ulspuze. The Grand Duke uf Ilene, together with fulll' uf his dunghtura,nre ill with diphlhurn. Tickets at u Ridirulous Figure. .n ullvblnu. London, Nov. 15 ennuth has nlcclinn ferrud Iuodmli m wit A . km: W . wrruu 1110013 WIL . A lHILIJbrI of pr xn'n formed a cnmruiltce to diam dinsnlutiun of purl enable the country tu d dispute. Thu Hrnnl lln'zn I qucu an Aunlummnu, DOV, .mm Leonuuer wilulhor thudepruaau'l stun: uf trade is not the result of tho Frau 'l'mda system. Edinburgh, .an. IDs111:: Hitzh Court uf Juunciury has duliniluly refund to mlmid ball tor any mum of the Glasgow Bank Dircctura. v u u . m. n f. nazm or we Annunem dluolm, the lAnzz-ISMIH Ghana and all 16 lunar l..m.1.... I: 'm Ineg uoprcssru. rrxccs very low. Ynung, List-m A: Um, nhlp owners, Lon- don. failed; llanl.Liua, $500,000. Rxme, Nov. laleuverow of the Tiber, h-n inundated Um Rapmla, the Piazza of [he lanthemz, the Via Tar- 4 Dkn Mum. H. I)...,,r,..<..;,.. An" unetu uuu nu ma lunar streets London. Nmu 1-5.- Thu hop meet at Muidsbunu, Nov, 28th In. tho depruaau'l hninhnvvh \(nn I: 'l l. . ll: resources Lunlun, NOV. 13.7 Company, chumiud 1 Jarraw nu 'l'ync, capit (IUHH'S, failed. Chm: ineg depfrssrd. 1 Ynun'y. .\', Um. \u-J AuuU-ul-n lu-uuj] I Vienna, Nuv. 15,The Emperor Francis Joseph yrsterdny roceived depu- tatinns of the notabihtlcs of Hurzagovina. They presented their address. The Em- peror nude a gracious reply stating It was with this purest luulivos he had un- dertaken from the Gangrene of BGIllll the link of occupying H-unn and Herzagu- Vina and mi securing lhu llltarnal t.r.n|- uuu :- Tory. Illeal'y Failure: in Great Bri- [(lill. ma runners. In some of the innuunenblo letter! ro oeived by Judge Hilton in regard to the robbery, furuiahcxi for publication, money in demanded. One millmn dollars in tho largest sum domanlad for the return of the remains, but it is prapnled also tu carry of! Judge Hilton himself and de mand $10,000,000 for restoring him. : thievee to the Sate Piieon. end a aoat that ell the participeuva m the robbery of ea. In mum-8W! beyond evil to eend eech oneol the olthe le-holde everym inhiegrup, onlyveiting the liqu to drag them to n. Thou hung the ouetpdy o! the y m an entirely diercnt not of per- eone [mu thou Iho ectuelly .perpetnted the tobbery, end the one: my bunch- ed out beyond theee. Item no he elem, including never-l when. When the full star] cxnnee out. to nee the In 020 of one of the chief ociele en- gaged in the Much, it will nine the hell on the heede o! the people of Key York. Seven] penone of hitherto umluutiuned tee shility, Ibo would never be we of oomplisv city in such e crime, ere unong the meet guilty participant: in the hellieh plot. It in believed the guilty parties know thet they ere ehedowed, for they exhibit eon eidereble nervoueneu. II. II not yet in- tended to make erreeu. The probability II that e eamplete sweep will be mede to- day, end the entire geng will be lodged in 'ail at the lame time. he World uye It nu reason to believe the Stew-rt unitexcept one under eur- voilleuce in New lurkand the where- nboule of other: and remains are known. It in aid they cnu be prvduced et eny moment, and the ci-rte of the police will be directcd to eusuriu g the conviction of the robbers. In ..... en .J 0|, :.. n m..- .Lln nu... -- , (Hy Triegmph CincmmmI U, Nuv. 1 I rm.- 4. n I... . .4. no- nun, nov. umnno II. nok only In. Shrunk bad, hon found, be: the porpm hn' been diam-t- od. Eudum In. boon-aura! "Mn! Inn-1M an In and M and oh- 1 Body m...qu Known Foarfu Wont. (By 1w Toll-v) No! Yuck, Nov. 15.'l'ho Ii. ny- mt onlv badv ham fund. - i~ ~m SI'IHI l' 0!" THE PRESS. A 9.. r HAIva win. (By Telegraph . M.u I" Tory orgam dumuncod the intorelted sud 'ourrupl' behaviour of Mr. Hutton, n! Comm Hurun, for cominnlly taking An oico he never Intended to rot-in, and which he ucupted morely for the purpou o! Vlotting his MM. in hvuur of Mr. Cartwright, Now lhlt Mr. MacDougIll bu retired (mm the reprosonutum 01 Thus Klvcra In orer to make way for the on. dehated Langevin lhu act in be- lmded u putnuhc cnnduct. In I prohibilily. 100. Mr. Mmduugall hu Iti- pul-ted fur nomething nub-unal an A Io. Ind (or his "entice, (or there wu I deal 0! hllcklifillg md haggling between tho 832,000 nun And be before the lolicited nulgnuiuu wu Ioceded to. in conduct will b. none lhrl ms'patri nic'on that ac- count from a Tory pumt of View. What , in lance for the goon in not uuco {or the pndor. In other wordl, wlut in corrup- I (ion in n dormer in pntnotinn in a I 'l..- 78 (ID '1]! II. [19 I p'.-Htlln. Times. I. uv. lav-The English Gov- llLCHth the [{ussinns' pm- i with Afghanistan. .Jf [rrlxn'nonl Liberals have miltce agitue the inrm:- inn parliaman in order to my decide the Afghan Eungguu. .AIIILHCUH, um V 1 mm Saint Arugula, luv or stream r)."|)hu Lannr & manufacturer: at. piml half a million 4mc1ll mule exccad- lrxcos luw. L, ua. 950000, Ill CUHHUCLIU" WILD Order Iyatem, niLh inn by the United nut ('lli;nL TU-(ILlf/ ) 'l"! .. I May. ) 'l|.m . 1 growers uponaider own. :. Thou Tory gonna-non Ihn m can- w at one. with both the third and tho loath unnu- of tho lulu: m nonin- nlly "tiring Iron tho Mar lo a not to joopardizothoir Parlimonury Imu- on the on. hand nut doprin their pspon o! Gonnuncns pup on the other. Mr. Whitmli. P. In (Jud-0|], lad the In] by V "tiring from tho 6mm. Mr. Bow-ll o! the lntdligumr bu followed unit, while Bunting ol the Mail, Stephenlon of tho Ohntham Hand, And their Iimiluly limited con/urea an dnily upocted to go 3nd do likewiu. They as taking I very prudent pregnutinn in Ihuu severing lholr olwonl and visible connection with tho journal: wlth which they hue been identied. ml- swung-nae lmbWw. LIII. Woodstock, N.B., Nov. liXothiq but the hum. of the kill"! mi L It '- 39- Mint-l] thin that about thine. rm injuud. A Dim India, a! 0a.! 1.11.. In: aim did at injurin- mind. 80nd M o! :5- 'M onrnoa up. It. lluc Hacker. 0! Fat Fnireld, Mr. Parry, Plaque lilo, Mrs. Cub- Ilu Md Chum Wolch, now: buy, Ion Hod. Nothing wu found of them but boon. It in though! other mm in I mining. Conduit Yen-n "a bully hurt. lipa- on: R. D. Clark Itd baht-an R. Dun-Ion I". do lnjaud. About 126 [-ongcnon :ho tnin won My all mom or loan hurt. The leci- dnt III canned by n bundlc of than from the bun-pear Ipth behooning back under tho check all the pun-apt cu. LATE... \ by l mgruru l o ally.) Wood-lock, No'. 15.Au accident occ curred It Pool at 7:34) o'clock lu. night. The puunget ctr and luggngo at a! an up tuin In thrown hum the truck, rolled down the bank lly lee! :u lb. up hr'l edge, and tho puunger cu vu burned I. [Inc Minn nl Fun Flirnhl Serious and Fatal Railway] Arm'- Ilcul. u I run" nrmer Melan hero. I John T. Warringtun, of Liverponl. Eng., lure chceu manuhucturer in, in (nun. unAwrwuueu lhlltll Inn (111'!!! I nnVIgl- liuu, and this has Cmuul I little more actmty than has bum cxpunmweJ d'uring tho put Wrek. Husinru uni-m. nxn ruminu u'.~ III-mlul' ml I.- " III-um. W I'- noch mar-god at Ibo Nodaul' and Ono-hock outlook. The Gout-l .0. ho a! I very sanguine hop-nun to uh but from lino-n W by I! ma. mjmity in Hamlin-um and lb slum: utm extinction ol tho .0 Iona] noddin- all on: tho Union. 1!- IM omly baton; to the duo which can he thy-Hal (or null [noun than In an tab so terric . trounan with Io good-pug. arrival. There has been anme Iinl displayed in moat branches HI I to land in orders, In that gm bnAforwuded hurtlle Hm close ( [inn and [Lu l.-.u r'uvl Al . I; I llu preparing. ' Anolhi-r i-rivnte meeting of Aldermen ' was held yesterday niternnnn iu the ' Ma Dr's Ullicc, bctueen the Mayor and Al ermen, when it was decided that the eddreu lo the Marquis (if Lorne should be engrossed and illuminated in the best manner possible M an expense of $300. It was also decided that. at thereceptinn of their Excellent-ice M. the railway nation the Mayor will appear, adorned with his Cink and badge of ofce, and that the Aldermen shall wear silver buckles, or badges with ruletten. Their Excellencies will be escorted to the Windsor Hotel, in prucesninnnl nrder, the re, police and \uluntnur forces tali- iiig purl. therein. A prnclarnation in about to be issued by in Worship invit- ing the citizunl lu unite in a general illumination in hnnor ol the distinguilhed arrival. TI.-. I.-. L... -.__ Hill, A~_s,., i l \uy lruyluyu [U any.) Montreal, Nuv. 15,'lhe committeo appointed to carry 'out the arrangements fur the St. Andruw'a Ball, to be givunnt the Windwr Hotel in bnnor of tha Gov.~ Uenural And Princess, includng Sir A. T. Galt, Hon. D. A. Smith, Hun. Jan. Farrier, 031. A. A. Stevenson, Mounts 0. MacLemmn, A. Allen Jr., R. B. Angus. Uen-rgo Stephen, Joseph MacKay, Jno. McLennau M. P., and many other leading citizens. The curpurnuou are also preparing. Annlhl-r I-z-ivntn nanna nf Aldon-man cmnmrr. lne river scum v Tho Wat-Jr was vmwdml v and the dipp.n f Mugs ; ring salutes c AbnaJ I. picture. ~71 4.. r un auiruunnll. 'lue tender )liuwei the Smudian to the rock-light M tha mouth of the Mersey. The Duke of Westminster, the Earl of Sefmn, and Sir John Rose ac Companied the party thither. The Prin- ceu Louise expnsacdi hem-1f dpligbted with the arrangements made {or her comfan 'lne river was splendid. WILh shipping. and tho forts unhauica the nil-turn Preparing fur Ilu- l'wc- Regal Kerl'plion-uliusiur-ss Feel i n (I. nun mnnn m inn. nlanl-D. The Itreeta of Liven-p ml were lined Willi volunteers from the Adelphi Hotel to the landing "age, and a detachment of Life Guards fanned an eunurt. The city was gay with (lag: and hunting. An enthusi- astic recepunn was accunlul In the Mar- quis and party while [musing thrmigh the rests, tho po-nple chewing, thu_ band! playing, the thlunal Anllmm, and the: church bells ringing merry pculs. Au mun. The party arriv d at the landing stago l which w" crowded with I ample udmu- ' \m by tickotln: 10:45, rm a .5 will ulel afterwards embarked nu the crude; Siercnck hrn Hm puny hm] got safely thou-l the Surnmhan the Royal standard was truism] to the mutheau. The Duke ui Uuunaught and Prince L90- pold, after taking an affectionate leave of their liltl, I'd-embarked on the Storm. cock to return to tho landing sttge. Shortly Ifterward: the Sarmatiau ltenumd down the rivar, while thousands of wav- ing hundkerchlef exprusned the wish of a bun voyage from the pouple who crowded the guys. son 0mm. In. rnncou won I Invol- ling drou of bluk Iilk, trim-0d with fur. Lady MmNumm In nd in black what. The Priucol note frock cautu, with button-4:010 bouquou. Tho room wu "tilled with councillors, loci! diguiuriu. and I company of diltin- guuhed ltdien Ind gentlemen. Tue High Sheri' and n uumboguf members of Pur- liunont duo united with the Corponthn. After the Mnrquil of Lornen reply, which In deliverud in tones dialinclly ludible throughout the runm, the party new con- ducted by the Mayor to the carriage: which were in waitin. bit nmmed Aguin to appear on the bxlcuuy of the Elchlnge In Balilfy the vast crowd out,- side. Maul-Inuit! IMF-mam u... "I... ION-I. on. Mama-a my mum-44.11.] ' mu m cop-mu o! It. ow Golan! almanac- fro- Ihiu t]. The f Inqui- nd the Fri-u- vii-h duh-nib, npd accompanist! by tho N. l o! Connmght (Prim Arthur) and Prince Loopold, utivod hon fra- London at "I. Ceatn! Sution It Ii: oclock Illi- Innnin, and Henson-10d in (on Our- guuion aniqu to the Adolphi Hotel. tenth being over. 00: ' ctr- riaau annoying the party and ad po~ to Mad vi- Ranelngh, Church. Lord, and Code attach to the Torn Ball. what. they arrived at 10:15. The van n~ ceived by the Mayor. M2. ydon, on [In grind unite-u, which In Wall] decanted. The party In conduchd to the put hull room. when add"...- rm rut! by the Rebordu on Malia! the Corporation of Liverpool, and by the - Pro-idem of .tho Chunbor of Com- merce on behnlf of that body. The Rap! party occupied [our claim of unto upon 1 duh oovorod with crim- cloth. Tho Ptincou Invol- lina (iron: 11 Muir .illr Quinn.4! -iih no veranda at Liverpool and a. 8M. (D: rhag.) Liv-spool. NM. 14 --'l'ho mm b and tho depot-hue at tho (Ion-:03 h... Jn._-.'_ L... xLZ- :._ (By Tdegmyh To day.) in... N... Ir. A..-..;J -~~m-~~ A- wooosm_cu, .3. (By Telegraph To day.) 1-130] M.|II IT. 'Ilu. #714. i MONEAL. Hui-HI. _ 5.4.) L._ A: [la anxiety the trade (wad; might r of Having. I DI" Fm w ml III-u t" mltdlhmtm.mw In _.._1. .._..._.__A -s AL- all-ml._.l| n.) I Hun on no. out Fancy! farmland; no] land, At. less than of Production. TO - MORROW ll Worsted Coating, All Wool Twcods, llannels. lHamiIl'nBankmptStuck )IF PHOTOGRAPH: l ()no lmnd red 0: mm of Benj miu Dis- raeli (In In Punch), [(3 (OK-ll. IN! 1 wul by J 3m Middl mliu, rilh ,Jwtu of authur, 20 ca. 1 Umch "no Lilacs, by I. M. .1100, 20 1 mm!!! WIF,WIU Insulin-um a! m and Prom a cdaoatumhmnaph. l The Mimetoo Bough, by Mia- Buddun, ' l5 coma. The Latest of the ledonl', 10 0mm. Hllhurcuurt, hy Mu. Mulelworlh, 20c. Ninniu, by Henry Greville, 10 can. h Wunl AM lHendemnn'anoksture. GOOD WEBSTER SEWING IACIHNE will be said In AUCIIUN, at Hutche- nona Amman Boon", M 'lcn oclock 'lo- Morrow. J. E. HU'ICHESUN, an lth A... nupnuu' ui um me mrl JUIIII rm'r. The funeral will leave the residence of Dr Feuwickmnrnnr ofKing and Barrack mm. to ()atnraquitemnterymu Saturday-furan nt 2 ocl: ck Friend: and wqminmnoeu nre invited to intend. ' THE 3...:- m..a..,..._.___._.~. L: gully 5mm: Whig. -..._..__.u....- - r..- M nun! majliv. us, an I In Kingston. on the MRI: inst .lur'mJouth dnughmrof tlm late Mr] John Phnr The funeral will lanvn oi. .n.l.l-..-_ 1- H mm. nglu is yams. The funeral will mks place (no. his isle residuum. Ontario street on Sundny afternoon at two o'clock. Friends and wquniutmul an) invnted to attend. lunu. In Kingrton. on NOV 15th, It. Mutthew ()Noii. ngnd 48 Thu fllnrnlwill ml: nhum I'm_ Ll- I-.- Mnlwn's Bank rllx div.. 8?, 84 Bank du Paul-[u n'erad GS. 65. Jun ues Uartivrils. 37. Que me Bank 00, 00. Exchauga Bankinakml. 110. Montreal TeL (Jo117. 116 1-4. City Gus (10-110. 111 City Im Ry #111, HO, Dnmiuiun lel. (n - Dulniuiun 'lel. (n 5:}. (it lnssmger Kai'wnyBS. Riclelivu and Ont5| 1-2. 53- anal (Ynmulinn Inn . Oh-ml i Montreal Bank of nned15234; 152. Merchantu' Bunk ~91, 90 U Bank nf Commerce 4110 3 4, 110. Ontario Bankex div.. 743-4. 74. Bank of Toronto asked. 135. Ill. ('onmlidated Bank ~71 14. 70. Mnhmns Bank rEx div.. 84. Bank nlu lmmlu u'aml HR , mcneuvu lll Untl 1-2. 53. Rnyal Canadian Ith; offered 82. 00 (Mic140. 137. Luraay. ~ Hon. Mr. Moncbm, Comptroller of the (mvernnr-(uenural'a household, And On]. Littloton. left for Hullfnu yeltordny by the Nurih Shore Railway. ' r >~rm .m. nun-y r-I uunuruuu u wull Luu cat 0 Im whu .mu [3 an all! r. I: um I] hum: ay m c'n.nm.:r<..al rnx allu-r, Hkon to Mu vtrmI-v .1 plum! i; - llilroplnmbla lc-u fn-m Whiun {13m 3! . res re: mod t ahor. tine rmwarca by Ant puentl. They no collecting informltion in the mantr. it II said, with: Viol to the pro- secutiOu of the man. Hm. R I. 'lmnu I- 1,.-rL._L-_ .Lz- III-IV. . Mum Io u-lnyor Ways gov-nu lam: BOOUHOI] 0! the Hon. S. L. Iilley left for Quebec thi- aftornuou. [in 51115 for England on SA- Hnn. Mr, Nlnnntnu nmnlrnlln- n5 Hm Ir-un mommu u: l a 'u rec ntly in connectu n with n _;i JLK bx H w. w,uuu,uuu. St. Pull, Mum, NOV. IiiColo QM younger denial nu Ineuapt undo durlng the \nr to kidnap Gan. nut. Pursulny! it: affcrwen Tilley I". r Euymuw 11w u'cyal News. I to ma mun. , Nat York, Nov. IiiTho uhoonor , Goo. Thur, John-on mum, nilod . from Baton for the In: coal of this: on tho middlo of October. She uncoun- torod hurricane, on ma Ind on. min In Inked over , the forer In drowned md tho km: and on- gol. in n huhnnd Iohoonerud on- Inro ve dm withonuuter. Tho, Inn picked {In kon Oct. 23, ad brought to Now or . vQNoI York, Nov. l5.Adlllkti0lll A in rened lug." hue been dhcovuod, by which it in intimuod the Gout-amen! 10;: 35,000,000. Paul]. llnln Nn' IR -(nln blu- Nov 15th. NEW BOOKS. 'unnol tar opening W I'tu 0! Emperor Williau sad unbound to In you! imprinomnont. NEG-run in char-instep lam Sammy Iva-W will all th. German Gavel-nun auction to the Ila-tut. N... Vn-I. w..- 1: ML- -_L-4_~_ he: Yahxov. 1511.. N m. lindlnucthuiIJMw 'u. so. 2,1!)0 fan-:3 boznun the I L. pxou. rio- inanx m qua, to: by the for" that I brillhnl ind nib ingcontut. I Am Bihnr Ilia thin-4| -I-ln- I x layman. Adu- iber who vinihd Ger-any thm lock-Ago n- triod and conical .W for Ina-kin- i-nnnull- nl Budaprmwhuahd'ithth nun-hnlIL- nan-l Mn.- .M In II. (by Tegmph 70 '.y) ( :tau 3, Nnv. llTwo detective- r-un Lontrml m"! Va". u thunly cc me u a af a THE MANAGERS A LARGE STOCK OF nlwmigsnmss. AT HENDERSON'S! Viahem r... 011:)". DIED. .. \a-.. I A Montreal. Nov 15, H: L52. T 1' VALUAILI MIIOLD I'll). run CID-urban... hon a It. OIAIIAI IIUUII. A tutu-uni I... Huh. I It ("IO-M [AhIIhl v m.- TI. MEI ilk-Mimi! ~ In. a: t y I. humanism-300p. cannon Ora Iitmmbofoudllll m and Ml Ilium on 6806le smnl ln- yymmrnl Onion 111th at Go, 10. )2, Mid |5 par yml. Gm nod Grin-on Bun. Eight Blue, Pink, Rm. run 0, Green, Ind that dude. 0! All ool Ilnn- noll. n In- min-n, All Inn] Fancy Flumoll M. 40c, 461:. Ind 60 cont: verych. Uniun Fumy Flannoln It 26c. and 301:. [m ynd. All I All! ,Thn low price at which we are selling Flume!- Ihuulvl mnkoi tutlw in- lolelt cf intending purchaser: tu nntlciplto their want for tho winter. Our nd in the Above domr - .- .uv Ilul-lllvu- I-llv'l'I u- only come of close oburu- .-..-i-na- \V.. n.--" ,J AI in"! 'I mm. Id. In an. Unions-o "In. HENDERSONS 4 In I'd-eo- ,Ilml. Nov. link. ma Grandfathers Clock, I do not Ink Dune Fortnnu'a Smiles, Sen ShaunReply to Gathering Shells. Kathleen of Kilkenny, by Milford. bonu- tifully illuurnted. My mum on the OH Ohio, Eilloen's Anuwor, Hummus. -. See the Floral and Aldiue Ityhs vory lunhome |AT HENDERSONS uu-umuuu n pun - aoml onus: of tho city in A few days. I rest mycllim w the position nu whn l hive Al- randy done. and when (ducted will follow on in the tune straightforward course I hno aims" pursued. having an eye Jingle to the prosperity of tho lrouuoo, the mlvanuomenc oflho city. and specially to the wulfum of my fuiluw workmen. WM. ROBINSON. Vinnnom. Ln... IR Iru Astho Eloollou fur the Local Legislature will his plan. within A few months. I be; to lnform the Elton)" of :tbo City of ngatou that I will Again he nCsndidnm for tho pulltlon [now hold, and that I wlll commence a per cm or KINGSTOM Nuv 15th. At the Emporium of F WJEN YOU ARE SURE 0F (HEPIIVG THE NEW SHIONABLE GOODS At price: w loll u _f"- A tweneut Fit gnnrnn vc-Iv A blitil ashlon, [wool White Funnel. from 30 conla per yud and uplurdl. I wool Urey Hannah 15%., 352. Ind 40 can pu' ynrd. [LEAyEymmaORDERSFUHELUTHING l .0011; Flmnow. .mm 20 cent; per yud mud upwards. m oanl lumen 04 noll, u low prices. All N.B.Our Boob bolngolonod plane (In not uk for and. account. dull to ma mun b0 plld .3 one). P. Ii. A Bargain Guarlteed to Every Buyer. l. IIAR'IY. unnn... v - \ Bou- II llld that the (Iron Sula comma-lea: on the In: Instant, and will cud-Io for Tin. Weeks. I n I A Kingntou, Nov I5, IBTS. FLANNELS. To BI sow anemones or cost on v u ' M 0 b- ook! and in nuke to nuke nniklf'mlh. iSQturdny, ifliQIanor 16th. Book and Munlc Stores. A [men-co for the Indieslunatic I gun to be [Ivo- nm at lP, HARTYSI ONLY TEN CENrs. nnnss GOODS] AUTOGRAPH ALBUMVS; ALL A'I T0 'lllI-i ELEU'IORS 70: an. Gm: Clearing Sch of Duns Goods. .- wuu msuuwusss or 0081' OR VALUE. liu d: In. in cal-t tonuke niokaulu, (he prim Ii" ho found in indies-out to am to F uh a largo patch F Ineht in Mary Cum- (FULL MUHH- mu.) alhld. loll O um. hm. v M at chant Tailor. .__.v T0 conict Immu- Phno And W hum-n. mm 3m 'Wuhuudl. [minim rub. Clocks, nap, led-glam Munmm.m;m In all I lot 0! WII' ALA A. A- --'II A uh plan 1 WI lulu locus. on IA'IUIDA' IOIIIIO m1. 1) M a 10 debut. . nu - .11.- I - 1n: IT. mm" but. PAUL noclm In." m. nun-bled their arm-ouch f- '5": n. wrung: no can! I r smog-n the WINMMIIVJATHII 47 ll 1'!!! CITY HALL Tho-ha on. k H In "I!" do... Io mm entertain a to rhodium living or he dad are W. W tho but 1'!!! on. MAM numbn- onto .0 mm on tho EIIIIIII ll DAT Inn'-----nn -- .4--. ma. nxvumu mum an: Inn, Inc-(IL. lam Au nu- "nun- iiiiin um. lav, 1m. ' A1 a ocum. Great Apostle of Temperance I!!! comma: The satin] Tu: Immune I Enrbody (Ming to Hear ll In I HELP IE: roan: I'Man may. of Hm mun-inn will lm MMDI 1 Imupl 0 to null. Simple; will no [uni-shod 01 Iplmqnlmn. ' JUIIN DUUOALI. In. ION. Nov IIML loulnnl,Qu -uu vm v1 15le lull Mairquis of Lorne." Thl- will Aluo be profuuly lllunlnwd with rst-clu- Iuotl mm. and would I read I); nvorv rel-Ion who null w booolno thoroughly ucqun nlod vmh Hm hinwryu! the Gov-nor Helmnl. To my porno" whom;ng to tho NEW DOMINION MONTH/4 1, The December Number wlll ho mm FREE. The lulmlptiau prism are u followl : Nm. Dulnlninu hmllny, . . . . A2001!" mum .')uu.nmu Mnnthv. together \' ,lll Woolly ll'vluru ...... 2.; I") N... now: do -l v" TICK I1! -5 can. In I. .n Iunnu-wll n3 Innuwruun (-uruvm I from aimlth t-kml II writ-Hy for (h l publ (muon- ThoJANUAuY N lllh willcuuhhn bouillon llw general full unommsut uf nwdlug matter, a must murman Irnrlu on l .__. _ -77.. .u... -- _w--vuuv-,\ Which will [he an acmuntof llm luhltl and .ppolunce 0| lheprwmt lmlhm lulmlnunb, Lugulhn M1!) Ibo Muer ul' Ilunlr tribe. The prewm, religious llmluull In I: nun: Mun-ell llm Indian-And thbomlnnry Im- lulrly treated. Tho whole! lunl Icr [4 'nm In Itle nml nonuloo manner before lhu roulmu public, The :11th In Illustrated by mnnuruun c-uuruvlnn from w- want In "I. nun. Ind (I will eonlu a Lunar by onquimu 1"):- Judp will pom of a npxrizunlimc nua- il older "at the h- I, ha utiv M and rindimd. In the mnnlimo I. am In Md 'IOIU. Iuh tho I'll)! do... .- m ninth-nil; Id..- A- n. )-_J A In Illustrated by Innnmuun I'll rnV|h$I from ThoJANUA balm The House of Argyle and the Mnlnnl. A' f A". U w-nl mull a largo (sin-ulnllon in reached. The Ha wine I: now a book ul ID! pngnnllnd with big ly mun-mlth Irtlvlu. runny orwhloh m {Nu-trawl and the mnlnrlly by Can-dill] unborn. ihe member Numhor will contain I Ianthy urliclo onlluml 1.1, I .. _ . .A 7 mm CANADIAN MMMZINE Inn Ilovly ] hut unruly worka H.- wny inlo tho hurl- uud homo. of thonmuuln of our ban ('Anulhll lmuilieu. But It Mtg.in of Lhu stamp of tho hmninum. ulmuhl not amp m u circulatlon all l'uw Ilwunund. It nlumhl and: mlvnuoo on- Wll'd um. large nirculnllon I Magazine uf ID! [up]. lled with The New Dominion Monthly. THIS CANADIAN Ilo'ly uml hm.- nl' 0mm..." - Ar ....- L_.. 1-,, -. l'hotogrnphnof Mniquu OI-IAYIII; Mn! Louis. lhnwgrnphn of Sir John A. Mmdunahl. Ar Prion: uwnv duwu tnnuil tlm limes. ,_.. . 0...... run- Hue Poets. EUREKA PERFUM El) PASTE. Try it. lluurin'u Euum Syrinne. Carter's Ink b v the (.Mu or down. Duuullnn. by 1'31. Kennod . Hin- Ruhwu' [Im-Luna. by yiuthoyn. Mayrlm'u 19mm. by J. l ()uuhl. Birthday ' uxt oulu from he to $2.50. Church Survives in lung tv m lmm 30;) to .5. Spurgmu's Sermons pumpxnluln 3c. and uh"- In: series. liiblon Iroun 20v In $350.01er Morouuoi. Mum-hunt Hvirnm lm-luma. Calllohc Pravur Hook- from Ilia upwards. Pupur Waighta. Fancy lnlno. Ernuora l'lnen' Consulate and Empires undvr Nupoloun. Thioru' Fri-nah Rovululiuu Alhumn In Pearl. lmmhm- nml Mar-mm- unoru' Flluuh kovululiuu ' IAHHIIN' and Maroon). Pane Purtuula from 50 to $2.50. lllmlk Huuknol'nll ltimla. lanai-Honk. uf wry bus! qlmlny. Iuw priml. lhowgmphnof Mnrquu ol lannmunl lrlnawl n. V- n... - "u, . nulllllll uul Card (fa-Ina, Fm, Ludinn' (0 Dunn. 6w. I ' Vlullgi Union "10 Ill 13)?[6 lrllld Ill landod to k. Hi we in my uuuoldnblo .huooo. 0! com... Gnome did not mun that my tranquil lpirit should be dinturbodnoithor did My Attorney, the (union. Mr. McGuire, since he in np to the nbonl'uh work, but. it seem- tm tho City Solicitor hu dourrd um I. dun-boring, damned, re-ulsuu of III. gnnylrd aunt be notified, And "on Inmnonod, And honco l Inpuooo ' It i. expected that n ahgll Iltend .nd ! mwor to on: ma. But. uni-2.1mm we out in the lab. and ynu coal-tn "our If ch.- Judp mi: Inxrilnnlichc Card (In-Ina. Ladixm' C nuumulona, Work Gold l'em. (lulnl Pom-1h. Wallets ufnll min. The hilllduwu. and Gill and haul Red Line Pmu-Imwn mwm m-.. .-.. , 1m SLATE IENtlLS hm hundmL _....u.vu. Cllltwrbux, Little \Vhlo Awnlm, (fa . Artiuu. Rulledgv'i 03': Am l.....l I. . u , LRNUPIION H ANAUASIS. Eclonucu. (\nlnln.\-... ._ _, .u Ivlun. I HORRHONS (,UMPUSITIUN New Book uuly 45v. a! nu... .. ' MEMOKim nu Alli:le mi" Nuv. 15th, I n and it: Inhabitants," :x_\,: u "n muvr V: w" urluul n my. DIAI SIMThing: mundane have ohnngod lines in! l pilyad n hume " It In u III-in of thin peculiar Mu. hroo month-lines I (all in A "mule with the grim mmenuer, and Will! the humble communion common in thorn at low doum, I tint rennian uf un-r um, to turn 1 II! concerned was quiet Iy conveyed to this pinco (Cgunqm Cemetery) Ind dapuaitod in What [1108! people imagined u: my In! peaceful nbodo. To All lppoauncu my carucr Doomed nun em], and I entertained the bolls! (I irimnlly) that never mum, an long In t in world land, would I be mil ed upon to gure in the things that. per lu'n to timonna 3pm. Hut 1 nu min- ukon. On Tuudsy Int 1 reoaived An in- tiuntion ol 3 nmnhblo chunctar. I III notied the. George Bnnd, bleu his pioun hem, ind objected to my rot. been) I In dud. And my old friend, Mr. thinn. very kindly pour '(i In. I circulnr, informing me of tho nil- nnuao Ihioh the laid (homo Bun-i in .mndod MO 0 in. in my murnaln ___.. .-._._ .- ---w. I "a.- canal-(Jay- bun-kl! bu boo Woo-cl'omv-IMN nummmmysm -guduhif'buu mmeWhI-nkw dummddhbq- u-lh. H In. It. AMI-n In THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE. .A'IE IEN( s.woon& u nun, u om. can. maul, A , 1878. 0". .0001, My mnul null Miler Annlllh. ,V . ... . moru In", only 30 per ' am: mm; MIMI, Soon the lat leuien prisoner in Iro- lnnd will be liberated. So entail U'Cuu- nor Power, M.P., at A recent public meeting. I! there in nothing like cle- mency to extreot the eting from conspi- rncy end tree-on, Fenianism will ero long be entirely diurmed. The British Government, by norm: of respite: and per-done, ie At my rate making a wall mount elorl to kill it with kindntm. Such a policy ought t) be,'but is Hui. i l- vuinbly Attended with nuccuu. Liberuu l Feniene, too, eometimu repay their pill' don by lamenting trouble in their L'uilu-l Sum Alylnm n lysine! Canada, though the redemption: of Ireland by the lZH-l' lieu of Cenedn, hu leter fallen into merited (Ii-repute. Buck Silks. colored sun. nu: Volnh. Oolor'd do All Wool Inl- Ln All Wool ml-v . noon n. and W001 mm. on (mun: unl A VOICE [30] THEDEAD. To the Editor of u British H'lny. n-,.. 9.- Nov. I. 187& .,. my.-. my... .m. my], uni. Mr. Cunamn feliciwusly C)llV.yJi to, him the congratulation: ui' thu Bur, being followed in the name win by Mr. Hoctor Cumeron, M. P. for the c unity of Victoria. The hot that Judge M )3! lud been In ardent Rotorm M l. [)l'iur to hit oleution to the Bunch, and that butli the Mann. Cameron were 1123 pollllcti opponents, wu favourably couiuientol mi It tha time u Ihowing that the moat bit- terly Idnuo party mm am not always the re enter- thoy am not down to ba, Ind thlt political life has it: amenities the nine 19 uthsi lphorus of nociaty, Mr. Justice Mull will now have an oppnrtu- hit] of "oiprocl'iug the cuiumtulatinns of the occuion we) refer to. The (luvm tlon of Hon. Mr. Cauiurou to the lunch will opeon Another Uiitmi) c Jiistituancy, that of But Toronto. This fact will am no political excitomont, as tle caustitu- one] in one of thn molt continual 'lury stronghold] in the entire country, and will bu mm to return a follower of the new lender of the Ontnrio OppUSItiml. "I W "Ilv- L "I. W I I I he. been groeing more and not. perceptible eech wuiou , hie imbue penoml independence ' prompting him not long ego to throw up the leadenhip in resentment (or the lack oftlulloyel end heel'ty euppurc from his petty to which he deemeJ himuli eu- ulled. Hillou for them reasons from m heed ol the provinciel p my will uut, we buoy, be considered en irreparnble one. Who his eucceuor may be it. is at eo eeey to conjecture, though we should think the choice would b) between Kenn. Lender and Meredith, with the odd: decidedly in favour of the latter. The quelltiee of cherecter and tempere- ment which nometh hindered the Hon. gentlemen u e politician will by n nm Hull be en objection to him est judge a is, I. think, well tted for the Bench, bath from hie eminent legal atlaizimrii's anl hie leverer judlclel cut of lll'JllLli toun peninenl. His appointment, I'LL'lils n plee'uut incident to which he Wes e petty not lon since. 0n the m- ceeiou of Judge Mues inst wunipiim of judicial dignity and duly, llm. l l J M. than"... nlinirnn .l. > Fvvv in In 1-3 WWII-l. "II II. to tho Tot, party in u Oumio Legh- luln 'm not ho con-Mun! I vet] IO vm on, notvilhutanding the {wt of his Mp of tho Opposition than. Tin: [add-hip In anything but u brillmn'. IW,IIM (mu nm of .bility, but W for lack of those geniul 1M coher- ing politics which omble I Illcceulul Inuit: Io unit. [In follows" and to in unit. on Iith u: thude in Kaleb no. to u objo for which they no do- . bottle. This qul of M I... L..- nn-:.... .....-- "Ha _ - w I. ml" "on! who! I. did no. Item any-um to hi. ,m Md hbin or thought. It in m be so! data to his crov Miovuouoltbo thomzhpaoml Tod- 'bdid not. cumin 31 um Ip' you of III. Pacic Scwdd. His 10- ;- IL !m. n...- : an n....:.. l' M:-, ' 'Illw WV 0!. roll a WIMJIIB on in non fully .Wh thin-hid "Ind. Suns gunned-au- mm to b. in m. Wmwtduu Imoloulrum H d by, to hi.- My dun from thing: 15.: unlth In. Aid ....A -..... VIII pv' w. mil". nu "Wyattde I). M, villa-o to My mud HA Th no. inal- mul hi. m-o- .mll aiuhaqphao :- a. 3-d- Wk. triadic-1,... MMdOdJue-Bhpny. will 9". padM'iih the . -_..:_A_._A AL-L Al AI._ n I. n In... u.- ---u v u-I-Iu 5.. II. III M. ne at Ii. 5] Sir John W. ud ooh-quad, by Tum, a. hit pecan-pun 09 the Tory hula clip. h and up this in Ind Ian. I, ton-Ho pub-ion (or Tom-to, our oak-putty slip. lab .- m which n-uunhlh but, to m h Milo-Sir Job. In! to To- uch NI Claim all than to mmmbKi-Mf' A5000! 1 din- nm- L- -i.LA |.__ :7 1. a. wax; (In Why. -h-_l -dn nu- .- __ A Dun V01. yaks-u mind- It. Ink, 1 :u , mvgll F H. Eli-3&2" Sickmu proud: ovary-hon, Ind everybody mmplsinl of non. dint-u dur- ing chair lilo. When lid, the object is tn pt well; not to any plainly Hut no Barton III thin wotld {but in "Morin. with ylpopuilr hm Conphint And in e'oou, ouch u Indication, (In-(item, Sick Hedwig, Boar Shani; Hun Burn, pdpihtion o! the numbers-cod Spiriu, [kimono-n. at... an uh Unul Aroma van without getting relic! Ind can. I! on doubt this, pen amides-uni . Wm, ad. I\ Sunni-Batu. lot 10.. And try it. Rmhrinnullu Tn da- will: The cilia-In o! Tomnto In coming to regard I. Quoon Clty much u so Boo- wanna do the Hub of tho l'ninm." N only in there no play. (Ah Tomato; than will soon be no pl. but Toronto. In Idea-in. tho Hon. Mun-dc: In; kami- to Tonal. u I "follcv-a'tiun," ! tho lm-n up that to out up. to { In Pro-int ol the Dominion I am Inst . hail Iron Ontario nod live in Too-nun; I and M It. mum a. mu, mo... man. m. I... by mm... a. m- : In! .c....l. I... .n L:_ I. In. 'ALA ups-mo lot won-u Ill try it. Regular in 750nm do. will all". you. Imprommo mu me one: detention u! n! the nhip un this afghan will Idmit of their be'uz present It the bull to be given It the Wind-or Huh-l, Montreal, on St. Andnw'l Day. The Duke of Edinburgh will noooxnpuq the vieo-rognl put, to m- an. pot, mouueu. TheDu|m 0! Eiinburgh will, it. in said. be graurol have 0! nance, A: well u mnny oice belonging In hll ship, alter the disembukuiun of the Gover- nor General It HIM. h in not at I" improbnhlo Hm the brief detentiOn o! In! Ahin immn Iill ldmit n! ~It in prupuml tu hue upwards of A hundred hde from Cumlmnwngm, St. Begin and ()lm. doskod in the dashing colmme of pruniuvo lime: to head the dcpnntion uh" will receive the Marquis of lmrue nnd Princess Louise on their Exwllencion' arrival n Bun-venture de pot, Montreal. ThaDu|m a! Eilnhuruh rill it i. crew. -A mnn nmnad Kelly has ubtainul $125 damages from the Montresl Street Car Comp-y fur Injuriu received by being compgltl lu jump out on n diloh on account 0' {Mt drivma on the street Elf me. [t in {Aired Hm steamnhip Copix. hf Newcale, which 1qu Barrow on the 10le pf Septuzulrer, for Mnntreal, with a cargo of atom] ralla, and had not aince been heard from,hu been Inn, with all her nrnw moqu boumy. newaersey, nu pledged himself to hand over All the receipt: of hi. ntcu exceeding tho sum 0! 82,000 to the (.uunty Treasury. This in truly a phcnmneuun in United States public life. h ;- l ...A..l n... -L.-....L:.. n....'. .r r-swvm. The nnwly elected Sheri' of Mun- mou!h County, New Jersey, bu pledged roceinta nf roleuw. .-\ London despntch any: the Kent and Sussex Labourerl Union hn uccopt- u-J the (fanadiuf Governmnnt'l offer of 3,004) ucroa of land to be not aput In! lmkud-wut la? lure" who ml] leak a homo in this c ,untry. -h'|ncu the aloctiun, the sale of ('uited Sum bundl hu greatly increased. Uuntidemu in the good faith and Integmy of tho Americnn Donnie. as well u in the uunnaemu II] we goou mm unu lnlfgly people, the nancial urediL of the government, has 1'. 'ivm. u... m... .w... ,w. uvul. Tho plan that. indiatod will command all to the common an n! all. The rigid Ippliation of it would go {a to M tho tnup nub-no. which in ll'll no nupuu wd importunnto in the on- to! m Almost upon no. nmlly. MA nnvvy who hurled a stone At the wnfu nf tho Bishop of Sndur and Man and drew u knile on the Bishop, hn hem unntanced to three days' imprisonment. The Bishop pleaded for his assailant and left A BUVBFBIZH to be givou to him on his roleuw. _,\ Lav-Jr. .1-...-0-L .-... AI... L'__A ldllu. llnlifux, in the winter port of the Dominion, for shipment of grain, etc, is Mam being agitated in the newspapers, and utl'urtl vnll be mule to induce the l)0mlhlull Government to reduce freight rates on the ln'ercoloniel Rnilway. ~lt ll stated thnt the Vanderbilt will Colitwstants closed their cue prom-turer nn Tue-day, boceule the Surrogate re- fused to admit certnin testimony, end i lllty expect to bring the cue back irom the Appellate Court for I newlrial aven- Iunlly. ~A nnvvv wlm hurled n ntnna At Hm Lu) ln the West Hunting: election one yesterday, counsel for Hnn. Lewis Wall- bridgu, tbs petitioner, obtained Q aun- moms to strike out. three uf the four pre~ liuliuarv objections u frivnlons. ()'Uunnur Power. M l.. dated at n numer HDJGCLIODS mvmons. U'Uuunur Power, M l., Hated It a pnbhc meeting last night. that Mr. Luv- ther, Chief Secretary for Ireland, hold nut some prospect of the Ipeely release uftwu Fania"! still imprisoned in Ire- land. .11an n. H. 2-6.... An A: H. ft'lILHHIC. 'l'nu Frvnuh Exposition in ending in a dlsgracefnl gignntlc lottery,with twelve million tickets, the prizes boing ulunble works of art. which have been on exhibi- Quin evenll'g. -'llley are getting very liberal in Hayti. The oxnculivo in gain; to pron I measure for udmittinz while: to the name Ilghls as the negro citizens of that. great republic. 'l'ma Frvnuh Exnmitiun in undina in DICK. 'll:c latest musical wonder on this aid the Alluntlc is said to be the Hun- gmmn viuPiniaL Ralnency, who nude hi1 lint appearance in Now York on Mondly evening. Irancu. Jmlge Hilton has received a letter pruninlng to give infxrmntion an to the Stewart grave rubber, on receipt. of 810,- 000 in urdinlrily-aizsd blnk notel. ~Frug accidents are lgalll numerous on rmlrmdu. When a man guts Ina {not mung in a ra=lway frog hu should press hu heel rmly down and draw hi1 foot buck. llu. Inn.) ......ln..l alum!"- nn IL:- no man nunuoo unwuo. Wichin tho last you Queen Victoria hM given 825,000 to the temperance cause. Four members of the royul hUUIehuM are total abntninerl. Th. mum. and"... "mam..." -;|l nouwnum local amumerl. The French budget expenditure will be twenty-ve million: francs leu Lhil yvur thnu lut, while tbu animate: [or he Army show tn increue of 8,500,000 francs. :- Iv uuu "Vl- No mutter ll the work be of no nluo Inn douo, I lung :- the "guru hn to work right bin} for his money. minty in proth and nunhoml mile-ted. Thor. an thouunda ouch, And the cry it, Still they noun. We cm only In": out {Oh luw-ciuunn. I! l man hu mun-y to spun, lu bun mike tho object. of hu chr HI, work fur It bola" he given it Work, And the II] it no dune. II the true In; to I. he n trump or not?" I! I nun Ioth willingly. you cu: uloly put him down An honest but unfortunate. If ho grumble. Ind up ho Is not used to work, turn him from your door." N's- -l-.. -3.-- :...|.'_._J _:|| ____ __1 Luau- luau zzuxw. -At the lulllumr eclipse, Raho thil", a pious HinduuI weighed - hnmolf Ind gnu hil weih: in pilver win: tome puul. Uo thou Hundoo likewilo. , wnmn oh- 1...; ..--. n-.. v:......;. loan on ruumea. Tho linbllitiu of Mathew l Milmlu, march-ms of Gluguw sud Leith, who fmled on Nuvemhor 2nd, us 489,537; then- use 20,239. __.A n... I..ul......-...Hm mum mm. supreme court. Tho intense but In the unseat the discharon from le Bonanza mines, Nev- sdn, not want of work. Operatiom will soon by ruumed. __'m.- NAHUM... ..: mm... A. Mum ~Tl;e8dt Lake polygsmy cue- n'act- ing the existence at Mormonism, will come 03 Al. the present term of tho U. S Supreme Court. Thn intnnn but In thn Alumni tho aux. Wondu il Tnlnup ever thought tint hi0 812,000 b you will uom nth-r high when Ediuon perfects hi1 nub-tituto for gu. ~ThaSdt Lnkn nolvasmv une- n'act- Jun, Ina mo voting I we later. 1ho new city dnbt ounwlidntian when of Toronto is 13de to reduce tho unsung-t {mm 26 miles to 20. _'n.. memml om... in nu. -....m h. mum by somebody In um next. 'lho hm: invention upon-led in Europe in n phonphoruoent paper, nit- iun or print. on which can be and in tho duk. lV..n.l-- 'l-l_-_. .0.-- LA'IL. In. uuunuu [mm In mun I. W. Tho principd thing in this Iurld, Lu In thankful far, in that book-re to to bllnneod by Iomebody in the next. hunt innnuuu noon-led in In not life worth 10 Call 1 uumm I'm u m u. -'Iho Mayo: 0! looked in linking noepinguhuga spin-t tho Alderman fur negloc: of duty. Fonr ban, on. weighing 400 nndl, ten Into], Ih-Jl in Cuba] own-hip. our Bolloullo, 0M. Th "it for unique. bu "rived. The luminatiun will uku hoe an the 30th, Ind the voting we. later. Thn n oi" dnbt ommlidnti-m , .-v Thu Munrul "'ilneu ha I timely din-nation on Tunan in Winter." Tho discrimination which the nrlido in qualion betnyl in pourtrnylng the chat utuatlu 04 the numerous nriotiu 0' A, H, |,, , n I I lIHWM m mu P1: axin- inns-u this Fun-:1: "barb- at Casino ~rn ram mm: 3nd sum: nu- Nan m publilhin. u m oi do llnqnant Inn-aim 8'u Jnhl in Pr-id-n nl tin MAIL unquau Inn-cum 8'u Jnhl in Plaid-n 0! ti. on." Musical Unian. Sir John knoil the Old Hundred when to but it. .'lh. lnm. (J Al-ml in nun-L534: m. ~ Path Own}: and Smith Pnlld Van-'- n-HMin-u. n. hi i... wmacr. run BRITISH wnw, FBJDAY-, NOVEMBER .15, 1878. MW 351:3". SIMIEBEIIIIS. I _ me any} IIIP. I new [nll god I V blic 0le rgo aen Hou. Wm. Mnutluugall ha Commons, who will lcud'th position In the L cll chls It be Uruightnn, n! Alma Meredith, uf Lnndml, or lint lelerhurn, or 'Im lay, l d'ewx, nr \"igle, nf Sun Lauder? Vurxly, it uh uld He it wm who circulatud mbm. a-lnlreustl m the ukmg fvr nu Incrunsu hf mamhnrl nml Ainu-holun. nn InnisIo. I... Olav-hmuln with. appoint-unt. 3 lb. m mint-Ilia. .0 -65.. . Insult-r, v-u VIII, ev-uv v. u-vw le'l' on and experience. We menu. of mm, the experience of chlriteble con- tact with the elute- described. The test. And cum pmwribed by our oontemponry in to ner work - u an u. x . , queen a moon. ur Jnmco Ada- Wal- noo bu born and to u 60:: 0! Chit! Justice of the Can" Con-on nu Chic! Junie; Baum]. Hi! John add has n all lines old-s- v "adapt-1n. high Mud Chic! J nation Hagar, u! u Court 0' Common Hon. bu bun eluded to tho wailing ol Chiel Judic- ol the Court 0! Queen'l M. In Inuit. Ada- WAI- non huh-n gin-ml on an mm... .1 mural rum: uud to drive him [Brion- n he pad through in. unt-uf-oico gal-m upon I groaning Ind Agomzul pocplo. for Ihnm In. patriotic Ioul yam-d lo do them good. When he Ibonul" of the ies on the yhcol" who Mini-om hm: And I confufublo m It the public dxpenn, it III (ling to him t new hot lhn pawl-ca I). ml. m II no public dzpenn, It piling nyulnca I). m!- lotin. Now it in di Grant, uni it in I gin-non Ihclhor be our thinks 0! that popular nt A u r notHam. Tuna. Now that Sir John deonlld hu ofce Ind a mu: &|.(X)1Jnynr,pnid quarterly into hm hunker'l, he can I'nrd to look st the mitoriea of thll sountry through gold apucuclm which when the Jinn um. uud to drive him furiou- n ha nz-d thrmmh in. ...n...l,,.m._ 'I'u'c Mantra] Nu" m publishing por- ttmu of thaw HI." lh lught I.be ought, In get Clbinet utiiceu from Sir John, but didn't. A nun; the number we nd Mn .hmol Domvxlla, M. l'.. n! whom the .S'Mr up: He badly wnntod to have the prex Hnnunhlo, jusl. [a the ulna 0! hi! faunly, ynu know. but though he lwl often had the furl-urn hope during pr-ulruted unions. in the Almanac of hll lendrn. In belieunl not tn ha" had the metal in him lur even 3 Ion prominent. petition in the heyday of hi- ptrly'l areltmu. Albeit he consider: himulf a hig gun; there u u are sound lhnn Ion-o llllll he diachargu hunul! in the House. no 1: WM wnu a-Mreuu In members, and ir. ()ppnitian ha m all ho krmvs ab u uppurtll slyHt M r. John Lynch, nuislunt auditor of tho Treasury Department, Wuhinglun, and Mr. Wm. Pvimloy, General Superin- Leudnnt of the Mwucy ()rder Division of the New Yuk lnst (mice, were yester- day in ()ltawu exnuining into the system of audit [I'm in use In connection ml!) the Canadian Munry .... I". .L.. l'._ .1 n uh... n. In. ..,I .. View [0 HR lll'llLlH by N State: Postal Dupartnuut. ~Cu \. J ....J a. -....,., U , 1.1le railroad war is at fever hunt; bull] belllgurent lines trbdmy put the re lrmn here In New York uud lhllatlelphm down to one dollar; have] immense. n_mi , "0 British Columbiun urgnne deny that then in nuything on record direct or implied that furnishes the nlighleet pre- text forthe Ilntement that Sir John Mucdonald would advocate the leceuion of Britilh Culuunbin {rum confedentlon Inleu the l'uic ltnilvny were built lurthwith. We dunt suppose the Pre- Inier in Inch 1 dutenl :- to Advise Iecu- eion in the event uf lue {allure to keep hi. own promise [n proceed at uncu vnth the construction of the med. Much more then I llight pretext," however, in on record for the very thing the B. 0. pm- deniee. ln thin very city Sir John Mec- donnld in evprou term: Advised the Britt-h Columhienl to ucede {tom the Union if the Government failed tn carry out hll r-ilvvey pledge, Although Dr. Tupper Iubuquently eteled they lied no nation 0! ubcervlng thnt pmmiu themeelvel hm] they rem-med in power. The Above in one of the lnterelting dif- ference: between Toriel in miles and the ull-enmo men in nppoution. OOM