w M We ml :nistry, and about forty we, left on the train 'Iu-Day.) .........I. IIEIICII DESPITCIIES. Item- for Stewarts VM In- mauln (hp-p... I7- mun: noun-m nun Ill-III inn-nu! to m. for than All. or 310.5) for any on. 0! than. , Th M In it. my Inll-m JWJ"" "'"a' 3 conviction mutual LII. Sta-u! vault baboon nm- In mm '.|- Q... .n n! 3w, (or my on. or man. u Thom I]: if. my boauonuod tithe inn-Iona; with tho Ill- 0! juoo. Mall the chick in conne, lth. body of Shun mmwin caged, one 2 one. Tuo unit m and. your ny, inclndi one 0! ti). men who Ind succeed in slipping through the hand- of the (Inactive, and one of his tools. J My Hilwn up!!! in no lubh won! hil in thin an. '11:. mu: who in still mining in tho origilnto of the plot and chief of u ouh'le gnu nag-gm! in it. A viper." lannod nu name untold-v uudu 3| Some of tho Tcly organs are lrying to uton I griouncn Agtimt tho Ontuio Uournmcnt out of tho lute Contnl Priwn re. They are at my nu im- pwviug" the dinner to remind tho pub- lic Hut the lulu Bandelxl deonald Adminiltnlmn prnpowd to build it [or 312541, while in actual 001th" sine. mounted up to lomuthing like 74,000. The Globe neatly npiko- this Tory gun by pl-ning that. the urigiunl plm em bnced the buildmg of three primal It lhn Hunted coat Above qumted (or nah, of tho sum ubnve quoted, and that the accommodation cuntomplated in Illhu boon luruilhed In the (.ontml" at I cont not much in clean of tho toul origlml mum-to. 'lnlo the Tory org-m no on thin ck, howuor, we would rupoctfully lune-l that they nhuuld Ipply tho nme rulo prociuly to tho lnrlmmont buildv ingl At (Hun. Let the originnl uti- mltcul the cult of them bulldingl be contacted with the lctual expenditure thereon-AH durum Cunnrutivo ro- gimo~ Ind we fancy that Tory cupingl at Cemnl Iriwn expense Inll bouhuned Into Illunca, W", I In K. CI". An in'rnticntum into the forging n! I :dnltol Fm |l going on. It ionidwu 3 dated- but mud funk-r clu- h - .h iA-nnihnh .1 AL- MA-.5. M ' CWOV- DIV. uncured Inll cm- W ;thoidudeu.ion of on "We: the l mu' . : _... In. ._.';P.1'.'L---_""_... h , u nvm-w-m. m . wum- v. 11. lawn?- upon the C524 Goun- " hoot. Humming, honour, all in 1m Alla-aw with the..qu rod-out in tho nun. outing (in h It. 'inw-djnuia hum-aquatic inn-mmmu Inim- dlho I. III mm: yummy. Han. Judge Fonmm', 0! lb. Supt... . Court, in in tho city. An in'rntipnlmn intn tho Inf-inn n! I nag-gm In H. A nponnu ya-terdn] 3 solemn plocige none rend it for the present, nad t'uen discovered 'hil. he Ind lived previous to cho robbery-I fuhionnblo boarding home in the vicini: ty of St. Mnrk'o graveyard. Ho chimed to be u unite of Cdifornin. Ind had evidently been but recently in Boston to judge [rum hu comer-Minn. A latter in ntlhu imuuo,uow tddreuod to him in npnwling ohuucten Ind pout tanked Ciucinnnti. On Sunday before the elec- tion dny he hiked with the Innth nbom, I trip he proposed to Pitt-burg. O'Lury In In the city yuterduy on : 7 .v, Toronto, Nov. 20.lt in Itnted hem tawny, and on good nulhnrity, that the dolly In Mr. M. C. (,nmeron'l being Iwnrn in is the nnnaignnure ol the ap- polntmonc by the Arlmixiistmmr, who in than! from Ottawa. ll. mu not knuwn until lug, ullllldo ul leg-l cit-clan, [but the "egrng in yesterday hml not taken place, it hlving been taken an a foregone canola-ion, and 35 such Wu telegraphed I over the country. It in nlw uid thlt he in not demrnul of the ofce. ALI. Hullnm uml Mr. Alex. Minning, of the Property ()wnerl' Auncintirm, no mentioned u candida" lor But Toronto in the event 0' the salt becoming "cant. Mann, Tum anti 1' V anLL of th- In the event on we sent becoming noun. Mon-n. Tum and T. V. Scan, of the Public Worh Depnrtmont, Ire In lnwn on bulinm connected with the rebuilding of um portion of the Centnl Prison I which ha been bude down. I Vino-c, nov. m.-ll I. In town yecmdly. Jud-a Pouring: Lures wui be partly ueirayou ny iuana. A Berlin vloupatuh any: the decit is stated to exccwl TUJKXLWN) niIrk-. Hut fur the last. ri-Immut n! the French in- demnity being distributed in 1676 it Wuuld have occurred a year ago. It. is mainly occasioned by the steady increau of militmy uxpenses and the decrease (if indirect. luxu, and proceed! frnm Gov- ernment railway-,inmes uid foreata. Personal and JudicialThe lic- reM Forgery. Wall any we daigmto :- thou the position Ihich Fuher 511mm], 0! Lind- uy, will occupy tunight in hu ndvoucy .J n..- -..... -hml. Ii.. ... m... m. i... mom, I nnp no proposed [0 rmmurg. O'Lury city yuterduy hi: II, to Philadelphia. where he will give An exhibition walk next week. New York. Nov. 20.4%.; Tribune um ceased, WHIIO In Ul'lllllry anu regumr: revenue is suffering {run cuntinued de- pression, trade dues not ulluw u- tu wunt upon any seneibla addition to pre- vious gural. Thu rcvcnuelheingnlui ciont ta cover the ordinary and reguhr expenditure 0f the emu: means to amend tma state of things will be found taxes and import: handed over tn Lhe German excheqner. Meanwhilu curr. nt expendi- turea will be partly defrayed by loans. the ' . .LAA :.. 3'1: .5 glvo exmomon wan: nau weer. New York. Nov. m.-'lhe ny- thnt private doupatchea received yolterday announced the east buuud passenger tiokat war at :11 end. I ;. ...........-A n. . 7.11.... Minna It [or urine m Maren or April. Greuville, SIX, Nov. 2U.- Peter Sud. duth, who killei the Deputy Sheritfwhilu the latter was trying to arrut Suddnlh'l son, has been acqulttcd, ulthmlgh six wit- neuu Iworp that the accused committed the crime. N-.. Va. AL... nn#_\ Jumnn me cnme. New York, Nuv. 20.A dramntic scene occurred in the \nmlerbilt will cue yesterday when Judge Black accrued . Vandal-hilt, a man 80 year: old, of mar- tying I woman 50 years his junior, um! who came here a stranger, after "pant: ing frum hzr husband, who in still living He laid it .WAB not Itrauga that the Commodore's daughters should have felt some bitterneu toward] this woman. He said that Wm. H. Vanderbilt encounged thin marriage. During Judge Blacks remarks the counsel and all interested seemed much excited and Wm H, Van- derbilt for the rst time during the trial appeared nccted. New Ymk. Nov. QttA nromiuent I appeared nuccxeu. New Ymk, Nov. 2i).A prominent DemoLmlic pnhticinn reports Iildeu as activuly ungagnd with the aid nf Speaker Randall and W. L. Son of Erie in at tempting to secure Pennsylvania in the interest of his nmuinntiou in 1880. (11y lvtlliltll'll Today.) London, Iim. LEMThe Central News says : An lllll: rluut dcspatch from In- dia, which we have rensnn to believe is Share Ali's reply L0 the Vlceroyn ultima- tum, was received yesterday at the Indus otlico in London. Thu Indmn Council was immodlately summnned and the result of the conference will be left be- fore the Cabinut this afternoon." A .,n.l|:.... .lnuhuhu. n';.;b..mnnn H... tore the UILDIHUL Cull BILCIDOOILV Appslliug Institution exisitasmong the mechanics and labourers of Shelliald, in Consequence of business depression. lluudreils are living in tenements with out clothing or furniture, which they have been forced to loll for food. They are withuut fuel and dependent. lipOn the charity uf neighbors for subsistence. The Mayor has called a public relief meet- in . at. Hm nnnninu nf llm Prussian Phr at euu. 1!. is rumoured that: Wall Itreetclique wilh Keane and Rufus Hatch u lends", has formed a combimtion to buy Chicago grain at. the present. low prices and hold it for urine in March April. (irenvilla. SIX. Nov. 211- .luslara ('amorans ()ulhuluuul To- ronto (mildalure 7 Central l'riuon. IROAD PLATFORM- 1 Indian Mission 41mm! Distress in Shefeld *Gcrmau Finan- pp: "wII'w W! Will 0... \"I "-7-?- Vs-I How Yeti, Nov. ipTh and (I It. Maul madman-nil th- \"l -'1"r" ' ' 'I'I Quoboc, Nov. m.Mr. Wu, M.P.P., n- in In. mind-v my mar-7M) Vs-I "A. MA- _- (By Telegraph Today.) (liy Trlrg. up}; 7u~4lay.) EURQREAN. Ionggjo. OU_E_B_EC. are In Du Le- hman: will b6 :nux J 1m ;6 mourn-u ha- y and regular All.u' n- L. l ] mm owns: nu ma] l Hendersons Bookstore.l 'm - ) mums-Whoa an "nmmmv m Bank of lethal"9 35. 101 W Bulk09 l D. Baku! Cannon-111 -l, 111. M Bunku dim. 1!. 10. unk 0! Wm. Ill CW But LS. a 1-4. anln'l DunkEx. div 87. 85. Bunk du Pcupbvdknd 0. M. Jmluenuunss 1-1 381* Alulcwltylu hlndilglloch L10. Bloch. Picture hula, Bank a: Poupb'dllnd o. u. I 30]th 38 14 Quin-o Bankdiv 15. 86. Bukgsmmon 353ml, Authors (Gard Gun.) Ben Twighun do (hut Events do Dmughts. m"_"' """t Ibode n-hhn-Mluu Th- Al-l: Nine Pins. l 0 Linux man: wcly ru mums a! nun qnlvku; superb? run 23 to Lynn": 4; to 4.5; fro 0 to 4,; 03de an: at 4.05. untamed in other Input; ulm ' medium mm 0; IN doublo unr- ht 4.15. bani-momma incur-mun or Amman. DurantAn Englhh clergyunn, the Rev. S. H. Roynoldl, of But Hun, Euu, bu ordered tlut in future wedding: m to be colobrnted in the middle of divine urvioo. Not long ago he pannmlly conducted the nt (immedinuly nl'ter the uoond louon,) and sublewomly lling in the right", em, in the voltry, returned to (ho church and resumed the Ionian III-or I toul Ill-pension of twenty two minu- tes. The innovation cnu-ed some excito- monl. oor Croquet. Tivoli Boards, 'heat rmNu. J lilwnutel 950. In". Stale 551-, Corn Mum], Mo. Burl. kw." priulo Canada hum A: l,l5 01m. LOUD. sixty nomad. pnqu Canada In ainy wound. FULLTho King-tun a Pembroh KR. , Ippoar to be well pltmniud. The train which left this nftornoon III oom- pletely tilled with pmengoru. 8013:3111] THE BRUCK STREET PRESBYTEBIAN CHURCH ANNUAL "a." _ ul- nun-v- wuuhd'huhpaydl CITYHALL, IN GILT LETTERS ON EACH PLUG. A MERRY chsmm lHendersnn'sBunkstme. THIRD INSIALHENT 0! Beautiful hlislmasn New Yea: CARDS, Scented Sachts, [Games at Henderson'sl Table Croquet, AppropriumSpeeuhM and Headln 9. um! I cboian selection of VDCAL AND NSTRL- MENTAL MUSIC. WHY SMOKE "-v' 'IIII luau-w- Wyn!!! mph-and lwmh'yhbpldd much-hum myi-jun Ilium-diamond than loud-Mde Jutvhtcon- ,Ax._A,_ AL, A-14 A_#___,,_, L_A__A_AL- You can get the Myrtle Navy? ! From Two Cents. To Fifty Gent: Each. BPLENDID VARIETY. CALL AND an THEM. In Math mu. hunuam-hqud-tll Watt-w unwind L: T oat M'mt Ind): v: quantum-z nun-ru- ' .N 2". meat lilwnutel Ihilo 551-. Conn ntuulv :1. Mn. Burl" knur Aolmlm 1-3. i 14 due Bonku. div 25, g5. hum- Bunk. 2'1 RECEIVED - l w v W the decouple-in hetweenihue koala-lied very thing which in on pulling to my to determine. Long Ito: eniddlo line in 'reelly pm, men pub-a e pun-m ol weelth, give them d'. the h. of the doubt Ind cm in lo food 0 oppotite (or gold, which U 'll. Wu in mm boo- whoued thin utieed with eon-pontiuly large mumulsliunl. The no! reepoodbilitiee Ind enxietiu in~ ' cop-reny standout upon prodiginnn riolue in may imneel ler outweigh the adv-alone Ind the luxuriol which they mean, end render en excee- ol Wealth Anything but unmixed bleuing. The two imbue. that. mentioned ere cone in point. They. nilwey kinge eun vivore are u deum' point: over the celeb be up. his life in emhiuiug; while the carp. ol the Increlioni million- oire, lot when. Moly dumber e immu- loom worth 00, in being built. on Long blend, N.Y., he: been dregzod from in. resting place by the ghouie of the gnveyud. end in being held a horrid honing. u so much block nuil for the extortion of I allele of the pile he mode when living. It in on illustration Hf the Ilnnge perverlity of human namre, ' the! in the [ace of them dreadful warn- ingl u to the deeeitlulneu" and diicum- fort of exceuive riohee, the majority of men would greedin grasp the stamp-'1 nod rllk the consequences. Tuesday Evemng. A common Tobacco WHEN for the sauna price Tsz ME ETINC}: HLPi-Y NEW YEAR. BEHIND. x. u;Childmu under I? run- a store: of W. J. Dick 61. -mlav. 35. M. Na 90. nuke- whim . Nov. 26th. VIII. "Ill-n uJWn. Ivulu Inn OIL PLAIN FINISH ! nm-Mummum may .- VI... 01 Isa-low. m l H. HENDERSON. Po- ll-rnLDr. Yu- and Ir. WHH vi-loofah. liq dth ohm hp. at. Wohplq'ilnhnm mi. v 011., WATER COLOR. INDIA INK, nil muv 'l'll I'U OHLBv GIVE! 001'sz It!!! HAN! n-rly luv. and chap lot mi. Apply In. the 7Whumnnux. ' n. t . r03. THIS _|-_. Hy. Loundos, UVOI'pDOI House. .[i'81@.@'t@nh I HAVE ADDED 1'0 Till"! ALREADY ~ In. Shot, I ll mum-on! o! lFBWEEFWMWJWl LIdieI' Kid Giovel in all the can open amlu, four buttons, in white and and light Ihldes nt 81 per pair. New Ribbons, Frillingl, Revonible Col- Inrl Ind Cul, with bundled: of nan and usefularticlm at leallylow pricoo. nuno Ind tddreu of much 1: vouwr. a new fun lure. to begin Juuuury Int. anpNial vulun 00 Inventors and Pulumwn Inn Iouud In an other journal. The ILLm'rnnun SCIINTIFIC leII My: :1 urge cirL-uluiul. ()nn volume null about 300 axon. priuwd on ne lulu-r foronly Una Dnlfnr n yur; In to rlulm Hpecimanu sup plied. Sulm-ri mom (mu-rod no! tilleucl of your 1871!. Anh mun. RS. DAVY. (5 Welllnnon ll-Nam run u-mmmmlnu Ill caulk-man with blur-l. And lugs comfort-bio room- at muonahle tel-nu That the Dominion Cabinet l-wsn't mean bueineu for many I day yet in the nutter of the ebolition of the depreesmn end the rutorntion of sunshine to our etruggling induetriee, ll evident from the limple Announcement of the further pro- rogelion oi perliement to the lllat De oember, not there to meet fur the de- epetch of business." Why eheuld the eu'ering country be deprived fur no long of the ell-lieeling remedy. It is the poli- cy oi the new Cabinet to play a waiting game. They are paueing' now for the return of prosperity, end when it CIIIHGS, they will claim unqualied credit far it! reeturetion. End the condition of the country been u deepente u the Tory leedere depicted it, and hid they the Ieeet {nith in their hoe-ted remedy to re- lleve it, then en emergent session of the new Perlienent would have been sum moned to eon-ider the situation. That, imtoed, they Ihould pursue a pulicy of unmounteble poltponenient, is e glaring proof of their indierenca and insincere- ity. .___ wmmv :0}; 5, mg #- rim Hockry. Embroidered Anklet, I in Sal. Nun uni Cudind. nwnm notary. mum-older" Sod, Navy Ind Cudintl. Fine, Squuol, Shovon Val; LulIoI Polka Jackal... Indiu Lunb'l Wool Under Vul- Indiu' I Lad iel' ITO -NiGHT| The Sale of 'Iaclmru [m menrm. Ever-body Going to III'IH [Hm .' __ Will leave Bullwillo In 6 n m .0 Mundnyn. \Vednasduyrs and Fridnu, ONLY. Returning iEI lea-van Gunnho's 'han'. at 4:30 In, lor Piutun {\_ '1 ...- m1..__l__.- ,..IuA.__.1 .u rht-rq'H-rucatu. Grammar 54-hqu lur ill and" M HtudvntaJI-nmnwn-Sul (,ollngo llrll. elm. Telnznlnhing, Micah-"urn mmplew. I Alexandria (ollaps for Indian. Brnrd I I Tuition only .120". per annum. Wlnwr Term begin-.hn 2 Spring'nrmAprillo, Cm'ulnrn kn. non! rw b'y mMrr-uing Pmldonl J, K. Ju'quon. 11)., iollevllleJ). . Nov mm. 0, I VAUGHN TERRACE, at. Hun hwl of Prion-u Mrnh Fwnklm or unfur- nhhod tall lulu-11m. ll. ". lrllh Frontenac Lodge A. F. and A. M., Cutaraqul, III dedicated last evenng by KW. Bro. Hendry. D.D.(J.M., assisted by V.W. Bro. Oldreivo and W. Bron. A. MoMillnn and F. Rolnnd, ol Cucnrmlui Lodge, Ind uvonl members of all the oily lodau. The ceremOny of dedica- tion, and bunch of installation, bo- gun at six o'clock, and ended about nine, when the members repaired tn the Fawn Hill, where a splen. dld aupper III prepared. Iluaides the Freemasons Ind thelr wivca, several invited gunk were present, amongst whom were Re". Messrs. A. A. Sun'h nnd Fnir, Jno. Simplon, l. McKim and othen. The evening was moat unfnvnur Able for egathering. but nulmthetamllng this over one hundred am. down at. the futivo board. ;'[he mum was really excellent and most credllahlu tn the Indie. who prepared It. The chair wu occupied by W. Bro. Ilendry, Wlm wu Iupported on hil right by W. Brn. Irvine, W. Manor of Frumenac L'nlqe, The (out of reuon nml ow of mu!" lug. gun with u: excellent address by the Chlirlnln, ducriptiVe of the objects of Ill- Masonic Order. The speech was ra-lvletu with inform-tie", and van well rBCOIVLtl. Short. lddreuerfollowed by Dr. llxgham, Rev. A. A. Smith, Rev. Mr. Fair, llrn Duid Nicol, And others. llrns. E. iluu den and Levin, of Kingat .n, snug appu- printe eonql. Mr. (libnun prupused thu '1... nl Tl '.-rli-- ' null l|u-|F.I1 r... 10 Ial'l'. N'O. 2'1, Wacky Tenure. John-on man, J u po-Ilo au- 8 'o I'll-m. Pant-ion Q."- n a law lnyl. pply to]. lulnlyn. : . at I. Illa mun-ml, R-&.J-_GA1DINER| Gram; Apostle of Temperanca WILL LECTURE IOI'I'Y HALL- THE ST. VINCENT DIC PAUL SOCIETY have now comulomd their nrrun muontn ur the Leoturaoftlm REV.I"A'I'IIER 'lAl-IIORD IN THE CITY HALL. 'Iiqu-ua ('au lm Imll at the Bookatomumm mmnborn of the Mummy or M thu uluur on tho nvnniln. m the Lecturv. the Bookatormem mman awning REMEMBER THE DATE WEDNESDAY NEXT, NOV. 20TH. GHANGEQF TIME. IHMJJI' llllusrnlu-d Sciench Newsi Igu uu wo- FIII, Juugc rruu nu Hid, mud lo hold thin Court In the mingl- au to Accommodate vort- hpo. who allot and dating the In, M I. Ild boo-union, The 00- will Mm, upon In (om hom...ln-_ L-AA Dollar me your Am mun. 8. H. WALES 61. RON. Publinhnrl. 10 Hpruro 8L. New York. Knowledge Ralher than Ehuice I'dhf. Nov lth. An inspection invitad. leujor cull. Strictly ono price. u, Luann-gs, unuvu, we. IIEIIIY mum, Yov 20. "Livarpuol Home," 1% Prince. Stud, 3 door- nbou Walling 8g. . H. '1 'I'Ul Tit-lust Agunl, H La vnnu'e Kingston, Nov In, M75 H. & J. GARDNER EDUCATION FOR ALL-AL nnr NULL): 1nd UIIVIIMTT. BallovillaJ nt, ll'oundt-cl n I835 Gunmen nf 31ml; nml Examination fur lurit-Illatinn in Univerai!y,(2mlrm IorTIm 'ht-rq'Pvrucatu. Glmmnnr Noluml IIIU I I'll." Nov. IEILh, 1878. um" " '"'L5iv"'mcxs' . W ww - IV I.. u .1. Wu? p... [Iilmlynccu bummd lubpgenu 'mWFMW'MN-ool'lhe ln... hi .A_;n .L-_,p , diu Vuu. diel' Lunb'n Wool Drum-I. diu' Lined Kid Glovesapring tops. diel' Lined Kid Milkwring top; diu' unlined Kid (Novel in one, hm and four buttons. u- B Palm. Im-bu m K: dun. to J. , or u the maps. J. IICIIIOKD. M I301. v, mum nun. onus 083A? BARGAINS IN DR 00008. do 10 do D do do VIRGIN h- 20 m " do, P do I do do 1" JACK? hon 4 do I do 8 do 8 do N PMHS. .1 a. do 3 do 0 do A do m.me do 0 do 0 do L do tumulx. do I do U do I do HOSBBY. do N do N do do [AHOY GOODS. do '1' do '1' do do FRILIJNGB. I. Trial-Jinn Oh!" to. 'Hlf THEY OFFER AT NR Princess Slroel. Il|.|. 19"0 %0R SALE. 1! (KTI'AVl-Z mum: PIA _|_IEI|D_I80_II8 To LET: I .___.....__ Vonu' I..." ConnM the re, hon. 0! both Vania, Judge Pmu bu Li-AI- mud n. hula on- r' ..._. ;_ .L Chm-mo Intact. I and Humilun Relurnln'z. H TU. u unuu-u LJh N 1 UII I"). 801' rruu'y. )NSUHERS m lurch] unit to hue their callus and plat It... m. Wm: Pi mm may pud- It; !oneo neared man (not. Id-WWII sllunnuvillbo-uhnu M bl u ip"!!! "19?". u M ; INIMMIIH 3] f "illitanrm I Water Works Notice; BILLS OR CIRCULARSI BILL nuns or ALL 812. mm or FARE FUR UPI! AND RESTAUIAm. CARDS, CIRle LABB --'I"v'- U V." VI I". 'M PIG. Mia] Won WDMdYp-qiw 0f 10:... POSTERS, PROGRAMMII, CONCERT. iA 311m 959m comm MISS CARRIE STEPHENS, UP COBUUIKG. with Th6 Choir. 3 Hum Sololinen" (In vaalme. .00":- V Prul'. Slnxlulon. [chalk 4 SougDnlut thou but. Know .... . . ....Ilulfv In. Burr. -II. II-lr. f) (Thortulunnunulm (Suhnl MMN'YItouln Thu Chou ; Solo by Mrs. W. .l. Chapman. 6 Fng............ ................. Phloem! Mira Hu-plmnu. 7 Ductl "and a we. .. . . .. . . . . ...Glmn-r Tum] ' Ilrnumrl 8 SougvPly forth. (i (lanlvla Donn. ...Im:ul( M in Burr. l RmitnlivnIn anmnlnur llrhrhl Scarlet Twilled Flannels. I Hmvy White Home Made Flannel! A Mi Uanudmu Tweeds, I Pluln Ind Ornam ontul Am! I" klmln of Maul Tylm, |uomdlul both I'lniu um! Fuu'v Huh-n. (Innummn who doalro thmr PI|IUU WUKI. A'll. IIU'UII lllUllUBVu lllU tout of Tho Ltdiel.' and hearty rim ponm cum from Maura. R. W. B. Smith, E. Bnyden, II. Wilkinaun, And J. Smith. The ton! of Hui Ono-WWI ruponded to by Mosul. MeKim. Simpoon, und Gardiner. The Ofcer: Ind Members of Frontonnc Lodge" brought h-rth suinhle replies ham Moan. Jno. Irvine, J. L. "ly- cock, A. McMrllm and Hein- Will nd hum the Input and Inn-IL vbd worn-um!" - nun... - uunuuvn u: nu- TANDY BROTIIERS II T! CITY HALL, Thursday lvcnlnz, Nov. 2|. THE POPULAR vmuasrs, MISS 139.2553. Prof. T. H. Singleton HRHANIR'I AN I'IANIH'I lllt mun rmuunnmnn rlll l I 0mm] IuNh-Jlhy Stain"... ........Kdlar "and 47th Hullallnn. 1! CharmU Hm! us .3 Fr. '(Lrmnn). Hm" Th6 Choir. l A R 'l I SelectionLinda. . . v .. Jun 5 Organ 8910.. GENUINE BARGAINS t Grey Twilled Runnels, IM. Nut LIN-ll nz-l C-mL contributed In excellent vocal dun. :lhe I'Olluininl put 0! the evoring wn spent in about nddmuu md social, cameram- on, all party Ioplnting about lhl'lnighl . liu planed lith tho thnmugh unjuy~ moat ohho evening. The members u! Fronhuu Long dourvu the greatest puke (or tho pkuing nunner in which their ontortsinmont puwd o. The commit. ol mmgomenll were iudo. hiigiblo in theit Work. 9 only {an-Lila! oean m : n... IAL-i Y-_:_ u- u Thu Uhmr. I BongTho Queen of LI Ill. . . * Miss Step noun. a Organ Solo . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. lml. Singlet-on. 4i Song Juuie'u mm . . . . . . . . . . . . .. "lurk/y Mina Burr, 7 Solo and ChorusThe Ill'idnl Flu-rum. Luritl Mr. H Tum]! mul llm Hhuilx iaWilt???kwptsmck WHIG WORK Lowest Living Rates. gTHE HBMITISH WHIG" OFFICE In IMA part ul lhu Nmmrv. Ila fm'lllt lluinu 'uvk ul' all It mll urn moat comp M'n typo Nnnru-c-u lhu Inrgnn HIZE. Bookstore & [Y All Runrvod Soul." rum-0| mi uorolxh oclock. _ _ v..- _._ __- -'-Cv"- ()RGANIS'I AND IIANIST OII PORT IIUIKMiII nude:- noveral ul their balm! mlootimm. llluulrnted by Wood (tutu, MASON"; DEBICAI ION . nu'. gm ' ~ M r (Chorua I'uuu 'l OI tiff-A HOMO-lilt- hull]. Inow- this, "'" ' J'.' L mg. an x. m. kw m cum: or 11!- qua ' nun unnonm cuuncu. , . Ind Mull null n M 0m "Jump" Pd, ., IF You WANT THE BEST APPOINIED PRINCESS STREET. PROGRAMHE PART I. Il..-..I. , ,nu... Gonna" . Joan 1mm .....\\.M.{ D. Nicol . . . . . . . . . . . . ..S.\\', LB: Racy; Jan. ohlon........Treu Jan. I. Gib-00.... . . . . . .51) ll-d In" WOOD LETTER. [.31 TI! llADlNGH, .~~ H... 0|" Al I UPON, and Unnlli U I Sr Ull "Vi565; 1'. am... unmn mmlrv. Ila fMIIItIuI [0 complain. Inru-a-u Inmnn h Al ""I.1 It. (RAWFORIL uummrv. r. mr Hrlghl nluhu I. I. Una-o 0. I. Irvin... Jot. Nical. .. w-w In. It. Jolythth |_\" lug, . .((.ruulmu) Ilium! ..Boleoled l'. by Birch I In! um . Joh Irvin. { n u;-..u _ c0- .. IOBE DELAY: ~Auvmudw I ltulo-pl'n lut nigh. I -m..ms.ummu Hutu-manna. ,-lfi-n.adhmthlnyw Sendai-bio :03. V , I' Gun-d1. In: -lr. Jo; i. a. ma" 1 W in III. In in . Mil. ~l'm ' I] I. known in cm. in no- mm'n in Amulh. Um. loam-g u: Alumnus. -Gamuy My denial In sh. inund- to occupy the who). W Anhipohgo. Sono of the Uon'nnvrnl thmhn that one or no o! It. Anglin'u nppoinl- nonu Iill ho not hide. __l.-- anon-Enn- In- Mun-ir- .l 0.. Tu up PurimIn. Bond, uh "I n pruimt at. In. Bro-n. Id. of tho Coon, 0M. Kn. Wilcox, wife 0! a Can, Saw- IIODII Ill! b. at nude. mFue noun-ions lolly Magnit- 'ill be Him; in Ponnlylnnu on u 18d: Mil-m -l Nvglntion Inn uhn pboo in Ecu- dor. and u my and. to nun-int, the President. ,A Ilnn-h- '1 4|.- n-mb unminhl Ig- mo rreuconz. A number of the mod. prominont r9- sidonn of Lombarg var. murdered in I riot which oocnrnd than. -Mwpv hut-difcude coliti- nancial-bylaw. oppi- HudoWJIa-(Mydhu m, bod- but ill-lua- lot Clo b. at u. Hula W, WWII-M not winch oocnrna nun. Aldonmn Clone And Mr. Batty, Q. C., no out n: undid. {or the Mnyor- my 0! Toronto. A um! of thieves callinz themulvu my 0! Toronto. gm calling the chin gnng" ha been diwovorod in Montreal. u. rum... 01.-....- .a:m.-.. lhn A Fun. Sum luusnmA mn clapped into I known. store M Ogden-- burg Ind wuod to buy IIIVOI'II. He asked the dark to load one. The young nun did no, but (hit the cartridge. Apia. Thou the nu: tuned It. 10de spin. nd the clerk mplicd, but nd the Ive-pan ID that it could not be dis- cbnrgod. The Hunger took the "when cxled it. and in ind, Ihn day 0! the mth in am 1 a mind u nozzle la hm had. said but. you for I Inia'dn, Ind polled (be mm. but couldnt tho. The dock Indlyclond the talk by delu- mg he didn't that hi. on land up by my diuyniddo bulim- And put tho lulla- out. Yrolouoruup 0! Annie. Ex-Mnyor ()3ka Hall, of New York, yvnterdny suumod thn city ulnar-hip of the New York World. 'Ph- nh-nM- .Mm tn In. in luvnr nf ture. -(3hief Jnllfool Hsgnrty Ind Wihon and Mr. Justice Cunoron hnvo been duly installed in their new and bonounble positions on the Bench. Tha Mail roundinel the railwnv ex. pommns the bench. -The repudinel railway pectation: of Amor do Cumoa. Wth has the Lover of the \Vorl-l to say for hlmmlf now! L1,... w... u..m.....n uhn-n .n. mmwu noun -Hon. Wm. McDougnll, who ap- pnintmom to the Speakeuhip is, we be- lieve, a settled fact, in expected in the any this week. Thn Manned Lumber Camunnv age or pnonpnnte. Mr. Himsworth. Clerk 0 Council, goes to Halifax in present. at. the "touring in lulnla'ry. 'lhn Livernou] Pm! think unma'ry. '[ha Liverpool Foal thinks royal Gov- ernors-General jun the thing, and want; u Irmce for Canada next time. Dizzy'a inxlrinl ideal grow space. -Mr. R P. Vallee. MJ. for Port- Hulls". Within the past few weeks seventean barns hnvs been burned, principally in the section of country lying between Ulmrlnttuzuwn and Summeraillo, P. E. I. an. mulmanlnmn imamuti mu] 1 lam-trait lie-bod cloud } 'lMPoliqddnubdyinthog'ty: (Touch by declaring Now that "lhoriuudldlol union I in tho hadndGod.ndthnopnnyolaud nu could chug. bin Inhu'nblo will. Tbb nil-id :0 can hit 6&9.th that tho Kabul Policy night loud h 1_J_-_.I-_.. -_.I 1.. th. Malian M mp0. Professor Hayden and MIjorPowell'a 'lupogmphical and Geological Surveys hVdg.)1100V0r13,000 Iquaro miles of cmntry during the past. sea-on. ~lm in fnrminu in the River St. John and admits In the Uonanr wnma connuitre the forlilicntiom the l- are alleged to be arectlng at Bm *h was decided to swear In Gnvernor-(ieueral ut the capiul, l pin-gramme has been changed, a Judge vi the Supreme Cnurc wil tmdny for Huhqu to adminiltert of ofce. A Irannnlsll gimm- aavl Hnf of nlhce. A Kentucky editor says that in me week ha w nddrrnaad M (lvoernnn 'Uenernl, lTulon, 'Mnynr, lnrsun,'l annl Uld Hou. The last Lilla wu pru- bably the man appropriate of all. n. is expected. providing that no un- fureaeen Cll'CUlllllJIUCCl arise, that the newnvornur-Goneml will relch Mun- traal on Thurmlay evening, 28th inn, and will naive It Ottawa on the follow Ing Saturday afternunn. -A'lho young King of Spain in mid tu be far lens nmrlm in regard to unru- mas than the old Emperur of (lernmny. The rst has bean red at. only once, while the Emperor counting his imperiul oxpancnce only hu been shot at threw lune: nndhlt once. Allan-- H. "unlqlnunv nrrpllnrl nl yealernmy Jan-n, ball in 3),an -AA belief In on for [ha human! In mm! lm the examining Nobel; behave in the I H.-...;-..|;nn Lu- behave In [ha exulanca M n contra: orgluizuiou for this pnrpou, and in- m-t'gnlinna are Mill going on. Ther0 Lro whiapera lhnl Sir Alex. linlt, dazzled by the e'nlgonco Iurround- if g afrmengnadian Fm.an Minister, in not. indilpond to accept I! the hnudl ol tho present Government the post at Agent Uanenl for the Dominion, ricr Annlnd About to be "lined. . ll--... 1.! nmnk-r in mvinv "Hour, In! Beecher, In gum: notice yanorday of the fair for tho pur- pcvna uf buildinl I Suton' Hoopiul, uid '0 hi: congregnlionzThe time put when to Ihuuld think it noes-y tn brittle up in holy horror It tho llth of Ruuun Cnholicf Ho cull-mended the {Air to his c mgragglion'l libonmy. O the he! York Worm. '[he chmou loom to be in ("or of Mr. Meredith manning tho loader-hip of the Oppolitiou in the Load Legisla ture. cuy mu week. The Montreal Lumber Campnny hue leaned aevernl whnrvel along the St. Charla bnin, at QuobecJor thn stor- of phonphnte. Himsworth. of the Privy mutau-m or the damn uentence pro- nounced uan Farrel, the murderer of Cunway. _'lne somewhat imnrubablu rumor is Unnway. 'l'ne somewhat improbable publmhml her: that Hun. Mr. Morris is likely m [ind n neat in Smuh Lanark. mu] tn lead llm ()ppoaition in the Law] Human. mull")!- 'PIWuvnl W (land. from tho (1th light it 1 no! unfairly have oecurndlo thi- nol Inll." GhIII inamm- and tho 1 the Mn olnnation In .- much 1 in tin hud- ol Pruv'uloneo u in dutiuy, MM, this luau: Ill) being in tho had. 0! God. it would b. Ibllld to u- put an In, puny oll'oru of animal poliqilu could clamp his 0W Illl, A: unynu it in oovsnlly, lotto I] bluphomous, to puuuo n curtain po- llucnl ovum. udin Idnncuto toddl- npon Providence the inevibblo lip-hot of Ulmrlnltuwwn and aummerama, r. n. 1. I 'lliu Philadelphia, Cincinnati and Chicago jmu'imls, in common with those of New York and Boston, discover many signs of nmm activity in bulinass. :\t leu Mnrquil of Lorne reception the (luveruur-(vuncral'a Foot Guard will furnish three guards, onu tn be staionud ut the Depot, another nn the Dutferin ridge, and a third at Rillea'l Hull. r(lulll touched par in New Ych Thursday. fur the rst time since specie payments were aunpemleil in 1862. The step to practical resumption now is n vary short one. ~Mr Attrill. of Underi . has all'ereJ short Mr. Atmll, Underiuh, $1150 reward for the conviction) of the parsnn who drugged a valuable mare lwlonging tn hun, and caused an labor] I tzon. 'l'he "iiizm this morning intimates that the Hun. J. H. Pope will save a. large amnuntof money by not only re- ducing the Canadian emigration start". but alsotho ntntfnow employed in Eu mm- during the past. ~lce is forming in the River and the steamers plying between St Jnhn and FreJericton have been laid up for the seam. Naviguion cloned last year on November 2|. Enqland hm a Lreatv right to koap nnd mt errga Hunlzinger, arreltod at lhnhdelphin on Silurdny, chnrged mth havmg, xu Preoident of the Philadelphi- Coal Company, used $80,000 at. the funds of the Cumpnny, in his own buninul, mu yesterday jun-II, bdng unable to nd hm} in Sluumm. Montreal. Mr. Thoma Chenery, editor of the London Timed, bu "signed the Oxford Profouonhip of Arnbie. Ex-Mnmr Oahu HI. York. unferml mean -Mr. P. Vallee. neuf, his: charge of a petition for a com- mutati-m of the death uentencu pro- nnnVHu-4l Ilnnn Fnrrnl lhn murder-Pr 0f November'ust. England treaty right koap two small gun vessel: in the Black Sea, and admits that the Condor wants to re ...mn..:n-n 0L. furliluminn- Hun Runninnn nnnd out to Do "Havoc. -Honry \V-nl Beecher, in glvinz im rmmrdav pur- I"! Ill D". I." 'I" Wrli, V""l'l| I" "ll IUVIMV, u! kho emu Ihlch liu lu nur bio heart. nil . redeeming (1le to the {u too Inqnwl oruhillermontl which chunk unto our mind populnhnn, lhnt than into be found A common ground on which thou Iho linear-l, dniro u public Iod cm mu! Ind who in ropollng | common public many. with muioml indication: to tho :ontnry, '0 bolt". it to be I he; that the uperitiou of function an boil-g worn off by the union of mm nu] 3nd iuulligout inureouru, ad that tho dnyl ol the old an bigotry m num- bomd, 0! thin he! a moot contain. ounpliu'tion 'u luni-hod whoa n the tnoun'inuon of Principal Gnu!"- M. to further ouduv Qum'l l'ni- My, on Roman Catholic dunn- put M Mild." to a- dial, contribu- Mq Ibo u- o! 050!" OLM to m. null nibble oojoctl Bush a in- d. h oath, of MI Ionian ad um, lot-o much. In tho, .1, lot "ii-W ulm"u [or tho i.- pndad Madly int-r.de in! Iii-h h in n TI. Ion-rod mun. till [III-H w WI, for (my, uni [and m, .m- lho addition] nan-hp u Iboqu ol Ii-ado- in pt. I. m 0., ch. in." cl - ~ in Iii-b on" Church h the hp: an. l- mum to gully hu- I add. u :- ull I, u u do- . a, but 0M - a [alibi- M-hh MIKE mta man WBXHB u) re re Russians gel Buurgaa. tha new or-(ieueral but the 1mg and the if will leave {or adminilter the math IIUU, current that n plnt exinln nx'ution of I murunzm. It ' lruuinn judges, when [obeling'n cue, wvro led tn uh.- oxulnnnu I! a central rm: sums}! wma. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER Privy order to be of the new hm AMTEu. Ir. J cuespan m. (B! TW M) Othwl, Nov. nYm anon a hole?" I: mat 3 iii 0 into ' ' with Human! and". H. mm in I Irmunlmromwlumwu-[W Fulcrum. Boil-db ill than. limo. n tune. , John Jonas, 3 Chunk d W chrgym, who I short tine-(UAW gunned his diuholicf in Chi-funny, ' his consequent acceptance at iii-hilt}, guard wrou- Inna to Bishop lath, ' boningxo In permitted to ncaut Ibo mini-try. Hon. W. Hmdomnll "rind in th- Ill. mg: no man u moo-upon, ' _ gho- but duo-ht Ills. Illll . Hon. Madonnll srrivod in m 4:": Int night. {'uhrdnv Ina-noon A rather landlock- .o 'l'ho nnnonncemont of the death of Dr. Hmoy,M.|. P.. (or the County of Honck, wu youtardny I lad Iurpriu w hi- Emmy lrhndl. venom! Ind politicd, through out tho country. H'u illncu during the put (or rock. mu known to mnuy, but low "to prepared [or tho intelligent). o! it. mortsl tonninntion. Dr. Hmoy wu I munch Libornl in politics, And bu boon, though not I ulninh, I cunlintont Iupporler of the Mount Miniltry. Hiu demise will open' In other Untariu comtitnoncy~u not unfro- quautoocurrence lataly- and u the con- stituency wu carried It the lute Domin- ion election by Mr. MacCallum in the Conservative inure-t u qulmt Mr. J. D. Edgar, it will be interesting to note wh-t chuico tho elm-tun will make for tho Local Home In the auccauor to Dr. Haney. Iulitically, it in u pretty evenly divided conutituency, mt] it will be vory diicnlt to forecast the ruult with any dogroo of certainty. . .-oo-. liefuro Mayor Megmw, at Alegbany (My, Hugh lorlcr, on enginaer on the (Min) River was a priwner. Four or ve year: ago, being I widower, ho mor- rie'] n rupectnhle widow, who bud I daughter Illut twelvo years of ago. The family, being in mmfurtahlo circumlton- con, lived hlpplly uutll about A your Igo, whon the doughter Mollie begm to bud into Inmnnhm'd. lleutepfother {oll doo- pentely in love with liar, and took hold- ], any pain- to cmceal the foot {mm her mother. He courted tho [lir otepdough- ter nuldm ugly, but the maidon rojected hil mil, 1nd ducllncd hio ropooted pro- pt-nlo of m olnpemeut. Muntimo Mol- lie hul n suitor in tho penon of I ro- opectoblo young gentlemni of the city, oml t1 him the conded hor truublol, And, ot tho nodioot moon: of escaping tho poroocntilg attention: of hor Itopfothor, oho pron- iwl to gin him her hand in Inorriogo without unmcnnry doloy. By oomo moon:- Portor leorncd of thoir intontiono, ond, in his blind inhtuotiun, ho rooolvod to uhimoelf oi bio otopdonghtor by I forciblo Ibduction. Accordingly, ho bode hor push up hor clothe- ond prr pore to woornpony him {rum tho city to bo worried. threatening. in tho event of her roluul, to murdor hot And bot motbor thou ml thore. All thooo throoto And proposition: were modo in tho pro. uneo of tho wifo and author. Tho girl Iioely docidod to protond to bo villi-ah op, and out up tho protonooo! loqu tho propontionl for tho propaogd jog. my,oud only this morniu both tho author and doubt", longing to oludo 5 Porto!) vigil-mo, hootoood to tho loyot'o oieo and loid tho foeto bolero: Ili- Honm. Porter on spooniin o pri- i oooor. He bod nodolonatoolor,ond,' in dolouli of OM) boil, tho Kayo: mutual it. tojoil too-oil tho mien at tho Gnnd J nary. l at ml nlgns. ' 'utetdey durnoonenthergoodlook- in; girl-bout 20 yurl of ego entered the police nation end uid thether poem. 1 had about thirty milu ebove Ara rior, tint three year: ego Ill. went to on- trnl end bed been em eyed tinted: 1 domestic uerunt nnt' letnrdey Int, then all. decided on returning home (or the wininr lawn. On Monday Ifteruoon she took the Q.l.0. h 0. train end Ar: rived It liull ehonly After nine oclock. Before rewhing the nation Ihe up the bid consulted in oiciel of the reed, who wore the compeny'u uni- form, n to where she could get letupping plm in [lull 3! lbs did not desire to go to on." that. night. He replied that he would nke her to e hotel wnich he could recommend. 0n the trnin reaching Hull he accompanied her m the houne, Ind after hnving mmothing to on the retired hr the evening. She had been in her room but n ahurt time when the door was opened and tie men nude their appearance. She wrelmed, when one of them seized her by the throat And threatened to choke her if she did not denilt She continued, however, to make a noise, when they left the room. Subsequently the railway ofcial who hnd inveigled her into the house, entered the room and acted in a moat outngeous Inlnnnr Sn rmintad and threatened to NJ : tug/yup" nv-va.] Beauchemiu 8:. Ct, manufnclurers agents, Cnug street. have resigned. They represented several umnufatcturersof agri- cunuml implemuuts, thrashing luwhiuea etc. etc. Snys the (lazy-m of this morning, in Iefurenca tn the mysterious disappear- ance nf Mr. Dufresne ndvocate, of Three Rive-rs, from the saloon of the summer Montreal; A man came into our oice about one o'clock this murning and said he saw Mr. DuIresne got off the steamer at Montreal, and walk as far as the ute! Richelieu, whom he lost. nigh. ofhim, but he thinks he entered thn h-nel. He says he cnuld not be. miatnket' as he knew Mr. Dufresno, and got. on thu steamer at the same time at Three Rivera. Lie alsualawd that he left fur kyvnual..v\ n Hm Ar." [.5 Li: arrival ham luvern. ua aisuatawu man no It); iur Kingston on the. (luyof his arrival here, Thursdny lashnnd when he saw the IC' count of anresne's disappearance in the Montreal papers he hastened back to tell whiitha knew. The man gave his name as Morin, and was very respectable look. ing. He said he arrived on the 9 o'clock train from the went last night We ad- viaed him tu imumdiatuly communicate I with the police, but. he seemed rather reluctant tudu an, and when he left the Gazette otiico this morning. he went up St. James strth and turnrd toward Mc Hill street, which was the hm seen of him I... n... Inn-unan ' relucllll U) (11) ll), J mnes n v by our reporter. Members of Mil my reporter. Members of Ministry, leading Conaervaliws, I for Halifax last evening. \u:y . uv-Jlulrn u;-uu5,,, Halifax, N. 8.. NW. 2().The oflicinl programme, \'icu-llugal receptiuii, an ar- ranged on the day of ofcial landing, in _ Princess Lnuisu and the Marquis of lmrne will prncwd in state to the P.0- vmcial bulldlug, where the Marquis of Lurno Wl be sworn in by Jung llilchia as (hwernur-Uenernl of Uaiuda. The City address Will be presented to Hi: Ex- i-oilency immediately afterwards. Hill Excelluuy and MIL. then proceed to the Admiralty Houae. They will dine with IE Hunur tlm Lieutununt Guvernur uf Nova. Haulia, and at. 9:30 p. in. the drawing room Wl be had at. llieGuvern- menl llnnw. Next day Hin Excellency and H. R. ll. wrll visit the object: of inlerunt in and ubuut the city. A! 3:30 p.m. His Excellency will receive nddres- ac: and hold A lcma immediately altar at tha lrovincinl hildingl. Lord Lorne and [Judy will (illlo at Maplewood| 318 n m lwinu var-ultml 'm' a tin-man's Lurch- ()irial Rt r-vption of (he Govern- or General. um [may wn; mm: m maplewooul mo p.m. , l)clHL( escoltexl by a liremen'a Lurch- Iigln prucvauuu [rum the Admiralty House to the arch nu. South Park street. Next day the Vice-Regal pnr'y Wlll lunva Halifax by the luteanalionll Rail- way. .--v'-- It. must be rather a nice thingbeing I kingLu got shot at or stabbed at And be nut. much hurt. It in the mean: of evoking Any amount uf popular anthuu'h um ln behalf of the iuteuvlad Regal vic~ m, nnd of thus vastly enhancing his per- I0l|ll popululily. King Humbert, of Itlly, hu received a. thousand congratu- lntory telegram. on hll encrpe, Ind bu othnrliu) been fairly overwhelmed with folioituiona. If there be any revenge in his mture this too must be thoroughly ted by tho storm of pnpulnr indigmtion which is reaping down upon the hp Ion head of tho intending again. The culprit will likely expiate hll crime with hi: life, unleu the magnunimity ol the King him-all Ihlll commute his punilh- wont, lines the very tron-on of the at- tempt on the life of A monarch, no nut- ter how unsucceuiful, in a cupiml crime. The congratulatiunu of the Pope mult luv. bun grateful to tho ltnlinn King, upwinlly in View of tho nthor uncordinl lllntionl which sublinted between their rupootivo predeccuorn. and acted m man outrageous uunner. She resisted and threatened to cell the landlord, whereupon the uicinl stated he was the landlord, and continu- ed his brutal conduct. lie kept the un- fortunate girl there until yeeterday, when she came to the city and told her story. High Constable Gun-dun, of Aylmer, haul taken (he matter in hand. Insolvent ("ase- -le.~:Ic-m'oua Dis- I appearance--Meeting the Gov- uuun n- l -11.. gas-m a magi-6...... ..mnu. that ll _. ... ____ LOW-.1) IH' Illelt STHFAIIIER. (By Telegraph Tu- ' I. (1,. (by my; mm. 1 TtII'IJ rule 1 & Kl .. MALE. w,".'m--w unt-lob- but-Ilium... *ummdnwu dbl howl-Indus.