hual Heath 61 (hum. IARM IAI Sananuque & Kingston Iv- yuanu = Nov. mm swam; ..... .. " 23rd 'l'hemmen nf the turn will lava H.- liflu for St. John's, N R, and Liverpool u I lawn: Strange Hamnv .................... .. iii , ne: Passage 0 n , IAMILH HW ll 1. St. Lawrenm Wharf, ftmt ufJuhuaon Street Kingston. (Jet. H. HTS. C. II. HATCH. Ticket Agent, St. Lawrence Wharf- Kingston. an 1.1973 _.__ GAGE BROS. Tha Staunuh Upper Cabin Steamer .1713? XRRNED. 95!E'.MW?hr 3.753; )uuulnr 'uh Hu- trlvrlling public And the! Prep-Id Paulo Corn-um mun wl-hum m land for than- man - ~-..._ mund- THE STEAMER .\ - -~r r 1T' giommzu HANLEY.A m. Ofce. too! of Brno Street mu Elvin!!! uvdyull FRO! QUEBEC : . \T..- Ir PI-(un mul intermediate Rn! Hrnmgwill lenve Pinon For lreium null [mango 170mm. PHI IIIP I)" It. Vtan II. HATCH, m9 Ht. lA-uvmm'e \Vll IA M ES SWIFT. 4 mm ufJnhn-nn St." LIKE I "Hand". Nov 14. . .1lmmlay, Nov 2|. {rum In..an 7H?! WhlJ. KNUWN HOTEL in vary' prulnr Inn-Hing ths any Ounnflm Ilulal in line any. Good umplo Kaolin. Flrnl Inn lAvurvIn connw lion. 'l'anm madam. W. DAVIS Propruor FIRST PRIZE. AND SILVER MEDAL THE MEDAJ. 0F HONDA. AND DIPLOMA OFIIm KINGSTON ONTARIO, Hm MAW by. twain a. LthJ-Ll ' ald- an.-- . boul- mu... 17 [Cl [.m- o. Ippl (m HHS. TO! M Mimi-elm m thorn-Chali- ill. by Golda-nu out-oat Id-cu. twistin- ofneri-na. hoe:- WMm- mmant-unm l Pocono. ot vogue. _ -,___-_ -__" v __v_ . wvv OF ENGLAND W (lo-iron: o! Insuring on depend upon luv rue. uId fur denim dot-knelt STRAIN "n manu- 1-4.! Fundalnvoutedin (anwlu . . . . .. .100;000. lnmrunoea agninat Inna hy l-ire wmpwd I! thelnwuuurrant ruten and claims nomad wit}: mu. rnfemnm to the Board in London. ROBERT SIMMH 61. (30.. Assets - - - -3326,ooo.ooo.'. r111- . an 1.1". lROYAL INSURA CE COMPANY 0? 61.4 n. Snboribed Capital ............ 20000! St: 'Iotallnvooted Fumlaupwnrllnof1!.%I.000tg Annual llmomn . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 450.0008tg Fundnlnvonmdin (anwlu .... 00:000. uuiuat by weer-Md ~rry HOTELName: a log Pruwen leu-L Hm mml central Hotel In u- City. Sn u-lmrlmmlundnliunforalulIld wion- . mnplo Ramm- for (nmmnuil Tn voila". Umuibna nail Hug-tut Wugoulm .ll Truina. A Livery Sable due. -.I. JOHNS Prunrhmr. unlitAM lou! nil-said to he an :- mud by our him: it in m be hoped no pins will heap-M b noun the omviczigm and pubis-out 0! lb. guilty panics; but it is usual] to 5. bdde that any one could hp pm, ol tho crime charged bowa Mr. Scott hmubmlinq and up. on I Ito-m aid to Do over I!) yun 0! ago. "III I I-wuvulullg ()OIDKIIOSALCONIUIIO & PATCHI'O I IWil Ind men? iW-l-ivu dm nil meJJADUHHl'll PATCHIIO PM; .31 gnu-1 jthng duo. 3d untidy-tb- so I It ill! hm so with Hu- r arr-rt You load not-inlay Cup-u or human. w Dn1 w launch-mg. ' Dali. iMRTUN, MUKAY 86 KELLY, . James Swift. S'I.LA\VRE nu: W, QTHIS INVALYAHIJ. MICIIt'INE IS unfailing in the. 01mm of all thnm- painful and AGENTS : XXe2$2SZeaerter Orders m-lioiu-d promptly nan-mien April 22. 137%. "II vva-wI-vuur v- vvuu I For Haunts I-urunra. llluckamitb and steam boat use. The heat [Inscription afllmmn Coal kept on hnnd under cover . unmanned and deli nmd to order at the Iowa market, rakes. UARDEAN' Assurance Company, I nvnnn awn! A THIS [NV/\LL'AHIJZ MlJHTINI} IN unfailing painful (I nngerous (linemen to which the {mulls consti- tution la subjecL Il. mmlemlcn I executes and ngmnveu all nlmmctinnn, and a lpeedy cure mnv be relied on. and all ho-Ln) may relimlnn. TU MAHHIE niny relimlnn. MARRIED LADIES. It In peculiarly united. It willjn nnlmrt le bring an the monthly period with regulnrity In All cm v f nervnuu and spinal lectitml 1 JAMES REID. Otblnot linker, Upholmrer and Undertaker, 108 Prince-- strut. Irmmwnw Wand Tmnk anwery.I CoAL DE POT' All Doscrlmlons of Coal, u..- [InA L..-..-.... III..,.|......:.|......I ..._.. The Grant Female llemedy.| bring the monthly period with regulnrity I I aim] pains in the luck and limbd. Mignon" slight exertion. pdpitntinn of the heart, hyntlvricn and white, them- Iilll will shot a curewhen A" other means have failed, and dshnu h I powerful remedv. do not. cuntain iron. nmel Antimony or anything hurtful to the eon-lm - no". Fail amen-m. in the ampth mum inch Package, which nhouul awfully pro lerVPt .IHR MORE. NFW Vnrlr Halo prov-Hahn- Mru. (irundyayn Thu HUZUDUN'I oc3ipsel I that pra- pnrntinm fur Hm twth and gums. And whnt Mn. 0. my: in "iterated most. om- phnlicnlly by mneVy nine-mm hundruthl of the brmlly and {unhiuu of the land. Ierved. JOB MOSES. New ankBole Proprer .1 00nd 12 l 2 cents for postage. enclm JUH MUNICH. New ankole l'roprlor postage, enclosed to Northroth Lymn, Toronto, ()nt..genenl agent:- for the Dominion. will ensure A bottle containing over 50 pllll. by return muil. Bold h All drugglnta So in King-mm by E. H. Pnrknr. J. 0 Kiwi, Henhh Gunn, l-l Skinner. (l. 5.- Ho hurt. J Mcl'nmmnu NC. Polmn. Hv \Vula Kimz, Heuhh Gunn, H. Hklnner. U. 5.. Ho hurt. J Mcl'ammnn NClolmn. y \nga and I medicine (Icahn. Al kindle! COWIKB.CA8KE18.BHBOUDI he kept mutual on Ind. v A NEW "RAISE; 0 but In [In oi. Ind can finish llmdl M I. no rum- Mo Ian-L ouagvcmsg! ml. n n . _ b I A n A . * . . ..._ AAAA -.. llv I. I II vvl I! I"vl- VVI'II 11" I ENGLAND Commercial Union Assurance Company ENGLAND hill. Mia. Tush. ... mmm. u. I ll ALIcml M y A m IllIl'l - nvnn A 1" Ill Illan K, Iurdw In!" re, him!- Sluo a mun-Im. 0mm, auteur; 81nd. red order tho Iowan. ram-43 [1 Country orders wil! meeva prmnpt at ntlun J. BWHP- micron urlnnoit'ig'i. (a xlnzlun Man-h 7, l878 April 4, 1877. V J.V M \J V vJMVVI The. Rest Recommudatlon. ) ms mum nib vmmnu. cmou runs. wens. King Street, Kingston. Lumber vllauufaclurers, 0! Mill Point, 0m" or For Sale. foot of Queen Street, Kin ton. ALI. DESCRIP- TIONS 0" LUMBER and MANbl'AOT RED MATERIAL FOR HOUSE BUILDING A'l LHWKRI' RA'Ili' mar run-um. W. JOKES. I in Webb's In. Walsh It. " D"! for: Jolln' than you'll! pelt-nu. alumna [OB MOSE Period! cal 111-. "an of Lduh uni Dcpuum fro-t III. M Mum. lump-l lep, 001110 WEST. Am". M vmmmsmit? IIIO.CALC()MII'IKG PA'N moo-- Kl N GSTON nun-Ayn nuu. luau annuluuu ll FOR HOUSE BUILDING A'l LOWEST RATEB. R. CRAWFORD & CO. nuuu uu null Lh- ml {ho a m "-eivod by luui d. .m CWA'I'IZK 6L BE'IIS. Aqanln for Kingnwn, |878 ()nmrkv I976 3 "unw- ' Plllll III-g at "and d Ill-Ir Ill. dictum-l Mhu! h .- d '5.- .ochtl!" mm a Im-Ed I __....t. Es .. 'l'. W Himlmll Kunming Director. '3 e Brim-h American Auursneo Comp: Insure sail and swam Vessels, theirhlght or cargoes: by tho trip, month. IBIAOD or year, against loss or dam e by Fire or tbs dung." ostvizau'on,ut tho owes! remunentlve ram This Company oontinue to Insure bulldlnn n" Truinn. A hivnry BI D... JOHNS Pruprhzot. BACKJ'I' sum. am "new! All) QUE" I. a "nun: AND 310)! mime (lub- lu. G's-ls x. Papal chum-u and 6d- damage-i - l; BIL 0303' ml 5%,... Illlllla' cum. 1 Navigatioth the low! Thin Cumpany bulldlnga md All other dmri lions of Proper: quin- Lona or Damage bf freon the man "0an terms and at the oven ntouhnrgod by nay good (lolupauy. JAB. SWIFT, Agent. 8!. humane Whu ' 'F'IQE 34'ISIiAWIRI'BlE~ BRITISH "Baum Insurance Company HEAD OFFICE ~ - - - . TORONTO Church Stmt,Cornor ofCoun 8t. Anuonnwz The "on. 690. W. All:h.'lhoa.8tmt; Slr Ju [Akin Rolrimum. Bart.,tnd Goo'. Boyd ann. 7 M3113ng MulrnoDgpnrtmenz, Wm. wwud Burt:an GodBVoyd Manngar Marine De unment blown-d E54}. T. W Birulmll gunning blmctor. Inlurn nail and mum Von-ul- lhAiI'M-Iahf n- PRINCESS STREET, (Nun-(y Oppoute Me (My Bout, Kl'a'luu .30; I, Buiuhlo for the present noun. [N READY-MADE! the Stook in no u- wnsivnnnclm In Itylo Ind qnly.md n var nmlunu rim GE 1 H l-UR SHING GOODS of all duo ariphonl Ind In great. vuhty. mnuntly on Thehargest,0hcnpeat and Bent Selection 01 v..- - nu..- llu lo. I. M. IAIN-(8 Want .'. Duluth Ward. .1. N, hnl'l (hmuh . loathe-l Haul. 5. All Mnlo' Chunk 0. . Howl-n41 MW 1. Carnot 0! Earth And I. Comer n! Karl uni I 0. net-'0 College am l9. 'Ilu". minty. | U Drlrnnnollum I WMMROBINSON i I A." J iMerchant Tailor, Cloter AID DIAL ll GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Goods l D!) INIVVQQ 'FDlilr'l lam! | Important Notice to Builders, Farmers and. When. CUT NAILS, 9.75 nm- Yan- m 10 us * *HU. 33,7?per Keg of 100 lbs. anh Kag of Nulla la gun-unwed entirely free trum dust, seals. sliver-1,0r heulleu nailn. enoh nail being selectad by Dia- mond Automatic Ploknr," which give-M. louc .3 11-: more of 61-foot nad- m t. a 1mm Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Hm 19- ROSE Ill-Juli! l 51" Haul. U] ml. 01 III. Latest and lost Inshlonnbla Styles, Ruiuhln I'm- an... nan-ant. mm. 1 IIYARKERS OLD STAND mkf __ . In l The Largest. Most St llsh and Best Stock for nl Pur- chasers in the City. ROOM PAPER] THE ORDER DEPARTIINT mum. in I Immense r 'wrtmam. of Good- of u I Q? A can aoliaivm! MI". [875. 11"an ljfper. Olden Chartered Canadian Company. And Boom Paper Depot, "DUN! Al? an": I'AIIITII: opal In! ounhiu.&e.dma:rnhl sum nail on tho that. noun. THOSTSlsALE, John: 11 man. m BOARD OF DIRECTORS mivnl Riclout. Eu) Gown-nor AT VERY LOW PRICFS. Central III-r d denim; by truth: smncs a. srnh: IIIN'I'I Noticeh III Inn-b- Wu rm M, I... 2 nab a I Luna-om nail-Ith ID rm I I. T1108. SEALE. Pnnan In 3. SWIFT, H'OT E l: G UIDE m. BEA us. Pdnoou Mm: J. mam & co. 'ummxmm4mu 86 do mun-mam 85 mmraamn D.m_-L.L_Mhhmhnnl- 1 avatar-' in w Wom' Mt-inhuman kindly. - mu- loner; um _, Ab, do saw thu. Iowa] Phil Ind. _L u_._;.| MAI-.I --l.- no..me |J. Hdllgu a 00.. Brook 8t..| RIAVIR GEMINI" 1.1.2! L33 QBl-Zfii' In: t] (500,. all 1.4th .- Imublu. Alla-twine "H on n... no! um cnjwiumn- Pam ll IICDlltD. Wanton-h It. Pub-03m QUEEN Insurance Company. 0111' I"! I? A LA RM. 'bouo or DI. mum's nu mwovnv, In: o/rlmr'a, i! you Are alluring with I Cough. uld. Auk-u. Bronchith, Hly Fun. Clllllumlvllu. loud voice. lick- AL 1! arm on: who. lab-la. Cantu. A L 1 Ultdm duim,mdl- Ida. autumnal Jig-3m, tn. Ivorian-cu. Awe-In. In. for I- tw lav mini". an... pun. II Bel-[mu $50 MIND-mun.- gnuohnw ud mm Polo-II not. pro-pd], Ind with M! cl: I", u... that who In I... Wanton-h a. PMIOINJO mall-uni. n mum Dan-.334 u orbital haul-Colman. . (LA. nowaco. "n-una- um hind. m { ODVMO.'-CI- DC. 1 Flu-II u wuv. Oahu-mun Tum My, . . . . . Oluuo. r___ or CANADA. _ FlRE AND LIFE. 009mm... .. 2,000,000 00g. Innatod m0. .... ..soaa,sm m. trill-nun. Ind lab-u. Cuun. A , mu. Awe-ll. l mud sll eun- Irhln dot the f PA KIT LAW pm- In. . I'Vltll' I TEFL! BLVI Bill 11 I'. TIRIVIIII L. cl.- I..a and Fun pro-put ll fu- uni-mm. IN VENT OBS: I Junk-(mania: '3 men FORBES & HEDGE. lucml. Chic! Agent: for Cum]; 8. 8. PHIPPENv In... an! Anrul. Kllmll Geo; Thogon & 00 Bm-klon'u Arnln Snlvo. HYAOINTHS, Double and Single TULIPS. do do OROCUS do do SNOW DROP; LILY' &c., &c. can of a! ht. I Also, Pineatimncl: Lavender and I Cologne Waters, bout, SILK ELASTIC t'OCKlNG AND Knee Cups, Beveled Mirrorl. French Horn Dreuln CombaJw. Medicine-obtains my timodurina thnnlgbt by Lluglng the bell. Dissolution u_f_ Partnership. "E "Ill! 0? C H. LAVELL 61. 00., bu hm: ultunlved thin My 3! mum-l con- sent. Alldobu duo the Inc run must. be um n onus in order to claw up the boob. 'l'ho Dru bnnnnu of the nbovo will how rind on by . Hr LAVELL. who |a "Handled to who I mount: and [my I" Mummie- ol the 1m: rm. (I. I]. LAVELL In C0 Pub Kiwi... I, 0mm anluhl Imam. ll?! b nun-tam)- nan-lad by I. l if R? E Wines and Liquors, Imported Direct. 1mm France 0! all the " v m -.uv. -l Imported Dix-9c: diagram. Bund- of When. Irudln. an" Ac" Ale- 1 and ll]. THE PUBLIC WILL ALWAYS FIND good ulmiuo In all min of M thoBRUCK STREET BUTHILRS, "no just recnvmldinrot from France, I. mm plane uwrunuut oi the l-ineu! Cunvux And Concave 0h anal. Iqiuhle for nll 11M and do green of Ilght. Lhn fir-mat frmmh 'l'.nvnntla:- and WM: Lubin'a & Condrny I PEBIUMES.md Atkinmu'n In liah Purfnmn. Also I) the um: SILK LAH'IIC STOCK] (IS Cum. l momma } leadMining aniSmelllng Bo'y. Works at KingdomSOntu-io. l'. W. STOOKWBLL, - Muscat. Lme dellvmf'in all pan-mot lm nu-.nd orders qukl, Ill ad. Vessels mlpplhd at, we wont. romnu blo ran-3 n- Shou numinoKolvovh nirob'aSton I mgf5;m31anung And House Culture. @PECTACLEM MEDICAL HALL! as. HOBART. PATEN'gsg ml moth-r moon- I. lmtml Raul. b. I. 0. [Hm 3m. '. Prion- It, I. M Burl. luv-o. h gum-m1 01. L unmgo King he. I Drivnnnmllu SIM M Em. Klnnm. Juno Q. I377 XIII-M. 0M. M. 37. It 1.- ' V. U. In! ' "Bum Gnoonmr." Human. ' loath. blo F Shop npmewMoKoln-yh Depot. Ire-cl Brandy ("oh-nu. A very "Arno! vdclo (' alum-nu (Idn Some 0! ch: boat overinwdum n zhb Mullet. IBELE MEAT IN SEASON 0. H. LAVELL & 00 "KiwiJ; Ell. I. own WI- 1 IrvII Janina-4mm -_I L...- II- 'lnmlnidge, March 2nd, 1878. Inn ._.. n Jul. I. 0......u. , UHLIU WILL ALWAYS F1 good uboioo kind: ML_AT. 103i & shah; sir-am 1': laud Iov social. lldno device-mm- mnl dam-n; I]. V I "In. W no Pot-t 0.. my um. I Bel-(Mu l yTOIOIIUI. mr uuclo.) "'"' '-'..""u. m Mela-rub- mini-no.1! MamAWII-uui.dm All..- ___I - _. ,1, UNDERTAKIR. Mu "I. AM. Wume-I-Ql' Icomns and Outs, mlj! tumult-uh. ' Adva 1.0!. I has: hound-Ix OI inomulthm .uumnd-rl'n In- nu M b Spools] Invitation. savanna-I'th W limo Ind-tl'u ah: mmmnw-mhmyc-u uom. on" W are mug-no! ll "Cc-u pot hula! 9mm Ind I an. ID |~qmtimu .unop who. was. watch-uh, m in mama-o Walt Kabul-Adm .v 7... W EMU-ovum. HEY-hound .. yo-minced. v mun-up. mmmmm xu lllom Chad-Id DJ a h hnwbqu'llo' tot. a... vouch.- It... Lou mun-lunar. toncnouubofununruh. NB.ldounnduym-|IM nu whodoantdolh-Iy-IIIIII. I'gv ounulfnqulnd. Phat-thumb. Ammo: xa'naunulb u c u um. Unlinllodlbbm out. hog-n, And 141:! luv 0 III... 1571. a Q 1 I1th IJJm-P-n om . "Ivan bit tho 0.. I It, n u: pom-n" um. an. the Weekly lul Mg khan-u mph-W4 If i m m but M (I! PAID ll maul. .. go no don. in! 1 fan It If MIIM. t . - - - v v '- II . no Oil-1' Im! in. II III- M. UrmVIOOmMMMWQ. Pran , , THIS COMPANY [no hot! dob w In Canal. lo: 55 you" nd during in III. hln usuumd the public condence turn-(r nml libonl nettlelunmof ovaryjun claim null-n pollny holdon numnud b WI 050,000 with no Governth n In. '0 cm no written II. this Atomic-ml p. In term: u ("or-bl. u my 0: r m Company. Jnn'v. I877. JAB. SWIFT. A, lot InlY-I] U "Hutton lava. laud nk h .' " I- Urtovn OhmMMMWI. Pr nee-am Down town 0M smilin- Dyo I "3*..:'.:".':?3:+:"" M M ~- TAKEARIST or 01. ll Genoa- Axl) READ TH: Tom'Aaseu... ........27,{10,000 Invested in Canada... 900.000 [pun II I. Job-3. L... llll JIIO. l3". stud, Ith I. Ill] l-Ibuly . In" an I'In, VIII-II nine-ell or Inna-n. cdrncrioxzu Wholesale and Rell. f Ph [enix Fire Insurance -. Young [Adler Journal, How Bells, and all the Leading In. I.- guluea received 'ull ago. 10,000 Envelopu of all limit. Note Pnpor full supply. Aulognph Albumnovery kind- Hohool Books lol- tho Collollntn lath. I. Public School. cheap. School "ooh Intuit. ohenp. Sulllvsnl Geography and Bunny! 1 Hook. Thin] supply [MI morning u" ._____ rpoommdonz aloha Insurance The name rump! nulomenu won node .8 the art-m [- ran in Chimp And Baum W giving a larxemm ol monay to the with". (3" R ten 01' luaur-ucu In low Mun-I Inlwur. Ono lintary Pump, I hmqupAhlo of do!- rlug l.000 gallon. per hour mil]. ['7' Alan on't for: 1h- ald gum! in. Mtl. Wu. 8. llnwn, M.D,. Iiltuield, Mo. D. MEWEN & 80! Machine, Engine a 30110:- Work! SOUEEX ll'l'llll w uuw Annun- ICC-W VII 03' HARTFORD, CONN. Cnpltnl and Surplu- 00.! [Lane- pal. In I! Venn our - Ia [Jo-.000 of wile. was [all M Magazines for October !McAuleys Bookstore. Sept 20]. giving largomm of sum. Rule Mug-Ill ()iu- y. This (ompnny 'II Iouond to no lull! Mllt (Woo in the world. Apphvnl Ionl received It the Uloo of THOS. BRIGGS.AMQ, Unrequ St. Uppodtoth NH 89m. 6. 184? 'llJE UNDERMGNED HAVE 0H "um Inllk IAIAII I'IIIAI'D One l0 "om Power Portable bulimia... for driving anything nquiriu pom-r. Ono l0 Hum lowar Humane? Eifl0,'. 20 hon-997 pov'uy, Buar moon IIII . mm It) "one row" Stallone? En IO,'|I. horse 0m 2'0 Hum Power Engine. VII!!! in hon. puwer. Etna InsuraeCoy., HARTFORD. CONN. Minx |.U\N gallon. per uour Bull]. (rum for at. u old and for runs or ALL K N03. Home, 1, pot- ru, direction of Mr, (hum'ment \, with mecca. n. u- --1.. I... I FOR SALE, CHEAP J. Rin's. If ALL VIUITII I. Ill-v J I Aux lb. l'll. Lllrem 3. nmrlffiim. w. oseogm I. o Dn- III- II 66::63? am}? Count-1.; no... .5 Iii! ago and lulu- loucn II II. -. 0110103 CARD!" unuuuuluu lay 1111 VI HAND llllk SALE CHEAP. hung; II "I. v. JIM.qu - PU. :QUEEX STREET HUI mum nu. Company. ama. It "2|. I... ....| 5..- ..tu. [Lu-u... ,3. ...ll 9.. .... .. I t-. an": Inn-m- Call I! out Drug Slot. Ind 9 kid 'boulo of Du. Kims Nov waovnv, In. a! Jun-In, if mu m Inf-ring y myvld fur (min, B. Mk" I \ WHIIG lur LIHI, !, Salt Rheum, nds, Chilblmm, akin eluplionl. I m viva nerfect A hurricane .- unnu- .nnun ;ln Clupuonl. . give petfect nr "mnev M- aby J. WGJJ. b m un Ian. 7 . ......... p.- Wul-IJ-BJI... M. p... M p.- 0.0- r... o -. J, A." Mm IIICIIOI. law. has... can In... up... . vb W "113: has. l' u 1 LI; Arrive It WT; . Thu: uwma... all, h 1! Tim," m smallmmn. Nahuatl: Yuk,mfudayulpn. Put whnlhvmo. Caulk-Mum hid-y 8 pm maul-2mm. Wannabe wind but u. about "vb-Mo the an of chain: the Olin! [1-H on I" loneyOrvh-r 0..- Mthnlbd linden-,Pmu-e uid hind ad Homo-mind uni Hm Wmmmhmmol sho Pout Ola luring- J burnout-mud)... POIIIOI ro- ronml. M Inll but Malawi-Io the 00 lord M Union. than II u re Arr-ligament of Pout-l um I: lollon In Ankh. Wm. Danna-k, [cal-ml, II ; Evanlng 01.10. law w n harm" 51. Ha '1CalhmirnlJnhnsnu BerrLMxmn nml l0: 5.111.; Ves mm 3:30 p m. Riuht [{rv Ri-hnnn'nrian. Rev Mheri lIiLvL'ins.Corhl-ll and Bow W. Jackson. [5100 0hapd.Murninx Service 3:30; nl'teruooan-O p.111. Rev. C. E. Cunwrighn ' THE sfiihfev ETHIOPIG ELIXIR Cough. Uuld, nun-u. uroncnlnl, any Your, Can-umpuun. voice, lick- Iin' in the thruu, or my Affection o! the Throat or Lungl. Thin iltho you ro- nody that in culling no much ucilomont I): iu mmy wonderful cures. curing t uuumllof hunch-u cu". Over one millinn bootle- "(Du leu'u N! Dm- cnvuv hue been Ind within the lat. yur, And have giverwpellect mid-cum: In awry in-mnco. a can unholiming-I l, u "ml. thin in really thunnly sure sun (at I rum. Mu] lung ulfeclinm, Ind an churlully ve'mmlnend it Lual. Cdllnd an! n trul b .ulefrre u/ ch'uga, or n In gulnr um fur $1.0 Spld by A drug- mull. :ooul Cud- .. coma such cuppa! . . . .. cent- per 4 0: Registration Voo........ 5 come For Adan, Argentina Confederation. Brazil, BIN-n Gaines, Ceylon, Greenland. Fronds Colonic. in Ann, Africa,0-uniu. and Army demons tl Fiona and liqurlun. Persia, 1h Pan 1: Gulf. Pu'tunuew Comm. in Ask, Africa And Ownicn,lrini Colonial In AfricaJMunk-u and All-rim. except Uuha und Port. Rico. Straits Sonia menu ot Blrgnporo. Panama and Malacca latterl...... . . . . ........ 10 cents per Q U: Posul Co'd... . 1 Pants rurh Newspaper-nun 4mm". 1w {(-2 Book-.honu ...... 4ceutuperloz Re hintion Fm. . . . . . l0 mum on India hlnudn. vln Halifax. numo run- A SIMU' L'nmnanlwn HIIPPL QP'HH l llamin :00 Afternoon 4:00. Evening 7.00. Rev Than Bonneld. Bapliu (IAurrhJohnuon Slrrwt Morning l: lsvenin 6:3). Rav Georgorammx Bit/Ml Lurch -lCongrv;(uliunul) J..hnm-n StreetHoming H; Evening I330. lh-v Mr Pearock Win Veg 3:30 I Kmht [(vv BinhopO'llrion. Rev lliggins.(}orbl-ll Lannnrrl And Twohey. Human: ChurchRulenhmu SharkMum Inland: ChurchRulenluuu in; l0,30 ; Evaning 6:30. Qum-n Slrm-torn ing l0.30; Evening 6:30. Nov. J.Gd|lmsith W. Jackson. [Hum 0haml.Murninz 8:30 ; l-or nidln Digestion, arouninz anphl I ivm m I Mall. y' notion. curing Jmnldin-v. wig-1hr ing the Bowela, purifyingtha Blood, Immuner Dvn pun lymptmua, Loan of Apl'lihl, sh k Ha who. Languor ur Dvpn .ninnmul in Him r and ulvu Lifa Ind Renel'nzl ENERGY zunl VITALITY to the whole aynu-m. For Sale at Ki 3 Drug Store at 600 and 3 per Bottle. For Ankh, by. lgypt, Pulse. Im-ls, Gerunnyibnltu. and Brit-h Ind Inhnd.6rcooe. y. [gumbo-11. lulu, lantonopo. Notheeo huh. 'm. Per-h. Ponugnl, Moron, lotus-b, M. I: Mammal liqnelqua Invhplfu Gunny Inland. Sunder], lwiuerluul And Turkey. and VIA United SumBermuda. Bahama. Cnha Duluh Coloan of 8c Thoma. M John. St cm,-IIIIIICO. Japan Ind Port Rico Inner-v .............. .. 5 menu per Luz Wool India Islands, Halifax. 55 formerly. Pnpumentbv lump in all vmrnn. (,alhalic A unlir ('nurm-Qum-n nth-~1 llnrnlnx I0; waning 5, km- J [:ilnmrv. Chalmrrl ChurchllrI-nuytvriun)IIurl 8L, Morning ll; Evauingmm. Its-v. F. McCuva Chi-m ChurchCntarnquiServivu at K om Bestiof Medicines III-' "ag-'39 W 3*. 21h Diarrhea. fw -aking 11 an followu- naqnpnco a! Noll ' than. ulnaollunuy.ulmml Linnuh. Poll In tho Bork. mum. of Vision. pmmn tm old I... In! my olhor .u-oun Lhn land m Ina-It!" mun-mien mud n pnmuure n.| o! Ihlrh can rule no rm. :11"!!! by mini-g In- Iho path m an". MA over indll . Th bovine Medicine In th- to- nho I Ill. and .1! Ian pm of "per- hmhtnnl a in dine anph helm by-a . The . e l~lh~|no u nold by all Dani-uni 0! par punk-go. uh I In lot .10! VIII be lam hv mml on m pI ol 0 In. handmade. WILLIAM OKAY t 00.. Im y add I- haunting-ch t Gun. 0 3.1m . Inn-ad All Ion-d Io druan won't". I" 2: In. [ cY LIVEST'ABLEs; hum: tr-ns Inn" threw, If he in Hut 3 vxclim to rhouuuuilm. crick in the hack, ur other spinal difcul- oi... ln unrt n nuns nf than. use Hw I We. Ibo undonlzned, on tin In whom it may mnuorn. thu hnvinl pamnnllv m innur {nu-v 1w. mod the STANLEY murmur ELIXIR referred m bv Profawmr Dunum in hi: vermi- IMO. mod the HTANIAEY ETHI'HIC ELIle b Dupum hicrerli- (uMOJbO'fll yoouunoml it to Ilm l-nhliv :1 beta; In our judgment an exmlmnt Funny I . Medicine: _ | :1: )ndnnent extalmut l- J. kl'bul. Tah- nph Opt-mum. . W. Don-1:. Elf! .Ovamnd. uildpr WSW, o..- Kngsml Uta-ed m pound." (51%) . P Dupms, Profeuor of Chcmhtry.Qnet-u 's Collegu. Kin;- uon, Ont ___7, _.~._,.r , ,7 7 1 DB. WI. ICAYS SIIHIIHI Ill)":an l Inn. nun-unn own (a, Haul. A.) w a. M "(in pJn Conwroaomll ChunkWallithle Strm-l 410:an ll ; Evening 7. Raw. hr. Jnrksnn 00ml Nation Schout own. Month-u] liuml, r. (hemnd. Builder Juan lie-rm. Telegnph Oporumr. P. BOG-rue. Fur Donor, And nun otth King-ton. Aug la. I878. crick in the hack, other Ipnm ulmcm- (in. T Hart 11 cure than. Hug- ynrd'l Yulluw lel. the beat remedy in the muket. Price 2.. cent: per bottle. Mllhnrn, Bomb-y .\ I'unrnon, prnprielol'l. Froemnn'n Worm luwdarl m recom- mandml by [Lu medical faculty. Notice. "NMDh-wnx nun-u. um I kiwi-d huh.- . sUNDXv DIRECTOF}: 'r. man's, TIIEGREAT I'xlinh Ba mod] is upo- enlly mom DB'IIHII u .1 Inf-"i" on". for hminnl WHIij I unuorrhu. i. . 5:09 p... a. 1n... 9 u. 7 may... luau: in. Wed-co um pa; arrive 1....- up... .7... . I. 00mm: LGibnltu. um Port Rico 5 per {oz 2 each 2 hmn ud mun-.20"... GRAND TRUNK "It." I 1s... 0-. ML.- l p.-. [no I.- 1a..- 11 pa emu.- B-hx In. In. by u but and lulu-n! umhdoMI-m thth (to I013 Mmtdo-mb. Inn vqgmsph-u h m. In no 0 quot-ll okchdpkdgo-yullhdonl II] pawn in myth haul-mu! this I, nun dly. nch-Inn-l In. don" '1. mnBu'monbo (my! KM.- Inn-y lu'" Elly. w;mmwdun (Ime- fumbl- DM and "Naomi- NE of the Above Smell will leave King-ton for Cape Vincent. dilly. Bun- days excepted) It SIX mm. and 2p.m..muin ulna connechonl with m R.W. &. 0. Bui , Northern yrwuoe Bnllmd And N. Y. C. Bail- mad. Pullman Cm Eut Ind West. RETURNINGWink." Cane Vincent on Pullman Cm Eut Ind West. RETURNINGWink." CI nrrivnloflmiuln EMSAJand p.111 .onnnocv. in; with (LTJL. Rota] Hull Lino, And Blyof annw Stunner: Kingston.

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