[mammmmud smx| _ Gains-u s-rovns, tlb 1an Ann n-nA'. Theyi Gurus; Sven-y Stove they sell to give mum. Cull and see [bdrm "(1- priest berm purcng a- Bpeehllttontian livn to Hating of Dwelling-And Public Banding: will! swung. or Hm Mr. We make: rpeehlty 0! thin bun- nm. lumbar the plum ma woon AND um... Which lMdel WW BIC. . THE SPLENDID HANDSOME, 0!! I! all ) nur Men [IMINI (m a in (Jung-In. the [Mix-Id u. .l hind And Np'mllnd A UIHOA Stu-c. m MM: mind and" an mm a! Canadian Stove De m. at". Brook Street. Choose the Best'Slnve! AND SAVE COMFORT THIS WINTER. ! GEO. icIA._lf_l:"S, Hofnre you make a selection In where. The "Splendid" In, beyond nll quest on. the nest Hz. and Parlor Stove ever invented. possess- nnz mhamntiul improvements and udvnntngeu uw-r unv self feeder now in use. 7 Only call und see it belore you purchase any other. . man CLIFF Saihny om Liverpool 0 THUMDAY and from Hnmu a! BA iURDAY. I'ROI OUE EC: STOVEQT STOVES. ' (uil nud am the Crnwu Jewel Rmertihln Flue HALL AND PARLOB HEATING STOVE. Hm most, successful Stove sold. a Every Stove guaranteed. Alao the 87 King Street. '0 Hr? Iplling all our STUVES TEN PER CENT L'H EAI'ER than anyhonse in levi'y. A Inrgo- arm-k of CUT NAILS tor sale cheap. Nov 9th. E Liverpool,1.ondonderry& Glasgow I mverpoo1,1.onaonaerrya Glasgow CARIY'IO I'll CAIADIAI AND DO. IM TWENTY Islandld Iran 8min)! a, full [1("01'01, aublo onginod,Clydo um: I'wmmian Amtrian Canadian | I olg/nm' J" Nutarian A eadian .Narvl in Run Moravian New/mtwami l [Ii/'mr'uhm Sunnan Waldenwion (rupirm Icr'uian Huntecian. Nramhu'm 1V. h'vofian Corinthian. ruuian Manitoba" m- l A A I ANA n mum a mu unuv gnu inure in trltina Unmet: 'et {rm hv maiL Th:- 3 by all Drum Ilt m 1 p1 ago: Mr 1,4,.- wxll be m the mm.- H Iwuhlnmnil 5L (n \\ Imlmr,(h|t. Sn} l m Kingamn by H ber' m-inll rmponsihle /_ Nuv 2| 1878. PHOTOG] igvapiigygyhf LINE mun-"n. n . u Crowning Glory Wood Cook Stove, IlliAL 1--.... _._...LI. ..I....:-|....I nnl\nnll DI..." tjw I In With Inrpzn portable planished copper Reser \Uir: Inmbinen man 1m ormntleatumu that. an v other Reservoir C00 ing Stove. and is the 0th law pnrtable Reservoir Cooking Stove in the world with warming oven under the re. I Hall, Parlour and [100k Stove Sudininn. . Iulynmiln. lnmnliAn . . lllwllll-I'I- . no a. a. - om-uv. l The HMO" a! no alum-Una 'l" nil :[rrvm nebu- lo the Clydon a that "or, M: 3y: IrI-ll-I- nlll.|'-II. 5" l- Into-of Pump (to. KW: , (Mir-Khan: w Uta-pool or lat-ind 1 .59, .7. And p. m Examine my Stoves before buying eltwwhem;l Suitable for Drawing Room. Library and Dining Room. The Best 3 Bruiwn, 5"! TulM-f (,hz s-rovnsi COREEIIT CDS 1 WinterA rrangl-nents 1878-79 IHunnailu.............. use. an I (Iirculim. Doc. 14th [Morlvim.... Doc. 2llt ? Tbemmen of the Hsllfu will mu H. Iifu for 8!. John I, N 7., Ind Uvorpool u- Iollou: WM- :BUNN, 'QRIJNOESS STREET. IPALABE EUAL mm They are lled with an inside Reservoir, which can be removed and replnccd at pleasure. Call and see them at HORSEYS, fhul an TA, Int uv- w- .- Gct 8th, 1878. Oct. 4th . 1878. - 1.- Oct 261b, Oct. 3rd. ALLAN LINE l RAVI :01 0mm. I'soful and ornamental. V-~_._. _- GOLDEN LION BLOCK. PRINCESS STREETJ ICAll. A! I)! :8lnlll'IAT KINGSTON POST OFFICE GumE uuulu, ECONOMICAL, nun n Hnlifu BLT! I'RQI QUE EU: r Lvnu, AND RELIABLE. Third-y. Nov 21. "l- Kin-mm - tax may anmsn wmc. NOVEMBER 22 cum any ULunr. GEO. CLIFF. mama eadian l I. Mm Km Prumnulh Ban-runoth ll-uwruu Nov. Nov: Bmthsi (I. a. mind.) Lam In In wrmma IA, [CI nu em WITHIN: . Tl DAY. JD BA'IUIIDAY II! n 7 A... ml at lit Johl III-Dd. l mu. - Ikvnd'huntnndu MOO-00 Inning,qu have A. Gm & 00'- Wht! n 3- plunil when reg-ind. BIOCKVILLL W I"! II 7" [IA-u mum; '"lu Millw- BIOCKVILLL On Fridny nll lean onuh'l Wind, 00- moqln. {or Bmkvillo u 6 5:). WI. lava Bmkville nding thanqu Open for Charm. hemhm.ho..ol 5 "ma for Chm, embanumn Wod~ yo. For {unhol- part9!!!"- Apuly b A Gun le: a to H. C. Ruthie, on hard. ' L 3 WI. In Hereafter the Swim" ARUE'NIA vill leave Kinuton Ior Proton Ind intode port. at 3:30 pm. Returning will leave Flown sir-o'clock mm For {might Ind grunge apply to I IA M ES SWIFT. St. Lawrence Whirl. foo! ofJohnwn Street Kingston. Oct H. l878. M11?! E'sTIiif \ ETHIOPIG ELIXIB tn lmnr nth. In! IWI |Best a: Medicines For aiding Digestion, nrnuainu Torpid Livers to a healthy nctiun. ourng Jullndice. regulat- ing the Ru vein. pnrifylngthe Blood. banishing Dvs )eptio nympmnm, [Ann of Appetite. Sick "(what-he. Lungunr or [)9pr Anion ,und in. .heir stead give-n Lilr- and Renewed ENERGY and VITA Ll'lY to the whole syswm. Hamlin-he. Anion ,und 11. Oman VITALI'IY For Sale at King's Drug Store at 500 and $1 per Bottle. .__. Professor Dupuis' opinion,o( the nbovo named medicixlo,as a CHEMICAL COM- POUND, is an fulluwa: "I havemrefuliyaxmuim-d the composition ofu Tunic(Yumpuuml kuruwn M the STANLEY wrnnww mem uul lmvn funml ila iu- Puin in the: Min-k. Dimming of Vision. prams lure old age, and many uthnr diseases that lend to inannity or l'Olllluption and a premature ave, nil of which as 1: rule are rst. caused by twisting lrom tlm path m nature an! over imlulgeuom Tim Specic Medicine In the re- lultof aliiu umlv Ind man ears of exper- isnmin twntinudwvn Mt'il! dimwa. Pamph- et hpecic Medicine In hold nuts n10! pi-rpmkngamr nix seek gem, bv mall on rm tot mm. . lwuhlnmnirg 'ILLIAI G AY |1812 PensiohE. in Act. Applrubu ll?" be executed blot. II Molten-rt ol mold. band I- pilot inMI'M m. [ARMENIA] of the SI'ANLEI ETHIOIIC ELIXIR. uud lmvu found its in- grodimntstu be who]! vogemble. and of reput- ed medicinal vnhm itmutuius no incom )ati- blemno mineral ur otlmr pmsonn.and it nu t be tukeuineven nlumrnml [10de without prot ucing nnrious L-mmcquvm-on. I believe )t to be thoroughly sale. and reliable, as far as it in A Chemical Compound." (Signed N. F, Darnng UIHOA Sula. u mm m 1 (may lbvlnn But hum walnut-Id 4p... m Ur, in um Wu 0! Ian. in annual to. reunion of 5 pennant hum dun of nppnvd all An Wldnwu ol midi": u hue died After nimilu Pension. I No uh" m:- An animal All III'J uni-mmde fru- tho In. mm of alleged lhl-vydlym m by hh Annlitu'lnl 'oncr mAiBIam u mun nu nun-um anus-Inn bin. ad Ian-II."- min-d v .Lmlm. 3533mm} Kingston] PHOTOGRAPH IC ! IMPERIAnlz SHELDON and DAVIS. J n I w A 1h Phenix Fire Insiranbf N. I". Duran. Prufeamr of Chemistry. Queens College, King emu. ()m. I DR. '1. GIMYS SPECIFIC MEIIH'INE. ronmv: r-Itnon. (mg-(v)an ht:- Adv-ind b0. h OIL r.) . Iion.l "141nm! :Ml men'thlmuv '09 Am. an. Dunn. loch-l IngJV-un. ham "mymhhar: (In! Bind-rd lroland.0rm. IN]. Lune-ht". A"; Imam. loti- , Ig Um. MA. M A. lamb III-in. m M had h n Innis. 31-"- Th ml-bu. a . .1 It 1mm 00h Yb [7" till- - . . mob) (blah. d unnamhhbml CnanKanlndP-hb run-Icin- can-=3". ooh-l- [Thai Grricuitr l-enml likelilledy. We. the undnrnigued, (Hl tifv to whom it ma fonoern. that huvinq pt-rnonanv nr incur fami HM. used the STANLEY ETIHOPIC ELIXIR referred Lt) by Professor Dupum in his certi- 'at0.uhevrfu|lyumuumml iL to the public as being in our iudmumn nu exmlnnt l-zunily M. K Slrungn. RM. 1. ()vereml. Builder. James Kearnn. Tnlnzraph Openser P. Htmnw. Fur mam, And lunnv others. Kingston. Aug 13. I878. XDEI THIS APT. Any person who-and (crime: (by: or partlripucd m one hot- It. the War 0! ISII. is entitled tn. Pontiac A' h! m-rnmnh from d. around AnL JOB MOSES Periodical Pills. (Jo-puny. fol, London. Partial: wishing ohl Picture: enlarged alum] should ghn us a u. nn.nn.v "nu... .m......,. - la the latest Introduced and ed in (Irnynm Ink pronmu THE swung 7 rh-T W Pn........ am For Ah. Aryan-a Contain-Ilka. 0-bi- It An. 46." Oct-h. u- man. I nu. Jock, TI-lcgmph Opearatur. mum). HM. v in his vertm ly . mumml judgment GILIOBI I. 00.. E! 1 law, 1'. a WM 0.. I; . mva aux moss] IBHOTQGRAPIIS M. >_\- Hnath & GunmG, H.110- ihle druggisu everywhere. a: 0Q, Hon [Midu'uruat a. for! M, PIW. on M? Hau- : iugs'r PRIZE. AND i l SILVER (MEDALL mun unk? nu nnrn lmcsmw mm a]. bl: mutual: ofmn' I'll-l. 'l'l damn-Bod Pianos-n mom-pm a? Cl LIST on "ppm not 10.1371. Offer rot-nds. foot of Queen Street, ton. ALI. DESCRIP- TIONS 0" LUMBER and MANU'AOT MATERIAL FOR HOUSE BUILDING AT LOWEST HATER Submihod Capital . . . . . .....2,000.000 SL3 Totallnvutml Funds upwardnof21mL0008m Annual lmwmn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130,0005tg Funds lnvantod in Canada . . . . .. "00:000. Insurances against Inna by Fire vu-repwd at tho lowmtcun-ont mum and vluimn vu-uled with on reference to the Board In London. ROBERT SIMMH 6L (30., GEORGE DENHOLM. GenAvaanm-LAnuln ROYAL INURAEBOMPANY 0F ENGLAHD. , AGENTS : mm}; 1;; N ** * Assurance Company: "ILHN1.HN FNHIJANH . L [1 J. JJL .1 Unalnn davicaandI onl ormher com umh, ouamenul denlgna trademarks. tn labehl. (Invonu. Aulgn' ll HECUEED. We ruler to olciuln in lbs Pnent Odin-.10 our climb in or" 81.010 of the Unm.ud w tour Inn-Im- md .mnunvo 'u. Conneo thumb. m. M Aims 01 H.7WIIM'MPI vb MI OI". l' Col-b II "Fm Invbllvnu Illnl nuvn can RFJEOT F J J (Hum may still, in noun-0mm pawn ml by In. Bringoppoaita the Pnhm 0mm" can mike clocar Amman Ind locum Plums more ptomptly. Ind with bro-d" clnima. chm [hone who Ire remote from Wuhmgmn. IN VEN TORSm. r2: .nuh "(mnr .I-rim: no main oxmuinnnm INVEN TORS" w n- -' In 0d 9. l or nlotch afyonr device; no make enminnom [1w of chat-yr. and MVIM .- In uMMaMlity. All mrmo-pondrncenn'mly cnnx antinl. Prim low. unl NO CHARGE UNLESS PATENT "'leor.w unlaw- III um I IIUIIL Ululr. W I m ur Senator and .mnmm Coupon goth! m given whom desired. Maire-I. C. A. ENOWI: CO. 0". Mn 0M.Wuhinm D-C. VPHE undersigned are prepared to d VB! . Coal 01 this best quality, SURE NED AND DRY, | The limes}. mg sciu Ilia Best Stock for all Pur- l abusers In the City. a PRINCESS STREET, (Hourly Oppun'ta the Cay Ham, Kivwslm) ...--v- v-' OPPOSITE WELCH'SuMAIUHm SHOP PRINCESS STREET. lndemarlm. nd labeln. (:nvonu. Auu n manta. I-nerforonron. Appeals. Suits {or fu- fri manu.nnd all can Arinin under the PA RNT LAWK, nrnmnllv-ntn NI In. M all can Arum under um PA ENT LAWS prom tl MIN! Mltn. mmxnmis TIA HAVE BEEN isnrvn'nih. .. CITY HOTEL" N Prlnmnn Stun-1. [In mm! N Allcormpondrncenldcy candonl'ml. Prim low, uni ll HECURED. W. mm m nhi-l- in [In Pnent OHM-r. m i (:0an CTIONERY lm THOSALE, Merchant Tailor, Clothier GENM: Furnishing Goods I DD IHLCQ umnwum Suitable for Hm nrnnnnf Hanan. | IN READYJI *l) .8 NW Stuck is most n- " mnsivehrtclua in style an I qualitynml at Veryllmlvmm win a GENT H FUR. ISIHN} HUDS of nlldnn I nrintmn- and In m'mn vnriatv. sonatmltlv on 9' NOTE THE ADDRESS- R- Q'anord &,,99:\ mumnnu Iuul'uuunb 'n auuun III we Latest and Most Fashionable Styles, nmlJn fur u. nrngnnf nnannu l I UENTHEUINISIHN} NUDE of [Allan | nripuonn In grunt vnriety, sonatantly i band. ' lADIES' a umnzmu's Cast-OWearigg Apparel HOT E L_._ G UIDE New and Second "and oods Ar- w w w w g M 1 PATENTngazdziafxzzw run] "an... omnmnmh. mmmnnlsl danunn Commercial Union Assurance Company OF ENGLAND "_ '_v-_ v ___v_. w_ "v chum Putin decimal o! [naming cu depend upon low um ad un- denim Ill-w. STIAIIEI Wholesale and Bet-ll. ~T J. REIDS . (mow: 0mm (IAYL numk {manna-null. A J BIIDI. MW. Oioe, aarem Street. As Cheap as any House in the. Trade. I 3...... I. m m * M. h - April 4, 1877. Ami King-ton March 7. l875 Mints REID; nd .1- nknlntn 2" III! nyuruuu - ofevhrv dom-riptiou bought and sold. '1. u nuv I . Assets - - - - - 825.000.000.31 m- __A '1'. " '.F' Plano-Forth Mullah: Lumber Manufacmrers, 0! Mill lolut, Ont" (SURGE UENHULM. GenAgaanurledl VANDEWATLR 6L BETTE, A Ill'nll for Kimlnmn. CITY Fllt E A LA RM. CRAWFORD &. CO. nun-Luna nuu. mlvlvlum II. FOR HOUSE BUILDING AT LOWEST RATES. THUS. QEALE. Primmnu Rh #51; Pump: THE ~MED1L OF HONDA. AND DIPLOMA OI MERIT EWATEIi 6L BETTE, Ann-nu forKingnwn, ()nurin lll. 2 m +YARKERS OLD STAND ofN-vi man, It the Iowut roman-nun rim This ompwy wnnno to Insure building- md 5" other ducri an- of Pmpen .3an Lou or Dnrnagn bf heal: the moat .vmhl karma 5nd M. the oven rate-charged by, good bompnny. JAB. SWIFT, Agent at. lawman n BOARD OI" DIRECTORS Gm. Paqul Bldout, Enq.,(}ovornor Peter Pauxrwn, Eng Deputy novel-no: The "on, Gemw, Allan,'l'hoa.3troot; Bl: JAG [Akin Bohinmn. Burt..md Goo Boyd Elqa. Mum er Marine De thenl.Wm. (aw-rd EN ., 12R. Biruha. Kins]an Director, no British American Aunt-nee Com 1 Insure ull Ind steam Von-ell, thou-EM; t of l cargoes; by the trip, month, lemon or your, gums; loan or damage by Fire or the thugs" Insggggaagany I llurllonu Amie. Sui". Geo. Paminl Bidout, Enq.,(}ovornor liq Dfuty Governor. E. H. Rutherford, hi ., {on Wm (,Iyloyu Thou. D. Harrin Tub m. "9.115 !Ghunk- Blewety. MORTON, chU & KELLY. IXX&XXXAlesanm| Irmjm ll Um!) (I. HEAD OFFICE - - - - - TORONTO Church 8troot,Cornor of Court St. .- ornCIU-I- cu, ll 1!. at We a in! twin. Hay m: Important Notice to Builders, Farmers and. Others. Shelf and Heavy Hardwara, A Wonderful Dinner]. JO. E. ROSIE] l? HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING.Grnin hm. (lluzinm Pane: Hanuhw um! (h!- VKMMROBINSON CITY. LIVEBXSTABLESI Prim Elml, n . [m omCLU-I- mu. 7}. {We M23. A"; 52,10 per Lag 01 100 )3. Each Keg of Nuns is guaruneed entirely free tron: (lust, some. slh' s,or headings nails}; muth uuil boiug Ea acted by Diu \nonul Auwumti Jiokor, which givesm. ! 311! more of Iarfect nulls to L a keg. l The 2 augest, \"hvapest and Best I .Ieltcon oi [cm 2mm mini I And Room J's per Depot, BAGOT STREET. BETWEEN PRINCESS AND QUEEN STREETS ONTARIO.V at Salve m the world {or Cull, bum, L'lceu, .hlt Rheum, Chumwul mull, Chilblniul, I all kmdn n! 9km eruptiom. n in guaranteed to give perfect n In eva 13.30, or monav re- I'Iit'v 3:- ll-ms Ptl' box. For I l' L' inn {ROQM PAPERI uh-Work Mia-Hun bl M hmmhh-An-hnn I! i V 1 ill a L April 0187!! :argooa; by the mp, month, ' nfmnst damnfo din?! ) Ninyignionmt the owut roman-nun!!! WW. I. WWI, I. m Onlde tuition n'dndby-d pm- 0. ~95: aim. w III-tau In, "In-n." Lumpy w A call solicited. v Av w \J VVLJUU The. lieu Recon-eldulon. Room Paper. "1]! m. mum EA. . Arrlvn, W sud-um s- tair-Jinn) tau-u M a h our witcth m of Ohio the alobrniun of Bun-day 'u m a}, bozo-inn popular. According to Cincimnti Guru: than n" louun of sun-omen! opal: in that tit] on y mghu. Than 0! than no gun hum. {cut I" than. pad the uku- m bulb. but boom: when M at. given, Ind vuiuy Ilmw p1... Thu! in u uunJme- of nbout 10,0) pooplo u the phat. wiry Bundny nigh. Olden! Chartered Canadian Omnyany. FIRE QIARINE r (JUNE ANI) SHIN PAINTING. Gr hug, (lluzing, Paper Hangiu Int! Cl!- suminiug, aw. , done in t a but. Ll via and on the shortcut notice. King Street, Klnmon. uuwauu [0'31 :0 1 our: 3.30 a. an, . s'n *V nu-LIJI 33.??per Keg of 100 lbs. I Rag nl'les entirte - BRITISH AMINOA .AT VERY LOW PRICES .E {11- m'a' (an Ma ml and MAUITomb}. fun by. Plan It 7 am; "ve 3! d do-l bytnuin with m 8mm}? I smile: mun. Exit. '0 nan-1,... . qua In u rdffi Picky arm Tub Es: 'st. 1. lfo the (13:04 I Inn-IA- I." w; I. .wun- .- w .- w o qltlt,lld i1 elect! piano-sveltth! Imp-n hum nial-Md an I] Mun dig. lm litMud kind I! _.. uwww -, .. __-.. Mmmwdmimbw tumm- a. mi Pun-w goo-uh. huyqlmm manna. - -...o --.I :1 -Inoul .14-; -...n hi. n| W Ibo-I ema- an. .31 3A! ICIII'CALFI. I xllllwi- 89 a. 1075 -Tm\odny-.Thnndln ad I .1 3:3). urin- u Ik ;- pll h1- rIu-ul u inow-z very mun 1pm. Po- IP' QUEEN Insurance Company, iehgw & 0| THE PUBLIC WILL ALWAYS FIND ood ohoioo In All kindl of stow mop; CAPITAL"... 2,000,000 Sty. Invested Fund: .... ..858,8188tg. g? R 1}], Wmes and quuors, lmnorul Direct Iron) France of 1H the IV luv wuu -n1uv-ul Imporul a diluent Band: of When. Ira-ales. Ah. ta" LI 1 Ind III. It the BBOCK STREET BUTCHERB. J a me: Swift. ST. LAWRENCE WHARF, KINGSTOR m-l...l- .nal I..- "AII I HII 'mulvurvulu v- 'V." for Home FunuJI-oh-Mnd at.- baznu. mmdu'ndlnuunl Mam-mmusmodndbuv dumumhwmmm cog-mm vac-vora- 3. oz J. 'I#- JNK RA [LIVAY M V. ......" m mg. m m middling nd louse Culture. , IEYAOII'IHI, Donblo m maul MEDICAL HALL h I -w- "' 91: I FORBES d: IllDGFI. Month-l. (thingy-nu for (umlt S. .8. PHHPEN, Rant a! Anan Kin CnJul deliver in all pnrtnof the (ML-ml orderl q noklyl ad. Vessels supplild It the moat "movable mm. It Rhon mum-no McKelvay 4L Blroh'ssoovt ICnAL _gEP0T] 0|.un vvlblab\ vu vv IIAIIUU'IIIA\IDIII4 Wholaulo And In." Dealt: II All Dmrlntlono of Gulf -.. II...- in...- n'nLn-IML --.n -n... green (Weight. A150, Finest French Lavender and Cologne Waters, bu mentlmud CLEANED AND DY; colors in the belt. Itylo and on Hm I notice. ml Dopamer from King M, Munhlul 1|" 1. notice. The India: w ill pleura take notice that. I am the oulv (Ir-pa Dyerl the any. I mm Hue inst raoelved dint-t from Franco, 3 com late mortuwnt of the Finest Convex and onoave Gln ownJuiLahle for all Ages and da ()[uighL Alan I'in out Punch Lgvender and With thln'n a: Condray'n PERPIYMEHJM Atkinmn's En Huh IHl'ume. Mao bylle name boat, SILK ll/x5110 STOCKING ANI. Km. (Sana. howled Mil-rum. French Horn I Drown; Unlnlvn,&o. Mudioinoa ohmilmu any mum. arlng Hmmghl b] ringing thu hull. Dissolution 01 "131 warship. l HE III a. m v-n. his been dimllu Hunt mm, Al|dalr;due he I. L anu Lalpelll'lruml INHIqu m-uu um... w this old nml nlinhle natnlnlinlunenl, when they can he mule to look (-qlml lonew in 4H huurl notimml nll Mm! ofoad: that can CLEANED AND DYEI) all mlnrl In the Itvln unborn-u R. MONTGOMERY n -0- -l Tiara-r. SILK ELAHI'U Knue Caps, I Vail) AT Oll'l. The Drug .. rit-d nu Ly C. In nwmve :Ill ,...llp.m . . . . "03 tm, HRH-2H! HICKSON, or mm! Mun-Ker The Oldest llcnovallnu Dyeing m,L-..|.ll..l._.-no In Illnanlnn' IEYEIIidfo LIVE. roliaouahlo 3' Shop oppouno McKelvay Depot. Bopt 3nd. I'll-mic l we Son. 0! m but our introduced u an: III-kn. N - n A I MV - VivI. Ctoam Dvor. an .1878. (.' ll Kmuton. Junal. um FIRE AND LIFE. IRESH MEAT IN SEASON -l m the any. Hood rlunn Livoryiu connec- W DAVIS Proprotor n rtwoive :Ill ru 1 the late nu. Ihvh mmuhynw- a.._u_l _.....L_ -IAL- In.. g mu...- "(HE 'AN'IINH LACE (YI'RIAINH and (Inrpolm-lmnml Almuhl m-ml llwm m sin an. 26,1874 m: VIIICBI lhl'lluvaluus wluyau Eufnbllshment In lllnanton' tI-Inmhllllul A.I|.. 02.: ' w."i:."5.' 'EL'L'i. 0. ll. MYELL & 00 man. u C. Culture. anthth . -,..,-- -,_ M EA 5. 1 I p m. 100p m. a :0 pm. W00 ".31. 0! (.A NADA. r: in order tn (lm-v up um bucks. ml .ineu of Um hhm a w homu . H. LAVELL. I'll! hauthon'lw'. l .wmuuls mu! MW I. huhililiea xl) l due he luw 111.1: man In Hn the bucks. will homu Pre-oh lnlal (GIG-flit. A vary auto or nude.) 1 Im-e lldn mg. n... hutpndnm n thi- 14. h nulhonlm: M [my LII . . PHIIPEN, Agent. Kinplonl 35 cam-Jim Juan 205.6 "I .1. as do chub. l'u, SIN (1. 85 do Manhunt. sum Woman-habit.de hands]. lulu- Err now. Jut "rind-c M In In... an..- n- .Vl'llu .mpm nrylomlnyl. Wed Inn. 311:!) p In; arrive ammo-u low-d Ohm no. do Bolus:- Want. H..-.-.. I m- a. loam Phil 80d. nun-.qu Wham}. pm... " """" """"" m " moral-of :qu pct -M Jr an. Old I can. put huh-O min-Immw'b-Mm J. amigm" a: 00.. Buck 8L. manna: nnmu-nv :. 14w Ulflllnl go! up (- In! In nut. Gentlemen waking l 01! Summer 8 Clouml prong: would do well to wand than to me u once on "no nub. N B.l do not and my Panther and Glam nwuv to be donmbut do mn unwell and ll. 5 raw hourn if required. Plane huh a noun I. in. W. OSBORN, The ONLY Ineunl Dul- In In loopl mnotuuly on hand I In," 3nd "did Dominant. o! llurmlura Undertukhw Inondml min all n. mum-h, u m nun hamtuggg m m) ll Ann-cl.) maul-MT- but. no by"- umWTvntyCcau on "than a" bank I ICC. per hula can not Hub! Ad (on mu'wll-Ihu- rth-unme w I'Mvh-Ihymwm |~Iupuliumunu h _ _ u. Arrlvn. [)0 rt. :10 11.....9: 53m: tum-mainla- uuolulll *- mwu luhomou,rd ' M" mold-Illa, {Lumen-IE M , l1uwummmb ' WAMvotI-uu. in. ma L 0- 104991! and hams-m muse: . mummy... 1: Blade. II)" worn. Bill Vol":- uul 0n diet-ed pom 00 any one In Cumin. my in me time Io. them may for tho NI. Kid love. Chum! und Dnd on ash them may for tho NI. ' uann Dyed on thum- mu noun. who: to be bonu- don. an a ennui-o on 0 them. has Cumin. got 0 an! to ulnng oi! Mme v wouln (In wall in .....I n... --v vvvull" Dyer II III! 13"]. Uptown (MireThree dour. nhovo Pukhlll I, Prince Street. Down town Oloo and Stain Dye Works. 2. Johann. curmu- Inga: tum! Klnnlol. Juna .1878. ' UNDERTAKER, Cornet l'rI-eeu tilde-Inn M "'lll. unornuam Purmtura Undurtukhl Iltoudwl win all ma hum-hen. Kmpn on 11,1115 3 lnrgr uwrluwul 0! 11.12: M ,, ,1 n 'I n nmyn uu uuu u urge sol-luqu or 00111113 and Caskets, gfevorydm-ripllun nnathu but [loam In the - van-lulu Wu VWUILU UH, ofevorvdsuvri lion Dunliuion. Funerals IHCIHLd to in any and country on llw uuml roam-nuhln turmn. UY. HRALIR. Cuvltll and Hurplmr 00.540 304 Ila-m pull II M Inn at" - 1... 5.4.0.... or which In you for m {1|- mo nu loan- lone- ]. ll". DAN HUI :I. HOTEL In very m5: publiz- and the tlm oily. Good For the speedy can 0! Comm: '0]: Ind :ll dineuu tlm lad to it, me u uuboom Coughl, male Coldl, Bum- Bhilil, I. You". Anthmn, pin in the I'd. ml c act. dry bucking cough, tickl- in. in the throat, Bum In. San 1'th and lungs. DI. Kim's le anvuv hzu nu u nu! sud hi- aw-h- ad lur an n m-r d wide npuliou. Hwy lending phynzcianl recommend And no itin than pruvtice. Tbo (annul- lrum Ihlch it is prepared i: highly re. commanded by all medical jnurull. The ehtgy And u: prcis have complimamod it in the mm! ginning turml. Go toyom druguill Ind gut a 'rinl bottle free of call or . man? as. {ur 31.01). For lulu by J. ('3. King, Kumanu. __ .9. Tull COIPAHY bu Man doing blun- II 0nd. lot 5." your- .mi during thug Mu hh_ thy puhllo mundane. by org-n ll b." Jun M. new the hypn. Ind llborll ultlomomo! ovoruun claim on Indian policy holder- m muted by dawn .1 90,000 will: pin (lovupynQut u on". P. mu pollnyholtlanmmdrid I? dope. :1 romeo tho (Iovumnout 0 VI. ['0 his no Urinal u m. Alum nd paid a. m. ufnvmblou any ot r unk- J3"! um. um. awn, Anal 5-3; Domination in An thing Calm. ' ed with In guano. _ FRA'IHEBB DYE!) m all Shula (.nnn dun-mi Machine, Engine 05 Boiler Work- OIHCICN H'lllltl lik AA REST . I Insurance: Totalkmu ............ ..$27,47o.ooo Invested in Canada. 900.000 Lou-nu II It. John'u. MIL. QIII June. ma. sandal, mud I. r." III-fllll'l' ant-r [If lln, wllhoul ulna-uni or Mum-n1. The numb pmmm muhnmnln ware Inqu It the gran Firm In Chicago And Mum halide. Kivin n largenum uI' mmmy (A: than: on". J Rum-n of lnsurnnco an low In uny Info (Hm-n. Tin-(lumpan III uwuml to no lnlur umu 011mm... worm. THE UNDERMUNED HAVE ON "AND [mu HALE CHEAP One 10 "um Power Purqulm Engine. doale for driving Anything requiring power. Ono l0 Hone Powar Hallow-r, Eu me, with 20 horse povur. Boiler muond hnn . 0m: 20 um lowor Engine, with 190 hone power. Ono Rotary Pump, all brunt, rupuhlo u! deliv- ering l,000 gallon: per hour (sully. w- Aluo nn't. forunl Ilm nhl nun] I... EtnalnsuranceCoy., 0F HARTFORD, CONN. rho Magazines for October Young Ladiu' Journal, Bow Bella, and all the unzinnn muiuml Inn Livfol London& ("Ll-n. 'l'hll (Inmpnnv nm'um ()h-n In the Appllculloun r1-1:I:|\'l~dnHlm 4 THUH. MRI HIGH, Ill, Clarence Ht , 0mm Ila Pu - )MM Sept 6. IU77 Fonmgmim urlll I,Iluu Illunl urnuur K for at Hm RE 'AIRB OII ALI. K NDH gunman lmlvru 'uux ago. 20,000 Envelopm nlull kinda. Now lupurfnlluupply. Autograph Allnuuarw-ry kiln). Svlmol "ml-m Ior [he (,ullugiuln lnnlhutn Ind l'uhlic Sulmoln Ilull. Sullivan's (henxruphy nml lh-utly'l Copy Hunk. lhml Mu)pr lhm morning at lMcAuloys Bookstore. be pl,1)lh. lap-:th by I. J. Inn-Pull om Incl-l. II It. 0.. Block It. 1'1"! COMPANY In. l_ot__.b.: yoga u. II "116... u v. mw "BEAVER GROCERY." In 15.1377. 11... a Y _Aug to. 1m. v--_-uni JIyIr-hnm "en. lo. 05. Illulul. Oll- nmrrffwxa. I. pullth by I. J. Inna Pull Ind-$5: on... I... Input. M. n on pom-a A IIAI. cul- :J Im;m. |:.'10 pm. I04; 5:00 lym moo pm. ll,|50m_ 'ho Weekly Irltloh Will. 1- PIN! "or, Tiltqu lulu. 6a'biitak; r ,7._._ _. v_. nu mm... 30.... PM. HA" "In RILIIVID n. M'EWEH & sou, hine. Enne & Boiler W; , banding Englinll III- a receivrd "um "Tl-ll...- IIIO. 7:211..m. 9'3 n In. 4:1!) pm 7:11.33 v, -u. u; w uqu QUEEN U'I'BILK'I B7! Gompany. ch'l-tl at tho (mine of HRHIGHJCM, it. ()ppmlto Pun-OHM ul' uuur Isl-ll]. - old land {or Mm. Null, lutbluto 7:2!) mm 1:00 pm. 7:30 p.m Do .9: .. I245 mm. ..I:|0p.m. "01.00 pm G R .l N I) '1'}: U. W A - mg. m"-&m "~""'""' PM out-u nanny2mm on chm-MW a W ChunkWellington 8mm -0lhl ll; Eve-is. 7. ll lining Moot Home. II x a). Iov. I. ashy. a. a Lunar-L I: II. no 1. D- Vuy luv Ibu- r. A. Jud OkvmlLl ll : Ina-int. 3.1 I ILEvodnbm. RevWBCm . H.130MdrdJohnnon treatMud mag??? " EL:' ' . v n I. ght :n Wildobey. film swig G donbmhltInrn. ; m g .- .Quon ..rflIul glob; Evening rm. J.Gnlbnith lav W. 12km, addicv Jam, PH qtMorning Service 8:30 gnu-nquan Rev. C. mommigm. 1%; may. Prh UM ChunkBrock lm: IM; Inch; 61 MT W Joule. . I. And-'5 Clarke-(PluhymumPnn atalumina II; Evening mo. Rev Cum-Kin; [It . Xorn- b Daily Pnyemll-m. Vin I. m- . a. Mo 0M ll ;Evodu w. Rev Ut._l_ aOaMfrda {1' '1'65".i"".'."i ; van -- mil Inching, [H.- M.Mol BRITISH AMER-ICAN HOTEL -I'HIH WNJ. KM)WN munuhnr wzll: Ilm (mrvaz The human Stat: Lottery Company TM- imcnoim. 'u naululv inwnwmted 1n! mum mam maqu way, This institution was rcgululy incurporaced 17 tin With! of the State for lldum'iun I and Uhql'ihble urpooua in 1858. with a pit-d ofxmllg, to which it. has kim'c added a reserve fund of 8350,(XXJ. 1TH RAND RINHIJC NUMBER. IJISTRIBU SEQW. . . ' -KAND BINGLE NUMBER. TION will uh. phce monthly un the neconll Tueul. . It never mlm or pinup-mes. Look u d). allowing dinributiou : rm A Nth unnuwN A nlc. CONCERT Unprecedented Attractlon I OVER BALE A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. ma following mun-mutton : GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, during Ibich WI take place the Ellmuuy Semi - Annual Druwhlg. A! H..- (Mun. TUESDAY Der. Imh. men: 0| Gen. 0. T. BEAUREGARD. of Lnuiaiaua bud Gen.JUBALA- EARLY. (1! Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, $100,000. w NOTICETickruure Tm Ihdlmu n llah'u. .5; [Ifth $2 ' 'l'lnthujl LIST 0]" PRIZE? l Capiml in uf leum . . . . . . .410 ll Grmd Prim of 50.000. .. ff Ellmnuuy 30ml All: In A! New Orlunl. TUESDAY. Under um pornonal supervision and n maul ol CARDS, CIRCI' LA RS w-uuuu -----'-"', (owanxanmoorlmm a. Pnrxnw WI. nod ml j~bhing dnm nml mac-M w .ll an mil umr] whim You need Mailman]! waif-uh... , W. JONES. O 4.... w j mnmm m.~lh-.M, L Il-ml-dm ' W a! MIDWABI In. Prlnvenn Sm rt. ventral Hotel in the any NuKM-rmr:u-vmmnlklxillnnI'urGueMlnnd I wmua mnpln kmmm mr (,muumroml Tm vellum ()muilmn and Hnugngo Waggon to I Trams I? A Lirrry Smbln .mhod. uU, JUHNBUN. Pmprmlur. 11,279 Prim. umountlng to . . . . . . . . .4): Gen. 0. 1. BIAUIEOARD, oan. . . Gen. JLBAL A. EAILv,of \u. ""' r A )pliontion for I'lth to dub: should only be m e, to the Home Ofce in New Urn-um. Write for circulars or send orders in M. A DAUPHIN. RU. Box Er), New Orleans, Louisiana. IL L. PLUM, 31'.) Broadway, New York or to WHiG WORK Plain III Omam ontal WI Ind ban the hr;th and I Monument. I1311.1. 11nt or ALL SIZES. mu 0! FARE l-OR HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. In Hui-I par: nfm muntrv. doing work of all k min urn Its type omhrnm-a ll And I kinda of Natal Typo, Phln nnd Fume Stvh-s. Tu cairn their BILLS on CIRCULARS I} POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, I 19:36.. executed nouly Ind promptly and a! win st the Indemkwr I Hi Mmlmg [lu- Man! Inn-futur- of Sl-nhu-r, Role. Human l Ul Ind 0rd! [Author "-th "ulna , nil-Id lplit RAIL". 'ru-dj 0.". Covul (arri Cal! Kid. BoldnngaM ta- I the: "on. he. I I'll" UVIIVl O.'uaqu.1 Tnnnorv Kine-10.1, . . . . .annm. C'huvbWellinon mm! lat-1H; Eva-it. I". Dr. Juehon. :2: lab: M. loaned Road. It at. lav. Itchy. Ila- w. ChunkUnion Stmt-Xoming ll ; Indra 5-. Rev V W KirkpuriL-L a. a clan StreetInning Rev B Cam A Im AMMh-hnmn trackuid {THE BRITISH WHIB OFFICE nl' musuhnlv | lulu "dun. Irina; It:ng Lowest Living Rates. I- '7 AT: M'lll LLANS h-." -_.-n-_ I-l-m- .l-- Illustrated by Woml ('llls, Amber Isl-ml I: luv and kumhy 5:30 n m. Ebcii ; Til! BEST APPOINTED g work of all k null! urn uuml lhn In! SIZE. "Muslim; mun nnrmunrnm L PATI WOOD LETTER, FORD & SONS. .01).! T3111 Inl'o In Vain. Print. M. I nd Jouu Ibo: you u I. JONES. u'd- Prim (WT-[ham Lile Worry JAM y ' [nun-101;. to Liverpool, Ludo-duty or lmodel Stunnw .W.0MI. L Mn. "alarm-d DI. unwary RunwTmodlymnnndl 0 and: Hon .1 n n- umph Mul- Inll niollwo: Vb Kr- Yorkmnry Tm! I! se per I 5 mm". pa, Cumu." [Amman Friday u 9 pm N. be pt? I 1' can. Emu! [aura-hould ho Hulk-d hit an .nlmnr pnvinm to the line of aiming UN Huh. pm. I