Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1878, p. 3

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v.nwmwst'muhdm mry Md Dam-I WWW. hi." "mane/05. "new- Ill-*- _v .hhul Quinn. Tip-u Ger-Mi. --I-I w-II-l "- IV' uu-Ir mubddlonh inducian MNJ. Nommtifnwm couldbopnnh-dhmtho Lucian, orthuizaould hpmhnudchupuf a.-. h _-. .....a....4I :. n.-..|. -.. .n. ' Elohim'nkudum in . Dig;- mu)-li4 .A ..n-nn --', ..." ._..........., u..- ._ - ....~ um! howl nil-d spins! their action by AL- ._ .n... .5 m 0-I._ -- L- vvu nay-- u- w unav- w...- v, Wham-hidmhhonpby lequleo-buchmiou- int kin-cl! do" to the loved stump ._o._ n.-. l..l.: 1.... :- . :ntA-ggh nl ~IhhMoltoml-ui- alum-Whoa! WE- thou. Mp-M Wald A...;..- ,...-..a..o..... n... .. . ....;- mv;!m17.mmauo MAM m1. 701 nus' comm WIND WAFIS. Kingstorhr WBal'nu-y. RAHOD. Jonn bumvnn, om, Alb-It M. Silk, Goon. Titm. -.-nn uni-n r-n-nwu. John Gravel, Junel Sullinn, Joseph Tnvorl, 'l'hol. Dunn, Pnrick Linduv. Juhn L. Morton. , Rob-r! J. Roid. W. H. L. Atkins, George Mur, K. N. Fonwick, Thomu Jlmiewu, Ltngley Bild, John Brukemhiro, J.C. Cl-rko, w Patrick Rignoy, Henry Folgor. Henry K Moodio, 3.134 Ponu, Willinm Perry, Duid Hugged], Jounh H-nlv. Luna uluony Jouph H-nly. Thou. Hurley, Pull Somon, John Sullinn, Au... u mu. I, '- I oni- 7.. Al.!_ - ,.x__ L# mmmhlirhh Indoc- aH. A Muhmmld todiqulylirhhnuu can. nvvFwvrr- a .53.;me -AJA-Mn-A-m w-~_V--VII duhq-Ibddth cinch-id hduunoh Tn Putnam-ho Kingdom Elec- tion Cut. up tho loan-l Wan, is likely to In no inure-tin; m to tho country in [can]. u will In nae-bond Ihd the citation of Mr n,__ _.4 -41.x_-ul A__:__ .1 writ-II um su- uvuuuv u v." than in King-(on lotto-o time. Allo- pthor About Shy parlonnul took part. II. P. Hon: Wanted for tho choir u hock orpn Md piano, And tequith him-015 roll. A low 0! than comm during the winter union would b. no mpublo to the ronod o! King-ton. Mach pub. in due to the Committee IIIO Ind the Win. up of tho canon...- pocinlly lo Ctpt. Urn-laid, in ocionl Smut). The u orpn land on the onion In ho- tho Dominion Orp- Conlpuy, Bow-nine, sad I kindly loudly, It. andy, Prince. mt. Patents of Invention} 'lendy ee prineipel, geve the recitetive end chorue ln Splendor Bright, and lhe Heevene ere Tolling. Thle showed the choir, who eeng in the choree, to be well vereed in mueic. Mr. Wm. Tendy eeng with hie ueuel vim end efciency. 'l'hie cloned the rst pert of the pro- uremme. After e few minutee intermis- eiun the Bend gave mother of their so- lectione with excellent precieion. Suer- ing from e Cold, Mr. R. Tendy did not levor the eudience with one of hie own eclectione; but he end Mr. Wm. Tandy geve the Singina Lueeon' in heppy etyle. The choir egein, with good elfect, Ian; the Merch in Norme," beautiful in its ccmpoeition, given with greet exectneee Mill Stephene egein eeng Jeane lover of my eonl,"e very pethetic eelectiou, well ' delivered. She wee greeted with up. pleuee, but did not egeln eppeer, el- though reputedly celled. Prof. Single- ton [eve enother pieno eolo in place of en ' orgen eolo, end wee lietenod to with etlention. The Prolaeeor during the evening Accompanied Min Berr end MIDI Btephene upon the pienn. Jeeeie'e Dreeln" by Mlee Herr, wee e long with e Scotch eccent, but it wee given with good e'eet, end merited en encore, when ehe ee-rig Beby Mine. The choir followed, with Mr. R. Tend] leeding, end he eang hie pert with eeceptence. The trio of Tendy Broe. end Miu Bur l Nevi- geute" we! excellently rendered. After enother piece hy the chair the entertein- meni wee brought to en end by the lining of "Ged Seve the Queen," Mile Berr end Miee Stephene eech einiu eoloe. The whole progremme wee cerr ried through without e drewbeok, end teken ee e whole it wee one oi the beet -- 7 ..L, L7,; .L,. L,_ L.,,, mun - . uuu- u- w- vu- v: uv w. oonmuil no. the butNut bu been 3, r:_,,A,_ l__ -4..- .:_- All- nu-u. luv nun-u, new. Its a Hunt, "I hand A voles," in their mud nished Ind effective Ille. They may rest usur- od the: whenever they ling . largo lu- dionco will nlwlys be present to listen to them. They were enacted Ind responded. The accompnnimenu to the Tnndyl' duet: were creditebly played by Mn. R. Tandy: Miu Barr [shin favored the Iudience with Fly forth, Gentle Dove. This we eoulidered the gem of the evening. Mile Burr'e clear, sweet voice being exhibited ~10 lll lulled. especity. She he: an ex- cellent delivery, every word coming forth with ole-mea- nnd vivacity. By her manner the hu won the hearts of 3 King- ston audience. She very kindly acqui- esced to the encore, And gave The Mnid of Dundee. The choir, with Mr. Wm. C i of She y-uuu v: new" ww all-.Kav We envy them the honour web a fair and beautiful singer. ' nna Dide't thou but know, with much feeling and earneetneee. end from the very heerty reenll which we! given at the ' cloae it wal evident that ehe but found heart] reeponee in the audience. After repented eneoree ehe returned end bowed her acknowledgement, a reeponae in eong being out of order In early in the evening. The choir again fevoured the company with an anthem Inammetua, the principal [art being carried through by Mn. W. J. Uhepmen, who wee in very excellent voioe. The chorue by the choir wae edmirublefull, harmonious and complete. The aeeond part of the enthem wee without a aw. wae given to all the performere. Every one was now In a utter to no the next singer, Mile Stephenl, of Cobourg. Her debut before a Kingeton audience, noted for ita excellent singer: and good choirs, wee e leir eucceu. ller eong wae Queen of the Night," ehowing her to hev I a well trained voice. At the eloae of her sung ehe received a repturoue encore but did not return. The Tandy Bron. aang a duet, (ll k-.J - Inm "in lL-i- nun-l n:-LAI Heerty eppleueee 1 1 l l 4 l l l ( l I ( i -W..." w... .. .....,.w.., u... um, In cation A: III. nppnrod upon tho I'lgO. Woll may Humilwninm be proud of thoir woo Muggio Bur." w. -..-.. n... u... 5......- n: run-v "v v-u- nus-wry u Alvv- ton," sod nhoIod nal! to be a Ikilful musician, hi: Iago" during tho urea! scene. of music out of tho inntrnmcut to tho approoim'on o! I. company pn- unl. Min Bur, of Humilton, who bu apps-"d before in King-ton, bu! quite an n-ni;nn .- .I- Ann-Qtnt nnnn b odpitcool-uic. 'l'hochoiroltotho . ll-5* of that thirty voice- the Quota strut Methodist Chntch out ' Ind. Mann-nu. upon the pMonn, {Ml-diuqu hauntingly And u- tiltiully M. They gnu tho un- thun "0h hull m, yo Inc, and vcro lull mind by tho nudiouco, who It the clan greeted than with I. merited hp- plsuu. onl. Singleton, of Port Hope, being thc nut on tho prom-gum, gave a pine oolo utiuod Mi-ohm In Tron o.. '1 -uul -L._-A L:_II 5.. k. . -Lilnl \-r-'Il - v . nut-- m-mt by n roll uncut- wu- v, .- .9 "I III valvu- doouhdto bode-adamant of tho hull bin; jun-0d "plenty (to. from to luv. My 3M night o'clock the had of the 47th Butt-lion pound the nul-_'- _h-o.u..-_b I... - _.II -.....c -mu_wv- summon-yucth an in thOityalll-cuni-gbwm dip-nadird tthIo-m' Ola-rob. WWII-halibut hum-hkuuitmu hm lmyhodynndhil vile mudgulstnhoutdhto'doekun Ala- Inal n. hAna .- .......-0 .l' oh. mm nanum am litmus and Menial [lspiession is 321mm wme. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 22. I878. I -tinly Wain nail-M. a... in lmAwn Lfglhif' ml M up... an, 0mm rmmu 3mm... In. l momma: leadMining an1meltlng oy. ('utlery. Il-led Ware, Sleigh "(lls, Cut Mulls, Iron and Steel. -- 1. "av. IJW v-y Ma. Ma Putntn. 011- a GI..- AT HANKRUI'I I'IHCEH. 184 Princess St 14- AAL m. a mgmm. I mauv- for-u m Nous (founiltlnzz of ('lm-k Sham-n. B. Towel limb. Slipper (Janna, Slil WI" Pucks". Slmmm-opir View I III And lhn-o Nlml! CurnN um] AI'LAUJJV I-W\J'JI HATTERS AND FURRIERH. Corner of Prinnou Mul [ingot SKI-Mata. [ElThou who wish lhmr FURS "modollod l and ropllmd uhouhl lo-unI them with Ill AT ONCE. [rnAsaniownrs] Fur Sacques and Coats, Prize Seal Betta. Im. Lunb Scotch Caps for Misses wear. MITTS and GLOVES of every des- cription. DIPLOMA at the Midland Central 5811 for display of FUBSHATB, 0, ac. MILLS BROS. KIAIVILDQ nun Drvnulvnu 15.-..-- -t Goods for Bold Weathel new HAT ' sroma In the hard dry cough ol CHRONIC BRON. CHIIIS. witlntsdiicull l'X ectoratiuu mm! In hon-d bra-thing. the damn cnut properties of Robinmn's Ihouplmrizml Emulsion of Cod Livanil. with anw Phoaplmm ol'limo, mum foatn New u. my hauling and soothing effect upon the lrrilutml nun-om; membrane: of the mutiml Chemist. HL .Iuhn. NJL; Druggisfs and (lent-ml Ueulara. per bottle; 3: homes for $3 00. We don't know that there in my holp l for Mr. Buckinghnnybut hi: iinjultilble rtmuval should be condemned both In I precedont and because party hntred brought it about. If It gum unchllleng- 0d there I! not a man in the Civil Service who in Info from the petty malevolence nf any nlrrow-minde-d and moan-pirited Minister, who, ful the momont, by name turn of the wheel of tickle fortune, in in ofcel political jackduw Hunting in I plumnge that makes him tho laughing Itock of the country a ltiuu illuatutinn of molt uf the men Sir John hu taken in with liiiii.-Hamiltun Times. In. run-w. II- I". A. I. no, 1.1.9 MINI-um lug molr Drew, mu uuLy would not. pro- tect the Ontario farmers at l. Whit thoy have to sell mull be sold It prion determined by the Livorpool mlrket. They were well onnugh warned of the mqu before the elaction, but in in. It in any to see how and why the rela- tion in iuovitablu. ~Advcrtiaer. llnhlermono. lwu Curnnr 5nd Hidn Wall Hrwlohxurvad nu! plain unwed. all size. Ind nylon All the ubuvx- (loud:- am to be sold .1 About lull whit llm are wurlh. CALL nun] MCI-Z Ill-2M AT lbw-I. on no. In The farmon of tha Nziuunl Policy' my imposes duty on our to keep out the produco 3f the Western Stat, but Ipnn from the dunger of oxuporating the people of the Maritime Provinces by Lu ing their bred, thin duty would not Ouurm farmers at l Whit. Pin, to un I Dell. [or Mr. DIIIO, Ind If lhnt is possibleto nd it before Parliament meets. If no other op portunity offei, there will doubtleu oocur some vucanoien through the action of the Election Courtl. and there are not mmy constituencies in the Dominion which would not esteem it a privilege to elect Ednrd Bloke as their rcprenentntive in the Home of Couimonl.0mlph Mer cum. - Nov. 41h. We trust to the leading man of our party to nd I nut {or Mr. Bllko, Ind possibleto b Nu Enlhh lute-man, to the unm- _ born, our slammed vhu Mr. Muha- xio, without In, .dvomi'i-mu ad, and by the III. forcoof industry. integrity and pluck, wooeufully nccnmplilhod; nnd Although [or the moment. his politic-l It" in not in the uccndmt. tho time mun come when the country will look the benet of bin luyd, domhd und ulfncricing scubaFree Frau. t u The Fall "all Guano, I king of tho . no- uns-u, 61 Sir J n we, who, it. up, ml, be regvded u. po|i~ lied enigma: w Manitoba. mk- dut Sir John Iill nd it impo-ibh to mid, all the chin: thn Iill be pnuod upon him. Yak union he can donohh I Innity, gm! u it is. will loan ho honoyoombod Iith mutmiu and Indor- I IIIiIIOd h' -hi-Illl'.il Ambition ' nonoyoomooa Inn mammo- In! minod by uhilmtic ambition} _u_ (mm OI I no. um I",le out an! LT. 0. i going to II I not! ulvot III-3' Oath. In: u-bom lua dur Ir. Till. Than is non. copied, hornet, to ho utnekd [tun Mim- tion. (at an ubc any inn mum in IhtSit A um erduu; any cumin- ly have very little in Mr. Tnlhy.H|n Tina. THE CHEAPEST Mn M H; nuuuuu'l in!" tin: mlv II V : l-n won at l he l'eople Wnnt lrool. YOL' CA N lll'Y o __ Inr sale by Prioe 8100 In 1 VALUAILI mum) rll Ill?! uOMIIO. hon M II OIAI IOU... A buqu our billing. III-k In ad In! sum (not vhl It... Mb" Tb Ila- Islam a oodgatlnlhuth ha i van d 0-." cunt-In. to I III [m h Pu. I. m nu. haw-um. hr ~ hi. .quhol .0 no. on no pn- JOII 0L . luv &. lull. TH! PIOPEITY o! the wewmiun A. magma- Gmd Trunk Shaun, outdat- loarAer-ol I4; I [and Elana dialling mandOuthhpudOnhrd, .l. mumulu UI'IIIII ITIIII Dmlull' droning undo-thud IMOrahnl, wall Want {nun-cu. 'olld ho nun. obi. for I w Mn. Ayplvn no pic-bu M95. I. I I I VALUAILI mum) r! Ill. .3"... "Wu-3| KIRKPAYRICK'S FANCY STORE. lrdR sALEoR To LET. HI PIOPEBT' at the [Me Wllllun A. Namath nut-inh- hours-o! had; lull HOTEL 0|! mum STAND Ionian. A SPECIALTY IN UNDEKL'LH'I'II It prices: to der competition at the l-nI-l: a- 'n... In. will ha inn! mum mu-h. cnnnfshn -A11 Ashley's Shirl Factory, INFLIIIHNH Prince-I St. in tho Albion Hotel. OoI'IMb opp v . ()IL, WATER COLOR, INDIA IVK ()IC PLAIN FINISH ! w Spoume nlwnyl on View. Simw Room on rst oor. H. HENDERSON , or lmliu lnk..\u-. u- ('u|l utuu. a and you WI roma Iguln. MAIl'llN'U "LUCK, curlmr ul loan3| and l'rlmun urn-la, Nov 71!: v , , INCLUDING!) 100 Donn Whit. Dnu Shir, , Oxford Dre-l Shirt... Cunbric Dreu Shirll, [Leguu Drama 8121 nan n'rmnn H Prim :- Low :- They Cnn be awe. NOTICE In hereby [van that the Cuuhml oi Iho lowmhlp of Am hboro will. on Io- day, (he 9th day of Deoem l nut, mm a By Law for the purpose of utahhnhln. A Road, starting at. the South West corner past he- twoen Lot; 23 and 21, in the 42h Co-aeauiun of mid Township. thence running East on amid Coucesaion w a hemlock tree unrka IL. thence South to A white nah two marked R . thence South white uh marked It thence easterly on a line ufhluod tree norm a [link uh nwunp'w a hemlock treo nun-1m] 8., dhunoc 30 rm 9, thence N19. to as Much tree naked 3., still bearing IE to n hl'mlm-k Itump on the Concession, murluul It. Mill N E. to the Aide Hue between Lot- ?-| um! 25, m III:- Ht'n Couo..thonoo Eat And South Emu m [In- Perlh mud. J. NICIIHLrL HENDERSONS filstlassPhutugraphs - "I'll?" w IIUI ruulpenlluu It LII I'lIl'I' ' Er The Stun will be kept opan rut-h: . I; m [inlnwnd'mg pumhucn n bhln uninan Good: Inlan sup ly 0! water on lha prmnmca, Sprung near tha Rouse. good Orchard, good nmuh bout-hood Ind nunr School house, Churrhm, Pout OHM-3,6113! and Saw Mill: and mum, wilhiuaquurter of n mileofignwnrlh Station on Kingston and [embloka Hailwmy unJ lmll' a mile from Harrowsmith, Ila milan Irqu King-Lon. 'litlo lmlinputnblv. A ' Hl'l K I: Township 9f Loughboro Will Buy that Valuable Farm, The above hands am all mtvntml and {run from nuuulubruuouo. and wil [)0 sold (HEA I Apply to CHOWN 5L CUNNINGHAM. Photographs in the Most Artistic mmer and at price: which defy competition. HALL IH'TI'RIN ENLARGE!) In uuy um n-uumul nml nished in ()II. Water (,olonl " Ilvu l BUY 0|! BENT~A HOUSE unit-Mn fur I an." fill). labia required on tho 1m; down" pnlorm. Adana J A, CARDINWI, City um Cunwnslon m hoboro DU Aomn. South Hall of Lot IS, in me 7th Communion of Olden140 Acres. hot H, In tho TthDunoouiou urolduu~9lll$ Acres. Lot. No. l3,ou the South West Shin 01 ll [Ironlenw Road. Township lillurlw Avrr Lot No 33 South West huge.Towuuhlp ClarendonvIOO Acres. but Na 34. North Eula Runny. Ton'nnluim 34, Eat Range, Township 4 Chm-union ~100 Au". Lam H Md 2 In tho Villmn nf anlav'n "n r in: uubwribera oar llm [allowing Land. For Sale 0N LIBERAL TERMS 0| PAYIIEN'I: Thu Want Part of Lot No. H, in Hm lth Cum oenion of Kenuobeo.coutaiuiug 2012 Ar-rnu but No. 7, in the Hill Concussion ni lln'lnll hmukaTJ Aurus Single 00 ion of the Domimou will be sent nu receipt ol coma. Bumpin- will lm l'uruinhml on Application. JOHN DOUGALLGL SUN Dominion lonthly, together 'llh Weekly Witm....... 2 New Dominion Monthly to Miniatur- rld School Tu- ohorl ...................... .. J [IRS 1:0r SalEl .. ..--_. -.. -v yum w-mlvllll w u:- IVHW_ DOlINION XONTHL Y. The December Number will bosons FREE. The Inhaption prion m I. follow. : Now Dominion Xanthly.......200 per luuulu Dominion lonthly, together Willa: .... ... 2.60 do ulo Loughboro, Nov 5&1) . l8. Wall Brackets! PRINCESS STREET. Oct 16th. lhh will who be proluoly Illustrated uilh Intel-u wood out... And would bn mm by every potion who will: an become thumughl) Acquainted with the Manor, of the (hvuruur G moral. To my pom: numbing w the Hunt nnurvlnu "nun-n...- h luau-ad by Inn-- on nvingn from mute- aka: Id] for III publication. MJAHUAIY H B will oouuin Ila-idol the nun! {nu mat of mam; mtur, 1 non {nun-n; uthlo on liL- II____ A. n, ",1, u .. Acres. Lot No, l in the Villlge of lnvemry. The above Lands all pan-um! n .. . uw. --uv uu 'iho Home of halo and the KAI-uni: of Lorna." I. _;n _|-- L- _._.r___ _ x , ~.. vn- - l- ill-'1, Which will (In II m! of the hablln and oppuranoe o! they-Illa! lulinninh-hnnn. moth" with I. Maury of their (lm. ' Tho: lament nluioudilulu e: um bohhw the ludhuud om-n Idr y huh-d. Tho whol- uuel hid l- .olurlm! nu-inc Ian-or baht. It. Rain; publie. The utirlo h Illa-M by Lingu- ImlguLbrum publication. Ulnreudun ~100 AOIGl. Lula! H md 14.!!! the VIII 0 of Seuley'n qu. Lola 2 3nd 5). in the 81h onoeuiou of Kn Adar400 Auras-A lE Subwribera the {allowing Land. OF 'ud uul slug- mun-mud. Th hmuudlmlud with I than iii-minimal;- . batty mu. man I - LAL, ,,.n- .u... . Woul-l mm: trawl-[fully Inl'orn. tlm publiu- Hun Im (a wle prc-uarml In cum-um In In! UNI-althqu Mull-0'35! m rims: rungs. ' I The low 1mm lonthly. x i l .__._., m -_. organ-mm TIM 'i" r. .- m.( M th- ink: 4 $7,250 Wantd. 1|! IIIPN'I_ A unmur G. I. ASHLEY. , An:,, Il NICIIULrA Township Clerk. '8. THE _f1?HAR_._MACY U1 LL 5!. SI )N Mantra-Idem nun... luau-I. uwuanh r0: ALL-Aunt Fm J Mod [Hun-tn v. Delhnllolt I m Vii: (Joann of Study Ill Ila-WM lam-alum- in Unlvndtyun- (UT-o rhor~ thanann. 01w label It! all [rm to a! Made-ll.an W Il dun. Tolegnlplng, In at . Aklnadnn (Hugo (or Uh. I. . Tumo- I'll] .ll pa man. With! 1'"- ho J '1 o 'n- IO. 0-1.3 $311.3", nmmm J. l hop-OJ! '1 m3 '1- f;:.:.d.3 mum? In All Idhlu_m~m war..."- arm... - I-c ' lKnuwledgeRdit than Choice] 61. -. H..._.. u AU-I DIJII'J "-15 .0 mo NEWW'QORKVELOTHING STORE. Brock Sta-mat Y'nm- ham-I (mm "1"; an... _..... .m uuu Hm unnunnl Auu HUH'I' uunrmi ulULK 0" Foreign and Canadian'rweodsmothl. l'nncyOmtingstorcoattnpc 1-1 wlm-h w wnlruukn up Gsnnontum our nun! Int uln- Itvlc {or Ian- mun" Mm" m. ml...- . v. "5.. uuu van-mun I wmwwm. I no, wumguyvorcoatmpc r w. wdl nuke IO.le for loan mun" Hun my ollmr hmhw in I'll" u do READY MADE CLOTHING-inf ock of My Undo Cluhln . (lonl'u Furnmhmg Honda, "II-l Ind CI . h m In a not roll snorted. and um In and u tho VERY LUWEJiT PRICES. R Ill!!! Tl! PLACE.- l. 1,1: A- n-.. ---_ HEATH 8: GUNNS, CAUTiON I Gage Bros. Alarm Clocks 'l. Iol'l' O [523% 152:1... 7% at. m I W ,777 ,.V_ m._-- v. ._._o.,. I" YOU WANT A GOOD SUIT, FuhhublyCut.ucol|om Vorkmuuhlr.ntniunl'rhn- IIIIIDKI. at law privem uu Inna! go to the show well known Cloth :1; Mann). vhma you WI ml Hm LAHUKS ' AND MUHT COMPmI STOCK 0V nroim and an-Ain-UA-J- MALI... -._-LI, - A . _ E3 LLQ 'I' I OBSERVE THE LOW PHICE:~ Overcoats .............. ..$ 5.00 upwardl. Mens Good Working Puts 2.00 Good Canadian Tweed Suits. all Wool..... ............ .. 10.00 " Fino Pants .............. .......... ............. 2.75 Tweed 1.00 White Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.90 Shirts and Drawers... 0.45 A 1;... mu. m PLANNEL smuum con-unme on baud. EXTRA. mu cm'rnmu mm LA (I E MEN. I? Don't fail to remember la plus to locum Burg-Jul. HIT? -A_- ._ __ A _7 can......-................ THE PEOPLE'S cmiig potisn 91 Prnnlr -unu 1---; A- u-w-u~, H'A TUNES S'JE WELERY, Ann unn- cEAIi cLbTHiiia c. Livingston,3? Brock Stret, IS DIC'I'EHVMINRI) ln HULL IllAnVlAIII nrnmnun. CHOICE NAMED VARIETIES MAN UFAUI'UIIIKU' PRICES. lfuu Can Save 25 par Gent. hy Ualhng at Livingstolyg n u unlit" Hm! hm Sluok 0 READYIADI CLOTHIN" I. nn- v... , __... .,.. .v ._.-. . un,uw. urnu-nn- Inn rubl z. PRWO-T. IIOCI It'll-1'. l .00" m- llrtu Ill. nv' Thin 1.x Hm phlce tn buy the chomp. Clothing. Tho but value in (Heron-Lt WHERE Yul ARE SURE OF GETTING THE NEWEST AND MOST FASH ll).\';\ lilllv; (MODS nt price: In low u my other hnmeiu tha city. 2-0 A ported Fit. gunnnmd or no sale. 'm {MMUHUHDEHSFUH mm uu 1 0 1V do '1' do '1' Lucas. Trimmings, (Novel, IF (JUAI. 0. l5 CHEAP. XIII-BI. ynur oyaaight I: not. You may amqu bath In having on. o! Hy. Lowndes, Liverpool House. N.B.-0ur Hooks beingolouod plan. do not nk (or cn_dit. All accuums due to me mun be paid .1 one-D. P. h. ___ A Bargain Guaranteed to Every Buyer. P. IIAR'IY. 12.4.1 Bear in Mind tint the Great Sulo col-aloe. on the l6: Instant, and will continue for Two Weeks. To IKE SOLD REGARDLEBB'OF 0081' OR VALUE. The Hood: must be mid and in 0d. bank. 1: I. tho prim will be found A: lnduonontb nu m-ko;brppurohuo. mac: Bull. Colored Silks, 31k Velntspdor'd (10.11! Wool Md! mum mumnom' mun-aw gniggoaucnndhligmm. at? Hull infomontonlulml. 180. out FY.N. . Uuonlyronlonummum' Impen- Sol bytl Drum-u mama-am . . 1 Lanna. Sergei. cords. 30 Math.) 811k Wax-pa. Pal-mutt, an. lea-Ines. Gobourgu. All Wool Dohlnu, Inner Dun Ml Hiring a! n pmper lime and II.) h I. mm for Inuit-at Agood supply. IP. HARTYS .. u..." u. out nu, 5' IDEFY COMPETITION IN PRICES ID WORKMASIIIP. PRICELr- innnss GOOD A RureChnce lorllw IndiaInna - gal-s Donn-3mg um Ilath for the Dual Wu will uh plum within a law month-J ho. IlOI tho Elam of 1mm:on [mum [In I will satin be .Cndhl-u (or the podon [not hold, um] tint I will commence n por- uulcmvm ollho city ll I (av day; I M! I] elnlm to the podium on ulnl l have Il- ntdy 6000,31! when elected will follow on In the nu ntrughtlorvnnl war-o l have .l'l'l punuod. having us aye mingle to the pruporiryo! the Pronnco. the nlvnuconmul om city. and apoclallv w the; vellum of my WI. ROBINSOI. u no feilov workmen. It-.. ,u u- ,, LAME A16 's'icK'm@Es OUREDFREE OF 008']? ' FOR THIS WEEK PEOPLE'S swims HOUSE. ' Ill-pacing I Ipoe'umy, HFVEH." GREAT I .I.. In .1 n At the 'Emporium of Fashion, |.hV \nl tl) n"... __.._;~ - 7 "_ '_"_- IC'IEHM I NED IU SELL READY-MADE CLOTHING AT LOWER. m and no morn value thsn Iny other More In tho all]. I. ha manufumuu I" MI (lowlu and yuu In" tho Man of buying than u MANUFACTURIBH' RICIM. n. (1-.-- nr n . 1 .- u. . __ Great Clearing 8:10 of Dress Goods, Great Bargains for the Next Slxty Days at the Pl]! any - ----._.- _.____ Imported Bulbs FOR WINDOW CULTURE. 0 Got.- l.-- .v-- w" vmub Ill! unuusuuuu mlit'u hm 0! CLOTHING In new, FuhionlblyUut. mdr nml H.114] In vary rmpr to nnyCUTOI WORK mule in tho (My. rru nn---.-I---A- .-. __--__ __, . v-n VI-v I n!!! D Brock Street. Paur Dom from Market Bqum. oov..___ \m A I1l\l\'\ unu u n, .. n . .. ____ vv---.u VUUL'I Brock Street, (next to lcxolvoy& Birch's.) CHARLES LIVINGS'NDH. Li vurpoul H uuu." AT (MUD 18%., Mug-m. Mercyapt Tail;lf. lllI-llllUl' III I'IIIUID I" PRIOR: SOMETHING NEW ' BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS FROM Wu. J do do WINOEYS from 50 3 do do LADIIS' JACKETS from 81.95. i do 8 do NAP? CLOTHS. , do A do BLANKETS. ) do L do FLANNELS. do I do HOSIERY. 6 do do FANCY GOODS. do do FRILLINGS. I. m. nnutuub In nsnn l LIIWIIIIID, "100 Princou Street, 3 dour- nbovo Wullington St. I LADIII' 0' '1'. AIDIIW'R CIVIC. and Mk. I halo 0! val-l and 'mm 0.. t... on run-on an mint. Doc. m. an noun; mud on In W torou mu a can].- In duh. Mun-Ls... l wanna-luau. Ono vain-o luke- thou | Ilod.___ W and m Ila-dd SaleofU;efulfancyAmcles I 1km Volume "Jun-3y lu.ll79 r: a. alumna. ! of lllulnumu of n I upon-nu In lublury Took, Implo mum. Punk Ana-nun! Pumah vdubb'arl {Inns-um rum, map:- Puln, popul- nuhblo nucle- (mu tho but cum. on Bel-no. All the lulu-trial Ana. Also 3 Us! a! Allowed Psi-u, will: a? IIde detail Inv'oolor. I no: in JO 3 tour, In.- cum-Inlet. 1:411?- nd Hana not loud ln to other GITY 0F KINGSTON. DOLLAR Ill-unto! Seleluc NG'WH! 1h luv-turn Iolu'nno Nun In: . alts-luau. Ono about , mm In m [Manhun- _______--r_ ___._. r mag-2': .. -u a. ,- .4 "Welwl and film homo-I It (bl-and numb-u. I. I. "Am a. ml. 'IM. 10 Imus I... In Yon. HENRY LOWNDES, Street, Wullinutu ~ Ilzl lrlncessilreet. Nnv lh h yum. H EN BY GNISI, Occurs. Ont. Inuit-led Ingmar. who! for Id-u. Dunn-nu. G. J, "mgr, IIIUIAICI mm. m: 1-400..th We, Cl.- .- huu. hoe-- Walk.- and In M All hut. am to H- -' nd. but - I 5.... Maria u m- WW mnudmlllauoluu. 2 0?" gm" "mm gyou'um I at u' u I no DULMM Kinguou. Nov '15, I878. 1.1,. own. PIOIMIOI um. u-m Van-ch- lvr "no. h. *_-.. Tina-In dikmnr,1mum M, lads. to. Moo-Wellingt- m PHOSFOZONE! ' lull-ulnar: nova!!ng m'f_# ,,,_ 1. Wu. nagI; ulth ud Ill": :Ihh cactu- all-n It. 3:30 II ll 7 7m. Dysp- .- roan! an... ml .- Ion-u bulbs. 1M In. unruly and MRI: In W. P. BELL .' I S'J' Em Fri an, a IKE-n, Ind 'ii's'fii{"dib' MEET ANIK nun.- WELLINGTON STREET. .I-l 10 l'lll lblClOlS J )1 H ENISTS. JI'S'I RECEIVED mu rmlpm'lllllly Inlorn. um pun prey-arm! ALL INUH Ub F IINIYI' umrun II but EEE HEM 4:33:34 lap-Mung], d Prom Hound In CAIADA. UNITED "A118 Ant) IUIOPI JJNQUIL NAHCMSUH' I! WWI-i. twalh-qlvbhd annual-.150th l-n-l mhg-n II I)". ulth-I. Vim, I ' Tu Zhu. LIOI'. Thon in I N hymn-ant in the City [In] H3, law [It bunc- hvtng boo- k. in the -- nilIA- him A. IA IL..- h A M I. VIIU -'"'I m Im I. .- uwcimlupipo. Anydumilnlo- WOMOiI thread It. in". wiHnIo-lylnnliond bylboddiu cool-collabole m. ingviuthoaon \hphllwn, at. molthhdl. Fawn mp.- light bug-huh lA-l ---Iv--"--u'. mmwmdm inc-unity. Delhi's...- Ihb-I-uh- III-bio a. __ -_.I On--_.,_ n,._n,- g_A L__ ~ . .0, A Gun or Bu VlOl; mumpm my up lb. counter potition of Ir. Gunn, in the King-ton oloction no, in who. [or A pans of bln. W. In" no undone. 0! that hot. Wu Mn moon to bolion mm inch In the intention of the potitiun of the Torin of the 01"]. The Libvnl party clnim jun VII the L CJ. unedited Iith dunking u: op- portunin to show up kho 3th.! .56., Id tho (one: in lady [or the {n}. WILL Us [its Anux iRuuof Inlh it "Ill wine Conlervutivel, Ipecuinlin upon the unloning 0! Mr. Gunn, will spin uk Sir John Mucdondd to Allow them to nnmimlo him In member for tho city. Will he run i Admitting hi. Ihnwdnus And common some, I. Ihould uy be him" u thing or two both! thnn thn. Till Knmrmx Pnrnlon.To-duy we print 3 Copy of the counter petition fylod in the Kingllon elocou cm. which chirp- oomlplion agninu Sir John Kno- donnld. The Appo-nnoo of thin utlclo in cm columm will give our coma-po ur] mother t of tho blunt, Ind will our- tnlnly convince it um '0 tank. by when it mm H well .- 'hu tho lu- ,LI_ -4 M: (In: Ind u tool a not-qt (1% III-WW. Annoy n opus. h nan. - .0. > Ml'mcml. Pounm..ln Nsplnoo thew Ire becoming quite lntereltln; specially warm will the content be (or the Mlyuulty. Mann C. Jamel Ind A. Maury. (Standard), and the pruunt ln- cumbent, um lnlkod of, while ll. ll stated (hut. about every member of the Council will be candid-tel. All ctnnot booloc- led sud all cannot enjoy the honour. A .-._ A Stunts 0rrnnu.Una Henry G. Guy, I lnrlemlor in I Wntortown hotel, in bold guilty by n coroners jury of hnving givoa n negro nuan Parry Urun such an munivo qunntity of liquor u to mun his death. The deceuod dunk lbulll thirty gluul in all. Young (Joy mu! fool hnppy with thin rolloction preuing upon hil cnnscience. ._ 7. h .0 lon'rruszlLIn consequence uf the exceedingly tempeltuuul neither the Queen Street Uhuir could not to-dly leave for annnee to full a concert ougege- ment for thin evening. We presume the Concert, under Iheae circumeunou, "I postponed. That eeeml to ul to be the inevilhble relult, dinppointing u H. may h. llm:0\'nlNu.Wu re echo the senti- mente nf our cuntemponry in expreuing the pleasure which many will feel in no- ticing that Rev. Father Lamnrd he: re- turned hil health to in u to be eble to enjny outside exercise. We hope he me] long be Ipared to nine his uloqueut voice in pulpit. ministration; an HALL. On Thanksgiving Day, (4th December) the Queen'l College Fool. Hall Club will kick 3 much with the Carleton (Tun-onto) Club. Lu! you, than organization. had I meeting, Int the lriendahlp then formed will be furth- ndvnnced Ind dovulupml by the Ipprouchd ing content. ._. 7 .m --- -wr Stuns. Iha Ilreell no now in m Avful lute. Mud and Inter worked to the cumiuency of put. make It dil- Iaruablo travelling. The told. in the century are in wretchud condition in wnw pllll nearly impuublo. If front should not in they would be very rough _*O-. AIHBIBLV. Thin evening the em ployeu o! the Purlnmuuth Tannery hua their nnnunl numbly in the Town HI. The pruupocu are that an excellent time will be enjoyed. It in unfortnnnto lhlt the wenthor Ihould be no dunp. -- -0. a. _.vw._ PRIII!!ATION.~Th0 India of Both- woll nunty on (ho 19m inn. prounlod Hon, D. Mill: II) An Iddrou Ind A gold headed cmu. Hu thwkod the ludlol fur their prelent. Ind mldo Alhurt Ipoech on Reform Progreu. A Bu Bum-Ir. Catch. a --.. 1......) -u- 0.!_L Id.- ~09. Luau Arruuno:.Tho City Hnll Inn Med Int owning to outlawing. T here new nine hundred tickets ukcn u the door. The procoodn therefore not- led I handsome lum. OOOOLNUT CREAM and OOOOANUT CAKES, m.. ClAsaI.-Tho undue 00-day bu chop-i conductany since named-y. Lat tuning In elm 3nd plantain Such chmgublo vuthor any h. "pooh 0d It thin Limo of the you. ~09... Puon.--Briek whigh northerly to northweuetly winds, rein], followed by put], cloning rather end cooler- Swrmeignele ere up on Luke Ont-tic and everywhere eat. ' I VIIM- va-Iuivw- I 'l v. uu duly. .2 0t 60 days; John Peg-o, dint- duly,di-u'md; Edvard WAN-k, 12am am. A a... at (mung. disc-Md. w '3' a'i'ls""5t"v9'm1 [Paint Shop Removed. Ituomn an; acclaim; Puucn COCIf.-J0hl Punk, dicot- nl- .1 1.- M An... IL 0..- din..- "Fawn mc,'xov.2ifiii .- "iiini Liam: Water Works N otice. our 411: "can: "w -W'_-'_v- alumni-mill vi- m, mi. n. kWhu'... *dnh g.- ..- to th Mn-mh-m I I'll-una- uuuun nu. Jonminh Baton. clung. nf nnmo John smith, temm III plnco o! fro.- hold". J. I. Butane. Gm. H. hdgocn, ohm-go ol tonne]. doom Baud. tenant inland of owner. (hone E. llklOiUn M. Motrin-n. umut mud! n! own-r. Than A. PAlneH (RG'.) ctr-n5. I! lui npmbor Gill. 0. Ulivor, chqu of In: number. Alox. Adair. " llnry Wilma (Rot) elm-go of unau- Chu. l-ilh, John lelur, Thou. M. Pnrkinl, J'uhn O'Toole, Puur NoDondd, Juuph Dnunt. Robert L. Morton, Chu. M. Mchnu, Jnmu Kolly, Slmuel leper, Jouph BAker, John Mnguiro, Willi-u: 'lowerl. John Slnngo, Proton-or Ferguson, Rah-It Wnnd moon 001.1, 8. Allen, 000. J. Jeffrey, Hattin Redmond, Williun ChApunn, Andrew vaoy, Churlu Mam-toy, C. L. Mollo , Robo Modshon, WHEN! Given-I, nmva - llulu wuuwll. Hi: Honor mud zhn whon ho Idde a nun" to the Voun' List for incomo, 11. would lush In order that. the party Ihould ho muud on the city nun-Imam. roll for the sum. Amount. rrorvuor r org Robert Wood, R IIAII Hi. Honor, Jude [rico, opened the Court It. 7 pm. Tha Reformorl wore roprounted by Mourl. J. M. Mnchn uud R. Shut, Ind the Couurvativu by I single council. "a. um... an: n... -I..n h. "Mm: -The party who Itnrted the inhmom not] lbnt turkeys had commonced tak- ing untifnt, prior to Thlnkagiving Day, hu turned out to ho a man who has loum old honl ho intend: to sell for upring chicken. in about two Inch. mu , n, L,A,7, ,2 Ir: ,A Tho Presbytery of Kingston, in con- noclinn with the Presbyterian Church in Cumin, met in Piotnu yentordny at eleven oclock mm. for tho induction of the Rev. Walter Uoulthard into tho pu- tnnlchugeo! the congregation in that H. W. J. Crothers, Avn'r. |\Y u'rlnrnm DI-ll Mull! Ion-v". It is hold by the chief log-l expound- er of the Nuw York Commercial that. while hlbllldl hue a right to open thoir wives' letters, they luvs no right my - to read them. But whore, then, in the Amusement I u-uu unu- . It in rumouer {hit it is the inten- tion of the ownerl of the steamer Elm pma of lndn" to pines hor on tho r: [m hotwoen the hand of the by und Mm" Lrul next leuon. v.:L,||,.u I:,ll I , u now no vuiuyu n ulpxln um: 11 cnur. The Ichooner Speedwell, which recontly wont uhoro near Uswego, hn b-nu got off and phced in tho dry dock. Tho Commonwealth Phogm Comp-ny is composed of dud but... They cheated the Almonbe Gazeftc out of their dnu. n: 7,, ,,,,,I .| .~.: .1 Dnmp any. Snnlhine bu gnuoavorybody lad. Something to but M. the hull In! nightthe drum. ,TL-T..-uln um. .:..,. -. u. A... unsuruuu ululu. The Tandy Bron. ling at St. Au- drow'l concert, Bellovillo, on Fridny evening of next week. TL... .'- "A ...:-b..|.2..... . _~-I ..-..AI_ Uvunlu v: uva "run. Thero in no uni-taking a ran! gentle- man. When he Ipprnscheu I free lunch ubla he Always | napkin and a Chlil. SneadwollA which lum- nun, Jo..- n. , IUD.- AMICATIO'I I-II'ID. 1.1,, A "Jr, _ 1.. ._.._- -M can. u. , lot lilo... viu A. H. mm inn-o, m. ---._... .-___... .n. _- w"? 7533..., Alton M . W. J. waggi- .- ..... In w... .. Pun wru, " thetitwee prodneedinCenedeweeen- " cient reeeon why it ehenld he plleeed iron the Cenedien Inennlectnm, theeeby enconregin; hone induetry, end giving employment to the Cenedien nothing- Inen. In connection with the purchene of hoee (or the neeot the Fire Deport- lnent we heve e ettiking inetenoe of Tory inconeietency, when they no required, or hen the opportunity of putting into prectioe the doctrine which they heve eo londly preached. It in well known thet there lee niejority of Coneervetivee in our City Council, end thet our Chief Me- gietnte ie politioelly of the eeme etripe Thet the Cheirmu- of the Committee on Fire, Weter end Gee ie e Coneervetive end ettong protoctioniet, end thet he ie eupported by e Comenetive committee no one will ettempt to deny. In the fece of ell than lect- thet the protectiomet element in the City Council will hue the herdihood to vote for the pur- chnee of Americen menufnoturod hoee oen herdly be conceived. Yet, thet they will evince no heeitetion in cerrying out the recommendetion of the Committee, will be but one more ieetenco of the in einoerity of their politice] creed. We mey edd, in conclueinn, thet there are two rubber hou menufectoriee in Cene M. KIRKPATRIGK'S fancy Good. _.toro. l'rnnms'n BUNZK PIIHCI-Il ITIIIT

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