Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1878, p. 2

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"at'0' m- I! 11".! it Ito-Ham to w, Am calm-anhnIgiun'glu- may. can-u uy nu wanton u an. 'l'lun Imnho tight hp 0! paid" in an aim. . Thin; non you in the nine tho this. m In. killed out! right. night or (a tom-62d, Ind my other: mmd no In. mloaon that their livu Inn. by a To- Ind Sal Hudfurd, ve of the "optical". mamong the killed. A gnu crowd, wad-ting mostly of reign, luv- pthor ad sound tho in, ad their haunt:- tiolu nu pitiluL ataluluanl I all me npproprmuonl Mllu expenditures from the Null vu |l Treasury fur puhllu mrl private purposes in the District uf Uulumhin. frum July 16th, lTJU, to June 30th.1873. ahuwmg also :he repayments, amounts carried to the Hirpllia fund, receipt: from sale of public l .m, etc, with such notes and referencel ms might be requisite for a lull umlur- amnding of the tunmcliona. ln cum plmnce with thin Senatulial order a am..an has been prepared at. the 'lrcnanry which clumpriaea a con-Mme historyof all the District approprimxonn ever made. It has boeu printed in bowl; form and makes a quarto vulume 0 221! pagan. So carnfully in it prepared that In uuntuins index. hemlinu. dlvillnna I DU curmuuy II N: prepurcu Llll. H. cuntuins index, headings, and nub-diviniunl, and allows to the Iuinut-nl detail the lyecic purpose lur which every doll-r ha: been expanded. Tho point. Inn-t inter-ling to the! gamer-l imblm is, of course, the grand total of . not vxpelerlllrea, which in $92,112,395,- 37, $30,000,10qu which has been paid {-rr street improvementl. sewers, and ull)0f!l\ll)1iu wurka in whirh only citizens mm Dlslricl ham 5 special llllerth, and the rest, fur the erectinn of public huiMingu, 030., for the use of l he National I IVurnmenL Dun-d, thn New [Liver murderer, has made a aucuul statement, estates lhnt nhnul {unro'clnck in the aftoruonnuf the 'IAL r u ,.,._...l, W. Lu; L -n- -na nul luuro cmcx III w n of Suptembcr Inst } nu harrvum. nnd ml A Remedy For [Ir-alone". (From our own meapoudmli) I... h:_.. I..- Mm; -kgn mun-n.- A Murderer's Statement. WASHING")! LBI'IER. --..o . ~ There A: dntculty m the Toronto Tar] camp. The Ippar cnut" of the L'. E. Club Iunt Hun. Mr. Mom: at the our nlidate who u 1-: contest Hm Int recent- ly held In the L: Cal lmgulnluro by Hon. Mr. ('axmrmu, And the Irurkingmen wlut Mr. llavmNwwau FLU-l. How the (B! 7W 154m) n- Ind I... 9| #1 11]. Ml: . , Nov. 20 mu BRITISH me. FRIDAY; NOVEMBER :2, 1m uuun "I luv | returning we nf nnwn, oft-och! innit-V3.4!!! The. .I I- Ds... In; 'nunm not aim- and Ira-uh duh-M I). 'Ipww'ncv . Wmmmr .J pub-ind pal- Mudl-lzpdnhnllivdilm '. llhn MW [HA M 9Wmai-ltp-uu-Iwuv_ it}. [Ii-u- I w Mm'mumntinhdb. I akin-min Ii. llepl II must I I. ...- ,m. n. I... 'uiily. ,/ TM. gown", in II I It] dull, In. Jud-cur, mu. Kama-a- ii- I unit-ting tween M. [mun hum-mun nun m. rul'" tonnexMmmcr ul the Interior, took place unrly this morning. M. Uninbettu It is said resorted tn almunt every means to avoid a duel ahOrL of o'uriug an nbjaot apology, hut M. Frunmur was determin- ed to tight. Ha is reported, however, to have been greatly dlaaulislied at (iam- bella's choice of weapons and at the din tnnca agreed ule by the Incondu 35 pncor. Eenrly this morning the cum- lmtunt: with their socmula and surgeons repaired to the gruund clmaan near Uhuhxliiannml lhedurl look place. As was expected the exchange of shotl was quite harmless and nuimer party touch- ed. Paris in laughing over the event hpalnv Luguny. Amherat, N .I,, 1 Cux, who, suum mg with Mr. Leed,ui ceutly acnulod Lhu knew nnLhiug of m; aunt. illneas WlliC I uy lvlr:'lu'>u .V. __,,, I : Noam-1', Xnv. 22,Tho vict- [0'1] n- ! orphan unl. H u not lully determined, bk. plum II lion-venture Dopot. A modulation in publulnd thin not-uh. doclnnng Ibc thy of u Builder! II- rinl a holiday. One hundred polio. 'l be on duty n ma 0090., upon it uri- rd. Th. Caledonia: '3" one! u: 1rd: mdpmoltnuo-or'ulb Hi. Elulloncy wIioiting tho but Ind wiri- 1...- .1 nmim hm- mu'o ol that No- \u: "wr-r- 5" I Not York, Nov. 21-1! dovolop- monk in tho Saran mall with", on. an auu of coincidom, thick my hdp in during up in history. Sunni dandy, who are touching for u huh. Ina. it. in lurnod. null-d nix it In." Newark, Ni, Nov. 2114: lat night Joseph Cook said lhu on Wednu- day evening he found on the bank of ne rivers Iubbar blanket. sewed together in the Ihupa of a bag. Ono end was open and emitted a horrible Itench u of lint. of n decomposed budyi Later he noticed three men cunning up the river and stopping. A: the upper end of Mount. Plenum Cemetery nm of the men Atop! Led ashore, exchanging hil high hat for a cap. Iledianppcarad in tho bush wood and in a short time returned with two wheels and a broken buin of- buggy, which he placed in the boat. The men then ruwed down tho ILream. - It in thought the bag contained a boily Ind that mu men had disler of lhe mm in tha Meat. The case is being invostigl- ted LU'dy. wguay. November 21. Eul.her any in possessed, resided this place, untilre- idea of spirits, and mugnutium. After a re- cent illneas WlllCl loft her in a severe nervuua prrmlrahnu, about ten weeks ago she hurlsuumthmg umlrnuching a. trance. from which lluvmg rccuvcrutl, she subco- quuully ulvvclupml HM. prerful medium or smnothm: rlso, whch neither she nor any une also can explain. She has been frequented by some puwer which hu done most. unaccounlahla things, such a! upsetting beds mul lml clumlug, Convey- ing beldin; lu dim-ran parts of the mum nn-l making an unaccountable noise. Chairs and tables have followed her about the hnuse, and in her presence mu. 1.... I\.nr\nI-\n hmumi tn hmlimz mint. Inervrma prrmrauuu e i smnmhin : v ...... . .n. nI... nun n\ The In general u (hey new I._A n... an abatement. Uhiol Lama-ll rcwiveil a telegram yea- terday mornng {min Jellersunville, lndi- unmatalinu that the p')ll08 of that. city knew of tho whereabouts of the man Cannaron, whn, With his brother, now in gun], rubbed Mr. Uummingi Of 3700 in ciali and 87,00 in notes. llpon receipt nil le telegram n cunsulmliuu took place in Icleroucu m Ilse mauur. ll w decid- tn aeinl :1 Cunsmhla at, once for the thief, whose arrest the telegram nid could be e'ectel at any time. Mr. Lou,Q.C., (.rown Alluruuy, states that, the crime fur \ lnah Lmierun's brucher was tried in larceny, hllll is not an oxlmlitable W: hen. lt m lldbiblo no arrest will l-c ma-Iu, but iliit. Mr, Cumming! will visit .Jvlfersunvilla mid endeavor to mouvu the Halo pmperty. P ( Honour. of the [lull Pulice Farce, n. ma u... man cuvmmhla 0 {elem e'eccel stat! L'Anleruu's l mu m probable Cu . J'. .l|.; nml 1.11.1 Ilulan I, C. (ioneat, Hull returned to liull last mght will: the pn- suner Deault,cnnrged wnh being impli- caled in um recon: alleged nutrnga on the girl killurnn The 311'. Intel um linoo Illa hu bem staying In tho Gloon Hon! null, mm mall had nn interviov with her. And N rmtened to nuke thing- lively if she dul nu: atop proooodingl. The girl Also uknowlulgu that. oh- In mind up in a ucqndal which In the cnmo ul hvr going; to Montreal in the rst place, and that the hld Ipokou of le matter (0 Duult bsfure he hid noted improperly [I'lrdl her, I)". Cook And Hmhnm yesterxhy um!!! 13 medic-l oxu mimnrm n! thn girl, and I! prohny gvoovnlonc. before (he llecurder. uncanny-no was [or In. body, urn, in loaned. roe-lde dun ago. Oneal an Imp-cud Ion. Burk-Jul bun indicmd fur {mu-v. anyl Uncut "I. nap-cud Burke, bu bun indicud fur forgery. Anolbor, lemd, ha been disohugod. Th. police at. looking for Wm. [1. my, Iodl vim mannhcturor, Ibo in upon- ed to have bottled up Shim'l ram-ins; they no also looking for Put-bk Gm ham. mining. Neither an bo' found lines the vault robbery. The rm up a genclousn tho it in I position to know All the point- tlut Inn bun mined, mom that u lent In two stages of Swnrt'u one it bu nppmutly been on the verge of n Iuddun cloning un, Thn annLlnmnn would not lullv ex- been the or luau-n closing up. The gentlomnn would not fully plnin the came of failure, but the mluro ol the rst step m-y be conjocturbd by my one who will take troublo ta group fuels. The police no working vigorou ly to nd Dr.'Geo. Cllrimirn Wuhiug- ton, romrroclionist, Ind no making to gain more kuowlrdgo o! the myltorloul Mr. Dough-u, whose partisl resembluuee to 'Christisn ha! caused the detective. to suspect them to be identical. Jndua Hilton lav: ' \Vn lnva [10 Inspect mom to a Judge Hilton found the body; w it it" The (.ambettu l)uel--A F4::le--A Tl'tmre and Powerful )lmlmm. her about the hnusc, and In ner prenuucu wnter has become heated to balling point. This mystermm phenomenon is vouched ful by dllerent mix/"mu who have witnes sed xlm Mm c AH professional men fur a lung dwtunw nr-mnd regard the occun name with wmrlarmunt and have veried its accuracy in All in details, and are at I Inna how w account fur it. \.,.. ,. . _. Ottawa, Nuv. ._"J.VAThis is the sixth day that it has rmucd and no pronpoctl of nbatemunl I'M! I up... rmuivml n Lelwmm rel- W: :1sz NOW In on snow [dumb but m d. , Awful H'wailu'l'u'l'ht' Hoh(;cru--'I'IM '1 Hcc- I'd-gal Ifrrrpon Ha I! } lure and A npecl~Trade Alatlerm-Tlain-mg, (fr. 0 U f m U- u" VICl Body or my Yd mm, TIIE swim LAST NIGHT'S NEWS. my whaling In m an pun- lnu-ing pawn o- / (121/ Tvlvgmph 'lu-l (By T'll-jlrh Tn day.) (By My; hid-u) VH-I. \Yn- M_'..g-l 1| uunln.... . hell the hr logic. 0mm. be mammal. | says: luvs not ;we LllJ not know when Vu' ( 'um min gs Latest Sum- ;- buy.) The Graphic}; ipntud duel be~ 1 and M. For- Inna-an Onnh violent an a nun-l in the Alpl. Lime Nov. 21-). 103 still continues In! I:th The and Cht- bourg' eollidod vi". to Ink-own but and In put-on rm drowned. 1h MChrboon" oullidod will and In drown-a. Tho WChrbourg" Ii n Ilka-I but and u pan-m drained. Tho lo. nun emu-In. nu muss mnuor up "is vsusy. The fine: of India publishes 39d despstch from Thull unionuninl that it British troop. occupied Fat vithout resistance, the Algilll roiling hurriedly. Fort Kspiqn, Ol' hpmo, is s sution boyond the frontier Illa op- posite Thsl. or Thuu. lu sbsndonmont or sumnder cu suticipstod by tho Iri- tuh force st Thull, which. it is bolisvod. is designed to much to tho hand at Khurum valley. to drive out. tho Afghsn {area there, snd secure the highest poit of "L: u-m in readiness for s further Ad- uuce in the spring or for coopsntion with the fore. operating sgsinst Jollslv bsd. Though tho Khyber Pm force is under the communal of Gen. Roberts and consists of two brig-d, no resistsoee is expected until the upper and of the Khu- rum valley is reached. Thu native tribes in tho vslley profess good will. Lon] Cnnbruok's deanstch to Lord Illuw' w.- ted or (IMLUI ataten : The Ameer having repelled England's friendly advanoel, persisting in hit! un friendly isolatiou, and ultimately having two years ago drcllued to receive the Bri- tish Envoy, even tempurarily, within his territory, on the ground that he could not guarantee hll safety, and would not, therefore, be left with nny excuse fur de clining to receive the llnuinn minion, has Welcomed, With every appearance rt ostentatiou, an embassy from the Car. despatched to his court at I. time when there Were indications that thn intarrupA tinn of friendly relations between England and Russia might be imminent. The Aineor'a reception of the Rulsian uiiuion at Inch a time iiud under such circum- atances left him nu further excuse for do- cliniug to receive at his capital an envoy from the British Gwernnmnt. The con- duct of the Amoer Wu: whnlly without justication. He was awarerum various communications, that Russia had given nunlllnlan- In Hm {LmArnnmnt n of tnmdy bu! walnut. Indrid, Nov. 22, A number of Spain- ish nun ocon have been mud u thqono {or puticipating in Republi- csn intrigues. l hmlnn. Nov. 22,A dumtch tro- | intrigues. [nod-3|. Nov. dalma- Bouhy up 1 Que. column luv. 0c- cupied Kathy Lake, ton mil (ii-tun. The Weather in imam], cold an! t In! 0' lb. {hoop} Ind. ' Duh Kw 2111.: Ian beta '0" m the ulley role" good mu. Lon] Cnn ruok's despuch Lyttou concerning the Afghnn trouble, of which a lymph; nu sent hut night, statel WI.n mnnl- an:nn rnnullntl England'- duct. or the Anioer wnuily wunuur awaruruiu main assurance: to the (invernment no! lie 1' Majesty to regard the territories an cnnpleteiy beyond the sphere of action. He was equally aware that. the whole policy of the British Government since his accession to the throne, had been t0 strengthen his power and authority, and to prutect him from foreign aggression by every bond of international cuurlely. I well an by the treaty engagement of 153.3, exilting between the Mn countries, bind- ing him to be a friend of our friends and an enemy of our enemies. The Aumer we: bound to a line of conduct the re- vereeuf that which be adapted. In re porting to Her Majesty's Government the fnrcihle rrjectiun of your friendly mission. Your Excellency txpleued the convictiun f " z} (hu'ernnient of India that. this depri. . the Amour of all furth- er claim upon Li : forbearance of the Bri- tish Govarnment and neceuitated inltunt action. 1.....1 prankrnnb nuunnn hm] I.vH.nn acuon. Lord Cranbrnok ansuus Lnnl Lyltnn of the cordial support of Her Majesty's Government. A Alumni, cm him-n 'lhuI-allnu uoverument. A (leapntch frmn Lalmrv, Thursday, saynzlf the attack on Fort All Muaiid ll luccessful, the advnnced brigade will press fnrvmnl mul oncump unit-ida llm Pass. It is uuly intenilud to push the advance of the column to Dalilm, near Lnlpura, this winter. The Queuali column will halt nt lisheen unul itia joined by (leumal Stewart. The Khu- mm column has occupied Fort Ahmed- i-umn 'lhn llntish force advancing column nan (wfllplud rnlL numeu- illnma. The British force advancing from Quottah has arrived at Hnuhluk, tan miles diutnnt. The cold is intense, and about 100nm! are sick in each ragiment. Warm clothes are urgently requirod. Anxiety is fe-lt regarding the weather. [A proclnmaiiun of the Viceroy has been rend tuthe Hooch chefs, stating that war will only Lu) waged against the Ameer, and ndviniuu [he naule tn lenminut their Liverpnnl, Nov Zl.Dur|ng tins evening the city wan shrouded in a w unlany dame fog. The nvur Ind hu- hnr Ian n mien-I no obscure lhlt navi- murIaDIy name [01. AIM! nvur Inu mu- bor were In mlerml gltion bccmno extremely pervlqul, and In greuly impeded, craoping from m rinrinto the city. The to: caused nu nlmou midnight darkness. Strut llllpl Ind shop windmu were lighted up, hm the dentity 0! he tug Iended It. dAn ~ germ:- fur even ptduuinnl. und in lha strut: hone: Could scarcely be made to move. A number 0! mm! accident- u-a rowrud, but none are of n seriou- chlncter. / I1-.l:- V... )l _'l'h- Rmnarnr Il'u. npclnliul tended . Urmd Duke 0! new. Vianm, Nov. 22,Tho Austrian Inm- poru Imgomeut In anin In" boon oompkuly dinorpniud, owingto the u- tnmely bad vulhct. Hulda. Nov. 22. Span- mu: ol the Voopp but. ' Paris. Nov. 2111;". Lu. boon nry violent in the Alpl. 14...-..1 Nov, 2') -71.. {on v, WIUF ""I London. Nov. 21 A Oak-um Mich up All the column- huo bun (mi-red to am. the frontier and-y. All ub- dohiling the monument of troop to ban opped. A 11ml! (Inpatch a}: u Tooth Hul- I around the frantic: ui tin. o'clock thin morning. They found Fort Kip,- lon obnndoncd. Thm childnn Ind bean um Inonung. may round run up]- lon abandoned. Thm childun Md been left than. Gen. Bobmu' fore. at one- moved for-0rd on Fort Abnodinhuu, ve mile: further thc alloy. The of nublilhn lucid mu only us wageu against me nmeer, and ndvitiug the people renminut their homes. The Qamtuh column numbora 5,260 men. A dlvisi'm commanded by Llontelmnt-(ianeml Duuuld Styawan, numbering 5530 men, has left Moultun for Quetmh. "r-Illuln NnvA 2| Tlm Runninn nrunn uulnuuu. Londun, Nov. 2].:\ grand consulta- iou wan held at the Fnraign Ofce to- dny batwecu the lmiiu Council and the Home authuritiea. The Cabinet Council wan Iubaequently suznmonul to Inth at noon tomorruw. Friday. L ndon, NW. 2210de consultation WM held at the Funigvl ()Hm yuatwrdny between the India uuunacl and Home nulhoritiew A Cabinet Council was nub- sequently awn moucd to meet to-day at. (NHL noun. A doapntuh frun Ilnrawa any! that (ienural Kau'mau hm iurwnxrxled to the Amoern emuly sword, mguther with eulugiatic addreuvl. A? _.__ ch-rncwr. / Borlin, Nut. 2| 'l'ho Emperor [ru- potu to pay I wait of cundolanco In 1h.) 0er Duke of Home. vs.-. Nun '1) _Thn ultriln trum- m Arum: u non-.15. , Wu] tum3m ($- dollmgo Ila-adulm IL- A... for Quetmn. Br-iswls, Nov. 21,The Russian organ Le Noni, in an article on Afghan War, nayLThu repnrts which will duubtlese be propagated relative to cnwplicationl between England and Russia may be characterized beforehand an falle. All prospect of such an eventuality may be put out of the question with perfect u- Illranne. lllfy neva Imvu IHInu ll. Ivu urn? leulv (hut. the Tut] pri'aa. led un by the Mail, wu hadgermg (he linvernment fur dino- lntinn, II) urguntly did the lu'ering country [qurv the mutant application 0' [I'm lvl'l'lh'll remedy of promotion. thn at Itllh Hm (iumrnuont wont to thopaupfc uml warn I'munled to mnke way fur liu- National IvllC", the change wu certainly orctvd mm llm under- A Datum FugVisit of (Hula/- enrculcolcut ,llphu: Storms -. Etc. (D! I'd-9;; run.) m "an 9] _A ml...- A "ME 3-; "tunfuii v 'I.lrgmyh Twlny , lumen lav. Amt, w VI alumna, OI BCIIOUL NEC'I'IOI lo. IM-cram. - Tau-her Incl-In; Mull cl.- mum. :rpiirutw.MI] slur]. b h- nun.- 0 JOB! HAIIAH. Nov 9|". Ibhipyl ID: $69,_gool mm, Inverm When Ivnmh the pet-p50 way N:\ u.-. ,.....n..i..ln UN MORTGAGE OVER APPROVED REAL ESTATE. Bum II no mm: on at tho Unla Etotoo, I _ udnn, Nov. at, 1878. MY Loanl hovo boon inotmtad bytbo Prooidontloo United Btu-h bath! to Hot Mnjootyo (30th tho md,m,)0ingoldooin, thi- bo- ingtbooluunod b tho too concur- ring manhol- of tho ' oo Col-nio- obn loton sitting in Holifox, under on- tbority importod thoroto by tho Tuoty ol Wuhington. tobopoid by tho Go- vorn-out of tho Uniwd Stou- to the Govornmontof Her Britonnio Mojooty. lom oluinotrnctod by the Pro-Mont w my that Inch poyment in modo n n the ground at the Government 0! o Uni~ todStuoo dooiroo to plan tho mointon- onoo of good inith in tmtioo ond tho oo- curity ond voluo of orbitrotion botvoon notiono all tuootiun in in Motion. with Her Mojeoty I Brittanic Govornlnon u with :11 othor Govorntnonh. n- def thin motive tho Govornlnout of the Unitod Staten desire: to Rpm the question of Willlholdin poy-ont from ounoidontiom touching tho obligotion of thin poymonl. which hnvo boon prooontad to Her Mojoolyn Government in con-er pundence, and which it ruervu ond in- liota upon. I am besidoo inch-noted by tho Pruident to any thot the Govorn- meat of the United Stotu down it of the gtentent importance of the common and friendly intoruts of the two Govern- unna in all future treatment. of my quentimu routing to the Nvl'll; Amoricon sheries that Her llntnnnic Mojeotyn (lover-man ahuultl be distinctly odwioed that tho Government of 'he lnited Staten canuot receive the rcoult n' the thin: Ct minis-ion as furnilhing r'iy just measure of the Vail]: of the participation by nur dzizen- Hi I'm iualma (Hilario: of the Bri uh Pu liner, and it. protein: against thu ML'Ll' [1]! .en', no N Inude baingcmlzlred by lloi Majesty's Gov-l eruluent II in any noun-3 In acquiucenca in such wennru, ur on worranting any inference to that elluct. I Lawn at" Quebec, Nov. 22.Mr. W. 1. Austin. of tho Ordnance Lands, Department mi of Interior, arrived at, the Rune House )uuterdny. 'Ihn Nimmr in nmlnrltnml tn have been 7w- Judge's Order for llcurlng )0mplnlnts and Appeals. . TO All WHOM IT MAY GINGEBN Monday. 250i November, AT THE TOWN HALL, WOLFE ISLAND. in tho hour at IO oclock I u: , (or the henna and determining the laverul complaints 0 erran nnd omissions in the Volern List of mid Municipality. H. O. HITCHCOCK. IR- 8911:. GARPINERI or mm mm m we! Buns, Milnin WM to-dq bland to tln British Gown-Int MJm in (old. marina momma-I with the looving ou-lznuiaun. Tb ol the pay-ant Ill nakva by SLIan in the lam: 1.....- -1 nu nm. 1 )uuemny. The Mayor is understood to have notied yesterday by the city Igentl in in London that the balance of the city'a new bonds of 1878 have been ctlled for by twenty seven dilferent applicants at the highest rate-a yet. offered, viz : 103 to 105. H. O. III'ICHCOCK, Townnlnp Clerk 0! 3 the Muniui mllly of Wolfe Ill-ml. do hero by give notice but. Judge Price hu appointed mun n. u-u flea Hf pru-eI prvun! rocrm Anything muu- .... .. Ind il [naked upun land" of the ( lulu TWO lilYTT()NS#ln Seal, Myrtlatoel and other fmhiomhlo uhadon at 500 per pair. TWU BUTTONSIn Seal, Pink, Ecru, Pearl and other fuhionnblo shade: for evening wou- nt 500 per puir. A full annulment of Josephine: nnd other Manrard makes of French Kid hr in um and {our bultunl at. a.xm-n.ely low priest. A I" Ii Nnck In Lmieu Lined Kid Glove. H. & J. BAHIJINEH CONTENTS OF AN INVOICE FRENQHMIfiZQPQEOVES. Which we gununtoe the belt Chap Kid (Huvu in the market. .'\ II II mcx 'H hulan LIHGU nlu \JAUVII a! 1qu yucc- A full St wk of Luheu' Cloth Ulovu at low prices. A {all 15'!le L at low ,A \\.. -y. ... . We l Ordnance Luruls-A'ul' Ci! Bonds K Inxoton. P'ov h. ms. Ar. mapecll m .nvibod. Sales .or ch. Bt'iully om prloa. Alwaygfeady. Wull'a Inland. Nov 15, I878. Nov 13. lv l I luv Nuv. 22nd . 1878. 9, Hug"... "1-,, Wuhiuglon, Nov. lm-ll m pl innm {mm m not OOIMITAILI l... W on Ledhrunuoum-rucgmhl- nd-nldl-H. Ml- l V "5" I I 0. J VAUl "IIACI. boll natal uni! In I". Apply u n l MNMHI'D " - Ivu' HOUSE KEEPER, not over 60,01' good L (-lml'tmtor, Applv to n T WAN. JAMES Menu-mm. lull!" Ontario 1th 8. Sod]. Wellington In IIIIVII III' vuV ' IN TWO BUTTONS, At 50 Cents per pair, in: my man. ntlnuum hu n-hevod n! Jr] 1.. I02 lrlnocu ll-eel. . .. I Inq TO REE l'll'll' I'll-ARI L 79am}; nnl. IRIYI'IHI In. Ll wanted. ' Rhulhl) um Ann'- lawman: Lino.) Kid mmi T0 LEN. 1ch a lixug Goal! 4n may do- f an huqu II. (Juan:er . Address! the ouEc. 1. ll," w T. J. DONOGHUE. L enact. l have, eta, Inuu a. n. ' mt. 'e, um, JunN WlLsu. lummm whammy, mun-um. ' J. 1. null. momma-Imam ICCIIIIS for the Winter. In qua-u- vm mun IWI cw: hub-t by lling u ' [Just the lhinanr the Season. luau-usual: che! In..| 3h gluiigz' iritish NunuduuG-hud ak-urinate. NuOolou All Wool laps-IL 350, Not Colon All Woullnpnu own 409 NevuBlukAWool, u WIM&O.N. TnOmKnidu-bonhr w.htnbouahom,u170,fomu prion 25c. Godhqmstthomlluudldo. Gun. Browns, Black and Whit n Yum a 01.00, Ion-0e pic. :95. 1001::th MichON . 60pm oolCIntdaTIo-ddwqupdoonc. The Dominion Controverde Elections Act. um. ' III THE common nusyl' AGAINST WET FEET, COLD EX IREME TIE AND MUDDY ROADS la now the mmt popular and amnuihln cltmaud made by all clu m oflhamnununilyold mud younguunle nd female. 0n: and Tory. 14. :II by wearing my New Stylus of "non, Him"! and Leather GOMIIJlNIhd fur Hm Full and WInu-r lrndtuf 78-9, whh-h lmve hm" ruzulufm'tnrml of wu'l [unIu-ul unul oilnl man-r ml at murklnmmhin [In \L mm '10 when! 0.1. mnl I Pricas Lownr than tho Lowest. I RENEW? A'I WALDRONS. Election of 330111qu the Home of Commons for the cm of King- ston. holden on the 17th day of September, A.D., 1878. Domiuinu of Canada. "E PI'.T|TIUN 0| vaium of Unluno, AIJXAHDLR (Inn. to wrr: Somme". (-l'ninxuton. in 1le County uf Frau-mum. un lruvmvu of1 Outnrin. March-In. uuu .., mud lune next I In the muunxrv an: and Iu rutnrn-l I-yx pruapomy. \\ My. lhoh ntlenh n l . I! hung thu hr-u mn- --.A. n.. IDQn-u L..- I. That wnur poliuourr. Alum was a unuJidnm at tho abuw Elm has been lmi m mu llolmrulllo Court by Hmuual Tnu on. Dreuumn. oi the (HV of Kingston, In t, no County 0! IIruntmum, Cnmot Makeralueatiouing um legnlily or validity m 0! your petitioner's said return. and alleging tint he mum)! in {not dul ' unturned at mud Election. And the said Pulillou in now at Inuo lnrlinmmlt.ur Iur haven yawn [uh-r his being found guilty of tho Id corrupt practice. 2. And that the laid Sir John Alexnmlor Mow dunuhl may be ordered to pay b 3uur peliuuuur tho coals ol'thiu Pnniuun. n,., I .mL u... n A H mm.- The name and Addrena oftho Agent of the nip Petilioner, in tin uuuwr of Maid leuliolh duly authorized to act for him therein. in Jonuru "Awnnnmflhe Guy of Kingston, In the County of Frontenac, Attorney nl. Ln. nnd I nullcus. provoedings and puporn ml~ dressed to or intandm! tor the mid Petition- nr, or his and Attmnuy, Inny be In with, in. r. Heisman; lWheleeele and Eeteil Deeler! 3. Aml your pelitlmwr ullc- en that lmfolo luring at and ul'wr the and E mvllun. vhu mul blr Jnlm Aloxnudur andunnlll \txn uyhnn- self. his ngnnu,nnd other pars Wk. 0:: luiu lemll guillv of hrlhereraullnf and undue inuence BUIl poruonutlun. and 0!, ml- uorrupt prnclmen, null utlmr illegal and prohibited nuts in rafer- euoem elections, contrary to tho Statutes in that bulmll and the Law of Parliament. [SIKII) ALEXANDER UUNN, Pentium EDWARD JOHN MARKER, Rmurmuu Ulcer [smiths-Jain hon-Juli. in. prosperity mm. m .R l. Tlml. it may be dnmrmiusd and adjudged that tlm uid Sir John Alnxnudar Mav- duuahl bu been uerummllv guilty of cor- rupt prank-an with: the meaning of llm Acts of the Parliament of (Tumult; In tlml lmlmlf. and tho Umnnmu Law of Im-hm quv nun...- .0... vuv .._.. -. . .. ..., Wharofnre your Petitioner pmys, Mona. King troul. Wurst, '\ - ""- Kingnwn, Nov. 1', "378 PABKHILLS. Nov 22. 1878. - \ TAIILIRI who m in tho mud pl? . M that! supply of 1 or returned Lu,0r or sitting m the Home of Common: of Canada during the rmm Pnrlinmmlt.ur I'ur van-u u or his 35 PRINCESS h'l'Rl'lliT. In an. of llm Parliament of (Tuumln tlml behalf, Law of Purliu~ manhunt! Is by men therml'inmpubla nl being A unluliduw lor or of being lowed returned of sitting the Home PROTECTION GRANTED uhutnrml or wu'l lnnIM-d I w' wurklnnmhip I a View 10 la Comfort, I PROTECTION ADVAII'AO. . IOHN MARKER, Ulcer, kallf" lu(nmfnr(, Eu I'ld Chnapnena. H 7 mm J4 ISAWIHLN, I Allorlmy for Petiliouor. ....' .n HIDAY EVTG. NOV. 22, [373, 1R. WALDRON. 'Wilsons Buildinors. - (Hi mad) . lMVg'lnLN, v fnr Priilinln :r of King-ton. A For Bale. , mm m man man Th 01M [In I!" 01 M on" but. In Wild-Mount lo Mu wood on 50100. Q botth meant Mum Ian- V as Tho no. [mm It, Provincial w m havqu ham up lo "w- lt Tho loan-g hut-all III to. name! I. A. IAIIuI. Inn-. Apnl 2!, Int. " _.._... DAMGEDWHEAT WWW. Ferguson's Block, - - Prince" St. N..- 0| cu mum-n mm A" alumna." mun nu ma Puuvmcz. run-- u 1'"... ' XX and XXX Alon and Porter. an Inn n I'll lAll. MASTERL" INACTIVITY- STAPLE OIOCEEIES 0F THEMEAPEST. NU (mu mum A um; TEA THAI n-nhnni at than " Provincial 4:. I'me lam n m "alum vim pie-b- Irmhgnpotl Alan. - ni-Ir - H "v;- -_._A-.. fREDDENS. }NO BAD STOCK m.- u 1 In: L-A-cr-E-R B-E-E-ll W.9l0!880.l:l {801313151 Ti. BRUCK STREET PIHCHISY'IEBIAN CHURCH ANNUAL GENUINE "nu-L. a has 1an IN GILT LETTERS ON EACH IIIIIH'. C I TYHA L L, JPHEPAREFURIHECUlWAVE Black Sllks, I [CALL AND HIJE THEM. You can get the Myrtle Navy? 1 bANCE'QF" " TIME: HASTINGS, [HamiltnankruptStock' Nov 2|. THE AFCHAN WAR. AppruprnmSpam-humum! Nvmlin I. um] I Make IMN'HHII ul' VHIAII AN NSTKU- Tuesday Evemng. Nov. 26th. CHRISTMAS CHEER! Black lustros, A common 'lolnwuo WHEN furl mum prim Black Cashmeros, mamas: Colored lnuhnmres, BARGAINS hay in a Stock 01 llm qunnnov ITIDIHA "I'll Il'. RIDDE N. Fancy "fess Goods. "I Ill-I7. P. WW. _-_.__n null h I III'I'IINH. Bout - -0-.. it com ounoox: J. W. In I 00. .n ..... mm, mun... .. WW 1 \lrl-rouwn nnl natured (.0 by we now hunt] friendl. may hath-Var, the Tory tlria a m nu hurry \vlutenr to mmulvuu u. thetr tank. lnltosd mm; Iurhmnent earlier {hill the I-IIPl'anCy. on their own deuunded, they calmly lettlo h 'x- mth tho Huwml Intention Iulmmont tugolhnr till the Fubrunry nr Inter and ,xntrv nutl'er nu at its loiluro, :urwl Ly the remnvnl of general \\ I... .H I-.. I-. L--A_ J. cannot b0 u protrac umus (no if no fureign elo- molved, and the basin of I ma! use, he neceumily ex- . vmlnm ~nt brought on the In nxx wnnthl sooner thin u IIUIIU It. Yet 1.4.5 before iv 4.1 we cannot at present 'Juhn Willyet have to Mr. Mum: in decked u-l..mu~nmry experienco, Ipun an the prospective Hm Uppmltiun. uhch. we presume, hnvannncnt gave the JII'Belll military move- I upon. The British ,7 glue!) the Amth liallun, and the latter 1' rufuacd to improve um; may seem in the 'l'ury prumiwl, their (HUD prupurn m (or the put or nu nun mu yu- .. ., .... thh in :- mild and iolignicant u could an be cxpcctod. nun. .u an. mu. utu hung the rebel- . lt ll announced I manna! the Ameor wt apparent at Iha .hun tlilcully, but Is well an to merit u nu . ntry nhu . >0] .1 ul whim, it For 0 4 can. h- ShitA v.1 un- wu-du Sub Bu 81! km... m. III!) I II. I OI IIOIMDOIII it!!! niacin, a! man. the ab 1|. batch; alto-Mmlumju'l bene. Burn. It nunwan... L m an! Oil!- il I an llditlupulu w herrm Wm M ialho plainti Alter leav- ing mm I not TM in lb mmdvr. In" and Tutu t liu- Ind atruck hm: ; Tm than bully llIo him. Love In a f in. am. dulcr. Tan. 1: of line I hail}, 50$ in but known u to husbaan lulu-c m coon-An. Thus WHO In, in the the My: into A h-L ul ol lxmunml it'd! but. 0 the [1 AMMYNI.Ahmily of N E lrlyal- in. 0! thin nun tamed neu- Kingston in m Ill, dun. We kn! them an on ul pooplo ol lint mmo here, but nrv Nu] dmndmu o! the 8.1:- ! A Tn- muto gallon denim: tn hur {run one ofthnm, Ihrongh n; Probably an their at two in mud I In New York trying to regmaw um lrauc. Suthorl|ndlhire, Scotland, sent :1),- 000 sheep to mullet during xha suuuncr over the Highlnnd Rlilway -h in mid Hnnlnn has In t-fi'er from a TI, .Fq"..- mus-s Iipuouto hm-qldhthuodth Whupudthc "not MM Vida]. Thymus-8 amniotic-luluijin in load John W5 Peder-l 13.4-...1... -- a. .m 3.4... u 41.. IIII' II n: dull ma. sun-[II padddoothom(nllnmtot thi- pli'a. W. in. t [ling of wide- .;I 4mm Ln- nk-ndv Inland the m "I u." I I'll. v- unuv w W D My mind public. an to the In! Tiny Ministry. 0! soul. liniztrrial org-n- dcny this, I - thnt the: Govommont has an [lard-Ind hold Upon tho public teem old Show. Nov, to tho declnntiou MI hull undo thnt the defeat of tho her-ll In the Local Home innit follow no a noes-try comlhry to their rah-ml in tho Dominion electium, to prrlnsa to Acupt the [cal electinni a! n toot upon this very poin'. Let til. Tory prophecy of l. .- u defeat liu mpud on the vary 5 ml 1; on liich it is made; ViL, u 1 [act of the pupulnrity of tho Dominion Government and let the vordirt.yhich will then be rendered be Impud u tho manure ol the renction which no oonumd ha nlreody let in ngninot the Tory Government of fol-mes nod lnlluiu,nnd which we believe will by thnt tin. hon mumad pretty decided proportion. Of oonne we are fully mum that it in In nbcurd thing thus to guage Dominion mutton by those of purely pm- vincial concern, but since our Tuly eun tempurnriel insist that the provincial nlectium will be determined by lltd lniy triumph in the Dominion content, it Hi at least fair to accept the inane and lueaullru the popularity of the Dominim Cnblllcl by the name iuuo. We Iincorcly believe the Ontario Government will be a 13min- od on it. own maritn,nud that neither ilm popularity of Tory electu-u Cl'ltl in the Dominion struggle, nor all the pn-sti;o of the victory Iron by tlmau um inn Will have tho oect of wreating the Control of our provincial ntfnirn [ruin the hum-3t iimi cnplblo handl of the Mount Ministry. are frozen over. Hnn. H. '1. Langeva wns clchrd yoltordly by acclnmatiun. The Tllluy contested eleclwu man In postponed till December 1:5th HEXAlIL Hoarmg'a aunties, 'l'uruntu, intend to curry out his uutimshed cum tncts. __i- HAan Thnmn-nn will n :t [Aka a -Sir Henry Thnmplnn will pltiont who will not. sign the pltdge. Tho oil product" are iu lecrct Sehiiun pluont wno wm not. ugu um plv'uLgc. product" in New York trying to regulate (In mule. _nthnrlnndnhire. Scotland. tho Highllnd nulnay H in mid Hnnlan New York but builder to go into blui- uua with him. M. v.... Mum" i..h1n m Hm (ilSClld- with hlm. -Mr. Peter Mnyer juina m the dlSCllzl- uion Ibout. only marriages. He believes in mnn'ym, early and often. -'Ihn Picton coal minaa shipped Ins! _ln (bio fame to gin tlu pnmt d U. 8. Miniuer 3111:. when pnying the H Mu Avud, of 86 500,000 1 London ~.A_J-.. I. .u. um" I I0..- in early and Hen. -Tho shipped week ve thousand seven hundred and ninety-three Mu of coal. 7-].- hnh-v editor of the Slrufurd (run nlneU-lnrce In! or com. Jul. Fnhoy,l editor of Herald, haa culnluuncn Igninst the Strntford b'eum him with larceny. _. Inlnmtiun has result HIM. Milt Luuum Uch uwa nu; uncul- (Inpbell theUroat, Inlr nulm-l m.) Llnug ll. nll .ppcrlaumng tr llw lmall ml the Ununeuf Argyle { 3 Th Argyle pntronyunc ls Mu. Hull.) Mm It. Culiu'l great arm: lth(' .11 m question having beanln Ina tmm n war I nor ufgrnt renown, and tho fuumlcrnll the Argyle flrnily. The Home nf Anylu nuvor hwl n Cullum. (M51. Ilm) Inm' .1. bwq, in m geuodogy. ()f the blncLal- Inn Chn, Mnlcolm, uf Pululloch, II the , wkuowlodgod Chief. l sin-1mm that: mu Inellinq made luv 5' winowlodgod Unxet. Stung. than mu Ipelling by Walter Scott when 'rltln" Ins Hm! .H Midlothiun Ihuuldhe In permsuntly f-rl- lowed over nine. 1:: I t'.-: t n my one o! nun, Int": .. r: .r "I" :...xlltu1. knowing III, in folluwmg In; rumple. they In writing Ihat llm'lulll to a men nickname, u npphod Lu the Lhwf of um Clul Cunpboll. Youn, kn Stun an Morn lrom lunwmuv' Anon-Hy n b It... I ___...____ hun mm larceny. Inlpeclion has resulted in t thnt vessels duwing 2;: feet um pau up the St. Lawrence at Iowa: to Montreal. _l|-- Nun: V.er all Hm:th Montreal. lhe New York Dally (fray/w, after yun of heuy Inn, has (nunntnccll tn ply upon-ea. It is owned by a unmpuny in Mantra-l. it nun-k.- nl mnn nrmvd in the teeth dared mm. A mm nlmod Williams, whn we to Montreal from Brockvlilu about t montlu Ago, being unahlu m prwcllru lituntion, and being wllhuut money, I cently deserted hi: WIfB. The editor of the Irish Ina-[ulnv jlscu to hem: called ei'hur other 15) ntnci Boylv, or Mr. liuylo. Emu lhlt cognoman would unit In rnt I'm:- annrnl Indium of (Ynnxhnlwngl h.\ in Mantra-l. A number of men armed tn the tum into the house of a farmer named Dolnnd of Wutmnth. Ireland, und mur- dored hm. ,,,A In-n nnnlad fillile went Mu Lilla, 0! w wu,wu -. m..- youerday. h an ees-nary that ' thing Ibould be ud, aka I" tho "it; lion um Lu been created. nding, if anything. w I rvpud'ution of III. lumi- mu... ,.a nu Amprimn Gowns-oat; Ind Inn woum Inn 1: rm luvrlL Sevornl Indiana (Inughnnwngn hne been expelled from that phcu fur Vlwld. tinu of the ludim Act nf IHTI'), which Itltaa that none but Indian ongin shall' nude in Indian reserves. Mr. Ward, the British Umwa at Bremen, writel 0 his ()uvemmem thn' curior pigeon: are now mud rvgularly bcttnn tho Herman wast and in; r nu~ tignoun islandl, when) talc-4mm: Imus do not exist. lu uu Luuv: w mu .u .w. Su.-Hov nuny thuusm inur- for tho pron be,m H Um Ma: Cullum du nunhm H... (in... " mn- To u Editor of UM rms} ,, .L H, 'l'u-y mmMIHOuarbda ammo. hlhmdmhdlh 'Iho Imall lnku north of Hollmillu ... -.n'l-n nvnr Nov. 22.1878. NEWS 0! THE DAY. I m1 Ml. ag". -7, House of A rg, In. anything. rvpuaunon at In- mm- bility ol tho American Uovmnoat; grunting thin pron-t wu men-nary on the put of Ibo [mu mu put in by Mr. mum. a. u nuld Iolixnicsnt DH. Youn, kc. a [truth]; H'IIHI. h. mot \Vud ' y lhnusnul men mum w|lh him. a. u mxn,1uf0nne-I mung Along h dud: nut. mem- lmwn't been rat," m-r under-1 make :ny nmr tuning If in": [non be: He! You WI Imve onymic Minwl'mll .1 kill you." and I rent 1m the plLshhrk. enin [wit hill] down. 11, fuundcrnf lune. Fimlly m1 DH. ,,5 \_. m. I'm-ml. \V " lrmng gruunu u c. Dr: Cu l. .,..l .... mlhum FUCQWH HILL 1 charging uly HPI' j that no a. going so mum um unemem ' ."1 the Court when Mr. Grimmer In de- thmug hi- npen nddnulo the jury, but 1hr ha land not the power of ultennco. ; Aim! bem sentenced he cried alumni in- . cumully t rough the night. In prinnpnd I unca ha ha nude the cmleuion hi- ! muul um: relieved of 3 great burden. Mn. h In] mil mom hcr innuconce. . I _._1__ o..- M il-m Court when um ui avpnnnncr man no was renunnng frum burying. and mo! I drove u! cows, and funny that Mulhorrin'a bull was with them, he made a detour tu uvuid him, as he wan ndlnguroul Animal; that he came out an the Meadow Run] at the rising gruund beyond the gully; that here with I pitchfork and-~31. him. naked Ward how he was mung haying. Ward replied, I hnylng, and will never my more hay." Duwd and, I h um hurrying. Ward then mil, You lll never guberrylnglgnInl Wlll ha nude a [ms at me wrlh l luid holJ of him and wit him We luuoled for name Fimlly Ward promiued to make up friends. We walked dung the road tilgelher, and when we ruched the gully Ward struck at me spin with the pILClI- lurk, lrwn armind the hmhol, and he fullnwcd m. l then seized tbs no and knocked him down. l nu sway I shun ilisuwa. l turnadmd clme back, And finished him. l was crazy it the hm. ll wad of Lhu body an lined ILI lha lira! Confusion. I huriml the hat In the "amp between the body I'ld the road. llu sulfa thu Mu. Ward knew nnihmg nhnutn thenor now. He lurlher ny- lhnt ho wm going to nuke this nutement (Ial. (1] T Ottawa, Nui- abatement Lama-l th i Cnumron whm h $7,004 cunnm L effects I any Allurlu \lnch Cm m mi lll it. pray Genoa! Hi Deanlt, c rec girl hillurnni Haul n lull. m ; u! - c1, um I.- lo IIIII Ilrlul~ I ennui . 1h cubs-neon: Much {comic-d in mni. hon- Iod oil .m..- -n _-4l- nan and thorn-I to "plain. \ho urban tide-c :- mind uncut-i. hon- nd mm: In tom-um]. th ____..- _ VVVvv _ , Awarding tu the Globe Mr. Wm Kw. donunll is tar (mu: satised with Sir John A. deumldnrutmonl of him, I!!! u the days rpm-d by by town not. moody. c rmly gun to hi: sequin- Meet his Hula ml the (iuAetnmem'I mm 4;! lelmmnd lho (lmicultiu which bout every attempt tucarry out their in nne pro-mus; but regarding his awn pro-pean fur the Hrcakouhip or any ,.A [hovel-oi um:- I'A in; won, and II Inc: 'dIn-I h m qu- In nay-i1} d m ' food osmium I can", uumuuc In, denial m In am um. um. cnt bum nod mi. l" 0! thick 'Ihauid be build lid and with plan:- ? 1 ul bun-r or olive oil. Grain-r] pn ; don veouuum aid u In new" . n! worm, but la- n In luring- ! _.....- dun 1|.- mrl_mnn unteh I . E Liebi 'l theory that liquor drinking in ; cwmp-ti lo with'wind. but not with fa- ! nnaceoul diet, scam in luv. boon cur- . robonhid by An English niomilic mun. - who hu been trying the experiment on many-noun liquor drinking min i Une v! the, that An It.th of alilinm i (remonn which IIme pron llhl, In , ind: on hrinaoooul food, which I in on a: fin], Maud his do. i line for liqmr, tn he became podectlyl I tuber. Me In duh I! tho beginning uf| i the upon-int, but "gained it alim- two' I of three month. Ann-n; th- uticlu a! food mlimnd oddly "Woniuic I in .lnuhnl an [null 1 MIL luri- Han, and uurxng the evening an. nng u number uf ne aelootiom. much to the cxpreued delight of tho hunt, hontess and several notable vilitors who ware pro- aunt. The nuger'a hmband It: also with her. and the three were trenteJ aa dis. rmguiabod guestswithout regard In Cllul. It. 15 an example in it: way 1..) Fuclvty. and will furnish a goud excuse should the higher chm b0 lonienlly du [rulud umarda Senator Brucua bride this wmler. Fur this will he an opportumLy lur Uapilal Society' to show huw far the Lnlur line is obiecud here. The calnrud U' 5? J'u.) linivu, 1-1., Nov. 2LA terribl- uplo-iol and It human 00:! limo may. cal-II by the ignition 'ol an. M drink-n of (nude! \- Iv!" v-- v-bn nv- IK'IVUw-Iliul The time In- ooun when maroon are mined, Ill], {mild to the White House u unuu, equt'u, viniwn. Nut but u should be I0, but go note the change thul5 you: hu wrought. Fred Donng (bl-ck.) lm Hanhd of the Dim-int, vuihd Mr. nnd Mn. Hue- the other evening in oompnny with the colored singer. Mldnmo Solih. Madame Saliln in COM! 3 prim. damn. and she does Fl": Nautilqu. Burmulical trun- ing :ml educntion ha been 300d, and, coming n she don from I two of mturnl Aongnten, it in by no manninconcaivable that uha should prove a wonderful vocal urtm. The marvel in that other Ind mare culured person: have not. immune lint clus musicianl. Mud-me Silikd Vllll. to Lho Whiu Home W by invita- tion, and during the evening ah. nng unrulwl uf ne neloollonl. 'Uaintal bociely' to snow nuw iar ine objectcd Senator mentioned was umrried to u. lelk girl' hut summer and went abroad un LllO wedding tour, which gave Mrs. iii-nae the opportunity topuichua toilets 1' tr the Winter of Worth, the Parisian {Aaliiun-vnmigur and maker. The latter fact. Will undoubtedly gu lar tuwurdu n 'Lllllug the lady} entree into American moiety. Custom, in Washington, makes it imperative that the Cabinet ladies and Sunatni's wives Elllll Clll upon it Senator's lil'lie and invite her to their winter on tertnniinents and receptions. l. remains to be seen whether or not. this colurcd bride will receive the usual attention. Shu is said to be quite dllk, well educat- ed and nut without.accomplishments. l'Inry winicr, when the subject at Die- tritt uppropriations conic- up in Con- grass, them is great ado made about the nut amounts heretofore appropriated, nlliciil Filllillllltllnli, and no on. Un this nucuunt the Senate last April called nn the Secretary of the Treasury fur a mi 1111 the appropriation! and vii ;.. in. HL'JLL IHUHL vxpemhtu District ul fume. la Eu a. a (in: 1. - bout me l other ofce he 1-

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