OI IKE. WOMENS AND CHILDREN'S WARE. AAI n( vhu-ln m Imhlly and. to "datum: mlul Lo-Ihor Common. and tho public an mlvnn "nod ullcla 3| clots hun- DUII CAI". C. L. MULLOY. n Kingston. Oct 26. 1878. Milling lot or Kb. 3, low rel-gun'- mid-nu. Building Lou on In; stunt, appoint. It. A 2 D' "in thin. I Brick My ; o . My Dwelling- und I Juildlnx Intall on Inll-g King an, unusual, Farina-'- arm-nor to IIeJ-Oe W.- llrl.) 'U- and. iludhlmo-rthg-ulcm IM. Milli-l [An-Kan mum JAMES McARTH UN, Manager Ontario B, 6L .9. Hoc'y. Wellinzwn Sh ' "Wul " "7 Via _' ' Mann-man I P u! IOZIAI. VOL. XLVI. PRdECTION' .Lm - k N Al- --.A_ Damaged Wheat by the Bag. no two Mono Building. on the Eu. eon ofOnt-uio and Johnson not, opp-lb Anglo Auntie-n Howl. Ears-r 2; 2 Brick Dvch "Incl min;- i din; Immall Walling. moot, W MWillh- It Dwelling- Building lmnll Wam Van! de- bla Banding Lou on V'th 169.wa low] Bone WalkHa: "GT-i. aitii'iwlvn. W . ' IiOBINSON, III-clll It Klan-van; luv uvuv BROKER. _.un_ I. 7' lulu. I I.W.'. 00. 10131, I IIIDIATI P0. n omn_nnos. nd Clothing or other Inc. all nu Ch. Rod Bum Agent. !- nlru-I. nlllIllnl. CHEAP JACK. In mid. l Imur mad: 1 .IIInImnll of Xingu- p' Shupn in Mr rin put In mun to have your h.oc'y. Wellinzwn Street. L Imam yup MEI ii th,x1nk'_._udo?1{o'bipul .1. Mlen rnnn one from. "100m! low. I no. nn llmnte CHOICE IAIEB VAIIETIES .ll'8'l' ncuvn harem):qu 321555515337... Childrehi randy 80ft: in at vu'iety. umnnnws Racoon and Bull's goats. 19?chkikiloviisi? Kid Glove: sud (hamlets. Per-in ud 38nd Lunb Gaps. (1 Old I 80:31:23 an Remodelling l lawn a coma. DRUGG ISTQ. mini HI-7d Dyed amtEm; V- . nun-v uvuuw, nuuu nun uu I linedtat bottom prices. 11 B. worn: and nki Ronzs. I. 'I. W III-rm Booth 1: 1m Nu 2-. sum. man of Victoria 1 not Thu lmt is fuuuell nml hu 5 wall aunt in it. Int on corner of Alfmd .md Unlon urea. M112. IAbills " 7 8.8. Seal and Anti-scan Jackets. Impoitd Bulbs FBI WINDOW CULTURE VWMMIImlmI BUFFALO BORIS, lined and un I.'_-.I -4 LAL-_. __A__ cum wnIuHTs.i v vnu vuuln ALEXANDEE'Bss's, Phncess Street- Rnn! 94 197R ODDan'IIl {l'IV anr nuunnlmunn RUDD} Begs to nunounoo that he in Ihowiug one of the Largest, Most Select and Cheapest Stocks [Dry (boas . u m" n In..." ___oo._.._ m. AJ. nip, mm hymn-dbl nut nu1a . , . . . . Banana-y, ow. 0. GUI'IUIA . . . . . . Wednesday, Nov' -a- ' ALGERIA . . . . Wednesday, Nov 13. And ovary Idiom; Wadi-thy f'om Nov Yul. late. of Pun-ago I By Summon carrying Smrsge, 4), uni 00 gold. sooonllng to umuodntlon. Nn Steernge. By Steamer: not ell-tying thongs, $304100 3nd Mao. gold. According to toomummlation. Tickets Issued at. a I cial rate of 60 gold. during tho Fill sud winter season] chat. to Puri. $15.00, (lo 6, uldltjo I]. lam Tick. on fumble hm. Dunns at vary low rum moor. oh. bun Ivorpod had Queen-town and nHother pus. of Euro n Iowan rum. Through Bl] of Ming given tar Minimal-510', Huro,Amworp and othor port: on the (imminent; and {or lodibrnnun pom For Freight and PWonva ll Gallup-nil 0009. No. 4. Bovlmx Gmn. New York hm on "on Prince 8mm. Im. llulhlhm a vunu. u IMAUDU [out Special Bargains in Canada Twaeds, Ulnakings and Beavers AT KW S. I- la M. Nov 9th. 1- [Ill AHYSSINIA . HOTHNIA .. .. The Cunard StearEiB(Iompany,(l.imited) New York and Sept 24. 187B. 0 [TH me new of ambush; Int-chun- of onuIdaIJhO "Aim" of thin Una uh I Ipeolod coll-u tor nu ma! tho you. On the Outvud Pun-go from W to New Yuk or Bonn,cuhg Hamlin: of 50 II 43 I At . or nothing to tho Nan)! o 43. 0| Ib- Homoward Pun-gewluniuho Inldlln 0150 42 Int." nothing to m Nurth at 42! W OUNABOD LINE Nov? Prince 51mm. Hue llulhln: aim. 50 I. lwlnw llm hnum III a I. 1'. William Inn-1h L! In! 3. Nu moment; and {or Iodiurnnun pom. ' Pumaompply Comp-11110009. (g; A GRAND. CLEARING OUT SALE 0! the shove mnth Good: n price- thu out have been seen in Kinpton. 0-: Good. Am Med down nub bolow air nigh-I out. All wont of the public In to come tad too our Swot And the: price- ud than ind" [or than)"; One Price Asked wanal No LessrTaken. Aug 22nd, 1878. Two One- All Wool Gnu-dim Tweed gt 50c and 60cl Exu- Good Cenedlen Tveodl at 65c, 704: end 750. Beautiful Uluer Cloth At 750. 90c. 81,00 and 61,25. Cheep Nap Cloaking It 753, 81,00 and 81.25, Cheap Beaver Cloth at 81,00, 81,25, 81,50 and 81,75, Job Lot Canadl Tweed: It 500, former price 800. Jul) Lot. Canada Tweedl at 31, former price $1.50, Tremendous Bargain: in Demigod Blenketl at 81,50, 82,00, v 7, 137a. CA LLING AT 'FROMNEW YQBK. at". 1 7 I u ALEXANDER ROSS} Ihowiun Into Mill. I... McNAGH'I'o 6:: co. KINGSTON. CANADA. CLARK WRIGHT, \anlin-Mn Rh- J'JNQUIL NARC! '13, nun J Jun. 5'] .Wedneldny, 00L 30th RUSSIA. _ ..Wedueld|y, Nov. 6. 80 YTHIA .Wadnandnv_ Nov 13. A munl. Wellington Strut. R. WALiDRON;7WiigriguBuiihiiggf OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL. Grocer. Win and Spirit Merchant I Oct I9. 1578. U INCLUDING: I00 Donn Whit. Dron- Shirk, Oxlord Dn- Shim, Cambrk Dn- Shirtn. nag-m Dn- Shim, AID man; A SPECIAL" ll UIDHCLUI'HINH u prion- dd] Win m the Imtory. Ir. I! hint-.- ml awn-.- Mildim WHEAT a... on On...- mm ,o gAM Sf. nw nurr, ' u-_ -_J A -uuvv cuvnl, New and Old Queue. 500 has: Extn. our-.0119, Fresh and Salt Butter. annnp 311.1: _f Ashleys Shirt Factory, INCLUDIRR - G. I. ABILIY. Wash opp-db - AINon Haul. ransaniiomrs} A Large Stock to Select From. I In qmtltm will oonnnlt their own Interest l by calling It mammals for the Winter. w.- lum vm umnp. onions-1 to "hand pitch-urn . chore to :x'I-hoioonh h. I MIL. vlll. bat an Alfrwl M r Ml! Illod M (I Garden (at u !Jusl the Ibingfoithe Season. I _L c L] In IO lb boxes, in lb boxes. in 3 lb lmxem n prion ll wry (II-WI".- II no "carry a. M will hint. and! war.- I'ugivo hue-din. m PARKHILLS. FAMILIES who no In the habit of pr- ohulng their supply of MoNAUGETON J: 00.. Conn: KING an Putnam Stun. J. Y. PARIIIILL. .m- 1'".- ....I n-1u u--- YOU CAN Bl'Y [ROM W YORK. A. .. .. odnondny Nov IA Wednesday, Nov' 'FA LL TRADE . owl-g.) ' A'IHM u tin In: Inn-a renal 'II' Ila tulle-II. III-u: . Bowlmx York CHAS. G F NCKLYNAgoni 75:71:31.. I"- OI m. Liv e r p 00 I CORK HARBOR. MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 18 1878,: )0, 83,00 and 31,00. NCK L YN Coatings. REE RUE. are now prhunung their FurWnu-rlwdh very nim Pocket. HanIL ionhkfn. Alan, '1' you lvn . Pin 3 THE BAIAAR. you can got the law with It. ___, an l'ur Sacquea and Coats. Prize Seal Betta, Im. Lunb Scotch on: for lines weu'. mu Ind GLOVIS of every dos- cription. DIPLOIA at the lidlud Oentnl 521:2: dilphy of FUREHATB. v OIL, WATER COLOR. INDIA INK An at Al" 'lu'u I \Ilh. "nlnl le'. luv": nun-l 0R PLAIN FINISH E M Wabwumylnbm ATTERS AID 'UKII'. CW! If Pdnm Ind Him: I! -T|Im 'ho Whh the l FUR! "muddled nnd anred nbonld have them with in AT ONCE. Nnv lih. l!.i.'8!.iW!?P.!i lm. H. HENDERSONI .L'l,l_uuu LUVIJI HATTBRS AID 'URIIIIS. Corn" of Pdnm Ind Dual. Shock {GondsfuruldWealher [NEW HAT Stan: Nevupaper Advrllll' lure-l, I. Hpruoe Mutt. New York. 2 r FANG} 1:03,th lame. 1%. Plain ')ur gold. A onuoutt [00. 150 nylon. NULL 6; (20.. "u not. N Y. 2 Stylus nl Garth, 100, or 20 Scroll Clrdl. 10 ctn.wilh name. post paid J B Hunted. Nassau, NY] 408nm: Floral, kc .(Mrda. with mme, Meta. Outt l00. Vann 0L Co..North Chatlmm.N.Y 2 Chrome Cards. Cuphla. lottoee, Howe:3. ux ho two alike. with name. I00 Nuwu (flu-(l tin NIMIIII. NY 00]: "em. 25 Lover Cards, with name, 1%. Samples of Photo Cards 3c. Something new. 8. 8. Perry. Nmall, NY. JUDGE Fl DR By Bonding 35cm, with age, ' hclyht, color of eyes and ) UURSE Ll. hnlr, you will receive by the rnturu umil noun-mt. photograph a! ynur future huaband or wife with name and (lube of mar- riuko Address FOX. Druward. lInlmnA s A AV to Ak;n; Aligng foritlm FIRES/DIE VISITOR Terms and outt {rt-n. Audra P. 0 VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. [1761 Nat-Ann, lu \JIAA\ Inll llblllul IUr HI", Uy ll"! Mint and Pare Man name Railway Comp y. At dress WM. L.WEBBER. Land Commissionr EAST SAGINAW. MICIL mule 'm. 00! I. v 1 In Hm rm. Whirh Wu '1 auction), GREAT IEDUC I'IUNH unuln In the price! of Puinlmz to. I" All work mula in our shop Ind Inmntod. - \u nnnull I. Ml PINE AND FARMING LANDS In CENTRAL MICHIGAN. [or rule by the Marquette Railway Comp 3. MICHIGAN LANDS For iufornmtiou concerninz the s! Auronu YOU SIAl: 7 . a SURE AHAIIST ABGIDENTS (3-. . A..,.1.l,._a "ma... _ v_,,u,, n n , . I 9w Advitiimgts: [qu DONOGHUE & 00.! (mafia? WW uftho rumnt, nxcallenm. Noaloh ypnrtunitv oflnying In their WINTER BT00 ofGrocer- ies has ever been presented In H! city, w The "the cyan 3d; f;r which; C. Ia low". HA RTIN'S CORNER. Halal, PRINCE! In of the trade. Our new Eisfnmdgmm -v-_.___.. " v _ "v Will be oored at proportiondlylowgurea; The Stock includes 3 oholm locum: of I :-..-..- __J 11:- -Al 'IIhe Stock Included; chain Motion of Liquors and Wines ._r\._ __,__A u. __AL ,, We on: sell at prices um will OPEN THE EYES of the Our 'l'I- 1-3.. __ _ _. Jnuu _ L HAVING patch-ed the Bartram Mock 0! learn. IoNab.Orompm, Ferns 6; Co, of Montreal. It 83 out In the doll-Into can 381ml to give the public an bottom of our $119438! _ nv We can And will no lower thin my Whole- ulo home in tho city. Inn A All I .uuvvu nu-nv- "vii-.IIIV I Got an Accident. Tialmt or Yearly Poiicy in the ITO BE SACRIFICED! nnuxnun sroox Teas.3ugars&[iqums, (H 170.; iirXrED CARDS,":il lama. IO 00%. Agenmoutl )0. L. JONES h. UU. um. N.Y. [$30;OOO$I _ LV. V yug..u At Local Agony or Railway Bunion. concerning the snow 13 m. IN'S polite (he Aonu Hotel, PRINCES STREET. iw E333 $35.; Rice Wu 1 In 'I' n k. I WI... in n ml: (hr-I2": ] I] y Lh} 1-9 Ill-Illl-gnd Ewing-r, u_1|ul_u no VII-U In luv mu :EHQUIRE ON THE WUARIl 309 wt": I. dihlvuoQ-a- 'ihltu w mu. Mutiuhfmw annuals-I. , w to. unplug... I" I. II "Ill". [III'IIN- I "I! If! Ilil' in "haunted by nulmmua H: ruin I from limbo- Minn Ina-Mall! {at u. npubI Mhm NJANULRY NUIBI will cont-In hold" the (non! full mun-n: nf nding ulnar, I no" inwmth; truck on " DOMINION HONTHL T, The Dem-hot XIII-n am he not VIII. The herbac- price. In :- follow : ln Dual-io- lothly .... "tiny" nun \ nun-a.- luau. together 1 vui'u, I'll-c. ...... 21' do do '0' Dun-hm Monthly to lb: and lrlml To. don. ................... ..._ I. b l HIS CANADIAN HAGAZINE hu uloy hnc nurdy worked It.- Iuy inw the Iu-mtn and home: 0! than-and- of our but ('nnmlan funiliuv But a Munllnn althe lump of who Dmm'nkm, abould not amp I! n rirrulation Mn few thou-Dd. ll thould lunatiin adv-Hoe an urd until 3 Inge circuluion in remind. I ha llgukne In not I boot of lap-goajllbd Iil h big I] inurunl mlclu. many ofwlzich ura- llllllnuul. Ind the mhr by Can-man unborn, 11:!DNamhd-r um Y will cal-lain . lemby Irticln cntltlod .A...A,, ... .. ..., . I Whlcll will .m u umnt ol the bum. m4] appear-nu cl Iht not-n: Indian ink-hunk, hiya-Ill" with In inn." of thmr tnho. The [imam nlimlldirnhion u lung hetwmn Hm Indium and tho Bamim-ry urc- inlrly Iran-d. __ , i This will Also be prof-sly "ll-(IM with Intel-u wood mu. ud null! be road by ova-v who with In hump-o than, I61 with the Mom at the Governor and o my porno- nml'blzg to thy nnu'ln- un--_- . "the House of Argyle and the; l-I-;- n' '1". " THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE. Tho Now Dominion Monthly. Ionian. Phnugmphn of Sir Juhn A Mm-dnlmld. 1" Price. nwnv down to Rllll the times. I I MI In :R or THE ROYAL COLLEGE u. .uumaonn. England (VFICE AND HE!"DENUIZWnllingtun Btmt, hnlf In! bum-MI Willmm sml Earl Him. 0. l3; ', _ Always Ready; hng norm Biblw from 100 to .6 50.9xlra Morocuojl. an-henmr St-ianvo Lemur. Cnholiv Prayer Book: from I30 upwards Papar Weights. Fancy Inks. Erwm 'l'hlcrn' (onnulnto and Empire under Napole- Thic-m' Fer-h Rornlnunu Albums III Prurl. Lumbar and MONKIU. Pun Purtnum from .u to $9.5 . Blank Bookuofnll kinda. Lelth Booknuf wry but quality. low pric- Photngraphauf Mnrqum ol lmruu and I'rInL-l Louisa. Hirlhdnv 1er Bmvku from I. Church Sarrivea in lurul- :va Spurguuu'a Sl-nuonswpmnpln hnz norieu .4v..M_, .. . Gold Pom, (Sold Pencils. Walletn ufull kinds. The Lulwlnwnn. and Gill and lngnll'a le Line lootn. (tuneful-.1: bv th Cm or draw. Duunllnn, by Glace Kenneth. Minn Rnlmru' Fortune. by Winthoyn. anrneu 011ml. bv J T Gould, y SLATE PENCILS~FuberM naw, un!y 30c lwr hund rod. Chatterbox. 1.11310 Wide Awake. Cotmger and Aniunn as $381}; EicisTn-um loll'll [Gillan-hm Mi ~' Routlmlge'l Boy's Auuuul 11ml other A n II! n u .r ... XENOPHUN'S ANABASIH. HOOK {Luml Euhwues. [HENDERSONS __7- ____ ,._. 7.-_.__.._._._.__ TheBazaar'_lwaysAheadl IHENEWBUUK-STUHH IS SheilaReid): tn Gatherng 5h eHH. KMhh-en bf Kilkennv, Ivy Milfunl, henn- lifully Illualmtml. My Homo on Hm Old Uhiu Grandflther'n Cluck , "3751;11:3Iimmmu, 1 AT HIENDERSONS Eilleen's Answer, See the Flora] and Aldino atyervery handmer Nov 15th. HIDBII ll-n. BARRIMTBR. ATTORNEY'ALAW. () l.l(lllmhr. OFFICEPrince Street 1 on r Dr. Hklnner'n Drug Burro. hhlmh. ma. Maciead ( One hundred Uarhnnn nf "alljumiu Dis- moli (from Punch), 75 com; The Mistletoe Bough, by Min Braddun, 15 can. New Novel by Jen: Middlomiu, with photo of author, 20 on. Uuder the Lilm, Alan!- The Latest of tho Unddonl', 10 can. Batherconrt, by Mu. Moluwmlh, we. Ni-nin, by Henry Graville, 10 calm. [Henderson'snukstnre.l Book and Music Slum-a. ONLY TEN CEN TS. AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS. DI. Inna-Wu, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. bu removed to 0m wruar 0! (Moon uni Bum. utmu. ovumnun. k Gunnl Drug own In 5, mm hm Priu Mom' ! 1 [In do ) lint ask Dame Furtuuo'n Smiles, "VI-v VI 1...,16 I Mai! of Lane. LII _|-- . 4.--|_ lll..A_ NEW nouns. S. WOODS. l Qllnl. b JV '1 "mild, v 1er Hmle from Km to $2.541 lurL'I' Him [row 34)" I nncru uld in a char Ind mobs n the mulin. publir Munich- by rvaznvlnn ' um: menu... um. of Dare, 50 cults. AT HENDERSON'S ' v. 4. smueis, MAL, by L. M. Alcott, 20 near or me uucovery m eome new prin- ciple, and the next ecoree of lnventare in both liemlepheree ere et work endeevor- ing to apply i. to some preolleel end. It i n uuly a nhnrt time Iinoe the principle 0! the electric light Iue quoiemly eleboret- ed in euggeet the ldee o! in being epplied lnr general illumination purpeeee, end the noeplicel here hull herdly memo expreee their double u Lathe retinal utility ef the invention before i e ennounoement is made that our herbor end two of our largest buildinge ere to be litup by it. I! i M'mtrael Me been emonn the lint of l 1 American cities in tekin up thle menu, I the credit in priecipell ue in our enter- l pming citizen, Mr. C anteloup, who hae 1 Cll'lely followed the progreee of tile new 1 invention. Hie eent in Perle bee been I elm native in hie letereet, end new line: I the invention has been nieiently per- I [acted for the illumination of] e end. i he hee ordered twenty of the eblokol cendlee from Perle. He he obi-led an I lqlere for lighting HI. harbor, the Bone- venlnre eletlou end Hie latte Dene Peri-h Church. and within two or three weeks we may eapeeuo eee lheee piece lit up by thin new pmoeee. In led, Ill. Chantelonp eteud thel. he would try hell tn here the electric light in the Bene- wnture etetion upon the enivel ol the Vie-rep] pen}. It in to be tended. however, that. the nglineee at each an en- eightly buildin; Will be fully expoeed to new by tliie Ineeue. Ierepe he deleele but better rennin enehronded in the gloom (if night. Theee lighu Ii" 5. ROpC hurlilng Ily meme o! eieht or no harle- poeer "wince, and it ie in the mail. ef theec mm the eapeeee erieee. Other- ' nee. en eleetric eeeJle. II II III. 1 I inning purer eqeelle teen or "my 1 1 gee burnen. could be (ed for e lee eel ' I en hm" It ii" bl..- m M I. DIHDCH. MIMI I. [in [W I '0' I. am huur, It will In. Iull M 0 I m... .J 14.1;- M...- -L- A nour, II II" "II- "I III '- caot a! grain cum-cab M U mmivo pan: is nylon! II" In mil. 1 Th. nuhlhhm elm WM MI. ll- mouu I cum '"l I. lulu. Tho publish"! 0 NM in. II- ready undo mango-uh to bub It. pron-mm sud Maine-n ole. unpu- l uilv lit Inn with (MI no. In}. M ypn-mm nun muc- ous. unpu- uilylic up with lib m I. M tho oublia In m but it OchWil- mlym can an In: I" the public-um vanVibl m ; "Ill"! ll rm.wno m that Damians-rhu- but l'h pumic- ' out. 0am on. .uuu- to hum-MI A [nip.tuc- 3.. twelve u.wmnhum 0" lmhulumumpw;d lira-Iota "on. PLJi Lh..__ll. I. This in nu q o! progrou; Scion - Vlncol with npid Itridu. Ono d5, u hear of the diwovory of name new prin- I ciulo. an active mm nll pravmm lnrorell. Slu'rbruuke l. 0., Nun: tin oxpootod in Unlurlo thu Mr. Blnko wlll ugliu uh lu- slund at the head of the Libonl party fur which he in omiueutly qualied by nbllily and upcrionco. Hi: mumin the house would be of grant bouot to tho party. The country would dorivo much drum-go from his pruenco. If any in Canada can be said to be both llwyu' nml amtennun, Mr. Blah bu Iuporior claim to tho title. Ho in nlnntod Above the pnrtlzau, though he ll - puny mun. Elm country ban the rst chill on him, nml w thin ho would Incrilloo :ll otlm' claims. If there be m oort to keep him out ul the House lhlt eort will b. Inspired by four. n \ L'I\nlll4|4' KIA]: 1'5an Amen. flunnce Strrolmwmile Punt (mine. 00! 213th. Illllt UV IMF IIIUIU IUWIIUlIuu molt puny tyranny. Lindsay Post: The time hu undoubtedly came when mum progreulve reform and in] vuncud liberalism mull. ltopto the frum; and there is need for an onward mova- meni, and that Mr. Bllko'l pretence ln lllb mine would have n quickoning Ind far reaching inuence. We slw believe that. if Mr. Blnko'l hulth doo- not dolor him, he will mall. the ucritioe of devol- iug his splendid tnlonll slum-l. wholly to public nlfain, And will mnmo, under prnlmr conilltlonl, tho mpomibilitlu of active and Ill praudinymoreu. .N'livrhrimkv I U A Nun: (in nxnmhd [Or pnnllc analru. lie/linilie Ontario: Evorybody will '16 pleased where that the Hon. Edward Blake has roturnodlto' Cundb in robust health. There ll no doubt of tho Ibillly uf Mr. Blake, and when All the Abuse hurled at him by big up nonu hue not in the least dammed ll reputation- that he stands today In high mud n pun M the day he entered Pulinmont, tho impurtnnco "(securing his urvicel may not well be over estimated. Toroulo Telegram: Thu Mr. Blah will mm: more take his stand It the hand of the Liberals of Ontario And gin hil plrty the bend of his servicol Iooml to be pretty well unwed. IIr. Blukoa hndl mun he loft free and unfettered. There [must he no more dictationno more urn-Iv hu-nnnu v-- Wanna ll FunctionWho In "A IiI-n I. .- --I-- m' n. Turonlu Mail: \Vhethor u lender or fullhwor. Mr. Blake'l manta-co into public life will be woloomod by men of all Ill-den ufnpininn. Able politician: are not so plentiful tint the country our nor to loan a 'gontlemnu of his apnclty for public a'airu. lie/1y nilie Ontario: Evcrvbodv will In ELECTRIC LMHT IN ION'I'BEAI. 'l'hnt when your Felim friend- hlir y dine: Acrou nIr border: from your bad I0 (no. 'l'hnir conduct hmlly suit; our oontry'l whim H0 pny Ip, don't (:1!) all the loaves NEW"! I. If yuuve lustnillod n on gut eet On what we've suffered. ti 0!: till you'll agree That when Fenian fride Unit din your (m. 10 heat Jam; BULL, which Into], In will see through; Yuur Alabama chirul you've gddown with thv dust, sir. Hon 2 act, so like A Tonn libum. h, 0f couno, it'l but I stkoo odor mu Tn but Jam; BULL, which Into], In Gmt WAHlNG'I'OIl! don'k nah thi- n ax- can. 1": RUBMRIBER RESPEITIFUIJJ BEG thu Pm hn umlo "tannin pumhun Il Tlll yo. You ought to not with win the sun. lunar Al w would do bean you marry bul- nor." lb . V V And gm cm. an hlh'thowh M {on out in. Youmchodthohndwhn Inna-M ht 004. And then. Ignoring Inn an! In. Gum", Commenced your AM on I My. New Jou'nuxyou know It In h. m Nor lot yitghin I. in: o! Jnunux you not My Nor yet within tho 0 M. Tu bruk a. loot] Inna. ind Hill '3'. The mtivel out to spoil your nob and but no rue-Imummmm And 3.21M :- dopthdrvuk We any: ought yin skint "Iil! man-ha. wish coho-m lull-lb Bantu". I Olltud WWW '1. Ply-Jam p.- nun, To Ihoot the duty In tho Il MI u-mw uh] .17: ought nu MONDAY IV'NG. To stop from paying wlnt you have nal '1! may. 1 Balm", And other Ahmad, DIR. BLAIES BITURN. M! nation It. '0 Tllflhl although NJUI. A GOALY OUITOIEI. NO 9'71: KOVT And person an motion Imublod with dunnoan of tho kidnap sud ulng 0mm. Ind will be M to [urn thu M Bud": cud Uu Uni in pn um-nl -hl. AL-..A.1-I ___, W , mu viral-3.11M 01nd Un Uni pcnd I a. and. pnrpouol Mug than. honin- linking Mo hwy to the mod. '5 who hue and input MP], of It, Mu! It in highly ruommndod n a: oonldonco lot both the young and old, In no" In tho mild]. and. F In by .u dental-n. le Pill. I" noted for unit Inlet] nd Ilium-n. con. Ham nympho-[min- mom- plkhou the duirod and. To basin- ud profusion-l mm, snd buln worker- nnmlly ; thh modican I. hula-bk. Fort-la by I dmggisu. Fran-n3 Wotn Pardon won never known to (All. In uonnao now. My mother won 75 ynn old when I left, nd I thlnk lho in doml long ago. I hod ono brolhor, bu: ho wu killod Ibo-Q vo you: no in 3 cool mino oxplooiol in Ponnlylunio. I think I ght todio, u I hon livod I vol-y, wick- od lilo. I holpod to rob tho Iron Houn- Ioin Rulrood exptou tnil Ion-o (our _ your. ogo, but I uovot wu upturod. l uoooiotod with tho Jnmoo Brotyhou (or I long mo, but ono of thou gin no "my onoo, ond I got two you" man for n rob- bery thu one of thomulvoo committed, lo I would not hovo anything hero to do with thom. Thu is I o! my history tho! I ooro oboe! angling." Clocks urvo to that: tho ight of time, good hulth Ind hopplneu to moka no forgot it. IIuIth in boot murod Ind ro- ulnod by looping tho norvouo onorgy It in mximum [ox-co, tho blood puro, and tho nutritivo funotiou alto-u And viuur- coo. Vick): ymohoonhim Imam- JAIL! W 41.; v v III-fuuurllg (bureau-en. ow. 2nd. yum om, wnon I run nwny from home And wont. to Mnnlrul. Hot. in when my III. a! min. c mmwnood. I wn oommit- tad u 'Ail uveu or night than for unl- ing. mod to hung wound A plus call- od 'Joo Buf'l' (locuiomlly. which did not Improvo my moul- cny. A! lut I decided to '0 out Wat Ind join one 0! tho hwlou bond: thut infutod tho pln'nl there, god I but lad I life of crlmo our lines. I wu in the Jnomn Peniten- tiuy for [In your- for the um. crime Ihu I am About to die In! new. I do not think lint In, of my relations In Alive In Canndn My mother 75 III IMIIIOIIII "My nun. in Jauph Gordon, but I Inn wont b tho nnnu of Jbo Guling' our lines lino been In Missouri; I In shrine-ad tint in Kuhn-n 0in by gang of gnmblon and thin.- thnt I and k) u- noth lth. 1 In born in Unnndn But (now Qnoboo), in the County of Buuoo. um I only lived thorn until I In: tun yarn old, when I from home Monlrul. Hal- in than mv ['0 men were oeuth in the not. of eteeling h'nue in Minouri b vigilenu. A Ipeody triel took piece, en the men Iound guilty and condemned to be bent ed there end then on the limb of A tree uudur which the wall!!! Court at. The "judge" informed be men (bet if they hid my ville to meke or my manage: to and to their friends they hed better do no immediately. Jee Goeling' then mule thin Moment: "MI n-m- in Jan--1. n--.l-.. L; l moo '10 Chm! but. [Ob OLII u Indus: Human-m mJ Donut lull! W000. A rumour coma from Montronl Hut Mr. Brydgui- not unlikoly to ammo oouhol of tho Provinchl nilroad lyltnm from Quoboc to (Mun, Ind um Mr. H inmol the Gnnd Trunk, mnly be nus-d n. u.- hnul n' nu. In.-. ....-.I nun-wt Io lulu allmluul. An" feature in tho hudlure Innu- (tuning hulineu ll thlt oflrou enf- nI. '1th no painted and vu-niuhod to ropreunt polhhed load and when screwed down I.th become Air-tight. Betta thin wood. _A rnlnnn- mu... (4... u-_A__J u ,A nuam Inouuna lrom uornnny. Mr. Mackenzie Bo'oll'l Ihou do not npppnr to m HI. When An M. I. he was genenlly meinble, but now he badly known my 010. H. In: the lint. Mini-tu- to mk- dilmilllll. A n.- 'nnlllr- in th- k._,a_--_ ___.. ronn no II In tor tho Inn-ht. ~Il the immigration autistic: for the put thirty-two you-- In correct, Ger. my in Illghtly thud of Irolnndhm million. from lrol-ud and two nillion one hundred hunund from Gummy. lhoal do mu. ru 1!"! ()"NE on lennlnlu Hunt. N0. la... hotwwn Prinmu uml Quwu ntrenln, out -r...m 'lxmnum huallmnl kin-hen. Prmo nu- mou I an 900 urge [or hot. A 13.5, oyster in not hr": Ila-u a pln. bud It the and of A fortnight, md It the and 0! thus months only the aim of Alplil pen. At the 0M! 0' fuur yun' ronh be In t for the mullet. --If the immin-Hnn anti-H- (A... n. l uncut. -A number of Montrul India who uympnthlzo with tho Orngo Older. that hadnt? mound u up, of tho Ingllnh Fem o 0 Communion, h". lormod n lode; -A Woman's Hiltlko'll I now French nonl. We IN wllllng to nuke a week'- nlary thnt liar uni-uh wasn't in getting hot-boon I lilo moo lugs (or her. ~A baby enter in not. lug-r m... . I iguana. Random-ille Intit toooolnie lot I ha- 'lllt. itrrotiotu? v on:- loan"- hlndl 5nd uolnim: -'Mi- X10 you John m quite common! 0! scouring good noun a noon at the loo 0! Am]. min. .iltholud. A hunky bridegroom. an "my mum to. And an ounoo of bird-nhot, I" verb in; lino-ioudy tog-char. will dine!- m u elm-ind quicker than n thundu shower. .1 nnmlu. ..t u ..... 4-1 I, u , u 10",!" In unnd Trunk, In: wood at tho had of the lntoroo oninl Iwlv. Two caught in the of Mnlinn in Minnuri hr ail-m. ' aw... Maw..." " I , Unh- m be I. W nhou in - Mulmuhummm 0' $25,000 0! law "mo. in annually l-ut to-tho (my a q... rawhmu inhllifyingh'uuby pm- -. mm: Rim hum Club l- odtho am of tho upouh and 3.liwhdlchiniulon- pram UMon. ~11 u "on. school girl out vitae-u a tonulo uh. will clap Mild] lllt it lmrimni Iliumcom. TTheih'I-u hhmm.g ""th w 1m. has new Minnow! m MIMI lonuul Mad Spleth M Ouch! mum uni-l unto correcting a! in: nun-duo. ! the ma. 0771C! AND FINDINGS. m m ' *htmm'dhukd huh-likin- thud-nio- alth Tnld-I MEL-humu- nmun mnouou And ypopholphim I To bun-inn- A CANADIAN HUM}. CUTTERS AND 81.21038 IIITIII I met-um 1mm 0M Ammlu' m. h M. loud Mlle- m w. amm- Do-hh role-rapt Company's 0.00. TIIR RES IECTFULLY BEGS that ha auroth J. 0. Ila. 'nfESiiis. n.n.s.. um " DBLIIBI. (lull muukm.) 0mm? Am. imp?" ' " 0M. ' BOOT IND SHOE [Ill Kilt-Btu '0... Hull-:4 Pint. I .f' l ~ )VVICI RFAIDEIUI. Palm- It havoc- ytlenhnq unis! mun, muons: common In. ganja35'... 0mm 15 "AVE NOW IN OUR SHOW Romnu, the he Stock on ron _S_ALE. ROBERT SIIAW. "urn-on AMHRNKV~A LAV Four Thousand Pairs A QUANTITY ()i" l. W. BROWN 8. 00. > ' a plenum lm-I -.A Am-MA I. I; aim, mxlfm. on an-in street Imus umlrw ulemolion lor "(w-A um, huamonl u. Dual-II Comp-,1 nu... l I. I. u b' Curt Solo that Boob, Quad tn rams-m ._-A 45.- . H, 4 Motillm, !.u 14.an halwonu Muck Ind tonne of All Nation- PRINCFSS STRIIT. M --.L KSUIIRS bomb, rod-dd h inquon phat than a. Wucli um thin puck.- It nan-null Ito-L Poicinlyu Mimic-doo- wont- let JIM.WII , I buronud All mom ibn have wound Clothlng nth" ood- tmlinow of. will plus. Ch. Jul. thn will u" llm hull! pnM for than. lvuryhody la invlml to com Inc] [at I B- nln from ISAAC DAVID. Gabon! Broker, llvorybonly invital um] oppo-Iu Pulhlll'o. Primwu Strut. Kinnrol. In 51h CHIEAP JAR! IIO oun- 011C!- Aluo a Fresh Arrlul ollSvcr Jewellery. Hui Incl Chum Now all Chop. iiifiTimsn ! Water Works Notice. _,L.,__ Dealer in New and Second Hand Clothing of an Kinda. If IUU "In! Your 84'- neatly [Hod and not. go to CHEAP JACK'S I Prices Low than the anast. Wholesale and Retail Dealerl 35 l-ulscnss 911: T. l loll Door-bon- the (Ily Ilolel. lllpton. [ISAAC DAVID, BROKER- AGAINST WET FEET. (70) Ex IREME- TIES AND MUDDY ROADS in now the moat pupulnr Ind nonlith deumud mule by I" uluu-s of the cmnnmnityold and young.mulo and fanmlo, Grit :uul Tory to all by wuurlux my New Style of Roots, Shoo: sud heather (hmla.deni1uml for the Fall and Winter trade of IKIILJ, which have been m-nuhu'tumd of wall tmmed nud oiled mnmr~ D- F- WWW mule-gums. mudqu .I. _M- T0 LEN, UN MORTGAGE OVEIL APPROVED REAL ESTATE. Inlamnt low. Apply to lunnulxu'tnmd of wall mnuod nud oiled mater ml. of workmmuhip 1h H mm be ruliad on. Ind with a viuw w toCu-nfnn, Em, Durnbllity sud Chm-puma. [$60 7 =2| (rm. (Inn: all {In ('urria e'b'hlrp In Ingrlhrr 3r Now in [go Sluighu IND-lde. painted. Trimmed or uhhod. Carriages stored for the winter. C}. In. 6. I WILL OPEN ABOUT THE In OF nenmonth with the Input Ind uent Brook ofSLICIGHS ever on in Kinguton. If you want u Sleigh mud. send me your ordor. Brook MSLICIUHS in Kinguton. and I will um van or no mla. I haw mmln F YOU WANT THE BEST CIDER in the worhl In tho; Him. unrt or Gsllon. go to HAAC DAVID'B. Jlx't rinmuBh-oet. [SIX FIRST PRIZES] Kingston. Pov 4th, I818. GAGE BROS. a! (bum and Johnson opp-lb Anglo The Stone Shop null "'01le North eons: of Prince Ind Wallinnun In. The shop ud Dwellln on Pr'umnu strut. nan shave In]: 5 Kane] Bum. TIM 3 non StoMShou Ind Dwelling {ranting on in N Square and Cimnoo It... in thomugl oplir. Apply to I n. III- nnnu. u-mn Ir uuu 'V-l Jr'lulu Ind Hum'nmpnlrod go to ISAAC DA VID'U Cooper Shop. Ir qu "A": IN Ind mlwr Edge Tmln ground to to ISAAC DAVID'fon. 'rl'll III-BIA" m-l-lo': The two Mona Buildihgs the Eu. corner not. capo-lb JUST ARRIVED. lama-mun Budlng MD View. that.wa Rope '1 Am ouch. Willow-Id Dwelling on lath Ildoof lrhaeu. "mt, between ne-hm Ind Clergy mu. PROTECTION GRANTED For Sale, mum FOOT PRINCESS 3mm