Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Nov 1878, p. 1

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.IlhlUl .vurDr. Ilbwll I' ll'll Extra Four Thousand Pairs House of All Nation- nmwmrx HIRm l. j; Amanda; ; A Large Stock to Select from. ~ u ~----', _ -7 7,, , a . Shops. dun, In the Clty of Kingston ltor Sale and 'l'oZLcl. FUR SALE 2 Building Lou on corner of King and Cninn "mote. Buildlul but. on King street, nan to Sheriff Ferguwnu roaillunoa. VOL. XLVL 'OIOCIIIIS fur the muonl In qua-um 'm ecu-II their on nun It] culling It lJusl [he Ihingfol the 8mm! King not, nut to unenn Ferguwn'u Building [an on King street. oppouw St. Georgi. (Tnlhmlral A 2 ntnry Bnck Dwelling. thch 1 story Brlok Dwellinu and A Building hotn" on Walllngton ntrom. mrner of \Villhm IL Sever-l doairnhln Building Lola on Victori- Itmt. opponiw [AI 5 Hope WnlkImh Acre ouch. IA" on Iron Pnm street. Ima Hulhl'llg ' .l.'_l .5: II N) lb boxes, in 5 lb bola, in 3 lb boxer WIT IIIKDIA rI I'UIDIBEIIUH The hm Smnn Building: on tho Eut corner ofnurm and Jnhnsnn stroeta, uppoaiw Anglo Amarlcun Howl. Tl'o Btnna Shop and Dwelling on North corner of Princess nnd Welllnzton nun. Tho slum uud Dwallln on Primal street. non shove Ill) "a Funny More. The .1 non Ht unnSlum and Dwelling fronting on In H Squnro and Clnmnoo In, In momugl upnlr. Apply (4) - . 1... nnnui unvll 'FA LL TRADE. IQNQ anli. ' Brit-k Shop and Dwelllng on North dds 0! Princess 91ml, betwben Bydwhun Ind Clan-g] Ilroeu. Would mm! mwtfully Inform tha public an: ho In wall re and to uqu ALL I. [)3 0|? Photographs in the Most Artistic runner and at prices which .I u... A_A.:. inn unvwn, Iv.- Oct IS. 1878. u I -' rl.w- vvv defy competition. SHALL PICTURES ENLARGE!) to my um maiml Ind Inhbm! in 0H. Wlur Colon M Indh lathe. wt'ul :0 one sud you II" tom. Ipln. MARTIN: BLOCK, corner 0! Manual And Prince-I mu dn do 1507: cu do do dn pegged du do (In Children's pegged do do do do lowed do w The public can judge for Lhnmwhoa. "Dwallings, Building Lots, l nL- Ill-1 nf IIna- n- hot m unlit}. Ilinn \ Apia. HAITI) H nun luau-ml mu Nav 7th. ___,.____r \m SALE_9_R TO LET.| Eon-o 0! ALL .L nu PRINCESS STREE l. Oct 17th. ' HI PROPERTY 0! the Isle Willhn A. Danish-on. u the (Innd Trunk Station, mam-II- IonrAcm a! Land; a (9:51 gun, 1 mu Trunk sun... anew-II lonrAcn-o! [and Owl. d'dllla Oil-MOIth IndOrohrd. I. m cm fan can. alld he uh.- nbh for I who: and... Applv o- tbe pro-bu. 00: H. In HE SUBSCRIBER RESPECI'I-L'LLY chu um he bu mmln axmnllve numb-0M II THI vuuvu uv -- '1 build on mm (and!) only by a... Mull & lulu uslv 0... Plan d out-u.- 'Ngl loos-9H hid-m. Into... hlh ugbv Plano! .lunu-o 'Nol vulbobIIIWm-lmh unnhdumlwnmudi PAHKHILLS. King-10mm! 25. 1878. A y ,A"# DKifAGEDWHEAT lam uglier consul I. mums-Io! W '" nwona noun 0di- Dull-l. M.htln [nun m M- I. 180.! MIMI! whom in m min! pu dad-g their supply of \ 300T All) SHOE lINE I. P. BELL "V. '0 Miami1', --_i lUlI. unun C. L. MOLLOY. Ibtlco. OIHYOIDAthp- a- o I n: Ihn I-Ir lldlnnateunl I'Ilr Ile following lrlun: C. I1. MOIJAIY, ao neweu [ndiet' (In do pegged Miuel' do do sewed 8075' do dn nmmod snow 39 LET. sly-I..- t' m. Ad. mp. LL\ nhmlm . "VI", w . GILBERSLEEVE, TO_L_I:2T, lulnurll H)! 5' Cork Sole rivet Boob, ) pegged do y newer] do .2 .L. a." Real Elhta Agent. 1 '3. I ' Thth Bilh of [Ailing given [or M11u:,uu Clndnont; And for lodltannom pom. "9! Freight and Puuzerply II Cumpany'a uvmuwmu . . -. _.._.._..___ l The Cunard Steamship Gompany,(Limited) v-.__ 'IROMNEWYQRK. FR A BYssINu .. . .Wodnesdny, Oct. 30th *RUSSIA. . BOTHNIA . . . . . .Wednosdny, Nov. 6. SUYTUIA . A LUERIA . . . . . Wednesday, Nov 13. And ovary totlowmg Wednoadny (om h 0 WITH the now at damn-hing the chnnooa M collinion.the "um: Ipookod course tor Ill comm of the your. on tho Outward PM tron min to New York or Eamon. 1 43 I. .or nothing to the North 0 43. 0- sh. Homeward Plunge."qu the Marlth '50 It 42 Layer :1 .___.__ Rates or ran-age = EV Shaman carryinzmmga. 6"). aml $100 guhl, according to neamummlstinn. No Stoongo. _ Jy Steamen untoarrying amrage, 880.8100 and 30. gth. 50.0anth m amounlundminn. Wicket. iuued m. n Ipecial rate of $64) gnld. during tha NIH and Winter was "1.1 on m Purin 5700, Gold. Addition-.1. Return Tiokou ou favumbla terms. Stamp at very low nun; mourns Tickets from Liverpool and Qnmugwwn and .11 other plr. 0! Eu It have rules Thronh Bll India; for Balfut,Glugow, Ilune.AntwerpAnd other ports on the . . .. ,,..v_ mm..- \v- A llII"- nun Hm. Vnrk F U B S 1 CLARK wnIcHT's.,. BUFFALO ROBES, lined and un u- ~ .1 -1. L-LLA-. dams ixiAAK. Vim can 3!! [be r: BEES BROS Innunu-rlll Calhoun-en. New York and i" IJAlii'IES 88. Seal and Astracan Jackets. Mink Seal and Dyed Otter Setts. Squirrel-Tail miss. Children's Fancy Setts in great variety. WHOM-Uqu nun - n One Price Asked and "70 Less Taken. DUIIMJV uvunw, Muvu u..- . ilinedft bottom prices. H. B. WOLFE and JAPANESE R0338. UHHIVU UIInl Illu vv I v. . OHM nbon mnuonodooodlupeu um neverhnnboen noon in Klngawn. Our Good- m muted down much below (In-it ovlgind out. All we Mk of u public in tc cone sad we our Stock and (he price: and then illng for themselves- 7 A . _- I -I-_ W Giuwiws Bacoon and Buffalo Coats. {in} Bnggsiin (Erlorvrtrasz Mitts, &c. Kid Gloves and Gauntlets. 8.8. Saginaw other Caps. Persian and Russian Lamb Caps. Be iring and Remodelling Old U38. CLARK WRIGHT, Nov 9th. Wellington Street. v- _. _,, A GRAND CLEARING OUT SALE in nu .hon menuonod Good- at price. nova! have been Thou having SECOND HAND CLOTHING And other Goods to die. mwof will leave thmr onion with WM. DAV D. tho Cheap Bruknr mum-HA Burgom' ["31ch oodsswre, whnru ho To All the GeITtFy of Kingston. l 3;.1'... DAVID. Cheap "mum on elm Burgoan' l-nncvoodsSwre, '1 I and with the mall. WM DAVID. Ill Alnlw '1' 'vv v-wv ' _-v._-v [3!" THE QUART. GALLON, or BARREAL It. I Chap mus. Apply to III I [All nAUII I VII UlhIr (300D BUB FARM. wnuining about one hundred and twenty urn. here in . new Prime Dwelli: g thereon. For [onus lppl, to theowcer. WM. DAVID, J! In-.. nmlmu prmnA-n Ht Kuu-tnn VII :-_, N WSouthwoat cuter of Lot 24 in th m Caucasian o the Township of, King Mn. combining M Acm of goal mltlvnu d Land. Thmm are two Dwelling Hum, (oc- cupiai) {mu Well. 0! um, And 0 Acre- uf nu Orchud. In nod condilinn. with fruit. Tin-re I: on new m. [MlHnianho 40:48, the be. In the Tuwmhlp. i- vnlunble Prupt'rly k W but the Perth Rand. w- miles [mm thlton. The xrnpcrtyran In nmthur ed by pcymg on. [hi dawn Fur Iurt )er pu- dcuhrl as to tenn- ur othvrwiu. Apply to the Aug 22nd, 1878. m oust. {\VM. DAVID, l (I... Inlet. I'd-m- slmt [luau-.l Imported Bulbsi CHOICE IAIED VAIIETIES JI'SI noun Ill) and with me man. WM. DAVIDV The Cheap Broken Princes: 8L. Kingston -_vzss...i9er...er Sale- nDADDIAI \nmu & cmnrs, ' DRII(}GISTS. 5021's: Vina [m on Alfro-l street. l-l been and u u Garden fur um y< 90M w 1!). DA v w, The Che-D Broker. PYHNOGI 3t . Klunwn Una-y :pw. "yr-J n. WILLIAM DAVID. The Cheap Broker, Prim-en St . K inumn _-____'.- _,,_ , MR WINDOW CUIJURE. CALLING AT YACHITIIB. CYCLAI. POLYANTHUB NARC] SECS. J'JNQUIL NABCISSUB. Made 1 McNAUGH'I-oiv as (:0. KINGSTON. CANADA, 'NO'CE: Clothing FOR SALE. ll nlmll punt nnnninin ibISALE, Rates of Passage : u... N] am! 3100 uuhlmmmnhuz y'aOioo, No. 4. Buwhn; Green. va York. CHAS. G FBANCKINN {gem ___--. -_- ITAxnszj theTAXES for theYearm187B, ARE NOW DUE. and in order to save expenses MUST BE PAID AT UNGE attht Bullet- tnrs Ulce, Uity Hall. t | Notice is hereby given that I .1 b'lu'u l'llllrcm lama front. 'J roouu, l (ISA/:gogmv ID, ANI) Dealer in New and Second Hand Clothing of all Kinds. I! YUU WANT THE BEST (leER in tho world by llnaulmn.Quan nr Gnllon. go to ISAAC DAVID'S, 16!) Prluenns HtrM-L IF YOU WANT Your SA" neatly led and not. go to CHEAP JACK'S H YOU WANT Your'l'nha and Ham-11 repairml go to ISAAC DAVID'B Cmper Shop. III Hm wan- Axen and mlmr Ed! Tools ground 30 ISAAC DAVID'SQl. A ll than who have uvoml Clothing or other (huqu tmlinomw of. will plnua all an Cheap Junk. who WI" pay the hlghut price for them Everybody I: invited In come and get a 1hr- gnin fmm ISAAC DAVID. General Hawker. opponila Plrllli'l'l, Prinoelo Street. Kimzulon. v,,, Ln. CHEAP JACK. McNAUG HTON & CO. . Conan. leu AND ancm STRBBT. m VIKIV - -v- m I" by vowing my New Styles of B00, Shun Incl [anther ()mdmdalmd for tho Full and Winter crude of I875!!,whh~h have been nmnnlnmml of wall tanned Ind oiled nun-r- ul.of workmanship llnl an be mlied on. And vim I View to to Comfort, Em, Dnnbillly and Che-paw. n. r. Ansmouc, Irena-r to II. um WI. llrIJ Wholesale and Retail Dealar REE BRU. I lawman W 1 [.mhilflv Mm. i nzAAByou Kingston. Nuv. 2, 1878. Ion Door-hon the u Ion]. limos. Prices Low than tho Lowest. 1 other [hunll mdinomw M. gn Cheap PEOTOGRAPHIC I, thmm.WmcM-I muons-II... Saigon and DAVIS. PROTECTION unuirnn ,,, u._n-- -r n- 35 PRINCESS STIIIT. Iolilflv All" mun. mu e W? NOTICE. .7 FROM NEW YORK. IILA_..- L... N. IF YOU WANT Mu 1)---.Jn nnnnirnl a u New York. IF YOU WANT L._ ll'.l.. 'Innl. m- W. P. MINNES, Collector. U _ n 1u'u FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 15 1878. behalf-z Furnishing: l 1 nothing to the North 0! {9| Liverpool Damaged by tha Bag. u mug.- wul 1 |. crossing Karim-n of so at. IVI': n 1 unn. .. Wednesday Nov 20 . Wednesday, Nnv' 27- CORK HARBOR. of this Lino take a I. lewl. nlnizuuu CHEAP : ont Inks, (irowning Glory Wood Cook Stove, . ,_A _._o..|.v.. .. hm! nnmmr Rama r- Il-IRVNVDOI'UHHG Hencrvnir Cookin Stove in the world with warming oven under the re. 1 Examine my Stoves before buying elsewhere [VJM- BUNN, 11nllltl'a umDEE'I', IPALAEE mm mm Suitable for Drawing Room, Library and Dining Room. More you make a selection anvwherc. The I all qulstion the lm "leeudid" in, bayunt vlveuwnl. possess Hull and Parlor move over 1 m2 ammantinl ilupmvamonm and ulvnnmgou uvor unv Ms {Nader now in um. 7 Only cull nml we it below you purchase any other. mm, CLIFF. 1 STOVES: STOVES. They are lled with an inside Resnrvoir, which can be removed and repluced at pleasure. Call and see them at. GEO. cL_I_If_Ifs,l HORSEYS, n 9351321: LION BLOCK. s-rovnsq lHall, Parluur and 000k Stove S TOVIIS: nun uynnn Ann nnAL v - '3 FOR WOOD AND COAL, Which they o'er at LOW BRICKS. They Gunrantee Every stove they sell to give Batmactlon. Call run) see their Stock nud prou before purchuiug. 1' Special utention given to Hunting of Dwellings and Public Buildings with Steam. or u: Air. We make: npeolnlty of "8 [mai- nm. Rambo:- tlxe place- No. 2| Brock Street. ct 8th, 1878. Ehunse the East Steve! ! ll ANDSOME, m u xv. mam HAVE NOW 01 HAND. Cooking. THE SPLEND|D @0an as airs-4' Large andWall Sam:th Stuck nadian Stove Depot. Cutlery. Ilated Ware. Sleigh Bells, 1 Cut Mus. Iron and Shel. We am nelling All 0. BTKIVES TEN PER ' CENT CHEAPER len anyhnnna in the city. A largo ock of CUT NAILS (or nle rho-p. . Nov 9th M l lAlway Beady.l In the v. which to VH1 nllCIIo-p. "BEAT BBDL IONS made in tho prion of Pllutln to. All wotk nude in out lump n 'nmn om oh cnocm sun [on ila'. Oct. 4th. 1878. Vv Oct 26th. HAT VALUABLI IIIIHOLD rin- PIBTY on (ham an, km .0 tbs GRAHAI "3118!. A tubal-INA! non bonding. with Irbk from MOI [lat mm [on ration! Mon lit-Hing. 'l'b Bani-Ina! an ohm-inn? n4 [am-ad in the bu! Mino- M of Ont-noun... tn the ipping nod [locum & Dumbo Idl ny luau. hue India'th For - Inn acquired the not on a. pn- J0. OMHAI, In t. Illa-t. ,- L... .._....-..V._.._ . -V- AND SAVEZGOMFORT THISEWINTER. A What-nu I- India-hr. _-J~' FRASERgIWNATS Useful and Ornamental. FOR THE CHEAPEST AND BEST 6001 :7, [In large pnrtnblo planiuhwl copper Rosar- momnbilm umro impnrtwtlmturen than other RmorvoirCouhiug Stove. and in the y lnw portable Stove in ' .LML- HU-Id PRINCESS STREET. erves'f'aLcI m1 son the (rown Jowal [invertible Flue . AND PARLOR lInJATING STOVE, m: wm-mnful mva sold. W Every \COI META. I... D'ollh a. Colt-n. ltnnlJ-r Clary Ind. P. .1 - I: d lav-ht. Am a ("AND umrmu mom, .mt have Stu-m guaranteed. Also tho _,. - n u, PRINCESS STREET. n. (sinuous, u. _,,A-__ _- _.__..-.- M .- E AVIS N1)\V IN Ull lloonu. the but Stock of Dually, ECONOMICAL. AND l HAVE NOW IN OUR SHOWE um...- Hm m: Sta-k 872 King Street. _.__.,, Parlour 53.8 AND 81.210118 l. W. IRDWI I. 00. D 1:6 lit; 7 TA-I l Ion-A / II. E. SPARKS. 0.0.8.. I..D.Sl 03111:". -uu' and .Hall {4514, AND RELIABLE. ll VII Wu- Iy DLllul'. . CLIFF. WM. L.WEBBER.L1ni Commis: EAST HAGINAW, Mllill For Inhyrumuon (nun-rung um PINE AND FARMING LANDS In CEB'TRAL MICHIGAN. [Hr Fkltl I-liutnud Iuro Mnrq'lzlu- Rthag (in Anhll'mu JUDGE FOR By Bendix). fibula. wil. lluiyht. no or of eye! YOURSE LF. hair, you will rpuelvn rnhrn "mil 5: mn-m-l lllOlUJr-d) 0| \nnr numva ul - uuvu gm. 8. 8. Perry, Nmau. NY. a ' FIRESII)E VISITOR. 'l'urum null (unt free. Address P. U VICKERY, Angus, Maine. , P-1nI. AT luh root 'lm "wk on It. hot on mm M: II. TO 'BE SACRIFIOED lMlCHIGANL'ANDSI For inyrumlion (nun-11411;; lhu me mm (mm 4Dntin Floral. 6w . Outt [00 Vnnn 5L 2 Chrumo Unrdl. Cupilln. Mom-mu, Haj/:14- Jw. ho two alika. with name. 100 Nnnnna Card 00. Nunuu. N.Y. 2 813'! of Cnnla. I00, or 20 Scroll (Tm-d. " utmwim name. [mat pald. J l! mateI Nun, NY. W ,_k~ 77.. r _ l AVING pnrvbuod the Bluknmt Flock uf Hanan. MoNsh,Cmmpmu, Ferns : (2n. of Montreal. It 33 com. in am dollar.wa mm 3mm! to gins the public the ham-m of our sums ! TB S! BANKRUPT STOGK Teas.8ugats&Liqums. Wa run sell at prioea that. will OPEN THE EYES Mlle tmuo. Our now 1'. A :_:__ -_.J n.----.-- imoNTnEAL '1' HOUSE, AT HANluulrl r nl\ 134 :Princesgi St. U..- .h Bizrii {in} {mm mm AGAINST ACCIDENTS! We can and will an" lower than any \ ula house in the city. _ I n I EYES nfw trMe Uur I Raisins and Currants Will he. oered at promrlinnnllylnw guns. The Stock includes a choice seleniun ul I 2..---_ _J 11:..- ___',, ofllm rarest excellence. No such opponunitv nllaying In tlu-ir WINTER STOCK of Gnu-or- a In. l-vur lnwn llmmntbd In this (-in'. WINTER STUCK M (y ios hns ever barn [mounted ('ity. T_.. q. DONOGHUE & co. HwAxertisnwhtl gsuIFTER EARl'IH. u-ruzuru, {HUNTEBsgg A 11159352... E OIL. ;$30,000$| MARTIN'S CORNER. opponita Hm AlHun 110ml. PRINCESS STREE'IZ nunmu. A .. pvt-KNCY CAaDs.wnh nkmofip, m: ()M gold. Aganuonmb I019. 1.50 atyln "um. - 011,. Hudson. NY. NQWIMpQr AIIV'IFIIIIIIK [Inn-nu. I0 suruvt llrut. New York. includes chum: nalovuun ol Liquors and Wines , u. .._Mu.\_.. u,. -...\. um. Amirv EuudsfnluldWeatha NEW HAT 3m: Fur Socques and Coats, Prize Seal Sons. 1111. Lunb Scotch Caps for Miss as wear. HITTB and GLOVES of every das- Agni-65:: llluuuuuv V v. v. --, ,, cription. DIPLOMA at the Midland Central {sir 2: display of PURSEATS. .LVILLuuu .lJLIJU'JI "ATTERB AND IUBRIERS. Come-r of Pdumu uni Mngm lm": P.E.-Tho-e who Wilh than IIUKH nmmlrllul Ind rep-red should lave them with m; AT ONCE. .1... 13m. SIX F1381 PRIZES! WILL OPII ABOUT THE In Ur Ill Iota! vm. tho lm Ind noel-t M dluml cut-Mn in Khulna. If , mt AMI-Alanna an your ml. mlvlu you" M all. I Law and: new 305 h h or [In Inchanal. Kim 14., uni-all I ., Win (A: rily pm! am clot In I. to h." Ln." mm. ".m-umwv -u .MWJw-cw 5 "' all I" lo. Gh- hmnhh.7-Id H w mhthm. DSntin Cardin. with name. lnta Vnun 5L CoqNorlh (,lnulanNJ' 1.14;. v #uMA... At Loval Agency or Rail ay Slulion. 777.,_k~ r MIXED ()ARI)S,with uh-Tm my Aguntnotnm. l0c. L. JONES 5L Cl mu. NY. T"! In 01 nu Ina lm Mags V A DAY to Agenta canvxuwing furl VISITOR. Turum n Adde P. VICKERY. Angus mu: Iluuw nu u u rug TEAS ! 0101' yea and u by Hm uh vnnrtuturu "In. nun. n. IL 1'. Wilkbm. noun: 1 2 Int No. 2. North Shh of Viomn my. Ehm In! in (am-ed null hn 1: wall and his history, doctor! With a few others. 1 wss ono of his intimate usucisteo for yours. Mud: tint has been written of him, and rsgsrding his death, is fslso. [06 was uot llllt is cslled a periodical llrunksrd, : holding hiuiaull to spells of sobriety sud inn giv- in; Why to violent bouts of intomporsnoo; hut. he was s stesdy drinker, snd whon his means permitted he would drink to .ucisi. His hsbitnsl resort in Boltlmoro was tho \Vlllllw Mosglior's plAco. This was nu oyster-s null and liquor-bur on tho city frJlli, corresponding in some respscts with tho co'oo-ahopl in Son Flssoisoo. It was frequented much by tho printors and mm engaged in tho shipping oloos, and mukod M s ros irctsblo plsco, whoro parties could road in pspors, enjoy I game of cards, nr ongng in oocisl nonver- saiiun. lou wss ngust {svorito with tho old woman. You would olwsyssoo him leliugjual. behind the oystor-slsnd, Illill shout as quiet snd socisbls ss sn OLLX himself. Howont by the norm of tho Riml, nnd when portion osmo into tho shop, it wss Hsrd, come up Ind tsko s nip'; or, Bard, tska s hood in this gsnss. lie wss ssort of ponsionor on his Io- qusintsncrns, M for ss drinks wsrs con- cerned. Whonevor tho old won moi with tiny iuoidont or ldoo thot tlohlod hos- fsucy, she would ask Bord to vouin it. We always ouniplisd, writing msny s witty couplat, sud st tines poems of col- aidorulile length. Much 0! his pootlosl work, quite ss meritorious so sumo by which his mum was lumortslilod, wso thus lrittorud iuto obscurity. It wss in this little shop (list Poes sttontion wss called to so advertiso-ont in o Philsdol- phi: pnpar of s prize for o morltorious story, and it wss hero thst ho composed his lsmous Gold liug, which took tho prize. 1 heard him rosd it boforo ho tie-Ill. it on tn Philadelphls; ond whon it was unnouncod thst his story wss s cos-fol, tho Widow Mosghor love his: the mono] tn go on sud obtsi/i tho prizo' llut how shoot his dosthl luo lL||J been shifting botwoon leti- moreI Philadelphia Ind Now You for sovarsl yesrs. H's lisd boon swsy from lialtimoro about throo months, sud hm:- wl up one ovoning st tho widow's. [woo ihoro when he csmo in. Bord hsd boo- mskiug a little rain North sad it wos drinks sll sround, with ro st, until tho crowd worn down jolly. t wss tho Ilght bslnro su oloction, sud tho potty stsrtod up town. There were (our of us, ond we had not one hall s dnzm squsreo bolero l m- nmrua ure [an nnu pron-o. "Then you know anmething of the pool and his history, doctor? With A few other-I. mumxvuo. ROY. u. m omi rungs um; Hemogr-MJIhdm "he. or yI.'|n'cm : Thgmmxnblthl Wm! Endurance-(bulking. Wldatno'whmhdlho' ! _ Nonmthmdthu vinyl". In Iwoemeu "mu. an: I In mamary Ia:er R th. hut, Kat-eats! mman III III w. In other don. n you: m. Kc rests! "hum noon #11. other My; *1... PM [0th that III I vlll. But never I'll-fed to um um me joy- And norm, one and mm; 'Ti- written outu end}. - And rad-la full. A ' spa-t lilo. Our Esther MI ! be b not dud I Althnmh th- an.th km" him not Yuu any that. Edgu- Mun Poo dil not die frnm the omen of ddibamd dmnk- ennenl Inked I Chromdc roer. That is inst what! mun. And I 1 enneur AIKOJ uu'omcu upomr. That is just what l. mun. lpd II, further tbs! he died Ham the o'dau ol I deliberate murdor. ; 'IH. man In atrnnun 1-minn'l nip-nun uenoeuw muruor. g 'lhlu was a strange uni-tinny airing. in lming a at. coutndlction ofthotor, ulherw'ine, unwaryrecorded t dohil m the history of America: liontuu. Thu uuthor ot the union via 3 well knuwu member of Sn: Fmolloo'l Id- vanced and inveterate Bohouinragoutlr mun who hu long mince and from tho can. pix-Anita uf hII prot-inn, And spends his days in drumy mediation froquenting one of the populn [aorta of the craft, but luinling little In the idle bubble ()l the throng. When dnwn iuto cnnveraatiun, it is generally to correct Rom!) error from his inexhau-Ilblo mine of rmnimaeenoa, mud on such ocouionl bin wurdn fen Ind prod-o. l IImn nu knnw nnmethinv Iha noel His body rent: in tip. old we, joy- And norm. ll momma-s filst!ssfh99gv,'1$ Although I. W. M um I H3 lives, within our hurl ol ham-kl The loved one] with (How not. gaug graft! Whig] __..__._.__..__. .__....._.....___. up-tnwn. There Your m ul, Ina we had gone square: I. were nnbbod by policeman who wore looking up wan to ooop. h mu the prmioe in those any: to uiu peoplo, whether drunk or mbor, lock thorn up until the poll. worn oponod, Mid than march them to every pneinot in control u! m. put] huin' tho eoop. This amp was in the ton of In engine- lmnse (In CanOII Street. 1'. 'II p. of tho guns to ltupofy tho when with drugged liquor, Tho nut dny to void n1 Ihirty different plan, 3nd our and over, it. being .- mluh u I mnnn lilo nu worth tn rebel. Poe m to bully drug- grill that he wu curried on two or chm mundn, and then the [lug I. ll! it wu no use trying to uh a dud nun any longer, l') the] shoved him into I (rah and sent him to the hotpiul to In him out. of tho 'I. Well, died from dinipntiol. 'Nnthing u! the kind. [in diod iron lludumm or name other poi-on tint 'u forch on him in lhoooop. Ho In in A inn condition Ihilo in nu boil. voted lwomy of thirty timol in Bum-on. Tho story told by Grinwold 0! III! having but nll - week'l up". nnd being pjchd up on the we: in All 5 lie. luv Iain shaved mm 1 cnb myw.~-San Primal. Chro- VIIIII, ._W A... Pu for! Mr W um [Iinbody hdpooldm lot-Iowa, and idle: 'li- outtho wim )ur F-ther Ma ! be i not M I Although nun. knur- Ha Fro-aunt, 0hio.Nov. l.E.u8.ilh, a Ichtml tnchar 0' an. plus. in boll comiqu n' An lamp. to mun!" Barth min. by mingling poi-on with load. Miu Smith. oyonvm wow 0! null... ropuu pnviou M 8 out, In W] in luv. Ii: 0 huh!!! 0! In. I... -nul .ll'm I h. In. m hf h. mun mama o'llll not; ml] Iuppoud M '0' III" if ralde by dull- lzu MI It. and Mn. Stine lit vith their ohildun, dim. m Inn gin. Ii A no m'bsunlid m to indulg- ICI I rpm. Hi- Bdlt 3003 food 00 nal-tad mm in It... 'pnrpme. m- ama a... not w poem... inrm mambo thou, mtlmtlmstuid-ww about huh; I'. 'I'lmm u who-(Much - m 'r. min-'- m. I'Io phone Midonoltho! um'h :iuwpnunlh WM upbeat. lam AI I'm-es u Low in They (n be lude. HORRIBLE, [If TRUE. Indore! hr lave. N0 969i According to the Elk-both, ll. J.. Herold, it eooxno that obout three yeere up) I young men living in Burnout got morriod, end in due time hie wile vo birth to e ohild, whieh woo e girl. hon the child woe ebout one yoor old in mother died. About ve months Inter the young widower become lonely, ond took onto hinuelf onother wife. But before doing In, he took oll hie ret wlfo'e clothing, peeked them into n trunk end looked it up, end Allowed no one to to hove oherge ol the Iioy but himeell. Among the clothing put owe woo her ' nodding Ihnwl Ild o pillow hie wifo hed mode for her tint born, And more toye ehe bought juet before ehe died. Then he brought home wife No. 2. who it io eeid nude no good o mother no the overoge etepmothore do. Thin u went on lively till one night loot wee . when there woo e porty at the next neighbor'- houoe. So oltor putting the hobo In ite little bed. the {other end mother 1 3 wentover toepond the evening or. the, perty. Shortly After they left, two men cone oloug on their way to the party olw. They new A wonderful light in tho houoe I- though it might be on tire. They All!) houd the oriee ol the bobe on though in greet poin. They went to the houoe, end no won on they ruched the door the light went out, and Ill woe n eilont no the grove without. 'lhoy hut- ened on to the houoe worn tho porty mu ond told the non whet they hod Icon nnd heerd in hie home on they come by. Fire or oil men, including the owner of tho houoe, etertod to inveotiglte the re- port. When they Arrived they lound every door end window (not on they were when the owner left. On going in'oidu everything wu found to be in it: place except the child, which. otter I long IouPeh, woo found up eteire under the bed on which in mother died. covered up with ite mothers ohowl, end in little heed rooting on the pill)w ito mothor mode for in. wood uloep. Alongeide of v ll] its little ploythinge. DI. Kim's le anovnr for Gun- Iumpilol in urtninly tho (rt-tut. modioal ronody our plwod within the ranch al' Inf-ring hummity. Thousands of once hopolm quhrorl. now loudl pmclllul their pain for thin wondorful iooovar , to which they owe their livu. N03 on y douit plainly aura Oonnmplion, but. Cough, Coldl, Althuu, Bronchitis, "I, Hover, Hour-equ Ind Ill factions u! tho Thmn. Chou and Lungs yiuld At one. to": wonduful cur-tin powers I! l! by mngio. \Vu do not uk you to buy until you knua whu you no getting. W0 therefore annually "quit that you all on our druggiu Ind not I trial bottle ee of charge, which will convince the moat Ikoptionl of it.- wondorlul moritl, and Ihow you th n rogulnr uno dollu Ii" boul- will do. For MI. by nil drug- gins. A Savers Injury In my right Irm uuud an enlargement of tho ban. thou the 'I'HIL; gnu mo [rent pain nnd truublo. GILBI' Llllllr [ovum or Aunouu ooclod u care. Dun n. IT-.."- .myuouuloru-u. mamwhumdmu udpinnnndunidondoubhoom dung. "mu m pot-um oouuquouu Thu-n18 n- u: in- l'ndim ludinfd tho MR] and soon-pt upuI-ion of the clouding neu- onb. Six won prlkd u out and aw-Wool. nu that will Wit-unit: 0: Iain donuts. awoke: up a would nun! h... Il AL- ham-.. k.-__ h. n. ,_-._j now lulu! In marl-Ion other; am" that h". tll tho buildings burn to tho mound thsn ht'. Inch A thing happen. It III . blot upon Obulin. an injury to the col- lege And I Now It the nomination 0! Ha nun. onooua I can. Pmur Elm IL, 0w!" Home, 468 (WI 99., N. Y. 250 Ind 500 r bottle. For 0:10 by J. 0. King and all: In Gunn. ar- hln Inn of ' a. "L muvum n1- Im!'omlh_mhn-Ihhlnt II In u obuput nullcmo over undo. 0n duo cum conno- Ioro than. One bottle in and Bmohln. rm, oonu woth Ian and n oil standing cough. h am; can. cam-HI. "than and amp. my oonu vmh in card trick in the but, and the Walk Ten 13m in Weigh! in GoldPain cannot day when it to wed! "than Ind "up. rm, out 01mm, lune but ought yam nd in. Hum awellod not. human. than an. leunlghl cannons- ol the Intel". um kink, "in! dloulu ad pull Mal mum In my pan. no mum whore It In] can plan, I'IIII dlmoumu ud pull sud MILD-n, may bo,urfrom I t maul. my Inn. I: III-:- do on cod. Twenty In mu wank Inn on out-at chronic And bloody dvun wry On m m: can. oollc In Imu- m-um lt 'II can my ecu olpu that It |I poulblo to euro III or olgh upplmom h run-M to can ll] out of .100! My plan Indoil lam-I. For bull... Umplbd Specimen: I Ian- an an: -Iur 1r 1 r1\1 run-M of "norm nlp plunl-od bub-Ile Ilod olm ud bound up. thou In MUM-ll; an. anomalo- tom-kin. It slop. tho pol: ol 3 km to cool I. united. Cum (mom (on. hallo, um um! com and wand-of only My on In or but Dunno! union-Auk lo: DrJh-u [clam- Oll. he. um th- dnmnoll. l. M loo- vln wrunonudthu-uu Icahn, t [can In Mon In tho huh. u! nn '0 mu. Sold by Ill mam-o W Prho Io. Ion-um a. bun. Tow-lo. OIL, W I. a. Dubb- Imn-mmI-m and Mn: lim- lovn out-Abundant. hmm'huhhuhhvlllu uh: mmdthbud.htm-a no .h-l. which caulio- h slimy: duo-h.- ndund duos-minim. [ho]. wild caulio- Ia dun m. . dam-d Md the donut ad o rm-hymn that. I [IV a. . .wqgmummumd. m- m- 1 v u. Mumymhudnh&am nan-MI"! I. land-uh- onu- mu m. um In .JMth-u-HMbN-od Cum-Mut- Mini and Anti-- nuu lady." I! h- is. u-d h III-e" anon-I'M unplug m. 0 {emu-nu ital-v n. It pm 9.:an haiku. imam-inqhm '3 u I. wdmubdnnnnofatoh ILICTBICITY. Tho-u Emile-r Eoleetrlc on. lmwwmu Iantalcum and W. i" p or. Skinner'l hb Nth. l8- no Gmtosl Remedy Known. nil-Ll A Banal-table story. in V) "on amigo-annua- . s nth-WMbM-d .m- II! [1'qu Dawn-n. W "-011! 0' III .MW. om W Fine Knitting Yarns , 4-.- _. n..|...._ -5... l on: "LI. D.L'l_l_u v - Nov. 20- (mm- Oct 2611). [luv nun-nun", -w--__ . WdeoloIrl. which I CAN II V? LOW. Cm Ind about. your Em. nn Got Your Knlulu Don on the hug; lull-o. w W. nmnm aunt-run n I. KIRKPATIIGK'S - 7 ; _ -. :ENQUIRE UN 7 lap: ulna-Z IV-'- Amman. Llclf\l.&f m r Dr. Skinnn' " 0mm, Sui}: Ashley's Shirt Factory, Ill!l.l' DIX: "UIIVJ - ""' U' IICLUDIIO: ID Dan White Du Shir. Dulcibmnshirn. Mimhi. mug-M AID mm A SPICIAI." [1 WHO pmphdbm. LVi .- Nov. Mll- IlKlN (TESS STREET. Oct 16th. LADIES i I HAVE JUST FICIIVID A SPLINDID 8700K 0' of UV lclIIOI'I noel. I an. ll. ' ROB'IIV Bill". IIKTER. AnRNKY-A-LAW. 80- }lTH.&n. HVIUKJrinoolmt r. Skin-win Drug Store. uohAISYS. ' ' ' V 7' u WATER COLOR. INDIA INK UR PLAIN FINISH ! onr-l not HENDERSON. FOR gm. L... U. 1-: - AT IIANKKUPT PRICES. i was; unus- int-nil I. mot-bl. I... DI _-A Annlnl __. OVVICE AND REHDENCE. Pnnmu ill, hotwoon lnnlmul Ind By-louhun Emu. cmful ntlontinn RM to tho comma of Ir: loyal-rm at this math. u 0.18". 7M BEzaarLglwaysAhaadl u... m'zfqm 3nd MM "3 -umb I; an Dru: MIN. INTI. Street: Ihl'ng Illa. 1 1h hon-a kmn. mum. on Into Strut |n wane of erection Ior uniii! HAW". mu. un- (limo 153. mum. ..1 nm nmmzml. hu re , .. .777 . V H_...._._....__ "nu-m 'I a m ....; An...- 1. A QUANTITY 0? .1 LYOU CAN 81. Ire now plot-outing tlmir 1 mm very Mm Pocket. Unad lm. it you huv I Fin n TUE u [at the Plum with n. --n has .nvu .- 61! at" 01.1- 1 G1-.- -unuun- Dullll, Prinmn lure. Ilna alum! no bah"! mm. 1 2 In: uf Alfred I WIN. n-H'_Aml ET Sm" . mum Ws Du: u nlvuyo I if. m mr um 1.1..-. S. C. McCILL. run, Ennn Anna". I THE WllAlllIz between Isak Ind l. [Cal-nu Loppoalla Poet ()loev l and Union urea. For Sale, A? 3m FOOT anczss mm: .. . urrl'rv n on VKI. Show I. mhun "b" luvll, New and 01d Chem. 500 bags Extra flour, Chap. Fresh and Salt Butter. .I. Y. PARKIIILL, Grocer. Wine and Spirit Merchant n-- m (.1 (\F IEN'S. WOMEN'S AND Clumnumu WARE. all of which an- upeoiully made to onionwitb solid Leather Conntvrn, nd the public ran relyon I good article 3' close gure: FOR CASH. r. l Ill\[T/\7 --5 THE RESPECTI-L'LLY BEGS um WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S WARE. I Extm Prize Mena 1 Fir-t do do Bacond do do First do m... .In do

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