,- "In... M nu": ma .hw-umlphmouOI um-um nun-Ind )- had-h... "vain-id Mull sol-J nrw um uuuuv. ~When an artilt climbs over A fence to gel. t near view of a handsomo bull- dog, he must take his chances nf his lkotchimz the dog or the dogs hatching him. u- .11.. I :,:,:_ lIH. [Illu- Lieut.-Col. Stmubcnzio is in Henn- ville. Us inspected the Sidney cum- pany of the 49th on Tuesday, and was to impact the Belleville cnmpnnies (Nos. I 3nd 4) yesterday afternoon. .- . . . 3," Luv-y Null! "- uu: nun-m; unlu- -A move in on loot to petition the Board of Supervisurs, of Luv. in County, N.Y., to plu a law prohibiting the set- tin, of what are known in trap' mu] pound net: in the waters of Lake Un- tnrio and Riva: St. anrence, pertain- ing to the town of Cape Vincent. UIqulll I. I -The Igenciel at annneo and Pinion have boon ro-mldod to the Kingston Luu- Iulnto. Thoy Ihauld never have been nken from it. -Mr. Kin-wan, Past, in to give .1 loc~ tun on The Jesuits : What they hava done (or civilization, 3 reply tn the Wit new and Gazette." .n. -i 1- I , , :,,, 1-...-. Tho young ladies any that thisis rally gorgeous wuather. Wonder iftho linger: for the concert this evenng brought 1 'ILA .n-nn;n- .0 Vgnnnnn and Pin-Inn Wu khat the Q. C. (lleo Club Who In giving the music last evening. They sppeared tu be glee-ful and happy. itnuIA-nn n pnuiinuurv unar. vavulvu IA: no gnu-wu- m-u or. Dnvldson, n Penitentiary gnarl, fall into a tunnel on his way to the limo kiln on Monday, rocciving serious in- juriel. m. ,,,,,,,, IIIVI' uvvvtuulv- Th0re no two curmforta in owning :1 MW bone. You can either lmr row you noigbor'a saw or loAn him the horse. find}... .Immnh Lu.nnmn nun-"hunt uulwn a min u: I\I.Il nun. uuu IIVAuv. lndinn Iummer has come, merchale smiling, ahadel down, mud turning into dust, editor happy, etc., etc. Hump la 3 .u .. r .u rn . I ICHHII I ~0utton us out for sale. We (1011' need any now. A In ud boat would b more Acceptable. _'IL..-. .-- b-n amhu-I. .n nmninu - COCOANUT CREAM and COCOANUT CAKES. mun. Iumh uyl : Will the Indian game be knownin the Dominion us Lorna Touuil T" n u ,,.:,,,|, uh .1... Mud aboundoth. N|pauoo in hnviog its streets num- bered. ~Rovi-ion of the voters list in the Court Houna tu-nig ht. M. In... nun"... Inn! H... (a... uuulu uuuyu w'lns In. Mr. Juno: Dnuon . lnte of the (In ta'iu, bu received In appointment on U] Mail. up .u u An drill whirhvlu'l. Yo think tic [in music churn-u. It. band- 30 t nu, Yo mnduthnnp I. loo Lik- wiuomc Mamie Barr. 0:- ol Hamilton's tweet-It uongqueeun. aml u hth u the concert.- of thu Cuwlian C Julna: and SLIAndx-ew'u suuictienx (Eu. 8. A. . i wh'ymhu'l. What'rytopintppluno 'ont By Iboou. nond- can. 'i plenum when-ho sing: 5-! my privch v'd Mont melodic- may umndhc-wd-Imulwihl. m u'ldry mhblhhthnlnmhlo y MW '0... awn Ih cm. M. KIRKPATRIGK'S Fancy Good. Otoro. l CAIIHI I lluu'l. I'lllcm Ifllll', I" III uth A;ng m: m W In. It, in! gun DWI-(ll By Wit out youths-m whirbvha'u. 7- think in thing- Irin Inn Which Ital"- mun mg ol By W'I babblin'l mm. Manama-ma lial-Ind pal-'1. n~mmm.m. ._.. I'" W! "F' lap-th Tho hhnMnOh-nh WIND] "AVIS. mu"... ... ..- - my"... run; on. It I. an! ink Ind" u, dual- 1 ohm laddnl. Why! Beau-phr mun 'mjaucaum an, ml in! in... Ina-o .- labia-l inplnnci no! and it. Cali nay- uliq-amp-hd-Hymw bath8 G. .1 lath big qtf! HI-sum. (AppIn-Iu.) Ho bud known men, bum in thxs mnntry. tn live until they were 2.": or :10 yarn o! :30 with-mt taxing I drer u! lumen and yet Name drunk. unit. Nu drunk-rd "er uted om IM the intention of becoming a drunk-M. He does not wuut to how-e Inchh. nbhcn the id. But In gou on till In is . dmnkud. And Ihen '0 nd 010' opontiona cl alcohol n inu'dium that in- dnlnneo in it any-on doused not. an in high position. noun nan-Io and. AIM th- kctnm, to [in full-ea. f act in hi. own mind could 'miob a. KingstdhWBakex-y. vesod m llm Calm" and iron wurkui thrce f its grunt inclultrios. But the rulurnu were nut cmnplew. There was nothing to show for (he millions of I . a _ . woollen. mwney spent in the pun-haw ul liquor- n: \nlun lmd been received. The com~ mumw lnl gained nuthing, Illd nothing had been nddvd lo the wealth nf the enuntry. There had been n0 upbuildnu of nny industry which In protable. 'lhero were thus. who believed that it would ho better if the nlo and mnnuhc- lure u wvll us use of liquor were nholilh- odtlmt it would he better (or tha world if the liquur were pnuml nut and wanted. (Applauw.l Hu had met many persona whn c-mld nut. estimnto the lulount of mvmy which they had squandered in lulm-r. N) pennn could any he could use lulnur with perfect safety. He had known men lm could lay an wilh trulh fulueu up to the age he (the Ipuker) mu And nltvrwnr-ll "Minn, and \mrka i! they whnifluvl um I dnl harm in (110 may: cal men v-Intnnded i l:l1\HFll In HI \1 (Appluma) Then that. it was useful Itnlml that 2-17 uf th of that must hmmvnl cine, iucIu 1m; the Queen and the l'nm L A L, I A, \V 1. an tn the contenlinn fur [ho body. He the must eminent men lmnmulem prnfonsion, medi- hug I!!!)chimm lo the l'rnlcu uf Wales, and the heads of mu Medical Collegesuf Eng- land, Ireland and Smilaud, had duclnr- "nu... cuhlr lawuuf (ind I nothing, hm: essentially gm i .l. ,..I I ....t J... u..." vule pug-qu. uu-n lllVIluu n. u grvntpiece of imperliueuce to lueddio with their business. After a few ganerul reumrksun milderntodrinking, he said that the (ml hammers go so far as in say that Lu um liquor even in mmlnraliun is wrung, [hub lh-mewhu even thus use slimulaula nmgruat sinners, while they (the tutal nbstainers) are great saints. This wuuld he honour- nhh- and just and right \wre nll thalawa of Um! cuuontrnwd in (vuerthat man w....u .u." nun. uv unu, uuu nu wu- uuuua tn: live withont the use of intoxicating liquors, have many things to contend ngainst. It meant to many a change of suciul and domestic habits, and some men claimed the right to eat. and drink just what they pleased. and thought it n .J ... n hm t "uni/I!- Fun, I.- Dt. lhnlcn occupied tho chair, and in slow wordl words introduced the lee tutor, who announced the spice. under which he uppeued, 1nd the subject which was tong-gs hi. attention. He said than win great divenity of opinion in regard to the subjecta great many views which could be pruented, and hence he Always felt a little timid and nervomin venturing to speak in thin nspect. He admitted thnt there were many of the bent and most intelligent in the community whu dilferod with him, and lie madeit a point never to lots aiglltul this fact. Those whu held the same view that he did, that it wan hotter .. ALA-U... Al l0 nu..."- n., .u-n.. Hun a... vu._, Elvin. - n - mm Inn-may Illt for ll-1 II. & W. J. Crothers, 1'...) l 1 \rv1.|\ :IVIIELVI I. who I. wavy I Wm, H Rev. Mm Twohey, F. W. Kirk- pltrick, the Mlyur, Dr. Skinmr, I Mr. T. H. McGuire, owupiad nub on tho platform, nud R". Fathers McWil- Hula, Carbon and Loonud, Mr. J. A. Allan, sud other literary men wore in the holy of the lull. . . MIN Ilia-u ml.- blod h the, BI b has: til 307. 1mm. of limit-y, but". on row The mama n- vu'y good, but not and: v hrg'nu the leaned upenkor donned. Ono thing Ill ovidbnt by use tova gonna-Ian'- dilemmalint In In inunuly ou- nou, 1nd (hut he hul the Inbject duply 3! hurt. The of nglton, And "AI ll..-.- Tnl.-- I' W 36*. 1 m sums: wzim-an'l may. nova-mm: 21.1310. mm- - -u.u~..uuu D "red for legislmi A. A._ or and nun-nu uuu n.u'lnuu, unu uuu-I- \\'hereu9, it it; generally beher runkenueas numetimea ensues nu may hu :1 (le abstu 1 yet violate all 1 and! the land. m, u. hilo i . Ill nun, um nusur it. did, there Would uuvun-uu-u Iqu Ill whlch the math- .I. .. Nervous and Mental epmssion do the other Them wu the usuuf liquor it th safest that If left alune our um slur-v u.........., \ are nuld t umm attending the onlle he Ingland there in u-rr Hmn in in- Imuwmlmul "II" no- w'mu-oawo hm: ago-hid rich I 1 nd Ind molly midi tho I- . 1 turf moor? Ho Tho ulumption III fnln. There I no strength in liquor, but than wu Igilllion and unmetimu violence. Dr. Rich-Noon, of Englnnd, an ominont phy- sician, hu written I work on liquor cun- _ uumption, which he desired nll to rud Ho In not I fanntic- Iuch u the Ipeukv or, or mum of the undienco might bo~ but a load" In hil profminn. Ho any: thnt alcoholic liquur g". Itrongtb to no one, but on the Contrary it wu I source ol resinous, nod farm-bed non. of the main-ill I0 neon-In) tor the npbnilding }n! the body. Dr. Richardson, too, up than in nothing in dwhol that prodnou hut. But, on tho contra], it interfac- Iith the contraction Ind Iowan the tem- por-tun of the human body. Ho nlnlod 3 bit at Adda. [inn by Ibo ht. Binhnp deu mull, Boy-,bouu to put I little 'ltl! in tho thinly." (Laugth He then proceed to show tlut I die tuchin 0! tho Church It the Mttiuvuto thiullct: "Touch not. am not, land]. not. Why ' tho dim but... the 'niou no- Iudthuoollq-uu-l nit ho- rmnn-anm in. ...M .3. uwn fault. Such wu the license system. (Applause) He had nothing harsh to any ngninnt those engaged in the liquor bulineu. They are not. the inventors of the business; if they were he would ask them to get out of it. (Applaule.) If no one desired to drink liquor [hero wuuld be no one found to oer it. If men stopped drinking u smaller of fact the liquor trailicwouldlcldw. They had no right to lay mythng against thuae en~ gnged in the trafc. It Ill not ovary mun who was able to conduct it pruperly, and some men in high poutiun were oun- nocled with it. The present Lord Mayor of Dublin run I hotel keeper. He then pointed out tliu it In the duty ul every nun to lay up {of hi: family, to pruride for them. This he could llul. do and drink liquor. With regard to henllh and Itrongth some people say that No man has nrighl to commit suicide. Whut difference was there in a man kill- ing himself by drinking liqnnr and drink-I ing arsenic I As furthwan in the lulnnr business they were human], and if a man drunk too much I0 much the warm for the drinker, not for the seller. The Iellor ' was not taken to tank about. it. If a man drinkl too much and (lieu that in hi: : ii 4 l .i r nun uuu .- :uu,uuu .- clil u: n \u nun-u u a grave to be tolerated I Was such a bu- smuIs to be countenanced and continued! IUUJJUU monath annullly drunk into mix-wily I People would say, How do you Ilmwl Who cvllected the statis- tics ?" The United Kingdnm Allmncu, which has agents apecmlly employud in the business, and whose calculations had been veried. He held that a man had |.. vvull vvl Auvu. u llvuu nun :- umu Imu no more right to murder himself inter nully by drinking liquor than by any thmg 9130. No man had a right, to A- 3 5:..NQBREEIMER V\.l Kutlllluvvu q.- numu u "Hummusqu liquor was put down at 160,000 each year. Was that right! Wm; the system which sent down 160,000 a year to a drunkard'u . L. Ln OHIJnbnl ) \U-.. -A...L _ l... thsn whiskey in England. The returns showed that some 75,000,000 bushels of grain were converted into liquor, sml of this amount only 17,000,000 went for beer. Suuie hail sdvooated the mulling cheap of tho poor msn's hear. The greatest curse which could fall upon the poor man wss his ability to drink beer chesply. This was the way to make him poor snd keep him poor. If s man be rich let him drink in abundance and he soon becomes stupid as well as drunken. He spoke of the desirability of fathers lending sober lives, fur when the parents were in teinperato there wss the tendency on the part of the offspring toothe propensity wasnsturnl with them. In the hospitals in England it was a well known fact thit the children of drinking mothers are dis- posed to drink also. That consideration slono should be sufcient to turn unu against tho trailic. It was a great injus- tice, a great cruelty, furs mother tinni- plant in her'chihl the instinct for liquor. lnreiits should be careful, especially when the children are unableto refuse tho liquor, and cannot push sway the glass sud say, I will have none of it." A mother should take all this into ac count and say, If my child ever become n drnnknrd it will not receive the first taste of liquor from me. He then an lLrCtl into statistics, and said that at the 'lompcrnnce Congress, held in October last ntL'heltenham, England, the num- ber LBlllnated iu killed by intoxicating lint-n uvuu nu} l]l\I-Il a} In N) anal. mun wnmxn numm, thin undortnkoto convince n nun who Ill given tothc use of beer. When 3 mm mot him with the reply l only drink n little boorf he could not do much with him. In England the couplnint was against beer. It III the clue of the Math! Iconntry; it In: the bar which ruled. When in the old country he undo I number of tgmponnco speechec, and he usunlly Ipoko mnimt the Itroug drinks, but the clergyman who accom- panied him About nlwlyl remiuded him if his mist-kc. It. the beer mnn, the boar, the beer, the beer, that does the mischief here" hoyould lay. Thaw was much u u u new: '- .omg Gm" - than whiekeyl He. the! tholloohol rwmhhw onlolithe would lathe 1 people drlwkdl they wanted olit. Four .orveper onto! heuinelcohol end 1 the tee: wear. The Inn who drink- ve 1 or nix glance of beer and the nun who drink: one glue 0! whiskey were in the an. enndition. Beer in genenlly con Iidered the moot h-mleel: but I men 0! (uh could he u glue of whinkey, ditto it with the proper proportion of Inter, end then drink am A. . priest he uid 1 he would much tether tnke a mm in y hmd who wu noon-tuned to I I, thju strong-t. Ho dun Ihowod an: the In. at bou- m Dot, an...- dnn chi-kn! Fl. _m I... u 0L. 4.1... vu- KUIIIIII-Cm mm baa-human. _.-:_ -.l_x_- l _g G:- mun-mummy: tqndtohh-ighhoui 30. Non mkihNgl-byhh-dl;botook 'iummmuuoumauit, who kmbitoinvibunuvbgin- nor. nail-txh-vumhndyur old at hat .1. n. .a.. u.-. L. 6 an dance id sobnr 'a n malty pituls L Ht ) bulinn 1 mun, muru no mass IL. mu] uguin, thm him in this worl natural that me but such mu n [ht- hqlmr trat was that it. made the Wan-l actual fnw, hurly runs; Ha r~'f-'I'rvd to drunkrn wumen (or. Engldnd, I sumo thought. LI small. 0 the He had yutto [in luukxng fur him 1 hml mum {mull} lulu H', which hm than all the [av .. ..|.l A. l "u 4 Itllll|gllft Ws the dim: .lnl'urem n mun (lil drink in turns inquestd 1 If Hull," hugs'al 1 f wuuldbe he ahou uking pl'nusc) UN: huair that [hull nun-J L" I- K I (fan-inux of 'luIn-l Hulls, [Drain]. 'IQLMMMdM-do .knu ital! in an M. and-thin I r tun-uted um bu-elb- b I :lb WV gym Int-n.0- ___ II the bud dry with CIIOIIC I cummmhuugpa .11: h M "*m W's 8' u a 0d [Av-r01). .hnainnllh nah-Ii: and-IN. Snvnu. - Thu min-icon, muting- ol the Putt-burg Circuit, Gland: lotio- dist Church. uppan (or u IM. I And Ml! innunu, In" boo. M.Id postponed, (min. w "I. Initial. Icahn, Md the mall, land lb of unit. The Onogo lalladium romuh: IYPOII tha nrriul nf (he Ichoonu (harp Snol thia morning Iho wu boudod by aloon Grant nnd letorwn. who won in March of a nilur named Janos, Inntod It King- llun lur bunghry. Cnpt. Mimkor nyl um Jones shipped on his would a Bath, en mute w thin pan, but left her It Mc- Dnnnld'l Cove. Hay 0! Quinta. If Jon-I had boon Ibuard he could not have or ucnpod, In the unicorn won on dock .- noon n Iho reached the dock. Our con- Mmptmry ban the thing a littl- mind. The oenco fur which June. (Wu~,) u VIIIM in mbboryImlching I uwh from 3 man on Unhn'o red [at Sutur day. l'ruf. Lavuio, the celebntod hair dremer, whou viuiled Kingnton maul liuwn, In unable at this leuon to 0an ngmu pew :Imlly. He bu, however. at- ruiw-d to l-npntch his agent here. Next week he will arrive It the Brililh Ameri can Howl with a cmnplolo Itock of hair gmniin. The agent in Mill Lavoie, late of New ank. Pml Lucio is called Um illuaivo wigumker. Anxious to Idunoe thn nlylu um] beauty of hit work, bu hu iillrUIUCUAl lhu newlyinvented pnrlingl. work on Iilk and human hnir loundation. liirnugh which the skin Ippelll, Ind each hair inning from it Thisehhmgos daluctinn from the moat critical eyP. Prof. Lavoiu reenivud two gnhl modal: nf hunor and a diploma in larin. for expurieuoed ind Ikllliul work- ummhip. panenmnurs. Al, the conclusion of the lecture I vote of thanks was moved by Mr. T. H. Mo- hulre, wounded by the Mayor, lud rev annilutl to by Father Sta'nrd, who ox- plulnml his viewu more fully in rogunl to Hm action of the civil government. He pointed out that no legislation could al lc-ci the murals of the peoplethat aucli waun matter lying between men, their iguincii-iicvn and their (iod, aml lhnl, no lluinau l'ntlmlic who took $hu Suralsent cinllnl consistently become a drunkninl. -.<.. mm nu (mum nut understand wny becamu urunkmds. \VM it cum mum-f as it tho why man acted in ( Lhingsl 0 pointed nut. that. nluan he a grant criminal and yet. retain hi fuctim. fwrhis family, but once he mun-an drunhrd he cares fur noll fur nu purmm, care: not tur hinuel fur his (Judhe cares fur nothing lhlllll; ho drinks and lives and dies. plunge.) HE Ql'OTHI) CARDINAL FULLER who was of upiuion that the civil go; umnt vyuuhl interfere when the li hum" ..I .. ...Ll... .... I); I.,, man nu the world [ml Ihum of (he drunkud of Hmvun.' that he ('Ulllt lum- ..... A. pze only Umll "all 1". 0. ed. it wuuld be sll right; but t ey pm- uribud for themselves. Sometimu the (inclur prescribed for the wife, Ind'tho huslnn l drunk the whiskey. (laughter-J Ut'cusionhlly one would remu-t : Do-r doctor, don't you think I little whiskey would be good for the wife." 0:hor things are nnt thoughtof. Ho coatmted dillerent results urine] at under circumstsnces. For instance, If died from the etleots of excessive a public house, the jury It the inquett declares thst it is the Vieituiou u." nd," whereas, i u nun drunk in his (S's) hnme. and went out sud died, he unuld be called upon to show cause why should, not be hanged. (Ap- pliulec ) This In: a peculiarity of the business. Another peculisrity was liIL'Illllld the liquor hurts s man the hulthes it. He relurtl to it again guilt, though he know: it injures in wurld mud the next. It wss that men should shun enemiel, but not the case in rsgsrd to trellic. Another peculiarity made the best looking min in actually repulsive. It spoils his runs;ng the eyes out. of him. the fearful sight 4,000 presented in Manches- tur, and then remarked thnt the number (If drundards He thought the number large. nd the manand he wn fur yearswhu had not lmmly cvunectiun ruined by vr, had wrought more disaster [were and posts which the ever seen. He reminded scriptural weruing that no uhull enter the Kintvdnm Iluer Inllloy one 0! uotll mill"; III did not know thnt the diutiotiu and brewerial nnd other pnnphnnulin of H. qlmr unnuhcturo were the tort: of Pro. videuca. Be In of opinion that whilkoy was the product. of mun, [hm it in not ulle of (hose thing: found Honing down the, river. No such creaturo .- viii-key cnmo tram God. He nude Iomo humor- on- comment: mpootiu tho virtue unmatimea ascribed to uni oy ll poo- p?e only drank whut the doom! rota-ib- wuuld be :11 right: but i. at nm. IIVIOI All lhn Almw' ood are b about ha wlun Hwy urn worth. 5: TIM-2M AT I had newor seen noomuululy unonm by it. Nor did In believe at tho world had received any permanent benet [you it. They hoard noun 05,, "Why M the gqu crentnn of God beende became - few drink too lnnoh of it, but it u- ningnlu, 00. that non. nonl- culled Anything God'l couture oxapt whiskey. (laughter. He did not con uider whiskey one of I mum; In know thlt ll:- di-tillnrin And -uu-ul- I'll-null. Ho had hoard no ugth (or it worth a moment'u con-identical. Ho Ind um seen - mln'l attuth lama-d by it. he had noomnunity beneted by I tint [ha Iorld I000 I! D. m to my in favour o! 33.3.3"; i?u"i7'm"m" mould MN 110 M not. red in IA. in Inn-ml- nl ill ill] us Q [(1 ion) 01 me Mrlplurnl warning um "no mnl the Kingdom mvun. This sentence was Bu pluin uecunld nut understand why men nu cummon I other 5! may Jim-:11 criminal retain his af- I. he be an nothing, 1| tur himself, or is but. (Ap- ) A m ancd II I: Baron. (oi'cur de Paris. l c'h:h'0u- run 0 It"! 0071'! W In. and but. A 5:27;." "- Patents of Invention. DUCATIOI r03 ALL-Aunt (mural J Ind Uulvmrjenovillmum. Pond-I In 185.5. (Joann-d Mud) sod [hull-uh. hr Ina-law I. Unlunthurm fur.- rhcn' (mm II-nu kind Io! all [ruin cl mace-m Coll-u. In: do... To x. lam! mun bk. Aha-dry (A4203: be ldmdlc _nd aha. To by. Iain! bu. Mun-Ir!- Lollqo l4... land and 1"th ml, 0! 7" an. Want? huh-Jun 2. Inland-An I0 0min- Knowledge alher Ihan Choice; uni- _ vv .-. vnn VI-VI "In" I VHS. Brock Street, Four Dom from Market Square. F YOU WANT A (mun SUIT. F'anhinnnlyCuhemllsnl worlmwuhlpntolnsTrlm- Hung-u. In low prim-u. you Inn-I go In the nbovo well known Clullnng "4mm. whom you Vlllml [ht- LARGEHI AND MUST COMPLETE STOCK OF Foreign and Canadian Tweeda,Olothn. hncy 00ctinn,0vercostinp,&c of UMP wn WI "Ilka up GnnnDnlA on our rural um clua Itvla (or Inn manual-m. .n a. I; v: v.5 nuu vuumlnu I WUUuD,VlUU which w nu'l house in Allln w du. REA DY MADE CLOTH Fuminhhn Gouda, Huu And Gaga. h- mural": VERY IA WENT Pawns ll .Mlcmuc 'rn w emu. on. I! CHEAP. REIEIBEB your aye-ill)! in not. You may (-onumim both by buying mm of i Gage Brors.A-|arm Clocks | Hum-g it I 11qu time and tin he up hi time for blullul. A zoud nu; pl, of . of dim-rout \ EU. A. 1!" Inland llr WWHI Quit-'19.: pl.- I I uh. w Inn-Andy... Snub-24 .42.. u, u: "PjumliNf'thv- any Muwaunqumm- %. Noll'er-bfwg u .J-AUJ sunu .1: NEWEEBEkvih-Imc S'FBRE. 'annb Qty-M- Wan: an rm Ila-1.1.6 0...... nouw In mm m; LADY MADE CLOTHINGour Block Cu m. var largo nml I." A; VERY WEST PRICEs. ll MEDIHE THE PLACE ". DIVA-"I --Aal-' -___ CAUTIONTWTAHE mum muffs. .p Thu New Dominion Monthly. - 1 your eyuixht in mm nuvwmmmizo HMSI'IIH'E THE LOW PRICESr- Overcoats from ................................ 5.00 upwards, Men's Good Working Pants from .............. .. 2,00 Good Canadian Tweed Suits, all Wool..... .. 10.00 Pine Pants ........................................ .. 2.75 Tweed Vests .... 1.00 White Shirts . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.90 Shirts and Drawers... .0 . o u A larga Stock 0 FLANNEL Slllliis mun..me on hnndn EXTRA um: mnma run LARGE MEN. Jr lhm't [nil m remember the plum to man Burg-Inn. THE PEOPLES CLOTH'INEMH-BHIEISE, 21 Brook Street Inn: tn MnWQIvnvh mum. \ WA 'I'UIIES $2113 le'L Elf Y, I mum ur AU] unuuu IKICEB. You can Save 25 per Hunt. by 031Lng at Livingston? Plow: mku nolin-u that hiu Shmk ul READYMADIC Ln'lHan (. nn- H ...... -L nnnnn .. law G. Livingston, 2| Brock Street, lk HV'IhDMthh 'I1\ L ~,_ _.._ ..._ .. v v. vvuv- v umku till unm uwun r J 6 READY-MADE CLOTHING In new. Fuhlmbly Cut, Welllu1lu,1|lldmllnnl in vvury I-nnlmt-L to unyCUSTUl WORK mule In 50 cllv. KIRKPATRICKS FANCY STORE. v u... u\,r u .m- I Cuhnn. nnmruunnls Illl'4 IIIILIL a. PMVO~T. IIM'I I'llll'. C .00!- m- lurid Iquv. 75'- This in the place tn lmy the cheapelt Clothing. The be mine in (Homo-LI. ,, LLW- _._..__1:: . cEZii iiiNfER cLorm IS DETERMINED IU SELL READY-MADE CLOTHING AT LOWER prioou And iva murv- Vuluv than uny other Store In tho oltv. .- ha mnnufmlum- All hl- IIIEAVMUH UHDEHSFUR [1me WHERE YOLH ION AIH do Laces, 'Irimmiu Nov lillb. Hy. Lowndes, Liverpool House. w nurturing n nun-inn", N.B.0ur Bonkalwingclooal pleas (in not uk for credit. All nocouutaduo tn um must be paid at onca. P. H. -__.____ term- MI-IV Wu u: give u n lmunvnc nlnl A Bargain Guaranteed td Every Buyer. P. IIAR'IY. Lutres, Borges. Cords, Ia mutual. am: Wups. Puma. ens. Iain, Coho? All Wool shown... An Dru: Goods, gunk Silks. colored Silks, Blk Volvotsolor'd do. Wool Pludn Bou- ln blind that the Great Halo commenced on the l6: lustlnt, and will wntlnuo for Two Weeks, TO BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST OR VALUE. Tho Good. mun be told Ind in ad" to nuke nick Illa, tho ' prion- Ii" be lound n ind-uncut to apt: to ' a nuke a large pumhm. Oct. 30th. IP. HARTYS GURED FR_E__E 0F urns mum-1 tom: loam up ' Innue- cued mum: m. land for v.- #11 2le to 13;" I. egnuuo. at .hl.u-' r - to 0: one: when out mppm. y Dnuhyu mu bottle: 85 mu . A line Chaney: tor the [nahlulu. lu- pin to be given lW.I Nov 20. "'ViiLI a. [I DA". (Vol I M d: nn 1 "all Bi'zazzkets! Dans Goons LAME ANT) . -CURED FR_E__E OF 0031)., | Ul'll'lill I [V Ill) 'l'(? vulm Hood, and I'OR THIS WEEK PEOPLES CIDIHING HOUSE." >0 take NI. well mud, uml n-qunl IDEFY COMPETITION IN PRICES MID WMKHAUIHIP. l'IIE PRICES; Vlfgcnswkn 5n OFFERS GREAT BARGAINS IN : III) N) ALI n 1].. A Nuv IM'I, "SOMETHING NEW um um amusmuc UFUE'I'TINU THE NEWEST AND MOST l [UNABLE HUUDS at prices m low In any other bouleiu the city. Mr A perfect Fit guanutoed or no sale. 1!? Atthe Emporium of Fashion, D .. _ ._, Great Clearing Sale of Drona Goods. 000 Great llurgulns for the Next Sixty [buys It the III! -Al' n. -_------ _. GOIJD. __ vv--- U Brock Street, (next to McKelvoy& Birch'u.) IIIIDI In I Ilrll'ln. I an L Hugs, Gloves, I .' ARE SURE 0F GETTING FASH HE mice: m low Ill .m- ml... hm...;.. n... .m- Liverpool House, ......-...._ - u vvuyvlvm' - my, vv-uu'Inl VIII mung-,0; ska rlt le for hu man" thin my uthir READY CLOTHINGour Block of My lads Clnthm (Inn'- yr! mud. Ind will he uni M. "m Im-tun Steinway, Chickerlng, IIIInI Merchgnt Tailor. vuuulllun III rnlvso III PRICES: m alum. Nanny-MADE CLOTHING LOWE nun olty. he unuufuolurao All hl- In! you hnvu Hm udvuntnxe of buying them It MANUFACTURERS PRICES. l' n n I nun. . _.. , . READY-HAch CLOTHING Fauna-bl} mama-L "DC ally. ' "EIIIII LUIIIIIIIOg "100' Prince-I Shoot, 3 doors lbove Wellington St. _m__,_ (In do do '1' Mllllo' 'Mfll 7, Th Don-aha M vii h-Oflt. humnhn - mud-7......puu AAIm mud. Hg-Ivan mount a. but. and" uh lulla- lat-Hub. W; a. ("Mu a... mu. 5. pm: "Willam- u 1! ll: lldhuhdthmmld m 'I Tlfovlolo mum-hm..me l "mmmmmmm Dom hllluuuul MI I vb h.- numb-nut- Isll forti- In. EJAIU'A'I-E ll can m In W. ..nhm-uau- h A Branch of our Toronto Establishm'nt ' UN WELLINGTON STREET. HIS CANADIAN IAGAZIKI In olovlv dun-nul- of 1-- h... lnn.AI._ I "I! CANADIAN IAGAZIII Ilovlv I but natal worked I n, Mo I. laun- Ind hoon tho-und- of on but Gunman funilm But a logqu om. leap of m 4 Dom-bu. would not on u: elm-Igua- at; highly lawn-uni mm III, of which an Illa-W sad the t by Candi-- nation. +50 Dgnbu III will MN. I n loath, truck caudal I - _ , Twill. But Inn-in Ito-pol u- ? Dom-tog. stop Lulu-lub- oh for thou-Id. It child a, ulna on- VIN] until I lug. elm-lulu hnubod. 11:. I m. kmlhoiof lmocllbd with M; I; Inter-n miolu, of which "In-mud, Idorlly by { DRESS GOODS FROM 100. WINOEYS from be. LADIES' JACKETS from 81.! NAPP CLOTHS. BLANKETS. FLANNELS. HOSIERY. FANCY GOODS. FIHLLINGS. .1 Auvunvu] w Duuu l-} CHARLES LIVINGSTON. Whom wv w-H lump an Inmrtmnnt of MUSIC IUHIL Mmle and H CNERAL IU- lt'Al. MEHCHANUISE Also "Oh and m MUM. 1.1-]. _ul _L_- -_ _.___. .n L_ , -our stock of Bondy .1; ml and a LACE HENRY LOWIIDES. iStmt. Ibove Wellington ORGANS PIANQTEQBTES WK INN} Tl) INFORM THE PUBLIC 0|" Kingnwn and [Inn surrmmdingwumry tlnu. wc ham opened 10 hula-Ma MM! Mun-I unl alum which no elm when lit pub in iron:- uylm ""p'llulfld out" man handb- u- nnu-umm. yio I." A. & S. NUHDHEIMEH' :IMEUSIG STORE the Momma for the In! lap-lulu In! his plus within a [or month-.1 In. to or. Ibe Wm of Lila Cltyol King-ton Ml ii" uni belClndldlh tonic with In" hold, lad that I will commence I put- mlcuuvm of the city In L few days. I not I] claim to [he punlt'wu on what I hve Il- mdy done. and win-u elected will follow on In the can Itr-ightfonnrd course I hue Il'lVl purnuod. huh: u an Jingle to the pro-parity"! Iha Pronum, [ho adv-uremenl of u! city. and npochllv to "In wolfum of my WI. ROBINSON. "nu follow Iurklurn us, , . \v ,, .1 uuu .nuunmn, or which in are "no on.) Inthoriud Axon for the Dominion etc-11min. (10. PRINCE sh. L'IL. which are Imlnnd um umqu Um holwr uu HELUNI) HAN PLANO? and far lulu Am! lur Inn In the Golden Lion Block, GITY 0F KINGSTON. G. J. JDVII'. IIIUIAICB A6381. mu. idea-Hue Ital-t. Clu- pu m. but... WM pd Kin Ina-h. All but..- nm In his: In: with pro-mud cud-l nun-u. 'lo'u'mu. an slum cows .4 Mat '.myh|l a AILbe am In an. Prion-u alt-L - ' WMLMMO-oln , 13. Gun. (thou-mm w Mull gums-km! 01' no all"... In! In printed Innucuout Am, a mull-I In your. Ill-1N RY (MUST, Una-5, Ont. IAA_|_I I ..... -- u;.n- 1.- B-A_a. , twm'. mnuo'or IMO. mm Van-uh (w "a. Tuoplu, nun-runab- om. M. luck. k. W. I..qu King-mu, Nov l5, ISIS. mummy. multh luv-lung "ulna-11 amt-rt: "i m "23 blpechllly than a! the f future" 2 PinSFOZONE ! ""ri's'fiiihb' Eiii'i'" WELLISUTUN STREET. Ilpn-lnkunly and MI] bound ll CANADA. UNITED STATES AID IUIOPI 1'0 'I'IIE ILICIOBS 3-.."...umu. J \ Ml] ad nply In uv nun-nun. m at Ottawa. Hamilton. St Cithnv London, Hb 'mumm). I'Im'k Slmlvrn. Hnok Hhulvu. Hllppnr mum, Sllppar lucid. Htrrmm-oplr VII-w llulnlurnmmn v Nholl ('urnn and Hills Wnll ml and plum uwml. all all Ind u oodn to b sold It rrlnru ml REPAIRING caraquy Il- ur Drivva hum-1 rmwmnhle and |r privva hum-,5 rmwmnhle and mum n iuluudlng purclmwrn mll. annurmz fur and honest I lemuzh ambahwlion to I" ll'l ll IDunlmm "n4 but Ospeoinlly thou, on 3U.,wllich are uluow ' lhn hunt" mnkan. h. hug undid . u-l "owl-in. u dam-0pm. and a min I; know-sum. Iota-lat khan. lllll and llulnes, Mull-nu. . yio "mt-w. _ out. K-lbl-u. no gnnqihipd-huu autumn-Inn Ill-unw- dwbwumdynnhr. nu. anon-pm Inn-ll M psi-w punitide AL. hldd-h .JL-hn- wg Ulllllll'l.Th. glam-inn .1 III. Colloinh Inuitth in in lull opontion. Through an kinds. 0! may Irina-ll 0mg! subscription hug ban nuin to put it in n podomdition. It min. 0! mp... my... vaulting, Mount-l And [:an ha. Th [allo'ilm mol- cm; I). A. Gin-o, B.A., W; B. CM, 30cm; 1'. Roman; I. Squad, Field MI. h. It". and. u I... Hour: ad 3M, 3,; .L- n-__;AA .1 II b _ r n-.~ CANAIIIA! Mn!rul.1."The Decen- ber number of RmrBellord'e Damian Monthly will comm. the opening chapter of June: Plyno'e (net story Under m mof," I muterly end peninent pepet by Prof. Held-in Smith on the Allhuieuu question, I delighllul etudy 0! Shelley by Walter Town-end, en eble review of Mr Stevene Cenede under the AJninie- lntiou 0! lbs Kul of Du'erin." by Wu. J. Runny, e beeulilul poem by H. L Spent", u: idyl by Fidelie. I... w _v Wobopounboylvillonjayml i w-_ SILENDIU vawuh.The aunt. of J... S. Yuker,of King-ton, which wu plncod in the bands of Mr. Kent, 01 Baauwliol und Kent, usignool, Months], A your ngn, in now plying the In! divi- dend of 34} cents, mnkiug on! of 96 com: on the (lolllr plid to the croditorl, That in not only to the credit of the aunt. but tuthe manngomcnt u well by the usigneo. ._ A. a -4->o CAN\'LLAL\'G.~\V0 no now consciou- of the renun Inmu of Sir John's admirers lulmurl m zealously in hit inure in the recent election. The publ'uhed Into- ment of the Igent than that two of them '9er pm] SH) etch fur canuuing. md they munde to got the "grate-t mm. nun that ever bruthod" within 146 of being ngnin M. l. for King-ton. Pntriot- ism (to 'lutiu). thy name nun. lthy lucn E -ok. Salaam-Imam. uni-cola id mud tum .c an bnh m m rpm-I. Inlet-u o: vw.__ (huxh LIIIUI'LThe Urnnd Lodge of Hood Tomplnra, which open: in Nip: nee on the 20th imtt, will reprolent nbuut 25,000 meniberl. Thin only in- clulea the Dominion. Mr. Edwud Bot- terell "rived there on Tuoadly to make arrangumouu. o0or-. lumeu U0l'lt1.:\ case of assault, 85 and casts; a case of curly formul- ling, ned :33 and cuts. Thin wu the lumlleat number of offender. there hue been for some time. Drunkl didn't. euro yesterday to be wet"inlido And uuuidu. w. r__ Yu'urlNu.-Cunninghmn'l Ilip, u 3 hemlqulrter furthe yacht, in I Iucceu. Then: are nuw laid up nur hil boat. house: for the winter uven of the" bolls ~lhe Laura, Emnm and Zitolll, Lon tum; Merhn. seven Luna; Myuery and Valentina, five tons. --~ o~~~ (ll-mu llamaThe Open House in becoming nicmmorphused into}! bountiful building. The entrance on Princeu Street is being opened. Freacoing be- gin: tn-mnrruw. It is hoped that in the coup;qu two or three weeks it will be opened.) Arrwn 11'. Street Church c well Attended, being already I ...-..o. -m. mun ..l I 1\i('llIl-ZN'I'."IhiB morning Mr. John my, while Wurking at the erection of the Ihjus' Brewery, fell from the scaffold and broke his right leg, belidea injuring his back auveruly. He In carried to McUnInmnn'n surgery immediately. ->.r 40>? Tmc DBL]IMTuIL.The monthly lut- iun paper, publllhed by Mum. E But- tanck h 00., in a pnblimtion which holdl 1 good place In the animation o! the public. The plate: and the matter are equally attractive and Interesting. - 0.9 ...., ... ...v ,c... nu... -. "mum. . mun. To: lluuw. Nu rupoctable store cnn excel him in low prices. ~ - .o_ - .cwol-_ Fuos'rnu: Wum.Mr. Alfred Mu lin, of Princess ntrect, announcel himsell u : candidate in Frpntenu: Wud. Mr. Martiu'l emailent huniueu hnblu would umku him a good alderman. m... Yot' need not pay big prices At my time {or yuur uroceriu. A Chrilunu sale I the year round It Roddeu'l Chin- IL.- ll ..... .. U _, -n-..d..klu -A--- -_ Wumlixgranmmcmi A CALL Awun-w.Tho Rev. Ed'lfd Sullinu, of the Twouli-th Epileopnl Church,onu at the moat populu pruchen in Chicago, In. mapud I 0:11 to St. tieorgu'l Church, Mann-ed. 9.0 EQUALIZATIOF.A" the evidence in thin cu. bu boon ken, And it now land. lot judgment. The d. hu not been xed, but due notico till he givon when it will occur. ....__ BungA hup nhonld p0 put up non the MI. Church in com-u a! aru- tion, In it. in not al- to pan um loo-lily of: duk night. .- Tun comm thin. (or holidays, that and dim: portion, will! the Vmity F-ir Cngmlm, lilh your mom. Pmunuuu.-8L Im: Koda- nu vinh And cloudy to pad] cloudy wanker, with local lho'OfI. l Shaggy gratin} [Paint Shop Remova um d 1 on u not"! Dip way-Luann! maul-y "It, racism? 17736; 'xov: iii13784 TII 0| 0' If. AIDIIVI DIV-l}. hind (II-bth nish-43.3.. L- -_A- A.- IAI- on? [110 rlolllrr. "'00!th Yuk SO'HM -O~ lT.Thu choir of the Queen rch choir thin awning will be led, the majority of the nut. ady marred. The mange- :umpleted for therepetition of L in ananee to-morrow oven- . n,. 141..I 1.0.1240. 03C! MOI! UKLUI'IY. r The [Mr/IIng- rn report: : Lut {All 3 puty of gentle- man in touch 0! docl visited one of the bait Ish- in the not-thorn part of the County a! Addington. They nut-lei from Contn'ilh, uni cook Iith tlmm I (ha deal, hono', amumnili-un. ctr , no- (y for the campaign. 'hnlnl um of tho My III ulnde Ihorue, H'glll In- nthor Inimnl lorun! by pmuvm-Zing him Ii"! I gun, 5 mo Vllorom huge-4h. [on hing waded10d to the dischqu ol the Inpon and tho homo ultimuo uth. Tho no pun] thin year tent out on Another eta-pain, md during Mju sloth! hon. 'u killed. A ht not. halting upditiom by lh'u put, you, vi": . continuum 0! Inch lid. "I!" in tantrum. Inn. Cm humIr. W. by. high-tin to no i.- dem Mao-pound I out cl Royal Canadian ham thick I.- L. 8. Nodboiur h" pub: all. fit, madam ho. and Ah-Mm... Yonm Ploru'u Associnmx M (u A] . Mliui' CIIL'KCH.Th0 lbove Auuciaiiun, of which we mule mention iii our last wuk'n inuo, wu lnt evening duly or- ganized. The raport uf the committee Appointed to dun - cmutitutinn was nduptod in it: entirety. Mr. Mncnee was Ippointod Chnirmm 1nd M r. Mncfanrlane Secrelnry. The meeting then proceeded to olact it. oioorl, with the following re lull: Rev. Mr. Mchaig, President; Mr. M. (1qu, Fir-t VIC. lruidout; Mr. E. H. Dichon, Second Vice President; Mr. John E. Rots, Secretary; Mr. W. Mac- Ioo, Trouurer; Exocuun Committee. Mum. Jlmsl Mncnoe. W. J. Gan and J. Mchnn. The Executive were an- thorizod to nuke nrnngomouu fur the at meeting, which will his place either nut Thnmhy or on Thur-shy week. - ()ne Giddingl hu been victimizng the hotel prepriuora of Kingnun. He protondl to get up line hotel reginlera at Inn guros, 1nd ner contracting with hndlorda and printers he collect! the amount! and Ikipl, leaving the matter to be sealed by the victims of the little joke. v-.. ., l ..... __J _____.V ,,_ Mntche| hIVU gone up consider sbly. A parent was heard to my the other day, who hu nix unmarried dungh- tern, that match" were fewer now than they were in his earlier dnya. A "numb m. tum In .mtinn Hm