Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Nov 1878, p. 1

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"mum's be; . lulu M "has I!" can-(o. Illldhg I! on King not, nut tom 'm'l mum. Kingnum. 0c! 20}, IUYU II YHI' 'A5 I THE IHIHI wurld hv llmHIam, lert :- AAC DAVID'H, JOL; Primbm "haul and, Clot" um mu: 1." vr-II- n. J. I. GILIDERBLIEBVE. III YUU WANT, an... LEI-.. munl. ... G. I}. ASHLEY I ,.,~ , Alli [1,. TOEET, IDIAII P0" 7360,000 Real Emu Agent. ' '8. Pine Buckskin Gloves. Mitts, &c. Kid Gloves and Gauntlets 3.8. Seal, Mink and other Caps. 1 Persian and Russian Lamb Caps. {Regaining and Remodelling Old U118 Fur Sacqugs and ants. Prize Seal Sens. , v .7 L nA_AA|. n-,,, p 1 1A.!- Diva-I louv- ' | In. Lnnb Scotch Caps for Misses wet. MITTS and GLOVLS of every des- a'ipzion. I DIPLOMA ndhe Midland Centnl Inn for display or FUBSH ATS. 1 ac, ac. M! I'JS my I rt-rum.- . v urn-n1. ml!!! Seal and Dyed Otter Setts. Squirrel-Tail Boas. Childrens Fancy Setts in great vtriety. IluAv - .1-1 I. -. Racoon and Buffalo Coats. | LAIDII'IS 8.87.8031 and Astracan Jackets. lvgugulousuud I. bl Apply to Cl! mm WITH A IAHL'IAC- THIRD ll Till mvrxcz. I. '0'! , Provi-rhl' or blue Pub-h mint '0 (buo- tinsel-mud Th Isl!" In... in find at huh. ill! dunno! tr. (mi-lb." I: - IN THE l'l'nml invite-n ull intmuling purclnmars to call and 1|th it bofora buying cl. wher. The IblhnvlLQ lln-lm-tuwuln illueml1'li|_\ large and varied with something in the," w ylnuxu: awry 1mm- :nlm-.< uml ('ulmwl Sllkn, I)I'I'BHGOU(IB in all the newest limbs 5nd mater- wln. Gullouina. Friugma and u! Inn to match. luck Cashlm res from 300 per 5rd, Black Luann I'm-n l. 0 per ynnl. Plain and Emu-5 Wincuya, comment-in at! or vlrllylmwls, Jackets and Ju-kot lull. in ull [Iw nuwral .[ylta and fabrica Our MIiLIN ,RY DEPARTMENT, alwny. A great ntlruutmu. wull thin arm-um. with nun-ll): vurlety and lownem ol' prioo please the most lnnlidiom. GENTS FURNISHINGS nl' avers- lum-riptinn. ISO place naw Tweed: lu Scotch English nhd Caumlmn. NEW (ARPETS In Brunmla.lupestry. Wool and Hemp. ' NEW FLOUR, OIL CLOTHS. ALEXANDER ROSSS, Princess Street' U]; n. voo HDDDQI'IE ll'l\.' unmvr FUELS ll cLAnK wnIcHT's.! UV- :- nuv uvuuu, Aluvu gun. u.- lined, at bottom pnces. H. B. WOLFE and JAPANESE ROBES. BUFFALO ROBES, lined and un I:_,; .L-ALH M III: .5 quw nus one of the Largest, Most Select, and Cheapest stocks [Dry Goods p53]- :1! 1mm v- in haw-w rum rough Bil 3M luduxg 71m for Hellu:,(llmgnw, Ham,Anlwe And other on. on CIutiueul; Ind {or Metlitnrrnm-an ,mrtm W p we For Freight unll Pmnnu.nm-Iy .u Culturany'miuo No- 4, Bowling Gmn. Now York. CHA8.G FBANCKLYN. Axonc V 1+: w FAIL DWRY Goofs] (w IEN'R, \Hml-IN'S AND (."|[,|)RF.N'H WAKE. all of ulmh urn npeuhllv mmle to "denim: Mllld lwutlmr (fuming-r}, nml llm publwcan mlyunagood article m. Now gura- iUK CASH. 0 ll . \ltl"l\IV A HYNm'le A . 1:077: w .4 ._. .4 Mime/m n 11]! the new ol dlminuninl the human 0' oolli-ionJhO mum. of thin no at. I lpoaillod mum lor all season-0f tho your. 0n the Outward Pussy; from men-town to New York or mu, era-ling leridlun of 50 u 3 lat . or nothing 0 the Nurtho 43. On the Homeward Panama-min: the Meridian 50.: 42 ILor nothllll to th- Noh at 49' The Cunard Steamship Company,(Limited) New York and 2e airing 088. Our Good. II'Q marked down much lye-lo! their original cost. All weak 0! the public h to come Ind In our Stock and [he pricu nod than lodge (or them.- One Price Asked and No iess Taken. McNAUGHTON & 00.. Ana 99nd 1R7R nal-n Knm AIIl pillnl- Era-I'l- Sept 24, 1878. - AWINM II II" In" Ilhllnld ("nu-I Illr Ibo roll-win. friln: LTbm vim \\ uh [In-u Fl BS "Hr-II' lid "paired nlmuM I'nw lhrm Iuh l AT ON! h A @25qu CLEARING OUTKLE a n n sntinued oodl at brim [Int mun luv: hum m In a n 13 In! nothing [0 the North of 41!. Pu-age.cming Iago: nothlng 0 Aug 22nd, 1878. CALLINH Al VI u u Iv VIIl u I" 1 vv I v: II on the above mentioned Goodl price. tint. never luv. boon noon in than". HEN'IIEVHJNS {FROM NE W Y'IRK. Made -nu~< ALEXANDEE ROSS lieu-u w nnnuunm tlmt he is allowing Eltn Prize Mam 4 Fir, do do nwnd do do Fir u Ladiu Fill! do dn Extra In Mum-1 .lu hln do A J , , 'l_ v. fhum~ . v _ Go-m 'lflllllllgs MON asco. KINGSTON. CANADA. THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 2a" 1070. Clothing 5 c! Lawn), Auv 1.). | Ana 0' w'r) :ulnwmg Wrdneaday (om New York. A n].- u n n Beg-u that allowing I I... .4 u..l....a n...l [VI .... ..,_A I . l"... Hominy. ()CL 311th wl-mi'w .V-n'. 1" Rates of Passage: wpr 1M 51) :m'andrding -__ ' ___. OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL. I (VHNSUMERS are hereby reminded to J have their call-n Ind placer whore the Wnlor lipel gain their pruning. It . onco Iecured from front. Pailivoly no ! allowance will he nude on uncount- for the ahppnge of lupply, if Inch Ito n'fmmd In "in trill-out the line of alrnt. non-o of All Nation- PRINUICSS SIRIZEI. M lrloos as how :- They (un be lldc. f? Specimen-u nlwnyl on View. Show N u: on Hm: oor. lII. HENDERSON. f wmhuRT_ 1 Water Works Notice. 3 The Bazaarjhig 111631?! I 1 EL! BROS. It. now panning their r-utnmrnvnh vary Mm Pocket Huld- Iwruhmln Also. if Inn bur 1 Pk AL Till U I .IUIL, WATER. COLOR; INDIA INK n n! AIV IMvrnn . An pruning Poet HIM- kph-hm! Aim, you bu I Ho .3 Till In ZAAR, you can get lho late with It. --_~ _-~ FROM TEACHERS dosirons of obtainin pusmom under the Board for the year 1879. Annlm-nhm. .n nu..- n... munu- --) f I usunsnsows [nstElass Photographs nl | iE BS ] Inn-mun l.- m ninth: cnocm mn '0. 8A". FBASERZLMLOWATS flA 1' VALUABLK mnnom rlux PERT! on (hurt: on... in" In tho (HUM! "30 II. A nun-mu at... building. with Dru hm wl IA mm but um (and an. M1. Th lion-blunt! ml 'ni tun! buildil. in! If m Mg. ha bod-III- CPI the shipping all [M '3] MW. TIN!- a i Public School Board, ,(WWii ;.__~. "w -v-... .v. um Jo-I unv- Applications to nuns the certicate Ind ' nlunliunliun uleuch teacher. uhl N30. gold. MOONIIIIK to Wmmodation. ) gold. during the FA and Winter season. aturn Tirkou on {Ivurnble mm. lrom Ln'expuol and Queen-town and nllothor PRINCESS STREET. Oct 16th. u- m m. A. I. m', LLB M I" H.""" Nov. 2nd. Patants of Invention NUTIGE' TUTEA'GHERS. runs-3v l :m' !. award mg to accommodation. RUSSIA. , NU YI'IIIA . PPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED L at the Oiae of tho mcaauuulvu a uu.. Conn. K130 nu Pluton- Stun. UNTIL MONDAY, DECEMBER 2ND, V. 1, -u.u - vvuul', lLuII ()R PLAIN FINISH ! FROM NE W YORK. A . . .. Wedouly Nov K). (A . ... Wednesdly, Nov 27. J. WILSON. Mnnagor K.W.W. Co. Four Thousand Pairs Liverpool CORK H ARBOR. 'lencu, Secretary. (foul-gs, I ONSIBHNG of 40 Acres of good alllllvlud Land. the Southwest qunrter of Lot 24. in the 5thConmaiuI of Ibolownshlp ofKingl'on Them In good buildings on It Ind Orchard a! three Acm. It in Iitnnuul near the Perth Reactive mil from Klnpton. For furthor particulnn Ipply to the owner. WI. n A mu I N tho Soul.wa mum of Lot 94. in the 5th (ma-inn o the Tm-hlp ol Kinar m. mulling 50 Acre- ol [nod culde d land. Mn an tum Dwelling Haw. (oc- cupied) [our Well: of Inter, 3d 4 Acts: of In Orchud. in o'nnditioa. will: lmit. Thm In one n" m. Incl NHL-he 4014?, the but in the Tmrnuhlp. h nimble Properly in Iihuud w the Perth Road. ve mile: New-paper LVCI'UIII' pro-n. Io rl' MIMI. New Yuri. diluted w the Perth ood. in miles mm Ki . Th: y c:- bo numbn- n one lial down For further Du to term; or otherwise. pool! 0 the 2 Chrome Cards. Cupidl, lotto. Flowers, ha. ha two-liko with unmo. 100. Nunu Curd Co-. Nun-quY. ' 2 Style. at 0min. 10, nr 20 Scroll Curdl. 10 quvlth nllno.pont pold. J B Hunted. Nun, NY. _ 'I'HI BUBMTIHHER REBPECIl-ULLY BEGs [but ha ha xnzuln extolldva pun-hunt IN THE i m'wi? hum". m animus)! m . 0mm W 2 5PANCY CARD,wilh lame. Wn. Pllin 9 or gold. Agents outt, I00. [30 nylon HULL 1 00.. min. N Y. mqu 'l'hupmputycnbopnruhu- all In my third doubt! u upply go he owner. WM. DAVID. an. Int". "IINII "ml ll- nu. - n -- v--- M --'v | I? Till QUART. 0AM]. at BARREL I u I Ch. rub. Apply to -ll' IA- nnvvn U I FIRESIUE I'ISITOIL Terms and outt free. Addrou P 0 VICKERY, Augnsm, Mnino. 401mm!) cups. with um, 1677mm. Agent-outt No. L. JONES & ($0.. Hus. KY, A0000 nun! rm, alibi-ll about nob-nd undercut] m n in law In. Damn than. Inca-o "IDhml'. WM, DAVID. 15905.. Int-r. Prun- lc . Km. u m... u. . -uw mu... 8. 84 Perry. Nunu, NJ. s A DAY to Agents onnvuing for the FIKESII)E VISITOR Term: mnt I'm-13. Atlde P. 0 VICKERY. Almmnn 1me I) II I .I la!- can. Yul-cu mm JUDGE FOR By aendln Mount!!!) Age, helyht. no or of eyes And YOURSELF. hair, you will mcoivo by the return mail-corn hotograph ox ynur future husbnud or wife,wit nine and due of mar riT o.NAddrou W. FOX. Druwer 46, Fulton- vi a. .Y. WM. L.WEBBEB. Land Commission'r lr'l lllw er" [PINE AND FARMING LANDS! In CENTRAL MICHIGAN. for uh by the Flint and Porn Mar mus Rnlwny Comp y. A drew 'MICHIGAN LANDS For information cuneeruuz the (fr-an .l 'or lnrn ample, or lump (or uvunuo. Good 175 ... isazrxu' IT s! I. IQ'I ' A m. um"-..- _r,.._, W ....l V .. "v. . WI. DAVID. Thu Chap Broker. Princes BL. King-ton. HUNTEBsasggsmzn a BEFORE You START, INSURE AGAINST. AGGIDENIS !' -4 MXAL-A (New .Adgytiselnentg. oak Here. 25 Lover Cards. with name. We. Sample. of Photo Card-30. Something new. I n 9...- v..." u v Sweet Cideg Sale. -u nun-nu.- '- _.n-.n. {1} J; DONOGHUE & co. [acumen '1- HOUSE, lARTIN'S CORNER. o posin- the Aonn Hotel, PRINCE STREET of tho rarest nxccllonoo. N0 nah opportunity ofllylug In their WINTER STOCKufGrocor- ion bu ever been [rm-null in this city lII'DIIlt I Hull 7' o BARHIHTEK. ATTORNEY-A LAW. an- LlClTuu.m-. nvwllrlc~Pnn.-mtruex on r by. Hiinnnva Drug more. in: mm, ms. EYES of the trade. Our new Eisinsandwmts Will be ola'od It romtlon-llylow gnmo. The Stock lnelu can choice "locum: of We on: all It prim tint will OPEN THE EYES of the two. Our new I" _ 2-1..- A _ .1....... L- I Liquors and Wines -rn._ _-_.. Hulk--- ITO BE SACRIFICEDI Hum pitch-nod hummus Stock of loan. Hohhcmmpwn, Porn- h Ca. 0. Ito-ml. A} 33 com in the dolhr,we cun Mord to gin the public the benet of our pmhm. word [ mgmgt swoon Tedugaiw Liquors. W0 can nd will no lower than my Whole- ulo house In the city. Ill-l! I n I Sniu Flor-l. 41.0 .Cardn. with nuns, IOotn. Outt I00. Vnnn 6L Co..North Chnthnm,N.Y UK. 5. W- "A! u INTI.-Umcu sml mil-lance. DV- Simp- _ nou'l omnmnnm 0! Km; and Wim-"I SIM. oopmllo Dr. Y-m'. J5. 6.1373. - Irv-uu "'"lIv-I. wv-u-u- u v - Get an Accident Ticket or Yearly Policy in the m Athrhnfl I v. ' vnhhl lOIIOD um ran, enlth- nbont no build and um |$30000$| _-_ .___. r ., .. WILLIAI DAVID. Tho MIMIC. PM luthum -.--A- v .lJlul A Local Agency or Railway Station. mm T0 RENT, nInnIIn , .- information cnnceruug FOR SALE," FOR SALE. \I'I .mn .1." _ ---- l- KE_J_Y'S- D run. I n. It mum, Ontario 0 M11 Quboc (lumber of tho '0 llCal logo of yttrium Ind Mum of Mil-Flo old Q0509) Pin-win. Bum-m, Armehenr Ola: Prinmu Show! Hob-tr- Drnz sum 00. II. 1877, WI... Ill-ah. I I'll: Sud-u. II a! a. nun ulna] um lecuur lrllclea Ito-Mud In nu far I... Only BI m In the Inrld Inn} on M (then ISWARS ' IIIV' JEVII I -- a. :;#:i13ftm 'lu. rnnzru'unw' .I qungnd {ecu-5g Inhale! lulu lulu-o Iu hula Lle TEAS ! a. nub... [Ii-Q III part: to Io-L 90.000 Add (A 110 It All! I In nu. Zrery mu unl- I'L Send The. "I70 hm mound direct fmm Frnnoo, hmrn plow unonmem. oi the Pinon Convex mud Conuve GI: sues. uultnhle for I" we! nnd da peea ofuight. Alan Pinnnt l'rnnnh Lunmrlnr and ofnigm. Also, Finest French Levender and Cologne Waters, With Lubin'l & Uondny I PERFUIES. and Atkiluon'n Euanh Perfnmo Alm hymen-n0 bout, RILK ELASTIC STOCKINGS AKL Knm Pam. Beveled Mirron. From-h Hum ELASTIC SIOLKINGI Aid)! Knee Clpl. Him)", Dru-mg (,ombo.hc. lodioinuohulned any tlmadnrlnxthonlghl by xinging tho boll. Dissolution 01 Partnmhjp.| HE If]!!! 0? C II. LAVELL & 00., but been dinolnd thlldny ' mum-l mn- nont. All dam. duo tho bu rm mun be nm A? arc: In ordcr to clone spun hooh. The buuinou a! the above wlll he ru- ried on by '. H~ LAVELL. vim In thorium: to min I" uncont- uxd ply All Ihbilillu JAllls chRTHl'R. MID-wk I. 5 ll Inn,_ Wall Ill lbs-0.. 70y I, In Retiring at - proper time And Aha be up time for breakfnt. A good In] plyol' SPECTACLES C. LAVELL. vho Ia alarm-d to plynll 0! Into rm. C. H. LAVILLhCO. Known. Jul-01. um Gage Bros.AlarmC|ocksl CAUTION] .Iall Brackets I} 1'!!! CHM?! LOT [VII BROUGHT btowecitthbom It (Inmmck's mm atom] ICoudulng of Clock Mun. look lulu. 1'on inch. Elinor (but. .0 Inch. WnllPt-eho.8umlc Vic. damn-o. In: ad than all Col-nor and lid: '5 econ-damn." ow I WmdeWhnMn-h- unlo- AllthoMMmto In mid mhllvlutlh CALL w 'Iho p nu r mu)". 0n Tun-(flu. Thur-dun and Snturdnya will loave Pinon M 5 III]. Rocurninl. will leave Gunn 61. Co's Wharf. 3 pan for Pmton and Balleville. C. H. HATCH, Ticket A out, 8%. anrenro anrf. Kingston. Nov] .1108. W." Path-(I. Hum-nun Vh' Holden. on. Iholf in; Md and min -'-d .n ulna ud WA TU}! E S S- J E W ELER Y, AT GAGE BROS. AM! PM! ____ _-v 91-- Will leave Bellovillo at 6 n.m..on Manda". Wednesdays and Fridnn, ONLY. Returnug will lmvea Guuuh Co's Wharf, at 4:30 pm. ior Pinton. n- 'IA._.__ VI"L..___I-__ A. In A.___I__- ITAEEEDWHEAT} Hwy-I scal GHANGE gr TIMEJ (Ppices Lower thanthe Lowest. I Nov. 4 h. erl hour-bove lie llly Ilnlt-I. [Ingnlom w Repairing I Ipoo'ulity. Wholesale and Retail Dealer 35 PRINCESS STREET. [F COAL OIL IS CHEAP, REMEMBER your eyelight in not. You may economize both by buying one of 0.. r. ARMSTRONC, tuna luv I. In all by wearing my New Styles of Boats. Slim and Leather Goodmdusizned for the Full and Winter lrade of "3781'. which have [won manufavturod of well tanned Iud oiled malar- ial. of work linnahip 111 \t can be relied on. and with a view to to Comfort, Ease, Durability l'lll Chnupness. AGAINST WET FEET. (OLD EXPREME- TIER AND MUDDY ROADS is now tho moat ponular and sanaihla (lam-ml made In all TIER AND MUDDY ROADS popular dam-ml made by a" clump; of thommmunityolduud youug.male and [om-ll. Grit Ind Tory. .u - -uv- -'New and 01d cheese. 500 bags Extra Flour, Cheap, Fresh and Salt Butter. .I. Y. PARK'IIIA'I. Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant at N IRTR B. E. SPIN, 0.0.8.. 1.8" Illl'lll'. "w: A!!!) human: mm- M, Mum lowly-ind Syd...- Emu. (hr-fa! gnu-clan mid mm oong o! 11 mull-rm.- n! the mm In J. an Nov 51h. NEW FRUIT, -'__ _J n A Large stock to Select From. GROCBRIIS for the Winter. In qunmiuu will eon-uh ash on mum: by lling It [Just the'lhin .Iu l0 lb boxu, in 5H) ham. 1}: 3 lb ham .7 0. H. LAVELL & 60 I. KIRKPATIIGK'S -n- m- .MI PARKHILLS. Eon-o of Au J. an PRINCESS SIRIZEI. Oct l7th. [AI IIARRKLI'I lllll I25. 134 Princess 51:. I!- A}. PROTECTION Gnm'rzn MIILIES who no In tho hnbit ofapur- chain; their supply of PRdTECON' 14Ut,lll/ II 1 Acumen ADVANTAGES : AT GAGE BROS. Printmll Itrm Iinngot the Season. ! nm Ion AKDM lunn won me new. V7 un him e conference In: errenzed {or the 23rd of December, It which the envoy, aneughton wu, [oully murder d by Akbn'. nun hlnd, and witlf be from a piltol which Mecnlughton had present- ed him only the day before. The naked and mutilated body of the envoy wu drugged through the bear. and for day- expoeed to the View 0" the rubble. At the same time Mwneughton nu killed, the chief: with Akbar mule In etteck upon the eta of the envoy, and nearly ell of them were cut down. The ecue wu loan from the Englieh camp, and when those who hell camped reported the murder, Elnhlneume In solicited to It l... no... .4 Ann-nu oh. .m- n. ' murder, mEnIn-wno wu noucuoa w u once ANIC and dutroy the city. He only secured a Imnll quantity 0! grain, Ind thin after hud ghting. I ln - short limm hownvcrA Elnhin- do .In um um alter mm ugnung. [n 5 short. time, however, Elphin- atom, who" force had been much roduc~ ed by the doptrlure of nun! regiment- to ucura communicitinn with the Khy- bnr, uw thn something mutt be dam. Hnow hnd begun to fall, Ind food In scarce. Fit-u Ind lighting occurred our, night And during tho thy. III-toad n! ghting like I soldier, ho oponod no 0- tiniom with Akbu. Tho um. nlly agrud upon won moat. (Ii-nodal. Only the ill~hulth ul Elphimtooo can mount fur Inch ovidont imbooity. Tho um , that landing our in 1mm. in to permitted m rut-t unuolutod on eon- dilion of never nturning.md of [or-ud- ing I certain sum of many from India. Thu Anny In Imor ginn In opportu- nity to return. For tho folllnont cl tho tornu, tho women And children Ion hunde our to Ahbu. The "ma ho- gnu. How may than won in not: known. Prob.th bot-m 50.000 md 75,), most 0! than my Inow-n. The} lad hardly Ml mp whn. 5",M,Idhd Halo'cd ho-thopronu'nudhlu Imb; ho km From O'OI', and huh , hnllch rm ind into u "Map hook, and the panic kicko- lollov ' an nmnul inn-dad M: m xu nu colleague. Dost Mohammad surrendered in No vember, 1840. and mu um. to India. Sim]: Shnj; And hi- nlliou retained pullou- lion of Cabal and Kandahar two you". Meantimo insurrectiqu against the new government were frequent, but the au- thoritiu. condent uf their Ilronglli, pnid little or no hood to thaw nrningl. NM. 2, 184], a viulont rovoll. broke nut at CI- hul, Ind Burns: nd other ofcer: wore mannered. The commsndor of the Bri- tish army, General Elphinlwno, wu Ihauored in health, And in poor condition to direct ruislmco to luch About of nud- doned men. Besides, tho po-ition of the British camp, in connection: with the ci- tadel, and the location of the Item, wore the worst pouihlo. Diluter follow-d dinner. Ah... oh- no... at nun Mnh.mm..l dinner. After the M mum of Doll Mohnmmed, his Akbu' inn tool: the loud. With I..'_ - nnn'nnnn- -.- I'D-h-l. In- H- beau, all? melan- [0| cu motil- y impala 't A rank n- undo In a. mum uhhh It inuina t hubs! cl In nuuion to cross nu Lernmr . The lme ultlie Indue' numbered 21,000. The, usuulilexl It the Upper Sind in March, 18315, and advanced un- der command of Sir John Keane. They met with little opposition, but Infrared grontlnrdahipa. The Kuhn of Knuds- llll' ed to Persia, and in April, 1830 the city was occupied, and Slllll Sli-Jl and his Englilli allies continued llum victorinul much, and ullly Dosh Mo- huunmcd and hi: army being com lately vanquiehed they entered the clpitu . The wu was thought to be at an and. Sir John Kuno, who wu made a peer, re- turned to India mlh A large part of his force, leaving behind, halides the Shelf: farce, 8,000 men. Sir W. Mlcnnughtun remained an envoy, and Sir A. Burno- hi: colleague. enrrunderud in No 33mm '1' 35 ""' Oymm o NBWCMI. h!- yW,MIo Mal no a What-Id. un- tool a a umud-gm, nun no, Ila-mm 0 we: my. Whnmynniud they loud it can Isa-Mn nub-I In and to mo-0.1 \ nu umuu \ umlurH'KN.) lutll the Englinh Ind tho Afghlm have good reuonl for remembering uch other. In 1837 the conduct of Ruuia in connection with the Per-inn dog. of Hunt cxoited an uneuy fooling in the mindl of tho llidia~Englilh Government, and Human wu lent by the Governor General .5 resident to tho Amur'n Court at Uabul. Dost Mohuumod And the English (ii-agreed Upml terms, Ind the English determined to nttoulpt to re-el tablisli Shah Slinja, who had long been a refugee in Britilh lerrihny. The King of tho lugjuh pledged his 0 I upurniun, but ulterwnrds refund the English per- miuion to hi: territnr 1 ram 1 ulrg Welcome Victorias daughter's choice! \Velcome Mn wife her name a I Mall That makes the and of (nnulu n-Jolcg! K 1 m \icegerentn of we British Queen. 'lhmugh you, to her. our welcomes null! Hat hln'ay in you is seen. Thou; honoured fur yourwlve- I: will! ngcome daughter's Though honoured I Welcome daughter's __V\Ve|come well Whauvor Elm! beheld our birth, Hateful to God w. bow tha knee, That (umlu 7 our nwnin British earth! \Velcmne the Prince-s And Lord Lorne! Fuur million wulcomea from the fuel The Emplro'a wulth could not Iuborn Those shouts that ring for but! And I! Whnuvor slim beheld bow Hm hum Vicegemnu he Queen. her. welcou Fur Fri-cans! Putz-on of the arts! The mean] of your life hu Ihown That you hvo cur ruled the hurts of All Around your gentle throne. May Gun-d: dmerve our are. And for not: wunt y warmth on. Thu you my fwl u bummdou' homo. won there! Hard tho ho tank. at noblu no: To shnmhon Worthy high bu stood. And gun um love which onlv worth can know Fair Princes! thunk! - . vonr In. Ilia-n Wile. pond and kl Dale-in H- llod the with latitude. Gm union of Am!!! bui- IIITIII I Uluwp. nuns and AmnxanAw low-i- cum. laun- Mia- um um. moi-m Don-lulu Talon-pl Cmpuy'l . p. I gum-.1... I I. l. m. M- Four Minna Valium! Em T: no out 0 hand Doni- n. Princ ad but Load! 11:. .3 0f thus-hr tron who {an- ad Ia. Arnh- nvurhun-t lord. Whmvu abbot-boson bub, In Can-h. from mm mm m: Gloriou- tho woloome! Raphael-hi! , TM "0" din which nann Gloriou- an Hupe'uochhn Thu {'il And fully in the mow-Nun. - wm stunth still with All th- ya"! I: d . owmmw...s..m:~:mm Mei now lupin the unions c B: blunt upon-moo be mufed! l :- IIqu we and with latitude. A I]! ' And and our likn win. good? Hard thoug he yet nob]:- u, stand whore worth .0 M In. nned. Ignilg grim min} M..-__.._ __ -V..- ....___: THURSDAY IVNG. '0'. 8. 1878. lREMEMDOIVS TRAGEDY. ('Imiuuuti (hunmrciuL) oh. ll..,.li.l. .A Hm I NO. Uh lbw-"Fl 'I'CIA' AND SURGEOI. DI MM 1. I W M (nun uul Mal m. OIVICI "out & Gulf- Dr- M. I" 5. In (um-nun or 1842uow WELC ONE. ' an PMM the mar. mm V I- an. an a. Fab-o- huh "It M noniuo you In. Hut 3:... 55 IL ln the cheapo modicum aver nude. Ono dou our" common sore throat. Ono boulu h.- ourod Bronchltll. y oenu worth lnu cured u: old rounding tough. It, multiver cum huh. uthmu Ind nun. lhy mm worth bu cumd ouch In the but. nml Hm um um, lune luck of eight yam Ind lug. "um swelled neck, lumen. rhonmn mm. nonnlllll contra-1 lon at tho Imam. It! Jolnu, Iplnnl dlhmlllu And pain Incl nonnou In An am. no much! when l! mu] br,|or from w M man I: ll, am, it III-y! doe; "flood. Twanty In an worth bu cuml b canto! abroulc ud hloulydvu-n ury On. to: I nfll enrol oollo in Minn mnnm. It unl our. say can Mpllu um It in poulhlc to cure ll or ollht who-Wm- In vunnud m cm My as of urban! ulp plan or Inunod Im-t. For bruins." llul mun Md bound up. than I. man I". (out )l--..l-_nl_ huh- 4.1.. In -g..- 5L- _-l_ -1 plan lullde Im-t. For m." lhul discolor-Mon to u nun. It stops Ibo pain 0! I burn to non uuptlb-L Col-u [W foot, boll-,Wm 3nd uom and round. 0! our, lucripuan on mu: or bout Dunno! llmnonAu lo! Dn'lbomu. For Cholon, Cholon Morbm, und Uhuluu lnhntum, n well n I Bummer Complniutl of 3 limth nsturo, the PninaKiller act.- with Wondorful Rapid- ity, Ind Never Fl. when taken at the commencement 0! an attack, nnd often curol that every other Handy bu hilod. .____....____ bout [clouds on. m um tho Ila-tuna! I. ll. Thom-o I- 9- sh 'IIponlld the uno- at Northrop In hymn m blown II the MW. and nu l0 mu. laid by I" sodium Anion rm 2. Imam & LYILS. Tomb.0nt., W In a. Dual-m. IonIdeally and thanked. To." whomulorlu mm: {Inme ndmntlo- of youth. mm '00ho- auly any. I.- of mm,u.l wins-J .| "0'33: III IHI won. "II or am I. This not yaw bv- Dildo-or, nun-It 5 land- ulfuldu-od oude It. In. hut-1'. Inn. m D, In no... In for! (my. uuAL Clhrouco "Heel, 1 Oct 20m. _...ow_ I Itroogly rucmllmond the no of Fel- lowl' Compound 15' mp of Hypaphnl- phmu to all who tut or in my way from dilOIle of wuknou u! the Lungs, "rum chin] Tubu, ur generll dobility. J. H. W. Scott, M. D., Ungotown,N.B. -4 Wcrlh Ten Timu it: WdyM in GoldJ'nn'n mmwt stay what it u mat! O.. Substltutea In the Dental Benn Are not. desirable; therefore keep the nltnnl teeth louud end pure with the wholesome vegetable elixir SOZODUN'I. Do this end they will hat :5 long A. the breath lute. end the breuh itlelf will never be tainted. ' . (unuou. I'rloo 25 Conn per ale by J. 0. King, King-ton. The Belt Snlve in the world for Cull, Hrnires, Boron. Uhen, Salt Rheum, Fri or, Chnppod Handl. Chilbllim, Uul'lrl, And all kinds of skin eruption". This Salve in gununtood to give perfect utilfnctiou in every one, or monoy re- funded. Price 25 Conn box. For le by King. Kim-ton. DR. KlNu' le Dist-OYIHY for Can- Iumptiun. Coughs, uml Coldl, Althml. Bronchitis, HI] Favor. &o.. in [iron uuy in triul boulu free of coal to the nlioud. If you has a noun oough.oold, diiculty of brnthing, honmnm or In ctional the throat or lung: by l mum [in thin wonderful "Indy a trill. 1- you vuluo your Instant you can um. .'urd to lot thin opportunity pun. Wu muld not afford AlHl Would not gin this remedy nu] unlul WI know it. would Aooomplilh whn we olnlm far it. Thou- oud- of hopelon onu- tho all-ad, been oomph!on cured b it. Thor. in no modicino in the war vi thnt will cure one- hm the can that Du. Kiua's Nun Dm- Oovwv will cure. For n]. by J. (3. King, Kin-ton. UOVEKY In "iii Lulu. m. l.c.r 1.. to. (he m hat-d luv-1m.) .0001? god AUIIIT. OIuDHIODr-g MJOWM. l v-. To .II who .10 mm {mm {barman-d nth-anth- "will. on Ill-o. It in the (shaped modicum undo. Ono Ilou W- I: Wag-Tum...qu - M I mull-n. V-tl nunm. homo! n-hhnl I .03.: I It! um: um mum :- Now Orlan- wu mourn by the pllow four, London by tho plum. or .- Sodom and Gomolnh "to Ioounpd. The fu- toriu It Fall River Ind Lon" loun- timu stop for lack of dcmwd 1nd work. man, but thin million-room! will of Dill und duth noverutopa; nonl- Ilwkl in bud not loounn it. apindlu~ The (rat iheel of the [noton he: on turning. not by tho oumm of tho Mon-rim and Connecticut rivon, but by sorimon ood rulhing forth from A the gmggoriu, vino-collm. Ind Idrinkinpplm of the Innd. And the futor the ood rulhu the falter the wheel turn. And the band of thnt whul in woven out of broken hurt-things. And ovary limo thlt whul turnu, from tho mouth of tho iron mi come forth aqudoi, moudicnuoy. unmo, u'n. And '00. The choking uul the running of the who]; tho drinks of mom 3de women Int for two worldu. And the cry it. bring on more fortunel, more outatu, more oitiu,mcro waulgrilt for thin Itupondoul Ind infernal mill. Thom-11 Exoelulor Eclectrlc Oll. mu. m we strips. rod for ch "blood; nod blunt {or thoinhmy. Unh- tho church. Inks up. Loni ' no unuluu won. nood. to b. will an in Iona-o! Nookand No. and and. Blue for the strip... Qho blood. b_|nok log Quintin]. Unlc- I. ....... murmur: and a new .0 ~l|oll.' Bark! WN'I In My Id on tho not pun-um W M. only ndmnhrd filling. Bil I. Nod! . Ring hr tho city babel-nu. No, that 'TMINV 0 NO. York ' ' all Ml. him A. E L- . .uAL .i *.':.';:"1.'...;: Y n I. . no unusual din-anion. lotton o! bl... . I With!- w-IA u .IIId-I OM7- -0'1: Bucklonu ELECTRICITY. '~ 7m~ I-rre n Cont. Arulca Salve. nu." I'Illlgl'lll r no blood. n. E. sriixs, n.o.s.. LILS" nlI-l'lul'. W, an M Org-.1 I WM. am In! All) IIIIOPI u..- 3001' AND SHOEHIIE ( [do du C. L. HOLLOW, lidb'its'l 8in mum-nu ArrnuNRV A LAV m ALL a public an mng for than-whet \'nl.'C.\N IN'Y 51a. Ilka. Poiutg. ou- a 0.1..- (AT IMNKRUI'I Pawns. . I if n Ill) IBWC Ladiu' do An Am-n DR. B. W. DAY. 91' _ l )nn and mmanm my: I'm do pmg-wl Chlldn'n'l W}; A" main Laduu' (In pegged: du ': aln u. ml Buya' .,--v him: a plough. luau nd Afrolxml WALK" 'w m. mm In Dl. MUM. All nun nnlln- Lun- l.- . Jn 1 8378 - . ll on ydnnlum Htru-I, N0. I93. 'nm en .u.1l 0'" an utroetl. r-m 'l. [4.39. on lulnnmli: wst APPRUVED REAL ESTATE. UI lill. V M t ) LLU Y. 7 ' o HENRY GKISI'. "this. 0M. cur. M 'h M. |' Cork Solozn'vet Hoot... .....uml do pegged Ia wed i. l}. McUlhlu I. FIGHT: AallT. ' L, opposite You! Umo. I. I I'd-III. on [do (In (urry. llnlNI Ware. Slvlgh Ito-HS. (fut halla, Iron and Steel, have for Wolfe({- aardon hhndz, hul- .n iv'll nlnl II ah .. m nml Il-M .- n. | V 7 J'I INCLUDING:] [00 Damn White Drpu Shirt,H Oxford Drau Shirts, Cumbric Drona Shirk. Regncu Drool Sh irts AND OTHERS. A SPH'IALTY 1N UNDERCLUIHING It. pl loo- tu defy runumtitiml A! the Funny. (17 Tim Rtnr will In hm opt-n each "or.- nz to give inlnmling purchm" u chance to cunning Goods Maud. 'Piorrepont and Geneva. NE of the Ihovo Summon will In" King-Inn for (Tun menl. du'IyJ Hun any-oxmptui) It 3 m.. mkinl Noon mum hon. ith tho B. G U, Hoilnd, Nmbll nymm Railroad Ind N. Y C. hilroul. Pull- mn an Hut nml Won, REFI.RNIN("\VIHFJV Cum erent 0n .wivglul Tnil'n It 3' Inmmunnunrg wlth 0.1'. I... and BM 0! Qumlo Bun-on n. lingtwn. .._.., -V .. _. SUNDAYSWill In" Khulna a 9:1!) an. .ll:ZI) n m lml lzl; pn Rat-mum .1 loan) ml, MM nd .1 pm. Will lav. Kiunhm FOR "ANANIVQUE, hum-alum; u "on l9lnll.ll3=-"l D I Brunt-g luv 0m.oquoduly,nt 7 a... New I5. QUEEN Insurance Company, "v 'U 0 ('ARJADA. FIRE AND LIFE. mnru........ 22,000,000 um. um ma. .... ..m,m an. Kingston. tape Vlncent, Gur- den Inland. Wolfe Island & Ganauoque Steamboat Route. -o no t.- yn-uu -, Princeu SL, nppnaito the Albion Hotel. Oct 25th mvv nun vv vuu v 3!. uvu Au-u Duly, at 3:1) Incl II A! 3 m4. Incl 111.1) gun. I RHIPN'NWm Ina" Wollo Ian lull", "111 Am Ind I p m. ul'ullnI-n nun n, ,, Irr..--.-- _. (u " momsmicw leadMining any Smelling Go'y. '0... h IUDGK luilnl, M Agu- I'M I. I "Im. { M. 81 Ft. .m __..._ -7 -,..~._._._~. --_ All Ihono who but around Clothingior other Good: to diapone of. will plem Ml] on Chup Jnck. who WI pnv the human prgcn for than]. Evarymxly in invhod m mum nml gas 5 Bur- gun from ISAAC DAVID. Conan] Broker. oppolltn Pnrkhilll, Prinoeu Street. Klnuton. Nov 5th. CHEAP JACK. lmledge am than twee} 'an'.n- IF YOU WANT Your'lnhn mul Harms repuirml go AVID'H Caliper shup. u- nru Wnl. AIM 3m) other nga Tunis ground go to ISAAC DAVID'BMLK. CHEAP snnnn Ashley's Shirt Factory, mun Md .0.. Iain! G O I; D. occult)! TuJuan Canon in, an Inn-t v u cur-n h W H E I l IF YOU WANT Your Nan neatly lml mu] wt. go to CHEAP JACK 2L Work: at KingstonOnwim r. w. arooxwxu, - 3mm; ADP: Dealer in New and Second Hand Clothing of all Kinds. _ , WurldhythH]mm,Qllnf IMM: Prim JISAaQOBAW ! SIX FIRST PRIZES} 'lfll lI-IDIAII "HUI-ll. 5 The two stone Buildh: a on the Eu: corner of out-m Ind Jo mum new, opponle Anglo Almeria-II Bowl. 111! Stan. Shop um Dwelliugon Noni: earner o! Primal And Wolllnxtnn In. The shop and Mall!!! on him. mm. nut Above Iuhou 'I Fancy More. The I! on Slum-Shop and Dwelling fronting on lur ( Square 3nd Chum-o n... In thorough ep-ir. Applyco - n AI- null-I. Il-IIII [M III. luau. .0 lo Dunn lullaby Inga-of: Building Lou on My; man. appetite 8!. 'n (inboard. A 2mg Brick I)ch . lm I My Btick Dwelling. ad I uniting lotu on W'ln w. not. m of William BL loan! Jain: Blmilll km on Victori- umtmppodu b"- Iop Wuhl-m: Am each. '1 unchnppmila lav I up waxLam , Brick shop Ind D'ollinx o- lonh Ildo ol Prhoul mm, hunch smash- ad Clan V mm ! landing [Mun uneer [by and Union! um. ._ _ VQL. XLVI. ' " 'WUI " ' U ' tundcnhtutnfllw formula and}. Let. - M Biwluoo. Ir. \ W hon-ch! IhhH-iuon. IITI

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