Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Nov 1878, p. 3

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V '50" m) 1le .- Wt of IUMC IIIle "0 )K All! (MINERAL IU- IIICAL IKBCHANUIB M. w yum . .- n. An exchange tall About Ihy peo- ple go to church. Some go from hnbn, lame to no the people, oomo (0 but the Iinging, And some to but tho prmhing The wise roporwr uku in the who]. Hiun . m m... u. Ilumu. ~Linduy Put : ,Thoy toll In that you mult Ipesk o! Cnbsl u Cuvbyl. to rhyme with bnwblo. 81nd.- of P Boyle ! if thin in not Sootuh ucondlncy with n vaugunco. The next thing will b. Shore Ali. Av" I titling. l u. .... ._- r--_ -- -_- -__.-_. 7 ~Thoy uy thst Tum-30's dinoourlu no bdlot unnona. W0 wppou they are no called beam. the baron can stand 1 good dul of Ituing. , 'jnd..- FAA . I 1... AAII - bh-b .. ......, I... _ _Don't. ho uhunod, bop, tho oollcc-l lion box in panod uioo a duy. and you an pnund you (hut in n niohlo in the morning. 'l'ho Ste-m robon in I gnu ud uniting out:ij Tho than. have u- qniud lune mugh tomth tho Int 1 "lilting Ambition. rnu. took Jonnlou A.D.70. but who in Ihundcr took our nmbulln on I tho night of Navombor 170., which In in the porch of tho church. a I run, In! I n 'l'hm In I mutiny on tho but Jada Dmnmond on luring Tomato, udnowouol thonilonll conne-Ho Whitby pol. Ann-Jo L. -.In...) In... th. ll... I-"w - m'l'",u m 5." hudhliu inn-o, Initiatollooohl ml Thomcl:ywd Nap-aim hand-odthth Homagchuluhu ,, -lr.Bn-o, for-cl, cl Danna-i, haw-Miamom Roi. hom lay-alludind muommmqmu In... SaleostefulandFancyArcl WWII-m-" In. Hangman-bde 415...... 2...... .1 has. a mummmum .u. u- _-..._ w L... .L-l 45. am, in m ~I-h, Ids. undid , but-dd [I'd-- w. '.3. might bald-gingd Mll- um. hd. Dani's III-g" hilt tho Ln-b-I Unprecedented Popullrlty. Great I horoughhre. WI um. uI-IIIII'III'III I.- III. vw'lv.|o|v-.mv WMMNMMoIChn-t. uni-boun- Oil... an. a. buckling... altar-tin ln I In". Ii bigot-ad hn :Mhum-Inuut nu: .wmdmmwum 'di lulu-bk.- 'quhmmn- woo not drowlod bring it to ropont- uwo, but for dioobodionco. Sodom wu bnmod tho! tho ungodly might to min; by in (no. God loottorwd tho Jowo for not booting tho Buiour when he would hovo pthorod tho- togolbor. Ho drow tuition to tho fun (In: while prion diodpliu to o cortu'n oxlont enr- , mud ovil habit it did M ooct o com-i ploto Mot-Woo. Suppodng tho do ml 0 a. Kim ruin-mu, on-o duo-n ! oon wnonow, would tho inmtn bol It oodoty for bold non! An ungodly ' an my ho robwkod, bi: outcon on on to mum to hit lnnogro-iolu. ' Whom in owiphto woo it mid In luf- | log-in. woo rotor-story and oou'ochvo'ol n. williqu mm. mm nation woo P am at m m" Jacqui... 0 an. 1 mhtkhdwoprdmu cam? do. nos. Hod-fly MM m: ' which. a! in lilo wonder-o A._.-4I M- nL. AM.L -1n.,:,. v Agata-u It. Dialling " Ina. Inn Ciro m Pb *. lad-0min. Apply I. (I. VIICI. .9119; 1%.1'32 w......... .u um um, : and no argument had been ndvnnced to ehew that the puniahment in the future life was not penal. Then an to the Curr ' tention that nin mult be punished on the I epot on which it in committed, why en far uthia uorld is concerned the rule was ecarcely ever curied out, but the penalty wan inicted at the place appointed by the govern ment for thnt purpose. (iod'n government extended throughnut the worlde, and He could eetehlieh HI! throne end pun judgment in any part of ll dominione, but He baa announced thnt the ungodly ahall be judged at the last day and puniehcd according to the deed. done in the body. Another lchuui of L'niverealieta contended that the unifor- inga of the future life were merely reforr matory and corrective in character. Thie dengeroul doctrine at the nuteet he moat emphntlcally denied. It wan held that the chutieement of the einner wae fur hie own good. True, 3 judre sometimes mete: allowance for a mnna reformation when he in untenclng a erirninel, but the welfare of the ltate ie the primary object kept in View. Why hang the murderer I In it for hle gaod or for the good of the community! Why impriaon the felonl For his own benet or the protection of the innocent! Why wee the old world drowned and Sodom burned 1 For their own advultage or that of uthere 1 Pan- lehment val not impoeed an n meeua of refenning the ctiminale, but for the pro- tectlon of virtue end the reetraint of vice. Thin wee the principle of (lod'a govern- ment. JI-v -uu an I uub n ulUllH' maul of in righteousness. The text wu an illustration uf the thomu. The life of Luz-nu was one cuuiiulml none of suoriug, and the quuel puiutud to no other ooucluliun than that the pun- hhmeut of the wicked Wu not just. sad l-IU IIIBNAL 'lbll II I, thet I! ell meet on e looting of equality hereefter euioide becomee e virtue end an edventege. He epoke of the Universelist idee ef edeqlete puniehment, and CO) betted the theory, ehowing that the ad ditionel pein inicted by' perente end teechere end megietretee were thue un- juetitieble, the oilendere having been euiciently punished by the leeh of their own ooneciences. According lo Univer- eeliem the offender who wee not punish- ed at the time he committed the crime did not empe juetioe, as they had been econtomed to view it, buta gnu-e in. jultloe. He pointed out that God would bejuetthet in thle life the innocent and the guilty eu'ered elike, the former even more then the letter. Who were herni- ed the meet, the villien who red his neighbour'e houee, or the femin who berely escaped with their lives, havian loet ell their eerthl y poeeeeeioue l Who suffered the keeneet, the drunkerd who wee half the tihie meddened by drink , or hie he led. helf clothed children. end been broken wife 1 Who eluifered meet. the young men reveling in licen- tioueueu or the perentu who nurtured ~himin hie infancy, who watched over him with solicitudo, end who hoped to lean upon him {or enpport in their old eye 1 Reeeon end epoculete ee they liked, the apportionmente in thie life were such thet innocence end purity euered moat. It in the other World all ere eqeel, then God in iu-t nnrl m-n .. ....i _ men Ull- .1 Inc unwuuuw u: um- Auv "on no inuence on the horenfwr, if we no to meet men on the lune lovel in the future world that we do in this worli, why live here at :1 1f Universalism be true, thnt with death end: all earthly wou, thlt it ll the nale of all human Iulferiug, the only con-intent courlo [or a Inn of miury would be to lemr the brittle threul of life And Itep u once tum "-uu.- uu- Inl". - m-umv suit-"v uu, vuu uuuu, and llhwiu Luann evil things; but low In in comforted, and thou art tor- mented." It would than be soon that the idea thu thin lib In I petlest ufo of nuibution In M. once monltroul nnd dintmtin. If people would only reect it would become nppnront that there was not I porfoct Ipponiomnent. of nuering in Iki- -n-IA -m-Ainn on n.-. A uu- - yllwi -PWIIIUIIIIIDIII VI uuuvuug in thin world According to merit. A iult diltribution of rewu-da end punilh- moat Ill not. to be 1nd in thin pro-ant life. If the experience of thin life hnd nn nan... nn on- L----h..- :r .m. n._ - nun unlu'ut'u Ill lvull Illul, "In Abraha- aid, 8011, "member thu thuu In thy lilotimo mivut thy good things, nu] Inn-a.- I...... -..'I 0L:...... 5...; All In. Ullvu, III III, raunc- Ahtlhll, Inn many on me, 3nd lend Innu- M bonny dip the tip of hi- 4 Inch um. Ind cool my tongue; for I an tormontod In thin ung, But ALL-_ ":1 GA- u_-_LA_ AL-A Ak._.. au- v-. Inn-l I. WIIHUIII' .uu cucu- Abnhn nlu of. 3nd Luann in bi- lloaou. And he cried, and aid, Faber ALL. L--- _-_.. h- _. _..l m...) CANADAJINITEI) STATEK ARI) EURUPI - w' "CI-I '1 mean-Immanu- nnu 3 echo mud I.er In. And In ' nu. Tn a... m W for con- lul, both-odd aws-Mid, in tho mu. m {at him condan- tioa. Funk-uni! on ch- 0! Univ-MUM "inhalant of tin Ill coal-d to this [II-l life, that III m hum-add "cording to their d [aged Mon it ionld be unjust it Inn to hopuninhod in the (are lilo. w thin stood tho who]. of AL- _A__LIA ,L' I u I I x \ 1 1 I \ u-u I-vvu III' Inv-v v- ..... w the pan. which ho Ind jult read. And in boll ho (tho rial: man) life-l up H- a... ha..- : onpu "HI .Mn. Tn BRITISH WHIG; MONDAY." NOVEMBER 18. 187B. in." v- nun-- _ u. VICKI]. ab-doll, InniWuphip a In". gym-"quad m In; an judo-uh," Mind-Inn Io I lsunnun COIIIII.Al I meet E in. at the Industrial Conn-um. Out... . held on That-day atoning, thy latter of ; It. 0am, bong u! an. mnlm, Kim, n. W. [I u. do gm at... on and mm... !-m who'- uppiiq It. Olaf. !x_._.;.. -.a In. du. A- u-_,, Tho Connervetiven uf Frontenac ne- Iembled at the Albion Hotel on Saturday afternoon for the purpole of nomineting e candidate {or the Local Home. The nnmoe of ve gentlemen were submitted to the meeting, viz., D. D. Celvin, Dr McGuinmon, Cept. C. Hamilton, A. P; Venluven and D. J. Walker. Mr. Cel~ vin'e interest we: well reprelenteil, u Ihown by the reeult of the lint ballet. There in not thnt feeling of unity in the perty which hee been ill chief chnrecter- mic for A number of you-e, with one In! exception. Our reporter lieu-d some land talk e! peeked eonventione not being Altogether in unison with popular feeling, end I greet deal of dieutiehctiou gener- ally expreeeed It the mult by the {erm- en who remained eronnd the hotel rm the meeting edjonmed. If the gentle- man whoee namee were Inhmitted. end whnee inuence in the meeting we: not etrong enough to obtein {or their nomi- nation e propoeer end eeconder, remun eteedfeet in their pleunt intention, there will be three Coneervetlvee in the eld. We very much doubt if they will keep their eonqu up to the dey of election, In we heve eeen evidenoee ol tanner electione in which Sir John {brought unruly Coneervetivee who et- 1 tempted to ing ofthe yoke thet bind- 'u..m heck m the reek ml in: hi. party. Ir. Calvin will net eontemedly 1 till polling thy, no doubt, hving hie ex- !pmm. or the lat election end the fu- l eion eected on the very eve cl the battle : to encoan him. Nan Sunday Mr. Jackson will npuk on the queltiun of Probation! n he In terprets tho meaning of the 26th verso of the name parable. The "than to young men in this Church wu not ginn In con- leqneuco of the IbOVO urmon lining beau pruviounly Announced. On Sundny next. Rev. Mr. Gulbnith will specially mldreu the young men. of the Univcrsnliatl who laid, God mule million of men to torture them throughout eternity." God made man to l). huppy forever by the right use of bin floulties; if the power of which he be pouusod in misdirectud he may be miserablo forever. God never creatul s sinful loul to send it to per- dition,but, uh! if men refuse Ilia u'oni of mercy um He do anything elael Them wan :I'mtliur nrgumont Against future auf~ ring, buried on tho guodneu of (lod which held with equal force Ilult the form? of au'oring in this life. He added that God Wll unchlngenbls, And that any di'orancel of opinion not. llmply ditl'er- Once! of intarprotntion. Thu lu'oring and death of Chrilt was In Anomaly. They were the hope of the higher, Obl, lrnrihrul "um .n.'.' H... .ln,_ ..6 AI- n... ....._ ...\. "yr- v- Iv unauvl' "nun-n, apilitual men, and the doom of the unre- penL- nt soul. In concluuion he /dwe1t upon the great urioumena which attended mm'a chuiuc of pouitiuu By the conduct in thin probitiouary life the future will be attended by in awful nlhrnativea. Christ came with mercy and ulution. Ho pray- ed them to accapt. than and encape the terrible counquenceu of unrepenled and infurgiven Iin on and on through the nn-ndinn u-nn HA .J.lr-.m..l pkg". :.. llllVlBlvvu III! \III llllu UII bllluull Illa "vending yuan. lie Addroaled them in the Muler'n name. u . r. . .. u . on 'rbnsnu um. man. Dec. 19m and 20m l l-unu nun l'llllu'll I'm-III I .u-"r to the rich Inn would lino been more encouraging. Ira-tad of curing the rich mun u recorde Abnhun would hue laid wmething like thin: "Thy lu'ering i- intenoe, I know, but on Icon on puried it lhlll come to on end." Tho testimony of Icripturo repruented thot rho luferiug oLtbo nut world will be pond and unending. "Vengunco in mine I will repay uith the Lord. By these terror: of the Lord he uked to be permitted to penuodo every Iinner in tan congregntion to repent. It wu nid U0d was mercilul. So he wu,but he wu jurt I: well. Then sttributea were never in conict. The Univemlilu beliove that God in so benevolent that he will not due lroy. Hod Noah thought no he would not have built the nth for the nfoty of himself and fumily. L it,when wnrned of danger and told to ee from Sodom prior to the destruction of that city, would have laid lmpouiblo! to the mesaongor who conveyed the manage to him. Ho remarked that the uvority of God was the manifestation of hi: unturo. Good government wu A bleuing Ind the pun- illunent of the wrong door In euentinlly for the maintennnce of good government. Was it otherwile with the government of God? it we: not the doctrine of the bible. It was not the belief of oo-callod orthodoxy, but wu rru- ulu-Inuv a mu. wwu wu- Gum-TIJ'"; loch u! mum-nun mint-non, tho more no him it III tho miclion of ouloring upon lo innocent to! tho guilty. Ho undo oomporioou, ond u- very little dilforonoo botwoon tho Roman Cntholio doctriuo of Purgntory Ind the Univoruhuo' Hon. the ro of pordilion being required lot purication of thoooul. Thorn mun: huo bun a ozungo lock in tho nericoo of Chriot when they nood to be supplmontod in this In]. Where in ocriptu did I.th got: hint of in I! iv. 1 had been vol] foundod Abnhun'l won: A- LL _.'_L ___ _,..IJ L A I ...-, I-v uni-u an. VIII II VIII II! I. much. M of! m. I! outth non-um could bound. III] the sacrice. a Gotham-no and Cul- ury! Lending to u theory of tho genial-ding lilo. and to Ninth 'noubololnhlluluolo.udth mdMMn-fum madam: forth knuc- ammmunbmhapiuaau rel-anion. whatnot thy in: it will M} be mongol-sliding, IM'II they do with than it will not be p... .ntL- I; 1 .L- n4;,-_,A n TORY CONVLNHON. Sicilian-proud: ovorywhore, and everybody eurnplninl of lame duo-ho dur ing their life. When lick, the object I: to get no; not tony pluinly that N) n In tlm Imrld that in mediating with ppepcinr Um Complml md in than. web I: Indixsltmn, 'Cusmenou. Sick oohohe, Hour meuh, Haul Bum, palpiuunn of the "numb: pros-0d Spinu, Bullnuomu. 9th an lake Unus'n Alum" l-wwzl "than: getting who! 3nd cure. I! yuu duuM Hm, g" :4: Heath It (lunn, m- H. Wade, and got I 81mph tin-nu) for loam sud try it. Raga! sin 75 mm TIo dou- will when you. W In uh hard Jr, mgh ul muwmc Biol- C'm.viummmcrnun inn-d b WM.!M "We! Both-I3 Pig-via [III-b- of Cd nu, um. Ioetnnlml Kngimor. Kolloitol' for Plan". l)"lll|llh"mn lawns and Menial epwsn bond Mag, tho We 1 W o! Minn-l UnrfL milhnyd-o.inr it in." I- n: India. and m 2.311 I... |Mmald mm mm d the lunch-l :0: quid" mun. Iy, Ill WILHCBB I IOLI H ll4lly DPUI', ll] the Bible in truu. There urn Ill-L young men who never read a. paasngl- God's word lwcaune,tl1ey lay, thuy h l no timu'; hut if they uLly read one cln tor a day they Would he uurprised to In at tho and of the your haw mlvancul in would be by it: perusal. lhey m I [ind that ll WM their beat guide fur u DtrB, better than any modern lmuk, t:( but gunle fur murals, and their sum guide to Heaven. A: u protector H mm nothing better than A few text Cupo with the denl in Ill hm temptnu- : lcrlmpl many young men during ' week would moat l {fl-3nd who u' I iunle them lull) a saloon to drink. V .1 would be more nppruprmtu tlmn '.l "mu, Whu lmth ralnrua of nyes,rl .. mm". V U I! I'UAIIAIHH .l Fye, 'LC. An A companmn. In Win an all an). :11, a man ll known by tho rnmlmny lw koapz. and mu very true. If yun Man (5 good companion hko she Illli; in will} inculcne gooll thoughts. gum! dummy Ind yuu will learn mum than if van Itudled all the lumli: of mmlern wrn lrn Yuu lull nd Lhc- InuaL authentic llin'ury in everything. Evun J. Stu-n. Mllll, the greatest mtnlol of the ago, said l are I unmetlnnu airings about thch In- : he WA: A gloat plnlumpher, nuthing lwl ever been writlon by modern winter.- but, whit ho had lpolwn about. He cluer his dlhcnurae by n "guru": and an rml null appeal to nll yuung men and y- 1mg Indan to lake the Blble in their at an, their protector, Ind lh-irm-npanion. DmermN (-P Hawk, nun, reunion BIN] general advancement of the hbenled slave and natuva I. up"- Iutinn, relating mnuy of their rollu'muu oeumoniu, an closely ruemblmg than oi the Jen I. alone to warrant the belief Ihu they mun hue been derived {mm the lanolin-h Law Giver. He conclude-l his very inlerutinq nddreu by reading lunch: uf - {nhln Irilmn in Enuluh hv ma Inleruunq munu uy oxlncu uf I fnblo wtitwn iu Eu] 5 nogru girl in Hm native uhoo). Dm'mrnnn unvuu. A man. eloquent lddreu ll! dolh '1 Sunday evening by the Rev. Mr. H miuiouuy from Liberia. on the win nun, rcllzion and general advancevm n! M". Inhonnm .hua. .ml n-Olu. .. .. upon me wacumga ox our tun-(er. many I 111011 hm] written their vie: and dunbta uhuut the nutlmntiuity uf the) Bible, but it was because it was Lhe enemy nf wick } ed men, and that they wished to slinw nil" thuir views, till uppnnr bravu by] publishing them in nu ubucuru llfws- i paper. A large number of [lulauns believe the Bible untrue bevmiau Hwy have heard some person any It 'lhuy, never trouble them-elven lu liml nut whether it in It) or not. Thur are ten- (If thuunamh! who have the bent Hltlmll- ty, tlm witness hf (God's Holy Spiii', that the true. Them urn mun; \ H. & W. J. Crothers, WIN] A I \{rx'lnv u'l'n n' u- would no nmru '\\'hu hnth 3 A man ll known curw common to nun. an mailer wnu I othorl do, If inicted by the plagnu, gd rid uf it Luck not. upon the mug when] it. is red." Many a man has been drugs] to lulu by taking nglasa of hquur, hen cause it u fashionable. lluw could 3- 1m; men becnum undo! -y tubing Um I11th 0.. IKILIH earning ll. lUqu IUHH 'HU try H) llvu by chair wits have Very httlu wnL lu live on. \Vmk, and do It wnth n mH Young man were nut safe who spent God's Und'u day In sinful pieusura. 'llmy \H-Iu not safe when they indulged in the drink- ing cultums nf the dnyvtha mutant curw to No matter what 11..nln .I.. .l ..l .l lev ALA . .. .. sou-snail his 0. by mounting tho siren-sum vhish lot! to tbs nus! sues ol thsshovs Indus-(Main: sssosntrssnssd Ihichhs-ialitgsthsr lbw thoughts. Tho-thoughtshswish- st! to be clinch! M to His young men ambledthoughts which would hip than sli-b tho my ts-ptsiions thrown in thsir ny. Thus as s emu- nisndmsni thigh ssid onor lh Mhsr sud thy mothu, And I. {and 's was broksn s good any timss. Younginsn V should not forget thst it Ins thoy (the psrcnu) whu gave them being ; thst "my hsd the sxperiencs ul gesrs, sud inure hetlsr sblu to judge whst Iss right. Yuuuu men more not ssfo when thsy sought tbs onmpsny of the viciuui and ungudly. Many hsvs the ideas thsi they can withsmnd tomptstion, thst they are ' proof sgsinst being led away. but ho could tell them that such oompsny had in effects upon the youth, slight though st ll! it may seen; if continued it would produce fsr different results thsn those they would hsvs us helluva. Young uieu Ionuot safe Ihon they in- dulged in tbs qusstionsbls smuseiuenis u! ihs dsy. Tho ihsstrsis s fsiihiumiblo plscs, hutit hss its pernicious sll'ucis. The plays of the dsy sli loud to a Inw degrading mind. Avoid such, luck that which tends to enlighten the mind and the result will bs bonecisl. YJung men were not safe when they indulged in card playing. The grostssl. curse to sn- cisty wins gambling. lt ins n wide- sprcad evil. and brought deurailuiinu siiil iiiiu to sll who piriicipstsd in it. Anutlier questiunsblo sumsemsut wss dancing. One says it is fashinnuble. his, butil: is not Isle. llehsd uswr sesu any, sud had yet to luru that u mun could be righteous and indulge in dancing, illfl wure many other lllliu~ cent zuiiussuisiiu which could be partici- pntvdin without sinuiug against (ind. He had no cunliilunw in than straight jsckcis whu nude a game of base ball a sin, uor liud lie csnhdancu in that man who made religion s hubby. Tin-m were a tlmusand inuucont amusements in w llli'll ynung insii Gould enjoy thexnmlvrs. Yuung men were not. safe iihu indulged in reading lrsshy lllLril- lure. 'Iliu printing press WM a mighty sngiiis (or gllld but the piinting press on the othor side of the lino had iiiiiicd out ii fearful iiiuuuui. of trashy li- tii'nture. pruiiiineiit among which \\'clu ilk- mull... Impl, .umAI. Funuu. um] LA 7 - ... In your life worth 10 Cents I hnu 1' 5mm Ion. rc better Ln I m. y 'hu out. Ilnl m; \\ m: are ihu r9 1mm; nyea, r LC, um. I) mwn ho :- inn lhhlo; i! will .I delves, loam if vnn ) authentic "tidal Mid 1 In; a, Hon but cl mm! .. ... Lelrl 7 I a the Bible 54' r. th-ir M'nnanion. J AME S R] CHIM TH HOUSE, lvrgnsons lilock. CHEAP WINTER AT THE "PEOPLE CLOTH: G. Livingston, i Iii-I'IIZILMINHI) TH HICLI. READY-M 1mm and gun mum \nim- mu .mx mle Norm Hoods, mu! 3qu Inn-u- Im mlvunlu, MANlTFAtll'l'HERh" You Gan Save 25 per Cant. by Ilmuw Ink" nnliN lhnl hm SI-wk wk NI'ZVHDY MAIHC W1!Illdlhhlldlqull In : \rry n V; r- l m nny (3| IDEFY COMPETITIGH m PM [S La" I U] I'BMIHK ) Euglllh by I 001. ., . v. u... u- 7 a w w-m-wu. - can; Ivva twirl vr ml! nah up (Inn-mum our and lineal-nyb k b ' bayou." Wk lhh l0 40, EA V A "K CUITIJIIGr m I, .% hr. cu in Ion-Hui MaJlaundl' ,i- m .u [u b I VIII n wm PIICII. I IHIHK 7; 'u . - n-n MCI- _-_L_-.--hg_ CI lnzw ErbRK 0Ldi'lii'iaE'EFRE. r': ,Q-v-vs Varn- an M 1h... h...- l I. "dun, M In- r'v-n. on mu! 1:: to or. M Ml Iml ' ,M will nd the l was All) mm Ctmrmr INC; 0' ' foreign Ind mrwmm. Islam an n- nun m. Imus-Ir um Inna-mun. n... 01mm: 'l'llll INW PRICES:- Overcoats from 5.00 pm, Men's Good Working Pants from ......................... .. 2.00 " lGood Canadian Tweed Suits, all Wool ................. .. 10.00 Fine Pants ....................................................... 2,70 Tweed Vesta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 0 ,. 1.00 White Shirts . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .. 0.00 Shirts and Drawers... o, u A lam. lm k 4:! PLANNIH: HHIIC'IH lUIIlIlII)" un hind! EXTRA lull le'a 0. LARGE MEN. Ir Um. 1 mil In u-momlm Hm plm Iowan . g THE PEOPLES CLOTHING 11608:, 91 anrh Strut-f Inuit tn Howdy-wk Ilmlu'. \ EOLOTAEINGI l-IYEIH'THINH mv 'IHIC lllm'l', NH'IIHNH NICEILTHAN REDDEN SELLS. v- :anln uf I. gummy; Lu. 1.. kn'l-I up big St Irul down town, and he an loll A 1' SMALLER PROFITS. Months ago he introduced the new MANIOOA. '3' NEW FRUITS 1 just arrived. RAISLNS and CURRANTS of w graden. 1 SA'I'ISVACIIUN (Sl'ARANllahh Wl'l'll EVERY HALE. Irmwu street. Egan... CHEAP WINTER CLOTHING i0. Livingstonfi Brook Street, ' Aw Cllcnp Breakfast Table. l l'hnun n nlunn. 'iuttlu} Us.an at Livingsmn's Ilmuw LADY MAIHC (FLHTIIIMH I. n-- Duhl_-l.l- OOOOANUT CREAM and COOOANUT CAKES, 'n-l wwu l-Iv-u nn-un-un- Illl'; run.- .. I Iconic-~30. :0 This h the phat tn buy the chenpeit (Jim 3 vi-- 0 _ bT-" _~;~;. {PREPARE FOR *"fE WINTER 2 CHINA. TEA HOUSE | HAS BEEN STOCKED FOR THE SEASON. | *W ,LEAyEyUUH ORDERS HUHCLUTHING \Vlllilll} YOI' ARE NI'IHC 0F GET'IINU THE I [UNABLE (DUNS u: pricnu as low as an, t. A ., ,LJ Inn , I WILL OFFER To-Nllill'l: LARGE 5m: \mm: I:L_\.\'M:'rx, wuighiug 6 1b., .t can HLANKl-I'lh, 250, worth 3.75. ALI. WUUL 'l\\'ll.l.I-Il) CANADIAN BLANKETS at 83.50, worth 85. SHFT WHITNEY LANKICTS, thm large, at 35, worth 87. #EW,, TIE-IE MApTAG-nns Hamilton Bankrupt Stock A Bargain Guaranteed to Every Buyer. IRES" EVERYDAY. A full murtmanto 1 . U. * A new. Bear in Mind than the Great Sale commences on the mm Instant, and. will contlnuo for Two Wei-ks. --w ' I 7 YOU '"T A H00 ECU. FIOth Oman-lth 4 ,nm: rho-.uuutguumnhn-oll loan-vino um :13? Iwu mm CUIPLKTI 0: ' Luau-on, Bergen. Cords, Rap 3, Brilliant. Silk Warpa. Paramattu. 0 em. Karina. Gobourgs. All Wool Damn, Fancy Dress Goods. Black Silks. Colored Silks, Blk Velvetsolor'd do.All Wool PW: TO BE SOLD REGARDLESS 0F COST OR VALUE. Tho Goods mun be 30111 xqu in urdur to main quick-ales, the pricel will be found In Indn'ooment to bayou to i? make a large purchase. 1g Re Brim WEN. Paramatm. agate": Int-2:1. Saturday, November 10th. A Rare Chance. lor Hm hauleran r. guns Io be given any It IP. HARTYS as an Patents of isn'vuljon Tue "Mann-om nmnul 4!th nud alarm which no anon-11hr: the Mtitnt In H [xx-on drhdolenwrln. lqupnldmld "than 1mm depending on unrvunu ulnuuuon. yisld more nurer and rapidly to w ullull' IUULUE All cmd than Blemish. ll] infmn-tinn In It 7' I m N. B, Our Book: being closed plume do not Mk I COUIItsdlm in ms must ha mid m um LAME AND SICK" Hm luv-rrr" Tan-Inf: An (m "PEOPLE'S CLQTHING HOUSE. JAMES REDDIIN, lul 1r: II PRIQES AID WORKIA8IIP. JIHIJUE HH". LHW Plltf~_ At the Emporium of Fashion, Great Clearing Sale of Dm Goods. TO COIKENCE v. -~.:I--- hrut Ihrguim for "I0 Next Sixty II]- Q' the III. Ann- an. -------- - 2713mm: SEcht, (next. to McKolvoyt Birch'l.) / CHARLES llVllGSTON. Consisting of Clock b'holvus, Book Shalvu, Toon Each. Shppr Cm. SHer Inch, 7." Puckett. Slnrwmupiu View aldermona, 310 Ind (Inn-n Nhulf Garner and Bide Wall Brut-5,1'urvml uni plum wad. 1H aim Ind ule All Um nhovo 000d- Iro to be would .1 About lull that (ha nro wurtln. CALLId SEE HEM AT TO LET. m. I I A t I- - VII v-v I III" w Brae}: met, Pour Dam from W Iqm. M ..- . ........ . _ __ _ .u uculg L'Hmt'u IMGMO me he mid at -.. Merchan Tyilor. wullucuu Ill tlIlIlI-I III. 'thilLVE 'I'HH nu. \u-uulllnu lull. AL\VEHTAND MOST} HHS as other houuoin tho city. A perfml Fit guaranteed or no nlo. 1Q 9L lilllll'. A Hump Dinner Table, A .V, _- __.__'..- .I r MAIW. CLOTHINO In new. 'uhloonhly Cut. .m; (TL'HTOI WORK mud. In tho city. READY-MADE CLOTHING AT LOWER m m; Nlul'u H: Um mly. a ho muufwlum I" MI ['11) mlvumugn u! Inning than: M \(II'I'HEKH' PRICES. l'. IIAR'IY. M. KIRKPATRIGK'S runny Good. Store. I CAI-Inn's mm x (15mm n'nuuz'r [II DA" . 4 : NEWEST AND MOST FASH- n other human in uh. on- IOAIII. for credit. p I; A; Cheap Ten Table. mugstdaakery. THE CIIEAEEHT LOT EVER BROUGHT Into u- ullv in la he noon u mmmck's mm stone. \l' l VAN/nil \J. Brunch" M. 0mm, Hamilton. St Cuba. than and Inn-lull. A '1' I. 1875 o! dlennl mnken. hm onpochlly Ihuo of mm. A. PRINCE h 00 which no uknow lodged llm tummy that honor Ila-hon. anus HAND AMOS and ORGAN?! for sale 5nd tor hm. 5- 355.1"?3932331MER ian Bradketi (or sale 5nd tor hm. TUVING hlnl ummmma awfully u- undod In. Our price: being ramunblo Ind term. may we mwbe I lnhuding purohuen to um; u. n ('all. IMuIUIK fun And honan mill-WM. and Ihuruugh ulhlmtlon to all mm .1 mum, um Ion-a m um bmln and [that lorva Iyntmn in milk-lent la eulillu PHNVUZUNII nfureumnl lulu-9 ln them an- lla. being umuln-lv uml nun! prom-rum )- pinion-m. um] rmunumoudod by Ill modch Girl-In. paw, thou! or (he {smou- mu- [wlntero ; Steinway. Chicken-lug, Almohofm Tmahnlhm'nt Ill KL! Jim! "I!" Aw-595158.! anan I! nan n In II no To Inca! 111: name or I Kingston and the mu! 1 that we hu- " le M0810 STORE a. J. 15:51:: Juan-cl 13m; ' ibN-DAY MG; i619. um: an luv-him... Zahara-I:- _ ' our 413 walnut. u-unuumulmf-m. radii-MY aude A.&S.IUHUHEIMEH'SI 'IIII u-luwu, or which we m m hm] unmarked Agent: for the Dominion o! Cunt; AT VALUAHLK 'KHOLD rill- PITY on Unum urn-I. hon a sh. own. llama A ans-nun in ms... with nth-t {nu and In sum MI III ell-u ubu. 13 I! blind '0 Mutual IM and mud has tho in! huh- m 0! 0-1.". who b u. m ad lilac- t W. lull- mm Tud- Map-uh. hr 7 h- .qchql a. own.- a a. u Jon. OMIIAI. '0' M. ' llmm. ""di'i/IETHING NEw -: Mur- thin Ian- m mu. i'iiim com and HP-o'an u w . Phan- m. III. auntsth o! tho . lads. to. IndianaWM I. can 'lhul- ~.~~..,._. ,.._. -. "uwrw 4...- T'U OALCv 87" (mVK "Iu PIANO, Iudy In. ml at... lot-gt. Apply IINDIHCI lxpodltlon-ly um] P: pm, [~19ch In I'm-uni in menu mm._~n . . _.._........ W , A- m... ...r._=:. In the Golden Lion Block, PHOSIV Thu to my uthar mm]: H d000, l0 pulun: Int. Gannon nu Hm nqu ma mum, Iml furva Iyntmn w-v -vv - -vm ' LUNCIISUN 1m] TBA 'l haunt-l Liq- Uytlon ud Helm-Imoqu In m It... W _ ,..__...._...- a. L owhu. mm: 0! IUIIC. Iain-Ind VM h "In. ~w....,._..._ -.'....._..._._,_.,__ A I 'III I. "L "Iii'sufiirmim; Ems! L A NI] hlv' luv-on. uvl I'll-Inc: 'hh. _ v' vVv-~ WELLINGTON STREET. 1|. r'::OR SALE? VII PU mm W Invqu 0! WKLLIIGTOI "ll", "ii-aid," m m Iii-1 "PIIOSFUZI AVE" mu bc hadfrom every (Humid and Drugghl (Am-Ag soul u Do- .inlnn. Irv' ( 81 pa Bold: or n: for .5. 0V TURUMTU. Tour. lfllll I... :nnx, Dun-ham _...l HENRY (HURT, Dunn, Ont. ..._ 11.1.41... 1.- n _ . , , A, "OZONE H lllll and llalncs, - .rJDu-udud A m--.- iull. llmm. Row 0! Panama STIIII.-Un Sutur- dny night A fenrlul row occurred on Prin- ceu root, between Hugo! Ind Montrul Itmu. One Liuognr wu the coutnl gure, And he seemed to b0 the 0bij 0! genoui not. At Ill] nu ho wu wall pnundod and clubbed, not shout the body. but About tho hand. The ght wn but the outcome of m old loud which hn oxied {or monzhl put. Two or three of tho Illogod nuilnnh have been wanted. The case n b. tried to-mnr Anllm'ln EscumThil morning ho cunvicu were brought before Judge Price end eenteuced to ten deye eeoh in edditiun to their preeem tame o! in- pri-unmeutJor attempting to eecepe Iro- Ihe Penilentiu'yJmee McCerthy on the 28!) o! Februery, end Michal WII- liemein December, 376. By their oh fence the former lnrr- no] I reuieeion o! Um end 1 hell muulhe eed the letter three end I he" mouth! {or good con- duct. The Warden epoke in their fevor, hence the lightneu 0! their eenteneee. Turnqu Quinn-a. The noun] union of the Crud Lodge 0 Great! Te-plun em open M Hepenee, on Tide], 2601 ill-tent, end matinee three deye. The in the urgent tenur- enoe orpniution in Gen; 0n Bentley pending. the pnlpite o! the ehnrnhee ere ms. and by Gaod Teuphl Mini-an, end an. penne- moan. will he held in the To" Hedeqthenhc- noon. On the Tneedey evening, I Incep- tic- neeling em beheld in the We Medical-t Chnfeh. There en eboet 24,3 000 Good Te-plen in the Previeee. . "H LADIES' (W 31', ANDRKW'B CHURCH Ink-ml holding I ml. 0! Uulnl g Van-y Article-I. Cain. to _ Won. Km'xuo.No an lika- M ghoul- !n- NI WHO loch [1h I loo Inch readied. Im- b-dyvillhoplcu-d. Mon, Ink-ow nub Blpuuo Coon d "limb In WILQ nan-'l, n...- L. .gll... ........,...... Mm... wan-om, an by din-II cpl-dun- bro-on muti MMdIMny-Im OOH-bib m it flu-Ito dumbmhlu hnmh-Ilyn mt a-noilhdl out, #hh yi-hgd won- .4- - . - I. Hun hillln.A Ive-torn contempo- mry has nude A four pa: in dating Mr. Robin-on,u{ Kingstou,willl Lludorl Upponition, in the Load House, the Bellovillo Ontario remark: that than in ino more ntnunch nppnrter of Mr. Hon! n the Logillltura than honut Bill Ro- binwn, who will be more Ip lo laid unit: on the Tory front thin out lide with them." uni-nun |-'| nun-.5 nun-u, nPPlvrll-vvu to him for 01er lurvicel. It. lhould hue been Mr. Sexton. lum'mT.Tbi5 murning An inqnut Ill held n the (ounty gml touching tho 1th of an old mnn named Bunil, who was lent up all n vtgrant, sud who-o condition of health ha been web that his dacsue has boon dAily expected for-rune time. 'Ihejury, After elimin- ing the gaul surgeon, and king some evidence, returned : verdict J nllural death. " _.._~ _ Murmuln the report of the Cuun- 0y Council on Saturday Mr. Strachnn in reported an being the Chirmm of 1110 Property Committee for 1877, whom the specinl Audit Committee attempted to censure fur having money nppropriutod In kin. 'n- null-u nun-aim;- It .Lnuld Towmmr or KllusToN.Two form-r mndidnlu in thin lawnship Are Ahead] on the election path. Mr. Anson Vnn luvon, the present Reeve, will run ngninl Mr.f.lunuph Fornhe will allot u Deputy Reeve, which ulllce in now lilled by tho County Warden, Mr. C. N. Spooner. -o~..-~g__ qu'YLIZATlON.Thil morning Judge Price rammed the hearing of the appeal of {our of the lrontier municipnlitie: spin. the [ant equalized monument of the County. It in a lung and todioun cue. The Ippellanlo oxpect to conclude their Aida to-dny. o-.0- THE Comm chwxs.Fnthor Std- lurd gemr-lly mldreuel bimbo to the poor and to the workingmen,and we hope I large number of these clan-a- will be able to hear him on \V'udneulny owning r... The Imlon-bla vvmnul U which In mum .nIm u. u SITTLln.Mr. Rubt. Curl-1n, formerly of (Hour-lo, who left for Mnnitobl lul lummer, bu uttlod near Emerson, lnd in well planed mth the prospect! bolero him. He will have u noihbon the Henri. Abbott, {rum Wulle Illsnd. -7- Cuhr BllAb.The city bukon hue made m important reduction in tho price 0! bread. Thin in one of tho benet: of Protection. Our citizen! will by and by. know what. Sir John mun: by hi: cheap breakful. tabla. Tlli Buuuv FAII.-Thil prom] on Wolfe luhnd Ill not sold by Auction on Suturday. but is hold for ptiuto uh. Home oan clouly Approaching the up! price wore received. Flow-Inc Iona- 'l|u inMMon u Cunnqni Mannie Hall uh- phat at 6 p m., (allowed by tho dodiulion. Tho supper uh. plloo u 9 p. In. .__._.-, Brynn. SuttonTho Rev. Mr. Jol- lilo inmdl next Sunday evening to .pruch-Ipocialurmonto the younghp dial 0! hi: congropzion. o.-o_. .0 Lllu-mu Cnr Loom pan-nu n Md prop-Inna on Tuning culling. Kqu, of Toronto. sing on Tuesday evening; lit-yd:- pm... ...._. Muniwtmi wwdumm aude p... rst on cnocenv smo Fol1AM. RIPlllf.TM Iorhughuy Mu: (or Octobor bu ban reprinud by the R000- Bollord Publinhing Conptny, Toronto. It open. with An Inicla on lmperidilm,' by u Right Hon. Ruben Lowe, M.P., Ihioh u lullovod with "The Chunk: of tin Human-t. (Hm-le- Lsmb. by WING! H. Puor. Frederick Hurioon contri- A- (ML. _.-_ -_ _L.A __A_ but. u: lb]. pop: on Tho Englioh School o!Jun'-pmdonco;' George Stink- bury trim Ibom Moundn Damn: A. C. Lyn" ha I poculin but vary rudnblo puma, ontlllod A lhjput Clunl ol the Old School, And the Inn- clun- Imh llr. (HM-ton. and the Nat Kallillbfilll' by Mph A. Euio. There in no [renter nib-05d thorough- fue in thie country than thet over the Boeton end Providence Reilroed and its mnoctione between New York end Boe- ton. Thie in the ehortnt Ind meet direct route between thm two great citlu, u well u the moat pleuent. It has A direct eduntege over all other routee for freight end pnsenger tnde, which At once ex- plnine in great populerity end eucceu. During the prelent you the med he: done In immeme bulineu, coneideting the herd timu, In their Into nnunl re- port ehowl. Itl Iecuritiee ere qnln ed' vencing, end ee trade mdvenoee will go up to e high gure nbove per. Thin road in nnqneetionebly one 0! the beet men nged end beet paying nilreede in New Englend. Goon Turuu 1'boomd Hon Incl, Na. 67, lowly cloud sad installed a loam m ; in- Fnlhk. Chill Isn't-r. In. in. Fnlwl. Via Tupi". Iva-lot B. BID... 800. 2 Inn-h Boll, AA. 800. Rhod- Rron, Tn... John Gould. I. 80c. [1-41 n..n.. ll-._|.-| Tho great book publiuhing hour. 0: Maura. Houqhton, Olgood & 00., of Bol- ton, Mum, has become one o! tho most popular institution! of tho kind in this country or Europe. Tlulr book are in great dcmund I over the world. The grant. neural. of thin hmqu [mum in this: they employ the moat ttlcntad writers, And get up their book: in the moat altru- tivo Itylo, 1nd of the but material and wurkmnnlhip. In consequence of the hard hum they hnvo put down their priest to a very low gure, which enablol almost every one to procuro the latent editions of their elount bookl. Their lint of ologlnt louvenirl for the holiday: nnd for 1879 in very lnrgo and full. The ulu of thin boll. will be immense thi- hll Ind winter. l We believe thntin nouly I tho city Churchelyutorday the roquut of the Executive Committee of the Young Men'l Christian Aaaocatiou nu complied with, and sermons to young man deliver- ed, but we were not aware of the fact IIIJ hence could not "range for report]. Our npacn, however, would not luvs ' permitted of lengthy noticen. W She Ibood at. In: open window. Luning far ovar the sill, And i! nomosLhiu hulu t happened. Ibo might ham and there nill; But. aha ruched {or n bu ilg shutter. In Ablinding nortth :roeze - So the illuin sud friends Are invited To join in the obsoquiu. Thin in ncnm : Tho N. Y. World ha I compouitor who hu workod It the cue for fty levon yurl. Ho nevor at. I moutbiul nor drinh 3 drop, living wholly upon to'blcoo. Be is uvonty ve years of no; In born in Kinguon." Never drink-n drop. Too thin. Dont unit New York. Mr. Hyde, the Gtumoquo man who wu arrested I lbort time Igo {or In in. decent mault on I child 10 pan old, And lot out zun hi1, wu urn-outed and delivered up to the Judge, llll trigl com- ing 08 in March. w Punntn mmnnuwl or no huge, eld 1 tr printod lnuruc noun. Agency In uponth [at yous.

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