CITY FIRE A LA It)". umu........ ......|uluaun) .~ Run of Fungi! from Kingunx n-Klna-Onn In Livnrmml nr lnm Prop. Plunge Irrlllrun nnl whim.- m nun-1 fnr the [non l est, Mm! 36!". ":5: and ! muck for g lur- l chasers In the City. I mos. 83 LE. WM- .1 A uaman Newfomullmu Walclcnm'an Planterian. I Corinthian. Nov. Llln Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. wurur th IurneJ the CH) mu] other \uy. b-n he fail and 'Do lhuy kick luund m 1 tell you 'minl mine, lnnlnnw very red m the face INNh. "oh l. 8Tovas.a.c. Kc vey (tijBirch KL m 0' RAID. unguan mmmxl szx-ovrgs,| ll mnnn Am l-lll . FOB WOOD AND GOAL,- Which moguls ww nucu. I They Gnu-um Ivor! move they sell u give can... Mamet-Id price- bet-n margin-ill. m use unu- m nun pm 1...... puck-ling. C'Bpechl lunch- ginl to Bath: 0! Dialling. and Public Building: will: 8m. or Hot Air. We natal-pods, of um blui- nu. Rumba u place CanadianStqvg Dgpot. 'I wu uu v.0... _.._,,I looking very fan I thluk yuu'ra wrung cred. Chxldreu bruug hull:- un nut ta Innonmh WdMBst Steve I} THE 'SPLENDID HANDSOM E, nru \lV GEO. cLIIff's,\ Before vol make a selection nnyvhere. Thu "Splendid" In. beyond all queauon. the at-at Hull and Parlor Stove ever invented. possess- Inz nuhstantlal improvement: and Idvnnlagen ovc-r nuv self feeder now in use. 1 Only call and see it belora you purchase any other. mm CLIFF. (Jail and mm the Crown Jewel Revertible Flue HALL ANI) PARLUR HEATING STOVE, the most successful Move sold. 9' Every Btuve guarauwad. Also the STOVE; STOVES. Crowning Glory Wood Cook Stove, ,4 LI- _I..-:..I.m1 mumm- "naan at" I (7, With large portable planinhe copper Rainer vuir; combines mute Important ieaturea than unv other Reservoir Cooking Stove. and is the only low variable Reservoir Cooking Show in the wurhi will: warming oven under the tire. Examine my Stoves before buying 6 I'UNU. Lnuunuu bottle are up! pu LIL named on an WM- BUNN, M I gleOESS STREET. A'vo 1'- I Get 8th, 1878. AND SAVE COMFORT THISIWIITER. \MEEUAL vm.\ Suitable for Drawing Room, Library and Dining Room. Subcrihed Capital .... .. .......... ,000 8 Total Invested Funds upwardlol2 1000: Annual [Hemm- . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 400,000: Funds Invested in Canada . . . . .. 00:000. hmurumea mzninnt Iona bv Firo accepted They are tted with an inside Reservoir, which can be removed and replaced at pleasure. Call and see them at Canada 00:000, hmuruuma agninnt by accepted I! Hm lnwaa! current raw and ulnimn settled gut out. rol'orenco w the Board in London. ROBERT SIMMS & CO.l GEORGE DENHOLM. GenAgmuforCnnadn V'ANDEWAT &. BEITs, Anna for Kingston, Irina-Inn Mun'h 7. l878. ()nurin It to: HORSE-Ys, __ LION BLOCK. GUARDIAN Assurance Company, l I B l I \ H nnu Hl.ANn pan and die. the nlnrtcd a run for the gate, but before [ho had upuned it he cune up an Inked. H-vn mm mm. 'um once in a while, I ls-rovns: Oct. 4th. 1878. E.Hall, Parlour and Bank Stove [00313sz g; Co's, We urt- tolling All our STOVES TEN PER (EST CHEAPER llmn unyhausc in the city. A large Itock at ('UT NAILS at le chup. Nov Jth. l 0m; mums nib hummus. cmszm, PLANES. moans. Idle. Spikes. Twh, I Wm no. [And] Ph mnix Fire Insurance. Company01 London. humans 1- "ll. AURNCY ESTABLISHED IN CANADA ,; ISM Unlimilodlhblli ol mum. ad Lute lair" a. Modal-No noon 0! "-1-- o .A. "humor. l 77. ' Amt. Rhub- GEE; ac. Oct. 3rd. 1 3 rvnu u vvuu. Out-rag Tm." annox, . . . . . Oznuo. I. {m d magi-tar Solo. Hm I? 1.3).2? 555:.ij damn: Esau-3.... I COMMIOHIRY than. and Rot-ll. _."._ J". REIDS. at; o mpplyv AT MMI L LANS \- - . A -_EA-_- D-i- AA-n a-l 0c! with. Age Sung-tan Munh 7. [1 l 1" 1"..- lluul H ax d atesm'e. Prince" Streeti No. 2| Brook Street. - own rug.- 4 liked. Hua tn; npzmk um Iuppow! bhe mullu abuul [we L-Il- "mum. and ho l'scful and ornamental. )-()le2 CHEAIEST AND BEST PRINCESS STREET. an; \ID SEE IT LT! Umn, ECONOMICAL, AUDI P540: v_w-_vv -777 OF LONDON, ENGLAND. 87 Klng Street. FOR!) 8: SONS. Lr-a uj Tm .UAU, _AND|RELI A BLE. Dllu wuuu nuwuk ..._..,I I In: mmnlu, and helpet through [ha gate and and: Uur childrun are u lwuu nu! mum mm 1511 Mac, NoVEhnk-I-Im M_. 3. Izhnammne 8L Kincston c'FrnHmI V A '33 cum any uluur. GEO. CLIFF. p.000 SL1 61.0005 |RtP3934 mm: I III-"mun: m. man every ion). Tannin lm DAY, LSD 1039! link; n 1 a... clung Sir Jab-"alumni. Iotth . Inavand hum-3.8M. u thg made 3.716; Jan-'- Inland. and and: . wry Wand-1.341. on My My. , Rum-nu; will loan A. Gun- h 0" Wu 3-3 pa..ulng when neg-ind- RIMKVILLI. hr! u Sal plum; in!" Munu. BROOKVILLI. On Friday '1" I." Blmhl Wharf. 0.- nnoqne. fur Brockvillo u 6 um loan tum Bmkvlo n lwmdhu Itching" Dan for (Ruhr, lam.ho..ol od- n. For lunhuproulnnqply bA Gmt (b.0rw.c.othvoll,um ' '. 3!. ISTI. through [ha qua mm emu. Uur lwma, lend my mfe nluwn tn glve you vim Yul! lee-' L:nananuque.__t Kingston WEE or nual Hereafter the Steam: ARMENIA will leave Kinznton tor Plcuvu nnd incanth port! at 3:!) pm. Re! urmng will lelvo Picmn uo'clock IIIJ- For {might Ind [unease apply to IA MES SWIFT. IARMEEIAI suite? ETHIOPIG ELIXIB nag] l Bestof Medicines l-or aiding Digeshou, arouninz Torpid Liven to a health nation curing Juuml iw. regulat ing the Bowels, purifyingtlw Blood. banishing I)" )eplio nymptolus boas of Appetite. Sic NM ache. Lunguur nr Doprrauiou ,and iv lneir nmad gin-m Life and Renewed ENERGY and \ITALI'IY to tha whole system, _. .\ AAA -L For Sale at King's Drug Store at 50c and $1 per Bottle. g-.. rrmesaor Uupum Uplllluuun uuv um, named medicine, a CHEMICAL COM- POUND, in ma fullnws: l have mrefnliyexmnined the composition of a Tonic (Iompouml kuuwn M the S IANLEY ETHIOPIU PLLIXIR. and have found ill! in- gredientato lm who]! ' vegetable. and of reput- ed medicinal vnlue itmntuilm no incom mi. Mum" mint-r211 or mhn-r Immunsmul it lung H. be But Ihu plckwl up u uuwu IN. -..._ ung It at huu. Ila Jumped bbck, And I: ha entered the huuna, no callod out:- 7 Hope imanuy uni break out in the twin-J ,___._, UIHH'IIUHIILIQ'IIIIUI Lake"mavenahuornmlduueuwnho neriuus ronunuemm. I believ tho "0'12th an. and ml'mlvlm us 1 Chemical Compound." (Signed N. P. bucunuun \Juuuyuuuu. V h. il. Dorms Professor of Clxeulmryueenu College, [king- atou.0ut. " ' JAMES swuw. i 81.. Laureate Wlurf. foot, of Johnson Street _Kil.gntou. Oct 14.1873. QTHIS INVALUAHLE MEDICINE IF unfailing in the uurwmf all chaste painful and (lmgeroun liiL-sl' tn whivhthc female connti mtmn is Hubjrct. IL Inmlrrulcs n11 excmes and rvlnuws n'l olmtnu'timm, and a speedy nllru nun! I... n-Iiml uh. nl olmtrnmmm, mm a cure may be Tum- (|I|~ TU MARRIED LADIES. n in ymlnllnrv muted. h. wil|.in n aim The Great Foumle Remedy. I'll. 'DI. GRAYS SPECIFIC MEDICINE. 'm for Seminal * Weakncssp Before '1'. tllll'Olllla, WI dung Illdluewei Hun fallow nan sequent-a 01 Hall Abum. an Loss of annrymnin-rml Lauitude Pain in tho Hawk, Hummus 0f Vision. prem- ture old age. and many other discuss that lead to innmmynr x-nnmnlpliun and A premature grave_al1 of whivh mm rule are rst, enumd by dm inning lrmn llm path of nature in"! over imlulgmu-a. Tlm Spn-Iu Mndicina In the re- nultuf u lifts atmlv Am] man years of expat; ionoe in treating thou-ywcialmwa. Pamph- et free by mail. The pecio Medicine x: sold by I l)ru_'~'|sta u! Cl per pmkngemr nix puck .gI-a for $.mr wlll be sent, hvmml on real to! the nmnm. luv uldreauirg WlLLlAM G AY 6L CU \\ null-(7r,()nl. Sohl IH Kingston by Hr-alh & Gunn.G. S. "0- ller! Lllll all rmponnibln druggiau ovarywhere. h'uv JI IBIS. as Mnmorlenirorml Lu lion. 1 th insanity or pm! grave. all of an a rst. cw deviating an nultof ionceiu tmatinzthewn cia (lineman. I '5! mull. by all Drluglsu hi: on for hv mall rat the Imllur.()nl. Kinguum every ..._. Professor Dupuie' opinion.of the Ibove Innuzrl Du. thn'h wa Dw-r lumptinn u cermmly Hm g tomady BVul [placed wnhir inatinghuummty, Ihm hopelnu sull'nrerl. now 1 their praise for this wands to which they me their 1 Am.- it mnihmlu 1 Hr (,un \Vo,tho undersigned, m: My to whom it may rmmmru. that huviuz unsoutu ur incur fumi- IPHOTOGRAPHIG ! IMPERIAL Pnomcmns} Fininbed in (lrnynnn, Pulel. anr Colon Ind Ink pronounce lho- excellent. w Puma winking old Plctum enlnpd uul colored should give an a cl". CONVEX IVORY TY PBS. \i812 Pensions. )SHELDON and DAVIS. P. Stearno, r ur [mum Aud mauv other. Kingston, Aug 13. I878. UNDEB THIS ACT. any porno- vhqu (00mm ahyl m ponidpnnd In no ht (la, in M Wu (fundi- not?! (on Im 0! pa um [um um um my." 01 acidic-n .1! Ian rd .lm din-r unicu. no lunar-Int In the duo of mu- m on "no voldior. mammal to m. Puddl- 5:000: h- meutiuod. I All Ill? hula-dropped (n- 5! m m... a and dummy-"mud by uni-Au. Ankh-lion- boom-bi WU- beam-MW.- ukuyinMu-nh gov-Holman. Wm of AP? iii-7st. l0 Imcn um, do it pnll: Cnuuhl CUM F ()venuul, Buihlrr. James Kearnn, Inlugraph ()peruwr. P. Ste-arm. Fur lhmlur, UlIl-II. July I. JOB MOSL'S Periodical P11]... W" . to can m ammo-d. All Mdmd fl In tho late-t tutmdnood Ind cine : '., J. Eilbuck. Telegraph Oprrutur. 1 WV Strung. PM. THE SHAKER H rh1'r' duel It pmnlrmrg wr- "ll'|lllyI-\run, .V... Cunghn, Uuhls, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ha Fever, Ilnnrwnemmul u'.l ull'eoliunl uf lhu Thrust, Chen! nnd Lungs yield It once will wonderful curative powers u i! by mngic. We do not xuk you to buy until you know wlmt ynulre getting. W0 IEIOIOYOIrina/(fl mine/at that you Cl on your (lrnugist and get a trill bottle fm' hf rhuryu, which will onnvince the moat lkupl'czrl ufiu wundurlul merits, Ind Ihow yuu what It regular one dulln- Iize bottle will dn. For nle by J. G. King, drugi-ta. -- ~ 9 ~- ALL WHO luvs aux moan) SWIFT. A I'm-l. nl .1 ohm]: Sm WABEB=& 00.,I " KINGSTON ONTARIO. Hana-01W "a. [manual the plum - ! m 1 FIRST PRIZE. AND SILVER MED! mun W1 Pinon :- ICE LIST on lppl (kl nut End a? on mlm. duo-I Im] an ROYAL INSURANCE? "COMPANY OF ENGLAND. ow to: Sale, foof of Queen Street, K on. ALL ransom?- TIONB 0' LUMBER and MANIPLOT RED MATERIAL FOR HOUSE BUILDING AT LOWEST RATEB Anvnmq . 7 The Beat Hulm in the world [or Cull, Bruises, Son-g, Hears, 5.1: Rheum, Teller, chapped Hands, Chilblninl, Con-n, and all kinds of skin amplionl. This Salve 'u guarnnlood to give perfect utilisation in ovnry cnaa, nr Innnoy ra- fundod, Price 20 Cents per box. For ule by .l U. King, Kingswn. AGENTS : OF CANADA. FIRE AND LIFE. CAPITAL..." "(2.030.000 - 4|- ' nan 1 Q a, INSURANCE COMPANY Commercial Union Assurance Company Oi ENGLAND Watch and Clock TO THE QUEEN AND ROYAL 11.8.11. the Prince of Wales, ELM. the Emperor of Russia, the Maharajah of Burdwan, and to Several Indian Princes. WATCHER. of avorv Dem-run tion, Iuituhlo for all climaxes, trom 2 to 200 guineum (hro nogmphnIIrononmtaru. Key 1095 Levers, Prusenlatiuu, R1 renters. Rui'way Guard". Sol 1] iers'und WorkIm-n 'aWutI-lws of extrn strength. vvv- vm . __v_ .__._.__v - OF I! LAND Pardon duh-on a! [marina on depend upon 01 rate. Illd In! den nndndzmd. 31m PRIZE MEI)ALS--LON])ON. DUBLIN AND PARIS. Rui'way(llmr1l~,80l l Merchants. Shippers and W1: nowhere, to nbmin from the Iuanulnc _ thp, lerpemul Unlenunrs. Wind Dials 6m. Ann-Tic linuilnm CLOCKH denonwd with Wedgwood and other wares.deaignod to suit. any style of furniturr. also an novulliaa for Present-a. Madi- solely by BENSON. From 5 55. inumours, arbor ueugnn the moat nooompllahod artina in the precious Hamil; Broo. clues. Bracelets, Necklace: lmcketa.Riuga Ind all kinds of bijuuteriu an suppllnd,m manilmra of the Court. and award iatinguisbed portion age uleanlu Buyers am Blmcmlly anllml bolore sending their on!!!" mrv thn Illustrated (latulozuea of Watches, Clocks, (31mins, Jewellery, Silver und Electra llnm,whiuli are sent mm free, only are the dinoounta lilmml, but a mvleotiuu call hrs In 3th from Um lurgesc stock in the world. Orders should be mutdimct to Llu- Mnnulkcwry, Ludgnce Hill. (6" BENSONS IAMPHLETS on IURREI CLOCKS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, PLATE and JEWELLERY of the world. sent Post Free. \\'nlches sent. safe by Punt to I put: R'IEAM FACTORY AND CITY SHOW ROOMS : max-anon. Ou, Clarence Strut. ~ IV: rUu Tm Tum. nun-ml m 'QEE Bland hunk Bfewery, April 4, 1877. F_. MORTON, McKAY & KELLY.} XXsJS.ZQS-ii?z9rri SUPPLIED [I WOOD ()K IIUI I LI. Orders unlicimd. and Limits ro "civod by mni promptly attended I10. April 22.18. I FIRE &_n_nARINE BRITISH AMERICA Insurance Company HEAD OFFICE Church Mm BOARD OI" DIRECTOR Geo. Porcinl Ridom. qu. . (ionmor Peter Plunon, E .. D my (lovnmor. [linthcrform mi, Inn Wm Lsylay nm' Tim. D. mm. Tubs] Es: I wifto-BTIl-i'i; 1'" " " ' " l Tubsms: Latin RoMnmn. Burt..lud Go ,,'Boyd Buy: or Kuhn Dr utmer. ,Wm. tewnd The Hm. (haw Allan'hnn Street. RI: JM ' Im._l'. .mrohm. mum. 01mm. I H OT E |:__ G UIDE emmlmmmrwgg main with tho itnullingpublw (L ' Inn-3:; Dc utmost, Wm. Stow-rd WT. . Bil-ohm", mum" 0 British American Altar-nee Comp-II] Insure nil and Item Vac-oh, their {night or ;hy the trip. month. mum or you. nu Ion or than a by re or the danger- Nnvi lionmnhn ovulremunontive rum Thi- ompsny nonian to Insure bonding- and 3" other dmcri an: of Proper: In. at Dunn bf from: the man Anvan arm Illd It the oven machined by my good company. napalm-r. AgmLtL mm to .II an will I'le intuitioka You need loo-tutu] C qua-I- Fir-nun. ' w. JONES, o .n Wok-L- lublo Wan. [Mao-u It. Dnt form Jouu' Ibo. ya u I out clan-lug. - 1 Out I- run-u - v--v---uv, COWIIIOSALOOIIIIIG t PATCHIIG PM I pom] obbin done an! Mutilation to JLII Llu will tum I N S U R A N G E . Assets - - - - - 825,000.000.'4 -a -_-A -,- .___.________- HUNT Icisgmglnm III: a II- IJ-u .- U U .L'v kJ U V VLJN'VI The Itcsl Recommendation. ' m' '77:: Oldat Chartered Canadian Company. MI. lav. Ins. "mu crnu. nun, . "yr"- , roud ul himl' It isnt. minefnha yollod at him. 'Boy, eh. Well. he luvkl use, like nn, 7 - I . LA King Street, Kingston. BENSON'S H) - ~ - - - T BUB Chm-ch Street,(}ornor of Conrl 8L I'luuiu- [out 10 mu I-pv'anl I- an. mm 25, OLD 3031;) STREET. WHITEHASHIIG, n-la [Allnlllln - PAT! Lumber .Manufacturers, of mu Point, on! STEAM FACTORY - 'v'Yr 1- 1 11... Notice. manna-Inn: R. CRAWFORD & CO. hon-.wnru uuu mun m... m... douruumn on man at bout. BIWAIIUI luuuon ~Auk (on Dr.Thomu Eek-ruin OIL m Chi-1th Ilgnuture of 8. N. Mu In on ma wrnpp. nut the um ol Nonhrop t lgmnn Irv van (u thn boulo, ad tum In urn". Fold by I" modlrino I .- "'m NnnrAlur h Ll'lul. ;-4|__ JAB. SWIFT. Agent, 8:. him I! -i-,- I'mllondxm. mar-u InAllfl- A And luy Hpeoinl Appointments to WEST END ESTABLISHMENT ESTABLISHED 17 M! ! CLOCKHfu rChurches.Tur~ 1118.01' Publicliuildingn. [Mu- ingnrDrawiugRoom,l.ihrury, Curringo. Chm-oh, "all, ur Curringo. 1 Perpetual Calendars. Diala,&n. 4841.11.11 MEDAL- OF KONG! AND DIPLOMA OB MERIT BENSUNS Era-~55? Price 2'. Nmnnur a LIIAI Tomato. 0m.. propvlurs {or the Dominion, 'mrlnlr-r-Snlrrlml null lilo-Inked. Important Notice. to Builders, Farmers and. others. [YARKERS OLD STEND 092-1.. aral d-I an'lr. $2.75 per Keg of 100 lbs. Each Kng of Nails ls gunrunmod entirely free lrom dust. man. sllvern,or headlong uniln. mull nail buiug selected by Dlw ulonrl Automatic Plcknr." wlnnll givas at least 3 lbs more of rfoot. nul- m t 19 km. [Shslf and Heavy Hardwara,i The Largest. Cheapest and Best Selection 01 OOM PAPER! .O'TY.."A'PT W V l 'l? HUI if INDSIGN PA'INTINO. Gum . mg. (iluuir a. T4)" Hrnginr sad (is! ZHhu qu. KNOWN now. u voryl .18 11th tanning public and the mitt-AC "on! in [he oily. (loud ole Hue-u. hm oh- Limlgin conno- Ibou. Tommhm..W.DA\'l PM... BAOU'I mgr. .mrwmn masons :er Ql'm: mum WM. ROBINSON A n r i I n I ms lm LWESTABLESI ECOAIJ! 1:. Crawford a. co.| T. man's, Pmmnu. ---- In mammal} nun-out. Id- g- A callwliciwd. 7' OlmQTsLNBWJM ud no; Punct .lho Luann mum] Hot-l II the City. In tmmdhahvumud "bu ph Ioouu {or Cos-crud 11-. non. Dunnin- and limo WWI) .Il This. A Llnry Sable . bod. , 0... J0!!! . random. --..O__ BooiTper. 1v 1']. L Aprll_0 1873 And Bram Papw lbepot, umuuomm, rm; 7' HI )NDSIGN PA'INTINH. mg. T4prr unnlniuu. 6m . dam:- in tho hm 1.1er I. d m the short/alt Milan. 3 mm LOW PRICES 1'5 "Burma. a am by via: an am?! 1. am e: Adm. Central Canada M: Niu child. lhn, I luppou .....a ..l Mum (FLU JEWELLERY, of the richest. and most exquinim dsuigul. with Monogrums, Urentunud DevioemEunmellod in Colours, after Designs b3 Metall; clues. Brmaletn. FA MILY, lyilake r BENSONS |1meotm myoc um-.. in" mil-GM In m N o quot-II it chard phage Incubhd unym to than tho hodth thinly-nan dly mm-Incandde ably-3mm! mmmuwdm dulfovcubhhw Mm ulna laltull'l. ' mun-an. lap!- 23. In QUEEN WWWEPWV' 'ioe. \ on Ice - But Ihu picked up hunt: n m. huu. a In U.rlluu--- -- a~vvv.vvv u..- Invested l'nnds..'. "858,818 Stg. FORBES & HEDGE. loniml, Chhlpnu fot Cluck. 8. 8. PHIPPEN. Dept. 3111. Agent. Kinptm " _ ' P v R? 'an 7 Wmes and quuors, Immvh m... tum Prince of I the II Luau uuu Hos-Inv- -l Imported Direct mun o! (internal Brunt- of III-u. Ira-ales. an. den Al 1 ml 1!}. Geo. Thoxlrsgw THE PUBLI; WILL ALWA Y3 Hill) good choice 1:: all kinda of Al. the BBOCK STREET BUTCHERS. --- A A - -ll'l'- UmJnldeva iu sllpum of tha NIL-Dd orders qil-klyl Ml. Vuswln supplied n the most roman-bk mm. 3' Shop oppollto IleKolvey h nmmswn Depot. SPEQlCLE Hue lust rmned Ill-Jt- from Frnnoo. I cum plate mmnent o! t a nut Convex and Concave Gll smmuluhle fur nll 31M Ind do grmn of sight. u... Phlnlt french lavender and IW.... soup I. VvMuvv v" v, giml Also. Finest french Lavender Cologne Waters, With thin'a 6r Comlray'a lElil-l!MEB.and Atkinson's En linh lurfnnm. Mm by Um same boat, SILK ELASTIC STOCKINGH ANL Kuae Cups, lievxslnd Mirrors. French Horn Dreaming (fulhlstw. n , ,JJ Cups, Hen-1m mu-rmu. rluuuu Dream] Medicines obluhmt any Linmduring the mghl by ringing the bull. Dissolutionuflanarship. in... "annuity-hm -_._..x.| ____.RL.M In Inn-.- THE FIRM OF 0 ll. LAVELL 6L (:0.' Inc boondiasolvml thin Ilny 'u mutual cun- mnt. Alldehu duo the lam erlu mun. be run u out: in order to clone up the boob. lho Dru bunluou of the above will be our tied on by . H- LAVELI..who to uuthorizod to receive all accounts and [my I liabilitlu nl .1... mm rm. all not of the law rm. ("III MIG I llll'l Som- ol the but oval-Introduced :1 thin Market. _. _- t n 7 l' "USE WANTING LACE (Illi'lAlB and Cnrpelh olmned nhnultl Mull llmm to this old and rI-linlvla enabliulnnenl. when- they '(un he [mule lo Iouk l'thll to new in 43 hours notice. and all kinds olllomln that can be mentioned CLEANED AND DYE!) all color: in the but ntylu and an the uborlent uolloa. The Indicale please calm uotloe that I am the onl" Crave Dyur l the any. [he oldest Renovath JLI Dyeing unonhnnhmnnt In IHIIIISIOII' mil-r.- 6111a iioivii1n.v:r "IHUSE (Il'li'lAlNB mul (Em-new (hm-u FRESH HEAT IN SEASON James Swift. 81'. LAWRENCE WHARF. K (0870! AI-I- -_A a-.." AA.-. I- IonAL_DEPOT1 lBulbs for mu And Iln-ua Cult-re. ul- -vwvup-vvuq v1 vvu In How hawk-um. nu- huoo. Thom muumml upco- bud undercover; moods-Idem gm-tmhvxlut? nun. (m an no. 0 I than I. l lineman, Doublo um ml BI .UA W nun an H llul-l' . Inst: 0: v- Whole-Ale d luau no.1 |. All Dmrlmlon. 0! Goal. D Il--.- H-nm In-hmllh n-nl 0- "0' DROP; mm a, le- hm. M7 p. In .. fly. Minion. HALL! El, 11ml. ' (J. H. LAVELI. 0L (0. Kmamm. June 2. 577 "' DID! 3.1.18784 266.18 ' w. a. 05: EL'L'ii. he oldest Kenovmmu a. "JV"- Establishment In lllnuston' {Eulnbll-hrd Ll)" mu. c- n- LAW & 0 l uLvn-v a. v- v-- 0'- Steam Dvor- . ll I7l mmEi a'iimiiu n. n. MONTGOMERY ... -o m mar. 0" UV. 1'- V..- All limo Culture. Mice; J. EALLIGANiGO. mama-lacuna uMnqumm-u as do mum-u. 25 manual-3.8qu ~ WombthnTn-mhthmnh " - In: mum gnaw" W mmmuhhmmw' . {Illicit}. Jun und-o M u long! Ohm Ale. do 8mm WM. --_A_.- nun. "ileum aim (It ulna-minimum ninth-him- -- was! "W J. Hdligm a 00.. Brook 8t. 3'32" 0303?" u.._ n _ 3,4 A gram DYE!) u: all tho am Mon now non. 811i Volvo;- uul Cu dun-ad parlor b In, one I. Cumin ow is am no pl rend: for the Fall. Kid "loves Cluned Ind Byrd on the to nation. howled to be Imm- don. than an on. all: m 0 than. hoe bill-hin- not no can] m now. Com mini? "ed with my on. I Vmlll. [In II}! III! l0 0'. Gouda-um toqulnn l' sun-mol- I I Clo-nod promin ag-ell to and IN. to In st one. NILl do not and an: Ds-unu- and Glam .1: In In dono. but do them any-ell uni it. a f?"- n I! malted. Plano m. I who 1. . --- v.--'- the CHI! lmlleal In! II in: cm. 0 town Oboe11am dour-Ibo" Pun-ml] I. weu Btmt. Down town Ofce and than: Dye Worh, IIJ, Johnson, mum! Bagel. Stunt, King-Ion. J um: I I . 1373 IiiEmmi n-|.:.. A u..l.-.. ERTAKER. r I'rluuu d 93'dv-h|m Mn. II. nnrpn uu mum n IIIK! Innurlllwnl ul oins and Gaskets, ofovorv dbwrimiun nnatlm bmt Ila-rum 1M vva V... vwrnvvw ofover'vdawri than much tho Dominlou. Fum-mla attended to m any and country on the must ronsunuhls turn". BY. "RANK. Nommmmuummw innity. Nar- how. I nus um lo. I. s1 M- HONDAY. Wham mvrlmem ol Fun-Hum. Undertaking tended to In I It: bnuehu. Kmpa on hand A large aunrmmul at n , m 1 n y n 7 TAKE A REST After the E cation- Magazines for October v u nuance-I I! luv 15. In. than n 30 got up ms! new. lmed nmmmlv nu do wall lo and m Young Ladies Jouruul, Bow Bulls, and all [he Loading Englinh lit guine- meivml 'ung nun. Bow Bulls, and all the heading Englinh lit 20,000 Envelupm of all kinds. Note Papor~ full Illpply. Autograph Allunua~cvury ll im). School Hooks tor tho (Tull-aginlu Inklilulo Illd lllhllv Mluklln (llllllL Helmnl lkmlm Ior tho (fullnghuu lnhlllulo IIIII clump. Sullivan's (hmgrulnhy mul Bantu". Cup, Hook. 'lhlnl supply thin murnlnx at. McAuleys Bookstore. 80M LOlll. Leiidndonmi Insurance Total VAssets .. Inna-had in {1 The name pronpr mulmm-ntn were mule .1 the groin Firm in Uhhtuxu aml Hoawn beak! gm 5 luruouumol' numuylo tho an "an. km: of lnnumnuu In low M In] Inf. KMPU countiluly on hand I Inge and VIM Fun-nun. IOWI HBIUBBu-u- ...--.-.m,1au,wv Invested in Canada... 900.000 Luau-u ll NI. Jul-'I. LIL. 'Jlll June. It". W Knan 0| Innumnuu low 1]qu (mica. 'lhm (Runpnny n; senmul w m. lnlllr- nuw (Mm-e in Um wur d. Applimtkmn received at this ve of 1 "05. I!|(J(IH.AM. (II-ream St , Opposite. mum Sam 3. 977 THE UNDERBIGNED HAVE ON "AND you BALE CHEAP iORSIALE, 011m v' --v -' m-_-rv' (orm r Sydn-hnm Men". No. H. llngxlm1.0ll- Iny I9. HT]! Ono l0 Ham Power Puruble Englamduluud {or drivlug anything requiring pow". One I0 or Power Hmtiuuery Eu mmwllh 1] hum power, lloer mu-ond hum . 0m 20 "um luwer Euxiuo. will: :0 hon. I'homm' wv'ooml, but Bid. to- "dnd a: order (or .15 25. lot mum h hid-n an! the grin nil} unn 4N lluru luwul mum-nu, mu. n: In". power. One ltnmry lumlp. I brnun. rip-lilo 0! do!- oring l,000 gnl unl per hour (sully. r,- Alm nnt fnrum. llm old nun! fur onn I,Iw Innu- nu uqu u I AIM oul for at. the B runs 0! ALL K NDU. Machine, Engine 4: Boiler Works QUEEN HTKEET A, Ir. um, [Etna InsurancoCoy., 0F HAMTFORD. 'CONN. WU..." Annu- wuvvvv 0, HANTFORD, 'CONN. ltuplul and Nurplus- ".5403" one: poll In H In" our - I. (Zumul Ina nnrplus- .0003 I! our um. I 00.... 0! which Wu p-M lb! the (1|. can . Bula- mm II II. Tllh COMPANY bu h In (Jihad. .I'. U nan unl Na and an. pu'vllu mm and lilamluulmuom n! m a Human | ulh', holdaln m net MM! ILlh Hus Hotel'an on doing hlc. CIIJd. Li: nuring mu m... uand unlit!an numb. libnduulmuomn! wranu, om. (4 holdul.m..uund I: down flu-)0 ovum-aunt 0 Mn. PI Mm no v'ritum at zhhAlle'ul no a mu u var-bl. u In] at rst Col-zany. Jnu'v IF. JAG. BWIIT. If AVA-J 30M Alva-mum u (to I, but: O! E mum . or m ohm-l ,- nanoan huo no 7 ~~mr The Urealrul lu-Iuedy Known. hound-rh- lino hunk-Ind Trout, Ocul- W 0th: Mum-nu m wanted but pot - unk!- and I out. lb! qutlnqrn.uayr:hu ., .-,, A! ll! nun MIAMUJ mu m mt II AMA-OI.) m a... En mu' III-lot alum. will , ' 3 c sued 'h-uqu-tp'd Ixmupultu Mub- " .5... and... d : funk... my 29F3h wuulu 1m ' wm'medTFO-LP-EL- lmmrmtg Cl-mm Sept I377 - V- -r- Bucklonn Arnlu Salvo. ancawu In vuuuuu... Luau-u Jul '-. II. Ollbl. Mule. II I" In": Ibo I'In, wllhunl abalone-c or lulu-elm. rho Wooluy Incl-h WM. 1. hm mq Tin-Ia] lad-g. 1 Aug 1mm. '9 In Hum Katha-shalt "-1" "Inch "Km. Ola-JIM: FinnIa? i313? hRITiifme. lnohxum' mt.- hm. 0". Eu. um nouns A nu. II- )Inono lloHer nmsond hand. I Euxino. nwar. D. M'EWEN & 80H, hinn Inning & Rnm- W: .__._ W A: mum In. A uyluh old maid, und to w , 1.; ma .1... (mi (h. bb' I nnrf Ml.- l A __AI.:__ I Company. n. ['6' Hour Bully. old Iliad fut . BWI I 1'. If. rv-III, . Hunk. ..$27,47o,ooo A 900.000 i:|.l:i"l1un'ii. u' Ext-OHM Eclectrlc 0H. 1mm. mlne, I face. ...'.a u-rmnr Lh twenty outing: in helped [ho cab in. and Inn]: - ' lhu yelled gain, but be I null continued 2 Ill Druub'nr. pan die. .mn {up the u, 77 35, lot the hilt. grist pill in ,and 3. 8mm In w for tori deacon the Perth Bod nut WI. Donn-'3 pm. Oi mom of M1. Woodml, not Mr. MoComull. A. Blank], Nor-II W. Snnuol T0000, and Juli and John Cumming; won I; ' all [or unit unice- u countath to hop tho pan on Dominion DIV. 3* mul hurried the and asked: mml much at night-1' It Ihe uhuuled, 1_A 1 Writh in HUM- II'Iu'rr I! u thtl. nH lwuu, and I'll Iglve sumo Id- a ower pot nd nmped 9 he . W 1 Oman"... . lhubuhh human... huumuda 0! once .- lumlly proclaim rulerful Discovery, r lives. Not only funsumption, hut ., Hly umuvu Dower: m-mnnv fur Unn- u grunts-L medical hin lhu reach of .H nun). I nut-n u . u." thnm 1 co. Lhere, he an- ,hy, up on the 8b. In. to mm - lricud Ihll- look the baby out (arm thing. Sun in whaling u up and do-n the walk, when w old'uh chi. Itrut. Sim neuriy yolbd ha hud of vying tn annwur him, md he loobd Mound, caught light (A the baby, sud n;A-_ . I C- an. an: you [801 i I Imlm W IIIbM .nm and uw:u,:ivoull- ;-. w in)! clmoduiov-I: "In! WM, 1 pm. Pu- 105! an... pea-adh- scanty Friday It 3 Pl- manual-2m fuel-Adh- unmvory "my I: a pm. nd-2m lotion-Who untied lull In I alt-n potion-In the mace! closing the lone Old- uted on I lone] Order 1 We. cmmumm Ki dom.Pruu:e ' ml-Ind udXovtoun-t dndllual 0.043.. nod In! tho who I v n or 'on- o [In not 0.6. vinyl Bank between tho bomolqudlpn. ' maul PMAGI. ' Cum huh: boon Admle law the Go- lan! Paul Union. than in are "ruminant of Pod-l at. u tollowr For hark. Be! an, Denmuk, Iceland, .Pnnoo, mamy,cmmm. (hut Britain and lrolmd.Greece. Italy, Luxembourg. lulu. Innwnogm. Nether huh. Non-v. Per-h. Ponugul. Awrun, Inna-h. Bunk. I! Pierre and Xiquulque Bonk. 11,1110 Gun-x7 Inland. Sweden, Swiuuhmi and Turkey, and 1 VI. United BumBermuda. Babnmon. Cuba. D-uilll Coloulu of 8 Thomas, St John. St Cnixmianpan and Porto Rico- [Anal-Inn" . . . . . . . . . . .. 5: watts per L01 3 Pooul Curd- . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 menu! each Nowhpupen....... 2wuuperluz ' Begiumtion Fee . . . . . . .. 5 come For Adan. Argentine Confbdaralion. Brazil. Hrizian Uuinoa.Cey'.on, Greenland, l-mnch you. l4!u:rn........ lmul Carda.. Na'uplperl .. Hooks, 6w . . o Hooks, . . . . I cents per :01 BI inlrnllon oe. . . . . . l0 cents an ludiu hlands. via Halifax, auum mm In formerly. Prepaymenth utuuw in all mums. Liverpool ,Londondarrya Glasgow TWENTY a landid Iron Staamalxipn, full powered, oublo engiuod, Clydn bum: ('ircauian A ustrian Canadian lalynal'an Nuton'un A and la n Sardn km Moravian Ncwfmuullun d Hibernian Sarmatiau (aspian Peruvian IMueriun. Scandin'in N. Scott'an Pruuian M ani toban I L wcaulan lalan Sardinian ( aspian Hcandiain Cmxmnmupnn and rnno moo- [AME-nu... 504511131)an Cll'dl.... Nownppon............ Ra-tram Pee........ Guinu.Cey'.on, Colonies in Ann, Africa. Oceania, ex- wpt 8:. Pietra Ind liquelon, Pvrnia. via Panhn Gulf, Portugal-ac Culouian in 1.1- fInA -ml linnnnil-n TrI'nIlall Snaniuh A'l, Africa. Oceania, Lab, Africa llld Oceania.Trinulmllmninh Colonies In Africn.Ooe|ni(-a null Amt-rim, oxoapt. Cuba 1nd Porto Rico, Strait: Settle menu at Bh-gapore, Panama and Malacca lAtwrn...... . . . . . . . ..... lOcmtalmrloz -I'-III vv nun-u. SnUmx hon Idvorpool every THURSDAY 5nd In. Hnflx ovary SATURDAY, mo: QUEBEC: -A .. . v m. I WinterArrangEnent31878-79 I lt isn't mixw, lhu yelled ugun, um. uv nodded his hand and continued: l'winl. ah \thra'l the other! Dupaiung In nuke hum under-turd by lord 0! month, Ihe pninmd to thc baby, then at home", and then sh )ok ho: had. Yu J lea, luther Win in the home. hair her I! fund of them, of lunar-Ar -- -.-__u v } "Lgvayrqpymilf LINE Sudin'mn. . Al'l . m... .... Iolyneliln . . . . . . . . . . .. Snmatinn . . . . . . . .. .. Dec. 7th Circmiln. . 14th Moravinn . A . . . . . illst The Ste-men of the Halifax wi|l leuvu n lifu for St. John's, N F, and Liverpool IAN lollown ; Mull)! runny: nun) rung-mm. Cubino-Klngnum to Liverpool or lnmlnmlury .59. .79 nd .89. Intermoan to Liverpool, Mndunderry or Glasgow, 46, Emma to Live 1. bomlnndnrry, (Hangout. Queen-town. lfun or Cnrdi, till. RETURN TICKETS. (TannKlnpm to Liver molar bondonllerry Mid Return. .IIRJKI, MS 50 and .Hill .3" lntermodlaw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3% 8mm vi- mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t: Ihm of Plunge bezwmn Halifax and St. Hibernian. a u a n o n . . :01," any. TIN Summers M Hu- Glugnw Lino wrll am! from noboc to the Clydb nu nr about awry Thnr nv queen-1mm. Donn ur unruuu, '0'. RETURN TICK FITS, molar Londmnlarry HUB, nmltiil A Johnn- Cubin....a...... ange..." .... . mfumlod luau small deduction. if nut mwd. Full Information My tn rocurn Licknta nnd all umtuan of pus-e will be givnn bv the Ann!- M to account outt-m to be olunod in or- der 0 boom. ed to this bonus. For Mm And Inv linker imam-non up! my." flu-(e l'trllnrllu Fallon Uri-lung In nor! for llHll lrwndn In "Main PmAnCQ-rtimwo a: lnwut raw, T113 ticket: AM good for on! your and the urn-mm n mwd. or w NWIIIIW '0 ll! wuul. Mots an up! ply to H. BOUILI B. Onenl Agent. Ta route. 0!! I'OLGER & llANLEY, A man. Ooo. loo! of Bron Street Nov I6, I. The I .A l THOSTEALE, |Herchant Tailor, Clothier All) I)qu ll GEN TLELI EN '8 H PRINCESS STREET. I, W W M Held. Ii-o'u'a; I'Bl OIDII DIPAI'I'IIXT contain no nmrmtdaod-ol the n -4... --.I a... I...|.I....-u- unen- r was I Incu- cl um Lute-t ml at luhlon-ble dtvlm I. plan h hr Ibo I am. [I % -mn 03ml hue-tu- rvojm I- am- ud qnlity,m I a unt; 3mm of mm. 5 t-- ad h pun nrbty. eon-mtg an} 71mm mums Wearing Apparel I Maison-Glad- 5.Ln .nd .1 5mm vislhliru .. v Plunge St. Johnl: - ALLAN LINE 1 homo. couruf' Hha [u