5v. 0uo young wanna had her In: de- cidod by the sermon 0! Rev. Mr. Jol lio In! evening. 7 'FL- "AnA.- n.-. _..J f._.._-l a..- 'IIw-Ila QII- I. "U. I" 1". lm.. 'X'_ho monthly meeting of the Evan- plied Aimoo willbo hold this "out in; in the Queen St. Method!" Church. Thm Ill only one cue of Imall' pox in thmu. Hut 0! Mr. Butch, who deal: we unnuunced noun-l by: l 0Iing to unfavonblo weather Mn. Each Ind but A very poor homo in WARM-n. She is now in New York. 17L___-_.LI, ,, ,.-,, nu 0Il nt New this took In its nl Ibo handed u I poom eon-coda; "Th buntilul m." TM closing union 0! ch. Lanna: lad Addilgwn Council begin- in Na- punooon Doe. 10m. _ - -- u_'. m " than he do" Iriplro- lian on M. I -Ky Filh'I Blond. will app." "nun nut lunch. Tho] will doubting In my aunt. _I|-- a LIA- Ald- ..L _-- -L _ Micks-Hp! boot. a. maddlyhdhgthpubspuhn. l'ho Ila-u Ga-on limb -l-_ _... L__ x,__ A_:AJ,A,, "a, , J -'mk add. ~lq-u My hi: 0. Tank nonL. [he Clearing ()ul. lawns and Mania! epmssion "4' 1 , reporters. p_ . ~Tho I'ru/:g/I:'rs.ll| aruriuq Jury of Ihn; hi9 tmwh Ind Eu; nmmh of Uctu- chm than. (tho 5 tbs pulicd court cm got mm, or why. When the n duty the pllbllc v m, Fwy-u. P. -" tough-lb. Icahn-ump- [nun-uh, In. A WWI-w -.v-- -u' u-o, wV luv.- up- On Mr onlo-o Immortal Min. tn-p about... ha. no not the III WM M.dewunninlhu way-ou- M U}. qni-Iiu u mic-itth-uohdb Im-dun...- uou I- Cw, W: Dump-dd *hnl hit-h Iagnnlhu .wu.:.-v- wvn- uuuvvnw v, loll! I J. M. Brena And Mr. W. Gmnold. ~ Mulio III rendered by the young India 0( thl Society, Mn. Groaneld prodding u the pi-no. The Iinginl III adored in Iuch n uer u Ipuh well of Mn. Hroontiald :- I mulic'un. The piece. cominted oh Iolo Hue : kind word for all," lung by Min. Agne- Brooh Ind Min Gertrude Percy; one, "My Drum m full of Theo," by Miu anio Bruno, Mun Edllh Mach And Mr. Walla] Swiln or; A betutiful piece by Hill Tbooh Grant, followed by mother, Give an Hho wings of F.5th," by Hill Hattie " Gum, nnd och-r picco- which I'm given in "coll-n: Itylo. A... 1|.- nan-l -..A- I .I.-_L- AL- __ 0n Selnrdey lent, later Clerh, ol Humweuith, drove! used lot the purpoee ol Metin. He put up et 1 MCGOVMI'I, when he bed 1 MI lot hi 4 Lanceen excellent hem. h '- our lpaced thet ehle they Ice teedqu mum-Mel.. L u ulyvlu-III -~' I'. ! Anor tho and vote q! thanh tho on- tart-lumen: Ill brought to l clout by n } won. or two 0! Comtic'm, d the benediction by the Ru. J. M. Bruno. AGol. IL & W7 . C!Qt!ly0[8, ly-I-u- v- yun- yu-wn tum. ! Whymmmm. n. limb nub. II. In... _..-_.A A ancinl under the tuupicol of tho Bell Rock Sabbuth SchoolSocioty wu held in the school room on Thur-d1] Honing 2] inst. A [urge attendmoo wu pre- sent notwithltanding the bu] undo. A splendid ten wu urvod by tho young Indie: and gentlemen of the Society. After tn, the muting wu culled to order and Mr. B. Duy took the chu'r. Short. nddreuon were donut-0d by the Rev. 11 M Rm... .an M. w u......n-u Inlll uv'nllu, \Il EIAD EMU-WUDISU nuvvu' tum." The Beaver lays : 0n Snturdly hut the captain arrived in port, Armed with instructions from A. Gunn, 1351]., M.[., King-ton, to like: cargo of lum- ber, which the lattsr claiinod by virtue of a judgment against George Lott, which Mr. Uuun had purchuod. The All- venturo" tied up at Stovonlon'l duck and bogm to take on her cargo. Mr. Mor- ril. in ctmrg. of the lumbar yard,ob- jocted to this, as he had imtructiunl to allow nu lumber to be removed without the written order of Mr, Stovenuon. The latter was communicncod with, Ind Devnnn was ordered to duint. Thil he refused to do, and Jerry went and ar- raued him for petty troupul. The on. war oullrgod from lime to time, but on Tuesday was tried out. The cnpuin wu Cnnvictld of trap-u And nod 88 :nd .5 ' UOILI, or thirty dnyl in jnil, but his ooun- I nul gave nutico of Ippul to the County Uuurt Mr. D. H. Pro-ton Ippurnd for ' m-inplnimnt,and Maura. J. H. Maddox: I and J. Whiting, of B. M. Britton'l of. ' iice, King-tun, for defondnnt. : On Tuesday night Justice Jamel gave a. nal hearing in a case of trenpul al- lugad tn have been committed by Oap min Denna, of the aletmbnge Adven- nmn " 'Im. Ru..."- .-..-. n.. GunJ- In", H. mm mm ya... u... nun-uni. Owing to the llrge number of commu- nicunta in St. Georgu'o Clthodral it hu bean found necouary to have an Iddi- tiunal colebntion of tho Holy Cnrnmuu- inn, which will take place on tne third Sundny of each month, It eleven nolock. On Sunday next the Lard Bilhop of tho Diocele will (D.V.) hold 5n ordiution service in St. Georgol Outhodnl. Tho usunl morning Iervioe will be laid At niu o'clock. The ordination union will take plnce Ii. elenn o'clock, tho Rev. J. J. Bogart. M.A., Rector of Nspsnu, preaching the lumen. The oIrtor] will be in Aid of the Minion Fund of tho diocese. ln tlia evening the Lord Biliiop will preach in St. Pnul'n Uliurch. wluulvuu v. .uv unnm-v nu- vv nu-uv. In St. Hoorgeo Cnthednl yutordny the Dun of Ontu-io preached in the morning Ind Rev. Mr. Wilson In tho nvcmng, Rev. Mr. Echlin reading the prayorl and the Dem the leuoul. nx-;nn 5.. LI. l-_n.. n...L__ at A . . _ .. mu". "nu-"aw ru-r-v- I'"'J Sundny non, being the rst. Sundny in Advent, begins the new oooluiutioal year. The h-lf yurly collectionl for the missions of the diocele will be nude. In... vnuu. . R9v.A. Willon and Rev. F. Mc- Cuaig exchanged pulpit.- yoltordny. SunII-w nn't ML." bk- K... Quad... :m .VII.'Ie Ketet ell, Ir. New. Our illuetn tion ol'lory ineoneietoney ie quite epro poe, end our urtuone indignatien ie by no scene thrown ewey. Beeenee the hoee ie to be purcheeed tree: the Good~ yeer Conpeny of Montreel it he: not been proven thet the erticle ie of Gene- . dien mennleeture. Indeed we en in- ' formed. end here every reeeon to be- lieve. lhet the Goodyeer Company do not mute the hoee they otl'er {or eele, but coneh'tute e Canadian egeney (limited) (or lever-l United Blake lime. Thie being eo our erticle etill reteine in point end pungency. end my remerke we hen mede ebout Protectim end Probetieniele ere ee epplieeble to the pereone neued todey ee they were on Fridey lut. The reference to my Council report which eppeered in the Wine ur my other peper couviucee ue of nothing wherein we erred, but the pleyful eeoldiug we here received from our contemporery eervee u another instance of the hendeome wey in which eome men can bounce into I blunder when prompted by party im- pulue rather then by e deeire to get at the feet: of the one. Now, Mr. News, what think you of your mere'e neet i r-uy u no pun-nu n law, no. the Goodyou' Coup-n], no that tho Vin mon- indignation ol the WHO in throw any.Nm - Id .6 .II u- I]__ n..- 1d You can get the Myrtle Navy? mum-l m III. II. inching ' 1m handle [MMWO ' intnudpmbo- doubt. a m Ibothoujorityofu mm OI I UO-Ilm. I. am out, Inc-ova. M than in mutation or. null] to In porch-nod in In, from In Goudvmr Canva In In an vir- at: tho 0 l- M lial).- m" 5:: Capniuu on Fumwuundu (or quo n that. to path-I ...'.... 5.; 1n mun- Isn' nil-A I IIqu a m. bum in Ikit'l '- iuuo it go- !nr" lb Chit-II (humilia- m FmAW-l-nuln l TH] nnmsn wm'e. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1870. Sabbath School social. mum TH L CH UBLH ES. OOOOANUT OR?! 17-! . and COCOAJJI' CAKES. Marine Court. Iofth .- I won... 1 Ian hung, thi- way, "no u only ulna-me or I clerk; [Int-omen! 'Io bu no need to watt." All other thing: being In! n. young um Ibo with had or bum will (at | living will nah I but. hmbnd than when only chin lo I'M! in am tho, have 3 rich lube. If a] no. nintme on. non lose their nun-M not be helpin- u hob, nndhno tour. I mum din, uni u. . hoping to reform him. h 1 Such 1 thing has occurrod, but roroly. It is sdsuuorona experiment, sud you olnnot afford to try it. Is it my wonder thot on olliouco formed in disregard to the commands of God should prove disutrousl Gods word snyo: Be not unequally yoked together, for what fellow-hip hath right- ousness with unrightoousnoos. What communion hath light with dorkneul what concord hath Christ with Belinll or whst port hoth he that believoth with sn nnboliovorl Robeksh was chosen for her (hristisn womsnhood. There oro dork days in the history ol ovary mm, and some doy whon businoss msttors huo _ gone wrong. sod oll the world out-id. in , dork to you, you will go home foelinq thot o oheorful countenance snd o sym- pothotis word are worth moro to you thsn sll the word booido. Msny o young msn who hu foiled in buoinoos, and struggled to his foot ogsin, would have gone down hopelme worn it not for courago, hope- fulnon And devotion ol s christian wife. Wo oomotinies Iposk of women a: wosk er vooools, but msny s woman in thio city to-night is bosring up under trouble that would crush tho otrongolt mon hora. Young women ospocinlly should hsve no secrets from thoir psrents in mutton of this kind. Never ollow s young man to moompsny you if you would blush to toko him in ond introduoo him to your fsthor or your brother. With young mon should bo o rulo to treat young women In thot woy they would wish their own oiotors treohi. By doing this you will sovo yolnelvoo troublo now, ond doop regret in timo to oomo. Don't worry any young man to son him. (Jive him A {Air opportunity to rolornic i! he won't do it you no bottor without him. Thio ie tho moot serious of Ill ongoomonto. It is for life. therefore be csrolul. Robolihsh wu industriouo, snd thot goo: we {or in linking ohoppy homo. Aooomp ish- monte no not to be undoruluou', but domoetic knowlodo is! noooooity. Guard .oinot the lohl delusion lhst money will purchuo hoppinoso. Then to a too- dolcy on thopon of mo young Mioo tony, Ho in only loch-silo cloth; lwsntsomouno who hu no I m vvuuu uuv nu Ill uullulu ml wuu lulu, Curse God nud dis." And if Alub over evinced any di-ponition to repent Jozobel ood in the way of bin rolormnion. Young man, don't. nurry n godlola girl. Young womnu, don't uh I lllll In your life comp-nion who hu no roux-once for God,tho Bible, at tho mum of gruco. You will ruo it if you do. Mnny A pure and noble young womlu bu You no looking fornrd to n time when you lhl hove I home of your own. I pny that it any be Ill you picture It now, but if yourl in to be u hoppy home you wont. the broad loll of Uod'o blaming on your choice. Abnham hnd boon bio-rod with a good wife. He appreciated her gooduou, and de-irod that his Ion might nd I holpmeef. worthy of him. Abrohumo Ioruut went to the right plwe to find a wife hr hue, among a God fearing people. If you wnnf. to be Chrinlinus it in import-lit your wife or your husband Ihuuld be u Christinn too. When Job wu in trouble hil wife laid, a... Hnri .mi 4;. N Am: :r AL.L M... IN GILT LETTERS (nu EACH PLUG. Nov Ml: ' tnto the truth of thin. -vv om I. "noun all Plu II IIUX' tolo could know thin oido of Hoovon. From tho tllno thot God mrriod tho lint couple until now, men And wonon hod tokon ouch other for bottor or worno, and will oontinuo to do no till tho and of timo. Our noturo ond our circumotenooo u'o ouah, thnt low persona nrriviug It motu- rity no Intined without o homo of their own. Ono could rendin understood how pnrento nhould fool union: on to tho doughtor, bocouoe it will to n grout extent inuonco All their nftor life. The bountiful otory juot road would illuo- The inrmitieo of one were creeping upon Abnhnm, be won donirouo of losing Inna nettled, he did not dooiro him to merry into my of the femilioo by which he wu lurroundod, loot it ohould bring o blight upon his roul ' end A blot upon hio Home. 80 he oont o truoty sorvnnt to Moooopotnmin to nd n Chriotinn wife for lune. Elma onkod God to nhow him by n nign the young wo- nnn dutined to be the wife of the non of hi: mentor. Hi: pnyer woo henrd. Re- bekknh invited Elenznr to her fnthoro houle, nud when thorn ho ntntod hio er rnnd and wanted an immediate nnower. I! you neror prayed About anything else you had better prny nbout thin, for whon you join your lilo to that of Another '.\l1 llnuvln- van. 1... mumu... rolotionohip formed by non or nu. Iv- an" only up lol' I lylop- . Ilnolu dilemma, which mpbdnboul (on, ninnhu. Alb: Ming m. oouvic lion M tho pulpit should dad will: thu ' Ihbheonurndthoooculu wollu the ' uplritul good of the people u pmcllor ' Hid: Natl, six thousand yuan ago the Almighty ninhod up the work at cm- tion Ivy-akin; Inn in His ovn lingo, 1nd Although II. In played said :1] tbs: could plea. the. 3nd chum the ban, yot ho Inked today. God said, It in not good (or Inn to b. Alone: I rill mule I help moot for hll; sad if the lint pd: in Eden had been obodiout my night hvonuliud In much hngpinou u mor- hl- m-Ial Iran- 05:. .hl- .1 II--- quw w mnuluuuwwu UL" We Inn only qua lot - synop- l a! "In Him- nLi-L mud-4| .hnnl inhumanityqu pin. chbjod-m:W:B-it~ dismal-pain. Tubman-dru- Walk-hum- Mum: Niacin-ill lad Mummuym hu;uulifnot,uuo,ntlw tuning: tolhorighchudottotlu I. w. lag-n MI- mm In. - Inn's. no'mnw Ohluh1 gwumyuwudu I-lth-llI-J __ hum- loll 0' I'll I100!!!" IAIN" mu: 1. YOUNG mm Kingstowh bakery. Then in no medicine prescribed by phylicinnl, or laid by drum-ls. (but curios Ouch "Manon o! in lueeeu And mpporior virtue u Bowls-'5 Gnle Envy for auto Coughs, Cold: mod on the brunt. Comumplion, or my digf on. of tho Throu And Lung; A proo- 0! tin (not in at my Mon Illicud can m I Sunplo Bottle for 10 cook And, try in Inporlor - not Mon buying the rognlu size M out. It In. Indy boon introduood in thin con-tn Iron manhunt! in wondan car. no ntonhhinf our] 090 that u. it. Thu. dou- til relic" my on... 1 it. Sold by Honda I Gum And H. Ado. A mos-r DOUGH thu'omulpt h mum we Ind mu um. mummmhmv-bh IlVVI'- ewe-- Uul U 'ILIIUIII UII' 'I. end energy of youth. He did not wieh to dieperege old ego, they who knew him beet know thet ouch ll not e hebit of hie, but the young ere e power end ere felt in every community. hie-y, eerly in life, were occupying thelhigheet poeitiene both in church end in etete. At the pre- eent time in the Auglicen Ohereh,the Bio hope end other imoortent eecleeieetieele ere ehoeen from theee who ere compen- tieely young in yeere. The eeine wee tho eeee in neerly ell the eeeuler pureoite in life. He cited the one of our new Gover- ' ner-Generel, ee en exemple of the high petition: to which young eepire. He mede eome very eelogietie roller-lee on the Merqnie end hie reyel bride. I Princeee Louiee. Too young who were in the church were evinoing e deep intereet in ite e'eire. The oppure tunitiee which they enjoy bring with 1 them greet reeponeibtlity, end delity ehould be given to thoee who ere celled upon to occupy poeitione whether in pub- lic or in priveto lite. Sobriety of con- duet can only be done by teking God for e guide, end now ie the time to lee _ whether they mede Him their choice. He hoped thet he wee eddreuing meny who hed nude Him their choice in their youth. Meny think thet they here no 'right to ecknowledge thie choice beceuee they were not eble to comprehend it, but they ehould remember thet thie choice wee mode when they were children. end it wee their duty to try end follow the exemple of their Bleeoed Meeter. How many beeutiful livee ere there in which ell ie feded ewey eeve the heppy recol- lections of privilegee which they heve one joyed,end from the king upon the throne to the meeneet begger ie the reelm, how ineny heve kept their ret eetete pure end holy! Thie brought them to e thought which he wiehed to mention. One had gone from in whoee exemple we: of one who lived in the fear of God, e deVoted Chrietien, en excellent Sebbeth School teacher, end they ehould telie her exemple en ti geide for themeelvee. He wiehed to my thet young people ehunld etrive to keep the exemple of the Mentor in their heurte. Much injury wee done to young pereone by picturing the life of e Uhrietien ee eoinethlng to be dreaded, ineteed of letting them eee how heppy end joyful it wee. It ie the duty of every Chrietien to be cheerful end heppy. The time which God had given to them wee not their own. They were only entrueted with it, and they would he required to give en eccount of how they epent it. They ehould employ e portion of it in de- votion while here on eerth. ltecroetion end emueement were eleo required, but meny minietere will get up in their pul- pite end denounce them and eey that if they indulge in them they will he eter nelly loet. Thie kind of talk wee ell felee. Amueemeete et home ere ee much required no devotion. if they do not heve them at home the youth of the com- munitiee will hevo them eleewhere with- out the cement of their perente. They ehould etrive to have ell the emueemente et home, to ee to meke the femily circle cheerful end heppy. They ehould never ettond enything to which they could not take Chriet elong with them, end he wee eure their eoneciencee would be good judgee whether it wee proper or not. He eleo wernod young people ebout the Com- peny they kept. God eeid, Evil cem- municettone corrupt good meunere." He eeked them to ehun it, end not to think thet they could touch pitch without get- ting bleck. He wiehed to eey efew Ii nrde to the young lediee regerding the lete houre et which meny of then: were to be found upon our etreet. It wee the c tueo of bringing meny te ein, end they alone were reeponelble for the opinione oi the public. Drunkenneee end gemhling were both very deetructive to the eeult end either wee bed enough to uni one L: et- ter perditiun. rlhere wee eleo evaher thing which wee ecettering religiou- thoughte from the minde of our young. It wee the eurrent litereture of the Iley, megezinee, newepepern, novele, etc. Theee were found in every huueehuld, end from them wee treceeble inE-leli- ty. He leid down eeverel rulee. euch ee conetency in preyer, reeding Gode word et leeet once e dey, not with the epinth ooutroverey, but with the feeling of loerning of ite boentiee end of the wey to Heeven. God lied pueed through ell the etegee of eu'eriug, end He knew et which point they were opt to tell; bu by leening upon Bio mighty erm He would help them over ell ditlicultiee. her li u-."uv'm-wm' adhoulyinlihnhxt'ihlr Mancunian. Outhouholh mutants.ka pooplo Ill-W pom in It. Ind. Than thouuntil. or auction] iutution in which. young at not occulnying impottut positions. Poop]. nuw-a-dnyl sumo! do without the vim ll- 4:) _AA _~_L -nA -n-_._ -l _-_n. I"q __'. ".9- Mnnqilm m b you... ll- Mia-bimbo umhdn,udlum"00d,llou utnyuodmnrly villi-Inhibit." 11, db. "hum-0.4.. Inn-n- -I- muv nulll u, uidh.vohnnhkn0du moo-n- ..II... .1 :. L AL- L._A __n L4 2 -- m.nwuu-lolmul mu III, WHY SMOKE The People Wnt Pml. ll. PAUL'S am dam-mind. lap m..- mil. 'cumc: mm vumsnss JI'ST RECEIVED ITHEIEEERMOYl . umgu um unnme I'weommoun. ranoy Coatinnvercoatinglc of which vs will nuke up Guilt-nu on on! up! rst uln- Ityle for Inn money than 11:] other bonus in In to do. READY IADII CUYI'HINGour Stock of Real, [.65 (,lolhln , (lama Furnishing Boom. Hu- uul Car. in Mr In 0 ml roll OHM, uni will ho no d In. tho VERY L0qu PRICII. ll. IIIBI T 8 PLACE a. PmO-T. II. lflm. 0 Inn "0- Into. Iqlu. p Thin in the plnoo lo buy tho aha-put Clothing. The but ulna in (heron-u. - m. HEATH & ovum, DRIV l-G 18TH. "IiPBIFSEEE'Psl 1" "In uuu ulo unuumu A!!!) IUHI COMPLETE STOCK ()II ' 7' W n Foreign ud Cumin: Tweodlmothl. Fancy Coatinzl,Ovex-coatinn,&c rst. u,er mm." 1h... .n- ml." L-____,.., A . -h, , fhotographs in the Host Artistic manner and at prices which defy competition. _- "I.- null-l1 nun Ill-II AVAII BIRD: Ill, Ill. I!" 2 NEW YORK CLOTHING STORE. Brock strat. F011? DOOM from Maria. nuns nuuw unu UI'IWOI'S... . A largo lm-k o! FLANNEL SHIRTS I LARGE MEN. "Don't OBSERVE THE LOW Overcoat: from ................................... .. Mens Good Working Pants from ....... .. Good Canadian Tweed Suite, all Wool. lino Pant: ........................................ .. Tweed Vem ...... ........................... .. White Shirt: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Shirts and Drawers..- large FLANNEL HIn'ru mmnhn-.. L. u "-11! u; not urn D THE PEOPLEm-ELMEEHING npSE, erlr no... In.-. o- nun-4.- I. n: . In. MANUFACTUREBE' Fillets. " You Can Save 25 par Gent. by UalLing at Livingstang Please wk? noglcn 3.1.5.; hi: Shmk o! READY-IADE CLOTHINH I. m... Auhnnul ,V,_ _.__ .7...- -u rm. uuuw IIJ uwugug all u take action that M: CLOTHING II now. well undo, mnl uqllul m ovary rupee! lo luyCUBTUl WORK mmlut .rm- - __.. _ _ _ _ _ __r, G. Livingstonf? Brock Street, 18 TO SELL nunnvuAnu nrn One Cue Huxdeome Colored Ouhmem M. 250, former price 350. Twenty place! New Bl k Cuhmeru at 250, former price 35c. Ten piece. N ew Black uhmem at. 35c. former price at 45c. New and Band-ulna Culorod Sergei u. 250. former price 35c. New Colon All Wod Empreu 010: At 350, former price 45c. New Color: All Wuol Empreu Cloth nt 400, former rice 50c. Newest Black All Wool. any 42 inchea widel It 800. 8 .00. Two Cues Knickerbocker Wmceyl, hemlsnme elmwer, at 170, former price 2hr. Good heavy Wincayl ll. 50, 80, 100, 12 1 3e Ind 160. Greys, Browns, [Slick and White Fingering Yum at 81.00, lormer price 8L1. 100 bnin Dnmaged Blnukeun greet Bargain. {)0 plml All Cumin Tweed ll. 50. fnrmnr nrinn 77m romo aguuL MAR lnnlrml and I'rm Nov 7: JLEAVEYUUHORDERSFUHCLW WHERE \'()I' ARE SURE OF GETTING THE NEWEST AND MOST FASH IONABLE GOODS nt priool A. low M any other hounin the city. Mr A perfect Fit gunnnteod or no lulu. 1m cmycL-iiic N.B.Our Book- boing cloned plane du not uk for credit. All mounudue to ma must be pnid at, ouc-a. P. Ii. us Prince-I lured. Nov 9th. A Bargain Guaranteed to Every Buyer. P. IIAII'IY. TREMENDOUS BMARGAINS IN'DR'Ess GOODS AT WiiEJDRONS. mu unr- Ulmb [illukeun Wool at i tho lcth Intuit, ad will continue for Ben- ln Ind that the amt Sclo commenced on Two Weeks. um Zincth for the Inc-I MW '1" his plan within I law numb. I In: to DB!- Sh norm of :15. City Kilau- M I will mu: host'mduo forth position I! bold, and that I will mum u par- uIIII unu- o! the on, [I a {0' thy; [nu lyehl In the position on what. I luv. ll- ! and, done. and when elected 'IH {olhw on In the nu unighlfurwnnl noun. l ban III": panned. having us eye single lo the prayer, of the Provmoo. tho ulnucomanl. of the city, and spacial" to than '0"an o! [my follow Iorkmnn. WI. BOBIISOI. ux~._,A , r _ u nu . 1 Tin to any olhor umlu inn . uul non-hint. n It via-Japan! And In paramount no In- In the .uull'mu. mob-cub! lulu" _ Mvityud {one M (h. bnln um] [ml mono I ohm. Ln gunk-mu to own. PHNVOZ NE a {anth plus In Hum on NO, boll; elm-uni; Ital Ind primer! hy yaiqhn. no] mat-add by u" Ind teal {I YOU WANT A GOOD RUITJ minus, I! low nrlrm. vnu lnnm an: Inn. Colored Silks, 31k Vdanor'd (10.11] Wool Pluds To BE SOLD REGARDLISS OF 0081 OR VALUE. Tho Good- man I). wld and in otdu b nuke nick Ada, tho price. will ho found an induct-om to IIan to R mnh A hm Dumb. - Mum..d'u a. my. roi wmoow comm. U tum ! that in yellow wrap]: m mutant-um. . A [meta-co Ion-the Win-emolu nlu to begin- swan-t I P. HARTYS I II A II B. n m". unnum- umm an nun-dwmtbvaD-MJ -- 7; . thin my nnh'r my Huhvmug llnv Innier ulul inuean 0! My rllizan fuvurnbln (o llonwlt and puns (lovurn- Nov 22, 1878. - [\IU WANT A HUUI) NUIT, Fabian-bl, Cnt.exoal|ent worhm miugn, res. ou must go m the Above well known 1 n will nd the L REES AND IUHT COMPLETE 3700 (H.- u-nilrn And Hannah-alumna- m_n.- -__-_n-_.., LAME AND SIEfHORSEs Tth 111191312! A!!! m um nnm 1 N mu TU BELL READY-MAD! prion And he mum value thnn Any other Mom in the Goodu. and you hnve the uduntun n! _"PEUPLE'S CLQFHING HOUSE. . .u-uu Iu uu- nuy IDEFY COMPETITION IN PING AND WORKMAUIHIP. PRIUIH At the Emporium of Fashion, RF. \'nl Annuan nu nun-nun m-.- - Gm: Clearing Sale of Dress Goods, lot. 4. 18.1 .00 Great Bargains far in Next Sixty [Days at the Eu! "an" - AII-nn- _-_- POLYANTIIUH NARC! MUS. JONQUIL NA BCIIIIUH' i _ _ _ __ vv-u.u VUDB 21 Brock Street, (next to Mchlveya Buck's.) CHARLES LIVINGSTGDN. .-. vnn EU I ll! Street, Pour Doors from Market. Square. 00 mm- A nnnn unlm n,4;,, .. n r .. run no round manual to bu} - lug. punch. EQBEWL Tailor- 0.1." , I. gR. WALDRONQWiIBn's Buildinas. I-IIIIUII III "nut. RN L oonltuntlyon hands EXTRA SIZE (.hOllllNG FUR ' Don't fall to remomber the place to mum Bug-inn. thin city in lhr mu! Permaan 0! Ontario. Imus veryxronl [Ill'llllf in mrnlmg to tho 0 quenl, and il elrclc'll pirng- myult to do I] n my pom-r (u mhnnre the bent inn-rumor 00 '. lluhiounhly Cut, exudan worklnnnuhlp. Hm olnu Trim- !ELMAIho gigqu well Clollnuz lluunu. rhu- .: Dug-m. , 500, former price 750. ' polemic) column, full of loan-Um:- or New Improvement. In lunacy Took, Inplo ' menu, Pawns, App-run le.'llh "In-blqu I "hm And I'm", mlpla Plain, popular n ma mid.- flow Ibo but "mm on Sela-ca had tho ll:de Am. Alto n W o! Allovod Mn. '6 use Inde ole-oh humor. I now I. an. to ball: Jun-q m, ofupoehlnlu Io Inn-Irr- nod mu- not load In an out! Journ . TL. lllxnA--I I..._-._._ u--- u H , Bl LADIII' 0' II. AIDIBVI can. b Whududl| calf-I'm [him A- Till LADIII' haul Whguduml at Inlay AMI, cm. a. , "I'm. m. w, 01717mm! up man 1m mu m m I - "nunh- Saleofsefulaidfancylmcles To the Electors of the Clty all Kingston. I 1h. new Volume In Jun hum, l2 panama-'1 column, f at lllutn loan . Impmvemonh luhnnm. Took. Imnln DOLLAR IIlllmtmwd Sclenmlc News 2 run-calo- ud TA VII hand :- Onun ad Halt-bul- In tho In. lpa'iu. I wavn .. llnw mun, in: nl Inunuhl .rnt I Clothing lluunu. , I lvublounbly Cut. ( mule In tho ulty. upwardl. at bid. SOMETHING NEW a. J. JIIIIIY. IIIUKAICI mm, Mt Idea-nu Wt. Ch:- nu m Mum Valli-nu and In 1m Lil III-inn- cum 1- M- v Hr Will-(haw all Ailmzwu u- 'uvumudmhlmu. OITV 0F KINGSTON. 'II... V II. II Kingunu. Flch 13, Irmh HO, boll; Ito-lilac] pmw by lull. WILL an "ill". OOLLAII I who a In. thin I m I"!!! M d W. m... m-.. . 7-... u... .... m..- 1.x.mbii1l.mmov lune: Wm. V be "Ila. W ~7- ANo Iv. _ ,__._- w- o. .__._~_7 \ Ruby! Gll'm7,1w of (8. Ida. u Manor-W Kngswn. Nov I5, 578.; PHOSFOZONE! waggpnmwns )uld mmt rmpertlully Infurn: that In in wellwn- mrwl (u ALI. L IN UII W. P. BELL mu hum" sum". at Ma hem-vh- u nil-y'- lhin In Pllbfl LVK' mm 51 Audi";- awry W and [Wu Manila" Do- lidnl. Pric Wmudrfw. ' w :m m karhhyunlcn,lnd Hana; been nquntnd I .,l,:..-.u. ""ri'sfiiiao MES WELLINGTON STREET. I\. I TO THE ILILTOIS JAMES II. METCAIJE. nu Han. "II In. LU. Ml. Tobacco WHEN for [he mum prh l by I lug. and ........ .... - .-.. w, .... T..- W mind tho editor cl tho WilloMJotdhp-lmdmw mwmuulmw. Nehru-HIMde mmhhdmmnm ninth-wisdomudonb can! Whine-Indole A _ usan 5 m-duHubv-b .Md hind... I, thigh-sins. gypndnhyuh lsuusas mm, mum m in. that canal and phe- when [in II- pin.- gnA- ALA- __._:_-_ -A vac-w, VI Int VIII!- llll I'll {Jul-l bonu- ho did not wk lot Sir John Iudomld, viodo up with tho "nut that the print. buil- ol the Kilt on NM in I u proper subject of ori- ticn lot Any um pup-t." lulu-l ! 0n oath-punt, should any out Ili- Iduaoduotin tho hut..- it Min thew, all .0 Mytoumd to onryetu'l bod..- Nt ill on. nun " luau... v u- v-vw I. ny- poultlu nooo Inn-huh. nevi-(lo! a n1. n'n, lot chi-bl] kin-n3..- mind IL. dis... .0 .L. (loop [NILTh. following, nry up- plkublo to Klnzuta-n. '0 copy lrum tho Wooduock Stnhudliuiu , Mun, l.- diu complain of thsyuung man who "And in grnnpnun in Izreeu on Sun- dnyl md omployltlmr nimble timo in Ipmin Monaco It I lurk, or in During u pancr- by. The group. Ihonld be phowgnphod M the upon. 0! the cor- ponliqn uud hung in the headqan o! tho oomhhuluy. " _. , _..__ If. U" Bl'lllllnlOul loal eon unwary. N'Offil to n nah-nut and. by the St. Cathuinu New. M I In. mph, 0! that ooo Ind boon din-ind 5......- L- .ILl ...5 .A. 1-- cu- I4L_ 9 m 7 You-nun l)n-0nuur. Sermon. to young men And young women do no: Ip- pur to ban the desired e'act, judging {rum tha deportmeutof some of thou who caper along King Street on Sundly evening. After Church huurI. The ten- dency of the up: moral to be Hm 0! sim- plo mhnou md artful Ipoononsu, Ind Io any upoct but. lllllu improvement in thin relpectuntil the former chum- Mrilliu Ire eradicated. 7 0.. __ ANNIVIMA lulu. ~Next week tho lllull minionary Inninrurial in conuocllon with the C, M. Church will uh plan. (In Sunday Rev. A. Sutherlnnd, 8.0., of Toronto, and Rev. W. 1. Shaw, uf Mon~ trul, will preach. On Monday evening the public meeting '1 be held in the Sydenhlm Street Church, Tueodly oun- ing in the Queen Street Church, and on Wednesdny owning in the dope! Ind Willinmnvllle brunch. -m- ,, , V '__7 -77 humuurn' SInvnxx.Th0 Rev. Dr. Bitchy, from Hull, England, will hold Um services in thin city. (In Wed- nomlny evening, the 27th instant, the meeting will be lmld in the Fiat Congra- Kntimnl Church, and on Thursday even lnu 'Ivh inn-"'- ;.. lelnnlnn lmmo ............ WW... m... .... .......u., crun ing, 28th instant. in Sydenham Street. Muthodint Church. No doubt. the mock ing- will be well attended. Service It 7 30, Collection han up. THE. Hrnoui, lNHI'ECTOH$. Dr. Agnew will ham :1 communication in this aren- ing'a Nuns nnenl, the coming enminn- 'iunl. The Dr. will likely nil into Mr. Kiddl affections, and the oulliaion any cause I rebound from Mr. Kidd. Before the lnapoctorl get down to the ununl Iuy of thinking some no may feel ud, Ind we ue inclined tu think it will not. be Mr. Kidd. Vuuu... run "are un .uuunl un- Luvnuu'h' in tha City Hall, and it will be an altnc- tive Affair, provided the uuul hmnrnblo clrcumuwcea attaan it. Tho Ipeachel and the music, to lay nothing of the ra- fruhuwnta, will nuke the evenhig pun pluunmly. W _ vuau-lnus my unied (J Hun J It. Wm Pips out" their prank- u .- mnd (m- Oruu. Podunly no m mu he "ml. on mm lot mm 1 "p.41; 6! "ch . lo 01"! Inow! W line of m. J. WILSON. lam..- K.W.W. Co. In. A. man 7 .<~. . Curl-'1: Tu Mums. Tomorrow evening the Brook Street Prolbyterian Church will have its umml tea meeting LL- [31.- ll- _..1 :5 ....'ll L- .._ AI.-- r- -07 Tum? lIAsv [imamMr. John Mc- Lean hu luued his hand book, allowing the Canadian (Eu-ton. tnrill for I period 0! About. thirty years, And portions of the tarill'l of Frlnce, Germany, Holland, Belgium, llnly md Switzerland. The book will bu valuable lor ruference purpolel Ind tilll a void that has long been felt in political circles. _. _- .w ~_ Mummies m 7117. PKOVINCLB] the report of the Registrar-General of the Province of Unurin, it Appeal-I there were 25, 100 persona married In! your, viz : Epiacopulinnn,4,4l3; Preabyteriavla,5,()(i5; Balm-tn, 1.544 ; Cungrogatimaliau, 21!}; Catholics, 3,393; Lulhcnnl, 0.30; Metho- dim (Includmg the Bible Christiana), 9,095, - Not Wanna. 4!: use Glob. it up- ..._ nu . Inn..th I...- L.- L...J Tm: Awnxrlxz FAmun-The Auck- tinol of Kingston, Iho form Inch an in duurinnn and worthy circls in Ridenu Wud, are all descend-nu of the U. E. Luynlull who binary in being enquired into from Tomato. They hue ropsd to the lulicilom gentlemen. The held of tho hmin untied here in I763. ~~ l o.-o Wmns Coxc um. The St. George'- Society of Guulph no to hold their gnud concert on the 20th Dacamber, and Huang the [int Itlractiun being the Tnudy Btothen of Kingston, who are Ill') pro- miwd fur the C. M. Church concert It Mitchell, on Nov. 29th. RIVIVAL. gracious ruin] of n. ligiou is being held in the M. E. Church, Nupuuo. Over one hundred in" pro- found to oanonee the nving pm Mflml " Tl- .nnnnn 3- inM--;na in W..- w "yum". .uu 3-qu .9...- 0! God." The unnon in meaning in interest every night. lummm' ImxrutLWo under- stand the thou Inuituuou in About being thoroughly mom-nixed. non npociauy : AL- ha... uni tn- 0L- L-n-I Al rh- vuvuvulnu, swn'I-u-rw-a. Invu- WI-u, in tho inlay-u And for the benet of tho I" I , TM tmlolnnbla mental nlulm- And All": vhlch In uuou :01er lb. when! in Hymn: drink." yurru. llynpmpoumml olhnf JIM dopomllnx on mrvoualhmmmn; yield more mnly sud mph, to Mania. W0 bop. woo.- may mull Iron tho Attempt. Sir Hour, Kuhn! uyl: Vulin Fir has no equal." Received high. mind, 9...:- I mu Paint Shopomovod. nil-Ho all... 0.9!!! (that but mum.a.l.wmn-. lzvyaagw'l 122i ~130Mb Now-g; 13le .-.._- "ibibif in? '7 GHUBVI'E'M 011! um 710M117. ml RAVI sow Ix urn snuw uuwvul- VIIm. Dun- Ovid: MAI-d an, (higl)ohblqbbom We Iqutbb-yuvilhhihhbt-d p- Hung-lind- "qi-I-Il term m 0380. mmnmdhhcm- F's- did OIL Path Mannie. dbhpu-igu nyltu unkind. imid-k-lhulhhdu h- I. it2.4 _j .L~_l DIL GIAIT'N DIHHX "Thul'rnhyhudn I. published an uni-nan; duty Pncipll Grunt, drlaumd inpmuinnl during Hm Uctu- NI. The diary cnnchlel thus. Principd, it in damn unnecuury to M, being pug-god in cunning {or the [Ado-mom Fund.) "Tom amount lub- _.-L.J l_ C--A-_L__ I_A A , l\,A l . -u-w." - uuu., nu..- nun-unu- qu' acribod from September In, to Octal,- Q-ul .hnnd .l'. nnn A m-J _..-0L'- "v... wywuw- nu, w Irkuuf 2nd. thou! 7,. A [and month'- worl, pll thin, considotod. Tho nae.- -|I duo to the tool 0! lb. min-Cu more than to my othor nun. I nd man at tho- vhemvor I :0 sad so hr hue um found on. uanuhnl or dhluyd to his AI 3...; . i __....____ Pom CountThou um cont-ll 0.. ol drinking. A vunnt n- discla- pdc-pN-i-n to l." Wed. A Inna-uni. Oahu-3A.- ....|- Poucl lsronunmx.~Tho order has boon illuod that no inlarmaliuu m'llt ba given relpecting {he pulico court in the polio. unionum All pmmilan must be nbtninod from tho superior utlicen. We would b. quite agreeabla, provided Ibis Arrangement gave anything like until- faction. But it nu happen. thnt oft-an when tho reporter: wnnl the inlormution the superior utticera nru enjnyinin long felt [or dinner, M a amum'n \acnion. In future as shall gire proceedingl when we get them, nanny-nag 9|... . . . . . . .. ...i. \II._ .L,l oieon no nbvn lhtll duly know i run-mm... .- null. ul ulnuvn, auu u (lune! for Boston, Hunier [being away from homo at the tune, hmnd the tin) check: and hl! hired man missing on his return. He immediately 1m tho matter bufure con-table Acton, who arruslcd McLean, So up Ibo Bruckwllu [I'u'uulcn ROBBlRY.-A {xirnwr [mined Hunter, living about eight miles frmn Hanannquu. ha. been drawing in lmrlc-y to WIHiaui N. Rog." for Iowa time, and nut requiring the money for immediate uac, uccepml chech on Mr. Roger; On Wednesday, in the Ibsean of Mr. Hunter, a young nun named Powers, who had been in his employ, atulu hm of the chrcks, wont to Gwalioqu and drew 8771 an (hum. Aftur getting the money he went inm a aide root and divxded up With .1 young man lnmod McLean, living near Hunter's,an than look the hunt for Clayton, when: he purchased it sun of clnlhun, and a ticket lieing tune, nnil In- L._.\.l ___. . ,:A,u, 1 . I IV. NOW IN OPBIIIOW . It. u H d. ()ur amiable cuntemlmriuy, referring to the eloclian petition and pruh-iiile ltinl,ramnrkn: "Now, in to slowing them-elven away, we um curtain that there is not a Uunsurvniive in the city who will clelr out in on!" to evade exa- mination." We don't knnw About that We know that. in the past. and that not long :gu, they did such a thing, and they aru Conservative enough to repeal the operntiou. How in [he .\'ru.v curtain that there in notnU-nnnermtim who will nude examination? In this world we feel certain of nothing,(weirdly of no puliticnl assurance of our cuutempnrnry. r-J- Tho police ulliciala are putting on Iirl with the reporters. They hum he~ gun the same thing twenty times before and have failed to carry it out for more thin three dnyu. They Iinll that when the pros! seeks its iul'Ormntion elsewhere the police do not always shine forth brightly in theexploits, and they anmn come to their milk, um! um glunl to gel the ear of the reponera. Although there is no rise in priceu, than in I better feeling in the cheese trndo in Canada this week, and a dis- position on the part of fuctorymen to scoop! gura: which lmyurs are prepared to p:y. TL- "nu-.. .,m.....L _, ,, ~The Editor of (I10 Stayuer, Untt, Sun promises to marry the young Indy who bring: the largest number of Iubv scribe" fur the next In: nmulhu. Timea must. hue been hard with one young man last week. a cnuununced his matrimonial career by payingthe min- ilter fty cents for his valuable service. valII .nu -uuuuus nun-nun uu lam-nu Tho editor of the [braid still sticks to the good old craft. The anomaly of I Penny paper selling for live cent! wil 1 bu perpetuated. ' nun-v u l- unvleg-uug |nluu_y. -Wl.lliam Lattimoro, of Erna-Noun; 1nd I ucnnd barley crup, too, but he is two or bhrea Week! behind farmers of Wolfe Ind Amhurat Islands on record. ml, ,J-A p .u u n: .-n .- I Whanevor any of the Royal Fumin come tn this cauntry we ara sure to have a very niny apull. I: in perhaps be- cnuu it in the reigning family. I Hum... t-..;. -.. H: v-.~..-...,_... With our at $180 a barns] and men pork at 85, any kind of an indul- u-ioul woman Ihuuld bu Able to support I hulband this winter. uuw n-n vv'uul'. - The County Conn wd General Sel- lionl of the Pace fur etch County m be opened on Tun-Jay, mm of Decom- I... " munnifnii! Water walks Notic.