Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Nov 1878, p. 2

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m 7L. n. m". m Nam-n- WJ "' M- d: I'D-'- "" 5"": Vmmwmum UUVII Lhc IIIIIIUI tress and Jun livn n to the c BooY Sun n:u.Jno|rilla,0. . 50v. H. Euly um m-vmmg - poke-Ion on [In bridge noticed uh. Impjducr movr mum of a [any in . anmvnnd (mined then lo halt. The dnnr 'hi ul up hi0 Lona md mind. Thu icon. prrvmn-l uni-ulna Ind Inho- l4 nil-n and nun-pad to crank... uh. tho , this party cat-pd In (In moth. Th. immuimd unbude four '0 aid-inn bdfivd in Woo ho- Manna-mam: II "on. I... Puhe-a sun mind p Hudrlmmhqhu. I _.-. .- In IPlll'vu-u .. v... tbu! Ollth 0' the 1m "' I r I A- no Gil-"All" home (llacuaaiwn _ 5|... 1... nun N .1 Imunuw ruse. , tn usselnblcu KL'U IIHLHWI uncil wrnt on [113 mp mun u mu n1 wvuu "- u-r mum-In. without buy quel- B can I of the rccipivnt, Ind ~n we hole lll expect to lee u out uf all cretda Ilhl clulel Inn bnkh If the lubjecl and luuura And I Imognilion f m. the Society to public .- -.- -- 7 A contemporary up It npeakl won for the high enumn m which the Hon. Jul" Shad in helJ by lmlh politic-l putiu thn' hil Semlorinl ntalul hu not yet been disturbed M the result of his recent hilnro in businou. We think the chief credit. in due In the Hun. Mr. Mackenzie: who {rental a cummetcially unfortune politicnl I'ppmunt wilh cunnidrntiun whau he might hnvu when ndnntage v1 tho circuuualnncw n! :he cue to mid ano- ther Sennmr to the Liberal minority in the l'pper Hume. ..a --.-...4..i__ mu m thutluim relative Sllicuurn liill followed. rprinu llml le bill should L l clumeu as not udnpt- ml (lrnl clzul'scs wen: all in: On the 5th clauoe 1: m'lmm ml the lruperty 187T, explained llnw it iliunul sum was paid him '\'l('lll lwllh. nt into Commiltse of ruport, M r. Strachnn in uum nun. u. m npprahenlion. The lvctnrer'l eminence the muse ho Advo- Lgnunntm for lhat. 1: II 3 good one. The devoted to chuitnble _ Vlncont do Paul Sn , and (bu Council on Monday, at 10 Condo-lad fort-#519 W -Th0 and HI in Phil-aim 03. um i-IlhA-n h -mwmu I'll run-lupin this ymh'hy-tuo Gilliun dolla- I. mu Int/nu. .xuh dicta-I unt- in tho Mill Ind Bri- catton districu, none of tho nil]: having that don and my on." uorking on than time. ..Sir A. T. Gnlt luft (mm-d Int touting non nus, -Sir A. T. Ilme night to accompany Mr. Tine, to In Ind. Sir Abundan- gou to conic: on m [inherit- dinputo. ._J'mienlnn L's inn of l IllbbiBll tho Fluenc- duputo. l ~15in no given of n dubbing n'ny In Toronto on whaonot "Julio Dmmnond." Noun-n, I uilor, unkind Cool. n! mate. I -mmm rud- brink Ibo at. St. John. . U. The bodies of [our of tho killed in tho New Bum-wick accident were b'lm~ ad to n cinder. __.H-nlnn rill 1th!an In nth-l roll- od to under. -Hnulnn will (and In 0th: IOll- oort And receive u tuimouial from the peoplo. Tho OH". Inn! Co. 1111' o dinnin- Tho appointment. of a brother of the murdered mun Il-c'n'clt lu bu Hun. John ()Cununr'l private Secretary, and ('f an Ultrunomune Munmmnu- fur tho(}rnnd Sovereign n! the l'niverna," Hole, II n ltwkool A palm), which in being voted decidedly "thin." 'l'ho question in being o-nnuod what all the row in nbuut on the lJh July and other exciting occn' nom, If in the Cubinet And Mini-tend cloputmeulu iha hull! and lamb: ("an H. down I0 lovingly Lr-guther. Of course it in nil fur effect, but the impreuiou pre- Vliil that this Cnldlllng in being decided- iy omldunu. h u too gum] to be genu- oplo. . ' pcTho Int: dumlw' e" Pnlturwu, tho Imputor \ hon: Mr. Show! impeachea. _ _"llm- lmnnd am: lufnrn MM ham Show! Impeach. Tbo broad oilk lwtory started hoio byIMr. Cuinau begun upentirn in Mon- trnJ to-dgy. It will employ 120 hands. Bool- Lnd 1-hou- nnd rubber manufwturen o! Qua-boo Province no joining 0 mtricc anIIH-A, nlvo new I $100,000. _'lha I $100,000. Tbo wounded by the New Brunswick nocidout number 16; Phillip: 'u not dam. ,gprinnn Inn-mm wnnhl L. ha in (elm-av- cn duh. --The sh of tho Cumin Agricultural have been rein-"rel in Waterqu for mm mm l U L England . Run 11 England. chuiuitirm aoat fur commutation of death sentence on Farrell at Quebec. , A mu I'Inr hm- .Ian m. Hunhnnof of death sentence on Farrell at Quanec. Anuthor burglary at Quebecof boots. ,T.lnnhnnnn in nnmmnn nun inr hulil The Alleged Aborrinn ( liticul Mutter. boMa. Telephones in common use for but- neu at Quebec. ~7-m luv I, Toronto. Nov. 143le allrgetl abor tion cue appears to he founded on the fact ch in August last u girl living in Toronto laid a complaint against a re Iident of Prescott charging; him with almrlion. A warrant was issued, but no Irrelt w-s madv, llld whereabouts of the man nnt having boon tildCUVllBd. This morning the Individual, whuso nnmois Junea Stilt, surrendered to It! police in answer to the charge uf having given Mary Culling. (mum pills known as Clarll's Foumlo lills, with 11 View to .. .l. ;..i..... inn-Hm The air] in in Clark's Fnumlo l'st, with new [0 rmluciugnu ubnrlinn. The girl in in perfect health and it. is thnluht the case willhe dismissed. The girl uni-red to settle (he luatturfor 8400, but when he commuted to my (hm sum ahu dunhlml her demands 'J'o thia thvdn-fendunt would not agree and the girl gat out the mm ranL mm. A (hrpnmtit'lnof Conservatives waited upon Mr. James only, Q. 0., to stand for Eut Toronto in Hm Legislature, but he declined on the grnuad'lhat he was delenniLed to run for Hm Mnyomlly. The Bishop of 'lormto, arrived this morning. He was luut by a large number of the clergy and hit] of the Diocese. A umuuu surf 1w); um u A'luluulu u hurso has won this year $180,000. but year he won SITJJKM). A project. is on fuut by Jay mild and other prominent Capitalism, to bmhl [elo- grnph cumpuuirs in upp small to the Western Union, in which all the leading milruadl except the New ank Central will bx) imereutml. The ('apllnl will be $10,000,1MO, and the line; will be in upta- rahun In all putts of the country m hunk. Hun:- hulls, lint mule. Pouto tndo brisk also John. an (Hy Tclrg/ru New York, Nuv. the English chum; mn-nrnd 8 miles In 1 QIUJIWAIUU, am [r twelve umnths linn;|n|u.l (I \Jlllullllldll. aittnu M (11 w: found SDJMMM. m IVUIIUIK, \ :5. to amend UN in died of yellow that (50355 in A ladiua' wnllq in this city. and yesterday. Tlu Satulday lnnr Amnng their nu n! Hm Art [mu (lly I'rlrg/mph '1 11113,.) L nndnn, Nov. liliA tlrcldely warlike Mme pruvmh-a the new: frum Afghnniamn this mnrnimz. Thu Alum-r in and to he massing hi fuxcul on thn hi! Culnnmnxl. inz lhu (Hanznea and Cnhul hull. and he has Imlurud tho murmur of the Piuheen Valluy, m-ar Quelnh, to resist tho British mlmucv. The Cum mander-in-Chlcf hf the British trcups expreued the opinion that war would ceruinlybegin on Lhe BULII imt., he limit of the time alluwrd the Amour to reply to the Britilh ultimatum. London. NJv. lG.A dmpntch from . 00-.-. __ The efciency of the [lunch in the chief, in hot the only, point worthy nf 0- mi- dunlmn in the Ielectiun of our Judges. From this paint of view we have Alrendy ulll thu tho mam! JIIIlIClnI Appointment- will give! gonornl ntmfuclim. 'lruo u Ihil may be, l.nwa\'e:,1hey will not. go In to cunllnu that Tory prediction thtl. the dllconlantetl lmh Cglholic Comer"- livu were tn ha cnncilialed by the clown- tion of the Hun John OCnnnor to the Bench. Dunmluu Sir Jvhu inwnded to tmxu'ut him, Just u the Hamilton Syn-ta- lur tho other day informed m he hsd in tended m (INK)th the Into Mr. ()Reilly In tho llonch in 1875!, when the hnld hell of the cum wam llutthr John Macdunnld had netullly cancelled that uentlenan'l ' ".0" l-ulun-hin AI. (h- ,,A ,m.. h; . . .. lam. Prince Leopold want: t-- be a clergy- III'L him! 0! Ina [Imu nuuwru \uu numu. m. London, deapnwh Simln an): the Afghan: are advancing on three llrniah clunu-nndcrn. The umy will exorcuc strict. supervisinn over all talc-gum: nul dcapalchu sent to newspa- DC" by corn-p undontl. 77- c g..- __ um. Thu Minister of Finance hu left for To Me Etlllm ufllu' Illiah "'hig. Slk. Ne: (Jul, anlmlh, London. England, in teprwnunted on a small male in lrlncecn min-ct, Kingston, but u the New Cut in the great mu! fut Ihnddy dry gmnll. and 1:: Inch In nuLurionI, per- haps our rupecuhlu City dry goods mer- clnnla ull take 3 mm. Nu duuln. our Innkeepers no llmwe dwlmg In the spurious Ilfel llmllnl tn thou laid in IAmbeth. yet the ellneilion of lhou- alti- clu hull way ucrnu [he boardwalk lorci- bly rumindl one of lhe New Cu! or tho Boyer . l y Yuma, (u: , Tounon up STIAIS. A ung: story come- from St, 1mm, which "- mind: one forcibly t-l the chap. and tom: Iouuco expel-ance of Mr. Pickwick will: \ln. Budd]. A woman named Fin-gum ha onured In Action quit: Arthur J. Bun". I nhnrthnnd rqur, :0 [DOOVOY 310.000 for Illegal blow of ymmlll of and a. The defend: "en that the phim' an. 1:, at no other Isuzu-an tun Helm-n, wd Lhnl. he can only oped InIi-I. sud nut Nu dl'pd pro-tin ol Isa-ring- u. u: orch to In. Ioaun. .- his annual, to loan] (at his a bad- ch. 5|. gum-u. tho layup o! a. dot, and prop-rod has" to 10 ha 'nuu Busc.-Th new I 'mmwlpth Mani" at. d! Epic-IM 3%.. ' ' . 1 __.__*- hm: Cn! [pm pun-h I "Ia-l pop-- on Too-day ovum. Alnnng lnolr nuumr of the Art Imuue. mo nngnsn cm cuverud I 6 min. 23} sum, Bath Mullun, sunning to this cu A l.u:.... lu0l UNITEDEh 1 v llll u... )y inn. A Number Nov. 16m, 978. .1 c TIOMIII! Thu-Imus" H'ur lluml. Io-nu'sjgmms. 77 o-- So w (In, I.mb|l. wmxxng V. (In The] 1 murnin arenjijsm. h]! cum-try n letlcr says Lunl Fulmoulh'a run I 3173 (NI 7o 1 Ilnlll', alll l HHIH ll , arriud LHdny. , the Enghsh pugiliat,n mman mm wtluuy cmwruuu nun lawman-.." - appointment. in u coumy judgeahip nt tho dictaunn u! a cullangue. Let nn nu. doubt Sir Juhn'n Intunliunlllnt in to lay, hu prutmulwm ul iuwntion. We n. reminded, lmwevar, Hm the highwny w tho mnnl unwelcnme 1-! plwu II Mid to In mud with yum] intenliunl, and nome- hu- or other [he Tury Chwhlin'l avowed And actual intention. no lo Autlg'miuic u to utterly undermine I faith in his moat dclibrnto pmmiwl. Lilm mm, of hi. dupe: Sir John'l Irish Unlholie Iupr porters wvll be rvquuted for the thou nndlh tuuo u) accept the will for the deed. W ..---.. _ ~ 0)" Minor Items. . ~ 3 EipEsTmHEs. unlulk )csurxlny v lg club has lwen fnrmod llril Iirnt walk wal talus" ' cull llwmaclvns "The inq \"ulkmg Club." Ilwr are seven] members Nov. 11$ --(:raml Jury I Well Vlrginiu, lune WIN :uain vinhlnrs HI strikers vn Kzumwlm uph [In-Mum. A a ndcrn. \perviainn over .,- M... 0.; .mnmm. In, (u: A Sum. 'I . Hurdens, 1', who has 1 mileiu lm smuan Hiiiss. if.an Amml _A_ 1-4 'l'wu Cnumlun Knith hue rotind [rum tho Iluro of ptrty politics but by no mum from prnminence Ind publlo uwhnlnul. '0 rvlrr of courts to Sir Francil Hinckl uml 81: A. T. Unit. The {armor nl tho-e hu kept his nun. before the public by hi. 1ny written lottcn to tho pleuglnd hil uticlu, chiry of comic on nancial (opiu. in (he lournll a/Com- uurcm Th1! he II no! it All likely to rt __.-_ AL- ..AI;--_I .-..... A. .---- -IItI-nn. Imdon, Nov. l.-Tho Wall-Elf booting tho Inquic and W0! Lone. united a limit, on sh out of lrullud, My. (nun. Nor. 16.l'ho "A" m 0th", Nov. Its'11. I." III! proclaim n lull holida on the 31): int, thodny on their the uh Ind Prin- m- m to I'i'I A III main]. Th thodny their ma luquu um rm- |oau m nt_tho upinL aim at. to Illuminnh Mr raid-u- in the evening. 1!. l- propoud to ilhnl- mto the Pullman: not!)le Lmndaudem. Nov. IB.A tho Pun-mat you!)le Loudoudcrry, Nov. a. say- suuMuthn In hind u (by yenexdny at Movillo. Ycadny thor- no-u s dopuuon from Londondu'q. consisting of the Mlyor and r-lioun 0! tbs mention, united upon tbs not On dish Guumor Gouernl And his wife Ind pnmnwd nu tddnm we: "l; the grad vial on of the pot pl. .1 lreln 1d (or u safe my go. Lord Lorna rplying okuou lodged the value uf Insh Lnigntion Io Cwde Sickness preuil: everywhere, and everybody muluplninn of some diuuo dur- ing theirlifa. When sick, the objecti- m get well; new to My phinly Hut. no pxrnun in this world tlmt in sullen-in. with Dyspepsiar Live: Complaint. And in MI m. such an Indigestion, Continue, Sick Hamlin:th sum- Stomach, Heart Burn, palplllllvn f the Hurt,Deprouod Spirits, llillmuuou, etc., can tuko (I menus Auuus'r mexu. without. getting relief and curs. If you doubt this, go 2.0 Heath & Uunn, nr H. Wade, md get. I Smnplellnltlo for 10 com: and try it. Regular line 75 denlar Two dose- will relleue you. -7 0H nut Inland My. mun, m5. mm -m nml-im I I'm" holidn' all the 80th iltu Duiuiniun 'l'vi. l'nUU Richelieu and 111,754. 53. Ruyul Canadian lunUJ ulfclud p lmcsrox LEcnou, I878. To. E. J BARKER. ESQ. Return- ing Ofcer. The following ll an abstract statement of the Bloc- tion expenses paid by me u Agent. for Alex'r. Guun, In. in regpect of the Kingston Elec- tion. 1878: H Ire of Committee Hooml, mp0. Light (In IndUIL,.....-...... lvuaugon'nndrmol Boo-I..." Pu menu fur l)ruiro' unless... Painful. "I" Full, dhlrlhmiol n Nol'uu Ind Hanan. . . . . . . 'Mf" onur tho politic-l Iran! I: very audvql (mm lho he: Hut ha ha setudly do cliuod L: plwo hlmull u llw ham] 0! I ulutrocud llalurm puny u the .ohcnumn 01 I0 redonhublo I "afoul-or (I) so Mr. Pntrick Boyle, Imu- o! the [rub ['Mmdhn! Al to SII' A. T. HAIR be 1: ranking hinmll unful in uvonl capacities. ll. hu um umhloly Ind nlulroly u m un- compromising Tun-pounce Rdomn, a Iphcn in lhich b. will col-mad the (nod Ipoodol All tho Ion mm country. Then, (an. m hi. pointedly nouml awn, bound! the nutty innin- do unit. In Finhcry Conninbm. Inns um I. IIUI I! an ulcly w It and hi: Ad via Lu Already boon can. in tho an. dilutio- by the pun (Bonn-nut. It in I I ( l 1 1 l l 1 oh: aid on tho new lining". in M Wm dun-um. m crying co Ir mlbmuuwolmln ply-kin in Mr Indian- ol tho In andpr anbmw may and it: struggling sunbeam, .uoISiIA T. Odin. hm'lh out. m._Ihu It. fill in o! 234...! mm. launl. dumm T In Nona. Stationary. :- egnphil. ..... ........... Pdnu-g......... ..... Aueumanl Boll Cuuau.... t . "awning I C m M m 7A1...n............... REMEMBER the o 'w A DETAILED urn-nun or lumen expenses incurred by ud on behalfouohn [hum s undid. for the Omtyo! Frontenac. fat the W ol l lam J31? W "333W . ..... . .733??? . b .... l PERTH -'X'lm full in vb:an lnm not tended to diminish its movement towards the market luatww-u uw-r filly loads named through Perth from Hm [hide-ram: factory. comprising uwr uxty llmuonud paundm Ann-mu ._ Prmlllvn mul nmvlninnl Ire Mounm 1. Nov IS. The uur market. (0-day wu dull ind nacliw nt yoetunlny'a quotatimll. The Inly aulrsa rep'rtod were 200 extra M 1.23"; IN) doubll extra at 4,35; lUOapring axnr. 1". 4.0.6. Receipts3,170 buls. {wrur l'w In 17::- . In your llfe Wurlh x0 Celt! I K lug-mu. mu. lot. "7|. my "'1' dick! 1 ux; 4 u w; Mull; rum ' L... It... In _'l'h. h 5"- lllffl H. \ ,, ms. .L, Montreal. Nov 16. lHTKA. 14634. 37 12, 8612, I: 41034, 1101-4. .liv .TI I-J cancer: on Tuesd Iy lba wlfo of Frank J. BAWDII4 LAME AND ICK HORSES Ivmr 1617 A -\I\nm . IIIl-v II I. VI uw' I'I Minn; hit-air..- Wu-M' ml. 1-16. in both Chill-- uuhonld .1, Ag- 'hndiuuw"h- wJd-bah bdhnthh ALAA _4__A_Al ,_- L- LA A .3- L 0.11.53" ulnar runw- Ivan linchonu and thou: m m for um pukgam 9 only! 1:333: $.31. '11: m dwf'fi a on o I! So mum-u. mailman-ascent. m". "' " Great Success with the Tel per Cont Discount 8an it the LIVERPOOL HOUSE. We 'illIhOI THlSvEVENING Gmt Bannin- in BOSIBRY. ned. Stock in thocity hobo-In fmn. Big Burgun- in KID GLOVES. nnuino Kid than 85. [Adiu' CURSEIS, utyliah'out, It pricu \u um bayou. FRULINGS, FlNthNGS. (lo- Soper ynrd 031.25. Tho Larson and but Stock In this city lmm loo to ab in LADIES SEA FOAMS. nannv Inwnnco w Tm' ** " Ks Till-2' Hamilton Bnkrupt Stock LARGE SIZE WHITE BLANKETS, weighing 61b... ut $2 no, wurlh XI 75. ALL WOOL TWILLED CANADIAN BLANKETS It 83.50, worth 85. um Inge, at 5, worth 27. ILWEYUURUHMFUHCLUTHING At the Emporium of Fashion, WHEN \(HT ARE SI'RE ()FUETTING THE NEWEST AND MUST FASH- nw A nun nuns.- .: mm a. Inw u mu other houaaiu the cilv. In the Matilime Euun Of 0mm: lI VV 70. in; barn instituted in the Mar ourt 0! Umnrio on behalf of John Mom W ulum Uulun. mmmlidnwd. with v: CANADIAN | 'ulI-"I-UII-I-Iw- -- W' uoIMhI-Mulh w uthMU-udtb .uww,dhhmh .MHH I amen THE PORTOF KINGSTON I Untlernneulbvvirinu of a from theuidtnurt. and no 1 ever hna been led in tho mun m be sold 10 uuuwn mo claim! against the Humor mnlm am-h n pmluiaae as to itslmll noun right .1. . ..4' v. .u I .|.:. n or claim lo lmvmuxy mun. Lue or Interest. In tho mid rhoozvur Canadian, her tackle, up purel I ul furnitum. that if n dnuurrnr or nnr nwor in tho amid cause he not led in Hum-mm- ot llm Registrar 0! the will (hurt at Toronto. Wilhln PIX duvn l'rom llm pulwliunliun ul thin uollcv, the said Cuurt will onlar Hm Huhl Svhr ('unmlim. In) tackle. up um'l ulul lnruilum, be sold In) claims innmuuul Thu latest novelty and correct. thing for the lluliduy whlnt nmldiuner mlllonwulllwyuul IHUl-Olulll, mum or initin n beautifully lulm gl'uphed m: anpooial niuuf Vanity Fair (Hun retina. lrlun u 00 for a inuln order of .300, m M the rate d Hlper 1000. uh -n -| or nmr'~ (III- k-n'ub mulmuramn are nr-lmml, giving 2-30 In much uorsnu. let thurn he 4. li or 5 in u ululn. ... ,. ~..~ w v Dam! Ilnia thirteenth? of A 1)., [878. TALka out by MR. A. HOWELL. PROC'IOK, 6a. HOLE? :RESENTSH r.u'l| prlnuu, Icy um!" Im 1. nu: o m n l'lenu lu- lmrtlvular in writing luilialn plain- ly and giving shipping dirmlioul. If (ll-Jun nmv Ln uivnn '0 ll" r rnt-nlnnn ly um! gluug Hlllyplllg ulrIxlqul. ()I'Jers may be given to any hral-vlnsn (figs: dealer. v.. NM 16. 313315 "38:11:51: it}; WHEREAS A CAUSE OF WAGES. No l instituted in the Maritime mm" M Uninria on behalf Moon and Rm ha-Mlcr, N Y Pt-arlom Tobdwu Wm kn Knowledge Rathet than Choice HT-n DUCA'IION FUR Al.l..A|.nr.nr(01.Mal | J and UlWlluuTI'. Uo-lh-villI-,Uut. Fumnlml In "3.55 (foursolnftmly Ind Examinativn for ntrirulntion In Unirernilvluumoa I'or'lou clwra' ( 'vrtilhznml. (hnluumr HA' grail" of btudvnll,Culuumrriul (-qu Talozrsrhing, Munical umn Alum-dd? ( ollnya fur IMHI'I. Aloxnndri- (ollnya fur Lulu-a. mum Tuition nllyli p" unnum. Wlnlnr T lmginnJ-n. '2. Hprin rrmApril IU, Curl-u 4&0. nun. In: by mlrvnning lreuulvul J. 4&0 . Jul'llllel. D. Nov llilh. Klugalcm. Hum Hun-m, ur- Ilon Inland. Wolfe Islam! & Gmmuoqne Steamboat. Home. Ilium (inr- FM! Illll Won. BETUILNINGWl'llo-m Capo Vim-Ont on .man of Train: u 1'2l7mln.collnoctlng will: (I. T. K. sud Buy 0! Qnmm Steamer- .3 Kingston. III", -- u... .... m.- . r .... SUKDAYII -W|ll lava King-um M. M!) "hum I... and lzl') pm. Rot-nun; n IMO I-II. 22 And 3 pan. Will leave Kiln-um V08 OAXAIHQUI. gnu-u W" I u .2 "liar-ha. ' Imulmhm 0. ll. IIAI'OII 'fu' 'L'" and loll-(lb. ' wll-vn Plot-I m M. 'l l I lat rm. 0- 1 luv. an. t .- -0--. 070a NEUTRAL mm : NE of the have Sue-mall wlll Iona I King-1m: fur (Yum Vim-rm. huh Bun dlyuelwpmh n J v m.. making ole-In mumm- tunn will! the Il. 45111 Huilgmd. Scythe-n- : min ILWJALUHMI Kym-nu llunwl 5an N. [(1. nun Won. RK'rUlLNIFOWI'He-va Ca Loan for Wolfe a Garden Island; n_u- -a m'll-.ul II."I-m and 2- nln Dnily. II. 0:51! and I HI) I In.. and 3:17) pm. REIUBNIXGWlll [one Wulfu lulm daily n it .11).."le m. ulv'l\AVLl mnl I..- Kl--.n.. -0 (u pm. Phil) p.13. Will [I]. um OAKAIIIQUB, dallymnllhlg It I 0'. hind. am pm. lava annual-adult. 1 A... In I . Maud. Pierrepont and Geneva. HASTINGS ' I - _ _ Incl-(l w---V_1 Inn hue-album. 6 3- .n loud- I. , Well-duo! ht!" OIIJ. loo-n g vmrm Oct-t0.- . a e3 .3. no DI. | FOR SALE. It'll MAV Ill! u ' it. Imam . In. 7h. Emmiywh; 11121715 1) Elm; 7 U In. 70. OATARRH CIGARETTES N YOU ARE SURE nr'mc'rrmu 'I'nn nu man an aunt r IONABLE GOODS at price: M low us any houaein oily. fir A perfect Fit guaranteed or no lilh. '1 COME AND SEE THEMI us to five noticu In All [yo-rum: who have: u mvnnny right. Lila interest In ] Srhuozmr m Au u. y Nuv uvkuw CITRED FREE OF COST. a mum: mum: 3mm; 3 an n: and itlmut m lull! far 1%.: pm: In TH E SCHUONER also lur nun, Inga-LIIst tln~_ nun/hm, her (Au-Ho. apparel and w 1m: Irm- u k IIHIII I LU I "Ul- Livnrpoul H ouu," 106 Prinaou Elmer, 3 (mn abnvo Wliluton 8t. TO LET. unu- mg-Am J. BRUCE. Ruginlrar. WILL (WEB 'IO-NIGEI'I : _Merchant Tailor. nut-u 'uth an Novembur, it'lmol tor nl ,l Collagl t vurw romplnln. In. Bum] nndl (Niall Bracketsi THE CIIEAI'IZST LOT EVER BROUGHT mm [La unv in to be awn ut [wound llm-u hlmll ('nl'urr m: llrmkeu. curved and plain nuwml ulvlas All Hm ulluvumnln un- about lmll wlmm (hm hm wurlh. b'EE THEM AT KIRKPATMJK'S FANCY STORE. Cuuaislhng of (lurk Shoh'rn. Hunk Flu-hon, luwel Rmkn. Slipper (rump-a, Hlippur Rmkn, Wall luckts. Stun-mumva Yinw Huhlern, no. twnmul llm-u Mmll ('m'urr nml Hide Wull n-A mommun I- r, among-mt "0 K: Add!!! J, L GAIDIV'I. at! M. KIRKPATRIOK'S lnncy Good. Btoro. II HAMMOHII IlLULK. l'lthCl38 KIHKET. Patents of Invention for yearn. I IH'INIlY (IIHHI, (Ml-mu, ()nt. oclzanlml Engineer. SoluuHm' fur Yuan!" Druuglntnmuu. CITY OF KINGSTON. 'I um] 'Aullv', .m- in L n mum, ntnnglnl'urmml enurnnl IIIVO :lll'n'I purnucd. lmviug uu "yo mngln In lho prnnperity of the l'rovmm, lho MVIIINI'DOIII 0fth city. and npwlallv to the wnll'am uf my yard and upward. AH mml White Flannull flu-mm) cont! per yard Ind upwnull. All wool (he, Flannel: nt 30m, 36c. Ind 40 com- per ysrd. _ All Inn! Fancy Flu-m In at 40c., 45. sud :50 oonu pot y-r-l. Uniun Fancy Flunneln M. 2.3:. and 300. per yard. Light. Blue, Pink, Hum, Uranus, Green, I And nlhor Ihndel I All Wcml Flu:- All 1va red Flunnoh, [mm 20 cent! per um ""10! mun-I M An "um l'llll' I I hell, It low prison. l Cnutun Flnnnolu M. So, 10c. IAc, Ind I60 "I! 81'. VIICEIT IL!" PAUL swim in. a" "pl-Ind I walnut-d VIATIWI A I. m an bl' ll 7!! at! "ALL AmountMthL Illulll Tl ""5" algal IE". IOU. MI. n I o'm 3- &_J-_GARP,I_NER nu IFI' F.-. L0. or Hun lb Fin-n I. ;. _:j n;_ I,_ I lrlnuzu ,Hu'ecl. Nov. Huh, M73. . Riff 1% habit! :mt Apostle of Tempom I8 (HDMINO! '3ANADA,UNITEI) STATES A3!) EUROPE The Sale of mum hum I , Embody God, I'm Btu 3 L'luum r unmm .1 ac, we. per yard. I Green And Grim-on mm, W Patton gum-unth m- uoulmrgo. Hand In- prinmd inuruvtiona. Agmwy III uporutiun Vanna. Ml Rhiannon. Nov L'n, "$73. mm, gov." Iii-1878. Nu' Inw price at which wo uro wilin Flnnnul- should make it M the in- !crestd inlemlwg purchnurl Ln nutlcipzntu their wants {at lho winter. Hur stuck in II... .lumu .Innnr|- AI lupoctlrl luvno-l. M lor cub. Hula, am pm. Expo-litinunly Ind Propurly N'u'urul In nanny mwunss. |Btmh above Mlinzto FLAnuELs; 'ro' Tm: Icmrlous ghv. Blue, Pink, Hum. Hume, unon, Ind nlhor ul .\..l. .5 I.. uric.- Iva-Hun for tho lnvnl lmmnlnmra hwu within u SW month, I beg to ~ I'Ilnnuml 0f :Um (1on ngnlou mum hoaCundillnlu I'ur lhu pmltlnu no wmwr. IIIII' awn in lhu van clnpnrl- Inn-III In vnrv mun- ROBINSON. loll! Bill. than}. . I'm-r ulul Nidr Wull n imme all rim- and min llll 10 lm Muhl u! lh. CALI. uml 0; t. ckclt mmnu- nn_ll.-.. IUUD .Ivuxmll' arm-um an mun. . I urth or (ID ; v. with. cw I". rill an III-WWI." m' wwwmhmn dei-o-Ihwlm 9 ban-um'dliwhct B";- udaitnlslm and-lion VB; . . . 1; Al _-..n__. 1-..; l__ lulu-n1 aunt-alluvial Innaw ....5 nonde 1th polilia ductile It. Robinson! his waiting and noun-(II dovotiol I the ink!!! 0! this dty in Path-col bu hid hi; conuent. Inbt obligation, 0! which his Ilia-phat nloctiou Iii] ho 1 tting With. II I. he. of Mr. Robin- . ...-. n... uni... (m Kinntnn. 10 Wm. II I. 0! III. eon'e eet eenieel for Kinptnn, the We at Illicit abound on every bud, it h M Imprint-K tint the Connerutive vile-pull". haunts to name hie oppo_ Int. .lne no unbitioul young member [Wu-u- of their puny bu sought to , eluiate that. iron: their difcult y by end y Ind mode-tly umou no- nouncinx himulf u Mr. Bobineon'a : p- ponent, but from I wounnte this indr pendeu Action 0! the young upinnt uu nut nppmbbly diminilbed their embar- mmont. Whoever any be tin-Ely CL!- en to lead the totiorn hope at the ultu wing of the Icon! Tory plrty, whether undet their direct eulpien. or under the guiu o! independence, in .- certain of detect u my mortd can nuke himself ""0 of Anything. Mr. Robinson Very properly reetl h'u cue on hi: tecord: he appeal! to hil flithful (sch-rue of thc trust committed to his handn u member in the dieting and previoul Parliament. Tbnt npponl will be rolpondml to at the polanotonly by hil fulluw workmen,but by I clulel, with a triumph-m, elldula- tion of hi: cuurne in Pulinmcnt. Mr. Robinson'n re-election by n large majori- Iy is one of the lure I.i'iingI of the future. certain um. In. lumnnaln mun l'dlllul- ed 1 majuvity of the tiling gunmmtmn. ()lti men no continually dropping ull' nmi ymng won an ltill mare fn-quentby be- ing put on the voters lull. in three or four your: 3 constituent] may Chillqu b. pnliticl completely mm; [1: this prm 1 III of nub-liluiiun and ndtlllinll cnnlin ullly going on. The cummueucy that Sir Juhn Appenlod to in [874 was llllllo a different one than that ulmse Hillruges holoughtin 1578. This in uno hi the lwo secret. of his deleat. What the rw Inlt oftho prowl: Mill be it is 14m (My t) predlct. 'luu muchd lxnwmcr. II certain. In tho cue uia new e-Iun 5, Eu- Inhn Ii nut lm n nnlullil'lll, I!!! ll! himulf, ;. nun um cHy like nlngau n was cnumu I. ul local mm to it- parhamentary rvprcscw tntivo, upecinlly when it was known that Sir John could have a duzen con-til uunm-H oluwhura for the making. And M to thnl necrmd can" nuigned. It. is tulcmlvly I certain that the Rofnrmmn Ilavn raptur ml . mnhnhw nf Hm ri-inu mmmmmn, '7 Wanted; .9, o. gar4 noun an. I! T. n M armdxel Il1ho W l A nAIDII'I. predlcc. 1 ull mucn,1 Hm u! a non, Sn- Juhn will not be 3 (mm He hm lhnken the dual of Klugalun hll feet and Will never wnu Its an qdn. It in nu open necrot that. J. H. Mv cnlfe ha been chosen by the valllell an. to content (h. city in their mtvr .1 0m umvuuahina alcchuul ful' I comm Innuonuu Glance, anu u dnnublleu poll I Ilmng vote. He hm m the Council lama yeua. His Bell tion though puuibly m wine a uno the Conurvntwea could have made Iolnowhl: lurpriaing. u it was pru gononlly Inucipaled llmt Mr. L. um! M, . would be their uum'nnv. 5] to contour. In. any m uer mu-n-u at. tho Iypronching election- Ihu Lou! Lop-lame. Mr. Melculfu u herd mntor d on. of our publlc schools. H(' ;. nuian Inuna mun of In marked manor at 0] our punuc m in quilea young mm of ability, but extremely pm comln inuonl'ul Glance, Ann-kilnll nnll n ulnmu full unnonlly Inuclpaled um Mr. 1!. \Vumln, M. , 5h. Womb'jthe ex-princnpnl n! the (folk-glue lnltuw Ind a member 0! the Mum" n! Toronto buivenity. IL was lhrnglnl tu be quHo on the and: that in case f Ins olwlinn Ind 01 A chlnge 0f Hurermnc'n Mr. Woods would be Minister of Educn lion. his proluliwnnl exprrlluce qualify- mg him peculiarly [or [ha put, wlulu hi nbllitiu n A Ipulm- mo 1: 'nHlcr this. But the hm hno mlurwlw de (nod. and Mr. Matcsllo (a 11c nu: Mtlou. An inform). uy 0M0 nu r'I-MHIIEIU in count-Anon II 0 other day loom "l 1" uh m. duh of . . 10].! v good nunndlylnd illusupmcmly. Whlll Admitting thn Oho Cation] l'ullty do hnd not In dud nglinll them Hm def-nu Ill ineviublo. be In null (f Ike t-ylmnl' n1th Ralonmn I- It I d- zun m an of mu from ovor-condenu and cucklnlris Thin 'u not unlikely, as tho lh runny put] nun-ll, light with xrum duprrn- Iion and energy thin the dummch of tho uni-on. p ..n..I.LI- Munmmm... ... "an. I I). gum-on. Candida-bl. disappointment, nr rather ream. In lull hu- Ihon it In um uh! Mr. G. A. Kirkpuricu n- In! m-I ol the now lian Though n young poliucinn Kr. Kirkpunck quld nuke n apml had 0! on. 0! ch. lea importllll dopmmonu. A (antlomnn nl gum: Quentin ubilily, I lur Ipaker. and populu on both idea 0! tho Home by m 0' hi. unity Md comm us Lur- ing. 5. '0. h" Ind. | Ill-anger M12!- iua than cl than pun 111,-!- hnno urbd menu, but whb I..." MM. mi... AlllVlle of m il WOUND m "ppm-1h- he held bi! buyout, by their [r wul oc cup-u, k - upocud um lhc Inc-1.1m ht Fmblu, tho, by tho uq. unluko no.0 och", "old dudain to at [or n maho Iill am Ibo Government of IbHRhIh-Iu bu bun-o an . cw! (child. ngum for lhr h 6 i. I. lull in MI Ii'houl 0 than. crlhbutp-nuhlu H m m I King:ch Mo but a I h a. Man. ul-ui- rill!" Davin: bur aim-0N work grading Mum-cm Thor-u- Mw'Mkt A ham 0' Whlv. Redo-hat Vahihhih-c In tho bwghlhfm- III about H II! III but manual-Inn n 'u w. {RENE m u, Ilbefonnd mum of crocoriel 3nd W than-acnth can www- ' nxusrox lemmas Emma Gumfl- Pri-u Id'ud ML __II..._ __;,,J . W , ,, luv, urea (luring Innuenurm to the fact that Slr _,.- an! Hm .mmh Blldlllllll IU whxch lhe ; 1h; Uenoru} "no AL. Hu- l-IIU.-l-. l A Jails-and Inu- Shlil Farm- I no, mm-Wuhan to tho fat" that. Ii to o! n It I Ema-cg, ha (When-1 : turnkey. II. had thorn-hunt! tho n- 1 cont! tumkq. nnd had nine. hon unable to proalre I mud tut-by pormucmly M lho lull hr, alloch by the (blur ell, randy. ml per mu. Ho ro- , quest-d the Council to im u nlaxy * In tint Le wn'd pt I good man, 8300 ' b'eiug tugged.) u- miublo compom b non. - Ulla "U I-IWl-B. The Commit! on Rosdl sud Bridges reported, mmmndin tho payment of the claim nude by III. nevi ol Cunden. (or repairing the road bottom Camden Ind Purtlud. 0n the petition fur a gun! tuwudl I road in Olden the Com- milm recommend no IdiomAdopted. (not. sum-nu. By perusiuion of the Council Shali Fergumn Midland men: on the deliubi- lay of men Ming the leoond tnrnkey'l II- luy, After which Mr. Wukinn moved, Is- 0 Aided by Mr. Sexton, that. lho um u- buy be increased to 8300, the resolution to be nuchenlialod u I layluv, and to take effect. ll tho duo of uppointmeut. nn- un' nnnh 'I u. IUII In". On motion of Mr. Snchnn, Mr. A. B. Perry, P.L.S., III paid 87 50 for two up; of rurvuyl of the York Road. LU..-llllch u. 111- "uuun. The Council, on motion of Mr. Joyner. went into Committee of the Wild. on by- luw Nu. 73, regulating xho payment of sccountl, Mr. Runan in the chair. Thu hvhuv Ill hurl clAlll bv clluse. EEL'BDH EV"! accountl, Mr. lcunan In the cnmr. The byInw wu rend clause by clluse, and pde with sumo amendments. The Committee then rule Jud IPD'Wtrd, And puwd wllh nmonumenu. Committee rulol I'PP'Wtrd, and the by-luw mu read I third tune. . mu'. moon's mom]. 1"! 0 00nd) tau-ad u 3 odmk. Ann. I Minn u u-Ilnu. Mr. Salton patented the report of [Lo Special Cummlttee appointed to can-blur the repurtof the County Clerk, undire ported as follows ; l. Resuoclinq the issue of liconusn to ported lolluws Respecting auctioneers autl pcdlua, the chnngo has been prnnded for by by-lnw of the Coun- cil, passer] at the preleut union 2. Thu paragraph relating tn the up pn-hansiun of nurse lhioven has also bean dealt with. 3 4vilh reference to claune thrue tho U1 mmittce cannot see their way clear to interfere. 4 A to this clause we would recum- llwlrl Lhnt the ucwuuta both on lubluln- 5h 11 In Cullucil and the Bard of Audi2, be handed in ten days bifure thus mud ing; and that. the Clerk exnlninu the nuns of clch account, dusignutmg bu Iwcen thusu which shmld go to lheBomnl 5 Amhv sand Hmun whiI-h Hm (mmtv ume apecmcu. .n. Kulutmg to by-lnwa they would re- cmmmnd Hm repeal u! lhe bylaw rea- pn ctmg the percentage to be u mined by the County Trunsurur on money: collect- u.L on the Kingston and Nupauee roud ; nnl wmlld Ms. recnmmeudthuc Messrs. Strut-him and Sexton be app-uted to ns~ am Hm Clwk Lu examine the ens:ng by- laws, xmd sport to the Council such ac mm M [ht-y think (uny be rm; sired. Ii. With lcfercnca to pnynmm lOCIqul \\llH:N8-8 they recommend at a memo rial be sent to the 0-way Judgu, the Clerk uf the Peace, and Ihu Lluk uf the 1... ....Hi..,. monan .n I.. alumna-'7 R 5 I .UIHBHY sun-nu. Mr. J. R. Dav-(n gnu notice of I by- Inl which he would on the marrow lu- truduce {u "(all lay-Int ITO. Mr. Dal-um landed in lho revort of the Finance Commune. lemnlmendinx 'he payment l l lho Iollowing net-01m : 5. \\'1-odo,|'|linu , 089,61;Gu Comv puny, 021.93; B. . IJriUuII .6; Ju. Neddon. 219,00; .1. Reid, oio,7s;Hm & anlinmn, (7,58; Kinpton Water \\'vrkl.'9.;A. Vellum, 1.67;.1. Redd'l, .530; V. J. Inhood, do own; D. Mel-on A: son. .5; A. Mchnney, mm 7:. In)": (mlhnm II M. J, guilt, Mel-on a lion. .6; A. ncU-rxney, 828.75; John Cod-burn, [1.20; J. sum. coal, $93,171; W. kuhimm, '19 59, Stu-noon & Nook, but! nice, 80,20; Fmth Gazette, (56,24. Somd ut the Accounts, and put. - {mu-II, which awry bolongod to th lamination \ I1 not they hid our M be t- -u L. .L- h-..a ..l Anal-0' A L.- . oi Jnnrncv. In" nu over, In no t- ed up due Bari 0' Audit, And 0, re- vpocdully urged the curving on o! tho och... In: the Wye-numbe- of u:- emnu, "comma-dd by a. opoeial co.- nitulu Ir. [Iii-gun'- col-nint twu. Thu tic-mun Ob non-nud- od that Iho Wade.ch ee-- nilkuouuan'ud'd. the ply- nut 01 my mt. It. Ida. a" thick iuul u to huh I m or .4. '- Ihn 1 cl Ila-I1". nun t ll'. I 7. '1 but no change bu made in the sys- :un uf mountsan at present. 8. Tiny revummend that the Warden, 1nd M:ssrs.Jnym-r, J. R. human and 1le Uierk b0 uppuimed to prepan an ad- h'us [0 HM (n'overnorrGenerul, and nuke armngcmenta tor its prelrulanon. Atl pth. n. unlu'n vluAurna "Allllh B l INAI\ DH- sz Tapping muvud. seconded by Mr. | IL. Unmann, that the County Treasurur a aulhunzml to rwaivo $150 in full of xll demands an arrears of County tax, [nu by the Township of Barricmp to {Hal )L'uuxber, 1877, M) cundxtiun that. lho all sum nf 9150 be paid on or before. 11.1 ILA/Munhar IHTH H [mm wen put. The nmvmunnt was carried Yum, 1 ; up, .3. , u.-lv\.'n ulnnlun rk ut the Fame, and Inn L'lrrx 4n we :wa. calling uttemi m In clause: 7, 8, 9 i 10, uf chap. 87 consulidated alalmcs (intariu, and n-qncst that they sec L Lhu prm'isinlm (f the statutes be can . II', comm-mt;qu rfl nu nun-nun". r. Juynrn morall the Cvunml inm milieu of lho Wholp, an the 'LC'IHd Ilg'lf lly-lnw 176,10 rvpeal hy-law 15, of the l'uited Common 0! Fron- r. Lenmux Ind Anldlngtnn, hmlng myan In a percentage which the Tron r furmerIy roceivod on money: enl J on [he King-Inn and (he anauoe l hy-lnw I'M read :htoo lime: Ind rm; Bumsnwme.SATURDAY, NOVEMBER .16, 1873; "In". Itqu at Christ Church, Cmnqul; Ionics a #00 p m IOIDAY. Honcho-ugh to tho pain I. it lamb-ingnblatopnyihamm Illhinaoutnin tun- tlu CAI-It, lolt .fvon ltolpu 09!..de dio- oouol for call. 0.. lnnlinn M In, J, I, Dam. (h [at It. On nation 0! It. J. B. Dunn, tho I! Innadupbd. a": amendment. Io'd In It. gut, fu'led to get a nan-dc at! w 1, Alvin-l u I an. Mr. Joyner, waded by Mr. Ruth, moved I Motion to the ccc um the County Treasurer releuo my chin Ulrich ho nigh: bu. undor the" prod-inns of Byh- No. 15. of [he Unihd Counu nf Frontenac, Leunox sud Addiugtun number pomsnuga document. Cur tied. , 'lh- (nnnnil mlinnmn until Inn'rlnck tied. The Council adjourned until 10 o'clock Saturday morning. puunL Tho Clerk reai the minute. of yutor- day'l wuiun gnd after a mun discussion they were adopted. An account for 50 cant- !rmn Dr. A:- DAI L 'uuAI nunnuv. Council resumed st 10:30, members all puunt yutor- they adopted. An Ag- new, for cab hit. in eunwyiug a pace] (nu: the Cuurt Home to Post. Oioo, nu road. on mution of Mr. Strnchan,the w- couut. I ordered to be paid, Mr. Tap- ping Voting nay. ll-(VIII A I'nrl' Drlbll AL I). Mr Walker presented the report of the Committees, Maura. Sinclmn, Walker, and Rattan. In whom wu referred the Audituru' Rep) for 1577, which wu thnt they had examined the Auditon Report and found that they have per formed their dunes in 3 very eicient mannrr. 'l'ne Cumiumee have been lur. priced at. the ulnuuntpmd to the late Cuunzy Sullciiur,fur nervicus in 1877 amuuuting to $755 56, and the claim of A. Lanignu in $229.50, in- clulllng witness lees. They considered this mm excessive, and tie clnim of Luuigin being unniaely carried to a S-Iperinr Court, the 531116 AllUUld not have been settled without litigation or dispoa ' ull u in the Divmun Cuurt. 41h. That payments, nre made by the County Tren- uurar, withuut the authority of the Coun- u .4! m... rumimvnunil Hm It should be uurar, wuhuut the authority 0! the noun- ci! they recommend that It. should (llacmnmned. 5th. They notice that payments, of money were nude to the Chainn u: 0! the Committee of the Conn- Ly Property on his uwn rder, payable to himself fur nerviuus alleudd to hue been [wrfunnod by hun urrr and above thl grant made by the Cammitteo of 370 to relnunorato the Chairman for extra lor- vicss, the umhunt u! said orders so given payable to hluzsf by {he Chxirmau lhuy recwmnend be refunded, and here- nftc-r a. check he put. upon all Inch pay- ments as such a systrm iadangornua. Och. They have t-xmuinecl the printing "runnnt alrl lian that the printing {01' INT; (1- at $8an and lhn: the mnnunl fur 1877' was 512108 7.3. The latter was done by the Cmmty [my 1-, the I'umlvnm Gu ll Al I, _ ., I, . .. . no n um- 7" The pnyet oi ilic non Mormon women of St Lake City in likely to succeed in invoking uicisl intervention in tho Iup~ pro-lion nl polygamy. Alrndy neural cues inmlvlng the peculiu' imiitulion' as u! du'u la in tried beloro United 8mm b'upreme Cuu. For the credit. of Ibis noighhnunngnnlinn tho lthy Mor- nun nuiunco ennnui be Ibtted | day (.00 noon. Cnnulisnl will juin in the jubila- tion: which will gum. in final Ibulltiun. __ --- mo uu the Whv'lu the chair. mu...) .1 I. um Lulu-I, Mul ngeueml surer be no large. Na c .\.l N. 0...] an] '{ nu. agu n. 7 The Cu! ndj- \llltd, :1. m. nacu nu. Iu '- . then) need be (Imouf the Ilev .vu. and Human ,,.A lll un- I..\ -- by I ful) lurn An gpprrcmllul n _L., A ,J .l 8111mm. OrrThe On. paper. report lh-t Mt. Gwrge (HI-m! hu written Iu the Mayor, to mrtai'n whnt induco- mum. could be offered by the cty, {or remnnl her-s (i-i; b/(mf and shoe lac- uvry to the Capm}. He proposes am- playing 100 hudn. Tho letter III lo- fernd lo the indmlrial minimum. \..u- ... .. -u .. ..,. I Then the uhjcct ul' :1 graced: an: (n be d pxrpu-u. The 5L ciety inf; Cl'nnt'lu nu - u\~w v. . v a! (ho claim: u pummge IOIDAY m mm-m a: Cu HotelInn (by. Cm Coucn..-Iqu u India; .3 a pm. in ditonl reply It; a neon! miclo in tho 0tqu Prev Prua 'u crowde out w day. but will nppur in Monduyn iuuc. r ~nw.

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