_ww.--Iu-I, u '- .pmmmmdm v ch him-duqu nunnut AM Lne sun mm run, wmd . ryal Highnes :srelv from I THE BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 25, nigh: very A Hlnnlns Adu, Ohio, 110'. 23. Tlnis Illomoou n "unlit-nu (Mr occur rod Lou winch bu nun-0d mu. uman Min Ham. Mn, m 'pgniod by In: moth, out I lm: 32m, in thich \'.C. H'th Inig- ed, M W Hugh lit- he! action; the hind panda hi. Iowa Innahut. Ihlhhl. 'm [W m lllmllll'I-al-I .u... .- - w. mm' own n! - C .4 uni-'5 mum but-d M Butlhladbmunndatm dI-uhui-I-llo wan. 5-1. .ul mud-d. Ibu- MM panama m- long-um h, uhwh her-fad. I } h mammal hi. it lb [co-Inn. chm m nil Info) [mum on Illa pent)". When tho western expteu mind here youterday manning, mu per-mm reportod them-elven rubbed In th. Iullmnn on.- Mr. Pringlo, of Hm city, lo M in lrunbach, and A. Drummmnd, Now Yuri. Ill minus a gold 'ltch. An innocent French Cnmdim clung-- ed 525 in hill. 1:: the nation for in bug": (in dullnr place: 0! money. 1! the Vice-Regal part, do not strive in um. Muttequ the St. Andnv'c Bdl on Fri-lay, IL mll be postponed until 51.1mm, nut. The usual can in being him no make the bull neloct, Ind n in nth ddcuhy ticket. can be obuiood. A number of G n mum- of Sun. have reached imitalmm, Ind it ll brood H. they have mumud (boil intention n! being pruonl. I [air way u: n The in vestigmu gerien was conunn on Snturdnv. Luv .- IW w nwu-wv-v-w "surname-catalme DdeWwa __A- _..J_ mul- d.-- M- can menmy nun, I A, (I. June, an English gentlem-n, fell dead un St. Auloine street but night from heart diacam. 0 van roputad wealthy, but. nnly Hm coma mu] lame pl'n ticket- found his 'Inn thn urn-turn pinrnu nnivud ham In ulna In lueu it V unto I 1 Mun-4| had! uny evening. We learn that 3 m bully burnt nf falling of n atuve, i in A fair wuv f r.- genes WI! CUHUIIIHII at UN) rUllC. Uourc, on Saturday, but [here no no now do- velopemenu. The utlicerl of the Hon- treul Bunk cmmnt Identify Goyotte, u the unrly who prrsuntod the cheque for acceptance at the bank The nal returns In eunnautinl with th- Iccapuncn n: we nanx Thermal returns in cunnecliol with tho election in (Lupe Cnunly Ihow Hut the Hon. Dr. Farm: has been elected by a umiurilv of 79!) vat, muse n ma npxrmm aunur, Burk, nf St. Juhu'l Church, whu hmpwntly. He App-:an to be ugnod to his and (no. Atlnuannuox aunt-my In: night,-Liat.-Golond' Bum and that! Ind united. Hop-In Mmm.CoLIian-hthod than! VI.- Irlymlllma tho 8!. Audnv'l but ROWIth O position: my who tho, vault! nrnnhy wanna-ind. Cvl. Slut-um In uid h Ind-Mml yesterday. Mr. Jnhll Unshignn, M.l'., from Vic tum, N.li., is in tuwn. A annull Hun. ..1Vn ...... I)..a..ll...- n Inmu ms nu wharf. Levis, ubUl day evening. \Vu Imurn Ihaf : arm. 0] m m. unu- Ina. Btcvm In W h 11, the Matt! balloon be 1|de nil. mnnicnu ol the distinguished m Ticket. of mini-ion to the union II. to be i-nod to th- nuhu of 1,5), and My In to be distributed mostly my hutch. clergyman, hv'yon. docum, n. Ul. ' teeth-Indian! Imposition to Hon. ll. Cmegln in Centre Hum, Hon. Mr. Ian-Vin hu been returned with?! op- pdtioo luv Three Riven. The hue! mun-em vu opened by the Mire- nem 0! Mr. Mecdonp, in: u VII Ounce Hnmu by Mr. Horton, to make It] lot 3 pert, lee-in, md yet the oppo- Iion to Mr. Gunght in the one one In! mquninoualy reuuded by the w elm-ion election a! Mr. Lengevin in the nth. Form" pert, Ie ere becoming {Inpatient of deonl ruler. inyhich ullthe quener in denuded Iron one tide, and never drum! of bytbe other, e- .0- - \"i, . my. Quebec, Nov. 25 day until furthur (Ith luv] ntnmmm- Oluva. Nov. Tho Corpontion oddraoo till olnno ho prooontod on tho "rival of the V'ioooRogol Sunni orchu will be erected botwoon tho-demy- 1nd tho vice-regal reoidonco. In tho evening a dhploy of re-orb uni o gon- enlilluminuion will an place. nan... II In. \y-KII-lo- IUUIH. U0 HUUIICUU'I. [IQ Clnllu.rl rum-C" one of the most important chiefs, and cuusequculiy iluiti! nut er better torml Several .f ins b UM]: have already secul- ad from his dictatorship until at the pre~ EU! has has unly about. a humhvd ludgel uudui in! Contml. It is mare thnn pru- ]\~-|in0).~-D 1; . ILm- ..;.I. 1:. ..I _...ll CCULVL (11L! ll'lhy Hth yedr. A special fh-lll 'l'urunto states that M Juhll Cnecklcy, the alleged counterfeiter win; as arrested 1H Mllwnukao and had I beun extraditul, was nnhis way here to stand his trial, he escaped from the raxlway car when the tram was approach- ing Weston. It wua ubuut {our o'clock in the morning and It Is supposed the two detecuves were ulcep. Chuckley coolly took up his vnhw Mn], quietly walking through the car, waited on the platform until the [min ulachcncd up. lpnn ap- proaching, the stminn he jumped OH and was soon In) more. The pusengera say the mun was :tlluWul so much libarty that they had no nhu. hu was a prisoner. He was expncml to reach the city on Wod- meaduv. Tho cxnexnan in connection Personal-"The Strainers-Lt Fi res" ForgI-rg l'riul- - 1']: e ( 'muluu nod. I!!!" Will I I [0007" [unalan l the city sad I torchlight Winn. ou- WMIAHII A. on. nun-A: momma uva nu been grouly exaggerlt- 0d. The day before Cal. Mthod left Fort Wnah Mr. Patrick mule his Ip- pearauce saying um Big Bear, one of the Chief: of [no Humorous Cree bandn, had forbidden him lu proceed, in makmg out the Bin-Heat resarvntion u nettkd by the treaty 0! 1877. No force Iva- uud and Ike matter was nailed by Col. McLeod despntchmg a force un- der Lol. Irvine, the uni-{Int Cmnmiuionero the scene. Big Ben, it. may be ntutod, refmed to receive the Government grant which wns oered thi- year by the (Juvernmont at. Salmn Lake. cuntemhng that better inducement- .hnnM ht. nhun 0,. tun/Ira lu. mm.-." In onnwnumg um: wetter muucemenu Ibuuld be mmle cu secure his consul): In the traaty. Bg Bear, in addition tu mnre cash, demands that capital punish- ment be abolished. He cunuidon himulf um. nf Hm mun Emma-cunt nl.-f. -ml ulm. L. J Muir, Mm Wnrks, hasuiven inatmc. larlimnz-nt HIIIILlIngI illu arrival of the Mnnlms uf Princess L wuiso Indian TroublesNorth Wat Mallera--Escapc of Checkley, the L'ouluerfel'ter. _ __, .oo--. The lungunw remark: Anemthe recove ry u! the Stewart rcmamu Ind the Ihr dowilg' uf tha hudy-umtchen, have no; no but been ruulx/xd It. nu not a littlo imprullablo that thus detective. should be lure uf Hm lJlellly and thu locality of .L #4. h IL __ . H. ..o 1..."- llll'n \uy l twyltlli I U u",-] Ottun, Nov. 25.~Liout.-00L Mc- Leod, commanding .Jcor of the Mounbd Police, arrived in the city yuan! morning from Cypress Hill, North-nut Territory.The n-poiz which lint uppetnd in the Winnipeg Fr" l'rcu, concerning I dmurbaucu among the Indium and tho lurveying party under Mr. lltrick Col. McLand has been grouly exaggerlt- dnv before Cull. liulhnd la". ulIJIIYlly OI 2 V.L\I. It in mud that Farrell, the convictI now under mutunue of doath in the Dutrict (haul, porsmu in rrfuung 3H visits but. tlmse uf Ms Aplrltllll advisor, Fuller n... .J m L.h..'.ll....J. -1"... Lunl .l/lnmplml null-um) hm "I" lmlllu'rirs lft't rpllon. in. Then will be pour-l illnn'uuon of {ha nilv 1m] 1 lonhliaht mun-inn Ill m9 Atnnungd SLAIhII'ISocidy m nim.-I.i-LW' m 'rw. I'omr Mulchull arrived in tuwn .u (Bil 1'!!le 1'1 (By Telegraph Today.) I. Nun 0". _.Ij-nb ,n I II ULUVU, II NOW 1' Hf recovery. Ivestiuuliun .1... l s unly gun-m. nuuureu wage: Iiig Iicur, with his hand, will lruuty next I 'lL-rnntn MM. that u .ulv u. ...V ....\..J r...< V. . , , , I the gran: I-ulmr- and Inn, at nnce name than]. Reward-r, dchCUVUU, blood- hound-,uud every ullwr "10th which vullh could uulpluy, have I filled in recovering the remzunu u! the merchunt millionaire. What the holder: of tho dead h'tl'ua. me wanting for in A reward [or the return uf the budy. So long u the reward m lnr lln: Conviction of the offenders, they u Ill CUUIIIIIIO to eludo Ill temple at (llscnvury. Heller the body Ihould never bu reenverul llmn thnt the crlmo Ihuuld lm rewmuled an the price of momma. WEE? rut-Ill. I-IIII ply-n haul-3w" I! I _|-J'. Luwll Incurred upun Hoallieu'a mun six ucluck nu Satur t MHr. Bertrnnd,whu was A few My: uinco by m. 2, in now much better and hum-nun IUEI IULU ma recent [OP nwl at the Police Court, 0 Ilunrn nr- "n ..--. ll- :.p.uuunuancmg m- nutice, tllu Richelieu 1': for Montreal will o'ulock instead of ve u. linislcr uf Public actiulm to have the lummntml on the] Lowe and Lhcl A Sudden - l'ire-d'-gnlI In. Ill-pulvu "HUI-'- w'IA'w-u'v u- not In there in gemtnl loci-link cou- Ipinq not only nui'nu nowahul rule but Again: the hreu of the sovereign- of Europe, will lmvo quwn due weight in the Iuppwumu n! the Comlmiun of the Old Wurl-l. Tue lute luquent a! umpu up. the crowned hudl of Europe give culm- h: the rumour of this non-reh-luurder cumpincy. h in larce- ly possible mm the leldarl Ind orgmiun o! the loci-lime movement Ihuuld ("our loonopIncy no lure to be fuel to call hopes of their Iucuou. ll. in much more likely Lhu the lung murder: :0 hr lt- lompted hue been the enrk of iwlslod msdmou, Although It in probable their mum for Ruynl blle ha been inlpirod by ll": general ancxalulic cruude Igaim! ull luguunnto Aernment. .-r-.--. r._ ', FIIIBF u an him very re- naval Queboc,Nov. 24.-Tho Fronch Con- urutivo- inurpret the remarks nude use 0! by Mr. ngevin on hi- nmrn from lhm [Hum to signify thu the Gourplnont will ptwood to any. thut npirh 0' politic-l revngo-to the trum- ity of disdain-mg out (humor LotoL or iii nldinuun for hi! dinning] of the DoBonchervillo Cnbmat. Ind sllogod that this union would have hem thud, ulna but for tho ponding election in Three Rivers. Thor. in not the uligbum doubt lhu i! the Uamrnuvo Iogderl from this Pruvmco m Duo-01' their o'n II, Hm Hrmourltbo Liont.-Unnmur will he nude a men. 0! their who and n- Cull. Maria Sails), French. aged 20, nbm- sinns uf 11 mt. vury anriuus character. Edmund lelimnsun, English, naud GU, bud cuntusinn of the ankle. and terribly out about the face and head; very criLi- cnl. LJ... pm. 1.4.4. mm: no {mo kmllu \"1 ' ' . Ronlr, Nuv. - .The Regal party cnn~ silting nf the King. the Queennhe Prince of Naplvl, Ihu Duka l)a(lltl,1l5 I arrived yesterday at lhu stauun and were re- ceived nith great nmnifostatinnauf joy. Naples, Nov. 2.3 During Um put weck upvurds of 1500 arrests havu been .....A.. ,J' mun-.. .. .....I n.- In. ,u. u .u ...... urea, Ilaindrich Hender, aged 22, a Prus- amn, severe cnutuaiuna, ubrasionl, and cuts. u....;.. can" v...,..,.x. MM! rm um. cm. John Ryan, lriah,l acarated And bruised; bly necessary. H, nnmininlm Fr my H. Dominique, Frenu about the lower eerL-I latter were en mute ful ILn nnn.0,.n.n. u H HILLBI were 6" TIM The investigati marrow at 70 0'1 , lolmvi'v'm. sov. 5,1379. Than/.wy/il-ing- Receiving the King mu! QMrm:VACunxpirmgm oeedl m I- renew 'mnk mam-[,2 Rome, Nuv. 25.-K'mg Humbcn. n.-d 1 Que-n Margureum entered (Le cuy U)-UA_" I I m..l \- 11. mnvmlimm nl'ul hull- l'lll W ,Hl ")lelllllwnl welcome. UPCOTll'H]! wu Mlle. The K'ng nu pro: number of cungrnmlntory I prawng the joy of \he I "cups {mm the hands nf Both the King and the am (:0an wuh umntinn. A! was brilliully illumilutod. U" LIIIIU. 1. Id, VIHUH [I IUPPUIW ll) give the right f wuy, was in the actof doing an,when . . |.arriviug,it'a tlmug t, a little ahead .nf timu, collidedwithllit just at the entrance (u the west swi Ch. Both engines were badly injured, and the baggage car of No. l telescoped into the second-class cur, with the results above ntnbml. 0:10 or th gentlemen standing smoking on '1: plutfnrm of No. 1.. .(rain were hurt. but not anlli. Ilu)l\lllg (7 ill [IHLIUrIH 0| 1 U. l .3 J (rain were hurt, but not sum. ciently to delay them on their journey. A special [min was at once lespalched with medical um] nun-r nmiatauce, and the luerem cum-Gym! to this city. The {allowing is a list. of the casualties: One man. mune unknmvn. kiiled. John Holmes, engineer, and John Col- linson, reman of No. 1 train, levaroly but not lerioualy bumml and moulded. Harm-n Buuaul. an mute tn Minnesota. out not lanolme ournou anu acalueu. Bunsul, Minnesota. fractured skull and log, and badly turn scalp; cumliliun critical. Mnuldu Ucnzel, aged 3], compound fracture of Hmug and injury to the breast. urlllucllb n pl ll I'I lul- UI30HLO "I B vmt lunciahun, th ) (phjvct nf which is to 1 kill the King I? 'n nul that Nu Intoro untinmliau huh] 2.501),UUU hrs, (.11. pru- . need: of recen' mnk mam; Dam. N. v 9%. ._l(in.-. Numb-Ii Inll Threatened Dismissal of fulln- auI-(u'urernur lmlcllirr. m- m a. loyal am"- gradedill ulnar-u- | Lao-(D; r J . ow. IiiAudi. an fugitiv- d tho Pull-In Pal-u Cu 00., inguinal in ' IMMWM he mu m and dopodhdil [um-o in the Bank of Portugd. A dnmhll from Svdmv. Ami..." Tho aunEiZiurTwhoM :dl-lonndod or .A. .1... ul.... . 1.....9-1 Mali-tin ann- One Dluu Killm! and Eleven ll'oumlml. (Hy Tileyupli To-duy.) llnmilton, Nnv. LILThu No. 1 er pron train west and the No. 12 uxprers slut, due to cross at Winona station, 12 miles east of (his city, :ihuut 2:30 a.m., arrived there this morning'th nelrly on time. Nu. 2, which in Hippo-ed to h... in nu. ulilrnllnn 0.. u... "an mu; rl. II In. our or runugu. A duphll from Sydney, Australia, I unit. moo: nllou pun- in tin! n, in con-aqqu of cuploynmt cl skin... by none ell]!- vouch. Balm. Nov. 24.-Thnhiving unio- wu held yummy in the Ana-inn Church on via Nnnmh M which Rn. Hr. Riven oichud. Thou Ian 7) pooplo, including Britinh. AW, Swede nnd Dutch [avian Diplo-nbh. I They would have boon Inor- III-lily uplo- umod Ind it not been for tho hot M German Embloandur hold haunting It I. ulna hour for the purpou of drawing up oonzntulowry addresses to King Enn- borno b0 represented on hi. Mum to the Capital. A Inmlan. Nov, {ELSt. Paint-I'm" uonm nave ncen 'u; ssyrea. Landon, km. 2.3. An Maociatlwn hm been formed in t'm city to prevent the granting or supplies Lu carry on the Af- ghnn war. A despulch from Lahore says the ad- vance cuntinuea, but will probably ter- minate at Conduhur or at Jullnllabwl un- til spring. the Ulpllll. Inmlou, Nov. 25.St. PM: dnpntch u n the Ruuinn Govornor of Turkuun, u been instructed to prep." for all contingencies. A nnanial Oumn'l mnmnnr nun-d tor nu conungonolu. A special Quoen'l mas-eugen- nut-d for St. Pater-bun: on Saturday with im- portant duptchea. A dumlch from Buchua nu the porum aupnwnu. dun-[ch Buchtmt uyl nutty of tha Ronni-aim umy into Debrudlcha, which wu led for Mondny, November 26th, bu been Iuddenly coun- tormwded. mm... mm, 0.: _'m.. mu... 0...... wrmwueu. Viounn. Nov. 25le Fimnce Com- mittee of the Auntrinn Delegation hue reluled, by a vote of H to 16, to vote the Iupplemonury coat of the occupation of Bonnia and Herzegovinh, became the Reich-tag had not sanctioned the trenty of Bel-n. ran1:" 1v- i)'._A .M..."..,. n: nu. I 01 uumoermna. Madrid, Nuv :3.3.A number LII ar- rest: of Republican conspiraer hum just been made at Umcelonn and Surge as. Comtantinnple. Nov. 33'"110 Turkish l rogularl It the Bulgarian village of Mave- I donil have ssyred. I Lnn/Ln Kn" 0'. ,,A.. mum-huh: han uajms'i'ievi raTEuos. or marlin. Berlin, Nov. illA meeting of the German Prugreasinniats ha been held to con-ids: the modication and remodel- ling of the put}! programme of the you 1861. ll.-1_'..-....... I. ...:,.. .. 1 .... -...l.-.mn 1001. The German: Lesuion m Copenlugcn bu been ordered to Jena, and will .0- turn only Aft -r the departure of km: Duko of Cumberland. Mnl-izl Mm. 0. A Ilnmmv . 1' ur- mun. I'm um". COLLISION 91TH G.W.B. at 1'5- "you! won :01! 4.: L0; In Wu. : Imam-l1. ROME. ((33) u 'IL- , ngml :39, [not badly l; amputation proba- vu um: uvukuuu v. u... cnvury. 5 ho x mues. 1 ne Lwo - Cahfurnin. ll take place to- aura-mun The two DUMPIII". numummcuw-um: v nnhhobmdid. b ~."~'- lav. {C | TVFA L L, holds] Inning. In; 20th A mun baud ludi- . ad ham-mm": we. um fumu. mum. lune.- Chit-he mu7ooloet. Ill-b- maul-.3 OIHPI. [Soinnnq THL BIKUCK ITRBET PIUBYTIIIAI CHURCH AIIUAL W lnol Inn-Inna! (blond Gnlunlvdu. Colombo-outta Gull- .mmmuu- W* at until-umb- n n_n___._ -_n 'wld. THE ~IUUNG LADIES All) SOCIETY OF h HHBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE of Surgeons. England. UFFICE AND [HENDENFEWallin mu Btmt..hnlf 'Iy betwwn William Ind arl Stream. come not um. 1.3 J.E'...'*'s.;...:"m " up n u . nod munidiuulymbyhu ingoiconol Clo-on] KAIICIII ill. Bonnlmembon 0!. Alpha niuI)Emhu-y m acting u anon. Illa. [In un- ol (Ho-cl v-u ul upionoln. uptown. Upon the Inbij tho Duh don-- hrhnd'l til-god nun-than of hi- nonuizn right.- to tho time 0! Hul- ont. dun h- bnn much dilution in I lhnd. banal. In on ILA nan-inn nun-Au. napalm] lo 1:; no lm 0! his cunt-nun to 'nan- m" iodu Pnnou' 0! Wales. mm o! thanki- in, the Pin-inn Govern- ment in boon tempting to induce the Duh ionnounoo his chin, an! it h opted the not nun-lid plan of m- novnncin' III in and. In" ban uncom- plinhd in attic: to akin than. Prince Bismnk, it in leaned on unqu-tiumblo authority. in wounded in obtuinin tho friondly inhruution of I diningniah- od per-on, not unoounoeud with the English Court, in order ill-t Ilia (Bil- Inuck'l) propoaiiiom In, In hid bolon tho Duke 1nd turme Inppood. It 1- Droxtv nononllv known um Lord Donald M: hm of u Ilnughmrs AL Ummlenpl Kid 7031-41114. A t Tyeudimm (AmI- nu: tut-r CI] to I, Dildo, dandy nth not .4 it what. me- upd- -___.x._..ALL-_-o. aged 70 yearn. Iyeudiuugn. an Nuv. lilthIrs. Mnrgnrel Unnhl. ngud (15 yours. At Cuuulon. un Nov. JOLh. Jnmen Hawkins, agexl ho yl-lll, AtNapulwo, on Nov. lbth, Mrthuah M. Hamilton. aged 18 years. _ BAZ AAR. 1N TIIE CITY HALInl .L" "I HHFQUUIIH' nllgmuu. >\l'l'l Straw. Stream. HFFH'E-At Dr. Yntea Surgery. Nuv LLml. our, won I. noon Inna amnion. in ' lulud. Kincaid], mouth. coo-non 0 Mont. to Flinn- In mo uuxe Ina warmly Nippon. putty gononlly that Loni Cnirua canbomplntod retirement in no distant due. Repolt uyl Lint boil tired of the poiizical burdon of hi: oioo. Three name: are montionod u hil rob:- blu mecca-or. Sir Fitzroy Kol 1, Al- thuugh m ablu, ututo Ind profound luv. yer, in rather over the 339. Lord Bu- cumtiuld, it is laid, ha been urged to appoint Baron Bnmwell. Such Ip- puimuienl would plane the Bar, while It ciety in Englmd would delight to I00 Brett. on the Wooluck. So olnmomns and per-intent have been the importuuiv tin of the adherents of both men that n'nt long since bahtio wisdom in law wf ova wu extolled to the Promier, he (Jenm-nuiild) uk 1, An-l v mm d. ytu mmk I should ohm) Lu p'me myulf 'l' 'l'ra-ig", i? in gol'dy buiovs , wk on t a in voted onea1 my uto men in myl- turiuuniy whilporud. AM I in RuJe|1Hy beiiuvel by tlmuo mm M. unopened to "i mw, Ihat ha nix be :hme- fur 51m 30m. of Her Majuty's cam dance. -4. _ "i. ; Montreal. Nm' 25. Bank I Month-a! ~14." 1.0.1. 7. Ml-rchanls' Bank M 1-? N3 MONDAY AND TUESDAY, Der. mm and Wm. [T ALL CONTRIBUTIONS tlmnkfullv rm-r i \'((l. awaken"; '1 EA M E ETING. _:u L- I.-.) ._ n ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL . J. snuums, n.0,, m mm" w & JVLJIJL will babe I W DIED. n Nov. [81]) Auuoruh M00 ruth, BIRTH. .1. . mun .115 I "IRo. ,., the wil'u of :' olurgnry, Dad-g I. hpt up till u n'clnck, Ind the m in which ch. IDIIImiileo c m- dnoud It. ant-ny In utuhcu-ry. Th In."- 0 Ian'- btnd In excellent. '1'. WC. Parry-u D. I C. Ind] ig I. on. at tho jay-bl- IDO-bhOb ~,_ 1.14] _ WIL OTTAWA LADIB mum ."p_. Wuhan Ink. Wm Torn Balm In. 181.. kw;- Ilka-haw. m A I mp LLB Tm: mum .- nhmom tuna: mph! Ivy lulu mull. k lad unhv Olen. Hun d aim-gun- which Il handout-ham. I... pay nub-III mutual-u n th Ian 9! IIAVDII t IACBAI. IT For Um mx-ommmln are npueinlly inviu'l lo a have reserved rents. Sale Comances, Tuesdav, Dec. 3rd, .1- "n Al luv-- u- u AT "0 All) IIVII l'.l., RT THE STORE NEXT DUMBLE'S MRIHK lTIll-KI [r Hood- on vinw Um day be Good: wnrmuusd nu uptown. u u um - A 4 {PREPAREmmitmuww [Vt-I "ELIG'AC'I [0- TIM TAIL}: III" I! Ill). NO BAD STOCK HOLD AT THE w'w a hold in PM. I "An! Willi. OF I! exam. I NO ON! SELECT! A Blll TEA THAN nun-- lhrguon'l Block, - - Prince It N... 0).. the nuparvlsinn of one of tho moat skillful Fur- riera In Illa Dominion, and warn unqu and mmmad In the moat. thorough and wortmum Ilke manner, it WI._ _ L. .. n J-- .. nerun with FINE FUIIH at price. far below their real value. an Lhn entire sun-k Inll puni- livnly he cloned wilhuut rcnrve. na- h...- n... m...m.n...ulnn.m ..r Imn 1... COMPRISING : South Seal Sacques, South Sea] Muffs and Boas, South Sea. Seal 0a s,- For Ladim' an (inutloumu 's Eur ulnllm nnu uuuuuumu - H "II Extra. Fine and Dark Mink Bette, Real Otter Beaver, Mink Sea. Otter. Persian Lamb and other Gaps. Reel Dog Skin Sacques. Ermine Opera. Oloake, Magnicent Real Blk Bear Robes, Also Lined Buffalo Robes. Gentlemen's Real Beaver Gt. Coats 'logether wilh nfull nml (-olnploto nuanrtmnnt, nl' lho lowur grad nl Fun in units null llinlv nrtlcmn. Alan n full uuurunmnt of CHIL- daihh'hdrwl lit -8 lbw-bud mour- 14...... -MF'IOII out 01 llw unnutaud bun Hkinn Hm! Hm mur- mm of lCumpn unl Amuriuu can Allard. and Ilmnmnulwturingol wllluh have luwi under the nuparvlsinn nl of tho skillful II'ur- If! IIKB manner. I.)- The nlmvn {hm present. In 0 npnrtunitv for inlendmy pun-lumen of ma] y IIIRK'I'L CLASS I-UBH o! aupplying thmnuvea this v ..-_v.. My v Iv, 1. 1-an arm. wmm llpthGwdnfoiuhnth-uyndu WMCIMM Thou-Mid dolhnvohtobodhpoudoflnthw I. pDONT H: To CALL and bomriucod (In: Muhro never been [amnion III myth-V Wt. Inch Iagngow oIu-od inPhinud FlucyDtyGoodn. p Look coll Magiiint'furs, (EHMI'RIHINH ' l'tk'nl. full Munru BEN?! I-UIKS. Thu abou- Huwk Inn all boon [mule up nutnfllw Rum-I.an luau h'kh Oo-emudall macaw-HEIth Dboountcm an. a the - lT-llugol Right Side of New York. 100 ITHE ALASKA gun HOUSE, [ImmenseSacrice Dry W0 hoop all the Number: of an Scuido, Union Squat. pm] Fnuklin Bqum Booh luv I" -- gunning-h. FRINGE'S NOTE ON HIRACLES nlnl DARAHIJPN I -nl 0M) Ina-nuns UTE UN IINIUI ma PARABLES, 1 vol. 2.50. Alien in Wonderlnnd. 2.50. Under thc Lilla. 200. Din-ion of :11 kind: from line to 2.00. Addinonn Spochtor. Arabinn Nighta' Entertainment. Modurn Speaks: and Rucilor. Fcouu-tl Chromch. HIGHLY IMPORTANT I UnresewedAuctiunSale LIVERPOOL HOUSE, 100 ramm- um. Boon n 81.0), jail in. Bartlet Familiar Quotnliunl. Adventures of Don Quixota. Snory of the Reformntmu TO OFFER A'l l'l'lllllC Al3G'llUN, lmmwauux-smml I h orh of Junephus. Mnuuhyl Life and LotLerIJ win. I | Juniua Wuudfnll'u Edition. 1U Ulhh m III conuent! um may." boon [uranium in III, db fut-ooh. I. Iuohugunow u. or I Mm at tho Hon-0. HENRY WIDE Nov 1 Li-mud "on-n," I! Prim lm-u 3 Am. .Ln.-\v-ll:._ m I vfaiu and Sburiu of me huh "anantry. my cowl-o The supper! I'D, In. Power. And I I spend. 1. It In mtefuny in - Iith bud... And in tho rrlru - u - pounded I u'do ul leather nah .- I n'nded I Noun maid m IVadolpl .mn ~ - "Iqui- lay. A. r. "If, m. 0:3me by Nov 21. CIIBISIJIAH CHEER! IISIIII L IIII Nov 13. Liverpool Bonn,"106 Prima- Emu, 8 Joan {have wank 3. Nov. QJud, 1878. r mlendlny pun-[mun 0! null] r'lH'h .Ass (mp I ing run with FINE FU l price. far below air puni- r \"6 Hmll lmv "Ir limlat ussnrum'nlui UHRISTLAS GOODS evor Mllllblmd in Kiugaun including Unnlsuuhnslwka. Walled, Jluve m l Illuhnnlnbf Baum. Inxliul' Work Box-ya, llnnu,llnlwy Iliuwurn, Furo Flower I'm-x, 6w. 0|" RIIYII AND (0S'IIA' FUBSII II I tubal Jl "snow 191:1. S. WOODS. lacy m a Block m the II I an: nut I uumvu. u BROOK STREET. 3 vinw Hm day below male, All mde mutant-MM mi Irnln t lug rm. TORUN 'l 0, ll'lbll "'1. Il'al BIDDER. Mud-I Ian of ii-AUDI- u wry vullmhlu tlu- punt ammo lnn Hm! Hu- "Ila-u any. Mitchs. m bloc-r1. I Mil-ht! and who: now . H i . Ilod.l,mtolightthe unoc- of griwQOnuw-cndiu; Oct. 'lll Inn-V' III lIVI- "- thowluhbnnn 00 Padil- [chmbndbv HI-than...me 'H bhqlhoddhiacuidyho ACOI'OITA Ill anr muonmlod w thin honuu. II'orTiukela and an lnnhor Sum-mnth I n I! to H. BUURLIER. (loner-d Again. .- ronlo. , IIOIAJER & HANLHY, Azania. 091100.100: ui Brook MM... "0 25. I378. FROM 'llCAL'I'ICIUl dourmu of obulnll. poms".- undgsr lbs Bonn! for ma your "79. Afliation lo nmnn Hm mnlco Ill qu - uth ofmh (nu-Inn. "A 1' VALUABLK VIKEIIOIJ) I'm. PIRTY on (Mu-m nu. he" I. I (IBIIAI ".108! A aims-Nd MIMI-mum: nd from uml In! "I. with "alumna mm. TM "and! on aul with Inter uni gum-cl ha- lv-u bullpen M o! (hum ItmtJIo the slum. ud Iii-uto- I; hull-uh In w-v I . (blinding-Mk. IM w v-y luau. (lowing-blah. For In. engined meow-m on tho pn- Jmm llAIl Illll Ralur Inlennodium. Swarm via H rreplul rum-o I'orlllrllri lononn whhmg to ml." fur the" mud-m obtain l'nmgocerlfcam at lnwmt rum. The chat: on good for one your II. the amount I. refunle In I ulna loduvtmn. If not unod. Full Information In ruturn [Irth mul I" rol'umh-d Inn ddm-tmn. Illll I" mnturn of pawn will lm given h Hm Adlll .- w moon-r martial-luau to be u tuned II or dnr baboon!" ad For Ticket. and unv innlmr imam-hm: III- insulin cnocmv sii '0" :ALI. I "In" WI "I "Burl! Ilw. duty In. and I. ato- It. w-y I'NIQIMLyuMk. au;an Ibo ovum ml: lorlield, Del, live: a woman, named Dull I01), in good circuuuuncel. She hm: hm dnughten, who some time mgr became muthcn of illegitimlto chlhlruu that were killod. A colund mm, June: Jones. buried the bodlu. Ind wu lhrenouvd nth death i! he nvul-d the crime. Hr. told the cry to I Iomun, md Tuml \y two man, Vinoun; Ind Noncmnbe, rm. sin. a! the girls, locked June: in tho Dmi- nun fun ban-e. promising hlm nu lmrm i! he would lenvu tu- Slur lnraVU. Jon.- reed, .lll IA" .m'x I!!! 19!- mon Ind Mn. Dodsun llnw. nun Jun inn-"I'm fur Doluuo, Almul. unJ night. in the den-- Ioml a: Vandykun Sutjon, our the Deluuro lum, the mm: pup-rod to kill Jones. llu begged L-r hi1 life, and prnrniwd Dover to rulurn. but the wouln 1.0111 the man lu lull hiv And be done With It. They hrul luv bullet. Into hi1 hed, Ind than (luggm hum int: the rank, Nipponan him dead ll. revived, however, Iullicuml) lu dmz hmul! to I lulu houn and mm. thu thou not]. The trio hue been well- ad; Wilmington, Del., Nov. 'Jl.AL lhen Ulnuguw. Ii. Slwnwn Lu Liverpool. ldunlnndnrry, Glasgow, Qmsmmtown. lh-H'umnr (hmlm, .3l,2n. RETURN TICK EIH. CabinKilianqu I0 LlVl-rpmllur Immlondarry Ialurn. .l'H, QHI. and .lh7. Inlennadinw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 3 Public School Board, I run m Iulymman. . . . . SnrmamiML . . . . Circauiln. .-.. Mmminn .. . , Peruvun. . . Slrdinim.. . .. . Polym-Imn. . . . .rmntinn. . . Uircnuinn... . . 'lhv Shamnurx I In G ,ru ,, wn l runngn Irunl h mun-hm: CullinwKingalou to LiVl'l'lmul or Imullondarry gm, .7 .ml .39. lulmmmlmte [u IlVrlmuL lmmlundunv or ruruvun . . . Sardinia". . . lulyucslan. m. u. con'rnj'rs or a mom: TWO BUTTONS-4h Soul, Myrtlohe! uni other fuhiomlno ubudou at 500 mu- mi- per r. TWO BBumNSln Saul, Pink. Ecru, Pearl nnd othor fuhiuugblo Ihndol .lor evening Iona 60 per puir. ' A full amltmeut of .lonophinul md owl' Ilundu-d nuke: of French Kid Glove! in two and [our bunolu It extremely low prioel. A full Stock of Luliel' Lined Kid Ulovn . It luv prious A full Stock of Lmlim Cloth Glove. at low pricel. A full Stock of Chiltlnm'n Lined Kid Mitt: at law prim-I. We are umv nailing (mud: in every do- lmltrmht of our homo use extrmnnly \ W prlwn. l!vr'b1""ihEm Inland Revenue rsllmatel mm. 5.". 00),000 are mum-Hy expenduJ m l'nlted States fur liqu'ur, a sum Which three years would pay off the mum debL A 11-1-an llnm. \ .In.nn9.-Ix .qua Sailing 'mu [Ami-pool vary TIIURHI)AY and from Halifax Vary SATURDA Y, Lnnu u. m. u Which we plum. tho but Chap Kid Glov. in the Inuht. .1. p0 Iii-Ml Pu nlu'an . Sardin iuu I '01 ymsi an , Hurmutiuu, 6mm 1:, Mom via" .4 cadum FRENCH kibGLovas. IN IW man i R. 35;; GARDINER liverpoolLondonderryc Glasgow WinterA rrangtinent31878-79 King-Mn. lav m. we. NUTIUE TilTEXUHEBS. n \lllr'M'K II'U Il'Yll": 3 Alt 3 (or out. Striovy cuo jnrho. GODL mA Briltol (Eng ), denputch says conuquenco of continued umclivlty emiurnion the Great White? Swans}: Complny will dilcantinuu Illrll' lllln New York during the winter. _A all-n! til-I'lh lul'l Hm In H. & J. EAHjlf l03 Princess Street. Nov. ...3nd, 1878. I v I'hl I J :1 n. .1 vammu Tunnel, but and mm I lay. Apply Io ' _' 'l' I nut-nun- WENTY I lundhl Iron lo-mum, lll puwenul,u uubla nuginml, (flylln built: a Man Iur 'uiuu , Nuturian udiniuu Scawlim'n, Canadian 01 I mm an ' Con MM"; LJmn unmlh'lm lbumuu Mn ALLAN LINE i m MONDAY, DECEMBER 2ND. Il Iv-u III- uVI- IN TWO BUI'IONB. M 50 Cents par par. Prep-Id Pun-o I'orlllulu Iona wl-hmn m nun-.4 rm uh." In. IIIIIX Rnwnur Puuugn l'rum Fungi-1m ' |-Kimr-lnn m H Inlnr l1 TO RENT. VAIYHIII 'rlllllll'l A. new IOI'K uunng we wmwr. A Bolfut dupatch any: the [0qu continued puunra on the line Uzldn hu begun to Ihuw it: affects; Mun-hell Brut, ax spinners Ind puwcr lull] Weavers, hue fnlud; linbillucs LQH um. in run 1m I uun noun u Inn A- A I. .- e v.81. Livery 1-6 m. l l'.u"'(l" Ulnpium [libentiun N. Haitian Amtnan 'j." WILL Y": I"! ULIVID ;e nl'tlu '. hivmpoul. lmndundurry 7 an") 3- T. J. 00240030.. . III III II- VII-II... "I". 0"... lb. U. H. PHIP'E', In. a mnu. Inu Itudonu. in-IDA -. ' l'hwuerian. I Newfomulland .I In. Feb. Fab. 1 Feh. Fob. "A x N 0v. Doc. Dun. Dec. Dec. Jun. Jun. ' wrmuu n ' Munitan Waldenm'an l'hmneci n. I M-..r......u..... 'en. un, ah. HUI eh. Ifllh "ob. 'JJud uw Line WI nuil ur ulmul.o\'rr_y . Jill". . 7th 14m . 2| . 2qu . 41h Ilth 18th Irul. 30th. 7th LuannTh Tunou' second at. mu! mth look plank u um Tum. "A", Putnam. on Friday nuhr, an! In AW puma, lhno bum, nvm cepuonmu or me lonely l'opu. -An unknown nnn committed Iuicide At Toronto on the 22nd inn. by lying down on tho rmlwny track and Ilium:ng In engine to run over him. Death was inn-annulm- ~uen. D. manna, wr muny ycu hm; agent for the liridgewalur, Iron 00., is nlltged [n he s damn! 823,000; lntciem of hm pruperty inched to secure tho Company from ]nvuzin|liunl nhown that. the h inched to mo Lumpnny Irum man. lnvelziguium terribly [an] ex louion in the coal mine at Sul- llun. Kldiann, nu caused by the {00]- hnrdineu of one of the miners. wbu tirwl I blut. Allu- being warned nut. to dn an. _anhrnlu (inn- nnl'. I'mk mum III Dlul. All" [)0an wurueu not w un Pembroka doe- not l'mk upun ux of rrilwny mominw the town a unmixed blouinu. Nearly every or hotel keeper there has been than the mm of thirty or furry dull w: than men, A u. Ln..:. L.n...|. r m mm .-. Fug-w awnu; w w- .m..hibvly 0". a -4 mmmum men -A St. Louia bread: of 1 of Puenlin sgnimt Barnes peculiarity of a plnlntzlf under-turd English, and who cannot lpeak unytlm: Huh. WBIVBI'II' I' to 80,011). all. Jlob Karin. o! Harrisburg, I'll nyhid on his run! homo on the nigh o! IL. m in. Ind role 11(1709 in (old. '. a I N now. In. mgm 0' III Min-t, Ind robbed $709 in gold. _Dr. Hm. uf nulml. nmnhn III 1mm, Ina room OIUHN m gum. Dr. W, of Manned, omphn My doub- tbo chug- ol uni-Innings- nut in connection with me lulu-p31 hmihl. lupus-1. Iti|npoetod um lugs qunnmiu 0' like! on till he lhippod from Michi- picoion blind, Ink. Superior, next Ipring. 'lho Int can-m taken in Aunria re- Iprlng. -Tbo Int consul taken in A'I~r31 n2- vulod (in fun that than were 1A.". men and no women than the age of 100 your in country -An um molhuiu It. Sziabour ne. Tho pl of the Mantra-l Corphration to on. of it. mit- bmught by the city volunhen to recover payment fur their service: on the IZth of July Ian, was fylod on Silurdny. 'I'hm in nothinu new in the nnlilicul Iylou on Datum-y. Thm in nothing new in the ] world, owing to the Absence 0f Minn-tor- lrom the Cupiul nth captiontbs: of the lonely Pope. unkno'n nnn committed in-unnueom. Whu Icheme has Sir Jubn on 1 that hill Afraid to an honest nun I Mr. Buckingham to relmin Deputy 3 inter? To be pure, SI! Hugh Allan ha ha recouped. M. Gil-hue Unrn. it in n-(mrtml The Hmtun Sprint-Ir think! It idiotic for the Wqu to charge tho Cuulerutirel uth huundmg Hun. Mr. Blake nut only out vfpover but out of hi: own con-mummy, llkmg Idunuae 0! his 1- ma md ubunco to do It." From (hi: it in qmto motion lint tho Hlmllton Spu- olw oomidurl it "rambling into the "do: at uhucy" to tell the truth or In It. | (net. It In mmy A day line. M.|' contouponry "a allhctad nth tun upcoioc 0! mental nhomtmn. Elm,- body known tint tho put, in Ihich Mr. Blah u s lender in out 0! potenthut the ion. path-In nu ponoully and in South Brunt, and that his dolnt In computed by In. Conan-tin oppon- CIO. during bu "Illnm nd Aha-nu." It in gun-n, nuppoud Anon. Caucu- tinn thomulvn that tho, won the Ian that! tho human Indeed thy it" opal, uultod m the triumph 0 m- olt-hing it. '0 Mid than he to In, ban tho hypocn-y v! the lately u- m Tory dutn t uo Ir. th H hub in pobt'w No All." huh. In nanny murluhd that! object in ox- ptlln inn tn-m II. Just how such tlc Tut. in to no It. MW my 0th! knit-g UN! In Ptdh-ut my to joked by Hon. Ir. Cut-Mf- or grind M M My ta Gnu. ung. It mil ho the .30 thqu with It. a m any Boler- I. -_-L-_-l-Lh _-- A. M.- M. Gulmve Dore, it in n-purtml, in about to via". thin country, enpecially Um Rocky Mountains, ngara, tho You-3m ilu Vxllry, Ind th Mammoth Cure The Cunnrvntivnni Lundwn Imu- vulry, Ina mo Mnmmom uurc The Conurvalive- of Lund' decided to hnld I reunion mu 1) 4th, Thank-Inna Day, in such nor an to allow the Indies in puma It Ill. H'rhe United States Unuunu Inland Revenue rstllnatel HL 1n.mm--- -..n....ll.p n'vhnlnln To the Edilur of It [Iriln'lr Whit]. l\-... u. I A -.A_.N,_ ,A AL... m I wuwulnry. -AI| In motheriu At Stigbonr ne, England, who draw | knifo at her two boyl been. they qnurnllod, killed une 0! than and upon. her pusion. Tho dos!!! antenna of the half-breed 0| Inu- um mu nor pumon. dth commas to be hung at Wound toduy, [or I. Innrdor committed lover-l mouths agu, Er bun command to imprisonment for a. mm7un8umnu lka m nun. on! mm his quit rock. u in my- bin. halo h 1-."- _ lo I *5. bub mum.- A Late College 'lllhlflll. v. _._... .. .. _Ilqn-ohuthopuupbd Kin. My-into! Ii- than. Ton-aili- mamas-och: dMoo-lduc-uillhl haiku-continual: .W . B. Stetson, fur yo; . lnr [ha Hrixlunwnlu 79.07- _A7 I urlnns Cum n willde with. Jlulllllx III! N" 9 "' V WI 0. I! , (In. rim ~ Lieu mth 1 Nu} v-.M 'J-F n will be mu ll Adminlty I rlnvxnra. Abnnt an". {mm m n: Van-UK? lngluneld h elAInro mom f,"- theu- c m Imu- 0 bigd fully furnn mad to mmlumos. k. hil- nnthuled u] it. [vacuum] 1 Id. And then dui'uow . |im. iir John f ml unast llku Iin Mm- lugh ha: in tin n-purlml, ry, 8, the Yosumitu ylh )l' Lundun on December , I. man- ;tu pumcqute 1n ' ymrs bul lgewalur. Must. an dchultur In is at- Jpnny [rum luau. . .L. um ......;Ll.. Llll L regimen uniform: Hu cam other: LCN it. haviu Ihuuld l muianl I.Iu. to [wild to lntrlck Lieutqu muumul the 111' aprmkh urdinun almuk In men pru over, th Maddy-hi \ In. I political all the luship In In The Anglwlhlmm trouble is by no mum UVl'l'. 'l'lm Afghan In. which hu now nut. (mly how Ilevlared but actu- ally begun, will scarcely go far without duturlung llw curclml (l) relations be "new Englnml nml Ruuiu. Already has Rum: extended a mural lild and com- fort" [U the Allltfl', and If a favourable uppurtumty nll'uv "was fnomlly (2010.: any be be bucked up Ind succeeded by moro tnngnblu mun-muse m ropellin" the jult bogun Brimh IIHIMUII. 'l'uo conti- guin of Afghamman to the Indian lorri- koriul of both the gran jealous powerl il nu clomomol drlncacy Ind danger. It Ivill be bud hr Rum m mind hcr own buli- nou,in the stud some of thst term, if (he uur gammy: very extensive propor- tion: or impurhan-e. We hnve no doubt of tho ability u! (ireat lirnnin to Cope With ltuuu either In Europe or Alla, but u, may well be urneully lluped thlt tho! proton! war In Alghnnutnu may not bu eularqml Inlu Ill Anxlu lluuiAn ntrugglm tum I. MCI - wanm.~M Pull DI HICIHI ll-- lnvvu w I"!!! pnn II u dtmomtllli-m- The Iuon Ill! bathe-Wad Iith Incl. "mu And Inc-cu in ight. Um tho . eonnd walla out. no idiot till he .undmg m. for u Iago Daub. Ihik inwlo dam! ruined nu. ' In 3 [mod dud tho nth! 0' lb. m- luoo. l- luau-Nb. mm o... T" A! YINIA. Jun-In. I: :ppurs thn the mud Hutu Gm- --rnmentunt the Admil . hint which resulted in che tic-patch of Iho Sinus on :1m | cheat in: my ship likoly to luv. unonuona o! annuyung the sulnuun. She has not t ulnmod, and in probably crniuing Ibo! in blot-ed inner-cc. thn the sat-nun is sung undo: the In of Hoorgol Inland. nulualmt severely uunug um Vnyge, but she in now cnnulolcing, and It In confidently expected will Ipoodily recover her accualamed hollth. The rest. of the party are all well. The Marquis walkad the deck of the party all well. Marquis stemner seven! days during the Voyage, amended by his piper, And also munnnd hunaelf by shing for gulls. Un tha 0le}; Sunday Ipuut u an divine Iorvico was held, the Marquis Attending. The putrnt bul- WHO uwleu, and were remnved after the ru storm. The Heat anchored in the harbour will farm a line at hull pant ton 10-day. 'l'no "Harm-Kim" Inll nil between the hue. ying the rnyul Inndnrd And thc eet and furts will tire a Inlute. The vice rrgal puriy ml! land It the Duclr yard at half I-an. one And proceed on the mute If (h; proceuion to m. GovuruV went Hon. wher tho out n! nmcu wnll be administered by Mr. Chief ins Ritchie. The Hovernnrunemla a." mill |.. immmlinwlv hninlml nn lhu Admlrllty llnuu um aaumu Wu n Hm eet Ind (um. Admiral hu Inwie every urraugoment fol-their vmfort. The house in bumm- furnulwl Ind Contu'ul mmy nre An loull u the Sum-tun" mblogruml were lent to the U'IWIIJHI] the Duh- uf Argyle, Who in It ('anlml, Frauen, and cnng'uulntmy ro pllen were received. After the vice-rep] 1.1111); the Savmuitn" goon up In the lixchmund Rnilwny Ihuf, In diumhnrk the houuhold unmu And baggqe, which will immcdlnoly leave for Uttawn L- .wi-l (ruin WHICH 'UI llllln'( i by upocid trlin. Iha decor-um upocid trlin. decantiona In (In city I" of n grand c'nnmtu. The mu m annul- unl and the wremoniu till commence] heavy, Wednesday. 20.h~335 miles. 131an mg a moderate gale from the nuulh out. I Her ltuynl llighneau better. Carried all sml. H'llllll UBBL ll) "(Hln Weill. Friday. 22ud_:no miles. Strung luruezu Rllll l'lUlldy tliruughuut. Wind mm ( ml to nurtli won. Saturday, mini319 miles. Strong l:rcey.ofr~:1.i Vlm south east And hazy. A good deal (It 1W4. Hu- Royal ngllna appeared on [lack fur the rst time tn? iluy. Arrived ud' Sambro at 6 o'clock, and anclmrenl below the city of Halifax at 9.30 pm. Her Roy-l Highnou sullared somewhat severely during the voyage, hm. .he in now cnnnlulcinu. V ..-o- .. _ llun. John HLnnnur hnvmg nppomted I brothel of Huckou, the murdorad Ur- augemnn, and [JUIL Min-henna Bow-ll nu l'luunuuhue As tbenr renpoctive pri- vnlo ucrolnriel it. is prupnled to wry this comxneminhly mnmlutury Ipirit mtu other nphuru of life In which the exam- pluy geullamuu may be Imerutad. For axnmplc, n In upecm Hm, Grand Sov- oruignvf the luivorlu' Howell, old In ("Ange cup and gnwn, in in hand the SI. Punck'a pru . mum on the nut ensuing 171h_'wlniull.m. .lrctnrlmng-nn, wou Ing tho cruu of the Knight: 0! 5:. Hr.- gory, ml] Mel, uluntm-r In much in (ho lieu liltchlu Ina Hovernnr-uuncnua ag immedintely hoisted nun Ind anluhd wuh 17 mm. {mm oat Arruu of the and u Royal hideJ Rom PM Hallfz lad - Dom-latch (1.51.) n_x(.- in. nu vdd-u ma.- mum colon, Ill Ina-u mun hing Midi! in. But Mm loo- nin Iw] bogu- Io MM by n o'clock agship- Iomnll but wait loot- ings, nnd than :- ucypuupeat of . divy night, sad it Du append the Su- muun-ould nothyto Ink-tho bu. boar befon Ah,th The urinl o! the Cunim III 1 math mod indication uh! In:ch 1| ghzul wmu A. h. I m N. N. W. or R :yal Highness hull, how- mnr, nulfored severely lhn L-'ccta u! tho 12st two days. Muniay, MillJill miles. The mom- lm: broke wilh astrong breeze from the unuth weatmccumpauled by heavy squalls. These grudunlly increased till noun when the gals became I hurricane, carrying away the main trynailtud culling nlm u very heavy crou lea, which broke over the vessel {are and lft. Ono sea atom in :I.. -m,.l,i.... Innm 'lk. nlin rnllml mu? the vowel lore and In. Una Move In 1h: smoking room. The ship rolled and Inn-had honnly and all on board an [Torn-:1 2 -~-navquence. The gale begun to break '1! II n m. and nc heavy, W 9.11: llll lull-Inn "I-uu-I-nunvn. Monlmi. Nov. 21L~Tbo India] Itu~ den!- 0! mum Inn "when! to ma __._.n__ TL- -A_5:-..\ u'o i Huihx, lav. 2t.-Ynderdny naming unlock. nilto mi n ti. oog uhuutdu. o'cloeu, lion-that than Mound-adult int Bl! Mon hour boron Ala,an "no nmvu or In. Cupisn nu I put, trod mulbefaurnhnixml m bola o, nut. in. min. A'pl Ah In; Inn, nan hands plrusnlllly with me gentle-- presented to her, and, now it was all thought, perhaps, the experience of IL rough Vnyngo was not such a bad thing after all. TIH. Alannda Luxth p.6lunr naln In". III. In ll'luo\;n n... ......." .. V .. ..__ van 0! tho m-lt Urluga proceuiun \n Mantra]. By lush Imqu onmplu of cnuulutmn ml the 1mm 1 hnlharto irroo canal-Mo Chllllph In u! the hootilo camp. of fumqu Ara Iho people of llul Dominion tn be laugh! haw bleued It in for [how human m u a to dwvll together in unity. mu me "our l 1nd by nine o'ci IIUJAB unus- 5- In- Vanna-- abound that 3 lug. steamer III in light. Sho Ind in fact bean Al. the mouth of III: [arbour by noun o'clock. tad ll! Init- in. (or I pilot bu! rm out to In. In an bout lb. and. math! nttumpt to nd a plot, and failing in this Clptlin Aird nu in without one and anchored under Georgia Inland. After bmkfut your correspondent cluttered I Imll boat, md in In" I!) hour In: Alongside the Sarmllian. . ___. -AA_A..._ ropnou wnn nee-autumn lngleueul un bnnrd. Then Anotherlinlo pu'er calm: dancing over the wavel, and snugly eu~ ac-mced under I canopy in the new wns loan the Duke of Edinburgh, who was me: at [he gangwny of the summer by Lnrne's awards-camp in full Ita regimuntaln. The Duke wore I capmin's IlnlfOHll and looked remlrhbly well. came to invite the Prince" and some of ghe party to l rm. uwn: nu Tuv Iu AfK I-ulm'k LLJI nmm up Inn. nunbn Inn n, having been \rrnnged that. "erythng be quiet and unofcial Kill the Sar- uutian leave: he pruent anchorage at ten Luz. lu-murrow. Among the next. boat arrive was the Adminincrumr, Sir Mmdouuall, Col. Littletun, and Lnemunan! Unvernur Archibald. At this mumcnl the asumblago of unlfnrmlun llurtur duck, imarspersu-l thh it upmmhng uf lmhus, cnusutucd an extra- ordinarily pretty upecucle. rIlL nun-mu altar all. The Marquis looked rather pale, but. was clntung cheerfully with those around him EIUI I run-uu. The Murqnia aid tint, lpuking from little experience a n yuhumln,the plea, in which some triing accidenu occurred to rpm Ind Mill, wu decidedly I revere one. There in no III-lady, however, lmm which people recover with more rnpidity then from she'lu'eringl of MI Iiclmeu, and none 0! the puny, who dl grndually put in m appearance on deck, looked the Wunc for their troublel. mm... "In... ..|-...... ..>..IML n. nnnnnl Ior mou- Iroublel. Shortly after eleven oclock the Cunard tug conveying Sir Hugh Allen came alongside, followed at M) interval of a few nunulu hv the hunch of the Belle- ruphuu with Vice-Admlnl Ingleheld un Duer m 60lan ii p.11). 'uemhy, 19111174 miles. All I nut morning the Ian run VV at~32] miles. Frenh cluudy throuxhuut. Wind north went. -)..,l '11 ".61.. Htrnnu it: gang; gigsi: mtg,