Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Nov 1878, p. 1

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Pamntb of Invention: huh-IMH- IMJIH'IDIPATIIAIDWM - 'l'l-o Sumo H109 and ,Dwolllnun Ken a! Prince! and calling. nu. The shop Ind Die in on Prinoou next nbove In I a Pnucv Stan 'n|e Shop um Drama?! Prinoau nmt. Puma, Store. The :1 name 66 Malibu ud Diouin" {mung on In H Square um] Clmnco an, in thorough cpnir. Applyw - .-- until-1. nun-n.- WII'II I-IIDHT' MIIIIOI: The two Stone Baillith on the but com: 0! Ontario Ind John-on um... opposite Anglo American Hotel. Tl-o sumo Shop and Dwellinon North corner Wellington lln YUI' WANT THE HEHTCIDEH in the wurlul hv llm (Hana. Uunrt or (hllon. I") to Am each. Irickbop-ul Dwelling a m a": Prince-- mt, bone-n Spunk-n and Clay mun. Dwelling: ad I Building latall on Within .03 me. com o! Willi-n Bo lava-ll Mo Building Lot. on Womb not, lo Low" Io uhKat Am with; hauling-tum, op um. Goor oCuhdr-l- m A 2 nary rick Dinning. three I nary Brick Dialling: d nildinz Lotall Willi-ran man. 11 Kingston. 0c: 26. 1878. .U. HM ilthglAkonmol King-l I'm um. mnntl Fmt Fm! Extra Inth Lot on King an. nu lam Futon-'5 nude-co. lludll Lot lb. lam Bulging. mun. 'mg to s: on I . 7 AMQIWN- I UI Imuhmaiyum [or Sale and 1'. w. VOL. XLVl. Dwellings, Building 1.06;" IL. A- I- OL. .- A'".-A- .....V.... r..... ".1", H J. I . GILBERSLEEVE. G. I}. ASHLEY. nnnn .h.. n. lll:,~_ ll,.A I'dr, II IDIATI P0" Real Estate Agent. '8. Eu" Prize Mona' Cnrk Sole rivet nuts, Flrlt do do pegged; du Rheum] tlu du lowed do in... A l-.|...-' .I. .n.. Bl I'll! I. II I'lwll CHEAP JACK. m mfg; 7176 I}an AV'LJJIJK' III-IIV. "ATTEND AND Fl'lilu. Form-r cf Prim Ill-I Magi)! HUN PL-M Ito will lhrir VITKS hunt-hunt] and W ulumlal louvn- lhr- wuh un - . AT ONCE. QUEEN IInsurance Company, FIRE ANI) LIFE. CAPITAL ..... .. 82.000900 It.- hmhd hull .... ..658,8188t(. mm A HENRI-cued. (.Ihllm r ML Fur quues 3nd Goats, Prise Seal Betta. In. Lnnb Scotch Caps for Misses war. ums and GLOVES of every des- cription. DIPLOMA at the Midlsnd Cantu] rm- for display of 1' UBS,HAT8. 80)., ac. MILLS mugs, lurrrrun nun mvmuvuu . Gttrujd Weather NEW [HAT sronEi finginnkskin I Glovn. rMittu, &c. ma mom and Gauntllets. Seal, Mink and other Gaps. Persian and Russian Lamb Caps: Re airing and Remodelling 01d U38. CLARK WRIHHT. Nov 9th. Wellington Street. JAMES chRl'l'R. Inna-ml t 1 Indy. wanna. g... 3*. Ir" h. In ; __-..v..r v . - 7 GENILEMENS Rgcoon and Bn'alo Goats. Childres Fancy Setts in great variety. Squirrel-Tail 36;; Mink Seal and Dyed Otter Setts. l mums I 8.3. Seal and Astracan Jackets. I BUFFALO ROBES, lined and un 1:..-) _L L-LAA_, ,, uv. u-uv nvuuu, M6 on uu I lined, at bottom prices. H. B. WOLFE and JAPANESE ROBES. cLAnK wmcHT'sJ ulv n 11 vuu ALEXANDEliWIQSSS, incess Street- Jacket L'lom In all the newest stylus and Inuit ()ur MILLINERY DEPARTIENT, nlwnys a grad Attraction. will this season, with novelty. variety and human of prion plane the moat, {unlidinnn GEN I'N FIYRNINHINHH nf avarv Ilmripfinn ISO [4999; ggw TWM' in Benton, English and Canudmu. NEW CARI'ETS in Brunseln.Tuponu-y. Wool and "amp. NEW FLOUR OIL CLOTHS. -- n---I~ _ A_ THE SUBSCRIBER RIZSIIKWH'LLY BEG! Um]. Inn has maul rxtalnivr uurrluuu-l IN THE CI'IY,nnd invites all intending pnrrhuera to call And input it before buying elu- wherel The following department: Ar especially in o and varied with lanolin-g in than: to Please every Lama :lllaux and Coiomd Silks, Dmu ooda in I" 1h nova-t linden and malar- ial, Balloons. l-ringnu Ind Hntmnn to match, Black Cuhmc res from 80 per nrd, Blmk'Luatrea from 12 :- per yard, Plain nnd Famy Wincay-mommoncininlio or nrd. h'il, Jute" and Jacket lmh in all the styles Ind {abriu Our Ml LIN RY are traction. [hi on, I .:I' , . .l. . _ ulna w nuuuuuv' nun. uv :- Iuuug one of the Largest, Most Select and Cheapest Stock- Dry Goods "ID. 07 FIIu. I RV Rwamarunrrying itanmgu. H), and 5100 gold. Hoarding to Iooommoduion No Steernge. Jy Hummer: not carrying elm-rage, OJIOO Ind QIM. gold, mocmlllg to mummlntion. 35- Tickels issued at a special rate of 860 gold. during the Full 1nd Winter season. Ticket. to Purl: $15.00, Gold. additional Return Ticket. unfavorable terms. Bunnys u. very low rates. manage Tickets from LIVerpool and Queen-town and I. other pnrta 0! Euro ut luwaet ram Through Bil of lading given for Belfast. Glasgow, anro.Antwerp Ind Mar port.- on uh. Cuninnnt; And for Medium-new pom. For Freisz and Pmuge.upply at Compmy'l Ofce. NO- 4' Bol'hnl GT3. "0' York CHAS. G FRANCKLYN. Allen! m1;;1;;1j)_RY GOOD 8! _ r UI ABYSSINIA . BOTHNIA . .. ALHEKIA . . .. . 0 WITH the new 01 damn-Mug um chums- ol militiamen mum of M Una} uh I specic-l oouuo tor Ll] mm of tho you. On the Ounnrd Puugo from noon-mun to Now York or 3m, cm; loridhn at 50 at 43 L1: .or nothing to the North 0 Q3. 0n the Homeward Pmomrouing the luhn 50 u 42 Lat," nothing to the North of 4)! The Cunard Steamship depany,(Limited) New York and CALLING AT I. ZINE Sept 24,1878. Four Thousand Pairs u I I. u I-r VIIl II III u vv I Ill-ol- OHho mm mentioned Good-pm uvuhvobnnuhlhphn. Guam-minule downmuehholowzhoir origin-loo. Avoukoltloplhlbhtc wmudmoumkndmprboaudhukdhm . . One PricJe Asked rand N6 ie;;'rl'aken. A GRAND CLEARING OUT SALE 01 the Good- unriou thn navu hr. Inn-n I- [hum-n, Aug 22nd. 1878. {FROMNHW YQRK. ,V'l'l I OF CANADA. _._oo__ - ALEXANDER ROSS [legs to announce that he in Ibwiuz McNAtIGH'I'oiv 65 co. KINGSTON. CANADA. MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 25 1878. Clothing 1 "not Thus but In leased Illll Inn I well tank In: it. In: on corner of Alfred and Union utrwta. Milt. 411.77 I 11-11. ruvn HI ..Wodnud|y, Oct. 30th RUWI . . . . . .... W0 . . Wednesday, Nov. 6. SOYTEIA . . . . . . We . . Wednesday, Now 13. And every [allowing Wodnudq hm: Now York . . I run-m. An. Itd - null- u n n Ibwiug I nut unlnb n...l l. .... .u. a Rates of Pan-Iago : go. gold. uoordinzl OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL. U I OIL, WATER COLOR. INDIA [Ell All M II. Dculnn . v.u, nun-n. wwn. uvuna Inn 034mm runs: 1: rum-Ina Thumb-ab. [ilst_E'i5sul"uvtinIpll3 Irinuou 5mm. Pine Hull-ling nite. fxl, on Bani Stmt nut. below the Image in course ufamuou lol- IL 1. Wilkem Than our before nuiud. The boot Hendersons EHENDERSONS Better Auonaom of English, American And Cundinn r [500 vnnm-rms Now 18 THE BEST TIME TU sLECT 0M: AT Hendersons Bookstore. Nov 2 f Diaries for the Ensmng Year. EHHISTMAS CARDS mlI-I. Vina [Al nu Alfrml utruot. l i Acrol. Um: luau ulul M n (hmlou for Um yearn, lIHenderson'sBnukstnm. PRINCESS STREET. tune to Add Ibu you roquin in now, when new, no- on. can b. no. u CARDS, Slxty Vnrietiu o! Diariel. Smnll Diariu. Luge Disn'u. Diaries with Pocket Book: Attached. Diaries with Bill Wnllotl. Diaries with three dnyl to n pngu. Diaries for tho Vent Pocket. low. Lou on II'nmlonm', between um and Prinuou Strmt. 'mn lhnldinu .im. 501M". an Bun! lmt Diaries with two dnyl to a pup. Dinriel {or the Ofce. Diaries with one pugs to. day. Diaries for the Pocket. MoNAUGHTON a 00.. Conn. Knm an Putnam Stun. ung-sq IRON NE W YORK. L .. Wodnudny Nov {A Wednesday, Nov' Live r pool UORK HARBOR. Comings, ind-l 43:. * u. dun-tum scrotumt 30081.6 '1". 1111!; HOUSE nu ydonhun Htraet, No. lb'J. holwaen Pnnwu and Queen Itmu. rut. one front. 'J rooms, bmmout kitchen. Prn-e Inw M Ina-luau. mm W] Munch! Imus-on. In ll. - .m Dl II'YI DUI DIM- ' WI DAVID. Ind". And dukr In Set .1 Bad Good- M every Amt-lumen. I In. Input me (harl- mm rob- Inn-I. Ibo-non. WCHIAPJOBI Al I. rmru: wun'lxn x E V In [or lat-neutri- plio-l byleui- tbolri an-m. wu. mvx . m a... om. I I. in im at lryuon hand. oral-m. wI. "AVID. m Ch: him of '- RAVI Ilonhgu nnA AA-L n nu: QUART, mums, It I Clpup rim Apply m nu- - . . .. owner, \\ M. DAVID, (flu. Ink". I'vlnn-n Cunt ling-to- 0000 VI VAR. rtvllllinil: Ahnu1 mhundml and hunt; urn-u > no" h 3... Frame [halting thorn-IL Fur unu- mly to mount. WM DAVID. 2 Style-nomanh, 1 ou.wiLh mama; Nunu, NY. 4 Satin Flurnl Outt, IOU, an u .........unu. . HUII!\ an: S. 8. Perry. Nunnuu, N Y. w The pu s A DAY In Ang I'llilc"ll'lu' l /.\ uutt {run Allll't-hnl' H \ Sweet Cider. .99? Sale; I!!! 'I'uw nIvAnm I. l nuuunn WM. L.WEBBER, Lani Commissi: EAST HAGINAW. MHH. PINE AND FARMING LANDS In CENTRAL MILHH. -\.\'. Flint and Pch Mum-1.01 h- K: A;l.|r:--m [Vi-Ime N LANDS; For inl'urmutiuu mm-H'Lm: Ilm WI LIJA I DA V"). TI). C'mop Bmhf. Print":- KL . K mva New Advertisenienis. - oflha rnlBHI I \t'qllmll'nn N0 um oflayiuu "1 tin 1r WINTER STU he has ever hem pn-m-lm-d m t EYES of [In- llullu (ur m-w ' I Raisins andCurrants {r Out 17:11. Ii he offered at 1 The Stock includ I nu L)|.U\l\ nu mun-s a l mum Liquors and AIL. - M. . ' ' I TO BE S;XGLII"I(JED AWN purclmmxl the Bankrupt Sun-k of loam IlcNuh.Lmmptun. Fa-rrls AL (30,. of Hontmai. at 33 n-mn III the dumm'e (h l'unl to give (1w public [bu benet 0" our Purchase. ! BANKRUEI swocxi TEHSISUQEISKgliqUBIS. MIXED (.ARIH Aguvnsouml Hh an. N Y. {$30,000m FOR SALE, .- unoku-HM m... FOR 53253. In nr'nn I. AVING pun-banal McNah.memm>n. (20.. R! * nuns. are now pvmmilg their , I .n Manon Inlh vary "in. Pocket Antl Iorv'h'wl-r Aim, If you buy 3 PM at THE BAZAAR, you can (of. lbs pine with n. _p\. Wanted- m -m_. A "11"" .3 [mm Ix ('un|~. wrlh lmlm. luv. I Hum: ( 'unlaih', Swim-[hing m-w. any n vu-w I In TEAS? 1L .. ....A Gage Bros.Alarm Clad :s weyu. ernnvg HI .' a! mum! mum. wt 171. 511 '41 ,. Ali-Id. (31! Tutu-l, "'5 Iqbal-n 2 SI ' ~01! Ira: by n Damaged Wheat by the Bag; UK (,7 a ,i an. LAVELL & 00 Man a' b 544 #39 5" ifnnviledge Rather than Ehaica; rst- .in For Sale. iyams FOOT 'PRINCESS 2mm Dissolution 7 DAMAGEIMJIEAi H'A 'IY '1/[3'53'J/JHliL/L. A'l HAHII mum ' "Vwv. _ ' Im". 1 I)! ".0! mar I'll. It Ida-n '51} hiruh-Ll" I- .- .l' V!- l Wholesale and Retail l3; NEW FRUIT. I New and Cu: Cam-5.x 500 bags Extra. Flour, Chew, Fresh and Salt Butt. I GIHHRllIH for l Just the [hingvfm !he 33 I. F. The " Bazaarigwaysihd! W AMIIJES who arc in Inning [hut nupply 4 PARKHILL$, PROTECTION GSA hfi Atrgvsmck l0 Erin-cl Fm A QLA Nfln' or, 76038 I In no... It. Partnersl * the What 01'. FA nilrnnn n, luH \ Season. ; . u. ..w .u-w-vuu 1' III I I :g on lhu Ir trmtnwum m, n.- m: and m: "M'th at. d- wxcmn, 00ml 0'00 ilk... mm x." m I era-w unit. i- 156 gmrph II. "ICC" gut, Ft U i. Ilu' '. OH: ml Iyucm n hm ! an Hung. a; [1 iVBug, It! 00 um, Iiwn Cumin in may I be: Indmtriu, ilplnm in r. andqu . bad the. o! 1 in u lhdm'u! In. t.- ; In... gang grim mug. .- ....u. v, ...y-.'uw ~:.y. :m-l rulmml ulpcllouco. nu u. imlicy u! l'rukc'ion in I, and Ma mare rigid And can- -. vo it mny b. in in (lltull, tho H ui'l reach in uplaoiun. In! :I In built up. have uuthinq .m 1m. 1: nw Mon, cacao- ' 'r~mmu, thus are not On..- mum, Luz, uciontly pru- um. um,- Lo grain in hut-boun- m -, h u pnuxble that Camd- l'. Hod Maw: may. boom of - 'fumi'un luzll' ruck In I. I | system of cum ' WWI]. [um c Haunt; but. W In vgrce I! "hunting, the, my I). l Inmd In conch n ma. MONDAY EVNG, NOV.25.187& MANOR HHi PROTECTION. [Kl lll' llrmi U! lL'Km Malw pan over fearful; l-Zu tlw simplest (nod. Drink than pure mhl wnte H uyuu wile wall (II-at least you ougher U. D. "- Ull- EN'I'IHI'. 0mm um] mhlonw. Dr. lump- Iou'l ommornar ul Kin. and Williun Ill-sou. awful Dr. Ynltsn'. Jul. 6 ll. , iBEi' SiITW n-uouurnn Antlopv.lllw In. a upeu Air- qu- you uk- tho bent-r,- mtuio'a law on my in) (I! Kinny; the- gin. umlnl Inomlelv [)er \ market, and (Aden mgn rivnln. At hut, nur credit, I. owned m-luJ nu Hurt-L- Kw 54m. uly and the \Vlilkcy. N0 2'37. use. r spiribfhhlfql: d uf sickens Abwc. urrd by I ulnnul In lrntuucw, umn HOUI- u-wl, ur funhmnnd nu r be Introduced into lbvuun- uu " . ARBIBTER. ATTOBNRYJ LAW, 80. LlCthm.&. U'FlCI'IPrlucouSLmt on I- Dr linnar'n Drug store. I. b mm. "978. wanver. M Irguo n lan'. Protoc- deluuonn wlnch . InF.Il,l uni rJ "HIIIIILILIUH II [he wrty [u up a mil~ ;x';uu every week MI. And [hence to n the Lhuught, avuu .mv [Junmun' tlllilld rU HDOH s u the qlwutinu 1 prulcct. 'l'lmy wives on all they I)"l|. CUIllmO. " wulvrl nun l- faring lhu mn- prod that at (ha Into mm wax u prutty unu- puluy of menu-mg Under tho high "1, After 11 Muuufncl n .1 '5 _. an, '- cunnu uur purchuinq Our "LIIHI ' noticing tho auturen' and rumnnl a... 0!. ll. IS. '1. WlIlEuL oulh 1! Int Na 1. North sixl's of Victoria root This hot in {MIch and Inn well Ink nu In WantToo can no!!! or (I an i; Mord I uncut-nu, MI; nldr. jut-aha?" lug .- Itu.loo- a. "M I | yin fl Wins-vanadium! null-nary tau-Mn." W until In an. alum. hn. "nod his I all... mun-u: mun. 11:. not. up. (5.1 . "Ilia! cold I. b m with. {nu-W] u- ) Ill-uh "Alum-Hat wound-d w In out an. Mun-In Mud-m kchlt-Iaugw uranium-(unk. M It in tho chapel! modicmouer hula. On (loan rum anmnmn wrn thrust. 0m- boqu h. cured llromhilil. Fifty Mull Ivonll bu! n-nml an ohl nundluu mull]. ll omniver rum numb, lull-um lull croup. I'ly an! vmrlh hu cured cnci In tho bull. uml llm umn mnmy lam luck doubt yun mud mg. lH-uron I'dlod nook. lumen, rhnnum tum. uonnlhl coin-union ol the lulu-Jon. um jnlnh. llnll dimonluoo nd pul- Iuvl mnnm tn w on. no mutu- than It any hr, nor from I nun. nay Inn. It Ilwnyn do" cum-i. Tran] In mu wmh hu run-uh cue-o! ohmic and bloody dnru wry One In a {II can: eollo In Mum mumm- I: ml can any. of lm that n is pouihlo u- can In or night .pplloouuu II w-rnuwd (a cum you-a of new?! nlp [ole mat-ed heat. for hub-J 6nd ouon and bound up. than Ilde bu disabth lamina. I! I tho pun ol a bun u noon almond. Cum (mud Incl, halth Ind con. And woo-dnofovoq mapuon an an: or hand Burn-or IIA1WIl.-ul0l Drfl'b-u Erlwlc 0. be. um tho duwuofl. I. 'rhmnu h on an ppm-houn- oi North h by... an Hon I- a. hauls. nod nu no mo. loll by nil who gum 0:11 he. t mu. mono. hm MIDI. IonWm and W. MM M.. Munnlu IN EloLuD.Tho English papers Ihow that thou Ivonne Ion thnn nix murder Irish in two daysthe ml: ("1th innt-ntuin Englnnd. Unuuf those can In that of wife murder; one vualhnt of; pnrnmour 0! duo {omnlo primnor, who In tliod with he: lllll- bnud.md two of them won munloronnf children of tho wound pnrtiu. ----- lnum) lrUuDll lnu making llle happy t9! tlm mud. Tho-o who have mad iupeak highly of it, And it 55 highly roouummmlml with condence fur lmlh [he ymmg and mid, m we M the middle aged. Fur nnlu by All dealers. Natinunl Pilll we noted for their safely I and mildneu. W: H}; 'l'cn Tim I'll deM m (lnld Iuiu rummi day when H to mull . Agcil person- are lumeumon troubled with derangement: of tho kidnoyn Ind urinary organ. and will be glad to learn that Victoria Lluchu and l'v. Uni in pre- pared with the mpecinl purpose of meeting [hum troubles Ind mulling lile happy 11,; 1d. itinean 9.9 3: Wilt-TC) om- null! In! I. Mop! "null-Ry. Miln- nlr. we nnmnve nmcnonl llroml sud vigor oua. Victoria Hypnphonphiwl mom- plihel the delirod and. To busing-n Mu] profouiunul men, and brliu workers uem-rully, thin medicinejs invnlluble. For ml by all druggilll. Freeman's \Vnrm Puwdur- wan. llnvnr l'lhll Oct 20th. 0' IOBTGMZE OVER APPROVID ' RIAL MATE. rur mm by Ml druggllu. \Vnrm Powderl were Hover knuwu to fail O.. Clockn servo to Ihow Iha ight of time. me1 health And hnppmou to make u- furget it. Health in bent nourod Ind ru- Luiuod by keeping the nervous energy at in maximum force, the blood pure, and the nutritive function: strong uld vigoh Hypnphomhiwl mom- wun amouon: "lm in my wife, Iir. It in not her rst, u'enle, and, God forgive me, I had utcrnlimd to let hor mor 1M. limo. l liml my love for her will not lllUVI of my quinlly seeing her puuhhvd, however much she may denorve it. Forgive hu, ynur Honor, u I now do. Sh. hu been, i unl will perhaps uglin be, In good a wife ' u 'rm' mun wu blulud mth. .hu [ens were tickling down hi. lace, and while yet hil chock was wet his urring wife was {runNow York IIHaIu'. 1 mm KHOWI nell No rupoulo wu given for a fow mom- euu whon n hand-ulna, wolLknit young fulluw ulna quickly furvunl tu Um Judgol bench, and aid, in a voice llunnu with emotion: 'Rhu in um; :I. .:.. h :_ - l I, ,, Thomas Excelsior ] A prelty,dnrk-eyod girl, About 20 your- uf Age. wu urnigllod in the Fifty-unmh Sweat Court yeltordny, Inning been found the avening before halplualy drunk in thu strut. h'. n .u... on ' nu ma strut. It'l I pity to and no oung IINI pretty I woman to the Mind, uid tho Inugiatrato '1: there no. one in court whu known her! I No Innnnn-A u... "Sum. l- .. l..... MA. llml, I he shouted You villuim! Ind duhed after the intruders, who fell hendlong, poll mull down the stairs, "rambling out nf the from door and dinpponrod, luv- iu.{ the wink-robot! punurer mater of tho ailuuiou. It In: noon dine-wand that tho burgh" bud entered by tho bmmeut,oomiug up shin hAd upenod the front door lud plmd the [my on the outside no thnt they might look it If pur-ucd. They Itole I oumplato unit of cluthos, belonglng to Mntor Goo. Bland frnxu on: of budrooma.nml from the parlor atnlu two Dull'eriu mednll which (home had wun at Ichul. A fur cap and ovar- Cont weru 15110 taken from the hex A uotnunn om! wand hot it no 3 minor, and no membor of the (wily. 8h. run, but in the meantime the rst bumlu. who Incl reachodtho had of the stain, hnd [one into J-mu room to unite nun am he would not interrupt than: Iain. Ho Road for I moment our the bed, when Juno- awoke Again to behold the anal not a ynrd from him. Quiokly "member-in thnt m old null-y lwonlmhioh bud been used by Quu-ter-Muter Thompaou at tho [slung of Quebec, wu at the bond 0! ".0 bed, Junu nixed it, Iclbbud And dl, And inspired by Iomolhing of the ulor of THE VITIIAN OF WOLFI'S VH'IOIIOI'H IlllA (or bud hutin dawn book. Jun... n Ind wont to Ibo door. Ihm to l {or some momma. but loci-u no min, ntuaod um. All III quiu will (or 3 while, when In. Bland no stand by fooubpa on the shin. Sh. ukod' "who'l than!" uh... (h. a... man... PHELAN. U H. II KCJ'J. Onurlo . nu! Quobot (laminar ollho Ba 5100! logo 0! lbyniabvu And uncon- ol uo Dill Quin) Pbynwhn. Samson. Armnhmr' 08m: Print-m Show! obm'o Dru. Ston' 00. II. 1877. "Ino- uunr' when the pom P trippid on the cup, uul "a. mu- gimu' ovum u vividlng mind. Tho lunin had boon loop hr .0an Loan. whoa uligM min-Iliad Jundr. Bhudl old ion a has), Ibo m duping on tho and m Stu-Ila. up he III I now (math. door" of ll. bodmom, and when the volcano Juno- got Ill. door. Inn-5 VWMMM inmos .IIdWh)Vi-"Hlif humid [unhi- uldm; bnthlm Mimick- pu'bd Mr. M Mono! mu. dim-t 41:... III mu 0! Ill WI n: 1 until lat light, ulna ICU guy I vividly to mind. Th- 0y moth the who'l dun!" when the potion: coming up can. luau-um: mmmnum- ulna. . ELECTRICITY. \J bot-m loutnnlud Hyde-In- m Cm!!! mutation mid to. Wk; 0! I! lumen of the teeth 5- 10. 7!. -a w. m_.__ The erl Olfeutr. ' Eclmlrlc 0H. III- 'IIYIICIAN AID Emmi. Ill man lbw-{Quad lm UMCI Heath t Oul'u [hug . M It. m of QM ud 3.1 01 5. In .LVJQJQU JIlUv III-Inclurlng (buffalo-en. Nov. 2nd, vii-J. l'luhd *Ware. Sit-Ill! Bells, Cut hulls, Iron and Steel. DR. 1mm, 'IYIICIAK AID BUICK). Ill mend Inch amt-{Olm- 3543.10! 700% u. n. Luv-nu. -41.. --|4J'--., nu. (Ill WWI-lulth 0001? and mm. Ola-Inth W.Ilhhoa'-m,lm. III III. I UIUIJI. Alum Ill AT) AT-LA' Idem" ll Chm. I Public m m. VIM-h. Donhial Talon-pl Comm-fl 0.0.. m. I -ml.l.A. I l. I. m. It. Ibme MAM-nu! - Mole. Wm Mk III- $60,000 Tainan, 0.0.3.. LILS lug-1'. 'PlCl. A1!) numncn. Palm- 8... nial:- mu 3001' AND SHOE lllE '7)! AND [MIDKNUL Pula- M, link-h:- nfnl totho concoct-1 c. n. uvif. I.D.. lie.11, a. It- hl hull-.1. I 1. I4. DIGILOY, II at the In IMMnd ('fl Ibo following Pun-I: Y0!" CAN III'Y 1. DINO, --..' wv Pnintn. 01)- 01-.- AT BANKRUN Pth'Es. 134 Princess Not 4th. ron gm. In pegng Children's payed do w ltd pulnlw mm judge for thaw-Iva; Mb (In I Luhu' .l.. (In pw Mmu' dn [In lelml .llel '17.. at. DR. 3} w. DAY-.u HT _ lhn lnll mhlanm,f 'iiiibiiif l"- D- __I Ann-m- iii? Work: at Kinsman. Onmrio. I. W. STOOKWILL, - lug r..._._. , I __A An_._ .1"- nun am. uu (Mum vvv-n mun-nu... S G. M0! LL. ilul En 1! Ann" I I. Wow-n- m niu, _ M-Il'I-ll do (In (In marine ' leadMining any Melting Bo'y. d M NWO. look Mm. 7'05: I... Hum Gav, ML |UOIId would! Out-r ad u. MCCAWOIw-lllhw :0th Ammwmbhwu Mil-livid numb. CALL 4 mann- " y man my cause: -m (mu Ink. h _ ~ 1%: Illbhh "1L1. ELLE Mini..- Till ununn LU! IVII BROUGHT hu- sh. any h In to no. u lmmmci't um non] have for Wolfe & (in-don lauds. D-Hv. u we nd H .il . um um 3:30 an "v- nv H van m uuuvu III-ll", Dnllv. 8:? I m., And 3:30 pm. nnvnmunwm lava Wolf. Isl-Id dolly n 9: Lill- Ind l p In. ulvvlllvn mm |-,_A -;~,,.,, . nan ML!) Ll ILEII nd 3 p.11 7 _ Will loan Kin n FOB (IANANOQUB, dnllymnlltng u I or. kind. 3:!) Inn. Int-rah. have Omuoqnodnily.n7 u. NOV |5|h. wall mama; __.., _- . -- -- -u . ,n. SUNDAYS wm leave (in non 3: 9:30 3- . I!!! .II. ull H5 p.n. Iotlrnmg an IQ!) IM!" nd3p.ll. Kit-[non GANANOOUB. Gutlery. Illa! uon. um. tho I(.W.&().Rnilihod. Nonborn 31mm Bnilroul nnd N. Y. C. Railroad. Pull- man (in Eut nd We BHUHINGWi'l luv: [7-h- Vlnmnl 1- ""xu"u1i'u' "'d W R GWi'lluvo Cl Vi cont Thu! 0! lnino A! "Ibtuognocrlngvi: 0.1'. IL. Ind Bny ul annu Shannon n Kmuon. NE of the Above Sta-men will 10". Klnguton for Cups Vinmnt. du'ly..' Nun- dnyl excome It '1 m muting clots cannot on. 'llh the IL .&().Ihilrood. Y. Railroad. Pull- Maud. Pierrepont and Geneva. Kingston. {rape Vincent, Gar- den Island, Wolfe Island a Gannuoquo Steamboat Route. III II. HUI-Ill! I y Princes. SL, nppoaito the Albion Hotel. Oct 25th \ A SPECIALTY IN UNDERCLOTHING II prices to duly ('mnpotilion at the l-wtory. 5" Tim More will he huntmum mmh .v-r. CHEAP SALE Ashley's Shirl Factory, thLlYIHN -I ll ' ' ' ' ' J 7 INCLUDINHI] [00 Dozen White Dreu Shirtl, _ Oxford Dreu Shirts, Cambrir- Dreu Shirts. Regatta Dreu Shirt. AND (ITHERH. A SPECIALTY IN UNDEIKLOTHING It prices to rich competition Um llmtnrv All than who have second (,lomluinxfor 0th" Good. to dilpone of. will please call on Cheap Jack. who will pay llm higlmnt [moo for than). Everybody in iuntecl to some um! 16! I Bu- nin from ISAAC DAVID. Geller-l Broker, oppoalh lnrkhilluJrincean Street. Klnuwn an m. (mm D .lAlK non-o or All Nation- PlHNCl.\ S'IHEEI. 1 . u~.| u yl wrn to "My ('Ilmpc-uuon I! we Factory. (7' More will be hm 0pm each over.- to gin Inn-ruling pumbuern a chance to unlnino ood; ll' luu "nul- Aun and other Ed on Tools ground go to ISAAC DAVlezm. r' YUl' WANT THE HEHTCIDER In (ilnnn, Quart (hllon, ISAAC DAVIU'H, 2w. hum-u sum. ll' llIU "All Your Tub. and Barrels repaired gu lo ISAAC DA VID'S Cooper Shop. Anlv Dealer in New and Second Hand Clothing of all Kinds. Ir Il'U VYRAI Ynur 8M neatly led and lot. L") to CHEAP JAPK'R ISAABQROEEQVIDJ 13. W. ROBINSON. lllclll IT. KIND-Ton. Slnlghl rmmul, painted. Trimmed or nlnhod. tuning" stored for llw winwr (SIX FIRST PRIZES} rnAssnWownTs!

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